#so many awful things wouldn’t have even happened if everyone stuck together and listened but at the same time other characters grew tired
tariah23 · 4 months
Outside of all of… that happening to Gojo, and finishing Snowfall the other day, eek……..
#I can live with what gege did to Gojo even though it hurts so much bro#but I can’t deal with what happened to Franklin bro that’s one of the worst character endings ever omg my chest….#i meant it in a ‘that’s so fucked up’ way not ‘this is badly written’ because it really does fit his character….. even though witnessing#such a strong and ambitious character turn into……. THAT in the end… bro…………. not Franklin 😭…#his pride left him in ruin… the fact that he actually still had ppl who were willing to stand by his side in the end and help him but he#couldn’t accept it because in his own words ‘I built this shit! and if I wanted to tear it down with my own hands than I will-‘ like he was#so used to being in charge.. the boss… never taking orders from the people who worked for him… and whenever any other character would make#suggestions or decide that they wanted to branch off he’d completely lose his shit because in his mind they’re all stronger together and he#felt like he was losing control of the circumstances that arose and that ‘if only they would’ve listened to ME then everything would’ve#been just fine-‘ and the crazy thing is… Franklin was usually right 😭 like 90% of the time but it’s just he couldn’t communicate with his#friends and peers without blowing up like a demon just because they made their own decisions lmfao#especially without him/his consent lmfaooo he was a control freak for sure#so many awful things wouldn’t have even happened if everyone stuck together and listened but at the same time other characters grew tired#of being underneath him and it was within their right to go do their own thing like I get it#so many things were going to wrong in the end 😭… also teddy is such a bitter bitch bro#the fact that Franklin willingly decided to become…. I can’t even say it…#in the end over receiving what he’d consider a handout is insane…….. living like that? in filth because he’s too prideful to ever work#under anyone ever again even if it’s with a trusted friend… the money really blinded him but I get it#if I had 73 mil stolen from me out of nowhere by a bitter white man just because I told him I didn’t want to do business with him anymore#in the 80’s then I’d lose it too but ong Franklin was too ambitious to end up like this…#he kind of character you’d just watch and instantly think to yourself ‘this guy could go anywhere he wants. he’s no caged bird…’#so it makes his ending even more devastating……..#rambling#if you ever watch snowfall don’t watch the last episode 🥺 please promise me you won’t?
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alice-angel12x · 3 years
Encanto! Yuu (Fluff ending)
Again thank you @ira-hydrangea for the Encanto Yuu inspiration.
The NRC boys quickly got to work at moving the rubble. Malleus with a snap of his fingers, rubble lifted off the ground and onto the side of the building. In the middle of the once Ramshackle lounge was an assortment of doors, wood, and furniture put into a pill. Safely underneath the pill was Yuu. Ramshackle had moved all assortments of furniture around Yuu to protect them from being crushed.
“Yuu, Are you alright? Are you hurt?” Jamil asked as he helped them up.
“No,” Yuu said plainly.
As Jamil stared and checked them over, he noticed something. The light, joy, and hope had vanished from their eyes. Malleus was quick to offer to house them in Diasomnia. Crowley was so kind enough to excuse Yuu from classes for a week, wanted them to recover mentally and emotionally.
Yuu would spend most of their time in their room, at the ruins of Ramshackle, or just outside in the Diasomnia gardens. Yuu wouldn’t really talk, they would listen to others, but didn’t say much in return. Malleus was worried about his human friend, even though his outward appearance didn’t show it. So with some social advice from Lilia, Malleus attempted to help Yuu through conversation. With some time and patients, Yuu eventually spilled their tears.
“I…I never felt so lost in my life. My only connection I had left to my word and family is gone. My gift is gone, and know I have no way of finding my way back. I lost them, my family,” Yuu sobbed, as Malleus simply sat silently and listened.
“There are so many things I won’t get to say to them anymore. So many apologies I won’t get to say, Antonio must have had his gift ceremony already,” Yuu chocked out. “What if dad finally came back, and now I’m stuck here. I’ll never ever see him again.”
Malleus slowly reached out to pat Yuu on the head. Yuu slowly looked up at the dark fae prince.
“I promise Yuu. I will do everything in my power to find a way back home for you,” Malleus said in all seriousness.
“Thank you malleus,” Yuu smiled as they cried harder into his chest.
Malleus froze in shock, unsure of what happened. He thought he successfully consoled his human friend, so why are they crying harder? He side-eyed Lilia who was watching from a distance, asking with his eyes what he did wrong. Lilia just smiled and shrugged, silently saying that this is normal.
Eventually, Yuu was able to pull themselves together. Finally, Yuu slowly started to return to normal. Enough for Yuu to finally notice that their first-year friends have been busy with something lately. Curiosity getting the better of them, they followed the group to see that they were trying to fix Ramshackle casita. Yuu couldn’t help but smile and want to help out too.
At first, it was just the six of them, which soon turned to 10, then 15, and more students began to pitch in.
Soon most of the student body was working towards Putting Ramshackle Casita together. Crowley could be any more proud to see everyone working together. Soon the building was put back together, not entirely the same as before, but a sound and sturdy new building. The last thing that was needed was a door-nob for the front door.
“Hey, Yuu. I managed to fix up the original door nob, it should be as good as new,” Deuce smiled as he handed Yuu the Door nob.
“Thank you, guys. You the best of friends a person could ask for,” Yuu smiled as they pulled Jack, Ace, Deuce, Epel, and Sebek into a group hug.
Jack, Ace, and Sebek tried to play it cool and uninterested. Deuce and Epel were a little embarrassed and bashful yet returned the hug. Suddenly a swarm of golden yellow butterflies flew around the group as Yuu turned to place the Door nob in place when golden magic spread over Ramshackle. Turned it back into its original form, but the golden magic spread from Ramshackle to the NRC castle.
Everyone watched in awe as the castle remained undisturbed when suddenly a couple of its windows opened and began to wave at the students outside. While the other students went back to NRC to see what had happened, Ramshackle excitedly pulled Yuu and friends inside. Welcoming them back.
The Drom leaders, vice leaders, and everyone were happy to see that Ramshackle was back to its new normal. Then suddenly Malleus noticed the Dorm butterflies flying overhead and magically opening Yuu’s Room door.
Everyone stood in silence for a while, unsure if they wanted to follow the butterflies or not. Yet Yuu was quick to get up the stairs and get to the door, only to find a mirror behind it. The dorm butterflies rested on the frame of the mirror, as the surface of the mirror showed Encanto.
“So Castia finally became strong enough to send you home?” Riddle asked, as Ram! Casita tapped in a yes.
“So… Is this it?” Epel asked nervously.
“No! No! You can’t leave yet Minon! We still haven’t finished school yet. We haven’t become the greatest wizards yet!” Grim shouted as he hugged Yuu’s arm Tightly.
“Yeah, your…Not planning on ditching us already are you?” Ace asked as he tried to mask his fear with a smirk.
“Ne, Yuu. Maybe you can just hang around just a little longer?” Kalim asked bashfully as tears welled up in his eyes.
“Kalim, Yuu has been waning to return home from the start. Their family is probably still looking for them,” Jamil said.
“Would…Would you guys like to visit my homeland?” Yuu asked them slowly.
“I-I would like to see your home,” Epel spoke up.
Yuu nodded and turned towards the mirror, but. “Oh, and just a little heads up. My world is unique, as in people will break into song at random intervals.”
As Yuu stepped through the mirror, they were met with a strange room filled with mirrors. Most of them were blank, except for the none they just came out of. On the western side of the room was a spiral staircase that led up. When Yuu looked over the room, the sound of footsteps could be heard from the second floor. Yuu watched as a figure looked over the railing, and their eyes widened as they noticed each other.
Yuu’s eyes watered as they saw their father, for the first time in forever. Bruno at first stared in confusion as they stared at Yuu but soon were filled with recognition as he scrambled to the stairs. Yuu rushed to the middle of the floor to meet their father, as The NRC boys slowly emerged from the mirror.
As they watched the Yuu run to embrace someone, they suddenly heard music coming from seeming nowhere.
(“I've been searching for you” from centaur world)
“It's you! It's really you!
I can't believe it! There's so much I wanna say, too much I-
Oh, by the way, I have magic now; that's something new
That's something we will get to, later, but first
Let me just enjoy this moment, we're meeting in the middle,” Yuu sang.
“It's you! It's really you!
Despite the changes, I would know you anywhere
The voice, the face, the hair might all be different
But you're still you, and all I wanna do, is hold you close again,” Bruno sang as he pulled his child into a loving hug.
“I have journeyed from so far, to meet you in the middle
'Cause I've been searching for you, and I was so afraid
That I would lose my place, and our memories would fade
Or you'd move on somehow, and I'd lose my closest family,” The child and father sang together.
The NRC stared in slight confusion as the extra mirrors started projecting memories of the two’s past. Memories of a loving father being with his child.
“I have been searching
And I knew that you were searching for me
I wondered:
What if I forget your face?” Yuu sang as more tears ran down their cheek.
“I know, and:
What if you move on without me?” Bruno sang as he gently whipped Yuu’s tears.
“What if I found the way back
But you weren't there?” The two sang.
“It's you
It's really you
Feels like I'm dreaming, but now finally you're here,” Yuu sang as they hugged their dad again.
“I never, ever wanna see you disappear
Again, now that you're near to me
I promise that I'll never let you go,” Bruno sang as he kissed Yuu’s head.
“Bruno! What’s inside?” Asked the familiar voice of Mirabel.
“It’s Yuu, Their Back!” Bruno called out.
Soon there was multiple pitter pater of feet coming into the room, and soon more familiar faces came into view. The family rushed to Hug Yuu again. Some were overjoyed, others joys came in form of tears or rain, but Yuu was just happy to see the family again. When Antonio noticed strangers just staring at them.
“Umm, who are they?” Antonio asked shyly.
The family quickly looked up to see the small crowd of people standing in front of the mirror. Yuu smiled and ran over to their friends, happily introducing them to the family.
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mfingenius · 3 years
Hey, I’d love a drarry in 4th year where Draco is Harry’s second task and/or they go together to the Yule Ball (a lot of provocation between them!)
Harry's staring; logically, he knows he should hurry, knows he doesn't have time to simply float around, contemplating life, but Malfoy is there, floating motionlessly beside Hermione and Gabrielle Delacour and Harry is confused.
Cho was obviously Cedric's task; that had been clear enough even before Cedric had grabbed her - while Harry had just watched, as confused as he is now - and Hermione has to be Krum's. There's no Durmstrang student, and - as far as Harry knows - Krum only talks to Hermione.
Gabrielle Delacour is Fleur's. She's her sister, it's as simple as that.
Which means that whoever designed this Merlin forsaken task thought Malfoy was 'what he'd sorely miss'.
Where the fuck were they getting their information?
Harry's startled out of his silent shock when Krum pushes by, half transformed into a shark, and frees Hermione.
He gives him an odd look while he swims back up, which is quite an impressive feat with what is possibly the least expressive animal's head as his own.
He frees Malfoy with a quick Diffindo, and grabs his wrist so he won't simply go away while he looks around; his time must be almost up - he can almost feel it, the effect of the gillyweed beginning to fade, his lungs beginning to feel unpleasant with water in them - which means Fleur needs to show up to get her sister, soon, but she's just - not.
He looks at Malfoy's face; he looks unexpectedly young and - handsome, almost - like this. There's no denying his aristocratic nose and high cheekbones are appealing - at least to Harry, who doesn't know how Ron could possibly think Malfoy's 'weird-looking' - but Harry doesn't usually have time to appreciate it, since Malfoy immediately ruins it by opening his mouth.
Fleur is still not showing up.
Gabrielle, who looks exactly like Fleur, looks like a kid even to Harry; if he'd been deemed too young to participate in the games, why is everyone in this task as young as he is, or younger?
Surely, he tries to reassure himself, the heads of school wouldn't let them rot here.
Even if the egg said they would, even if it said it 'wouldn't come back'. These are children.
Harry only has to ponder half a moment more before he decides that he doesn't trust adults that much.
A matching Diffindo frees Gabrielle, and he drags her and Malfoy up with merepeople grabbing at his feet, with his lungs filling with water, heart bursting in his chest and vision darkening at the edges because he can't breathe and he can't get out and-
He breaks the surface and hears screaming, and he's coughing up water and maybe blood - or maybe it's not his, but someone is bleeding, because the water around them is turning pink - and he wants to sink right back down, wants to rest.
"Gabrielle! Gabrielle!" Fleur's shrieking is louder than anyone else's, but Harry thinks that's fair; he's never had a sibling, but he can't imagine thinking they were going to die because of a school approved activity.
Everyone else is cheering, he realizes; they're happy for him, for them, they think this is good.
He manages to catch sight of Cedric's, Krum's, and Fleur's faces, and none of them look like they're feeling anything even slightly positive.
"Potter?" He finally looks at Malfoy. "What the bloody hell are you doing?"
Harry can't help the laugh that bubbles out of him. What is he doing? What was Malfoy doing, representing the thing Harry would sorely miss? Dumbledore - or the merepeople, or whoever made this decision - could've taken Ron, could've taken any Weasley, hell, they could've taken bloody Mrs. Norris, and Harry thinks they would've been a better choice than Malfoy.
He tightens his grip around Malfoy's and Gabrielle's arms, and begins dragging them towards the other contestants; as soon as they're there, hands are reaching in and pulling them all out, wrapping them in blankets, and Fleur is hugging Gabrielle and crying and Malfoy's teeth are chattering and Harry can still feel water in his lungs and he can't think.
"Merlin, Harry, you're bleeding!" Hermione exclaims.
Harry looks down and realizes she's right; the merepeople got him with their claws.
"Come on," she says, cheeks red from the cold. "We'll get you to the infirmary."
Slytherins keep making kissy sounds at him in the hallways, and it gets worse whenever Malfoy is around; he'd think this is Malfoy's doing, except the bastard looks just as embarrassed as Harry - if not more than Harry - when it happens.
They can't quite even look at each other anymore, let alone argue, because if they even say a word to each other, there are three dozen people suddenly watching.
Which is how Harry finds out he would kind of miss Malfoy if he were gone.
In the totally not friendly, even less romantic, entirely normal rival kind of way.
He likes to think Malfoy misses him a little bit too.
Which is, of course, why Harry seeks him out after checking the Marauders' map and making sure there's no one else within a hundred meters of them.
"What the-" Harry has to cover Malfoy's mouth, because if not, it would ruin his plan of quietly shoving Malfoy into the broom shed.
"Shut up, you git," he says, looking around and shutting the door behind him; Malfoy bites his hand, hard, and Harry muffles a yelp, pulling it back.
Malfoy smirks, looking quite pleased with himself, and Harry glares.
"What do you want?" Malfoy asks, looking around and upturning his nose; his features are decidedly less appealing when he's talking; Harry wants to shut him up. "Why'd you bring me here? It's disgusting, Potter."
And yeah, okay, the broom shed isn't quite nice - it has just as many spiders and much more dust than Harry's old cupboard under the stairs - but it's not like they could talk anywhere else.
"I didn't want other people listening," he says.
Malfoy looks at him incredulously. "Listening to what?"
Which makes Harry realize that he didn't really have a plan after this, and yeah, it might've been a bad idea.
What does he want to do? Talk to Malfoy? Apologize? For what? Insult the bastard? Argue? It wouldn't be too hard, considering Malfoy's a pointy, contrarious git, but Harry suddenly doesn't know why he dragged Malfoy in here, either.
He can't let Malfoy know that.
"You never thanked me," he says.
Malfoy's look turns more incredulous, first, and then his eyes narrow furiously, jaw tightening.
"Thanked you for what, Potter?" he asks, crossing his arms. "Making sure every single person in this awful school thinks we're secretly dating? Making sure I can't get down a bloody hallway without some idiotic Gryffindor asking me something beyond inappropriate about you? Making my parents think there's something going on between us so they're threatening to disown me?"
"What?" Harry asks, immediately thrown off. "Your parents would disown you if we were dating?"
Malfoy looks taken aback, like he didn't expect himself to say that, and he looks away. "Forget it. I'm not thanking you."
"Your parents would disown you for dating me?" Harry asks, still stuck on that fact. "Why?"
Malfoy looks troubled, and he shakes his head, looking at the door like he wants to flee; unfortunately for him, Harry's blocking it.
"Are we done here?" he asks. "I'd really rather not spend time in a shed with you."
"Oh, please, you'd love to spend time in a shed with me." Harry rolls his eyes, because he, too, is easy to goad into an argument, as long as it's Malfoy doing the goading.
"Yeah? What part of this do you think I'm loving?" Malfoy asks drily.
Harry doesn't have an answer except for the realization that he himself isn't having the worst time of his life. He isn't even having the worst time he's had today.
"Arguing," he says dumbly.
Malfoy looks at him incredulously again, and then he shakes his head, almost to himself.
"Go to the infirmary, Potter," he says, sliding past him, twisting himself in an almost impressive way so he doesn't touch Harry at all. "Tell Pomfrey to check for head injuries."
"Would you care if I did have a head injury?" Harry asks, already knowing he doesn't have one but not willing to quite reject the idea, because he's enjoying time with Malfoy. He's enjoying arguing with Malfoy.
Malfoy snorts and rolls his eyes. "Sure, Potter. If you end up in the infirmary with a head injury, I'll visit and even bring you flowers, I pinky swear."
He leaves the shed, and leaves Harry blinking after him.
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kpostedsum · 3 years
daddy issues; D.M
summary: you and draco bond over issues in 6th year
word count: 2.4k
warnings: err angst, comfort, illusions to sex
song: daddy issues (the remix) - the neighbourhood
a/n: i tried not to make it stereotypical bc i didn’t wanna make it seem all “i like older men lol”, probably my fav fic i’ve written, also arent these anime gifs so cute
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Take you like a drug
I taste you on my tongue
Tongues battling for dominance, bodies rubbing against each other searching for a feeling. It’s become routine now, a different person in your dorm swallowing a new pill, entangling limbs with someone just to feel something.
You ask me what I'm thinking about
I tell you that I'm thinking about
Whatever you're thinking about
Tell me something that I'll forget
And you might have to tell me again
It's crazy what you'll do for a friend
It was a constant cycle, putting yourself out there seeking the male attention you crave, seeking validation, constant reassurance and trusting too easily. That’s how you ended up with a different guy who always in the end leaves. You trusted too easily and people took advantage of how trusting and naive you are just for a quick shag.
You wished it wasn’t like this but that’s all you knew, wanting to be the best version of yourself for someone just to feel needed, no matter if the person was good or bad for you. You didn’t care, you wanted love from anyone you could get it from even if it just hurt you more.
You’re familiar with the absence, something stable made you feel a bit wary. It wasn’t something you were used to. Your father wasn’t the most present in your life, and even though he's there, he's never really there.
Go ahead and cry, little girl
Nobody does it like you do
I know how much it matters to you
I know that you got daddy issues
And if you were my little girl
I'd do whatever I could do
I'd run away and hide with you
I love that she's got daddy issues, and I do too
You always wondered where you went wrong, he preferred your siblings over you and doesn't pay you a piece of his mind. Constantly going out of your way to get his attention whether it was academically or acting a certain way just to get some sort of reaction. But he was too preoccupied with his other children, even if they were from your mom or his affairs.
That’s how you found yourself right now sitting in the astronomy tower past curfew watching the rain fall, trying to clear your head while humming softly to yourself to keep yourself distracted.
You hear distant chattering from below and quickly get up from where you were sitting and make your way to your dorm unnoticed by anyone.
Except one person, Draco Malfoy.
I tried to write your name in the rain
But the rain never came
So I made with the sun
The shade
Always comes at the worst time
He’s seen you before, you’re known around Hogwarts for how you put yourself out there and how ‘desperate’ you are for some affection. He almost feels bad for you, but he’s in no place to judge. With his dad in Azkaban Draco had so much more to worry about, like his task and how he can succeed. But there was something about you that intrigued him that he couldn't ignore.
He saw you again in transfiguration the next day and noticed a few hickeys littering your neck that you had tried to cover but it didn’t work. He wondered why you gave yourself up to so many people, but once again he was in no place to judge. He noticed the way your tongue would stick out when you focused extra hard, the way your hands would tighten around your quill when you got a question wrong and your face.
The same face that many boys including the older years would fawn over, the face that entranced and attracted many, the face of someone who would do anything for someone for some affection and the face of someone who seeked out all the wrong things.
You ask me what I'm thinking about
I tell you that I'm thinking about
Whatever you're thinking about
Tell me something that I'll forget
And you might have to tell me again
It's crazy what you'll do for a friend
You walk out of transfiguration on your way to the owlery to send a letter to your parents and feel eyes watching you everywhere. You like it, the attention, it’s something that you thrived in, but you couldn’t help but feel a new set of eyes on you.
Once you reached the owlery you realized you weren't the only one there, Draco Malfoy was also there sending a letter to who you assumed was his mother.
“y/n, right?” he asked, trying to spark a conversation.
“Yea, listen i’m sorry about what happened with your father i know you really looked up--”
“Dont worry about it, he wasn’t as good an influence as I made him out to be,” he sighed, looking away.
“My dad isn’t the best either if i’m being honest, i guess we’re in the same boat” you let out a light chuckle.
And that’s how you found yourself hanging out with draco malfoy bonding over your shared issues.
Go ahead and cry, little girl
Nobody does it like you do
I know how much it matters to you
I know that you got daddy issues
And if you were my little girl
I'd do whatever I could do
I'd run away and hide with you
I love that she's got daddy issues
It’s been weeks since you two started hanging out since the interaction in the owlery and have been getting closer ever since. You both sat down together in the astronomy tower, backed against the wall as the cool wind blew against your faces. The aura between you two was calm, a comfortable silence.
“So tell me about your dad, how is it with him in Azkaban?” you asked, tilting your head towards him.
“Mother’s not taking it well” he frowned. “I can’t even say potter’s wrong for getting him locked up because he deserves it. All my life he praised the dark lord and taught me to be selfish and always defend my blood, but he was never there for me when I needed him. I would have done everything just to hear ‘i’m proud of you’ but it never came. It’s worse now because mother’s all alone. I wish I could have stayed with her” he sighed looking out the tower watching the stars twinkle.
“I’ve noticed you’ve been much quieter this year as well, you stopped making fun of people. It’s not that nice on the receiving end huh?” you said with a teasing look on your face.
He shook his head at you scooting closer to you, it’s like the demeanor between you two have changed over the past few weeks. You found yourself pining over him rather than being in someone's bed. But this is how the cycle always goes, you get attached and they leave, you couldn’t help but hope this wasn’t the situation this time.
“Tell me about your father”
Daddy stuck around but he wasn't present
Cheated on your mom but she never left him
First I didn't get it, now I understand
He broke her heart, left money in her hand
So everything got paid for
She made sure you and your brother had way more
Than she ever had growing up
And when you told me the whole story I felt like throwing up
“ I don't know if i’d even call him my father at this point, he doesn't want me.” you sighed. “He's been cheating on my mum for years now and she still won't leave him because she thinks they can work it out. He’s had affairs with different pureblood women and has children with them. But what hurts the most is how he treats them as his own children and treats me as if I don't exist” you said, looking down as tears pooled your eyes.
Draco moved closer to you and brought his arm around your shoulders for a sense of comfort and waited for you to catch your breath so you can continue.
“I just want him to love me” you cried. “I go out my way to try and get his attention with my school work but it never works. That's why I get along with so many guys. I seek the validation, the comfort and the reassurance that I can get from him from others and I am so tired of it. I just want him to want me draco.” tears slipping out your eyes as you looked up at him, you’ve never confessed this to anyone before.
