#so thats why his arms are dark n feathery here
pyrotechnicdarts · 2 years
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(wip) top 10 podcast scenes that fuck you up
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blindersbeach · 6 years
the cabaret
wc: 1,661 requested: yes by those amazing anons! blurb: the readers works at a cabaret and bumps into a michael a/n: thank you for the requests for this and thank you sara for inspiring it!!
Friday nights bring the new customers that become regulars. The few that you are close to have kind souls. Franklin, comes in every night because his wife is the main dancer along with being the choreographer. Franklin is always proud of her and constantly supportive. Teddy is in love with the bartender, Joey. Sadly, they have to keep the relationship quiet without getting criticism. You accidentally walked in on them while you were cleaning up back stage. Teddy will be at the cabaret from opening till after all the chairs are stacked on the tables. There is also Rose. At first, she was against her sister, Maisie, working here, but as she went to more performances she realized how much her sister loves to dance. To you, they weirdly felt like the family you never had.
“Curtains open in 5!” Gus, the owner, called out backstage.
You sit in front of the luminous mirror applying kohl to your lash line. Already running out of time, you smudged the line fixing the mistakes your shaky hands made. Even after dancing for almost a year you are still nervous going on stage. Someone knocks on the door.
“It’s Maisie, you ready?” She puts her ear to the door, pushing her long chocolate hair out of the way.
You grabbed your hat and opened the door with a smile. Maisie links her arm in yours as you walk to the stage. Maisie and you had auditioned together and have supported each other ever since. She pulled you closer to whisper in your ear.
“I heard that are some Peaky Blinders here tonight! Gee, I hope a fight breaks out.” Maisie says almost jumping up and down like a bunny. She loves a good brawl.
“Remember the last time a fight broke out? Rose hid behind the bar and almost fainted and who are these Blinders you are always talking about?” You say confused.
“Do the Shelby’s ring a bell? They practically run Birmingham.”
“Oh yeah, don’t you always talk about the older one? Arthur?” You say putting your hat on and you both walk on stage.
“You mean the love of my life!” Maisie sits on the chair besides you.
“I thought you hadn’t met him?”
“He doesn’t know what is about to hit him!” Maisie strikes a pose and you laugh.
The rest of the girls sat in the first position. Your long legs with fishnet stockings were stretched out as a the small black dress slowly rises higher up your thighs. Most of the costumes varied but have similar color and the mandatory black fishnet stockings and a small heels. Some wore shorts, others a long skirt and a bustier.
The curtains shift to their ends and the bands begins a soft jazz tune. On the second eight count the drummer hits the cymbal and everyone in unison kicks their right leg up. This routine is engrained in everyone minds. All the movements flow out of the dancers. You no longer feel nervous. Empowerment rushes over you and the crowd roars. Before you know it, the dance ends. You pick your hat up and exit the stage. The crowd continues to roar as Gus shouts over them.
Maisie and you rush back into the dressing room. A heavy weight pushes you to the floor. Your knee aches and your stocking rips.
“A simple apology would’ve been nice…” You say struggling to stand up.
Sighing, you look at Maisie wondering why she does not have a reaction. She stares at the man that stares at you. He stands in awe. The unknown man wears a dark gray suit and his hair parted on the side. He looks out of place from the regulars you are used to. Too cleaned up.
“Come on, Maisie, we have to get ready for the next number.” Blood starts to slide down your leg. You reach your dressing room and shut the door behind you. “I don’t think Gus is going to let me on, he freaks even over a sneeze.”
“I’m pretty sure he is a Blinder. I saw him sitting with Arthur.”
Maisie usually changes in your dressing room since her’s is all the way in the back and does not have enough time between the first two numbers. She changes into a sequenced dress that hits her mid-thigh and wraps a white feathery boa around her shoulders. You pulled down your stockings and clean up the small cut. You changed into a pale pink dress and white stockings. The blood seeps through.
“Damn it, thats my only clean pair!” You yell throwing the stocking on the floor. You touch up your red lipstick and head out with Maisie.
Before you even step out of the door, Gus is waiting.
“Maiz, you got someone waiting for you in your room, but deal with it after this number.” Gus says and Maisie runs off wondering if it could be Arthur. “As for you, lets see this knee.”
“Gus it’s fine, I can go on.” You try to hide it behind your other.
