#so now i want to get a rubber phone case and a screen protector made of that sticky plastic stuff
gideonisms · 8 months
this is my old woman moment of the day and it's happening at barely 7 am but I have spent the past hour searching for clear rubber phone cases. with which to protect my device. I decided on rubber after bad experiences with other materials. I have firmly made up my mind I would like the case to be clear and made of rubber and suitable for an android. and I simply cannot get through the apple ads to find this item. I think it all should be less difficult
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elligames · 5 years
emulating on the psp: a review
I initially bought a psp because i am obsessed with kingdom hearts, and knew that birth by sleep was an incredible installment. (spoiler alert: I was right. totally worth it to buy the psp just for that.) but when I bought it, i was surprised the psp held it’s value. my friend informed me that it’s because the modding community for the psp is incredibly strong, and emulation is really easy. needless to say, my almonds activated. so, that was a couple of years ago now. and I’ve had a lot of experience with the handheld since then, so i wanna share what I’ve come to know as someone who uses their psp for retro gaming.
The System Itself
whether you’re emulating on the system or not, there’s a couple of things to note about the system. it’s roughly the same size as the largest iPhones, so it is a pretty good size for a handheld. it’s quite thick, and not exactly pocket-sized, but it’s definitely portable. I keep mine in a 3DS case, and you can find those anywhere. the handheld doesn’t fold, so you might want a screen protector. I’m personally a fan of the screen, which is quite large for any emulation needs. it’s 16:9 though, so it can get annoying to have to change emulation settings back to 4:3. fortunately, though, this is usually a 1 time deal, and i think most emulators for any system are going to require tweaking for personal taste. the sound has decent volume scale, and the system includes a headphone jack. 
what weirds me out the most is that it’s kind of difficult to turn completely off. you can put it to sleep with the power slider, and the battery holds pretty well. but i never feel like i’ve turned my system all the way down. it’s also the only handheld i know of that runs games from a disk drive, in case that means anything to you. the SD cards are also not proprietary like the vita’s are, which is nice.
the first thing to understand is what the psp can actually do. it is a smooth ride up to the 32-bit ps1 system. there are emulators for n64 and sega saturn, but i admit i have not tried them. i have heard everything from “it’s sketchy at best” to “it totally runs smoothly!” so i’ve been wary. the psp can sideload ps1 and native psp games, and emulators from the 16-bit era and below have a huge following behind them.
sideloaded psp games run just as smoothly as games running from disks, which is really nice. 
emulators vary in quality. the great thing is, though, if you don’t like an emulator, there’s almost always a different one for the same system. and most of them have been worked on thoroughly. i recommend snes9x tyl, gpSP, and masterboy. i had huge issues with snes9x euphoria, but made the switch like a week ago to tyl and i’m never going back - the sound and game stability are both fantastic. i admit i’m a stupid nintendo fangirl, so that’s what i use the most. i noticed that my genesis emulator doesn’t use the psp’s joystick, and i’m not sure if i avoid sega because i’m uninterested, or if i dislike the controls. more on that in a minute.
to note, i am running on a psp 1000, which is the first model - so really all models are powerful enough for most emulators. (though this might change if you really are going to research n64 emulators)
holy crap, it’s stupidly easy. and there’s a lot of guides out there. i used one that was literally just like, “alright, you’re going to put these files in this folder on your system” and that was about all it took. and once you have that file system setup, adding new emulators and roms is really just a matter of moving things over whenever you want. it’s fantastic.
i really recommend using a guide that installs a recovery option. for the setup i used, i need to run this recovery option when the system loses battery. it’s not a huge deal, and doesn’t affect the game saves, but it’s like the system forgot about my files or something. 
okay, this is the part that really surprised me the most. emulation in general takes you away from the native experience, so some difference in controls is to be expected. so i didn’t really ever expect that to bother me. 
but this is the kicker: there’s no dedicated d-pad. the arrows on the left side are all individual buttons, which means the handheld does not support diagonal directions. i didn’t even consider this on purchase. i had heard other gamers talk about how important a good d-pad is, but i kind of brushed it off. for the most part, i still think i am pretty casual gamer, and i think a low-quality d-pad would not bother me. at least it would still be there.
but the setup of the psp kind of requires you to use the joystick for all games, which really takes you out of the moment for GBA and SNES games. it’s also slightly uncomfortable because of the location of the joystick, and the fact that the joystick is a similar rubber-band-y setup to the 3DS, and not a true stick. if you’re looking to emulate games that require lots of precision, this is an even bigger consideration. i don’t play a lot of games like that (i’m mostly doing adventure-style and jrpgs personally, no intense shooters or anything) but i will say, the 15-second game in LTTP is a bitch and a half on this thing. it is immensely easier on a setup with a real d-pad. moving around corners with a time limit is a real pain in the ass with this rubber-band joystick. and, i will also note that when looking at psp models, i personally think the joystick on the psp go looks awkward, but that’s just something to consider.
it’s honestly annoying enough at certain times like that, that i recommend moving save files back and forth. or at least for that one mini game. 
this also means that, like i said, because my genesis emulator doesn’t support the joystick, controlling sonic feels jilted and unnatural. so if i ever develop an interest in sega, i’ll have to post some updates.
for what it’s worth, the psp includes L & R shoulder buttons, the four shape buttons you see on dualshock controllers, and the aforementioned arrow buttons and joystick. so, in theory, there’s plenty of input for the majority of emulation. 
