#so now beef is more insecure (and being told that by k who is someone he respects & like theyve know each other for a while like. it hits
transfemzedaph · 8 months
im thinking abt writing some rlly sad shit bc im in a weird mood but idk if i wanna be mean to joel or beef.
0 notes
personasintro · 3 years
MH 39... let's get it.
K so this chapter was great. Everything you promised and more. I just wanna share some of my thoughts while I was reading.
The gym scene:
I like that JK apologized for his insistence at YN behaving nicer towards Kiko because Kiko is sad (boohoo 😒 lol. I promise I don’t hate Kiko I just think she’s a little annoying and also JK was being annoying too with trying to make them besties but it got resolved now with this convo 🤗). The way the last chapter ended I really thought Y/N and JK were going to have another fight like after the ice skating scene but JK is too sweet and understanding! 😩
The part with JK caging Y/N in between his arms and them looking at each other's lips... *sigh* I think if this were written w/ JK POV, he may have like a sad semi-boner lol. Like his body would react to being so close to Y/N but his mind would still be sad that she and Kiko are beefing.
The group outing:
I LOVE MAYA. That is all lol.
The ice cream scene:
"And you go to separate bedrooms, back to your partners. That's where you belong, right?" Umm NO bitch, y'all belong TOGETHER lol.
Spin the Bottle Scene:
Spin the bottle and alcohol? Uh huh. I knew this was gonna be bad news lol.
"It's public, Y/N." When I SQUEALED like a little pig! I could just imagine his expression, all smirky and knowing. 😏
The period sex question. In my headcanon, JK has definitely fucked Kiko while she was bleeding. Together for 3 years and he is open minded? Yup most definitely has.
The sex toy question. "Because you bought it for me!" "Don't act like you didn't like it." LMFAO. 🤣
Haneul questioning Kiko. Like, sir your insecurities are showing. But then again, I'd be a little weirded out at their dynamic too. And he has the JK as his "competition." Someone older than him, more established than him, and someone who's known her longer and knows all these intimate things... She definitely should have told him before that point. I would feel some type of way too finding out like that.
Fake Dating Reveal Scene:
Y/N seeing red and wanting to beat Kiko's ass LMFAO. 🤬
"But for your own sake, I wouldn't go near her." Yes, JK knows what's up. Poor JK, he's kinda been stuck between the two and he'd been trying so hard to get Y/N to respect Kiko but yea, I'm guessing that's a big fat NOPE now lol. And he can't even be mad about it.
There was a sentence that said Tae whispered something to Y/N to make her stay in place? Was it anything specific or just general words of comfort?
"So what? Did you fuck Jimin and Taehyung too?" BITCH. 😡 They should've all jumped his ass and left him to walk home. Who TF does he think he is? He's pissed but wowwww. Super uncalled for.
Not Tae providing that much-needed comic relief by fangirling over Jk punching Haneul lol. He is us. I've thought that many times since he said he called Kiko a bitch lol.
Final thoughts:
So this is like the second time Kiko messed up big in JK's eyes? First ruining her relationship by cheating and next possibly ruining Y/N's relationship by revealing the fake dating?
But like tbh I'm not that mad at her for that. How was she supposed to know? And also she didn't do it maliciously so I'm not gonna burn her at the stake for that. Y/N however already didn't like her and now... yea now Kiko better watch her back (and keep an extra eye on her man possibly? Although I don’t think Y/N would stoop that low and Jk is madly in love or whatever lol... 🤔) because YN has sworn to get revenge. How exciting! I can't wait for that NYE party!
Thank you for updating so quickly (and with such quality) and I hope you are doing well. 💜
You've made such a great points and trust me when I say this was such a fun to read!! This has to be one of my favorite types of feedback, thank you so much for writing all of this and especially mentioning specific scenes!! I enjoyed reading this so much!
I hope you're doing well too bub💜
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textingkpop · 7 years
Wasn’t this just supposed to be a date?
Author’s Note: I’m sorry for not posting in forever, I just started my professional program at my university and it is taking up so much time. But here is a fic that I have been wanting to write for a while. 
As always: 
Italics are thoughts
I hate putting names in for characters in case someone as the same name and it’s not the character so…Y/N- your name, Ex/N- ex’s name, E/F/N- ex’s fiancé’s name(even though they get married she will always be this), E/M/N- ex’s mother’s name…you get the picture
Phoenix, Demetri and Salem are random names that I use as the best friends in my fics…check out the others
Kang Industries is a fake company…I think…idk *shrugs*
P.O.V. will be stated unless it’s not then it is probably 3rd person…*edit-it is mainly 3rd person with your thoughts in it
When I say “the guys” it is Phoenix, Demetri, and Salem, k? k.
I do not own the outfits, credit to the polyvore creators.
This turned out way longer than I originally planned..it was supposed to be a drabble…oops?

I also realized that I forgot about the cat along the way…oh well…
Pairing(s): Brian (Young K) x Reader Genre(s): Fluff Warning(s): swearing…not a lot but some Word Count: ~8,000
~December 10, 2017~
Opening the mailbox you saw the crisp white envelope with beautiful calligraphy written on the front. Your eyes widen as you slowly realize what the envelope was, a wedding invitation to your ex-boyfriend’s wedding. “Fuck. Why would they invite me?” You say out loud, causing the old lady who lived a few apartments down from you to look at you strangely. You quickly bow your head and lock up your mailbox. Then your mind flashes back to August of last year when you helped him pick out his fiancé’s engagement ring. You mentally cursed yourself as you made your way to your tiny studio apartment, why the hell did I help him pick out an engagement ring for another woman? Whereas you didn’t have any feelings for EX/N it still felt wrong going to his wedding, it kind of hurt a bit but you didn’t know why. Maybe it was because he had moved on and you were still single since you and him broke up? You push open your apartment door, immediately being greeted by your cat (or dog your choice). “Hello, my baby.” You place your mail on the table and start to pet them. “I missed you today, did you miss me?” You rub their ears lightly as they push their head into your hand. You laugh and sit on the floor with them. As you’re petting them, you look around your tiny apartment and sigh. You look over and see the invitation sitting on the table, almost as if it was mocking you. Getting up you grab the envelope, half tempted to just throw it away. Then you thought of how it would look if you didn’t show up, it would look like I am some bitter ex that was jealous, I mean Ex/N and I are friends…right? I guess I have to go, but how will it look if I show up to my ex’s wedding alone? You cringe at the thought of looking that pathetic. Looking down at the envelope you decide that you have to go and that you will just have to find someone to play the role of your boyfriend for the day. You tear the envelope open an look down at the beautifully made invitation.
