#so relieved that i dont have to deal with this nonsense anymore
0rph1x · 1 year
good morning tumblr dot com im normal again bc we cut contact so just! expect regular nonsensical posting! =D
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css1992 · 4 years
could u do more high school au's pls? I was thinking maybe rich popular peter who seems untouchable and then grungy tony who just doesnt care for appearances and hes been pining after peter his whole school life
could u make it so that tony is rich and everyone knows it but he just doesn't care about his money and doesnt act rich so it's one of those things that u know but dont acknowledge. also if tony's daddy issues made an appearance id be so happy ty.
I’m so sorry for the delay, but I really do hope this scratches your itch! 
He had that sort of beauty that almost hurt to look at. So pure and soft. Pink cheeks, small eyes that squinted when he laughed – which was often –; brown, wavy hair, so shiny and silky-looking; thin, pink lips, always stretched in a smile. He had the most beautiful smile Tony had ever seen, too. Honest and wide, happy.
He was never alone. Of course he wasn’t. He was too magnetic, there were always people drawn to his light, following him around, laughing at his jokes, making him laugh in return. Everyone seemed to want a piece of him, a scrap of his attention. And he, being the lovely human being that he was, made room for anyone who wished to bask in his light.
Jocks liked him. Peter was great at team sports, he was light on his feet and good with his hands. He wasn’t in any teams, though, claimed he didn’t have the time, but he was always picked first in P.E. group activities. Tony knew, watched him at practice way too often – from a distance, of course, as he did his stretches and sit-ups with Rhodes.
Nerds liked him, too. He was really smart, an asset to the Decathlon team, and was always willing to help anyone having trouble in class. Even the weirdos from drama club, glee club and the school band loved him – he never made fun of them, on the contrary, he was always very vocal about how talented they were and how he wished he could be a part of their clubs, too.
Girls swooned at him. He was kind and sweet, a good listener, and gorgeous. Guys weren’t immune to his charms, either. The ones Tony knew for a fact that were gay or bi didn’t even try to pretend they didn’t watch him when he walked down the halls, but even supposedly straight guys, like Steve Rogers, sneaked a peek now and then, face flushed, if he was wearing specially tight jeans.
Tony was jealous of all those people, but he learned to deal with it. He’d been, well, admiring him from a distance for years. He was used to seeing people make passes at him, ask him out. Peter was discreet, though. If he ever dated anyone, nobody ever heard anything about it. He was a mystery, Tony wasn’t even sure if he was gay, straight, bi or whatever – there were rumors that he had made out with Wade Wilson in freshman year, but neither of them confirmed or denied it. Tony hated the guy anyway.
“If you keep staring, people are gonna know you’re in love and not actually dead inside,” Rhodey spoke up right next to him, taking a huge bite of his tuna sandwich. Tony averted his gaze from Peter’s table for a minute and looked at his friend, annoyed. “It’s gonna ruin your whole aesthetic.”
“Very funny,” He rolled his eyes and looked back at Peter. There were so many people around him he could barely catch a glimpse of his smile, which was annoying.
His dad’s company, Parker Innovations, had just released a new phone a few weeks earlier, it was ridiculous how many people thought they could get one for free if they kissed his ass hard enough. At least Tony didn’t have to endure that kind of nonsense anymore. People in that school learned very early on that even though he was related to Howard Stark, he wanted nothing to do with the guy – or his company, or his money. They also learned sucking up to him did nothing but annoy him, so they kind of just forgot he existed over time and he blended right in with everyone else – a blessing in its own right.
“Rhodey is right, you’re drooling, it’s a little embarrassing,” Natasha looked at him with boredom as she nibbled on her fries. “You should just ask him out, you’ve been pining for ages.”
“I’m not pining,” he huffed, irritated, and the redhead smirked, raising a perfectly manicured brow.
“Right, yearning might be more accurate. Bruce?” She glanced at their other friend who scratched his chin, pretending to think about it.
“I think obsessing sounds more like it. Rhodey?”  
“Fuck you guys,” he barked before they could keep the game going, and all three laughed at him. Someone got up from Peter’s table and he caught a glimpse of his beautiful face, their eyes made contact for half a second and Tony looked away.
“No, but seriously, Tones. Just go talk to him, he’s a great guy, I’m sure he wouldn’t be an ass about it.” Bruce adjusted his glasses and said that like it was simple. Like he would have the guts to do it if he was in Tony’s position – he wouldn’t, he’d pined for Thor, an exchange student, for a year, and never worked up the courage to ask him out. The guy went back to Norway or whatever and Bruce never even said hi to him.
“I know, of course he wouldn’t, but I don’t wanna be one of those people begging for his attention, just look at that.” He pointed at the little crowd around him, people were almost literally fighting for his attention, the poor guy could barely finish his lunch. “It’s ridiculous.”
“Yeah, but you’re not them,” Natasha said that like it was the most obvious thing in the world and Tony frowned.
“How am I different?”
“You’re a certified genius, you and him have similar interests and you look hot in a ‘I’m gonna fuck  you raw in the back of my car’ kinda way. I don’t know, maybe he’s into that.” The redhead shrugged, again, saying all that like it was obvious and an unquestionable truth.
“Yeah, right, sounds just like him,” Tony scoffed.
Peter was perfect in so many ways – perfect face, perfect body, perfect grades, Tony was sure he pooped out candy or something – of course he wouldn’t go for a guy like him. He had a bad reputation, he was in detention more often than not and people in general considered him an asshole – all because he didn’t partake in their little games of social climbing or whatever. No, Peter wouldn’t go for his grungy ass. He’d probably go for all American, apple pie, boy-next-door Steve Rogers.
“No, she’s right, I’ve seen him looking at you several times.” Bruce pointed out, not for the first time, and Tony scoffed.
“Oh, yeah? When?”
“AP chemistry class. I’m his lab partner, remember?” How could Tony forget? As Mr. Erskine called out their names, Tony prayed to a God he didn’t even believe in that he’d be paired up with Peter, but no such luck. “He stares at you whenever he has a chance or an excuse. You know, when you blow things up, for example.”
“Yeah, which is why he must stare, he must be afraid for his life.” Tony hated to admit that he was way more prone to causing explosive accidents when Peter was in the room. It was fucking embarrassing.
He sighed, drinking the last of his coke. No matter what his friends said, he knew he didn’t stand a chance with Peter. He was… Untouchable. He was too good for him, Tony wasn’t even sure he’d want to taint him if he had a chance –  no, scratch that, he definitely would.
He chose to watch him from afar, allowing himself a few fantasies and daydreams. He had this really stupid and lame one, where he walked up to Peter in the hall, people just parted to let him through, then he gave him his trademark, lopsided grin and asked him out. Peter smiled brightly up at him, holding his books to his chest, cheeks flushed, eyelashes fluttering as he whispered a shy “yes” and leaned up to kiss him. Yeah. That was the whole fantasy.
Peter was so untouchable to him that he didn’t even dare to dream further than that. Of course when he was alone in his room, late at night, relieving himself, a few… less pure fantasies popped up unsolicited, but he felt so guilty then, dirty even, like he was disrespecting him somehow. It was all very confusing, but he still came, shamefully, to the thought of his beautiful face scrunched up in pleasure as dream-Tony fucked him.
