#so so sorry baby bear i pray and i hope youre downstairs my boy
unlocklist · 2 years
idk this is so sappy and kind of embarrassing but ive just been having dreams and day dreams about just. finding my guy in an antique shop, on the shelf next to other vintage toys or just even opening a box and find him hiding and he just says in his little rattle “Oh youve found me!” like weve just been playing some game and i havent HORRIBLY MISPLACED HIM 💔💔💔
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maloskiworld · 3 years
💌The one - Lando Norris
MASTERLIST (requests are open!)
Summary : it's your second Valentine's day with the one boy you love, Lando Norris.
(ideas from this prompt list "candy heart")
Warnings : very light smut (mostly implied) and I can't think of anything else
Words count : +3.1K
A/N : Hi ! Here's another Valentine special 💌 Tell me if you enjoyed it !
PS : English isn’t my first language, so sorry if there’s any mistakes plus it's not proofread ! 🧡
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not my gif, credits to the owner !
"Hi, love", you woke up to Lando's morning raspy voice. You stretched in his arms, a smiling rising on your face. He peppered a few kisses all around your face.
"Morning you", you replied, hiding your face in his neck. There wasn't anything better than waking up in the arms of your lover.
"Anything planned for you today ? I'll be at the MTC all day. Freakin' sim", he let out a tired laugh.
You frowned, still covering your visage. Today was Valentine's day. Lando gave you his word of honor to not work on this date. You begged him to have the day for just the two of you. You spent the all holidays with friends and family and were really craving your boyfriend for you. As selfish as that could sound, you needed his undivided attention. He swore he'd stay home with you. You didn't know if he was joking or not. You were really hoping he didn't forget. Especially with how important this day was to you.
"I'm going to shower, baby", he said, getting up, leaving you like a crumpled up piece of paper lying still.
You sighed loudly. Was he playing you ? You were praying he'd come back saying how well he got you. But when you heard the water fall down from the shower, you knew he wasn't kidding. He did forget his oath.
You stayed in the white bed, tightening your grip under the covers. Thoughts were crossing your mind like a rocket crossing the atmosphere. Your heart was beating strongly in your crib. You didn't really know when you fell back asleep, but a light kiss on your forehead and the door slamming shut woke you up again. This time, you straightened up quickly. Heavy steps lead you downstairs.
"Lan ?", you called him. A little part of you was still hoping he didn't leave. "Hello ?", you kept trying.
You searched every room in the house, but the curly boy was no where to be found.
Anger and disappointment were floating in you, battling to see which emotion would take the control of your mind. You knew you shouldn't be angry at him. He was doing his best, trying to please everyone for this upcoming season. He didn't mean to forget you, he probably just didn't thought of it. The whole weekend he'd been busy with LN racing kart and Quadrant stuff. This monday was surely just a normal monday for him. And after all, you didn't need to be on Valentine's day for Lando to show you how much he loved you.
So no, anger had no right in your body. It left you with disappointment. Even thought you knew he didn't do it on propose, you still felt shattered in a million of pieces. You didn't ask for a lot. Just that special day, alone with the boy you were in love with.
You sat on the couch, and checked your phone. Snapchat sent you memories for a year ago. It was your first Valentine's day with Lando, after dating for only a few months.
"It's almost my height, Lan, I'm never gonna be able to bring it home", you said, smiling from one ear to another, holding the teddy bear your boyfriend bought you after the movie you just watched.
"Here, let me help you", he said, taking the stuffed animal from your hands. "C'mon, there's a spot I wanna show before I walked you back to your flat", he assured while leading the way to an unknown destination.
You arrived near a bridge, and you could already see the sight would be breath-taken. Lando managed to catch your hand, and made you climbed down the rock. He sat the teddy bear on the edge of the little river, before signaling you to join him on the woody bench near by.
"It's my secret place, I come here when I wanna think of everything and anything at the same time", he confessed, laying his head on your shoulder.
You smiled when his warmth started to spread on you. He made you feel so special on this day. Anything you asked, he gave you. You knew if you'd ask for his whole kingdom, he'd just gave you the keys to it. That's when you realized you were deep in love with Lando Norris.
You stayed home the whole day, pacing your appartement a few times. Lando texted you but you didn't reply. You didn't felt strong enough to pretend. You weren't mad at him, but the feeling of loneliness wasn't leaving your side. All of your social medias were filled with happy couples, and here you were, on your own.
Late in the afternoon, you decided to get ready. You got out of the house, with no idea where you were going to. Your mind wandered down the streets and lead you to Lando's favorite spot. You didn't planned it, but it seemed to be the right place to be right now.
Back at the MTC, Lando was slowly getting worried. You weren't responding to any of his texts.
He got out of the sim room and stumbled on Daniel.
"What are you doing here ?", Daniel asked, a little surprised to see the younger driver here.
"Sim day, just like you. Why ?", Lando answered, clueless.
"Oh, you're in deep", the aussie responded, laughing his head off.
"Uh ?", the curly haired boy tried to understand what his teammate meant but nothing came in his mind.
"We're the 14th of February, dude"
"Oh no", Lando facepalmed himself. "Thanks !", he stormed out of the building, ready to cross the country by foot to be by your side.
Lando never drove that fast to come back home. He rushed inside the house, and screamed your name. All he could hear back was his own echo. Fear started to grow in his body, ready to give up and collapse on the floor. He knew how much this day meant to you.
You both were still sitting on the cosy bench, looking in the horizon. Your head was resting on Lando's torso, moving with his every breaths.
"I love this day", you suddenly whispered.
"What?", Lando asked back frowning.
"Valentine's day. I just love this day. I know it's stupid, and probably just commercial but I love it. It's meant to celebrate love. And it's great to have someone by your side for it", you replied, smiling lightly at him.
Lando hummed, feeling like there was more to the story.
"When I was a kid, my dad used to bring a little bouquet of flowers home everyday to my mom. You should have seen the look on her face. And on Valentine's day, he'd bring her a whole entire shop of flowers", you said, laughing at the memory. "They loved each other so much, and they didn't need Valentine's day to show it. But they always managed to marked this day with special attentions or anything", you kept on rambling.
Lando looked at you with so much admiration held in his eyes. He fell in love with every tiny details that made you a human being. That made you, you. If he had to choose the thing he loved the most, he probably picked the way you're talking. How your eyes would always shine so bright when you were telling a story from when you were little. How your dimples would always pop up before you could tell the end of the joke you were trying to make without laughing like a crazy person. How your accent would seem stronger if something was upsetting you. How your eyebrows would furrow without you noticing if you were trying to explain something that didn't really made sense in your mind. He was watching you talk like you were doing the most incredible thing in the whole world.
"I've always dreamt to have that person by my side. The one with whom every day feels like Valentine's day, but still would unhook the stars from the sky on this 14th of february. I just -"
"I'll be the one, I'll be that person for you", Lando cut you off, voice filled with promise.
A year later, and here he was, letting you down. He tried to call you, but his heart sank a little more in his chest when he heard your ringtone in the house. Part of him couldn't help but feel relieved. Your phone being here meant you were planning on coming back. You didn't pack your things. You didn't left him. Yet.
He walked in round and round in the living room. Then, he decided to get the house ready for you. It was still Valentine's day, and he still had time to do everything to show you he was the one.
It took him a couple of hours to do everything he wanted to. He felt proud of himself. Yet, you weren't still home. He tried to call you again, already forgotten your phone were still in the house. He decided to go through the city to find you and bring you back home - where you belonged. He took his keys, but didn't hop on his car. His heart knew where to find you, at least he hoped you'd be there.
He walked alone in the streets, crossing path with couples getting out of nice restaurants or just walking hands in hands. It wasn't rational, but seeing them made him tear up. He was thinking that he could have lost you forever. And just this thought made him terrified.
When he arrived in the secret spot, he released a breath he didn't know he was holding. You were sitting on the bench.
"Hi", he managed to say, swallowing really hard.
"Hey, Lan", you answered softly. You didn't hold any bitterness towards him. Even the tiniest feeling of disappointment left your body. "How was work ?", you gestured him to sit down next you.
"I'm really sorry love", Lando replied, gulping. He didn't want that small talk.
"It's okay", you leaned against him and laid your head on his shoulder. You felt him relax under your touch.
"It's not. I know how much you love Valentine's day, and you begged me to stay with you today, and I just left this morning, but I didn't remember because-"
You cut his little rant by putting your lips on his sweet ones. At first, he didn't kiss you back, but soon he was taking the lead, asking to enter your mouth with his tongue.
"Someone's hungry for me", you joked lightly. "I promise you it's fine", you insisted.
"Please come home with me", Lando begged you with watering eyes.
"Of course I'm coming home with you", you said, eyebrows furrowing. Realization soon enough crossed your face. "Did you thought I was gonna leave you because of that ?", you knew how Lando's mind was working and how he could feel insecure for the slightest thing. You cupped his cheeks, and one of your hand left to go caress his hair.
"I let you down and I-"
"You didn't, babe. You didn't", you assured him, planting a few kisses on top of his head. "I love you, Lan, and I'm not going anywhere", you assured him. He sniffed lightly, and you decided it was time to go home.
You both walked hand in hand down the streets. Silence following the both of you. Lando's grip on you was firm, like he was afraid you were going to vanish.
You didn't want Lando to feel bad about that day. Sure, you were a little bit sad, but you mostly understood what he was going through. He had so much going on, and you were already lucky to have him by your side.
When you arrived home, you were planning on running your curly boy a nice bath. You went straight up to the bathroom. Down the corridor, you saw petals of flowers leading the way to your shared bedroom. You slowly pushed the door and saw how the lights were turn out. The flower path kept going to the bathroom door. The little room was illuminated by candles arranged all around the bathtub. It smelt like vanilla.
"Happy Valentine's day", you turned around to see Lando with a huge bouquet of flowers.
"Oh Lan", you jumped in his arms. He put the flower down on the bed, and kissed you passionately.
"C'mon, the water's gonna turn cold", he put you down.
Lando slid in the bathtub, helping you in. You sat facing him, and couldn't help but smile.
Lando's hand moved to the side, and he reached a little bowl. He shook it, and gave it to you.
"Are those candy hearts ?", you squealed. Lando nodded his head, happy to see you that cherry.
"Take one and do as it said", he smiled.
You put your hand in the bowl, and mixed the candies before choosing one.
"Bite me", you read the blue candy heart, and burst out of laughing, Lando joining you fast enough. You put the bowl down, and leant closer to your lover. You kissed him softly, before taking his bottom lip between your teeth and biting on it sweetly.
"I love you", Lando said against your lips.
"I love you more", you answered, stars in your eyes. You placed yourself in Lando's arms, resting your head on his chest. You both stayed in the embrace a little while, enjoying each other warmth.
"Alright, I'm going to pick one", Lando said, grabbing a yellow candy heart. "Sex", he read, and hummed. "I wouldn't mind that", the driver kept talking, caressing your body with his hands. He brushed your boobs, and you felt him harden behind you. Everything in you needed him.
"Bedroom, now", you harshly told Lando.
You laid numb in your bed, Lando still laying breathless on top of you. Your hands automatically caressing his head. You were ready to fall asleep like that but Lando's voice took you out of your trance.
"I have a present for you", he told you, stumbling over his words. He managed to get out of your arms and dressed up quickly. He left the room. You put one of Lando's worn shirt and sat up on the bed, waiting for the boy to come back.
He entered the room again with a small box, settling down next to you.
"I forgot Valentine's day was today but I knew it was coming so I still had your gift. C'mon, open it", he spoke softly.
You took the box in your hand and opened it slowly. It contained a beautiful silver necklace. It had a little pendant representing a turtle.
Back to that first Valentine's day, Lando and you were talking about anything that could go through one of your mind.
"What's your favorite animal ?", Lando suddenly asked you.
"The honey badger !", you screamed, teasing the goofy boy sitting next to you. "It was a joke", you said, poking his cheeks to see a smile make its way on Lando's face.
"So, tell me", he said.
"I dunno, the turtle maybe", you said, thinking about the weird question.
"The turtle ?", he asked back, shocked by your answer.
"Yeah, why not ?"
"It's lame like animal", he said, voice getting louder.
"No, it's not !", you argued back.
You proved your point after many photos and videos. Lando accepted your choice, but still kept his opinion that you could have choose something better like a lion or an eagle.
"I love it so much, Lan, thank you", told him while touching lightly the necklace.
"Anything for you", he said. "I'm sorry I wasn't here today."
"You were forgiven a long time ago, love", you told him. "My gift sucks compared to yours", you suddenly said, while opening the drawer of your nightstand.
You got out a little book and gave it to Lando. He took it in his hands like it was the most precious thing in the world.
"The one", he read aloud. "What's that ?", he asked you, turning the book in his hands trying to figure it out what it could be.
"It's the beginning of our story", you simply said, letting Lando to discover what you made him.
He opened the book. It was filled with texts you wrote, poems that fitted to your story, pictures of the two of you and stuff glued inside, like the tickets of the first movie you saw together or the paper of the lollipop you eat on your first date. You've kept everything since the start of your relationship.
"You made all of this ?", he asked, dumbfounded.
"Yeah, I did", you answered.
Lando was truly amazed, he didn't even know what to say. He was keeping his mouth shut, going through the pages. You started to fear he didn't like it. Maybe he was going to think it's silly.
"You can tell me if you don't like, I'll just-"
"It's perfect", he said. "It must have took you so many hours, sweetheart. It's amazing, I love it so much", he reassured you, his eyes never leaving the little book.
"I'm glad you like it", you said.
Lando found the page of your first Valentine's day together. He looked at you, and smiled a little.
"I dunno what you're gonna write about our second Valentine's day. Hopefully, the third will be better", he laughed sarcastically.
"I liked tonight, it was really nice", you went to kiss him but Lando moved back. He took you in a warm hug instead.
"I'm so lucky you're mine", Lando told you with every bit of honesty he could find in his body.
"I'm the lucky one", you replied in his embrace.
He went to read the book again, and you took this opportunity to look at the necklace.
"Do you want me to put it on you ?", he asked softly.
"Yes, please."
He took the jewelry and placed it around your neck. He then looked at you.
"It's fitting you so well, you look gorgeous", he complimented you.
"Let's take a picture, here hold the book !", you said happily. "See, that's what I'll remember about our second Valentine's day", you peppered kisses on his face.
"You won't remember my candy heart", he said in an attractive voice, pushing you against the bed.
"Pick another and we'll see", you teased him, brushing your lips over his. He pretended to take a candy - while you knew they were still in the bathroom.
"It says round 2", his signature smirk was plastered on his face.
"Round 2, then."
🌻 Thanks for reading 🌻
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orionwhispers · 4 years
Bravado // Tommy Shelby Imagine
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(A/N - its been a long ass time and i wanted to ease myself back into writing but this ended up being long and also super super angsty. sorry that this illness imagine came during covid idk whats going on with my imagination lol. love you guys SO much thank you for always being there. reblogs, comments and likes mean everything to me.)
trigger warnings - LOTS of angst. fluff. implied smut. my hc that tommy has a fear of illness, bad descriptions of hospitals. 
He knew something wasn’t right the minute his car pulled into the driveway and you weren’t waiting for him under the great concrete arch, with that smile on your face that made his knees buckle and heart race like he was a love struck teenager.
You were always there as soon as he came home. Barefoot in a broderie dress in the summer with tousled hair and baby pink toenails. Wrapped in a hand knit blanket with fire flushed cheeks and woollen socks in the winter - even running across the gravel and into his arms in the middle of a storm, the ice cold rain whipping across both of your faces as you kissed under the light of the moon.
No matter how shit his day or week or month was, no matter what stained his hands or darkened his heart, no matter what lay heavy and hard deep in his gut, seeing you made everything vanish in the night air like wisps of smoke. You made everything worth it.
He refused to give into fear, he wasn’t that kind of man, so he swallowed all of the nagging thoughts and apprehensions as he came up to the dark foggy windows and the iron cast door. It felt strange turning his key in the lock without the weight of you in his arms or the sticky peach kisses you left down his jaw and neck, the smell of the vanilla in your hair and lavender on your skin.
The second thing that sent a jolt of white hot electricity down his spine was Mary, watching him anxiously and wringing her hands in the hallway. Usually, she was calm and collected, taking his jacket and leather travel bag with her signature placid smile and gentle fingers. Usually she would return to the kitchen and finish up whatever she was making - a hearty roast lamb with rosemary and garlic and glazed potatoes or a pheasant pie with honeyed carrots, always followed by a three layer chocolate ganache cake that was so thick and rich you practically had to saw through the sponge. She would always have dinner piping hot and dripping with gravy by the time the two of you returned downstairs, no matter how many hours it took for you to get... reacquainted.
Now she looked sheepish and pale, her skin almost translucent under the syrupy yellow lights. There was something about the way she stood, as still as a wraith, that made his blood run cold.
“Mary. Where is she?”
“Mr Shelby, I - ” Her voice was strained and hesitant, like a slowly fraying rope.
“Where is my wife?”
She moved forward, creases forming around her eyes. “We tried ringing you in Liverpool but the hotel said that you had already left, so we...”
“You rang me? Why? What’s happened?” He couldn’t hold back the desperation in his voice, and it lingered and festered around them both like a poisonous gas.
“Mrs Shelby came down with something a few days ago, we thought that it was just a common cold but unfortunately she seems to be getting worse.”
He tore upstairs before he could even think, his shoes leaving perfect muddy footprints on the cream carpet. He almost slipped at the top, and he lurched forward, his hands reaching out and holding onto the portrait hanging above the stairs for stability.
It was the oil of the two of you. A soft, personal picture that revealed more than he ever possibly could. The love in your gazes, the hint of a soft, drunk smile on the dangerous gangsters face as you leaned into him, melting into him like butter, him holding onto you as though he couldn’t bear to let you go. It was his favourite photo, one that always washed a sense of calmness over him, a reminder of the woman that he loved and the way he felt around you. But now he felt as if was riding out a terrible storm.
He lived his life with no fear, he was capable and practical and used to the sound of bullets and the copper sweet smell of blood. There was really only one thing, one terrible thing that he couldn’t control, and that was what drove him crazy.
It gnawed at his insides like a rabid dog, clawed under his skin and settled behind his ribs. Losing someone he loved was like ripping out a piece of his heart straight from his chest, and he knew better than anyone what it was like to lose somebody to a violent, quick death - the pull of a trigger or the smack of a fist. At least in those moments he could lock them away in his mind, he could leap in front of a bullet or crack the neck of any man who dared to get too close to you, but there was almost nothing he could do to stop sickness, and the devastation it caused.
When you first met him it had been a surprise, almost amusing, that this powerful God of a man had these small little quirks. His house was always sparkling clean and smelling of Lysol, his fruit bowls were filled with citrus fruits and round, plump blueberries. He always made sure you were wrapped up warm in the winter, always placing his coat around your shoulders and bringing an extra pair of gloves in case you forgot yours. It was adorable, the way he took care of you,
It wasn’t till a little bit later when you learnt of those he had lost. His mother and his childhood sweetheart taken away from him much too soon. It broke your heart when he told you late one night of the sallow tint of their skin and the way he could almost see them vanishing from earth, the way that illness had moulded and changed those he loved the most.
You understood.
Your best friends older sister had died of tuberculosis when you were young. The elderly woman across the street from your first flat had passed away from a bout of horrendous smallpox. Your brother lost his first child to pneumonia. Times were changing but the fear of disease was ever present. Medicine was improving and so was knowledge, but still there remained a huge, dark cloud of what could happen, one that always hung around your husbands head.
All Tommy could think was the worst as he ran through the landing. His heart was in his ears and his bones felt loose, like the sweet liquorice the two of you would share at the pictures. He came to a stop by the bedroom door, tentatively pressing his palm onto the wood and ever so slightly pushing it open, listening to the gentle creak it made.
The room was warm. The lace curtains were pulled shut, and your favourite lavender candles were flickering on your vanity, casting syrupy shadows against the wall. He exhaled loudly as he saw you, bundled up under a mountain of satin sheets and hand crocheted blankets, your hair splayed across the pillows.
He moved to your bedside, pretending not to notice the large, untouched jug of water and the tissue box next to you, hoping and silently praying that you weren’t sick - just asleep and waiting for him, ready to wrap your arms around his neck.
You were silent, your lips parting every so often as you breathed, your chest rising and falling. He reached out gently, as though he was picking up shards of glass, and brushed his fingers against your cheek. Your forehead was beading with sweat, your cheeks flushed, and yet your skin was ice cold to the touch. He recoiled quickly, his heart dropping like a weight into his gut, and he inhaled a shaky, deep breath.
