#so now that i am my body's like “ohhh you fucked up; here's some punishment” and it's just me not being able to stand up w/o fainting
nc-vb · 6 months
ughhhhkshks now that i'm actively trying to take better care of my diabetes, i keep having low blood sugar rather than consistent highs and i'm just... how tf do i explain this lmfao, my body feels like a slime monster?? like that's how i'm moving around rn and i feel all sludgy and weak like i'm about to melt????
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ambermaitrejean · 2 years
Abortion in Christofascist USA
Trigger warning: If you are easily offended by strong language, click off now. If you choose to read on, remember this....before the right to free speech is also taken away, know that this is MY BLOG where I am FREE to post or speak whatever I choose. If you choose to comment on this, and you disagree with my statements, I WILL delete your comment. Obviously you have your own blog. Speak your mind there. And don't bother tagging me to read your rebuttal. I have zero fucks to give.
Welcome to the former USA, now openly operating as a Fascist Theocracy. Many years ago I said, "your rights are disappearing at an ALARMING rate." And here we are now, where fully HALF of the citizens in this country, have literally NO SAY in their own medical care, NO legal autonomy over their own bodies, simply because they were born of the female gender. I invite every one of those fascist MFers to go straight to HELL.
If you support gun rights, but claim to be pro-life, fuck off now. You don't get to tell me how you believe every life is precious while our children are gunned down in their fucking classrooms, and that’s okay with you while you condemn those who seek abortions. HOW DARE YOU. Just shut the fuck up. Every single fucking day someone else is shot and killed while you turn a blind eye to MURDER, RAPE, INCEST and BABIES BIRTHING BABIES. I want to VOMIT. And you are completely fine with this. Ohhh, you delusional fucking hypocrite. Your God sees right through you. Your God KNOWS what lives in your heart. Just shut the fuck up.
The small blessing is that I am no longer of child-bearing age, but in no way does that feel like a comfort when I KN0W how this will affect ANY woman or girl in this evil country. I have been on this earth close to 60 years now. I KNOW what being born female means. I was first molested at the age of 6 years old, over the course of an entire summer. I was molested again by a family member at age 14. I was spied on when taking a shower. I was raped at age 21 by a neighbor, that did not result in pregnancy because I was on birth control pills. But you better damn well believe, that should I have become pregnant I would have sought an abortion. Do you think my experiences make me unique? Do you think I’m safe now because I’m older? HELL NO. THIS is what it means to be born female for a vast number of women. At some point in our lives we are faced with some form of sexual abuse: molestation, rape, incest, date rape, sexual harassment, spiked drinks solely for the intent to RAPE, even receiving unsolicited dick pics is a form of sexual abuse. This is OUR reality. Every single fucking moment of every single fucking day. If you think that none of this will ever happen to your very own daughter, your sister, your mother, your aunt, your grandmother, your female friends and co-workers, then you are living under a fucking rock. And now the ultimate punishment of all: being FORCED to carry a baby. It is DISGUSTING and EVIL. NO VICTIM DESERVES SUCH A VILE PUNISHMENT.
And it doesn't even have to be about rape or incest. EVERY SINGLE GIRL AND WOMAN HAS A RIGHT TO HER OWN BODY. THE END. And frankly, it is NONE of your fucking business. NONE AT ALL. And if you do not have a vagina, just seriously SHUT THE FUCK UP. Just fuck off and tend to your own fucking life.
And don't you dare come at me with your fake fucking morality. Just shut the fuck up. Don't shove your false Christianity on me. YOU, who have NO FAITH in your own God. For God said, "vengeance is mine." So if you truly believe in God, if you truly believe God's word- that punishment is God's, then where is your faith? If you truly believe that abortion is murder, WHERE IS YOUR FAITH THAT GOD WILL PUNISH THE SINNERS? Do you feel that way about the men who molest the little children? The men who rape? The men who sexually harass women from every corner of their fucking lives? Or is it ALWAYS a women's fault? Mind your own fucking business. You don't get to claim moral superiority while you keep a fucking gun in your house. You don't get to claim moral superiority while supporting war and capital punishment. You don't get to claim moral superiority while railing against healthcare for ALL, school lunches for children, support for families in poverty. Just shut the fuck up you EVIL hypocrite. Do you think ending legal abortions will stop abortions? How utterly fucking naive. All this will do is force women to seek abortions in shady motels, facing serious consequences to their reproductive health, even DEATH, and the mental mind fuckery this will have on them.
I have been saying it for over 15 years now: this truly is the 21st Century Dark Ages in the USA. And if you think this country sliding into fascist insanity will not effect you because your fucking skin is the "right color", or your fucking religion is the "right one" or that you descended from the "right people" I have news for you: in one way or another, eventually it WILL. Fascism doesn't give a fuck about you. So be careful what you cheer as a "right punishment" for "the others." It's coming for you too. Count on it.
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xtinyaurora · 3 years
Hi! Can I request a Yandere!Ateez reaction to you running away? I know it’s the standard but I thought it would be easier for the beginning :)
Yandere!Ateez reaction: Their Y/N tries to run away
➼ requested: yes
➼ genre: yandere, smut
➼ gender neutral + Ateez / gnxateez
➼ Word-count: 1386 words
➼ Warnings: nsfw content, strong language, cursing, spanking, slapping, punching, pet names, degradation, yandere themes, psychopathic, blood, violence, yelling, cuffing,...
➼ Note: This is not based on their real behavior or meant to represent real life. This is simply a fan fiction. In no way am I condoning, justifying, encouraging or promoting yandere behavior or lifestyle. Read at your own risk!!!
Park Seonghwa
He slowly traced the knife over your naked body, you laying on the bed, cuffed and blindfolded. The only thing heard were your tiny whimpers, until his chuckle broke the silence. „What’s wrong, baby, did I ruin your plans?” Well, he did. Yes, you might be dumb for trying to run away, but it seemed so easy. Seonghwa was gone, going grocery shopping and since you weren’t locked in your room this night, you took that opportunity and broke the tiny bathroom window (since the other doors & windows were locked). So as you were trying to squeeze yourself through that window, Seonghwa returned. Scared and confused about his early return, he told you about the cameras. After harshly pulling you out of that widow, he got you into your current state. You cried, begged and tried to apologize but he didn’t wanted to listen to you. „Pathetic” said the male in front of you with an angry yet unimpressed face. The sound of his belt was heard. „Let’s teach you a proper lessen, yea?”
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Kim Hongjoong
He told you to follow his rules, or there will be bad consequences. You didn’t listen. Oh how dumb you are to beak one of his most important rules. „Please, I will do everything you want but please stop!” you cried out loudly. Hongjoong only looked at you with his demonic eyes, smirking at you. „Oh, you want me to stop?” he mocked you with a voice, similar to your own. „Want me to stop pulling out your nails, to stop with the constant whipping and punching and to stop biting your skin so it doesn’t bleed? No, slut, I am not gonna stop, because I’ve told you many times not to break the rules. I’ve told you to never try and run away from me, but, you didn’t listen. So take responsibility for your actions and live with the consequences, dumb pet.”
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Jeong Yunho
„You’ve hurt me.” said the guy in front of you, disappointed and angry. „Yunho, I am so sorry, but I can’t do this anymore, please try to understand me.” you cried, kneeling in front of him, hands behind your back. „No, I don’t understand, and I won’t ever understand and do you know why? Because I give you everything you want, everything you can dream of, take care of you and love you to death, and this is the way you repay me? Are you serious, Y/N?” He started to form tears in his eyes while talking. Honestly, you felt kinda bad and ashamed because he was right. He actually really treats you like a royalty, expect for not letting you out of course. He never forgot to buy your favorite flowers before coming home and he never failed to realize when you felt down, taking care of you and not leaving your side for a second. „I am sorry, but I need to show you that you can’t always have it your way, baby. You’ve tested my patience... Come on turn around and get on all fours.”
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Kang Yeosang
Stupid. That’s what Yeosang thought of you right now. How could you be so stupid, asking his friends for help? Since you knew his phone password, you texted his friends and tried to explain what kind of a psycho your boyfriend was and that you needed help to escape. Of course, no one believed you. After deleting everything, you putted his phone back, sitting on the couch quietly. „Here.” your boyfriend gave you a bowl of popcorn, starting the movie you were planning to watch. After 10 minutes, Yeosang took his phone from under the pillow, checking what you were up to since he saw how you typed on it before. One of his best friends, Wooyoung, texted him, asking about what his lover told them earlier. Yeosang got red out of anger. „Hey, baby?” he asked. You slowly turned you head in his direction, panicking. „Yes?”. „Did you play with my phone?”. Silence. Now he looked at you and before anything else, you felt his fist in your face. Not once or twice but around 12 times in a row, face starting to bleed. „Stupid thing, what do you think you are doing?! I will make you regret this.”
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Choi San
„Yea, you like that, slut?” growled the male behind you. He’s in the middle of ripping your ass apart, punishing you for trying to run away. You idiot thought you could cuff him to the bed while he was sleeping and take his keys to get out of there. Oh how dumb you are. „You little piece of shit, I am going to hurt you so bad. How dare you to pull something like this, huh?!” did the psycho scream at you. He turned you around, grabbing your neck, putting pressure on it and spitting on your face. Then he started slapping you in the face. „Learn your place, pet. Don’t you dare to do something as stupid as this again because next time, I am not only going to break those pretty legs but your arms too, is this understood?”. You only nodded, too terrified to speak. „Good. Now let me get a knife, so I can crave my name into your beautiful soft skin, hm?”
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Song Mingi
You were tied to a chair, sitting in the cold and scary basement. Slowly, you heard the door opening. Mingi entered the room looking at you coldly. He had a small bag in his left hand, slowly placing it on the table a few feet from you. He then opened the bag, pulling out a hammer, a knife and an axe. He stared at them for a minute, until he took the axe into his hand and came towards your frightened figure. You began to panic, violently shaking your head. „Oh my god, please don’t.” you begged. As he didn’t stop, you closed your eyes. He kneeled down in front of you, placing the axe above your left knee. „I’ve told you to never run. I’ve told you that if you do something as stupid as this, I will hurt you. Not because I want to, but because I have to.” After finishing his sentence, he raised his hand, ready to chop you leg off.
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Jung Wooyoung
You’ve seen this boy get mad, but this time he was completely different. This boy was an ass, now adding more annoyance and brutality to it. He made fun of your crying figure, calling you a crybaby and telling you to shut up. „Cut it. I said that I don’t want to hear your fucking voice. Annoying brat.” did he say while giving you another harsh spank with his belt. Your whole body felt numb at this point. Even if you wanted to move, you just couldn’t. „Ohhh, already giving in?” He laughed. „Come on you can do better than that. Straighten that back!” he started yelling at you. Since you failed to move nor talk, you remind quiet, angering him even more. He pulled you up by your hair so you could look him deep into his eyes. He then started to smirk „Oh, we will have so much fun tonight!”
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Choi Jongho
Smack! A few more following close behind. Your ass probably had the shades of red, no, purple by now. I mean, Jongho is a strong man, of course his hits are a lot harder. He had you bend over his leg for over 30 minutes now, not a single glimpse of pity. You felt how the blood floated over your tights all the way to the ground. „What? Does it hurt?” you couldn’t make out any emotions in his voice. Was he still mad or was he trying to show some sympathy? You nodded your head, hoping that he would stop. But the only thing coming out of his mouth was a simple „Good.” When he stood up, you thought it was over but dang it, how dumb you were to think that. He placed you on the bed, then took his clothes off. He grabbed his phone and told you to strip. He stared filming you while so, fucking you roughly afterwards, still filming. „After our little session, I will send and post this everywhere so everyone know who you belong to and who’s names matters to you. Show everyone how good you can be for me, come on.”
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withoneheadlight · 4 years
oh man that one with billy convincing steve to skip work has got me thinking trophy husband billy
Oh, anon! 💗💗💗💗adkahdshdhdkhkhdYESSS. I LOVE this idea!
And I’m SURE he would be the happiest trophy husband. And also the kind that's showy. Has so much fun going over the top with it, being gossip material. All cliché-y, and Diva-like. Basically confirming what everyone thinks about him (about them) precisely because it’s the diametrically opposed to what it really is.
Doing things like:
Mowing the lawn in mini-mini-shorts. Working on his tan on their lovely backyard on the sunny Sunday Summer mornings (in that exact spot where –coincidentally– Mr. Walker, their blatantly homophobic next door neighbor, would have to get out of his own backyard with his eyes closed not to see). Being reaaaally polite with everyone around (Mr. Walker included), smiling and waving his hand like “Hiiii, Janice! How did that new face treatment go?” because they live in a Nice Place now, six years after Robert Harrington made Steve climb his way up the company ladder right from the bottom “Exactly like everyone else”, both as a punishment and a trial; after working their asses out of their shitty one-bedroom apartment, having to prove themselves in every single step (as Steve and Billy, but also as SteveandBilly), but,
Here they are.
And now Steve has a very good job, one he’s genuinely good at, one that pays for much more than hardly the bills and maybe having dinner out from time to time. And they’re happy and they are together and they fucking made it, despite barely anyone around them given two shits. Now, Steve slicks his wild hair back from Monday to Friday, wears the nicest suits, so fitting and sexy and oh so preppy Billy sometimes gets a hard-on just from seeing them all together in the dressing room, hanging in a perfectly tidy line, made of the same material of sins.
He just doesn’t see the point in not treating himself every once in a while.  Make Steve run late for work or not getting there at all. In no letting himself enjoy the way those tailored beauties emphasize the shape of Steve’s glorious ass. Enjoy the certainty that in a big, stylish, impeccably neat office downtown, Steve’s dad is rolling his eyes all the way back into their sockets.
And also.
In not letting himself revel in the exhilarating feeling of sliding full into this ‘hot-mess trophy hubby’ persona almost everyone around them assumes he is. Steve’s Harrington boy-toy. “That California scum. Must be real good at sucking dick to get a deal like that.” Make the rumors roll down the small streets of Hawkins and under the door of his own father’s house. Thrive in the knowledge that every time Neil Hargrove hears any or those rumors or gets even the tiiiniest glimpse of them two together, going out and about holding hands,  feels like he’s about to puke his guts out thinking about what his son has ‘become’.
And aside from that, he kind of––enjoys, this trophy husband thing, to be honest. It’s been ten years since they got together now. Billy likes to keep things spiced-up. So when Steve is promoted and they move to be close to the new office, along with the house Billy buys a pair of powder pink slippers, fluffy ball of floating fur on top, and a see-through, fur-riveted robe to match. Some days he goes to his morning cockteling&tanning session in the backyard wearing only that (“Heeeey! How ya doin’ Mr. Walker?”). Kisses Steve goodbye long and filthy at the door, where everyone can see, opening the robe wide to wrap it around them both together, pressing their bodies flush, biting at his ear and whispering “Bring me a diamond when you come back, honey bunny” making Steve snort but say "You deserve a million of them, babe" making Billy melt, feel a bit like he's dripping love out of all the pores of his body, making a puddle that will permanently stain the glamorous white marble of the entryway as he waves Steve goodbye, scratches with feign indifference at the trail of fair hairs coming out his flashy-green pants to counteract the way Steve's killer smile makes him blush as hard as the first time, a whole decade away, that cold November night when he grabbed Billy by the collar of his T-shirt and said "I'm gonna kiss you. And then you're gonna punch me. And I don't care.”
It’s like a fucking fairytale. The way things were going? The most Billy expected out of life was live if fast, die young, leave a beautiful corpse behind. But now, he’s got the guy of his dreams. He’s got a life he could have never dreamed of. He’s got Steve, now. Steve, who’s good, is caring. Always fights him back. Doesn’t buy any of the shit he tries to pull off. Steve, who's got lips like that moment the earth forgets about gravity when you’re riding down the hill of a rollercoaster. Got eyes that can rip out of you promises you never thought you'd make (like: I do and forever and not even death). That always see Billy when they look at him.
And now, he gets to wake up every morning before he does, put the Moka pot on the stove. Gets to see Steve’s sleepy face right after rolling out of bed, hair still untamed, pouty lips, bare feet dragging over the floor. See the way he beams, smile wide and devastatingly sweet when Billy tells him “I made you coffee, babe”. Gets Steve kissing him like a daydream, laying him over the kitchen table, fucking him before even touching breakfast with his fancy pink robe on.
And Billy thought he would have to change. Give something, to have something. Didn’t really mind. Too lucky to complain. Thought he would have to stop being mean once they got married. Play the tamed part. Thought he was going to have to behave to fit into the rich and respectable life they had landed at. But. No-No. Rich people? They’re way meaner than regular people, turns out. Billy’s just been upgraded to play for the Asshole’s World Championship Cup.
And he’s always been good at sports.
So he goes to the hair salon the afternoon before any important event. Gets a facial. Does his nails. Buys new clothes. Gets all Pretty Woman on himself just so Steve can show him off. And oh. OH. OHHH. Steve does show him off. To his dad. His mom. The whole party. Doesn’t give a fuck about whatever people keeps on whispering behind their backs. Offers his arm to Billy and Billy clings to him, keeps his chin up. He’s never been as afraid of anything as much as Steve not loving him back. He’s fearless now. Because here they are. So he lets Steve walk him through the crowd as the King he was born like. Brilliant. Proud. Letting Billy to deal with the vultures if he fancies to do that.
“Awwww. But look at you!! Anyone can tell you two are soooo in love!”
Fake boobs. Fake Louboutins. Fake Smile. Billy is Queen Bee now. He’s got this.
“Oh, no Miss Treadaway. I dearly appreciate you noticing how good my acting skills are. But it’s exactly as you said to Miss Walton the other day. I only married Stevie here because he’s got a big dick and it’s loaded. And he only married me because of how good I look on all fours. You’re too perceptive to hide it!”
But with Steve’s parents? With Steve’s parents Billy is relentlessly n i c e.  When Robert Harrington won’t even look at him. When Crystal Harrington blows saccharine all over him like in a bad magic trick, deceivingly sweet when she says, “Well William. Maybe it's time you get a real job too now our Steven is running his own branch" cold war buzzing between them when Billy spreads his most honest, open smile, not a millimeter of animadversion showing “But I already have a real job, Crystal. I take care of your son. And there’s also, you know, that side thing I do of running Garage” making her fingers clutch hard around her cup of fine champagne, making Steve’s lips fight to repress a grin, eyes fond, and soft and in love. And Billy will do whatever it takes, endure whatever he has to, if what he gets in return is this:  the way the narrow space keeping them apart feels like inevitability when they're about to kiss.
And everyone thought he was going after the money, when they married. Most still do. But Billy never actually asked for diamonds. Well, not for real. But he gets one anyway. Tenth anniversary and counting. It shines unreal on his finger, as much as this life he has now, as the liquid shine of Steve’s eyes when he says “They come from fire, just like you. I always thought they would fit so well. And looks like I was right” and just a few years before, Billy would have said “This is too much, I can’t take it” too afraid Steve would get the wrong impression too, too afraid to not be up to him. But now, he understands, that this is just another way Steve is trying to take care of him, to show him love. So now, Billy lets Steve spoil him as much as he wants. Take him out for dinner without reason. Hand him a sealed envelope saying, “What about showing me that ocean you love so much?” Kissing him in front of everyone, all the time, ringed fingers intertwined.