The bell rang and everyone hurried to get to their next period, Peter was no different, he gathered his things and stood up, looking around the cafeteria like he was looking for someone. Their eyes met again for a second, but Tony quickly looked away, grabbing his backpack in a hurry to leave.
It was Thursday, the worst day of the week for him, none of his friends were free to hang out with him until later, so he either had to head home and deal with Howard or he had to find somewhere to be for a couple of hours, until Rhodey was done with football practice so they could go to his place. That day, Tony decided to just stay by his car, smoking a cigarette and singing along to Black Sabath’s Iron Man, it wasn’t like he had anywhere to go. He was so distracted watching the smoke dissipate into thin air that he didn’t notice when someone approached, and jumped almost a foot in the air when they spoke.
“Aren’t you afraid of getting caught smoking on school grounds?” Tony almost dropped dead when he registered the angelic voice. He was already having a heart attack as it was, but the boy was so close and he had that beautiful smile in place, blushing cheeks and all. It took almost a full minute for him to calm himself down.  
“I won’t tell if you don’t.” The older teen answered when he finally found his voice and got his breath under control enough not to make a fool of himself. Peter smiled wider, biting his lower lip.
“Your secret is safe with me.” He fake whispered, leaning a little into the older boy’s space and he almost choked on nothing. Peter’s smell was inebriating, expensive and sweet, but not overly so – perfect. He recomposed himself quickly, though, and nodded, but didn’t say anything else. He wasn’t sure why Peter was talking to him and, frankly, he was too fucking nervous to think of anything cool to say. The younger teen deflated a little faced with Tony’s silence; he looked around, seeming a little lost. “You’re Tony, right?”
Fuck, the way he said his name. His name. It was fucking music to his ears, the most beautiful tune. But how did he even know his name? Sure, he was Tony Stark, so not really anonymous, but people often forgot about it.
“Yeah. And you’re Peter.” Tony didn’t play games, he didn’t even try to pretend like he didn’t know who Peter was. It would be dumb anyway, everybody knew him. The other boy nodded shyly, it looked like he wanted to say something else, but he kept biting his lips and looking around nervously. Tony frowned. “Is everything okay?”
“No. I mean, yeah, sure, it’s fine, it’s just, uhm. I have a flat tire and the wheel bolts are really tight and I couldn’t get them off, so I thought – I mean, could you, uh –“ He gestured wildly as he stuttered out his answer, looking in the general direction of his flashy, cherry red sports car. “I mean, it’s okay if you’re busy, but I –“
“Sure, I’ll help, don’t worry.” Tony threw his cigarette butt on the ground and stepped on it. He was a little more at ease now that he knew why Peter was talking to him – he just needed help – and the best thing was, Tony was really good with cars. Of course, one didn’t need to have a PhD in mechanics to change a tire, but it still made him feel really good that he would be able to help properly.
“Thanks, you’re a life saver.” The chirpy attitude was back, as well as the smile, it made Tony’s heart flutter. He nodded sharply, looking away from his face, and gestured for Peter to lead the way.
When they reached his car, Tony whistled lowly, crouching down to look at the completely flat tire, as he tried to find the source of the problem. He was surprised to notice a two-inch cut on the surface of it, and it didn’t seem accidental.
“Fuck, Peter, it looks like someone sliced your tire.” When he looked up at the younger boy, he didn’t look surprised, but nervous. It was an odd reaction. Tony wondered if Peter already knew that – maybe he knew who did it and was scared of them? It made Tony’s blood boil. Why would anyone do that to Peter?
“Wh-what? How do you know that?” He bit his lower lip nervously, scratching his arm, and Tony frowned, worried.
“Here, look.” He gestured for Peter to crouch down next to him and pointed at the cut. “This is clearly a stab mark. Judging by the size and shape of it, I’d say this was probably done with a pocketknife.”
“Oh. Yeah, of course. Clearly.” He face-palmed, like he felt stupid, maybe for not seeing it before, but Tony still worried.
“If you want, I could go with you to the administration. We can ask them to check the security cameras. I think that one might have caught whoever did this.” He pointed at a security camera nearby, Tony knew where all of them were in the parking lot area – he’d been caught smoking way too many times not to know.
“What? There are –? I mean, look, it’s okay, it’s probably just someone trying to play a prank, it’s no big deal, it’s fine.” He stood up quickly, shaking his head, and Tony was positive he felt threatened somehow, he was acting so weird.
“If you’re sure… But if you change your mind, I’ll go with you, ok?” Tony stood up and took off his leather jacket. The weather was nice, just a bit chilly, so he was wearing a thin, white t-shirt with short sleeves underneath. He thought he heard Peter’s breath hitch for a second, but it was probably just his imagination. “Can you hold this for me?” He held out his jacket and the boy blushed, blinking rapidly.
Tony bit his bottom lip to refrain from asking, again, if everything was fine. Peter looked so freaking nervous, he was even sweating a little at the temples. Tony was positive he knew who did that to his car, but didn’t want to tell him for some reason. Maybe he wanted to protect whoever did it, maybe it was a boyfriend, or an ex. He gritted his teeth, hands closing in fists, but didn’t say anything, just crouched down and got to work.
The first bolt came off easily, it wasn’t tight at all, so he thought maybe Peter had already loosened it when he tried earlier. The second and third ones came off just as easily, though, only the fourth one was a little trickier, but nothing the younger teen couldn’t have handled himself. Tony thought maybe he hadn’t tried too hard, maybe he was afraid the person who did that would show up or something. He was so glad he was there to help, he wondered if Peter felt safe with him around, and the thought made him feel oddly proud and protective of him.
He made quick work of changing the tires, making sure not to screw the bolts too tight, then put the sliced one in the trunk of the car. When he turned around to look at Peter, he was looking intently at him, almost hypnotized, holding his jacket close to his chest like it was a puppy.
“All done.” Tony smiled and the boy seemed to snap out of a trance.
“Oh, thank you so much, really, you’re too kind.” He smiled broadly and the older teen scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Don’t mention it.” They were silent for a few seconds after that, but Peter kept holding his jacket and didn’t make any move to give it back to him. “Uhm, could I–?” He gestured towards the jacket and again the boy jumped up in surprise.
“Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, here.” He handed it to him and quickly crossed his empty arms over his chest. “So, uhm,… Your dad is having a gala this weekend, right? Are you gonna be there?” Ah, so Peter did know who he was, not just his first name. The older teen leaned against the car and stuck his hands in his pockets, shrugging.
“Not if I can help it.” He smirked, trying to act cool, but now that he didn’t have anything to do with his hands, he was growing nervous.
“Oh,” Peter looked… disappointed? He dropped his gaze to the floor, shuffling his feet, and Tony stood up straight, frowning.
“Nothing, it’s just – my parents are going, so I thought I’d tag along to, you know... but it’s okay.” He kicked an imaginary rock and avoided Tony’s eyes. The older teen stared at him with wide eyes, heart beating fast – what was the end of that sentence? Peter couldn’t possibly mean–
“I don’t – what, you’d go to, like, hang out with me or something?” He felt stupid when he stumbled on the words, but Peter didn’t seem to notice, his cheeks were burning red and he was looking anywhere else but at Tony.
