#mod teruteru
crackanronpa · 2 months
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blushroom20 · 22 days
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Noticed that none of the mods I play with in Necrodancer have Bestiary/Character Select Art so I threw together some concepts! The first two are very obviously still WIP but I really like how the Keke/Baba one came out.
Character Mods Referenced:
Goro Akechi over Cadence
Teruteru Hanamura over Dove (by @5daap)
Keke (and Baba) over Mary (and Marv)
Text in the Baba/Keke one mostly created by modifying the official font.
Then there's Monomi who I just slapped official sprite art in. Technically most of the Danganronpa skins are not for any specific character, but I use Monomi over Bard cause I'm bad at the rhythm aspect and this was before No Beat Mode was a toggle for any character.
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sips-tea-cutely · 2 years
Can you write sdr2 boys if they were dating an ultimate spirit medium? Personality is cheery, bubble, outgoing, stubborn, and overbearing!
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Sdr2 boys dating a bubbly ultimate spirit medium
a/n: the sdr2 cast is so hard to write :distressed:
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#Hajime Hinata
he finds every ultimate cool, what do you think 😨😨
wouldn’t be really TOO interested in your talent pre/during killing game.
i feel like post-danganronpa, he’d really want to talk to chiaki but he knows he needs to move on so he decides against it, plus he was you after all. why talk to your dead bsf when you have an alive s/o 😐😐
ANYWAYS, during the killing game, he’d def be running to you for hints and to be his investigation partner (along with chianki, detective trio!!) after nagito went nuts
imagine if your a bit like toritsuka from saiki k, he’d definitely freak out if you could see ghosts in his dorm 😰😰
#Byakuya Twogami
imposter would find you… interesting to say the least???
how can someone be so cheery while talking to dead people 😟😟 they genuinely wanted to know but like they remembered they were dressed up as byakuya
“what foolishness. how can one be so exuberant and happy-go-lucky whilst having such a dreadful talent? tch…”
pls answer them, they need to know/gen 👁👁
#Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
“hey fuyuhiko, theres a spirit named _____, they want to s-“ “👁👁”
HASHSH ok but besides that, he’d find it pretty interesting tbh
post-trial 2, he’d ask you to mediate a conversation between him and peko as a final goodbye. after that i think he’d finally be satisfied and would move on
i feel like post killing game fuyuhiko would ask you if natsumi is okay, still not over her 😪😪
tbh though, at first i think he’d be terrified to approach you cause like what if one of the people he’s hunted down wants to talk to him? what then, would they be angry??
#Gundham Tanaka
help i think this would boost his god/chuunibyou complex 💀💀
i feel like in the non-despair/UTDP AU, he’d brag about it to people that are kinda similar/related
omg youre the ultimate anthropologist who does seances? too bad, s/o is better. ultimate prisoner? yea, s/o could totally find the people you killed
omg ok but he really does love you sm, not just for your talent, would def love how you’re so cheery despite having such a despair-inducing talent
im praying to god that you also get into his false reality cause you’d be defending his little reality from kazuichi and i swear, i heard his heart skip a beat (im cham-p btw 😍😍)
#Kazuichi Soda
he’d find you pretty cool tbhh
i dont think that your talent would change any of his feelings but he’d definitely think its interesting
tbh i think he’d try to make devices to help make your talent a little bit easier like maybe a little spirit box or incense scent releaser
i feel like you’d have a thing where you refuse to accept his gifts but his love language is giving gifts and receiving words of affection so yea, it’d be little lighthearted fights aww <33
like i said, nothing would change, as long as you love him <33
#Nagito Komaeda
oh my god, youre amazing 😨😨😨
he would definitely use you as an example to everyone else for what it means to smile at despair in the name of hope
nagito for sure has a lot of people he’d like to talk to; maybe his parents or even his dog would be enough 😞😞 but i feel he’d be scared to do it for two reasons;
1: youre an ultimate! why should a talentless and worthless human being like him even get to ask you for a favor? to him, he seems to be very selfish for even thinking of asking for that
2: he also doesn’t want you to think that he only cares for you to use you as a medium to talk to his parents. sure, at first, he admired you for being a symbol of absolute hope but after getting to know you, he truly fell in love. and the longer he fell, the less of a need to cling to the past as long as his final wish was fulfilled; to be loved by someone before he dies.
#Nekomaru Nidai
he would think that training would lowkey make your skill much more easier to practice
he wouldn’t really be too interested in using your talent for his own purposes but he would constantly push the ‘s/o uses their ability to solve the trial’ agenda WJSJSJS but monokuma didn’t allow it
would also ask a bunch of questions about your talent— does it give you a headache, how many spirits can you take, etc
AJSJSSJ im sry i cant think of alot 😭😭
#Teruteru Hanamura
ok i actually have a lot of ideas for teruteru.
so pre/during killing game, he wouldn’t really do anything about your talent, why would he, he’s a chef!
when ibuki suggests to use your talent to talk to byakuya’s spirit, teruteru would almost lose his cool and release his accent (he thankfully didn’t)
and also thankfully, monokuma banned you from using your talent since it’d make the trial boring if they all just relied on you
and then post killing game i feel like he’d ask you to help him talk to his dead mom since im pretty sure its hinted that shes dead
also also omg youre his personal taste tester and i swear to shuichis baseball cap that it’s all food wars clothes-removing inducing kind of good like *chef kiss*
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//After a while, I finally got all of Class 77-B as Ultimate Despairs redesigns (excluding Izuru, Nagito, Imposter and Teruteru since either they are canon or I really like them) so here are all of them if you wish to see.