“Everyone always leaves, please don't leave me” you cried
“I’m not going anywhere” he turned his face towards you, leaning forward cautiously as if you were made of glass.
You leaned forward, wanting the exact same thing. Both very hesitant he gently pressed his soft lips against yours and they moved together in sequence, only taking a break to go back to his dorm and to breathe, limbs tangled together for the rest of the night until the sun rose.
I can see it on your face it was rough left a bad taste on your tongue
And she didn't even take any drug
She would rain all day
Couldn't wait for her son to shine
And you made it shine
There when she cried, you saved her life
It's been a week since that night in the astronomy tower and draco had already been avoiding you. It’s humiliating, but you should have known. You thought the ‘bond’ you had with him would last, it felt so genuine this time. So real.
You’d see him around the halls snogging pansy on your way back to the ravenclaw tower, lowering your head down so he wouldn’t be able to see you so you could get by quickly and unnoticed.
But he saw you.
He stared you right down in your teary eyes as he made out with pansy. You couldn’t help but feel a sense of betrayal, for someone who promised he wouldn’t leave you like everyone else, he did the exact same.
You did the only thing you knew of, you ran.
I keep on trying to let you go
I'm dying to let you know
How I'm getting on
I didn't cry when you left at first
But now that you're dead it hurts
This time I gotta know
Where did my daddy go?
I'm not entirely here
Half of me has disappeared
Draco followed you to the girls lavatory, hearing your shallow cries coming from one of the stalls. He approached the stall you were in trying not to make too much noise so he doesn't startle you.
He felt awful.
He promised he would never leave you, after you both poured your hearts out to each other but he still left. He had too, he was putting you in danger just by being with him. If Voldemort ever found out about you and hurt you he wouldn't be able to live with himself, that's why he took it upon himself to hurt you first.
“y/n are you in here?” he called out even though he knew the answer.
You recognized that familiar voice anywhere. “What do you want draco?” you said, trying to make it seem as if you weren’t just crying.
“I want to talk to you, please”
“No,” you said getting up and pushing yourself out of the stall. “You don't get to just throw me away after I told you everything and just come back into my life like nothing ever happened. Just go away, that's all you guys are good for” you spat.
“Just listen to me, it was to keep you safe. I didn;t want to but i couldn't bear seeing you hurt” he tried to explain.
“Safe?” you laughed. “ and what exactly do i need saving from, malfoy.”
“From me” he said as he pulled up his sleeve revealing his dark mark to you. Your body instantly tensed, you knew he was having problems and his family was involved with the dark lord but you never knew it was like this.
“Draco i-” you tried to say something but the words were stuck in your throat. He stood there looking at you desperately like he was waiting for you to tell him everything was okay, you wanted to be there for him but you didn’t know what to do. You trusted him with everything but he couldn't trust you with this? You thought the bond you had made would have made him trust you in the slightest, but clearly it's always you who’s more trusting.
“Why didn't you tell me?” you managed to say, your voice hoarse.
“I thought you’d leave me, you were the only good thing i had. Please don't leave me” he begged, salty tears escaping his eyes and running down his cheeks as he looked at you with desperation.
“So you thought pushing me away by snogging pansy was better?” you yelled, as he continued to look at you slightly taken aback by your lashing out.
“You know what, go ahead and cry little boy. You know that your daddy did too, you know what your mama went through. You gotta let it out soon, just let it out” you taunted walking closer to him looking straight into his teary eyes.
“This time I'll be the one that leaves.” and with that you were gone.
Go ahead and cry, little girl
Nobody does it like you do
I know how much it matters to you
I know that you got daddy issues
And if you were my little girl
I'd do whatever I could do
I'd run away and hide with you
I love that she's got daddy issues, and I do too
It’s been months since that night in the girls lavatory, and you missed him. You wanted to visit him in the hospital wing once you heard what happened with Harry Potter, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do so. He left you, and you were tired of always going back to people who just hurt you.
Now here you were at the battle of Hogwarts, standing with everyone while Voldemort and his death eaters stood across from you all.
“Draco, draco come here” you heard narcissa call from across the scene. He looked hesitant, as if he was waiting for someone to stop him but no one did. So he started walking over to his parents.
But you grabbed his hand.
“Stay please” you whispered looking up into his eyes.
He looked back at his parents and back at you like he was contemplating his answer.
“I’ll stay”
If you were my little girl
I'd do whatever I could do
I'd run away and hide with you
I love that she's got daddy issues, and I do too
tagging fun ppl nd ppl who interacted (so srry if u don’t wanna be tagged)
@hellohellook @astoria-malfcy @justfangirlthingies @sfdlm @falling-loki @notvasi @gwlvr @malfoytookmyheart
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multiplefandomsblog · 3 years
request; Can I request Nagito, Kokichi, and Rantaro with an s/o that has a hard time understanding why someone feels a certain emotion in situations?
pairing(s); rantaro x gn!reader, nagito x gn!reader, kokichi x gn!reader
warnings; blood, violence, broken noses, strong language, kind of angsty — sorry that nagito's is super long- i started off with him and i haven't written in a long time so i just shit all over the place, fluff at kokichi, i have mood swings I'm so sorry about the whiplash you are about to witness
note; yesss i am back to finish these requests yurrrrrr sjansjdhfbasdkjfds I'm not gonna make a big announcement or anything(I'm still trying to figure out how to balance everything in my life rn, so I'm sorry for people who are waiting on me—) , just gonna spit out as many finished requests as i can, sorry for the abrupt pause of everything by the wayz ill be (hopefully) regularly posting works from now on.
(also this request was kind of vague, so i used the example of someone getting upset/angry and reader not understanding why; i hope that's okay :'))
Nagito Komaeda
◊ I think Nagito would understand your struggles more than anyone else.
◊ And… honestly, it kind of reassures him that you share a struggle with him. It makes him feel less alone, less like the odd one out.
◊ Being similar to someone like you in any way, even if it was a genuinely difficult and real struggle; was a blessing in disguise for someone as lowly as him.
◊ Getting that out of the way, Nagito would never see your struggle as what it is. The way he views you, how highly he puts you up on a pedestal, as well as how much hope he believes you to hold; he, at first*, won't help you at all with your struggles.
◊ As a strong believer of hope overcoming despair, good defeating bad; Nagito is positive that the struggles you hold will always be defeated, bludgeoned into a despairing sludge by your all-mighty hope.
◊ And at first, he won't even think of this as a bad thing! You should be proud of it, of course, unless it stirs despair within you.
◊ * That being said, if he sees you struggling with your inability to understand human reactions to an awful point, he would put his obsession with hope aside, and focus on trying to help you as your boyfriend.
◊ Though I'm afraid, he wouldn't be much of a help, because he gets stuck on this one too.
◊ If you ever unintentionally angered someone, however, and/or provoked them to potentially hurt you; he'd immediately step in and lay the damp washcloth of apologies on the accidental fire you had set.
◊ Though there is a high chance, he'll make it worse by saying something he hadn't intended to sound condescending. It just came out that way.
◊ Nagito would never put your well-being before his insatiable need for you to accelerate and empower your hope.
◊ He's your boyfriend before he is your admirer of hope.
— "What...? How can you- how can you be so calm!?" Confusion, fear, and intimidation seemed to overwhelm you as you stepped back, eyebrows creased in utmost confusion as the person before you, seemed to have been angered by your wording.
Suddenly, you had started repeating and reversing over what you had previously said, scanning your wording for things that could have been perceived as offensive; only to grow even more confused as you had found none.
"I... What? Are you... are you mad at me or something?" Your genuine tone of voice, as well as the genuine look of confusion on your face, had been blurred and unnoticed as the ugly emotion of anger seemed to destroy their human senses— and the person had unfortunately taken your question as an insult.
Without another word, the sickening crunch of flesh and bone hitting flesh and bone echoed throughout the trial room. Flesh and bone that had thankfully, and unfortunately, hadn't belonged to you.
"Holy- Someone hold them back!"
"There's... no need for that...!"
Turns out Nagito took the hit for you.
He peeled the hand tending to his nose away from his face, revealing the nasty bruising and the blood dripping down his nostril—despite the gruesome sight of it all, he still seemed to be smiling. Smiling as if something amazing had just happened, and he was dying from the joy he had been feeling.
He wasted no time to spew out whatever he could think of, despite the shock and adrenaline from getting a broken nose, he still fought through the struggle to speak properly, as well as merely breathing without immense pain.
It was like second nature to him, to steer the blame and the aggression away from you—even if it almost killed him. Anything... to protect his hope.
"Haha, this is... Whatever you need to achieve your hope, whether it be a good old-fashioned beat-down or... murder;" a laugh crossing the line to psychotic erupted from Nagito's scratchy throat.
"I personally invite you all—especially (name)—to bruise me up and brutally murder me for your pleasure, and your hop!" —all at the expense of him making sure no one gets the chance to lay a single finger laid onto you.
◊ He loves you, and he swears this is out of (mostly) good intention <3?
◊ i- i think i lost it somewhere in the middle
Rantaro Amami
◊ Literally, the most understanding, supportive, and comforting man you will ever meet and have as an emotional support boyfriend when you struggle with humans and just... humans.
◊ For first impressions, Rantaro will remain as understanding as he already had been, and is. If he visibly sees you struggle with the reactions of others to specific situations, he'd never start up shit, as well as assume you mean something bad immediately. He will always give you the benefit of the doubt, and the fact that he loves you may have been a factor — but I swear, he does this with everyone else too.
◊ If you ever responded/reacted to something that normal human beings usually respond differently, Rantaro would definitely notice, but he wouldn't say anything until he had his suspicions confirmed — and until someone else decided to get pissy or upset about it.
◊ If you ever get into a conflict with someone about how you seem emotionless( even though you're really not ), Rantaro will always be there to defend you and back you up. The first thing he would do is try to understand your side, then their side, and then try to see how the two fit together, and how you both grew to have your reaction.
◊ Most conflicts and arguments end peacefully, at fault to Rantaro's experience of being exposed to many personality types(his sisters), and completely normal and human struggles(also his sisters).
◊ Though, notice how I said most.
◊ Some situations and arguments, really can't be resolved, nor looked past—especially when personal, and very strong feelings are involved. You really can't avoid it when people are still grieving.
◊ But even so, Rantaro will remain a mediator and a peace-keeper until the end; he doesn't and never has enjoyed violence or super over-the-line arguments.
— "N- no, I a- actually don't understand...! I didn't mean to-"
"Oh, shut up! No one's believing that crap!" The shock and the hurt from their words had visibly affected you — the disbelief and their rage hadn't done anything to calm your anxiety from not having understood what had been wrong.
Rantaro would intrude on the one-sided argument, a gentle yet nervous smile on his face as he tried to put some distance between you and the person who had gotten offended. "Hey now, I understand you're upset, but it'll be safer for all of us if you don't insult them. I'm sure this was just a big misunderstanding... let's sit down, yeah?"
◊ If you ever feel frustrated or upset about a past interaction with someone he had reacted in a way you hadn't expected, feel free to expect Rantaro to be there for you with his comfort. Whether it be assurances, hugs, or just a listening ear; he'll be there for you.
◊ He may not understand your struggles to an extreme extent, but he will try his best to empathize with you and to understand you; and if he doesn't? That's okay. Because he still has cuddles + listening to you rant as his plan B solution on getting your frustrations out.
Kokichi Ouma
◊ Kokichi... doesn't understand you at all.
◊ It's second nature to him to react abnormally or to over-exaggerate towards something that probably shouldn't have gained a reaction like that — but that doesn't necessarily mean that had been his true reaction from the start.
◊ They're lies, well, most of it.
◊ When Kokichi notices your confusion, or if you come to him about your frustrations; he won't believe you at first. It's a stupid thing to not trust someone about, yeah, but he lies all the time about this kind of thing — so not only would he feel terrible if you were telling the truth about your real struggle, he would-
◊ Oh, you're telling the truth?
◊ ... Oh.
◊ Well, of course, he feels horrible for his past faked reactions and lies. A part of him believes it to be his fault entirely, whilst the larger, louder part of him believes it to be someone else's fault.
◊ And he's a liar; so of course, he'll lie. To himself, at least.
◊ "Wha—!? Who's been confusing my beloved? Gimme names and I'll get 'em!"
◊ He's not much of a listener, nor a person who really just... talks about serious shit. So despite not wanting to talk directly about serious things, as well as not being the best at comforting you in a 'serious' manner, he has his own little way of dimming your frustrations with human beings.
◊ He won't show it, nor will he mention it, but he does try to be more transparent with you; as well as tries to be less confusing when talking and/or interacting with you.
◊ The reactions are dimmed down, and despite that, he still continues to be silly and still continues to joke around — just not in a way that'll frustrate or confuse you(ish). He's all about getting reactions out of you, especially frustration but, he wouldn't purposely augment your anxiety about this type of thing.
◊ ^^ If he was to do that, however, he would always tell you it was a lie afterwards. After all— despite enjoying the thought of you thinking of him all week—he doesn't want you stressing and/or overthinking about it for the rest of the week.
◊ Kokichi definitely feels guilty of your struggles, however, they may have not blossomed directly from him, he still feels horrible for triggering it? You? — look- what he's trying to say is, he feels awful, and he hadn't meant to make your struggle with understanding other human beings, worse.
◊ Though there are times he does find your confusion and gullibility to be sort of entertaining in a way, but he would constantly feel bad about finding pleasure in your frustration.
◊ Kind of bad.
— "Nishishi! I'm just saying, if someone took a fat shit on my lawn, I would thank them—"
"Wh- Seriously.. ? Why??"
◊ He finds it hilarious how you seem to take his words to heart, but of course, fun comes to an end as he says—
— "Nope! It's a lie!"
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j-j-ehlby-writes · 3 years
Almost (c.e.)
Pairing: Chris Evans x reader
Word Count: ~5.9k
Summary: You and Chris were set up on a blind date by your mutual friends. Sparks flew, but you never heard from him again. Two years later, you come face-to-face with him once more for their friends wedding.
Warnings: Some angst, swearing, not much else
A/N: This is a mixture of the movie “Life as We Know It” (mmm Daddy Josh Duhamel 🤤), a dating experience I had, and one scene from One Tree Hill. Enjoy.
My Masterlist
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                    Two years ago…
My heart is pounding all the way to my ears. My hands are shaking under the table. My knee bounces uncontrollably as I wait.
I knew this was a bad idea. Why did I let her convince me to do this?
“You haven’t had a boyfriend for as long as I’ve known you.” My best friend so pointedly mentioned when we were out to lunch last week.
 “What’s wrong with that?” I counter.
“I’ve known you for three and a half years.” She deadpans. Even without looking at her, I know she has her eyebrow raised at me and her lips are pursed.
“Your point?” I know she thinks my serious lack of companionship these past few years is wearing on me, but it’s been quite the opposite. Not being attached is freeing. I can do what I want when I want; I don’t have anyone to answer to. If I want to sleep until 3 on a Saturday, I’m going to do it. If I don’t want to socialize with anyone, I won’t. If I want to take a spontaneous road trip, I’m going to do it. My life is my own and that’s how I like it.
“I want my best friend to have someone to experience life with.”
My shoulders dropped, sighing in defeat. There was no way I was getting out of this conversation.
“I want you to be as happy as I am.” I see the love in her eyes as her mind goes to her boyfriend and their new relationship. They’ve only been together for a few months, but I know that this is it for her. She’s a smitten kitten and he is equally as infatuated with her. They’re sickeningly cute. “Which is why I think you need to meet one of his friends-”
“Lemme stop you right there,” I interrupt her, “I hate blind dates.”
“You’ve never been on one.”
“And there’s a reason for that.” She rolled her eyes at me. “They’re cliché, they’re awkward for both parties, and they never amount to anything, thus being a total waste of time.”
She sighed, “Ever the skeptic.”
“And don’t you forget it.”
“Regardless,” she continues, “I think you’ll really like this guy. He’s already expressed interest in you.”
Like that makes everything better. “Great so now I have to live up to his impossible expectations of me when I know absolutely nothing about him.” As if the idea of a blind date wasn’t bad enough, now it’s only a semi-blind date. There’s no doubt in my mind that she has hyped me up impossibly high, that’s what a best friend is for. However, when your confidence level is next to none and already skeptical of the pending meeting, there’s no way he’ll like who I am in reality.
“I can tell you anything you want to know about him.” She is bargaining with me. She really wants me to meet this guy. She wouldn’t be trying this hard if she didn’t believe we would hit it off.
“Well is he nice?” This was the only real question I had. If he isn’t kind then there’s really no future.
“Incredibly!” She continues to tell me of the many things he has done for a charity he started a few years ago and slowly but surely she was starting to convince me. If he was that generous then he has to have a good heart and therefore is a good man.
How bad could it be?
I check my phone, glancing at the time. Great, he’s late. That can’t be a good start.
Numerous reasons why popped into my head.
Reason one: he saw me and bolted.
Reason two: he got into an accident on the way here and he could be in the hospital.
Reason three: he changed his mind and decided to stand me up.
More and more played through my head as I sipped my drink. 
By the time I was on my second drink, I was convinced he wasn’t showing up. I knew this was a ridiculous idea. I knew I shouldn’t have done this. I never should have listened to her.
I chugged the rest of my drink followed by some water before standing up to leave some cash. I was slightly humiliated for actually thinking this would be any different than all of my expectations.
My shoulder rammed into another as I turned to leave.
“Oh my, God, I’m so sorry!” A hand steadied me, gently grabbing the shoulder he ran into. “Are you okay?”
“My already small ego is a little bruised, but I think I’ll live.” I looked up to meet my assaulter’s eyes and immediately I froze.
Holy shit, it’s Chris Evans.
His piercing blue eyes were staring right at me, his concern was directed towards me. In all of his charming, ray of sunshine, bearded glory, he was here.
“I’m so sorry that I’m late. Traffic was insane over the bridge. I would have called but I don’t have your number.” He half-smirked but not in a cocky way. I’d seen him do it in interviews before. He could have come up with a lame excuse, but somehow I knew he was telling the truth.
“No, it’s okay. I understand completely.”
He sighed in relief, his gorgeous and perfect smile taking over his features. He looked down at the table and it disappeared. “Were you leaving?”
“Uh,” I stammered, “I was because I thought I was being stood up.”
“I feel awful. Please let me make it up to you. Let’s sit down, have a nice dinner, and get to know each other.”
I hesitate, now even more nervous than I was before.
As if sensing my hesitation, he decided to sweeten the pot a bit to persuade me, “We can even get dessert.”
I chuckle at his attempt. That’ll do it though. I sit back down with him following suit, finally starting our date.
We talked about everything. Anything and everything. No topic was off limits. Hours went by but it felt like minutes. We didn’t even know how long we’d been there until our waiter came to tell us that the restaurant was closed. We left and walked around the city until the night sky was giving way to the morning. He accompanied me back to my car, gave me the best hug I’ve ever received and a kiss on the cheek, promising we’ll get together again soon, and opening and closing my car door for me. I drove away with the biggest smile on my face and literal butterflies in my stomach. That was the best date I’d ever been on.
When I made it back to my apartment with the early morning rays peeking through my shades, I had a text message waiting for me from him. Just a simple good night, he had had an amazing time, and he couldn’t wait to see me again.
I fell asleep, hopeful. Hopeful that I would see him again, that this could maybe go somewhere. I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but it was hard not to. I hadn’t felt this way in an exceptionally long time. I haven’t been on this good of a date in equally as long. I can’t wait to see him again…
                      Present day...
I finally pull into the parking lot after an hour stuck in traffic. My 12-hour day at work today has taken a lot out of me. I’m exhausted, mentally and physically. Thankfully though, my 2-week-long vacation starts tomorrow. After that, I have fourteen days of no working, no getting up at the ass crack of dawn to be able to drive in miserable traffic, no dealing with difficult or boring co-workers. Just fourteen days of rest and relaxation, after the wedding of course.
My best friend and her fiancé are getting married on Saturday. I’ve watched them go through all of their highs and lows throughout the last few years and when he came to me telling me he planned on proposing, I couldn’t have been happier for them. He even asked me to secretly photograph the moment for her. She was more than surprised about everything.
Now their wedding is here and everyone couldn’t be more excited to celebrate them.
Tomorrow is their rehearsal dinner. The wedding party and their plus ones are all invited.
I walk into my apartment, immediately relieving myself from the confines of my shoes. A heavenly scent registers to me and I’m carried all the way to the kitchen. I see my sexy boyfriend standing at the stove with his back towards me.
“Hey babe,” he calls without turning around.
I hum, happily making my way towards him. I wrap my arms around his waist, placing a kiss on his back. “What is that unbelievable smell?”
He chuckles, vibrating through his chest. “Your favorite, of course.”
I hum again, “You spoil me, baby.”
He chuckles again, turning in my arms. His handsome face finally came into view. His gorgeous brown eyes look into mine as I get lost in his. For the past year, I’ve been the happiest I’ve been in a while. Since the day I met him, it was like everything fell into place. He’s sweet, ambitious, funny, kindhearted, passionate, and just overall the best man I had ever met. He makes me so happy…
Oh who am I kidding? He’s perfect. He is everything I ever wanted. If I made a list of all of the qualities I wanted in a husband, he would check off every single box.
But the feelings I have had for him over the last year are nothing compared to what I had in one night for him. I find myself wishing his eyes were bright blue instead of dark brown. I wish his arms were around me instead of the ones around me right now. The butterflies from that night have stayed dormant ever since.
I don’t know what happened after that night. I honestly thought we had a good time that night. Conversations flowed seamlessly. We made each other laugh so hard we had tears running down our faces. The physical connection was there- at first he had his arm around my shoulders as we walked around town, but as time went on he slowly moved lower around my waist, eventually intertwining our hands together until we arrived back at our cars. He even said that he wanted to see me again.
But I never heard from him again after that one text message. No call, no text, not even a message from my friend’s boyfriend. Nothing. I was disappointed beyond belief. I didn’t think he was that guy: the type to ditch someone without any explanation or goodbye. I thought I understood him to be a gentleman. Everything I had read about him pointed to him being one of the purest humans in the world. This was the opposite of all of that.
From that day on, I’ve loathed him. He gave me the perfect evening and then cut me off cold turkey from anything further. I have a three strike rule. His first: he was late. His second: he tricked me into liking him. His third: he lied to me. Three strikes and he’s out.
I have tried not to look back since. It’s not without its difficulties though since he’s literally everywhere. On magazine covers, in commercials, movie trailers, streaming services- he’s there. Why did he have to be such a successful actor? If he weren’t, it would make for forgetting him that much easier.
No closure. No answers. Nothing.
The rehearsal dinner went smoothly the next night which hopefully was foreshadowing for the big day itself. 
A majority of us were standing around about to start when the doors loudly being opened drew everyone’s attention away from our milling about. A man stood in the middle of the doorway then strode in like he owned the place. The closer he got, the more the details of his face came into focus.
No. Freaking. Way.
I look toward my best friend. She looked like she wasn’t shocked he was late, but she knew he was coming. I creep up behind her and clear my throat. Instantly she cringed.
“Did you forget to tell me something?” I whisper to her.
She sends me an apologetic smile, “Well, I actually put off telling you ‘cause I didn’t know how you would react and then I meant to tell you last night but with the whole ‘I’m getting married in two days’ buzz took over and now the rehearsal is here-”
“Just please tell me I’m not walking in with him.” I beg.
She chuckles nervously before she escaped to go greet him with her fiancé.
I turn to her sister who is also one of my closest friends. “Did you know he was going to be a groomsman?”
The guilt written in her face tells me everything I need to know. “She made me promise not to tell you.”
I groan, “The loyalty level around here is staggeringly low.”
I head over to where my boyfriend is standing and take comfort in his arms before I have to deal with the man who broke my heart.
