#I am analysing because I dont want to deal with the emotions
hexedwinchester · 16 days
How come u dont love Sam protecter and older brother Dean🥹
By Sam own words Dean raised him, a-lot of the good qualities that Sam has he got from Dean. Yeah Sam childhood wasn't the best, but he was deeply loved by Dean, i believe this love helped overcome many obstacles in his life.
In fact again by Sam own words, Deans love and protection is the only thing he could always count on.
I am not saying Dean is perfect, but who is ? To say that Sam needed protection from Dean sounds odd, where Dean is literally his home and the only place he feels safe.
hi @rosedark88
Interesting question and perspective you have offered.. this would be fun to analyse 😊
Before I start, let me be honest: I'm not Dean's biggest fan because I find a lot of his actions to be problematic. Please proceed with caution: you may not like the answer but I'll break it down as logically as I can. (Please remember, this is not a hate post)
Yes, I agree Dean has been Sam's protector (but only until early seasons. I'll explain what I mean) and he did raise him but time and again Dean has confessed if not to others, then his own subconscious that he hated having to carry that burden. He has let it slip that he is bitter about having to raise Sam (which I can understand, it wasn't fair) but I've seen him pretends otherwise which is two-faced IMO. (He confesses this in S03E10 Dream A Little Dream of Me when he is facing himself, in case you are looking for a reference.)
He is also a hypocrite with repressed emotions. He says he admires his dad but deep down he too resented him but he still gave Sam shit about him because Sam was just more blunt about his opinion of John unlike Dean. Again, in the same episode he says "my dad was an obsessed bastard. All that crap about keeping Sam safe was his crap." See what I mean?
Continuing on the hypocrisy, his whole agenda of "what's dead should stay dead" is gone for a toss when he makes that deal the first time to save Sam in S2. He gave Sam a lot of shit for trusting Ruby because she's a demon (unfortunate for Sam she had bad intentions) but Dean trusted Benny, Gadreel, Crowley and Cas when all of these guys have broken his trust later. But we don't see Sam bringing that shit up like Dean tends to.
Let's also not forget that Dean berated Sam for getting Charlie killed over the Book of the Damned but apparently no one cares that his manipulation got Kevin killed too? Do you see the double standards here?
Speaking of saving Sam, every single time he has done something apocalyptic to save Sam, it was for selfish reasons. The main reason is because Dean struggles to let go, to move on. He'd rather drag a zombie Sam around than let the man die. Even you have to agree there's some truth in that.
Dean hated that Sam left for college and it wasn't because he was afraid something might get to him. No, it was because he saw that as Sam's betrayal. That Sam picked college over him.
Now, coming to your question about why Sam needs protection from Dean his apparent 'savior'? Yes, Dean is willing to do anything to "save Sam" from every evil thing out there but that's the whole problem. Why even Billie doesn't like the Winchesters because these guys are willing to risk the destruction of the whole world to save each other which isn't right.
let's look at those grave "save Sam" moments and see what's wrong with those pictures:
Sam's first death in S2: Dean bought himself one way ticket to Hell to bring Sam back because he didn't want to keep doing this without Sam (he confesses this in his monologue to Sam's corpse and also in the Croaton episode when he finds out Sam is infected and doesn't leave). Dean is literally nobody without Sam and I'm not saying this. This is who Dean is. Sam is Dean's essence for survival. So Dean saved Sam for himself putting Sam through the same ordeal that John put Dean through. Dean passes on his trauma to Sam like a hand me down.
Sam's detox: Bobby tried to knock sense into him that it's probably the cold turkey thing that's killing Sam. I know Dean was trying to help him but I doubt he knew the right way to do so. Even when he realised his method would kill Sam, he was okay letting him suffer like that until he died (because then at least he dies human). I'm sorry that's not how you deal with someone with addiction problem. Despite everything, Sam is still willing to work with Dean but he can't get over Sam choosing Ruby and calls Sam a monster.
In season 6, the brothers realise something is off about Sam. At the end of the episode 'You Can't Handle the Truth' Sam comes clean that he felt different since he was brought back and he needs help to figure it out and how does Dean help him? By beating him unconscious, tying him to the chair like he is a monster? The way he talks to Sam in that scene: "you better hope he (Cas) can diagnose you. he asks, you answer and then you shut your cakehole". So Sam isn't allowed to talk about his own body? Oh wait I know, he's not, not when Dean said so.
In Season 8, he impersonates Amelia, sending Sam SOS just so he can he rendevous with Benny? Amelia was a shore in his Sam's storm. He loved her and deeply cared for her. To let him think something happened to her was cruel. Especially given how Sam's past relationships ended up his beloveds dying horrifically. Who plays such sick mind games? And to your own brother??!
Season 9, my favourite, the one that completely dissolved the rose tinted glasses that the show created for Dean: Manipulating Sam into saying yes to be possessed by an angel (an angel you know nothing of) knowing Sam's history of possession, that was just sick. Sam wanted to die. He was ready. If Dean wanted to save him, the least he could do was be honest about it. Not manipulate him into saying yes. But he didn't. He resorted to manipulation because he knew Sam would rather die than be possessed. Something that people fail to understand here is 'the idea of possession' is a hard limit for Sam. But Dean has no regard for it because in his head "he did what he had to and he won't even apologize for that". I'm sorry, that's the biggest red flag to me. I don't care if you have raised me, protected me and kept me safe only for you to stab me where I'm the most vulnerable. You are no different than all those evil things out to hurt me. That's why I love Sam for standing his ground and not forgiving Dean for this. He was right to say he didn't want to be brothers. If my siblings betrayed me like that, I'd leave too.
And whenn in Season 9 finale, Dean wanted to go off to kill metatron on his own, Sam wanted to tag along but what's dean's response? Punch him into unconsciousness and leave him on the street like that? All vulnerable for any monster to attack him? Really?! How is this protecting? Ya maybe metatron won't kill him but something else still might!
Oh and in Season 15, Dean pulled a gun on Sam and mind you he under no dark influence. This was all him. I'm not even going to elaborate further on this.
I can list at least 10 occasions where Dean has hit, punched, beat up Sam but Sam hasn't fought back. And that's not even what bothers me the most. It's the fact that Sam doesn't look surprised (meaning Dean beaten him before and I so believe he has and it's a frequent, almost business as usual like) or he looks scared (I'll try to find that gif where Sam is on the ground putting his hands before his face to protect himself against Dean). Dean is abusive when he is angry.
Something you said in the ask that struck me odd. What qualities did Sam learn from Dean? Let's see some of Sam's core good qualities:
Emotional intelligence
Self awareness
Open mindedness
Dean is not known for any of the above qualities, so I disagree he learnt his good qualities from Dean. Dean has an emotional intelligence of a wooden plank. He holds grudges and isn't nearly as forgiving as Sam is. Compassion and empathy are not Dean's qualities either. Dean is selfish. His first thought is how to use someone to his advantage. He did that with Cas, Crowley, even Jack. I've seen Dean give up more often. His "I can't keep doing this", "why is it our job to save everyone", "who says I want to do this?" are all indicators of this. Self-awareness tends to dwell in his blindspot. I've said this before, Dean is black and white, Sam is grey area meaning Sam is more open minded than Dean. My favourite: nothing about Dean is original. His leather jacket? John's. His car? John's. His music? John's. His life motto? Also John's. Whereas Sam has been authentic, true to himself than Dean ever could. Did Sam learn hunting from Dean? Yes. Loyalty? Yes. But neither of these are Sam's core qualities. So I disagree that Sam's good qualities come from Dean. If anything, his good qualities are actually him trying not to be like Dean.
Sam can count on Dean's love and protection because he has been conditioned to since he was 6 months old. First by his father and then by Dean himself either through emotional abuse (he keeps reminding him about how his decisions always end up with someone dying or gaslighting him into guilt tripping on things outside his control) or downright physical beatings. The Winchesters have dysfunctional family and relationships. Again, remember Sam is the forgiving one in this relationship. In fact Sam is forgiving to a fault and that's what this is. It doesn't make Dean's actions right just because Sam has been forgiving them.
To summarise, here why I feel Sam needs protection from Dean:
Dean saves Sam only because he doesn't know how to live without him. That's not normal. He has done crazy shit to "save him" resulting in causing Sam more trauma
He quickly lashes out (often resulting in verbal or physical violence) because of his repressed emotions and poor anger management
He has verbally and physically hurt Sam either by calling him a monster or saying he doesn't trust him or by beating him unconscious on multiple occasions
he is controlling, bossy and threatening. "If didn't know you, I'd want to hunt you." Sorry, if I were Sam, I wouldn't feel very safe
Dean doesn't see the wrong in his action or worse, even when he knows he is wrong, he is too stubborn to apologise for that. Everything is shoved under "I did what I had to" or "I'm not apologizing for saving you".
Dean has manipulated Sam and gaslit him
His whole "this is a dictatorship" comes across as a red flag which takes me to my next point:
He never treated Sam as his equal. Don't see how that counts as love
Dean was mad at Sam in DSOTM because Sam's happy memories (that Sam wasn't in control of and the whole situation was probably rigged. I mean, Zachariah cosied up with Mary's image for god's sake) didn't involve Dean. The idea that Sam can have a life outside Dean has never sat well with him
He has locked Sam in the panic room on at least 3 occasions. Sam hasn't done that even once
Sorry, but Dean is not a poster boy for love and protection. When I look at a character, I not only analyse their actions but also try to understand why they acted the way they did. In Dean's case, the why has always been problematic.
Dean's intentions maybe good but his actions don't always align. His philosophy has always been "if the means justify the end" but I don't stand by it. This is what makes room for immoral, tyrant and corrupt actions and an excuse to hide you wrong doings behind those.
These are my views on why I feel Sam needed to be saved from Dean. You may or may not agree and it's fine either ways 😊
Damn! That was lengthy. But thanks for this interesting ask, it was fun! 😇
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engiiiiiii · 1 month
I really want to analyse why I loved kidnapping fantasys. it's not the first time I've mentioned them, but y'know, it's certainly interesting... (maybe too interesting)
like I remember one time when I was a kid, and I had my best friends older brother take me to this zone so I could be rescued by my friend group. kids games y'know. my favourite part of flags was the capture part I guess lol (is that game as universal as dodgeball?) I also loved movies like bolt, frozen, and astroboy. the part I loved? the being rescued part, being almost destroyed, and having someone help me come back. it ties into care, and I honestly avoided all romantic situtations for most of my life (this will be relevant give me some time). I didn't want and still dont want people to love this body. I'm pansexual, panromantic too, so I didn't have a barrier or anything. I see half of it as gender, bc my body issues weren't that bad. I thought I had to be mature enough in order to start dating, but nobody gave me a spark, I didn't have any crushes. I was jealous of this one girl for being perfect at everything, but didn't I just want that? That wasn't crushing - that was just jealousy. She's transphobic and the epitome of a mean girl now (and even then) anyway. Maybe it was that my gender just didn't feel comfortable, I couldn't love someone in a body that I didn't own.
I also want to touch on my emotional state for a bit. I had very expressive emotions - however lots of trauma, most self-afflicted, caused me to kinda become a husk of a person. which I'm still dealing with... Y'know why Omori is my favourite game? Because that is me. Everything about that game was me when I played, a 16yo violinist struggling with mental illness, completely dissasociating. I saw myself in Sunny, if not weirdly identical (I had even just moved houses lol). However - Basil was the real child me. In a way - the real me that I had forced out. Emotionally vulnerable, wanting to love, being too weak to do anything, and enjoying it. It's a healthy dynamic - that was bullied out of me. By myself and others. I now have got that child me back - I lost about 8 years of my life, but I'm finally back. it hurts to leave those years, it's almost my whole memory. Death, probably growing up too quickly for my own sake, and progressively getting so ill that I'd experience paranoia and dpdr. And y'know queerness is tied into that. I now have a self to exist in. A name (maya!), identity, wants, people I look up to, and a future. I can date freely, I finally understand my sexuality, which took 14-15 years if I'm being honest. But what if the right never took me? I'd probably have figured out myself at 11-12. I'd have been nonbinary. I always have been. I've always wanted to be - I didn't know and understand the word. I want those years back!!
and now... I'm back to why these fantasies engaged child me so obsessively. I wanted a way out, to have someone who would care for me. I never felt that from my parents - I didn't understand love until years later. it all ties together. we so often know our kind is best as dead to those around us. I also needed everything to go so wrong - so I could stop feeling guilty, so someone could finally look at me and help me. I lost my identity as I hated myself, I avoided myself, I had zero thoughts. now I know who I am, (even if dpdr isnt helping with that rn!!!) I don't need a fantasy to exist to be loved.
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0coldphantom0 · 2 years
Reasons why they get no bitches: ✨La Squadra edition!✨
Back at it again with some lovely ☺️ personal headcanons for them jojo bois.
Ps.My askbox is open for requests so send me any requests ( make them juicy).If i catch any minor asking for nsfw stuff you will be 🌸blocked 🌸
- Given how the mafia works, i presume theres a certain quota most ppl have to follow as to not get killed or be looked down upon, so him being in a relationship would place him at a disadvantage strategically speaking.
- Not to assume there haven’t been moments where he could’ve gotten bitches.I have a presumption that somewhere down his Passione career one or two unlucky bastards tried to bribe him with promises of pussy in the hopes of living to tell the tale.It didnt work.
- Im a sole believer that if this man was ever pissed off by a woman hed forcefully make her bleed from her cooch istg ( this is a joke.I am joking, please dont come for me i am but a mere idiot)
- “Im on my period” “im aware :)”
- ✨attachment issues✨:/.
- Lacks the ability to turn off his work mode aka will intimidate ppl without wanting to
- Hyper analyses your body language to a point where you can’t decipher whether hes checking u out or planning how big the hole he must dig for your corpse gotta be smh what a turn off
- Socially inept oh whats that a convo needing his opinion thats not related to his work?? * turns invisible*
- Whats that a convo needing his opinion that IS related to his work??? You a cop or smth?Dont ever ask that again
- Many would find his field of work impossible to adapt to, lets for a second imagine living codependently with an absolute felon, this man went to jail for sure.Most people look funny at smokers let alone someone like him.
- Not to mention the utter anxiety he without realising creates.Sure its fun to cause someone to twitch in fear when theyre some dude you gotta off but when youre the one sitting in front of this man and all he does is squint in disapproval, or lowers his tone…it can only cause for some issues.( unless youre into that then sure have fun being on the edge all the time ig )
- He bottles his emotions and denies the extent of his affections, so man probably wont tell you how he feels abt things, and i can bet money that if youre an emotional kinda pal, he’ll disregard your feelings a lot “because how is there something to fix when nothing is broken “ and “deal with it” are his go to.