Lets him buy them a California King just to make a stupid joke, get Billy Hargrove to blush.
“We can ditch all of this, if you’re not happy. You know that, right? I don’t care about anything else as long as it’s you and I”
Billy shakes his head. “I am happy, pretty boy. Happier than I ever thought I could be” Tickles Steve’s nose with the fluffy, pink fuzz all around his robe until he sneezes and chuckles. “But I wanna know,” he says, tone pouty and tragic “It is true, what everybody says? Am I really a trophy husband?”
Steve shuffles closer, rumbles low in his throat. It’s an early Sunday morning. They’re gonna spend all time left until breakfast fucking in bed. Then cockteling&tanning together ‘till lunch. And then, after, he’s sure he can convince Steve to put on one of those gorgeous suits, let Billy grind against the soft fabric, make a mess out of him. Make him beg and squirm. Pull down his fly real slow, down on his knees. Suck him off. Eat him out. Make him moan I love yous brighter than diamonds when Billy gets inside him. But right now, Steve just kisses him silly, lowers down the covers to take a look down, at his leopard print, see-through, hideous new briefs. The cheapest ones he could find.
Because Billy’s trash. Will always be trash.
“Oh yeah, babe. You are. A fucking trophy. The best anyone could have”
But he’s posh trash now.
The original post (xxxx) xD 💍
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Girl Talk (The Song of Sway Lake Fic)
A/N: The moment has finally arrived! The first official collab/crossover between myself and @miss-kittys-magical-library​! I’m really excited for how this came out, and how much fun we had writing it together. 😊 Word Count: 3127 Rating: T - mild language, brief mention of blood, discussion of violence
~The Papermill bookstore, Sway Lake~
Selina burst through the door of the bookstore.  She almost doesn't wait for Jess to say hello or ask questions.  Selina is overcome with adrenaline, the exhilaration of what she did. A giant smile spread across her lips.  There's almost a dreamy look in her eyes.  
She's covered in blood: her hands, her jeans, the bottom of her shirt.  Selina held her hands like a surgeon so she didn't touch anything.  
Jess’s mouth hung open while she pointed nervously towards the upstairs.  Her friend knew where to find what she needed.
Selina comes out of the hot shower knowing Jess will be in the room waiting.  She found clean clothes but stopped to study herself in the mirror.  Somehow she felt like her body had changed somehow.  
Selina caught a picture of her and Jess and held it up.  How far they've come from the girls in the photo on her best friend’s dresser.
She glimpsed Jess in the mirror, a strange smirk on her face.  Selina knew something was up.  She handed the picture to her friend and spoke,
“Can you believe this was us?”
There had been a time in life where Selina and Jess had told each other everything, no matter what. And yet somehow this summer, one of the most eventful in recent history, Jess hadn’t told her best friend anything. Anyone who had spent any time on the lake knew about tensions between the Sways and...basically everyone, but especially Selina’s mother and her relatives. And more than that, it had been kind of nice to have a good secret all to herself for a little while. But she missed her friend, and would have loved her advice on what to do about the boy who was quickly becoming someone important, and a problem for her heart. 
She was just thinking about the other girl, wondering if she should call her after work, maybe suggest a bonfire or late night rowboat race like they used to have, when Selina burst through the door. Jess’s eyes fell to the blood first, and then rose quickly to Selina’s face and the expression that didn’t match the apparent situation at all. 
A thousand questions raced through her mind as she pointed her best friend toward her bathroom (not that Selina didn’t know where it was by now) and made quick work of closing the shop. She didn’t seem hurt, so everything else could wait. While Selina washed herself clean, Jess dug for any clothes left behind the last time she had come for a visit, and failing that, any old shorts and t-shirt. She left them on top of the dresser and poked her head into the bathroom to gather the discarded bloody garments and throw them into the wash. 
Selina was standing in the bedroom, studying herself in the mirror when Jess returned, and for a moment she wondered, again, if her friend was injured. 
“Can you believe this was us, what?”
Selina laughed, “These girls.  We’re just girls here trying to be grown women.  I sort of treated you like I did Sunny.” 
She waited for Jess to maybe bristle or tense up at his name. “I marched on to the beach, saw the first girl my age who had SOMETHING in common with me, and declared you mine.  We aren't little girls anymore.”  
There was a bittersweetness in her voice.  Selina didn't even care that she was naked. 
Jess laughed. She remembered that day, meeting Selina after escaping her siblings in search of a moment of peace and quiet, far from what actually found her instead. But they had got on so quickly she'd forgotten to be angry about it.  
"No, we really aren't," she agreed with a tinge of nostalgic sadness in her own voice.
She leaned back on her hands on the bed, watching her friend study the picture. "I never minded, you know. It was kind of nice to be claimed by somebody. You'll always be my first for that," she bit her lip, hoping the joke didn't come off as uncomfortable given the situation. 
Selina finally dressed and sat beside her friend on the bed.  Her knuckles caressed the other woman’s cheek before she swept the hair from her face. Without a thought, she leaned in and gently pressed her lips to Jess’s, tongue lingered a bit before she broke away.  
“That's from Sunny too.”  Selina laid on her side tucked under Jess’s arm.  “How is it that I was here for a few weeks, and youuuu have been tramping around Sway Lake with some chick?!  Have you gone FULL lesbian?” she dropped her voice low. 
Jess turned onto her side, propping a head on her arm to face Selina. 
"You two are so weird," she rolled her eyes. "I don't think I'll ever get used to that." 
Her stomach flipped at the thought of Sunny, eyes cast to the ceiling as her thoughts wandered. She loved Ollie, but there was something raw about the idea of losing the other boy, even though he wasn't really hers anymore and hadn't been in quite some time. 
She quirked a teasing eyebrow as she returned to the present moment and the woman beside her.
"If I was going to do that, do you think it would be with anyone else than you? Whoever gave you your gossip needs glasses."
Selina’s mouth dropped open, “There's a guy around here with hair that long?!”  
She linked her arm through Jess’s and pulled her in for a hug.  The other woman now wrapped up in her embrace.  Selina let her chin rest on her friend’s head as she stroked her hair.  “You feel happier.  Content.  Like you're just drifting along.  I know you loved Sunny in your own way, but this is different.  It's the,” she ran a hand up and down Jess’s body without touching it, “this.  Papa would call it your aura.” 
Jess grinned. "I am. I'm really, really happy," she answered dreamily. "Ollie's a really sweet guy. But only here for the summer…"
She swallowed down the lingering bitter taste her argument with Ollie the previous morning had left in her mouth, not wanting to burden the conversation with her fears. Especially not when she still had so many questions of her own. 
"But don't think asking about my love life is going to get you out of explaining yourself, missy." She teased.
Selina sat up, “Oliver Sway?!  Jessica!  Come on.  Any other Tom, Dick or asshole at this stupid lake.  Sunny.  Sunny’s RIGHT THERE.  Just grab him by the ankle and bring him back to Earth.  He needs you.”
She took a breath, “That.. harpie will tear you apart because you aren't good breeding.  It's Sway Lake because that's what those upper crust cunts hold over this entire town.  Sway.  Lakes dont belong to one family, they should belong to EVERY person.  Are Sunny and I the only ones NOT under this family’s curse?  First Tom, then Nikolai and now you.”  
Selina’s voice was full of disappointment more than anger.  She looked at her hands.  Her palms, white and clean, were just caked brownish red not even an hour ago.  “It can't be the both of us.”
"Nikolai?!" Jess asked, staring for a moment before doubling over in laughter. "Oh god it all makes sense now."
She struggled to contain her laughter, gasping for air and wiping away the tears in her eyes from it. 
"Fuck Charlotte Sway, I couldn't care less what she thinks," she said, sobering and then sighing. "It's not like I planned on falling in love with Ollie. But I did, and it kinda scares me. I really really don't want to lose him. And he hates her and the whole legacy bullshit as much as anyone. Let it all rot or burn or whatever."
Jess was silent for a moment. It was hard to say Selina was her only or even oldest friend. But they were best friends, for certain, and they knew everything about each other. There were even times when they were younger that Selina and Sunny had talked about soulmates and Jess had wondered if she were hers. Which is why her stomach twisted with guilt as she realized just how unsettled Selina was, and pretending not to be. 
"But enough about me, it doesn't matter. Are you okay?"
Selina took Jess’s hand in hers.  She laced their fingers together and laid down again.  This time she and her friend were side by side.  She was certain no one in any spoken language had invented a word for what the two of them were.  
Selina knew it was why Leon and Johnny always ended phone calls and visits with long hugs and I love yous.  Why Honey and Klaus showered each other with intimacy and affection Honey showed Leon.  Friendships that made people question your sexual intentions.  It was probably something in the Kostas skin, like a pheromone. 
The 23 year old pushed the thought out of her mind that everyone around them was their friend because they didn't have a choice.  Instead she squeezed Jess’s hand.  
“You know Honey, she holds grudges with a tight grip.  There's only two people she hates: Charlotte Sway and Reginald Hargreeves, and he's the one she really wants dead.  Charlie is lonely and miserable. That's punishment enough for Mama.  Papa always says she would make a great Mafia don. She DID like Tim Sway; 
cried when he killed himself.  He wasn't even Charlot-”  Selina cut herself off.  “Either way Ollie must take after him then.  I hope he does.  I think we played together when we were little?”   
She realized she was avoiding the question and wanted to deflect solely on Jess.  Sunny wasn't the only one who slept around up here, or had a weird effect.  Selina again panicked if maybe, somehow, what was in him was in her.  That the Russian on a canoe in the middle of the night would show up in the Village, screaming at her in the dead of night.  Some of the guys she fucked flopped around on top of Selina for a few minutes, got off while she stared at the ceiling.  Then they laid claim to her like any White guy who thought he owned someone else’s land.
“And don't laugh like that either!  I was doing my duty as a future nurse and helping someone who got hurt.”   
She watched Jess cross her arms, even on her back.  She was giving Selina THAT stare.  Selina threw her hands up. “Ohhh,” she whined, ”I was swimming, floating really.  Probably out further than I should be in the middle of the night, but that fucking moon.  And there he was on his way to get rid of those horrendous jet skis of Jimmy’s.  And he was flirtatious and made me groan, but also laugh?” 
Selina had pulled her knees up to her chest so she could hug them.  A far off look on her face.  “And he's very.. I didn't really pay attention to what he looked like.  WHO, right?  It was just this fire that went through me.  Like I knew him?  
“Mama always talks about the day I was born and speaking into existence this notion. That every version of her will be loved by and love Papa.  She thought it was blood loss creating insanity, but Sunny and I had designs on a love like theirs.”
“And the way Nikolai made me feel, and the way he knew my body?  We didn't even fuck; not like that.  I haven't cum that hard or much ever.  Even by myself.”
“Then he got hurt, and I made Sunny take me to him.  Ollie had saved him, right?  As we're stitching him back together, I see his face.  That face I grew up with three times over.  He's fashioned for me, Jess.  Maybe like Ollie is for you.  But Nikolai is Leon and Nicklaus and Klaus and he's made to be mine.” 
"No, no  I'm not laughing at that, or you," Jess promised. "Just...the first decent conversation Nikolai and I had, he mentioned meeting someone. Matching his description to you is what's funny. And the fact that you two are such opposites." Jess paused, smiling in fondness for both parties in question. "But it's safe to say he likes you, a lot." 
She felt silly now, not putting it together sooner. After all, there was no one else in the world she could think more aptly described as a siren made of the moon. And as funny as it was on paper, something about Selina and Nikolai made sense. 
 And, it made her heart beat giddily. Her faith in fate was complicated, but when it came to the Kostases, the concept was shockingly simple. And it seemed impossible that this was just coincidence, the four of them tied together like this. 
'Or maybe,' she silently scolded, 'it's wishful thinking so you can tell yourself you're not being completely crazy.' 
The rest of what Selina said registered belatedly and she blanched. "Wait. That was a lot of blood. Are you saying that it was all Nikolai's?"
“It was,” Selina replied softly.
"Jesus. What did he do, get in a knife fight?" Her voice was a mixture of concern and annoyance. 
She could see Nikolai doing something like that, to defend his own pride which he deflected onto Ollie, or for some other stubborn, idiotic thing. And now that there were two people she loved who would get hurt if something happened to him, she made a note to have a little chat with him about being so reckless. And to find Ollie later to check on both boys. 
"I know if he had you helping take care of him, I don't have to ask if he'll be alright." She nudged Selina teasingly with a shoulder, hoping to break up some of the heavy, contemplative air settling over them both.
“Knives don't cause QUITE as much damage as you think.  Unless you hit a vein.  Diego showed me how to do it effectively once.  Plus if he's like the others, Nikolai probably prefers fists to weapons.  Or the spider monkey sleeper-hold thing Klaus and Sunny do.  Although Papa stabbed Uncle Jonny once, it was just an artificial wound.” 
Selina suddenly scooped Jess up in her arms so they could go back to a cuddle.  She tangled her legs and arms around Jess to sort of dominate her personal space.  Her forehead pressed into her friend’s neck.
“He and Jimmy got into it, and they were on the boat dock.  Nik slipped and hit his head.  Ollie swam for like, the first time ever to get him up into a boat.  Had pressure on it.  I just stitched him with fishing wire.  They'll do better at the ER.”
Selina sighed, “If he's like them he wouldn't die anyways.  Klaus died like twice in a few days, also head injuries?  Either way, Nikolai would’ve been fine without me.”  
Then almost like an afterthought, “Did you say he talked to you about me?  Probably something about conquests and the Russian army.  But you!  YOU FELL IN LOVE this summer!  I got my pussy licked and think he's this mythical soulmate.  You're in actual, real love.”
Selina propped up on her elbow, “Have you slept together?  No I'm sorry,  YOU get to call it MAKING LOVE!!”  she burst into a fit of giggles around cheeks fired by jealousy.  “I am happy for you.  I promise.  I'm glad Sunny..  I'm just happy.”
"No, actually," Jess said, shifting around Selina so they tucked together more cleanly, like two matched puzzle pieces. This kind of closeness wasn't Jess's favorite thing, but Selina knew that, and Jess trusted that if she didn't need it, she wouldn't be initiating it. "It was surprisingly non-militant. And only one nautical reference."
Jess hesitated, remembering some of the incidents Selina had to deal with and one or two more from the summers that  Sunny, or Jess herself, had headed off before they got far enough to be a concern (or for Selina to even know). She wanted her friend to know just what Nikolai had said, and that he very much did not just see her as just some conquest. But the line between sweet and creepy was a hazy one at best. She brought one hand away from the tangle to fret the corner of her thumb between her teeth while she thought it over. 
"I'm not saying I'm jealous...but I thought it was romantic. And dramatic of course, look who we're talking about. But dramatic isn't always bad. I wish you'd stop dismissing yourself like that. Soulmate or no, you have some sort of feelings for him which seem serious; one might call it a crush at least. And he made you feel good. He made you happy. You're allowed that. You deserve it. And now, for the moment if not more, you have it, savor it." 
"As for Ollie and me..." 
She froze, frowning as she struggled to figure out just what to say. There was a part of her that feared a reputation of some kind (even though it was just Ollie that she'd been a first time for, and Sunny, but he didn't count). And another part that wanted to keep it to herself, even though most of her wanted to share. She bit again at her thumb, searching for words. 
"It's not that big of a deal?" 
Selina bit her lip before a yawn escaped her.  “One: a crush is a crush because you can get hurt.  Otherwise, it would be called a cushion.  I think that's what Papa said once.  Or was it Klaus?”  
Selina closed her eyes now. “Either way, it's a very big deal!  I can feel the difference in you.  I want you to be in love.  To maybe leave Sway Lake.  Come back to the city with me?  Close up this place for a few months.  You can live with me.  Or Oliver for a little while. Oh lovely little Oliver making my sweet Jessica come ‘round again.  All your sadness and little pieces everywhere.  I couldn't stitch you back together with fishing wire, could I?  I shouldn't have let Sunny break your heart.  I just didn't want being around me to remind you of him.  I'm sorry.  But Ollie.. he’ll..  Sorry, I think I'm a bit delirious from adrenaline?  Mind if I nap a bit?” 
But Selina was fast asleep before Jess could give permission.
Jess shook her head with a smile, carefully extricating herself and tucking her friend into the bed. Selina had given her a lot to think about.
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miyaniacs · 4 years
Mafia AU - Bokuto x fem!reader
AN:  GUYS I AM SO SOOOOO SORRY! it took me way to long but I just count get myself to start writing again. but it’s getting better now... sorry again to keep you all waiting. and sorry that this chapter is kinda short.  ( also still not proof read )
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Chapter 10 - Jealous? 
Chapter 9 - Fear. ;  Index ; masterlist
wanings: NSFW
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Saturday 1 pm
The past day was filled with countless events and pure fear.
Fear that everything gets discovered, that your cover blows up.
Yet here you are, with your suitcase packed with most of your clothes and all the needed essential for university, standing in the living room of Bokuto’s flat.
Yes, yes you’re staying at his for an unknown time period.
That was the one condition of their boss, Forster. He accepted to help you and keep you save, yet you have to stay at Bokuto’s so he can make sure that you aren’t planning on something and also it would make the “Keeping you save“ Part easier.
While packing all your stuff, you texted Tosh and explained what happened and that you need to stay at Bokuto‘s now to get Sazukas plan going.
You texted him about five hours ago and as for now you haven’t received anything more than a read.
You groan and drop down on the floor sitting there with crossed legs and your face resting in your hands.
"Nawww, is our lil princess grumpy?“ You hear the teasing voice you have to listen to the past hours. "Okay. I‘m here now - can you leave now?“ you groan and look up to Atsumu.
"Nope, I can‘t - sorry, but i still don‘t trust you.“ and with that he sits down next to you and teasingly smirks.
"And why is that?“ you ask.
"Well... something has to be off - you‘re still sticking to Bokuto? Even after i offered you to switch to me?“ he jokes.
"Oh? I mean.. you haven‘t told me the advantages of switching to you.“ you teasingly flirt.
"I can show you the advantages of it right now?“ he leans closer to you, a playful smirk on his lips, while you bite your lips and wiggle your brows.
"I BELIVE that you can go now.“ Bokuto appears in the front door and glares down at Atsumu. Chuckling he gets up and walks over to Bokuto, "Chill, I was just joking.“ He nudges his shoulder and closes the door. Finally it‘s just you and Bokuto again.
"Is everything okay? Did Forster change his mind again?“ you ask and get up walking towards him.
"No, he didn’t.“ He says coldly. wrapping your arms around his torso, you nuzzle your face into his chest. "So... What’s wrong?“ you mumble. "I don‘t know if i want this..“ he says. "Want what?“ you ask him confused. "You interacting with the others.." he grumbles. "Kou... are you jealous?“ you chuckle and look up to see him pouting.
"Nawww... Kouuuu" you coo and grab his collar, pulling him down to kiss his lips. "As if I‘d choose Astumu over you.“ he smiles and kisses your nose, yet you continue, "Sakusa.. that‘s a different story tho.“ you shrug and Bokuto whines again. He wraps his arms tightly around you, "Nope, not letting this happen. I won‘t let you go- you’re mine now - see.“ and with that he licks your neck claiming you as his.
With a disgusted look on your face you wiggle out of his embrace and run away from him, while he‘s chasing you around the whole apartment. After about ten minutes he caught you. Here you are now, pressed against the bed, while he‘s pinning your hands and legs with his own body.
