#I love shiemi too
frobby · 7 months
If blue exorcist was dungeon meshi Yukio would be marcille
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cangrellesteponme · 1 year
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shiemi/yukio sketches i drew for a friend who loves them
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lesbian-myth · 1 year
Fav parts of the aoex new chapter (spoilers)!
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Bon’s little clap at koneko and Izumo 😂
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Rin and osceola cooking together 🥘 🤭
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Yuki not understanding cooking AT ALL (plus shima calling him yuki lol) 😭😂
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Lots of rin and yuki bonding ❤️❤️❤️
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kingofbr00klyn · 2 years
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stressedjester · 2 years
Kazue Kato when she's writing new characters and trying not to make them a pair of characters who are (both aesthetically and personality wise) complete polar opposites of each other:
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midnight-in-town · 10 months
Ao no Exorcist is a Shonen series written by a woman and it shows
Since the latest chapter, I've been thinking about how several usual Shonen tropes are written rather differently under Kato-sensei's pen. No judgement or anything, it's just cool to observe. Some examples :
1) Rin's mentor is a woman
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2) Rin's secret, despite being the MC, was revealed in ch13 to the entire cast, meanwhile Shiemi, The Main Girl, who was introduced to be so helpless is only starting to be explained.
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3) Also, the Mysterious plot-relevant Shonen Parent is actually the twins' mother. (Of course Shiro is super plot-relevant too, but Satan is still angsting over Yuri and she's a huge part of the reason why he's the big bad)
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4) Rin also changed his view about his future throughout the story: from dropping out of school, passing by hoping to become the Order's Paladin (probably to cope with Shiro's death and also to antagonize Arthur), to finally showing way more interest and potential in the (less epic and heroic in appearance) field of talismanic cooking.
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5) When it comes to arcs, mental illness is a valid reason to build a character arc around...
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6) And so is making an arc about girls being "cursed" to basically "get married and have children before they hit 30, the age where their beauty fade thus they become useless" :
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7) ANE is a story about women becoming traitors to protect their loved ones, like Mamushi
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or becoming overwhelmed because men toyed with their feelings like Tamamo
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8) Older women can be absolute badasses like Shiemi's grandma
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or Lucy.
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9) Complicated mother-daughter relationship and girl friendships are given as much focus as complicated father-son relationships and sweet bro friendships (like Bon and his dad during the Kyoto arc, as well as the complicated but deep bond between the Kyoto Trio)
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10) And one of my favorites: full time single dad, asking for help to do the job as well as he can and finding his true purpose in life by doing so :D
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Hmm and now that I think about it, the only other Shonen series written by a woman I've been as invested in is Kuroshitsuji, by Yana Toboso, and similar examples can be found in it too, namely:
1) If Ciel ever finally admits needing a mentor, his aunt Frances will probably play that role
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2) Girls can be super strong & skilled (Elizabeth, Mey Rin) and clever (Sieglinde)
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3) (one part of) the Big Bad is a woman (Queen Victoria)
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4) maybe Ciel's entire revenge stems from a conflict between Queen Victoria and Ciel's maternal grandmother, Claudia.
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5) the Undertaker has been a continuously freaking pain in the ass because he probably fell in love with that same maternal grandmother and couldn't mourn properly
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TL;DR we love our boys and their spectacular growth and development under women's pens a.k.a shonen series written by ladies are hella fun to read. :D
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vampvvy · 9 months
Could I request Blue Exorcist Rin relationship headcanons with a female half angel half human reader? Please and thank you!
Angelic. | R. Okumura.
warnings: none it’s SFW.
A/N: So polite<3 Ofc you can request so. I don’t know of the specific angelic features you wished for but i’ll imagine the reader to have long wings.
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Rin had a hard time trusting most celestials, simply because of the horrible experiences he’s gone through with most, but with you he has become quite awestruck.
At first he would simply watch from afar, not knowing of your secret. While training alongside you in True Cross Academy he couldn’t find himself to resist you, as if you were a delicate temptation sent from his grotesque “father”.
After a while he noticed how you never took off your layers of drapes and robes, how you carried around a plain staff made of a pure metal, stronger than one would believe, and soon he vowed to find out what you were hiding.