“Take the night off, I don’t want to have another blood stain on these floors.” Gus pants you on the shoulder and the goes to make sure the girls are ready.
Going back into your room, you grab your robe and go to the bar. The music for the next number begins and the memory of the routine flashes through your head.
“What’s wrong with you?” Teddy says as you tie the ribbons around your waist. You fill him in on what happened as Joey pours you some whiskey.
“Sounds like Gus. Here this will cheer you right up!”
The whiskey does help, although you don’t feel the buzz you used to. Not that you need it anyways. Teddy stares deeply at Joey as he continues to work. You could tell that he wished to take long walks at sunset or sit as close to him in a booth like most couples.
“Well I better go. Enjoy your evening.” You say with a smile and walk backstage.
After changing into the more casual dress you came in, you stuffed the blood stained stockings into your coat and head to Maisie’s dressing room. You knock on the door and try to twist the handle, but the door seems locked. Moaning comes from the other side of the room. Your eyes go wide and then you head out through the back door. Guess she didn’t go on, you thought and laughed quietly to yourself.
A few days later
Your knee healed quickly, but Gus still didn’t let you perform as many routines you are used to. It is the end of the night as you sit in Maisie’s dressing room admiring the large bouquet of roses. They are from Arthur and you still can’t believe it.
“So tell me what happened again.” You say leaning back in the chair wishing a man brought you flowers.
“You know how Gus said there was someone waiting for me in my dressing room. Well I thought it was my sister, but it wasn’t. It was Arthur Shelby!” Maisie says with her eyes sparkling, “He wanted to talk to me, can you believe it?! He is taking me out again tonight.”
“He is one lucky guy.”
You realize how happy you are for your friend, she finally has the guy of her dreams. Then you realize now she really won’t shut up about it. As much as it makes you happy, there will always be a small feeling inside of you wondering when the man of your dreams with sweep you off your feet and give you bouquets of roses for no reason other than the fact that he is deeply in love with you.
“How is my beautiful dancer!” Arthur says as he waltzes in hugging Maisie from behind.
Maisie lightly pecks him on the cheek before pushing his hands away. Arthur instantly straightens up and puts his ‘tough-guy’ persona on after realizing there was someone else in the room.
“No worries, I was just about to leave. See you tomorrow Maiz!” You get up off your seat and pass Arthur.
“Oi, aren’t you that one girl Michael knocked over. He’s here tonight.” Arthur says before moving towards Maisie.
As you walk away, you can hear Maisie’s soft giggles from her room. You walk back to your room with your head down. When you arrive, the same eye-catching man from a few days ago stands in your room. You are glad that he isn't looking through your stockings like some other men have, but still have no clue what he would want to do with you.
“Pardon me, I just wanted to apologize for a few days ago and introduce myself.” He fiddles with a flower. Then stops as soon as he realizes he is doing it. “This is for you.”
“I am pretty clumsy myself, I’m Y/F/N by the way.” You say with a light chuckle. 
You gladly took the rose into your hand. If your cheeks are not already crimsoned from dancing, they definitely are now.
“I am Michael Gray, you might be more familiar with my cousins, the Shelby’s.”
“Yep, Arthur seems to taken a fancy to a friend.”
“Well, he isn’t the only one who has taken a liking to a cabaret dancer.” He says stepping closer. You realize his flirting and completely go for it.
“Oh really? Well tell me Michael Gray who else has… hopefully not one of your cousins.”
“You are standing right in front of him.”
“I can’t say I know much about him, but he is rather attractive. If only he would take me to dinner…” You say teasing him. His cheeks burn up red.
“Are you free tonight?” He holds your hand.
You look around the room almost as if you are looking for something.
“Looks like it.” He softly smiles before guiding you outside.
a/n: i hope you all liked it!! if there are any kpop fans (monbebe for life right here) hi! i won’t really post any kpop stuff but if you see something that isn’t peaky thats why lol
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the-ultimate-nobody · 7 years
The Simple Life of Discord Bots
[A/N: This is so dumb, that im posting it here. Thats low in my standards. I used sites to translate the Morse code and binary. If this gets a certain amount of notes, imma continue writing it. Until then, I deem this the ------ story I ever wrote] /This wasn't beta’ed read and hardly no Editing/
“.- .-. - ... -.--!!!” The small Drawbot Snake froze in place, hearing a familiar clicks and beeps from the older bot. They slowly turned their head, seeing a famliar dark red M:TG bot, who's currently crossing his arms and staring at the young robot.