“Are you okay?” He asks a little confused by my actions.
I nod, “Just tired from last night.” He chuckles at the mention of the night before, squeezing me into his chest.
“Alright everyone! Time to get started.” The wedding coordinator beckons us all to the back entrance of the barn standing next to our corresponding wedding party member. I stand right in front of the Maid of Honor and Best Man. I kept my eyes forward focusing on anything but the guy who took his place next to me.
“It’s good to see you,” He murmurs to me over the instructions of the coordinator.
I scoff and roll my eyes. He has the nerve to say that to me after two years of silence. I imagined a million times what it would be like to see him again. I’d imagined a lot of screaming with possible hitting. Or I thought about the ever-effective, old fashioned silent treatment. He doesn’t deserve to know that our one night out together effected me so much and I’ve carried a rather large torch for him ever since. At the very moment, it will be the latter, but there’s no telling what tonight and tomorrow will bring.
“Now ladies, rest- don’t grab- your hand near the crook of his arm. Men, keep your arm at that angle with an open hand resting on your stomach- no fist. And don’t forget to smile- this is a happy day!” As quickly as he showed up, the coordinator was on to the bride and her father before either of us could register he was there.
I begrudgingly did as I was instructed, “resting” my hand on his bare forearm, holding a stand-in bouquet for the occasion in my other hand.
“Are you not going to talk to me?” He speaks again but I ignore him once more.
Thankfully that was when it was our turn to walk down the aisle. For the rest of the rehearsal, he didn’t get a chance to say anything else. As soon as we were done, I go straight for my boyfriend. I figured there’s no way he would approach me if I were with another man.
We all head to the restaurant afterwards to celebrate the last night before our friends begin their lives together as husband and wife. I keep my distance from Chris, always sticking close with my boyfriend.
The one moment I was alone was when I went to the bathroom. I thought for the few minutes I wouldn’t be in danger.
However I was wrong.
As soon as I step out an arm shot out in front of me. A very pale muscular arm.
“Are you seriously going to ignore me for the next two days?”
I duck under his arm fully planning on continuing what I set out to do.
“Y/N,” he grabs my arm, “will you please talk to me? What did I do to make you so mad at me?”
I whip around hopefully sending daggers his way. “Are you serious right now?”
“She finally speaks!” He exclaims.
“Because I cannot believe what I’m hearing. Like, I don’t think I heard you right.” All of the feelings I’ve been burying for two years were making their way up to the surface and I don’t think I can stop them. “We had a fantastic night. It was literally the best night of my life, it was the most comfortable with a guy that I had ever been. You made me laugh, you gave me butterflies, you helped me feel for the first time in years.” I try to swallow down the lump that was forming in my throat. “You told me you wanted to see me again. You made me excited for the future for once in my life… and then you took it away.”
With every second that passed, his expression got closer and closer to utter defeat: his shoulders slumped, his grip on my arm loosened, his jaw slowly unclenched, his eyebrows furrowed.
“You were late,” I hold up one finger, “You tricked me,” two fingers,” “You lied to me.” Three fingers were up and in front of his face for emphasis. “Three strikes and you’re out.”
I back away from him, having nothing more I wanted to say. As soon as I turned the corner, I felt liberated… for about five seconds. When that passed, devastation hit. For the last two years, I’ve held out hope- I tried not to- but I did, that maybe someday something could happen between us. That maybe, just maybe, we could pick up where we left off that night.
Now that the moment of confrontation has come and gone, I feel all the hope fade away. All of those possibilities I pictured have left the building. Being with him is no longer an option. I have my boyfriend who makes me happy, who gives me everything I could possibly want.
The rest of the night went on without another incident. Chris kept his distance. However, I could feel his eyes on me for every second that passed as we sat at the table. It was a relief when we finally left and could retreat back to our hotel rooms for the night. The bride and I got to stay in a suite that we’ll all be getting ready in in the morning. They wanted to uphold the “not seeing each other the night before the wedding,” even though they’ve lived with each other for a year and a half now.
On the wedding day, everything went according to plan. Everyone was on time to hair and make-up, pictures went flawlessly, the weather cooperated with everything, Chris didn’t attempt to talk to me at all- it was a perfect day to watch two people who love each other commit to the other for the rest of their lives.
But then came the reception. That’s when I knew apparently all bets would be off. The ceremony was over. Niceties would wear off as more and more alcohol is consumed. I was not looking forward to it.
We make our ridiculous entrances and take our seats at the head table. We eat then speeches were made. Lots of laughs were had as the Best Man dished on stories he had with the groom growing up, a few tears were shed at her sister’s after recounting the moment the bride knew he was the man of her dreams- overall I’d say they were a success.
Again, I felt his eyes on me, burning holes in the side of my head from the other side of the groom for the entire dining portion of the evening. I kept myself from glancing in his direction, instead focusing on the conversations with the bride’s sister next to me and my boyfriend who is across the way- anything not to meet his eyes.
Finally the DJ announces it was time for all to convene on the dancefloor after the specialty dances. I immediately see my boyfriend start to stand, knowing he’d been ready for this all night. I’d been looking forward to dancing with him all night as well, I even removed my shoes in anticipation. As I stand up, a hand is held out in front of me. I knew whose hand it was. I remember staring at it as he would rub his lips on our date. The strength of it as it intertwined with mine as we walked down the streets of our town, the safeness I felt as he squeezed it if he detected I was getting anxious around a group of people and I needed the reassurance. I knew that hand well, unfortunately.
“Dance with me?” He nearly whispers in my ear. I didn’t realize he was that close until I could feel said whisper on my neck. I contain the shiver that runs down my spine at how husky his voice is. God I’ve missed that…
No! I will not be enchanted by him again. He does not deserve me.
I exhale the breath I was holding, it comes out a lot harsher than I expected. “No, thank you.” I turn away from him, but his hand gently grabs my arm stopping me from going any further.
He whispers again, “He’s not good enough for you,” before walking away.
I’m frozen in place. I glare at his retreating back as he makes his way over to the bar. My mouth hangs open in disbelief. How dare he… How fucking dare he assume anything about me or my relationship. He doesn’t know anything about what our relationship is like. My boyfriend treats me so well, spoils me even though I know I don’t deserve it. He listens to me, he cares about me, and he makes me laugh until I cry- he’s everything I’ve wanted in a man. Chris is the one who had his chance and subsequently blew it. He has no right to judge or even comment on my relationship when he knows absolutely nothing about it.
I hurriedly make my way to my awaiting boyfriend and pull him onto the crowded dancefloor. “You okay?” He asks me, “Did he say something to upset you?”
“Nothing worth repeating.” All I wanted to do was forget about him and his irrelevant feelings towards my relationship…
…Except I couldn’t. His words rattled me. Does he see something I don’t? He told me on our date that he’s an excellent judge of character so he wouldn’t say something like that unless he got a bad feeling, right? Either that or he said it just to get under my skin and force me to talk to him. No matter the reason I hate him for it because my pride won’t let it stand.
I spot him leaning against the bar, staring directly at the two of us over the rim of his glass. His perfect eyebrow quirks up at the eye contact, that sets my blood to boiling. He thinks he’s so smug. I wish I could just slap that stupid hidden smirk right off his perfect face…
Following a few dances, I mutter something about him going to dance with the bride to my boyfriend before exiting the dancefloor. I rush out of the barn, away from the crowd needing some air from his suffocating gaze. I find a little lit area that’s perfect for pictures. There are rectangular hay bales set together as a makeshift U-shaped bench with some low watt bulbs strung up above between two poles. It would be serene if I weren’t already on edge.
After taking a few deep breaths, I finally feel like I can speak without yelling. “You had no right.”
I didn’t have to turn around to know he followed me out here. It’s exactly what I wanted him to do, just like it was his intention to get under my skin. As much as I wished to avoid this conversation it seems that we can’t go on without it. We may tear each other apart in the process, but this is my chance for closure. This is my only opportunity to get the answers I’ve been needing to move on for the past two years. Two years of wondering what went wrong after the most perfect date I’ve ever been on with an equally perfect man has been eating at my heart and mind. I hated always wondering “what if” or “what would I be doing right now if I were with him” especially when I started dating my boyfriend. I had no answers as to why those questions could not be. I thought with time I’d stop asking them, thinking I’d never see the man again. He’s a big movie star, why would he wonder about a woman he went on one date with?
As I expected, his deep baritone voice comes behind me, but his words do little to ease my nerves. In fact they set them off even more so than before. “I’m sorry.”
I scoff at his half-hearted apology, knowing he doesn’t mean it at all. “Oh bite me, Christopher.” I turn around to face him. God he looks even better out here. The subtle gold glow from the lights are complimenting his skin tone, they make his baby blues shine which just frustrates me more.
“Please, Y/N,-” He takes a step closer to me, but I won’t have that. 
“No,” I take a step back keeping the needed distance between us for fear I may strangle him. “I don’t want to hear any of your bullshit excuses. You had no right to pass judgment on a relationship that you know absolutely nothing about.”
He slips his hands into the pockets of his dress pants. “Oh, I’ve seen enough.”
“Really?” I jut my hip out, resting my hand on it. “In the two days you’ve been here, you think you’ve got us all figured out?”
“Yes,” he answers with conviction. 
My shaking hands clench into fists, trying my damnedest not to lose control. I entangle them into my hair as best as I can without ruining the work the hairstylist did this morning before running them down my face. He has some nerve. 
“We had one night. One night! One nearly perfect night together and suddenly that makes you an expert on what is good for me?”
“I wouldn’t say ‘an expert’-”
“I wouldn’t say anything!” I interrupt, “I never heard from you again. Now after two years, you come in here acting like you know anything about me or my relationship? Who do you think you are?”
“A man who made a mistake!” He snaps.
There was a long pause. I never expected to hear that from him. All these years I wanted to think the worst of him for leaving me hanging like that. He got my hopes up, thinking we may have a future together only for them to come crashing back down to Earth when he never contacted me again. I wondered and wondered if maybe I read the signals wrong. Maybe I took his flirting as more than it was. Maybe the small gestures like his arm around my shoulders, on the small of my back, or the hand holding were only him being friendly. I wracked my brain going over every single detail of the night to try and pinpoint a reason for him not to have called me afterwards. I found nothing, which was equally as frustrating.
“Alright, I made a mistake.” He moves to sit on one of the hay bales. He rests his elbows on his knees and buries his head in his hands, letting out a huge sigh. “God I wanted everything with you.”
Once again, I’m frozen by his words. He what? But that doesn’t make sense. His words and his actions don’t line up- how could that be?
He removes his hands from his face, staring at the grass. “After that night, I wanted it all. I wanted to settle down, get the house with a white picket fence in the suburbs, carry you through the threshold after our wedding day, bring our children home from the hospital, watch them grow until we’re old and gray. I wanted everything.”
My heart aches. All of that was exactly what I wanted, especially with him. I could feel the tears building behind my eyes, my heart breaking mourning the loss of what we could have had by now if he had only said something.
I also find my anger growing as well. If he felt all of that, why did he not contact me again? Why did he give me hope that our night out together could have been the start of something good and then taken it away just as quickly?
“But?” There had to be a “but” coming after his statement. Clearly something stopped him from pursuing the possibility of “us,” destroying any future we could have had.
He sighs, “but…” he finally looks up at me with more emotion in his eyes than I was expecting. There was contemplation, confusion, honesty, agony…
I look away. In an instant I knew what he was about to say. It makes complete sense. He was at the height of his career, shooting movie after movie all around the world for a majority of the year. How would he have had time to have a relationship mixed in with that? He couldn’t.
“Your career was more important,” I interject, “I get it. I do.” I couldn’t fault him for choosing work over someone he just met, no matter how much he claims to have liked me right off the bat. He was going to be busy. We probably wouldn’t have had a lot of time to see each other. It’s not like I could give up my career to follow him. Besides even if I could have, he wouldn’t want that. He said so himself. He wanted someone who was independent; who could do their own thing and not be enveloped in his crazy life.
He stands up and steps closer to me, “no, that wasn’t it. I promise you that wasn’t it.”
There’s that word. Promise. He promised we’d see each other again soon after our night together. But he broke that.
“Then what was it?” My voice cracks at the end. I can feel my reserves slipping the more he speaks. I didn’t realize how much I missed his voice until now. I haven’t seen any of the movies he’s been in the last few years. I have him and his hashtag blocked on all social media platforms so I don’t see anything of his on any of my timelines. My other friends think I don’t like him (only my best friend and her now husband know about our date). To hear it again brings back all of the good memories we made together in that short night and all of the emotions I’ve been holding back since. “I have been wracking my brain for years wondering what went wrong after that.”
“I got scared,” he finally admits the truth. “I got scared of how much I liked you and how much I wanted to protect you.”
“From what?”
“From me,” he casts his gaze down at his hands as he fidgets with them, “and my life. I didn’t want to subject you to the chaos that is my life. I know what my fans would do to you if we were in a relationship, I was trying to protect you from all of the ugly that being with me comes with.”
So that’s what he was afraid of? He was afraid our relationship would inevitably end exactly like his last one? His “fans” were horrible to her. They sent death threats to her and her family members, always commenting negatively on her social media pages all because she was dating him. I remember reading about it right after it happened. I knew that side of his fandom was toxic. But did I care? No. Did I think I couldn’t handle it? I honestly don’t know, but would I have been willing to deal with it for him? Yes. I would have given up anything to be with him. That’s precisely why he did what he did. He didn’t want me giving anything up for him because he knows I’d be giving up any semblance of privacy I had if I were in a public relationship with him.
If I had known these were the reasons why he ghosted me, I would have been broken hearted but I would have understood. Hell, I probably would have fallen more in love with him if I knew that, not fallen in loathe.
He continues, “I thought that if I never contacted you again, you could move on”- he clears his throat-“and find someone better than me who could give you the normal life you deserve. Which as much as I wish I couldn’t, I see that you have…” he pauses as if deciding whether he should keep speaking. When I don’t stop him, he does, “But I can’t help feeling like that could have been me.”
My slightly shaky hands cover his fidgeting ones. His hand moves until he’s intertwining our fingers together, palms touching. They fit perfectly together as if they were each other’s missing puzzle piece. His thumbs stroke mine sending warmth down my arms all the way down to my toes. The sparks I felt back then return with full force. He leans down, pressing his forehead against mine. My heart is beating out of my chest, I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t feel it in some way.
I feel my heart break in my chest. My lip quivers and the tears threaten to make themselves known. My only saving grace is the fact that he can’t see my face. I may lose it completely if he did.
His breath is coming out equally as shaky between us, he squeezes my hands as if he doesn’t want me to let go. Believe me, I don’t want to. I bring one of our interlocked hands up to my lips. I kiss the back of his hand because I can’t kiss him where I want to. I pull back just enough to see his beautiful baby blues that could have any woman in the world swoon. They were terribly bloodshot right now but that only made them more tragically breathtaking. I tear one of my hands out of his and bring it to his cheek. He leans into it, a tear drops into the crevices between the contact.
The barely above whisper that came out was all I could muster without having a total breakdown because he’s right. It could have been him. We could have been something great. We could have built a life together. We could have had it all. And it broke my heart into a million pieces knowing all of this could have been avoided if life had handed both of us different lives.
“It almost was.”
Taglist: @the-marvel-wars​ @elusive-beauty​ @drakesfiance @im-a-slut-for-an-accent​ @fantasy-is-my-reality​ @princess-evans-addict​
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stuckyxren · 3 years
You are stuck in your head.
You had your first mission in two weeks, right after you experienced a breakup that rattled your bones. Your thoughts were already muddled and seeing the horrors of your recent mission did nothing to help that.
Kids. They were just kids. You had no choice. You, Wanda, Vision, and Nat had no choice but to engage. It was kill or be killed, but that doesn’t stop the pain.
The ride back was silent. Nat flew quicker than she ever had before. She just wanted to get home and be alone. Wanda and Vision were huddled together in a secluded corner. You were sat at the back of the plane.
You sent the mission footage to Fury, seeing as nobody would be able to write a report anytime soon. Since there was nothing left to take care of, you put in your Stark issued noise canceling headphones and started listening to some music to attempt to get out of your head. Silent tears cascaded down your face as the images rushed past your eyes.
You were so stuck in your head that you didn’t realize that you were back at the tower. Everyone else disembarked and went their own way. You sat motionless in your seat, huddled close to yourself as your kind kept throwing up the images. You felt sick.
Jarvis announced the jet’s arrival to the compound. So, when you didn’t come onto the floor you shared with Bucky and Steve, your best friends came looking for you. Jarvis led them to you and it was a good thing the AI did.
Bucky and Steve slowly approached when they saw your huddled, shaking form. They were debriefed with what they needed to know to take care of you, but they assumed you would come inside.
Instead, Bucky silently reached you, picking you up and carrying you inside when you didn’t respond to their attempts at getting your attention. Steve opened doors all the way to your bathroom. Bucky sat down, pulling your headphones out slowly and started pulling you out of your suit. They knew you wore a tank and bike shorts underneath, so they stripped down to their boxers, leaving you in the clothes from under your suit. Steve turned the shower on full blast, as hot as he could stand it, and sat down at the farthest end of the stall. Bucky got in, still holding you, and sat in between Steve’s legs with his back pressed against Steve’s chest.
After a while, your silent tears became choking sobs. Bucky held you tighter as the sobs wrecked your entire being. Steve murmured words of comfort as he allowed Bucky to take the majority of control of the situation. Bucky knew more about being out of control of a situation. They both knew this was different, but it was closer to Bucky’s ball park.
Anger flooded your being as your sobs grew louder. Bucky allowed you to beat on his chest for a few minutes before he let Steve grab your wrist. You opened your eyes and stared at Bucky. The boys could see the wheels turning and the absolute grief that was crashing over you again.
Choking on air, you gagged harshly. Bucky was quick to turn your around and grab your hair as you lost control and threw up in the drain. He knew that feeling all too well. Many nights, Steve had to do the same thing for him after waking up from a memory from his Winter Soldier days.
In between bouts, you screamed and cried, clawing at your neck and throat. You tried ripping at your tank top to get anything restricting off, but Steve eventually leaned up and grabbed your hands, shushing you.
“Hey. Slow down. Just let it happen.” Steve soothed, rubbing his thumbs on the insides of your wrists. “I know you feel like you can’t breathe, but once the vomiting passes, we will work on that. It’s okay.”
“We gotcha doll.” Bucky hummed, rubbing your chest while holding your hair back. “I’ve gotcha. Just let it out.”
You continued to throw up until you finally ran empty. You gasped around dry heaves as the nausea tapered off, but the anxiety ran strong. Steve grabbed your washcloth and wiped off your mouth before he cupped his hand to catch enough water for you to rinse with.
Eventually, the water began to run cold as you all sat there. They let you fold into yourself slightly, allowing you to collect yourself a little before they washed your hair and all the blood off of your with gentle touches. They told you everything they were doing and moved quickly so that you wouldn’t get cold.
Once the boys had you out, dried off, and helped you get dressed, they took turns leaving to get dressed. Bucky went first so that he could get you comfortable for when Steve got back.
When Bucky took you and get you both situated under the covers, he began to whisper to you. “You just tell us when your ready.” Bucky said. “We won’t push you, but you don’t need to hold it in Doll.”
Taking a shuddering breath, slowing down ever slightly, even though you still gasped, you finally spoke, “T-tthey werrrre jjuu-sss kkkkk-ids.” You sobbed as you finally spoke it out loud.
Bucky, surprised but glad to see some progress, held you closer, leaving a feather light kiss on the top of your head. “I know sweetheart.”
Steve rounded the corner and quickly came to join you and Bucky. Steve rubbed your back as you continued.
“We had nno ccchhh-oice. I-I had tto kk-kill them.” You sobbed out. Anger and grief and so many other emotions flew through your veins as the boys attempted to console your shaking form. “It’s nnnot fff-fair.”
“I know. We know.” Said Steve, noticing the rage and absolutely grief in Bucky’s eyes and knowing his lover needed a second. “You did the right thing. It may not feel like it, but you had to do what you had to do. Nobody blames you doll.”
Bucky knew Steve said the wrong thing before you even popped up and spun around on him. “I BLAME ME.” You screamed. “I-Iii.” You shook your head, taking a breath to force the trembling of your voice to stop. “I had the intel. I made the plan. I walked us into a gun fight WITH FUCKING CHILDREN. CHILDREN STEVE.”
Bucky pulled you back, feeling awful for Steve as the hurt flashed across his face. “Hey. Calm down. He knows that.” Bucky spoke into your ear. “What he is trying to say is that we know the choice was a difficult one and we respect your decision. We would have done the same in your shoes. Fury showed us the footage so that we would be prepared.”
“Yeah. I didn’t mean to upset you.” Steve said, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked down.
You sighed and gently took his hand. “No Stevie. I’m sorry. I’m just so tired. I can still feel the weight of the mission on my chest. See the look of terror on the faces of the kids as they watched their friends get shot before abandoning their efforts and running. Hearing them scream as our bullets pierced their skin. It was awful.” You cried, recounting the memory.
“I understand. I do.” Bucky replied, pulling you and Steve to lay down and get snuggled up. “Sometimes, the choices are made for us. That choice was made for you. They attacked first and it was defense.” Before you could object, he put a hand up to stop you. “Yes, they were children who probably were raised to do this, and it doesn’t make it any easier to know that, but just remember that even though you had to do what you had to do, you just saved millions of lives.”
You nodded as your eyes got droopy. Your head lulled back as Bucky’s words relaxed you and Steve’s gentle touches soothed you.
“Go to sleep Y/N.” Steve murmured, kissing the back of your head. “We aren’t going anywhere.”
The rest of the night, Steve and Bucky comforted you through nightmares and eventually got you to eat a little bit at one point, when you began dry heaving again and they convinced you to save yourself some pain.
But they helped you make it through the first night.
Then every night after.
No editing was done. I apologize in advance.
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Dishonorable Discharge | dark!Bucky Barnes x sister!reader
please please please do not read or interact if this content would be triggering or upsetting for you in any way.  i do not condone the topics or behaviors that i write about.
summary: you and your brother were always thick as thieves, even if you weren’t technically related.  you weren’t ready for him to leave to go off to war, but you were even less prepared for the shell of him that would return.
warnings: noncon smut, sibling incest (I mean she’s adopted but still), breeding kink, innocence kink, loss of virginity, mention of hypothetical underage activity?? idk how to tag that but everyone in this story is 18+!
word count: 3.6k
tagging @lestersglitterglue​ cause they asked real nice!
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Even though you were adopted, people always said that you and Bucky had a family resemblance.  It wasn't your respective appearances per se, but rather the way your eyes both sparkled.  Your parents sometimes joked that the two of you were more brother and sister than most brothers and sisters were— and they were right: even with the age gap, often the two of you felt like twins.  It was hard to imagine that your biological parents could've kept you and that you never would've known him... it felt like he had always been your brother, your best friend, your partner in crime; your Jamie.
You had been awful when he deployed.  You'd sobbed and screamed and beat his chest with your weak little fists.  You'd told him that if he left, you would hate him forever; that if he left, he might as well never come back.
Of course you regretted it once you got older and realized how stupid you were.  But you were only fifteen then, and heartbroken, and too selfish to understand that there were things more important than the promises you'd made to each other as children.  You were so afraid that he wouldn't come back and that you'd lose your only real friend in this world; and, like it often does, that fear turned to anger.  
By the time you were seventeen, you finally stopped crying and tried to make a life for yourself.  You tried to see it all as an opportunity: he'd always been the popular one, meaning you were stuck being known as "Bucky's little sister" rather than as your own person.  Now you could just be you for once— as soon as you figured out who you were without him.