i will say the controls can also be confusing because the psp has opposite controls of nintendo consoles, and switching your brain between the two can take some getting used to. most emulators use the playstation controls in their settings menus, though i remember snes9x euphoria would use the nintendo controls - which i constantly forgot and found confusing, so there’s another point for snes9x tyl. 
even though the psp has held a value, it still remains to be one of the cheapest options for the library available to it and the quality of emulation. it’s got a great screen, great sound, and a community behind the emulators that ensure you’re likely going to find something stable and worth playing. while the controls severely hold the handheld back, i find myself really, really fond of my psp. i notice cheaper emulation options that pop up, and there’s almost always issues reviewers bring up such as screen tearing or poor sound. more expensive options might fix issues the psp has, but i almost always see them at least double the price of what i paid for my psp. 
of course, the value is going to depend on your local retro gaming store, so it might be comparable to other emulation options. and it might not even be worth it if you’ve got a device, such as a tablet or phone, that can do emulation. you might want to consider bluetooth controllers instead! but as a dedicated machine for gaming, i’d recommend it. i have to say that the psp is a very smooth experience and definitely worth checking out. 
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dreams-of-wings · 7 years
Out of Your Time (2/?)
Warnings: Swearing and some violence
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Both your eyes follow the sound of foot steps to the other side of the arcade machines lined up in a row - probably the only thing keeping the monster from finding the both of you, and the only thing keeping you alive right now. Will doesn’t dare open the door out of fear that the noise may alert the creature to your exact location. Slowly, you turn to look at Will and bring your index finger to your lips, motioning for him to keep quiet. The little boy swallows thickly and nodes his head, eyes darting between you and the spot the noise stopped. You quietly take one step back towards Will, and then another, then another, till you’re a few inches away from him.
There’s a growling noise and the two of you brisle, afraid the monster has caught on to where you’re at. The both of you pause for a moment, waiting to see if anything happens. When nothing does, you turn to look at Will you motion from yourself to the arcade machine infront of the creature. He looks at you with scared eyes and shakes his head while mouthing a silent 'no’. You simply nod in response and point from him to the door.
“When I go,” you whisper quietly - pointing from yourself to the arcade machine then from him to the door, “you go.” Will shakes his head frantically, the fear visible in his eyes. Using your fingers you count down from three.
You turn to face the arcade machine blocking your view of the Death Flower.
The hand holding on to the handle of your machete clenches, turning your knuckles white while Will’s hands do the same with the door knob.
There’s a gurgling sound coming from behind the game machine.
You run to the machine and slam into it shoulder first, causing the electronic to topple over from the force and fall onto the monster. It gives a loud screech and flails, in that second you stumble - almost falling with the machine, but you catch yourself before turning to look at the door. You see Will is gone and you immediately sprint to the door, shoving it open and slamming it shut, just in time to see Will turn a corner around the arcade building. Without a moment’s hesitation you follow and easily catch up to him with your longer legs.
The two of you run and run till you see a two story house with a driveway the goes around the back. Patches of brick wall peak though the rot in the first story, and half of the white painted wood is exposed on the second floor.
“C'mon!” Will pulls you by the arm towards the front door and he lifts up the welcome mat to pull out a key. He then quickly unlocks the door and shoves it open - you following not too far behind before he closes the door and locks it from the inside.
“Mike,” he calls out, “Nancy!?” There’s no answer.
“Friends of yours?”
Mike looks at you and nods, “Well, Mike is. Nancy is his older sister.” You nod in reply and look around the vacant home.
“You know it’s just us right,” you question with a raised brow. You really didn’t want to burst this kids bubble, but you also didn’t want him to get his hopes up.
“That’s what you thought, but here I am,” Will stated plainly with a shrug.
Fair point.
The two of you looked around the house for any signs of life. While Will searched the rooms for any clue that his friend was here, you raided the fridge. Only taking things that wouldn’t spoil easily and putting them in your satchel - apples, carrots, Jello, and some bottles of water. You were just moving to the pantry when Will came from upstaires, “What are you doing?”
You paused, bag open and can opener in hand, “Stocking up,” you went back to your forging - placing a can if beans and some SPAM in your bag, “We don’t know when’s the next time we will be able to find food.” He nodded in understanding before helping, placing some items in his school bag.
“Why don’t we stop by the store?”
“We will,” you don’t bother looking at him as you continue to reorganize the pantry in search of more nonperishables, “But the store should be our last resort.”
“Why?” His brows furrowed in confusion.
“Because,” you closed the door before going to situate your findings, “at least we know there will always be food for us at the store, if we go through the houses first we can ration what’s at the store later.” His brows furrowed, taking in what you said as he finished organizing his backpack - emptying it of school supplies and replacing them with cans and containers of food.
“But,” you interjected, “Now that I think about it,” you close your satchel and sling it over your shoulder, “After this we’ll go to the store and leave everything there,” you moved to help him put the backpack on, “then we’ll go see what we can find at the other houses and do the same.”
“So the market will be like a storehouse for food?” Will turned to look at you, jumping slightly and jossling his bag to make the contents rest more comfortably on his back. You smiled in response and nodded your head.
Smart Kid.
“Yes, exactly like a storehouse,” you raised your hand to ruffle his hair affectionately, “But that means we’ll have to go through the perishables before we get to the canned food, so we have to eat the fruits and vegetables first.” His face scrunched up in response.