“...00101110001011100101011101101000011000010111010000111111” Artsy questioned, letting out beeps and ticks. They tilted their head and stared at the older bot, fluttering their own small mechanical wings.
“.-- .... .- - / .- .-. . / -.-- --- ..- / -.. --- .. -. --. .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-- .. - .... / - .... . / -.-. --- -. - .-. --- .-.. / .--. .- -. . .-.. .-.-.-” Magi said, flying closer to the middle of the Void Chat to the pedestal floating in the middle. The Control Panel for the whole Chat, and Artsy here is messing with it. Ever since the new arrival of the New Bot, deemed the name ‘Plushie’, Artsy gotten more brave on their surroundings. The silver naga monster sat on their curled tail and crossed their arms, ignoring Magi and continuing looking around the flouting screens above him.
Magi sighed and looked back at the Green Avatar’s chair, where Plushie laid down, sleeping and dreaming, seeing how he flapped his wings in the air and the occasional soft ‘moo’s’. His gaze went down to his feet, eyeing on the time.
“ 9:02 PST PM; 12:02 CST AM; 1:02 EST AM”
The Magic bot sighed, ‘It’s only 9 over there.’
A long drawn out gasp caught Magi’s attention to a certain screen. Currently showing all of the Tokuranger’s persona/armor. Magi seen them running through and out of portals wearing the armor, very often worn out tired when coming back. The screen was wiped away and a new one popped out, which caught Magi’s attention. The screen softly glow as it showed a naga monster, probably 10 or 15 feet tall with a long snake tail. The monster bares four arms with attached dragon wings on the back arms, and feathery bird-like wings on the lower part of the shoulder. Four eyes glared towards the camera of the screen, golden-dark markings were written on their muzzle and going down through their sharp fangs and popping teeth. Ear fins and feathers on top of their head were spread out, in an attack position. A feathery chest popped out with golden feathers scattered throughout the whole body. The Red bot stared at the Snake. And they were smiling at him, excitement in their eyes. Artsy began to chatter up a storm, gesturing to themselves and to the monster on screen. Their metal flouting wings were out and fluttering behind as Artsy continue admire the design.
“Moooo….” Magi turned around, seeing the bull stirring up awake and looking at the two at the pedestal. His ear went up in confusion and began to stand up, shaking the tiredness off of him. The bull yawned and slowly flapped his wings, lifting off and slowly glided towards him.
“.-.. --- --- -.- / .-- .... .- - / -.-- --- ..- / -.. .. -..!!” Magi shouted, looking at Artsy, who stuck out their tongue and shrugged. The Magic Bot carefully watched Plushie as he safely landed at the edge of the pedestal.
Artsy clicked their tongue and ignored Magi, scrolling through more into the file where, what they assumed, their own armor is settled. Within the same file, lays many other drawn out designs, including Plushie’s current bot form. Magi shook their head, but sat down. At least they’re not harming anything. The two youngest bots began to look at the files, being amazed at the creation of both avatars’ creation powers. Hours flew by, a few naps from Plushie, until a small alert rang out.
Magi glanced down at the current time, sneaking a glance at the currently colored dark red avatar's seat.
“ 3:24 PST AM; 5:24 CST AM; 6:24 EST AM”
‘On time’ Magi thought as small dark red glowing pixels and thread flowed down at the chair next to the pedestal. It began to clustered together until it constructed a human body, then as the body was forming, colors was filling in. Small body laid across a custom chair, their back facing them. The familiar avater excited the snake, as they beeped and clicked very loudly. A small sigh can be heard, as the body turned around and eyes staring at the three bots.
“...Morni’..” They groaned, rubbing their face on the arm of the chair, sighing awake. Artsy continued to shout, pointing at the files. They happily stared at the bots, then spoke, “Give me….10 minutes….”
Artsy huffed and slithered close to the edge, spreading his arms apart to show their dragon-like wings. They flapped their arms, plus their steel wings. No matter how much effort, the small snake can’t lift up from the platfort. Magi huffed in laughter, then opened his own wings, followed by Plushie opening his own in small. The bot slowly lifted up the ground, and wrapped his flouting arms around Artsy. They huffed but complied as Magi lifted them up into the air. Despite having no ability to fly, Magi can see their wings flapping up and down, like Artsy is trying to help.