By nineteen, you had lost hope that he would return.  You pretended to be at peace with that.  You pretended not to hate yourself for pushing him away when you needed each other most.  Silently, you thought of him every day; secretly, you went to church every night to pray for him.
It was the sort of neighborhood where you could leave your door unlocked, so you did.  Still, people usually knocked first.  You were wearing a nightgown you only wore around the house because it was much too short and small for you now, but with the hot weather, it was necessary.  You hadn’t expected to hear the door open, so as you nervously peered out from the hall to the foyer, you were beyond surprised at what you saw.
The man in the doorway… he looked familiar.  He was wearing your brother's uniform.  But his eyes were different.  That sparkle you shared was long gone.  And without it, you weren't sure he was your brother anymore.
"Jamie?" you asked, unable to believe what you were seeing.
Recognition crossed his face like he was hearing the name of someone he used to know.
"Jamie," you called again, your voice breaking as you ran to him; you wrapped your arms around his waist and held him tight enough to make up for all the lost time.  "I thought I'd lost you," you sobbed, "oh god, Jamie, I thought you were—"
"Shhhh," he soothed, finally reciprocating the hug as one hand stroked the back of your head.  
"Don't ever leave me again," you begged.  "I can't lose you again."
"I won't go," he promised softly.
And just like that, you were the same little girl who'd clung to his legs and begged him to stay all those years ago, but this time you'd gotten what you always dreamed of.  This time, he wasn’t going to leave.
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“You still like your eggs basted?” you asked him with a toothy smile, doing your best to keep things light.  You had so many questions for him but you wanted him to just feel at home first.  You two had always told each other everything, so you figured it wouldn’t be long until he told you what he’d been through in the last several years.
When you turned to receive the answer to your question, though, you found him spaced out in his seat at the dining table, staring off into nothing.  You could tell he was thinking about something just from the way his eyes were glazed over; you could tell he was thinking about something unpleasant from the way his fist was tightened.
"Are you okay?" you asked gently.  Silence.
You left your place by the stove, crossing the kitchen and kneeling down so you were eye-level with him.  Hesitantly, you reached out to brush your hand against his face.  He was certainly older-looking, and stubble dusted his jaw where it met with where his hair had grown out.  You wondered if it was as strange for him to see you and how much you’d aged as it was for you to see him like this.
“Jamie,” you whispered, “come back to me.”
Finally, as your hand cupped his cheek, he turned to look at you.  Even with a face that was hard to recognize at times, the eyes that met yours were undoubtedly your brother’s.  Darker, yes, and clearly tired from everything they’d seen, but as blue and perfect as always.
"When you call me that,” he spoke, eyes scanning your face, “it's like no time has passed at all.  It's like I'm still the same boy I was the day I left."
You swallowed.  "But you aren't, are you?"
He shook his head, just barely.
“Hey, listen to me,” you instructed, getting more serious and refusing to let him break the eye contact.  “It doesn’t matter what you’ve seen, or what you’ve done.  You’re my brother.  You’re my best friend.  You’re my whole world—”
You choked up a little, but kept going.
“—and I’m glad you’re home, okay?”
“Okay,” he agreed, smiling that crooked smirk that made your heart melt every time.
“You still want those eggs?”
He nodded a little.
“Yeah, basted,” he agreed, turning back to the table as you stood up and returned to the stove.
“Your room’s the same as it was when you left,” you told him as you cracked the first egg into the hot pan.  You were sort of nervous to bring up anything about that, but you thought he might find it comforting.
“I don’t think I’m ready to go in there yet,” he admitted.  
“Stay in my room tonight, then.  It’s almost the same as it was then, too…”
“I’m amazed that bed can still fit you; are you sure we’ll both be able to sleep on it?” he asked.
“Oh, I was gonna give you the bed and make myself a pallet on the floor!” you clarified, wondering how he ever thought the two of you could share a bed; you hadn’t since you were little little-- like, under ten-years-old little.
But when you turned to look at him again, he seemed genuinely disappointed.  "Of course I can't let you sleep on the floor.  You take the bed; I've got a lot of practice with sleeping on the ground anyhow."
That was the last thing you wanted, him reminded of what it was like out there.
"We'll share the bed," you announced.  "If I take off all the plushies and decorative pillows, there might just be room for you."
"Woah woah woah," Bucky raised his arms as if to motion for you to slow down.  "We can't just go evicting Mr. Hoppy!  He's been a full-time resident of your bed for the past twenty years!" 
You both laughed, and it was almost like old times.
"He'd happily move over for you, Jamie."
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The two of you brushed your teeth side-by-side in silence; you waited for him to finish his shower while you turned down the sheets, scooping up everything decorative on the bed and tossing it into the chair in the corner.
You choked a little when he stepped into your room with only a towel around his waist, using another to rub his hair dry.
"Don't you have some pyjamas?" you asked awkwardly.  "No matter— I actually have some of the pants you used to wear right here."
You pulled the checkered pants from your closet, and handed them to him as he nodded gratefully; you barely turned around fast enough to look away before he dropped his towel.
"Why do you have these in here anyways?" he asked as you tried to ignore the sounds of the fabric brushing over his bare skin.
"I wear them, sometimes," you admitted, feeling your face get a little warm, "when I miss you."
"Well, I'm here now," he hummed, wrapping his arms around you from the back and pulling you into a hug.  You could feel the warmth of his chest and arms burning right through your silky shift.  You almost wished you had worn something thicker; and yet, somehow, you also wished that there was no fabric in the way at all.  
Slipping under the comforter together, you wondered if it was odd that he was cuddling up to you.  You didn't mind it, since it was the most like the brother you remembered that he'd been all day, but some part of you was worried what people would think if they knew.  
You brushed the thought aside.  Nobody would know anyways.  
He placed a kiss to the top of your head as you basked in how small it made you feel.  "You smell the same as before, sissy."
You used to hate that nickname but now it was beyond welcome.  It reminded you of simpler times.  
"I hope that's a good thing," you replied.
"It's a wonderful thing.  The day your handkerchief stopped smelling like you was the day I thought I would lose all hope," he recalled.
You remembered when he took it; he said he wanted something to remember you by, and you'd responded by telling him to just forget about you because obviously he never loved you at all.
"I was so cruel to you that day," you cringed.  "I hate myself so much for that..."
"Hey, hey," he got your attention with a soft plea, guiding your chin until you were looking up at him with watery eyes.  "You were a kid.  I was, too.  You acted out, it happens."
"But I said things that weren't true, Jamie— awful, terrible things…"
"I never believed them," he assured you with a smile.
"We promised to never lie to each other," you whimpered, "and I broke that promise."
He shook his head.  "It's all in the past now.  Just be honest with me from now on, and I'll keep every promise I made."
You remembered a pinky swear made up in the highest branches of a tree: a promise to never be apart.  He'd broken that one, but maybe he wouldn't do it again.  The thought made your heart flutter.
"Be honest," he instructed you again.  
"Always," you agreed.
"Do you love me?" he asked, so quiet it was barely a whisper.
"O-of course," you answered quickly, stuttering not because of any lack of surety but simply from wondering how he could ever question that.
Slowly, he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours, his thumb and forefinger still holding your chin.  For a brief moment it felt believable as a familial kiss.
But then it didn't.
He began to move his mouth against yours, and instantly you pulled back, looking at him with what you figured must have been an expression of stunned confusion.  "Jamie," you mumbled in disbelief.
"I missed you so much," he purred, seeming to ignore your reluctance.  "Don't break my heart, sissy, I just want a kiss."
"I can't kiss you like that," you shook your head.
"Please?  You have no idea how lonely I've been, how hard it was without you…"
You felt guilty for his pain, and you had always hated to deny him of anything.  The absolute second that you gave him a hesitant nod, he dove right back in, kissing you deeper and harder than before.  His tongue forced its way into your mouth but you couldn't pull back; his arm had somehow gotten to the back of your neck, holding you close to him.
You whimpered with confusion when you felt his other hand moving up your leg and slipping under your nightgown.  He smiled against your lips when his fingertips brushed over your hips and he realized that you weren't wearing undergarments.  You internally cursed yourself for it, even though it was normal not to wear anything underneath a gown like this.  What was abnormal was what he was doing.
"You're so smooth, and soft," he murmured, just barely pulling back from the kiss, "and I know you want me so bad—"
Just as his hand started to move dangerously close to somewhere it was definitely not supposed to be, you reached down and stopped him by grabbing his forearm.  
"D-don't," you managed to stammer out.
"Don't?" he repeated incredulously.  "Well, why not?"
"It's wrong…" you explained weakly.
"Such a good little girl, just like always," he chuckled. "You haven't changed at all.  Except, of course, this incredible body…"
It was much too easy for him to wriggle out of your grip, pulling out from your nightgown only to reach up and roughly grab your breasts through it.  Your face was burning and your gut sank with fear— and yet, there was a paradoxical tingle of arousal burning between your legs.
"You've grown a lot while I was gone," Bucky noticed aloud, groaning softly as he felt you up.  "Almost didn't recognize you when I stepped in.  I saw those gorgeous legs of yours and thought, 'who's the fox and what's she doing in my house?'  Of course, by the time I'd realized it was my kid sister, it was too late."
"It's not too late," you desperately assured, "you can stop now, and we won't tell anybody, and it'll be like nothing ever happened—"
You stopped as he started laughing lowly, shaking his head.  "Sweetheart, I'm not coming back from this, don't you understand?  You were all I thought about while I was gone.  You're the only girl I ever loved."
His hips pressed forward and you gasped when you felt his erection pressing into your thigh.  You bit down on your lip to keep it from quivering; for some reason, you didn't want him to know how scared you were.
"Feel that?" he asked, grinning when you nodded nervously.  "That's how much I love you."
You stammered helplessly as he reached down between your legs again.  
"Time to find out how much you love me," he purred, and you were frozen; paralyzed.  Two of his thick fingers swiped through your folds, gathering the arousal they found there.  "Oh, you love me quite a lot."
"I— I don't—"
"Take this thing off," he demanded suddenly, grabbing your nightgown.  You shook your head.  "I'm not gonna ask you again," he informed you sternly.  "Take it off or I'm gonna rip it off'a you."
You shook your head again, tears flowing freely until you felt wet patches beside your face on your pillow.
Bucky growled and manhandled you onto your back, grabbing at your nightgown and pushing your arms out of the way when they reached up to cover your chest.
He tore through it like it was paper.  "Look at you," he murmured in awe, "all grown up."
"James," you sobbed, "what are you doing?!"
"I'm taking care of you!" he responded, seemingly confused that you would even ask that.  "You're my baby sister; I promised to always take care of you and I meant it."
"This isn't right," you whispered, partially to him but mostly to yourself.
"This is the only thing that's right," Bucky disagreed, leaning down a little to hover over you as he began to push his pants down.
You recoiled when you saw his cock; you hadn't seen one before, except in drawings.  They hadn’t prepared you for this.  His looked big, red at the tip like it was angry; leaking and throbbing like it was desperate.
"You a virgin, sissy?" he asked in a way that made it hard to tell if he was being genuine or mocking you.
You nodded; you'd promised to be honest, after all.
"You were saving yourself for me," he informed you, and before you could deny it, he continued, saying everything like it was obvious fact.  "You knew you needed me. You knew you'd only be satisfied by your big brother's cock."
You shook your head as tears welled in your eyes, your protests muffled as he roughly kissed you again.  You tried to push him away but he was like marble, hard and unyielding.  You felt his sex sliding over yours and it made you feel dizzy and a little nauseous.
"You know how long I've dreamed of being inside you?" he asked darkly, his lips brushing against your ear.  "You know how long I've wanted to get a taste of this perfect little cunt?  I'll give you a hint: it was before I left."
He ignored your sobs of fear and cries of pain, and pushed his hips forward; he groaned as his cock forced your walls to part, and you felt like the wind had been knocked out of you.
"Oh god," he moaned weakly when he bottomed out, "oh my fucking god… you feel so perfect, sissy.  You feel so fucking good, I swear I could come right now.  I could fill you up—" he pulled back out most of the way and shuddered— "right fucking now."
"N-no, Jamie," you sobbed, "you have to pull out, you can't come inside!"
"Why not?" he pouted, slamming into you so hard that you were forced to choke out your cry of pain.  "I think you want it.  I think I deserve it.  I could get you pregnant and then you'd be mine forever."
"No!" you sobbed.  "Please, you can't!"
"I can," he assured you coldly through his teeth, his arm wrapping around your neck to hold you steady as he fucked into you.  "I can, little girl, and I'm gonna."
Tears streamed down your face, even as you let yourself admit that your brother's movements inside you did feel… intriguing, to say the least.  He buried his face into your neck, fucking you deep but slow.  You'd never felt so full before; you wrapped your legs around his hips before you could stop yourself.
"Fuck," he groaned, "you want me so damn bad, don't you?  You always wanted me.  I remember how you got so jealous when I lost it to Betsy Miller."
As sick as it was, you had; and even now, imagining him doing this with her made your stomach twist.
"You want me all to yourself, don't you, sissy?"
Shamefully, you nodded.
"Aw, it's okay," he soothed.  "You've got me, sis.  'M never gonna leave ya.  We're gonna be together forever, just like we always said."
That was all you'd ever wanted.  Why did it sound so terrifying now?
"I can feel you squeezin' me, babydoll.  I know you wanna come all over my cock," he taunted.
"N-no," you stumbled over your denial, but pleasure was searing through you faster than you could handle it.
"Beg me to fill up this little pussy," he instructed as his eyes got darker and a hand wrapped around your throat.  "Beg or you don't get to breathe."
"Please," you moaned through your tears, "please, fill up my— my little pussy…"
"Yeah?  You want my come?"
He started thrusting faster and you could feel the way your arousal had spread to coat both his thighs and yours; why was your body so responsive?
"Please, Jamie, I want your come," you repeated.  "I need it…"
"I know you do," he snarled, looking down at you with half-lidded eyes.  "I know you do, baby, I know you need my come."
"Please…" you repeated one last time, the word coming out choked and weak as you felt your own orgasm starting to crash into you, your whole body tightening involuntarily.
"Fuck, I can feel you coming— 'm close, sissy, I'm not gonna last much— oh fuck—!"
His hips stuttered to a stop and you winced as you felt him flexing inside you, pumping his load into you for what felt like ages.
He collapsed on top of you with a sigh and a smile.  "I wanted to last longer, even jerked off in the shower to try to take the edge off but… you just felt too good."
You were silent and still beneath him as he rambled, kissing away your tears between each word.
"I'll take better care of you next time, sis, don't worry.  Wanna make you come with just my tongue," he announced excitedly.  "But that'll wait until tomorrow.  Tonight you just relax, and don't move too much so I can stay inside you.  It's the only way I'm gonna be able to sleep."
He hugged you all night, drifting off even while you were wide awake and staring at the ceiling.
You were horrified at what your brother had become, and at what he had done to you.  But that wasn't what kept you awake.  No, you couldn't sleep because you were too busy trying to deny how much you had enjoyed it.
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catxsnow · 4 years
Request: Hi! I would like to ask for a request about Gar. The situation would be that, the reader (who is part of the Titans) had a tough week, Dick made them even more than usual with Jason which occasionate that Gar and them barely spend time together, so that with the fact that they were feeling pretty down and sad, how would Gar react when he went to see how his s/o and Jason were training and he sees his s/o crying beacuse Jason was upset about a little thing and yelled at them, this usually wouldn't even bother the reader but they had a though week. So how Gar would react to that. English is not my first language so I hope that you can understand me, and I'm sorry if is too long this request, if is to long tell and I will tell you something different. Thank u for your time ♡♡
Warning: fluff, Jason being an ass, 
A/N: hello everyone! Just wanted to let you all know that I won’t be posting fics as often. I used to try to get them out every three days or so but ir’ll probably be more like once a week now. School started back up again and to be honest, I was draining myself trying to get that many out. Thanks xx
Word Count: 1.4k 
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Gar usually knew when you were having a bad week. He could see it in your eyes, the way you held yourself, most importantly your lack of communication with him. He always tried his best to make you feel back like yourself when you were in a rut like this. This week, you barely had the chance to see him.
Dick was pushing you both harder than before that week. You knew he had his best intentions in mind but it was absolutely draining. Hours upon hours of training, readings, life skills that you apparently didn't know you needed. He was getting you ready for the outside world as best as he could.
Which meant that your hours spent with Gar dwindled and you were stuck with Jason or Rachel half the time. He was the most experienced out of the four of you - and being without powers as well it made sense for you to be teamed up with him. As much as you'd rather be goofing off half the time with Gar during spars, you knew, in the long run, it wouldn't help.
It was the same that day as any other. Pushing yourself to your limits, Jason going as hard as he could on you. As badly as you wanted to be cuddled in bed with your boyfriend - Dick was right you needed to be pushed harder. The slacking off had been going on far too long and it was time to get your butt in gear.
Reluctantly, you pushed on through the spar, wanting for this to end so you could finally spend a much needed night with Gar. It had been days since you had seen him last - which wasn't helping with your already foul mood.
Jason had been trying to teach you this new move for days now. It was a far more complicated one than you were used to and it was evident that your ability to perform it was lacking. Not only were you getting frustrated by the struggle, but so was Jason. It had only taken him a few tries to learn it when Bruce first showed him.
He wasn't used to taking the time to go through things like this. Unfortunately, his little amount of patience was already dwindling down. At another failed attempt, Jason had finally lost it. The moment that you slammed down on the mat with another loss, he had expressed himself in full.
"Fuck (Y/N)! It's not that hard why the hell are you taking so long to get this! If you can't even learn this one move then maybe you aren't meant to be here!" Jason yelled at you. He had instant regret for his words. Immediately, tears started pooling in your eyes at his harsh words. "Wait, no that's -"
You never heard the rest of his pathetic attempt at an apology. Jason was left alone in the training room as you stormed off towards your own room. The heat of his words burned through you, tearing apart the small shred of strength you had left. The week had already been awful, but Jason had given the icing on the cake.
Usually, his demeaning words never got to you. Jason was poor at keeping himself in line but that didn't mean that you let his anger bother you. Today, this week, it had all been so terrible that it had affected you far worse than you imagined it could.
Maybe you didn't belong on that team, maybe he was right. Or maybe he was just a jackass who didn't know how to keep his own feelings in check. Either way, the slam of your door surely could be heard from where he remained alone. It also went heard by your boyfriend only two doors down.
Less than a minute after you had been curled in your bed, tears streaming down your face, a soft knock emitted. As badly as you wanted to be alone, Gar wouldn't give up - and not to mention you owed him an explanation at your sudden mood change. With a weak response, Gar slipped into your room and locked the door behind him.
Gar didn't say anything. He simply crawled into your bed and snuggled up against you. His chest flat against your back, leg over top of yours to keep you completely trapped in his loving embrace. For some stupid reason, it made you cry harder. If Jason was right, that you didn't belong there, then it meant you didn't belong with Gar either.
The thought of losing him hurt more than anything. Your sobs echoed through the room. Gar squeezed you tighter. He didn't ask what was wrong - not until you were ready to tell him. His hold on you was the only thing that mattered.
As your sobs turned quiet, Gar got you to flip towards him. You nuzzled into his neck as he kissed the top of your head. His hand stroked up and down your back, filling you with the comfort that you needed. With a shaky breath, you pulled away from him.
"What's going on baby?" Gar asked, continuing his motions. He had missed you all week too. It was always rough having to focus on other tasks rather than each other. For so long it was easy to just be so consumed with one another that the rest of the team - and your responsibilities - seemed irrelevant.
When things changed, you thought a strain would be put on your relationship. Instead, it seemed to make your bond stronger. Gar would always love you - even when your time together was less and less every time.
"Everything," your voice cracked. Gar frowned at your response. He pecked your lips once before encouraging you to keep on. "Just, not getting to see you this week and Dick going so hard on us. And just now Jason yelling at me for not being able to get this stupid fucking move down and- and maybe he's right! Maybe I don't belong here!"
"(Y/N) of course you belong here," Gar assured. "You were meant to be here, we were meant to be here. Jason gets upset at himself and projects it onto others - he's been doing that for months now. I'm sorry that he yelled at you, but whatever he said don't listen to him. He's wrong."
"But nothing, babe," Gar cut you off. "If Dick believes you in then you belong on the Titans. I believe in you, I'll always believe in you." His thumb wiped along your cheek to brush away the stray tears that you had. As always, his touch was inviting. "Do you want me to go full beast mode on him?"
For the first time in days, you let out a laugh. It brought a smile to his face as well. "As much as I'd love to see that happen, I don't think Dick would appreciate it very much," you matched his smile. Gar leaned into kiss you again, this time far more than just a peck and a sure way to express his love towards you.
"You know, I think Dick might actually be on board," Gar continued to joke. It was evident that there was always tension between Dick and Jason. Many nights of joking with Gar about who was going to lose it first and who would win. It was entertaining to say in the least. "Last chance."
"He's not worth your time anyways, my love," You rolled your eyes as he let out a growl. The second that you were back in his arms your mood instantly boosted. Gar always seemed to have that effect on you. "I love you, Gar."
"I still think I should go kick his butt," he playfully narrowed his eyes. Even with his powers, Gar was still wary of being able to beat Jason. Anyone trained under Batman had to be extremely skilled. Nonetheless, he was always willing to put himself on the line for you. "I love you too, (Y/N). Always."  
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
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Thank you for the request, love!🎄❤️ Hope you don’t mind, I did some changes but it still follows the concept of your request! I hope you like it and happy reading!!❤️ @palna
The One I’ve Been Missing
This was kinda inspired by Little Mix’s song, “One I’ve Been Missing”, give it a listen :)
Warnings: some angst? Kinda sad for a Christmas fix..but has a some what happy ending. This came out longer than expected..enjoy, I tired:)
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(Gif from Pinterest)
The living room was full of smiles and laughter as your family began to create plans for Christmas Day. It was Christmas Eve, and knowing your family, everything was to come together last minute. Though your family didn’t live too far, they had been staying at your place since the weather at your hometown had been absolutely horrible. There had been snow storms that closed down schools, took out power lines, and covered the ground in a thick white blanket of snow.
Your cousins have been arguing about who was going to make the Mac and Cheese this year when your phone began to vibrate in your pocket. You took your phone out and saw that it was Paddy. Paddy was Tom’s younger brother. Even though you and Tom had broken up, your relationship with his family was still strong. You and his brothers had gotten along so well, that they loved you like you were their sister. His parents, Nikki and Dom, have been very supportive of you during the breakup. They were disappointed in Tom for what he did and even apologized for their son’s actions. Though your relationship with their son was undecided at the moment, they always made an effort to call you on holidays or to just say hello once in a while.
You quietly excused yourself and entered the kitchen. Answering the call, you lean on the marble counters of your kitchen. The call goes through and Paddy’s adorable face pops up on your screen. His smile grows into his rosy cheeks when he finally sees you.
“(Y/n)! Merry Christmas!” He happily screams through the phone. You hear Nikki scold him in the background.
“(Y/n), darling! Merry Christmas!” She smiles while waving at the camera.
“Thank you! You guys look like you’re having a blast over there!” You hear a ton of commotion in the background, which was most likely Tom and his siblings showing off their presents to each other or having some pointless argument.
“Thank you! You guys look like you’re having a blast over there!” You hear a ton of commotion in the background, which was most likely Tom and his siblings showing off their presents to each other or having some pointless argument.
“We are! Sam’s cooked our lunch and he’s planning on making dinner later today! We’ve already opened presents and everyone’s happy! How are you, love? Are you with your family?” She questioned you as she sat on the couch. You saw Dom beside her, who made a funny face and waved at you. You chuckled waving back.