“I know,” you laughed slightly,“Yuck, but we have to eat that stuff first to make the food last longer.” Hesitantly, Will nodded - he didn’t like it, but he understood the reasoning. The two of you head out, with Will leading the way and you following close behind - machete drawn.
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It took the two of you about half an hour to get to the foodmart - though to you, it felt like forever since you had no idea where you were going. Once you were there you examined the condition of the store. The place looked rundown and abandoned, just like all the other buildings, but the glass doors infront seemed to be in the best condition.
Will lead you to the door and attempted to get it open by waving his hands. He seemed perplexed, why wasn’t it opening?
You threw a large rock through the tall glass door and it shatters. Will jumps nearly a foot in the air, before turning to look at you with a shocked expression, “What are you thinking!?”
“That there’s no electricity, so the automatic doors aren’t going to open,” you walk forward, stepping over the black door frame and shattered glass as you head inside - Will quickly following on your heels.
The twelve-year-old brings a hand to his mouth to stifle a yawn, but you glance back at him in time to see it.
Will nods.
You bet, you yourself have not gotten a good night’s sleep in a while - just short naps here and there.
“Tell ya’ what,” you sling your bag off your shoulder and plop it on to the nearest checkout counter, “as soon as we’re done unpacking this food,” you dump the contents of your bag, “You can take us somewhere safe to sleep.”
Will stared at the pile for a moment, and then brightened as soon as he caught on, “I know just where to take us!” He dumped the goods on the counter as well before bolting to the door, and you stumble to keep up with him.
“Slow down!”
You hear a garbled roar in the distance and the both if you stagger, looking back in the direction it came from.
You reiterate, “Don’t slow down!”
Both you and the boy make a mad dash in whatever direction Will is taking you, “It shouldn’t be that far! It’s just up ahead!”
You huff, and look past Will to see a one story house in the distance. It rested on top of a small slope and had a wide front porch that spanned from one end of the home to the other. Will scrambled to a halt once he reached the door, you nearly crashing into him as he looked around before picking up a small potted plant next to the door to reveal yet another spare key.
You raise a questioning brow, “Another friend of yours?” Will nods his head in responce.
“Except this friend has a cellar with a steel door,” he glanced back at you, a somewhat smug smile plastered on his face, “With a steel lock and padlock, So we should be safe down there.”
“Not bad,” you made a face and gave a nod of approval, “Not bad at all.” The two of you stepped in and looked around - out of habbit - to make sure no one was home before closing the door behind you and locking it. Immediately, you made a beeline for the kitchen and proceeded to go through the fridge and pantry. Will wandered off somewhere in the house (you assumed to his friends room) before coming back a few minutes later with a small stack of board games. You paused, can of pudding halfway into your bag as you looked at the palefaced boy with an arched brow.
“What’re those?”
A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips, “Board games.”
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The two of you situated yourselves in Dustin’s cellar for the night. You both made sure all the doors leading into the house were locked and barricaded with with various pieces of furniture - sofas, the coffee table, stools, and whatever else you could find.
“Okay, now it’s your turn,” Will was currently trying to teach you how to play Dungeons and Dragons - a watered down version of it.
“No now it’s time for you to sleep,” you shook your head and Will pouted in responce.
“Why can’t I just stay up with you?”
You snicker, “Because we have to rest and we need to take turns, so that if the monster comes one of us can wake up the other.” Will simply nodded in response, shifting into his sleeping bag before turning his back to you. A small smile on your face as you watched the boy for a few minutes till his breathing slowed. With a deep sigh, you reached for your worn satchel and pulled it towards you, before opening it and pulling your phone out. It looked dingy - the glass screen protector was cracked in various places and the casing around the electronic was beginning to peel around the edges. You were certine that if you removed the protector, dirt and grime would be caked around the inside if the rubber case. After a moment, you turn the cell on - the screen flickering to life as the logo of your phone company appeared before your lock screen is displayed.
A sad smile etched its way onto your face as you looked at the wallpaper of you and your friends all smiling at the camera. Silently, you wonder how everyone is doing back home. You wonder if Jughead and Betty are doing okay, if they’ve caught the Black Hood yet, if Jug’s father has made it out of jail, and if Archie has managed to say that infamous three word phrase to Ronnie yet: I love you. You then unlock your phone and open up your apps, making your way to your gallery where you swipe through various pictures of friends, family, and important moments. You take in a sharp, shakey breath - vision blurring for a brief moment before clearing up, and you feel a small draft on your cheeks. Slightly confused, you raise your free hand to wipe your face and find that your hand is wet. Wonderful, you’re crying.
You sniffle, glancing up at Will in hopes that you hadn’t woken him. When you see that he’s still fast asleep, you pull out you headphones from your bag and plug them in as you play Imagine Dragons - being sure to only put one earbud in and keep the volume low so you could hear your surroundings. Another drawn out sigh leaves your lips as you tilt your head back against the wall. You stare at the ceiling for you don’t know how long, but you jump when you feel a hand on yours. Your head quickly snaps down to look at the young boy and he jumps slightly from your sudden movement.
“I can’t sleep anymore, your turn?”
You looked down at your phone to see how much time had passed since Will went to sleep and you were reminded that your phone’s clock was stopped. You huffed before looking back at Will and nodding your head, pulling the other earbud out. Battery at 15%.
“What are those?”
You glanced up at Will, “Headphones.” His head jerked back, brows knitting close together.