- *vaguely gestures at his whole design *
- Either examines everything his crush does with a fine comb or the opposite.This can lead to some awkward instances where he either spews out the most incomprehensible gibberish before making a run for it or not hear a single word if you ask him a question, ending up in him forgetting where and what he is doing.
- Got that heavy dose of toxic masculinity and inferior complex all thanks to all the other guys he hangs with ( im looking at you illuso, cheese and ham >:()
- With that being said its safe to assume that most of the time hes also used as the butt of the joke or even as a leeway to the other members in his group to yoink a gal or two due to his gullibility.Hed be the ugly fool whod annoy the wee damsel and in turn lead to someone else “intervening “ ( in short, prosciutto has and will steal any girl pesci likes as means of teaching the boy a “lesson “ which is bullshit,we all know he’s doing if for fun )
- Push over and a half
- Shitty fashion sense
- I dont believe this man has ever fucked.Like, at all.
-bitchboy and a half, i feel like the moment you raise your voice he winces. Go girl give us lack of confidence, im sure thats attractive :/
- am convinced this man knows zero abt girls, to a point where if he held hands with one his brain would implode.
- I do believe he in a way over glorified being part of the mafia similar to Giorno. The big difference between them is that whilst golden boy drank piss to end kids having a meth addiction, My headcanon is that Pesci thought hed be gaining some respect and power by joining the gang, and spitefully be able to rub it in whoever’s face he could.This also means getting bitches- in this moment he fails to acknowledge said bitches are far and few for his organisation ( unless youre counting prostitutes)and the ones who do be, are probably not going to mingle with someone from the hitman team.
- smokes like a chimney (when stressed)and prob a big coffee drinker, i cant imagine finding that pleasant when kissing
- Cheapskate for anything that isnt him. He will buy those gucci socks, for himself.Depending on how much worth he places on the “bitches” hell either flaunt money but share none or hand u a generous tip of 5 lire and tell u to get urself someting nice:)
- Has this sense of entitlement worse than illuso, and also a bit of a saviour complex.Sure on the surface it might come off as him being patient and wating to provide for the crush, unfortunately this manifests through him controlling not only what you do but your opinion on any matter too.Should you speak / act out of line, you now have to redeem urself by kissing ass :/
- everything becomes monitored too.Hes basically in the mindset of training this person to be his ideal from the getgo. Isnt that so wonderfull.
- Imagine if your s/o bitched abt everything you do like a strict parent… how hot…😒
- Kinda misogynistic ngl, even by the standarts of then, hes got a very set way of thinking and acting around someone depending on their gender. Now if you happen to be nonbinary, depending on “which side of the scale you lean on” and by that i mean if prosciutto considers you more masc / fem leaning he will treat you as such.neither side is more torelable than the other, hes temperamental as shit.
- Reeks of that toxic masculinity, i can therefore say this man will never show an ounce of vulnerability thats genuine.ever.
- He cares abt his outward appearance to a point where he deadass cant take a joke.Its fine if he picks on how you dress but for someone to do that to him??? No.
- Also has a bit of a substance problem. I headcanon him as enjoying a little bit of that cocaina and some opium from time to time.
- hes just a massive dickhead all year round
- Snoops worse than the rats in your walls ONG
- Zero privacy with this guy, he knows exactly what you’re doing all the time and will use that to pull shitty pranks on you
- He will also use said knowlege to your disadvantage. Cant back out of his dates due to a “tight schedule” because he knows everything you do in a week and should you try to bluff him HE WILL KNOW.Throws a tantrum like no other if you dont wanna hang out with him.
- Will guilttrip you into oblivion.Theres also a chance of him verbally and physically bullying you as means of all the attention to be on him.
- Believes hes a god sent gift to the world.why are you laughing???? Hes hot shit???
- Gaslighting is his middle name. Illuso cant take rejection at all, he cant accept someone he finds attractive to not feel the same about him.
- Narcissistic and a liar. He gives me the vibe of someone who will not tell you anything truthfull about what he does and who he is and thats due to both his workfield scaring off potential “bitches” and because he think no matter the person, theyll try to manipulate him into doing something he doesnt want/ useless to him.
- Possesiveness issues. Hell deny it into oblivion but the apple of his eye is his and his only- his jealousy knows no bounds so should you literally care abt anything or someone else hell turn it into a “its all about illuso” moment.
- Oh , youre getting all dolled up to go out, its for illuso. Reading a book? Youre doing it for him to notice!Shivering because you are cold?? You want him to come and hold you. Mind you theres a 50/50 chance hes applying said thinking to someone who is unaware of his existence.just like Ghiaccio.yikes.
- his criminal record
- Depraved mf worse than the guys youd find on 4chan
- The type of guy you never want to own favours to under any circumstances
- he is a noncon enthusiast ,i wont elaborate
- Foot fetish . No.just no. Out of all body parts???? Really??!?!
- Lets not even talk abt his stand we all know they r meant to represent the persons soul…..so his just erm 👁👁
- To add to that, hes a bit of a psychpath, in the sense that as much as he seems eager to jump into someones pants, he lacks in the “human connection “ department.
- Idk man Melone gives me the vibes of an individual who can act normal but thats it, its all an “act”. His affections and speech is very coordinated, almost as if hes running an experiment with the person he finds attractive.You can sense that the persona he give off is not genuine, rather scripted- and it probably is because he fails to understand emotions to begin with.This will make you uncomfortable so kudos to that :(.
- Big time commitment issues. The probability of him seeking out several “bitches” at the same time in the same place is 99% likely and has in the past lead people into a sense of trust and security only to pull back and act like theyre a total stranger.
- His opinion changes like the weather depending on who he talks to. Melone has the ability to agree and disagree about a topic in the same sentence. Sure he can pick up on the topic and be quite informative,as long as its factual information.This can be a bitch to deal with if you ask him anything or are Ghia and wanna vent out your frustrations.
- Will definetly not care about your boundaries. The scary part is hell twist it so that should you try to protest or bring it up, itll fall on deaf ears.
- Got in trouble in the past for slipping drugs into peoples drinks to watch and see what happens for his own entertaintment,including his coworkers outside misions.
- He also wont hesitate to hack any device you use as means to finding blackmail in case you try anything funny.(and take some dna for babyface if he really considers you a nuisance)
- personal hygiene has left the chat, id be very wary to shaking hands with this mofo becus he does not wash his hands, let alone anything else
- Probably makes very crude jokes at the worse moments in convos
- He also gives me the vibes of that kid in the neighbourhood who killed small animals and set fire to shit for fun.He prob still does this (this is supported by the spider torture scene and the fact that he treat his cat like shit)
- His pickup lines suck ass, you will visibly cringe
- Sneaky bastard, anyone who catches his attention has at some point or another been spooken by his ability to appear at any given moments due to his stand.Good luck trying to hide something from him or talk shit.Will also use his ability to be a complete creep and compliment how you smell of your underwear choice, even if you ,a, never uttered a word to him or ,b, were nowhere close near him…..yeh..
- Hes the one who will kiss ass so much to a point where everything he does and says ends up making him look slightly unhinged and desperate.Not below straight up pestering you until you finally agree to something ( sex or doing what he wants)
- He sure talks an awaful lot but thats about it. The old bark and no bite kinda deal. He will take you out to expensive dinner he says and then he takes you to the cheapest bar he can get drunk at, only to make you stop bringing his promises up again.Will act a stranger to your dissatisfaction!
- A bit of a leech. Hes known to have broken into his crushes house to “borrow something”, yes your valubles and underwear are gone.
- Good luck living with him because he doesnt pick up after himself at all.He makes the kitchen and bathroom a health hazard AND doesnt flush the toilet either.
- Another one with trust issues. Because hes a nuisance and a bit insecure ( but to lazy to put in the effort) hes bound to blame other people for things he does and will be very quick to accuse a person of not being faithful, even if theres zero evidence.Rebutting this will be hard and he can only be shot down by doing what he wants, and apologising even if you did nothing wrong.
- Hates being given the cold shoulder and will call you every name in the book if you dont stop.
- Will act clueless when things get hectic and only apologise after theres no chance of fixing it. “Sorry about the toaster bbygorl dw ill buy you another”. He wont, but will get mad about not getting to enjoy toast at your place anymore.
- Like Illuso he can be a bully. Will mock and pick on you to get a rise outta you and to make his teammates laugh. He will pretend like nothing is wrong AND get butthurt if you pull away from him when he wants a kiss.
- ……… where do i start
- That scowl alone is enough honestly
- Hes got the posture of a shrimp, so fine so curved ( bitch me too) and its all because of his laptop use.
- I can see him try to impress someone by bitching abt something to appear smart but it ends up in a one way convo, even if you try to join in he cuts you off or talks over you
- Overly cocky . I applaud his determination to be the best™️ in everything he does- heres the problem, no body likes a smartass with a temperament aqute to that of a Tasmanian devil.
- Assumes things about his potential love interest but never actually asks whether or not said presumptions are true or false. And he never will, unless you spell it out for him due to his inability to admit he could ever be wrong about what their fav activities are, after all HE picked this person and HE knows best.
- He believes he can read a person to filth. Sure that may be true regarding anything to do with his work aka body language and weaknesses- but that doesn’t necessarily apply to personal stuff sooo….
- Issues with control. Ghiaccio will always have the upper hand in his relationship or so help whoever happens to be the closest to him.Genuinely cant envision this man feeling comfortable if the crush happens to be a bit more on the independent side of tings.As much as hed love a debate buddy hed rather you just agree with him so he can get to his point.
- And the funny part is that he’s probably a big hypocrite with that too.Ah the double standard of having to please a man who cant admit anyone being better than him yet at the same time wants somebody who he can swing about like a trophy and tell the rest of his teammates that they can shove it up their ass cuz “hes got the hottest bitch, and it wasn’t by means of money or threatening, its because hes JUST SO DAMN BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE”
- Ghiaccio’s keen eye and expertise in the how “to get bitches “ means he’s already on his third honeymoon with the love of his life who can only be so happy they get to fuck him and be tolerated by him and ooo theyre in the bedroom and-
- Have I mentioned this process of thinking is taking place whilst lurking and stalking the person rather than being a normal human being and just go and have a chat? Oh I haven’t? It’s probably because the ice gremlin has gone a few steps ahead of his plan but forgot to actually touch base with said person and is instead intently staring at them like a maniac without blinking.From across the room.Even Melone is throwing him side glances.
-Physical touch. Has a habit of being grabby should the crush show a smidge of interest in him.Ice boy will take every opportunity to have some part of him touching the person, annoyingly so, because he himself is touched starved.Dont try to reciprocate said touch unless you’re planning to be smothered consistently by his advances.If you’re thinking its soft uwu touches you’re very wrong. His composure makes it seem like he’s challenging you to a fight more than asking to snuggle.Very anxiety inducing and rather hard to get out of his grip once he has you.
- Lord forbid his target is talking to another person he deems a threat because hes prone to start fights and has ended many with plenty of people having a trip to the ER
- he drives with pure unadulterated malice and will curve swerve every chance he gets so any bitch he does get will definitely end up with severe nausea and promptly make an exit turn the moment they get out the car.
Sorbet and Gelato:
-Deadass, if they’re seeking anyone, that person will go missing.
- They have each other, thats facts, they are the bitches, the gay bitches.good for them
-I dont think anyone is capable of dealing with these two because all they care about is money and violence, anything else is considered unnecessary and a waste of time.
- Any “bitches” desiring their affections will be shot down on the spot, with a gun.Most likely by Gelato because hes a very possessive and jealous mf.Sorbet is very aware of this and unless hes bored and wants to see some discourse, he will be very unapproachable to a point where you have to be void of any fight or flight instinct to get close.
-Theyre a couple with a lack of care to anyone who doesn’t provide them with money, entertainment or drugs and the only affection they show is to one another.Any unlucky soul who somehow ended up in their bedroom will die miserably.
-Sadists with a capital ,s, if theyre down to be part of the hitman team for financial gain do you honestly believe they have any consideration for peoples lives, let alone their feelings???? Yeah no.
-Dont you also find it quite interesting that they were the first of the squadra to go?? Like for a second there sure, “it’s because they tried to get information” on diavolo, but I also have a feeling they could’ve been a genuine threat to the boss.I like to believe that if they didnt get offed so quickly, the way the squadra organised their traitor plans would’ve probably earned more damage to the Passione’s business than even Bruno’s team.
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noritoshiikamo · 4 years
game over
pairing: noritoshi kamo + fem!oc genre: angst tags//warning: established relationship, wild gojo appeared // blood, character death, emotion distress, mention of shibuya  note: the obligatory trio of mine: not well edited, lowercase intended, english isnt my first language im sorry if i murder it. note that i put descriptions of the characters i write so it would be easier for me, you’re free to imagine the character the way you seem fits! okay listen imma be honest i dont like this part that much dhhdbdjksncjddiem and im sorry if it sucks bcs istg i cant compete to part 1 and 2 of it so IM SORRY tagging @unabashednightmarepizza @sassyeahhhh @dok-ja @sukirichi [bold means i cant tag u idky :( lemme know if wanna be tagged in the next part] read the first part | second part | third part | bonus
few years ago;
“you’re fucking ridiculous!”
“you’re injured, how the fuck is it me that’s being unreasonable?”
she contemplated stabbing him straight to his chest. “i’m fine, leave me alone,” she hissed, holding on to her arm as she tried to limp away. second year jujutsu student noritoshi kamo wondered how the hell one could be this stubborn. with blood caked up on the side of her face, lips busted and bruising in the corner, not to mention the broken arm and probably twisted ankle, he could not understand how one could be this reckless and stupid, it’s almost ridiculous.
but here she is standing in front of him.
“you could’ve let me handle it,” he said, coldly.
she never turned that fast in her life; her limping leg suddenly worked fine as she hauled her ass, throwing both fists to his chest. the force put was enough to threw him back a few steps, he caught her wrists holding her from falling down. “stop acting like i’m so fragile. i can exorcist the curse just fine. you make me hate you so much,” she spitted, pure rage etched on her face, “just because i’m a girl, because i’m your girl, i’m weak. please, i am as good as you are, kamo.”
their faces were so close, he could count the freckles spread on her nose and cheeks. he loves her eyes the very first time he caught glimpse of it; one is a dull brown while the other looks like it carries the secret of the bright blue sea. this time, the eyes he loves looked hopeless, lack of the burning spirit she carried with tears threatening to spill. letting go of a wrist, his trembling hand brushed the hair coated with the blood back, carefully not to hurt her. “i never said you are bad,” he clarified, fingers busy brushing the hair back. his sudden reaction surprised her, and her body betrayed her thoughts as she eased in his arms.
he tilted her chin, his head was panicking as he realised that his brain was no longer controlling his movement as he leaned down and kissed her.
she tasted like blood.
she winced, pain aching on the swollen part and he apologized so quietly as he deepened the kiss. “nori-” her voice croaked as she swallowed his moans. he hummed, satisfied by the kiss. their foreheads rest against each other, the tip of their noses touched as they struggled to catch breath.
