#so shima and yukio can f*ck off
bean-draiochta · 7 years
Top 5 AnE characters
# 1 Okumura Rin:
Okay, need I say it... a boy with a fate bigger than he can comprehend. A pure hearted, sweet, protective and loving boy, thrown into a world he knew nothing about for 15 years. And to top it off, almost everyone in this world, exorcists and demons alike, want him dead. Sure, he is stupid as hell, but he acknowledges his weaknesses and says stuff like “the only thing an idiot like me can do is keep moving forward”, coming to this conclusion on his own shows a maturity and humbleness uncommon in 15 years old. And even in light of recent chapters where he has lost both his humanity and his twin brother, I believe he will keep this attitude. Never underestimate him and his ability to walk the right path no matter what.
# 2 Kirigakure Shura:
A protective, fiercely loyal and fiery woman. She loved Shiro in more ways than one, looks out for Yukio both on missions and his mental battle, trusted Rin based on a naive promise of becoming Paladin and cares for the exwires. All of these thing run perpendicular to the attitudes she held only a few years before, as seen in a conversation between her and Shiro. Her heart is larger than she knows, she instinctively looks closely after the Okumura twins. I think she is perhaps taking over the role of their mother in the only way she can. After all, Shura said Yuri Egin was a woman she could never compare herself to or compete with. I know she’ll have a lot of pain in the coming chapters, dealing with Yukio’s departure and Rin’s lack of a sword (and brother).
#3 Suguro (Bon) Ryuji:
Bon actually has a lot of similar traits to Shura (maybe because they are both Leo’s??). A burning loyalty and commitment for the things he cares about, including family, friends, duty, and honour. How temper really just illustrates how much he cares, like seriously, he said he would kill Shima for being a spy and that he would die soon after. He hates the thought of people not being able to rely on him. He feels as though he has to be the ‘kaname’ (rivet in a fan), supporting everyone in every aspect. It truly bothers him that he can't do this. This is seen in the his reasoning for being angry at Rin after Amaimon’s attack (”Wasn’t I the only one who thought we were friends?”) , and his loss of ambition in becoming an exorcist and defeating Satan once he saw all of his family were moving on without his help.
#4 Kamiki Izumo:
This girl is tough as nails. She seriously has the strongest spirit. Both her and Rin are quite similar in my eyes for their perseverance and resilience concerning the things that have happened to them. She loves everyone so much but she was afraid to admit stuff like that to herself because in her eyes it would have been very bothersome to try and get along, to get to know so many people and to accept them as part of a family she can no longer have, with her sister not knowing her anymore, and her mother being dead. Unlike Rin however, her keen intelligence and perhaps overactive interpersonal brain, she tended to dwell on the past, something that is admirable and important, because your problems will catch up to you, no matter how long you ignore them or move forward. Anyways, this girl could take my heart from the moment she sat beside and reassured Rin on the Shinkansen to Kyoto. 
#5 Mephisto Pheles/Samael/Johann Faust
Unlike the others on my list, Mephisto is not a character I would admire, he is simply a character I adore. Also probably the funniest character in the series. A man after my own heart when it comes to being a hopeless otaku (not as bad as him dont worry), and he is such an unpredictable character, his narratives are such a nice break from the predominately plot driven plot (which tends to cause heart palpitations at times). He is infuriating and hilarious and somehow a lot more relatable than a timeless demon king should be. He is on the level of the reader, he knows we are reading and watching all of these events, the same as he is, he just knows an awful lot more than pretty much anyone. His love for Assiah and the lengths he is going to to protect it are admirable however. I do also believe he cares about his siblings, and whatever his plan is for Rin, I do think he cares about him. A true GentleDemon.
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