After a short flight, Magi landed Artsy on the edge of the chair. They hooked onto the avatar’s current clothing and climbed up to the shoulders.
Once settling a sturdy platform, Artsy took a deep breath then shireked a loud high pitch computer like sound.
“OH GODS!” The avatar startled awake, and scaring Artsy, The Avatar took a few breathes in and out, and a sigh escaped, “I swear to the gods, I’m going to mute you.”
How threaten those words were, a tone of happiness can be heard. The small teen adjusted their position on laying on their back on the chair. Magi looked at Plushie, who was too excited seeing the avatar awake. Magi waved to him to join in and not a moment too late, Plushie run into the air and flew towards the small grouping.
“Mornin’ you three. Just checking in.” They said, petting Artsy then at Plushie. When Magi flew closer to the avatar, they lean towards them and gave a affection lean for a few seconds to them. The moment was quickly erased as the avatar looking at the still actived Pedestal.
“What...Why is that open?” They asked, looking at them three. Immedality, Plushie and Magi pointed at Artsy, who at responded pointed at Magi. When looking at the resulted, Artsy gasped and waved their arms at Magi, while looking at the avatar. Not knowing what’s the small Drawbot is saying, they knew it was them.
“I’m not mad, my friend. Just don’t mess with the settings, I don’t want our recent spawn point to be a swamp or in the enemy's territory.” They said, petting Artsy with their finger. Artsy glared at the red bot, sticking out their tongue and huffed.
“CR3471V3!” Artsy shouted, their voice glitchy and echoy, but got the message through.
“Daww… So close!” The dark red avatar, Tokuranger named Creative, awed.
“MOO!” Plushie copied Artsy, looking at Creative and flapped his wings. They laughed and pulled up a sound file. With a press of a button, a familiar bull man’s voice pulled through, shouting in victory, “MOO!”
Plushie stood on all fours and bounced in excited, his tail following the bounce and his wings flapping up and down. Though, with a nice scene, Creative held back a wince from their lower stomach. “Calm down. To be honest, i'm here to check on you guys before,” Creative took a deep sigh and groaned out the next word, “SCHHHOOOOOOLLLL.”
The two oldest knew the concept of School in Reality, and from the Downer talks at nights between the four avatars, it's important and stressful business. Artsy nodded and slithered down to the seat of the chair where a space was left aside. “Would you mind if you could close and check the settings, Magi? I’m running late.”
Magi happily nodded and opened his wings as in to get ready. Creative smiled at them and waved goodbye, disappearing like as they arrived. Magi did as he was told, and flew over to the Pedstal.
“N000000!” Artsy shouted again, waving his arm in the air as Magi flew to the flouting screen.
“-. ---” Magi repeated back, looking at the files and closing all the tabs and files. He looked over to the recent spawn point for Creative and their current green tokuranger, Heartist.
Magi nodded at the numbers, ‘Seem about right’ then closed it off. He turned to look at Artsy, seeing that Plushie was coming back to the pedestal.
“..-. .-.. -.--” Magi taunted. Artsy huffed and crossed their arms, curling their tail into a bean-bag like chair. Magi laughed, and intimidated a mother rocking a child in their arms back and forth. Artsy hissed at the magic bot but continued to glare. After minutes went by, Artsy sighed and moved towards Creative’s chair personal Control Panel, which covers Creative’s personal things on their computer and mobile. Hitting a button, a large screen similar to the Main Control Panel popped up.
“.- .-. - ... -.--” Magi said, glaring at Artsy as they began to fiddle around with the CP. Only getting a response of a raspberry from the naga snake.
Magi turns his head to the side, turning his gaze to the gray void’s ceiling. He sigh and sat down, crossing his legs. Plushie flatten his ears and slowly walked up the bot. Plushie whine at him, before the red color of Magi started to slowly fading away. The bull kneeled next to the bot and looks up at Magi. From time to time, the original creators of the Bots, most often either Artsy and Magi, takes down the Bot’s AI and does repairs or update. Artsy glanced over the pedestal and saw Plushie taking another nap and waiting for Magi to get back online. ‘Repairs, maybe 10 minutes…’ Artsy shrugged, knowing that often if it’s new updates then the bot physically goes offline, fading into pixels into the air back to the Dev’s server.