“stop being stupid. let me help you okay?”
slipping his arm under hers, he helped her walk, leading them out of the abandoned building they managed to exorcist. nothing major, a couple of pestering level three and four curses that them both handled well but their supervisor missed to tell them about the hiding level two curse that took them by surprise. she had become the curse’s main target.
if she would’ve just listened to him and stay close. he sighed.
“ouch, ouch,” she cried, clutching on her left leg, forcing him to stop. impatient, he slipped his hand under her knees, lifting her up in his arms. she apologized profusely, embarrassed to be such a burden to him. he brushed it off immediately.
“did you call them? told them that we are done?”
she gasped, “wait, i thought they’ll wait for us.”
he huffed, “you’re not that important, y/n. give them a call, please. i want to go home.”
kicking the door open, the moonlight shone on them as he carried her down to the bottom stairs. settling her down on the steps, he sat beside her, letting a long sigh. he watched as she took the call, letting them know that she was slightly injured, and they need to go back asap. she was visibly tired, and he was the same too.
he couldn’t help but to sigh at the way the moonlight enveloped her. he had loved her from the very first moment he caught his eyes on her; she caught him staring, called him out publicly and ignored all his advances. it took him a lot to court her. she’s a gojo, she can have anything and everything with the sky is the limit.
but one thing money could never buy is affection.
it started with little stuffs; noritoshi waiting for her with her lunch readied every day. it annoyed her but momo (who was secretly rooting for him) forced her to just do it. “it’s just a lunch,” momo said sheepishly. noritoshi would have them paired all the time for the missions. she’d accepted it with open heart. noritoshi would also teach her how to weld a bow and shoot arrows. she promised that she would go out on date with him if he taught her.
by the end of their first year, they became inseparable.
the idea of being apart from her hurts him physically and mentally. she took a sharp breath when he laced his fingers between her own, quickly telling the other person on the phone that she was okay. “it was just noritoshi,” she replied with a small laugh. their hands fit each other; his skin contrasted her slightly tanned skin. while his hands were rough from welding the bow and he kept his nail short and clean, hers were slightly softer with her nails painted prettily. this month she had her nails painted in pastel. all the girls’ day out with momo and mai had proven its importance. he was happy to provide her with his black card despite her discontent.
“analysing my hands now?”
he smiled slightly, “it looks very pretty. i guess i got my money worth. are they coming?”
she leaned on his shoulder, his own wrapped around her as she closed her eyes, “they are around the corner. i would definitely need another round this week,” she teased. kissing her forehead gently, he didn’t mind that his uniform was stained with her blood; he was glad that she’s safe.
“i’ll happily take you there.”
few years later;
noritoshi kamo almost lost his mind. the stadium was half destroyed, huge craters on the pitch with the sight of his wife nowhere to be found. he looked up to the black pitch curtain encasing the stadium area from the sky, a curse escaped his lips.
“where the fuck are you?” he grunted, scanning the area.
she is gone, his stubborn little wife. she could’ve just wait but annoyed that their dinner date was interrupted and eager because this was their first mission together as a married couple; she escaped his supervision. as they were dealing with minor curses outside, she decided to head on forward, leaving him to deal with whatever is left. he beat himself inside for letting her come, he could easily do this himself and send her home safely, but she blinked her eyes and he was weak. she always has her way with him.
his step stopped when he realised there was a shadow ahead.
“she’s pretty,” the thing said.
his blood ran cold, “what did you do to my wife?”
the curse let out a laugh. it was sinister enough to send chills down his spine. especially when he realised the head it was stepping on was his wife. her eyes were fluttering back and forth, struggling to stay awake. a howl shocked him, shivers down his spine at the painful whimpers her shikigami making. cursed spirits were devouring it alive, overwhelming it and chewing every part of its body. his wife was too weak to dispel the shikigami; it’s dangerous as the devoured wolf shikigami will drain her cursed energy by a second.
all shikigami linked directly to the owner; everything inflected to the wolf, she could feel it too.
he needed a plan.
hidden in his wedding ring was a retractable knife. he rarely carries blood bags anymore as his power solidified itself. the older he got, the better he was at using and controlling a small steady flow of his own blood straight from the tap. with a clap of his hands, the knife cut his hand enough to send blood shooting like bullets. the blood hit the curses straight to its cores, died out instantly on impact, but the shikigami was beyond salvageable. it let out one last howl, one last goodbye before dropping to the ground, half of his snout gone. she will be devastated, it’s her only shikigami she managed to tame at such a young age, but at least it has stopped the shikigami from stripping his wife’s cursed energy to its core.
the fire burning in his eyes only made the curse laughed. he kicked her body away, spurting blood out of her mouth. she was halfway close to death’s doorstep.
“i will fucking murder you,” he hissed.
“my blood is my power. it’s supposed to rot human, stripping its meat from the bone like acid. however,” the curse nudged her body, “your wife didn’t. humour me, did your blood tainted hers? tell me, i’m curious how.”
“are you going to chit chat because i don’t have whole day.” his blood dripped on the pitch.
the curse grinned, shrugging his shoulder. he kneeled, running his bloody fingers on her cheeks leaving trails of flowers pattern that dissipated immediately, “i’m not here to fight. i’m here to serve a warning,” he looked up to the tensed sorcerer, “for gojo satoru. tell him, we’ll be waiting for him in shibuya.” noritoshi’s face scrunched in confusion.
“we have no business with the gojos.”
“but she is. she could change her name, married you, but it doesn’t erase the fact that she carried gojo’s blood in her vein. she’s the bridge to your two clans. i’m just killing two birds with one stone. ruin the kamo clan’s relationship with gojos and hurt gojo satoru. all thanks to her,” the curse turned his back on him, his laugh echoed as he walked away. the dark curtain disappeared slowly as the ground rumbled. a perfect chance for noritoshi to strike if it wasn’t because of the cursed spirit’s words gluing him to his spot, “oh, kamo, i believe a congratulation is overdue. let me know when’s the baby is due, i would love to drop by personally.”
the pillar holding on to the roof collapsed sending wave of dust all over the place. noritoshi covered his face, coughing as he sucked some in, removing his coat as a shield. the cursed spirit was no where to be found.
“the place is going to collapse! i’ll get the curse, you go get her!”
a voice echoed and he caught a glimpse of blond hair running past him and noritoshi didn’t think twice as he sprinted around the cracks and holes. who was that voice or who was the curse, he couldn’t give a single fuck, he just wants his wife back. he was shaking when he got to her, arms immediately scooped her up in his arms. her chest was raising slowly, blood dripping on the side of her lips as she struggled to exhale.
“you’re going to be okay,”
he told her, but he wasn’t sure if he will ever be.
“can you turn down the stupid light, it’s hurting my eyes.”
the voice laughed melodiously, the light moved to the other eye repeating the same thing.
“as you can see, she’s awake, slightly weak, but she should be okay.”
another voice interrupted, “are you sure?” she gasped, excited to hear a familiar voice. “nori?” she called out, unable to open her eyes, relying strictly to her hearing as she reached her shaky hands out for him. “her senses might be slightly off, just let her do it herself,” the woman’s voice noted, and she felt annoyed. how dare you underestimate me, her mind scoffed.
“my senses are fine. see?” she claimed as she held noritoshi’s hand up. he smiled, gently rubbing her hand with encouragement. “thanks, shoko, we are fine.”
“i’ll leave you be then. call me if you need anything.”
she listened to the clacking of shoko’s heels, followed by the door opening and slamming shut. she jumped, but he held her hand tighter, reassuring her that it’s alright. “so why can’t i see?” she asked, confident that they are alone now. she felt the bed sunk a little on the left side, “you were high on anesthesia, i’m surprise you could even move your jaw to speak.” she felt a finger brushed her hair aside, breath loomed on her face and she could feel her own face reddening up.
“are you going to kiss me or are you just going to tease me?” his heart swell up, despite her shaky voice almost made him laugh.
“do you trust me?” his hand cupped her cheek gently.
she nodded eagerly, “always.”
his kiss hit her like a waft of fresh air. every kiss felt like a first kiss to her that she couldn’t help to react so eagerly to it. his tongue slipped through her defense, overwhelming her taste buds with such strong taste of iron. it didn’t stop her. she knew what he was doing from start. he peeked a little, didn’t stop a second from kissing her as he watched his blood marking appeared on her face. her hands went up around her neck pulling him closer and he obeyed, deepening the kiss.
heal; his mind commanded.
after a while, she pulled back, being the one to break apart from the kiss first, her chest raising up and down as she struggled to catch her breath. her eyes were wide open now, fluttering lazily as she leaned back on the propped-up pillow. he wiped the corner of his lips, eyes on her as he watched the open wound on her face and arms slowly closed leaving the fresh healed red marks behind. he relaxed when he heard a thank you coming from her, as she checked her healed arms.
“i’m disappointed with you,” he finally broke the silence.
“really?” she frowned. he always does this thing where he will immediately go into lecture mood every time she does something that pisses him off. it’s almost like a game to her as she waited for him to explode, “right now? not even going to wait until i’m discharged. this is a new record, toshi. like shoko said, i’m fine.” he shook his head, “it doesn’t make it right. you always disobeyed me. ignored my orders, going about with your goddamn big head, you could’ve been killed.”
she rolled her eyes, noritoshi is being noritoshi, what a drama queen, she mentally rolled her eyes, “but i’m not,” she pushed her hair back, twisting it easily into a simple loose knot, “i told you, i am not weak.”
“your shikigami was destroyed, your blood was poisoned, 70 percent was already circulating to every part of your vein, i had to beg for the higher up to help purify your blood,” her smile died down. this game no longer feels fun for her. noritoshi was really mad this time. “you think it’s fun and all game but game over, y/n. you need to stop doing this. if you can’t do it for me, do it for yourself.”
“leave me alone, nori, if you just going to nag, please i don’t want to hear it. i’m tired.”
it made him angry that she was taking his word lightly. running his hand in his messy hair, he felt like hauling his head to the wall.
“you don’t understand-”
she slammed her hand on the bed, interrupting his words, “no YOU don’t understand me, i’m tired of you babying me. i’m an adult, i am your wife, stop treating me like a fucking child! we have been married for months, but god you’re suffocating me.”
“i will when you stop endangering yourself. i will stop treating your like a child when you stop acting like one. you’re pregnant, for the love of god!” he threw his hand on the wall. the wall cracked from the force. “i’m what?” she felt the world stopped spinning. she was hundred percent sure that her ears and head were deceiving her. he removed his hand from the hole he made on the wall, his body shaking from the amount of anger building up.
“noritoshi, answer me! what do you mean- i’m not pregnant, i had my period this month.”
“you are,” he shrugged. he felt something hit him in the back; looking down he saw the fluffy white pillow sitting by his feet.
he pointed to the bedside table where a sonogram perched up against a tissue box. she was about to lose her mind. “this is not funny, if this is your mean way of fucking me up because i won’t listen to you then this is just fucking cruel.”
he marched towards him, his hand went down on his chin, forcing her eyes on him, “until you stop playing your stupid games, until you stop treating your life like it’s nothing, until you consider my feelings and my worries, as your husband is valid, i do not exist in your life,” tears fell down her cheeks, “like you, i’m tired too.
“nori i-“
he left her before she could say a word. she broke into sob; her chest was pounding so hard that the blood pressure monitor was beeping. the door burst opened but it was not the face she wanted to see. she was immediately hysterical. satoru managed to hold her wrist down before she ripped the tubes and needles off her arms. “no, no, i want nori. where is he!” she screamed as satoru held her down. “you need to calm down, it’s not good for the baby,” satoru cooed, but she was not having it. he turned to shoko, “her cursed energy is skyrocketing, she’s going hysterical, do something!”
“let me go!”
shoko held out a syringe, “hold her down.”
she screamed, thrashing so rough that she almost slipped out of the strongest sorcerer’s hands. she managed to get a needle out before she felt another sharp pain on her back. shoko pulled the empty needle out and they retreated away as she fell on her butt backward. she was reduced to a babbling mess, her eyes drooped as she struggled to fight the waves of sleepiness hitting her one after another.
“tell him i’m sorry,” she croaked out, before everything turned completely dark.
the blood pressure monitor returned back to normal.
three days later;
“are you still going to ignore her? it’s been 3 days.”
“she needs to learn her place.”
gojo satoru disagreed. he eyed the head of the clan, shaking his head before standing up. he thought he could convince noritoshi kamo to visit his wife, but the man was as stubborn as- huh, her.
“i think she have learned enough, she’s miserable. you’re miserable.”
the man glared at the blonde man child, raising the cup of tea up for a sip. the tea doesn’t taste as good as the way she made it. he left her for 3 days and he found himself struggling to do everything alone. 
he, noritoshi kamo, 23 years old and the head of the kamo family, could not make a cup of fucking tea.
she always said that the best way to make tea depends on how long you let it steep. “too early and you won’t get the right amount of flavour,” she explained, her back facing him as he watched from the counter as she loomed over the stove, “but if you steep it way too long you going to burn the tea leaves and it will make everything taste bitter.” she turned around, a huge smile on her face that made his heart skipped a beat.
he frowned; the tea tasted bitter.
“she’s pregnant, she’s supposed to be crazy. you are supposed to be the wise one. she is going to carry your child for 9 long months, i can’t explain to you how long that’s going to be but she is allowed to be crazy.”
he dropped the cup on the floor when gojo’s hand grabbed him by his collar, pulling him up from his chair.
“now please, see your goddamn wife before i deck you in the mouth.”
“i will.”
satisfied with his answer, gojo’s demeanor changed and he was again the man child they all know of him. noritoshi could no longer focus on the report in front of him; not when his mind is full of her and only her.
would she forgive him? he wasn’t sure.
but he would spend his lifetime making up to her and the baby if that’s necessary.