“I mean, you must have much better things to do, of course, I was just –” He chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head, finally looking up at Tony. “Sorry, just forget about it, I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“No, wait!” He rushed to interrupt him and Peter looked back at him with huge, Bambi eyes. Tony coughed awkwardly, blushing a little. “I mean, like, uhm… If you – would you wanna go as my date? To the gala?” He blurted out, finally, because what the hell. The worst that could happen was Peter say no, and he could deal with it. He would survive, for sure. It wouldn’t be a big deal. Really. It wouldn’t.
But he didn’t say no, he smiled broadly, eyes twinkling in excitement.
“I’d love to!” He answered quickly, and Tony’s heart fluttered, Peter looked genuinely happy.  “Could you – uhm, text me what color of tie you’ll be wearing? If you want! I understand if you think it’s lame, but I thought–”
“No, it’s fine.” His heart was beating so loud, Peter Fucking Parker wanted to coordinate ties with him, it was fucking corny and cliché and he loved it. “Uhm, here, give me your number.” He fished his phone from his back pocket and gave it to the younger teen.
“Cool.” Peter typed in his number and as soon as he gave his phone back, Tony sent him a smiley face so he would have his number, too. “Cool, cool, cool...” He rocked on the balls of his feet and looked around, like he was looking for something else to say.
“So… Do you have to be home soon or…?” Tony stuck his hands in his pockets again, wondering if maybe he was pushing his luck, but Peter shook his head quickly.
“Not really, no, my parents don’t really mind what time I get home as long as I let them know. You?”
“They don’t really care.” He shrugged, taking one step closer to Peter. “So… are you hungry, by any chance?”
“I’m starving.” He nodded, looking up at Tony in anticipation. It drove the butterflies in his stomach crazy.
“I know a place where they serve great burgers. We could go in my car and I could drop you off here on our way back, I’m just a little worried someone is gonna try to fuck up your car again. I mean, what if they’re targeting you or something?” Just the mention of what happened earlier made Peter nervous. He stuck his hands in the pockets of his bomber jacket and shook his head.
“Oh, don’t worry about it, I’m sure it’s fine.” He didn’t look worried, though, at least not anymore.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, trust me, I am.” Tony found the sudden change odd, but thought maybe he was just trying to play it cool, so he let it go.  
“Okay, then, c’mon, my car is right there,” Tony gestured to his car and Peter smiled, taking his hands off his pockets. When he did, though, something slipped out and fell to the ground with a metallic noise. Tony quickly crouched down to get it for him, when he noticed what it was. “Wh – is that…?” He frowned, examining the pocketknife as if it was alien material. He was confused at first, because Peter didn’t seem like the kind of guy to carry one around, but then it dawned on him. When he looked at the younger teen, his face was so red it looked like he was about to explode.
“Uhm… If I told you I’ve never seen this before in my life would you believe it?” He chuckled nervously, scratching his arm, as Tony stood up. The older teen raised a brow at him.”Sorry, I just – I wanted an excuse to talk to you.” He said quietly, dropping his gaze.
“You know, you could have gone with the weather or whatever.” Tony answered, amused, and it made the younger boy look up at him.
“You’re just very intimidating,” He looked at him with huge, scared eyes, and Tony cocked his head to the side.
“Me?” He raised a brow.
“Yeah.” Peter answered pointedly, and Tony smirked, offering him his knife back.
“You do realize you just sliced your own tire so you’d have an excuse to talk to me, right? And I’m intimidating?” He joked, but Peter didn’t seem to find it funny. He winced and covered his face with his hands, clearly embarrassed.
“You must think I’m such a freak,” He groaned, voice muffled by his palms.
“Hey, hey, yes, I do think you’re a freak.” He grabbed Peter’s thin wrists and marveled at how perfectly they fit in his hands. He definitely saved that thought for later. “But you’re a really cute one.” He grinned and Peter chuckled, a delicate flush rising onto his cheeks.
“I feel stupid.” He admitted, worrying his bottom lip, but Tony shook his head, working up the nerve to cup Peter’s face in his hand.
“I feel flattered,” He said, honestly, and Peter’s breath hitched. He stared up at Tony, eyelashes fluttering, moist, pink lips slightly open. The older teen leaned down slowly and when the Peter closed his eyes, their lips touched. Just like in his fantasies, Peter tasted sweet, his lips were soft and his arms circled Tony’s neck in a warm embrace. When they parted, Tony smiled down at him, stroking his blushing cheek. “Just promise that if this doesn’t work out you won’t, like, key my car or something.”
“Oh, God,” he groaned, but they both laughed out loud, as they walked hand in hand across the parking lot.
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beesmygod · 5 years
this is what riverdale is about (part 6)
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
and now...we come to the end of our journey...the final 4 episodes of the season. who killed jason blossom? you forgot that’s what we were doing, huh. you  were way too distracted by sex archie and the jughead/betty relationship (called ‘bughead’ in universe). 
i have a friend who has been watching riverdale because i have basically tricked him into doing so and frankly, what i am typing here was and is only the surface of this show’s nonsense. as he watched episodes, he reminds me of all the completely bananas shit that this show throws at you literally every second it is on screen and honestly its a relief to know that, as much as i can try to just give you some basic facts, watching the show itself is still a totally different transcendent experience. its really the only show of its kind; shamelessly stupid but unaware of it while openly delighting in all the silliest cliches presented as straight faced as possible. if these write up do anything for you at all, please, please. watch the show. you will be shocked at how much more there is to discover.
images are from the riverdale wiki
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the lost weekend: this is the one with a very special guest star in it: molly ringwald as archie’s mom! she and fred (luke perry) have been separated for some amount of time for an unknown reason. yay she’s so cute! i love her. oh uh, also they’re getting a divorce. the papers are going through. archie gets the bad news in the middle of a gaming sesh with jughead.
meanwhile, veronica meets with her dad’s lawyer (whose name is paul sowerberry?? he never shows up again despite his unbelievably silly name) and tells him she’s not giving him a good statement as to her father’s character to help him get a lesser sentence. “fuck you dad!” is the general sentiment before she stomps out to go to school.
oh man there’s a weird aspect of this show that i have neglected to mention. this isn’t something i’ve ever experienced in school so it was totally foreign and weird to me but the students have their own lounge that they mingle and talk in...at...some point during the school day?? jughead’s opening monologue of this episode makes great pains to talk about how every moment of their lives are scheduled from 8am to 3pm but there’s apparently plenty of sittin’ time where they can just laze about this random room talking about crimes they have or are going to commit. a great deal of talking happens in this room when usually you’d have to like, sneak a convo while getting shit out of your locker between classes. i dunno, it’s weird. this is where archie tells veronica about clifford blossom sending her dad to jail so he can jack the land everyone is fighting over.
archie and betty make plans to celebrate jugheads birthday by taking him to the movies, which i feel like is in poor taste given his movie house was just destroyed but whatever. with betty coming along it’ll be just like the three muskateers! betty replies “AcTuAlLy ThErE wErE fOuR mUsKeTeErS” and somehow he doesn’t beat her to death with his bookbag right there and then. betty then doubles down on the bad words flowing out of her mouth and proposes they hold a surprise party for jughead since, according to his dad, he’s never had one. i have no idea what would compel her to think he would want this. even i know he doesn’t want this and i only know him through a tv screen. on top of this she goes out of her way to invite his deadbeat alcoholic dad multiple times. i thought she was supposed to be the smart, observant nancy drew type but like...what the fuck betty. jughead does, in fact, get pretty pissed at archie just for telling his girlfriend that he even has a birthday. presumably instead of telling him he emerged fully formed from the leader of the black parade’s forehead.