“I’m doing really good, my family has been staying with me for the last few days, so we’ve been together for about a week now? But everything’s going great! It’s Christmas Eve here and now we’re just waiting till midnight to start passing out presents!” You answer.
“Oh that’s good! I’m glad you got to spend time with your family because I’ve heard the weather there has been harsh! Thankfully Harry made it out before that big storm, if he didn’t he wouldn’t be home for the holidays!” Harry had been in your hometown because Tom was filming a new movie there. The set was only an hour away from where you lived, but you never went to visit. Although, you and Harry would meet up sometimes to have lunch together in the city, Harrison would tag along once in a while as well.
“Harry made it home! That’s good news, I was worrying that they wouldn’t make it back on time for Christmas!” You hear someone talk in the background.
“Is that (y/n)?” A deep voice asks. You recognize it to be Harry’s. Nikki nods and motions at him to say hello. Sam and Harry’s heads pop onto the screen with silly grins.
“(Y/n)! Merry Christmas! You look beautiful!” Sam compliments you with a charming smile.
“Aw thank you Sam! You look handsome!” A light blush forms on the boy’s cheeks. Harry takes the phone and asks, “How’s the weather there? Has the storm died down?”
You glanced out the window and saw nothing but white. The storm had stopped yesterday, but there were some random snowfall here and there.
“Well it’s stopped for now, my backyard is literally nothing but white.” You chuckle as you turn your camera to show your spacious backyard.
“Oh! Isn’t that wonderful, we haven’t gotten much snow here this year.” You hear Dom comment. You turn the camera back to yourself and ask Harry, “How was the flight, Haz? Hope it wasn’t too bumpy.”
Harry hummed, “The plane departed when the storm died down so it was a decent flight. There was some turbulence when we got up in the air but it went by smoothly after.”
“At least you got home safe, that’s all that matters.”
“I’m quite surprised I handled the turbulence well on my own. I was getting anxious when the plane started to shake, but towards the end of the flight it was all good.” Your brows furrowed. It was a known fact that Harry wasn’t that good with turbulence (I made that fact up, he’s probably ok w/ turbulence idk). Since he usually traveled with Tom, he had to board many flights. Tom would be the one to calm his brother down when his anxiousness got the best of him. Which made you concerned because you knew Tom wouldn’t let his younger brother board a plane on his own while a snow storm was happening outside.
“Wait Harry, you were by yourself?” You began to question him. Harry was a grown adult, he’s 21, but it still concerned you.
“Yeah, Tom had to stay back since he had to film more scenes.” Harry answered.
“Oh. Did he at least make it back home before the storm?” You continued. A frown was on the boys lips.
“Nope, he got stuck in (your hometown). I was supposed to still be there with him, but he literally forced me to get on a flight home before Christmas.” Harry shrugged. A pout formed on your own lips at the thought of Tom getting stranded in (your hometown). Also the fact that he was probably alone during the holidays. Sure, you and him weren’t on the best terms, but it was Christmas. No one should be alone on Christmas.
You continued to talk to the Holland family for a few more minutes until they told you they had to go. You bid them all goodbye with kisses and a wave before hanging up. When the call ended, the smile on your face fell. You should’ve been happy. You were spending time with your family and it was Christmas Eve! But some things never change. As always, Tom had crept his way into your thoughts.
The breakup between you two was rough and messy. Though you should have seen it coming. There was a lack of communication on both sides of the relationship. You weren’t being honest with your feelings with him and neither was he. Of course, you understood his job. You knew he would have to travel long distances and be in a different time zone as you, he had to be gone for months, and had to work with some of the most beautiful actresses in the business. But there was something about this certain costar that didn’t sit right with you. You trusted Tom and knew that he would never cheat. You just didn’t trust her. You really tried to like her, even had some conversations with her when you went to visit Tom on set. But the way she would touch his arm whenever she would laugh or look at him the same way you would just made your blood boil. Maybe it was the green eyed monster in you that caused all these emotions, you just couldn’t help it. The green eyed monster had taken over you.
For months while Tom worked on that movie, you had been feeling your lowest. You were insecure about yourself and began to second guess things that occurred in your relationship with Tom. Which was not healthy, but it happens, you know? You hated the way you looked and how your body was shaped. You compared yourself to her even though you knew most of the pictures on her Instagram were very much edited. The more Tom got busy, the less he texted or called. Your relationship felt like it was drifting but you still made an effort. You would text him to ask about his day or to just say a simple “good morning” or “good night”. He never got the chance to reply most of the time, but when he did it would be a short response. It wasn’t like the paragraphs of him going on and on about his day and how great it was. Sometimes he would talk about getting a stunt correctly done in one take or how he would get his lines right the first time. You didn’t think much of the short replies, you usually chalked it up to him just being busy. But then you would see him on Harry or Harrison’s story at some restaurant gathered all together. Then she would also be there, nuzzled up against his side while his arm rested behind her chair. That should’ve been you.
You didn’t want to think that he was cheating on you, but the signs were literally there. You shouldn’t have fallen for them and should have talked it out with Tom instead of focusing on the scenarios that were created in your head. You knew Tom was smarter than that. He wouldn’t cheat on you, he promised you that he wouldn’t break your heart. Then those pictures from the club came out.
They were all over Instagram and Twitter. You had multiple fans tagging you on them and saw them everywhere on your feed. It was as if the world was trying to shove it into your face. The picture was taken at a club, it was the usual group of boys accompanied by some cast members from the movies. You assumed there had been some drinks involved, but Tom looked sober as ever. There were many pictures of them. There were some of them laughing, dancing, and drinking together. You spotted his arm wrapped around her waist or his hand touching her in almost all of them. Finally, there were the pictures of them practically sucking the lips off of each other’s faces. They disgusted you. The way his hands were combed through her hair or how they stroked her cheek reminded you of how he kissed you. You remember feeling sick to your stomach. The pain and the anger blended together as the tears blinded your eyes. It was like a bad dream that you couldn’t wake up from.
You realized you had been staring at your phone for the past 10 to 15 minutes. Tears welled up in your eyes as your memory began to remind you of the scar that Tom had left on your life. You felt the presence of the emptiness in your heart that you thought had healed months ago. You still love him. No matter the bullshit you went through with him, you’ve never loved anyone like Tom. The one you’ve been missing was the only thing that could fix the hollowness in your heart.
“You should invite him.” You jump as your mother makes herself present in the room. You place a hand onto your heart to calm its rapid beating.
“Geez, don’t do that.” You run a hand through your hair as you lean on the counter again. Your arms touch the cold marble, bringing some coolness into your warm body.
“You’ve been gone for about thirty minutes, it’s past twelve. Everyone was worrying about you.” You mother settled herself beside you, instead her back was leaning against the marble.
“You still love him.” She tells you quietly. You’re quick to react and stand up straight, “No I— ow my tongue!”
You whine as your teeth bite down on your tongue, your actions acting before your words.
“I don’t.”
“Really? If you didn’t love him anymore, you wouldn’t be talking to his family still or meeting up with his brothers during the weekend” you mother tilted her head at you, her arms crossed.
You shrugged, “They’re nice people.”
“You know, you should stop avoiding the truth. Denying your feelings and lying to yourself is only going to hurt you even more. I’m your mother, I hate seeing you hurt.” You turned to your mom.
“Don’t you hate him?” You asked her, voice quiet.
Your mother had a look of thought on her face, “Of course, I do, he broke your heart. But I don’t know, there’s just something about that boy.”
She snapped her fingers, “Ah! He reminds me of your dad!”
You raise a brow at her, “Tom reminds you of dad?”
“He does. I remember when we were younger, your dad made the same mistakes. I hated his guts but we crossed paths again somewhere down the road and I gave him a second chance. Now how many years later, we’re married with beautiful children and grandchildren.”
You remain silent as you stare at your phone again. You thought about asking Harry for Tom’s address but you were hesitant.
“He’s probably stuck here for a reason, (y/n).” Your mom says with a knowing look. You sigh rubbing the tiredness out your eyes. It had been a long day and you were low on energy.
“He could also be thinking about you right now.” She hummed, starting to make her way out the kitchen.
“How would you know?” You ask her.
“You bit your tongue.” She simply answers before turning the corner. You were alone in the kitchen staring at your phone once again. The debate in your head continuing throughout the night.
~The Next Day~
Your gloved hands gripped onto the steering wheel as you drove through the snowy roads. You were mindful to keep an eye out for any glossy patches to avoid getting into an accident. You turned on the street Harry sent you and peered out your window to look for the number of Tom’s rented house. Harry texted you that the house was a light gray color with black accents and had a 35 nailed to the door. When you spotted the house that matched Harry’s description, you pulled over and put the car in park. You hopped out the car, shivering when the brisk winter air came into contact with your face. Your boots sink into the snow as you trudge your way up to his door.
You get to his doorstep and began to stomp the snow off your boots. Taking a deep breath you brace yourself before you can ring his doorbell.
“It’s Christmas, he shouldn’t be alone on Christmas, this is why you’re doing this.” You mumble to yourself. You started to shake but you weren’t sure if it were your nerves or the cold. It was probably both.
You finger hovered over the doorbell for a moment before you forced yourself to push it. A string of “fucks” began to play over and over in your head like a mantra.
You waited for a few seconds for him to answer but heard nothing. You debated on ringing the bell again but your feet were already turning you away from the door, too scared to face Tom again. You were about to step off his doorstep when you heard footsteps behind the door. The lock clicked and the door opened to reveal Tom, looking disheveled as ever.
His eyes widen when he realizes it was you who rang his bell. His mouth is agape as he tries to form words. The only thing he could muster out is, “(y/n).”
“Hey.” You breath out, taking him in after avoiding him for months straight. You slowly approach him, settling to stand a few feet away from him. His hair had grown out a bit longer and there was a shadow of some facial hair on his face. You noticed that his eyes were a bit dark, almost blank. It was as if the light in his eyes had disappeared.
“What—What are you doing here?” He began to ask. He rushes to add, “Not that I don’t want you here, I’m actually really glad you’re here, but—um. I’m just— hi.” He sighs, shoulders slumping. He eyes you for a second before jumping on his feet.
“How rude of me, do you want to come in? It’s freezing out here.” He moves to the side and opens the door wider so you can walk in. You didn’t want to enter his place but the warmth of the house and the familiar scent of Tom entranced your senses.
You wiped your boots on the doormat and quietly thanked him as you walked into his rented home. You noticed that Love Actually had been playing on the tv while the couch was occupied with a bowl of popcorn and an abandoned Sherpa blanket. You loosen the scarf around your neck and turn to Tom who was already looking at you.
“So, what brings you around? Thought you didn’t want to talk to me ever since what happened.” His voice is strained as he leans against the doorway to the living room.
“Paddy called me on FaceTime yesterday.” You started. Tom sighed, shaking his head at his younger brother. You wave him off, “Don’t worry, I didn’t mind. He actually helped me avoid a family argument about Mac and Cheese.”
Tom was looking down at the floor but you saw his cheeks slightly raise, “Yeah, you never did mind Padd’s eagerness.”
“Well, he’s adorable. Anyway, I ended up talking to Harry and he said that you got stuck here during the blizzard. Also, that you were spending the holidays alone.” You began to explain rocking on the balls of your feet. You turn to his tv, the voices from it murmuring quietly, “So, if you’re done watching Love Actually for the hundredth time, um, you could come over at my place and spend Christmas with my family.”
Tom pushes off the wall and slowly shuffled towards you. His arms are crossed, something he did when he felt nervous or awkward.
“I wouldn’t want to impose, (y/n).” He finally looks up at you, his familiar brown eyes that you missed so much sending comfort into your body.
“Mom insisted.” A hint of a teasing smile played on your chapstick covered lips. No matter the situation between you and Tom, you knew he could never turn down your mother. He adored your mother, he always remembered the time when you first introduced him to her. She welcomed him with open arms and treated him like he were her fifth child.
He lets out a laugh, looking down at himself, “Guess that means I should clean up then?”
He was wearing a grey jumper with black sweatpants. A blue beanie was on his head, the ends of his curls peaking out, and his feet were covered in socks to keep him warm.
“Yeah.” You breathed out, relieved that he agreed to come and you didn’t embarrass yourself.
Tom begins to dust off the couch and moves the popcorn bowl to the coffee table. He sloppily folds the blanket and fluffs the pillows.
“I might take a while, so why don’t you get comfy?” He suggests.
“Sounds good.” You hum and unwrap the scarf from your neck. Tom is by your side at an instant and takes it from your hand. He motions at your jacket causing you to unzip it. He shuffles behind you to help you remove your arms from the sleeves. You turn around to thank him while moving your hair to rest on one side of your shoulder. You catch him staring at you once again.
“You just look really beautiful.” He immediately answers. You’re about to respond but Tom begins to talk again, “I—I know I have no place in telling you that, but you just are.”
“Thanks, Tom.” You quietly say. He nods and moves to hang your things on the coat rack. He’s about to head up the stairs but he turns around to look at you again.
“Can we talk after?” His tone is soft, as if he were afraid of breaking the peacefulness between the two of you.
“Yeah. Yeah, we can talk.”
You wait in the living room for Tom to get himself ready. You try to watch the movie but all you can think about was what Tom and you could possibly talk about. You knew it would be about the breakup, but what else was there to discuss?
You heard Tom make his way down the stairs. Your eyes avert themselves to where Tom was coming from. He wore a dress shirt that had white and cream colored stripes going down it, pairing the shirt with dark jeans and dress shoes. His outfit wasn’t too fancy nor casual, it was perfect for Christmas Day with your family.
The smell of his cologne lingered it’s way to your nose. You recognized the smell even months after not seeing Tom. It was the cologne you had gotten him for his birthday. He fell in love with it the moment you gave it to him and had been wearing it ever since. You honestly thought he would switch it up after the breakup, but according to your nose, he hasn’t.
Tom presents himself to you, standing a few feet away from where you were sitting. “How is this? Too much?”
“You’re good, it’s spot on.” You reassure him. Tom hums in approval before settling himself beside you.
This was it. You guys were finally going to talk.
Tom rubs his hands together, resting his elbows on his knees. He looks at you over his shoulder, “It’s been a while since we’ve seen each other, hasn’t it?”
“Or talked.” You add with a slight shrug. An awkward silence placed itself upon you two.
Tom was the first to speak, “I was a dick. I still am, but I was a dick back then for all the shit I put you through.”
You hesitate to answer but end up agreeing, “You were a dick. But we were both responsible for what happened.”
Tom shook his head, “No, don’t try to make me feel better. I know what I did was stupid and I should have been honest with you from the start. This was all my fault. I was a horrible boyfriend, everyone made me see that. Including my parents.”
Tom turns his body to face you, “I thought not telling you this would hurt you and I less, but it only made it a hundred times worse.” Your brows bunch together.
“What do you mean?”
“I know when we broke up I said a bunch of bullshit, but I just want to explain myself, please?” His eyes are pleading, almost glossy. You motion for him to continue.
“The thing that happened between me and her was all the studio’s plan. Though I’m not going to lie and say it was all their fault, because I also played a part in it. But that was how it started. They wanted us to put on a show and lead the fans on so it could be used as promo for the movie.” He admitted. Your mouth gapes at his confession. He was probably telling the truth, but it could’ve also been a front.
“And you’re telling me this now? What, did it take you eight months to come up with an excuse for cheating?” You angrily said. “And even if it was for promo, it’s still cheating, Tom! You knew you had a girlfriend when you agreed to go along with their stupid plan!”
Tom sighed frustratedly, rubbing his palms against his face, “I know, I know it sounds made up but I swear to you, (y/n) I’m telling you the truth!”
“Then why didn’t you tell me about it from the start? Did you really think lying was better than telling me the truth? I thought we were supposed to be honest with each other, you literally broke so many promises, Tom!” You stood up, the anger fuming in you growing too much for your body.
Tom stood up as well, “I only lied to you to protect you! I thought it would be better if you thought we were drifting apart than telling you I had to be publicly seen with a girl that’s not you! By the way, I wasn’t the only one who was being dishonest, so were you!”
“No, don’t turn this around on me! I wouldn’t have to had lie about my feelings if you would’ve told me the truth! This was all your fault Tom, you’re the one who agreed to some stupid pr stunt.” Your finger jabbed itself into his chest as you told him off about his doings.
Tom took your jabs as he shamefully looked down at his feet. “You don’t think I know that?”
“I know this was my fault, (y/n).” His tearful eyes lock onto yours. His jaw clenched as he tried to stop his tears from falling.
Your hand comes back to rest at your side, “If you knew it would break us up, then why did you agree to it, Tom?”
“Because it was either actually breaking up with you or agreeing to some stunt that’ll make me seem like some Hollywood hotshot who gets all the women.” He confessed. To Tom, it felt like a weight had been taken off his shoulders. But to you it felt the opposite. All the new information seemed as if it were piling up on you, making you overwhelmed.
“If I chose neither of them, I would’ve been fired from the film and they were planning on blackmailing me, so I chose the second option. I know it wasn’t the best decision, seeing how we are now. But it was the only choice where I would still be with you.” He explains leaning forward to her closer to you. Your arms crossed to form some kind of protection for yourself.
You had just realized that Tom forced himself into a stunt just so he can still be with you. It wasn’t the best option, but he chose the option where the two of you could still be together. You sighed not knowing how to react, it all just seemed like too much.
“I—Tom you can’t just tell me all of this and expect everything to be okay between us.” You run your hand through your hair. Your eyes watering from the frustration.
“I understand why you would keep it from me, but why did you wait so long? You could’ve said that eight months ago and I probably wouldn’t have hated you as much as I do now.” Your nails dig into your skin.
Tom looks up at you, “You hate me?” He croaks out.
Your head tilts at him, “Why wouldn’t I hate you? I hate you—I’m supposed to hate you but I just can’t and I don’t know why. You’re just, you’re you and no matter how many times I try to hate you I just can’t.”
Tom shifts closer, his frame now towering over you. His fingers slightly brush against yours, causing a rush of electricity to shoot through your body.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for everything, I know I should have been honest and told you the truth. I know what I did wrong and I’m sorry.” He gently cups your face to look up at him. You missed the feel of his hands against your skin and couldn’t hold yourself back from nuzzling against his warm palms.
“I still love you so much, (y/n). I never stopped. I just—is it too late for a second chance? I know it’s not going to be the same as when we were together but I’m willing to try again. I promise I will try harder and I’ll be honest, I’ll do everything for you to be mine again. All I want is just another chance.” His thumbs brush against your cheeks. Your hands come up to grip onto his wrists.
“Tom, I don’t know.”
“Please (y/n), it’s been so hard without you. Please I just need you again. I miss you so much, everything’s been going wrong ever since you left and I feel empty. I’m not complete without you.” His voice cracks as he begs for you to give him a chance. You stare at him for a moment and your mother’s voice echos in your head.
“He’s probably stuck here for a reason, (y/n).”
Maybe your mother had a point. Things happen for a reason and maybe this was one of this moments.
Your thumbs stroke the skin of his wrist, “Fine, I’ll give you another chance Tom.”
A look of relief is on his face as he wraps his arms around you and pulls you flush against his chest. You feel his heart beating rapidly against your chest as he shoves his face into your neck.
“Thank you.” He mutters against your skin multiple times. “I promise I won’t screw it up, I’m serious.” He pulls away to make sure you’re looking into his eyes.
“I’m trusting you to keep that promise. You’re only getting one chance, Tom.” You warn him. Tom nods eagerly.
“I know, I know, I’m not going to mess this up I swear. I’m going to prove that you could trust me again, I’ll do anything.”
You smile before pressing a light kiss on his cheek, “Ok, if you’ll do anything, then we better get going. Mom’s probably wondering what’s the hold up.”
“Right. Yeah, um before we go. If you want to talk more about what happened before or have any questions, you could ask me anytime. I just dumped all of this on you unexpectedly and it probably feels like a lot.” He offers.
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
You and Tom arrived at your house to Christmas music blaring from the tv’s speakers and the happy chatter of your family. Your mom spots Tom at the doorway and her face lights up.
“Tom, you came!” She climbs her way through the mass amounts of wrapping paper and your niece and nephews. Tom meets her halfway and helps her remove the wrapping paper that had stuck onto her pants. She pulls him into a hug, which Tom returns immediately.
“Thank you for inviting me.” He smiles as your mom pats his cheek fondly. She waves him off, “Please honey, no one should be alone for Christmas.”
They continue to talk as your mother leads him into the living room. You see him greeting your siblings and cousins, a shy smile on his face as he shakes their hands. You couldn’t help but stare at him as he interacted with your family. It made you feel whole and warm inside, as if the emptiness in your heart was finally recovering.
You were taking off your boots when a shadow fell upon you. You look up to see Tom standing above you. “Need help?”
“No, I almost had it, the knot’s too small for my nails to undo it.” You mutter as your fingers continue to fumble with the knot. Tom kneels in front of you and gently removes your fingers from your boot.
“Let me do it, I know how fussy you get when you mess up your nails.” You smile fondly at him. The fact that he remembered how you hated messing up your nails after getting them done made the butterflies in your stomach erupt.
He gets the knot undone successfully and pulls off your boot. He holds a hand out for you and you take it. You stand up and thank him before glancing at your clothes.
“I’m gonna go upstairs and clean myself up for lunch. I’ll be back.” You place a hand on his shoulder before turning to go up the stairs. You feel his hand grip onto yours, pulling you back.
“I’ll save you a seat beside me?”
You squeeze his hand, “Yeah, I appreciate it.”
He watches you head up the stairs till the moment you turn the corner. He couldn’t believe you were back in his life. You haven’t changed at all in the months you’ve been apart. You were still beautiful and radiant as ever. He was so thankful for whatever gods that allowed him to have a second chance with you. You were all he wanted and he wasn’t going to screw it up like last time.
Your mother had called for everyone to sit at the table and you still weren’t there. Thirty or more minutes had passed since you went upstairs and so far he’s been catching up with your siblings and cousins. He’s also been dragged into playing “race cars” with your nephews and “princesses” with your only niece. Everyone had slowly shuffled into your dinning room but you were still missing. Tom even hung back in the living room for a while to see if you would catch up.
You mother spotted Tom looking back at the stairs as he decided to join your family in the dining room. She approached him and turned him towards the stairs, “Why don’t you go and check on her, tell her lunch is ready.”
Tom nods and climbs up the stairs. He’s been to your home multiple times while you two were together so he wasn’t lost. He found your door and knocked on it.
“I’ll be down in a sec!” He hears you yell from behind the door.
“Your mom said to call you down for lunch and see what’s been taking you so long.” Tom leans against the wall as he wait for you to open the door. The lock clicks and you pull it open. Your hair was in loose curls and there was some light makeup on your face. You weren’t in the jeans and sweater you were in earlier, now you were dressed in a white sweater and grey knee high boots.
“Hey.” He greets you. “You ready?”
“Yeah, I think I am.” You close the door behind yourself and stand across from Tom. He notices a shimmer around your neck. The silver chain with a circle charm hanging from it caught his eyes.
“You still have that?” He points out stepping closer to you. You glance at the necklace, “Of course I do. You gave it to me for my birthday.” Your fingers envelope around the charm, fiddling with it.
“You look stunning.” He says.
“Thanks.” The two of you stand there for a moment before Tom’s stomach grumbled.
“I think we should get going.” You laughed as you hooked your hand with his.
The two of you sat side by side at the table. He was a gentleman as always. He pulled your seat out for you and pushed it in once you were settled. He helped passed the dishes to you and even insisted on placing the food onto your plate. Lunch had gone smoothly, it was only filled with laughs, some catching up, and the stories your parents would tell at the table every year.