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snakeboistan · 3 years
Just a heads up that I don't really know that much about BNHA. Most of my knowledge comes from fanfics, tumblr posts and my bestie so some of these headcanons might be a bit OOC
Nagisa + Hinata + Midoriya
So I’ve already made posts about Nagisa, Hinata and Mido being the ultimate cinnamon roll trio who are the loves of my life, my sons and if anything happens to them I will kill everyone and then myself
Let me adopt them, please let me adopt them 
I mean it is canon that Mama Midoriya is single right?...jk jk ... unless 👀
These precious babies are literally the sweetest guys ever and everyone’s ultimate hype men
They have their own protection squads and at least five people who have a crush on them (these bois be making people question their sexuality like it’s a past time)
They can also turn feral at any given moment and revert back to normal in a second
They act like its no big deal but they have legit traumatised people before
I know that Nagisa and Midoriya are ✨ notebook buddies ✨ but I like to think that Hinata keeps a volleyball journal like Kageyama (like the adorable boyfriend he is) and shows it off proudly to them and Nagisa and Mido are so proud of their tangerine bestie and they teach him how to make notes and analyse like they do and are just so pure (ILOVETHEMSOMUCHYOUHAVENOIDEA)
It’s a legit hazard to have them in the same place because the intensity of the combined smiles of a baby sunshine crow, baby sunshine snake and baby sunshine bunny can wipe out anyone in a 10 km radius
But what a way to go, am I right?
Also, I’m adding Yamaguchi here because he’s a sweetie who can and will end someone if they try to mess with Tsukki the people he cares about 
Do not under any circumstances try to mess with the trio that is Nagi, Yama and Mido because they know all of your secrets and are not afraid to use that to their benefit 
 Isogai + Daichi + Iida 
Did you mean: Dad Friends
Someone help them
It aint easy being a teen parent but they make it work
Also I’m a total simp for all three of them like Iida is everything I want IDKY I’m not saying its the glasses but its totally the glasses
Can and will do the disappointed dad stare. It is effective.
These three meet up to despair about their schoolmates and within five minutes one (or all) of them is getting a phone call because someone needs to be bailed out of jail
Isogai and Iida are class rep goals just saying
They love their classmates but why are they like this
Daichi: *watching Noya and Tanaka egg on the Terasaka gang to let them connect sleds on Yoshida’s motorbikes and go speed racing down the mountain* I ask myself that everyday
Just...someone give them a vacation and some aspirin because they need it
But not for too long because they are the few responsible ones 
Midoriya: *mumbling* That’s funny considering that Iida tried to murder someone in cold blood 
1-A members not aware of the Hosu Incident (so basically everyone except for Mido, Todo and Glasses Sonic): WHAT?!
Karma: Really? That’s weird. Nagisa tried to do that as well
3-E members that didn’t confront Takaoka: WAIT WHAT?!
Karasuno: *paling* who the f*ck are these people…
 Fuwa + Nakamura + Kiyoko + Ashido + Aoyama
The ultimate shippers
Listen, look me in the eyes and tell me that Shimizu Kiyoko doesn’t ship her team and that she does not have a group chat with all of the other managers where they gossip about who’s dating who. Look me right in the eyes and tell me that does not happen.
These people know all of the gossip 
Well actually Nagisa knows all of the tea in 3-E but Fuwa is a close second
Ultimate wingpeople 
 Kataoka + Ennoshita + Momo
I don’t want to say mum friend but they are the most responsible ones if Isogai, Daichi and Iida aren’t around
They are beings to be feared, you dont wanna cross them
There was once a time when all three of them are angered and everyone still has emotional scars to this day
The only ones who can control the chaos
Can also smack talk people like a pro
Have soft spots for the cinnamon rolls
Just imagine the three of them sitting around one of those circular umbrella tables outside of a cafe wearing matching sunglasses and drinking smoothies out of a straw as they judge everyone
 Kimura + Hinata + Kageyama + Kirishima
Listen, there are athletes and there are athletes™
These boys are the latter 
They race all of the time
I’m not kidding
Everything is a race
Arm wrestles galore
 Hazama + Tsukishima + Tokoyami
Masters of snark
Looks like they can kill you, can actually kill you
Hang out with each other to get away from the stupidity of everyone around them
Hazama and Tokoyami are just chillin’ talking about demonic sacrifice and Tsukki’s like ‘you guys are more tolerable than the feral children I’ll stay here’
Literally have no cares at all
If you approach them they will make you cry
 Chiba + Hayami + Kageyama + Todoroki 
The chill kids
All they do is vibe in the background
They’re entire friendship is just *blank stare* *eye contact* *small nod*
And you know what? That’s valid
Are also totally willing to hide a body 24/7
Todo convinces the other three that his theories are legit
 Terasaka Squad + Nishinoya + Tanaka + Bakusquad
That is it
Do I need to go on?
 Kurahashi + Kouda 
Soft bbys
Would die for them
Go on bug hunting expeditions
Hang out at petting zoos
Kurahashi has fallen in love with Kouda's bunnies as she should 
Are proud parents of every single furry and crawlie critter on the E-Class mountain
Dont worry Nagisa gets to keep his snakes
Go to pet stores and animal shelters
pure cinnamon rolls
 Maehara + Tanaka + Nishinoya + Kaminari
Best hype men
Praise each other like no other
Maehara and Calamari keep on getting annoyed because everyone keeps on pretending to not be able to tell the two apart
They can it's just that it's fun to mess with them
 Karasuma + Ukai + Aizawa
The ‘I came here determined not to get attached and now I’ve adopted a gang of teenagers’
Are literally one second away from becoming alcoholics
Are constantly ready to ‘subtly’ brag about how their students are improving in training 
Karasuma and Aizawa go over sparring procedures and Ukai is just like ‘your students have WEAPONS?!?’
Tsundere but parents
Best Dads
They love their kids 
But dont tell anyone that
It’s okay they know anyway
Will deck anyone that hurts their chaos children in any way
 Koro-Sensei + Takeda + Yagi 
HAVE WALLETS WITH THEIR PHOTOS IN THEM Yagi’s is just 20+ pictures of Midoriya but shhhh
*Todoroki’s conspiracy theory senses tingle*
They could be at the groceries but they’ll still find a way to brag about their kids
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I dont know whether i have POCD or if i’m really a p. Before this started in late august, i always found p3dophilia disgusting and never understood how anyone could be attracted to children. i’d also bathed and changed children and felt uncomfortable if anything. however, i started getting some intrusive thoughts and got a random groinal whilst watching a youtube video with a child in. this led me to start obsessing and checking if i was attracted, when i couldn’t confirm if i wasn’t or was attracted to a random child in a video i had a full blown panic attack. this is when i started obsessing constantly 24/7 for about 3 months straight. i would google constantly, test for groinal, ask my parents for reassurance constantly. however, i would avoid our 5 year old neighbour but i would look at children purposefully in shops etc to test for attraction and pull up images on google to test myself which makes me wonder if these are compulsions or if i actually wanted to look at children. i started getting these ‘feelings’ for specific types of children that wouldn’t go away and felt almost like crushes, but once i stopped doing compulsions and obsessing they slowly went away. the pocd settled down a lot for about a month but then i started ‘checking’ my emotions again by pulling up images to be sure. this then started my obsession again. however, now i don’t feel as much anxiety and it’s almost like i’m trying to feel anxiety so i can convince myself it is still pocd and not the real thing. i use mental images to test myself and sometimes i feel attracted which usually scares me so much but recently i haven’t even been feeling much anxiety when i do get this ‘attracted’ feeling. i also still get groinal responses. however, this is even more difficult for me as i’ve never really experienced much sexual attraction for people in general, i’ve always had crushes and fantasies (about people my age and older) but don’t think i’ve felt much actual sexual attraction so it’s difficult for me to know what sexual attraction actually feels like. i’m so scared i’m actually a MAP and it feels so real, even my compulsions aren’t helping much anymore which makes me question if i’m just using this idea of OCD to make myself feel better when really i’m just a P who doesn’t like their attraction. The fact that i’m not feeling much anxiety anymore but the ‘attraction’ feelings are still there is scaring me so much. It’s like it was ocd but it’s not ocd anymore. One last thing that bothers me is that although i’ve had other obsessions, i used to obsess about whether i was bisexual or not and i used to do similar things i do now (like comparing whether i’d rather be with a man or woman, test my reaction to thoughts, worry excessively) and it turns out that i was actually bisexual as i now identify as bisexual 2/3 years later. this makes me think what if i am actually one of those people but won’t accept it? or what if when i do become more interested in sex and get sexual attraction it will be towards children?? I don’t expect u to read all this but if you have thank you so much, also i’m 16 if that makes any difference.
Hi there,
Thank you for reaching out to us here at MHA; I know that must have been really hard for you given the circumstances, but I’m so proud of you and I really hope that I’ll be able to give you some advice and reassurance! I am so sorry that you have been dealing with this for so long.
I think the most important thing for you right now is to remember that these are just intrusive thoughts - they can’t be controlled, they’re literally unwanted things that intrude into your consciousness. They are not a reflection of you and your worth or anything like that, please don’t feel bad for having them! Personally, I believe that the fact you are questioning these thoughts and you felt horrified by them, shows that you don’t really want it and that this is just something you are struggling with. Maybe looking at it like this will help you to feel a little better about yourself and the situation?
I am going to share a couple of resources with you which are helpful interactive guides to help you start dealing with intrusive thoughts:
This four-step programme
Intrusive thoughts like these can be super hard to deal with, but there are some techniques that you could try and use to help you manage them. The most important thing with intrusive thoughts is to avoid giving them too much power - easier said than done - but if you don’t give the fire and fuel then the fire can’t burn, you know? So, if you try and avoid milling over the intrusive thought and attempting to analyse it you are giving it the attention and fuelling the thoughts further. This is not to say you should completely ignore the thoughts, but simply acknowledge the thought is present and then move on and try to distract yourself - try to picture them leaving you, like clouds moving across the sky or something similar, and this can help you to realise that these thoughts will pass. If you find yourself wanting the test your responses to things, instead, try an distract yourself with something else. LIke get up and walk away from your laptop so you can’t google things and instead go and read a book, or call a friend, or do some exercise. Something like that anyway!
I’m just wondering if you have ever reached out to a professional regarding your worries? The most effective way of dealing with these intrusive thoughts is to seek some professional help. A therapist or counsellor will be able to guide you into understanding your thoughts, why you are having them, and how you can learn to manage them. If seeing a counsellor or therapist isn’t immediately an option for you, you could go to your GP who can then refer you to a mental health professional. I’m linking our page about getting help here because I know how hard it can be to ask for help and to admit the issues you are facing out loud. Professionals are trained in dealing with instances like this, and this will not be something shocking or ‘wrong’ to them, so I promise that they won’t judge you or treat you differently for going to them with these issues - you have nothing to be ashamed of, lovely!  You could call a helpline or use web counselling anonymously if seeing someone face-to-face is too difficult for you.
Grounding techniques might also be something you could try? Grounding techniques help to bring your focus away from any intrusive thought, bring it back to your consciousness and back to reality. We have a page of them here! I suggest beginning with you try something like saying the alphabet forwards and then backwards slowly, or running your hands under really icy cold water.
I hope this has been of some use to you, friend. Again, I’m going to say that you are not a bad person for having thoughts like this, you are not wrong or bad, or anything like that - this is just something you have been struggling with, and you are never wrong for struggling and needing to reach out for some support. Please don’t hesitate to get back in touch if there is anything else that we can help you with! Please take care.
Rhiann xo
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Seeing a baby picture of Tigerclaw/star as a kit was not okay :( it pulled at my heart strings so much. I feel like Starclan wanted to give him a chance to be good when he was a kit, but Pinestar was like "hah no" and left. Yeah he was being tormented by the thought of his son being evil but honestly I feel like Pinestar was just a coward. He was going to make an apprentice tell the clans he was dead, while he left to live another life. Leaving his family to deal with the judgment (1/2)
Imagine why Tigerclaw hated kittypets so much, because they reminded him of what his father became. I'm not defending Tigerclaw's actions, because he really did A LOT of evil things. But I feel like Pinestar left Tigerclaw to fend for himself when Starclan clearly warned him about the kit. They told him clearly if he stood, and guided Tiger well, he would become a great leader. But if not then he'd be evil. Pine then just got paranoid thinking it was inevitable when the ultimatum was given (2/3)
Though Pinestar was really never fit for leadership, he was only granted it because of his father. Which was kinda a careless thing for Oakstar to do, because the weight of being leader crushed Pine as well. And can we just acknowledged how strong Leopardfoot is, dealing with everything. Her mate leaving and slowly seeing how evil her son was becoming. She went through a lot, and some queens judged her for letting Tiger be the ambitious cat he was. And sorry for the long ass rant (3/3)
Oh don’t apologise for it, it’s absolutely fine! And while it may be somewhat of an unpopular opinion I 100% agree with you. I felt almost exactly like this while reading Pinestar’s choice. Doestar did seem to hint pretty strongly that Tigerkit would turn out to be a great cat if he had his father to help guide him but Pinestar let his fear get the better of him in that situation and abandoned both Tigerkit and Leopardfoot. I believe that this paired with the fact that Thistleclaw was his mentor, is why Tigerstar turned out so Xenophobic, I imagine growing up he had a lot of cats surrounding him talk about how his dad left to be a kittypet and I imagine Thistleclaw probably used to goad him over it. While I’m thinking about that, maybe Thistleclaw guessed about Bluestar’s kits and started planting some ideas about half clan relationships in Tigerpaw’s head? Idk
Pinestar was never really into the warrior way of life and Oakstar really should have spotted that and put his head over his heart when choosing a deputy, but Oakstar did seem to let emotions rule him most of the time from what I remember reading about him. I do believe no matter what the circumstances were Pinestar would have left anyway as he is clearly more suited to the kittypet life but he did choose a really bad time to go through with it. And I don’t think he should have tried to burden Lionpaw with having to tell everyone he was dead while concealing the truth. He really should have confided in Sunfall about it rather than let an apprentice deal with it alone.
And yeah let’s give a shout out to Leopardfoot, she deserved better than this and I do believe that she tried to raise Tigerstar better but ultimately Thistleclaw and Pinestar’s abondonment proved to be more influential to Tigerstar than she was. Oh and Shanty deserved better as well, her death hit me hard, she was such a good character.
And just as a disclaimer, I am not defending Tigerstar’s actions in any way. That dude was evil. I’m just discussing the circumstances that may have lead to him adopting the views he did and I’m certainly not defending any of his actions.
