#so of course he punishes me! because how DARE i work my succubus magic on HIM my EMPLOYER
valentinoappreciator · 9 months
me, blissfully unaware that this specific song is going to throw me full-tilt into an imaginary relationship with a toxic, evil, manipulative, abusive pimp
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me, seconds later
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- A masterclass in worlds between worlds - (Hey, what do you get if you put every Henry into a designated bar? A very bad time and not only because of the theoretical possibility that Hans Dsaftale might be there with the others. Now, what do you get if you LOCK one of the Henry’s into the bar as punishment for almost getting his own universe destroyed? A very exhausted Henry who’s just trying to make sense of the things he is seeing. If he hates it, at least he wants to understand it.)
- - - “Okay.” Henry started. Everyone was listening up as soon as that simple word was leaving his lips. This would be entertaining. It always was. Sure, there was some groaning in the back, but even they knew that would be hilarious. Lengthy, but hilarious. Well, maybe they would be the only ones laughing, but they don’t count their losses. Free entertainment is free entertainment. Henry stared into the people around him, before scoffing and pulling out an incredibly large board, with multiple pins on it, as well as notes and photos. “Hear me out. I have cracked the code.” Ah, one of these. “This will be one of the more lengthy of these, so you will need to bear with me.” One final cough from the audience and he was good to go. “Fantastic. Now, I want to introduce a concept to you. And I think it is something groundbreaking, as it is connecting to the very concept of souls. Alright, let us start off with the core concept of a soul. If it is an imprint of our very self, of our deepest emotions, desires and motivation, what truly moves us… then it is not only logical conclusion, that it also what dictates what draws us in or repels us? Of course it is. Thus, we can easily conclude that our soul ITSELF has needs and desires. “We like what we like” and “you should not fight over taste” are very wise statements indeed, absolutely true. But where do these tastes even come from? From our soul? Our liking for colors, aesthetics, for food and for music? Yes, surely there is a very psychological connection to it, due to experience, but… I think it runs deeper. What does this imply? That our souls comes inherently with NEEDS, with desires coming from our deepest core that we cannot possibly satisfy ourselves. This is further proven by our DEPENDANCE on other people. “The human is a social animal”- but what does that mean? How can a creature perish merely because of lack of contact? Perhaps it is hardwired into our spirits to need the interaction of ideas, the essence of others, because we cannot provide this for ourselves.“ The place broke out in quiet mumbling, while Henry adjusted the board behind him, to connect the dots visually. “Now, that we have established that every soul has needs, I think we can directly move onto the concept that every soul has DIFFERENT needs. It would make sense to try to find similarities in the needs from soul to soul, as you would assume it has the same baseline… but due to our experiences with souls, we have to accept that in terms of needs, souls differentiate severely from each other. Much like plants are awfully different based on species, I am willing to admit that souls CAN be similar in their nature and have similar needs, but souls exist in borderline endless versions, meaning most souls widely differentiate from another.” He paused, dramatically. The room was silent. “What does it mean, you ask?” Nobody actually asked anything. “I am glad you asked. Why is this important? Simple. Self-control and optimization. During my studies of multiple different multiverses, I realized an abhorrent flaw in the mental system that is me. Mainly, and believe me dear audience, I hate to say it, my draw to what I tend to consider “weakness”. Yes, I know, I know. Implausible. Impossible! But it is true. Except, it is not WEAKNESS." He smashed both of his hands on the bar in front of him. "It certainly seems like it and technically speaking IS weakness, but it is not outright weakness. It is not cowardice, it is not indecisiveness, it is not ignorance, which I all would call true symptoms of weakness. Fragility might also be a part of it, but not necessarily. That is what makes it so intriguing. And by fragility I do not quite mean instantaneous shattering. It is more a mixture of dependence and- okay, I think there is a lot of it to do with dependence. But what is there to dependence? Whatever would make that alluring? I will tell you. It took me a while, but my working theory is this: There is some sort of... resonance, dare