after finding out from some files that her dad was receiving money monthly from clifford blossom for some unspecified reason before the arrest, veronica challenges cheryl to a dance off and wins. unfortunately, veronica cant come forward with what she knows because it would make it look like her dad put a hit out on jason in retaliation. dance off to relieve the pain.
jughead fucking hates his party and makes sure everyone knows it. this is something NORMAL people do and he is NOT normal!!! he leaves the party in a huff when cheryl shows up to get her dance off revenge by ruining the party by inviting the whole school. this is the episode where he does his famous “im a weirdo, i have a hat” speech, which is deliciously dumb. they get in a fight, while jughead’s dad talks to kevin’s boyfriend (who you will remember is a member of his gang he assigned to keep tabs on the progress of the teens looking into the whole land plot mess) while betty’s mom secretly listens in?!
cheryl activates chaos mode and locks everyone in the house so they can play a game called “secrets and sins” which is really just an excuse for her to ask everyone horrible questions to make them feel bad. veronica accuses cheryl of fucking her brother, dilton doiley tells everyone about grundy’s statutory rape of archie andrews and chuck tells everyone about dark mode betty drugging him for an impromptu bdsm session which causes jughead to go apeshit and try to throw a weak little baby punch. jughead’s dad, as the only adult who for some reason let all this happen, finally throws everyone out and tells them to go home.
archie and veronica sleep together, by which i mean, next to each other in the same room. veronica testifies on her father’s behalf and discloses to betty the link between jugheads dad and the serpents and her dad’s land plot dreams. molly ringwald appears for 20 seconds.
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to riverdale and back again: its homecoming babey! archie’s very supportive mother has a nice talk with him. :) veronica founds out that her dad only has to serve “a few more months” in prison for his various white collar crimes, further proof that riverdale takes place in america. jughead and his dad have a nice normal breakfast while fp sweats and asks him “hey uh, how come uh you’re writing about the uhhhh murder and investigating it and stuff” like a normal dad would. archie and veronica tentatively agree to start going out. 
penelopy blossom brings polly (betty’s pregnant sister, remember her? i didn’t) a strawberry milkshake in the most ominous way possible. veronica plans to sneakily find out if jughead’s dad is helping her own and for what purpose, ultimately. jughead accepts and invite to betty’s house for dinner, not knowing her mom is going to grill the shit out of him and his dad over the whole kid murder thing.
polly finds the ring jason proposed to her with back in penelope’s room while snooping, and has no idea how it wound up back in the hands of his mother. according to penelope, jason threw it in their face when he renounced his lineage, then gives her another milkshake.
the cooper family event is disrupted when betty, wise to her mother’s horseshit, invites her estranged dad to dinner too. all hell breaks loose when the subject of homecoming comes up and fp reveals that while alice and hal were crowned homecoming king and queen, they got in a knockout, drag-out fight backstage. alice flips out before he can reveal what it was about and betty and jughead flee for the dance. meanwhile archie and veronica try, and fail, to find something incriminating in fp’s trailer.
cheryl discovers the milkshakes are DRUGGED and polly is going to sleep through homecoming. she informs her parents that she has disposed of the ring (evidence) and they dont have to worry about it anymore. you can see where this is going.
jughead’s dad drops a bomb on him right before homecoming that they’re going to move to toledo to meet up with jughead’s mom and baby sister. jughead hates this bc he just got used to betty and he wants to write his murder book.
archie and veronica sing a truly terrible cover of “kids in america” that has to be seen to be believed.
meanwhile, sherrif keller tears up fp’s house with a search warrant and finds the gun that was used to kill jason blossom. WHAAAA??? BUT ARCHIE AND VERONICA JUST SEARCHED IT??? how could this happen.....jughead finds out about the web of deception weaved by the friends and tells them all to fuck off so he can go to toledo with his family. jughead literally turns around and is informed that his dad was just arrested for murder. his life is so hilariously bad.
the sheriff sucks so bad at his job because he tells his gay son everything who then spills the beans to archie and co (sans jughead) who learn that fp is being framed, because they already tossed the place before.
cheryl has the ring. at this point none of these things mean anything.
i cant believe i still have two more of these. i’m going to have to split this post after this one.
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anatomy of a murder: as it turns out, archie discovers, information you discover during a breaking and entering won’t hold up in court. oops. meanwhile fp inexplicably confesses to kidnapping jason after his fake drowning at sweetwater river so he could use him as ransom after discovering he heir to all that sweet maple syrup money. according to fp, jason nearly escaped so they cut their losses and blasted a hole in him. he also confesses to torching the car and stealing the sheriff's files (which we, the audience, know hal cooper did, not fp). well. that’s that, i guess.
betty’s dad comes back to the family home to destroy the murderboard evidence all like “whoo hoo! fp took a bullet for me!” hal’s concern and his reason for stealing the files in the first place, as it turns out, was because the feud between the coopers and the blossoms is more complicated than we thought. the coopers WERE blossoms, until grand-pappy was murdered, so they packed their shit and left with a new name. so that makes polly and jason related. cool!
fp apparently used his his last phone call to call kevin’s boyfriend who, after some pressing by the gang, admits that while he didnt see fp pull the trigger, he did help him put jason’s body in a freezer. this tip leads them to the corpse of a serpent who had a sack of money in a monogrammed dufflebag with the initials “h.l.” (hiram lodge). this is a comically dumb move for a crime boss to make. it is shockingly stupid.
joaquin tells kevin about a secret stash he and fp set up before he bounces from town forever because riverdale sucks. in the stash is jason’s jacket. everyone puzzles over what it means until betty, noted brain genius checks the pockets. in it they find a usb drive.
they sit down and watch the usb and react like they’re watching a sad documentary and not a snuff film. betty calls CHERYL OF ALL PEOPLE and tells her what they just saw on the usb. cheryl, queen of chaos, confronts her dad and tells him that everyone knows what he did.
it turns out the video depicts jason tied up in the basement of the whyte wyrm, there the dead serpent watches over him. clifford blossom walks in and blows a hole in his kid. fp confessed to protect jughead, who was threatened by cliff as the heat poured on.
clifford dies surrounded by his greatest love, maple syrup, by hanging himself in the syrup barn. lol
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the sweet hereafter: how the fuck is there another episode of this? they solved the murder, what else could there possibly be to do. wtf. anyway.
the cops find hella drugs in the maple barn after clifford’s death. the assumed story is that jason learned about his dad’s heroin smuggling business and threatened to tell the cops on his dad which lead to his abduction, and eventual death. i guess the polly thing is in here too somehow. not important i guess. the lodges prepare for hiram’s arrival. betty and archie are going to be honored by the mayor for cracking the case at the 75th annual jubilee (wtf). hermoine attempts to buy fred out of the project now that the cops are cracking down on the serpents and making them the face of the construction company is now a very bad look.