Long pearly wings slipped out of the simple bind that wrapped around your chest and wings, pressing them together.
Stretching out and fluffing far behind you, losing some feathers behind you as you prolonged the freedom of your luscious wings. The prominent shock on his face as his pointy ears and cheeks flared up like the color of a cherry wine.
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Rin would be extremely proud of who you are. A strong being such as you marveling in his own presence left him stunned.
Very protective. Worries about you constantly as if you weren’t stronger than him with your heavy staff and long stamina. He nearly threw Suguru in the fountain for him simply shoving you a little too hard.
Treats you with the upmost of care, always delicate with you.
Helps you pluck and fluff out your irritated or damaged feathers. Soothing your stretched wings as he massages conditioner on the sensitive follicles. (You do the same with his tail.)
Turns to putty whenever you show complete and utter affection to him. Has no problem with PDA but would rather his enemies not know of your relationship so it’s private for the moment.
Poor baby is a sensitive boy, so many things has happened to him in such a small span of time. His heart aches constantly and he confides in you with his troubles. He can’t ever bear having any arguments with you.
Extreme crybaby behind closed doors. His heart is not nearly as strong as his will, and with the constant betrayal of his friends and his own twin his strong facade always strays.
Loves cooking for you, makes bentos and breakfast for you. Always knows you’ll give him the best commentary and suggestions. Making his meals even better than before.
Argued with Yukio once because he believed that you were a bad influence on Rin, saying that you bring out a bad side in him and that he was clearly unstable with you, but in fact Rin was at his best with you. (Rin believed he was simply jealous because of you being so “amazing”.)
Shiemi constantly tries to advance on him with the help of Izumo not knowing of your relationship with him. You trusted Rin with about every ounce of your human and angelic being, but she was very persistent. Of course Rin was loyal to you, more than you could ever believe.
Rin loved kissing you, hugging you, practically merging with your being while doing so. Very inexperienced and constantly bites your lips and tongue with his fangs, might cause you to bleed slightly.. he had no control.. Oops.
Loves to fall asleep with your angelic voice speaking to him. Whenever he wakes up on your lap after falling asleep, he swears he genuinely goes to heaven. The gorgeous light illuminates the deep color of your hair and bounces off of you. He falls in love over and over with you.
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kingofanemptyworld · 6 months
Rin, identity issues, and the complications of being an isolated, alienated teenager
It feels sort of weird to say but I generally don’t head canon characters as having particular sexualities. Whatever people go for in fics is usually fine with me - gay, lesbian, bi, pan, something more general like queer. As long as it makes sense for the story they’ve built and the character they’ve shaped to fit it, I’m good. Unless you’re ignoring a canon LGBTQ+ sexuality, in which case, yeah, I’ll take issue with that.
But anyway. Rin.
I’ve got my personal ship for him (BonRin my beloved), but regardless of the pairing I see him as bisexual. He’s so open with his infatuation with Shiemi, and okay, sure, fandom likes to ignore the love interest in shounen for the most part because we’ve got gay ships to peddle. But I don’t see the point in that unless it really reads like it’s a front, or a result of a character suppressing themselves for one reason or another. And with Rin, I think it’s pretty clear his affection for Shiemi is sincere. You technically have the in-universe evidence of the demon that brought out his true desires to back that up, but even without it, Rin likes her. It’s complicated because of Yukio and Shiemi’s own inexperience with romance, and yet I never once doubt he really likes her.
That being said… he’s very appreciative of the guys in his life, too. (Peddling my gay ship here) Bon in particular, considering he’s often admiring how cool he thinks Bon is, that his haircut suits him whether it’s the blonde rooster look or the undercut. If you don’t want to see it as romantic interest, that’s your prerogative, but to me Rin comes across as seeing cool and cute as different traits he finds attractive (in Bon and Shiemi respectively).
I also think his bisexuality would fit neatly into his narrative struggles to “pass” throughout the early parts of the series. Rin has grown up as the neighborhood problem child, ostracized for being violent, and eventually he decides he’s fine with just his brother and his father — and the rest of the monastery, presumably — for company. (Except that’s absolutely not true and clearly he’s starved for friendship and support.) People looked at him and saw a monster, even before his demonic heritage made an appearance; why would he bother giving them even more ammunition when it comes to reasons to hate him? So no matter when he figured out his attraction to guys, he’s not going to lean into it, because he also likes girls, right? (Ignoring for a moment that bisexuality is a lot more nuanced than that.)