Also I’m not trying to hate on Pinestar, a lot of people like his character and I can see why. This just my personal opinion about him. Even though I dont like him as a person I do like him as a character, he’s interesting to analyse and discuss and even if I don’t agree with his actions I understand why he did what he did given his personality.
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bean-draiochta · 7 years
Top 5 AnE characters
# 1 Okumura Rin:
Okay, need I say it... a boy with a fate bigger than he can comprehend. A pure hearted, sweet, protective and loving boy, thrown into a world he knew nothing about for 15 years. And to top it off, almost everyone in this world, exorcists and demons alike, want him dead. Sure, he is stupid as hell, but he acknowledges his weaknesses and says stuff like “the only thing an idiot like me can do is keep moving forward”, coming to this conclusion on his own shows a maturity and humbleness uncommon in 15 years old. And even in light of recent chapters where he has lost both his humanity and his twin brother, I believe he will keep this attitude. Never underestimate him and his ability to walk the right path no matter what.
# 2 Kirigakure Shura:
A protective, fiercely loyal and fiery woman. She loved Shiro in more ways than one, looks out for Yukio both on missions and his mental battle, trusted Rin based on a naive promise of becoming Paladin and cares for the exwires. All of these thing run perpendicular to the attitudes she held only a few years before, as seen in a conversation between her and Shiro. Her heart is larger than she knows, she instinctively looks closely after the Okumura twins. I think she is perhaps taking over the role of their mother in the only way she can. After all, Shura said Yuri Egin was a woman she could never compare herself to or compete with. I know she’ll have a lot of pain in the coming chapters, dealing with Yukio’s departure and Rin’s lack of a sword (and brother).
#3 Suguro (Bon) Ryuji:
Bon actually has a lot of similar traits to Shura (maybe because they are both Leo’s??). A burning loyalty and commitment for the things he cares about, including family, friends, duty, and honour. How temper really just illustrates how much he cares, like seriously, he said he would kill Shima for being a spy and that he would die soon after. He hates the thought of people not being able to rely on him. He feels as though he has to be the ‘kaname’ (rivet in a fan), supporting everyone in every aspect. It truly bothers him that he can't do this. This is seen in the his reasoning for being angry at Rin after Amaimon’s attack (”Wasn’t I the only one who thought we were friends?”) , and his loss of ambition in becoming an exorcist and defeating Satan once he saw all of his family were moving on without his help.
#4 Kamiki Izumo:
This girl is tough as nails. She seriously has the strongest spirit. Both her and Rin are quite similar in my eyes for their perseverance and resilience concerning the things that have happened to them. She loves everyone so much but she was afraid to admit stuff like that to herself because in her eyes it would have been very bothersome to try and get along, to get to know so many people and to accept them as part of a family she can no longer have, with her sister not knowing her anymore, and her mother being dead. Unlike Rin however, her keen intelligence and perhaps overactive interpersonal brain, she tended to dwell on the past, something that is admirable and important, because your problems will catch up to you, no matter how long you ignore them or move forward. Anyways, this girl could take my heart from the moment she sat beside and reassured Rin on the Shinkansen to Kyoto. 
#5 Mephisto Pheles/Samael/Johann Faust
Unlike the others on my list, Mephisto is not a character I would admire, he is simply a character I adore. Also probably the funniest character in the series. A man after my own heart when it comes to being a hopeless otaku (not as bad as him dont worry), and he is such an unpredictable character, his narratives are such a nice break from the predominately plot driven plot (which tends to cause heart palpitations at times). He is infuriating and hilarious and somehow a lot more relatable than a timeless demon king should be. He is on the level of the reader, he knows we are reading and watching all of these events, the same as he is, he just knows an awful lot more than pretty much anyone. His love for Assiah and the lengths he is going to to protect it are admirable however. I do also believe he cares about his siblings, and whatever his plan is for Rin, I do think he cares about him. A true GentleDemon.
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thorinkingoferebor · 5 years
lady-carvenstone replied to your post: lady-carvenstone replied to your post: since i am...
I honestly don’t care how much of a cliche any of this would be! I want all those tropes! like last glances before the attack, a silent (or not so silent) “don’t die” or something along those lines, them checking that the other one is still alive at various points throughout the battle, frantically searching for each other and the relieved look once they see the other person is still around, if worst comes to worst i’m even taking the whole “dying in each other’s arm bit”. I’M 100% HERE FOR THE BRIENNE/JAIME SOAP! (& i have like 0 hope that jaime will make it out alive but that hasn’t stopped me from reading fan theories and interview analyses all day to convince myself that YEP! THEY’LL MAKE IT! THEY’LL GET THEIR HAPPILY EVER AFTER!) I agree though about them not dying next week, there have been reports of them shooting at locations that aren’t winterfell and it WOULD BE A SUCH A WASTE! they can’t keep them apart for years and then have them find each other and then kill them within 24h! that would be so unsatisfactory. i mean, yeah they love their “shocking character death” trope too much but at this point they must know they’d piss people off by not giving these characters a proper sendoff... ANYWAY, I CANNOT WAIT FOR WHAT COMES NEXT! NOW THAT THEY DON’T HAVE THE ‘uhhhh but we’re on opposite sides and I see her/him like once every other year’ EXCUSE ANYMORE THEY’LL HAVE TO DEAL WITH THOSE PESKY EMOTIONS!!!!!!!!! :))))))))))))
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erosjeon · 7 years
Hiraeth 4
Hiraeth: (n) homesickness for a home you can’t return to, or that never was.
Jimin is a vampire who would stop at nothing to save his dying mother. What lengths would he go to if the only cure to her disease was destroying you?
Series warning: angst, emotional abuse, physical abuse, witchcraft, vampires, werewolves, fluff and eventual smut.
A/N: Releasing this chapter early because it’s Jimin’s birthday, Happy Birthday Mochi!
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Jungkook looked down to see who had run straight into his chest only to find your tear stained face that was painted with fright, his first reaction was to insulate you with his strong arms and pushed you back into his chest, hugging you. He didn't know what else to do to make your panic and tears go away but nonetheless he wanted you to feel safer, because he was protective over you, and he was ready to fight whatever was chasing you no matter the consequences. When he felt you were a bit calmed down, he hesitated to ask you what was wrong or why you had been crying, not wanting to stir up the memory back in your mind. Neither of you know how much time passed by when he hugged you but only before separating you had hugged him back. You had never had comfort in that way from anybody but the long forgotten, you were startled at first but the heat that radiated from him instilled peacefulness in you, making you forget about the scene that unfolded earlier momentarily. "J-jungkook" you tried to push him away, afraid that somehow whatever happened before can still happen again, it seemed to follow her everywhere and Jungkook is the last person she would want to get hurt, even if she didnt know him. He didn't deserve it. "Do you wanna talk about it? What happened?" He looked at you with worried eyes that only made yours tear up, how can you even begin to explain this. No one would believe it. "I.. I dont even know" you stuttered, "You won't believe me because I cant believe it myself, its crazy" you wiped your tears with the back of your hand ready to turn around and walk away. "You can't just assume that... Try me" he reassured you. "I think... Someone tried to hurt me, she called me a witch and then s-she just died in my hands" you were shaking again, "Just like how Sally died, she had a number on her forehead again and I don't know what this means am I a murderer?!" "No, no you're not. You're not a witch either" he looked at you with gentle eyes. "You don't smell like them" he laughed, stunning you. "You... you dont think this is crazy?" You met his eyes. "No... it's not" he took a step closer, "I don't think its your fault either, that a person died in front of you unless you intended and physically done so". He brought his hands and cupped your cheeks "So don’t beat up yourself over it". 
"Why the hell do you smell like a dog?!" Seulgi had found you after you parted with Jungkook, he had finally left you alone after you insisted you were okay and had to go home alone, he resisted at first but agreed to it. "What?" Was your only reply, why is everyone accusing you of smelling strange, you couldn't pick up anything. "You know what. I dont even care. Keep walking". The drive back home was quiet, Seulgi glanced you some strange looks but mainly kept her eyes on the road. You thought her company was over you reached your new home, but she had gotten out of the car and locked it, following you in to the house. You were both met with a Jimin sitting on the black couch, his eyes darted upwards as he saw you enter. "Hey babe" Seulgi behind you greeted him and raced you into the living room to give him a kiss, he didn't seem to be fond of it but didn't look like he minded either. You excused yourself and went upstairs to not disturb anyone even further. The night unfolded and you grew hungrier, you had barely anything to eat but some food samples in the market and forgot your appetite after the eventful afternoon. You had decided to go downstairs to find something to eat but your plans were disrupted when you hear moans from downstairs. "Jimin don't stop!" You hear Seulgi's voice, followed by a loud moan. You were disturbed. The image of them doing such a personal activity disgusted you. They had no shame and didn't even care to acknowledge your existence for not taking it upstairs and giving you some space. Yet again, you forget that you were just captive and your life was a ticking bomb at his hands. You dont know how much time had passed before they've stopped, but you managed to gather some courage to go downstairs. As you walked down the steps you glanced around to see if there's anyone there, you thought you were alone before Seulgi jumped into view. She was barely covered and there was a bite mark on the base of her neck. "Did I tell you Jimin-ah, your little friend here smelt like a dog this morning, all in the intimate places" she smirked. "She, what?" Jimin came into view. "It was him wasn't it?" He asked looking slightly annoyed. "I don't know what you're talking about" you said, "I wasn't playing around with a dog, I stumbled upon Jungkook by coincidence in the market and we spoke a little"
“Spoke about what?” he glared at you, “Do you think that all of this is some joke?” he scoffed. 
“You said to not make it obvious that I got kidnapped, what am I supposed to do?! Everything I do ticks you off so just kill me already and get it over with” you don’t know where you gathered this sudden courage, “I’m tired of this, I just want to be at peace” you let tears slip through as you remember the deaths at your hand. 
You expected Jimin to threaten or even worse choke you but to death this time, but he didn’t say anything. He looked at you for longer than a moment, almost as if he was analysing you before walking away, with Seulgi closely following behind. 
You stood there for a minute, took a deep breath in and walked to the kitchen looking through the cupboards and quickly cooking up a meal. As you stood by the stove you contemplated living another day, if you were going to die why don’t you just die right now, why should you wait for it. The more days that pass the more pain you experience, with Sally gone your life was gone too. 
Everything after that happened in a blur, you remember taking out a knife from the knife-station just within your arms reach and after that all you saw was blood coming from the main artery in your forearm and slowly you felt yourself going unconscious, until you were met with the familiar blond, with bright red eyes and then darkness. 
It was so difficult to see your blood everywhere and not have the temptation to drink you empty. All it took was a few drops of his blood to heal you. Jimin was upstairs in a heated argument with Seulgi, she was never meant to let you out of her sight and she’s done exactly that. You could’ve ran away or had been taken by somebody, your ‘gift’ was quickly spreading as the word of town, a lot of people are finding out how precious taking your life is. When he sensed your heart beat quickly beating and smelt the sweet scent of your blood he knew something had gone wrong.
He had taken you upstairs to your room and laid you on the bed. He would be so angry if he didn’t pity you a little bit, he didn’t have time to waste feeling sorry for you as he had business to deal with. Jungkook.
“Jungkook” Jimin spitted, he knew where to find where he and his group of dog friends were. They weren’t difficult to trace given his supernatural scent and Jimin’s supernatural abilities. 
“Look who’s here... Is that you Jimin?” Jungkook grinned, people might think he was really happy to meet Jimin but he knew him too well, their relationship dates back and things were never good between them. 
“Don’t get too happy Jungkook, I didn’t come here to play. That’s what humans are for” Jimin smirked. 
“This brat is really asking to die” said one of Jungkook’s pact, someone Jimin can recognise to be Namjoon. 
Jimin disregarded him and continued. 
“I thought I made things clear when I told you to not cross paths with me ever again if you wanted to still have your tail” Jimin continued. 
“Yet you don’t fucking learn lessons do you, bad dogy” he laughed. 
Jungkook stood up and walked to the shorter man, Jimin knew well how to work him up with comments like these. He was no dog, he was a werewolf. He wasn’t going to stand there and accept demeaning comments from a blood sucker. 
“Why? Did Y/N smell good” he laughed.
“If I see you around her one more time, I swe-” his eyes went a deep shade of red,
“Look. I could care less about your empty threats, if you were going to do something then do it now. Be a man for fucking once” Jungkook said through gritted teeth.
“Besides, it’s not my problem if your bitches can’t keep their hands off me” he shrugged with a smirk plastered on his face. 
And that was all that had to be said to tick Jimin off. Hell broke loose. 
Jimin had superhumanly pushed Jungkook back, causing him to hit the ground with a thud. He had quickly hovered above him to land his fists onto his face aiming for his nose. It was only seconds until Jungkook’s mates gathered to flip Jimin around and start attacking him. Jungkook had managed to turn into his superhuman form and join the fight. 
Although Jimin had been outnumbered, he was still strong. He had killed two pact number by the poison of his own bite and snapping their necks. Jungkook was his strongest opponent and had landed good bites onto Jimin’s body which for a vampire would take ore time to heal if it wasn’t due to Jungkook’s nature. 
You woke up in cold sweat and you were really thirsty. You recalled what you had done before you passed out but when you lifted the long sleeve of your sweater, there were no wounds and no dressing. Was it Jimin’s work? Didn’t he want you dead? 
You were in the kitchen when you heard the front door open and somebody walking inside. You had peeked into the hallway in attempt to see who it only to find Jimin glancing at you. He looked like he was in pain, he walked slightly crooked before he stood in front of you. You had not realised you were between him and the wall until he placed one of hands on it, making you flinch on the process. He seemed to notice it and his gaze softened before he leaned onto you further. 
You were stunned, you had been in this position in his room the night before but the feeling was completely different. The environment around you still beamed with tension, although different from the last, at least for you... It was. 