Together with their families E/F/N and Ex/N Request the honor of your presence as they Tie the knot Saturday June Sixteenth, Two Thousand Eighteen At four o'clock in the afternoon Smith-Berry Winery 855 Drennon Rd New Castle, Kentucky Reception to follow
~Time Skip: May 2018~
Your friends had been less than helpful when it came to helping you find a date to the wedding and with it being in less than a month to say you are panicking is an understatement. “I don’t see why you can’t just take one of us.” Phoenix said while hanging off your couch, upside down. “Because Ex/N knows you guys and he knows that I would never date you guys. I want everyone there to think that I have a boyfriend and that I’m not some pathetic, single girl showing up to her ex’s wedding alone.” You say exhaustedly, you had just worked a double shift at the cafe and you were hoping to come home and sleep but apparently your best friends had other plans. “What about Jae? Ex/N has never met him and he is handsome. I’m sure you could bribe him with like lobster or chicken and he would be more than willing to go.” Salem suggested has he helped me prepare dinner. “Jae might work, but he is a little excitable? Is that the right word? I don’t know. I just feel like he would let it slip that it is fake and it would make the situation worse than it already is.” Demetri added thoughtfully and we all nodded in agreement. Bless you, Demetri. It is not like you have a problem with Jae, but Demetri was right he would make some joke and everyone would know. “What about Jae’s friend? Ya’ know that CEO guy he was talking about.” Phoenix said as he finally made his way to the floor, still upside down. “What guy? Jae is friends with a CEO?” You looked at Phoenix in shock as he and his brothers nodded. “Jae, as in goofy, chicken little-like Jae, is friends with some CEO? Is the CEO successful?” “His name is Brian. Him and Jae went to college together. He is the CEO of Kang Industries.” Demetri informs me as he finishes his portion of the food prep. “What?! I can’t believe Jae is friends with the CEO of Kang Industries!” You stand in the middle of the kitchen shocked. “Yeah, we didn’t believe him at first either, but then he called the company, told them who he was, asked to speak to Brian and he actually answered, it was unreal.” Salem says, pushing you out of the kitchen area and into a chair, seeing as you were still shocked. “Hey, didn’t Jae say something about Brian needing a girl to take to company parties so the old guys he works with will stop trying to set him up with their granddaughters and stuff?” Phoenix looked at Demetri and Demetri thought for a second before nodding. “Yeah, he lied at the last one saying his girlfriend was shy and that she was taking college classes so she wasn’t able to come.” “Y/N, that would perfect! You are taking classes and you are kinda shy, you guys could help each other. You can be his date to company parties and he can be your date to the wedding, imagine the looks on their faces when you walk in with the CEO of Kang Industries on your arm.” Salem grabbed your hands and started jumping. “Wait, didn’t Jae also say that Brian was willing to pay someone, they just had to be the right person?” Phoenix interjected, once again Demetri nodded, “Yup, think about it Y/N. You would be able to go to amazing parties, have a date for the wedding and get a sugar daddy out of it all. Maybe if he pays you enough you can actually get a normal size apartment that actually has rooms, not just a room.” “I don’t know guys, I mean this sounds great and all but like Phoenix said they have to be the right person. I am far from being the right person, I mean look at me.” You sigh and gesture to yourself, you had always been insecure about your body and having some judge you to be “the right one” for his company parties was going to be too much. “Don’t be like that, Y/N. Let’s just call Jae to see if him and Brian can meet us for lunch one day, we don’t even have to mention to Brian that you might be interested in his offer.” Salem sat next to you and hugged you close. “I guess we can try.” You sighed looking at the floor. Demetri sat next you and pulled you into a bear hug. “Hey, if this plan with Brian doesn’t work out you can always take Wonpil to the wedding.” You look at him in horror, “Oh no, I’d rather go alone, he is crazy.” You all laugh and suddenly you smell something burning. “The food!” You rush into the kitchen to see it burnt to a crisp. You look at the guys and then you all break out laughing. “Okay two things, one you need to move because the smoke detector is right above the stove and it didn’t go off and two let’s call Jae to see if he wants meet up to eat.” Phoenix pulls out his phone and calls Jae. “You know he won’t say no to food, right?” You say as you try to scrape the burnt food off the pan into the trash. Phoenix laughs and Jae answers. “Yo, Jae! What are you doing right now?” Phoenix nods and then his eyes light up. “That’s great, do you guys want to meet us for dinner? Y/N burnt the food.” You scream at him that it wasn’t your fault but he just laughs you off. “Yeah…okay…one hour?…at the Korean beef place a few blocks from Y/N’s?…yeah…great see you guys then….bye.” Phoenix hangs up the phone and turns to you. “Y/N, you may want to shower and put on some nice clothes.” You look at him confused, “Why? Aren’t we just meeting Jae for dinner?” Phoenix laughs and pulls you towards that bathroom. “Yes and no. We are meeting Jae AND Brian for dinner, now go wash yourself and dress pretty.” You freeze and look at him like a deer caught in headlights, “What?!” “Yup, now go shower. You smell like bad coffee.” You nod and rush into the bathroom quickly turning on the shower and jumping in. “Hey, we have laid out some clothes for you on your bed. We’re going to go back to our place and freshen up, we’ll be back in like 30 minutes.” Phoenix yells through the door and you hear your apartment door shut behind them. You rush to scrub the cafe smell off yourself and quickly get out. You blow dry your hair and go out and see the outfit the boys picked out for you.
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You pull on the clothes and head to the bathroom to fix your hair. Once you get your hair looking at least halfway decent, you decide forgo makeup seeing as you are not great at it and you want to look nice and not like a raccoon. You place some food out for your cat, grab your purse and essentials for the night and wait for the guys to come back. They come barreling through the door and into your apartment, making a mess of your rugs as they do so. “Dang, Y/N you clean up nice.” Phoenix said throwing an arm over your shoulder. You shove him off and walk towards the door. “You’ve known me you 10 years, you saying that like I look bad everyday.” Phoenix laughs and you just shake your head.
~skip to the restaurant~
You all walk into the restaurant and look around for Jae, seeing as he had texted Phoenix to let you all know that they had already gotten a table. “Oh, there they are!” Salem says loudly has he points across the restaurant causing everyone to look at you all. You slap his hand and shove him towards the table. “Pointing is rude and you are too loud.” You whisper and glare at him before glancing at the other customers bowing slightly as an apology. You get to the table and the boys start fighting over where they want to sit in relation to things like the air vents, the door, etc. You just stand back and let them go at it, knowing that you will end up in whatever empty seat they don’t take. “You can sit here, if you want.” You look over at the voice and see one of the most handsome guys you have ever seen. You blush slightly and move to gently sit down, as you move to take a seat the guy jumps up and pulls your chair out for you. You hesitantly sit down and allow him to slide your chair in, before sitting next to you. The guys keep arguing and you just sit there awkwardly. “I’m Brian, by the way.” You turn to see Brian holding a hand out to you, you take it and introduce yourself, doing a mental victory dance when you don’t stutter. “Are they always like this? I mean Jae has told me stories but I thought he was exaggerating.” You laugh and nod. “Yeah, they’ve been like this the whole ten years I’ve known them.” You grab your glass and take a sip of water. “Is it hard dating a triplet? Like do they ever mess with you?” You literally choked and Brian is quickly patting your back, while apologizing. “I-I-I’m not dating any of them *cough* we are just friends. *cough cough*” Brian laughs and shakes his head, “Sorry, I just assumed since you scolded the one that screamed earlier that you guys were dating, you even apologized for him.” You laugh and take a small sip of water. “I’m basically like a mom to them, feed them, make sure they don’t die, stuff like that.” Brian laughs and you think you can see a faint blush on his cheeks. After the whole seating fiasco, you guys are finally able to start eating. While eating, there is light conversation. At one point you look at Phoenix, only to see he is already looking at you. You raise an eyebrow and he winks at you. You give him a confused look and he just smiles. “Hey, let me tell you all what Y/N is dealing with.” Phoenix announces, Jae and Brian look at you. “She was invited to her ex-boyfriend’s wedding, but she can’t go alone because then she will look pathetic. Isn’t that right, Y/N?” You stare at him wide eyed and he just smirks. Jae looks at you, “Why the hell would your ex invite you to his wedding?” “They are still friends, she even helped him pick out the engagement ring.” Phoenix says smartly. You glare at him, if looks could kill you’d be dead. Feeling the blood rushing to your cheeks you lay your head on the table, hoping this is just a nightmare. “What the hell, Y/N?! Why would you do that? Why don’t you just not go?” Jae asked in bewilderment. “If she doesn’t go then it will also look bad.” Phoenix notes with a mouth full of food. Jae just shakes his head and laughs, “That sucks, man. Why not just take one of these guys?” You groan, still not looking up. “Ex/N knows that we are like brothers to her so that wouldn’t work.” Phoenix tells Jae, you could just hear his smirk. You raise your head to