Rin likes girls, Rin is human — that’s what’s going to get people to like him, or at the very least tolerate him. That he likes guys, that he’s half demon, he can shove that shit down and pretend it doesn’t exist. Lock up any stray thoughts and keep the sword sheathed around anyone who doesn’t already know.
(Excuse me for being amused by Rin wielding his humanity and supposed heterosexuality as a sword and shield.)
The problem, of course, is that he can’t keep up the facade forever. The narrative won’t let him. Rin has to embrace his demonic side, because it’s the only way to move forward and to continue to help his loved ones. And once he’s moved past the issue of his friends being upset over the deception, when they understand he’s still Rin despite what he’d hidden from them, Rin is finally allowed to be himself. He uses his flames, he lets his tail move freely in the open around the Cram School kids. Rin still doesn’t like this side of himself — it’s inextricably tied to every moment of pain and isolation he’s dealt with his entire life, including the death of Father Fujimoto (and, y’know, his mom). But he is moving forward, he’s trying to adapt.
And isn’t that some great fucking subtext for his bisexuality, too?
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tonguetiedraven · 10 months
Hi!! I’m not sure if you’ve already read the latest chaps, and Kato is obviously building up rinshi, but it all just reads as more izushie and bonrin to me. I think izumo’s confrontations are just SCREAMING for a Shiemi confession, and maybe some crumbs of bonrin if they can be sprinkled in ❤️
I am absolutely reading the latest chapters and I have to agree, lol. A lot of it just screams Izushie to me. And if you've got the new Volume, even the final extra has a BonRin vibe <3
I puled @marble-wolf in to help me with this one ^^
We'll post a snippet here, with a link to the full fic at the end :D
"Shiemi…" Izumo's voice trailed off with an uncertainty that she wouldn't admit to feeling as she approached her friend. 
Her friend that seemed to have changed far beyond any of them but still with her eyes so kind (tired, but kind.) She looked beautiful though, and her guards, which should have given an air of intimidation, just annoyed Izumo. She would have to talk to Shiemi with them present. They didn't have time to wait around or waste.  
Shiemi’s head turned over at the sound of her name, and an enormous smile immediately lifted her lips at the sight of Izumo. She didn’t even think before she was stepping out of the processional style line she’d ended up in. 
There was a grumble of annoyance from her guards and ladies in waiting, but she ignored that for now.
“Izu—” she cut herself off abruptly, swallowing the familiarity of that name and all the emotions that came with it. 
“Kamiki.” There. Far safer. 
Izumo paused for a half second, probably not even noticeable, at Shiemi's slip. That had been her name. But Shiemi had cut herself off. 
Izumo stopped close to Shiemi, feeling terribly underdressed next to Shiemi in her extravagant robes and headpiece that seemed to catch and absorb the light. 
She couldn't quite meet her friend's beautiful and earnest and excited eyes as she spoke in her most typical strong tone. 
"I'm sorry about yesterday. I said too much." She shot a glare at the guards behind Shiemi and she hated the way she could feel heat trying to burn in her face but she beat it back, which wasn't terribly hard in this frozen wasteland. "I don't usually talk about love stuff, so I got carried away."
She never dared talk about love before, when her heart had been frozen and she'd been hurting and doing the hurting. 
"But I meant what I said!" And that's as far as she wanted to touch on that subject. But she was finally meeting Shiemi's eyes… Why were they always so bright? It was like looking at a canopy of a forest through sunlight.  
Shiemi’s face went a bit pink. She had thought the conversation was finished before, but she really should have known Izumo better than that. Her friend was in front of her, blushing, cold, and determined. They were on the edge of some impossible battle and Shiemi hadn’t seen her in what felt like years, but she really was just the same person. Grumpy and caring far too much, and so scared to show any of it. 
She was adorable with the scowl and blush, and the color just brought out the magenta of her eyes all the more.