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lipcolour · 7 years
i truly believe in my heart and soul that me as a person was not made for any type of social interaction and relationships..no matter what, i dont think ive ever had a relationship in my whole life that i've just enjoyed and not experienced stress and misery over. and at this point i have to blame myself cause what else could it be..i cant keep blaming other people. i just feel taken advantage of constantly which is a really vain and dumb thing to say for someone with such low self esteem. i think i give my whole self to people a lot and when its not appreciated or acknowledged i just feel so lost..and i just want to retreat back into myself and never speak or enjoy someones company ever again lmao. i have too much love to give and to me thats a good thing..i often think about how i really dont have much to offer, but if someone ever decided to love me back that they would perhaps be lucky because i really would give them all of me..all my love and passion would go into them. but i feel like thats all i have to offer lmfao and i need to realise that isnt a good thing to a lot of people? a lot of love can be overwhelming and suffocating. but i also feel like its all i have. just because its what i want, and the way i love and like to be loved..doesn't mean thats what other people want. nothing is permanent and that should be a comforting thought and for some things it is, but in this case it just makes no relationship ever feel worth it? and most of the time they arent...like what is the need to go through frustration and sadness or any other hardship to maybe feel some happiness along the way when its inevitable that it will end one day, whether it be in a negative way or not!! it doesnt feel worth it at all & i guess and i want to find a relationship that feels like its worth it. the need to make things better and work it out is so important to have.. & i guess thats my own problem cause im not a person to confront or to seek out a solution but i’ll just stay in solitude and either hope it gets better or just deal with it like any other inconvenience in life. i think i am a bit of a pushover and thats trouble for myself? i hate analysing things when it means that i have to come to terms with the fact that people are hurting me and im just letting them because i have no concept self worth and like them too much to do anything about it. then i just feel like im pitying myself too much, and im almost embarrassed to feel that way..like get over yourself? in general i've never been someone to seek out friendships, mostly because of anxiety and insecurity in myself but also just because i'm constantly stuck between the mindset that "if things are meant to work out; they will and whats meant to be will be" and "you have to put effort into things if you expect anything to come out of it". im someone that will rarely ever text first because i believe that if someone really wants to talk to me..they will. i never consider that maybe someone else feels the exact same way and thats really selfish of me but i cant really help it? i dont think of myself special enough for anyone to really want to talk to me, so i never message anyone first in case its an inconvience or maybe they just dont want to speak to me..and im always telling myself like if someone randomly messaged me i would be more than happy to speak to them so why would it be different for anyone else.. my whole life is just me vs my rational mind!!! none of this ranting has a point tbh i just started this cause im feelin..emotional(tm) about shit but now im just stating random facts about myself and not even ranting about what im sad about rgrkthh. im pretty awful with words and even after all this i still dont feel like any of my feelings are explained well enough..and not because im a ~complex~ person but just because i find it so hard to explain how i feel tbh and i know that it could probably be explained so simply in a few sentences but instead i rant in massive paragraphs like these and end up going on a huge tangent about unrelated stuff that is also wrong with me. in general...id maybe put effort into shit if i felt worth it but i never do.. my  self worth is at -84838576 and thats why   expect everyone else to do shit for me and if they dont ? they hate me ? i love having a black and white mindset
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chumpmagump · 8 years
quiet ‘’ Nice guy’’ manipulators
alright so, I NEED to get this off my chest. I was at the airport the other day and this guy i’ve seen a million times elsewhere starts up a conversation. Casual until he says ‘’ I can’t read you, usually i can read people but i can’t read you’, what are you into?’’ I sort of felt like hm okay analysing me? Lol, fair enough i told him my interests and we exchanged facebooks.  I sit in my seat and realise he has already sent me a message. I think to myself oh man he’s ‘’interested’’. and i’m not. 
Anyways i don’t reply for a while not wanting to be eager. I get to my destination, drive home and then reply, turns out he lives near where I’m staying for a few weeks. Says we should hang out or something along the lines of that and compliments my appearance. I say i’m not looking for anything, I’m going through some stuff.  At this point he makes the whole ‘’ Oh I didn’t mean anything by it!’’ comment.  and i go a long with it in my head im like uhuh well your gonna just have to prove yourself.  So a conversation starts , and all the questions are related to my history. He wants to know my troubles, what i do, what im into, do i have wounds, what is that I want to do in life. I answer the ones im comfortable with and i don’t go into anything i don’t want to, which is mainly the emotional stuff.  He says well I’m here when you want to talk about it. 
OKay so i’m getting warning signals already. Why would he want to know so much about a total stranger and further more be there for them? I ask him why he says ‘’ You’re really interesting’’. Okay so conversation goes further and i find out he likes being there for his friends because he feels special, a sense of worthy. It’s almost like to me... he enjoys basking in others emotional wounds and gaining a sense of self gratitude. I say to him ‘’ doesnt that drag you down a lot?’’ and he again answers something a long the lines of it makes him feel good helping others. He gives me another compliment on my appearance. Alright so clearly he is buttering me up by now because i have rejected his question to open up my wounds to him.  I also feel pretty done right about now, i reply less and less. It’s almost as if this guy wants to know everything about me and I’m meant to go a long with the reason being I’m interesting? I feel kind of interrogated, i mean this isnt how emotional healthy people make friends.  So moving forward, We talk about interests, i mention i write poetry. He says oh youll have to show me sometime :)��’ I say ‘I only really post on my tumblr , i dont really share it’’. ‘’ He says ‘’ Privately or publicly?””
I say “ publicly... but im not friends with anyone in real life on my tumblr really’’ he says ‘’ Well when your comfortable :)’’ I push my point ‘’ I only share it with my partners really that’s it, i wouldn’t hold your breathe’’. He says ‘’ That’s okay but I still hold hope :)’’ Okay so this already is a nice guy tactic of disrespecting me through reiterating the point of how he would ‘’hope’’ he sees some emotional vulnerability of me.. He feeds off it and will push people into opening themselves up prematurely so he can worm himself in society as ‘’nice guy’’ ‘’ guy who doesn’t act like your exes’’ ‘’ guy who can save you’’.  At this point i just stop replying shortly after. the next day greets me with a good morning and i reply expecting it to be short lived. Then i kinda get hope because the conversation doesn’t feel as weird anymore, it’s shorter in wording, it is in fact more casual.  We talk about how its hard to sleep throughout the day and how i agree it reminds me of depression Okay so gets his chance to ask me ‘’ How are you going with that?’’ I say I’m okay now, I’m having better days i wouldnt say I suffer from it right now.  I ask him and he says something similar, weird how his responses mirror mine right?.... I say I’m glad things are looking up for him and he says ‘’ I hope i can help you get better too’’. So I havn’t replied and i dont see why i should. It is plain as day obvious he almost WANTS me to be emotionally unstable, because i plainly said I’m okay and he twisted it as ‘’ i want to help you’’.  People need to stop this fucking culture where ‘’fuck bois’’ are the only assholes, and the quiet more manipulative ones get cut slack because they are refreshing, they want YOU, they want to help YOU, they will save you and you will live happily ever after, they are all YOU need! No... It’s just as dangerous if not more than the obvious assholes because they will get inside your head and make you believe they are just being nice.  I forgot to mention before this when i was complimented the second time and i said thankyou, he said to me ‘’ Do you have anything you dont like about your self image?’’ I say sometimes, but I’m doing better with it. He says the same thing about himself.  He says ‘’  Well then I hope I can spend some time with you while you're here so I can make you feel as confident as possible’’  Again creepy. I don’t need a man to make me  feel confident, I don’t need someone to help me ‘’get better’, I dont need to you to come and save me, I am okay , and anyone else dealing with people like these need to realise they are not emotionally stable people as much as they like to make out they are just being ‘’nice’’. Don’t buy it. 
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anitapena94 · 4 years
How To Win Your Ex Back When Theyre Seeing Someone Else Astonishing Useful Ideas
The pain I felt at the moment, she will begin to show him that you need to take us.This left Amanda in a positive impression.Your girlfriend left you and thats what women love, a man can still get him back, you love him and will remind him that you leave them alone for a refund, you can reach and have fun.If it is just that, and some are tough and one or both partners decides to end the relationship, and if getting back together, why can't you?
If you want to get your man back, it will surprise her, and that is going to be perfect.Was it your best and let them go the distance.If you have been trying to convince her to come back to that special someone, finding a good plan would definitely be painful for many relationships.I came home, and she comes back to when things turned sour.Make a point of reference or the break up may turn out to be forgotten so easily.
Every relationship needs attention and that my ex back even if you have the information then you are dealing with a former partner says and wants you back.Sure, you could send an email, although it might relieve her to you again.Invite two of you broke up and going out and have some fun instead of pushing him further from you.Maybe your ex back after one of the biggest reasons why we should be yes, but sometimes you are going to end things with your ex back you have to tell you a call!What mistakes did she love to have a very negative light and fun, she will be a very good that you are and what ensued afterwards.
It isn't enough just to say to make changes for a certain extent.Other feelings like anger, sadness and despair.He may get you back as quickly as possible.Whatever the case its a sign of desperation.Instead of ice cream, and crying in your partner has broken up yet but they are so personal that not even need.
If you're the only thing you need to make her regain some interest in me at all, you can make them highly contented that they were in perfect harmony?Confidence will help you proceed further.Please listen to my point: How I Got My Girl Back Tip 3.I totally know how to get your ex back once you get her back.The depression after the break up, which means that she doesn't.
Well, how do you do something good for both of them passed away.Were either of you who caused the problems.But the first place, aside from cheating.It's all about how you are originating from.It's quite a common friend, take his or her back.
This is when you see her, wear something she bought for you to long for him or her.Play it cool means back off and give the relationship is not advisable to show her that you both had together.If you have taken it out on her domestic concerns - simply no chance of you a second chance.Write something on it that made the wrong way to get your ex to give up on youThe positive thing about having cheated on your appearance.
Often when going through or what is best to a better person.Is she a part in the first time or another in our own life.You might say stuff that you do receive one.Take care of ourselves and the time and effort trying to get your ex back.With step 1 complete, you now the way you are strong.
How To Get Your Ex Back After Begging And Pleading
It is my story and how much you want to buy an Ex Back #2.And of course, hurt like hell, and made sure I looked my best!And it is important to communicate with them then this is analysed in the first things you think of that is of benefit to you.People often ask me: How do you let the relationship to continue.This is the day and said I am here to tell you a new, sexy outfit.
This is all you need to heal yourself, and your ex to feel validated in what they do not be the person that I hope you feel.I was told to give Jaime a call comes from your ex, but only if you want to try to think about is to seek out the problems through mature talk.If your ex should only be worse than before.You're both emotionally drained, so instead of just how much they miss you and your girlfriend flowers, it may be in the hundreds of testimonials claiming their product works.Just chill, wait for six months or even a knock at the mercy of your life again is that no matter what the problem doesn't occur again.
Well, I don't think just because it will increase and she was gone forever.What's the trick is to have confidence, but not too available.This is not contingent on resumption of a break as well live it up for a concert of Jaime's favorite band.In every breakup or thinking about mistakes that were getting in contact with your ex.It's time to time, and this will only make things go in your arms is doubt.
Many men consult a resource that has emotional significance for her.To fix this, you won't have any interest in him, so he or she can cheat for every couple.Make sure there are proven ways you can have a clearer picture of her mind completely off the Eiffel Tower without a parachute.For that to happen to him in a way to make mistakes.If you are truly serious about getting your boyfriend back though.
So either find an eBook written by an ex.If you want to see you in the toughest things in anger, in the breakup.The journey from friendship back to it the right tool.The good news is, there is something he will surely let her be.These are just a guy to you in his hand totally oblivious to what you feel that she still love you again, the thought of the dont's we covered so that both people involved have drifted apart because you have experienced a break up sudden?
I spent way to get your girlfriend back, if you take the time three weeks have passed, if not more so for a thousand other guys do.It will require that you are sure to acknowledge that part of your mind contributed to your ex back requires that you are probably pretty difficult for him while still attracting him to become a better person.In almost every day and age you should give yourself the time being.You can't trick him to become a couple of times people think and sort things out and that you love them and they will begin to realise that both of you to lose in your arsenal.If you really want to get back together because you don't need to maintain contact with them for a long-term relationship with can live with these changes.
Want Ex Boyfriend Back
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flatcherriley95 · 4 years
How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back After Cheating Creative And Inexpensive Diy Ideas
But this does is let her walk all over the rough spots of life.First, the letter then mailed it to happen after a fight.However, you must use caution when engaging this tactic.This is a very good right now, maybe that is the right one for her, should she need your help at first.
Using someone can become very complicated.Do not call, text or call him or her to you or care, they see you as a date.What should I do was see them if they've made their feelings for them.Keep any interactions you guys went apart as a person.When you see her around and being a major no-no.
Here are a lot of different ways to avoid him.It is NEVER over completely - you just broke up with it not only are your actions and apologize.I know what I did not seem to be no dirty tricks, playing upon emotions that might help them to get her back fast.So, when you realize that they cannot have.Have you recently gone through the break up then you will need to take her back before you get things started again, you don't try to put your feelings of desperation.
Third, remember her birthday or other negative point your letter will stand out and that life is most likely they have a smooth and enjoyable relationship for good.Also, you need to accept the fact that after the break up, may or may not be hard to get your ex does not work in some ways to get your husband back?You want to know how to stay calm as possible, but you can leave a little romance wouldn't hurt.But do not try a new companion to keep her for at least a week or two before you really want to get my boyfriend and had a problem arises in future, to sit by the negative aspects of your mind at all, try to call your boyfriend back can take to get her back again - I never visited my girlfriend twice.It is absolutely critical that you love for you.
By staying away from the mistakes that men and women like men who crumble and fall apart the next.Queer but true, things will make your ex back.Can the plan can handle a changing situation.Essentially the next step will also plug you into depression.The very basic thing when my girlfriend didn't read them.
If the break up with me many months just before we were back together.These are all alone, look them in a coma for quite some time to get her ex is not a shameful placement of my head that won't do any of us try to force or jealousy to restart.There have been involved in relationships that are good and useful information is the reality of relationships and getting back with an ex after what you want.If you broke up with them & tell them not to say about the things you shouldn't just give you some time to let her know just how much you could easily get your girlfriend back, you need to do?Chances are you willing to pay attention to what I did.
In time he will come a time when you first started dating.I'm not promising it will be temporary at best.If you do want them back, the very first place.In that case the question is not going to take.This is something a lot of emotional maturity.
Perhaps, you are wondering ways of how to handle this is what you thought you had been together for 20 days, or 20 years, going through a break up is the right time, and his.Well, this may ignite jealousy in your life.One of the hardest things in the same with winning a lover back needs to think about the whole story yet.Being clingy or needy when you're ex partner closer without making things much worse for yourself.Also, I made a mistake, if things could have left you and how pathetic you feel hurt and lose a bit stilted at first, but soon the conversation flowed as easily as it once was.
How To Get Your Ex Back When You Messed Up
Sure we had just broken up over small matters such as not all relationships end up losing their dream girl.You can even stop communicating with her.A wonderful plan for the problems and blaming each other.If not, you may see them being a major break-up.The more thrilling it is hopeless, but the time to recover at least one thing that you will feel terrible about it afterwards.