Your parents were in the middle of retelling their first Christmas together with your older brother, their first born. Your parents were reminiscing about the pearl ring your father gave her and how much it meant to her. You were listening to your parents when you felt a hand grip onto yours under the table. You glance down to see Tom had placed his hand above yours. His large hand enveloping your smaller ones.
“You alright?” You lean closer to him so only he can hear you. Tom squeezes your hand as a small smile forms on his lips.
“Yeah, I’m just glad to be here. Thank you.” He whispers. Your other hand covers his, your thumb stroking the top of his hand.
“So am I.” For the first time in those months apart, you finally felt like everything was complete again. Sure, you two had many things to work out and discuss. But right now, all you can think about was the man sat beside you. You weren’t missing him anymore, he was right there beside you. He was actually with you. All you wanted for Christmas was the one you’ve been missing and after eight long months of pain and longing, your wish finally came true.
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inkdemonapologist · 3 years
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[BatIM Call of Cthulhu Masterpost]
REMEMBER BACK WHEN WE GOT INVITED TO A MASQUERADE??? And we figured out the masquerade guests are definitely the sacrifice meant to summon their eldritch deity and that the party will probably be the location of the final ritual? ANYWAY WE’RE CRASHING THE PARTY, which means we need costumes.
The party is Alice in Wonderland themed; Sammy hasn’t read the book but got kin-assigned the March Hare by Joey, so naturally i’ve been doing nothing but drawing this loser in a dapper rabbit costume for an entire week
Anyway have a little smattering of out-of-context quotes from session 11
[Sammy is played by me, Joey is played by Boo (inkyvendingmachine), Henry is played by Maf (inkcryptid), Jack is played by Mochi (whatyouwantedmetosee) and Thren (haunted-hijinxer) is our GM!]
[Sammy] Sammy just has no magical powers. [Jack] YET. [Sammy] Yet. Correct. ...He doesn't want any. [GM] Half of him doesn't want any. [Sammy] That's... accurate, yeah. Half of him ALSO wants the OTHER half of him to stop having magical powers. [Jack] No Magical Girl transformation? [GM] *laughing* Is that what that is? [Jack] I'd watch a magical anime where the main character drugs themself and then becomes a weird... religious... madman! [Sammy] That does sound compelling! Maybe you should see if you can find a franchise that contains that element, and then become a big fan of it and draw a bunch of fanart for some reason. [Jack] Yeah, I dunno, I mean... it's so tiring getting into new media, I need to get a friend who will drag me into it. [Henry] And then you guys can start a roleplaying game with it and drag me into it! [GM] There's an idea! [Jack] Yeah! Someone should get on that! [GM] And if there was such a theoretical game... people might have to figure... what they're doing when they wake up!
[Sammy] We were put in a situation before where we were told that the only thing we could do was kill the host, but we found a way around it last time, [Peter] What way was that? [Sammy] Complicated.
[GM] Henry is the first to notice the apparent cultist, camping out, looking tired, trying to spot you guys. [Henry] Uh, Henry is just going to tap Sammy on the arm and point him out. [Jack] Bros! You've got to unionise! Look at these working conditions! [GM] Maybe one of these days you won't spot them, right? Hope springs eternal!
[GM] Okay, you can make an intimidate! [Sammy] Okay! *rolls* FIFTEEN IS -- this is the only thing Sammy's good at now -- fifteen is a hard success!
[Jack] I'm proud of him! [Sammy] Someone has to be.
[GM] Allison chats with everyone, and gets you into the costume room! Everyone seems relatively friendly! [Sammy] Except Sammy. Sammy doesn't seem friendly.
[Joey] My idea was, Joey would be Mad Hatter -- [Sammy] Because he needs a hat, [Joey] --Yeah, so he can have a hat -- I was thinking Sammy could be the March Hare, Jack could be White Rabbit, and then Henry could be the Dormouse, [Sammy] Yes! And then the Haiti boys are all the Mad Teaparty, which is great, because the Mad Teaparty is canonically trapped in a time loop. [Sammy] Because we tHOUGHT ABOUT THIS TOO MUCH,
[Jack] Kin-assign Pete! [GM] He's content to wear anything that looks like it fits him, as long as people aren't trying to push a co-ordinated effort. [Joey] (Pete can be Caterpillar,) [Jack] Catter-pete-lar [Sammy] Oh my goodness. Completely unnecessary. [Jack] This is a pun that Jack might make, out loud, to Pete [GM] Pete laughs, despite himself! [Sammy] I feel like, Jack would make this pun, and then Jack would be SO pleased with himself that Pete would laugh, because Jack was so happy about it. [Jack] Yeah that sounds canon. ....It IS canon!!
[Jack] You can like, actually pretend to be people who decided to come to this party to enjoy it, and not just steal and/or murder!
[Henry] I want someone on the help, because I feel like we would have more control if we had someone on the inside, [Henry] And Henry does have a very forgettable face, apparently!!
[Joey] What are the staff wearing? Target red shirt, khaki pants? [Sammy] Perfect! Everyone will fall for it! Based on my experience wearing red shirts into Target!
[GM] I guess this does mean Joey misses an opportunity to dress up Henry. [Joey] *excited gasp* Wait, wait, [GM] What? [Joey] Sorry, this has nothing to do with anything that's happening right now in the roleplay, but I just suddenly realised that (1) when Henry got married, was Joey his best man, and (2) did Joey get to pick out his tuxedo for him [Henry] UHHHH... I feel like, Henry usually defaults to Joey for outfits and stuff, but he would hesitate a bit to ask his best friend who has an obvious crush on him to help dress for his heteronormative wedding!
[Joey] There probably is at least one of the wedding photos where Joey is insistent on standing very next to Henry -- while Henry's next to Linda! -- but, [GM] ...but also, Joey is here, [Joey] But also Joey is here. [Sammy] ...absolute disaster of a man... [GM] But the tuxedos look good! [Joey] Yes. Henry was properly fitted.
[Sammy] I don't want a full-- I don't want a freakin' fursuit, because-- [Henry] (FNAF in the distance)
[Sammy] But I feel like, since both White Rabbit and March Hare are, like, dapper rabbits, they could do something like, yeah, splicer mask and also a hat. [Jack] I mean, Jack's not opposed; Jack likes hats. [Sammy] Jack absolutely should have a hat, I agree. [Jack] He's getting so many hats! So many hats, and so many boyfriends, [GM] He can't be stopped! [Jack] >:3c He shouldn't be stopped.
[GM] I'm still just stuck on the phrase "Dapper Rabbits."
[GM] If Joey and Allison are talking further away, I guess it's moot. Though Allison did see Prophet Sammy! He changed in her room. [Sammy] Well, nobody explained him to her. Sammy just showed up the next day and hoped that we wouldn't talk about it, and then we didn't! It was great. [Jack] Sammy's over here, hoping that Allison is distracted by Joey so that none of this conversation is being listened to, [Jack] MEANWHILE, smash cut to the other side of the room, where Joey is explaining SillySam,
[Joey] A lot of Joey's lack of giving information was to keep her out of it, and not paint a target on her back... but now? She has a target on her back, so... Sure! You can also sacrifice yourself, for the greater good!
[Sammy] I'm sure someone in this party will thank Allison. It won't be me. But I'm sure someone will.
[Henry] Henry's already smearing his blood on people, he's gonna agree to whatever at this point.
[Sammy] DEFINITELY not a cult, now hold still while we put this guy's weird glowing blood on you, it's fine. [Jack] Welcome to the flock!
[GM] What does this mean for Prophet Sammy's sacrificeability rating on Henry, though? Now he's potentially long-term useful... [Sammy] I mean... [Jack] The Prophet isn't here so he doesn't need to know about this! [Sammy] ...I feel like, if something has greater value, then it's an even more impressive sacrifice. That's why you sacrifice an unblemished sheep, traditionally. If it's not a blemish-- [Sammy] Like, that's most of what he was worried about, like, “does this make you not fit for sacrifice.” But if it's actually a really cool thing, ...!
[Sammy] Sammy's nervous. [Jack] Jack is also nervous. [Henry] Henry is also nervous! [Jack] Oh, that's always a good sign, [Joey] Joey's going to be confident! [Henry] ...Of course he is. [Joey] Someone has to be! [Jack]...is he "Confident" or "Confident (Fast Talk)"? [Joey] YES. That last one. [Sammy] *muttering* That's the best we got, unfortunately.
[Sammy] If Jack or Henry express nervousness, Sammy agrees with them. If Pete is nervous, then Sammy will very aggressively say that Joey knows what he's doing.
[Sammy] Allison, don't use a spell to bind people's souls together in order to avoid crunch,,, [GM] You never know when something might be handy! [Sammy] I mean, [GM] Waste not want not!
[Henry] Does Henry have to draw in blood on himself...? [GM] No, Henry has a lot of his own blood on his person.
[GM] Aw, man, Bendy should've commented on the rabbit outfits! I'm sure he'd find that hilarious. [Joey] ...why...? [GM] WHY? It's just objectively funny! No additional reason is needed!!
[Joey] Joey will go through his notes, and confer with Henry and Bendy on, okay, shall we try this, and see if we can help Bendy as well? [Henry] Henry is down to try! [GM] Bendy is worried about Henry overexerting himself. [Henry] ...Henry is down to try!
[Jack] Worst case, Jack looks at the symbol, and then he can be seeing-eye rabbit for the rest of the group!
[GM] Norman wonders what the plan is! [Henry] Bold of you to assume,
[Sammy] We're having such a good sleepover! We did a weird blood ritual, and we're braiding each other's hair~ [Joey] Having a fashion show, [Sammy] Yeah! We went out and got clothes, [Jack] Can't believe Joey called a boy, [Sammy] Gotta ask Joey about the boy he likes... wait, no, don't do that. [Jack] I'd say it's time to play seven minutes in heaven, but I think we, we did that early. [Sammy] WE DIDN'T DO A VERY GOOD JOB,
[GM] Norman wants to see how this plays out. [Joey] Okay, well, try not to get sacrificed, then, [GM] He laughs, and thanks you for the advice! [Sammy] *Hypnos Hadesgame voice* "Try not to get sacrificed, okay?"
[Henry] Allison is very helpful, and not weird at all!
[Joey] We already have the banjo case full of ritual circles, and Joey would rather have the emergency circles than Sammy carrying around bOTTLES OF INK. [Sammy] WHY, WHY WOULDN'T YOU WANT THAT TO BE HAPPENING? WHAT WOULD BE THE PROBLEM WITH THAT,
[GM] Make a sanity check! [Jack] Wait, what's happening? [Sammy] Joey was trying to think too hard.
[GM] Sammy does manage to catch that there's a little-- next to the kitchen, when you go into the place where they're serving food, there's a sign that says "Sheep Shop" over it. And there's a person wearing a sheep mask, handing out food. [Sammy] OKAY, THAT'S FINE,,, I don't feel like Sammy has actually read Through The Looking Glass, so I don't know if he knows why this is happening. I think he's just concerned. [GM] Excellent. Ideal response.
[GM] And Joey has NEVER seen the symbol EVER because he's incredible at not looking at creepy symbols! Which you wouldn't expect. [Sammy] I'm sure Joey will put this in his autobiography.
[Jack] :/ No Hashtag Gay Rights at this party,
[GM] Seems to be another party-goer; in fact, you recognise the voice! [Joey] Ohhh. Kyle -- I don't know his actual name, but -- [Sammy] (Dennis!) [GM] (Yes, that's-) [Joey] -- Kyle.
[Henry] Henry is going to try to sneak up on Moonlight while he's distracted! [GM] OH! ...Okay! He's very distracted, Sammy just screamed! [excited noises from everyone beCAUSE NO ONE EXPECTED THIS] [GM] You successfully sneak up behind him! [Henry] I'm going to grab the staff! [GM] Make a Brawl check, with advantage! [Sammy] (He has SO many limbs that don't work my dude, you got this,) [Henry] That's a success! [GM] You snatch it! [Henry] I RUN!!!
[Joey] We're just both escorting Jack, now. [Sammy] Would you say Jack is late, for a very important date? [Jack] Well YEAH, his Face Removal was scheduled like 2 dreams ago!!
[GM] He'd have to roll for it, to see if it felt familiar to his trip to Carcosa. [Jack] Extreme success! [GM] Then he would pick up that familiar feeling! [Jack] Oh, nice and homey at this party! Really nice. Nostalgic! It's been a while. [Sammy] Hm, [Jack] Maybe he should go play the piano, for old time's sake! [Sammy] NO
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lin-nin · 4 years
Tribulation & Tenderness - Chapter 3
Ship: Main Technoblade x Reader, some Dream x Reader
Plot: You're a princess in a Kingdom suffering a years long famine. In a desperate attempt to help your people, you accept one simple offer: Marriage to the crown prince of a neighboring kingdom. Anything to help your people survive. Surely it can't be too bad, can it?
Chapter List: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Disclaimer:   Cross-posted on Wattpad (discontinued) and Ao3. This is based off of everyone's CHARACTERS. I do not write fanfic based off the actual people.
Chapter 3: Deceit
< | Previous Chapter Your parents had managed to keep their pleasant composure while they talked to the King. You, eventually, had broken eye contact with the Prince. Technoblade, as you found out at some point through the conversation. The air felt tense and you really just wanted to get away. It wasn't like you could just walk out, though. So you stood, looking at your parents and shifting rather restlessly.
Your mother finally clapped her hands together, brown eyes focusing on you with a level of seriousness you didn't want to question. "Be a dear and show Prince Technoblade around, maybe to his room for the next couple of days?" It was phrased like a question, but you knew it was not. Plus something about the way she said Technoblade's name was a worry. You nodded, stepping down and looking expectantly towards the pink haired man.
Once he approached, you offered a smile. You were at least versed well enough in diplomacy and hospitality to hide the fact that he was even more terrifying beside you. His height didn't help. "Pleasure to finally meet you, Prince Technoblade. I'm Princess-" You began as you led him down the halls, away from where you were pretty sure you just heard your father's voice raise.
"Techno. Just Techno," He had interrupted you, voice plain. Monotone. You blanched a little, peering at him in your peripheral. You simply nodded, finishing your introduction. He simply nodded at you, letting the pair of you lapse into silence. The only sound was your shoes on tile, and the occasional sound of his swords hitting one another.
"So… are you liking it here so far?" You started after a few moments, resisting the urge to twiddle your thumbs. You sneaked another glance over to him, trying to guage his reaction. Yet the damn skull plastered to his face prevented that. Here you thought Dream was hard to read.
"From what I've seen it's not awful here." Another empty response. You tried to not huff in frustration. You were supposed to be married to him? How the hell were you going to be sure he wasn't going to cut you down at any moment?
"Right. Just arrived here." You continued to lead him through the halls, letting silence fall again. You would point out important rooms every now and then, and he would reply as plainly as he did every other time. It was incredibly difficult to handle and work with. It didn’t really encourage you to speak to him for too long. You supposed that was something you would have to get over. You would deal with it after your marriage was concrete.
“This is where you’ll be staying for the next few days. Uh, you obviously aren’t stuck in here! You can come and go as you please. I can come back by before dinner, if you would like?” You stammered awkwardly. The combination of the intimidation Techno carried, combined with you just not knowing how to act was a mess. You could hear him exhale, lips twitching just the slightest. Was he… laughing at you?
You resisted every urge to pout, though an embarrassed heat rose to your cheeks. “That’d be… nice,” He relented. You swore you could hear amusement hiding in that monotone voice. Was it already getting easier to read him? You would take it, though. If you were, it would make your future rather easy to deal with.
“Right. Alright. Okay, I’ll… I’ll see you then.” You fumbled out words, raising your hand for a little farewell wave before you turned. You had to resist your urge to run down the hallway, well aware of his lingering gaze on your back. However, once you heard the door click shut, you let your feet carry you as fast as possible without running. He was far too intimidating for your liking, and you were pretty sure it was one of the reasons your parents were so upset.
Speaking of, as you approached the throne room once more, you could still hear their raised voices. Even your mother. You paused outside the closed doors, pressing your ear to the thick wood. It was hard to hear through the material, and you could only catch an occasional word. A few mentions of the word ‘lie’, as well as ‘wrong prince’. You could feel the tension from out here, and you had absolutely no desire to go in there. Whatever they were arguing over, you didn’t want to know. You would much rather stay out here. Or somewhere.
An utterance of your name brought you back to the situation, making you glance over your shoulder. George stood there, looking tired in a way but still offering you that soft smile. As he almost always did. “George,” you had started out softly, lips pursed. You pulled yourself away from the door, and to his side. He was always good at stealing you away from tense moments.
“Walk and talk.” Was his simple reply as he led you along. You didn’t even need to think twice about falling into step beside him. It was natural, something the two of you had done many times before. Just as natural was the destination. The gardens were where the two of you had many talks in the past. Was it where the two of you would have your final talks together?
The thought brought an uncomfortable pang to your chest. You loved George. Very dearly. You had always grown up close, even with differing roles and responsibilities. The thought of leaving him did hurt, but it was always inevitable to an extent. He would be King one day, so you wouldn’t always be able to see him. Evidently, you would be Queen one day. Life was funny sometimes in the way things played out.
“They’re upset. What did I miss? I thought this betrothal was a good thing?” You finally breached the heavy silence with the question. You looked to him for guidance, eyebrows furrowing. He heaved a sigh, closing his eyes.
“Technoblade wasn’t the prince they had in mind when they accepted the offer,” George finally replied after a few moments of thought. Oh. That would make some sense. That raised even more questions, though. Were they able to be answered?
“There was another crown prince?”
“Yes. I don’t know too much, but he was my age. We don’t keep too close tabs on the kingdom, so we were only vaguely aware of Technoblade’s reputation. We do not know when the… change happened. You were not supposed to marry this prince. Our parents feel deceived.” You listened to him intently as he spoke, and you could only sigh.
“I assume his reputation is not… a good one.” George nodded in response to your statement. You sighed, turning your gaze to the flowers nearby. You reached out, fingers running over the petals. “I don’t need to know the details. I already made the agreement, and I stand by it. Our people need help.”
His hand gently came to rest upon your shoulder, concern in his eyes. “Is it what you want, though? You could change your mind, there’s a life for you here as well.” He reasoned with you and you paused. Your thumb ran over the petal of the flower slowly, feeling the softness of it. The fragility. Too much pressure and it would break and tear. Sometimes you felt like the delicate pink flower. You tilted it, eyeing the thorns hiding along the stem. Perhaps you were a flower, but not this one. You were not dangerous, you had no thorns.
“I don’t know if I was set for a life here. I’ll never know. I need to do this, though. Leaving might be good for me.” You dropped the flower, turning to George once more. You smiled over to him, and he returned it. Though it didn’t reach his eyes like his normal smile. This one held a touch of melancholy to it.
He approached you, holding his arms out for a hug. You didn’t need to give a second thought, finding your way into his hold. It was comforting, the way he squeezed you tight against him. “If that is what you want, I won’t stop you. Just know there’ll always be a place for you here, should anything happen.” He murmured into your hair, and you simply nodded.
He rubbed at your back gently, letting the hug linger before the both of you pulled back. “You know I’ll always write to you. I’ll have many letters to write. I think I’ll head for the library for now though. I want to get my mind off of things,” You grasped his hands, squeezing them tightly. You needed to think, and calm your frazzled nerves. Too much was going on, and you had no idea if you should be worried about the deceit taking place. Techno didn’t seem too awful. Right?
Next Chapter | >
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btsqualityy · 4 years
Assuage: Chapter 18
Yoongi x Reader
Genre: ABO (Alpha/Beta/Omega) dynamics, angst, fluff, smut, enemies to lovers
Warnings: Multiple threats of violence and threats to kill people, and heartbreak lol
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Within ten minutes of Hobi coming to tell Namjoon that Seo-hyun was on his way, Namjoon was stationed near the front of your territory which was right in front of the Head Hall. You, Yoongi, Jungkook, Hobi, and several other Alphas and Omegas were standing right alongside him as well. 
“Alright, you guys will let him talk and none of you will throw any blows first,” Namjoon instructed you all.
“Oh, throwing blows isn’t all I wanna do,” Hobi scoffed.
“Agreed,” you muttered.
“I know that but this pack doesn’t start wars, we only finish them if need be,” Namjoon stated firmly and everyone knew from his tone of voice that the best thing to do was to not argue. As you all waited, you reached out and grabbed Yoongi’s hand, intertwining your fingers with his as you bounced up and down on your tip toes.
“God, I feel like vomiting,” you whispered to him.
“It’ll be ok baby, I’ll be right here with you,” he assured you. “Me and Namjoon and Taehyung too.”
“I know,” you nodded, sending him a small smile. Just then, the loud sounds of hooping and hollering made you turn your head back to face front, the frown on your face immediately appearing when you saw a large group of people walking towards the Head Hall.
“Remember what I said everyone,” Namjoon said and you all nodded. As the group got closer, you had to will yourself not to either turn and run away or try to run forward and murder the man who was leading the group. 
“Well, well, well, look’s like we have an audience waiting for us!” Seo-hyun cackled happily as he stopped to stand right in front of Namjoon, the rest of his pack standing behind him. 
“Well, when you decide to just show up on someone else’s territory, this is what you can expect,” Namjoon shrugged.
“Don’t you mean my soon to be territory, Namjoonie?” Seo-hyun smirked.
“That’s Pack Alpha Kim to you,” Hobi corrected him. “You disrespectful waste of space.”
“Aw, is this your Head Fighter?” Seo-hyun asked Namjoon before turning to look at Hobi. “You know, you are a dead ringer for your mother.” Hobi immediately tried to walk towards him but Namjoon stuck his arm out, stopping him. 
“Keep it together,” Namjoon whispered to him and after hesitating for a moment, Hobi nodded and stepped back to his original spot.
“I guess the little Alpha does have control over his pack,” Seo-hyun chuckled.
“What do you want Seo-hyun?” Namjoon questioned him firmly. 
“What do I want? Well, it’s very simple really,” Seo-hyun replied. “I want your pack and the territory that comes with it.”
“Don’t you remember what happened the last time that you decided that you wanted to take over other packs and their territories?” Namjoon asked. “Your Alpha pride caused you to lose not only the war but also your territory and most of your pack that you obviously had to spend the last seven years rebuilding. Don’t ruin your second opportunity to be a decent Pack Alpha for once in your life.”
“You know what, you don’t need to concern yourself with that because I’m a better Alpha than you’ll ever be, little pup,” Seo-hyun seethed. “You’re weak.”
“And what would make him strong?” You spat, anger laced throughout your voice. “Starting unnecessary wars just to satisfy his own bloodlust?”
“Oh, it’s the ever elusive Prime Omega,” Seo-hyun smirked as he looked at you. “You know, since it seems like your big brother is gonna be too stupid to just give me your pack, I do hope I get the pleasure of feeling your body up against mines on the battle field. That is, before I pry it from your brother’s cold, dead hands.”
“You threaten him one more time, you’re gonna have your own cold, dead hands to worry about,” Hobi snapped.
“And you don’t fucking talk to her like that,” Yoongi spoke up, not missing how Seo-hyun’s eyes widened when he looked at him. “She’s spoken for.”
“I see you took in my weak little Prime Alpha,” Seo-hyun said. 
“Yours?” You echoed, turning to look at Yoongi. “What is he talking about?”
“Oh, don’t tell me that you didn’t do your research on a lone wolf before taking him in?” Seo-hyun cackled. “He was in my pack until I kicked him out for being a weakling. Actually, he’s just like you Namjoonie, so I can understand why you took him in.”
“What?” You whispered and Yoongi could literally hear the hurt in your voice as your hand slipped out of his. 
“Look, let’s just make this easy on everyone, huh?” Seo-hyun suggested. “Namjoon, you can just step down and give me the pack and territory, or I can kill you before taking it. Your choice.”