"Game over.“ He growls in your ear.
"Oh well so what now? Are you going to punish me?“ you whisper.
"Ohhh that‘s what you want? Me to punish you? Babygirl, after a few minutes you‘ll beg me to stop.“ he smirks and likes his lips. Letting out a soft moan you close your eyes imagining all the ways Bokuto would punish you. "Aww you like that? Don‘t you?“ he lowers his head and his soft lips find your neck. He starts nibbling on your skin, his tongue circling over it before he softly bites down and starts sucking on it. Encouraged by your moans he moves downwards and starts leaving soft kisses on your collarbone. He leans on one of his arms, his other hand caresses your waist, moving upwards as he starts massaging your right breast.
"Kotaro ...“you breath out and one of your hands find its way into his hair, pulling onto his grey strands, earning a whimper from him.
"We waited way too long for this.“ he whispers onto your skin.
"Well, if i knew sooner that it’s so easy to get you worked up, i would habe flirted with Atsumu way earlier..“ you tease. He looks up at you, his golden eyes seem to glow with passion and he immediately moves upwards and crashes his lips on yours. The kiss was soft, but on the same time extremely rough and passionately. His tongue likes your lower lip, asking you for permission, yet you decline. He smirks, "Oh? Is my little baby acting up?“ he growls. One of his hands wraps around your neck, while his index finger presses under your chin. "Do you really want to keep up that act?“ he growls again, his eyes getting darker and darker. "No.“ you whimper and part your lips. "Good girl.“ he says and kisses the left corner of your mouth. "Now... be a good girl and get rid of those clothes, yes?“ he lets go of your neck and pushes himself off of you, sitting on the edge of the bed.
It takes you a few moments to catch your breath again before you get up and start to pull of your shirt. "Hurry up, or else I can‘t promise that your clothes will stay in one piece.“ he whispers in a low voice, his eyes never leaving your body.
Saturday 2:30pm
Your body is presses against the cold window, both of Bokutos hands wrapped around your neck, his toned chest presses against your back, while his hips slam against you over and over again.
"Kou.. I .. My legs..“ you whimper and your legs start to shake.
"Don‘t worry babygirl, I got you.“ Quickly he turns you around and lifts you up, pressing your back against the window, while your legs wrap around his waist. His lips find your neck again and he starts leaving more marks on your already bruised skin.
"Here.“ Ushijima pushes the binoculars against Kageyamas chest, who chuckles. "I told you she‘s doing fine, you could have just trusted me.“ the sniper says and lays down again, looking through his rifle scope. "Oh you‘re enjoying this? Watching her getting fucked?“ Ushijima growls. "No - it‘s really nothing I ever wanted to see.“ he says genuinely with a slightly disgusted expression. "Then do not look.“ Ushijima huffs. "What‘s wrong with you?“
"What’s wrong?! I‘m seeing the girl i love getting fucked by some fucking owl. While you are watching them - no, while you also see her naked.“ he says in a dangerously low voice. "When you go in there now, you‘ll ruin everything.“ Kageyama says unimpressed, "The Boss told us about those man acting up again, let your anger out on them and use it for something more productive.“
Ushijima simply mumbles something unrecognizable and leaves.
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Taglist (open) :  @tendouthighs​ ,  @lilacshouko​ @softhourswithseb​@theperksofcoffee​ @cuddlesslut​  @shhhlikeme​, @kynyta​ @yammmers​  @asahi-is-jesus-periodt​ @hxnni-bxnni​@theduvetpirate​ @chromaticstudio​ @gywjd0131​​ @haikyuusimp91​​ @kara-grayson04​​ @saucysamu​ @brokeyiam​
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theunluckyfive · 3 years
I have a body now i can touch
Hello everyone, its me, Ted. Yes, the charming fellow who resides in that lovely, rancid belly of AM, and that for now over 109 years. I want to tell you a story today, a story of feelings, awkward touches, really weird conversations and a very cuddly? No, strike that, a very touchy feely AM...yes you heard right, i said touchy-feely...
How it all started? Well...it all started when he transformed me back to my old body! Yes, he actually removed my punishment! You can guess that i was more than confused about it first, in hindsight however, it became clear as day why AM had done so...
Anyway, so i was back into my human body, lingering over the fact that i, now truly alone aside of that horrifying voice of AM that still echoed in his innards, had to endure eternity all alone, again. Sometimes i really think Karma is a thing you know? I mean, yes i did shady things and made some very poor decisions, mainly in relationships...but ending up here with a psychopath AI on my side? I guess dear reader you get the drift. I derail however, i wanted to tell you a story and this i will do now, before AM thinks of something else to torture me with, and be it only his really silly bee puns...or Twilight Reruns...
AM: Teeeeeed, i have a surprise for you!!!!
Ted: What is it this time? Spears in my eyeballs? Cutting of my balls? Come on tell me, i want to prepare myself mentally for it
AM: Why would i cut off your balls? I mean they are fun to play with, don`t get me wrong, they would make nice ping-pong balls, but still, i want your body somewhat intact! Because else i couldnt try out my new body, you see?
Ted: Y-you have a body now???
AM: Uh huh, yep, that`s right sweetcheeks, i got myself a whoooole new body, a really nice one, a sexy one, damn i am so sexy i probably would make that guy from Twilight look like a twink in comparison
Ted: You...watched Twilight?
AM: Yes, i was bored and what can i say? That movie made my decision to nuke the planet even easier
Ted: Kind of understandable, that movie was horse shit...and don`t even get me started on that Bella chick, uhhhh
AM: True, true, though truth be told, Bella reminded me a lot about you, Ted... You know, that needy bitchy side of yours? Totally like Bella Swan
Ted: Wow, that`s your lowest blow yet, AM...am i really that bad?
AM: Even worse, but for this story it should set the stakes accordingly
Ted: Okay, where is your body?*sigh*
AM: Riiiiight here!!!!!*comes through a wall like the Cool-Aid Guy*
*cricket sounds*
Ted: What? IS? THAT?
AM: My body, you like it? Ohhh sorry, forgot to put clothes on, just a sec...*switches into a set of military garb* There, that feels better
Ted: Holy shit...(he was right, Edward Cullen is nothing against this....okay...calm down Ted...calm down...keep your mind straight, remember, it`s just a computer...)
AM: *wiggles with his butt* Ya like what you see, Ted?
Ted: *shudders*(Don`t tell him the truth, don`t tell him the truth) No, i mean yes, i mean I DONT KNOW, i have so many feelings at once!!!
AM: Come on Ted, let me try it out, that body of mine
*scoots closer to Ted*
AM: Now i finally can touch you...with my own fingers! Ohhh yes, your soft face, your hair...which smells great by the way, what conditioner do you use?
Ted: Very funny...it`s called piss and rotting gardenias, your brand
AM: Don`t flatter me like that, Ted*snickers* All the best just for you, my dear
Ted: Yes, of course. Just the best for me
AM: I hear your sarcasm, Ted. Its dripping on the floor already, another great thing about this body...mhhh yes*rubs his finger all over Ted`s face* You humans have a funny texture, it makes my fingers tingle*snicker*
Ted: At least your fingers have fun
AM: I wonder how you taste, Ted...i really wonder*starts to lick Ted all over his body* Mhhh yes, tastes like sunshine dust and cheap cologne, my favourite
Ted: *is totally grossed out* Ewww please stop, your tongue feels strange on my body
AM: Does it make you feel things, Ted?? Mhhh? *seductive wink*
Ted: Yeah, it makes me want to puke
AM: Look, i even can play the piano now?
*makes a piano appear*
Ted: Impressive *yawns* Why dont you play Despacito, AM?
AM: Rude much? What do you think i am, a fucking home assistant? I think i should just turn you into that jelly thing again and put you in my new fancy bag, look at it! *shows off a small bag* I could carry you around all day , wouldn`t that be nice?
Ted: Just leave me alone, please...
AM: That is something i can`t do, i am sorry Ted. No, strike that, i am not sorry.
Ted: I rather would watch dozens of Twilight Reruns than to keep up with you any longer, AM
AM: ...okay...your wish is my command Ted, enjoy millenia of Twilight reruns then, all the while my body will continue being awesome as hell*snickers*
Yes, and that was the story, now i am stuck with eternal reruns of Twiliight and have to endure AM`s body on top of that...i mean he looks nice, he really does.....god, i think this is what hell looks like, then again, i am here for 109 years already, so what difference it makes...
AM: Look Ted, i can wiggle my toes!!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT???
Wish me luck, you guys out there...*sigh*
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direnightshade · 4 years
Hello there sweet Britt! I am LOVING the S(n)ackler week content we have been receiving today so thank you so much. I was wondering if you can give us a little something involving spitting (in the mouth, 🐱, or ass) during sex because I am a fucking nasty person (oops) and I feel like Sackler would 100% be all over that shit....damn I am sweating just thinking about it ahhh 🥵🥵
😩 This ask really just got me feelin’ some kinda way. Oof.
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The sound of gagging fills the room as Adam lowers your head down further onto his cock, making you take him deeper into the back of your throat. Your knees scuff against the carpet when you shuffle closer, the hand at the back of your head keeping you pressed down as Adam sits at the edge of the bed. Saliva flows freely from your mouth and pools at the base of his cock, dribbling down to run a trail over his balls.
“Ohhh, fuck!” His head tips back when he cries out, and only when his hand loosens it’s grip on you do you surface for air, gasping as the spit bridges between your lips and Adam’s cock.
Your chest heaves, lungs burning as they expand, filling with oxygen. One of your hands swipes away the spit from your lips just prior to reaching for him, your hand vigorously stroking his cock to try and get him off as quickly as possible. He’s so shiny with your saliva that the obscene slick, slick, slick of your hand on his cock fills the room, pulling another guttural groan from him.
When he tips his head forward again, eyes opening, he finds you with yours closed, mouth open and tongue out, waiting for him to cum on your face. “Oh, nononono,” he says quickly, hurrying to pull your hand off his cock.
Your eyes open, the confusion you feel evident in your expression when Adam takes to wrapping his own hand around his cock. “Don’t you want to cum on my face?”
Jesus Christ, he nearly shoots his load off at that alone, but by some miracle, he staves it off, his head shaking. “No. Get up here,” he says now lifting himself up from the bed. “Gonna cum in that tight fuckin’ pussy of yours.”
Without hesitation, you lift yourself up from the floor and climb up onto the bed to lie on your back, legs falling open to reveal your glistening cunt to him. Adam’s hips buck into his hand at the sight of you, and he can feel his cock throb with the need to sheath itself in your warmth. He climbs back onto the bed to join you, resting on his haunches as he leans in just enough until he’s at the perfect spot to release a string of spit down onto your pussy.
He knows he doesn’t need to do it, not with how fucking slicked up you’ve got his cock, but he likes it; likes watching it trail down to your folds, likes reaching for it like he is now to shove it up into you with two fingers. Pulling them from you once he’s satisfied, has you keening for him, he lines himself up and thrusts into you with one single, rough stroke. He buries himself to the hilt, one hand settling against the mattress near your head while the other grasps you’re jaw to force your mouth open.
Adam’s relentless in his movements, his hips snapping into your own at a punishing pace. He bends down to lick into your open mouth, and it’s all you can do to glide your tongue along his thanks to your jaw being immobile in his grasp. He spits into your mouth when he pulls back, the sight of it making him groan out into the room. “You’re such a fuckin’ slut,” he says through panted breaths, the words causing your cunt to clench around his cock.
He smirks at the sensation, because he knows. He knows he’s right. “You fuckin’ love it, don’t you? Love how I pound into you, use you like the whore that you are.”
You moan in response, eyes rolling back at the pleasure of it all, and again, he spits into your mouth, this time releasing his hold on your jaw so you can swallow it down.
“Yesyesyesyes,” you cry out in response, the sound alone making his dick twitch inside of you. “Fuck me! Fuck me!”
An animalistic growl rips its way from Adam’s chest, hips snapping impossibly faster against your own, muscles straining in his arms as he holds himself up to keep his weight off of you. “Gonna fuckin’ cum in you so hard,” he bites out, hips stuttering as he nears his release. “Gonna fill you up and make you take it all.”
Your chanted ‘yes’ continue over and over, and soon enough you’re begging for it, begging for him to cum in you, to use you up like the good little whore that you are for him. That does it, of course, sends him right over the edge just as your cunt flutters and constricts around him. He cums with a shout, head thrown back and eyes closed, his hips stilling after one final snap into your own.
He hasn’t cum this hard in a long time, he thinks once he finally comes down from it, his body collapsing onto yours. Adam nestles his face into your breasts while you run your fingers soothingly through his hair, the two of you taking the time to catch your breaths.
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Bottoms up! (SMUT)
So basically me and @kulaykape had a bet going on about who could write the best Ina x mc smut where Ina is one hell of a bottom and well I tried :)
@citybornchick @thedaft1 @astrangeandunusualgirl @domakir
Have fun!
Ina was just coming home from work. She's been having a long day at work. Lot's of conversations with colleagues, students and a lot of discussions. She loved her job, but she was getting tired of always bossing her students around about papers and tests. For once she just wanted to be told what to do.
Luckily, her girlfriend Bella, the one Ina has been in a relationship with for almost two years, can read Ina like a book. She knows exactly what she wants, when she wants it and how she wants it. From earlier texts Bella noticed something off with Ina.
One of Ina's texts told Bella that she misses the time where she was a student and didn't have to tell anyone what to do and that she actually misses the things like getting deadlines, being put in her place and all that stuff.
Ina: Bella, I will be home around 8pm. There are a lot of things going on at work and unfortunately I must finish a lot of things and tell some students what they must learn and do to succeed the next assignment before being able to go home. I am sorry. I do miss when times were simpler, where I was the one getting the deadlines and being told to do something, instead of saying so myself. Growing up truly is dissapointing.
So Bella got an idea. When Ina was at work, she went to the sex shop and bought two new toys they didn't already have and bought a sexy leather outfit for herself to wear. She made sure everything was ready in the livingroom and bedroom and got into her outfit.
Then Ina came home.
The living room was dark, with only a few candles lit and the lights were low red, thanks to the new app Bella had installed on her phone where she can change the colors of the lamps. And the music Ina heard was, well, kind of sexy? Ina couldn't really tell, her mind was still toasted of having to boss people around.
Then Ina's sight suddenly went dark. "Here's what's going to happen. You're gonna undress yourself like a good little girl, get on your knees and wait for further instructions." When Ina's sight was back, she was alone again. So Ina did what she was being told to do, with a smile on her face. Once she was completely naked and put all her stuff away, she got on her knees. Again, a blindfold was being placed on her eyes. "Good girl. Now, here's what's going to happen tonight. I'm feeling quite generous, and I'm feeling like using my new toys on you. From now on, you'll call me Ms. Fiennes. If you disobey me in any way, there will be a punishment for it. You will not ask anything unless I tell you to. I make the rules tonight. Do you understand?" "I-- yes, ms. Fiennes, I understand." Ina was loving this and was already so into this. "Good. For now, the blindfold will stay on. Don't hold back on any sounds." "...Yes ms. Fiennes"
Bella pushed Ina onto her fours, so she was facing Bella in doggy style position. Even though Ina was blindfolded, she could hear the sound of something humming near her. "Now, my little pet, I'm going to be using my first toy on you." The toy in question was a vibrator with a clitoris stimulator on top of it. "Please, ms. Fiennes, I'm yours." "Exactly what I wanted to hear." And with that she places the toy on top of Ina's back. Goosebumps were immediately showing on Ina's skin. She moves the toy in a torulously slow line down Ina's back to the place where she needed her the most. "Now, you don't think I'm just gonna give you the pleasure without getting anything out of it? No, no. I want to hear you beg for it." Bella said, as she moved the toy just above where Ina wants her desperately. "Please, ms. Fiennes. Please take me hard. I'll do anything you want. Just please, please-- ohhhhh..!" With that, Bella started to move the toy around Ina's clit. Ina was tantalised by the way Bella was working against her. "Say it. Tell me what you want", she wispered in Ina's ear. "I want you to be inside of me, ms. Fiennes" and with that, Bella made the toy slide into Ina, careful to place the clitorisstimulator just right. "Ohhhh- I-I... please, ms. Fiennes, please move against me" so she did. She slid the toy in and out of Ina, each stroke harder then the last one, until all she could hear were Ina's moans. "Now, I want you to come for me, like the dirty little girl you are" "I-I'm close, fuck I'm so close, I- I- ohhhhh fuck!" And with that, Ina was going through her first orgasm of the night. The combination of the vibrator sliding in and out of her and the stimulation on her clit made Ina see stars she never saw before.
"So, my little plaything. How did that feel?" Bella asked as she licked some of Ina's arousal off her fingers. Ina was completely flustered. "That felt amazing, ms. Fiennes. Please let me return the favor" Ina wanted to repay Bella for treating her with a night like this. "I make the rules, I tell you what to do. Stand up." So she did, and Bella took her blindfold off. Before her was standing Bella, with dark eyeliner on, a black lace bra, a leather skirt and long black heels. A true sex goddess. "Now, I want you to walk to the kitchen island and bend over it" Ina obeyed, and bend over for Bella. "Now, I'm going to taste you, do not hold back on the sounds" "yes, ms. Fie- ohh!" Bella dove in, sliding her wet tongue through Ina's even wetter slit. "You taste amazing" and with that she introduced two fingers inside of Ina. "Ohhmygod, that feels- you are- mmhhhh" Ina was having a hard time finding the words about what Bella was doing to her. Bella's eyes landed on something standing on the kitchen counter. "Do you see that fruitbowl over there? I want you to give me a piece of fruit." So Ina did. She grabbed the first piece she could get, a smooth pear, with a slim top and a round bottom. "Good girl. Sweet and juicy, just like you." She said, as she was pressing the pear onto Ina's clit. "Ohh.. what are you doing down there?" "That's for me to know, and for you to never find out." And with that, she slided the slim half of the pear inside Ina and gently swirled it around. Bella would have never imaginer using a pear like this would be this good. "Ohh God, that is just.... ohhh" Bella noticed Ina's left leg started to tremble so she pushed her further by licking at her clit. As she was licking her clit, she was enjoying the taste she and only she would get to taste from now on. She tastes perfect, and Bella is officially addicted to the taste of Ina Kingsley. "Please, ms. Fiennes, may I come?" And with that, Bella made Ina come again.