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Ok so, I don't have minecraft (yet) BUT while I was looking for Minecraft skins to use I ended up getting bored and looking up Leon Kuwata and dklaf;jdklfjakfl;jdklj
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I can't express how fucking happy this made me. They also had these:
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Anyway, I'm gonna cry. -Mod Angel
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selfshiprequests · 8 months
If its alright can I get Headcanons of teruteru hanamura with a picky eater boyfriend?
Hi Nonnie!! Here’s your headcanons! Hope you like em!
TeruTeru Hanamura(Danganronpa) with a picky eater boyfriend:
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He’s definitely up for the challenge!
He’s the Ultimate Cook so he’s good with anything
When he finds out he immediately quizzes you and writes down everything you like and dislike
What are your favorites?
What is your comfort food?
What are the optimal temperatures for the foods you like?
What should he never put in anything you eat?
He puts care into every dish he makes but puts in extra love & care into yours
Checks, rechecks, & checks everything again to make sure it’s perfect
Will stay up extra late & wake up early just to prepare your meals & safe snacks for throughout the day
Keeps your meals balanced yet heavy with your favorite foods
Keeps you healthy, happy, & well fed
He usually loves to experiment but will hold himself back just for you
Loves to invite you into the kitchen so that he can flirt & make your food perfect
”Darlin’, taste this and tell me whatcha think.”
”How’s the texture in this one, my perfect peach?”
”Is this still a safe food for you, prince?”
Anyone tries to make fun of you for it? Immediately gets food poisoning
Reassures you every time you feel bad or insecure about being picky
”Sweetheart, don’t apologize! I love taking care of your food!”
”If I didn’t enjoy cooking, I wouldn’t be the Ultimate Chef, baby.”
”I’ve had bigger challenges, darlin’. You ain’t a bother at all.”
Keeps a couple safe snacks on him at all times
Leaves you notes with your meals & snacks
My favorite meals to make are yours. Love, Teru<3
Your palate is as perfect as you are. Love, Teru<33
Always remember that you’re my favorite boy in the world and I love cooking for you. Love, Teru<3
Remember to stay hydrated & love yourself, sweet boy of mine. Love, Teru<33
Overall, he doesn’t mind your needs. He loves you regardless
He’s probably the perfect boyfriend for someone who’s picky
Mod Antler
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alterniastims · 7 months
can i pls have a teruteru hanamura stimboard? love and cheers from mod terezi <3
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here ya go mod rezi! enjoy ya teru board :)
this was made by mod nepeta for mod terezi
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hello mod gundham!! could i request some imagines with gundham and teruteru separately with a generally nonverbal reader? the idea was their reaction to hearing reader’s voice for the first time!!
thank you! - espresso anon
tanaka and hanamura with a nonverbal reader.
~~insert banners lmao~~
▬▬ A/N ! MOST DEFINITELY!! man i am feeling this request. sorry it took so long and its so short, I've been either busy, or sick lately errghh..
▬▬ WARNINGS ! i unno it's pretty fluffy. just two simps.
this poor man got so confused.
you're speaking?
and then it hit him.
god, his brain shut down hearing your voice. he almost cried.
you couldn't get him to speak for a while. but once you did, all he could say was:
"Y-N..your voice is so enchanting.."
he already loved you so much, but he was visibly clingier afterwards.
at first, he really didn't realize you had spoken.
but once he did, he smiled so brightly.
he himself was almost speechless.
"Your voice..."
he was mesmerized by it, wanting to do anything to treasure your voice. his smile stuck on his face, gently cupping your hand.
"It's so beautiful, Y-N.."
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drkinhome · 3 months
May i get a shufflemancy for a Korekiyo Shinguji who was from a Non-Killing Game timeline? I remember being adopted by the Hanamura family and i would like to know a bit about my relationship with Teruteru. Thanks
I Am Not A Robot (Starsmith 24 Carat Remix) / MARINA
You've been acting awful tough lately
Smoking a lot of cigarettes lately
But inside, you're just a little baby
Oh, oh, oh, oh
It's okay to say you've got a weak spot
You don't always have to be on top
Better to be hated
Than loved, loved, loved for what you're not
You're vulnerable, so vulnerable
You are not a robot
You're loveable, so loveable
But you're just trouble
It seems like either you or Teruteru were having a difficult time and struggling to express it. Instead, you opted to bottle it up and act like everything was okay. You were putting on a front and being someone you weren’t, but the other noticed and emphasized that it was okay not to seem perfect and mechanical and that you were loved for who you really were.
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a-tale-never-told · 8 months
Now I’m not going to convince you that Yuri is my favorite character from SDRA2, or the greatest character in fanganronpa. But. BUT!