betty tries to write an article for the town paper about fp being innocent but her parents wont publish it, citing it as a conflict of interest given she’s smooching the subject’s son. jughead FINALLY JUT NOW gets a social worker who realizes that fred has a dui and is not fit to care for a kid. he has to transfer to a new school district...SOUTHSIDE HIGH SCHOOL!!!
cheryl apologizes for throwing hands at jughead in a previous ep and gives him her iconic spider brooch. i am only bringing this up because she says, specifically, that selling it will net him a good amount of hamburgers and “s t-shirts” for years. why is she the only one who notices he only wears one kind of shirt. betty’s article getting published in the school paper leads to the above retaliation.
veronica’s mom honest to god asks her to sexually manipulate archie into convincing his dad to sell the project to her.
betty’s mom, after a confrontation, tells betty abt the fight she and her dad had on homecoming night when they were high schoolers. turns out...alice was pregnant. she gave the baby up for adoption after she went to the sisters of quiet mercy, like she did with polly, even though hal wanted an abortion. betty immediately tells all her friends this shit.
jughead transfers to the new high and flourishes. turns out they’re all baby gangsters there so they look at him and his dad as kings to be admired. when the archie group heads off to go rescue him, it turns out they dont need to do anything. but now that theyre all conveniently together, veronica gets a txt from cheryl saying she’s going to go be with jason....
they rush to the river where cheryl is having her ophelia meltdown in his stupid little river boat dress where she punches through the ice until she falls through. theres no way to describe how silly this scene is unless you see it so i won’t try but its so melodramatic and cheesy that youre going to be amazed that it got through the writing team at all. archie saves her by punching through the ice the other way. from under the ice. you will soon find, that all of archie’s solutions are to punch things.
betty does a speech at the jubilee that convinces fred not to sell. a nice ending for him.
meanwhile cheryl burns her fucking house down for a lark. just for the drama of it all. 
the same night, jughead and betty start to fuck, as do veronica and archie. not int he same room, like totally separately. but jughead is interrupted by the serpents and a dog named hotdog, who give him a jacket of his own so he can join the team. betty is scandalized.
archie goes to meet his father for a breakfast at pop’s chocklit shoppe for a serious talk. but while he’s int he bathroom, a man with a gun is holding up the chocklit shoppe. he demands fred’s wallet, then pops a hole in him and runs off.
and that.........is where this season......ends.
thank you for joining me for season 1 of this shitshow. i love this shitty show. if you loved reading about it, or were mortified by whatever the fuck happened here, then you should watch it as well.
i never pass up an opportunity to shill myself, so if you like what i write, drop me a buck or two at my patreon. i do more writing like this, but also i mostly make comics, so make sure to read the page when you’re signing up so you know what you’re getting!
i WILL return...with season...2!
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lesbianboobees-blog · 5 years
Coming out cont: Mom
Hello lovelies!
I've been meaning to post for a while, but I've been super busy, and life has been crazy.
So.. I came out to my mom a few weeks ago. It was unplanned to say the least.
A little back story. The past few years I had a plan: pay off student loans, save for a house, buy a house. I would talk to my mom a lot about it. But, living with my parents for the past 3 years has not been good for my mental health. Constant anxiety and irritability, followed by depression. So when I finally paid off my government student loans, I was ready to move out. However, I realized that buying a house by myself seemed to be a huge undertaking. Not to mention taking care of the house alone. I did a lot of research, and talked to my mom a lot. Eventually I decided it would make more sense for me to move into an apartment right now. Sure, I could've stayed with my parents for another 2 years and saved up enough for the down payment on a house... but my mental health was more important. And besides all of that, I really wanted to come out to my parents. It is important to me to come out to them before the next presidential election. I'm hoping they will think twice next time they vote. Also, I know my dad will not handle the news that I am a lesbian very well. And I cannot be living there when I tell him.
So it was decided, apartment it is.
I had casually mentioned my decision to my mom during my aunt's birthday lunch. She asked why, and I told her a few reasons. Later that afternoon, I was in the kitchen baking, and she kept asking me why I'm moving now. "Why not stay and save for a house? That's what you wanted right?" My mom is a no nonsense kind of person. She is the most rational person I know. So I understood why she was confused. While she was asking these questions, I had glanced at my dad who was in the living room, and told my mom I would tell her later. She caught on. My dad got up to go to the bathroom, and she immediately asked "does it have something to do with your dad?".
Split second decision, fuck it : "yes mom. I'm gay, and I've been wanting to tell you guys. But I dont think dad is going to handle it well, so I'm not going to be here when hes dealing with it."
Silence. Dad came back to the living room.
Holy fuck, my nerves were so shot, I could barely finish baking. Went outside to smoke and couldnt stop freaking out. It was the silence. It terrified me. I kept telling myself "she didnt say anything cuz dad came back" ... but it didnt make a difference. They both ended up leaving for a church thing and didnt get home till after I was in bed.
The next day. I'm gonna talk to her. Somehow I will get her alone so we can talk. I got home from work... they were both gone at a church thing again. I think it was the beginning of lent, and they were doing some mission thing? I obviously am not involved in the catholic faith anymore.
2 days later. Same exact thing. They both were gone until late.
3 days later. When I got home, they were gone again. Started losing hope about talking to mom. Finally, right before I was getting ready for bed, mom got home before dad. At this point. My nerves were so bad, I couldnt bring myself to say anything about it. It was hard enough talking to her about normal stuff because I didnt know how she felt about me being gay. I tried to act normal.
Then. She did this thing. I will do my best to describe it.
She came up to me, put her hands on my cheeks, and nuzzled my forehead. It felt so primal, so instinctual. "You are my child, and I love you unconditionally" she didnt even have to say it, it was loud and clear. I wish I could put into words how powerful it was. She smiled, and kissed me on the forehead. I went to get ready for bed and cried. A good cry. It was just so powerful and meaningful to me. So relieving after the days of intense anxiety I had been experiencing as well.
I was so thankful for her doing that. It was scary, but I am glad I came out to her.
Now we will talk when we have time.
Except, we still haven't talked. Its after Easter now. I will have the courage to bring it up eventually. But I also have been pretty busy because I moved into my own apartment the beginning of April!
Things are looking up. It's still been a difficult process, but I am making progress.
***A note to anyone who is thinking about coming out to someone, I highly recommend making sure you will have time to talk right when you tell them. The waiting is terrifying and miserable. Even if they need time to process, be available and ask them if they have questions. Let them know you are open to talk about it. I'm still trying to get there, and I really wish it was part of the original conversation when I told her. It would've been so much easier having a conversation then than trying to bring it up weeks later.
