#so realistically. this will hurt him more
moonlightspencie · 3 days
initially an idea from @hotchfiles from forever ago when i asked for james fic requests, and i finally wrote it teehee
original idea: “reader’s first time that she wants to get over and just do it with a friend she trusts and he ends up confessing mid sex”
james potter x reader
warnings: smut! (p in v, first time, virgin!reader), MDNI
To say you were shocked was an understatement.
You didn’t wake up this morning thinking you’d be messing around with your best friend. You definitely didn’t think he’d kiss you. Or do more.
But here you were, in his bed.
You couldn’t even blame the party or the drinks since each of you had only taken one shot each. James loved a party, but when it was at his home, he tended to lean on the conservative side until it was just his closest friends left over.
Now, you had no clue who was even still downstairs. He’d taken you upstairs an hour ago after a messy kiss. At first you thought that maybe it was for attention with his friends. But when barely anybody noticed, you dropped that theory quickly.
And it seemed like a perfect opportunity.
You still hadn’t lost your virginity, and it was something you’d been reflecting on more often lately after your 22nd birthday had come and gone. Realistically, it wasn’t a big deal. You just wanted to know what it felt like.
But you weren’t sure that your friends were entirely aware. You’d messed around with people before, but you’d never gone all the way. You didn’t want it to be some big event, and the second James started pulling your clothes off… what was the harm if he knew or not what your sexual history was?
It was going so well, too! Up until your initial feeling of being impressed by his size caught up to you.
The second he lined himself up and started pushing into you, you felt a bit nervous. The stretch wasn’t a great feeling, much to your disappointment. It wasn’t all bad, but it just felt like too much too fast. And he wasn’t slowing down. You held back any noises at first, but there came a point when you couldn’t hold back anymore.
“James, oh my g—” you moan, face feeling hot as he bottoms out. It kind of hurts.
“Feel good love?”
You’re silent for a moment, breathing heavily.
“I-I don’t know,” you shake your head as you respond.
James stops, looking at you. “What? What do you mean?”
“Kind of hurts.”
He smirks a little. “Never been with someone as big as me, love?”
You shake your head again. “Haven’t been with anyone.”
His smirk falls completely. He shakes his head, looking down at you in confusion, his chest heaving for a different reason, now.
You swallow, realizing your mistake. You look up at him, feeling a bit panicked. He starts pulling out, and you wince at the feeling, then scramble to sit up when he sits back on his knees, his face in his hands.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asks, looking at you. “Why… God, why didn’t you tell me?”
“Please,” you say, reaching for him, holding onto one of his arms. “I just… I haven’t done anything like this before and I wanted to do it with someone who I already know and love and then… then you kissed me and it just seemed like the right time.”
“Love, I can’t be your first time.”
“Why not?” you ask, voice clearly a little desperate. “You already—”
“I already did way too much,” he cuts you off, then looks at you again, his gaze softening. “You should’ve told me.”
“You wouldn’t have gone as far as you did.”
“That’s my point.”
You sigh, scooting closer to him. You hold onto his arm, your head leaning in his shoulder.
“Just wanted it to be with someone I care about. A friend and not some… Some guy who’d never talk to me again,” you explain quietly. “Would’ve asked Sirius or Remus but…”
James shakes his head. “Why didn’t you just ask me, then? I might’ve said okay.”
“Just wanted to do it. Get it over with. I didn’t think it was a big deal,” you shrug.
“It is a big deal, baby,” he sighs, glancing at you. “It’s a really big deal.”
“I don’t want it to be.”
“Why not?”
“Cause… it’s just sex. I just want to get the first time over with. Is that wrong?”
He swallows, hugging you to him. “It’s not wrong, I just—”
“I thought you’d want a better experience.”
You furrow your brow. “But you’re my best friend. It is a good experience.”
“Please, James. Can we please just keep going?”
He glanced down at you, wetting his lips on instinct as he sees you looking up at him like that. After all, he was only a man. And you… you were his beautiful best friend. Naked and pretty and begging for him to keep fucking you. He wasn’t usually weak, but he couldn’t imagine anyone being able to say no to you like this.
He leaned in again, capturing your lips with his, his hand cradling your cheek. You sighed into the kiss, melting.
“You need to tell me if it hurts this time,” he mumbled against your lips.
“I will,” you whispered back.
He nodded, hands running up your sides softly. He laid you back on the bed, settling between your legs again easily.
“Tell me if it hurts.”
“I know, James. I will.”
He let out a heavy breath, groaning with his head dropping into your neck as he pushed into you again.
