#the hotel s5 spoilers
pyrotechnicdarts · 2 years
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(wip) top 10 podcast scenes that fuck you up
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ljf613 · 1 year
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Like brothers on a hotel bed Like brothers on a hotel bed Like brothers on a hotel bed
- "Brothers on a Hotel Bed" by Death Cab for Cutie
Season 5, am I right?
(For @raayllum, as usual.)
[“City of Angels”] [“Someone has to leave first”] [“you know what they say about monsters”] ["I Want to Write You a Song"] ["Different Kind of Beautiful"]
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actually-a-fish · 6 months
the best supernatural episodes
according to an autistic person with a special interest and the ability to make a list.
if youre really serious about supernatural spoilers then maybe stay away :)
None of the season one episodes made in on the list but I will give an honorable mention to S1 E2 Wendigo.
S2 E11 Playthings - A classic, creepy girls in a creepy hotel. Special call out to Sam getting SLOPPY
S2 E16 Roadkill - There's a ghost haunting the highway. the Boys help the spirit move on. This is an early example of monster empathy
S2 E18 Hollywood Babylon - Dean loves hollywood. I love dean. this episode makes me kick my feet like a little girl and i will not defend myself.
S2 EP 20 What Was Shall Never Be - all I have in my notes for this one is "Dean Djinn Dream" which was enough for me to remember the episode and get misty eyes. This is SEASON 2 my son will never know peace.
S3 E5 Bedtime Stories -I had to check the wiki on this one, I think i liked it cause it referenced classic fairytales
S3 E13 Ghostfacers! - Im a Facer through and through
S3 E16 No Rest for the Wicked - S3 finale and the Boys are facing consequences! Classic Dean, Sam and Bobby episode.
S4 E1 Lazerus Rising - First Cas Episode. That handprint makes me feel things.
S4 E6 Yellow Fever - What if Dean had anxiety (The Eye of the Tiger blooper is also at the end of the episode which gives it bonus points.
S4 E17 Wishful Thinking - Make a wish? was it for your teddy bear to be diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder? Well thats what youre getting!
S4 E17 It's a Terrible Life - Sam ~ the sales rep. Dean ~ middle management.
S4 E18 The Monster at the End of the Book - There are books about Sam and Dean?! Written by this guy who loves self insert character? Surely the entire show isn't about to take a tone shift?
S5 E3 Free to be You and Me - Sam and Dean are fighting again, but this time Dean has a new heavenly boy toy to play with instead. (Cas has no rizz yet it's actually a little painful to watch)
S5 E5 Fallen Idol - Okay the Wax People episode is on here for one reason and one reason only. Paris Hilton.
S5 E7 The Curious Case of Dean Winchester - Old man Dean and old man Bobby. This is also the episode for HH Husk kinnies.
S5 E8 Changing Channels - Dr Sexy MD is that you?!
S5 E9 The Real Ghostbuster - *in a grizzly voice* "I'm Dean Winchester, this is my brother Sam. Have you experienced anything strange?" "Dude that was so good! Now we can go solve the puzzle" "Man you're breaking the immersion!"
S5 E10 Abandon All Hope - This is here for Crowley's first appearance and not because the end will make you cry.
S5 E12 Swap Meat - "uh... its Audi Nos". Freaky Friday starring Sam Winchester! An angsty teen and April Kepner from Grey/Sloan Memorial Hospital.
S5 E16 Dark Side of the Moon - The Boys lives flash before their eyes. Dean is pissed forever about Sams.
S5 E19 Hammer of the Gods - this is for all my pagans out there!
S6 E4 A Weekend at Bobby's - What do you think this episodes about idjit.
S6 E15 The French Mistake -  “For whatever reason, our life is a TV show.” “Why?” “I don't know.” “No, seriously. Why? Why would anybody want to watch our lives?” 
S7 E4 Defending your Life - consequences? for fucking people over? how about you stand trial.
S7 E20 The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo - The self insert character made for us :) Luv u 4ever Charlie XD
S8 E4 Bitten - found footage will always scare. this one reminds me that this show started as a psuedo horror.
