#so our previous teacher told us to do the exercice and once it's finished we make a new piece from scratch and switch them
so I showed my current teacher my exercise to see if I could pass to the next step that yesterday teacher told us to do, and the current one doesn't agree on how to do it/what is the next step and ask me to do it another way
Why do they not talk to each other/why can't they trust us with knowing the next step? I used my own materials on this one, I was supposed to keep it, it took me multiple days, I can't legally keep it if I do it the new way, it's unfair
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eratobard · 4 years
Saved by the Bell: Chapter 2
Fandom: The Witcher
Pairing: Geraskier, goth!geralt and pastel punk!jaskier
Rating: G
Summary: Geralt is used to getting good grades and staying out of trouble. It comes easier with his shy behavior and anxiety. That all changes when he crosses paths with the colorful Jaskier and his tendency for mischief.
Previous: Chapter 1
A/N: Was previously posted on my main: Panerato. Continuing the story on this blog for easier archiving on my part. 
Geralt set his tray down at an empty table in the cafeteria. He didn’t usually sit with anyone at lunch. Because of his demeanor most kids were too afraid to sit with him. As a result, school tended to be a lonely affair, but he was fine with it. He had friends outside of school.
He glanced up from the dry mashed potatoes to see Jaskier laughing with other students at a table nearby. Ever since their encounter in the school office it seemed Jaskier was everywhere. It wasn’t hard to pick him out in a crowd either, because of the bright clothes he always seemed to wear. Geralt wondered how he had never noticed him before.
Jaskier frowned when another student approached his table of friends, “Valdo.”
The boy he had addressed as Valdo glared at him, “Julian.”
“How’s your leg?” Jaskier smirked, crossing his arms over his chest.
Geralt looked the teenager over. So he had been the student Jaskier had stabbed. 
“It’s healing, no thanks to you!” Valdo spat.
Jaskier rolled his eyes, “Duh, that’s the point. You deserved it after what you said to Priscilla.” He motioned to the blonde sitting next to him. She was glaring at Valdo along with Jaskier’s other friends.
“Whatever, you only defended her because you want her to suck your dick like the slut she is,” Valdo smirked.
Geralt could understand why Jaskier stabbed him. He kind of wanted to as well.
Jaskier moved to charge at Valdo but his friends held him back. Priscilla shook her head, “Jask… you can’t…”
Jaskier frowned but complied as he moved back. He huffed as he placed his hands on his hips. He whipped his head back to move his bangs out of his eyes, “Is that all you came over here to say?”
Valdo ignored his question, a shit eating grin forming on his lips, “Oh? You can’t defend your cow like before? Can daddy dearest only protect you so much?”
Jaskier grit his teeth as he clenched his fists. Priscilla continued to pat his arm, “Just ignore him. He’ll go away eventually.”
Valdo glared at her, “Oh, I’m not going away. Not after what he did. I plan on getting even, and I know just how to do it.”
Jaskier clicked his tongue as he rolled his eyes, “How? You gonna stab me with a fork?”
Valdo grinned and shook his head. “No, even better. I’m going to get you expelled.” He reached down and grabbed a handful of mashed potatoes from Jaskier’s tray and splattered it onto his own shirt. He faked as gasp as he called out to the nearby lunch shift teachers. “Mr. Mousesack! Jaskier threw mashed potatoes on my shirt!”
Mr. Mousesack stopped his conversation with the other teacher and made his way over to the table. Jaskier glared at Valdo, “I did not! He threw it on himself!” Jaskier’s friends spoke up in his defense.
Valdo feigned innocence, “Of course they would say that. They’re his friends. I only came over here to make nice after our fight the other day, and then he threw mashed potatoes on me.”
The students all started to speak at once, trying to explain what happened.
Mr. Mousesack held up his hand to silence them, “How bout we take this to the principal’s office where this can be discussed calmly.”
Jaskier fidgeted nervously next to him, “The principal… I… I didn’t do anything.”
“The principal’s office isn’t always for students who are in trouble. She can mediate between you two and determine what happened,” Mr. Mousesack explained calmly. He escorted the two boys to the office. 
Geralt watched them walk by him. Jaskier was staring at the ground worriedly. Geralt fidgeted in his seat. He had seen the whole thing happen. He clenched his hands into fists. He could speak for Jaskier as a neutral viewer, but that would require him to approach the principal. Anxiety swelled in his chest. He shook his head. Jaskier would be fine without his help. The principal would see Valdo did it on purpose. She had to.
Several minutes passed and Jaskier and Valdo still hadn’t exited the office. He glanced worriedly through the large windows that made it easy to see into the room. The principal’s office was located off of the larger school office. It’s walls offered more privacy, but he could see a bit into the office through the window in the door. He saw Principal De Vries was still talking to Jaskier and Valdo about what happened. It did not look like it was going well from the expression on Jaskier’s face.