“Fuck, love…” he moaned, leaving sloppy kisses along your neck and shoulder.
You breathe heavy, whimpering softly. “It feels… a lot better this time.”
You clutch onto him tightly, gasping as he finally starts moving. It feels strange and unfamiliar… but so good. You moan out his name as his hips snap against yours with every thrust.
“So— so good, Jamie,” you breathe out shakily.
“You’re even better,” he mumbles, his voice laced with desperation. “You’re perfect.”
“No I’m not.”
“You are.”
You whine, your head back against the pillows. He picks up the pace, his heart pounding not only from the effort, but from the feelings overwhelming him.
“God, I love you,” he groaned.
“Love you, too, Jamie.”
He shook his head, kissing your skin delicately.
“No, I love you.”
He picked up his head to look down at you as he kept thrusting into you. “You’re perfect, love. Geez, you’re not usually this thick. I’m— I love you.”
“What?” you repeat with wide eyes.
“Just… you know what I mean,” he says desperately, looking down at you as if he could cry.
You swallow. Suddenly his behavior makes even more sense. He didn’t want to take your virginity. He didn’t want to hurt you. He wanted everything to be perfect for you. He loved you.
“I love you too.”
His eyes go wide as he moans. “You do?”
“Fuck,” he mumbled against your skin, dropping his head against you again in relief. “We’re doing this more often.”
“I won’t complain,” you chuckled breathlessly.
“Good. Cause this isn’t ending any time soon.”
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robyese3 · 2 days
K. I'm writing this into the void but I have nobody to talk bridgerton to. I blow the dust off my Tumblr to rant. Season 3. Here we go
PT. 1
Trash. All four episodes could have honestly been condensed to one, maaaaybe two to compensate for all the side plots. It did nothing to redeem Penelope.
It did however make me love Cressida, and further convinced me Eloise is queer. That said - Claudia Jessie so far has had chemistry with every single person (Benedict, Penelope, Cressida, Theo). Maybe it's just her. Philip was cardboard though so... We'll see if she can rescue that.
Why would the wig department do my boy Colin like that? Dirtyyy.
Francesca is GORGEOUS. She does look older than Daphne and Eloise, but I don't even care. Stunning. And John is a button.
Where did Luke and Nicola's chemistry go?!
KANTHONY. Only redeeming factor, and not enough of them.
What happened to Debling? Why wouldn't they just have HIM marry Cressida???? Like...?? It would have been perfect.
I love the Mondrich's story line - why is everyone hating? I do agree that it would have been a great way to reintroduce the Duke into the story though. Kinda mentor them through it. I get Rege-Jean wanted out but like... Recast it?
PT 2
Ahhh there is their chemistry. Found it.
I am HERE for mama Featherignton's redemption arc. Only works because she seems genuinely remorseful.
Incredibly disappointed with the Cressida storyline. Just wrecked a really dynamic story. Ruined Eloise's character growth (which she desperately needs) and just undid the awesome set up from pt 1. Felt so wasteful, unnecessary, and sad.
Most of the sex scenes were hot as hell but there was one (I don't remember which) was kinda awkward getting off the ground. They were like... Talking too much? Haha
Daphne not being there for Colin NOR Francesca's wedding? Yeah right. Get your casting contracts figured out bridgerton! This family can't be this close and just be missing major events. Would never happen. Lock them actors in from day 1.
I felt like Colin's arc from finding out to supporting her was really vulnerable, realistic, and well done. He was hurt and angry, but never stopped loving her. Just needed to process and he defended her tooth and nail despite knowing she didn't want to quit it. Good job kiddo.
Ok does Benedict do ANYTHING else but fvck? So grateful they finally admitted he's queer. And I wish they would have gotten to that part of his development in pt 1 so we could see him navigating it more.
When Colin said he had to talk to Benedict about getting the money, and implying that Benedict has some responsibility in the family with Anthony's absence - that was the biggest character development for him outside of his sexuality.
Philippa has NOT gotten enough screentime during this series. How are we just seeing how delightful she is now?!
Part 2 did such a better job at redeeming Penelope. I drank the Kool aid, back on team Penelope. Wrecked Eloise though. Sorry girl. Be better.
Michaela Sterling. Was kinda digging the "soft" love, and autistic thing that was circling the Internet so I was a little disappointed to see that all it was is that she's actually not attracted to him (knew the second they kissed haha). BUT the actress is stunning and I'm intrigued on how they'll develop Francesca's yearning for children with the queer storyline.
I would have loved for another King George cameo. Or just an update on his health, idk. Anything.