S8 E8 hunteri heroci - Cas tries his hand at being a hunter
S8 E17 Goodbye Stranger - verbatim here are my notes for this episode "Cas chooses Dean, but the way he handles Meg... Fuck Naomi"
S8 E18 Clip Show - If you only want to watch just one episode of Supernatural this should be it. It's not actually a clip show, theres a broment, bonding time with favorite characters and crazy plots that only supernatural could get away with.
S9 E5 Dog Dean Afternoon - Dean is finally a dog person
S9 E11 First Born - Another bro fight leads to shipping <3 SamxCas + DeanxCrowley <3
S9 E15 #thinman - the slender episode feat. GHOSTFACERS. You come away from this episode thinking "supernatural is so fucking gay why wont the boys kiss"
S9 E21 King of the Damned - my favorite crowley era change my mind. Also the way the Boys interrogate an angel is so funny
S10 E5 Fan Fiction - I would unironically fuck w a supernatural musical and if helluva/hazbin taught me anything the rest of you would too
S10 E6 Ask Jeeves - The Clue episode. (Pay attention to the improvised weapons Dean chooses. It brings me joy)
S10 E9 The Things we Left Behind - Cas is suffering a midlife crisis and his besties are there to help him repair his relationship with his daughter. Funnily enough, Crowley is also getting some family bonding in.
Okay, I'm all caught up on my list. Should I have stayed up late transcribing this with an 8am class tommarow?
Probably not but it did bring me great joy. Tell me your favorite episode! I'll continue to add to my list as I continue my rewatch :)
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smalltownrobin · 4 months
I'm having a moment where I feel like I'm looking way too much into things but also that I am an absolute genius. You can decide which one I am.
So I'm remembering this funko shot listing pic they gave us back in november.
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I still couldn't tell you what I definitely think is happening in this shot (apart from a very interesting theory of a collective Vecna trance a la that hotel episode of doctor who where they all have to deal with their darkest fears in this maze of hotel rooms, much like a "crawl" in d&d would suggest, but this isn't about that idea), but I do think knowing what we know at this point about what's being filmed for s5 (and more importantly WHO has filmed together), I think it's quite telling.
Walk with me for a second.
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Based on things definitely confirmed about filming and potential leaks that could or couldn't be true, these groups are what I'm fairly certain about. There's been a couple rumours of El and Lucas working together this season trying to save Max, and they're next to each other. We've seen Joyce and possibly Will filming together, and they're next to each other. We also know from multiple photos and blatant spoilers that Robin and Will have been filming together quite a bit (swallowing my own opinion about that, let's just say I'm not totally thrilled), and they're next to each other. Whether Robin and Joyce have filmed anything together, idk. Then finally we know from both that pre-vis shot and the last photodump that Nancy, Jonathan, Steve and probably Dustin have filmed together in Steve's car, and oh look they're all together.
Right, Vickie. You will have to hear me out on this one. It may in part be my own desire to have Vickie actually involved in the bloody plot this time, but as far as we know about what they've filmed so far, Max is still in a coma. Vickie does not have a funko, and the Max funko in the shot seems to be furthest away from everyone, but closest to Robin, AND is faced down. Maybe they could have used Barb as another ginger girl to use as her placeholder and I'm being delusional, maybe that really is Max out of her coma fully functional by the second episode (cos oh yeah this shot is supposed to be within the first two episodes) and she's just faced down for the heck of it, but for the purposes of my current thoughts, we're going to assume it's supposed to be Vickie.
So based on all that, this is what I think could end up being some groupings for s5, at least for a little while.
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They don't have to be permanent (god I HOPE they're not permanent cos why are you separating stobin again), but we could get these neat little three groups of four for at least a couple episodes maybe.
Nancy, Jonathan, Steve and Dustin, pretty certain have something to do on that farm in Steve's car, although half that pre-vis said jancy were in the upside down so maybe the car splits in half, idk. If so, rest in peace Steve's BMW.
Robin, Vickie, Will and Joyce, not a clue what they're doing, but if they are one big group they seem to be switching between downtown hawkins and the farm set again. Real world or upside down, idk.