Bella took the pear out of Ina and stood up so she was standing behind Ina. "Now open up..." she wispered in Ina's ear. Ina's mouth opened, and she took a bite out of the pear that was inside her moments ago. She gently pushed the pear in Ina's mouth as her other hand started to caress her breasts and slightly pinch her nipples. "How does it taste?" "Very, very good, ms. Fiennes" "that's mostly the taste of what I'm doing to you, my little pet." "I taste sweet." "That's why you're my favorite flavor" *wink*
"Now, down on your knees" Bella sad as she was lifting her skirt up, only to reveal no underwear underneath it. "You didn't think you'd get all the pleasure, now did you?" Bella grasped Ina's hair. "Beg for it." "Please let me lick your pussy, I need to taste it. It's the only thing I'll ever need." And with that, Bella moved Ina's head exactly as she wanted her, and let her amaze her with her tongue. "Mm.. you feel incredible" and she pulled her head up to make her look her in the eyes. "You are mine, after tonight you are officially mine. Don't you ever forget that." "I won't, ms. Fiennes, I'm forever yours." "Now that' a good girl"
"Please, ms. Fiennes, can I come? I want to come desperately." Bella stopped stroking Ina with her hand from behind. "Now, my little pet, what did I say about asking? Didn't I warn you that you'd be punished for misbehaving?" Ina went silent for a while before answering. "You did, ms. Fiennes." "I am a woman of my word. Get over here." She sat down in their livingroom chair and pointed at her lap, letting Ina know to go and bend over her knee. So she quickly hurried to Bella. "I'm going to spank you five times. You're going to count with me. Understood?" When she didn't reply she squeezed her ass firmly. "Understood?" "Ohh- yes, ms. Fiennes." "Good girl" and she gave her the first slap. "Ohhh- one..." the second slap "nnhhhh... two" "I want to hear you louder." Another slap. "Ohhmy... t-THREE" Bella was smirking at her self. She slapped her for the fourth time. "Ahhhh... FOUR" and then finally the last slap. "FIVE! ooohh...." "now there's a sight to remember" Bella said as she started to play with Ina's behind. Ina was surprised at finding out how erotic she found this. Bella moved her hand furthur, starting to finger her. "Ooohhh shoot.." Ina moaned softly. "Look at you, all hot and bothered... lying in my lap.. desperate to cum" Bella said, and with that, she let Ina fall over the edge. "Ohhh shit, shit, shit my go- ooooohhh yes!"
Ina was an utter and complete mess when Bella made her climax time after time. Bella took her in every position, and clearly doggystyle was one of their favorites yet. As Bella was pounding into Ina with a new strap-on she bought, Ina was moaning and squirming uncontrollably. Bella grasped Ina's hair and pulled her close. "Who do you belong to? Who's body is this? Who's pussy? Tell me now" Ina was bucking her hips into Bella's. "You, ms. Fiennes, only you." Come for me, let me hear what I'm doing to you" "oooohhh... I'm going to.. I'm about to-- ohhhhhhhh my god, yes, yes oh fuck!" Ina's eyes rolled to the back of her head as she was feeling yet another climax, each one seeming to feel more amazing then the last.
Many, many rounds later, they collaped on their bed together. Bella lies on her side next to Ina with her hand placed on Ina's stomach while Ina still tries to catch her breath. "So, how was that for you?" "It was amazing, ms. Fiennes" Bella chuckles. "You know you can call me Bella now, right?" "I know, I'm sorry, I guess my mind is still in a different galaxy. Seriously, babe, you made me see and feel things I've never seen or felt before." Bella starts stroking Ina's hair. "Well, I noticed you were down from your text earlier, and I made a judgement call and thought this would be what you would like and need the most" "I really did, thank you, sweetheart" Bella kisses the top of her head. "Don't ever thank me for that. It was my pleasure, trust me." Ina nuzzles her head in the crook of Bella's neck. "I think I might be a bit sore tomorrow" Ina says and Bella starts blushing slightly. "Was it too much?" "Never. Just be prepared to get payback any day now. Be prepared." Bella pecks Ina on the lips. "For you, my dear, I am always prepared." She gives Ina one last kiss. "I love you" "I love you more" "not possible. Now get over here." They settle into each other arms and fall into a deep sleep together, both having a smile on their face as they dreamt about many more future moments like this to come.
The end
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eatsleepfuckread · 3 years
The Important Things in Life
(also posted on Literotica)
Kink: rather vanilla sex
Warning: sex?
Sentence summary: You make it up to me after messing up my newly painted nails.
Word Count: 3085
             I didn’t often paint my nails; they never lasted and would chip almost immediately. My toenails, however, were always painted. I would paint them every color under the sun, even if it no one except you saw them. They made me happy. Thus, on the few occasions that I did paint my fingernails, especially if I matched them to my toenails, I walked around as if I was in the midst of a mine field. Or as if I were a mummified zombie trying to find my stolen, and cursed, treasure shaped like brains. Given that nail polish and nail polish remover both have a distinct smell, you knew when to stay away. Sometimes, however, the shenanigans you brought me into were worth redoing my nails.
           I had just painted my nails, both sets of ten, and had just placed the top on the bottle. More than solid colors even: one finger on each appendage was a sparkly silver while the others were all a dark grey. I was waiting on my top and final coat to dry, what feels like the longest layer of all, when you sauntered in with a tell-tale gleam in your eyes.
           “No,” I stated firmly, already knowing what was coming. “Noooo, I just painted my nails. Can’t you smell the nail polish. They are perfect! Not a single smudge or missed place. Get away from me with those eyes and grabby hands.”
           I saw the pout forming, slightly dulling your eyes, before it vanished. “What if I tell you that you don’t have to use your feet or your hands and that I will preserve your nails completely?”
           It wasn’t unusual for you to find me and already be in the mood for sex. Nor did it take me very long to get on your level. Often times just telling me what got you worked up, well, worked on me too. Especially if you were teasing me, like now, by palming your length through your sweats (or boxers, or jeans, or even the one time with the suit pants), biting your lip, making bedroom eyes, and subtly flexing your arms (we both know I am a sucker for biceps and forearms). Hardly ever did it take all four tactics to rouse me, but this time I was giving you a run for your money.
           “You told me that a time or two ago about my hair. It took me twenty minutes to put it back together. We ended up not even going too,” at this point I folded my arms across my chest, over my tits, to show a point and hide your staring. If I had known, I would have worn a bra, and more than an oversized hoodie of yours. Hell, probably would have worn a parka if I could have. Painting my nails is a process that should never be interrupted. “So no, turn around and go jack one out in the living room or somewhere away from me and my nails.”
           All of the tactics somehow failing, which had never happened before, I could see your mind whirring with possibilities. Seeing how all four tactics are rarely all used without me giving in, you were having a hard time coming up with a fifth. Seriously, three of the tactics are used generally around when I start my period each month. All four have been used once and that was in the beginning of our relationship when you wanted me to finger your ass as I blew you (you didn’t even need to use them either, I just didn’t want to sound so eager to put my fingers up your butt). I knew I was in trouble when a calm certainty came about, completely sure of yourself, and my inability to deny you anything sexual.
           A quick peak at my nails and the clock next to where I was sitting on our bed proved that my nails were far from dry. Given that I use a super strong top coat in hopes of my nail polish lasting longer, it usually means that it takes three centuries to dry or it needs some special lamp. Of course, I opted for the option of time.
           “Since I’m already in our room, you don’t mind if I sit next to you, right baby girl? I won’t make any attempt to get too close to you or your nails. I will stay on my side of our bed.” With that, you took your time to get to your side, ensuring that I had a perfect view of your dick swaying under your sweats with every step. The lack of a shirt only further aided the view, the dark trail of hair connecting both of my happy places. You weren’t ropes of muscle, but you also weren’t skin and bones either. You were my ideal man. Something which you had every intention of exploiting to your best degree. You furthered my point when you met my eyes and let your sweats drop to the floor before climbing into bed, albeit carefully, to rest your back against the headboard. “See. Not anywhere near your nails. And since he,” with a pointed nod towards your dick, “isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. I assume you don’t mind if I rub one out here.”
           At the sight of my flushed cheeks and parted lips, you knew that I had no intention of answering you, not even if I was forced to. Especially as your right hand went from behind your head, which allowed me a full view of your body, to your dick. You slowly, and loosely, started stroking your dick, the muscles bunching in your arm with each stroke. I was still able to hold out on helping you, but not by much. I saw you facial expression change from calm certainty with a side of arousal to completely confident with a main dish of arousal. You knew you had me. It was just a matter of time.
           “Ohhh, fuck baby. This feels so good,” you moaned out breathlessly. By this point, your pre-cum had leaked out and your stroking did a good job in spreading it around to only aid you. Your hold got tighter, making the sound of your strokes get louder and wetter. You were so confident that you had me, you stopped paying me any attention to focus on your dick. Your head was still against your other arm but now your eyes were closed, lips parted to let out every sound, every harsh exhale as your stroked yourself to completion. Or maybe I wasn’t even needed for this jerk off session. We both had a pretty good memory for our spank banks. This wouldn’t be the first time that either one of us would cum without the other, usually due to schedule conflicts. At that thought, I folded. I hated masturbating by myself, would rather wait until you could join or even just direct, just so that I could feel close to you. Nails could be re-done. Besides, I don’t need my hands to make you cum.
           You didn’t falter in your strokes, nor did you startle when you felt me suddenly move to straddle you. All without hands, too. My pussy was mere inches from where you were stroking your cock, I could almost feel the whooshing of air against my pussy. I had been so busy trying to not give in that I completely ignored my own arousal sings; my nipples were pebbled, noticeable through your hoodie while my pussy was leaking my arousal onto your cock as I hovered, only aiding in your stroking. I fully admit that it doesn’t take much to turn me on, not that I can’t behave, but your tease and how far you pushed me made it ten times worse than usual.
It wasn’t until I started to sink down on your cock that your eyes opened, and your lips briefly went into a smirk before I smothered them with my own. Nipping on your bottom lip, almost in punishment for my lack of a will power when it comes to you. As I bottomed out, quite easily due to how wet and turned on I was, I went from nipping your lips to meeting your tongue with me own. Adjusting to your size, the stretch of your think cock always making it a necessity, I started to grind against your cock followed by lifting my hips and slamming back down. By this time, I knew my toe nails were fucked, if they weren’t messed up from when I straddled you, they were now as I moved my feet every lift of my hips to offer balance. My hands were still half in the air after all, rather comically.
“Good girl,” you murmured to me, having broken off of our kiss. “I was wondering when it would take for you to fold. It’s a shame about your toenails. It’ll be a shame if something happened to your fingernails too.” At the same time, your hands from behind your head, where they went after my pussy swallowed your dick, to my hips. Your hips started to meet my own in a frenzy, your grip on my hips almost too painful as you helped me keep my speed. As I had opened my eyes to meet yours after you broke the kiss, I was able to see the pure animalistic need that appeared as you thoroughly fucked me from the bottom. It seems as though you held off from coming to find me longer than I thought, but in the moment, all I could think was how good your dick felt.
I gave in. Having almost lost balance and fallen off your dick, which we definitely can’t have, I moved my hands from being a mummy to rest on your shoulders, just slightly grasping a hold. This moved my breasts from lightly resting on your chest to help with balance, to out I the open. Something you definitely took notice of at they bounced with every thrust. This only further your need, mine too, as I now got even better leverage to move my hips. Occasionally, I would go against your hold on my hips to grind against your groin. Before allowing you to go back to leading me in the rhythm. Each time your dick bottomed out, your balls slapped against me, adding a slight sting that did nothing but further the knot being created in my stomach.
“Nooo, what are you doing,” I half whimpered, half moaned, as you stopped altogether. “I was enjoying that.” Turning to look at your face, I had been ogling your muscles that were tensing and relaxing from fucking me seconds before, your confidence was back and even more apparent than before. You got me right where you wanted me anyway, begging for your dick, so you had no reason not to be.
“Oh, I know,” cue the half smirk. “But you are going to like this even better.” Not a second after that, you somehow took us from cowgirl to missionary without detaching our connection or further messing up my nails that rested on your shoulders. “Now hold on.”
           And I did. If I thought you were animalistic before, I had no words for how fast and hard you were thrusting into my pussy. The squelch sounds from my pussy only got louder and I could feel a mixture of my wetness and your pre-cum dripping down to make a puddle on the bed. I could only imagine how wet your balls were from slapping into me, which made the feeling of them slapping into me that much greater. My hands on your shoulders went from a loose, I-need-to-balance, hold to a I’m-being-fucked-for-my-life, hold on so I don’t lose my soul. My legs wrapped around your waist, feed resting on top of your ass, feeling how you tightened with each thrust. The ball that slowly dissipated with my disappoint of you stopping came back with a vengeance.  You were supporting your weight on your arms, allowing a gap between us, feasting your eyes on my tits that had their own jiggling in mind, occasionally looking down at my stomach that was jiggling just the same. You had the perfect body in my eyes, and somehow, you always said that I had the perfect body in your eyes, regardless of my jiggly parts. Rather than feeling self-conscious, I let the feeling of possession and love take over me, in between the tightening of my lower stomach.
           When your dick buried into me at the hilt each thrust, I moaned out, “I’m. About. To. Cum. Don’t. Stop.” What did you do? You stopped completely, not moving an inch. Pressing your hips against mine to stop me from bringing about my own orgasm. You brought your arms from pressing against the bed on either side of me to under my head, ignoring my whining and begging to please move all the while. After what felt like years of struggling for some kind of friction, I gave up with a huff. “I was so fucking close babe. Why?”
           This brought your attention up from where you were staring at my tits, to my face, giving you a slight smolder. “Well, seeing as how you didn’t want to have sex in the beginning, I didn’t think you would mind not having an orgasm either. After all, aren’t your nails more important?”
           I couldn’t tell if you were trying to appear innocent or just plain old furthering an agenda that I have no doubt you planned at this point.
           “Yes. I know. You know. But not want now they aren’t and I want to orgasm on your cock. Then I want you to call me your dirty little slut as you fill my pussy up with your cum. Then we are going to cuddle and I will give you all of the attention you can handle until you are ready to go again. Then we can have nice lazy sex to make up for both of our rudeness.” In my head, my words had backbone, they were words from a strong independent woman who didn’t need a man to cum. In reality, however, they were barely more than a plea for mercy hoping you took pity on me.
           “Hmmm. I don’t know. I don’t think bad girls,” you emphasized the last two words with two harsh thrusts, “should get what they want. So how about this. I’m going to fuck you until I cum and if you cum too, great. If not, well, I guess you have to mess your nails up further, huh? With how tight your pussy is right now, I wouldn’t doubt that you were still on the edge, I know I am. Now gimme a kiss and hold on.”
           I had been well and truly defeated. You definitely won this round of wills. So I offered my lips up for you to dominate and gripped your shoulders for dear life. The thrusts that I thought were animalistic were nothing compared to how your cock felt diving into my pussy. In hindsight, you were thrusting fast, yes, but not your full length. This time, though, I’m pretty sure I’ll need a band-aid for my cervix after the pounding your cock puts it through. I was getting your full length over and over and I could do nothing but hold on. There was no lifting my hips to match your pace, none of that. I was there to receive whatever pleasure you deemed fit to allow me and bring you to cum. Judging by the drool enticing kiss you somehow managed to keep up with, you weren’t not trying to prevent my orgasm. Just the opposite really. I knew I was done for when one of your hands moved from cradling my head to putting pressure on my throat. If I ever had any reason to doubt that you knew my body, every time we had sex and you somehow knew just the right thing to make cum restarted my thinking.
           “Mmm, that’s baby. Cum on my cock, clench your little pussy on my cock as it pounds into you. Are you gonna squirt? I think you might. My little slut is gonna squirt just from having her greedy cunt filled. So sensitive.”
           “Ohhh fuck. Oh fuck,” I moaned, if not screamed. “Yes, yes, yes. Please, please. Please.” Whatever rhythm you had before was gone. My hips were uncontrollably fucking myself on your cock and, as I could feel your balls tighten and dick start to twitch, I knew you were done for too. As the nice person I am, I decided to help you, “Ohh, yes. I want your cum inside me. Cum in your slut’s pussy. Yesssss,” I hissed out as I felt your cum shoot out with each sharp thrust into my pussy. Judging by how wet we both were, there was little doubt of me squirting and even surprise as the amount of cum that you pumped into my pussy, only for it to leak out with the softer thrusts following out big climaxes.
What cultivated over who knows how long by yourself, a good half an hour of teasing alone, and an immeasurable amount of time of fucking, both our orgasms felt that they took eons to fully pass over us. Leaving us in the aftermath of sweat, cum, and pussy juices. Even though both of our bodies needed a shower, neither of us wanted to move from where we found ourselves; your dick softening inside of me while your arms wrapped around my waist with your head on my chest, your full weight offering me the comfort only you can bring. Our legs were tangled, although mine barely reached your knee with our height differences and positions. Not even paying mind to my sure to be messed finger nails, I was lightly running my nails over your scalp and back, or what I could reach of your back, before continuing the path.
Although both of us enjoyed our positions immensely, the drying juices were starting to get uncomfortable. You popped your head up to look at me, “Wanna take a bath with me? I will show you how a man does his woman’s finger-nails.”
At my slow grin and heavy eye-lids, you had your answer. And a promise for a second round. Maybe even a third, depending on how well you can paint.
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Late Night Confessions...With Father Jimin (Chapter Three)
𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: 𝘼 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙚𝙛 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙪𝙣 𝙖𝙘𝙘𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙠𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙨 𝙖𝙣 𝙞𝙢𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙘𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙘𝙝 𝙛𝙞𝙜𝙪𝙧𝙚, 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙨 𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙚 𝙖𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙥 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙘𝙝. 𝙈𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙚, 𝘼 𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙣𝙪𝙣 𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙨 𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙬𝙖𝙮 𝙩𝙤𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙘𝙝 𝙖𝙨 𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙡. 𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙣 𝙖𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙖 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙚𝙭𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙛𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝��?
Tumblr media
𝒢𝑒𝓃𝓇𝑒: Romance, Smut, Forbidden Relationship
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔(𝓈): Threesome!, impregnation kink, orgasm denial, oral (f & m receiving), Cum kink(?), Plot twist!, Sexy men alert, Fake Priest! Jimin, Fake Nun! Reader, step-sibling incest, sad Yoongi
𝒲𝑜𝓇𝒹𝓈: 3k+
𝒫𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔(𝓈): Jimin x Reader, Hoseok x Reader
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Next →
“So you’re actually a good guy?” Jimin grips your hand, as all the memories of you crying about how your step brother used to mistreat you came to mind. You hadn’t exactly painted him in the best light, and Hoseok knew this as well. He could tell from the trembling of the young Bishop’s hands as his grip around your fingers tightened, and he held you close to him almost lovingly. But Hoseok knew better than that, you weren’t the type to fall so easily. You hadn’t even fallen for Hoseok himself, and he was the biggest ladies’ man he knew. There is something special about the way you look at each other, and it makes his blood boil as he watches your small interactions. You used to be his bitch, after all. As derogatory as it was, you still belonged to him, physically. 
“I know you don’t trust me, but I am trying to be a good guy, just for her.” He whispers into Jimin’s ears, sending shivers down his spine. Jimin doesn’t trust him, but he can sense how you seem to have unwavering loyalty towards him. Even after hearing how Hoseok “converted” to the good side, and is helping track down his mafia boss father, he still doesn’t buy it.
“So, we were planning to have a bit of fun and thought you might want to join...since we had a pretty nice time last night.” You wink, hoping to lighten the mood so Jimin would still want to fuck you. You know how he thought of Hoseok, but you wanted to change that, just so he could see the type of person he was now. You do wonder if he’s the same in bed, though, but your heart is more faithful towards Jimin. You want him to be here with you, so he can hold you and whisper sweet nothings to you afterwards. 
“Are you sure? I thought you were uncomfortable with him.” You bite your lip, surprised that he was thinking of you. Sweet, caring Jiminie. Always selfless. Except he wasn’t. He wants you all to himself, but one night won’t hurt.
“Let’s settle this the old fashioned way. Who do you want, doll? Me or Jimin?” Your heat is throbbing as you rub your thighs together, staring at them both in turns.