All in all, this show could do with adding another episode or two to it's roster and figuring out their pacing earlier on ESPECIALLY if you're going to be splitting the season. And even more so, if you're going to be juggling 82 different storylines.
If we're slowly shifting back to traditional tv practices (weekly releases episodes, commercials, etc), let the next thing be a full episode count. Done with this single digit amount episode. Order at least 10-12 episodes!
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@jegulus-microfic, June 13th - Devour, T, Word Count - 952
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Part 2 of: Welcome
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Regulus couldn't sleep. It's not that he wasn't tired. he was exhausted after walking all the way from his home to the Potter's. Yet he still couldn't sleep.
Too many thoughts swirled his mind. What if they find out? What if they come looking? What if they find Sirius?
It was too much.
So when Mrs. Potter— Effie, brought Regulus to his new room, he got in 'his' bed, and stared up at the ceiling. Tossed and turned until the dawn broke through his window. But the morning just brought up more issues, and Regulus really didn’t want to get up.
Besides, he doesn't know what time everyone else wakes up. He doesn't know if they have breakfast together or separately. He doesn't know if Effie will get mad if he stays in his room all day. He doesn't know if Potter's parents work. He doesn't know if he's welcome here. Obviously he was last night, but. They're not letting him stay forever right? That's too much to ask a person. Besides, they already have Sirius to take care of, another Black would just be a burden.
Ugh, Sirius. Regulus knows that's what's really keeping him in bed. More than not knowing the Potter's routine, he just doesn't want to face his brother.
He takes a deep breath and looks out the window. The birds are already out chirping, the dew has formed and he can spot people already out working.
Regulus forces himself out of bed and looks through his backpack for something to wear. He decides on a simple green knit sweater over some black slacks. Which may or may not have been the first things he could find in the void that was an extension charm.
He made his way through the house as quiet as he could. Realistically, he's going to bump into one of the other four people in this house, it is 9am afterall. But some part of him believes that if he's quiet enough, he'll be able to avoid it.
He makes his way down the same stairs James came down last night. He spots Sirius, James and Effie sitting at the dining table. Sirius was sitting in the same place Regulus was last night, so it's easy to understand how James got the two of them mixed up.
His stomach churns just looking at his brother but Effie turns to look at him and he knows he can't avoid them forever.
She has another warm smile on her face but doesn't say anything. Waiting for Regulus to approach like he's a wild cat. Sirius however, does not hold the same idea. After spotting Regulus, he jumps out of his chair and runs up to greet the boy.
"Regulus!" He shouts, crushing the younger boy in a bear hug. "How are you? Oh Merlin, when did you get in last night? Did you like your room? I made sure we had one for you... did they hurt you? Is that why you're here? Was the trip okay? It's a long—" Of course Sirius immediately starts asking questions. Regulus knew this would happen but it's overwhelming and he just wants to head upstairs again.
"Sirius, let him breathe," Effie intejects, saving Regulus from his brother.
Realization flashes over Sirius' face and he quickly lets go of Regulus. "Gods, I'm so sorry, did I hurt you? Is this oka—"
Effie clears her throat, effectively cutting Sirius off again. He mumbles out another sorry and and backs away from Regulus. "He's just excited dear," Effie explains to Regulus.
He nods. "It's alright."
"Go sit down, I'll make you a drink. would you prefer tea or another cocoa?" she asks as she heads towards the kitchen. In his short time being here, Regulus can already tell Effie will never take no as an answer. "Do you have earl gray?"
Effie nods and starts making Regulus' tea.
"Another?" James asks, catching onto his mom's phrasing.
"Regulus got in at 2 last night, around the same time you woke up." She explains from the kitchen. Around the time you kissed me.
Regulus—not very discreetly—looks over to James, seeing if he's put together the pieces yet. Judging the bright red colour on his face and how he meets Regulus' eyes. He knows.
"Also, Regulus dear. If you're hungry don't hesitate to find something or ask for something alright? Your brother nearly devoured our entire house when he first arrived."
"Thank you Mrs— Effie," Regulus corrects himself.
Sirius grabs his shoulders. "Just gonna stand there?" Regulus rolls his eyes and follows Sirius further into the dining room. Sirius gives him the seat across from James. Meaning he now has to look the other boy in the eyes. Wait, when did that become so hard to do?
"Here you go, darling." Effie places the same bright green mug in front of him like last night.
"Thank you."
"Mum? Can you make me some toast?" James asks, leaning over the table slightly to get closer to his mom. Accidentally hitting Regulus' foot underneath the table. Regulus tenses up and moves his foot to the side. Assuming James mistook his appendage for one of the table legs.