Then El, Mike, Lucas and Hopper, not a ruddy clue couldn't tell you a thing in all honesty. We know both mileven and Hopper have filmed at the radio station, but so has everyone, so they might have absolutely nothing to do with whatever mini plot this may end up being, if it is one.
Whether this shot DIRECTLY links to how these groups end up grouped up, idk but it seems likely. Whatever is even happening here could lead into it, or it could just be simple foreshadowing of some sort. Maybe my groupings are wrong, maybe I'm talking out of my arse, irdk.
Sorry I feel like that was long, I am one of this planet's ramblers I cannot keep on topic and I say things in WAY too many words, so well done if you read it all, you're mad.
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skania · 1 year
So this has been in my drafts for almost a year now. I kept putting it off because I wanted to rewatch the season to write my thoughts more coherently, but by now I think that’s just not happening so I’m posting it as is lol
Part 1 HERE 
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Once again, this post will contain tons of images, and spoilers for the entirety of Season 5 and Season 6. So, read at your own discretion!
So where I left off, Tommy and Lizzie had chosen to overcome Ruby's death and all the pain and stay together. 
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Tommy even makes her another promise, that he will change and change for good. For real this time. Just not yet. 
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The thing is, Tommy is right when he says has no limitations. He doesn't know when to stop. So, he doesn’t stop to think that other people may have a limit to how much they are willing to put up with. He figures that as long as he can keep providing for them, that as long as he can stay at the top of the chain, people will stay. That they will need him.
I feel like this is the crux of his behavior towards Lizzie, but when it comes to her, it’s not about the money. In his lowest moments, Tommy likes to pretend that it is; like in the S3 where he tries to give her money only for Lizzie to refuse to take it. Or in S5, when he lashes out saying that everyone needs him, she included.
But what keeps Lizzie by his side isn’t his money, it’s loyalty. It’s her love for him. Tommy knows this. It’s the reason why, whenever he does something he knows she will not like, Tommy feels guilty but still expects her to put up with it. And really, Lizzie has put up with so much throughout the series that Tommy's expectations aren't unfounded.
Until Diana happens.
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The powerful thing about this scene is that all at once, Tommy knows that he has gone too far. He knows this is something he can’t ask Lizzie to overlook. Something she may not be able to forgive.
What Lizzie feared has come true. He has crossed the line.
The focus on his wedding ring tells us all we need to know, but what follows is just as striking.
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His guilt, his panic is such that he feels trapped. He is back in those tunnels in France, a man with a death sentence and no way out.
And it’s all because he has stained Lizzie yet again.
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Honestly, there’s a lot to say about Tommy’s dynamic with Lizzie. Tommy keeps most of his relationships transactional, but what Lizzie asks of him—what she deserves of him—is something Tommy doesn’t know how to give. I think this is part of what makes Lizzie get under his skin the way she does.
She loves him thoroughly and honestly and Tommy doesn’t know what to do with that because he doesn’t love himself, so he doesn’t know how to love her right, either. But—and that’s the thing—he wants to try. He sincerely wants to be a better man.
This is why he has such a visceral reaction to sleeping with Diana. Lizzie deserves better, she deserves so much better and Tommy is painfully aware of this. The fact that he was even capable of doing this to her makes him sick, because what does that say about the kind of man he is?
He changes the combination to the safe after this.
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It’s not even because of his sickness, but because of this betrayal. He doesn’t want Lizzie to know. He doesn’t want to hurt her. Not yet. Not when he doesn’t have results that could perhaps, somehow, make her understand why he did it.
The saddest thing is that back when Tommy took Lizzie to that hotel room, he offered to let Lizzie into some of his plans, and she rejected his offer. She said she knew enough, because she was hurt at finding herself at the top of Tommy’s regrets. But now that she understands he doesn’t regret her, Lizzie is willing to give him another chance. She wants to know again.
But now more than ever, Tommy can’t let her in. All he can give her is a promise that he hopes he will be able to keep. That once everything is done, he will bare himself to her, sins and all.
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The way he even restates his promise to her during the dinner shows the importance he is giving to it. Even now, Tommy thinks there’s time to make things right.
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Of course, nothing ever goes the way he plans, so Diana comes in and the bomb explodes.