He saw something curled up beside your hands, a fluffy white cloud with sparkling emerald green eyes trained on him. Despite everything, he smiled. He thought of your birthday - of strawberry cheesecake and champagne, and surprising you with a ribbon wrapped little kitten as you woke up. He thought of that day often. How you smiled and leapt onto him with tears in your eyes, his whole world blissfully quiet as he spent the day in bed with you and your new best friend.
He would have preferred a big dog, one with sharp teeth and a menacing gaze to ward of visitors whilst he was away. But you were drawn to the tiny, malnourished runt of the litter who was scared of his own shadow. A kitten no bigger than the size of his clenched fist. A little white hairball who only ate and drank from fine pink saucers. A cat that had a very frustrating habit of crawling in the bedroom right as Tommy’s hand was up your skirt and his lips on the sweet spot of your neck, the tiny thing mewling and crying until you picked him up and nuzzled him into your chest.
He was a horse lover through and through, and never saw himself having time for any other pets. But in the summer when you saw the litter from one of John’s barn cats and fell in love with the sweet baby who mewled and cried and crawled right into your lap - he knew that he would give you anything and everything you wanted.
Including a cat who refused to accept that Tommy was the man of the house.
“Hello, boy.” He said, leaning over to scratch Comet under the chin, using a voice he only reserved for the two of you. “Have you been looking after my girl whilst I’ve been gone?”The cat meowed loudly in reply, pressing his head into Tommy’s palm but not moving from his spot beside you.
Tommy suddenly felt you shift under him and his heart lurched into his throat. He turned to face you, cupping the side of your clammy face as your eyelids fluttered open, blinking under the candlelight. A rush of red hot heat built up in his belly as you registered him, that angelic smile growing on your face, your tired eyes glimmering with recognition of the man you loved.
“Hi, Princess.”
You smiled sadly. “You’ve been gone for weeks - I missed you.”
He felt his brows crease as he rubbed along your jawline softly, trying to stop you from falling back asleep. He felt panic in his throat as sour as vomit, and he tried to bite back the nagging feeling that something was very wrong.
“No, sweetheart, I’m early. It’s only Thursday. I left on Monday.”
“Oh.” You said softly, your voice as gentle as the breeze rustling through the trees outside. “Well let me welcome you back properly - let me make you a lemon drizzle or a...” You lifted your head from the pillow and shuffled under your blanket, but he pressed his hands against your shoulder and held you down.
“No. You’re staying right here.”
“But - ”
“Hmm. Don’t leave me, Tommy.”
“Never.” He said, his tone firm and cast like stone. He stroked your hair softly as your breathing slowed, but it didn’t nothing to quell the hard thump of his heart in his chest.
Tommy left the room as quietly as he could after you had fallen asleep in his arms. He hadn’t wanted to move, not when you were pressed against his chest, looking ethereal but vacant, sweat beading under your brow and your face lacking colour. He wanted to stay with you, curled up by his side, his fingers laced through yours, the sound of your heart thumping in his ears.
But he was a man of action, and seeing you there - your lips cracked and dry, shudders passing through your body and goosebumps raised over your skin - he couldn’t fight the fiery urge to do everything in his power to make you feel alright again.
He found Mary waiting outside the door, chewing on the skin of her lips and swaying on the balls of her feet in anticipation. He grabbed her by the arm, harder than he meant to and something he would apologise for later, and pulled her downstairs, determined to let you rest whilst he got some answers. As soon as they reached the drawing room he spun her around, clenching his jaw and pointing a finger at the anxious maid.
“Where the fuck is the doctor? Why isn’t he here?”
“Mr Shelby.” She said, stepping forward calmly. “We phoned Doctor Moore and he came on Tuesday to see her.”
“Tuesday?” He seethed. “My wife has been ill since Tuesday and no one called me?”
Mary raised her hands in defeat, making it clear that the decision wasn’t hers to make. “He said it was nothing of concern . He gave her some antibiotics and told her to rest. She asked us herself not to call you, she knows how you.. worry.”
He ignored her sugar coated attempt to quell his anger, but if anything it made his vision darken. “When it’s my wife, It is always my concern.”
“Mr Shelby, we were just doing what we were told. As soon as we noticed she wasn’t getting better we phoned the surgery again, but Doctor Thomas was out for the day and said he didn’t think it was necessary to come round again, so we -”
“I don’t give a fuck. My wife is the number one priority. Ring every doctor in England if you have to, get somebody out here now to see my wife.”
He stormed away, anger pulsating through his veins, but he stopped suddenly, and threw out over his shoulder:
“And call Doctor Moore’s ’office. Tell him to expect a visit from the blinders soon.”
Once, when you were first dating, you found Tommy at the door to your flat at midnight, with scraped knuckles and blood dripping from his nose. You let him in, cleaned him up and sat with him in the bath until his skin was clear and his breathing was even. He knew that night, as you were pressed against his chest and his lips were pressed to your scalp that he was truly, madly and completely in love with you.
He remembered waking up the next morning, love drunk and blissful, and finding the bed beside him empty. He found you in the kitchen, wincing slightly and pressing a hot water bottle to your belly as you buttered a few pieces of toast. He rushed to your side with eyes as wide as saucers, concern lacing the features that were usually ice cold and hard as stone. You were completely baffled as he held you at arms length, his bright cerulean eyes trailing up and down your body for any signs of injury he might have missed. You were bewildered at the sight of the powerful man practically on his knees as he made sure you were alright, and you bit back a giggle as his warm palms spread over your abdomen.
“What is it? Whats wrong?”
“Tommy. Sweetheart.” You said softly, bringing his gaze level to yours. “It’s just - you know - that time of the month.”
He brushed off your embarrassment and ran his fingers through your hair, pressing a uncharacteristically gentle kiss to your forehead, sending a swarm of butterflies around the pain in your stomach.
“Do you need anything?” He asked, half ready to run down to the corner shop and buy any amount of painkillers or chocolate bars or your favourite lavender tea that you might need; not caring who saw the seemingly terrifying gang leader in the street with an armful of strawberry laces and salt water fudges.
You smiled like the summer sun and he melted, pulling you close as you whispered in the shell of his ear that you only needed him, and that was all you ever needed.
That was the first time you fully saw the extent of Tommy’s fear, but it definitely wasn’t the last. He knew he wanted you forever and always, and it took only six months of neck kisses and pillow talk, red hot jealousy and possessive hands across your skin and dancing in the rain and falling asleep under the pale yellow moon for him to put a ring on your finger. You were both consumed by your love, as though it was the only thing that mattered, it was insatiable and powerful - the wonderful mix of the devil and his sweet little angel.
And with that, came the good and the bad.
Like when you got food poisoning after Arthur cooked you a Sunday lunch to cheer you up whilst Tommy was gone. He came home to you retching over the toilet bowl with Mary holding back your hair, and swore that he would kill his brother with his own hands. Or when you slipped on ice and broke your arm while out with friends in London, and Tommy went ballistic and tried to ban you from ever leaving the house. It was just in his nature, how he always made sure you walked on the side furthest from the road, kept an arm slung around you whenever you were together, kept his eyes alert and vigilant no matter where you were - always looking out for his girl.
But he had never been like this.
You were falling in and out of sleep. Waking up drowsy and heavy headed, squinting under bright lights, an ache in your skull and a burning in your throat. Every so often you felt a pinch in your upper arm, a squeeze on your palm, a kiss on your forehead - but you always drifted back into unconsciousness.
You weren’t sure how much time had passed when you woke up. The room was dark and you could hear the wind howling and whipping rain across the windows. You felt all too hot and all too cold at the same time, and the bed was damp with sweat. You struggled and tried to sit up, your head swaying and feeling as heavy as one of Tommy’s marble statues; as if you had been carved up and moulded. You could hear voices out in the hall, and unsteadily got to your feet, moving towards the noises.
“Pneumonia?” You heard through the thick wooden door, instantly recognising your husbands voice. “That’s impossible.”
“Fucking. Impossible.” You knew his teeth were clenched.
The other man cleared his throat.“I know that it’s hard to hear, Mr Shelby, but your wife is very sick.”
“Just...” You felt your heart flutter and clench in your chest as the sound of his broken words, could practically feel his desperation and you wanted nothing more than to hold him. “Just tell me how to make her better.”
The second man spoke again, his voice softening and lowering, something you knew Tommy would hate. “Mr Shelby, the first round of antibiotics didn’t work and that means that it’s time for something stronger. Usually I would suggest the Birmingham hospital but I don’t think it’s equipped for...” He paused, trying to think over his words carefully. He wanted to convey the severity of the situation but also didn’t want to risk getting a bullet in his head from your very protective husband. “...This kind of reaction. I recommend we send her down to London for extra testing.”
“London? That’ll take two fucking hours. How the fuck can you recommend letting my wife travel that far? Are you out of your fucking mind?”
“I’m my opinion this is the wisest choice to make, but unfortunately that could mean your wife might get worse before she gets better.”
“Worse than she already is? That’s not an option.”
The man you assumed was the doctor was insistent, trying his best to portray the severity of the situation but failing as your hardheaded husband had already come to a decision.
“I’ll look after her here. She’s safest with me.”
Once Tommy had spoken that was the final result, and the doctor slinked away into the darkness and shook his head. You remained peering from behind the door, your tongue between your teeth and your heart hammering.
Tommy took one look at you and frowned, scooping you in his arms like a baby despite your protests. He ignored you, acting playfully and cheerful but you could feel his heated skin and the see flare of his nostrils. You wanted to help him but didn’t know how, and let him tuck you under the covers once again. He kissed your crown and stroked your hair and you wanted to speak but no words would leave your mouth.
“You stay there this time. You know I have no problem with tying you to the bed.”
You rolled your eyes as he left, and his clenched fists and tightened shoulders told you all you needed to know.
Comet watched from his spot beside you as Tommy wrestled with the fire. He had noticed you shivering despite your high temperature, and bundled you up in blankets whilst sparking matches beside the fireplace. There were raindrops across his shoulders, evidence that he had been outside and to the log store right at the end of the property - a job that had always been for the Groundskeeper. Your precious cat nudged the tips of your fingers as you sighed and watched your husband throw kindling onto the coal, a deep unease settling over your gut.
“Tommy, my love, I’m fine.” It wasn’t exactly true but you felt he needed to hear it. But you could practically see your words wash over him and evaporate like ocean spray.
He was shaking a metal tin in his palm as he worked, and you groaned and let your head hit the pillow as he pulled out two round chalky tablets. You winced as he placed them beside your glass, your mouth already tasting like the sour talc medicine you had come to loathe. He raised his eyebrows and shot you a look that told you he wasn’t far off plugging your nose with his fingers to force you to swallow, and you childishly stuck up two fingers as you took them.
Your stomach rumbled with nausea and you bit back the bile in your throat as you settled into the pillows. You watched your husband as he pulled off his crisp white shirt, revealing his taut tan stomach and the deep ink tattoos that you loved to trace with your fingertips and your lips. There was something about him standing there, with those damn cerulean eyes and hidden muscles, that boyish hair and slender fingers that you wanted desperately around your throat, that made a million tiny fireworks spark inside of you.
But instead you pushed him away from you despite your body wanting nothing but him wrapped all around you. “Don’t get too close. I might have something contagious. I can’t have you getting sick.”
He ignored you, smiling inwardly at the way you always put others before yourself. It was one of the million reasons he had fallen for you. You were sweating out a high fever and shivering in pain, and yet you always thought of him first. He pressed his lips to your temple and pulled you closer, knowing that skin to skin was a way to bring down a fever - even if it meant he had to restrain himself from tugging off your pretty little white nightgown and whatever frilly things you had on underneath.
“I’m not going anywhere. Fuck it if I catch anything.”
“That’s easy for you to say. I’m the one who will have to dote on you hand and foot, you big baby.” You teased, pressing yourself into him playfully, finally giving in.
He held you like a child, trying to hard to soften despite the way you felt underneath him. Everything on him was running a mile a minute, and he couldn’t help but want to try everything and everything to make you feel better. His hand was pressed against your temple to always try and measure your fever, his other palm across your chest to try and count your heart rate.
He could hear Mary treading across the landing carpet but he ignored his anxious maid, instead letting himself be completely consumed by the only thing that mattered - you.
This was something he had to do by himself. He was the only one who could care for you he reminded himself. And he let the words tumble over and over in his skull until they were all he could hear.
You had been asleep for a long time.
Every hour, after pacing the length of the hall and sanitising his hands and wiping the beads of sweat above your brow and above your breasts he woke you up and held a cool glass to your lips. You mumbled and moaned and pushed him away but he kept his fingers across your wrist - harsher than he ever had before - and kept you as close to him as possible.
He couldn’t remember the last time he had cooked. Perhaps it was last valentines when the two of you had camped out under the stars, drinking icy white wine and sharing stolen, day drunk kisses. That night he had roasted a chicken over the fire and it had burnt to a crisp as the two of you rolled around the grass, his head buried in your neck as you giggled at the poultry going up in flames.
He was trying now though, easy, plain substantial meals that wouldn’t upset your stomach. Boiled egg and dippy soldiers. Crackers with smooth cheese. Bubbly water and ginger biscuits. Each time he went upstairs you pushed him away, your whole body shuddering and almost retching, and he felt like smashing the plates against the wall at his defeat.
It had been almost thirty six hours since he had come home and it had been almost as long since you had eaten something, and his heart thundered and shattered in his chest when he found you gasping and wheezing over the toilet bowl when you had taken a bite of toast to calm him. He rarely left you alone, only for a few minutes to put the still full dishes in the sink, to ring Lizzie and tell her that he wouldn’t be coming for reasons that he refused to disclose, to smoke a cigarette under the grey stone archway, his shaking hands and bitten fingernails barely visible through the sleepy rolling fog.
He had grabbed handfuls of papers and the brass ink pen you had got him for your anniversary and broke his own rule - bringing work into your bedroom. It had always been a sacred space. For candlelight and soft laughter, aching hands and heart shaped bruises, a sanctuary for him to breathe and to love and to be loved fully in return. But he was afraid if he didn’t have a distraction, he might just completely lose it, and he had to be there for you.
So he sat squinting in his glasses, the room almost completely dark save for a few candles because of the migraines that had started to spread throughout your skull, and let himself be drawn into the mess of squiggly lines and numbers that suddenly didn’t add up, with you still centre stage in his peripheral.
After about forty minutes of rereading the same sentence a dozen times to try and make some sense of it, he heard your voice, like a small crack spreading across a sheet of ice, coming from the bed.
“Tom?” You sounded so weak, he practically flipped your cream vanity as he got to his feet and darted towards you. “I don’t feel well.”
He lifted you as you reached your arms up at him like a child. He almost gasped at the sweat pouring from your body but didn’t want to scare you, and instead held your shaking, shivering body against his own. How could you be so hot, yet so cold at the same time? Your skin was prickled with goosebumps yet you were burning with a fever, and for the first time in a long time, he had no fucking idea what to do.
He left you propped up against the headboard and he entered the bathroom. He ran over to the claw foot tub you loved, twisting the faucet and trying to find the perfect medium between boiling hot and freezing cold. He didn’t want to overwhelm you, just try and soothe your raging fever, and he ignored the shelves of expensive bath oils and scented soaps that you coveted, instead opting for a handful of something meant to ease tension - praying to whoever was listening that it would help you somehow.
There was a brutal, awful moment as he lifted you from the bed, limp as a rag doll, where he imagined what would happen if your heart were to stop. He couldn’t comprehend what it would be like to miss the weight of you in his arms, the smell of your skin, the feeling of your lips against him, the shovels stopping and fading into nothing. It hit him square in the chest, as merciless as a bullet, and he had to lean against the doorframe to stop the two of you from plummeting to the ground.
He undressed himself first. Tugging his white shirt off, sliding off his slacks and his underwear, keeping you as close to his chest as he could. Then he pulled your nightgown up and over your head. He gathered your hair and secured it up with a claw clip so that it was away from your face, the heat radiating off your neck as fierce as the fire now burnt down to ash in the bedroom.
He lowered the two of you into the bath, sinking down beneath the eucalyptus smelling lukewarm water, letting it wash over you both. Your teeth were chattering and you were barely awake. He gathered handfuls of water, letting it drip over your shoulders and pulse points, grabbing a washcloth and running it over your raised skin, hating how you barely registered his touch. As he scrubbed over your collarbones and up to your face he saw your lips had turned to an awful, silvery blue, as vibrant as a fresh bruise. He hissed and tugged on the plug, now determined to get you wrapped up in a fresh towel and tucked back into bed.
You were soft and placid and he helped you out, lacking the usual fire that he adored. Your eyes were glassy and missing their vibrance, like the vanishing spark of a lighter - and he felt miles and miles of invisible distance between the two of you. You were unsteady on your feet and he used his body to prop you up as he warmed your arms with a fluffy white towel. You suddenly stopped, lifting your hand to your mouth as you started to cough - a horrible, dry, gasping cough.
He noticed it almost immediately. His eyes darting to the splatter of red against the white, a smudge of crimson that was as loud and commanding as a siren, a warning signal that something was definitely not right. A bead of scarlet that would linger long behind his closed eyelids.
He managed to get you back into bed, remaining calm as he stroked your hair and kissed your temple. He tucked you under the duvet and waited for your breathing to even before he ran downstairs, his heart thumping in his ears as he practically ripped the phone off of the wall.
“Pol? Fuck. I think - I think I need help.”
The room smelt like bleach and metal. Unfamiliar and clinical. There was something hard on your chest and covering your mouth, it tasted like wet pennies and was as heavy as a hand over your throat, but for the first time in days you could finally breathe. You tried to sit up, but there was a needle in your chest, a gown you didn’t recognise cut straight down the middle to accommodate it. You struggled and lifted the thin bedsheet above your shivering torso, trying to look around the cold room.
It was Polly, dressed immaculately despite her surroundings. She reached out and placed a manicured hand across yours, and you smiled at the woman who had always been a calming influence when you had joined the circus of a family. There was concern in her eyes, rimmed with black eyeliner and lifted lashes but still swimming deep around her pupils. That made you frown, and you moved as much as you could to face her.
“What happened?”
She ran her tongue over her teeth, choosing her words. “You gave us quite a fright, love.”
“I did?” Your memories of the past few days were much like a fever dream, blurry and distorted snapshots were all you could really remember.
“Your pneumonia got worse. A lot worse.” She paused, looking over to the door and you followed her gaze. “They found fluid in your lungs.”
“So...” You started, gesturing to the needle in your abdomen and the breathing apparatus around your head.
She nodded. “Yes. You were in surgery. It was touch and go for a little bit.”
“Really?” You were bewildered. You couldn’t remember anything, let alone having major surgery. You looked her straight in the eye, asking her the questions that had been on the tip of your tongue since you had woken up. “Where is he? Where’s Tommy?”
“He’s outside.” She clicked her tongue, reaching deep into her purse and pulling out some hand cream, gently rubbing your dry hands like she was your mother. You leant into her touch despite all of your questions.
“What? Why?”
“I think he blames himself. God knows what goes on in that mans head. All I really know is he was bloody terrified.” She paused, looking over in the distance. “I’ve never seen him so scared, not even on his wedding day.” She smiled sadly, trying to lighten the mood, but it soon faded. “He didn’t leave your side the whole time you were asleep.”
Your heart thumped in your chest, a soft aching that you knew all too well. “I want to see him.”
“I know you do. But right now...” She stopped right as a handful of nurses entered, clad in long blue dresses with white aprons, hair tied back and smelling of strong soap and disinfectant. You lost Polly in the bustle as one spoke softly to you before tugging on the needle right beside your ribs, your eyes just catching hers as she left, a promise to see you soon on her lips.
It wasn’t her you saw next, but Tommy.
The nurses had cleaned you up with wet flannels and bowls of warm soapy water. Your hair had been braided and your face washed, and walked you arm in arm over to the bathroom so you could relieve yourself. A skittish doctor followed after, his eyes darting across you and his touch gentle as he changed your dressings and took your blood - obviously under strict instructions from your husband, and despite everything, you smiled.
You were sat listening to the clock tick. A romance novel you had been given was dangling dangerously close to the end of the bed, but you were too tired to focus on it. You heard the door squeal softly, and the sound of familiar footsteps across the tiling, each small thud sending shockwaves across your spine.
He looked tired. Exhausted rather, as though he had been awake all the hours that you had been asleep. His eyes were bloodshot and his skin was sallow and bruised. His clean shaven face was dark with stubble and his hair was ruffled and unwashed. You longed to reach out to him and cradle him against you, but he stood in the doorway, lingering like a ghost.