"Is your room cleaned?"
"In an hour?" James smiles, trying to convince his mother.
She sighs and shakes her head. "Jam or peanut butter?" James smiles even wider. "Jam please. You're the best."
James falls back into his seat, returning to his earlier position. Except, his foot's found Regulus' again. The younger boy looks up at James and is greeted with his eyes and a playful smirk on his face. Regulus' throat dries up again, just like last night.
Except the kiss last night was accidental. This wasn't.
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mewmewpercy · 2 days
Okay so like I'm absolutely doing this because people really do not understand the Sunday story that Penacony was supposed to show us. Especially in last patch. I'm doing this in honour of one of my favourite characters who is very well written actually.
So let's start with childhood. One of the first things we have learned about him is that him and Robin lost their home and parents at a very young age. Obviously as an older brother he would take the responsibility of caring for his younger sister no matter what especially after something like that. Some time after that tragedy they're taken in by Gopher Wood and supposedly things are fine for a time.
That changes when the charmony dove they find puts the siblings in a dilemma of not knowing what the best decision for it is. It's during this that we see exactly how much more idealistic but unsure he is. He believes that keeping it in a cage after healing it is for the best but ultimately changes his mind when Robin says different.
This is very obviously something Gopher Wood takes advantage of because it's pretty obvious in every one of the scenarios that we are shown in 2.2 Gopher Wood had a lot of influence on how he acts. Sunday was absolutely nonsexually groomed from childhood. His ideals for humanity are absolutely well intentioned and Gopher Wood takes advantage of it. Not to say Robin doesn't also care for people but she's far more realistic and grounded in her hopes and dreams for what she can do to protect the weak.
If we take the fact that it's Sunday's ideology to protect the weak by giving them a world where they're protected from the harshness of life from the equation it sounds good doesn't it? It's an absolutely wonderful ideology to have because I'm sure quite a few of us can relate to wanting to just be protected by people who have the power to do it. He is willing to be a martyr if it means saving people who can't save themselves. If you lose the bias against him for being the antagonist of this story you realize he's a good person who was led down a horrible path by someone who was supposed to be a father figure which is one of the most fucked up things I've seen a character I love go through.
Now knowing how much he cares about protecting others let's go back to what we've seen him be like since 2.0. Since the start we've seen how much he cares about Robin especially. At the end of 2.0 we see him standing alone looking at the Golden Hour when Sparkle shows up pretending to be Robin. It's the first time we see him lose composure because he's obviously affected by thinking his sister is dead and someone is trying to take advantage of it for shits and giggles. At the end he has a little monologue which at first seems like him being a fucking lunatic but then when all the stuff from 2.2 falls into place it starts to make sense.
Now to get into a part that's really gonna hurt a few people most likely. Let's talk about how he treats Aventurine. Before I get into this I'd like to state I am absolutely an Aventurine fan. I used to hate him but 2.1 changed my opinion. Okay now that's outta the way. So we have little hints that have been dropped that Sunday loves being in control. He's said to have OCD and the meeting between him, Ratio, and Aventurine is absolutely a show of that.
We've established that Sunday wants to protect the weak and that he requires control. If we take that into perspective as well as his role his methods begin to make sense. He wants the best for people and Aventurine doing what he'd done and was planning to do was interrupting the order and control he needed so he did what he felt he had to. Which was fucking with his mind and making sure he was telling the truth. It's an absolutely terrible thing to do and I understand that absolutely. Like super extreme. But it fits who Sunday is as a person. He's basically in charge of watching the dreamscape and wants the people there to be safe. He can't do that if a random factor is trying to go against his normal.
Now let's talk about the boss battle. So the lead up to it is him having us experience the story of how Penacony came to be what it is today. It went from a place for exiles to a prosperous world of dreams for people to enjoy. During the second fight we get a glimpse of his car for Robin again when she comes in. Up until then his voice was pretty bland and uncaring but when she comes in his voice falters and he seems to break character. The post fight cutscenes is probably one of the saddest thing I've watched in a while though. In this cutscenes he falls and is just so accepting of failing and seems to not care that he's literally falling. His eyes are closed and when Robin goes with him and catches him to hug him he's openly shocked. It's by far one of my favourite displays of sibling care in a hoyoverse game literally ever. And not to mention the commentary we hear as everyone wakes up. It's genuinely such a beautiful scene.
So yea I love Sunday very much and he deserves so much more than the fandom gives him because he's the antagonist.
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