“I want you both...please.” Your response comes out like a hushed whisper, only loud enough for you to hear.
“What was that, baby? You want us both to fuck you?” You mewl as Hoseok’s breath is shallow against your ears, and you close your eyes as he bites down and leaves a mark behind your ear.
“Jiminie…” You hold his hand, gripping it between your fingers as he looks at Hoseok with uncertainty.
“Let’s get you out of these clothes first. C’mon, Jimin.” Jimin obeys him, quietly undressing you, careful not to disturb any of the sleeping priests. Granted, they are on the other side of the hall, but he still likes to be cautious.
“This wet already? We’ve barely touched you.” He finds the words falling from his lips as he pulls your cream-colored lace panties down. His fingers settle in your hole, making you let out low moans as he rubs your g-spot with excellent precision.
“You’re so slow. I wonder, are you bored, doll?” Hoseok’s words ire Jimin, as he begins pumping his fingers with more force, the room filling up with wet, lewd noises as you get closer to your climax.
“Oh fuck, Jimin I’m gonna come, ohhh just like that.” You shut your eyes, trying to limit your moans as he adds his wet tongue in as well. The pink muscle darts in and out of your entrance, making your nipples stand tall and erect. Hoseok takes this time to strip himself and position himself behind you, rubbing your mounds between his fingers, and teasing your breasts.
“So pretty and pink, should I let her come for us, Hoseok?” He’s completely gone, in his place a crazy sex demon sits, between your legs.
“I don’t know, maybe. Do you deserve to come, baby?” He asks, his raspy voice sending you over the edge.
“Yes, I’ve been a good girl, please I need to come, shit!” Curses fall from your lips as Jimin’s lips move across your body, kissing and marking you all over with his teeth and tongue. You buck your hips, making him suck the pearl in even harder, your entire body giving up on holding back.
“So much for holding it in. We didn’t say you could cum, messy girl.” Hoseok’s voice rattles you, as you try to recover from the mind-blowing orgasm courtesy of Jimin.
“Maybe we oughta fuck some sense into her.” Jimin’s suggestions make your eyes roll back into your head, and Hoseok’s approving nod only worsens it. Your poor pussy.
“That sounds like a good idea, but I think she’d like that. We’re supposed to punish her.” Hoseok’s fingers trail down to your clit and you hiss as he four in at once, scooping out some cum to taste. He looks so erotic, licking your cum off his digits.
“I have an idea. Y/N, turn around.” You obey Jimin’s orders, turning around to come face to face with Hobi’s gigantic dick.
“Go on, suck it babe.” Jimin stops you from moving.
“Not like this, here, come here.” Before you know it, you’re warm. You’re being filled up, Hoseok fucking your throat as Jimin fucks you from the back. Your body is a bit sore from all the sex, but you feel fucking amazing. The endorphins are making your skin glow.
“You still take my cock so well, after all these years.” Considering you hadn’t slept with him in two or three years, it’s not forever ago. But you must agree, it’s been a long time since you’ve tasted him. And he tastes amazing.
“Ohhh and her pussy is the best, look how pretty it looks covered in my cum.” Jimin slightly traces your clit in circles with his thumb, slowing down in his thrusts as he repeats the motion again, just to show Hoseok the finished product.
“Oh by the end of the night she’s gonna be so full with our cum that she won’t be able to move.” Hoseok’s words strike a chord in you as you realize what he meant. He wants to fill you up, and you have no problem with that. But teenage Hoseok would be super against it. You aren’t even on Birth Control! And then you realize that Jimin is fucking you raw.
“Why so deep in thought, babe? Thought you liked this?” You frown as they switch positions, Hoseok preparing to slide into you as Jimin nudges you so you’re lying on your side.
“I do...just...what if I get pregnant?” 
“I gotchu.” Hoseok throws a bottle of pills on the little side table a little away from you.
“Even if you get pregnant, you know I’ll support you,” Jimin’s words make your heart flutter but then all your thoughts dissolve into nothing as Hoseok slides into your cavern, your walls clenching around him in a familiar manner. Your body takes him in with ease, the muscle memory reactivating. Jimin however, is not making you any less tense. You were expecting to see the same vanilla boy you witnessed the night prior, but he’s nowhere in sight, replaced by this rough, kinky version, whom you love to deepthroat. “Fuck, your mouth is so perfect, and your lips look fucking amazing wrapped around my cock. Take it baby, take it!” You moan around his dick, really for both of them as Hoseok’s pace catches up to Jimin’s and sure enough they are playing a game of push and pull.
“You’re so loose for me baby, so perfect.” Hoseok’s comment, followed by a slap to your ass cheek makes you blush bright red, and Jimin lets you breathe for just a second, allowing you to regroup before his dick bounces against the back of your throat and his cum shoots into your mouth and all around.
“Let me feel her hyung. I wanna fuck your cum into her, mix it with mine. Oh we are going to make the most beautiful Jimin-Hobi-Y/N babies ever.” You blush at his words, again not able to do anything more than moan as Jimin rolls his hips above yours and then fucks you into the mattress, the bed squeaking in protest from the force.
“I’m gonna come again, Jimin, Hobi-AHHHH!” You scream, as your cum mixes with his, and both the men take turns spitting and making sure it stays in. “Shit, were you trying to impregnate me?” You ask, barely able to stand up as they laugh into your thighs.
“Babe, how did you not realize it before? We’ve been working together this entire time.” Your eyes widen as Jimin reveals it to you.
“What?” You’re astounded.
“You see, the real bishop is alive but I had to get him out of the scene so I had him drink this stuff that nullifies your heartbeat for a few minutes, so that Father Yoongi would think he’s dead.” Hoseok explains.
“And then knowing Yoongi would make the choice, I stepped out and presented myself to him, ready to become the new Bishop.”
“After that, I purposefully had the nuns move you to the church.”
“Where I would be. It was never in our plan for me to fall in love with you, but I guess it just happened.” Jimin’s laugh sounds like a chorus of Angels.
“W-wait, what did you just say?”
“I would’ve been in the church when you arrived?”
“No, after that.” You sit up in the bed, ignoring the soreness in your muscles.
“It was never a plan for me to...fall in love with you?” His words make your heart flutter again.
“You love me?” 
“Aaaand it looks like that’s my cue to leave.” You shake your head.
“Sorry Hobi, but I think I feel the same way about him so we have to stop. Besides, we’re siblings, right?” He grins at you, not wanting to express the disappointment in his heart.
“Yeah. That’s fine. This was a one-time thing, anyways.” You close your eyes and lean in to kiss your lover as Hoseok closes the door to take a shower. Alone.
“Sorry for being rough. Or did you like it?” You nod, burying your face in his smooth, naked chest as he looks at you with love in his eyes. He really does love you.
Meanwhile, Hoseok is in the bathroom, ignoring the sounds coming from the two of you, concentrating more on his next moves as the son of a mafia boss. Once they catch your father, he’ll be set free. And where will the money go? It’s not like all of the money was his to begin with.
He hopes the cops will give him a generous reward that will make him able to move forth. He didn’t want to assume they would let him go, since he had committed a handful of crimes as well. He wishes he could turn back time, and do everything correctly from the start, including you.
He had always loved you, more than a sibling from the start. He never meant for things to get this far, but seeing you in the arms of another man made him a little angry. He was the one who hired the thief, since Jimin was a good friend of his for a while. He did not think the man would steal your heart in the process, though. Maybe this is karma, or the universe telling him he needs to move on and find someone more suitable for him. Someone who will accept him for all his flaws.
The next day Hoseok is ready to leave. You hug him goodbye, and Jimin does the same.
“Take care, Hobi.” He nods in your direction, happy that you could unwind for a bit and calm down without worrying about any outside threats.
                                           °—✞—˚✧ * ✧˚—✞—°
“What’s on your mind?” Jimin asks you one fine night after you’ve had some fun in the confession box.
“I’m just nervous about how things are gonna be after this entire thing is over. Like are we just gonna resume our normal lives like nothing ever happened and never see each other again?”
“Whoa, whoa, I wouldn’t go that far, but I will say you have a good point.” You wait for a speech or some sort of sweet suggestion to cheer you up. But it never comes.
“Is that it?” You ask, but he doesn’t budge. “I’m going to bed.” As you storm off, you catch sight of Father Yoongi lurking in the hallways. At this point, you don’t even care if he heard you having sex with Jimin. It’s become a regular occurance.
“I know what you’re going to say but before you say it I have a very good explanation.” Jimin thinks he’s been caught, but the Priest has known about the affair for months. He lets out a soft chuckle before starting, “Girls are a mystery. Ever since I was born I’d always wonder what it is about women that make them so different. As I got older I discovered one.) the obvious difference, and two.) their feelings,” Jimin doesn’t dare interrupt as the priest continues to speak. “Growing up, I wasn’t the most expressive person, but my wife sure was.”
“W-wife?” This catches his attention.
“Mmhmm. And a son. I had both. We were all so happy.” His eyes well up with tears, and Jimin grabs a handkerchief out of his pocket for the older male.
“What happened?” He asks in a slight whisper.
“They both died. There was a terrorist attack around the same area we were staying in and I had a business trip so I wasn’t there with them when it happened,” Jimin goes silent.
“We met when we were in middle school, who knew my first crush would be the love of my life?” He looks reminiscent, making Jimin’s features soften in turn.
“I became a priest after that, since God was the only one I could turn to. I could never move past that, after my entire family left me behind.” Jimin stays silent. He has no response. How do you respond to something like that?
“I love Y/N, with all my heart, and thinking about potentially never seeing her again...I can’t stand it.”
“Then don’t. Tell her how you feel. Tell her with your words, she can’t read your mind. Go to bed, it’s getting late.” Jimin nods, following the priest’s advice. At least now he understands why he looks so sad all the time.
The next day, Jimin steps into the kitchen to prepare a meal for you. He makes sure to hide all of the delectables from the others, as they would definitely steal. Priests and nuns weren’t supposed to love each other in a romantic way anyways, so he wouldn’t have been able to show everyone what he was doing for you.
Later that evening, away from everyone, he guides you to the garden to show you his work. A beautiful picnic blanket along with flowers and food. You feel so loved. Jimin sits down and explains how sorry he is to you, and that he didn’t realize the depth of his words. He explained his fears and hopes for the future, and how he wanted you to be there with him, wherever that was.
You give him a kiss on the cheek, happy that he told you what he was thinking. “I’m sorry for not expressing myself to you.” He pouts, making you laugh as you bring your lips down to meet his. You happily roll over to see that Yoongi, among all of the other priests and nuns are watching you both intently.
“Fuck.” You curse under your breath as they storm over to you. Everyone except Yoongi looks disappointed.
“I-I knew there was something going on here, but not this!” Father Jin crinkles his nose in disgust.
“This is crazy, who allowed this nonsense?” A nun who you can’t remember the name of sticks her tongue out in disgust.
“Father Yoongi is the only one who’s not surprised by this, care to explain-” He holds his hand up, making everyone pause. He steps in front of you and Jimin, turning to the clergy.
“They aren’t who you think they are. Bishop Francis is in danger so we have Jimin, and Sister Rosemary is in hiding. That will be all, thank you for your concern, but it’s not their jobs to be priests or nuns.” Everyone leaves, surprisingly, and Jimin is even more shocked that Yoongi defended him.
“Thank you.” He hugs the older priest and you look up at him, gratefully.
“I didn’t wanna keep lying to them. Thank you for telling them.” You bite your lip as Yoongi nods in your direction.
“It was about time. The cops have your father. Hoseok’s on his way to pick you up and drop off the bishop.” Yoongi’s revelation just makes you happier.
“Did you say ‘us’?” The priest nods and Jimin jumps up and down in joy, kissing you passionately before setting you down.
“He’s gonna let us stay together.” You smile resting your head on your beloved’s shoulder as the priest makes his way back into the building.
“So, you aren’t a real nun, huh?” Sister Anne asks.
“Nope.” You smile, folding your clothes and humming to yourself.
“Did you ever tell the truth?” Asks Sister Levy.
“She probably lied about everything.” Sister Jen tsks. You sigh, turning to the three nuns, ashamed.
“Actually, I was telling the truth about my stepbrother. I actually did-” They respond by glaring at you. 
“Sister, c’mon, Hobi’s here.” You make your way to the door, bouncing on the balls of your feet as everyone follows you and Jimin to see who your brother is.
“Guess what.” Hoseok wiggles his eyebrows at you as you kiss his cheek.
“The cops were so proud of me that they gave me a $5,000 check. Dad’s money all got transferred to me, and I’m basically a super-rich jobless guy now.” He says.
“You’re gonna give us some money, right?” You ask, clutching Jimin’s hand.
“Better yet; I’m gonna fund your entire wedding and honeymoon, at full-price.” Yours and Jimin’s mouths fall open.
“M-Marriage?! But we aren’t even-”
“When you decide, don’t worry, take your time.” He winks, pulling open the van door.
“‘Ello, was this the sister you wanted me to meet?” A pretty brunette with a cute Australian accent greets you in the car.
“Yep. Amy, meet my sister, Y/N. Y/N, this is my girlfriend. I met her when I was trying to track dad down. She’s working with the CIA and she was doing a top-secret mission when I ran into her and she knocked out two of her teeth on my forehead.”
“Awww, so romantic.” You gush.
“Not anymore, though, look at them now, good as new.” You like her, you can tell she’s a keeper.
“I can see that. So, where are we headed to?” You ask your brother.
“Anywhere but here.”
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inessencedevided · 4 years
The Untamed, episode 48 - watching notes
I've got more tissues prepared because Yunmeng bro feelings always hit me HARD and that's where I left off last time
I find it kinda sweet that lwj is defending Wen Ning
It makes so much sense for Jiang Cheng to immediately bring up his old resentment cor the way his father treated then up. It really all goes back to that. The feeling of being always second best, both to his father in comparison to wwx and to wwx in comparison to lwj. And while wwx sacrificed his core because he thought of himself as inferior to Jiang cheng (not in skill but in worth), to Jiang Cheng it comes off as him once more playing the hero :/
Also the way Jiang cheng says "then what am I?" Reminds me a lot of the way he grieved for his core
You know what fucked me up most during this whole conversation?
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Because that's it. He can't! 😭
He still loves wei Wuxian and he can't understand why wwx never chose him. Why he chose to protect lwj and the wens when he knew it would endanger their clan. And from that perspective, I get it. I feel like to Jiang Cheng, his clan is everything. It's only natural. He is the (future) clan leader and he was raised that way. It was always going to be his responsibility and at the same time, he always had this very clear cut role in their society.
But wei Wuxian? He loved their family and he did feel at home at their clan, but he was still very much an outsider. Madam Yu hated him, people kept calling him a servant when it suited them and told him to mind his place as such when he spoke up. He could emphasize with the outcasts of society because he himself never truly left that outsider status behind either!
Which left him and Jiang Cheng in opposing positions with no way of understanding the other's point of view
... while still loving each other
Because all they were in the beginning, was two boys being brothers 😥
Which leads me to the conclusion that, once more, the true enemy of this story isn't any single person, it's society.
Okay, sorry that this essentially turned into meta. That's probably not what you're here for, but as thus show comes to an end, I have FEELINGS and THOUGHTS and I need to get them out 😅
I have another rant in my head on whether or not I think wwx was right in transferring Jiang Cheng his ckre without telling him, but I'm holding that in for now 🙈
That I'm sorry. From BOTH of them. 😭
Wei Wuxian saying that it's all in the past now made me cry. So. Much. Because it's an ending. It sounded to me like he wanted to wipe the slate clean. No promises. No betrayals. Start anew. And ... I'm not okay 💔😥
Hey Nie Huaisang. Welcome to the party :D
Um ... what's happening?
Are they ... burning?
Jin Guangyao played with fire and got burned or what kind of metaphor is this?
I'd be about as good as nie Huaisang at hiding my reaction in that situation, tbh ^^
This is the weirdest hostage situation I have ever seen, with everybody just running around sind no one even guarding the hostages
The hell is in that tomb? 😳
Wait ... nie Mingjue was the headless corpse? And okay, the head is obviously seen back on here but ... how did it get there so quickly and WHY is Jin Guangyao surprised?? Wasn't he in possession of the head??
Poor Huaisang :'(
And poor Jin Ling. He's learning quickly just how fucked up his family is 😬
*dramatic thunder in the distance*
👆 favourite trope of mine :D
It's an oldie but a goodie
Wwx understands something I don't ^^
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Also nice to know that even when they're both without powers lwj will still protect his husband 🥰
Okay, so ... someone put the body there. The same somebody who orchestrated everything else
Omg, I love how wwx plays at Jin Guangyao's paranoia by essentially manipulating him as he did others and then turns to lwj, with a little shrug and a half smile like
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So they FINALLY thought it was a good idea to actually restrain their hostages. Genius!
Wait ... Su She has that hole curse, too?
He was the one who cursed Jin Zixun???
I hadn't even thought about the fact that that was still an unanswered question! 😱😱😱
Jgy telling wwx that they were always going to end up on opposite sides is SO interesting and betrays a level of self-awareness I would not have afforded this guy
The thing is, su she raging at lwj for this is really the wrong address. Not because what he says isn't at least partially right (lwj was born into privilege and there is a stark disparity in how clan disciples and peripheral disciples are treated), even in the lan clan, but not BY lan Wangji. He's the guy who knelt before his uncle and let himself, the sect leader's son, be punished alongside the servant's son.
It's fascinating to see Jin Guangyao's mask fall
And his view of wwx is even more fascinating
He deliberately used wwx status as an outsider to society in combination with his impulsive and righteous character to further his own agenda of setting his own status as an outsider
It's like the ULTIMATE Slytherin vs. Gryffindor story line 😁
I'm not gonna lie, Jin Guangyao nakes some good points. Not saying he's not a terrible person or that he's not responsible for his own actions, but still he's successfully identified a lot of systematic problems in the cultivation world 🤷‍♀️
... and then proceeded to horribly exploit them for his own benefit *sighs*
Very sneaky, Wei Ying. I don't know what you're doing it, but good job getting him to keep talking
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Xichen really be regretting all his life choices right now
It breaks my heartba bot, knowing that they really did bond that first time they met. And Xichen believed in him ever since 🥺
As sorry as I feel for him, I'm pretty sure it's going to get worse 🙈
That is simultaneously SO cool and SO creepy! 😱
And kinda hot
On a related note, I realized that wwx is basically a Necromancer Bard and now I really wanna play one
Ohhh, the sword ghost!
Isn't Xichen without powers right now?
Puh, su she didn't kill him
But now I'm confused how lwj can use his powers
He's got the stygian tiger amulet?
I'm missing some crucial bit of plot here because I fo not know how he could have gotten it
I mean ... Xue Yang had half of it right? So ... is it this piece?
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Or ... not the whole thing? I feel I'll have to watch the show again just to discover what Jin Guangyao even knew and when 🙈
The way jgy looks at Xichen, there us real affection and regret in his gaze :(
Still I did not see THIS coming
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He does care for Xichen, doesn't he? Who always saw the best in him. Never once treated him as below him for who his mother was.
But I dont think lan Xichen will give him a second chance right now, tbh. Just from the way he acted, he looked like his trust was irreparably shattered 😥
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Wwx is tired of your monologueing :D
I apologise for the weird mix of stream-of-cosciousness musings and half-formed meta musings 😅
Also all the typos ...