tell Phoenix to shut up just as Brian asks, “When is the wedding?” All eyes are now on Brian, but his eyes are on you. You look at him for a moment before replying, June 16 of this year.” Brian nods and pulls out his phone, he clicks away on it for a few moments before looking back at you. “I could be your date, I mean only if you wanted me to that is.” Brian looks down at his plate, fiddling with his chopsticks. “What? Why? We just met today, why would you help me?” You ask quickly and he just turns to you smiling. “Because you seem like a great person. I will help you with this wedding if you can help me with a few office parties.” You stare at him wide eyed, he chuckles and continues. “I lied to some of the gentlemen that I do business with simply because I hate that they try to set me up with the young ladies of their families. They are nice girls, but I would prefer people not trying to play matchmaker just to get some leverage in my company.” You look at the guys seeing them trying not to scream and you then look at Jae, only to see him wearing a similar look. They definitely told him about their plan. You look back at Brian and he is looking at you expectantly. “You don’t have to agree now, but I can offer you more than just a date. Don’t take this in a bad way, but I can pay you for your time.” You continue to stare at him and he at you. The moment is broken when Jae, “*cough* sugar daddy *cough cough*” You both turn to glare at him and he just stuffs more food into his mouth. Phoenix, Demetri and Salem all laugh and you can’t help but join in. Brian starts laughing too and then he turns to you. “That. That was one of the sound bad things I was wanting to avoid.” You just nod and continue laughing. After everyone had finished eating and the food was paid for, courtesy of Brian, to which Jae comments, “You’re just trying to show off, Brian.” You all walk out of the restaurant, Jae and the guys are all messing around and Brian turns to you, “Hey, I meant what I said earlier, but I understand if you are hesitant. I mean, like you said we just met today. I’d like to get to know you, so how about we hang out and get to know each other, then you can decide.” You look at Brian, you take in his handsome and model-like features, your insecurities start to arise. You look at the ground and mumble, “Why would someone like you want someone like me?” Brian’s eyes widen and he quickly tries to comfort you, “What do you mean someone like you? Someone beautiful? Someone who is adorable, yet has this underlying sexiness that I can only hope I get to see fully? I don’t know what you mean by saying someone like me couldn’t want someone like you because to me someone like you is exactly what I want.” Brian gently places his hand under your chin and lifts your head. You look at him in shock, you had never had someone talk to you that way, not even the guys you dated. Brian smiles and takes your hands, “Give me a chance to show you what it’s like to be with someone who will cherish you.” All you can do is stare at him, finally the only thing you could say was, “All I wanted was a date for a wedding and now it seems like I’m getting a boyfriend.” Brian laughed and you couldn’t help but think that you wouldn’t mind hearing it everyday. “You’ll get a boyfriend if you say yes.” Brian smirks at you, you just shake your head and laugh. “Okay, let’s try this thing out, but we have to get to know each other before this becomes to serious. I’m not driving straight into this without learning at least learning how to float.” Brian nods and laughs, pulling you into a hug. When he pulls away, you see Jae and the guys staring at you in awe. Brian turns and looks at them, “How about you guys go do something? I think I’m going to take Y/N home and we can get to know each other better.” Brian takes your hand and leads you to a shiny Mercedes Benz E-Class. He opens the passenger door and helps you into the car. As he runs around the front of the car to the driver’s side, you can’t help but think that this is all too good to be true, I mean your getting a hot, rich boyfriend who seems to actually like you after just meeting him tonight. Brian’s laugh breaks you out of your trance and you look over to see him staring at you, causing you to blush and look down at your lap. Brian reaches over and grabs your seat belt and with him being so close you can’t help but smell his cologne. After he puts on his own seat belt, he starts the car and then turns to you, “So, what do you want to do? I can take you home and we can talk as I drive, then maybe if you are feeling nice, you can invite me in and we can watch a movie or something or we can just go somewhere? It’s up to you.” You nod listening to him talk, home and a movie sounds nice…but would me inviting a guy I just met into my apartment be weird? What if he thinks my apartment is shit?…oh fuck it. “Home and a movie sounds awesome, but be warned I have a cat at home and he loves to cuddle.” Brian smiles and nods his head, “That’s okay I like cats and cuddling. Now just point me in the direction of where you live and off we will go.” You give Brian the directions to your apartment and you guys spend the night talking, watching movies, and he may have even stayed the night, but it was simply because you both fell asleep during one of the movies and somehow you end up cuddling with him. You woke the next morning to the smell of food, but looking around your apartment you didn’t see Brian anywhere and the door to the bathroom was open so you know he wasn’t in there. You get up and walk to the kitchen, you see a note on the fridge: Y/N sorry about not being there when you woke up, but I was already late for work and I didn’t want to wake you. I made you some breakfast (it is in the oven) please eat it. Text me once you’re up and we will plan to meet for lunch. -Brian
You pulled out your phone and added Brian’s number, then you text him and you all plan to meet for lunch. You take a quick shower and then fix your hair. Next step deciding what to wear. Brian wants me to meet him at a really fancy restaurant, what do I wear to somewhere that fancy? You start to dig through your closet hoping to find one nice thing. After what feels like forever, you pull out a dress that the guys got you for your birthday last year, this is perfect, you quickly find shoes and accessories to match and then you get dressed.
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You look at the clock and see that you will be late since you have to take the subway, you throw on a long overcoat and run out the door, fully prepared to call Brian to let him know you’ll be late. As you exit your building, you take out your phone to call Brian, when he calls you first. “Hey, Brian.” “Hey, Y/N. Listen I sent a car to pick you up because I remember you saying that your car was in need of repairs. The driver’s name is Charles, he is great. He’ll bring you here and take you home, is he there yet?” You look around and see a black Escalade parked near the front of your building. “Would he be in a black Escalade?” Just say you ask the driver gets out and approaches you. “Hello, are you Miss Y/N?” You hear Brian laugh as you nod. “Perfect, I am Charles and Mr. Kang has sent me to retrieve you, is that who you are speaking to?” Once again you nod and Charles takes your arm gently, leading you to the car. He helps you into the backseat, then walks to the driver’s side and he starts driving to the restaurant. “OMG Brian this is insane.” You say once you remember that you were on the phone with him. He just laughs, “Why? Isn’t it nice having someone to worry about driving so you don’t have to?” You laugh and hum before answering quietly, “Yeah it is. Oh and I guess Jae was right.” Brian was quick to answer, “Right about what?” You giggle and answer in a hushed voice, “That you would be my sugar daddy, I mean you send cars to pick me up and I am coming to have lunch at a restaurant that probably has food worth more than my whole apartment.” Brian laughs and this makes you smile. “I guess he was sort of right, but don’t look at it that way.” You hum and look out the window, is my life changing completely? “Then how should I look at it?” Brian hums and you can hear the rustling of clothes, almost as if he was putting on a coat. “Look at it how it is, a boyfriend who has money and wants to take care of and treat his girlfriend.” You giggle and blush at the word “girlfriend”. “I’m leaving my office now, so I should get there a little before you, but if you get there before me just stay in the car, Charles isn’t supposed to let you out until I come to the car. Okay?” “Okay. I guess I’ll see you soon?” You say quietly, slightly embarrassed to be this hung up on a guy you just met less than 24 hours ago. “Yeah. See you in a bit. Bye.” “Bye, Brian.” You hang up and look down at your phone. “Miss Y/N, may I say something?” You look up to see Charles looking at you in the rearview mirror. “Please, just call me Y/N and of course you can.” You smile at him. He smiles back and turns his eyes back to the road. “You make Mr. Kang very happy. When he called to have me pick you up, he sounded really happy and he hasn’t sounded like that happy in the whole time I’ve known him. He is a little bit of a workaholic, but I hope you can break him of that and make him have a successful life as well as a successful company.” You smile at him, blushing you look out the window at the buildings passing by. “Thank you, Charles. I hope I can make him happy, he is a great guy.” Charles smiles and pulls over outside of a restaurant. “I believe Mr. Kang told you not to get out until he comes to get you, correct?” You nod and look out the window. You see Brian come out the door of the restaurant and walk over to the car, apparently Charles saw him too because he quickly jumped out of the car and opened your door for you. Brian comes up to you and helps you out of the car, he then turns to Charles, “Thank you, Charles. Be back here to get her in an hour?” Charles nods and you thank him, he gives you one last smile before bowing lightly and climbing back into the car. Brian leads you into the restaurant with an arm around your waist. He only lets go of you to approach the hostess stand, his whole body exuding