“Okay,” she softly said, “it… It was nice to know you cared.” 
Even if it wasn’t quite right. They hadn’t quite understood each other for most of their friendship though.
She could hear someone shuffling impatiently behind her, and it had her blushing a bit more. 
“I did give it some thought,” she continued, and suddenly couldn’t look in the magenta eyes she had wanted to look at her really look at her almost from the minute she’d first seen them. “I…”
Her courage left her as it always had. She could stand up against Demon Kings, but she really seemed to lack her courage where it counted. 
“But I  can’t tell him.” 
For so many reasons. Mainly because it wouldn’t at all be true, and it wouldn’t be fair to her dear friend. (Or to her other dear friend. Yukio or Rin, either one would hurt the other, and she loved them both and she couldn’t possibly pick one of them. Even if her heart hadn’t picked someone else.
She forced herself to smile, cursing her own cowardice. “Right now, it’s enough for all of us to just be together.”
Because they hadn’t for far too long, and she was certain Rin agreed with her. If it was going to end, she could hardly pick a better one than surrounded by all of them. 
Izumo's eyes narrowed and she leaned closer before her hand shot out to snatch up Shiemi's cheeks, squeezing gently but firmly. The guards reached for her with shouts and swords lifting but she didn't even glance their way. If they were going to stick around they needed to get used to this. 
"You think you're gonna die?!" Izumo thought Shiemi was cute with her cheeks squished. "Well, I agree with Rin! You gotta live!" (They all needed to. She didn't want to lose any of them!)  
Shiemi was pulled forward by Izumo’s grip and nearly fell onto her. A guard dared to draw their sword like she was in danger, and she absently raised a hand to stop them as she stared at Izumo’s much too close face.
It was amazing how right and wrong Izumo was. Entirely right that Shiemi thought she was going to die, and entirely right that she was a coward about talking about it, entirely right that she never talked about love and romance (but gushed when she did), and—
And so entirely wrong about Rin.
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frobby · 11 months
yukio would have loved youtube letsplays
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were-wolverine · 1 year
miles being an anime fan is something you can pry from my cold dead hands
i think it is/was supposed to be canon that he was into mha? but i think he’d love demon slayer, jujustu kaisen and blue exorcist as well
i think he’d really relate to rin in the “suddenly develops powers and has his whole worldview change” way
also the losing a mentor pretty much immediately after they gain said powers (1610 peter / father fujimoto)
rin liking shiemi vs miles liking gwen
i’m definitely reading too far into this but like. they’re two of my fav characters lol
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faerishv · 2 years
im curious if maybe someone would enjoy me writing for blue exorcist , together with tbhk. I really love that anime , i've watched it like 5 times hhfjjbfd im starting the manga too. I could write for the main people like
fujimoto ( platonic or romantic idk hjhg )
please tell me what do yall think !!
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rinseveryday · 11 months
Hello! How are you ? Just one question! who do you think will die in the upcoming chapters of blue exorcist ? do you think anyone will die at all?
Hello anon! You're lucky because I'm having a nice easy week so I get to respond to you on the same day! (how rare)
Thank you for the question. I have seen this one come up recently within the fandom, especially with the manga ramping up for what seems to be a climax arc, but I never really had a solid answer for it. Kazue Kato is a master at misdirection and subverting expectations. She'd raise a death flag on purpose just for the lolz -u-"""
Personally, I don't see any of the main crew getting picked off, but then again, I didn't think Demon King! Rin was actually going to show up in his sweat pants so like... I'm just as scared as everyone else is.
I do think there will be some deaths though! And I'm hoping to see a few revives as well.
Spoiler warning for latest chapters under the cut
So from theories I've seen going around:
Renzou Shima has had major death flags on him for a while. This is probably just Kato trolling us though. I don't see any benefit coming out of his death anyways (snore) just kidding I love Renzou please don't die
Shiemi has said things that raised major death flags in the latest chapters, however, she's also under the protection of the Protagonist's Favored One's Halo, so unless Kato is a true masochist, I don't see her staying dead if worst comes to worst
Bon, probably also Kato's troll. Konekomaru is protected by the Cat Name Haver's Halo.
Izumo is in too much of a dire need for a glow-up to die.