“Tommy?” You repeated, your voice almost a whisper, breaking his already shattered heart once again.
“How are you feeling, my love?”
You smiled softly, like spun sugar and sweet honey. No hospital bed or itchy gown could dull your infectious light. “Better now.”
He approached you almost cautiously. He settled down on the hard chair beside your bed and stroked a line down from your temple to your lips, his touch setting you alight like an electrical storm. There was a sadness in his eyes that reminded you of how he got when things were bad, and you willed him to come back to you. His touch was tentative and he inhaled shakily as you cupped his hand with yours, pressing a tender kiss to the inside of his palm.
“Don’t scare me like that. Ever.” He was stern, as though hoping his words would make it true. “I mean it.” He kept his gaze on your pretty face, trying his best not to stare at the harsh bruising on your delicate flesh or the sickly tone of your skin.
“Tommy I’m going to get sick, even you can’t stop that.” You teased gently.
“I can bloody well try.” His hands cradled your face, pulling you into him and kissing you fiercely, still mindful of the wires and tubes taped to your body. There was something about the tenderness and deep longing in the kiss that when mixed with your total exhaustion and love for your husband prompted tears to start falling from your eyes. You sniffled as he pulled away, concern dripping from his beautiful features, his powerful mind wanting to do everything and anything to stop your hurting.
“Hey, hey.” He said, running his calloused fingertips under your eyes and wiping your tears away. You leant into his touch and he kissed your temple, squeezing you even tighter into him. “You know I hate it when you cry.” He toyed with your hair and winked playfully. “Besides, all you need to focus on is getting better. You’re going to have to take care of me when we get home, this week has given me a fucking stroke.”
You rolled your eyes, kissing the inside of his wrist. “You’re a idiot, Thomas Shelby.” You blinked at the clock looming above you both, wanting to stay in your blissful bubble but also knowing that Aunt Pol would probably be in the vicinity harassing a poor nurse over your results. “You should go and find Polly, let her know that everything’s alright.”
He shook his head and nuzzled his nose across yours, an act so innocent that your heart dipped and swooped in your chest. “Later.” He said, breathless and consumed by you. Everything had been too much. Almost losing you had been harrowing, it had punctured him completely and he just needed to feel his girl safe and warm around him. He needed to know that you weren’t found anywhere.
“I just want to stay here for a while. Just me and you.”
You grinned. “Always.”
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cxsmicmyeon · 4 years
kim minseok x fem! reader
IN WHICH minseok wants to spend his 31st birthday at home with his wife and cat but you have other plans that may or may not involve a surprise birthday party. (based on the second prompt from this post by @creativepromptsforwriting​)
genre: married/domestic & non-idol au! fluff, humor word count: 3.0k warnings: swearing, light sexual references/jokes, implied sexual content (it gets a tad spicy at times but nothing explicit), chaos, minseok’s butt being The Bomb Dot Com™ (sorry not sorry)
author’s note: happy birthday to my ray of sunshine, kim minseok! i love you so so much darling, i hope your day is filled with so much happiness and celebration. hope this lil piece can help y’all celebrate min’s 31st with me <3 it’s not the 26th yet where i live lmao but it is in korea so yeah! once again have a happy happy birthday minseok, i love you endlessly and forever. <33 MOODBOARD MADE BY ME. I DON’T OWN THE IMAGES, I ONLY OWN MY EDITING. feedback and notes are greatly appreciated <3
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One day.
One day until Minseok’s birthday, and you were scrambling from bakery to bakery to try and get the perfect cake for him. There were flaws in every place you’ve been: too expensive, the designs were not creative enough, blah blah blah. You wanted his day to be as perfect as possible, and what would be the point of that if the cake was nothing but?
Everything else was all ready. You invited all of yours and his closest friends to your house the night of Minseok’s birthday for a surprise party. You planned on keeping Minseok out of the house for the entire day as your friends decorated the house. 
He didn’t want a party. He made that abundantly clear to you as soon as March began. He incessantly told you that all he wanted was a day off from teaching so he could spend the whole day with you and your cat. All he wanted was a nice and relaxing day with his wife. You understood, obviously. But you also wanted to go all out and throw a surprise birthday bash for your husband celebrating his thirty-first year on Earth. Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Jongdae’s incessant whining and begging for an excuse to have a party only aided in your need to have a party.
You ended up settling with a simple Carvel ice cream cake from the frozen section of the grocery store. You made a mental note to ask Yixing to write out “Happy Birthday Minseok” the next day as you left the store.
You came home to your husband holding a feather toy over your cat, Tan’s head. She pawed at the red feather, always at the cusp of grabbing it before Minseok moved the line away from her. He cooed at the animal, making soft kissing sounds as he continued to play with her.
Realizing that he may see the cake, you tucked the grocery bag under your shirt in an attempt to hide it from him, shivering at the cold contact the frozen treat made with your skin. The rustling of the plastic bag caused Minseok to look up at you. He gave you a gummy smile as you walked past him and Tan.
“Well hello to you too, honey. What’s under your shirt?” Minseok asked playfully, wiggling his eyebrows as he made eye contact with your chest. You realized that hiding the bag did not do much to hide the cake, as the shape of the large box combined with the plastic grocery bag greatly protruded from the fabric of your shirt. 
“Nothing, it’s for tomorrow. Don’t wanna ruin the surprise, hm?” you mused, blowing him an air kiss before retreating to your office. He "caught” your kiss with a smile before going back to playing with Tan.
You entered your office and placed the plastic bag onto your desk. You ran to lock the door before opening the bag and taking the cake out, sighing in relief that the cake did not get ruined. You bent down to your mini-fridge and opened the small door of the freezer compartment and placed the cake inside, glad that it could fit inside. After locking the fridge, you exited your office and made your way downstairs to spend time with your loving husband.
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You awoke the next day curled up in Minseok’s arms. You cuddled closer to him before jolting upwards in realization. Today was finally the day! You bent down and began showering your sleeping husband with excited kisses, trailing a hand down his bicep. He let out a sleepy groan as he stirred, wrapping his strong arms around your figure.
“Aah, what’s gotten into you baby?” he asked, his voice hoarse from just waking up. 
“Happy birthday, Min!” you beamed, pecking him on the lips. He grinned tiredly as he kissed you on the lips.
“Mmmh, thank you honey.” You grinned as you kissed him again. This kiss lasted longer than the previous ones and slowly yet surely grew more heated. You moved yourself so you were straddling him, not breaking the kiss. He hummed against your lips as you slid your hand underneath his shirt, fingertips grazing his toned stomach. He groaned as his hands made their way down to your ass, squeezing harshly. You bit back a moan as you slowly slid his shirt up his chest, breaking the kiss to ogle at his abs.
“Babe... don’t we need to get ready?” Minseok groaned as you pulled the shirt over his head. You latched your lips onto his neck and softly bit down, eliciting a raspy moan from your husband.
“Shh, let me give you your first gift.” you purred, moving your hands toward the waistband of his boxers.
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The mall was packed to the brim with people from all different walks of life. Gossiping teenagers, sleep-deprived parents following their energetic kids around, old couples window shopping, you name it. You walked through the giant Macy’s and into the main hub of the mall hand in hand with Minseok. 
Since you started dating, it has been a tradition for you to buy each other’s gifts the day of your respected birthdays. You’d usually scour Amazon or websites of your favorite brands all day and end up splurging half your monthly paychecks on each other. But on occasion, today included, you’d take your shopping day to the local mall as a means to get out of your apartment and actually go out for once. 
After an... eventful... morning, you rushed to get dressed and usher your husband out of the house, since the boys were coming over at 11, and it was 10:55 by the time you got into the car and sped away toward the mall.
You pointed out a newly opened jewelry store and pulled Minseok inside with you. You looked at him lovingly as he browsed the display of a multitude of different rings. He’d softly mutter to himself as he picked up ring after ring: trying to see what would look best next to his wedding band, what the right price was, if the store even provided the correct size. You loved how organized he was.
Your silent admiring was interrupted by the familiar chime of your phone, indicating you got a text message. You let out a sigh as soon as you saw who the message was from.
operation minseok’s 31st🥳
jun-bug: (y/n) we have a problem (y/n): oh god what happened yee-xing: baekhyun dropped the cake (y/n): he did what bacon: cant u read (y/n) i dropped the fucking cake 11 minutes late: no need to be rude xoxo (y/n): yeah baek u don’t want me to leave my stunning husband inside the jewelry store, come home and mutilate you for dropping his cake and get arrested on his special day (: kyung-soup: oddly specific but i’m here for it jong-waeeee: off topic but the sign says “minseop” instead of “minseok” (y/n): jun, yixing and kyungsoo you better get this settled or else i’m gonna kill all of you nini bear: yes ma’am ofc ma’am we will do this correct chain-yeol: yeah i don’t wanna die today
“Everything okay?”
You quickly locked your phone and threw it inside your purse before making eye contact with Minseok. You nodded a bit too quickly, panic washing over you like a giant wave from the ocean.
“Yeah, everything’s dandy.” you sputtered. Oh, why did this have to happen right now? You silently prayed that everything was going to go well. It had to.
“You sure?”
“Positive. Did you choose something?” Minseok nodded as he handed you a box with a simple black titanium ring. You nodded in approval as he led you to the register.
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Your next stop was at Express. You were dying to pick out some new work clothes for him to try on. You assured him (and yourself) that he needed these new pants and this was totally not an excuse for you to check him out.
“Okay, I’ve got three pairs of pants that I think would look absolutely amazing on you and I want you to go try ‘em on.” you said, handing Minseok three hangers. Each hanger had a pair of slacks in different colors hanging from them. He took them from you, shooting you a smirk before walking inside the fitting room stall.
Your eyes widened as Minseok opened the door of the stall. The pants fit absolutely perfectly. The way the fabric hugged his perfect thighs, the color complimenting his white undershirt (which you imagined to be one of his famous white button-downs), it left you practically swooning.
“What do you think?” 
You let out a hum in approval before motioning for him to turn around. “Lemme see the goods, hun.” He rolled his eyes before turning around. Your eyes landed on his butt, making you swoon for real. You covered your mouth to hide your obvious enjoyment of the sight before you. And it didn’t help when he gave his butt a mini shake. Still, you couldn’t help but squeal softly.
“You sure today’s not your birthday?” Minseok teased. You tutted as you stood from your spot and walked up to him, giving his butt a light pinch before wrapping your arms around his neck.
“With you, every day’s my birthday.” you answered, giving him a peck on the lips.
“Ugh, I think you ate too much of that egg and cheese for breakfast today.”
“You know you love me.”
“That I do, darling.” Minseok mused before closing the distance between you two. You tangled your hands in his silky black hair as you savored the heavenly taste of his lips. You felt his hands grab your ass as you deepened the kiss, tugging at his hair in response.
As you kissed, you heard your phone chime the same chime that indicated a text from the boys. You decided to ignore it and continue making out with your husband until the phone went off four more times. You scoffed as you broke the kiss, fishing inside of your purse to grab it.
“Is everything okay, hun?” Minseok asked.
“Yeah, fine. Just crap from, uh, ‘work,’” you lied, unlocking the phone. “Go try on the other pants.” Minseok nodded before walking back to the stall. Once the door was closed and locked, you looked down at your messages, worry washing over you once again. What the hell happened now?
operation minseok’s 31st🥳
yee-xing: oh christ yee-xing: (y/n) (y/n) (y/n) jun-bug: you gotta help us yee-xing: please kyung-soup: i am going to kill park chanyeol like my life depends on it (y/n): what the everloving shit happened this time chain-yeol: um i sneezed all over the cake kyung-soup: the custom one u got on wednesday btw (y/n): you. sneezed. on. the. CAKE????? chain-yeol: IM SORRY chain-yeol: I WAS TRYING TO STOP BAEKHYUN FROM KNOCKING IT OVER AND I SAVED IT BUT THEN I SNEEZED nini bear: ur so gross chain-yeol: you too (y/n): i spent 100 dollars on that cake and you fucking sneeze on it?? (y/n): jfc i’m here busy admiring my husband’s sweet sweet ass and u guys are telling me the cake’s ruined? i will murder u all i swear jong-waeeee: ew i don’t wanna hear about minseok’s ass (y/n): shut the fuck up sign ruiner jong-waeeee: I GOT A NEW ONE THOUGH jong-waeeee: YOU’RE SO MEAN bacon: WAIT bacon: (Y/N) WE’LL PAY FOR ANOTHER ONE  (y/n): baekhyun you sweet summer child (y/n): I HAD TO PRE-ORDER THAT CAKE 2 WEEKS IN ADVANCE YOU WALNUT bacon: oh bacon: my bad 11 minutes late: W8 W8 I GOT U 11 minutes late: WE CAN STILL EAT IT 11 minutes late: I’LL SPRAY SOME LYSOL ON IT jun-bug: SEHUN DON’T YOU DARE (y/n): sehun honey that just contaminates it even more (y/n): but thank you for trying 11 minutes late: xoxo i try my best yee-xing: how ‘bout we just buy more carvel cakes to match the one you got yesterday up to 100 dollars so it maxes out (y/n): yeah alright fine (y/n): thanks xing ur a life saver (y/n): but don’t throw away the ruined cake i wanna show min what he could have missed out on if CHANYEOL DIDN’T FUCKING SNEEZE ON IT (y/n): WHO SNEEZES ON A CAKE nini bear: only chanyeol (y/n): yep, only chanyeol chain-yeol: y’all are mean. kyung-soup: what u get for sneezing on the cake
You locked your phone, letting out an exasperated sigh. You swore if anything else happened today, you were going to march all the way back home and kill those men. You massaged your temples with your fingers as a means to alleviate your stress. All you wanted was for everything to be perfect for the party; Minseok deserved nothing less than that. 
The door of the stall opened, revealing Minseok wearing nothing but the new pair of navy slacks and a devilishly handsome smirk. His smile faded when he saw you with your hands over your face, taking deep breaths in an attempt to calm yourself down from your stress. He quickly pulled his undershirt on and rushed over to you, wrapping his arms around you comfortingly. With a sigh, you buried your face in his chest, your stress starting to wash away as he began stroking your hair.
You stayed like that for about ten minutes. You eventually calmed down, silently reassuring yourself that everything was going to be fine. You were glad that Minseok did not try to ask you anything since you were afraid you were going to let slip what was waiting for him when you arrive home later in the day. 
You let out a small sniffle as you pressed a small kiss on your husband’s exposed shoulder. “I’m so sorry I brought down your mood, Min. The p- ‘w-work,’ is just annoying right now. It’s your birthday, it’s supposed to be a good day.” you mumbled, looking down at your hands.
“Shh, don’t you worry your little head about it,” Minseok assured, kissing your forehead. He tilted your head up and pressed his lips against yours. “All I want is for my baby to be happy today.” You gave him a weak smile and wrapped your arms around his waist, feeling so lucky to have him in your life.
“C’mon, let’s go to the food court. All this stress made me hungry.” you joked, standing from your spot. 
“Good idea,” Minseok gave you another kiss before walking back into the changing stall to change back into his regular clothes. “Oh, by the way, buy the pants.” You pumped a fist into the air as you took the hanging articles of clothing into your hands.
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You were lucky (and frankly surprised) that nothing else had managed to go wrong today. You were suspicious that you hadn’t gotten any panic-stricken texts from Yixing or Junmyeon, but you couldn’t complain about that. Just to be sure though, you quickly texted Kyungsoo to give you a final update on the state of your house. You sighed in relief when he responded with pictures of your living room, kitchen and backyard decorated just how you envisioned it to be. You sent Kyungsoo a text back thanking him and everyone else profusely for their help.
The clock struck 5, indicating that it was time for you and Minseok to go home. The two of you exited the mall, arms filled with different shopping bags from all the stores you went to during the day. After putting your bags into the backseat of your car, you opened the passenger side of the car and slid in.
“Hm, I was thinking of ordering from that ramen place we tried last week. It was really good, don’t you remember?” Minseok suggested, starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot.
“How ‘bout we wait ‘till we get home to... eat.” you responded, a shit-eating grin almost making its way onto your face.
Minseok hummed softly. “I just wanna spend the rest of the night with you and Tan at home, I hope no one’s planning a surprise party for me,” You tensed slightly at his words, looking out the window to avoid his gaze.
“Oh, I wouldn’t do that, hun.” You lied. He shrugged, intertwining his fingers with yours. 
When Minseok pulled into your driveway, you shot a quick text to the boys, telling them that you were home. You exited the car quickly, grabbing most of the shopping bags and taking Minseok by the arm, dragging him to the front door.
“Whoa, what’s gotten into you?” he chuckled as you struggled to get your keys out of your purse. Once you got them out and put the house key into the lock, you turned to Minseok and pressed your lips onto his.
“Happy birthday, Min. I love you so much. And I’m so sorry.” you unlocked the front door and pushed it open. You saw Minseok’s eyes widen at the sight of your home. It was filled to the brim with decorations and all of your closest friends holding gifts, balloons and tons of different ice cream cakes. 
“SURPRISE!” everyone exclaimed. Minseok’s jaw dropped as he fully took in everything that was happening. He looked over to you with a sly smile, to which you responded with a small shrug.
“I had to, come on.” You giggled, kissing him on the cheek. 
“It’s okay, hun. Let’s just enjoy ourselves.” Minseok cupped your face into his hands and pressed his lips onto yours.
“Gross, get a room!” you heard Baekhyun scream. You pulled away from Minseok to flip the younger off.
“Oh! I need to show you the cake I initially got for you but was unfortunately ruined because Chanyeol sneezed on it. Jun, is it in the fridge?” you pulled Minseok in the direction of the kitchen as Junmyeon confirmed the location of the cake.
“He... huh?”
“It was an accident!” Chanyeol whined. You laughed softly to yourself at his childish reaction.
Tonight was gonna be fun.
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If I Don’t Wake Tomorrow
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Tom Branson x Reader
Words: 3395
Part One
Summary: Married for nearly a year, the reader and her husband return to her home and family for a dinner at her sister’s invitation. Tom faces judgment and becomes a point of ridicule. Everything halts when the reader falls deathly ill. 
Notes: Like I said, I love putting my boys through hell. Yes, I’m lazy and I just totally made up a nameless illness. Sue me. Let me know what you guys think and if you want to see more Downton in the future.  (I know this gif is gut-wrenching, but it was just so perfect, I had to use it.)
Everyone had been gathered into the library for Dr. Clarkson’s analysis. The Winstons were required to stay since no one knew how contagious Y/N’s illness could be. It was quickly determined that this was no ordinary fever. Robert was pacing madly back and forth, waiting for Dr. Clarkson to speak. Tom stood silently in the corner, Sybil keeping close to him to make sure he wasn’t alone. 
“Dr. Clarkson, please just tell us what it is.” Cora begged. He seemed to be struggling to find the words. 
“The good news is, if she makes it through the first 24 hours, the fever should flush itself out.” Everyone hung onto one simple word. If. Dr. Clarkson’s hands fell limply to his sides. He felt so useless. “The trouble is, most patients don’t last 12.” Cora cried out, Mary clutched Matthew’s hand, and Robert stopped pacing. 
Tom felt as if he’d been split open. Sybil watched him grip the back of a chair, doubling over and finding it difficult to breathe. This couldn’t possibly be happening. Not to his Y/N. Your life together had barely even started. 
“Is there anything to be done?” Edith asked. She had been rather quiet through the night, but her worry was genuine. Dr. Clarkson sighed. 
“I’m afraid all we can do is try to keep her fever down… and pray.” A heaviness fell over everyone in the room. Downstairs, a similar scene was playing out. The servants were gathered at the table receiving instructions from a solemn Mr. Carson. Y/N, no matter her decisions, was loved by many of the servants and as a daughter of Downton she would have anything she needed. 
Anna was the most distraught, though she was able to hide it well. She loved all of the girls dearly and Y/N was the brightest soul she’d ever seen. The idea of that light dimming broke her heart. She couldn’t help but wonder what was going through Tom’s mind, the poor man. She was carrying a tray of toast up to the room so Sybil and Tom would have something to eat. It wasn’t proper, but Sybil knew Y/N would be the most comfortable with Anna. Thomas certainly wouldn’t be the friendliest face to wake up to. 
“Fortunately, this strain is only transmitted through contaminated liquids, usually drinking water.” Dr. Clarkson explained to those who had moved up to Y/N’s room. Violet and Isobel remained in the library, along with Edith to keep the Winstons at bay. 