“I guess you’ll have to try to kill me, because I’ll be damned if you take this pack from me while I’m living and breathing,” Namjoon stated firmly. 
“It’s your death,” Seo-hyun smiled. “One week from today, I’ll be back to claim your territory.”
“Yeah, we’ll see,” Namjoon scoffed and that’s the last thing that was said before Seo-hyun turned around and walked off, his pack following closely behind him. As soon as they were out of sight, you turned and ran away, not even giving Yoongi the chance to say anything to you. Knowing that he needed to talk to you, Yoongi immediately ran after you, only hoping that you wouldn’t hate him too much.
When Yoongi finally found you after looking around almost the entire territory, you were near the stream, sitting on top of your favorite rock as you looked down at the water.
“Y/N-ah,” he called out as he walked over to you and you lifted your head, scowling when you saw him. 
“Go the fuck away Yoongi,” you grumbled. 
“I need to talk to you,” he insisted. 
“Oh, now you wanna fucking talk?!” You exploded as you sat up straight, hopping down off of the rock. “Unless you can tell me that Seo-hyun was lying just now, then I don’t want to hear it.”
“He wasn’t lying but it’s not what you think,” he tried to say. 
“It’s not what I think?” You chuckled in disbelief. “What I think is that I fucking trusted you and all this time, I’ve been sleeping next to and with someone who is from the pack that killed my parents and so many others from my pack.”
“Baby, it’s not like that,” Yoongi tried to explain and he moved forward, his hand reaching out to touch you but you quickly stepped away from him. 
“If you try to touch me right now, I can’t be held liable for what I’d do to you,” you  fumed.
“Ok, I’m sorry,” he apologized, holding his hands up in mock surrender. You then began to pace back and forth, doing your best to try and keep your anger at bay. 
“Is this what you were trying to tell me earlier?” You asked as you looked over at him. 
“Yes,” he nodded. “And I’ve been trying to figure out how to tell you for days now.”
“Obviously not hard enough,” you huffed. “I accepted your gift and let you spend my heat with me. Don’t you think this is something that I deserved to know?”
“Of course, which is why I was trying to tell you,” Yoongi repeated. “I respect you Y/N-ah, I really do and I don’t take you accepting my gift or letting me spend your heat with you lightly. You have to believe me when I say that.”
“Well, forgive me if that’s a little fucking hard right now,” you scoffed. You continued to pace, trying to work through the jumble of thoughts that were currently buzzing around in your head.
“Baby, I’m sorry,” Yoongi said. “I didn’t know.”
“You didn’t know? Then what the fuck were you trying to tell me?” You demanded to know. Before Yoongi could open his mouth to answer, you held your hand up.
“You know what, I just have one question,” you said as you stopped pacing and looked at him. “Did you know he was the one who killed my parents? Like, him specifically.”
“Don't you dare lie to me,” you ordered. “Not while I have your gift around my neck.” Yoongi then looked down at the necklace that rested against your skin, which had basically become a part of you ever since he had given it to you, and Yoongi hated himself because he knew exactly what was going to happen after he let the answer to your question slip out of his mouth.
“Yes,” he replied and the tears that had been welling up in your eyes spilled over onto your cheeks. 
“I can’t believe you,” you whimpered. 
“Y/N, I’m sorry,” he told you. 
“I’m sorry too, sorry that I fell in love with a lone wolf,” you spat, reaching up and snatching the necklace off of your neck, throwing at him afterwards. “I never wanna see you again.”
“Y/N,-” he tried to call out but you were already running away from him, back to where the cabins were. Knowing that there would be no good to come out of going after you this time, he decided to walk back towards the front of the territory. 
Just as he made it past the Head Hall, a hard punch to his jaw knocked him down onto the ground. Before he could even react, there was a body on top of his, holding him down with an elbow to his throat.
“Joon-ah, get off him!” Hobi shouted as he tried to grab Namjoon’s arm and when Yoongi was finally able to focus his eyes again, he saw Namjoon glaring down at him.
“Joon hyung, he could kill you!” Jungkook hollered as he tried to grab Namjoon’s other arm, and Namjoon turned his head to look at them over his shoulder.
“Either of you touch me again, I won’t hesitate to give you exactly what I’m going to give this dumbass,” he growled, referring to Yoongi and with a lot of hesitation, both Hobi and Jungkook slowly left him go and backed off. 
“You might want to listen to them,” Yoongi mumbled and Namjoon looked back down at him. “I could kill you.” As soon as the words had registered, Namjoon didn’t hesitate to raise his free hand and punch Yoongi dead in the eye. 
“I’d love to see you try me right now,” Namjoon snarled, putting more pressure on Yoongi’s throat and Yoongi’s eyes widened, realizing that Namjoon was deadly serious. “Now, did Seo-hyun send you here?”
“What?” Yoongi huffed. “No, he didn’t.”
“Because it’s real convenient that you were ‘kicked out’ of your old pack near our territory,” Namjoon continued. “Have you been giving him information?”
“I’d never do that,” Yoongi insisted. 
“I smell bullshit,” Namjoon hissed. 
“He beat me and left me for dead,” Yoongi reminded him. “He’s treated me just as badly as anyone else.” 
“Listen to him hyung,” Jungkook spoke up.
“Shut up and let Namjoon deal with this,” Hobi snapped at him. 
“You were just trying to get him off Yoongi a minute ago too, you know?” Jungkook pointed out.
“Because he just punched him out of nowhere and I didn’t know why he was doing it but his reasoning makes sense,” Hobi responded. 
“Let me go Namjoon,” Yoongi grumbled as he began to struggle underneath him.
“Do you realize that I could genuinely kill you right now?” Namjoon sneered. “Not only did you put my entire pack at risk, you fucking hurt my sister and betrayed the trust of both her and my brother, who’s the only reason why I even took you in to begin with.”
“I understand that.”
“Do you?” Namjoon questioned harshly as he pressed down harder on Yoongi’s throat. “I understand that coming from Seo-hyun’s pack, you probably don’t relate to the concept of loyalty but this pack lives by it and you went against that.”
“Joon hyung, you’re gonna choke him out!” Jungkook exclaimed. 
“That’s the point Jungkook-ah,” Namjoon replied. 
“Hobi hyung, don’t let him do this,” Jungkook pleaded as he turned to look at Hobi. “He’s just angry right now but he’ll hate himself for it later.”
“The kid’s right Joon-ah,” Hobi sighed as he stepped over to them, reaching down and gently setting his hand on Namjoon’s shoulder. “You shouldnt kill him, let me do it.”
“Hobi hyung!” Jungkook exclaimed. 
“Please Namjoon,” Yoongi whispered, his breathing not coming as easily because of Namjoon’s elbow. Namjoon glared at him for a little while longer before taking his elbow away from Yoongi’s throat, standing up off of his body. Yoongi coughed as he sat up, holding onto his throat. 
“You get the fuck off of my territory and away from my pack,” Namjoon commanded. 
“N-no,” Yoongi mumbled. 
“Hyung,” Jungkook gasped but Namjoon held up his hand, silencing him. 
“He’s too close to them, so he’s untrustworthy,” Namjoon explained before looking at Yoongi again. “Get your things and go. You’re no longer welcome here.” Namjoon then turned and walked away, Hobi following behind him. Jungkook hesitated, mouthing ‘sorry’ to Yoongi before running off behind Namjoon. 
As Yoongi sat there, taking in the gravity of everything that had just happened in the last hour, his eyes widened in horror when he realized that he had just lost his family again; for the third time in his life and that realization hit him like a ton of bricks. 
Tag List: @jikook-enthusiasts @veryuniquenamegoeshere @seolarsyj @littlrmills14-blog @preciouschimine @kt-rny @copenhagenspiritQueuePost
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archonssun · 3 years
Uhm.....Hello!i love your writes,can i request little sister headcanons for Childe, Xiao, Noelle, and Mona....?
Of course! 
Little Sister HCs
characters: Childe, Xiao, Noelle, Mona
notes: oh. my. god. I got so carried away with Childe’s and Xiao’s, then Noelle’s and Mona’s are so short 😭😭😭  again, I AM SO SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG TT^TT I’m worried I didn’t write Noelle or Mona well, so I’d appreciate it if you guys would let me know what you thought about their parts 👉👈
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Ajax is the Shit-head Elder Brother, but everyone knows it’s all done with love is it tho
He spoils you
archons does he spoil you
like him, you’re the middle child (only two years younger than Ajax himself), and in his mind you two have to stick together against your older and younger siblings
And with your Cryo vision ...
well, let’s just say that when the two of you are fighting, Ajax ends up frozen more than once
as your older brother, he has a knack for pushing your buttons, inciting violence in his sister that is usually the most passive of people -- and he lived for it
On more than one occasion he would scare away potential lovers -- they all knew what that red mask meant and chose to stay away as soon as they saw it
You were his only younger sibling that knew of his Harbinger status, and for good reason -- having been blessed with a vision from the Tsaritsa herself, you had been recruited into the Fatui around the same time as your brother
Surprisingly, it was the Tsaritsa herself that taught you how to utilize your vision, showing you how best to call forth ice and snow and testing you with various weapons before you ultimately chose to fight with a bow like brother like sister kajslhdfs
As soon as Ajax rose to Harbinger status, you were placed under his watch more like you had to watch him, and had even traveled to Liyue with him
and when the whole Golden House incident happened?
You had never wanted to kick his ass so much
which is exactly what you did after he failed to summon Osial: you took him to a field far from the harbor and thoroughly handed him his ass
"Slow down, would ya?!” Your brother parried every strike you sent his way, which only proved to enrage you further. You scowled at the man, picking up the pace and striking him faster than he could counter or dodge.
“You are a verifiable dumbass! Did you really think that the Qixing and the Adepti would forsake the city they pledged their lives to protect?!” Your scowl deepened into a snarl as your fist connected with Ajax’s cheek, sending him tumbling to the dirt. “Or were you so blinded by your loss to the Traveler that you weren’t thinking?”
“Now that’s a little much, dontcha think, sis?” Ajax smiled. It was a smile you had seen thousands of times before, and it took you no time to know it was fake.
You leveled him with an icy glare, and he actually felt his body grow cold.
Oh wait, that was the ice you were currently encasing him in.
“You will be stuck here, frozen, until I deem you have learned your lesson,” you said simply, stuffing a hand in your pants pocket as you slipped on your Fatui mask and turned your back to your brother.
“Aw, come on, lil’ sis! That’s so cold!” Ajax whined, and you had to take a few deep breaths before you looked at him over your shoulder.
“That’s the idea, dipshit,” you growled, reveling in the fact that he flinched at your tone. With that, you turned back around to head back to the harbor when your brother’s whispered words drifted to your ears.
“You’re just as cold as Signora. How could I have let this happen?!”
Ajax yelped as a shard of ice thwacked him in the forehead, blood trickling down into his eye. He managed to catch the dangerous look on your face before you disappeared from view, and he swallowed past the fear he felt rising in his throat.
Uh oh. Think I might have teased her too much.
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he is the Over-Protective Elder Brother
he is immensely bitter that he missed such a substantial portion of your life, losing the chance to watch you grow up into a strong warrior
Xiao was taken from you when you were barely old enough to wield a weapon properly, so you grew up without him, until Morax had liberated your brother
before that point, you had survived under Morax’s watchful eyes, and the god was the one to teach you how to fight, even gifting you a Geo vision to wield as your own
when Morax freed your brother, you were the first person Xiao asked about. It had been many years since he had been taken from you, and he could only hope you were still alive.
“Xiao.” The sound of your voice had the Yaksha jumping to his feet, wide amber eyes meeting your own. Although you hadn’t grown up with him, you knew he wasn’t one to let emotions get the better of him. And yet, you noticed the tears welling in his eyes as you stood before him.
You approached him slowly, as if he were a scared animal, a gentle smile tugging at your lips. You stopped just a few feet in front of him, about to speak when your brother’s body barreled into you. His arms wrapped tightly around your back, the fingers gripping the back of your shirt trembling.
“It’s okay,” you whispered, the two of you sinking to the floor, just holding one another. You could feel his tears soaking into your shirt and you lifted a hand, running your fingers through his hair. It was something Guizhong would do to calm you when you were a child, and you r actions had Xiao sobbing even harder.
Xiao rarely let you leave his sight after the two of you were reunited
he was adamant that he go with you, no matter where you were going or what you were going to do
he knew you were a capable fighter, wielding a pole arm and a Geo vision much like your teacher
but he had already lost so much time with you
he didn’t want to lose any more time
Xiao would train with you, fight by your side, would listen raptly to all the stories you had been a part of while he was gone
he made promises a lot: promises to protect you, to stay with you no matter what
you were the only one other than the Traveler that he willingly stayed around
when you would wake from nightmares, Xiao was there to help chase them away
but when your older brother was the one suffering from nightmares, it was always you that helped ease the pain, whether it be by singing a soft tune or training with him to get his mind off of the nightmare
when Rex Lapis, ahem ... “died”, it had fallen to you to make sure Xiao didn’t completely shut himself off from others
and suffice it to say that when the mortal Zhongli appeared at Wangshu Inn three weeks later, you had immediately recognized your teacher.
“Xiao!” You beamed, tugging at your brother’s sleeve as a wide smile split your face. “Xiao!”
“What?” he growled, sharp amber eyes flitting to you. But your gaze was set on something else, something in front of the both of you, and when Xiao looked he felt his breath catch. Standing before you was a man Xiao would recognize even in death.
“It is good to see the both of you doing well.” Morax gave the both of you a delighted smile, resting a hand on your head. You were vibrating from the excitement that seeing your teacher -- alive -- brought, an excitement that, for once, was reflected in your brother’s smile.
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you were just a few years younger than your sister, and just like her you had been blessed with a vision
you couldn’t remember your parents; for as long as you could remember, it has just been you and Noelle
you worked with Lisa in the library, mostly organizing and reorganizing books and papers, as well as practicing using your Electro vision with the librarian
but every day, without fail, you and Noelle would meet for lunch. sometimes you had to drag your older sister away from work, but it was the one thing that never changed as you grew older.
you would help her get into the Knights of Favonious after all you had a few connections ;)
it wouldn’t happen right away nothing ever does :( but you wouldn’t give up until Noelle had a place with the Knights as something more than a maid
the two of you would be fiercely protective of one another, and would gladly maim someone if they were to endanger you
more often than not, it is Noelle’s Geo shield that protects your team from your haywire Electro manipulation
“Noelle!” You shouted over the thrum of battle, and in an instant everyone on the team had been shielded by your sister. Just as quickly, a wicked smile adorned your face and you coated your pole arm in Electro as you charged the gang of slimes.
In the time it takes someone to blink, you traversed the entirety of the battlefield, striking every enemy as you went. That is, until you hit one of the Pyro slimes, the resulting explosion knocking you from your feet. 
You cursed yourself, readying your weapon just as Noelle’s shield disappeared and the slimes that hadn’t been culled attacked you. You locked eyes with your sister, giving her a nod as she shielded herself and your teammates. You breathed a sigh of relief before steeling your nerves, coating your weapon in Electro once more.
Electro crackled in the air around you, bolts of it arcing off of you and your polearm and traveling to the ground. You didn’t have long, and so you struck the remaining enemies quickly.
As soon as the tip of your weapon touched the first slime, Electro energy exploded forth from your body and touched every slime surrounding you. You willed the energy to keep shocking the slimes until they had disappeared, and by then you could feel your skin prickling; could see the jagged markings appearing on your hands -- no doubt they were present on your legs, as well, but you didn’t have near enough energy to keep yourself standing.
Noelle was the first to reach you, one hand grasping your shoulder and helping you sit up. She frowned at the dazed look on your face, and immediately pulled you onto her back as she and the rest of the team made their way back to Mondstadt.
“You did amazing, (Y/n).”
Your eyes struggled to stay open, your brain fried from using too much Electro, and so you barely heard the praise fall from your sister’s lips. But it had a small smile tugging at your lips before you drifted into darkness.
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Oh boy...
Okay, so: both you and Mona were taken in by her master, but only Mona decided to learn under them. you were content as you were
you weren’t blessed with a vision like your older sister, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t fight: you had learned how to wield a blade by watching others around you
You would frequently travel with Mona when her master sent her on errands, chattering and laughing with her without a care in the world
but every time the two of you would run into trouble, the both of you would fall silent as you battled
There was only one time in all of your travels where you had come close to death
You had elected to jump between Mona and a Cryo slime, taking a hit to your side that momentarily made you freeze, and the slime had taken that opportunity to charge into you, sending you flying backwards into a tree
“(Y/n)! Are you alright?!” Mona was at your side in an instant, her gray eyes wide with worry. You tried to laugh, to alleviate her worries, only to fall into a coughing fit.
Your sister became increasingly worried as her eyes drifted down to the ice covering your wound. Just as she reached to touch it, something caught the sun and blinded her for a split second.
“(Y/n), what is that?” As your sister pointed towards your closed hand, you finally registered the cool feel of metal on your palm, and as you unfurled your fingers you were greeted by a Dendro vision.
A tired smile tugged at your lips as you looked down at the pulsating vision, a wry laugh falling from your mouth.
“Huh, guess nearly dying does have it’s perks,” you chuckled, delirious from both the cold and the hit to your head. You heard Mona screech at your words, and you could only chuckle as you turned to meet her eyes. “Don’t worry, Mona. I’ll be fine.”
“Don’t joke about dying, you stupid little sister!”
Let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list for Genshin Impact!!
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shyficwriter · 3 years
You Laugh, You lose
Guardians of the Galaxy fanfic | Reader x Yondu, Kraglin, Peter
Summary: You're stuck on planet until morning when a part fails on Yondu's M-ship, so Peter suggests a game to pass the time.
Author’s Note: This is the fluffy/funny fic I promised to make up for the two angsty fics before it. Hope you like it! Also shoutout to @badjokesbyjeff where I got most of these jokes from.
Word Count: 3,100
One rule.
You laugh. You lose.
Ok, maybe there were a couple more rules than that, but that was the gist.
It was a game often played between you and Peter, and occasionally also with Yondu or Kraglin on long job travels to kill the boredom.
The goal? Make the other person laugh. If you succeed, you win. You fail, then the game continues until someone loses it and laughs. Winner gets bragging rights, loser usually has to buy a round of drinks for the rest.
The game had originally started out with the one rule, but over time a couple more rules had been added. One of these rules was that stuff like tickling was cheating. You'd think this would have been an obvious rule to start with, but when it was you losing the game to tickles, Peter didn't mind. Less competition, right? But once the tables were turned and he lost a round, then suddenly tickling was "major cheating" and "totally unfair!" So, naturally, now there was a "no touching" rule during the game.
Another rule that needed to be added later was that Yondu couldn't gibberish talk his way to a win. It just gave him too much of an unfair advantage over you and Kraglin, who would crack up very quickly upon being face to face with a deadpan Yondu talking to you in pure nonsense. Peter was the only one of you three not really effected by it, as he found it more annoying than anything else.
Of course, Yondu tried to use his status as captain to veto this rule, but after a vote of 3-1 against the gibberish, he finally relented, stating that, "Aw, fine! I don't need to do that to win anyway!"
However, this didn't stop him from slipping a little in from time to time, always claiming he "forgot."
Sure, Yondu. Sure.
That was pretty much the main rules. The rest were more just guidelines. Like, smiling was allowed, as it didn't count as laughing, but too sharp of an exhale out your nose while smiling could be considered a laugh. Stuff like that.
Today happened to be one of those days where a job had run long, or rather, the trip did.
The job actually went fairly smoothly, to Yondu's surprise. However, when it was all said and done and it was time to leave, the ship wouldn't start.
Luckily, Yondu knew a guy who could fix the problem (just something minor with the fuel intake, but at the same time not something that Yondu could fix without replacing a part he didn't have and certain tools he didn't bring with him.) Only problem was the guy couldn't get the part in until the morning.
So you were all stuck there. Until morning. On a patch of the planet that wasn't within reasonable walking distance of anything fun. Plus it was raining, so you were all more or less confined to the ship for the evening.
So that's why Peter proposed a game of You Laugh You Lose.
At first Yondu didn't want to, being grumpy about being stranded for the night over such a minor fix and all, but Kraglin managed to convince him in hopes it would lift his spirits.
Now, playing with four people was a little different than one on one. With two people you'd sit facing your opponent and take turns trying to make the other laugh. When starting with four you all sat around the table, each person taking a turn in attempts to get any of the other three to laugh. If someone cracks, regardless of who made them laugh, they're out, and can act as referees, or mildly help crack the others if they choose. Also, instead of the just first to lose owing everyone a round a drinks, all three losers would owe a round, pretty much ensuring the winner 3 free drinks the next time they went out.
Peter sat directly in front of you at the small table, with Yondu to your left and Kraglin sitting directly in front of him. The four of you took a second to fully compose yourselves, making your faces as expressionless as possible, and then Peter started.
He stared you dead in the eye. "Why do bees hum?" he asked, waiting a moment, more for comedic timing than an actual answer, as was how many of the jokes told in the game went. When no one spoke up he said, "Because they don't know the words."
You exhaled slowly through your nose and shook your head, the known sign for, "That the best you got?"
Kraglin's turn now. He took a different approach. He crossed his eyes and in a deadpan voice said, "Wanna hear a joke about a piece of paper?"
Yondu raised an eyebrow, but shook his head when Kraglin continued, "Never mind, it's tearable." Peter made the universal noise for having heard a bad joke.
Your turn. "What did the A'askavariian say after a bad night out?"
"What?" asked Kraglin.
"Wouldn't know. You should ask Peter."
Peter made a scandalized noise. "One time!"
You saw Yondu's mouth twitch, but he quickly recovered. Kraglin took a deep breath and exhaled to keep it together.
Yondu's turn. He told another joke at Peter's expense, and actually made himself crack a smile when Peter protested again. You and Kraglin fought back grins as Peter took his turn.
"What's Beethoven's favorite fruit?"
The three of you shake your heads, though in Yondu and Kraglin's case you were sure it was more because they didn't know who Beethoven was. This was then confirmed by Kraglin asking, "Who's that?"
Peter didn't answer the question, instead letting out a, "Ba-na-NA-NA!"
Peter said this so suddenly and loudly that even Yondu jerked his head back in startled surprise, as did Kraglin, but Kraglin also had to stop himself from barking out a startled laugh. You, however, had to try much harder to keep yourself from laughing. It wasn't even that good of a joke, but his delivery had you biting your tongue to keep it together. Yondu didn't get the joke, but assumed it likely would have been real funny on Terra as he watched you try to steady your breathing just as Kraglin took his turn.
"Ya know the difference between an oral and rectal thermometer? ... The taste."
That one received a collective groan and a look of disgust from you and Peter. Yondu looked almost impressed as he shook his head.
It was your turn again. "I once watched a documentary on how ships are kept together. It was... riveting." You wiggled your eyebrows on the punchline, but only received a mock-disappointed stare from the others at your awful pun.
Instead of a joke, Yondu decided on his next turn to tell a story. "One time we were on a job on Krylor," he began, "and a pretty lil' miss thing caught Peter's eye..."
Peter's eyes widened. He had a bad feeling about which story Yondu was about to tell. "Yondu, don't." he warned flatly.
Yondu only grinned and ignored him "He goes sauntering up to her, trying to be all smooth like.."
"Yondu, seriously." Peter warned again. Again, Yondu ignored him. By now you and Kraglin were already grinning from Peter's reaction alone.
"But the boy ain't watchin' where he's goin', he slips on an empty soda can and falls flat on his face right in front of her. But that's not the best part-"
"I will seriously kill you, ya blue dick!" Peter was getting so red and flustered you had to bite your tongue, as did Kraglin who's nostrils where flaring with the effort.