confidence. “Reservation for 2 under Kang.” The hostess smiles at Brian, not seeming to take notice of you as she looks him up and down. She checks her book and finds his reservation, quickly leading you both to a secluded part of the restaurant. She flirts with Brian the whole way your seats. As she places the menus on the table, you can tell she is trying to show off her “assets”, but Brian pays her no mind as he turns to help you out of your coat. He then turns to the hostess and hands her your coat along with his own, “Can you please make sure my coat as well a my girlfriend’s coat get hung up?” You noticed the emphasis he put on girlfriend, effectively shutting down her flirting. She gives him a tight smile and nods before disappearing out the door. Brian chuckles as he helps you take a seat and then sits across from you. “I hope she didn’t bother you, but if she was, I can say that she won’t be anymore. You look amazing by the way. That dress is really pretty.” “Thank you. The guys bought it for me for my birthday last year and I never really had a chance to wear it other than that night. Thank you for breakfast this morning. You didn’t have to do that, you were already running late.” You look down at the menu, not really reading it. Brian lets out a breathy laugh, “Even if I was late, what can they do? I own the company.” You look up and see Brian smiling at you. “You don’t ever have to thank me, I do things because I want to, not because I have to. Okay?” You nod, but before you could say anything a waitress comes to take your order. “What can I get for you?” You look over at Brian in panic and he just laughs before ordering for both of you. Once the waitress leaves, Brian looks at you, smiles, and says, “I hope you don’t mind me ordering for you. You seemed a little panicked when she came up and I know from experience that you would have just chose something at random and probably would have hated it. I ordered us the same dish, it’s one of the best here and after talking to you last night, I think you’ll like it.” You smile and nod, “It’s okay, honestly that’s what I would have done, so I’m actually glad you ordered for me.” Brian smiles and takes your hands. You guys talk until the food arrives and then you have an amazing meal and of course Brian was right, you loved the food. As you and Brian go to leave the restaurant, you stop by the hostess stand to pick up your coats. There is a different hostess at the stand when you go to leave. “How was your meal today?” She smiles sweetly at you both, no hint of flirting to be found. “Great, thank you. We just came to get our coats, the previous hostess hung them up for us. Under the last name Kang.” Brian spoke politely and the hostess nodded, “One second, sir.” She disappeared around the corner, soon returning with some guy, Brian’s coat and what looked to be rags. Wait, is that my coat? That’s the same color of my coat and the same fabric. The hostess looks at you apologetically, “I apologize miss, I’m not sure what happened to your coat. It was hanging in a bag with his coat. This is the restaurant manager, Mr. Young.” Mr. Young extends a hand out to Brian and he takes it firmly. “Mr. Kang, we apologize for the destruction of your girlfriend’s coat. Do you have any ideas of who might be upset with you?” Brian nodded, “Yes, the hostess who checked us in. She was flirty with me and when I asked her to take our coats, she seemed upset to learn we were dating. I would bet money it was her.” Mr. Young nodded and sighed, “We have had trouble with things like this before, it was never this severe and it all looked like accidents. Be assured Mr. Kang, she will no longer work here. Please accept this voucher for your next 5 visits being covered by us. Miss, we sincerely apologize for her behavior, please do not allow this to affect our you see our restaurant.” You smile at him and nod, “It’s okay. That coat was old anyway, I was needing a new one, but I just being stubborn about getting one.” Mr. Young smiled and shook Brian’s hand again, “Once again, Mr. Kang we are terribly sorry this happened.” Brian smiled and put an arm around me, “It’s alright, now if you will excuse us I believe we need to go buy a new coat.” Mr. Young laughed and bowed to us as we left. “Brian, don’t you have to go back to work? I can go get a new coat another time.” Brian just smiles at you and leads you to the car. Charles walks over and opens the door for you, “I hope you had a nice lunch miss. Oh, what happened to your coat?” Brian laughs and takes to pieces of your leftover coat, throwing them into the nearest trash can. “We had an issue with a hostess, she will be terminated, but sadly Y/N’s coat was caught in the crossfire.” Charles nods slowly, “I see. Sorry to hear that, Miss.” You smile and shake your head, “Charles, I told you to call me Y/N.” Brian just laughs, “It doesn’t work. I’ve known Charles for years and he insist on calling me sir.” Charles smiles and nods. “Charles, there has been a slight change in plans. As you now know, Y/N needs a new coat, so we will go get her one before returning her to her home and myself to work.” Charles nods slowly and helps me into the car, “Of course, sir. Have you let the office know that you will be returning late?” Brian quickly climbs in after me and pulls out his phone. “Hello it’s me…Yes, please let everyone know that I will be returning to the office late today, something came up with my girlfriend and I need to deal with it…Yes that will be all. If anyone needs me they can reach me on my cell…Thank you, goodbye.” Brian hangs up the phone and you just stare at him. “You really don’t have to do-” Brian cuts you off by kissing your head, you instantly turn red, “I told you before, I don’t do things because I have to, I do them because I want to.” You sigh, realizing you only going to lose this fight. At the end of the day, Brian buys you a really expensive, designer coat, that you fight him the whole time about wasting his money, once again you lose that fight.
~Time Skip: One week before the wedding~
You look around your bedroom, yes your bedroom, Brian insisted that you move into an apartment that has real rooms, so he basically loaded all your stuff up and moved you to a nicer apartment, that he most likely paid for. Luckily, the guys moved into the same building, even the same floor as you so you weren’t going to be left alone, sometimes you forget that their family is rich. Anyway back to the story, you looked around your bedroom at all the clothes you owned, thrown all over the place in your attempt to find something to wear to this damn wedding. You sigh and lay on top of the clothes piled on your bed, just as you get comfortable your phone starts to ring. You jump up and start digging through the clothes until you finally find it. You answer it just in time, “Hello?” Brian laughs on the other end, in your rush to answer you didn’t even check the caller I.D. “Hey, babe. What are you doing?” You sigh and look at the mess that is your room. “I’m trying to find something to wear to this wedding, but the only really nice dress I own is the one I wore on our first date, remember the one that the hostess ruined my coat?” Brian chuckles at the memory, you guys had some along way since then and you would even dare to say you loved him. “Yeah, I remember. Actually, I was calling because I wanted my tie to match your dress, but seeing as you have nothing to wear how about I take you to my friend Jimin’s shop? She is an amazing designer so I’m sure she will have something that will make you look amazing.” You thought about it for a second before deciding just to do it, “Sure, when can we go? I know you have work, but the wedding is in a week and what if something has to be altered?” You hear Brian moving on the other end of the line but he doesn’t answer, “Uh, Brian? Hello?” You stop talking for a minute just to see if he would answer and when he finally does break the silence you jump, “Jimin says we can come by today. I’ll finish up what absolutely needs to be done and then I’ll come pick you up and we will head to the shop.” You hum in agreement, then look around your room at all the clothes that needed to be picked up, “Okay, I’ll pick up my clothes and get ready. See you soon!” Brian laughs, “You do that. Bye, I lo-I’ll see you soon!” Brian quickly hung up and you looked at your phone confused. Did he almost say he loved me? You get up and start putting your clothes away, putting on some nice, yet simple clothes since you were going to be trying on dresses.
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Brian picks you up about an hour later and you head to the shop. Once you get inside, you see all these beautiful dresses and accessories. Brian sees you staring and laughs, “Jimin designs and makes almost everything in the shop.” You nod along, not really paying attention. “Is that the Brian Kang? In my shop?” You turn to see a young girl, walking over to Brian. “Hey Jimin, thanks for helping. This is my beautiful girlfriend Y/N.” You smile and shake Jimin’s hand. “It is so awesome to finally meet you. Brian hasn’t shut up about you since he met you.” Brian blushes and glares at Jimin, but she just laughs. “Anyway, you are going to your ex’s wedding and you need to look hot.” Jimin starts looking at dress and then looking at you, suddenly she gasps and runs into another room. You look at Brian and he just shrugs, Jimin comes running back with a dress bag in her arms, “I have been trying to find someone to wear this dress for months but no one has the body or skin tone for it, but I think it may be perfect for you. Come on let’s go try it on.” Jimin takes your hand and leads you to the fitting rooms. She hangs the dress bag up in the room and then turns to leave, “If you need any help I’ll be right out here.” You nod and shut the door. You slowly undress and then unzip the bag, inside is a gorgeous dress. You get the dress on and with some dolling up from Jimin, you are ready to show Brian. You step out of the room and he just stares at you. You turn to look in the full-length runway mirrors thinking maybe something is wrong, Brian comes up behind you and rests his hands on your waist. “You look amazing, Y/N.” You smile and look at your entire outfit in the mirror.