“So we can be with her?” Cora likely would have stayed anyway, illness be damned. She was to stay by her baby’s side every second she could. Dr. Clarkson nodded. 
“And the Winstons are free to go.” Mary muttered, grateful at least that Y/N would not have to spend another moment in the same house as those girls. 
“Can I…” Tom tried to keep his composure as he looked down at his wife. “Can I hold her hand?” Dr. Clarkson’s eyes were filled with pity for the poor man. Tom didn’t want his pity. He wanted him to save his wife. 
“Of course.” 
“Must you all speak of me as if I’m not here?” You laughed weakly, your limbs heavy as you tried to move them. Tom was at your side in an instant. “You aren’t making a fuss of me, are you?” This was supposed to be Sybil’s dinner and you hated to ruin it. Tom laid a hand on your cheek. 
“You gave me quite a scare, darling.” His eyes were red from crying, making you feel even more guilty. 
“Now that you’re awake, I would like to do a more thorough examination.” Dr. Clarkson suggested. If they could determine how much the illness had progressed, he may be able to give the family more of an answer. He motioned towards the door and the family began to file out. Tom stayed beside you. 
“Tom,” Sybil began gently. “I’m afraid you’ll need to leave. Only for a few moments.” At first, he didn’t move. He couldn’t. His eyes were locked on his wife and he couldn’t bear to tear them away. 
“It’s best we all stay out of Sybil’s way.” You gave him the most reassuring smile you could muster. He nodded slightly and leaned over to kiss your forehead. 
“I’ll just be out in the hall.” He promised before reluctantly following the rest of the family out of the room. He felt as if all of the strength had left him. He could barely stand without leaning against the banister. His Y/N. His beautiful Y/N. She would be alright. She had to be. 
“Is there anything we can do, Tom? Anything at all?” Matthew asked, his wife standing silently beside him. Tom had always known Mary to be cold and lacking emotion, but now her eyes were filled with a sorrow that he’d never seen in them before. 
“Pray.” Tom choked out. Matthew gave him a sympathetic look and placed a hand on his shoulder. 
“Of course.” He wished that there was something else. Anything else. Tom was a good friend and he and Y/N deserved happiness. Matthew began to head downstairs, but his wife lingered. Mary looked as if she wanted to say something, but she just couldn’t find the words. She turned and followed her husband just as Edith was ushering the Winston’s out the door now that they were cleared to leave. 
Abigail and Margaret looked as if this were nothing more than an annoying inconvenience rather than someone’s life at stake. Abigail looked up and saw a distressed Tom and leaned over to his sister, hardly lowering her voice. 
“Look at him. Surely he’s the one who killed her. Who knows what sort of illnesses she’s contracted in that dirty country. And that train!” They shook their heads. He shrunk away, her words sinking into him like claws. Mary had had enough. 
“Have you no decency, Abigail?” She hissed, breaking away from Matthew to confront her. 
“I beg your pardon?” The family halted in their tracks and Edith gave her sister a pleading look. She didn’t want things worse than they already were. 
“First, you blatantly insult my sister at dinner and now you mock her husband as his poor wife lay ill and possibly dying!” She had raised her voice beyond what was proper but at the moment she didn’t care if the Queen heard her. “How dare you come in this home and act in such a manner.” 
“Really, Mary, did you expect all of society to accept your new… connections?” Margaret interjected, though Lady Crawley’s ferocity frightened her. 
“Those connections are my sister and my brother-in-law.” Mary fired back. Matthew was too stunned to intervene, and besides, he couldn’t help but feel pride fill his heart. “Former chauffeur or not, Tom Branson is more welcome here than you shall ever be. Now leave here and never come back.” 
“I will dismiss your outburst since your sister is dying.” Abigail held her chin up, her last words spoken with venom. “I do hope she gets better.” With that, the family scurried out quickly to avoid any more altercations. 
“You didn’t have to do that.” Tom’s quiet voice surprised Mary. He had joined them at the bottom of the stairs, his eyes sunken and red. If one didn’t know, they would think he was the one who was dying. Mary straightened her shoulders. 
“Believe me, Tom, I have been waiting to do that for years.” Sybil emerged from the room, signaling that it was okay to come back. The three rushed up the stairs, quickly joined by Cora and Robert. 
“This illness works quicker than anything I’ve ever seen.” Dr. Clarkson sighed, standing in the doorway. Tom looked at him in horror. 
“What does that mean?” Sybil stepped towards him. 
“What does it mean!” He didn’t mean to be so rough when he grabbed Sybil’s shoulders. 
“Unhand her at once.” Robert ordered. The tensions were high and stress made everyone act strangely. 
“Papa, it’s alright.” Sybil slowly took Tom’s hands off of her, keeping a gentle gaze into his eyes. “Tom, I need you to try and calm down. Y/N needs to rest and we don’t want to upset her. Can you do that for me?” He swallowed hard and nodded before proceeding into the room. 
“I’ve caused a good deal of trouble, haven’t I?” You cried, weakly reaching out to your sister. “I’m sorry for ruining your birthday, Sybil.” 
“Don’t be ridiculous. You haven’t ruined anything.” Sybil smiled at you and Mary admired her ability to remain so sunny in such a dark time. 
“How are you feeling, love?” Tom took his place beside you, softly kissing your forehead. “I feel absolutely fine. I’m not sure what you’re all so worried about.” You teased, but laughing made your head ache terribly. 
“We must allow her to rest.” Dr. Clarkson instructed. “I recommend all of you to do the same.” Truthfully, he worried that an abundance of people in the room would excite you and make things worse. Mary and Matthew walked towards you and your eldest sister placed a hand on your cheek. 
“Married or not, you are still a Crawley woman. And us Crawley women never give up without a fight.” She said affectionately before she and her husband retired to their room. Your father put a hand on your mother’s shoulder. 
“I’m staying here.” She pulled up a chair beside Tom. 
“Dr. Clarkson said-”
“I’m sure Dr. Clarkson has no quarrels with her mother staying with her.” Dr. Clarkson, of course, had no argument as long as Y/N was able to rest. 
“Mama, at least change into something more comfortable.” You instructed. She was still in her dinner clothes and you would hate for her to try and sleep in them. They could be dreadfully uncomfortable. After a moment’s hesitation, she agreed and went with your father to their room. Now, you wished to speak to your husband. “Sybil, Dr. Clarkson, would you mind stepping out? I would like to have a moment with Tom.” 
“Of course, dear.” Sybil dipped the cool cloth in the water before returning it to your forehead. Once the two were gone, you could see Tom’s resolve begin to crack. His shaking hand brought yours up and held it against his cheek. 
“Y-you must get better, my love.” He stammered, kissing your palm. He held back a sob. Tom was a strong man, but he was not one to hide his emotions for long. It broke your heart to see him like this. 
“My dear, you mustn’t shed tears for me.” You soothed, brushing a fallen tear away with your delicate fingers. “Everything is going to be alright.” You didn’t dare show him the fear that was slowly consuming you. You didn’t want to die. You hadn’t lived enough to die now. You wanted to grow old with the man you loved, to have a big family in Ireland and to watch your children run in the fields. You wanted to gather every Christmas and teach them songs. You wanted to kiss your children goodnight before falling asleep in your husband’s arms. 
“This is all my fault.” Tom uttered, now gently kissing the inside of your wrist. “Those women… they were right.” Abigail Winston’s words still cut deeply into his heart. “If I hadn’t taken you… if you had stayed here, at home with your family, this wouldn’t have happened. I should have cared for you, kept you safe. I should have-”
“Tom, stop this.” You sat up, fighting the heaviness in your limbs and ignoring your pounding head. “Those petulant girls know nothing but the comfort of their spoiled, insignificant lives. Their cruel hearts could never hold a love like the love I have for you. Whatever they have said came from a place of hatred and jealousy. This illness is in no way your fault, my darling.” 
“But if I hadn’t taken you from your home-”
“Downton isn’t my home, Tom.” You smiled. “My home is by your side, no matter where we are. My heart will always belong with you.” Tom mustered a small smile and pulled you into his arms. 
Dr. Clarkson and Sybil came back in, along with your mother. You were saddened by your father’s absence. You had hoped to mend your relationship if the worst should happen. Sybil continued cooling your arms and face with the water while Dr. Clarkson looked over his notes to find anything that could help treat the illness. 
“Is it alright for me to lie with her?” Tom begged, wanting to hold you in his arms so that you would not be afraid. Dr. Clarkson gave him a solemn nod. Tom climbed into the bed beside you and you rested your head on his shoulder, his arms wrapped around you. 
“Tom, I didn’t have the opportunity to apologize for the behavior of our guests.” Cora began grimly. 
“There’s no need, Lady Grantham.”
“I will not allow my family to be spoken to in such a manner.” She gave him a motherly smile and he realized that she meant it. She saw him as part of the family. Aside from Dr. Clarkson and Sybil’s murmurs to each other, the room fell silent. Exhausted from a hectic and emotional night, both Cora and Tom fell asleep, your mother resting her head on your hand and your husband holding onto you as if he alone could keep you from drifting away into the dark. 
You too closed your eyes, but only for an hour or so. When you opened them, Dr. Clarkson had gone- back to the hospital for supplies- and Sybil was sitting in a chair reading. Standing beside Cora was your father, looking down at you with tears in his eyes. You felt your heart swell with joy. He was here. 
“Papa,” You sighed happily, slowly moving your hand so you didn’t wake your mother. You reached it out to him and he took it. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
“Of course I’m here.” He exclaimed. “I could not stay tucked in bed knowing you were suffering.” You felt a surge of emotion and tried to keep your cries quiet so you wouldn’t alarm Sybil. 
“Tell me…” You took a shaking breath. “Tell me that we have not severed our ties forever. Tell me that you still hold a place in your heart for the daughter that married the driver.” 
“Y/N, sweet girl, while it is not the marriage I would have picked for you, I think of you every day. You never left my heart or my mind. You are my child. My familyYou will always be loved here.” You shared a smile, tears falling onto your cheeks. You looked to your husband.
“Can I ask something of you?”
“Anything you need.” Robert drew closer, leaning so that he could hear you better without you having to raise your voice. 
“If I-” You struggled to keep your voice from cracking. “If I don’t wake tomorrow, can you promise me something?”
“Must you talk like that-”
“Please, father.” You pleaded and he nodded. You brushed a stray hair away from Tom’s face, his steady breathing warm on your skin. “If I don’t wake tomorrow, will you care for him? I know he’ll return home, but could you look after him? He’s such a good man, papa.” You turned back to your father, tears coming faster now. “I do not wish for him to feel alone. I want him to be happy, even if it is without me.” You couldn’t not stop the sob that escaped your mouth and Sybil looked up from your reading. 
“Y/N, what is it, what’s wrong?”
“Please promise, father.” You begged. “Please say you’ll take care of him.” Robert clutched your hand tightly. 
“I promise.” You shared a quiet, tearful moment and knew that all was well between you. If you should succumb to your fever, at least you knew you were with the people you loved and who loved you in return. With that comfort, you closed your eyes and fell asleep.
Tom woke to the bright sun shining through the windows and the feeling of his wife’s cold skin. The complete terror that raced through him nearly stopped his heart. People were rushing around him, pulling him out of the bed and away from you. Cora was rushed out of the room before she even knew what was going on. 
“Let me go.” Tom begged, his voice barely above a whisper. He couldn’t speak correctly, unable to breathe. “Y/N. What’s wrong with her? Y/N!” Regaining his voice he began to shout, struggling against the servant that was holding him. “Sybil, what’s wrong? What’s going on? Let me go!” 
“Turn her on her side.” Sybil instructed Anna. Dr. Clarkson was in a panic. 
“There’s too many people in here.” He exclaimed. He didn’t have time to be sympathetic. Sybil looked at Tom. 
“I’m sorry, but you have to go.” She nodded at the servant holding him and he was dragged from the room. 
“No! I won’t leave her!!” He cried, fighting as hard as he could. He was sure he punched Thomas, but more servants were able to get a hold of him and pull him out. “She’s my wife, let me go! Y/N!” The door was slammed in his face and he desperately pounded his fist against the wood. “Let me in! Sybil, let me in!” 
“What is it? What’s happened?” Mary emerged from her room at the commotion, Matthew joining her. Cora was right beside him, begging her daughter to let her in the room. 
“Something’s wrong, they said we had to leave. She looked so pale.” Cora was starting to break into hysterics. She couldn’t lose her baby. 
“Oh god, Y/N!” Tom yelled again, banging on the door. Anna was barely able to get out without him pushing passed her. 
“Mr. Branson, Lady Grantham, Dr. Clarkson and Sybil need you to wait in the library until someone comes and finds you.” She felt strange, giving commands to Lady Grantham, but Sybil had specifically instructed her. Before either of them could argue, she added. “They can’t help her unless you let them. Please.” 
“Mama, we must let them work.” Mary pleaded, taking her mother’s hands. Her worried gaze switched to her brother-in-law. “Tom, we have to go.” 
“I won’t leave her.” He sobbed. 
“You’re not leaving her. You’re letting them help her.” 
He finally complied, following them down into the library while other members of the family slowly filed in. They all rushed to comfort Cora, only Matthew noticing when he slipped out of the room. He took refuge in one of the staircases that the servants used. The stairs he once used. In the silence, he sat down on a step and broke down. He gripped the railing, his body shaking it with his sobs. He thought he was alone. 
“Forgive me, I did not know you were in here.” Mrs. Hughes said suddenly, though she made no move to leave. Instead, she sat down beside him. There, in that staircase, he was just Mr. Branson- the rebellious chauffeur who brought so much love to this house- and he was about to lose his wife. “Poor lad.” She sighed, putting a hand on his shoulder. He leaned into her touch and found himself curling up beside her like a young boy crying to his mother. And she let him cry. 
It seemed like years had passed when Matthew opened the door. Tom was unable to read his expression. 
“Come quickly.” Was all he said. Tom didn’t wait for anything else. Outside the door, Cora stood, crying heavily. Tom tried to brace himself as he went in. He immediately fell to his knees beside the bed. 
You smiled at him, the color and warmth slowly starting to return to your face. 
“She’s going to be alright.” Dr. Clarkson informed happily. Tom pulled you into his embrace, both of you crying with relief. You pushed back slightly. 
“Perhaps we can go home now?” You laughed lightly. Tom put his hand on your cheek, looking into your eyes. 
“My darling,” He gently kissed your lips, “you are my home.” 
General Tag: @rae-gar-targaryen; @takemepedropascal; @childhood-imagination;  @mylovegoesto;
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bansept · 4 years
Family festival
A very big shout-out to @star-snail whose Ichihime fanart inspired this fanfic : it is a very beautiful piece that just radiates peace and love and fun to me, so I tried my best to convey this in a written way. I hope I do their work justice 🙃
Japan is the land of festivals, Ichigo is pretty darn sure of that. He is far from complaining, especially because it allows all his family to reunite so that they can eat sweets, have fun, pray and just, be together.
For days, the house down the street of the Kurosaki clinic had been filled with excited chatters of both Orihime and Kazui, the little boy asking his mother about this and that story, his mother explaining with great details. The 5 year-old had looked at her like magic was pouring out of her mouth, which was probably the case, to him. Kazui had asked about many festivals, including the Tanabata one, which of course brought tears to his eyes.
"B-but why did they part away? Why aren't they together!"
He wasn't a fussy boy, very far from it. He was calm and collected, and obeyed all instructions, but when it involved anything bad, even remotely linked to his parents (a name in this case), he was crying.
So Ichigo had to assure him that no, mommy wouldn't go in the stars, no, they wouldn't be separated. Yes, he could have a big kiss from papa.
"Ichigo, come get Kazui please!" Orihime called out from their room, and her husband complied, leaving the kitchen to tickle his son, who was playing with a few toys near their sofa.
The boy laughed at the fingers on his sides, wriggling in his dad's arms. He shook his tiny legs to try to get him out of such a monstrous grip, but Ichigo had him in a hug in an instant, his son up in his arms as they climbed the stairs.
"Here is my prey... Where do I put him, Hime?" Ichigo chuckled in a fake deep voice, which pulled a squeal from his son, who extended his hands to his mom, hoping to get away from his horrible father.
"Oh, well how about you give this cute boy a bath before dressing him up? We'll be late..."
"We are supposed to meet the rest in an hour, Hime, don't worry."
Ichigo walked to his nervous wife and gave her a very gentle peck on the cheek, hoping to calm her down. Kazui turned his head to the side, suddenly interested in what was on the walls while Orihime blushed a little.
"... You're right. I'm just a bit nervous... I don't know why."
Ichigo gave Kazui a little kiss on the temple before placing him back on the floor, and rubbed his back.
"Kazui, can you go get ready for the bath? I'll be here in a second."
The boy, being the sweetheart he was, nodded simply and pitty patted to the washroom, leaving his parents in their room. Ichigo looked back to his wife and raised his hand to caress her cheek.
"Orihime? Are you okay?"
The young woman breathed out, going to hug Ichigo and burying her face in his neck. She melted in his touch when she felt Ichigo's arms wrap around her, drawing nonsense on the fabric of her kimono.
"I am, it's just... I'm reminded of... I don't know, everything. My parents, my brother... For the first ones, I still wish I had some knowledge of them. And Ni-Chan... He would have been happy to be with us."
Ichigo could only agree with her, only knowing one part of the way she felt. He wished his mother was here today too, to be with her husband and her children and now Kazui too. But it was impossible.
"They're not here physically. But the people we love are with us in spirit." Ichigo said simply, his strong arms tightening a little around Orihime, his face meeting with the top of her hair.
Orihime didn't answer, only hugging him more, letting her emotions calm down, the thrumming of her heart go back to normal. Those types of thoughts didn't come often, not because she was too happy to get them, simply because there was no reason to feel bad about the past. But tonight... Tonight felt different.
After a few minutes, Orihime gave Ichigo more of her sweet and enlightening smile, brushing a hand on his cheek to thank him before getting downstairs. Ichigo went back to his son, who was looking at his reflection and waiting patiently.
"Ah, sorry Kazui. Took more than one second. But now mommy is better and you can get washed!"
Ichigo started the bath and quickly but very carefully washed the boy, who giggled and tried to splash his dad with water multiple times, but was stopped with the promise of more treats if he was nice tonight. Wetting a kimono with soap-filled water? Big no no.
The boys got ready pretty fast, father making sure that son was comfortable in his kimono and waraji, not daring to try to tame his unruly hair. He really was like Ichigo in that department. The only way to make sure it wasn't all over the place was to cut them, even if another reason was more, hem, personal.
Totally not related to how Orihime all but loved to scratch the back of his head and it was easier done when the hair is short.
They got down the stairs, Kazui holding onto Ichigo's hand tightly to not fall, still not used to the straw shoes in his little feet. Orihime checked her reflection one last time before squatting to her son, giving him a big smooth on the forehead, praising Ichigo for dressing him so well.
Did the two blush profusely? Yes. One because he was a little boy and proud to make his mommy proud, and the other one because damn if his wife wasn't the most jaw dropping beautiful woman in existence.
A few knocks on the door wanted them of the arrival of the louder part of the family, as Ichigo jokingly called them. Isshin didn't really wait until anyone opened the door to burst it open, his laughter and happy face infectious.
"Ah! Where is my grandson! Oh, you look so good.. so cute my boy!" He sniffed, tears already streaming down his face as he kneeled down to hug Kazui. Yuzu almost did the same, but had some self restraint (thank goodness) and instead laughed with Orihime. Karin kept the door opened and saluted everyone calmly, without a word, but the smile on her face too obvious for her to pretend to be unhappy about the commotion.
All of them, after a lot of tears, walked to the closest festival stalls, the night setting in and the lampions lighting up the streets, giving it a fairy tale like atmosphere. Kazui walked neatly next to his father, holding to his arm closely, but his eyes darted everywhere in wonder. This green light, that blue stall... Some people wore masks and some kids were chasing each other with tiny fireworks in their hands.
"Let's get some food! Yuzu insisted on not making any at home as to not waste the one here..."
The young girl nodded her head enthusiastically while her twin sister trotted to a Ikayaki stall, asking for one before watching the drama play out.
"Well yes, because otherwise you would have eat like normal but all your appetite would have been gone with us and you would have complained about your stomach!"
Yuzu lectured her father, and Orihime stood next to her to tap her shoulder and calm her down, otherwise it would turn into a quite loud conversation. Karin came back next to her twin and gave her a candy apple, placing it in her hand.
"Don't mind him. Let's enjoy the festival. Let him eat if he wants."
The sisters walked ahead, not really caring about their dad's wailing, Ichigo pushing Kazui between Orihime and him.