I say. An echo of our own fear and worry, we see in them something we fear to be in us! And thus, caring for that person, defeating the weakness within them, satisfying the dependence, it proves to us we can defeat it within ourselves as well!" One of the attendance rose his hand. "Okay, but what about simple narcissist function? Occam's razor. The easiest answer is that we are simply searching for supply for our ego." The presenting Henry wildly waved his hand around in disgust. "No! That is not what it is. Obviously. Otherwise, the codependency that at least somewhat evolves even from our side would not grow WORSE. We would grow tired of it. But that is not happening. No, the longer it goes on, the worse it gets! The only reasonable solution is to assume that our traits are calling out for those that will COVER them. Our loyalty and capability calls for NEED in the other soul, for insecurity and reliability. Trustworthiness, for our loyalty. Our detachment from any given reality calls out for something that we directly can control and influence, a real, breathing example of our effect that we can have. There is an incredibly fragile balance to be struck, of need and trustworthy purity, as well as absolute willingness to give up everything that makes them themselves in the first place, as we have some sort of all-consuming ego, with our individuality being our most important part, so important in fact that we need to be able to impose it onto others to feel secure-" He was interrupted. "So you are saying we are some sort of former eldritch abomination given human flesh for some reason still trying to live out or former desires?" Henry paused a bit irritated. "I mean... maybe? Unlikely, but-" Another voice. "Hey, does this "calling out" thing not imply that people who get attracted to people who torment them deserve it? Because if so, that is pretty fucked up of you." "No! I mean- well, we are talking about underlying NEEDS, that does not necessary equate to it being lived out in-" A pink Naga leaned back. "No, no, I agree. Prey isss prey. It cannot bear being anything different. It needsss to feel like it." "Shut up, nobody asked you." A bit annoyed Henry tried to dismiss him. Desperately he tried to get back to the point he was trying to make for what felt like an hour by now. "I propose the following: There is not actually such a thing as soulmate, but it is more akin to a spiritual form of chemical bonding. Some bond easier than others, like hydrogen. For souls that mean they have less specific requirements to keep up a truly fulfilling bond, or have an easier time filling the other's lacking traits without needing much back. What is needed from their bond is what we call out via our souls, creating a type, but said type is intended to cover the things our souls cannot satisfy or eradicate within itself. Thus, my conclusion is that a soul bond forms for a soul much more on what people lack than their strength. If the lacks fit well with the lacking of the other person, they manage to fall into place-" This time he wasn't even allowed to rant. The bartender Henry next to him gave him a flick with his demonic tail and poured himself a drink. "I love it when people who never had a relationship try to explain them. Very cute." "I- TECHNICALLY speaking you can become an expert on everything via the theory, I did a lot of studies-" "Oh god, wait, so you cucked yourself?" The succubus watched with delight as the most annoying Henry's face went from pale to red. "Cut it out you filthy whore." "You are merely jealous that unlike you, I not only get to fuck my boyfriend all day, but also get magical abilities for it." That was enough, the poor Henry, who was just trying to find answers, held his ears closed like some sort of child and had a silent breakdown. It wasn't easy hanging out with such an awful version of yourself. Especially if that version couldn't stand you and loved to tease you about shortcomings that he would of course know by heart. The other Henrys lost interest at that point. Show's over. And nobody learned anything. No, it wasn't quite the void, but Henry surely wished to get back there instead of being stuck here, serving drinks to his much more pathetic, yet somehow much more successful versions. Oh, hell had many faces. For now he had to deal.
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innocentignorance · 7 years
Head Cannon: Alexandria Pt. 2
What is this? So here is the part 2 of Alexandria’s head cannon. I hope part 1 was interesting enough to have you waiting for this one. Once again I want to thank everyone who took the time to read/reblog/comment on my HCs. They important to me and your attention means so much. Enjoy :)
Part 1
“I don’t care who or what you were in the Demon World. You are none of those now that you’re here, and here in the Human World what I say goes.”