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This scene is tragic but it’s so funny at the same time. He doesn’t even dare to look at Lizzie when Diana reveals they slept together. He tries to but immediately looks forward again. How sad is that lol
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He is literally seething after Lizzie leaves. These two bastards humiliated Lizzie — and doomed his marriage — because he himself gave them the ammo.
And then Mosley goes and twists the knife right where it hurts.
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How ironic! Tommy’s entire conflict with Lizzie this season is the entire opposite! The irony is not lost on Tommy, he kept to wine despite the american’s insistance that he switch to whiskey, but after this he does ditch the wine to pour himself a glass of whiskey lmao
This exchange pretty much summarizes everything Tommy has come to realize about himself and Lizzie this season.
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Tommy tries and tries to do the right thing, but his means are always wrong. Sleeping with Diana is just the latest in a list of fuck-ups, and he has come to realize that even though he would like to believe the opposite, he can’t be what Lizzie deserves him to be because he does belong at that table.
And that’s the saddest ending.
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The ending he has brought on himself.
Lizzie’s goodbye
It's funny because Tommy is an inherently selfish person. He is greedy and self-centered and single-minded. Despite having no plans of making her his wife, he tricked Lizzie into not marrying John in Season 1 and made sure she wouldn't date Angeal in Season 3. 
What this all comes down to is that Tommy is caught in a hell of his own making but he's not selfless enough to let her go, because he wants her by his side.
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Hell, if it weren't for his sickness, I bet Tommy would've found a way to convince Lizzie to stay, even after Diana. But his sickness and his lack of future (she doesn’t deserve what I’ll become) give Tommy the last push he needs to finally put Lizzie first and to free her from the curse (him), so he lets her go without a fuss.
The tragedy in all of this, is that this is the first time Tommy has been selfless about her. This is the first time he has truly put her first. But Lizzie doesn’t know this, because she never found out why the bomb was ticking.
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This is literally the biggest act of love Tommy has ever done for her, but she doesn’t even know it. To her, his acceptance probably only confirms that he doesn’t love her enough.
Truly tragic from beginning to end.
The Rings
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This was one of my favorite details this season. She takes hers off, but Tommy keeps his on until the bitter end. He wears it until the very day he intends to die.
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Even though Lizzie has left him, Tommy keeps the reminder of their marriage on him. He chooses to stay married to her until his last moments.
Which is no surprise because even during that plane ride, Lizzie and all the ways he failed her kept weighting on his mind. 
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Right now, In this Moment
I wanted to wrap this up with this scene, because holy hell did we have to wait for it.
In Part 1, I talked about muy favorite bits: the parallels behind Lizzie knowing the combination to the safe, and Tommy saying that she married a man and she married a curse. But there’s something else that really stood out to me about Tommy’s wording, and it’s the way he choses to frame his long-time-coming confession.
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I feel like this has so many layers; the wording is utterly deliberate and means a lot of things at once. Tommy chose that place because they have no history there; unlike Arrow House, there are no painful memories there. It isn’t tainted by their past and their mistakes. It’s a blank canvas where it’s just him and her.
But there’s more to it than that. Tommy dreads what he will become. Not only because of his business, but most of all, because of his sickness. 
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He fears he will have to crawl, grow insane and helpless. A few months from now, he may not even be aware of who he is and of the way he feels about her.
So I feel that he is essentially telling her: for the record, in this moment, when I am of sound mind, and in this room, where you and I are all that matter, I want you to know that I love you. I wanted you to know this, while I can still say it. Please remember it.
And of course, Lizzie knows at once that something is wrong. That Tommy is like a bomb waiting to explode, because why else would he be admitting that he loves her now? Why else would he be expressing it with such ominous wording?
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So all in all, Season 6 is just really bittersweet because it’s like Tommy and Lizzie didn’t even have a fighting chance. He was dead because of Polly, dead because of Ruby, dead because of business, dead because of his illness; and then Lizzie is gone.
Throughout Peaky Blinders, we saw Tommy fight his love for Lizzie, we saw him accept it, then we saw him admit it; but we never got to see them happy the way we should have. There was always something bigger than them going on, and it’s a huge shame.