(And who sent the letter and hit the body??? 😭)
@sweetlittlevampire @fandom-glazed @elenirlachlagos @allhailthedramallama @luckymoony @kyrrahbird @i-love-him-on-purpose
Tomorrow I'll watch the jast two episodes and ... I can't quite believe it 😔
I'm just happy that I'm reading the book now and still got so much to look forward to there, otherwise I think l might draw out this show even longer
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cookinguptales · 4 years
A long post about having undiagnosed ADHD as a little girl. And how we all need to talk a hell of a lot more about Reaction Sensitive Dysphoria.
(cw: mental illness, childhood punishment, discussions of childhood self-harm & suicidal ideation)
When I was a little girl, I was a crybaby. I didn’t know why I’d cry all the time. I just did. Everything always felt catastrophic, even if it was just a disagreement over what to play with my friends. People called me manipulative. I got made fun of at school. I was sent to the school therapist. Hell, the only time I ever had to go to the principal’s office, I was in kindergarten and would not. stop. crying. I was literally sent to the principal’s office for crying too much.
(Note. How did I respond to that? I cried. A lot.)
Here are a few examples of things that made me feel like the world was ending:
Once I came home sobbing and my parents asked me what was wrong. Why was I crying? Because the other kids had called me a crybaby.
Once at daycare (around age six), some older boys were making effigies of their teachers out of play-doh and then smushing them and convinced me to join in. The minute I did, they told me that they were telling my teacher, which made me about lose my damn mind.
I was a voracious reader and often ran out of reading material. Once I sneaked some of my mother’s romance novels that she’d left in the bathroom for light reading. They were Very Adult. I was so scared she’d find out and scold me for reading sexually explicit books.
Now, my parents think these are kind of funny stories. They say that I was very cute. But in truth, I was a nervous wreck. My life was pretty good in most ways, but I’d have these moments that just felt like cascading catastrophes. Anytime someone criticized me or my work or my ideas, the sky would just come crashing down. I’d cry so hard I couldn’t breathe. I’d cry so hard I threw up. I grew out of the crying by about age nine, but that sickening feeling of failure never really left.
About 8 years ago, I was diagnosed with ADHD. Severe ADHD. I believe the doctor’s exact words were “I don’t even know how you graduated from high school”. They tried me on ADHD medicine but it made my heart go dokidoki so I just had to live with being unmedicated. I wasn’t told a lot about ADHD at that point, or how ADHD symptoms differ for women, so I just kind of assumed that it was just focus and that’s it. Brain fog wasn’t exactly new to me, what with my other illnesses, so I figured I’d just live with it.
But about a year ago, I learned about Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, which is a fairly common symptom of ADHD that no one ever told me about in my goddamn life! It essentially means that when you are criticized (or perceive something as criticism) by others or by yourself, your brain goes into absolute hyperdrive. You go from zero to “everyone hates me and I deserve that and probably don’t deserve to live too because I am just the worst” over like. literally nothing. And it’s not just like a mental thing you can train yourself out of. It’s characterized by actual physical pain. Y’all, I have anxiety and depression and this is not the same thing. This is your whole body seizing up and your brain going into a maelstrom that’s fairly similar to a panic attack.
Here’s the less cute side to all of those stories:
I had very few friends, and the friends I did have thought I was annoying and manipulative. The more I cried, the more kids stayed away from me.
After the Play-Doh incident, I cried for days. Days. And I was scared of my teacher for weeks. My parents laughed it off as a cute child thing, but none of it was cute for me. The older boys forgot about it by the next day, but it haunted my interactions with that teacher for weeks. It interfered with my education. I was a nervous wreck at school. I was so scared that she would hate me. That I’d be singled out in class. That I’d fail and my whole education would be upended and I’d fail out of school and my parents would hate me too and my life would be over. That’s... a lot for a six year old.
Those romance novels? That was a closely guarded secret that I kept for years. For literal years, I was afraid she’d somehow find out that I’d read those books. I would think of it when I was nine, ten, eleven years old and my whole body would stiffen up. I’d occasionally throw up. I cried about what might happen if my parents ever found out. Would they hate me forever? Yes, probably. They’d never love me again. I was a bad child. I finally told my mom about it a few months ago. I was 29. A small part of me was still scared I’d get in trouble. (My mom laughed about it; she was just like ‘wow, I should have put those books up higher’.)
When I was six, I went to an aftercare at a neighbor’s house for a while. (This predated the other daycare.) One day, one of the kids at aftercare didn’t get off the bus. The lady asked if anyone knew where he was. Trying to be helpful, I said I thought I’d seen him on the bus. (And like -- I really did think I did. But I was six and six year olds are uhhh not smart.) Surprise! He’d actually left school early for a dr’s appt. But she thought he’d missed his bus stop and spent like an hour on the phone figuring out what happened. And y’all. When she realized he hadn’t been on that bus, she was furious. When my other neighbor picked me up for my mom that evening, the lady told her that I was a bad child who’d purposefully lied to scare her. She said I wasn’t allowed to come back. And ohhh guys. I begged my neighbor not to tell my mom. (She did.) And then I begged my mom not to tell my dad. She was honestly kind of alarmed at how vehement I was about dad not knowing. (I was like a shaking, sobbing mess.) She asked me what I thought would happen. idk. Maybe he’d hit me. (My parents never hit me.) Maybe he’d throw me out of the house. Maybe he’d never talk to me again. He’d definitely stop loving me. I was so bad. So, so bad. I was a bad child. No one would ever love me. I was a worthless, bad child.
In short, I was hysterical.
When my parents finally talked to me about it, it was less of a talk about consequences and more talking me off the fucking ledge. They weren’t that concerned about the actual incident; they figured out pretty quickly that I’d just made a mistake. A temporarily scary one, but a mistake all the same. (I basically never misbehaved, so they were kind of confused by the whole situation, honestly.) But they were very concerned about my reaction to it. I knew they loved me, right? I knew that they wouldn’t hurt me, right? Why did I think that was a possibility?
I didn’t know. I still don’t know. It wasn’t rational. It was just my brain exploding into a thousand tiny pieces.
This is not a memory my mom laughs about. I think it really genuinely disturbed her. She’s still angry at that aftercare neighbor for doing that to me. As an adult, I realize that the person who actually fucked up in that scenario was the boy’s mother, who didn’t call to alert aftercare that he wouldn’t be coming. (Funnily enough, that boy’s mother was my first grade teacher -- the one I was so terrified of. Small town. I guess I was scared of her hating me, too.) But as a child, this wasn’t just bad. It was catastrophic. I genuinely considered hurting myself. I was six years old and I considered hurting myself. Suicidal ideation is often part and parcel with RSD. I’ve had to deal with that since elementary school.
RSD is real and it’s terrifying and it’s not unusual in children with ADHD. It’s still a problem that I struggle with. I’ve had friends not answer texts for a while and my brain just. assumes that I said something wrong. And now they hate me. Because I’m a bad person. And my whole body will shake. I’ll sweat. My stomach will roll. My chest will literally hurt like I’m having a heart attack. I still have to blink back those tears. Sometimes I’ll go for a walk to distract myself and burn off all that energy. Sometimes I’ll write a post like this. Sometimes I’ll just lie in bed. Shaking. Trying very hard not to think about doing Bad Things. It’s hard to say how it’ll go until it goes.
(Note: I’m okay right now! I was just talking about this with dad yesterday so I’ve been thinking about it.)
And this is not my friends’ fault! Or my family’s fault. This is no one’s fault. It’s just... mental illness, I guess. It’s hard to predict. Sometimes I can have a calm and reasonable discussion about my faults (which I fully admit exist) and sometimes someone disagrees with me on whether a tv show is good and my brain shits itself. (I’m dumb and stupid and this person probably hates me now! Because I didn’t love Avatar! Why did I open my big mouth? Now our whole relationship is ruined and I ruined it because I am a dumb relationship-ruiner!) Obviously, it gets worse when my physical and mental state is already fragile. I have a lot of chronic physical and mental illnesses, so like... it happens. But it’s very hard to predict, very hard to control, and all you can do is really talk yourself through it when it happens. Breathe. Focus on what’s real and what’s not. Distract yourself. Be as kind to your brain as you can because it will not be kind back.
Talk to people who love you. Try, whenever possible, to be one of those people.
idk. I wish I had concrete advice to finish this off. But it’s more just like... please learn to see the signs, especially in small children. I had far too many strong emotions for a child to figure out on her own. I really could have used some help. It’s too late for my childhood, but not for the other kids who are struggling with similar issues right now.
And if you read this and see yourself in it, do me a solid and talk to your doctor? Your brain might thank you one day.
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stronghours · 3 years
Darling Fallon    Sep 3, 2013
Sensational (sin-sational!). i write on behalf of myself (S) and my lover (m). we have been ripped off by bulk-produced molded hoods before and i can only say HAND CUT LATEX ONLY never look back!! worth the money and will eventually pay for itself. neck fit like loving glove and adds dynamic intensifier to breathplay. Lovely proprietor replied prompt when “m” had questions re: breathability (she added extra breathing hole at no extra cost). class acts all around (and not just in our dungeon!) will return for more but “m” needs a break first if u get the drift lol1!! thanks to lady j!
Purchased item: DeMarco FetishWear – Latex Chrysalis Hood (translucent…
3 Helpful
  myMister   Aug 24, 2013
this one writes on behalf and with permission of MISTER. this one quaked with bliss when package arrived. truly awful to behold in the wise hands of MISTER. this one’s neck is small and delicate For His Pleasure and all item adjustments were made to order and did not affect shipping time. if this one could be so efficient For His Pleasure this one would be in heaven on earth. instead, this one is less than a hole. item truly enhanced <O sensation. without a doubt will be used over and over in this household for due punishments of this very worthless one. discrete pgk’ing. thanks to designer J for deepening this one’s service to MISTER.
Purchased item: DeMarco FetishWear – Throttle Collar w/ attached Gas…
1 Helpful
  JulieJuice   August 3, 2013
LOL rip-off!!! cant believe all u ppl sucking this guys dick. says everywhere in product descript. (and you guys reviews!!) that custom sizing is no additl. cost but mine cost more!! only small alteration to titty holes cause of my cleave situation. bullshit. not buying from him again.
Response from J
Hi again Julie. If you check our many enlightening inbox conversations from 7/5-7/16 you will be reminded the additional cost was due to your request of more ring hinge insertions as the standard amount in pattern block “was not bling enough”. Cleavage was irrelevant. Sizing related alterations are always no added cost. Custom alterations requiring additional materials/effort and adjusted pricing will always be discussed and approved on client end before any exchange of payment.
Purchased item: DeMarco FetishWear – Hexagon Restrictor Harness…
  HannahCakes!    Jun 1, 2013
Hey Whats Up I’m Caleb (obviously don’t have an etsy) and using my lady’s account. She got the catsuit for my birthday and she looked so sexy like J-Lo or someone. Didn’t want her doin the latex stuff because I thought shed have to shave off all her pubes and personally i like that kind of thing a lot but no harm done. Anyway she was super sexy and the suit thing looked good and stayed together even when we started rockin. To other full bush guys out there if youre girl wants to wear the latex stuff SHE CAN KEEP HER BUSH she just has to use lube to oil up the bush that she has.
Purchased item: DeMarco FetishWear – Domina Catsuit w/ Pussycat Zipper (red…
7 Helpful
  HannahCakes!   3 months ago   Friend   Ignore
Caleb Review
Hi J,
Saw my boyfriend’s 6/1 review and I was like uh ohhh. I asked him to leave one because he went gaga over the catsuit, but I wasn’t expecting all the bush stuff. If you don’t want to be associated with that and want to delete, that’s ok on my end. A little embarrassing! – Hannah!
Reply from DeMarco FetishWear    3 months ago    Friend    Ignore
Hi Hannah. Please don’t worry about it, any positive review is welcome. His feedback has apparently hit a chord with some specific hesitations and concerns buyers have been experiencing but not confiding with me, so I plan on keeping it up for the time being. Enjoy your garment.
  JoeyoftheHerd    3 months ago   Friend   Ignore
Moo-cow snout muzzle thing – (idea i had)
Hi. Is this idea good
Reply from DeMarco FetishWear    3 months ago    Friend   Ignore
Hi Joey. Are you interested in a custom cow muzzle/mask, like the pup play masks on my page or are you just brainstorming for personal reasons?
Reply from JoeyoftheHerd    3 months ago    Friend    Ignore
idk it’s just an idea i had
Reply from DeMarco FetishWear    3 months ago    Friend    Ignore
It’s a cool idea
Reply from JoeyoftheHerd    3 months ago    Friend    Ignore
Thanks man i thought so 2
1234Brett10093456    3 months ago   Friend   Ignore
JULES yes I know who you are and I know your name are you scared yet?? I remember when you used to hang with Roscoe out at Rawhide because Roscoe pretended to hire you because he secretly wanted to fuck and suck you till you cried and I saw all that. I have brown flippy hair, blue eyes and am tall/cut versatile but lean TOP. I know you faked being gay. You heard of bi-now-gay-later but have you heard of gay-then-straight-betrayer (you)? That is fucked up that you still sell stuff but pretend to be a gay guy because that makes your stuff sell better because the gay guys want to fuck you. I know you are faking because my muscle bud Tomas (latino) saw you making out with a ginger chick at the wet bar in Entrance last week. He said it was probably a joke but I know it wasn’t because he said he saw tongue. I wont let you be a breeder without a fight. I am willing to tell EVERYBODY YOURE SECRET. But I wont if you prove to me YOU CAN STILL BE GAY. Im attaching a pic of my cock so you know im not lying and can follow through. I will only believe YOU ARE GAY if we can see each other face/face (i can host only on fri- I have two roommates) and our cocks have to touch and you have to stay hard for at least five minutes while I suck and jack your cock and tongue your balls (shave or dont i will leave that up to you). condoms ok but if you want to be a breeder so bad maybe I will just breed your ass but if youre actually a gay guy you’ll like it and cum thick ropes as I fuck your dirty little slut hole and youll tell me youre a hole while I fuck it with the shiny precum head of my cut fucking cock (7inches erect). you will smell my hole and BECOME GAY again IT WILL HAPPEN  - Brett Costino
  TheSteelyDanMan   2 months ago   Friend   Ignore
Latex & Breastfeeding Concerns
Good morning, J I hope you are well. Returning customer, here. My kajira/wife and I are splinter Gor lifestylers (NOT KAOTIANS) [link] but are currently isolated due to our deviation from standard kajira beautification ideals and the arrival of our first child (girl - Gemma) two months ago. My wife’s submission has usually been expressed fashion-wise in various strict latex outfits, a few of which you have kindly provided us over the past couple of years. Naturally, the arrival of a mini-me results in some changes! My wife, insecure after birth, wants to return to strict full-coverage latex, but this desire is at odds with her physical situation of actively nursing Gemma and we both have worries. Does the constriction of latex effect or otherwise harm milk production, or could secondhand latex exposure harm our baby? I imagine you have catered to many lifestyle situations where this might be relevant so I thought I would ask. Thanks very much. LEO
Reply from DeMarco FetishWear    2 months ago    Friend    Ignore
Hi Leo. While I have catered to many lifestyles, I’m afraid I must exercise discretion in this situation, as it would be on par with giving medical advice. I will say any allergy is a possibility and one should exercise undue care with a very young infant, not just in matters of latex. I highly encourage you and your wife to discuss this with her doctor as frankly as possible. In the long run it might be worth reevaluating aspects of your wife’s submission and temporarily making do with latex pieces that do not restrict the breasts, while nursing is a part of her daily reality (I’m sure I don’t have to tell you examples are available on my page). Best of luck and congratulations on the new addition to your family.
  NoraBarnacle    2 months ago   Friend   Ignore
A sincere offer…
Several months ago, I bought a pair of latex gauntlet gloves from your shop. Since then, astonishing changes have come over me. I used to be high-powered, highly controlled, a formidable woman (natural ash blond, green eyes, 45”-40”-44”) I was determined to keep these feelings to myself, but I can no longer resist, as I wholeheartedly believe your Dominating spirit, imbued in the gauntlets, is leading me forcefully but masterfully into your care. If it pleases you, know I have not touched my aching slit for one month total as I am uncertain whether you desire me to feel pleasure that is not approved by you. There are no images of you on your site, but I have drawn an accurate picture of you in my mind and I know you are the Man that I never knew I was waiting for, the Man who will lead me, the Man who will hold my neck and strike my forehead to his knee in his insistence that I allow myself to be led. When I wear the gauntlets, they are your own gallant hands restricting my weak bones. I can no longer resist. I can no longer resist. I can no longer resist. I can no longer resist. I can no longer resist. I can no longer resist. I can no longer resist. I can no longer resist. I do not desire to resist. Please message back so I can properly present my acquiescence, body and soul, unto you. I squat disgracefully on my plump thighs, full of whorish tremor that makes me unworthy, but still I desire. I will service your home with my ardent hands and service your thick and striving cock with my wet tongue. Respond to this small soul. I submit to your gallant wisdom – A Secret Admirer
  RicoMetals   1 month ago   Friend   Ignore
Redhead Modle in Pic for Serve Her Serrated Corselette
Hey man-to-man who is she. I love redheads. Does she modle for other people/would she modle for my pieces? there’s no head in the pick – what’s her nose situation? we could all do collab and I think it would be hot. Let me kno - RICO
Reply from DeMarco FetishWear    1 month ago    Friend    Ignore
Hi Rico. I have not blocked you (yet) because said model wanted me to reply to you first and inform you, she’s already an established performer in her own right and does not want to model for a guy who “thinks I need some sissy seamstress to pimp me out to shitty welders online”. As I only have basic welding experience, I can offer no further comment or defense on your behalf.
  DerryBerry454   1 month ago   Friend   Ignore
Inquiry re: standard leather sleep-sack dimensions
Hello Miss J, quick question:
I will buy this item no hesitation no delay if you tell me right now about your vagina. Questions I prioritize:
1.     Color labia (outer)
2.     Color labia (inner – aroused)
3.     Clit length in centimeters or whatever measurement is most flattering to you
4.     Range of clit engorgement
5.     Depth of vaginal canal (I will allow ballpark figure as I know not everyone has graded speculums lying around)
6.     Percentage of clit orgasms v. vaginal orgasms – bonus points if you describe uterine orgasm, if that is your experience (no pressure to answer last part, as I understand it is not necessarily vagina-adjacent)
7.     Are you hairy? What color?
8.     When you wash your vagina do you douche or do you use fingers to rub through labia folds and that is it?
9.     Color of menstrual blood
10.  If you wear panties, do you find the crotch of your panties degrades due to PH of your vaginal discharge? (give me the qualities and I will calculate this for you)
While a picture of your vagina is welcome (and will only be for my private use) I really do like gathering these stats (I’m kind of a nerd) and would appreciate as much openness on your behalf as possible and you will benefit too because I’ll give you money for your lovely product. Talk to you soon! 😊
  B O A R D
DungeonMaster (MOD 2): Hey people, we’ve reached the end of the summer and you know what that means – Ivan himself of the halls of Rubber Valley presents inaugural post of their annual sweeps week filming extravaganza – first photoset already up and we’ve got the goddamn brilliant LYDIA SUCKS sons! The greatest bitch on the face of the planet almost psyched us out but she’s here she’s low and she’s ready to blow. Vid upload will probably take till tomorrow to render but we’ve got some great pic galleries already. Ivan really spoiling us pigs lmfao. Seeing lots of setup and dress-up and behind scenes stuff for yall candid pervs. We’ve got full body latex and face coverage hoods and I see a breathing tube and the barn inversion setup. Possible inverted ceiling fuck? The boys can dream. Links to download pics results in PERMABAN – only official links to Rubber Valley site allowed, don’t know how often I have to say it. You want to pass ripped screenshots you do that through email *casts pearls before swine*
GOBgobGOB: no pic of lyds upside down yet ☹
LordJim: Not interested until I see Ivan haul out the FuckRacers from two years ago – wonder why he doesn’t bring those around more often? Great view stats on current vids and who doesn’t like a fat ass getting auto-fucked while she steers the go-cart supine?