You laughed at his response. Yes, that’s right, almost all electronics around in his time would have been large and bulky.
“Yeah, but we call these kinds, earbuds,” you held the small headphones out to him and he took them in his hands, examining them curiously.
“Earbuds?” He turned them around and held them up in the air - taking in their shape, “Buds as in flower buds? They’re shaped like them…” He was rambling now and you couldn’t help but giggle at his reaction.
He looked at you after a moment, “Can I listen?” You glance down at your phone before nodding and handing him the small electronic as he slowly places the earbuds in his ears before carefully taking the phone. Will quietly looks down at the bright screen for a moment and examines it, not quite sure what to do.
“How do I make it play?” He looked perplexed, the screen took up almost the entirety of the front and he couldn’t see anybuttons other than one in the center at the bottom. You laugh a bit before leaning forward to look over the screen.
“It’s touch-screen,” you say as you swipe up and down with a finger, scrolling through the various playlists. His eyes widen in shock before he taps the play button in the screen with his free hand and Demons by Imagine Dragons begins to play where you left off.
I want to hide the truth
I want to shelter you
But with the beast inside
There’s nowhere we can hide.
Will smiles and bobs his head slightly to the music as the chorus begins to play, you watch him as you head over to settle into the sleeping bag - a smile on your face as well.
No matter what we breed
We still are made of greed
This is my kingdom come
This is my kingdom come.
“I like it,” he says excitedly to no one in particular as the music continues to blare through the speakers of the earbuds.
When you feel my heat
Look into my eyes
It’s where my demons hide
It’s where my demons hide.
“I’m glad,” you yawn, though you know he can’t hear you since he has both headphones in. You watch him while you lay on your side, his smiling face illuminated by the screen as you slowly drift to sleep.
Don’t get too close
It’s dark inside
It’s where my demons hide
It’s where my demons hide.
Battery at 12%.
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Top five Will have to Have Apple iphone 4 Components
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Everyone understands Apple Iphone 4's mobile cellular phone is so popular and stylish currently. Pretty much everybody want to personal an Iphone four and you probably observed from the news that a large amount of peoples queuing up in entrance of the Apple's retailer retail store right away just prior to a day Apple launch the Iphone four. You can see this circumstance all more than the world which have had launched the Apple iphone four particularly in the US, China, Malaysia and Singapore. Very well, Apple iphone four is not a low cost cell cellphone, so each individual proprietor will surely deal with it like a valuable. So, allow us see which five should have accessories for your precious. Display Protector The Iphone four come with the higher definitions Retina display screen glass which is made from the similar elements used in the helicopters, and it is chemically strengthened and harden to make the Iphone 4 a lot more scratch resistant, strong and oil resistant. The oil-resistant coating is help to maintain the iPhone's screen thoroughly clean but it will mirror the mild specially beneath direct sunlight. Essentially there are two styles of monitor protector in the current market, just one is the normal shinny monitor protector and the other 1 is the anti-glare display screen protector. Very well, equally of them have the identical principal purpose which is safeguard the iPhone's screen. As describe above, the first Apple iphone 4's display presently designed from more challenging materials and it supposedly will not scratch but who will assure it at the stop of the day. We all compensated so expensively to get this infant and of program we shall get excellent treatment of it. So, this monitor protector will act as the double basic safety measure for the iPhone's display screen. Since the anti-glare display screen protector will triumph over the light reflection issue, why they even now selling the shinny one particular? Well, as an Apple iphone owner, I think that the anti-glare sort display protector will blocked some (pretty little) of the colorful mild brightness from it whereby the shinny variety just one will not. Consequently, the iPhone's display with shinny screen protector really should have superior vividness. On the other hand, I take into account it is a minor difficulty for the anti-glare display screen protector compare to possessing the gentle reflection. Iphone 4 Situation and Pouch The Apple iphone 4's case or pouch is another most important need to have accessory simply because I identified out the back again address of the Apple iphone can get scratch effortlessly. The scratch is un-repairable and I felt damage. So, there are two means to safe your cherished from scratches, it is either using the telephone case or pouch. There are a great deal of distinct instances and pouches in the sector and it will surprise your eyes. Normally, the Iphone 4's conditions are created from PVC, silicon, rubber, steel and and so forth. even though the Apple iphone 4's pouches are generally built from either leather or PU (Polyurethane - a popular kind of plastic).   If you enjoyed this short article and you would certainly like to receive additional details pertaining to DESTEK V3 For iPhone kindly visit our own web site. Every type of resources will have unique styles as perfectly and consequently give the Iphone owner a vast range of picking the instances and pouches. Bluetooth Headset Apple is integrated the wired stereo headset in Apple iphone 4's retail box but not the Bluetooth headset. The main functions of the Apple iphone 4 are making/acquiring phone calls and as multimedia players. In this century, most of the international locations have the regulation which calls for their peoples to use the hand free instrument even though driving auto. Consequently, the Bluetooth headset performs the essential part whilst driving, and the Bluetooth technological know-how supplying the buyers flexibility and hassle-free in conditions of wi-fi link. I strongly think every person ought to know the benefits of the Bluetooth technology in this article. Moreover working with the Bluetooth headset for phone calls, it is also really easy while listening to the songs specially through doing exercises. In-car or truck or Travel Charger Other than the wired stereo headset, the first Iphone 4's box shall incorporated a person device of charger (USB cable and power socket) which signify you can only charge the Apple iphone if there is a particular laptop or computer, USB electrical power supply or electrical power supply socket. So, the in-car charger is the savior for the chaotic or organization staff which you can always charge the Iphone while travelling. Consequently with these a few electricity adapters' availabilities, I can't have an understanding of why the Apple iphone even now have no energy. In any case, you can invest in an extra vacation charger for your Iphone as well if you are travelling generally or you would like to maintain just one in the business and one in the household to stay away from forgetting of bringing the charger. Speaker More speaker is a fantastic accessory for all those tunes enthusiasts. If you imagine the developed-in speaker is not loud or great adequate for you, then the docking or Bluetooth speaker shall be your preference. There are quite a few branded speakers that can satisfy your desires. For case in point: iHome, Altec Lansing, Resourceful, Bose, Logitech, Yamaha and a lot of much more. Additional much more some of the speakers are so wonderful to decorate the home. Lastly, there are however a ton of great stuffs for the Apple iphone 4 like the docking adapter, multimedia cables, in-motor vehicle holder established, vacation battery pack and many extra. Properly, the equipment may not be so valuable but it is value to have a glance and it will astonish you.  