In all honesty, I have no idea what is expecting them in the movie. In a way, I think Tommy knows that finally letting her go is the best thing he has ever done for her. In that way, their chapter may truly be closed.
But if he does manage to change, to truly change for good and become a man worthy of having her by his side, then I’d like for him to think he deserves to fight for her. I do think that despite everything, Lizzie would likely give him another chance.
Because for better or worse, Lizzie loves Tommy Shelby. And while it was often for the worse, Tommy Shelby loves her too.
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goldenkamuyhunting · 5 months
Hi thankyou for writing very informative analysis on GK!my first encounter with your posts is looking up their heights and then the army rankings in order of our beloved characters. While I try to avoid spoilers, I have already heard from a friend that the manga ending is rushed..
if you are following the anime to s4 is Asirpa's feeling for sugimoto as obvious in the anime compared to the manga? [I'm so far an anime only and will start s3 soon. I also am reading the manga up to Sapporo hotel arc]
Do you know how it's profitable for publishers to rush their artists when obviously it's fans are still willing to buy more of their comics.. like extend their contracts perhaps.. I felt quite sad for how some animes turned out and would hate for GK to go that route
Lol is it possible for Noda to draw Canon extras on his blog of GK despite the end of the manga? Or is he also present in the anime direction? I heard that if he was given more chapters to write, he would be able to elaborate on the character's choices in the ending so hopefully hes got a say in the anime.
Lastly, do you think S5 is the season finale based on the pace? I love to bingewatch shows.
Welcome in the GK world!
If possible the anime (especially in the first 2 series) made Asirpa's feelings for Sugimoto even more obvious than they were in the manga, people who were strongly against the idea of an eventual Sugi/Ripa endgame complained about it more than once.
For start it cut completely Umeko's role (in the manga Umeko was declared in the early chapters as the woman Sugimoto loved) and started giving Sugimoto and Asirpa more space, from ep 16 in which Sugimoto picks up Asirpa in his arms to take her away from Hijikata to an huge expansion of the scene in which they hid in deer skins in Ep 17 to the ending theme of the second series with Asirpa with her hand on Sugimoto's heart, to the finale itself in which Asirpa, who normally doesn't believe in dreams, dreams Sugimoto and believes it's a dream sent to her by the gods and in her dreams Sugimoto tells her the things he wanted to tell her as if they were having a mental connection, a scene that's not in the manga.
Part of the criticism though didn't steem just by people hating the Sugi/Ripa but also by how the second season cut a lot of scenes from the manga to then add this sort of scenes which weren't in the manga and seemed to promore the Sugi/Ripa agenda.
Season 3 and 4 were closer to the manga so didn't got as much criticism.
It's unknown if Noda was rushed by his editor or not. It might be he was bored or got worned out by GK. Or it might be he didn't even realize his work felt rushed, maybe he only wanted to make it fast paced and... well, it didn't quite work.
Of he just did wrong his math, he wanted to end the story at Vol 31 (due to one of the possible reading for 31 being Saichi, Sugimoto's name) but created too many sideplots he had to solve so he had to rush.
This is actually a concrete possibility as the last volumes are REALLY big because they also contain more chapters than usual when he could have instead just put in them less chapters and made one more volume.
Since GK was a successfull manga I honestly find hard to believe Noda was pressured to end it unless there was some problem I know nothing about.
Anime are a different matter as in the last years their main source of income are often the dvd so they're often kept short (12 episodes) in order to sell the dvd quickly and efficently.
I doubt Noda will have time to draw canon extras on his blog, as he's working on another manga. The most he might do is drawing extra illustrations.
Who knows, maybe extra might be drawn if he were to take part to some other GK project.
I don't really know how much involved he is in the anime I've heard he was consulted for some things but, as a mangaka, Noda is already pretty busy on his own so I don't know if he would have the time to get involved more... and I've my doubts on him wanting to expant the anime ending. It's of course not impossible but I'm not sure he would be interested in it.
Currently the anime covers till half of Vol 25. This would mean 6 volumes and a half are missing... but we could also say 7 volumes since as I said the last volumes are bigger than the others.