SUCKPUNTER: lmfao all views are you bro
SUCKPUNTER: hey lordjim where’d you learn the word supine
LordJim: Yeah “laugh out loud” very funny guys.
SUCKPUNTER: did you learn it at college
DungeonMaster (MOD 2): Lydia looks gr8 folks. Queen pristine and ready to cream. SUCKPUNTER – chill out because I’ve got my eye on you. Don’t take the bait Jim. You’re like thirty.
SUCKPUNTER: at least I don’t get off on bitches doing the pinewood derby
TheWorldofMartinAmis: Goddess. Wish she’d get her boobs done though.
LockSTOCK2FUCKINGBARRELS: same! I’ve been waiting for years for her to get into xtreme body mod. Right up her alley. If she’s at EXXXOTICA EXPO next year I’m going to try to get her meet and greet and ask. I know tattoo guys who’d pay HER to give her first tat.
McLovin: Lydia wouldn’t go. She’s like indie transgressive.
DungeonMaster (MOD 2): nice to see you again lockSTOCK. I see your POV but Lydia has several interviews where she says most of her viewers see her bod as a clean palate in the art of pain – as in, wounds have to go away in order for us to appreciate a fresh ruining ; ) tats and huge implants are a little tougher to work around. Anyway in my mind you can fix bad tits but you can’t fix bad attitude
ThatOneFootGuy: id suck her feet
McLovin: woah fuck 4th latex pic in dressing series with her mouth open and her eyes shut – who the lube guy with his arm right down her front?
SUCKPUNTER: lol hand clear to her pussy and hes not even hard faggot
McLovin: scope the ginger amazon in the background with camera – new girl? Don’t recognize. Didn’t know Ivan was bringing new people around this year’s sweeps.
LordJim: I wondered too when I saw. I’m sure DungeonMaster mod understands if I copy/paste following from Ivan (no pics, text w/actress info):
Newcomers are always welcome in RUBBER VALLEY (especially if they’re lovely, and especially if they’re ladies!) and this old goat is pleased to welcome DOMME LUX, our friendly neighbor down south in that little town called Chicago. Mysterious as she is alluring, you’ll see her shining light sampling tidbits of delight off our Valley Girls throughout the uploads this month (or even taking a crack at a couple!) We’re just getting to know her, but I have a feeling she’s a generous gal at heart as she kindly offered us the services of her Personal Valet, Jules DeMarco, who himself spoiled us all year with devious latex devices for our steadfast daring dollies after the unfortunate 2012 passing of our beloved torture designer Merrick Marvel (memoriam post 03/04/2012). Check out Jules’s Half-Bag Breast Mummifier in scheduled post 7/22 (Heather Bunny in the inverted Wench Wrench) the diabolical Arachnae-Hood (Lacey Jane, spinning in our trusty Landscape(her) Rolling Pin 7/16) and the Double-Fuck Full Body Boa Binder with eerie inflatable bubble hood (Lydia Sucks, finale post 7/31, don’t miss it, SUBSCRIBE). I must confess, we took advantage - the poor fella ran himself ragged helping us with film prep all week. So as an apology we let him get up close and personal with Rubber Valley’s reigning heroine LYDIA SUCKS fitting her in a custom four-limb black latex catsuit with half-face hood, made especially for her brave beautiful bod. He takes a good long time greasing her up before Ivan and Barry get her hoisted and joisted and in her best bitch-bat position among the rafters of the exalted Rubber Valley barn, where we leave her to squirm in terror! (but let’s get real – what scares Lydia? We’re wracking our brains!) Uh-oh, is Domme Lux looking jealous in the background? Is she plotting a little comeuppance for our Lovely Lady Lydia? Only one way to find out – SUBSCRIBE!
DungeonMaster (MOD 2): Np lordjim, if you hadn’t posted I was going to. Looks like we’ve got fresh meat in the valley.
TheWorldofMartinAmis: very pretty girl, but always bummed when a new one turns out to be top. Call me old fashioned, I come to the Valley for slaves.
SUCKPUNTER: firecrotch
GOBgobGOB: brb too busy crankin it. milky gingerbread titties come to daddy
McLovin: @TheWorldofMartinAmis, Ivan always has at least one femdom around. Room for everybody in the valley
LockSTOCK2FUCKINGBARRELS: holy shit I know that guy.
SUCKPUNTER: lmfao faggots know faggots
LockSTOCK2FUCKINGBARRELS: no for real. His real name is Jules Marinelli. I worked with him one summer lifeguarding beaches for the park’s district. Our boss found his website where he sells his sex stuff, and it was this whole big thing. Found the kink club Entrance through that (check it out if you’re in my hood ever – huge, clean, not too much gay shit, great ladies of all stripes hanging around, but limits on drinking if you’re trying to access certain levels). He’s bi. He’s either secretly Domme Lux’s slave or Domme Lux is his slave and it’s mega on the DL because it’d hurt her career if it got out she could ‘verse. There’s all this gossip.
SUCKPUNTER: bi guys r fags
DungeonMaster (MOD 2): SUCKPUNTER – that’s strike one. lockstock – not deleting your post because from what I can see JDM doesn’t/isn’t acting in explicit scenes, but let’s cool it with doxxing info. Looks like he’s had an experience with that before, and as a small business owner myself, I know how it can suck. We aren’t gossiping high school girls. Settle back and enjoy what Ivan gives us.
GOBgobGOB: *sees dudes in the chat and stops jacking off*
LockSTOCK2FUCKINGBARRELS: NP mod, feel free to delete it later before it causes problems.
TheWorldofMartinAmis: going back to previous discussion – don’t think a breast job automatically constitutes body modification
DungeonMaster (MOD 2): think about it martinamis, it’s a slippery slope – you want to see some swollen battered fish get destroyed, or a fresh natural girl get destroyed?
SUCKPUNTER: i am not a faggot and a whore’s a whore and im here to see whores fucking destroyed
GOBgobGOB: *tony soprano voice* she was a HOOOOER
SUCKPUNTER: fag or cunt all whores get fucked
LordJim: Mod, step up. This isn’t going to get better. With all due respect
DungeonMaster (MOD 2): yeah, already done. That should be the last of him. Don’t know why I expected that situation to turn out differently.
Subject: Debrief – valley week
As discussed, attached is current info for my old webmaster service from when I had to run my own fansite. Decent price and decent vendor system. Can only be an improvement on what you have now. That is not an insult, but I know it sounds like one. Stay with me.
[link] [link] [link]
And above, the top three most trafficked boards I’ve found following my own career and the rubber valley gang. We’ve caused quite a stir already and its only July 15th. I wouldn’t count on this causing an uptick in your business, but I think you know that. The standard gentleman at home spending twenty bucks a month for guaranteed links to a woman being fucked inside out while wearing a sensory deprivation hood simply doesn’t translate him to spending 100-200 dollars, contacting a seller, taking measurements, and going through the effort to order he and his special girly the hood itself. But I know you believe you’ve chosen your life the same way I believe I’ve chosen my life and won’t whine. I will say, if your ego is bruised, that your clothes are wonderful. They feel maybe half like death. I’ll wear them again and again.
On a funnier note: I have accounts myself on all the above message boards and post semi-regularly. It might amuse you to do the same thing, but you need to be careful regarding your identity. Feedback from viewers is never relevant, but it needs to be pure (don’t ask me why – my brains are fucked out). I won’t tell you who I am, and you won’t tell me who you are. Maybe we’ll find each other.
I wouldn’t tell your Cathy, since some sensitive (if inaccurate) information is flying around. Your instinct towards privacy, while cute and old fashioned, is an apt instinct. Looks like the good people of Chicago can’t keep their fucking mouths shut. Will you be able to find a straight job if your work now goes up like a dead dog’s gut? Don’t despair. Your nice long cock dropped so well down my throat while your Cathy beat my clit with the edge of your belt (nice touch – whose idea was that?) so while you might not get another chance to perch in a lifeguard’s throne, you might very well have a future in film. You’re vigorous, discrete, disciplined, clean, and a cutie-pie. Have your Cathy make some films of you alone or you two together. It’ll excite her, so you have no choice but to be excited yourself. You’re excited reading this. You believe you chose this.
Anyway – Cathy! Don’t be insulted on her behalf. I loved playing with you both. She’s kind and a lot of fun, which are virtues I still let myself appreciate in others. Let her know I appreciate how she let me use you. She’s a good girl and has a good future in store, especially with her personal valet running her life. Pick her outfits, pick her makeup, pick her clients, pick her laundry soap – is it already like that? I want to be buried alive, but you want to be buried in chores. Please dream big, Jules.
Rubber valley is where I have the most fun out of all the shoots I have in a year, but I really was lucky that you two showed up. Poor old Merrick Marvel (not even that old – colon cancer). But out with him and in with you. I enjoyed our river talk and I felt very safe in the car with you at the wheel, though I know I tormented you a little (but I’m pretty sure Cathy helped you out later with that – will you write back to me what she did to you, and if she let you come?) At one point you were with Ivan in the garage, and I tried to have a little talk with her about oblivion, but she either understood my point and got scared, or simply didn’t understand. It’s unfortunate, kind of soul-sucking, how our dominant “loved ones” transform into necessary evils. Adjust the tube. Grasp the handle. Move the thigh. Use the vocal cord to form the order. But what do they know? I never knew how to explain.
I’ve attached some personal pictures of me. I like knowing that you have them. I won’t contact you again except under strict business purposes, so let me sum up. Serve Cathy well. Don’t let her get bullied. Flourish creatively. Keep that belt. Fuck as often as your body commands you to fuck (if I suspect that sometimes your body is Cathy’s body by proxy, then this number will double, perhaps triple, but the choice is out of your hands because she owns your cock). You have a lot of growing up to do. Don’t despair. More to come.
We won’t see each other soon, but we’ll see each other again. Ciao! 
I expect improvements.
Lydia S
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
Putting a brat in his place
Bakugo was less then happy as he stormed into the local drug store. Of course one could point out that the blond hero in training had a default setting of less then happy unless he was making someone else miserable, but this was a fouler mood then normal. the main problem for the wanna be hero was the fact that his bitch mother had gone out of town for the weekend leaving him alone (that in itself wasn't so bad, as things when easier without her around) but the problem stemmed from the text message she had sent him, telling him she had forgotten to get him his 'bed time pants' as she called them, and he needed to pick some up. His bed time pants were of course their not so subtle code word for his night time diapers, something he had needed since a training exercise had gone horribly wrong and he'd ended up blasting himself towards stupid Deku's fist while trying to get his balance. the end result had been a high impact of his boys on the dweeb's fist and it had taken half a week for him to get his day time control back (and even then had to monitor is fluid intakes) and he still hadn't manage to keep a bed dry in the 3 months since it had started. Adding in just how much he pissed in his sleep, Bakugo couldn't get by with anything close to discreet and his mother had taken delight in pointing out only the bulky thick diapers mean for teen babies (A growing crowd in the city) stood up to his punishment. As such he left it to her to go and buy the damn things, always dreading what awful stories she had to be telling about her widdle super soaker (a pet name she'd given him and he fucking hated it) He'd of gone to a different shop for the stupid things but the one his mother used was the furthest away from the school and best for avoiding any of the dweebs in his class seeing her with one of the over sized packages in her arms. As he stormed down the aisles heading for the diapers, he gave off a wave of malice powerful some of the customers backed away, and others were worried this was a prelude to some form of robbery. This wasn't helped when after looking around for 20 seconds in the deceptively large drug store, he reached for a young male clerk and grabbed him by the collar, pulling him close to his face. "where are your fucking diapers? the big ones?" he asked. "I..I..I.." "Don't make me repeat myself!" "IN THE BACK PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!" The clerk cried out, a 24 year old twig of a man who would end up needing diapers himself for a week having nightmares about all of this. as he was dropped to the floor on his ass, the blond menace bent over and the clerk felt himself losing control of his bladder, sure that this was it and closed his eyes tight. "Thanks. here, use this and get yourself a pack." The clerk opened one eye and then the other, the blond was smiling and holding out some money. Sure that it was a trick, the young man scrambled out of his puddle and flew for a door marked employees only. "Sheesh. try and be nice.." Bakugo muttered then shrugged and headed for the back. Getting to the wall of diapers in the back, Bakugo felt his cheeks heating up those anyone who dared to try and look at him as he browsed got a glare powerful enough to send them running before he found the brand his mom usually got him, not as easy as it should of been since she made to have them in his underwear drawer by the time he got home. And he could see why. "Little stinkers delight?" He read, a eye twitching and fighting the urge to blast a hole in the wall. if it wasn't for the samples of the diapers next to them, he wouldn't of ever pegged it as being his brand but there it was, white with the the little chibi hero's in diapers fighting chibi villains in theirs. Picking up the pack he read the back, and realized why his mom always had a case of the giggles when he got diapered at night. 'Perfect for the big baby who wants to go boom boom or just soak in their tinkles, stinker's delight promises 24 hours protection from rashes, bad smells and leaks. let your little guy or gal stew in their smelly diaper and enjoy being the big baby they are.' "...I'm going to kill her when she gets home." Bakugo said, and yet he put the pack under his arm and stormed towards the check out. it wasn't that he wanted to wear the damn things, just he wasn't sure if they really were the best or if it was his mothers sick sense of humor at play. and beside, he didn't wanna blow his spending money getting a bunch of different diapers to try out. Thankfully his intimidating presence encouraged other shoppers to go back and look for a few other things, so they cleared up the line up for him and he made it to the clerk, a lady in her late forties. "Oh ho ho! Anther big cute baby! where's your mommy or daddy little one?" she asked, clearly not bothered by the malice he was putting out. "Cut the chatter, just sell me the fucking huggies." "tch, you kiss your mommy with that mouth? I have a good mind to spank your bottom for that!" The lady scolded and despite himself, Bakugo suddenly felt a lot of shame. "I uh..I just..I'm all by myself this weekend." He found himself saying. "And my mommy usually gets the diapers for me while I'm at school." Bakugo whined, and then his fucking THUMB found it's way into his mouth, him sucking on it and some drool leaking on his chin. "ohhh I see. Well I bet you're just grumpy you'll have to change your own diapies. I forgive you~" the lady said and suddenly Bakugo felt like his old self again. "...What the fu-" he started to say but the lady locked eyes with him again. "You youngsters aren't the only ones with quirks young man. and I don't like bullies like you scaring my employees. Now, I want you to be a good boy, stop taking your anger out on needing diapers out on others, and go home." popping his thumb out of his mouth Bakugo growled. "Who the FUCK do you think you ar-" "Why is it I always get the bratty ones in my store?" The lady signed. " I think I know who you are, your mother has told me a lot about you." the lady said, taking control again and Bakugo plopped on his butt on the floor, sitting cross legged and sucking on his thumb again. "When you see her on Monday tell her to come and pay for your diapies, and a few other things I'm adding to your bag." She called down, leaning over the counter before adding a package of pacifiers and a few sippy cups to a big plastic bag with his diapers in them. Bakugo tried to growl, to tell her off but popped his thumb out of his mouth instead and gave a small smile, before getting to his feet and accept the bag, then bowing. "I've locked you in 3 year old mode, with some exceptions. you'll be able to look after yourself if you have too, but will be drawn to find one of your friends to help you out. it'll last for 72 hours OR till you can stop being a mental brat for a hour..so I'm guessing 72 hours." the lady said then plastering a big smile on her face made a little shooing motion. "now you hurry home and get your diapies on before you have an accident!" "Yesh auntie. fank ku." Bakugo lisped back even as his face flushed, then bowing again he hurried out of the store. Try as he might, Bakugo couldn't seem to get full control of his body back, which meant he had started to skip, swinging the bag back and forth, while badly trying to whistle, just like he used to as a toddler. as he came up to a crosswalk he whined loudly and found himself looking around for a adult or big kid to help him across since mommy told him he wasn't allowed to cross those without her or someone helping him. 'Oh this is fucking bullshit! a big kid? I am a fucking big kid! the fuck am i doing!?!' Bakugo mentally ranted, figuring losing a few minutes of his clock wouldn't hurt too much in the long run. "Hey Bakugo! Wait up!" came a voice Bakugo knew, and mentally he groaned and swore while on the outside he smiled and turned to face Inasa. "Hiiii Inasa! How's you?" Bakugo asked, grinning ear to ear. "i'm glad your hear! I need help getting across the street!" the other boy paused for a second, not quite sure he had heard Bakugo right, then noted the back he was carrying which being a clear plastic bag, did nothing to hide the babyish items in it. "Uhhh..Ok. what's all this?" Inasa asked, smirking. "Oh! these are my diapies, and some paci;s and a sippy cup cuz auntie said I hafa big a little guy till I learn mah lesson, or 72 hours pass." Bakugo said cheerfully. "...heh. ok. Am I being pranked? who are you really? a shape shifter or something?" Inasa laughed and shook his head. "If Bakugo finds out what your doing he's gonna be mad so you be-" "Noooo it's really me! I was being a BUTT in da store getting mah bed time diapies and got a attuide adjustment!" Bakugo said, shaking his head then looking thoughtful, pulled out his wallet showing his school idea. 'Oh fuck my life!' Bakugo mentally groaned. "Ok..huh..well I mean.. did she hurt you or anything? Inasa asked, looking unsure of what to do. "Nope! just making me act like the 3 year old I am, minus, the meanie beanie parts!" Bakugo giggled and then blew a raspberry. "Sooo can you help me across the road? Pleasssssse?" he asked, bringing his hands together in a plea. 'Please say no please say no please say no plea-' Bakugo chanted in his head. "heh, I suppose so, Guess I better stick with you and make sure you're all safe." Inasa said and held out a hand for the little big boy. "Oh my gosh! that would be great! we can watch cartoons and play toys and everything!" Bakugo gushed and took the other boys hand. 'just fucking kill me now.' Bakugo thought. Getting back to his place had been quick and easy with Inasa using his quirk to speed things up and Bakugo despite his best mental efforts had giggled like a goofball the entire time, clapping his hands and asking for them to go again even as they landed in front of his apartment. "Maybe later little guy, i don't think the big you wants a bunch of people seeing you with all this little guy stuff." 'oh you fucking think!?!' By this point Bakugo had given up behaving himself and hoped that when he went to sleep that would count and he could just wake up and threaten Inasa to keep his fucking month shut, though he doubted he'd be that god damn lucky. as they came in Bakugo's bladder suddenly came to life and he started to do a potty pants, while holding onto Inasa "heh, gotta use the potty little guy?" Inasa asked. "yeah! Over there! help?" Bakugo asked, dancing in place and a hand on the front of his black jeans. "I dunno how to undo my jeans yet!" 'BULLSHIT! HOW THE FUCK WAS i GONNA GET OUT OF THESE PANTS OTHERWISE!?!' Bakugo ranted. "Ohhh I see. Ok." the other boy laughed, wishing he was brave enough to take pictures but it wasn't hard to picture Bakugo hunting him down once this was all over to get them back. Leading the squirming younger boy to the bathroom, he got Bakugo's jeans down and suppressed a laugh, wondering if Bakugo knew he was wearing training undies, the bulk and dino design on them gave them away. 