Geralt took a deep breath as he prepared himself and headed toward the office. The secretary forced a smile when she saw him walk in, “What can I help you with?”
Geralt’s hands fidgeted nervously in front of him, “I… I need to talk to Mrs. De Vries.”
“She is currently talking to some students, but you can talk to Mr. Stregobor--”
“No!” Geralt shouted. He was surprised at his own outburst and apologized. “I mean… I need to talk to Mrs. De Vries now. It’s concerning what she is talking about.”
The secretary frowned but nodded her head, “Alright…” She picked up the phone and dialed the principal’s office. He didn’t hear what she said, but the secretary mumbled something into the receiver when the principal picked up. She nodded her head then hung up the phone. “Mrs. De Vries said you can come on in.”
Geralt sighed in relief, but his anxiety wasn’t completely gone as he walked into the office. It came back 10 times worse when he was met with everyone in the room staring at him as he entered. 
Mrs. De Vries motioned to a nearby seat, “Geralt, you have something to tell me regarding this situation?”
Geralt nodded as he moved close to the seat but stood by it awkwardly. It felt better to stand for some reason. “I… I was sitting nearby…” He glanced over at the two. Jaskier was staring at him curiously while Valdo glared. Geralt quickly looked at the floor. He gripped his hands tightly in front of him, “I… I overheard Valdo come up and talk to Jaskier.”
“See?” Valdo interrupted, “It’s as I said. I went to apologize and--”
Mrs. De Vries held up a hand, “Let him finish.”
Valdo bit his tongue and frowned as he returned to glaring at Geralt.
“Continue, please Geralt.”
Geralt nodded. His anxiety continued to build, but he knew he needed to do this to defend Jaskier. It was the right thing to do. His voice wavered and he felt like he was going to cry as he spoke, “He… he told him that he was going to get Jaskier back for what he did to him. That he was going to get him expelled. Then he grabbed mashed potatoes from Jaskier’s tray and put them on his own shirt.”
Mrs. De Vries nodded, “Thank you for sharing that Geralt. I know public speaking isn’t your strong suit. Was there anything else you wanted to share?”
Geralt quickly shook his head. 
“You can head to class, and don’t let this matter worry you anymore. I will take care of it,” She smiled as she motioned to the door.
Geralt sighed in relief as he nodded his head. A weight was lifted from his chest as he exited the office. He had done all he could to help Jaskier. Mrs. De Vries was a reasonable woman. She would make everything okay. He clenched his fists as a bit of anxiety crept back into his chest. He hoped.
It was the end of the school day. With the distraction of school work Geralt had almost forgotten about Jaskier’s predicament. As he was on his way to the school buses he felt an arm wrap around his shoulder. He looked over to see bright blue eyes and a winning smile.
“Geralt, I wanted to thank you for speaking up earlier. I’m sure it wasn’t easy,” Jaskier grinned. “I didn’t realize we were in the same lunch. You and your friends should come sit with us.”
Geralt’s cheeks felt warm and he stared at the ground, “Ah, yeah… maybe.” Geralt didn’t want to reveal that he had no one to sit with at lunch. It would be too embarrassing to admit to the popular teen.
Jaskier sighed as he continued to lean on Geralt, “Despite your help I still need to do counseling. Mrs. De Vries believes that Valdo and I can work out our differences, and that we should learn to get along.” Jaskier grimaced, “So every day after school, starting tomorrow, I have to do “exercices” with Valdo.” His fingers motioned the air quotes as his arm was still slung around Geralt’s shoulder.
Geralt nodded, “That doesn’t sound too bad…”
Jaskier grinned and ran his fingers through Geralt’s long white hair, “Yeah, it’s better than boarding school.” Jaskier blinked as if he suddenly realized something, “Oh, I’m sorry.” He removed his arm from around Geralt’s shoulder. “Here I am hanging all over you like my friends and I didn’t even see if it was okay. My bad.”
Geralt shook his head. “It’s um, it doesn’t bother me,” Geralt mumbled.
Jaskier smiled, “Really? Good to know.” He bounced a bit as he sped up his pace to walk in front of Geralt. He walked backward in front of him as he pointed to the entrance of the school, “I better jet. My chauffeur is waiting to pick me up. I’ll see you tomorrow!” He waved before running down the hall.
“No running Mr. Pankratz!” a teacher called after him.
“Sorry!” Jaskier yelled back as he continued to run down the hall. The teacher sighed in exasperation.
Geralt placed his hand on his chest. His heart was beating rapidly. He smiled slightly as he headed to the school buses. He wondered what school would be like tomorrow.
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