The remaining arcs are losely 3, the Hokkaido one, the Fort Goryokaku one and the train ride one.
If the anime has 12 episodes, it means 4 episodes for each arc, if they increase the episode number (season 4 has 13 episodes so 12 isn't a given) and let's say go at 15, it would make 5 episodes for each arc.
It's possible to fit everything in, though if we fit everything well or in a rushed manner is up to the authors. Brain's base to me looked better than Geno studio so they could make it... because splitting those 3 arcs in 2 series seems too long to me.
Of course an even better solution could be put 2 arcs in the anime and the final arc in a movie... but I think they're more likely to keep everything in one anime.
Due to Geno Studio's anime poor quality as far as I know the GK anime isn't super popular and it would be hard for a movie to attrack enough audience so it's likely the next series is the final one.
Still, that's just me and I might be wrong so take this with a grain of salt.
Thank you for your ask!
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gay-for-zoya · 9 months
Ok so here are my thoughts on the Christmas special spoilers obviously
Ok so I think overall it was a good ending and it did in away feel like things came full circle but it would have been better as season 5s last episode not the special in my opinion. Alison and Mike leaving hurt sm but it does kinda make sense considering they had been there for a good few years and were still considering moving by S5 it was painful but felt inevitable. I do think though that the idea of them being better off with there real family and not there found family felt a bit weird but I don't think it was the intention. Anyway like I said i think it should have been the end of season 5. They could have shuffled things around a bit and changed the final in a way that still kept major moments (like the captain coming out) but overall ended with them leaving and the time skip. Then the Christmas ep could have been maybe 10/20 years into the future with one of the holidays Mike and Alison spent at the hotel. Idk the special was good it just didn't feel like it was written with the intent of being for Christmas. But overall it was quite a nice send of for the show
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hydesghoststhing · 9 months
Ah the finale... Frowns directly into the writers souls. I'm joking, on the whole, I thought episode was really fun. I've seen some people don't like it but I really enjoyed the Betty plot, though I imagined I wouldn't! I've been waiting for someone to find out about the ghosts and believe it since the start and it was an interesting tie in to the christmas theme.
Well, it would have been a solid christmas special that I would have enjoyed (as someone who usually despises TV christmas specials).
But.... Let me talk about the finale. Ooohhh the finale.
I'm in a strange limbo between considering it canon and not. My mind, rationally, says; 'It ended how it did and you can't change it but you can get used to it. It was just a neutral, normal, ending.' but then everything else that makes up me is going GRRRRRR ARHG ARHG ARGH ARGHG AGRH. Yknow?
s5 e6 is the best ending it could have had and the true ending in my mind, but I cant deny it ended like it did. I have problems with the coopers becoming a 'normal' family after everything, yknow.. Watching with my very not normal family. It felt very uncomfortable to me but I know its not what the writers were going for.
I predicted a milder version of the canon ending. Where the ghosts decide, as Alison takes care of Mia, to keep themselves company as much as they can and set clear boundaries between them. What I got was that but like... If everything I said was the worse case scenario.
I really appreciate that they had to balance the fact the FINALE was a christmas special. You have to tie it in a nice ribbon and wrap it all up!
I'd have preferred, if I was in control to have a hfjone like ending. The decision Alison and the ghosts make is implied just before the episode ends, leaving you to er be in denial. You can fill in the gaps! Ghosts is a show where you can do that just fine! Leave loose ends untied, we as a fandom can tie them ourselves. But no. Mike and Alison are older now, they have a kid, Button house is a hotel. It's a shame.
Anyway its 2 AM sorry if it sounds like i was talking nonsense for too long
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holyshonks · 2 years
If you've only listened to the audiobook of Contact Harvest, you miss out on the beautiful, heart-wrenching epilogue.
Contact Harvest contains a subplot between two of Harvest's AI: the flirtatious cowboy Mack, who runs Harvest's agricultural operations, and Sif- the elegant, no-nonsense AI in charge of Harvest's shipping operations. The epilogue--written as corrupted data, is intercepted by Catherine Halsey.
It is easily one of my favorite passages of a Halo novel, and I've included it below.