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abstractfurnishings · 6 years
Where to Buy Abstract Phone Cases Online
Recently, I had decided that the case for my iPhone 6s was a little boring, and needed some flair. It was just a simple black case, a Bodyguardz or something like that; one of those tough, hard rubber cases that wraps around the back.
Now the case has worked well enough – I’ve dropped the phone a few times on the back or the corners, and it’s lasted thus far.
Although, this case, unlike the OtterBox is used to have years ago, doesn’t cover the screen, so I do have a few “bullet holes” in the glass screen protector on the front.
I digress.
Now, due to my love of all things abstract, I wasn’t in the mood a normal phone case. No no no. I wanted something with a little pizzazz if you will.
What did I do?
I searched for abstract phone cases of course.
In this article, I’m going to share with you the results of my search. I found 9 decent places to get a new phone case, regardless of whether you use iOS or Android. I haven’t used all of these sites, I’m merely sharing the ones that I found here.
The list below is a combination of these TYPES OF SITES. This includes:
Print on Demand
Phone Case specific
While I did include large marketplaces in this list like Amazon, I did NOT include out of the country direct importing sites like:
My reason for this is that it takes a really long time to receive these items, and these websites tend to be more for reselling, meaning you have to buy a bunch to get better prices. Also, since they are usually B2B and not B2C, the user experience is not nearly as good.
Best of luck and I hope you find one that’s right for you.
Etsy (My Recommended Choice)
Type: Marketplace
Etsy is a marketplace where people can sell their own handmade or vintage items. The phone cases here generally made or at least designed, by a regular person.
What’s nice about Etsy is the vast selection they have, due to how many people use the platform.
The reason I like Etsy is that most of the time, when you buy something on here, you’re supporting a person, not a large company.
The only “issue” I see with finding these cases on Etsy, is that you may be limited on finding a style you like in your specific phone model. While the style range may be wider, the types of cases you can get may be narrower than a site that specializes in phone cases. (see below)
Here’s an advantage though: If you find a style there that you like, but it’s not available for your phone type, the best thing you can do is message the artist directly, to see if there’s any way they could make one to your specifications.
Etsy has a lot of talented artists around, and many of the cases are very cool looking. That’s why I recommend them.
Click here to see Abstract Phone Cases on Etsy
Type: Marketplace
I shouldn’t really have to say much about the biggest retailer on the internet. Obviously, Amazon has almost everything you could ask for, and abstract designed phone accessories are no different.
While Amazon has the biggest selection of everything online in one place, and low shipping, it’s hard to go anywhere else.
The only reason I don’t recommend Amazon is because they’re already big. I like suggesting other places to help other sites get recognized.
Also, while they have everything, that doesn’t mean they’re the best choice. They just have a lot of stuff.
But if you’re just looking for rock bottom prices, this is the place to go.
Click here to see Abstract Phone Cases on Amazon (affiliate link)
Type: Print on Demand
Society6 is a “print on demand” site, meaning that a person will upload their designs, and Society6 (s6) will take those designs, print them on objects, and then ship it out to you.
From what I’ve seen, Society6 has quite a few cases available with abstract designs, and many are pretty darn cool. Usually the prices on a site like this tend to run a little higher than a marketplace site like Amazon or eBay, since the artist is the one creating the designs, but they only get a small sliver of the actual sale.
But again, if you want to support an artist, this is a great way to do it.
Click here to see Abstract Phone Cases on Society6
RedBubble (2nd Recommendation)
Type: Print on Demand
RedBubble is very similar to Society6, but it has more available listings. Not only for phone cases, but home furnishings as well.
They also have designs available for many, many different types of phones. Even iPhone 4’s. Talk about retro. (lol)
Click here to see Abstract Phone Cases on RedBubble
Fine Art America
Type: Print on Demand
Fine Art America is the largest print on demand site that I know of. They have thousands and thousands of designs available from a wide array of artists.
I’ve even sold items on FAA.
My biggest complaint about Fine Art America is their actual site. It’s not always intuitive, and sometimes isn’t the easiest to use to find items, but if you can find what you’re looking for in a design, you can customize quite a bit before buying.
Click here to see Abstract Phone Cases on FineArtAmerica
Design By Humans
Type: Print on Demand
I like this site, but I didn’t see a whole lot on here. I’d check this after the three aforementioned PoD sites first.