"Tsk, he always has to be dramatic about everything..."
"But it's funny papa! When grandpa cries he always makes funny faces! And then I hug him and poof! Gone!"
Orihime gave her son a very sweet kiss on the forehead, because who wouldn't melt at the boy's sweet heart and words.
"Hm, oh, Hime. Look there."
Ichigo pointed at a stall with a shooting contest, which confused the woman at first, before she clapped her hands excitedly.
"Oh, we've haven't done one in so long!" She giggled, jogging to the inviting booth with Kazui on her side. Ichigo smiled brightly, shaking his head. Who was the child?
"You go win her a prize, I'll look after Kazui." Isshin told him, surprisingly calm after one minute of crying. He raised an eyebrow at his dad who clapped his hands together before raising Kazui in the air.
"Kazui, you'll see if your papa is good with shooting targets. If he's not, then you'll be staying with me for a while week!"
So, that meant going to bed very late, eating candy, not doing any kind of work and losing a few braincells because of Isshin cooing at him and talking to him like a baby.
No way was he going to lose. Especially when Orihime was watching intently, her hands holding each other on her chest.
Of course Ichigo won.
And got the biggest prize he could obtain, a grey teddy bear, proudly holding it for his wife. Orihime was filled with happiness, feeding him a chocolate banana from time to time.
The evening passed like that : between chatters, contests, street food and laughter, not a single Kurosaki wasn't smiling. The sisters stood close to Orihime, always hoping to spend more time with her, always hoping to find this reminder of Masaki in her. Ichigo walked by her side, listening to their chatters and keeping an eye on Kazui, who was getting sleepy.
"Who is that?"
Ichigo turned his face to look on his right, where Kazui had pointed at, but seeing no one. There was barely any civilian at the stalls around them, so it was safe to say Kazui definitely needed some well earned sleep. Ichigo crouched down to pick him up in his arms, patting his head gently.
"You're tired baby, were going home soon. You can sleep some if you want."
"But the lady..."
Kazui couldn't say more, already closing his little arms and snoring softly. The day had been long, of course he was exhausted. Ichigo made sure he held him tight, the teddy in his other hand being a bit of a pain now. Orihime stopped to check on the little boy, her heart feeling like it turned goowee at the adorable sight.
"We should head back... Kazui needs to take some well deserved rest." Ichigo announced to his family, the two girls nodding in unison and Isshin hugging Orihime quickly before patting Ichigo on the shoulder.
"We had a great time, thank you, to the three of you." Orihime bowed and got her goodbyes back at her, Yuzu making one last joke with her before everyone returned to their homes.
Once Kazui was changed and put to bed, Ichigo cracked his back bones and brushed his teeth sleepily, now in his sleeping t-shirt and shorts. Weird how before he could have his bed time at 3 in the morning without any problem, and now 11:30 was the maximum.
He heard Orihime sigh next door, in their room, and popped his head out of the bathroom door.
She laughed at his cute appearance and his puppy look, the head tilted to the side. She waved her hand as if to say "later, later" and went back to changing. Ichigo frowned, the infamous gesture that he had forgotten along the years bringing back the usual anxiety he felt in his younger days.
He spit in the sink and washed up his hands before entering their room and pushing the door closed.
"Hime, what's wrong? Please tell me..." He asked, sitting on the bed to watch her take her hair down, unleashing it from the tight grip of her sofisticated bun. She sighed again, and Ichigo frowned again, before going to hug him, the force of it pushing Ichigo to lay on the bed with his wife in his arms.
"Nothing is wrong, I promise." She cut him off, rolling to her side if the bed and staring at his eyes. She was not lying, she was alright but then why did she sigh? Why did she look so exhausted when they return back home?
Ichigo still nodded, reassured to a point, before leaning down to kiss her in the lips. She gladly accept the peck, placing her hands on his face in such a sweet and careful hold, Ichigo definitely wanted to kiss her more. But she pulled away again, still looking at him with this strange look, one that made her eyes glitter in excitement. Orihime took one of his hands, so strong, so callous from all those fights, to place it on her belly, warm tears filling her eyes.
"I'm pregnant."
Oh I'm so bad for leaving this like that 😂 but then again, if you guys want the rest, you can always ask for it hehe
As I am not Japanese, I had to research for festivals and clothes and food, hopefully what I wrote made sense ;;
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Promises Not Kept Part 13
Summary: Tommy Shelby made a promise to Jonah Ward while in the war. A promise he didn't keep. But it comes to haunt him when he tries to drown out his sorrows with a young woman.
Part 13: The Christmas that changes everything
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       Leah had suffered through many Christmases alone. The first one she had after losing Jonah was one of the worst. It took a lot of alcohol and crying to get her through to January. She never wanted to face such a gloomy holiday ever again. But ever since their run-in, Tommy and Leah were quiet around each other. Both were too afraid to continue the conversation in fear it would really break them apart. They were trying to at least make it through New Years without arguing again. But the tension still lingered and the only person oblivious to it was Charlie.
           Unbeknownst to her, Tommy was busy Christmas Eve morning. Things were heating up and his family was scattered about. A family divided was a vulnerable family and that was deadly. There was something unsettling in the air.
           “It’s getting late, love.” Leah murmured. The little boy’s eyes had begun to droop as his bedtime approached. They were sat by the fire to stay warm in the drafty house. The toddler was nodding off in her lap, the flames casting shadows over his angelic face.
           “It’s Christmas tomorrow!” Charlie exclaimed.
           “I know, I wonder what Santa will bring you.” She stroked his hair that was starting to lighten, as he got older. He retained certain features that looked like Tommy but he did look like Grace the more he grew.
           “Charlie, got a job for you.” Tommy walked into the big room with a plate. His son jumped up and hurried over. “We give these to Santa and Rudolph.” He knelt down and handed the plate to Charlie to set out by the Christmas tree. Leah stood up, watching father and son interacting with a faint smile on her face.  Tommy poured a glass and placed it by the tree as well. “Put this out for Santa, for his whiskey.” He smiled and held his arms out. “Night-night, Merry Christmas.” He hugged Charlie. “Go on upstairs with Leah, sleep well.”
           Leah reached out a hand for him to take. Her eyes lingered on Tommy for a brief moment before going upstairs to put Charlie to bed. He nodded and
           “Lee, you stay here?” Charlie asked as he snuggled under the quilts.
           “You want me to stay in here for the night?” She tilted her head in confusion. It wasn't like the young boy to need someone to stay with him the night. He tended to be more independent like his father. “Why, poppet?”
           “No, here. Here with daddy and me.” He clutched his teddy bear close to his chest.
           She sighed softly and touched his hand. “Of course, love. I wouldn’t leave you.” And she was speaking honestly. She had no plans to abandon him or Tommy. Not when they needed her the most and not when she loved them both so much. Deep down she knew she needed them both too.
           “Okay.” Charlie yawned.
           “Now get some rest. Santa can’t come ‘less you’re asleep.” She kissed his forehead. “I love you very much.”
           “Love you too.” He replied sleepily and his eyes slid closed.
           When Leah returned back downstairs, she heard Tommy’s sister in the study. She paused for a second, listening to their conversation without intending to be sneaky.
           “If we stay out in the open, isolated, he’ll pick us off one by one. We need to be together in a place even they won’t dare to come.” Tommy’s voice was firm and low as an authority figure.
           Ada laughed in disbelief. “You mean back home?”
           “Within a four-mile radius of the Garrison, every man is a guard and a soldier for us.”
           Leah’s stomach twisted up in knots. What on Earth was he talking about? Who would pick them off? She stepped back a few steps until she heard Tommy raise his voice. “Anyone who wants to live to see another Christmas needs to come where it’s safe.” His tone held a great deal of anxiety even as he tried to conceal it. “These bastards will kill kids as well.”
           She had enough of listening and pushed open the door. Tommy and Ada stopped talking and looked at her. “What’ve you been keeping from me?” Leah demanded without explaining away why she was eavesdropping.
           Silence. Ada glanced over at her brother but he looked caught in the act.
           “Tommy….” Her tone was warning and she couldn’t restrain herself. “Answer me.”
           “There are men who are here to kill us.” He obliged without sugar-coating anything. If she wanted to hear the truth then he would give it to her.
           Her mouth popped open in utter shock. Of course, she knew that Tommy had enemies but he never took the time to inform her how far things had progressed. “And how long have you fucking known?”
           “We’re going back to Small Heath.” He skirted around her second question in his usual business fashion. “Tomorrow, there’ll be a family meeting. We’re all on his list and as far as I know, no one’s safe.”
           Tears welled up in Leah’s eyes. She felt so far behind everything. Pushed aside because she was some delicate woman who couldn't handle what was going on with the man she loved so much. But now suddenly she was involved because it had grown beyond Tommy's control. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
           “Because I’ve been handling it…”
           “How?” Leah lost her patience and it was a long time coming. She was sick and tired of Tommy’s business tactics. Sick and tired of him trying to pull the wool over her eyes.
           “That’s nothing for you to fucking worry ‘bout.” His voice rose a bit too. His nerves were completely frayed. “I’m going to keep you and Charlie safe, that’s what matters. But you need to fucking listen and do as I say!” He pointed sternly at her. “Don’t need you questioning me.”
           Her lips parted slightly in shock. “I’m not one of your men, Thomas Shelby.” She hissed. “I don’t follow your commands.”
           “’Less you want to be fucking dead, you’ll listen. You’re not getting shot by these bastards. Not on my watch.”
           “So I’ve to follow you blindly but you don’t have to tell me when my life’s in danger?” She retorted sharply.
           Ada reached out to try and ease the tension between the two. “Why don’t we calm down a moment, don’t want to wake the baby.”
           “I’m not having this fucking conversation. Not when I’m trying to keep all of you alive!” He stormed out of the big room.
           Leah let out a desperate noise of frustration. Everything hit her like a ton of bricks. Tommy’s behavior, the revelation of what he’d been doing for months without her knowing, and the imminent danger. She collapsed onto the couch in tears.
           Ada frowned and rubbed her shoulder. She was well aware of how frustrating her brother could be. “Let’s get you some tea.” The woman only sobbed in response. “Maybe gin instead.”
           Leah managed to drift off for a quick nap after a glass of gin. She curled up on the couch, warmed by the fire still blazing in the hearth. Despite the little amount of alcohol she’d consumed, it was enough to relax her mind even for a moment.
           But that was interrupted a while later by Tommy who shook her awake. “C’mon, we need to leave.” His voice was low but agitated.
           She closed her eyes even tighter and shooed him off. “I’m not in the mood, Tommy. Just leave me alone.”
           “That wasn’t a request.” He asserted and hurried over to stuff Charlie’s presents into a bag. “Go get Charlie, we’re leaving.”
           She begrudgingly sat up and rubbed her eyes. “What’s going on?”
           “They know we’re here. We need to be in Small Heath where it’s safer.” He reached out a hand to help her stand up. “I’m sorry. I can apologize for days if you need me to,” He took her face in his hands, his blue eyes searching hers. “But right now I need to make sure you and Charlie are safe.”
           Leah touched his wrist. Fear bubbled up in her stomach as if the second they walked out of Arrow House they would be accosted. “I love you.” She whispered. If they were to die, she needed him to know that. They could argue every once in a while but she would never stop loving him.
           Tommy’s chest tightened. The world was against him and the only people who were standing by him were the people he loved. The people he once loved, who were gone weren’t there anymore. Perhaps in spirit. But he needed to rely on the ones who he could embrace. “I love you.” He murmured back and kissed her deeply.
           Leah tried to wake Charlie as delicately as she could. She didn’t want to alert him to anything wrong in fear of scaring him.
           “Is it Christmas?” He asked sweetly.
           “Not yet, darling.” She put his robe on over his pajamas and scooped him up.
           “Mummy!” He looked over her shoulder and pointed at the night table.
           Leah paused and picked up the frame of Grace before leaving.
           They were quiet on the way to Small Heath. Charlie had fallen asleep in Leah’s lap in the backseat while Tommy drove. There was no telling what would happen. It wasn’t known if they were overestimating or underestimating the Americans. They just didn’t know the worst was yet to come.
           It felt like ages since Leah was back in Birmingham. Even longer since she’d been in Tommy’s room at Watery Lane. The bed was far too small for all three of them but Tommy didn’t even attempt to sleep. He stayed downstairs by the phone, trying over and over again to get in touch with John to no avail. By dawn, he could only pray that Michael had gotten there quickly and was bringing them to safety.
           But the hope was shattered just an hour after the sun began to rise. A phone call came through and Esme was screaming on the other end of the telephone line. It all came out as nonsense, hysterical sobs masking her words. But Tommy finally caught a few snippets of what she was shouting.
           John. Dead. Michael. Dead.
           After that, it was just brief flashes of memories. Walking through the hospital. Esme screaming for her husband. Polly running alongside the gurney that held her son. Doctors and nurses hurrying him into surgery.
           He felt so numb as if he wasn’t truly experiencing everything first hand. Instead, he was watching from another dimension, floating through time and space in a daze. Muscle memory carried him through the hospital, every step mechanical and stiff. All the voices around him began to blur into each other to the point he couldn’t tell where they were coming from. He just kept walking forward. That’s all he could do. One foot in front of the other. His brain wasn’t functioning. Nothing registered. Just one foot in front of the other.
           Tommy had no idea how much time passed while at the hospital. At least not until Esme forced him and Arthur out of the morgue. As he pushed through the doors, he was met with Leah waiting nearby.
           She looked terrified and grief-stricken. She’d tried to comfort Esme before she stormed into the morgue but with no luck. Polly was also inconsolable, waiting for the prognosis of Michael’s fate.
           It made everything Tommy spoke about the night before feel all the more real. There were truly people out to kill each and every one of them.
           “Where’s Charlie?” Panic bubbled up in Tommy’s throat.
           “With Ada.” She answered. “He’s okay.”
           He nodded slowly and walked over to her, right into her open arms. He didn’t speak but began to cry against her shoulder. All the wounds that had finally scarred over were torn open again. Like clockwork, he was forced to face the consequences. Forced to put someone else to rest. Forced to pick up the pieces.
           “I’m sorry.” Leah held him tight. It was clear to her now that they all needed to stick together if they wanted to survive. She just wasn’t sure how long that strategy would work for them. There was no telling when the world would close in on them and began to collapse right from under their feet.
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Tag list: @shelbyblinded​
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kylo-rens-scar · 4 years
Weekend (Clyde Logan x Reader) 6k (!!!)
Note: Two years of extreme on and off writing and now I finally have something! Answering the prompt of “I'm so excited to see this and currently am looking forward! :D How about something fluffy as a good start for the audience?” from @creamyvanillalove Hope you and everyone enjoys it! This is actually part of a series of multiple one-shots I have cooking, because thinking about my dream life with Clyde Logan has been one of the only constants in my life for the past few years.
Sleeping in until 10 am on a Saturday was something rare in the Logan household especially with 22 month old triplets. Clyde came home around 2:30 from the bar and was still sleeping. You kiss him on the cheek and get out of bed, making your way to the bathroom. You throw on some yoga pants and wash your face. It’s surprisingly quiet in the house, and you thank the lord above the boys are still asleep. You have some much needed emails to catch up on.
You walk into the kitchen and turn on the coffee, and start to think what to make for breakfast today. You spot some overly ripe bananas Clyde swore he was going to eat a few days ago when you bought them, and yet there they were. Banana pancakes it is then. The boys are not too picky with breakfast so this would be easy for everyone. And Clyde would finally eat the bananas.
You are finally able to sit down at the dining room table to check your email when the first fussing is heard from matts monitor.
You make your way to his room and slowly open the door to find him standing up in his crib, rubbing his sleepy eyes and scrunching his face
“Good morning sweet boy,” you coo as you grab his glasses and put them on him. He yawns and makes grabby hands up at you and you pick him up. After quickly changing his diaper, you scoop him back up and carry him to the upstairs family room. You put Matt on the couch and turned the tv on quietly to Paw Patrol. Someday, you want to get they boys a dog, but they’re too young. Matt is immediately engaged to what ever show is on and you go back to finally checking your email.
Ben is the next to get up, but he sounds more of screaming bloody murder when he wakes up, something you pray to god he grows out of. And as usual, he’s fine, nothing’s wrong with him. As soon as you open his bedroom door, the screaming stops and regular crying begins. Very typical of Ben. The crying turns into sniffles when you pick him up.
After another quick diaper change, ben is plopped down next to Matt, both now engaged in the morning cartoon. Taking after his father, you know kylo will very much sleep until noon or later, so you let him sleep a little longer, so you can get to those dang emails.
About halfway through your inbox, you hear shuffling downstairs, and then slow footsteps up the stairs. He walks up to Matt and Ben an ruffles their hair before sitting down next to you on the couch. They boys were too engaged in to the tv to really notice their father. Clyde puts his arm around you then kisses your temple. You’re finishing up you last reply and smile.
“Where’s kylo?” Clyde yawns.
“Still sleeping, I checked on him when I got the other two up and he was still sound asleep.”
“Hmmph” he grunts as he sips some of his coffee. Clyde isn’t that big of a morning person, especially after a long night at the bar.
You close your computer and and stretch. Y’all have a busy day today and you were pretty sure Clyde didn’t hear you last night about it.
“Honey you and the boys are getting hair cuts this afternoon then we have that football tailgate party with the colwells tonight but before then I have to run to the store and get some things for them. I told Them I’d bring dessert and some tortilla chips. Clyde did you even hear a word I said?”
“Huh? Yeah I got everythin’ what time we leaving?”
“I’m hopin’ by 1:45, your sister said anytime after 1:30 was fine for us to head over to the salon”
“Why ain’t you getting you’re hair done?”
“Because I get mine done during the week when the boys are at daycare”
The two of you sit in comfortable silence for a little bit, Clyde was still waking up and the boys were still glued to the tv, with occasional chatter from them. It was about 11:15 and you decided to get Kylo up finally. You told Clyde to bring Matt and Ben downstairs for breakfast while you woke up the last triplet.
Kylo was sound asleep still when you walked into his room. You opened the binds slowly to let the sunshine in. He stretched and yawned, then standing in his crib with a sleepy smile.
Kylo was the furthest along in potty training. He usually could hold it in at night and sometimes let you know when he had to go. Matt was the next furthest but usually didn’t have a dry night or could hold it in time to tell you. He tries as best he can but gets frustrated a lot. And then Ben showed absolutely no interest yet.
It was another dry night so after you took his diaper off you set him on his training potty. You praised him after he went and you let him put a sticker on the potty poster before heading back down with the rest of your family.
Clyde had Ben sitting on the counter, Matt in one arm and had a carton of eggs in his other hand. Ben was just about to get into the flour before you quickly whisked it away from his reach. Disappointed, Ben huffed and crossed his arms and looked at the ground, something he copied from Clyde a couple months ago. You ruffled his hair and helped Clyde by taking the egg carton and giving him kylo.
“Darlin I had things under control down here, we was just about to start fixin breakfast.” He protested
“You can help by putting the kids in their seats and getting their sippy cups.” You reply, kissing his cheek. “also kylo had another dry night!”
“Good job bud!” Clyde says and kisses his forehead.
With breakfast underway and the boys settled down in their seats, Clyde takes a moment to stare out into the backyard. He noticed the leaves in the tree line were beginning to rust into beautiful crimsons and oranges. Fall is Clyde’s favorite season. The changing of the leaves, cooler days, shorter days, warm drinks, you’d think he’s a basic white girl. Some mornings he’d see some turkey or deer rummaging in the grass, even a black bear once. This morning was quiet out there, nothing to be seen.
“Clyde honey, are you okay? I’ve been callin at ya for the past few minutes” You ask walking up him an putting your hand on his arm.
“Wha? Yea I’m fine darlin’, just zoned out for a lil bit. Sorry I wasn’t paying attention.” He apologized and kissed your cheek.
“Well breakfast is ready and we got a big day ahead of us.”
After breakfast, you take the boys to your bathroom to bathe them and you send Clyde upstairs to get their outfits. You were smart enough the night before when you put the boys to sleep that you had their clothes out and ready.
Bathing three squirmy little boys was something you managed to master very quickly. Each one liked doing their own thing in the bath. Matt enjoys drawing with the bath crayons on the tub wall, Ben likes any kind of bath toys and Kylo prefers the bathtub stickers. Kylo is usually first, then Matt, and finally Ben. As each little one was finished you wrapped them in their towels and sat them on your vanity bench in the bathroom. Most of the time they will sit there and wait for Clyde to get them ready one by one, but sometimes they crawl down and scamper off to the closet and get into trouble. Today was one of those days.