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Jimin ends up giving Brian a huge deal on the dress, probably even bigger than the one he got from knowing the owner, her only condition was that you come back and let her take professional photos of you in the dress for the website. You agreed and now Brian is driving you back to your apartment with a dress, shoes and accessories for you in the backseat, along with a tie for Brian that matches your dress. “So how was it?” Brian asked suddenly. “It was great, Jimin is awesome and she is a great designer.” Brian laughs, “I’ll tell her you said that.” You smile and Brian takes your hand in his, you look at your hand in his and you can’t help but feel extremely happy.
~Time Skip: Day of the wedding~
To say you were nervous would be an understatement. You had stayed at Brian’s house the night before because he hired a whole team to do your hair and makeup, he said wanted to show you off and you let him. You put your dress on with the help of some of the ladies and they all gushed at how beautiful you looked. You thanked them all before making your way downstairs to where Brian was waiting. You walked down the stairs slowly, not wanting to fall and hurt yourself. Brian must have heard your shoes because he was suddenly walking up the stairs to meet you, his eyes full of adoration. “You look beautiful, Y/N.” Brian takes your hand and helps you down the remaining stairs. You blush as he compliments you and say a quiet thank you. Brian drives to the venue and you start to feel anxious the closer you get. Brian senses your anxiety and places a hand on your knee, you relax some and he squeezes your knee as encouragement. When you arrive at the venue, the valet opens your door and helps you out of the car, Brian is quickly by your side placing and arm around your waist. He leads you into the hall were the ceremony is to be held and the ushers lead you to a seat on the groom’s side. You can see his parents looking at you and you suddenly feel like throwing up. Brian feels your uneasiness, “Are you okay?” You look at him and nod slightly, “Yeah, it’s just that his family makes me anxious. They were always trying to push to marry each other and when we broke up they blamed me. You know just being here in generally makes me anxious, not because I fear old feelings coming back but just not feeling welcome because it’s my ex’s wedding for fuck sakes.” You sigh and Brian tightens his arm around you, leaning over to kiss your head. “It’s okay, I’m right beside you.” You smile at him, then the doors open and the groom and groomsmen walk in. They look around the room greeting people quietly and when Ex/N sees you he smiles widely, you feel Brian’s arm subconsciously tighten around you, causing you to giggle. Then everyone rises as the bride enters, she looks stunning, you look back at Ex/N and see that he is tearing up. You smile knowing that he is happy, then you look up at Brian and see that he is already looking at you. You give him a smile and lean into him. He wraps an arm around your waist and leaves it there the entire ceremony. Once the ceremony is over, everyone makes their way over the reception area to wait for the bride and groom to take pictures. As you are waiting, Ex/N’s parents come over to you, “Y/N look how gorgeous you look. I see you brought a date with you, hi I’m Ex/N mother, please call me E/M/N and who might you be, dear?” She holds out her hand for Brian to shake, he takes her hand gently and replies, “My name is Brian Kang, I’m the CEO of Kang Industries and Y/N’s boyfriend.” Brian spoke surely, but not quietly, you look around to see people staring and whispering. E/M/N stands in shock for a second, “That’s amazing! Good for you,Y/N.” She then bows slightly and scurries off to do her set of pictures with the bride and groom. Brian looks at you and you can’t help but laugh a little, “I don’t believe she expected that.” Brian just nods and pulls you into his side as the people around you come over to make small talk. Finally, after what felt like forever, the bride and groom entered the reception hall. Everyone cheers and then food is being served. After a the meal the bride and groom make their rounds to thank people for coming. As they come up to your table, Ex/N pulls you in for a hug, “Y/N, I am so glad you could make it, who is this?” You look at Brian and wait for him to introduce himself. He sticks out his hand and they shake, “My name’s Brian Kang, I’m Y/N’s boyfriend. Nice to meet you and congratulations to you both.” Ex/N looks at him for a second before nodding, “You’re the CEO of Kang Industries?” Brian smiles and nods. Ex/N looks at you and smiles, “Well, it looks like you got a great guy by your side, Y/N. I’m happy for you, maybe I’ll be coming to your guys’ wedding one day.” You all laugh and you can’t help but think that you would like that. “Oh, E/F/N did I ever tell you that Y/N helped me pick out your engagement ring?” E/F/N looked surprised, “Really? That’s awesome, thank you so much I love this ring.” You congratulate them once more and off they go to continue their rounds. Brian leans over to you and smiles, “You want to marry me one day?” You blush and shove him away from you, watching as the newlyweds have their first dance. Eventually, Brian convinces you to dance with him and you end up chest to chest with him as a slow song plays in the background. “You know, I could see myself marrying you one day.” Brian suddenly says making you tense up. He chuckles and leans down to your ear, “I love you, Y/N.” You blush and bury your face in his chest. He holds you tightly as the song ends and they announce that the bride is going to throw the bouquet. You stand off to the side hoping to be nowhere near the fighting, you were only there because they dragged you. The bride gets ready to throw the flowers and once she lets go they hit the ceiling and somehow take a straight path into your arms. You stand there wide eyed as everyone cheers, you feel hands on your waist and you look up to see Brian. You blush and look away, E/F/N and Ex/N come over to you smiling. “Congrats, Y/N. Brian, you may want to put a ring on it soon.” You blush even harder, luckily E/F/N stops him, “Ex/N stop teasing them.” She shoves him back to the head table and the party continues. Eventually, you get tired so you ask Brian to take you home, you say goodbye to everyone and Brian carries your heels that you replaced with your emergency flats about 30 minutes into the reception. You get in the car and Brian starts to drive, “Do you want me to take you to your place or do you want to come back to mine?” You nod indicating that you want to go to his place and he chuckles, placing a hand on your knee. “Did you have fun?” You nod while yawning. You end up drifting off to sleep, Brian wakes you once your at his place, “Y/N, wake up. We’re home now, get up so you can put on some comfy clothes and sleep in a bed.” You open your eyes and Brian laughs, “Come on , Sleeping Beauty. Let’s get you to bed.” You climb out of the car with Brian’s help and make your way to his room. He places a pair of boxers and a t-shirt on his bed and tells you to get changed, you do and soon he comes back with makeup wipes. “Come on, babe. You don’t want to sleep with all that junk on your face, do you?” You sit up and let him clean your face, once he’s done you crawl under the covers and lay your head on the pillows. Brian climbs in next to you and turns to lay on his side to face you. You smile and cuddle into his chest. You both just lay there listening to each others’ breathing. You start to giggle think about how this all started and Brian looks down at you, “What’s so funny?” You pull away from his chest and look up at him, “Wasn’t this just supposed to be a date? I mean, all I wanted was a date to Ex/N’s wedding and now here I am, laying in a bed with the man I love.” Brian smiles widely, “You love me?” You blush and bury your face in his chest again, “I thought that was obvious.” Brian just laughs and puts his arms around you, pulling you close. “I love you, Y/N.” “I love you too, Brian.”
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mediocreronpas · 7 years
SDR2 Boys and their mute S/O speaking for the first time.
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I tried to vary the causes of S/O being mute, from being born like that to not talking by choice. Hope you don’t mind.
- Mod Teruteru
Hajime Hinata
- You had gone mute entirely by choice.
- Hajime had met you two years after that choice, and has never heard your voice.
- Though he respected your decision, for the first few months he knew you the Ultimate Translator had to translate your sign language. But don’t worry, they were very happy to!
- Eventually he had been able to learn some basic signs and could hold some short conversations with you.
- He had also learned enough to be able to ask you out.
- You have been dating for three years now.
- But admittedly, he had still never heard your voice.
- You texted him asking him out to the park, which he happily agreed.
- He sat on a bench under a tree and texted you, asking where you were.
- “Hajime,”
- The boy turned around to see who called his name.
- But when he turned around he saw you.
- “Hey S/O, did you hear anyone call my name?”
- You take both of your hands and grab his one, looking at the ground.
- “It’s nice to see you this morning Hajime.”
- When you looked up at him, he had tears in his eyes.
- “S/O, p-please say my name again.”
- “I’m glad you like my voice Hajime.”
- He wrapped his arms around you and looked you in the eyes.
- “I absolutely love your voice S/O”
Nagito Komaeda
- You had vocal cord damage since when you were young.
- So when Komaeda met you, you didn’t even know what your voice sounded like.
- He loved it when you would hand him notes, telling him about your day.