Click here to see Abstract Phone Cases on Design by Humans
Type: Print on Demand
Similar results as above, but one thing that I like about Zazzle’s case selection is that they have OtterBox cases – something I didn’t see on the other sites (I may have missed it).
I flippin love OtterBox cases – I use to abuse the heck out of mine, and it stood up to everything I threw at it. Pretty decent selection here.
Click here to see Abstract Phone Cases on Zazzle
Type: Print on Demand
Like the others listed above, this site started off as t-shirts only (I believe).
Honestly, I didn’t see many results for these types of phone cases, so I’d check here as a last resort. That’s not a slight to the company – there just aren’t a lot of results here. I basically added this to give you another option for looking.
Click here to see Abstract Phone Cases on TeeSpring
Type: Item Specific
Casetify is a case website that also has covers for computers, tablets and watches. Their selection for phone cases is decent, with a lot of “hip” and “bright” designs available. They even have wallet cases, which is pretty dope.
It looks like they have cases for Android phones, but their specialty is Apple products.
Click here to see Abstract Phone Cases on Casetify
SkinIt (3rd Recommendation)
Type: item Specific
SkinIt is a pretty cool site that does what Casetify does – but better. Not only do they have phone cases for Samsung and iPhone, they also have abstract phone cases for Google’s Pixel phone.
They also have “skins” available for game consoles, laptops, and tablets.
And if all that wasn’t cool enough, you can simply upload your own design to be printed, and have something you uploaded become a skin or case that you can use.
Talk about customization!
Click here to see Abstract Phone Cases on SkinIt
All the best,
Coty S.
from WordPress http://bit.ly/2RpqNt0 via IFTTT
0 notes
applecybermonday · 6 years
Ipod Touch Cyber Monday Deals 2016
Ipod Touch Cyber Monday Deals 2016 :: Shop online for best Cyber Monday Deals, Sales and Specials on iPod Touch.  iPod touch 8-megapixel iSight camera  Apple iPod. Compare the iPod Shuffle, nano, or Touch.
Apple iPod Touch, 16GB, Space Gray (6th Generation)
6 new from $172.00 14 used from $ 119.99 Free shipping
Buy Now Amazon.com
as of September 12, 2018 2:30 pm
4-Inch Multi-Touch IPS Retina Display
1136 x 640 Native Resolution at 326 ppi
A8 and M8 Processors
Rear 8MP iSight Camera (1080p)Front 1.2MP FaceTime HD Camera
Apple Maps, Nike+, Siri
Apple iPod Touch 16GB Pink (6th Generation) MKGX2LL/A (Certified Refurbished)
Free shipping
Buy Now Amazon.com
as of September 12, 2018 2:30 pm
This Certified Refurbished product has been tested and certified to work and look like new, with minimal to no signs of wear, by a specialized third-party seller approved by Amazon. The product is backed by a minimum 90-day warranty, and may arrive in a generic brown or white box. Accessories may be generic and not directly from the manufacturer.
Brilliant 4- Inch Retina display with Multi-Touch IPS technology
Front-Facing FaceTime camera with 1.2MP photos & 720p HD video recording.
iOS 7 features - Siri, Apple Designed Maps, Integrated Facebook, Shared Photo Streams, Passbook & more
In the Box - iPod Touch, Apple EarPods, Lightning to USB cable
Apple iPod touch 8 GB Black (4th Generation) (Discontinued by Manufacturer)
2 new from $225.00 57 used from $ 30.31
Buy Now Amazon.com
as of September 12, 2018 2:30 pm
It has 8 GB Storage Capacity (Estimated Free Space 6.5 GB) for about 2,000 songs, 10,000 photos, or 10 hours of video
It has up to 40 hours of audio playback or 7 hours of video playback on a single charge
Support for AAC, Protected AAC (iTunes Store) and other audio formats, H.264, MPEG-4
Display: 960 x 640 Pixel Resolution,It has one-year limited warranty
VGA-quality photos and video up to 30 frames per second with the front camera
Apple iPod touch 16GB Blue (6th Generation)
7 new from $199.99 27 used from $ 100.00
Buy Now Amazon.com
as of September 12, 2018 2:30 pm
iPod touch features an apple-designed A8 chip built on 64-bit architecture.
The M8 motion coprocessor continually measures physical motion from advanced sensors, including a gyroscope and accelerometer.
iPod touch has a 4-inch retina display, so all your fun has a beautiful canvas.
Apple iPod touch 16GB Gold (6th Generation)
19 used from $ 138.95
Buy Now Amazon.com
as of September 12, 2018 2:30 pm
iPod touch features an apple-designed A8 chip built on 64-bit architecture.
The M8 motion coprocessor continually measures physical motion from advanced sensors, including a gyroscope and accelerometer.
iPod touch has a 4-inch retina display, so all your fun has a beautiful canvas.