Yukio is... cursed by the Protagonist's Favored One's Halo. Or at least he was but Rin feels a bit distracted lately. He'll live, but at What Cost? Couldn't say (probably a lot).
The Adults: Neuhaus is probably going to die. Shura might come close, but she'll hang in there so she can attend Rin's graduation. Lucy Yang might die. Lewin is favored by the author so I hope that means he's safe. Angel is not favored by the author so I really don't want to think about what's going to happen to him. Osceola better not die bc I need Rin to become his apprentice. Shiemi's mom is close to dying but I really hope she doesn't.
The Demons: I don't care either way so I never really thought about it (sorry demon lovers). If anything, it's more likely that we'll see demons that have crystalized, revive (Azazel, Armumahael, Shemihaza, Satan).
Also on a similar note, the demon eaters plot point was never fully resolved. Todou "died" off screen so unless Kato totally forgot about him, he's due for a comeback.
It's also interesting that Paku and Godaiin were focused on in the glimpse into the future. Nemu Takara also stayed back and is presumably still alive in that future, and those 3 from the kid's table still need to come back into the story. I doubt any of them will die ;w; that'd be too sad.
Jeremiah might die.
Dragulescu (??? idk how to spell his name) better die.
Other Illuminati: uhhh maybe the Lundstroms? I like Homare and I think she'll have something to do with Lucifer changing his mind about things. Lucifer isn't the main villain anyways so he's probably safe.
Rin... I don't think he'll be the same at the end of the manga, so to me, that counts as dying. Rin and Demon!Rin still haven't resolved their differences. Rin will have to choose a side, or face being forever unstable. But choosing will change him. Right now, he's living as 2 alter-egos/split personality. We've never seen him truly whole, and from the glimpses we have seen, he's kind of scary.
tl;dr Might die: Neuhaus, Shima, Lucy, Jeremiah, Dragulescu, Todou round 2, Rin (kinda)
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at1nys-blog · 1 year
Alternative lifes
Pairing: Ryūji Suguro Bon x reader
Summary: something feels different, no something is different
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The last thing you remembered was Yukio shooting at Lucifer and him going all crazy about it and deciding to engulf in plain darkness everything around him, then nothing.
You woke up, head feeling like a balloon, you had to get up as slowly as possible to not see the colorful dots in your vision. Looking around you noticed something was off, the hospital room was not like you remembered, maybe is an hospital I never saw before, you thought but even if, you couldn’t put your head around what in particular made you think something was wrong.
Before you could even think to leave the space the door of the room got opened and you laughed at the sight of him.
“They were short on doctors and asked you for help?” You said, but the man in front of you didn’t look amused by your words, he was rather annoyed.
“For your information I’m a real doctor.” He said coming closer to your bed and checking your file at the end of it. “So, how are you doing?” He added. Not a glance was threw your way.
“Feeling like I’ve been hit by a truck to be honest. So, where are the others?” He answered with a soft hum and that was it. Not a single word about your friends whereabouts. “Bon? Can you hear me? I asked you about the others?! Have you seen them?”
“First of all, my name is not Bon.” You wanted to interject and tell him you knew that, that Bon was just a nickname, but he was faster than you and kept talking. “Second, in the past two years no one came to visit you so who are you talking about?”
His words made the world collapse on you, how was possible that you had been asleep for two whole years? And what did he mean with no one came to visit you? Was he just pranking you? If he was that was not a good joke at all.
"Bo.... Suguro please stop joking. Where are Renzo, Konekomaru? And what about the Okumura brothers?" you were starting to loose your mind. "where are our friends." Bon never looked at you, he just kept writing. You heard him wisper something about a delusional crisisi or something like that, which make your blood boil in your veins, you were not being delusional, were you?
You took a deep breath, and then started to explain to him about the battle with Lucifer and his army; about his best friend and the new ones he, and you, made at True Cross Academy but nothing. The man kept calling you delusional.
That night you decided to take a stroll around the hospital, just to avoid staying in bed all day long. Somewhere from the hallway you heard some voices, whispering between the two of them, following the sound you were met with Shiemi and Izumo. You were happy to see familiar faces, but as with Bon, they didn't seem to know who you were.