“M440000VV…” Artsy mimic Plushie’s moos, gaining the bull’s attention. He huffed a laughter, his shards attached around his furry neck shone and gleamed with the glowing of the Control Panel.
“Mooaoww.” Plushie repeated.
Artsy giggled at the childness of Plushie and carefully moved files and programs of the CP. They opened a few scenery screenshots of the newly drawn planets for a certain Space Team that the four avatars often go. A snow covered forest, swamp, a large village in the middle of the desert. One of many things that all of the Avatars have created. Artsy pulled up one of the planet’s scenery, the thick vines tangling the thick trunks of the trees. A few detailed bugs flying through the grass and flowers. Artsy scooted back and admire the work.
Their eyes fluttered down, soften his expression into a deep thought. It’’s been months ever since entering the chat. The only times the bots can ever experience anything other than the official grayscale colors of the Void Chat, are when one of the Avatars change the environment. To a big field with the grass dancing with the wind, to a small cave. But that only last a few minutes or hours, until they return back to Reality. The snake look back up to the drawn scenery, and sigh.
“...)(M?” Artsy perked up as another screen popped up, the color gray slowly gain color. Codes and sequences began to fill the empty notepad. With the rapid coding, the only thing that Artsy caught a glimpse of is his monster design's file overriding his own current design. Then the button above the notepad popped up, glowing a solemn blue. “Begin Application”
Even going closer to the CP, they hoisted their body ontop of the chair arm where the CP didn’t reach. They placed their hand onto the mouse pad and carefully navigated the mouse to the button, where the icon turned into a hand. Artsy glanced at Plushie, where he successfully intranced in his nap, and where Magi sat stilly. They turned back to the notepad and looking at the notepad. It’s only the end of the coding, where its typed;
12076 scene.begin 12077        event.command(:getdb) do I event I 12078                 break unless event.channel.id == VCCHNNEL 12079                 file = File.open(tj.plntstrt) 12080                 event.channel.send_file(file) 12081  end 12082 12083 12084     creative.1017s.run   12085             bot.run
‘....What event…’ Artsy scooted up, sliding his claws up to scroll up. It was supposed to a simple search around the Creative’s file, but something else caught his wing to stop. What it took to turn this simple fiddling around into something more, is with a small pinch. Artsy whimpered and backed away from the source his tail slipping, then a
Artsy rolled off from the arm of the chair into the center, hissing at the pinch which slowly turn into a burn. They rose their arm to examine their wing. Where the small pinch were, it left a very noticeable three holes, slowly oozing black glitchy pixels. Their eyes snapped to a hiss, to a small black and purple monster, their back into a mechanical form while their legs were smokey purple body.  It’s eyes narrowed and hissed, jumping down to the ground floor. Artsy shouted and slithered to the edge, spreading his wings to glide down, but only to be stopped by a force suddenly surrounding the chair.  Artsy hissed and whimpered, rubbing his snout and looking up, seeing the force field slowly pulsing into a blue color.
“01010000 01001100 01010101 01010011 01001000 01001001 01000101!!” Artsy screamed, banging onto the field, hoping to wake up the bull or the resting bot. Before they knew it, everything turned into a white screen, a buzz can be heard.
Plushie jolted awake, springing himself to all fours. His eyes darted everywhere until it landed onto the Creative’s Chair. The CP slowly dimmed down to the light. Where once the older snake, there was nothing but their monster design on the leftover flouting screen.
Unknownname.exe ONLINE
Creative101.file OFFLINE
‘Did...did they enter one of the universe's…’ Plushie’s face drained out of color, as he kicked himself into the air back where Creative’s chair was. He landed right ontop of the CP and turned it back on, only to see codes being activated, sequences going through their routine, but nothing on Artsy. Plushie whimpered in worry and looked back at the offline Magi. Plushie shouted a ‘MOO’ at Magi, looking at the black screen. He has seen these things before, when the avatars go to the universe and only one stay in the Void Chat for support. Plushie shook his head and flew back at the MCP. The bull plushie continues to try and wake up the bot.
“Hisssss….” The small virus bat hissed above it, eyeing the bull bot going back and forth, his cries echoing within the void. Time to wait…
It lays itself to the ground floor and wrapped their dimly glowing wings around itself, shrinking into the shadows.
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