Apple iPod touch 16GB Black (4th Generation) (Discontinued by Manufacturer)
1 new from $225.00 17 used from $ 51.70 Free shipping
Buy Now Amazon.com
as of September 12, 2018 2:30 pm
16 GB Storage Capacity (Estimated Free Space 12.5 GB)
Apple iPod Touch 6th Generation and Accessories, 16GB - Blue
Buy Now Amazon.com
as of September 12, 2018 2:30 pm
Brand new iPod Touch with the Ultimate Accessory Bundle including Tempered Glass Screen Protector, Power Bank with Cable, TPU iPod Case, 1 Stylus Screen Pen (colors may vary), Microfiber cleaning cloth, Apple Earphones, Apple USB Cable, Convenient Carrying Pouch
New features include 5 stunning colors, an A8 chip, a new 8MP iSight camera, faster wireless connectivity, and iOS 8, New 'M8' chip to provide fitness tracking. Access the all-new Apple Music Service
New iPod Touch comes fully loaded. iPod touch comes with iOS 8 and a collection of powerful built-in apps. Send unlimited texts with iMessage over Wi-Fi. See your friend's every expression with a FaceTime video call. Post a photo directly to Facebook or Twitter. Or browse your favorite sites with Safari.
A8 Chip built upon a 64 bit architecture will see an improvement of up to 10 times more power in the GPU than previous iPods as well as up to 6 times more power in the CPU. iPod touch includes the latest in wireless technologies. Experience up to 3x faster Wi-Fi speeds. iPod touch also supports Bluetooth 4.1 technology.
A 4-inch retina display with 1136x640 resolution will mean easy visibility wherever you are with your iPod and clear graphics for gaming or general apps. Featuring a new and improved 8 megapixel camera and an improved FaceTime HD camera. Features include slo-mo and burst mode, as well as better noise reduction and improved face detection.
Apple iPod touch 32GB (5th Generation) Blue
3 new from $214.45 20 used from $ 95.45
Buy Now Amazon.com
as of September 12, 2018 2:30 pm
32 GB Storage Capacity (Estimated Free Space 28.3 GB)
5-megapixel iSight camera
Apple A5 chip
LATEST MODEL Apple Ipod Nano 7th Generation 16 GB Space Gray With Generic White Earpods and A USB Data Cable (Non Retail Packaged in a White Box), Model: MD481LL/CALI, Electronics & Accessories Store
4 new from $249.99 3 used from $ 149.95
Buy Now Amazon.com
as of September 12, 2018 2:30 pm
Up to 30 hours of Music playback and 3.5 hours of Video playback.
Only 5.4-mm thin making it the thinnest iPod ever
Easy-to-use controls to quickly adjust volume, or play, pause, and change songs
AAC, MP3, AIFF, And WAV Playback
New Apple Ipod Nano 7th generation direct from Apple in a gift box as part of the Ipod Nano 1st generation replacement program
APPLE iPod Touch 6 case, Scratch-Resistant Dual Layer Hybrid Protective Case and Shockproof Bumper by Boonix (Green)
$29.99 $7.99
1 new from $7.99 1 used from $ 3.00 Free shipping
Buy Now Amazon.com
as of September 12, 2018 2:30 pm
The hard polycarbonate back shell and soft Silicone cushion frames provide perfect protection against impacts and bumps without bulky weight.
Fits perfectly to your iPod Touch 5 and 6 Generation. All cutouts and buttons are precisely designed to access all your device's features.
Made up of premium quality dual layer Polycarbonate material and rubber coated silicon material
Popular pattern case gives your phone a fresh look. Durable and high quality product. Also Perfect for kids.
Anti-slip dual layer design help to protect from drops and scratches.
During the Cyber Monday, the discounts on stuffs are the best and so everyone is on the mood to go shopping and so you better grab this opportunity to buy the stuffs that you like but are expensive.
Of course, expensive things are not that accessible to everyone, and so when it comes to days wherein sales hit the malls, everyone would be going to the mall. If you want to save more, then you would want to have the double discount that could be yours this Cyber Monday.
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Apple iPod touch 32 GB (4th Generation) NEWEST MODEL
So the next question would be, where you would be able to find all the coupons that you need so that you would be able to avail all the discounts that you wanted.
Well, I think you just came to the right place.
Yes, we can give you the best coupon deals that you would want to have.
With these coupons, you would be having a double fun on everything. All you need to do to have them is browse our site and see to it that you would be checking everything so that you won’t miss anything.
And so, if you have all the coupons that we offer, then you can go to your favorite shop and buy the stuffs that you love at the best price that they can offer it to you.
Of course, with your coupons you don’t have to worry about the price.
Everything at this time is so cheap so you better get your shopping shoes ready and get ready to go to the mall and find all the stuffs that you need.
Apple iPod Touch, 16GB, Space Gray (6th Generation)
6 new from $172.00 14 used from $ 119.99 Free shipping
Buy Now Amazon.com
as of September 12, 2018 2:30 pm
4-Inch Multi-Touch IPS Retina Display
1136 x 640 Native Resolution at 326 ppi
A8 and M8 Processors
Rear 8MP iSight Camera (1080p)Front 1.2MP FaceTime HD Camera
Apple Maps, Nike+, Siri
Apple iPod Touch 16GB Pink (6th Generation) MKGX2LL/A (Certified Refurbished)
Free shipping
Buy Now Amazon.com
as of September 12, 2018 2:30 pm
This Certified Refurbished product has been tested and certified to work and look like new, with minimal to no signs of wear, by a specialized third-party seller approved by Amazon. The product is backed by a minimum 90-day warranty, and may arrive in a generic brown or white box. Accessories may be generic and not directly from the manufacturer.