The two girls look at you confused for some seconds and then came back at talking about whatever they were talking before you disturbed the two of them. You scoffed, not understanding what was happening. Was this all a bad, very bad, dream? After pinching yourself you realized it was pretty much real. Bon did not know who you were, your two best friends as well, and you believed no one from your friends actually knew who you were.
Where the Hell am I? You thought, maybe you were actually in Hell and you were going to live your worst nightmare for all eternity, maybe you were daying. Yuo decided to not think too much about it.
It was in the middle of the night when you heard a far whisper in the dark of the room, a familiar voice calling your name while you were ready to finally rest.
"YN, please wake up. Not now, come on." said Ryuji hysterically crying holding in his arm.
"Bon." called Renzo but the guy couldn't hear anything at all. "BON LOOK AT ME" he said making his friend lock eyes with him. "they are gone, you can't do much now." reality hit him like a truck, the person he loved most dearly was gone, what was he going to do without you?
"No, no, no, no, no. Is not too late, we can save them, we have to." he lifted his head, tears in his eyes but he didn't care much if his friends saw him this broken. "we have to do something." he kept on trying to wake you up but nothing was working, but he kept on trying.
"Ryuji, I'm so sorry." said Yukio getting on his knees. He tried to be as gentle as possible in removing the liveless body from his friend's arms but it was a hard task when he was holding on you for dear life. "they are gone and we really need to go." He nodded, Yukio was right, the middle of the battelfield was not the place to say goodbye to you, nor the place to leave your body.
He put you on his back, determined to at least bring your body away from the chaos that was unfolding in front of them, so he could properly say goodbye to you.
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cocogum · 1 year
The Shiemi logic doesn’t make any sense. (rant)
(I love Blue Exorcist tho don’t get me wrong-)
If you happen to forget, Shiemi’s name is an extremely shortened version of the name ‘Shemihaza’.
Why does it matter?
Well! It’s cuz the name “Shemihaza” isn’t just some normal name.
Shemihaza is in actuality the EMPEROR OF CREATION, is one of the Sol and also one of the three FOUNDERS OF THE LITERAL ORDER. She was one of the three members of the GRIGORI which are also the supreme advisors of the True Cross Order.
In short, she’s basically one of the three cloaked people that you always see sitting upwards in the stands while people are getting judged by law underneath them.
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After her body got crystallized, she became a tree and now currently overlooks the land of EI which is also known as the garden of Amahara.
So she basically turned into a holy sanctuary.
Now that we got reminded how much of a big deal she is, let’s get back to Shiemi.
So I’ll ask anyone again.
How in the hell did none of her classmates know about this before or haven’t at least managed to make some kind of connection?????
You’re telling me that the most knowledgeable students which are Bon, Izumo, and Koneko haven’t noticed some kind of pattern with Shiemi??
These students perfectly know The Order.
They know so much shit cuz they study a lot and you’re telling me that NONE OF THEM, NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM have tried wondering what the hell was up with her????
And what’s the deal with Yukio???
He has known her far longer than anyone else and even HE hasn’t noticed any weird vibes she gives off????
I don’t know about you, but if I was in Yukio’s place, I would’ve actually found it sus that a blonde girl whose name sounds closely similar to Shemihaza, has summoning powers that look a lot like the Shemihaza’s, looks nothing like her mom, doesn’t have a dad, and lives in the official exorcist shop.
Like bruh.
The only people who I’m okay for not saying anything about Sheimi’s weird case with Shemihaza are Shima, Rin and Mephisto.
I’m fine with Shima not knowing anything about the Shiemi case because he deliberately wants to ignore any important things of the True Cross and just wants to have fun. So the thought of him knowing anything that might relate her and Shemihaza together would be thrown out of the window for this guy. However, if he got assigned to spy on Shiemi then yeah he would’ve probably found out about her.
I’m also okay with Rin not saying anything cuz he’s a dumbass when it comes to studying or knowing things about the Order in general. So he wouldn’t have been able to know what was up with her in the first place even if he tried really hard. Oh yeah and even if he miraculously suspected her to be something far more than she says she is, I bet he’d find no hint anywhere despite the fact that the literal answer (Shemihaza) would be right under his nose. He’s the type to ignore huge hints until someone points them out for him.