So the succubus whose story you read in pt. 1, Aquila, was a princess of the Lilith Kingdom but she escaped to the Human World with the help of Harold Anderson, a powerful warlock and Alexandria’s grandfather. She was grateful to him, and eventually they fell in love with each other and got married. A few years after that Alexandria’s father, David, was born. But because David is a boy and his father is not a demon, he is entirely human with some demon blood but no powers. He is not even aware of this fact. However, when David has a child of his own, a baby girl, that little girl, being the first female child born into the family after Aquila joins, inherits the powers of her grandmother instead. That little girl is Alexandria.
Because her grandmother is an extremely powerful succubus and her grandfather has magic, Alexandria has all the powers a full-blooded succubus would have, complete with a demon form, backed up by very powerful magic. Her grandmother even used to claim that she’s more powerful than almost all succubi and incubi. The only thing that sets her apart is the lack of horns in her demon form.
“But why don’t I have horns like you do, grandma?”
“That’s because of your diluted blood, dear. Don’t worry. It doesn’t mean much. Only that you are a very special girl.”
Trained in the art the arts of seduction, illusion, mind control and every other succubus ability by her grandmother, and in almost all kinds of magic by her grandfather, Alexandria is one of most powerful beings that has ever walked the Plains of Existence. Very much so that even Angels are weary of her at first. When she was 13, her grandmother was killed by a group of devils and she killed them with the back of her hand to have her revenge, Angels approached her with an proposition.
“What the fuck do you want from me? I did nothing wrong. In fact I did your job for you.”
“That is exactly why we’re here, child.”
So instead of being angry with her, they ask her to become somewhat of a ruler in the Human World. They would actually pay her human money and give her somewhat of an authority to act on their behalf, in return she would have to keep the entire demon population in check, away from humans and devils. And Alexandria, at the time desperately looking for ways to free herself from her father, accepts. The Angels give her the means to travel around the world very quickly and the ability to be able to communicate with demons and devils no matter what language they spoke. Not wanting their wrath upon her, she immediately got to work. She traveled the entire globe in a little over a month and managed to make acquaintances with every demon out there. She wrote down the used human name, True Name, contact information and current residence of every demon. Then, she wrote down the rules that the Angels set and sent them out to every single one of them, with the Angels’ and her own seals for proof that there would be consequences if the rules were not obeyed.
-Killing or harming humans by using your demonic powers is forbidden and punishable, possibly by death.
-Exposing yourself to humans, except those that are witched and warlocks, is forbidden. Can be overlooked if the human is willing to make an oath to keep it a secret. Otherwise both the demon and the human will go through Angels’ Trials or executed.
-Any items imported from the Demon World without the approval of the Representative will be confiscated, and the demon/s responsible for bringing the items will be punished.
-Conflict with the Hell Spawn must be avoided at all costs. If can not be avoided, the Representative must be informed at once, whether the said Hell Spawn are still alive or not.
-Any demon residing in the Human World must meet the Representative and get registered. 
-The Representative has the authority to inflict punishments and handle executions if any of the rules stated above has been broken.
With the distribution of the rules and the news that there is now a ruler causes a stir among the demons and even devils that live in the Human World. Alexandria is quick to quiet down everyone and reassure them that she’s not there to rule over them, but protect them. 
“I’m not here to rule over you. I was chosen by the Angels’ to make sure that everyone obeyed their rules. They could easily do this themselves. Their punishments would be harsh and they would show no mercy. And I could let them for all I care. But I didn’t. I accepted this role to make sure that you all have a better chance.”
She tells the devils that so long they stayed away from her people and the humans, she would take no action against them. Her only responsibility was to the demons but if they ever dared to harm any of her people, they would find death in her hands.