Matt was sitting perfectly content on the bench with Kylo until he spotted his daddy’s shiny new belt buckle on the closet floor. Clyde won it at the fair a few weeks ago in the arm wrestling tournament.
Clyde was still upstairs grabbing the boys clothes at this point and you just started rinsing the shampoo out of Ben’s hair when Matt bounded towards the closet. Kylo was thankfully still on the bench and looked like he wasn’t moving off.
“Matthew James, you best not be getting into trouble in there...” you warn as you finish washing ben.
After discovering the shiny object and carefully inspecting it, Matt decided to run over to show you. But the towel was in the way and Matt tripped on it, causing him face plant straight onto the bathroom rug, followed by crying. You come to his rescue and scooped him into your arms. Clyde is back downstairs and walked into the bathroom to investigate the commotion. Ben and Kylo were wrapped in towels on the bench, both sliding off and shuffling over to Clyde.
“I’ll get these two ready?” He asked, herding the boys out of the bathroom.
“Please, Clyde. We might be a minute” you reply.
Matt has tears streaming down his face, and you see the worst possible place he got a rug burn: his chin. And to top it off, the burn was very much indeed raw. Ouch. Wrapping Matt back up in his towel you sit him down on your counter and open the first aid drawer. His chin and left palm had carpet burns.
“It’s gonna be okay baby, just a couple of little boo boos, hmm?” You try to reassure him.
After the small fiasco and a couple bandaids later, you and Matt emerge from the bathroom, Matt still bundled up in his towel. You hand him over to Clyde, who kissed Matt on the cheek and Clyde started to get him ready while you got dressed and ready yourself.
“Darlin I got all three ready to go, should I start loadin everyone in the car yet?” Clyde asked, peering into your closet. You were getting your boots on.
“Yes babe thank you I’ll be right out. I’ll text mellie we’re heading out now.” You nod, grabbing your coat. While making sure you had everything before heading out to the garage, mellie texted back, telling you not to rush. You get out to the suv to see Clyde in the passenger seat, turned around towards the boys with a stern look on his face. As you open the door you are greeted with a chorus of crying.
“BEN QUIT SMACKIN YOUR BROTHER HE AINT DONE NOTHIN WRONG TO YA!” Clyde bellowed to the back seat as you stepped into the drivers seat.
“What in the world has happened in the 10 minutes I was gone? Hmm?” You ask your husband.
“I swear everythin was for fine, Ben started smacking Kylo for lord knows why then Kylo hit back and also took Matt’s stuffed animal and threw it into your footbed.” Clyde motioned towards your feet.
Nodding, you pick up the stuffed animal giving it back to Matt. Like Clyde, you turn around in you seat to look at the boys. “Now, I don’t wanna have any more crocodile tears in this car or for the rest of today, got it?” You chide, elbowing Clyde for support.
“Uhh yeah boys, don’t get momma upset today.” he adds.
Knowing that little pep talk probably did nothing for them, but it was the thought that counts, you face the front again and start up your car. The boys remained quiet, except for the occasional unintelligible babble to one another, which was normal. Clyde was adjusting his prosthetic, humming contently when it was to his liking.
When you got to the salon, you saw that Ben had fallen back asleep on the drive. You gently get him out of his seat first and pass him over to Clyde, along with the diaper bag. Matt and Kylo were easy to get out of the car, but Matt insisted on being carried in, not loosening his grip on your top. Locking the car, you and your family walk in to the salon to see mellie near her chair, checking her phone. She looks up to Clyde and immediately comments on his hair.
“Good lord almighty Clyde, you’re growin a mop! According to my records it’s been 8 dang months since you last been here and honey it shows.” She says.
“Now Mellie you and I both know you done cut it too damn short last time so I been lettin it grow out again, short hair don’t suit me. My ears stick out.” Clyde huffed.
“Well then how ya want it done then? Last time you said ‘shorten it up for me, it keeps bothering me at work’ and now you said it was too short!”
“I dunno, just don’t do what ya did last time I guess?!”
“Clyde Logan of you don’t tell me ima buzz all it off!”
“Okay fine then, ask Y/N!”
The both turn towards you, Clyde lookin all worked up and mellie looking annoyed at her brother. You crack a smile and roil your eyes.
“Wet is head down first and then let’s go from there?” You offer.
“Sounds good to me, who’s first?” She replies, looking to all your boys.
“I think we’ll start with mister Matthew, but he’s gonna have to sit on my lap it seems like. He tripped this mornin after bath time, and now he doesn’t wanna go near the floor now.” You sigh, stroking Matts blonde curls.
Matt was very anxious during his haircut, lots of squirming and tears. It’s something that has happened the past couple of times, and you and Clyde were a little concerned. You make a mental note to call the doctor about it. Ben was next and was very good in the chair. He just loved the attention, from Aunt Mellie, Clyde, and you. Kylo was calm too, but his hair grows really slow so he didn’t have much cut.
All three boys had different haircuts, with Kylos the longest and Bens is the shortest, with Matt being in the middle of the two.
Clyde was last to go, you pull up a picture of him from a while back to show Mellie a desired length. Clyde asked to look but both you and his sister declined his request, saying that it was gonna be fine. Clyde argued that it’s his hair and his head so he should be able choose his hair style.
You narrow your eyes at him, “Clyde William Logan I swear on the lord himself, you are actin far worse than the boys right now! Now you need to trust me and your sister and if you don’t we’re gonna just buzz all of it off!” You snap. He sighs in defeat and nods, finally letting go of the whole situation.
After all of the boys had their hair cut and styled, you tried squaring away the bill with your sister in law. That was impossible because all she said “y’all are my family I don’t need to be chargin’ ya’ll!” She laughed.
“You sure? They were extra rowdy I don’t want it to be any trouble to you!” You say, trying to hand her $40.
“oh stop it, you’re gonna start insulting me!” She retorted.
You roll your eyes and put the money back in your wallet. “ Alright then, at least come over for supper one night? It’s the least we can do.” You know mellie can’t resist your beef brisket or your Mac n cheese.
“Oh alright!” She finally agrees.
“Darlin are you sure you know where ya goin? I thought cooper and them was on the other side of town,” Clyde commented when you pulled out of the salon.
“No babe they do I just gotta run into the Kroger and grab the chips”
“I thought you was bringing a dessert too?”
“You’re right I am. The boys and I made cookies and brownies yesterday afternoon but I already put them in the back of my car this morning when I woke up. “
“Okay, what kinda cookies y’all bake?”
“Just sugar, the boys helped decorated for about 7 minutes before they got restless so only a few look a little crazy. I did the rest when they went to bed.”
“Ya think I can tell who did what cookies?” Clyde smirks.
“Oh definitely,” you giggle.
Once you guys were pulling into the driveway, you see one of the dogs trailing you to the side of your suv.
“Who is it Clyde? I didn’t catch the fur color too well.” You ask.
“I think it’s Hank, he’s the pointer, right?”
“Yeah he’s the pointer, keep an eye out that he doesn’t get too close to the car.”
“Mommy mommy mommy!” You hear Matt from the back.
“Yes baby what’s the matter?” You glance in the rear view mirror.
“Potty mommy!” He whines.
“Okay okay we’re almost there, you can make it Matt,” you try to encourage him as you pull up to a grassy spot in the side yard.
“If you wanna run him in you can, I’ll try to get everyone else organized.” Clyde offers as you open your door.
“Thank you babe that’d be great,” you say unbuckling Matt.
“Mommy...!” Matt reaches out for you. You grab the diaper bag too and run inside. You say your ‘hey y’all clydes coming in with the boys’ and ‘gimme one second we have a potty situation’ as you b-line it to the powder bathroom with Matthew in you arms.
Before even getting the door closed you see Matt scrunch his face and tense up his body- it was too late. You sigh. Even though he still had his diaper on, you sit him on the toilet to finish and go through with the motion of using the toilet. You still praise him and even flush the toilet together
Matt starts crying when you change him. You have a feeling it’s because he didn’t make it in time again to the toilet. You feel bad for him, you know he is trying his best but he can’t seem to get the hang of letting you or Clyde know in time. It’s just something you will have to work on with him.
“Shh it’s okay baby mommy isn’t upset. I’m happy you let me know you had to go potty,” you try to calm him down. He stops crying after a little bit and you kiss him on the cheek.
You pick Matt up again to carry him to his brothers and the rest of the kids. They were all in the basement playing various things. Ben and kylo were with some older boys playing with trucks. You set Matt down with them and ruffled your other two boys hair before heading back up. All three were entertained with the others so you let them be.
As you headed back up to everyone else you see Clyde talking with cooper and lance. You grab a beer from one of the coolers and walk over to Clyde. He kisses your head and puts his arm around you.
“Didn’t sound good from what I got to hear” he sighed.
“Yeah poor thing didn’t make it again. He needs to tell us sooner, I think he hasn’t connected that he needs to tell us way before versus right before.” You leave it at that.
“Mhmm. I brought everythin in too. Game got pushed to 5:30 cuz rain I think.
“Oh ok.” You respond. You take a sip of beer before properly saying hello to everyone else.
A little into the first quarter you send Clyde down to check on the boys and give them some sippy cups. He comes back up with nothing unusual to report, everyone is still content. With that, you decide to get some food for yourself.
At halftime you are talking with Maggie and Carter about the fall carnival at school when you see ben crawling up the stairs and heading straight to you.
“MAMMA MAMMA!!!” He wailed as you picked him up, not sure if he was ok or not.
“Yes little man what’s wrong?” You ask, looking for anything off.
“Food?” He asks, pointing to the counter with all the food.
“Of course baby. Do you know if brothers want food too?” You ask him.
“Yea.” Ben nods, pointing to the other two who were making their way up the stairs too.
You set him back on the ground and walked over to the plates, getting one for each and getting them a few things. All three are at you feet, on their tip toes to see what foods there are. You ignore their begging for straight desserts and chips, and scold at them for trying to reach up for food too.
“Cmon guys, let’s get over to the table” you say as they follow you back to where you were sitting. All three fit on the bench seat together so you helped each one up and gave them their plate. Once they were all eating and have mostly quiet down, you sat back down and took a sip of your beer. Both Maggie and carter looked shocked at what they just watched you orchestrated.
“Girl how in the world do you do it with triplets? It looked like y’all rehearsed this or something before y’all got here! I am so impressed with your patience and mom skills.” Carter laughed.
“Yeah that’s more impressive than the game honestly,” Maggie adds.
“Awe well thanks y’all. I can tell you it’s not always this organized, every once and a while all three seem to be on the same wave length and they’ll listen. And I’m even impressed considering they did not get a chance to nap before getti- Kylo do not grab food off Matt’s plate you have the exact same thing on yours!” You snapped over to the boys.
“See? It’s not always perfect.” You suppressed a giggle.
After the game was over, everyone still stayed behind a little while longer to socialize and help clean up. The kids were all back downstairs watching a movie, with most of young ones passed out on the floor with some blankets.
You head downstairs about 10 to see how your boys were. Sure enough they were still up, eyes glued to the tv. Getting them ready for church tomorrow was going to be fun.
You head back up to get Clyde to help you get the kids. He yawns and follows you down, stealing a kiss at the stairs landing. You turn the lights on downstairs and announce to all the kids it time and Clyde added “yea y’all better hurry I heard y’all’s parents are gonna leave without ya!” He says with a straight face. All the kids scramble up to their own parents, all with looks of fear of being left.
“CLYDE WHATCHA TELLIN MY KIDS DOWN THERE??” You two hear lance yell down. Clyde bursts into a roar of laughter.
You and Clyde gather your three and their shoes, which unfortunately happened to be littered all around the basement.
“Yes kylo?” You respond as you put his other shoe on.
“Go home now?”
“Yes we’re all going home now.”
“Oh okay.”
You get all the boys in their seats and start the car, Clyde still saying his goodbyes to everyone. The boys were overtired and grumpy, Matt surprisingly the worst. Clyde opens the backseat door to put the leftovers on the floor when Matt screams and tries to kick and push Clyde away from him. Ben and kylo start crying as a response.
“Ow- Matthew quit it!!” Clyde says and shuts the door, retreating to the passenger seat. “What in the hell is up with him and the other two?” Clyde asked you.
“No nap today. Get your seatbelt on so we can go. These three need to go to sleep. “ you plead.
The drive home was fun to say the least. All three boys did not fall asleep in the car and were fussy when y’all got home. You get the boys upstairs and ready for bed while Clyde gets them sippy cups of milk.
Once all three were changed for bed, Clyde was upstairs helping you get each one settled in their cribs. Kylo was the first to go down. Once he had his sippy cup he got super sleepy and was asleep in no time. Matt was next and was overtired to the point he didn’t want th lay down. He just stood up in his crib and sobbed, wanting to be picked back. You and Clyde felt bad but knew if you picked him back up it would only make it worse. You kissed his forehead and put his sippy cup in his crib with him and you let him hash it out by himself. Ben was fast asleep in clyde’s arms when he handed him to you. You kiss him on the cheek before setting him down.
With all the baby monitors on and alert, you and your husband head back down to your room. All the monitors were quiet, even Matt’s which meant he gave up and went to sleep. You sigh and kick your boots off, walking in your bathroom to take your makeup off and change out of your clothes. Clyde went off into the kitchen which meant he either went for a glass of milk or a late night snack before bed. You changed into one of his big old T-shirts he doesn’t wear that much. Partially because it’s neon green and well, Clyde doesn’t wanna look like a damn highlighter in public. He only wears it sometimes if he’s doing yard work or sick at home. All the other times it’s in your pajama drawer. Clyde doesn’t understand how that god ugly shirt looks so adorable on you, even if it goes to right above your knees and you practically are swimming in it.
You quietly head to the kitchen to see Clyde halfway through a pb&j. You lean against the island across from him and watch him eat.
“Did you not eat over there during the game?” You ask genuinely curious. Not only was there the typical game day bites, but there were also burgers and hot dogs on the grill.
“I did, I just wanted a little something before bed, wanna a bite?” He offers.
“No thank you, I’ll be in bed. Don’t forget to turn off the lights out here before coming into the bedroom.” You say, standing on your tip toes to kiss his cheek before head you the bedroom.
You’re settled in bed on Pinterest when Clyde walks in, leaving a trail of his clothes to the bed wearing only his boxers. He takes his prosthetic arm off and carefully places it on his night stand before getting into bed. You shut your phone off and turn to face Clyde, scooting close to him too. He leans to kiss you and you only scoot even closer to him. You drape an arm over his waist and tangle your legs with his.
“We goin to church tomorrow mornin’?” He asks, his hand starting to wander down your side.
“Not until after lunch for evening service. The boys don’t have bible nursery tomorrow morning and I already said we might not be there until the afternoon,” you say.
Clyde grunts in satisfaction with your answer. He was hoping to not have to wake up early for church.
His hand settles for your hip and he kisses your forehead. You exchange I love yous and both of you fall asleep rather quickly, in each other’s arms.
You two are both awakened to the crying coming from a monitor. You roll onto your back and rub your eyes before looking to see which child it is. You look and see it from bens, so you head upstairs to see what the fuss is all about, Clyde close behind you. Coming into his room you see his stuffed animal fell out of the crib, away from his reach. You pick up the toy and pick up ben too, kissing him on the cheek. He wraps an arm around your neck and holds the stuffed animal with the other, when you see Clyde walk in after checking the other two.
He mouths an “all good” with a thumb up, indicating Matt and kylo were still asleep. Ben quickly falls back asleep in your arms, so you put him back in his crib and head back downstairs with Clyde.
Back in bed, Clyde laid on his back while you curled up under his arm. You two fell back to sleep almost instantly.
The next morning, you are woken up by Clyde sliding into bed-with kylo in his arms. You blink again to see if you were still sleeping, but sure enough Clyde was putting kylo down in your bed, with ben and Matt, who were also still sleeping You close you eyes and try to fall back asleep for a little bit longer. Ben woke up first, Clyde picking him up and holding him on his lap.
“Daddy, mommy sleeping?” You hear Ben ask.
“Yeah buddy we gotta stay quiet for mommy” Clyde replied, whispering and putting a finger over his lips for him to be quiet. Ben nods.
You managed to doze back off for about 45 minutes until you feel someone crawl over you.
Barely open an eye to see its kylo, staring intensely at your face.
“Mamma? You sleeping?” He asks, poking your cheek.
“Yes baby, mommy is sleeping!” You exaggerate and flip over to you back and cover your eyes and loudly fake snore. You hear three little giggles you continue to loudly snore until you feel the other two crawl on top of you. All three were bursting with laughter as they sat on top of you. You finally exaggerate a yawn and a stretch, rubbing your eyes and acting completely surprised when to see the boys on top of you.
“What are ALL three of y’all doin!? How’d y’all get in mommy and daddy’s bed?!” You say with a fake surprised voice and look up at your husband. Clyde looked away towards the window and took an innocent sip of coffee.
For a moment, you thought about just not going to church today. You could say Clyde or one of the boys are sick, or even yourself. The idea was nice, but wouldn’t sit well with your conscience as the day went on. Clyde was in a good mood today, something you rarely see on a Sunday. He never cared too much for church, thought it was a waste of a day for getting dressed and then being packed into a room with people. A lot of Sunday’s it was just you and the boys who went to morning service, with Clyde showing up for lunch and afternoon activity/service. Clyde would get home at sometimes 3 in the morning from the bar so you let him sleep in.
“Babe you want me to get you coffee? Clyde offers, you nod in response. The 5 of y’all were still in bed, all cuddled up watching a Disney movie. The boys wanted to watch Tangled- for about the 15th time this past month.
“Momma? Has some?” Matt asks you, pointing at the coffee Clyde just handed you.
“No baby you can’t have any,” you calmly reply, taking a sip yourself.
“Why?” Matt presses, pouting a little.
“It’s very hot and not good for little boys” you answer.
“Why?” He asks again. You sigh, ready to answer again when Clyde butts in.
“Mommy said no Matthew,” he sternly warns him, knowing this may develop into a tantrum or the other two will get involved. It’s the later.
Ben and kylo turn to you and Clyde, now curious to try both of your coffees, with Matt still wanting the coffee too.
You look at Clyde dead in the eyes and raise a brow. “You’re coffee cooled down?” You ask him. He narrowed his eyes at you and nods, not sure of your little scheme. Clyde takes his coffee black, while you on the other hand have cream and heaps of sugar. You know if the boys tried yours they would enjoy it but if they had your husbands they most certainly would not ask to try it again for a long time.
“Alright alright y’all win, you can try Daddy’s coffee! But be careful, it’s a little hot!” You warn and Clyde hands you his mug. “Matthew you can try it first ok?” You say as Matt scoots up to you. You grab the spoon from your mug and swirl it around clydes coffee before gathering a small sip on the spoon for Matt. He took an eager sip and immediately spit it back out, all over your pajamas. He scrunches his face and you start to see some waterworks. You smile ever so slightly and Clyde chuckles and takes his coffee back. You hold Matt’s face and look at him. “See baby? Mommy said you wouldn’t like it, but you wanted to try it, which is ok! I’m glad you tried it, now you know that it’s icky.” You praise him. He nods and hugs your arm.
“Kylo? Ben? Do you want to try daddy’s coffee?” You ask the other two, both surprisingly nodding. With Matt still holding onto your arm you have Clyde hold the coffee mug while you used the spoon to feed them the coffee. Kylo just made a sour face and pushed the spoon and mug away after he tried it. Ben took the whole spoonful and spit it up on you, then threw a fit.
“Benjamin why are you upset? Was it daddy’s coffee?” You ask, watching him roll around sobbing. You see him nod a little. “Is there a way mommy or daddy can help?” He nods again. “Baby use your words so we know what you want,” you encourage him. He lifts his head from the bed and rubs his face.
“Cuddles... Daddy,” he finally says.
“You want to cuddle with daddy?” You confirm.
“C’mere bud,” Clyde offers his arm and pulls Ben into his lap. Clyde kisses his forehead once he settles. Kylo decided he wanted in on this family cuddle pile and makes his way right in between you and Clyde. Matt stopped crying too and was still curled up in your lap. You still had spit up coffee on your shirt. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling but you ignored it because you and your family were cozy, watching the same Disney movie for the umpteenth time and you wouldn’t trade this moment for the world.
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Your Savior is Here! Ch 1
I don’t know if anyone is going to read this but I wanted to write it so here it is.
Natasha was fine where she was, squatting in an abandoned building, barely sobering up from drugs and living day to day. She does not want anyone to save her, but the most unlikely hero does not care what she wants.