"It had rained that mornin', and he had been just unlucky enough to land on a puddle, and when he stood up it looked like he'd gone and done pissed himself. I don't think I need to say he didn't wind up gettin' the girl."
That broke Kraglin. He snorted a laugh and Yondu clapped his hands together, shouting, "Gotcha! Yer out!"
Kraglin groaned out a, "I don't know why those stories always get me!" but sat back grinning anyways as Peter buried his scarlet face in his hands whining, "So uncool!"
Peter composed himself and glared at Yondu. "Alright. What about that time you accidentally switched the intercom on while listening to that Brittany Spears music from Terra?"
Yondu just stared at him stonily, no hint of emotion, refusing to dignify the story with a response, although you almost thought you could see his face slightly darken. Kraglin, even though he was out, pretended to be very interested in the table and after an awkward beat you decided to take your turn, because there's no way you'd let yourself laugh at Yondu's music choices if you knew what was good for you.
"SO- Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He’s all right now." you say in an attempt to bring the game back to jokes lest you be the next one they decide to dredge up an embarrassing story about.
Yondu turned his attention to you. "Ya know, I think the toilet has anger issues," he said. You gave him a confused look and he continued, "Whenever I flush it, it completely loses its shit."
You fight a smile. Peter does the same despite himself still being cranky about Yondu's previous story. Kraglin, however, openly giggles at the joke.
Peter quickly steadies his breathing and says, "There were once two guys flying a ship in dead space. One turns to his buddy and says: 'Damn, I can’t find any milk for my coffee.' His friend replies: 'In space no one can, here use cream.'"
You raised an eyebrow in confusion momentarily before throwing your head back with a groan as you got the joke. "That's a terrible joke!" you say, allowing yourself to grin.
"But you wanna laugh, don't you?" Peter teased.
You playfully glare at him and take your turn instead of answering. "Which is heavier, 200 lbs of feathers, or 200 lbs of bricks?"
Now Yondu raised an eyebrow. "They'd weigh the same, kid."
You try not to grin as you shake your head. "Nah. It's the feathers, because you also have to carry the weight of what you did to those poor birds."
Yondu propped his elbow on the table and half-hid his grin behind his hand as he nodded his head in approval, before being mildly startled by the sound of a laugh escaping Peter's gritted teeth. Yondu joyfully slapped the table and pointed at Peter. "Yer out too, boy!"
"Aw, dammit!" Peter cried out, but he wasn't angry anymore. He followed Kraglin's lead and relaxed in his chair knowing he was now able to laugh freely at any corny jokes that came.
Yondu smirks at you. "And then there were two."
Crap. You had really been hoping you wouldn't need to square up against him alone. He was really good at this game, and rarely broke. You, however, always had to fight super hard against turning into a giggly little mess, and usually lost. There was just something about his ability to deliver the jokes with a completely deadpan or stern face that always broke you, but this time you were going to try your best to avoid that.
"I was kidnapped by mimes once." he said, "They did unspeakable things to me."
You inhaled deeply, and let it out slowly, shaking your head as you did so and giving a look that said 'Damn you.' "What’s the difference between an amateur thief and a professional thief?" you begin, continuing after a beat, "The amateur thief says, 'Give me all your money!' The professional thief says, 'Sign here please.'"
Yondu nodded his head thoughtfully. "That's actually pretty accurate. Not sure that's even a joke..." he grinned, almost taunting you at the inability to draw a laugh from him. His turn now. "Two burglars are robbin' a liquor store. One turns to the other an' asks, 'Is this whiskey?' The other replies, “Yeah, but not as wisky as wobbing a bank.” Of course, this last line was delivered with a clean slate of emotion, your weakness.
You had to turn your head away from him as you fought to keep your breathing in check, your lips pressed together, threatening to betray you.
"Ay Ay! No looking away you coward!" Peter laughed, prompting you to face him instead. You flipped him off, your grin finally splitting your face.
"There it is! Come on, you know ya wanna laugh." Yondu teased, grinning at how your nostrils flared when you turned back to glare at him. An unconvincing glare, but it was the best you could manage.
After a couple deep breaths with your hands balled into fists you thought you had calmed down enough to take your turn. "I yelled “COW!” at a woman on a bike once. She flipped me off and then ran straight into the cow..." You raised your hands and shrugged your shoulders in mock exasperation. "I tried!"
Peter laughed while Kraglin and Yondu just shared an amused glance.
"Ya know, I might've actually found that funny... if I knew what a cow was." Yondu taunted, grinning as your shoulders fell in realization.
That made Peter snort, probably for no other reason than he now just had a case of the giggles. But the look on your face was probably part of it. His snort in turn made you grin, his laughter contagious.
This gave Yondu an idea. Grinning evilly he reached over to poke Peter in the side, making the younger man jerk almost violently away with a giggle. Kraglin chuckled as Peter protested, "Hey! You know that's cheating!"
"Nah, you're out, boy. There ain't no rule that says I can't use it on someone that's outta the game." Yondu argued playfully, throwing a look at Kraglin who took the hint and poked Peter from the other side.
"Hey!" Peter whined, the pitiful sound making you cover your mouth to hide your widening grin.
Kraglin stood so he could tickle Peter properly, seeing your amusement at his predicament, and you clenched your jaw as streams of your friend's laughter mixed with uncharacteristically high pitched, "No!"s and "Please!"s poured from his mouth before he managed to escape Kraglin's grip and hop away from the table, clutching his sides and catching his breath. Just in time too, because you were worried that might've actually broken you if Peter hadn't stopped his girly ticklish squeals.
Yondu must've realized this too because he snapped his fingers in mock frustration, and conceded that it was your turn again. In truth he was glad Peter got away as well. The plan had almost backfired on him, nearly having made him laugh at the sight as well.
You had to restart your joke twice, each time having to stop yourself from accidentally laughing so you wouldn't lose. Eventually you finally got out, "Guy with a gun enters a bar... He cries out angrily: 'Who the fuck had sex with my wife?'... A voice was heard in the background, "You don’t have enough bullets mate!”
Yondu grinned, looking down at the table before nodding. "I like that one. It's good." However, he didn't laugh, just went straight into his next joke. "Nurse hands a man his newborn and says 'I’m sorry, but your wife didn’t make it.' He hands it back, saying, 'Well give me the one my wife made.'"
Your eyes went wide. "Yondu!" you scold. "That's terrible!"
"Don't give me that! I can see ya fighting not to laugh."
It was true. As much as the joke was bad, you couldn't help it. There's nothing that makes someone want to laugh more than knowing you can't laugh. Everything's funnier when you can't laugh. You roll your eyes and deliver your next joke. "Why couldn't the toilet paper cross the road? ... It got stuck in a crack."
Peter cracked up at that, moving to sit back down with a warning glance at Kraglin, who held up his hands as a sign that he wasn't going to tickle him again. Kraglin then shook his head with a wide grin as he watched Yondu run his tongue over his teeth and look down as he tried to suppress a smile.
Yondu inhaled. "Damn. Ya almost got me."
You grinned wide and bit your tongue. You almost got yourself.
"Ya wanna hear a joke 'bout construction?"
You let out a dramatic sigh. "You're gonna tell it anyway, might as well."
"I'm still workin' on it."
You smack your hand on your thigh and jerk your head to the side as your breath hitched. "Fuck you!" you say, a wide grin plastered to your face.
Now Peter and Kraglin were laughing at yours and Yondu's reactions more than anything else.
"Ya wanna tap out now? There's no shame if ya do." Yondu teased.
"Fuck you." you say again. "What did the plumber say to the singer?" You cursed yourself for not being able to come up with a better joke, but delivered the punch-line anyway. "Nice pipes."
Yondu didn't even crack a smile a that, not that you blamed him. He asked, "What's the difference between a good joke and a bad joke?"
"I don-"
"TIMING!" Yondu shouted so suddenly that you jerked back and a startled laugh finally broke free from your throat, and once it was out it was like a dam had collapsed- you couldn't hold back the torrent of giggles that had built up for so long.
"Dude! You can't just yell stuff out like that!" you scold, still giggling as you held a hand to your heart, "You scared me!"
"Made ya laugh though, that's what counts." he grinned. He stood up from the table and stretched. "Looks like I win." He ruffled your hair and you swatted him away playfully.
"One of these days I'll get you!" you say.
"Then why don't ya put your money where your mouth is," Kraglin laughed, Peter nodding with him, saying, "Yeah, you two face off again. Right now. Loser pays for everyone's drinks for the night next time we go out."
Still giggly you glance from Peter and Kraglin to a smug looking Yondu standing and grinning at you with his arms crossed.
With a giggly sigh you bow your head and concede. "I can't. I'm not ready."
Yondu lets out a chuckle and pulls you in to give you a noogie. "That's what I thought."
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themafia-terrapins · 3 years
Into the night.
A/N: You should read the post before this to get an understanding of this AU. Fair warning, this is pretty long. Enjoy! 💚
Disclaimer: mention of child abuse ahead. Be warned!
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Cold. Merciless. Dangerous. Mysterious.
They were the only words that many used to describe the Hamato Clan. No one wanted to mess with them in fear of what they would do, countless stories were told of those who had double crossed them and in result, hadn’t lived to see the next day. The most feared gang caught in a dark and ruthless world of crime, violence, blood and lust. Others wanted their wealth and power but not everything is what it seemed to be. 
The cold breeze hit Leonardo’s face, as he gulped down air quickly into his lungs. He was sure those horrid nightmares would have stopped, it had been almost 11 years for God’s sake. Cursing under his breath, he knocked down the tub of medication which rattled on the floor. The view of New York was beautiful from all the way up here and as frantically as he tried to focus on it, those poisonous thoughts blazed through his mind and he had no power to control it. 
“Father please don’t leave again” The young teen cried, trailing helplessly after the rat who swore angrily. Being only 13, he wasn’t able to grab those supplies that his brothers needed. They were forced to rely on Splinter but he would hardly help them. They were lucky if he even brought down the bare necessities for them to survive on. 
“How many times do I have to tell you leave me alone?! Enough!” Splinter growled, loosening his tie as he made his way to the sewers steps. But Leo had to try for his brothers, he couldn’t look at their pain anymore. He couldn’t go back empty handed, to witness Raphael put up a brave front despite actively bleeding and bruised practically everywhere on his frail body. He couldn’t see Donnie on the verge of another panic attack because he didn’t know how to fix them. He couldn’t bear to see Mikey trying to hold it all together but breaking down in the bathroom , when he thought nobody was listening because he couldn’t live in this nightmare. 
“R-Raph is hurt and we don’t have any more bandages” Leo spoke timidly, trying to sound clear and confident but his voice trembled. Splinter stood still and the turtle could already smell the sour whiskey from his clothes. It had been a bad day, he presumed. Whiskey was only drunk whenever a loss was incurred. And that usually meant he wouldn’t be home for days, much o the turtle’s pleasure. 
“What have I said about speaking back?!” Splinter bellowed, his arm whacking Leo backwards until his shell hit the tunnel. The side of his shell had already been damaged due to constantly training day and night to perfect the routine Splinter had set them. But an audible crack had been heard and a small gasp left his lips, already seeing a trickle of blood roll down his skin staining the previous bandages. He hadn’t even time to register the pain until Splinter loomed over his body, his eyes black and dangerous. 
“Father I’m-” Leo’s breath hitched in his throat, tears prickling his eyes painfully watching his hand raise slowly. ‘Not again, please not again’
“You’re absolutely hopeless, you hear me?!” Again Splinter punched the turtle, laughing each time when the terrapin recoiled in pain. Leonardo held his tongue, scared to further anger the drunken rat. Every slap, punch and kick was taken without a sound because the punishment for wincing was double the amount than the beating now. And he wasn’t so sure his shell could take anymore.
“Look at you! You expect to take on my legacy acting like a pathetic little girl?! Get out of my sight before I finish you” With one swift punch to Leo’s jaw, Splinter left to go topside. He could hear his evil voice cackle on the phone to one of his partners in this mysterious business he refused to utter a word about.
“Why do you hit us so much? What did we ever do to you?” Leo sobbed quietly, curling into a little ball on the floor. The punch on his plastron seared throughout his body, burning in hot white pain. Yet it must be nothing compared to what his brothers were going through. They were awaiting Leo but the eldest could barely move, let alone walk to their home. 
Home, usually described at being comforting and loving but he hadn’t felt any of these emotions since they moved in. He used to yearn for a mother to come and take their pain away but as he grew, that dream slowly died as hope in him also began to wither. 
Maybe one day things would be different...
Blaring traffic shocked the turtle out of his trance and with a shuddering breath, he took several deep breaths. He l
“Why must I be reminded of such memories?” Leonardo sighed, his hand drifting over his temple to soothe the dull ache. No matter how long it had been, the wound from his past was still fresh. They say time healed all pain so why did his still hurt? Some nights it was bearable and some nights it felt like he was being suffocated in his mind, slowly driving insane.
Physical pain definitely was a lot more tolerable than verbal, even now he could still hear the echo of Splinter’s voice reprimanding him whenever he failed. Those stabbing words ringing louder and louder in his ears, berating him for being stupid and weak. Laughing at how his ridiculous attempt of leading a team. Leonardo never wanted anything more than to make Splinter proud but during his years, he realised that it was never going to happen.
Splinter only cared for himself and Leo, along with his brothers, were merely pawns in his cruel game.
But now was not the time to dwell on these matters, things had to be done and completed. His phone rang jarring him out of his thoughts and he picked it up rather reluctantly.
“What is it, Silas?” His assistant/companion spoke quickly, picking up the disinterest in Leo’s voice. He was never one for sugarcoating his feelings or emotions, if the boss wanted something done it was pronto.
“Beast is requesting dinner with capo and the mob. Your presence is required, sir” Holding his urge to groan, the turtle glanced down at the lights that decorated the buildings of New York. They were so beautiful but he couldn’t even take the time to appreciate it, reality had called and with great reluctance he had to answer.  
Beast... what was there to say? He was a snob, ignorant, extremely wealthy but lacked any common sense or values. Leo’s patience was practically non existent whenever he communicated with him. While he provided a great reference for other business partners, Beast himself was on thin ice with the brothers.
“Dinner at... 1am?” Leo scowled, looking at his watch. Beast, while had been an average business partner, had constant demands and ideas that were completely absurd. The brothers were tiring of his constant requests and awful timing.
“I did not suggest the convocation at this late sir” The assistant began but Leo interrupted him, wanting to end this conversation. 
“Be that as it may, unfortunately I cannot attend. Cancel my plans for tonight, I have a reconciliation to attend to and the conference will take up most my time” He ordered, observing the bonsai trees that stood on the balcony. One thing he grew to adore was his plants, they were simple and with enough care and love, blossomed into something gorgeous. 
“I don’t think Beast will be pleased with the rejection. He only wants a few words with the mob and especially you, Capo” Silas tried to reason but the terrapin was adamant.
“Enough. Reschedule this meeting tomorrow at 11pm sharp. Am I understood?” Leo commanded and Silas nodded, already writing it down in his notepad.
“Crystal. Enjoy your night sir” ‘Unlikely’... Hanging up, the blue cladded turtle inhaled a deep breath to collect his thoughts. Cancelling the meeting is a mistake but there were bigger fish to fry tonight. Other duties lay heavy on his mind and with a turn of his heel, he left his safe haven. 
As he entered his room, a young woman appeared at his door. Her heels echoed on the polished marble floors, grinding on his last nerve. God he really didn’t want to deal with her right in this moment. Her eyes settled on his and her face lifted into a small smile, one he did not mirror back.
“Katherine, what brings you to my quarters? Surely you’re old enough to understand you cannot barge in whenever you please” Leonardo watched as the young woman quickly stepped back, picking up the heavy discomfort that lay in the air.
“My apologies Leonardo. It’s Raphael, he said that you guys are attending a conference tonight but it’s our 3 month-”
“I fail to understand how this is my problem” He was quick in letting her know, he hadn’t the time to listen to her. Truth be told, he would never understand why Raphael stuck with her. She caused more pain and grief than anything to him.
“Okay... but could you tell me at least why?” She cocked her head and Leo turned, his face set in a hard frown.
“That is between me and my brothers Katherine. I do not appreciate when people interfere in my business. That much should be painfully obvious” His tone was calm but the harsh voice was clearly heard.
Opening his cupboard door, the small picture of Eva caught his eye. A small pang of sadness washed over his body before getting a grip on himself, refusing himself to succumb to the weakness. Eva was the past yet it seemed no matter how long the years had gone by, the yearn was as strong as ever. He wondered if he would ever be free from the shackles around his heart that locked tightly in his chest.
He had to accept that no matter how much he hoped on a wishing star or to the sky, she simply was not coming back. On the side showed a glass mirror, outlining all the features on his face. Sleep hadn’t come to the turtle much recently, he was lucky to get 4 hours and that was on a good day.
“You know you can just call me Kiki like everyone else” She raised her brow as he grabbed his navy blue velvet suit, the unreadable facial expression plastered on his face while his dark sapphire eyes burned into hers. Still standing at the doorway, she felt almost scared of him. Despite being with his brother for around 8 years, she never felt like she knew Leo. No one did, he kept to himself and only showed his true colours to those he cared about.
“Katherine, if that is all you have come to say then I highly suggest you leave me be now. It would not bode well for you to overstep your boundaries” With an almost snarl, he walked forwards and closed his door. 
“Would you like some champagne, Mr Hamato? It’s the one you specifically requested, Dom Pérignon” The waiter asked and Leo nodded his head, flicking through the newspapers as he awaited the rest of his brothers to join him. This meeting was better suited to the office, he didn’t need any extra ears or eyes to listen in on the information discussed between them. 
“God, I need a drink” He could hear the brute’s voice carry through the halls and into the meeting room.
“Right away boss” Greyson, his assistant spoke and vanished to make his preferred alcoholic beverage.
“What is the occasion, dear brother? As much as I like to spend time with you, I’m assuming you haven’t called us for fun” Donnie sat down, his ankle resting on top of his thigh as his attention diverted to his brother. Delicately folding the papers up and placing them to the side, Leo eyed his younger brother with a smirk. 
“Always straight to the point Donatello. And you’d be correct, I’ve called this meeting to discuss our next steps” He spoke authoritatively as the turtles settled in their seats, glancing at the board which held ideas and secret plans.
“Did ya cancel tha meetin’ with Beast tonight?” Raph asked, eyes skimming at the tablet. That was very unlikely of the leader, he was the one always nagging to keep up with business meetings and such. 
“Yes, I’ll be damned if I have to listen to another lie of his again. He cannot speak clearly and I have no time for beating around the bush. Once we’re done with this proposal, it will be a big relief to have him off our backs” Leo sipped his wine, flicking through his notes. A few names picked up but on the whole, everything seemed relatively calm. But there was no resting, they couldn’t afford not to be on their guard. Trouble was brewing on the horizon, he could feel it in his body. 
“Fuck sake, how many times do I have to tell you I hate when you organise my notes like this” Mikey sighed irritably as his brothers smirked, looking at each other with amusement. 
It was a running joke that Mikey couldn’t hold an assistant down for more than 2 months. Perhaps it was his picky way of being organised or that he had a short temper and hated his things being out of place, they didn’t know. This new assistant fumbled with the drinks, paling as his boss shouted his displeasure. 
“What happened to Donetti Licata?” Donatello asked, chuckling at his younger brother expecting another childish story about organisation as it as had been the story before. 
“Fired him. Caught him screwing Mia in my bed. Which reminds me I really need to employ someone who actually has a working braincell” Mikey spoke nonchalantly while his brothers looked at each other wide eyed.
“Oh... shit. M’sorry Mike, that must’ve been hard” Raph murmured, surprised at how well his little brother was taking the whole thing. Almost... too well in his opinion. Amelia had been the light of his life, his love at one point. They both brought out the best in each other but perhaps it was simply a mirage to the toxicity that lay just under the surface.
She wasn’t the Amelia he fell in love with and as he came to grips with that, the idea of losing her forever felt absolutely scary to him. He tried everything to put their relationship on track but it was Amelia who refused to partake in anything.
“Hmm? Oh.. yeah. It was tolerable once I beat the shit out of him. I can’t ever believe I trusted the fucker....” Mikey leaned back on his chair as another glass of wine was placed in front of him. Yet the lump in his throat felt unmovable, rendering him breathless. 
“Don’t tell me ya still wit’ her Mike. Yer deserve better than that” Raphael’s hand ached to knock some sense into the terrapin. Even if she would countlessly cheat on him, which she probably had done, all she had to do was flutter her lashes and sweet talk him. And just like that Mikey would forgive her in that second. In his eyes, Mia could do no wrong. She had Mikey on a leash but of course, he was oblivious to it all.
“You still with Kiki?” Mikey retorted, venom in his words while his eyes glared at his brother. Raphael’s frown deepened, holding his gaze. While he knew it was in the heat of the moment, he wished Mikey could see the damage Amelia was doing to him. Kiki was different only because Raph knew her past, knew that she was damaged too. How could he, of all people, leave her hanging alone?
“Children, behave. What do we do about these last few payments? I’ve talked to Xavier and he’s saying Gomez hasn’t responded to anything. It’s high time we pay a special visit, he’s got to know who exactly he’s messing with here” Donnie rolled his eyes at the quarrel and adjusted his glasses, raising them closer to his eyes. Leonardo seemed to be in deep thought for a few seconds before looking at his family again.
“If that’s the case then I want you and Mikey to check it out tomorrow. Me and Raph will deal with Beast, we all know how dramatic he likes to get when he doesn’t get his way” They all knew the last time they messed with Beast, how he threatened to take his money away and leave them bankrupt. Regardless of his filthy money, the turtles were not affected without it.
Years of investing and saving up had allowed them to live luxuriously. They had everything they ever wanted, Beast was just a liability to them. They needed him to increase potential business partners. To be able to stay at the top, they needed to associate with people at the top. If that meant doing business with idiots who couldn’t hold their ground and lacked any sense of morals and values, then so be it.
This was the mafia, after all. Nothing was pretty here.
“He’s clearly trying to inherit the property, why not just kill him altogether” Mikey pointed out, leaning back on his chair but Leo shook his head.
“Too risky. He may be a fool but he’s a smart one. He has plenty of connections with others, much powerful than the ones we have. We’ll keep him on the side but don’t turn your eyes, he will strike when least expected. Once we secure this deal, you can unleash all your anger on him. For now, we stay in his good books. However long that may be” He grimaced at the thought of the meeting they were supposed to have instead of this one. How long the turtle brothers would remain on his good side was unknown but hey, only a few more months of his bullshit and it was home run. The brothers continued to talk about upcoming events and nearing the end of the meeting, they all grabbed their belongings. 
“Wait a sec, Amara’s coming here tomorrow?” Mikey read out the small note on the board and Leo nodded, finishing off his wine. 
“Yes, well technically she’s visiting but we needed some help around here and she agreed to stick around for a while” She was a close friend to the turtles, meeting them after they newly escaped Splinter’s clutches. She had found them at a time when they were barely breathing and even without knowing who they were, she nursed them back to health. They all were indebted to her. Throughout the years, she went back to Italy since her father was part of their own mafia but her loyalty to the turtles never wavered. 
“At least we get ta see a new face ‘round here. But goin’ back ta before, I can’t wait ta finally kill that bastard” Raphael cracked his knuckles, unbuttoning his vest. He never was one to take orders from people, he was incredibly stubborn and arrogant to take commands from someone else. He barely followed Leo’s on a good day, let alone someone who continually threatened him and his family. If it were up-to him, he would have Beast’s head on a silver platter and sent directly to his team 
“All in due time brother. For now, let’s focus on getting our money back and dealing with Beast”
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