And it would be obvious for me to be fine with Mephisto not saying anything about the matter cuz that guy already knew and is not spilling the beans yet simply for the sake of waiting for the right moment to finally reveal to them.
Our iconic weeb just loves suspense.
The same thing could be said for Amaimon.
This guy already knew but had to be sure if she was the real deal (and by that, I mean if she was worthy to be related to Shemihaza or some shit like that).
As for anyone else, I’m not too sure.
People like Shura and the other teachers are hard to tell if they knew or not.
But like it’s pretty easy to believe that they should know about the prestige future that Shiemi would eventually have???
And yet not??
Cuz they seem to act like idiots when it comes to her safety??? And they treat her like a random girl studying at their school instead of you know…
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Just picture this okay?
You’re a random student of the True Cross Academy studying to become a full fledged exorcist.
Your class is composed of a weird looking kid (who is not a kid) with a puppet for a hand, two girls with one looking as bland as a potato and the other one looking like a breed between a fox and a dog, a guy with a rooster for a head, a pink haired dude, a baldy with glasses who gets all the ladies and a lazy disappointment whose twin brother is your literal teacher.
One day, you meet a new student in your class and she’s a girl who lives somewhere on the campus of the True Cross Academy and has been living with her mother who also happens to be the owner and shopkeeper at the Exorcist shop for exorcists.
She has a strangely strong spirit which can transform her tamer into a LITERAL GIANT
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or a freaking FOREST to use as some kind of barrier to save her friends from Rin’s blue flames depending on when she wants to.
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Her name also strangely resembles the name “Shemihaza” which you are aware that her name literally represents one of the Grigoris.
Like come on man. This is so stupid.
The exposed hints are all on the surface.
There is no layer to hide them.
At this point, Shiemi could literally be dangling a flyer on her forehead saying “hey look at me! I’m related to Shemihaza!” and no one would bat an eye at that cuz they’d be unable FOR SOME REASON to know what she means by that.
Like it has come to a point where even SHE has tried hiding that secret to everyone when she found out because of her mom telling her the truth. And we all know Shiemi sucks at hiding secrets but she’s surprisingly really good at keeping that one.
But all of a sudden, when she states that she gave up on being an exorcist suddenly everyone’s on her ass suspecting that something’s wrong and that she might have a secret she ain’t sharing???
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Gurl no, the time where her friends had to care was when she wasn’t hiding a secret.
When she wasn’t aware about her divine roots.
As soon as you see her you can immediately tell that she even LOOKS like the people who stay at the holy sanctuary made by Shemihaza. She has so many similar physical traits as them that you would just look really stupid if you were in the same class as hers and have NEVER noticed some kind of ressemblance between the two.
If there was one thing that would make me not admit that Bon, Koneko and Izumo were actually smart, then it would be this.
The fact that they haven’t ONCE suspected that Shiemi might have been something more than just their classmate/friend before even she realized it herself.
The only one who was ever good at hiding his power was Rin until he had to expose himself due to Amaimon being a pain in the ass.
RIN. That’s it. He’s the only one that made any sense. Unlike Shiemi, his fangs and pointed ears in his human form could have been explained since it’s not unusual for people to have pointed teeth or non-rounded ears. His immediate decision to fighting alone could be easily explained by the fact that he’s just a reckless stupid guy or because he prefers fighting alone.
Shiemi was normal from the start but slowly gave off weird suspicious vibes in class and during missions. (Also how come no one tried asking her about her dad? He’s clearly not in the picture. Izumo and her became close so why not just ask her about her father? She could’ve asked Shiemi when they had that sleepover that one time.)
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thebeingofeverything · 8 months
Ok I’ll bite, I’m curious:
Mephisto/Amaimon - why ship it? (All 3 q’s)
Rin/Shiemi — why don’t you ship it? (I hope I’m asking this right)
I think we will probably have similar reasons but it never hurts to ask!