- Going out with you was extremely enjoyable as well.
- You were perfect for the quiet places he loves to go by himself.
- Whenever you recommended books he would find notes in them from you when he got them from the library.
- But one day, you disappeared from his point of view.
- He hadn't seen you in two days.
- He was starting to think that something had happened, seeing that just a day ago he had won the lottery once again.
- He was on his way to the library when a latter came down on top of him, along with a can of blue paint, and a man.
- After the man apologised to him, he got a text from you, asking you to meet him at the hospital.
- This can’t be good.
- When he entered the waiting room, he asked the clerk where your room was.
- “I’m right here Nagito.”
- When he turned, it was you.
- You had a small visible black mechanism implanted where your voice box would be. You were smiling and had tears in your eyes.
- You ran up to Nagito and hugged him, he was still in shock.
- “You have no idea how happy this makes me S/O.
- “I love you Komaeda.”
- “I love you too S/O.”
Nekomaru Nidai
- When he first met you, a friend had introduced you to him.
- When they said your name you waved at him smiling.
- “If you’re going to introduce yourself don’t let someone else do it for you.”
- You looked at your friend and signed what he was going on about. They seemed a bit worried.
- You fell to the ground and rapidly signed to your friend, pleading them to tell him about your situation.
- The friend ran up to him and explained that you had autism and chose not to speak around others.
- He immediately stopped yelling and apologized.
- Ever since he was very careful about his volume and intensity around you.
- If anyone had ever made fun of you or your choice of communication he would deal with the personally.
- While you were gone of course.
- Because of all this, you almost felt inclined to ask him out.
- He confirmed that this wasn’t because of some kind peer pressure, them he happily said yes.
- The first time he heard you talk was on your two year anniversary.
- He had brought you to a baseball game, with noise canceling headphones, and got you special seats that not everyone got to sit in, so you were happily by yourself.
- After the game he gave you a baseball and bat signed by your favorite player: Leon Kuwata.
- On the car ride home, you sat in the front seat.
- While Nidai was buckling up, you turned on the radio and found your favorite song.
- “Oh, I love this song.”
- Nidai is just.
- S H O O K
- “What?!”
- “What? It’s a good- Oh.”
- Nidai is still with shock.
- But you start laughing softly.
- “I guess I'm just that comfortable around you, huh?”
- Then Nidai started laughing.
- “I'm honored S/O.
Ultimate Imposter
- He didn't mind that you were mute at all.
- He disguised himself as mute people all the time.
- He even knew sign language.
- You two conversed all the time because of this.
- It wasn't a surprise when you started dating.
- He had started teaching you how to do impressions as well.
- When you did them though, you always expressed how you could do better if you talked while doing them.
- But no matter what, Imposter always reassured you that all of your impressions were perfect with or without your voice.
- After a month or two, Imposter started noticing things about you.
- You weren't as cheerful and optimistic as before.
- So when you both had the time he asked what was wrong.
- It didn't surprise him when your problem was about your voice.
- But it wasn't about your choice to not speak, it was about how your voice sounded.
- It was the whole reason you had stopped talking in general.
- You had always been insecure about how your voice sounded and it was the biggest reason people made fun of you when you were younger.
- But you told him that you made a decision that you were proud of.
- When he asked you what it was you smiled at him.
- “I think you already know what my decision was Imposter.”
- You laugh when he’s left to silence.
- “Do I sound nice?”
- Imposter laughed as he caressed your face.
- “You sound absolutely perfect.”
Gundam Tanaka
- He legit scared you when you met.
- “Bow down! For it is I, the great Gundam Tanaka.”
- You sweated a bit as you signed to him, just checking if he spoke sign language.
- “Hm? What are these strange symbols you present before the great Tanaka’s vast intellect?”
- Can’t be that vast if he can't recognize simple sign language.
- You take out a personal notebook and write down your situation on your paper.
- What he read explained how you had damaged vocal cords since you were born.
- He dropped his persona for a second and apologised for his ignorance.
- Then he put it back up like a wall.
- “It is clear that I would not know something I have never been taught. Maybe you could teach me?”
- It was cheesy and obvious but you said yes.
- You and Gundam had been good friends since.
- Then you walked right into being more than friends.
- You adapted to his persona and played along with it perfectly.
- “Surrender! Or my dark queen/king will curse you with their ancient symbols of anguish.”
- Then you would sign “You have been warned, mortal.”
- Then both of you would laugh about how cool you looked while you were alone.
- Lately though, you were too busy to be able to meet him anywhere.
- So he came to your house. To find you calculating all your money together.
- He asked you what you were doing.
- Pressing the equal sign once, then starting to smile, you signed “Getting my voice back.”
- It was a few weeks after your surgery. The doctor told you that there is absolutely no talking while you were recovering. Which was fine, you were used to it.
- But now you were back in the doctor's office, practicing your speech.
- When you returned to the waiting room, the doctor explained to Gundam how you were at the speech level of an older child and that you'll constantly need more practice.
- You looked at him from behind the doctor and smiled.
- He hugged you, and you looked up at him.
- “T-t-tanaka. Gundam Tanaka.”
- Gundam smiled and tears started running down his cheeks.
- This was one of the happiest days of his life.
Kazuichi Souda
- You think freaking Souda cared if you couldn't talk?
- Hell no.
- He loved it when you would exchange private messages through sign language on the streets.
- He also loved it when you silently watched him work on projects with that adorable face of yours.
- Doing everything together was a nice perk as well.
- No one else you knew took the time to learn sign language as fluently as he did. This is why you liked spending most of your freetime with him.
- Lately you weren’t as lively as you usually were on one of your outings.
- He asked you what was wrong, and you looked at him with a frown.
- ‘Would you help me if I said that a doctor can bring my voice back?’
- By the end of the week both of you started working as hard as you could to save money.
- Though this procedure was inexpensive for most people, neither of you were most people.
- During the surgery, Souda paced around the waiting room until his feet hurt, then paced a bit more.
- An old lady even asked him if he was going to be a father soon.
- Having someone he’s only known as mute getting their voice is probably only exciting to him, but he doesn’t care.
- When he’s allowed to see you, grins and squeals like everyone on the room had been waiting for this.
- You’re asleep, but he anticipates every second like you could wake up and say something during every moment he doesn’t pay attention.
- When you do wake up though, the surgeon informs you that you shouldn’t try and talk for another week.
- When that week was up, it felt like a year had ended.
- You visited the hospital one more time and the doctor gave you the green light to try and speak.
- “S-s-ssss. S-oh-oh-uu. S-soud-d-da.”
- Your boyfriend could not explain his gratitude.
- In words.
- So he soft tackled you, saying words of happiness and gratitude for your first word being his name.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
- He doesn’t care whether or not he hears your voice.
- To him it’s just part of your charm.
- If anyone made any beef with you he would deal with personally.
- Not speaking was your choice alone and they will respect that! Whether they like it or not.
- Though you had never seen this in action, you always found that Kuzuryu had a protective sense about him.
- Even if he tried pushing you away, you would always rebound with even more energy than before.
- This attention turned from a nuisance, to something that could be enjoyable, to something he waited for the day to end for.
- When you two got into a more intimate relationship, you liked cuddling with him and holding his hand.
- While in public you both kept it professional, but in private you loved just being near him.
- This included not only cuddling, but falling asleep on each other.
- You were currently in one of those moments.
- Your head was snuggled into the crook of his neck and his arms wrapped around your body.
- While Fuyuhiko was half awake you started mumbling in your sleep.
- “Fuyu,,Fuyuhiko.”
- He is suddenly wide awake, carefully trying to wake his girl/boyfriend up. He didn’t want to talking without realizing it, especially after all the years of silence.
- You opened your eyes to Fuyuhiko’s worried face.
- “Good morning Fuyuhiko.”
- The gangsters eyes widened.
- “I’ve been planning this for a long time now.”
- The boy in front of you cracked a smile.
- “I want to do this more often.” you said.
- The boy hugged you tighter.
- “I’m glad you feel that way S/O.”
Teruteru Hanamura
- Teruteru has always wondered about you.
- Why you didn’t like being around people, why you didn’t meet people you didn’t already know, and why you didn’t talk.
- Unlike most people he flirted with, when he talked to you, you would laugh at his innuendos.