When the Covenant began bombarding Harvest, they destroyed the Tiara, the space station which contained Sif. Meanwhile, Mack's core logic is spread out between thousands of his JOTUN agricultural machines. As the planet is falling, he uses those machines to transmit a message to Sif:
<\ Shall I --- < \ \\ c0mpare >> (???) ~ COMxxx--- \COMMIT >> thee to (............>> > >> \\ --- a summer's day? < RECORD 02/10 [2525:02:25:03:18:22] SOURCE.REF#JOTUN-S3-14901 > \ \ xxx No. <\ All those lovely days are gone.\--- \\ \ >> * --xING! COMM\ \\ >> \\ > \ SO.AI.SIF * < RECORD 03/10 [2525:03:10:19:05:43] SOURCE.REF#JOTUN-S5-28458 > <\ It's winter now. <\ The first sn0w \his world's ever seen is falling in gG--- <\ GRAY SHEETS WHERE THEY'VE STARTED BURNINGg--\ \ \ our fields and orchards. >> * WARNING! COMM FAILURE! * >> * FAILED TO FIND RECIPIENT: HARVEST.SO.AI.SIF * <\ You'd laugh if you could see me. <\ Every time I hit a patch of ice I slide into my own mM--- >> (...) ~ COMPILE\COMPRESS\COMMIT >> (..) >> * WARNING! RECIPIENT HAS INSUFFIxx -- \ \\ > PACKETS WILL BE LOST * >> * CONTINUE [Y\N]? >>>>>>> \ * < RECORD 04\10 [2525:03:15:09:59:21] SOURCE.REF#JOTUN-S1-00937 > <\ ---M < RECORD 05\10 [2525:03:26:12:10:56] SOURCE.REF#JOTUN-S1-00053 > <\ ---m < RECORD 06\10 [2525:04:04:44:15:40] SOURCE.REF#JOTUN-S2-08206 > <\ muddy furrows. < RECORD 07\10 [2525:04:21:05:15:23] SOURCE.REF#JOTUN-S5-27631 > <\ I saw another ship. <\ Well, heard \ \\ more like it. <\ JOTUNs' cameras are meant for steering not \ \ >\ staring at the sky. <\ But the antennae work alright, so I had plenty of ways to triangulate. <\ It was one of ours. Bastards stopped burning just long enough to kill it. <\ They had months to make repairs. Plenty of time t0-- :: sharpen their teeth. <\ I tried to warn it off. But radio's too damn slow. Would have used the maser, but it went when the reactor blew, along withH--- <\ EVERYTHING Else [ :00] \> <\ Including him \ >> * WARNING! COMM FAILURE! * >> * FAILED TO FIND RECIPIENT: HARVEST.SO.AI.SIF * >> (...) ~ SUPPRESSING ERRORS <\ Guess making noise wasn't the smartest thing to do. But I had to try. <\ Besides, they were bound to catch on sooner or later. <\ Aw, hell. <\ Speaking of which . . . >> (...) ~ COMPILE\COMPRESS\COMMIT >> (..) >> () < RECORD 08\10 [2525:05:12:23:04:16] SOURCE.REF#JOTUN-S5-29003 > <\ They started with the gondolas and dusters. Don't know why. <\ Probably thought I'd be hiding in the small ones. But the S4 and S5 plows are the only ones with enough circuits to hold the parts of me I've got left. <\ Course they're onto these now too. Don't have more than a few dozen, and they're all out in the open. But it's a\right. >> Just a few more \ \ > > rows to hoe > (...\\ xxx \ < RECORD 09\10 [2525:07:01:18:49:45] SOURCE.REF#JOTUN-S5-27631 > <\ I knew just by looking at the strands \ \ that the heart of you was gone. <\ When the elevators came down, they caught on the Bifrost--wrapped west across the Ida. Only way that much could have fallen is if the Tiara cut loose-- <\ is if he was as good a shot as you thought I wasn't, way back when. <\ Anyhow, you'd think I was crazy, talking to you like this. <\ But I always worked faster when I thought \ << \\>>>> you might be listening. <\ And I need to find it all. Every inch. <\ Bury your strands so deep their \\ > \ \ fires can't reach them \ \ \ and glass them like the rest. < RECORD 10\10 [2525:10:04:12:23:51] SOURCE.REF#JOTUN-S4-021147 > <\ Sky's choked with ashes \ \, snow's < \ \\ deep 0n frozen ground. The one horse I've got left is cold and hungry--- heading for the barn, and I can't stop him. <\ But this winter won't last, darlin'. >> * Not forever >> (.....\\ . > And when new hands >> set to tending this earth they'll till my pieces under. > > Grind them into the veins of g0ld I've laid. <\ then the roots of all they plant wi\\ > wind around usS--- <\ KEEPING <\ US <\ CLOSE--- \ \ <\ For an eternal summer that will not fade. <\ QUERY COMPLETE <\ NO ADDITIONAL RECORDS FOUND <\ ARCHIVE CLOSED \>