Homelander has been lied to by the person he depended on most and is more alone than he has ever been. Everyone is trying to control him and in a unhealthy attempt to reclaim a small amount of control he decides to go against orders and help a random girl, but she doesn’t want him to. Too bad for her, he does not care.
Or Homelander picks up a random homeless girl and brings her home to make up for the things he lost. And finds out he’s over his mommy kink but may have developed a daddy kink
Spoilers for the boys if you haven’t finished the season! In this Homelander doesn’t kill Madelyn and Becca and the baby actually did die.
Now you may read
Natasha’s POV
“Please don’t! We’re sorry! Please! I have a family!” Someone is begging. Then someone is screaming before going silent. It barely registers in my head in my sleepy haze but my body is already moving. I stumble to stand, needing to find a hiding place or an easy exit. The voice was slightly muffled, they must be in another room. As I get my bearings I look out the window for a swat van or a suspicious amount of black SUVs but find nothing other than the usual few cars that belong to the dealers that have been messing around on the lower floor of the abandoned building I’ve been squatting in.
Another voice, this one coming from the stairway to my left, sends a shiver down my spine, “Maybe you should have thought of your family before you joined this little ‘gang’.” I can imagine the creepy grin on his face as he speaks.
Homelander. That’s just fucking great.
Supes are nothing but fucking trouble. What the hell have those guys been doing to gain his attention? It’s none of my fucking business but I need to get the fuck out of here. The last thing I need to be is on a supes raider, I’ve got enough things going on. I glance down the stair way, hoping and praying that they would be far enough away I could at least go down to the first floor. I find a man, pressed against the wall at the bottom of the staircase, Homelander is holding him by the throat with that fucking smirk that is plastered everywhere. Not a single thing is out of place on him, his blond hair is combed out of his face, his uniform is as neat as could be. He looks like the perfect super hero. The body sliced to pieces on the stairs tells a different story.
“Please don’t do this! I won’t tell anyone about this! I swear!” The Latin man against the wall pleads helplessly, just like the other man had done. I’m sure it will work out just as well, I roll my eyes.
I walk back to the window, sure I would be fine if I jumped but I would also catch the man is stars’ attention. Fuck. I might as well just wait it out and hope he doesn’t search the place. On quiet feet, I make my way back to my makeshift tent and hide inside. I sit up against the wall, pulling my ratty blanket over me I close my eyes and pretend to sleep. The whole time the man is begging for his pathetic life until suddenly he just stops.
Homelander sighs, “If I let you go will you become a better person? Will you leave this kind of life behind and focus on your relationship with God and your family?”
“Yes! I promise I will!” The man responds immediately.
“Okay than, I’ll give you one more chance at life. You are free to go.”
Then there a rushed foot steps retreating away from the stairs followed quickly by a wet thunk and a shrill scream. Yea, that went well.
I sigh. He should have known not to trust a supe. I sit and wait.
The tarp hiding me is suddenly ripped away and I am face to face with that fucking smirk. I don’t know what he was expecting to be hiding here but from the way his brows raise, I’m assuming he didn’t think it would be me. He stares, eyes scanning over me and the shit surrounding me before landing on my face. I know I look disgusting and probably don’t smell the greatest but the way his nose crinkles is just rude. He looks upset the more he stares, his face scrunches and his mouth curves into a tight frown. That is until he realizes I’m staring back, all emotion seems to fall away, leaving just his perfect fucking face.
I’m not scared. I’m annoyed more than anything that my nap had been interrupted, I raise my brows back at him, “Can I help you?”
He chuckles casually, “Not the usual reaction I get. I’m here cleaning up the cartel that has been running drugs through this building. Are you involved with them?”
“Nope. Do I look like a fucking gang member?”
“You look like a fucking junky.”
I sneer at him as I attempt to calm the massive mess of curls on my head, “well you aren’t wrong. I was.”
“Let me guess, you are clean and trying to get back on your feet.”
“Clean? Yes. But I ain’t getting back on my feet, I’m just fine where I am. Now if you could throw that back on so can I can get back to my nap, that would be great.”
“Trash like you disgusts me. You homeless are just pathetic.” Those perfect blue eyes just stare at me, so cold for a hero.
I roll my eyes at him, “Do I have to listen to you insult me or can I fall back asleep while you are talking?”
“And you are fucking rude at that.”
“Am I supposed to be praising you right now? Bowing down? You murdered a bunch of criminals, great job! Happy?”
His chest puffs up, his lip curls up into a snarl, “You should be begging for your pathetic life!”
“That worked out great for those guys downstairs and considering how you’ve been looking at me I’m assuming I’d have even worse chances. If I’m such an eyesore just fucking kill me.”
His eyes start to glow a warning red, “Do you have a death wish?”
“No!” I snap, “I just want to go back to sleep but you felt the need to be all high and mighty and destroy my tent!” He huffs and mumbles under his breath as he struggles to explain himself.
“You saw me down stairs!” He accuses, “I heard you moving around.”
“Yes, cause I thought you were the Feds or something. Why does I matter that I saw you? Don’t you want people to see you being a hero?”
Homelander stiffens a bit.
I raise a brow at him, “Unless you aren’t supposed to be here? Is America’s greatest hero becoming a vigilante?” The irritation on his face has me chuckling. “You are! I’m not judging, just surprised that Vought is letting it slide but whatever, it isn’t my business. I won’t tell anyone if that is what you are worried about.”
“How could I believe a single word out of your mouth? You are a dirty, probably on some kind of drugs, fucking rude, and completely helpless.”
“Fuck off! If you need to take care of loose ends just do it. But if you are just going to continue to judge me and stare we are done here.” I rip the tarp out of his hand and half assly fix my tent before curling up underneath, fully expecting him to laser me to pieces too. But he doesn’t. When a few minutes pass of nothing but silence I open my eyes. He’s gone.
Homelander’s POV
“Where have you been?” Madelyn snaps the moment she sees me, clicking her way down the hall after me. “I have been looking for you everywhere!”
I roll my eyes as I turn to face her, “I was out patrolling.” She stops in front of me with a exaggerated sigh as if I made her run to reach me when we both know I was the jumping through hoops for years for this old blonde witch.
I want to bang my head against the wall for being such an idiot for her. After years of her manipulation, her sweet words and gentle touches, I was able to break away after her lies came crumbling down around her. After I found out that they had killed the woman who was carrying my child they have the balls to pretend that nothing happened and continued on with business as usual. As if I’m not a person with feelings, I never thought I would want child but knowing it was going to happen only to find out I didn’t have a choice in the matter.
Madelyn places a hand on my trembling arm, I pull away, the look on her face is more than a little surprised, “Is everything okay?”
I laugh, forcing myself to smile, “I’m fine! I’m just tired of the lies that pour out of your mouth. So, if you don’t mind I have things to do and people to save.” It takes all of myself control not to rip her to pieces when she reaches for me again.
“You don’t actually. I cleared your schedule for the next few days, you had a stressful week and I think it would be best if you stayed quiet for a little while.”
“Excuse me?” I scoff, “I’m fucking Homelander! You can’t ground me.”
She puts her hands on her hips and gives me this look, “You need to focus on yourself. Go for a quick trip somewhere, stay in and catch up on TV, get a fucking pet! I don’t care, just do not cause trouble. I know you are upset about the baby but I need you to listen and,” she pauses as she glances up and down the empty hall before coming into my space, “and to be good for me. Can you be good for me like you used to?” Her hand caress my cheek like she’s done a million times before, though this time it lacks the same warmth, if there was ever any warmth to begin with.
“Fuck off.” I spit the words into her ear with a smile, enjoying the pissed off look on her face when I pull away.
The witch huffs, “I swear Homelander, no trouble!”
“I already got into a bit this morning.”
“What did you do?”
I shrug, “Destroyed millions of dollars worth of coke and killed a few cartel members, no big deal.”
“Did anyone see you while you were out saving the world?”
“Some junky but that’s it.” I do my best to sound casual about, as if that junkie’s green eyes aren’t engraved into my brain. Before this harpy pulled me out of my own head that junkie has been on my mind. Her ‘fuck off’ attitude was refreshing compared to every single person who is either blinded by my achievements or too terrified to do anything but smile. I’ve been fighting the urge to go find her again just to talk to someone who doesn’t want something from me. A fucking selfie or for me to behave. She just wanted me to leave.
I find myself smirking at the memory of her harsh words, our playful banter has been on repeat in my head. That along with her matter curls, dirty skin, and ratty clothes. She could have asked for money after what she saw but she didn’t she just wanted to sleep. She looked so tired so I let her continue with her nap as if there aren’t half a dozen bodies the floor below her. She looked so helpless, I’m sure she has no where else to go. No one to take care of her. I feel a unfamiliar pang of guilt in my chest that I left such a mess there. Even in the cold weather of the late fall it shouldn’t take long for that stuff to start smelling. Where will she go then? How will I be able to find her is she moves? That is if she hasn’t moved already.
“Homelander!” Madelyn screeches, I look down at her with my brows raised. “Have you been listening to me at all? You need to find that junkie and take care of them! I’m going to call a few people, get the media and swat there. We’ll say you had to leave the scene to chase another lead but that person can’t be interviewed. We don’t need them saying you were on a rampage just out of spite.”
“You want me to take care of her?” I repeat, nodding at the idea. I mean the girl obviously needs someone to do it, she can’t. I don’t fully understand my sudden interest in a normal person but for the first time in a long time I want something other than to impress this woman next to me. I nod again, “I’ll take care of her. I just need to grab a few things first and then I will!”
She says something else but I’m already rushing down the hall in search of some intern. I find one two floors down and shaking in their boots at the sight of me. By that time I have a list in my head of things I should need to do the job right. I ramble off what I need, tell them to charge it on some expense account and head off to find this girl, my girl.
There are police on the scene, the media is rambling off behind the yellow tape around the building. I sneak through the back side of the second floor away from the cameras and weave my way around the floor to where the girl was hiding last time. Her tent is ripped down. There is the same garage on the floor but a water bottle, the blanket and the tarp are missing which means she packed her stuff up and ran.
There is still a chance the police found her too. I rush out the way I came in to do my usual dramatic entrance on the street. I wave to the usual on lookers before finding the closest police officer who didn’t look like a fucking dumbass.
“Homelander!” The officer greets enthusiastically, beaming at me through all of this gear. “Did your lead get you any extra information?”
I nod, “Yes sir. Thank you so much for your work. I passed that information up to my headquarters so they should be getting it to you soon. I just have a question for you, did you happen to have seen a young homeless woman around here? I saw her earlier and did not get the chance to make sure she was okay.”
“Yes! We interviewed her and she said she slept through it all. She didn’t even know you were here!” He chuckles.
I nod casually, doing my best to pretend that panic is bubbling uncomfortably under my skin. “Do you still have her in custody?”
“No, they released her.”
“You guys continue your good work, I’m going to do a quick check over the area to make sure I didn’t miss anything.”
We salute each other before I take off into the sky in search of my girl. I get above most of the buildings, using my X-ray vision I scan over the area nearby, spotting a few homeless people here and there. My girl is tucked behind a dumpster half a block down. I’m less dramatic with this landing, doing my best to go unnoticed so she can’t run, not that I couldn’t catch her. She is sleeping again, curled up tight using both her blanket and tarp to cover her.
Poor thing.
I crouch down in front of her. She’s much prettier up close. I can’t wait to have her all cleaned up so I can see her in her fully glory.
“Are you back to insult me?” She hums without even opening her eyes.
I smile at her teasing tone, “How did you know it was me?”
Her golden green eyes open to me, glimmering beautifully in the natural light. “I didn’t tell the police if that’s why you are back.”
“I know. Why didn’t you?”
“It’s none of my business.”
“You are such a good girl,” I beam at her. “But I almost couldn’t find you, why did you move?”
“Because the police came busting in and kicked me out.”
“It’s fine, I found you anyway! Now let’s go.”
She raises a brow at me, “Go where?”
“With me. I’m going to take care of you.”
“Can’t you just do it here? I mean I guess it wouldn’t look good for the police to find me dead nearby when you already asked about me.”
I can’t help but chuckle, “I’m not going to kill you silly girl. I’m taking you back to Vought to take care of you, feed you and bathe you and all that Jazz.”
“Why?” She questions, more hesitant about me taking care of than killing her. It makes sense I guess, she’s obviously never had someone take care of her and since she wasn’t lucky enough to be chosen like me, no one cared to even look at her. I will take care of her better than any normal person could, I’m Homelander! I can give her all the things I never had, all the things I can never give my child, this girl can have it all. The structure, love and affection we all deserved but never received. And it will be genuine, unlike that shit Madelyn gave me.
“Because! Now get up,” I offer her my hand but she refuses to take it.
Her glare is set, “Fuck off.”
I resist the urge to just grab her, this is a perfect time to show her some tough love. “Very funny but enough of the swearing. The attitude is fine for now but the swearing has got to go.”
She just scoffs as she gathers her things and stand up, but instead of stepping into my arms she heads farther into the alley.
“Where do you think you are going?”
“Away from you!”
I shake my head at her, “I’m giving you to the count of 5 to come back here and apologize.”
She stops, “or what? Are you going to threaten to kill me again? I’m not scared of you.”
“Oh sweet girl, there are a lot of bad things I can do to you without killing you,” I give her my best smile. “Like for each second you make me wait past the five, I will break one finger. It’s really cute that you think you have an option with this, and you kind of do I guess. You can do this the hard way or the easy way.’’ She just stares at me dumbstruck, god her eyes are just so beautiful. The dark circles around them are less charming, we will have to work on those. But first I need to get her back to my apartment at Vought.
She takes one step backwards, her eyes on me to see if I notice.
“One,” I start.
“This is a fucking joke right?”
“Drop the swearing and I would like an apology for the attitude. Two.”
To my surprise she stomps her foot like an actual child, “why should I go anywhere with you?”
“Stop!” Her internal battle is obvious on her face.
“I’m sorry!” She blurts out.
I smile , “Come here and apologize like you actually mean it.”
She listens. In her dirty boots shuffle towards me, her head hanging low with shame. With her in front of me I can barely breath, the helpless thing is at my chest. She looks up at me with those bright green eyes, “I’m sorry for the attitude.”
My heart is racing.
There is fire dancing behind her eyes, she’s a strong one for a normal human. But I can’t let her know how just a little look can effect me, I need to keep a brave face.
“Lets go.”
She continues to stare at me expectantly.
“Oh yes, come here,” I open my arms to her.
The girl blanches, “We are flying?”
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toonspooks · 6 years
A Darkwing Duck one shot, because I love the kiddos
@pharaoh-ink here she is
“Gosalyn, my parents say I can’t spend the night.” Honker said sitting on the edge of his friend’s bed. His stomach felt tight and he had a lump in his throat. He had been dreading this. Gosalyn was gathering up her pillows and covers for the fort they were building in front of the TV downstairs.
“What?! Why?! We have been planing this movie marathon since last week! Why not? Some dumb, impromptu family-bonding-game night?!” She demanded.
Honker stood up and turned his back to her looking down at his feet.
“They say we are getting too old for sleepovers.” He answered.
“What?! That doesn’t make any sense! Tank gets to spend the night over at his friends’ house whenever he wants!” She pressed, throwing down the armful of pillows.
“All of Tank’s friends are other boys.” Honker said, still looking down. His face had begun turning pink.
“Oh,” Gosalyn considered this for a moment. “It’s still not fair!”
“I know.” Honker Pouted.
“This sucks! This sucks out loud!” She was fuming now.
“I have to be home at nine.”
“Nine?! Its six-thirty already! We won’t even get to ‘Terror of the Tera-Firmians III’!”
“I’m sorry.”
Gosalyn was now angrily pacing the floor. She was furious. She had been so excited about this. She had already given a list of the films she intended to watch to her father, as he needed to pre-approve the movies and their ratings beforehand as Gosalyn had rather “mature” taste in cinema. She was elated to see that, for the first time, none of the candidates were disqualified. She liked to imagine that her father was finally beginning to see her less as a baby and trust her judgement for once.
But now this! You think you have one adult under control and two more start acting out!
“Those stinking Mudflefoots! Ah.. no offense Honk-man.”
“None taken.”
“Its just so…so…stupid!” She stamped her foot, “What do they think…? I mean what could they possibly imagine? I mean it’s us! Ya know? Us!”
Honker face was even more flushed than before. He was just about as uncomfortable as he thought he would be. Not that Gosalyn noticed. When she got worked up like this all her attention was devoted to the subject of her wrath.
After a moment of silence, Gosalyn made a decision.
“I’m going to tell my dad!” She started furiously towards the door.
“No! Gosalyn!” He grabbed at her wrist.
“Come on Honker!” She continued on. “He might be able to talk some sense into your birdbrain parents!”
“Oh geez,” he sighed. This is exactly what he didn’t want to happen, but he knew it was no use fighting her and allowed himself to be pulled downstairs.
Drake and Launchpad were busy in the kitchen working on fulfilling all of Gosalyn’s movie night snack requests. Drake furiously pulling items from the pantry while Launching scrambled to catch them.
“….Popcorn, kettle corn, gummy bears, gummy worms, cola, diet cola, and baby carrots!” Drake listed off.
“Baby carrots?” Launchpad asked peering over the stack of snacks in his arms.
“A father can only try to get his girl to eat her veggies Launchpad.” Drake sighed. “A father can only try.”
“Yep, I hear you D.W. Its almost dang near impossible to get Gos to do anything she doesn’t want to do.” Launchpad chuckled. “Almost as difficult to keep her from doing some thing she wants to.”
Just then the two kids burst through the kitchen door. Gosalyn still dragging Honker.
“Dad! You will never believe what th-” Gosalyn started before colliding with Launchpad and sending all the snacks crashing to the floor.
“Gosalyn! How many times do I have to tell you-” Drake started.
“Yeah yeah yeah I’m sorry Dad, but listen,” she interrupted, “ Honkers parents said he can’t spend the night tonight! It a crime!!”
“Ha! I would hardly call that a crime,” Her father chuckled. “Megavolt shorting out the entire cities’ power just as I was about to beat my personal record on Whiffle Boy, now that was a crime.”
“But Dad they have the stupidest reason in the whole world!!”
“The Muddlefoots? Have stupid reasoning? I can’t say I’m shocked. Oh…Uhh.. No offense Honker.” Drake apologized.
“None taken, sir.”
“So no movie marathon?” Launchpad asked disappointedly.
“If your upset about that just wait until you hear why not!!” Gosalyn started.
“Gosalyn, p-p-please-” Honker tried to interject. This was so embarrassing. Exactly what he was dreading.
“They say we are too old for sleepovers now! Just because Honker is a boy and I’m not!” She explained angrily.
The room went silent for a moment. Drake seemed taken a back. Gosalyn was surprised when he didn’t react the way she imagined. Honker and Launchpad exchanged uncomfortable glances. The room was tense for a few seconds while Drake processed this.
“Well, Gos, and I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but I think the Muddlefoots might be right.”
Launchpad quickly decided that this was strictly a daddy-daughter affair and began to gather up the snacks on the floor and putting them in the kitchen counter.
“Hey, Honk-man, why don’t you and me go work on that fort, huh?” He nudged Honker towards the living room.
“Uh…s-sure.” Honker agreed. He was slightly confused, but still incredibly thankful to get out of there.
Once the two cleared the kitchen doorway, Gosalyn turned to her father, intensely staring him down.
“What do you mean?! What is wrong with you? Since when have you ever agreed with anything the Mudddlefoots have to say?!” She grilled him.
“Gosalyn…sit down.I…I just think maybe it’s true. Maybe you are a little to old to have sleepovers with a boy now.” He offered.
“I’m not having a sleepover with a boy!! I’m having a sleepover with Honker!” She argued leaning over at him from the other side of the kitchen table.
“I know he is your best friend, and he is a great kid, but, things change as you get older.”
“But nothing has changed!! What’s the difference between having him spend the night tonight than it was last month?”
“Last month?”
“Last month I spent the night at the Muddlefoots’ for Honkers birthday.”
“Honker’s Birthday? Well, Gos, that’s just the thing. The two of you are growing up. As much as I hate to think about it, especially since it means I’m getting older, which you never really expect, then suddenly you’ve got a kid and a mortgage and it sounds like your walking on bubble wrap when you get out of bed -”
“Right. Right.” He straightened up. “Anyway, Gos. You know that you and Honker are growing up and a lot of things change.”
“I just don’t understand!” She pressed her hands to the side of her head.
“I mean we could get out the book again..” he offered nervously.