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kopfkinote · 6 years
Im sorry ive gotta clear this up did you like just discover worth it or just start writing fanfic or whats the deal here whats your journey cause BITCH im literally fucking sitting here sobbing and i wanna know who hurt you. child my standrew dreams are beautiful and soft and dont break my heart every time and basically like whats your standrew journey and should i be prepared to cry every time i read your art or just most times cause chica youve got a talent for making me bawl (its good but ow)
BITCH i love this ask sm !! now gather round kids for my Standrew Journey, (ryan voice) there’s a lot to unpack here
did you like just discover worth it or just start writing fanfic or whats the deal here whats your journey
ok full disclosure i did get into bfu first :)) true crime was my gateway drug for b*zzfeed content (tho i don’t keep up with it anymore uwu sowwy) so eventually around november 2017 i caved n started watching worth it & Boy !! had i been missing out.
tldr i was entranced by the clearly visible progression of their dynamic and relationship. i could write a whole essay about this but their sheer compatibility and the way they are almost intuitively drawn to each other is ,,,incredible to witness + i fell in love w how you could see them discovering this about themselves throughout the seasons. it’s kinda like when you can hear music being blasted from someone else’s headphones, in that the love&affection they have for each other seems quiet n soft n muffled to everyone else, but everyone else also knows that in their ears it’s super loud–for instance every time they have guests on the show, i always feel like they’re both trying to return to their own little loud world. sappy and nonsensical but true
in terms of writing fic help me get rid of this aftertaste was actually the first fic i’d ever written ! there was/is an unfortunate lack of standrew fic content which is a big rip bc there’s so much creative potential w exploring their dynamic. i was so invested in standrew and desperate for content at this point You Know I Had To Do It To ‘Em
(as someone who is super insecure about their writing, i hesitated til the last minute about posting it but yanno i had to be The Change I Wish To See In The World and i’m so relieved other ppl enjoyed it!! it was the first time in years i’d written anything for anyone other than myself. feels good feels organic)
i wanna know who hurt you
911 i have been Attacked
thank you for sending this, i never rly know how to respond when ppl say that my writing broke their heart or that they cried etc aha bc you can’t exactly b like ‘oh thanks!!!!’ but oh thanks!!!! or sorry??maybe?? the gist of it is that i’m moved that you’re moved :’>
@ other worth it blogs, feel free to reblog this (or make ur own post) and add ur own Standrew Journey !! it’d be c00l to see how everyone got into bfwi . gotta keep ourselves occupied during the hiatus somehow :’))
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stopkiwibea · 7 years
Guys help I’m emotional
So I wrote a thing- Its a Langst thing.
It isnt finished and its just in the ‘summarize’ stage but… I dont know if I should expand on it?
Read it under the cut if you wantttt
(post season 2)
First Part:
Shiro is still missing, the team does the musical chairs with the lions. Keith is Black, Lance is Red, Allura is Blue. Lance feels disconnected from his identity. Is he the jester? Is he the sharpshooter? Is he just a replacement that’s supposed to try and fit the red lion’s traits? He isnt sure. He tries to keep things going like normal. “But he isnt stupid and he notices how they treat him”(line from the prompt) and he shuts down. Trains more, sleeps less. Focuses more, eats less. Obeys more, talks less. To the point where he’s a walking shell of himself and “Got it” “Yes sir” “On it” short and quick comments. Everyone is stressed, relieved that ‘lance isnt making this harder’ and doesnt notice how broken he is. Its not til the y get Shiro back that he finally visibly breaks. (i.e. hes supposed to go back to blue but he cant? He doesnt know who he is anymore? He visibly looks confused when someone jokes that ‘lance can go back to being lance’ and its said in a way that just enforces more self hatred for the guy he used to be) so he tries to bond with blue again but she isnt letting him in, she doesnt like how cold he is at his core, doesnt understand what happened to her favorite paladin, wont let anyone in(mentally, she still lets allura pilot) and no one understands why… at first. Cuz Shiro is getting increasingly uncomfortable with “how much lance has improved” cuz he’s realizing its not a good change- Lance is getting even quieter as the days go by because, hell, blue wont let him in, why is he even here then?
Hunk tries telling him jokes they used to say back on earth (lance just stares at him like the joke went over his head), pidge tries to get some insane ideas out of him again (he is too strategic now, nothing he says is ‘insane’ anymore), Coran invites him to help clean in hopes it will bring him to talk (lance stays silent the entire time), Keith bugs him/tries to get him fired up over small things (lance just shrugs and listens as keith gets progressively more angry about the lack of response and is removed from the room), Allura leaves every window open for lance to flirt or crack a joke/ intentionally pausing as if waiting for one that she can hear in her head (he never does and the meetings are forced), Shiro thinks its his fault / due to the stress of having to find him that broke lance (he’s only half way right.) Lance just… cant understand who he is supposed to be anymore. Lance thinks that the castle is better now, with less yelling, less mistakes, they get through meetings faster, and his ‘sharpshooter’ title becomes the only thing he holds onto. (like a living breathing gun)
No one knows how to help him.
Things get worse.
The team cant form voltron.
Even the lions feel disconnected from each other.
Lance feels responsible.
“I cant even be the sharpshooter if I dont have a lion”
“Its my fault for severing my bond with blue/she cant recognise me anymore.”
“I dont understand why the team is like this. Why cant you guys bond?”
Keith yells “ITS BECAUSE OF YOU” (he doesnt mean it that way. He’s just wants the old lance back, the one he was growing to love. The others know that. Lance doesnt.)
Lance leaves in the middle of the night after that.
The team searches and searches but they cant find him.
They fear lance is gone forever. They fear that they caused this.
Second Part:
Its been a month. Still no sign of Lance. Until they get a signal from a Galra ship hoarding prisoners. And Blue, who never fully disconnected from Lance, feels him on that ship. She relays this to Allura and the team regroups, planning to break him out. They had to work on their bonds, strengthen them in the hopes that they would eventually find Lance. In a way, he is still holding the team together.
Lance is on that ship. Has been for 2 weeks? 3? He isnt sure. He just knows hes in so much pain, hes surprised he isnt dead yet.
(prompt continues where he strikes deals to take other prisoners beating for them, is still a selfless asshole, learns how small his vocabulary got with all the “yes sir” shit he was doing, and he still has his smart mouth (never got rid of it, just… couldnt use it with the team- his brain felt like it had short circuited in front of them) The prisoners dont understand why he would endure so much pain just for them. They thank him and care for him as he drifts through the blackouts. Queue lance getting to know these prisoners, understanding their strengths and weaknesses, and using that (slowly oh so slowly) to try and find a way to break out. He does. He tells them this plan. They praise him for his kind heart and smart thinking, the tell him things he never would have thought about himself. He’s happy. He thinks he knows who he is again. The problem is, he cant feel his legs after that last beating. He can barely stay awake. He thinks hes failed. Again. But the prisoners say otherwise. They make a makeshift stretcher for him. He protests, telling them he’ll only get in the way like this, they tell him “nonsense! You saved us too many times to think about leaving you here. Its our turn to save you.”)
The team is breaking through the defenses when they notice the main ship going crazy. Pidge scans it “its the prisoners! They broke out!” Hunk is overjoyed “I knew Lance could do it!” Its Keith who still has a bad feeling. Shiro directs them to take out all the smaller ships, let Allura and Keith get to the hanger. Keith gets there first, busts the doors open, Allura slides Blue in. They both get out, on foot, within 5 minutes of landing and take out the soldiers. The doors behind them open and here come the prisoners. They dont see Lance at first. Allura is quick to signal them over to blue. As Keith is still fighting, Allura runs over to Blue, getting her to open up for the prisoners, and they both stop. They feel the mental connection that should have been lost but its still there. Keith finished with the soldiers and runs to Allura’s side. Allura stares at the prisoners “I-is he really… Is our friend really with you?” The prisoners part to let them see the middle of their group and theres Lance. On the stretcher, looking worse than they ever could have imagined.