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Mefiama, why ship it:
1. Ok! So for the first, really my og aoex ship was amairin bc I'm a battle couple shipper first and foremost but mefiama was a close second and it's bc I'm a demon lover after everything lololol
Specifically, I've loved characters like mephisto and amaimon as long as I can remember, starting from my og fav yyh Yoko Kurama and Hiei (which in my head is a different ship than Hiei/Kurama). But, like that ship, I actually never really liked/like the ways fandom portrays them. Characters like Hiei and Amaimon both end up woobified and turned into stereotypical uke characters with the big sexy dom/seme mephisto/Kurama to seduce/play with them.
And to me that always pissed me off bc of how ooc it made them all out to be. I love Hiei and Amaimon bc they're little feral shitheads who have a massive independent streak to them and act/are totally inhuman. They both poke at each other and cause each other headaches and I live for it lololol
They're spicy as hell too and I love that in a ship. The second I saw Mephisto keeping Amaimon strung up on spears in the cuckoo prison that was it for me 😩👌🔥
2. The draw for these characters and the ship is that they're both inhuman creatures that only pretend at humanity, or in amaimons case, is forced to play nice by mephisto if he wants to be stomping around his territory.
What I really love about them, though, is that while Mephisto has the upper hand in the dynamic, Amaimon also knows his character and can see past his clown mask bullshit. He knows the demon Mephisto really is under all the sparkles and show boating. He's an observer and even when Mephisto is focusing on his goals and plots and shows, Amaimon is there on the sidelines keeping tabs and picking everything apart. I think Amaimon thinks Mephisto is interesting or has potentially interesting ideas. The thing about demons is they're constantly looking for something to keep them interested through their eternal existences and with Mephisto, Amaimon has a source of enrichment lol
I also like the fucked up premise of how Amaimon has an inherent trust in Mephisto that gets abused in canon. We saw him getting incredibly hurt by the shiemi reveal, as if Mephisto keeping that info from him meant Mephisto was treating him like one of his human pawns and not with respect as another demon king.
3. I'm not sure if there's an unpopular opinion I have for them, except that I tend to find most fandom treats them incredibly ooc and it makes it difficult for me to enjoy content of them from others. Mephisto as the over simplified seductive seme, doing typical melodramatic evil villain stuff and Amaimon being reduced to a uwu baby idiot who has never had sex despite being a who knows how old demon king. I've got a ton of bitching I've done over the years about it (and it's the same treatment Hiei always got back in the day so I'm used to the frustration) 😂
Rinshi, Don't Ship:
1. Man I feel really bad to say this but this is one of the most vanilla/boring ships in the fandom outside of bonrin. It's just so typical hot headed anime boy protag/girl next door love interest, even as much as they're both incredibly well developed characters, and as much as I love Rin.
It really just comes down to Rin being a, like, base ingredient for me as a ship. Like him being involved in a ship isn't on its own enough to make me enjoy/ship something. (Amaimon, on the other hand, immediately spices any ship up and I've even got a few rinamaishi fic aus out there lol). But I've never been interested in the sweet, hard-working character archetype. I can't help it, I'm into edgy bastard gremlin characters, the antagonists and anti heroes lololol (The exception to this in aoex is Yuri and that's bc she's got that little mischievous bad girl zing to her I love lololol). Shiemi just doesn't have that spice I need to really invest in a character.
2. What would have made me like it is just if Shiemi was a different character lololol like, she's just too sweet for me, like a marshmallow. Her in her string Independent woman era isn't really doing it for me either bc it feels like all her character development got cut out in that training arc she was just in. We missed a good opportunity to see her reconcile things with her grandma and her growth just to watch her toss an Amaimon copy and it feels like we got cheated out of her character arc.
If she just had that little spark that Yuri had it might work for me but I haven't seen it and until then it feels like every other typical anime main character/love interest ship, and it's just never been a dynamic I've never been into.
3. Positive things I have to say are that I think Kato has always done a phenomenal job making her characters feel realistic and not the usual anime shallow stereotypes. So when ppl tell me they enjoy the ship I'm like yeah, if ur into those kinds of characters and that ship dynamic, you've come to the right series to get a really well developed couple who feel fleshed out and who have had a developing relationship throughout the series. Totally understandable, just not for me.
I hope I actually answered these right 😂 thanks for the ask @philosophicalparadox 🩷
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