…If comparing him to Teruteru, then at least Yuri doesn’t have lines that he drugs/spikes people’s food or try to trick other women into preforming sexual acts on him. Just saying, I like Teruteru for his backstory and motive for murder…but he’s like the pinnacle of how far the pervert trope can go in DanganRonpa.
//You know, at least he has that.//
//But I do feel that Teruteru gets a lot of hate that is so bad, that he's pretty much become the defining trait of the pervert in Danganronpa. I feel like a lot of the people who despise him are those who only focus on his perverted nature while ignoring his more positive traits.//
// I'm not going to defend Teruteru's actions because they are disgusting and gross, to be honest, and he deserves to be criticized for that, but unlike Yuri, he at least has SOME positive traits, just some//
//The biggest trait of his that made me come around for Teruteru was his motivation for doing this. Teruteru has a mom that's basically running the diner all by herself, with Teru pitching in to help her, since she's getting old and ill. In fact, the only reason why he tried to commit murder was to get out of the island and check on his mom, to see if she was okay.//
//Whether you hate or love Teruteru, you cannot deny that his reasoning for doing this, even if it was a bit selfish to kill someone, was at least noble in the intent that he wanted to do. Keep in mind that this is a kid, who cared deeply for his mother, to the point that he was willing to kill someone just to escape, and he was going to kill Nagito, whom he thought was going to commit a murder by killing Imposter, so he tried to stop that//
// I'm not excusing him for his actions, as they are still messed up regardless of intention, but I think looking back, his intentions are one of the more noble ones of the culprits in the franchise at least to me.//
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crackanronpa · 6 months
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blushroom20 · 7 days
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Left 4 Dead 2 Modded Screenshots Part 20
Brought to you by: An update to the Teruteru survivor mod that fixed his first person arms but now his model breaks in other ways*! Either way im grateful for this mod existing.
Edit: *This also kinda got fixed while this post sat in my drafts
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We forgot Teruteru!
//Ah yes, Teruteru - this boy is gonna be fun honestly. ^^
Teruteru Hanamura:
Teruteru starts to get into medicine after he helped find medication for Peko.
Teruteru begins to develop a friendship with Hotaru.
During his time as a despair, He will steal a whole tub of ice cream.
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caramelgeddon · 2 years
Danganronpa 2 boys getting friend zoned (spoilers)
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Hello there- so I recently just got rejected and friendzoned by a crush, and while I’m truthfully happy to stay friends I am slightly bummed so I decided I’ll take this experience and turn it into a write. I hope you enjoy!
He has to take a long break from talking to them… but not for the reason you think
Truthfully he gets over the crush fairly quickly… but this rejection causes his self hatred to spring into his mind
“Of course they didn’t like you? Why would they like a talentless joke?”
After about a month of his friends helping him with his self hatred, he feels a bit better and starts talking to them again.
While there is a bit of awkwardness present that wasn’t there before… the friendship remains stable
While they offer to still be friends, he still keeps going for a relationship
This is a mistake he can’t take back causing the friend to cut ties
He tries to work on himself after this, he doesn’t want to make these mistakes anymore… this friendship failed because of him
And he won’t let that happen again in the future
With the support of friends and family, the goal of bettering himself begins
While he still loves them, he needs time to get over it
He talks with other friends more, hangs out with his hamsters more and takes more time for himself
He takes up new hobbies and meets new people becoming a overall more happy person
Overall this helped his life and made him more happy in the long term
And one day very soon the old crush will be a friend again
With Teruteru’s perverted nature you would be forgiven for expecting him to keep at it even after rejection. To peruse someone who has already stated there lack of interest
But honestly Teruteru handles rejection pretty well… I mean he’s kind of used to it by this point…
While Teruteru would be semi disappointed at another rejection, he accepts it and moves on fairly quickly
Typically remaining friends with his former crush if there willing to stay friends
(Side note: I head cannon Teruteru acts perverted since his mother wanted to see him with a love before she passed… and Teruteru never learned how to talk to girls properly since for most of his life, he has been in his family diner helping however he can)
He’s for the most part ok with it, hiding most of his emotions
Because of this the friend can’t tell how they feel and are confused
This could lead to a rift in the friendship
While he would try to stay friends he would become distant…
I think this would eventually end the friendship and they become awkward strangers
Quick side note regardless if they were friends with Peko before she would resent them for rejecting Fuyuhiko, not understanding how anyone would want to reject Fuyuhiko
While I personally head cannon him as aromantic (having little to none romantic attraction) let’s disregard this head cannon for this write
He takes the news the best, resuming the friendship immediately without a hint of awkwardness
Overall the friendship remains the same
“It’s my fault why they don’t love me”
That was the only logical explanation to nagito
The person he loved were perfect so it had to be him… there probably just pitying him by offering to stay friends…
He eventually cuts ties with his crush… although one day in the distant future… when he learns to let go of his self hatred
Maybe again they will be friends
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consuming-leaves · 2 years
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500x500 Black Teruteru Hanamura x Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu icons for Anon!
Rb+credit if you save/use!
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