Keith knew he had a bad feeling.
With no time to waste, Blue growled, snapping everyone to attention and the rescue continues.
(lance is watched like a hawk by these prisoners who (understandably, dont know if lance is really their ‘friend’ and they decide to be protective of him. Very. protective.) They are able to open a wormhole and everyone gets on the ship ok. Well… relatively. Lance still hasnt woken up the entire rescue mission and its concerning to everyone. They get him in a pod just as his breathing threatens to stop. Coran is all but sobbing, so grateful that they made it in time, no matter how slim of a window that was. Hunk is sitting by the pod, staring at his friend, tears rolling off his cheeks. Pidge is just trying to take everything in, none of the prisoners were her brother or father, and lance(whos been missing for a month) is stuck in a pod. Allura is speaking with the prisoners, explaining who they are and who lance use to be. (they are very surprised considering how low his self esteem was that he was ever a paladin of the great voltron) Shiro, standing by hunk, still feeling guilty, is lost in his thoughts about whether or not Lance will be happy when he wakes up in the castle.
Keith is just… sitting with some of the younger prisoners and crying. Crying because they are telling him everything that Lance did for them. And crying because “he isnt gone, hes still in there, i thought we lost him forever, guys we have to fix this”
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Petite Plum
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A/N: This will be the last part of my fic! Yay! I took forever to write it because I’m a lazy piece of crap. And I will never learn. Anyways, I hope everyone enjoys the ending ( @slightlydepressing enjoyed so I am content :D), I have fun writing it and sad (relieved) the fic has come to an end (I’m like TT ahahahhahahahahahha). Until next time I guess, BYEEEE!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
The next day came much quicker than Hyuk had anticipated. Throughout breakfast and the drive to Jelpi, Hyuk did his best to keep calm. He acted as if he was tired and made sure no one bothered him as he tried to fake sleep in the car. *Solo. Nashiko. Solo. Nashiko. What if I mess up? She’s gonna think the worst of me. I can’t freeze like yesterday, I looked so stupid* thought Hyuk. All the worst cased scenarios played in his head; all ending with Nashiko laughing at him and walking away. “Hyuk - ah, Hyukkie… HAN SANGHYUK IF YOU DONT WAKE UP OR SO HELP ME!” roared N. Hyuk woke up with a fright but quickly composed himself. “I’m awake, I’m awake!” He moaned as he dragged himself out the car. It was obvious that Hyuk was nervous since he was rather quiet. “What’s up with him?” Mouthed Hongbin. “Not sure, you think N hyung annoyed him too much” Ravi mouthed back. Ken saw the two conversing and decided to intervene. “Hyukkie, come to the restroom with me” “What, why? Go by yourself hyung” “Pwease, I watched a scary film last night about a dead girl who haunts the restrooms” Ken whined. “Aigooo Ken, are you sure you weren't watching Harry Potter? The part with Moaning Murtle?” N teased, making the members laugh. “Ehhh, hyung please” Ken replied. Before Hyuk could say anything back, Ken was already pushing him towards the restroom. Once they inside Ken looked around, opening every cubicle. “Hyung, I didn’t know you were this scared.” Hyuk said as he watched his hyung’s actions. “Okay, no one is here.” Ken turned towards Hyuk and carried on, “Hyuk… are you okay?” He asked with concern in his voice. “Of course, why wouldn’t I be?” Hyuk stated. Ken looked at him dead in the eyes, making him feel uncomfortable. “You’re not, I can tell. Frankly, all of us could tell. Hongbin and Ravi were questioning your sudden silence.” Hyuk was surprised *Was I that obvious?* “Hyuk, you need to calm down. Take a couple of breaths. Splash some water on your face to wake yourself up. Don’t worry so much, she’s not here to catch you out.” Ken consoled. Hyuk nodded and started feel less tense. “Have fun lil bro, besides it’s your first solo stage. Make the most of it.” The two fist bumped and walked out with lighter hearts.
“Finally. Hyuk, we need to start on your solo stage.” Dance-Ssem said as he walked over and pulled Hyuk into position. Ken gave Hyuk a thumbs up and sat at the back to monitor him. “Good morning Hyukkie~” greeted Nashiko from behind. Hyuk turned around to see the petite woman with her plum hair tied up in a simple ponytail. “Morning…Nashiko” Hyuk replied. “Yahh, did you just forget my name?” Nashiko asked in an annoyed tone. She hand her hands crossed over her chest and had a fake angry expression. “Whaa? Forget your name? I would never” Hyuk said shaking his head. Nashiko grinned and poked his arm, “Good because I would never forgive you if you did” She puffed. *I can’t even get you out of my head, let alone forget your name* Hyuk thought to himself. Dance-Ssem clapped his hands and began, “The song we are using is one that was chosen by Hyuk, which is ‘Call You Mine’ by Jeff Bernat” The choreography involved many interactions between Nashiko and Hyuk. And everytime Hyuk had to hold her hand or slide his hand across her leg, he always asked if it was fine with her. “Are you sure you’re sure you’re okay with it?” “It’s fine Hyuk, trust me” “… Are you sur-” At this point Nashiko grabbed his face and insisted, “For the umpteenth time Hyuk, it’s fine. Okay?” With such close proximity to her face, all Hyuk could manage was a weak nod. “Good. Now let’s not waste anymore time!” Nashiko said.
They practiced as much as they could to perfect the routine. Dance-Ssem and N were constantly checking, giving their input on how to make the dance become more seamless. Ken in the background made sure Hyuk didn’t become a blubbering mess, instead he started to dote on both Hyuk and Nashiko. Ravi and Hongbin joined to see how the solo stage was coming along and we’re impressed on how far the two have come. But that didn’t stop the two from making sly comments here and there. “Heol, they could be mistaken for a couple you know.” Hongbin whispered in low tone. “Wahh, look at them toge- OW!” Ravi and Hongbin cried. Leo sneaked behind and slapped the two across the back of their heads. Along with N, Leo took care of Hyuk and Nashiko, keeping them hydrated and not overworked. He listened to what N was relaying and agreed with everything.
Time ticked away quickly and soon it was free time. “That’s all for today people! You are free to leave this PRISON!” Exaggerated Dance-Ssem. The senior dancers said their goodbyes and left to go home, leaving VIXX and Nashiko. “Aigooo, I think I worked too hard today. My back…” Ken complained while hunched over. “Omomomo, Ahjumma let me help you” Hongbin offered and pushed him from behind. “YAHHHHHH!” Ken shrieked in the highest note possible causing everyone to laugh. “Stop it, I’m too tired to deal with you now. Let’s just go home” groaned Leo. As everyone was heading for the door, Hyuk stopped. “You know what, I’m gonna stay back for a couple more hours. I want to perfect the routine” He explained. Nashiko raised her hand and nodded. “Me too, me too. Ahh but Inguk oppa might not let me.” “I won’t let you do what?” Inguk asked. Nashiko was about to talk but N patted her on the shoulder and winked. “I advised her and Hyuk to stay back a couple of hours to completely perfect the dance routine.” N told him. “It’s too late fo-” “This performance is essential for the concert. It showcases how much Hyuk improved and it will be Nashiko’s first solo here. I’m sure you can understand how much it means to them. You wouldn’t want they’re efforts to go to waste now would you?” N concluded while giving a piercing gaze. Inguk wavered slightly and looked at Nashiko. She had her puppy eyes face on hoping it would help her case. “I’ll drive them home if that’ll make you feel better.” Ken suggested, “Now before you think I’m talking nonsense, I really am a good driver. The best out of all the members.” He beamed. Inguk looked at the rest of the members, who were all nodding in agreement. Inguk sighed in defeat, “Fine, but you have to call me when you finish practice, leave the building and when you come close to home, understood?” Inguk instructed. “Yes sir!” saluted Nashiko. Inguk pushed her forehead back while laughing and walked out with 4Vixx. As soon as they left, Ken told Hyuk and Nashiko that he’ll be in the next room practicing his solo for the concert. “If you guys need anything or if you’re ready to go home, tell me okay?” Ken assured them. Both Hyuk and Nashiko nodded and waved to Ken.