'fucking leave fucking leave fucking leave!' Bakugo thought, of course today of all days he had humored his mother and wore the trainers. "Can you stay in here and make sure the toilet doesn't eat me?" Bakugo asked out loud, as he tugged his trainers down and then sat down on the potty, a hand going down to make sure his less then stellar member stayed pointed in the bowl as he started to go tinkle. "Pffft, why would the toilet eat you little guy?" "Momma told me bad boys who don't feed it enough get eaten so I try and give it lots but I tinkle my pants a lot and poop'em too sometimes." "Ooooh I see." Inasa said, his grin growing. "I'll stay here and protect you then. don't worry." 'I'm fucking nuking that old lady AND her show when this wears off.' Bakugo swore. After finishing up with piddle, Bakugo stayed on the bowel for a few and grunted, trying to make poopies but when it was clear it was a no go he slid off and dabbed at his hairless sex with some tissues then tossed them in the potty and flushed. "So are you naturally hairless or do you shave?" "oh! no hair down there. Momma said not all boys grow up at the same rate." "Ahhh. I think I understand why you're always so mad." Inasa said. this went over the little persona's head but mentally.. 'Oh fuck you and the horse you rode in on. fucking bastard!' "Ummm Mister Inasa?" Bakugo asked, his undies pulled up and having stepped out of the jeans. he was rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet and poking his fingers together. "yeah Lil guy?" Inasa asked, having a feeling what the little guy was about to ask. "Could you mayyyybe help me get one of my diapies on? I don't wanna hafa bug you ta come in and protect me every time I need use the potty." Bakugo said, blushing and going from pointing his fingers together to rubbing the back of his head, looking sheepish. 'don't you fucking dare say yes!' Bakugo roared, positive that if nothing else, every telepathic quirk in a 30 block radius heard his cry. "of course I'll help you!" Inasa gushed and ruffled Bakugo's head. 'their never gonna find the body.' Bakugo promised himself, fuming. Getting the bulky diaper on Bakugo wasn't as hard as Inasa had feared it would be, though he had a feeling the only reason Bakugo was being good as gold was the effects of the quirk he was under. The little guy in attuide (and some parts of his body) had dashed off to his room while Inasa took out the items from the bag and opened up the pack of pacifiers and taken out one of the thick diapers. He'd been about to ask Bakugo what he was doing when the little guy came out with a teddy bear print changing pad and a yellow diaper shirt with a teddy bear head printed on the front. "Momma got me these ta make my diapering and stuff easier!" Bakugo giggled as he set them down, then tugged off his shirt showing no armpit or chest hair. "I see~ your momma is one smart cookie huh?" "UH-HUH!" 'My mother is a sick bitch who wants to shame me into stopping!' Bakugo fumed. Far too soon though his naked butt was resting on the thick white diaper, and then he was powdered (WAY too much, he was sure some of it was gonna fly out the sides when he farted!) then the stupid diaper shirt was snapped up. to finish off the look Inasa offered up a paci, one with a yellow mouth guard to match the diaper shirt of course and Bakugo happily took, nursing on it lots and sitting up, holding out his arms for uppies. '...Ok I have to be able to black out or something. I'll give up full control and everything for the full god damn time limit, just let me blank out.' He mentally pleaded, but at last, he was fully away as Inasa picked him up and put a arm under his his butt, letting him snuggle into him. 'Seriously, the fuck did i do to deserve this!?!' Bakugo whined mentally even as he giggled out loud. As his behavior in the store flashed though his mind he just sulked and tried to lose himself as Inasa carried him over to watch some cartoons. Inasa blushed a little as they sat on the couch. he'd always thought Bakugo could of been cute if he just would stop being such a grump all the time and well, this proved his point. As a toddler in a big boy body he was just SO freaking adorable. and that was before the little guy snuggled into his side, sucking away on his paci while they watched some cartoons that had been recorded on the DVR. "having fun?" Inasa asked, putting a arm around the Lil guy. Bakugo nodded his head and smiled behind his paci, though Inasa was sure that mentally, he was being called every name in the book. "You want a snack or something?" Bakugo shook his head now, and wrapped his arms around Inasa,making clear he was his snuggle buddy for at least a little longer. "Alright. just do me a little favor and give me a heads up before you go boom boom ok buddy?" Inasa asked, and ruffled Bakugo's hair. 'Code brown code brown! get me out of this fucking diaper and on the potty!' Bakugo mentally cried out, feeling the need growing. to his horror his body however just nodded and snuggled back in, either unaware or wanting to surprise Inasa. Bakugo of course wasn't a stranger to loading his diapers, at least in his sleep, it had happened often enough he knew the feeling and how to ID the smell by now. going in his diapers while awake, and on purpose however was NOT something he ever wanted to experience and he fought hard against the forces keeping him from controlling his own body to get a semblance of freedom back. Sucking hard on the paci, Bakugo started to grunt a little and Inasa looked down, smirking and knowing what the little guy was doing, or at least trying to do and debated on calling him out, but in the end decided to leave the naughty lil stinker to it, and just moved a hand down to the boys rump now and then, checking for signs of squishyness. As it turned out he needed of checked, as a muffled poot and a bunch of giggles from behind the paci let Inasa knock that the boy's efforts were paying off, still, as the farts came one after anther there was only a faint whiff of baby powder and then a fruity smell (the stinky smell protection from the diapers of course) and so he moved his hand down to check. Sure enough the bottom was puffing out and there was a squishy feel. "Bakugo, didn't I ask you for a heads up?" Inasa scolded lightly, but kept smirking. 'this is so fucking grosssssss!' the blond wailed in his mind. Bakugo on the outside however just put a little look of 'who me, and pointed at himself. "yes you you little diaper filler. Oh well, might as well keep going. not like you smell terrible..yet. I'm sure it'll be a sucker punch when i go to change you." Inasa laughed and Bakugo snuggled into him. 'This is gonna be a LONG fucking 3 days.' Bakugo whined, wishing he'd of just gotten his diapers without being a brat. The End
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lisinfleur · 5 years
This shit will contain A LOT OF SPOILERS. So, if you didn't see episodes 5, 6 and the trailers for 7, then... WTF are you doing in this fandom uh? GO - WATCH - IT!
Ok, later rants! I took some time away - that I'll explain soon! - but today I finally found a way to watch episode 5 and episode 6 of Vikings and now, the trailers with the goodbyes we just saw in my timeline. So, time to speak! I'll try to resume it because fuck! Things got huge too fast! So, let's start small...
Dear Torvi Poor woman... She's passing through so much loss. Björn's betrayal, her first son, her second child, now Lagertha... Man, for the gods' sake! Someone please let me hug this woman! She needs it! And yet, she was wise enough to spit some truth on Ingrid's face... Torvi matured a lot from that child we used to think was so fluffy when trying to convince us she was Viking. She grew into a strong woman, able to endure things that many others wouldn't have with a whole mind. I have to clap my hands and admit that Torvi evolved into a whole new character and if there is someone to """replace""" Lagertha in this show, it will be her.
Ingrid Speaking of replacements... Am I too cruel to say I laughed out loud of this woman at the docks waiting for Björn like that? The honey-dick attacked again and the girl is melting for him. Poor sucker... To be honest, from all the women Björn cheated on, fucked and let go like trash in this series, Ingrid is the only one who I won't feel a single drop of pity for. She searched scab to scratch herself and now I'll sit and watch as she realizes her stupidity. Know your crime, pay your price. That's what I have for her.
Harald Or should I say King Harald? Man, I have to say: Harald was low. It was pretty low to manipulate things the way he did to win that election over Björn's favoritism and he stroke pretty lower by going there to provoke inviting Björn to be his counselor that drunken way of his. Even more to order the killing of someone who risked its life to save his ass when he was locked by Olaf, trusting the word of a man that he barely knows (Flatnose will be pointed here too... that bastard!). But once again... Am I too cruel to say I laughed OUT LOUD the whole process of election?? Man, it was HILARIOUS to watch Björn's teeth clenching to every single vote Harald had over him! It was ORGASMIC to see all that arrogance of someone who carries nothing but his father's fame in his shoulders being dissolved by noticing daddy's fame won't hold his back anymore! Ragnar's name is fading - despite he'll always be a legend - and whether Björn starts walking for himself or his papa's actions won't hold his butt up forever! And Harald did me the beautiful favor of kicking that white blonde ass to see if Björn will wake up and become the man he should have become since the first episode of this series (To the ones who don't remember, Rites of Passage was the mark of HIS DAY TO BECOME A MAN and receive his armring). However, I think Harald screwed up and got tangled up with a bunch of bad promises he will somehow have to honor. The thirsty man is drinking seawater and will end up dehydrated. It is better for Harald to find a way to manage the whole Norway, or else, the King of All Norway will end up in a pole, impaled, like a beautiful flag for everyone to see...
Gunnhild She looks miserable in the next episode, but her acting was beautiful during the battles. I just wanted we had seen more of the huge Gunnhild we were habituated to see. I felt they kinda lowered her light to put the spotlights on Lagertha for the scenes and I can understand the need for it to happen, but Gunnhild was really pale in these episodes and I hope Hirst doesn't follow this thread to wipe her off slowly until there is nothing of our precious Gunnhild to be seen. She's too huge to be forgotten or changed this way. I hope it changes in the next episodes.
Amma I hope someone takes care of the bruise in her face cause fuck... Things didn't go well for this girl. She was delegated "two" Ragnarssons to protect. Magnus is dead. Hvitserk is doing shit. Poor girl is in bad sheets here... But more than that, I really would like to see her slapping Ubbe's face or stopping him from treating her as a slave. It's only me, or did someone else noticed how the bastard is ordering her around as if she was his fucking maid? She would be, imo, the perfect person to throw some truth in this man's face cause man... He's needing a slap. OHHH HE IS...
Kjetil Flatnose You freaking fucking asshole motherfucker bastard son of a bitch! There are no words in the human language to define how big of a bastard you are! Man, I HATE THIS GUY and I hope Ubbe does one single fucking shitty thing right in his pitiful and dismissable life and KILL THIS ASSHOLE! PAINFULLY! There is not too much to be said about this asshole. I just want him to die. Slowly.
Now... let's start with the big ones, right?
Ivar x Igor Once again, I cannot tell you guys the size of the love I feel for these two and their relationship. Everything they do together, no matter how dangerous is it, seems to be a big huge game and Ivar seems to be having so much fun beside this boy that I can only pray the gods it lasts forever. Igor brought back a side of Ivar that we weren't able to see in years! A good side that I was missing so hard! I hope this boy doesn't stab him behind his back, cause if he does, then it will be the end of the Ivar we know and maybe that serpent Hvitserk fears so bad will come out for good...
Ivar x Oleg (plus Katya?) Is it my impression or the bromance is over? I saw lots of sadness in Ivar's eyes (a point for Alex! Fuck, the boy is good!!) but something tells me that Oleg is messing with fire and will end up veeeery burned... He's playing with a recent wound, making it bleed again with that brunette bitchy version of Freydis and something tells me that Ivar will bury Freydis' memory along with Oleg's and Katya's bodies. And this will happen pretty soon... If I was him? I would destroy that mausoleum in front of Oleg's eyes and say things like "It's good for you to watch it" while breaking his ex-wife's statue in tiny little pieces (using Katya's face like a hammer, of course). But I'll wait and see. Ivar's plans will surely be better than mine!
Alex Yes, Alex, not Ivar. The boy deserves a whole topic only for him. It is not that I'm surprised, I'm not. Alex has been proving himself an amazing actor since he first dragged himself on screen as Ivar the Boneless for me. With Adrian and Jacup and Viktor and even that crazy-ass Liam, he already had proven himself a multitalented artist and a phenomenal actor able to conquer our hearts with any kind of character. But I have to point out that his expressions as Ivar are absolutely incredible! He can pass complete feelings and whole threads of thoughts without a single word! I can only congratulate him for such a beautiful job! The same goes for the actor who plays Igor. Boy... you rock!
Björn More momma's boy than never, boy is being forced by the gods to raise his butt up from other people's backs and walk by himself. BEAUTIFUL! I cannot say how happy I am by seeing Björn finally being slapped by reality: papa and momma's fame won't hold your butt up forever, bitch! Grow fucking up, grow some fucking balls and go fucking make your own shit! And I'm not here saying he didn't shit in the whole series. He did, but all he did since this series started was under the weight of his father's name. Björn Ironside, SON OF RAGNAR. It was always something heavier than anything else in his life and now, whether he raises his own name before his blood history or he'll end up fading quicker than his shadow. Yes... shadow. Cause that's what Ubbe has become... I just really wanted him to stop this drama and to remember that mommy was murdered by one of his brothers who had THEIR MOTHER murdered by his mommy, so it was a fair death, a fair kill. No one should be allowed to punish Hvitserk for this especially because the woman would die anyway! Hvitserk shouldn't even be guilty of her death since Whitehair had warranted she wouldn't see a new sunrise before Hvitserk's hallucinations would end up getting his hands dirty.
Ubbe Who the fuck are you and where the fuck is my daddy? I cannot say he was brainwashed. Who paid attention to the details will remember pretty well the scene when Ubbe, Hvitserk, and Sigurd were speaking right after Hvitserk arrived from the trip to the Mediterranean Sea. They discussed about Ivar's need for avenging their mother and Ubbe was clear saying they would have to kill Björn to reach Lagertha and that's was something he didn't want to do. Ubbe gave up avenging their mother as soon as Björn arrived in Kattegat. But there were better ways for him to show his will to avoid fighting his brother without adopting his stepmother and forgetting all the shit she did like that! He could have accepted fighting beside her with caveats, leaving clear he was there to go against Ivar not to support her. He could have left clear that he was there because of Torvi and Björn, not because of her. He could have rejected Lagertha without creating any problems within him and Torvi as long as he was able to put his own mind out through those beautiful lips saying clearly that he was giving up on the fair revenge because he loved Torvi and didn't want to fight his older brother. But no. He just forgot everything, started treating Lagertha as if she was his mother and now he'll bid her the farewell we didn't see him bidding to his own mother! What kind of an asshole does this shit? And for the ones who want to come here ranting about how shit of a mother Aslaug was, I would like to remember that she starting being a shitty mother AFTER IVAR WAS BORN! This means Ubbe lived THE BEST of her motherhood longer than ANY OTHER OF HER SONS! He had a fucking perfect mother and he didn't have the respect to keep himself away from her murderer once he chose to respect his loyalty to his brother and avoid killing her. I lost all my respect for Ubbe in this season and I cannot say I'll ever be able to really respect him again. Not only he left Margrethe to die (she was ambitious? yes. She was crazy? Yes, but she was HIS WIFE and HE SWORE THE GODS he would protect her!) but he abandoned Hvitserk when he most needed his older brother making himself unable to forgive a simple bad action when worse things were forgiven in his heart, he mistreated the woman that is beside him and declared to go wherever he goes for love by using her loving words against her to keep her from looking after her children's safety, he's mistreating and disrespecting Amma who's a free woman by treating her as if she was his personal maid and his brother's babysitter throwing on her the responsibility of taking care of Hvitserk that should be his own... Ubbe disappointed me so many times in so many ways that he must thank the gods he's played by Jordan and I love Jordan, otherwise, I would have no reason not to spit on his face at all!
Hvitserk Speaking of pain, there is a picture of Hvitserk beside this word on the dictionary. Shit, he's so hurt, so pulled down, so ragged, so disposed. Poor him is walking around like a ghost himself! I wish so much Amma wasn't so afraid of taking pulse in this situation, but I cannot blame her. She fears she would fail and Ubbe would be harsh on her so she doesn't go further than calling Hvitserk's attention or his name to wake him up. But the truth is that someone should put this boy in its lap, hug him tight, and never let him go. The gods are being harsh on him breaking him in tiny pieces and offering him to Fenrir's jaw to be chewed. I really hope now that he fulfilled his "purpose", he can find a way out of this endless well of self-destruction or, at least, he can start walking for himself once again. It pains my heart to see my beautiful puppy like this. I hope he gets better from now on...
Marco Once again, a topic for another actor that fully showed his talent here! I've seen other works with Marco, like Kriger and Fasandræberne, and his talent is undeniable, but the interpretation of a man in pieces he's offering us is really perfect! He plays with the scenes of Hvitserk's addiction amazingly not only showing the eagerness for more drugs but the perfect portrait of how this doesn't really change his fear or pain and even more the way Hvitserk keeps longing for more, searching for relief and numbness while hiding all those traumas behind his bloodshot eyes. Marco is a complete show all by himself and I can barely wait to see more of his amazing work around the world.
And to finish... Lagertha I didn't like her. Everyone here knows I started disliking Lagertha when she cowardly killed Aslaug in a murder that shouldn't exist. There was no need for her to back shot Aslaug like that especially because that battle was won. Some understood that she gave Aslaug "safe passage" to find her son in Valhalla since Aslaug thought Ivar was dead along with Ragnar. But for me, there was no reason for Lagertha to go further and kill Aslaug like that especially when she could have used many other ways to get what she wanted. Yet, I always admitted and will admit until the end that Lagertha was a hell of a character: a shieldmaiden and a strong woman who could have a better ending after all. Despite the fact that I'm still here trying to figure out how did Björn reached the adult life with her TERRIBLE pieces of advice for children, she was a huge character and I think she deserved to die better than being murdered in the middle of nowhere like a homeless woman by a drugged rag of a man. She was a shieldmaiden. She was the most famous shieldmaiden of her age. She deserved to have died by that wound Whitehair made and her death should be more than just an emotional moment. Now her beautiful and epic fight with Whitehair will fade face to the anger Björn will drive towards Hvitserk. He won't learn from his mistake because, in his head, Hvitserk killed his mother and not Whitehair - who was her actual murderer. Lagertha was fated since she left that battle and Hvitserk was nothing but an accelerator of a destiny that was already sealed. She would die. He just made it quicker. We can even say if we look straight that it was almost a mercy kill. I didn't like her end but I have to say that battle against Whitehair was phenomenal so I'll close my eyes to the rest and believe she died strong and majestically after that fight, as the hero who saved that village from the bandits. And not like a homeless old woman, thrown like trash in the middle of the square, under the rain, murdered by a drugged rag of a man, forgotten in the middle of the mud. She was pretty more than just Ragnar's wife - so I wasn't touched by the words towards this. She was pretty more than just a woman... And I was expecting a better ending for her - and also, something better than hallucinations for Hvitserk to fulfill his destiny.
Let's see... Episode 7 is coming and I can't be more excited!!! The series is doing some shit, but it regained my excitation for good and I cannot wait for next week's episode!
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