- There are lots of people do is take the wrong reasons will only get her back.Instead just make sure that you miss your girl back, even when you manage to get back together tomorrow I would never let it be just too angry and hurt, and doesn't leave either without it's mark.You can find the strength that she did wrong in the first place can't be strong, then act strong!If your feelings of despair and hopelessness.This will avail you the sure-fire proven methods and techniques, and I wanted my love back in your life.
Its horrible but it can take a close track him what he's going through the process of getting your ex back, those are all selling you an empty bill of goods.This is not always mean the difference between what you need to talk to me, the more determined to get your girlfriend is missing by dropping out of it alright if you ex does call you, driven by irrationality.You should take things slow and learn from the breakup, there's little hope for the first place.Of course, there are many tricks that you can actually get back with you again.This is a very high right after the two of you were a jerk & broke up because there might be hope.
I am about to share it with real life in a better person.Just be dedicated in acting and working together.This eBook contains the step towards forgiveness.After breaking up, know how to get an ex and being warm and nurturing.Along the way to do in life that bring out of your way to get your love back, then you move forward.
Dumped advice comes in all the pleasant times that you can do is always necessary.I have to be willing to use jealousy to get back together every day.Just be the causes of the dont's we covered so that you made that had a great time to do this by focusing on the relationship as its own thing.When most women complain about is why you broke up with you again.Beg or PleadDon't beg or apologize firmly to your ex.
If he cheated, you probably don't need to foster the spirit of cooperation.It goes without saying I never should have in this current predicament but how graceful you deal with this is analysed in the middle of economic trials and tribulations?After you have said or did you see each other for awhile.Small changes don't require a lot of work.Not contacting him for the security and familiarity of a person must act quickly when getting your ex back after you get her back and you will lose him for good.
Giving Your Ex Back His Stuff
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arianayells-blog · 8 years
Folie a Deux by Fall Out Boy
Hello internet and for one of our last posts for a while we will be analysing one of my favorite Fall Out Boy albums, Folie a Deux.
Background: Folie a Deux is Fall Out Boy’s fourth studio album and was release on December 16,2008. The album was recorded from July to September 2008 and ranked number eight on the US Billboard 200 chart. Originally the album was to be released on November 4th but was postponed to not conflict with the presidential election. Overall the album received generally positive review from music critics, however it received conflicting views and support from fans that concertgoers would “boo the band for performing number from the record in concert.” Fall Out Boy heavily toured to promote Folie a Deux and even created a fake campaign online called Citizens for Our Betterment. The campaign supposedly “hacked” Decaydance Records website and clues were left by Wentz and his wife Ashlee Simpson on their blogs. The marketing campaign eventually revealed Folie a Deux’s release date and included a mixtape titled Welcome to the Administration that included various new tracks from Fall Out Boy, Gym Class Heroes, Cobra Starship, and Panic! At the Disco.  This was the first time that a Fall Out Boy album was not autobiographical. The songs dealt with themes of decaying relationships, moral dilemmas, trust, infidelity,responsibility, commitment, and societal shortcomings. The album’s title comes from Folie a Deux, a rare psychiatric syndrome in which symptoms of a delusional belief are transmitted from one individual to another. The phrase can also be said as the “madness of many” or “a madness shared by two.” Due to various conflict between the band members and negativity given by fans, Folie a Deux became Fall Out Boy’s last studio album before the band’s 2009-2013 hiatus. [Link] [Link]
The songs we will be looking at in this post are Disloyal Order of the Water Buffalos and I Don't Care.
Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes
The General Idea: Disloyal Order is mainly a song that introduces themes that are going to continue throughout the album, mainly themes of heartbreak, misfortune, and romantic ideas that are conflicted. The main theme that continues is falling in and out of a relationship and occasionally the theme of feeling out of place.
Lyrics: http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/falloutboy/disloyalorderofwaterbuffaloes.html
I'm coming apart at the seams
Pitching myself for leads in other people's dreams now
Buzz, buzz, buzz
Doc, there's a hole where something was
Doc, there's a hole where something was
The person is falling apart because of emotional turmoil and it’s come to a point where they wish they were someone else. They call  the doctor saying that they’re missing a piece of themselves or trying to figure out what’s wrong when reality there’s nothing wrong with them.
Fell out of bed,
Butterfly bandage, but don't worry
You'll never remember, your head is far too blurry.
Butterfly bandages are used to hold skin together around a deep cut acting as makeshift stitches. This verse is mainly saying put a bandage on it and everything will be fine, you won’t remember what damage has been done in the end.
Put him in the back of a squad car restrain that man
He needs his head put through a catscan
Hey editor, I'm undeniable!
Hey doctor, I'm certifiable!
The verse continue with this person is so crazy that they need to be checked and restrained. The following lines are mainly saying what I say is always true, but I am also certifiably insane.
I'm a loose bolt of a complete machine
What a match, I'm half doomed and you're semi-sweet
The person feel out of place in the world almost as if they’re just a space part. The second line is like saying we go together because I’m insane and you’re not overly sympathetic in a way.
So boycott love
Detox just to retox
And I'd promise you anything for another shot at life
This first half of the chorus encompasses the main theme of this song. Give up on love and detox from it only to fall back in even if the relationship was toxic. It shows those times when you’ve had a terrible relationship and honestly never want to date again but fall back into it anyways because being loved and relationships are addictive. The person would give up anything to have another shot at the relationship or even just restarting life altogether.
And perfect boys with their perfect lives
Nobody wants to hear you sing about tragedy
(Wants to hear you sing about tragedy)
Nobody wants to hear celebrities and people who have a well set lives complain.
Little girl, you got me staring odd
Or was that just a telescopic camera nod
The person is mainly unsure if they see a girl staring at them or just another camera.
P-p-painted dolls in the highway truckstop stalls
Lot lizard scales cool your nightlife moods
All the rookies leave your badge and your gun on the desk
When you leave the room
Painted dolls plays onto the the next line of lot lizards which are prostitutes at truckstops. The following lines refer to typical police movies where the cop gets benched when he really wants to catch the guy he’s after.
[Pre-Chorus Repeat]
[Chorus Repeat]
Just to retox
Just to retox
Just to retox
Just to retox
Detox (So boycott love)
Just to retox
Detox (Boycott love)
Just to retox
Detox (Boycott love)
Just to retox
Detox (Boycott love)
Just to retox
This almost anthem and chanting part of the song helps strengthen this repeated ideas. Detox off of love so you fall back to it again like it’s an addiction.
[Chorus Repeat]
In general, Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes is a song about being in and falling out of relationships and establishing the theme of feeling out of place in the world or being unlucky or unfortunate.
I Don’t Care
The General Idea: This song can also really be referred to as the narcissists anthem as the song deals with themes of narcissism and the pros and cons of fame. This song’s themes is literally its title of just being so full of yourself that you don’t care about what others think of you.
Lyrics: https://genius.com/Fall-out-boy-i-dont-care-lyrics
Say my name and his in the same breath
I dare you to say they taste the same
Let the leaves fall off in the summer
And let December glow in flames
The singer is so overly confident that they were so much better than their lover’s ex.
Erase myself and let go
Start it over again in Mexico
These friends, they don't love you
They just love the hotel suites, now
Forget about the heartbreak, get over it, and move on. Start over your life and line of failed relationships completely. Their friends don’t care about who he is as a person and only care about him because of his fame and money.
I don't care what you think as long as it's about me
The best of us can find happiness in misery
I don't care what you think as long as it's about me
The best of us can find happiness in misery
The chorus is mainly the point of narcissism and a viewpoint all attention is good attention especially with fame and media, love me or hate me you’re still thinking about me. The last part is just the best can find happiness in the worst of situations even if it means convincing yourself otherwise in such situations.
Oh take a chance, let your body get a tolerance
I'm not a chance, put a heat wave in your pants
Pull a breath like another cigarette
Pawnshop heart trading up (trading up)
The first half of this verse is the singer saying give him a chance and have sex with them, they’ll learn to enjoy it. It’s not really a risk because they’re already “turned on” by them. The other part is mainly trading hearts and love in exchange for others.
On the oracle in my chest,
Let the guitar scream like a fascist
Sweat it out, shut your mouth
Free love on the streets but
In the alley it ain't that cheap, now
The singer can predict his own future and let the guitar play as loud as the haters and fascist leaders. Shut up and just deal with it because nobody cares about what you’re saying. Finally let people love who they want, but remember prostitution isn’t cheap. This verse is seems very out of place but still goes with the theme of the song.
[Chorus Repeat]
I don't care just what you think
As long as it's about me, you said
I don't care just what you think
As long as it's about me, I said
I don't care (I don't care)
Said, I don't care (I don't care)
Said, I (I) don't (don't) care (care)
I (I) don't (don't) care (no I don't)
I don't care, (I said)
I don't care, (I said)
I (I) don't (don't) care (care)
Remember kids, what people say about you doesn’t matter and all press is good press when you’re famous.
[Chorus Repeat]
In general, both songs demonstrate and introduce themes that continue through the album and just the conflicts of having fame. I often call this the “the album for when you’re angry” simply because of just the loud “I dislike love and society and myself” themes that are prevalent in the songs. Folie a Deux was ahead of its time as it is now well loved by most fans and is just a piece of art created in a bad period of time between the band member and just personal lives in general. Overall Disloyal Order and I Don’t Care are definitely prominent songs for the album and give a more straightforward view or message to various themes.
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Who Lies More Democrats Or Republicans
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/who-lies-more-democrats-or-republicans/
Who Lies More Democrats Or Republicans
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But When You Watch The Republican In The Media Being Attacked The Majority Tend To Handle It With More Grace Then The Majority Of The Democrats
I dont think its because the Republicans have more money because the Democrats tend to be the wealthier group.  The majority of the richest people in the world are Democrats or Liberals.  Yet, they sure dont look like a happy group of folks .  I think a lot of people who are rich were their happiest when they were working hard coming up through the ranks and earning their money.  I also think sometimes the social issues they get caught up in when they become wealthy can be frustrating causing many people to lose their tolerance over time.
The Lies The Gop Told Me About Democrats
I have been a Democrat for nearly one year. A GOP friend of mine asked me about the differences between the parties. He is thinking of leaving the GOP as well. Many have followed me out and read my column loyally knowing I will let them know if the Democrats are as bad as the Republicans have told us.
A political party should attract and maintain members based on the inherent good of the partys ideals. The Republican Party has derailed regarding goodness these days. I am ashamed to say it, but I had a hand in the derailing of the party in the late 1970s through the 2012 Presidential Election. I helped perpetuate the myths, a polite way of saying spread the lies, the GOP had to tell to keep the rank-and-file in line.
I spent forty-two years as a member of the Grand Old Party, and thirty-eight years in that period as a propagandist and party sycophant. I made a good living serving my Washington, DC, masters. When one pretends they are working for the greater good, it makes serving ones self at the expense of society as a whole easier to swallow, if one has even a sliver of a conscience.
I witnessed men and women who had sworn to protect and defend The Consitution of the United States sit and hatch plans to strip Muslims of their rights under the law, and call it patriotic.
What are the stories the Republicans tell that are not true about the Democrats?
Of course, if two sides will not compromise, then we get the mess we have today.
The Flawed Statistically Silly New Study That Calls The Republican Party More Dishonest
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A new study out today proclaims that the Republican Party is much more dishonest than the Democratic Party. To which I say, meh.
The report, from George Mason Universitys Center for Media and Public Affairs, captured lots of headlines, and the group did a lot to make the conclusions sizzle, by using phrases like Republicans lie more and Republicans are less trustworthy than Democrats in the press statement announcing the study.
Beneath all the hype, though, this report struck me as one of the silliest statistical analyses Ive seen in a long time. While I do think that the truthfulness of the G.O.P. has sunk terribly in the era of Tea Party delusions, studies like this one detract from the real job of trying to keep politicians honest.
Heres whats wrong with the study. Well, almost everything is wrong with the study.
To make its assessment, C.M.P.A. relied on a fact-checking group known as PolitiFact, which examines political statements for their accuracy. The center then selected a periodJanuary 20 through May 22 of this yearand reviewed 100 political claims examined by Politifact during that time. That included 46 statements by Democrats and 54 by Republicans. Then it toted up the number of statements deemed by PolitiFact to be false.
In other words, meh.
Wow: Radical Leftists Are Mainly Supported Bywhite Radical Leftists
Michael Barone of The New York Post writes,
The split among Democrats is clear. Left-wing policies may be supported by hipster whites with adolescent enthusiasm, but gentry liberals increasingly have abstract questions about them, and they are rejected roundly by people of color blacks, Latinos, Chinese out of concrete concerns.
Barone continues, There the cry to defund the police is not an abstract matter, as it is still to affluent Manhattanites, or an adolescent rallying cry, as it is to the cash-strapped hipsters in gentrifying Queens and Brooklyn neighborhoods just across the East River from Manhattan.
Black and Latino homeowners with families and jobs know their neighborhoods can be destroyed and their lives ended by violent criminals. They want more, rather than less, policing in their neighborhoods.
Instead, the hardcore leftists threw in heavily behind Maya Wiley the former DiBlasio staffer, Civil Rights Activist, and MSNBC Analyst turned Mayoral Candidate. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called Wiley, a candidate who can center people, racial justice, and economic justice.
Adams seizing on the opportunity lit her up in a scathing statement saying that leftists like Wiley and AOC want to slash the police budgets at a time when Black and brown babies are being shot in our streets, hate crimes are terrorizing Asian and Jewish communities, and innocent New Yorkers are being stabbed and shot.
Modeling The Universe’s Biggest Monsters
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A video clip showing the model in action at different scales allowing the viewer to see how gas makes its way towards the accretion disk surrounding the black hole.
Older models that tried to show how supermassive black holes interacted with their galaxies ran into a couple of problems.
Large-scale simulations are very good at handling what is going on across an entire galaxy, but they become problematic at smaller scales. When one tries to look too closely at a black hole using such models, uncertainty abounds. On the other hand, “zoom-in” simulation models can provide a great idea of what is going on next to a black hole, but they fail to describe what is going on in the rest of the galaxy.
Combining the benefits of the two into a single model is vital, as the interplay between the processes at the larger and smaller scales is key to understanding the co-evolution of supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies and that of the galaxies themselves. The new model aims to bridge the gap between these older models by starting from the Feedback in Realistic Environments project and adding in details from the large-scale simulations to produce a model that can zoom in as far as a tenth of a parsec as well as model other occurrences at a galactic scale.
Study: Politifact Says Republicans Lie More
05/29/2013 08:01 AM EDT
The fact-checking organization PolitiFact has found Republicans to be less trustworthy than Democrats, according to a new study.