Brilliant 4- Inch Retina display with Multi-Touch IPS technology
Front-Facing FaceTime camera with 1.2MP photos & 720p HD video recording.
iOS 7 features - Siri, Apple Designed Maps, Integrated Facebook, Shared Photo Streams, Passbook & more
In the Box - iPod Touch, Apple EarPods, Lightning to USB cable
Apple iPod touch 8 GB Black (4th Generation) (Discontinued by Manufacturer)
2 new from $225.00 57 used from $ 30.31
Buy Now Amazon.com
as of September 12, 2018 2:30 pm
It has 8 GB Storage Capacity (Estimated Free Space 6.5 GB) for about 2,000 songs, 10,000 photos, or 10 hours of video
It has up to 40 hours of audio playback or 7 hours of video playback on a single charge
Support for AAC, Protected AAC (iTunes Store) and other audio formats, H.264, MPEG-4
Display: 960 x 640 Pixel Resolution,It has one-year limited warranty
VGA-quality photos and video up to 30 frames per second with the front camera
Apple iPod touch 16GB Blue (6th Generation)
7 new from $199.99 27 used from $ 100.00
Buy Now Amazon.com
as of September 12, 2018 2:30 pm
iPod touch features an apple-designed A8 chip built on 64-bit architecture.
The M8 motion coprocessor continually measures physical motion from advanced sensors, including a gyroscope and accelerometer.
iPod touch has a 4-inch retina display, so all your fun has a beautiful canvas.
Apple iPod touch 16GB Gold (6th Generation)
19 used from $ 138.95
Buy Now Amazon.com
as of September 12, 2018 2:30 pm
iPod touch features an apple-designed A8 chip built on 64-bit architecture.
The M8 motion coprocessor continually measures physical motion from advanced sensors, including a gyroscope and accelerometer.
iPod touch has a 4-inch retina display, so all your fun has a beautiful canvas.
Apple iPod touch 16GB Black (4th Generation) (Discontinued by Manufacturer)
1 new from $225.00 17 used from $ 51.70 Free shipping
Buy Now Amazon.com
as of September 12, 2018 2:30 pm
16 GB Storage Capacity (Estimated Free Space 12.5 GB)
Apple iPod Touch 6th Generation and Accessories, 16GB - Blue
Buy Now Amazon.com
as of September 12, 2018 2:30 pm
Brand new iPod Touch with the Ultimate Accessory Bundle including Tempered Glass Screen Protector, Power Bank with Cable, TPU iPod Case, 1 Stylus Screen Pen (colors may vary), Microfiber cleaning cloth, Apple Earphones, Apple USB Cable, Convenient Carrying Pouch
New features include 5 stunning colors, an A8 chip, a new 8MP iSight camera, faster wireless connectivity, and iOS 8, New 'M8' chip to provide fitness tracking. Access the all-new Apple Music Service
New iPod Touch comes fully loaded. iPod touch comes with iOS 8 and a collection of powerful built-in apps. Send unlimited texts with iMessage over Wi-Fi. See your friend's every expression with a FaceTime video call. Post a photo directly to Facebook or Twitter. Or browse your favorite sites with Safari.
A8 Chip built upon a 64 bit architecture will see an improvement of up to 10 times more power in the GPU than previous iPods as well as up to 6 times more power in the CPU. iPod touch includes the latest in wireless technologies. Experience up to 3x faster Wi-Fi speeds. iPod touch also supports Bluetooth 4.1 technology.
A 4-inch retina display with 1136x640 resolution will mean easy visibility wherever you are with your iPod and clear graphics for gaming or general apps. Featuring a new and improved 8 megapixel camera and an improved FaceTime HD camera. Features include slo-mo and burst mode, as well as better noise reduction and improved face detection.
Apple iPod touch 32GB (5th Generation) Blue
3 new from $214.45 20 used from $ 95.45
Buy Now Amazon.com
as of September 12, 2018 2:30 pm
32 GB Storage Capacity (Estimated Free Space 28.3 GB)
5-megapixel iSight camera
Apple A5 chip
LATEST MODEL Apple Ipod Nano 7th Generation 16 GB Space Gray With Generic White Earpods and A USB Data Cable (Non Retail Packaged in a White Box), Model: MD481LL/CALI, Electronics & Accessories Store
4 new from $249.99 3 used from $ 149.95
Buy Now Amazon.com
as of September 12, 2018 2:30 pm
Up to 30 hours of Music playback and 3.5 hours of Video playback.
Only 5.4-mm thin making it the thinnest iPod ever
Easy-to-use controls to quickly adjust volume, or play, pause, and change songs
AAC, MP3, AIFF, And WAV Playback
New Apple Ipod Nano 7th generation direct from Apple in a gift box as part of the Ipod Nano 1st generation replacement program
APPLE iPod Touch 6 case, Scratch-Resistant Dual Layer Hybrid Protective Case and Shockproof Bumper by Boonix (Green)
$29.99 $7.99
1 new from $7.99 1 used from $ 3.00 Free shipping
Buy Now Amazon.com
as of September 12, 2018 2:30 pm
The hard polycarbonate back shell and soft Silicone cushion frames provide perfect protection against impacts and bumps without bulky weight.
Fits perfectly to your iPod Touch 5 and 6 Generation. All cutouts and buttons are precisely designed to access all your device's features.
Made up of premium quality dual layer Polycarbonate material and rubber coated silicon material
Popular pattern case gives your phone a fresh look. Durable and high quality product. Also Perfect for kids.
Anti-slip dual layer design help to protect from drops and scratches.
  From Cyber Monday Plus .com https://cybermondayplus.com/ipod-touch-cyber-monday-deals/
0 notes