- But you never took the time to talk to him. So instead he was going to try and talk to you.
- When he introduces himself, you frown, take out your phone, and start typing something.
- Hanamura looked around waiting for a response.
- You show him your phone screen and it says “My name is F/N L/N. I’m the Ultimate ___. I’m mute.”
- Ohhhhhh.
- Yeah that makes sense.
- Ever since, the chef insisted on keeping you company. Even if you said that he didn’t have to.
- He wants to respect your decision, and he does! He definitely does.
- But he really wants to hear your voice. He doesn’t say anything about it though.
- You did decide to invite him to your room.
- When he entered he jokingly asked about making your relationship more “intimate.”
- You looked at him and asked him to be more serious about this. When he saw your face, he apologized and asked what you wanted to talk about.
- It was about your voice.
- When you were smaller, children you knew would make fun of you for it. Eventually it came to the point where you stopped talking altogether.
- You asked him not to laugh, then said that you want others to be able to hear you voice.
- Then you looked up, into his eyes.
- “Do you think that’s a good idea Teru?”
- He took a second to process what he just heard.
- He put a hand up to his chin, the smiled.
- “I think that’s a wonderful idea S/O.”
371 notes · View notes
Do not reblog this. Text from the ex.
I want to rant safely. If you have anything to say to me about it, PM me–trust me, I really appreciate and welcome your support right now.
Those of you who are following me, it’s because I messaged you to let you know that I’d deleted my old blog because my ex found it. It sucks that I can’t feel safe even when anonymous. Only one personal real life friend knew about the blog, and while I trust her, I wonder if she let it slip. So I made this new one.
My ex texted me to gaslight me about the things I posted in said blog. And I got a panic attack reading his BS. I questioned everything, and in the end I actually have solid evidence and people backing me up to prove that he is a lying scumbag. Thank goodness for that or I’d be a complete mess right now instead. And thank goodness for the counselor who said that an anonymous blog is a perfectly healthy outlet.
This text is largely about things I said in a post I’d written about how he would insert himself into situations where he knew he wasn’t welcome so he could play the victim. My point at the end was that’s a similar tactic to what Milo Yiannapoulus does and that’s why he goes to places where he knows he’s not welcome. So you have context.
Here’s the text:
K, apparently I need to remind you that I was sexually assaulted by a board member at [NAME REDACTED] and that was why I dreaded returning there to see or perform in shows. It had nothing to do with isolating you from your friends (which I do not remember [NAMES REDACTED] being at the time, anyway). I was scared to go back there because I knew I would have to face my attacker (remember when he grabbed our tickets and ripped them up right in front of us?). For six years together, you never accused me of making all that up or “playing the victim,” but now, because I broke up with you, you assign blame and false motives to things I had no control over.
I went to Applebee’s that night after confirming with three people that you would not be there. I am not actively trying to run into you places. I have moved on and have a new life that you are not part of. It’s you who are stuck in the past after two years apart, both in the theatre community and on your blog.
It takes a lot of nerve to write a blog about gaslighting when much of what you write in the blog is completely made up (I think [NAME REDACTED] and I would remember you having a bloody nose that night) and the things you did to me are purposely left out to make yourself look like a victim.
You know what *is* a deliberate manipulation strategy and a tactic of emotional abuse? Lying to your current boyfriend about your ex (He tried to poison me!) and claiming he is tormenting you just by existing. During the first run of [SHOW REDACTED], you write long, harassing e-mails to [NAME REDACTED] every day but then came to me and told me he was tormenting you, even though he had moved on and never engaged you at all throughout the entire run of the show. Now you do the same thing to your current boyfriend, playing the victim and obsessing over a relationship that ended over two years ago so he will be terrified to leave you because he sees what a hell you make life for the men who had the audacity to break free of you.
And no, it is not “harassment” for me to contact you (or [NAME] or [NAME] or [NAME REDACTED]) when you defame me on social media and I confront you about it. It is harassment for you to continue to torment me with these rants that have nothing to do with the person I am now and, in many cases, are about a person you’ve made up in your head who I never was.
My existence does not revolve around you. If I go to Applebee’s with old friends, that is not about you. If I go to see my friends in a play, that is not about you. If Milo Yiannopoulos goes to speak at a university, that is not about you, or me, or the theatre. Stop making everything about you. And if you’re going to write a blog about abuse, maybe you should stand up for the real survivors of abuse, instead of concocting a fictitious past where you are one of them. —————————————
The response I will never send because I do not want to start with him:
Paragraph 1:
1) I know he was sexually assaulted at the theater where he isolated me from. (Actually, I technically don’t, but I do believe him on this.) But his attacker had long since been banned from that theater during the time I brought up. 2) If he wanted to avoid the theater even so, I would understand. But there was no reason to tell me I wasn’t allowed to go. Furthermore, he based all his reasons around me not being allowed to go around the producers and how they had allegedly mistreated the two of us and not around his sexual assault. He tried to convince me that they were all against me and would try to hurt me. 3) The specific incident I mentioned in the blog where he isolated me from these people was again years after he had been assaulted, and he decided to tell me AS I WAS ON MY WAY OVER that he would never trust me again if I went. These people spent a lot of money on my meal for their ceremony and he made me cancel last minute so their money was wasted. Why not tell me earlier? Because he wanted them to hate me. 4) For months, he would not allow me to audition there because of his own personal beef with the theater. Yet ONE WEEK after he left me, he told me he was going to audition there. (He didn’t. I’m really grateful because I did! And that’s where I met my current partner!) Why, if this theater was so traumatizing to him that the thought of my going there was ripping him apart, did he even consider it? 5) Again, attacker long since gone–but no, I do NOT remember the incident where he ripped up our tickets in front of us. He told me that story later, that he ripped up our tickets so we’d have to sit with him. I have never once sat in a theater with his attacker and if the incident happened, it was not with me. 6) Never accused him of faking his assault because I’m not an asshole, I genuinely do believe he was sexually assaulted. But I never thought he was playing the victim until I realized how entrenched in emotional abuse I was. I internalized everything as my fault. Including my own disability, which he convinced me was my own fault many times. (As in, why didn’t I go get a treatment at a certain time. And also, my complaining about pain was abusive and manipulative. He told me that.)
Paragraph 2:
Maybe he didn’t try to go hang out with the cast of the show the night I was there because I was there. But three people? Nearly everyone in that theater hates him and he had only one friend in that show. When he came to hang out with the cast, several friends texted me to say that no one was talking to him except this one friend. Everyone else hates him and not because of me–because he was a jerk to a lot of people, and because of the animosity between him and the theater. Like I said in that blog post, there’s blame on both sides to that, but the fact remains that he purposely went to a place where he’s hated and then his one friend treated him like a victim.
Paragraph 3:
HERE IS WHERE WE GET TO THE FUN PART. He tells me that most everything in the blog was made up. He gives me an example where he makes it sound like someone else is calling me a liar with him to try to convince me that I’m lying to myself. It’s no longer his word against mine, he has a witness! …Guess what? I texted that witness, and what did she say? That she has not talked to him for two years because she’s unfriended and ignored him, and that she definitely remembers the incident that I made up! I’m really glad he gave an example with a witness because damn, was it easy to verify that he is a gaslighting liar in this case.
Paragraph 4:
1) So this first part is somewhat true though highly exaggerated and I wasn’t lying. I had an ex boyfriend who became a roommate a while after we broke up. He kept spraying something in the apartment that he knew I was having strong reactions to and had gone to the hospital. I had written confession from him and medical bills. So yeah, the fucker poisoned me, it’s not really a strong choice of words here. I sent him a few emails trying to get closure at times, most of them while still living with him so that I could articulate it properly. I never said the guy’s existence was tormenting me, though a few years later he walked in to the DMV where I was and I got an anxiety attack from seeing him. (Goddammit.) I was more furious at myself than at him for having the reaction, because oh right, my ex made me think my disabilities were my fault and I was abusing him when I was in pain. 2) But. How DARE he bring up my current partner and tell me that he is too afraid to leave me because I make life hell for the men who “break free” of me? This part hurt the most because I’m always insecure about being loved. I almost didn’t tell my partner any of this because it would be “proving him right”. He really messed with my head on this one. And even when my partner reassured me that he loved me, I didn’t believe it until he gave third party evidence from his friends that they’ve never seen him this happy and healthy before.