The book he was referring to was “A Bright Bird’s Guide to Her Body and Boys”. A book recommended to Drake by one of Gosalyn’s teachers. Naturally, it was a bit outdated and the illustrations weren’t the most accurate, but he didn’t exactly know where else to look for help. Being a single father of a had its challenges. They had attempted to flip through the book together and it was as horrendously uncomfortable as one could imagine. They got about a third of the way through before it became almost unbearable for the both of the them and Gosalyn assured him that she could finish the book on her own. Drake agreed, relived to be temporarily free from the oppressive awkwardness, but promised her that he would always be there to answer any questions she had (secretly praying she never had any).
“No!!!” She exclaimed fearfully. “Uh… I mean, no, Dad, that’s not necessary.”
“Then what is it you don’t understand?” He asked.
“Why things like this have to change at all. He’s still Honker and I’m still Gosalyn and we are still best friends. That hasn’t changed and….I don’t think it will…or I hope it doesn’t.” She said, her eyes down cast.
“Oh Honey, that’s not what’s changing here! You and Honker can still be best friends, but the rules have to change now that your older.” He reached over the table to try to touch her shoulder, but she shrugged him off.
“What rules?” She grumbled.
“Well…social rules.” He answered.
“Social rules?! Since when have you, the man who dresses up on a mask and cap, flys around in a plane shaped like his own head, and frequently gives himself dramatic introductions to people who obviously know who he is, care about social rules?!” She demanded.
“When you have a crime fighting alter ego, you can get away with pushing what is socially acceptable.”
“But… but…. I mean….” she stammered. “What do you think could happen? Do you really not trust me and Honker? That’s so sick, Dad! Gross times a thousand!!!” She yelled.
“It’s not that Gos-” he tried to interject.
“And he lives right next door! And Launchpad would be with us, and that is almost like real adult supervision!”
“Gos, honey, I know all that. And it’s not that I don’t I don’t trust you or Honker. He is a great kid and I’m glad you have such a good friend in him. Honestly, I don’t really have a problem with him staying the night-”
“So you’ll go over to the Muddlefoots’ and set them straight?” She pleaded.
“No, Gos. Just because we don’t agree with certain social expectations doesn’t mean we don’t respect when others follow them.”
“Even when it’s the Muddlefoots?”
“Yes,” Drake sighed. “Even when it’s the Muddlefoots.”
“Come on then.” He said getting up from the table. “Let’s not waste anymore of the time you too do have for your movie night.”
The father and daughter walked to the living room only to find it empty. Even the fort was gone.
“Where did they-” Drake began to ask, but just then Launchpad stuck his head through the front door.
“Heya Gos! Come check this out me and Honker might have just found ourselves a loophole!” He chimed.
“Launchpad what’s going on?” Drake asked spuriously, with a raised brow.
“Just come on out and see!”
Gosalyn sprinted out the door as fast as she could and raced to Honker who was standing at the edge on the lawn.
“What is it, Honker?! Figure out how to change your parents’ minds?!” She asked, hands tight on his shoulders.
“No, but I did figure out a compromise.” He answered grinning.
He turned her around. In her excitement she had not even notice it as she ran past. There was a big white screen set up right down the middle of the two neighboring lawns. Set on top of a stack of old phone books was a projector and beside that Honker’s computer, extension cords ran from the devices to the Mallards’ garage. Pillows and blankets from the previous living room fort were spread out over a tarp with a distinct red line marked down the middle.
Gosalyn stood shocked for a moment. She need a minute to process what she was seeing.
“Is that…”
“The projector and screen from my dads viewing party for the premiere of the Pelican’s Island reboot.” He beamed.
Launchpad stepped over to them and patted Honker on the back. “Well we figured you two aren’t breaking any rules if you are camping out in your own yards!”
“Not technically spending the night at each other’s houses.” Honker added. “She that red line down the middle of the tarp? That is the exact property line between the two lawns. I found the neighborhood’s codes online. Also, by the way, your grass in an inch above regulation Mr. Mallard.”
“Keen gear!! You guys this is so awesome!!! But is this okay? Dad?” She turned to her father for permission.
“Well I don’t see anything wrong with two young people who happen to be camping out on the same night and just happen to live next door to each other and just happen to want to watch the same movies.” He smiled.
“What about your parents Honker? Have you run it by them? Are they okay with this?” Gosalyn asked her friend.
“Well it took some bargaining, I have to weed mom’s garden tomorrow and prune the roses, and clean the grill.” He answered.
“And we promised some adult supervision!” Launchpad chuckled pointing his tumb to himself.
“Wow!! This is so great!! This is better than we saw the Powerline laser show at the planetarium!!” She hugged the two of them as tight as she could. “Come on Honker, let’s get this movie night rolling!”
While the two friends selected a film and got comfortable, Drake and Launchpad went back in to the kitchen to retrieve the kids’ snacks. Once they got into the house, Drake turned to his friend.
“Hey L.P, that was a real nice thing you did for Gos.”
“Aw, it was nothing! Besides, it was Honkers idea. He is such a smart kid, smarter than I ever was, or am probably.”
“Yeah,” Drake sighed. “I guess genius skips a generation.”
“I guess so!” Launchpad chuckled.
“So, you are sure you are fine with staying outside with them all night?”
“You kidding!? It’s gonna be great! I haven’t seen hardly any of these old monster movies since I was in middle school!” He assured Drake. “I just hope I don’t get any nightmares like I did back then!”
Outside Gosalyn and Honker were settling in as the beginning credits of their movie started. The sky was that perfect purple of dusk and the crickets were chirping. The two sat close, but far enough apart to were the red line in the tarp could be seen clearly. Gosalyn hugged a pillow and Honker had a blanket on his shoulders. Fireflies soon began blinking, and moths fluttered around the light of the projector, but they didn’t mind. They were getting older, and that was scary. Change always hurts even when it helps us, but tonight they weren’t worried. Tonight they were both confidante that they could handle any kind of change life threw at them. Even if they had to grow up it didn’t mean they had to grow apart.
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The Man Of God
“None of us knows what might happen even the next minute, yet still we go forward. Because we trust. Because we have Faith.” - Paulo Coelho
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Name: Gary Isaac Harrison
Nicknames: Garebear, Bear, Blondie, Elder Harrison
Faceclaim: David Latting
Age: 24
Gender: Cis Male
Sexuality: Homosexual Homoromantic Polygamous (VERY closeted)
Height: 5′6.5″
Weight: 134lbs
Birthday: October 16th
Sign: Libra
Occupation: Missionary; Supervisor at local Daycare
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Jonah is Gary’s little buddy. He loves him very much and is training him to be a therapy dog. Gary spends as much time as he can training him, when he isn’t otherwise busy.
Went on his mission at 18 and returned at 23. Went to Bangkok, Thailand.
Can speak five different languages fluently: English, Thai, Spanish, Mandarin, and French.
Is always polite unless he’s finally had enough with someone treating him/someone he cares about poorly.
Still has a soft spot for Stan.
Sings and plays acoustic guitar very well.
Is very close to his family, and spends as much time with them as he is able.
While he doesn’t know that he fully believes, he’s hoping that that has to do with why he’s gay. If he just believes harder, and he prays more, then he will be ‘healed’ and he won’t have to suffer being disfellowshipped for his attraction to men.
He supervises a daycare near the church, and sometimes works with the kids. He lives to help others and loves the chances he gets to teach people lessons in fun ways. 
As kind as he can be, he won’t take people’s bullshit, and he’s very quick to lose his patience if people are being unduly rude.
While he mostly doesn’t like the idea, he will quietly shun people that offend him to the point that he can no longer handle them. He shuts down and simply ignores them.
Due to a lot of sudden abuse in a short amount of time, Gary has begun to question his faith, and has become quieter than he once was.
Dzianis’ abduction and his captive status has left him addicted to heroin, and he’s terrified someone is going to find out.
At this point, if he is disfellowshipped and shunned by his family, he suddenly doesn’t care. Amanda and David will remain in contact with him, and they have an agreement that he will take them in when they turn eighteen. 
He lives with Alex, though he feels as though he should look for his own place. However, he’s terrified of living alone, now.
As much as Michael was cruel to him, he has a soft spot for him, going so far as to miss him and seek him out.
The same night he was released from Michael’s torture, he was picked up by an elder vampire that was new to town. More torture on top of what he’d already suffered broke him and reinforced his desire to leave the church.
Gary was the Featured Muse for December 2021!
Headcanon Masterlist
Jesus Loved The Outcasts He Loved The Ones The World Just Loves To Hate (Gary Harrison)
Crucify Me Hallelujah (Gary Aesthetic)
If My Heart Says I'm Sorry Can We Leave It At That? (Gary Musings)
The Whole World Trying To Tame The Spark (Gary Closet)
I'll Break My Heart In Two More Times Than You Could Ever Do (Gary Headcanons)
There's A Song I'm Trembling To It's Tune (Gary Journal Entries)
Give Me A Paw Too (Jonah)
@nxwkid​ -  - Douchebag/New Kid/Alex - New Boy In The Neighborhood Lives Downstairs And It's Understood (Gary and Alex - Nxwkid)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Michael - Inside Your Wicked Heart's Still Beating (Gary and Michael - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@throughxthexmist​ - Stan - All My Scars Will Heal In Time Now He's Gone With All My Pride (Gary and Stan - ThroughxThexMist)
@throughxthexmist​ - Jimmy - His Gavel's Gone Down Before He Looked In Your Heart (Gary and Jimmy - ThroughxThexMist)
Here - Dzianis - Underground Boxed And Glum Left You There For Rot (Gary and Dzianis)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Aiken -  Baby I Was Born Dark Full Of Holes In My Heart (Aiken x Gary - SouthxParkxAfterxDark) 
Here - Dzianis -  Do You Miss Your Head With Your Tattered Clothes And Your Bloody Nose? (Dzianis x Gary)
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In Sickness and In Health
 I know this has been done a million times, but it’s my take on Killian with a cold. Plus a bit more cuteness and a nice surprise!
  @thatwolfbookgirl this is for you, you wanted whiny Killian, here he is! Hope you like it!
  Emma was finally home, she trudged up the blue steps to her front door, her arms full of bags from the weekly shop. Killian had mowed the lawn like she asked, she also noticed he had finally planted the flowers that he had been growing in the shed. She was feeling exhausted from her trip, she had a slight idea why, but she wasn’t a hundred percent yet, she had bought some tests to make sure. No need to worry Killian just yet.
  As she entered their house, she heard several loud and violent sneezes come from the front room which then led to a large blowing of a nose and a grunt. Oh no. Killian was ill. She did not have the energy for this right now, as much as she loved him, he was his worst self when he was ill. Especially when it was with a cold. He certainly played the man flu card. Maybe she could shut the door, maybe he hadn’t heard her, she could disappear for a few days. Take a holiday.
  “Swaaaaaaan!” Damn. She looked down at her wedding ring and sighed. In sickness and bloody health, didn’t God know how bad her husband was when he had a cold? A total number of three he had had since they knew each other, and each felt longer than the last.
   The first, they were only friends, he caught one just after he brought her back from New York. She didn’t have to deal with him much on that one, he wasn’t her obligation.
  The second, he caught one when Elsa was about, pretty much the whole town did, but his stupid coat and revealing chest made him more prone. That one she had to look after him for, it was her chance to prove how much he meant to her in the early days of their relationship. Boy had she proved it, he wanted this and that, he felt like this, he moaned for days on end to the point that she had to trick Henry into spending an hour or two with him just so she could get a little peace and quiet. She felt bad, but she had had enough.
  His third, that had been the worst of all. He caught it just after he came back from the Underworld, they had been to the depths of hell and honestly when he started whining about a little sniffle, she was going to send him back there herself. Unfortunately, that little sniffle turned into the biggest pain in her ass she had ever experienced, many times she thought about fleeing the country, she would never have to deal with him or his colds again.
  She loved him, of course, they were true love, and she knew he was grateful for her care, he always made it up to her when he felt better. What annoyed her was he didn’t realise how much of a big baby he was. Well, it was time to show him. This time she would record him being the wet arse that he is.
 Once she had put the shopping away, Emma pulled out her phone, set it to record and placed it in her shirt pocket, she didn’t want him to know she was filming. He would ask too many questions and she needed him to not change his behaviour for the camera. She wandered into the living room, an empty box of tissues sat on the coffee table and it’s contents were littered around the couch, the floor, and the table. Killian was lay down on the couch in his usual jeans, dark shirt, waistcoat and leather jacket. His boots were still on, covered in dry mud which had cracked onto the couch. This was going to be five days of pure hell. She had to keep her temper, it was no good upsetting him, moody and ill Killian, that was a burden worse than any dark curse. In fact, she prayed for them when he was ill.
  “Hey, hubby.” She smiled, it may have been slightly fake. She leant down and kissed him on his temple. “What’s wrong?”
  “I’m dying, Swan.” He rolled onto his back and put his hand on his forehead.
  “Looks like you’re auditioning for Shakespeare.” She giggled. This wasn’t even the worst of it yet, it was just a blocked nose. She still had streaming eyes, a cough, and other ailments to come.
  “Why are you laughing?” He pouted. “Can’t you see I’ve been struck with the most deadliest disease?”
  “It’s a cold.” She sighed, then walked away.
  “Where are you going?” He cried out. “I need you.”
  Emma sighed. She sauntered over to him with a coy smile, he raised an eyebrow at her when she tried to lie on top of him.
  “What’s wrong? Do you want to play doctors and nurses?” She smirked, then started kissing his neck.
  “Emma Jones! I am hardly in a fit state for such activities, I feel practically violated.” He gently pushed her off him and turned to face the back of the couch. She laughed heartily at him. Okay, he was sick.
   “Sorry, handsome. Come here, let’s get you bathed and changed. You’re getting mud all over the couch.” He turned and did as she told. They walked upstairs to their room, she now turned off her camera, he was already like a zombie. He sat on the edge of the bed whilst she took off his shoes, the bath was running and she lit some candles which were designed to try and decongest his nose. She removed his pants and his many upper layers, then guided him to their ensuite bathroom.
  “It’s too hot!” He moaned, when he dipped his foot in. She put some cold in. “It’s too cold!”
  “Get in the bath, Jones.”
  “Are you joining me?” He wriggled his eyebrows and then sneezed, he wiped his nose with his arm. “Ugh.”
  “No wonder I fell for you.” She said, sarcastically. “A minute ago, you said I was violating you. So, get in the bath, I have things to do.”
   Whilst Killian was in the bath, she went to their downstairs toilet along with her test. It gave her the time she needed, hopefully.
  She was wrong.
  “Emmmmaaaa!” Why? Honestly, why? She closed the bathroom with a bit too much force and stomped upstairs. She took a deep breath, counted to ten, and put on a smile. She entered their bathroom.
  “Yes, dear?”
  “Wash my hair.” He thrusted the bottle at her and she rolled her eyes. She poured the shampoo onto her hand then massaged it into his hair. “That feels great, love. Thank you.” Maybe it was worth it, he was appreciative at times, and she liked the intimacy they were having.
  “Now, are you rinsing yourself, or do I have to pour the jug over you?”
  “I can manage.” She kissed his cheek and left the room.
  Downstairs she went back to the bathroom, she was nervous. Were they going to have a baby? She hoped so. They had been married for two years now. She peered over the sink. It was positive. They were having a baby. Tears started to fill her eyes, she was so happy. She couldn’t wait to tell Killian, but it would have to be another time. She didn’t mind.
  Emma wiped her eyes and went back upstairs, she was trying to keep her excitement contained.
  “Emmmmma!” Not hard to do. She entered the bathroom again. Her previous joy was now in the back of her mind. “Can I have a towel?” She reached to the radiator, pulled it off and held it up for him, he stood up and wrapped himself in it. She reached her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.
  “I love you.” She smiled, this one was very sincere. She couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when he finds out.
  “I love you too.” Then he sneezed. “Swan, there is no greater torture than bearing a cold.”
  “I imagine pregnancy is one.”
  “I have no womb.” He pointed out and walked into the bedroom. She followed him.
  “Aren’t you lucky?” She chuckled.
  “Aye, I’d hate to deal with your monthly situation, love. Though I do like caring for you when you’re not feeling your best.” He looked up at her in adoration. She wished she could say the same.
  “Oh, you.” She pinched his cheek, maybe a little too hard. He didn’t complain but she saw him rub it when she let go. She took out the hair dryer and dried his hair for him. Wet hair wouldn’t do him any good, he always had really soft hair, she was kind of jealous. She helped him with his pyjamas, a black t-shirt and some Star Wars pants that Henry had gotten him for his birthday. That reminded her, she had to call him to stay clear of the house for a week. Regina wouldn’t mind, after all, they all knew how bad Killian could be. “Now, hubby. Lie down.” He did and she pulled the covers up over him.
  Emma made him some chicken soup and cut him up some baguette. She brought him a hot chocolate with cinnamon too. He smiled at her when she placed the tray on his knee.
  “I can’t taste anything!” Back to moaning. She was sat on her side of the bed, trying to read a book. “It’s not fair, Swan. Why don’t you get any burdens like this?” She blinked a few times.
  “I dunno, but my head is starting to hurt.” She sighed. He was dripping soup down his chin. “You’re so messy.” She reached for a tissue and wiped his chin for him.
  “I’m not a child.” He took it off her and wiped his own chin. No, he wasn’t. But soon they would have one. They’d be wiping plenty of chins then. He finished his meal, then Emma tucked him up into bed, he had demanded a hot water bottle, she obliged.
  Killian slept restlessly through the night, he was constantly kicking her, or trying to clear his nose. He was boiling hot thanks to his water bottle, he insisted on cuddles and demanded that he be the little spoon. Through the night he complained of headaches and at three in the morning she was giving him a massage.
  By morning, she was exhausted. As was he. She brought him some toast and orange juice with some medicine, the worst part of caring for him. She could never get him to swallow pills, so he used syrup. It was still a task.
  “I’m not taking that, Swan.”
  “It will help with your headache, handsome.” She smiled. She poured the liquid onto the spoon and went to feed it him, he turned his head the opposite way.
  If he wasn’t helping her, then she wasn’t going to be nice. She grabbed his hair, pulled his head towards her, opened his mouth and shoved the spoon in it.
  “Emma! You’re mean.”
  “It’s for your own good.” He stuck his tongue out at her, which gave her the perfect opportunity to shove another mouthful of medicine down his throat. She smiled and tapped his cheek.
  “Good boy.”
  A week later, Killian was finally feeling better. His nose was clearing, he didn’t feel as drained, though Emma certainly did, his ears still had to pop, but all in all, he was his old self again. She had shown him the videos of his petulance, which he felt guilty for, but he looked cute. He had helped clean the house and rid it of his germs, he thanked Emma with little hugs and kisses for taking such good care of him. He’d bought her flowers as a sign of appreciation and treated her like a queen for the next few days.
  They were snuggled up on the couch watching a movie together, they had brought down their quilt and Killian was snuggling into her. He gave her little kisses and she felt him tracing idle circles on her hip. It was time.
  “Killian?” She whispered. He must have been dozing in and out of sleep. “Hey, hubby.” She gave him a little nudge.
  “Mm, sorry, love. I nodded off.”
  “I have something to tell you.” She smiled.
  “What is it, you can tell me anything.” He kissed her jaw and she smiled.
  “What if I told you there was three of us watching this movie?” She tried to hint.
  “Three of us? Is Henry around?” He looked up to see if he had missed Henry’s arrival.
  “No, but maybe in a couple of months, there’ll be four of us living here, instead of three.”
  “Is someone moving in?” He honestly looked so cute. She couldn’t believe he wasn’t catching on.
  “What do you always say is in me?” Now that was obvious.
  “A little pirate, Swan. But, what does that have to do with anything…” Click. He went tense. “Emma, are you? Are you pregnant?” She nodded. A massive grin immediately appeared on his face. “We’re having a baby! Are we actually?” He was extremely excited, that much was obvious. “When did you find out?”
  “Last week.”
  “You mean, I put you through all that, and you were carrying our child?” He looked really guilty.
  “Hey, I don’t mind. You’re my husband, I took a vow to look after you.” She smiled.
  “Shh, let’s just celebrate what’s to come. We’re having a baby, and Henry gets a sibling.”
  “Does the lad know?”
  “No, but he’s said he’s wanted a sibling for a while now. I’m sure he’ll be thrilled.”
  “Emma, I can’t believe it. After everything we’ve been through. I love you.”
  “I love you too.” He looked at her belly.
  “And I love you too, and Henry. We’ll be quite the family.” He chuckled.
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