In time people slowly start to accept her role as the Representative and even respect her greatly. There are still some sore thumbs here and there that cause trouble by refusing to give their True Name or some other way, but she’s always able to deal with them either with her natural charisma and swaying words, or by force.
Alexandria is force of nature. There is no one in the world that wouldn’t obey her one way or the other. Although she especially enjoys taming rebels. Despite her constant use of foul language and bitchy attitude, she manages to gather an extremely loyal group of people, composed of witches, warlocks and demon alike, that are her eyes and ears all around world. She learns different types of magic from all of them. Her most trusted agent and best friend is a Shadow demon who calls himself Keith. He is her second in command and the head of a lot of operations. He is sarcastic, snarky and sneaky as hell, and despite their constant bickering they always have each other’s backs.
“You know you love me, Lexy.”
“Shut the fuck up, Keith, and for the last time DON’T CALL ME LEXY!”
Alexandria has a very bitchy, fuck-everyone-and-everything, I-literally-couldn’t-care-less attitude. But in reality she cares a lot about her people and friends. She’s sarcastic and loves nicknames. She has at least one nickname for everyone she meets.The closer she is to the person, the more creative and bigger in number the nicknames get. She has absolutely zero tolerance to people deciding things for her or ordering her around. Which means she has no tolerance for her father. She hates him as much as it is possible for a child to hate her father. After she becomes the Angels’ Representative, she immediately goes to tell him off.
“You don’t get to tell me what to do anymore, old man. You can go and shove those expectations and dreams you have for me right down your throat and choke on them while you fuck yourself.”
“Alexandria Anderson! How dare you speak to me like this!”
After that the two of them rarely spoke. When Alexandria’s grandfather dies and leaves his mansion to her, her father immediately sends her off the very same day. She knows it’s probably the last that she ever sees him and she doesn’t care. She goes into the house, settles in and calls up her friends for a small housewarming party that involve a lot of booze. Keith and his wife Emily, who’s an animal demon, are the first to show up. After a great night that she barely remembers she goes to school and come back to the mansion and guess what? There lies 5 people on her floor, covered in blood and barely conscious. She can tell they’re demons right away but surprised to see that she doesn’t recognize any of them. Unregistered demons. In her house. Bleeding all over her floor. 
Before she can think of the best course of action, one of them suddenly appear in front of her, looking straight into her eyes. The boy has messy brown hair and deep green eyes, but his gorgeous face is ruined by a frown. Looking into his eyes she suddenly feels like she wants to kiss him but breaks out of it when she realises what’s happening. He’s compelling her. Incubus. She becomes so furious that she sees red. How dare he?
“Women, you’re going to let me kiss you.”
“Calm down, bouncy. He ain’t dead. And so long as he doesn’t try to pull off something like that again, he’ll remain that way.”
Alexandria demands to know who they are and what 5 unregistered incubi were doing in her house. They explain everything to her, saying that they were attacked by devils and found the house while looking for shelter, not knowing it belonged to anyone. She was shocked to hear that. Every demon there had to know that this house belonged to a relative of the Representative. But then they weren’t registered so either they were new or no one told them. When the brown haired one comes to, she takes out her list to register them immediately, explaining the process of residing in the Human World. The incubi see that they have little choice but to agree. They all give her their names, used and True, all except for one.
“Why the fuck do we have to give her our names? She almost killed me!”
“Well, you ain’t dead, are ya, tough guy? Now spill it or do I really have to use force again?”
“I’d like to see you try.”
“In your weakened state and after what just happened, you sure have some serious balls to speak to me like that. There are rules made to be broken but this isn’t one of them.”
After somewhat of a glaring contest, he finally gives up and tells her. She reassures them that her documents are for her eyes only and no one would be able to read them. She hands the brothers, and throws one at Sam, a special potion that she makes from sweet flower so that they can restore their energy. She says they should retire for now and they will discuss what happens with them later. 
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