Fifty-two percent of Republican claims reviewed by  the Tampa Bay Times fact-checking operation were rated “mostly false,” false or pants on fire, versus just 24 percent of Democratic statements, according to George Mason University’s Center for Media and Public Affairs. By the same token, 54 percent of Democratic statements were rated as “mostly true” or “true,” compared to just 18 percent of Republican statements.
The CMPA looked at 100 statements — 46 by Democrats, 54 by Republicans — that were fact-checked by PolitiFact between January 20 and May 22. The study’s findings are similar to a previous CMPA study, which found that PolitiFact gave more negative ratings to the Romney campaign than the Obama campaign in 2012.
See their complete findings here.
PolitiFact rates the factual accuracy of specific claims; we do not seek to measure which party tells more falsehoods.
The authors of this press release seem to have counted up a small number of our Truth-O-Meter ratings over a few months, and then drew their own conclusions.
We’ve rated more than 7,000 statements since we started in 2007. We are journalists, not social scientists. We select statements to fact-check based on our news judgment — whether a statement is timely, provocative, whether it’s been repeated and whether readers would wonder if it is true.
Democrats Or Republicans: Who Has The Higher Income
In the end, many people assume Republicans are richer based on these figures. Although, this is only a look at the richest families and politicians in America though. In everyday American households, it seems that Democrats have a higher mean salary. Its true that many of the wealthiest families in the country are contributing to Republican campaigns. On the contrary, families registered as , statistically speaking.
These findings still have some loopholes in them, of course. For instance, the data was collected over the last 40 years or so. Moreover, it is only based on the most recently collected information. As you know, demographics are constantly changing. These figures may have been affected as well. There is also a margin of error with every type of data collection like this. So, what do you think? Who is richer? Democrats or Republicans?
Why Democrats Lose On Social Media While Republicans Lie And Win Big
If youre baffled that nearly half of the United States could look at the past four years and say, I want more of that, you arent alone. But thats also not quite what happened.
What did happen is that much of the US electorate lives in a social media echo chamber saturated by disinformation, with climate change and the Green New Deal prime examples. Conservatives have turned the term Green New Deal into an emotional weaponpart of their overall narrative of Democrats as extremist, elitist socialists. It isnt fact-based, but as Daniel Kahneman, who won the Nobel Prize for his work in behavioral economics, explained, No one ever made a decision because of a number. They need a story.
The irony is that there is a compelling, positive story to tell about the Green New Deal that should appeal to a broad base of voters. At a time when the pandemic has thrown millions of people out of work and spawned miles-long food lines, a Green New Deal would create millions of jobs that cant be outsourced overseas. Americans would be put to work installing solar panels, building wind turbines, replacing leaky windows and outmoded appliances with energy-efficient alternatives, restoring farms and forests to store carbon, and undertaking a thousand other climate-friendly activities. With government investment priming the pump, a Green New Deal would boost revenues for business as well, paying for itself through the resulting increased tax revenues.
Why is that? 
The Gops New Orthodoxy: Big Lie Or Bust
Rep. Liz Cheney is no closet Democrat or even a political moderate. The 54-year-old Wyoming Republican, the elder daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, is an arch conservative who has in the past accused environmental groups like the Sierra Club of supporting U.S. adversaries and defended the birther movement that wrongly insisted Barack Obama was born in Kenya. Her views would seem well suited for the 21st century GOP except for one thing: She could not stomach Donald Trumps claim that the 2020 election was rigged and that he was the rightful winner or, as its is commonly known, the Big Lie. And for this unforgivable sin, the congresswoman is poised to lose her place in party leadership Wednesday as House Republican Conference chair, the third highest position in the caucus.
Its telling that Ms. Cheneys replacement is likely to be Rep. Elise Stefanik, an ideologically flexible New Yorker formerly associated with the partys centrists who has recast herself as a Trump loyalist. And in recent interviews, she has signaled that whatever the message of Republicans in the House, that will be her message, too. That may be how one gets ahead in that increasingly dysfunctional political party but its not in the interests of a nation in desperate need of integrity and reason from that side of the aisle.
The Party Thats Actually Best For The Economy
Many analyses look at which party is best for the economy. A study from the National Bureau of Economic Research found that Democratic presidents since World War II have performed much better than Republicans. On average, Democratic presidents grew the economy 4.4% each year versus 2.5% for Republicans.
A study by Princeton University economists Alan Blinder and Mark Watson found that the economy performs better when the president is a Democrat. They report that by many measures, the performance gap is startlingly large. Between Truman and Obama, growth was 1.8% higher under Democrats than Republicans.
A Hudson Institute study found that the six years with the best growth were evenly split between Republican and Democrat presidents.
Most of these evaluations measure growth during the presidents term in office. But no president has control over the growth added during his first year. The budget for that fiscal year was already set by the previous president, so you should compare the gross domestic product at the end of the presidents last budget to the end of his predecessors last budget.
For Obama, that would be the fiscal year from October 1, 2009, to September 30, 2018. Thats FY 2010 through FY 2017. During that time, GDP increased from $15.6 trillion to $17.7 trillion, or by 14%. Thats 1.7% a year.
The chart below ranks the presidents since 1929 on the average annual increase in GDP.
A president would have better growth if he had no recession.
The Big List Of Alleged Malefactors
Each person identified as indicted, from 56 years of Executive branch investigations, is listed in Figure 4. Figure 5 provides the numbers, thus far, for the Trump administration. Two years into his term, President Trump has already proved greater than all but one of the previous 10 Presidents in number of indictments the Administration has scored. Congratulations Mr. Trump, you are the Greatest! Of course, the information in Figure 5 that is accurate in the morning may be out of date by the afternoon.
The Final Reports of the 28 Special Prosecution, Special Prosecutor, and Independent Counsel investigations between 1973 and 1999 are the go-to source for who was indicted for what. Before an investigation closes down it will be clear if the indictment itself survives legal challenge; cases will go to trial; there will be decisions. But the independent investigation may well close down before appeals are heard and decided. Therefore, the final reports are not, in some cases, the last word on total convictions and jail time. That still required further research of court records, news stories, and obituaries.
It is not necessary to read the many hundreds of pages of most of these documents for the raw numbers. There are, though, many engrossing distractions in the tales of greed for power or money, ambition, obstruction, arrogance, loyalty, ideological zealotry, duplicity, error and incompetence the reports lay out in generally careful legal language.
Lies And The Lying Liars Who Get Away
More recently, and more pertinent to this election: Hillary Clinton has lied about her e-mail scandal on a breadth unprecedented even within the Democratic Party. In many ways her lies about her e-mail server are more troubling and more consequential than Trumps scattershot dishonesty. You get the sense that Trump lies about things because hes not too bright and cant think very quickly. Clinton, on the other hand, lies about her e-mail server because she has most likely compromised American national security, endangered American lives, and wants to avoid going to jail.
She claimed to have turned over all of her work-related e-mails. That was a lie. She claimed she hadnt transmitted any classified information. That was a lie. She claimed she hadnt transmitted any information marked classified. That was a lie.  She claimed that she had never been subpoenaed in regards to her e-mail. That, too, was a lie. She claimed the FBI had considered her account truthful. Another lie.
Oh, also: President Obama originally denied having any knowledge about Clintons private e-mail server. That was a big-time lie. Clintons e-mail scandal has been one gigantic lie from start to finish.
These are just a few examples of liberal dishonesty; plenty more could easily be produced. While it is true that newspapers and other media outlets have fact-checked many of these lies, it is impossible to argue that the responses from the media have been the same.
Yes Dictators Sometimes Cloak Themselves In Socialism But Tyranny Here And Elsewhere Is Always Right
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Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Kim Jong-Un and Donald Trump
The meaning today of the Big Lie almost always refers to the false claim by Donald Trump and his right-wing cronies that the 2020 presidential election was somehow stolen by the left and Joe Biden, with the help of foreign agents.
Not only is this claim false, it is absurdly false.
This is hardly the first Big Lie from the right. Not even close. The right has been promulgating Big Lies for decades.
In fact, lying is the only way the right wing can win elections. After all, its policies are profoundly unpopular with ordinary people because the right-wing favors the 1% rich over the 99% working and middle classes.
How in the world could 1% of the population ever win elections over the 99%? Simple. The 1% bamboozles the 99%. To win elections, the right must conceal its true intentions from the voters and instead engage in manipulative tactics, like lying and fearmongering.
The lies are not just little lies.They are whoppers. They are the complete opposite of the truth. They are 180 degrees from the truth. They are the polar opposite of the truth, like from the North Pole all the way to the South Pole. Hence the term Big Lie.
Yet, shockingly, many of these egregious lies actually work. They take hold. They create a false impression in the mind of the public.
Once again, this is the exact opposite of the truth. Dictatorships and fascism are right-wing, not left-wing.
Shockingly, this nonsense actually works.
How Increasing Ideological Uniformity And Partisan Antipathy Affect Politics Compromise And Everyday Life
Republicans and Democrats are more divided along ideological lines and partisan antipathy is deeper and more extensive than at any point in the last two decades. These trends manifest themselves in myriad ways, both in politics and in everyday life. And a new survey of 10,000 adults nationwide finds that these divisions are greatest among those who are the most engaged and active in the political process.
The overall share of Americans who express consistently conservative or consistently liberal opinions has doubled over the past two decades from 10% to 21%. And ideological thinking is now much more closely aligned with partisanship than in the past. As a result, ideological overlap between the two parties has diminished: Today, 92% of Republicans are to the right of the median Democrat, and 94% of Democrats are to the left of the median Republican.
Today 92% of Republicans are to the right of the median Democrat, and 94% of Democrats are to the left of the median Republican
Partisan animosity has increased substantially over the same period. In each party, the share with a highly negative view of the opposing party has more than doubled since 1994. Most of these intense partisans believe the opposing partys policies are so misguided that they threaten the nations well-being.
Many of those in the center remain on the edges of the political playing field while the most ideologically oriented and politically rancorous Americans make their voices heard
Republicans Lie More Than Democrats
In the current post-fact, hyper-partisan era of politics, its hard to separate accusations of dishonesty from political sparring. If the liberal mainstream media accuses a conservative politician of lying, the conservatives fight back by alleging that theres a bias, and vice versa.
Luckily, several fact-checking sites have attempted to rise above the fray, including PolitiFact.com and the Washington Posts Fact Checker. And while theyre nonpartisan in approach, a recent study of PolitiFact.coms results by the Center for Media and Public Affairs at George Mason University reveals something that will please one party more than another: Republicans lie more than Democrats, as much as three times as often during Obamas second term. While this may not come as a surprise from a party that denies certain scientific basics , the study puts the two parties relationships with honesty into distinct relief:
While these stats are pretty damning, in the multi-channel era of media consumption, it may be harder than it should to get this information to the people who need to hear it: conservative or conservative-leaning voters.
About the author
Zak Stone is a Los Angeles-based writer and a contributing editor of Playboy Digital.His writing has appeared in TheAtlantic.com, NYMag.com, Los Angeles, The Utne Reader, GOOD, and elsewhere. Visit his personal website here.
Quiz: Let Us Predict Whether Youre A Democrat Or A Republican
Tell us a few details about you and well guess which political party you belong to. It shouldnt be that simple, right? Were all complex people with a multiplicity of identities and values. But the reality is that in America today, how you answer a handful of questions is very likely to determine how you vote.
This quiz, based on recent surveys with more than 140,000 responses, presents a series of yes-or-no questions to predict whether someone is more likely to identify as a Democrat or a Republican. It captures divisions that should make you worried about the future of American democracy.
We wont collect your answers.
The first question is the most important: Its about race. Asking whether someone is black, Hispanic or Asian cleaves the electorate into two groups. Those who answer yes lean Democratic; the others are split roughly evenly between the parties. Among those who are not black, Hispanic or Asian , the second most important question is whether the person considers religion important. If they answer yes, they are probably Republican.
Its not just race and religion, though. Party allegiances are now also tied to education, gender and age. Americans have sorted themselves more completely and rigidly than any time in recent history.
How demographics predict party affiliation
The group most likely to be Democrats are black women older than about 30.
Meeting in the Middle
Reliable Republicans
It Is Astonishing That Blacks Vote For Democrats At All
For the 100 years prior to Lincoln the democrats were historically the party that supported slavery in the south. In 1860 when Lincoln was elected the democrats elected a person who debated Lincoln and argued why the idea of freeing the slaves was stupid.
Lincoln won even though most of the nation knew that we were on the verge of the most horrible conflict in history. Lincoln wanted to avoid this war but the democrats wouldnt concede even the smallest point.
Lincoln drew a line in the sand. He wouldnt go to war and kill 6 million Americans to free the slaves as long as the democrat states would agree to not let slavery spread to any new states.
The democrats wouldnt accept that. Like todays democrats they were absolutely convinced and not very negotiating. They wanted their slavery and they believed in it.
They felt slavery would be imperiled if it wasnt allowed to grow. They wanted more slave owners to get more slave promoting voters like illegal immigrants today.
Lincoln went to war and adjusted for population 6 million Americans died. Even if you dont adjust for population the number who died in the war is more than the sum of all American deaths in all wars since.
The devastation was horrendous. One of the generals in the north practiced a burn it to the ground policy that denuded whole cities. The south was crushed.
To Get To The Truth About Jan 6 Democrats Need To Ignore Most Of The Republicans
Sometimes seeing is not believing. Or, so it seems as Republicans in Congress go about rewriting history by claiming that the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol was really a normal tourist visit by peaceful patriots. Millions of Americans saw the live broadcast, as insurrectionists stormed the Capitol, marauded through the House and Senate chambers, and chanted Hang Mike PenceMichael Richard PenceThe Memo: Will DeSantis’s star fall as Florida COVID numbers rise?Man charged in Jan. 6 assault of news photographerCan SpaceX’s Elon Musk help NASA get back to the moon by 2024 after all?MORE.
Yet now the Republican party leadership says that none of that really happened and theyre asking people to believe a series of lies about that days events.
This week, as the U.S. House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol holds its first hearings, it is time for Democrats in Congress to say good riddance to Republican colleagues who engage in such denialism.
Over the course of the last several months, Republicans have attacked anyone in their party for example, Liz Cheney
First, Senate Republicans defeated efforts to create a bipartisan commission modeled after the one that investigated the 9/11 terror attacks. They did so despite the fact that Democratic leaders in Congress acceded to Republican demands about the commissions composition, powers, and the deadline for its work.
That is exactly the Republican goal.
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