Hyuk turned to Nashiko and gestured towards the middle of the practice room, “Shall we begin?” He asked. “Yes, we shall.” Nashiko said smiling as she took his hand. Without the guidance of N and Dance-Ssem, the dance wasnt as smooth as they wanted it to be. Every time one of them messed up they would stop and discuss what went wrong. They would constantly monitor their performance with a camera and pick any small details. This went on for a while with no actual breaks. Half way through the dance Nashiko tripped and fell backwards with her eyes shut. Without thinking, Hyuk grabbed her arm, pulled her up towards himself.  Their faces were only inches away from each other. Hyuk stared down at her face, her eyes closed shut as tightly as possible while biting her lip. As soon as she realised she was being held, Nashiko opened her eyes and found Hyuk looking down at her. Hyuk gulped and managed to say, “Are you okay?” Nashiko blushed furiously, “Uh huh.” She was pulled up by Hyuk, all while still holding onto his arms. “Thanks… for not letting me fall” Hyuk gazed into Nashiko’s eyes, and finally smiled, “I’m glad my reflexes were quick enough to grab you, hah.” Nashiko chuckled and move her hands down into his. The two were stood in the middle of the practice room, as if time stood still with them. Hyuk pulled her hands above and placed them around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in. Nashiko closed her eyes and leaned in.  Hyuk smirked, purposely missing her lips and kissed her cheek. Nashiko slapped him on the chest, “YAH! I was wai-”, Nashiko stopped mid sentence and covered her mouth. Hyuk laughed loudly, “Why, what did I do wrong? was I supposed to do it differently?” “Yah yah, y-y-you know what you did wrong…” Nashiko voiced trailed off. Hyuk grinned and decided to tease her more. “Aigoo, I don’t know what you’re taking about. Tell meee” He pestered. Nashiko glared at Hyuk. Hyuk was singing the words “I don’t know” until Nashiko pulled him down and pecked his lips. This time it was Hyuk’s turn to be surprised. He was frozen while Nashiko laughed and tugged his chin downwards, “Shall we date?” Without delay, Hyuk kissed her back. The kiss was longer, deeper and had more feeling. He pulled back and answered, “We shall.”
*********FOUR YEARS LATER*********
It was their wedding night, Hyuk was carrying Nashiko bridal style to their hotel room. Nashiko was stroking Hyuk’s hair while humming. “So do you have any ideas what we’ll do tonight, Mrs Han?” Nashiko hummed, “Hmmm, I have a few that I’ve been wanting to show you.” They reached their hotel room at the end of the corridor. Hyuk took out the key card and swiped it across the door handle, *beep beep clack* and the door opened. He carefully placed Nashiko on the bed and stood back, taking a good, long look at his wife. He took off his blazer and began to undo his bow tie. Following suit, she took off her shoes and accessories. Sitting down next Nashiko, he looked into her eyes, “Are you ready?” He asked. Nashiko stared back and breathed, “Yep.“  Both leaned towards each other.
Hyuk grabbed for the big bowl of popcorn and Nashiko grabbed the Naruto DVDs. “NARUTO MARATHON” they cried. Nashiko laughed hard and nearly fell off the bed. Hyuk, on the other hand, dropped backwards onto the bad holding his stomach from all the laughter. “Ahahahahha,  I expected nothing less from you! This is why I married you.” Hyuk declared, he got up and kissed Nashiko on forehead. “I mean, what else do people do on their wedding night” “I know right!” Nashiko agreed as she leaned onto him. “Ahhh, Hyukkie… I love you.” She confessed. “I love you too.”
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softbutchzenyatta · 5 years
why dont u look for another job that is less demanding of u in terms of social interaction? idk where you live but theres plenty of jobs out there with very little social interaction you may find fun.
its hard to go into the details of how i feel about my job but it’s just .... theres a lot of factors i guess... i don’t even have a problem with talking to customers like i don’t really Talk to them i’m bad with small talk but i’m known for being one of the most positive and friendly employees here and customers are always complimenting me on my voice and energy and stuff
its more just having to be around coworkers i dont like. i realized recently that almost all of the wonderful people i worked with when i first started out that made my job something i looked forward to have all quit and now i am surrounded by people who don’t respect me because they’re too stubborn to admit that i’m right 90% of the time. i’m one of the hardest workers at my store, if i’m honest probably the second or third best employee there altogether, and the burden of picking up after everybody else is taking a toll on me. nobody likes to listen when i point out things that would make everyone’s job easier. certain things HAVE to be done and no one else will do them so...
the combination of punching-bag-type customer service & repetitive physical labor & corporate pressure to be inhumanly fast and robotically perfect & the apathy of all of my coworkers & everyones stubbornness and selfish pride preventing them from being able to comprehend very basic essential tasks that allow us to be successful .... its a lot to deal with. my old manager was fired a couple months back and since then a lot of people have left. before then i was really excited to be promoted but now i don’t even know if i’ll be working here by the end of the holiday season
it’s really just a couple specific people, but i’m working with them almost every day, i don’t work with anyone else anymore really, so i dread going to work. seeing certain people on the floor and knowing my day is going to be shitty because these people don’t try like i do. a few of these people are freaks and bullies. i found out that only person i work with who actually tries is leaving in december for college so i’m like...................... what is the point
this turned into a huge vent but basically its just more than customer service, it’s a problem with my employer as a corporation that works good people to the bone and completely breaks them until they have nothing left and no choice but to quit. terrible people are rewarded here. i’ve been aiming for this company for years even when i still wasn’t allowed to go out because i knew about their outwardly liberal views and because their health insurance covers top surgery and HRT. i viewed it as a means to improve my life and escape from the hell i’ve been living and i feel like if i quit i’m giving up on those opportunities. i wanted to move out and get top surgery before i left but unless something drastically changes i’m not going to make it that far
i don’t want another shitty minimum wage job, i can’t handle this unreliable shift work and inconsistent hours, so i don’t know what to do. i’m a good worker but retail and corporate nonsense is going to destroy me. a while back i adjusted my expectations and i was going to just go to cosmetology school and then quit so i could become a nail tech and have a stable career (in my area they make twice as much as i’m making now) but my brain is wrecked i’m way too burned out i can’t handle carrying an entire store on my back as well as going to school lol
ANYWAYS like ive been saying i think itll improve some when i can drive and go places alone that help me relieve stress instead of sitting at home watching myself rot. that time will be coming very soon
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