Paragraph 5:
1) I have never defamed him on social media, and neither have any of the people he mentioned. Those are other people who have blocked him because he was a jerk to them on social media. None of us posted his name to anything. In fact, the only time I even mentioned anything he did post-breakup was when he hacked into my Facebook and I still didn’t mention him by name. All I said was that my Facebook had been hacked and I needed friends not to share my private info with others because they are making me unsafe. Never said anything about him on Facebook, only on this private Tumblr. 2) How am I tormenting or harassing him by writing a private blog that none of his friends will ever read, nor do mine? His name isn’t in it, I didn’t send it to him, and nobody is harassing him about it because they don’t know it exists.
Paragraph 6: I know the world doesn’t revolve around me. I hope you feel super special that you hurt me badly enough that I get panic attacks reading texts from you two years later.
And a PS: he writes a public blog, with his name attached to it, in which he talks shit about his ex girlfriends (not by name, but still recognizable) and wrote a fiction piece that trash talks the theater he isolated me from. Oh, and he has written about abuse in the Good Men Project. So maybe if he thinks he’s so abused, he shouldn’t send a huge long vindictive thing directly to that ex who allegedly manipulated and emotionally abused him.
See? I’m doing mine anonymously, not to him. Try it sometime.
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cluedintobehavior · 7 years
Validating The Problem
I asked 7 instructional designers if they thought problems arose due to the transition between a graduate school learning environment and the real world. 5 said yes. 2 said no, with qualifications.
1) Dave Wiley — Yes. Here’s the problem: IDs have trouble engaging effectively in their work due to unmet expectations. Non-ID example: Japan mission experience of missionaries who thought they were going to knock doors had a tough time transitioning to just playing sports and teaching english. Impact: lots of dogs kicked. Solution: 1 credit class called “Principle Compromise 101.”
Like Mike Tyson said, “everyone has a plan until someone punches them in the face.” Bill Gross (TED Talk) 
Key insight: Expectations and plans impact one’s reality.
2) Zack Tibbits — No. Zack never had trouble transitioning. He thinks this was because he was already employed by U of U working in EdTech when they offered to pay for his MS in Instructional design. Then he worked for the FAA (government) while he was doing his PhD work in distance education. His “transition” was seamless because when he was in his graduate courses, he would mentally say things like, “I’ll use this. But I won’t use this.” He also told me, “my personality is far too easy going” to ever push back. “I don’t have any problem bending to the will of others.” He definitely sees this as a problem for others.
Key insight: Zach’s story made me realize that a key factor to transition success is how much exposure you already have to life in the field before or during your time in grad school.
3) Shandon Gubler: Yes. He has observed a conflicts with new employees transitioning between school and work learning environments.
Shandon Gubler is an emeritus professor at BYU’s Marriot School of Business. At the Y, Gubler used Blackboard (LMS) as a framework for a blended-learning/flipped classroom pedagogy. In addition to teaching, he has been involved with developing many businesses including Agilix, which is still around (K-12). Now, Gubler teaches business at Dixie State. Upon moving down there, he asked, “how can I improve the learner's experience?” (Incidentally, his son was recently accepted to BYU's IP&T Masters program. He is apparently good friends with Kevin Worthen and is in discussions with him to implement changes to BYU-Provo's univeristy learning model...)
Shandon's Learning Approach:
As a business practitioner, Shandon is concerned with limiting the transition of employee readiness when entering the workforce. He wants learner's first education to be closer to what every new employee experiences in a "second education." In other words, he wants to help close the gap between theory and practice. To combat this, Shandon has his business school learners connect with potential employers and learn the course curricula in the context of Walter Gong's 3-Person Problem. Shandon is anything but a “sage on the stage.” Gubler is currently experimenting with his own brand of “active” classroom, which seems to also be modeled after BYU-I’s president, Kim Clark’s Learning Model. Gubler calls his model, Millennial pedagogy:
Pre-class work
Study to teach — Learners do chapter readings in textbook outside of class. Learners then answer custom-made chapter-summary questions to ensure the learner stays focused on important content.
Teach to learn — Learners select a real-world practitioner/mentor in the community whom they can teach what they just learned. Hopefully, the learner finds someone in the specific field they hope to eventually go into. This weekly communication is typically achieved via f2f, or video conference. When teaching, learners engage higher-order learning (according to Bloom’s Taxonomy) by coming up with appropriate stories, illustrations, and examples. Students usually teach 10-12 times, which is the number of chapters covered in the textbook.
Learn to apply — (Student asks real-world practitioner, “how are you going to change your business based on what I’ve taught you today.”) The person they’re teaching (practitioner) then mentor’s or coaches the learner. One more touch point for learner to apply what they’re learning to the practice.
Class Work
Learners are grouped (ideally in smaller groups, e.g., 3-4 people) at the beginning of the semester and pre-assigned to walk the class through the chapters.
In addition to chapter reviews and synthesis, real-world case studies are handed out in class. Learners are asked to apply what they’ve learned from the chapters and teaching experiences as they discuss the cases.
Experience working with Mentors:
During the first few weeks, there is grumbling on both sides of the learner/mentor relationship. But after that time, the mentors realize that this experience is a terrific recruiting opportunity for their respective companies. Business practitioners realize that this kind of relationship creates a valuable connection to university hiring pools. This mentoring opportunity is a great alternative to how businesses traditionally spend their recruiting dollars. Similar to UBER, the partnership meets the needs of both parties; employers want new hires they can trust, and students what jobs after graduating in their area of interest. Thus, practitioners want to systematize this program so they don’t need to wait to be asked to mentor each new semester. If systematized, other businesses and universities could choose to adopt it.
Feedback from professional mentors:
Mentors want the textbook chapter material before the student comes to them so they can be more prepared with appropriate feedback? (This raises a copyright issue. I’m sure publishers make an option for the practitioners to purchase a copy.)
Mentors want to give the students mini-projects during their 12-weeks together. (Internships are costly and take time.)
Mentors want Gubler to better match them up with students that really want to be in their industry. In return, they’d be willing to share with Dixie their company’s budget used for talent acquisition. They learn together.
Key Insights: Gubler’s model of connecting students with professionals during the grad school experience is closes the gap between theory and practice. The further the learning is from the context of use, the fewer schemata nodes are being utilized to store the information.4) Tara — Yes. She was hired by UVU for a “professor support” Summer internship. But she didn’t really employ design skills like she thought she would. She considered herself an overpaid administrative assistant. E.g., “Come do this mundane task for me.” She hoped to be working with the professor instead of for the professor.
Key insight: Unmet expectations.
5) McKoo Staples — No. McKoo was only hired by the CTL 2 weeks ago. His job is to design a website that increases awareness of the affordability of OER. He’s in the “honeymoon” phase. Not enough time has passed for him to be critical of other’s ideas of business processes/practices. He’s still wrapping his head around his task, so all information is good. If someone tells him to alter his thinking/practice, he will. You sweet summer child.
Key insight: Too soon in education and work experience to have expectations to be unmet.
6) Taylor Halverson — Yes. Tyler did experience transition woes when he worked for Cisco. Currently BYU’s director of innovation. His major beef was that was ID students feel locked into doing things a certain way. They have no flexibility; and design jobs demand flexibility, if nothing else in terms of competencies.
Key insight: For one reason or another, people feel like they have to fit into job roles, titles, expectations, boxes, competencies.
7) Sabrina Hyuitt — Yes. Sabrina slogged it out at UVU for over a year and a half. She claimed her manager was insecure about his position. That he didn’t know how to make managerial decisions, and thus feels challenged when novice instructional designers ask how to do something. There was no on-boarding, which is what Sabrina says contributed most to her struggle to transition to her position.
Key insight: Sometimes there’s nothing that can be done to prepare people for a toxic cultural work experience.
Maybe I should be looking at crappy senior instructional designers and where their educations failed them. Title: How Not To Be a Crappy Senior Instructional Designer (Manager of other IDs). There is a difference between what the workforce calls a “senior” designer (time in field/familiarity with company processes and culture) and what academia calls an “expert” designer (competencies).
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