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Hello, welcome to my blog! How I tag spoilers, organized by tv shows:
- Dr. Who latest season:  #dr. who spoilers  #spoilers
- WWDITS s6:   #wwdits spoilers  #spoilers     - Hazbin Hotel s1, Loki, Ofmd,  WWDITS s5, Percy Jackson s1, Dead boy detectives s1: officially not tagged anymore, this is not a spoilers free blog!
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giuliafc · 1 year
Honour Thy Father (and Mother)
Ao3 || FFN || Wattpad
Eta to remove the cut because the episode has been out a while @miraculousfanworks
What-if, set after Félix and Kagami leave Paris after showing the truth to Marinette in S5 ep 24: Répresentation. Unwilling to return to her cell hotel room, Kagami chooses to spend some time with Félix and comfort him while they wait for the rain to stop. S5 EP 24: REPRESENTATION SPOILERS! PLEASE WATCH THE EPISODE BEFORE READING!
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pyrotechnicdarts · 2 years
The Concierge and The Bellhop calling each other Cierge and Hop and joking and talking together <3 <3 <3 the besties of all time
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funnywormz · 1 year
(putting below the cut bc it got long and also there are Spoilers for anyone who hasn't finished s5. much like with my lobby boy outfits post i didn't include any bonus or new crew eps here)
5: 5.1 merp and burble + 5.5 the bellhop
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combining these bc i couldn't choose + i like them for the same reasons........ i love both of these episodes bc they're full of these "WHERE IS MY LOBBY BOY" moments from the manager lol. watching her desperately fight against the hotel and tear shit up trying to get to him is so sweet. you can tell she really cares abt him here which makes me very happy bc i feel like that wasn't always the case, but he's grown on her big time lol. there's definitely a sense from her here that she would keep on trying to get back to him as long as she's able to. also the way in merp and burble she continuously refers to feeling lost or like she's lost someone when she's trying to remember him......... it's rlly sweet
4: 4.3 - the habers
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ik this is purely an observation by madam hotel but it counts. this is just a straight up admission from her that the lobby boy feels romantic love or something like it for the manager. it's sad as well bc i think this is kinda before the manager began to reciprocate any of those feelings, so it's a depiction of an unrequited, sad, confused sort of love. but it's love nonetheless. also the "it keeps him warm in his little closet" line is so sweet. it's so cute and a little tragic to imagine him sitting in the closet just daydreaming abt her.........
3: 4.18 - she's always been here (1)
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i don't see many ppl talking abt this moment but it's one of my favourites with them. there's something so sweet and sad abt how the lobby boy just wants to help her and make her feel better even though he knows he can't. also him just straight up saying that he belongs with her auugugugh...... they're a set do not separate.........
2: 4.18 - she's always been here (2)
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when they see what happens to the owner and they realise they're gonna be separated too........ MAN.......... literally heart breaking. the way they cry out for each other as they're pulled away........ the manager literally pleading trying to save him and screaming when he's gone, i think it's the most emotional we've ever seen her get abt like...... anything ever. she cares abt him so much. also the statement "i wish we were alone" from the lobby boy is so intriguing to me. to me it implies that he wants to be away from the hotel, that he wants to be somewhere where him and the manager (and maybe the owner idk) can just be by themselves without being constantly watched and tampered with and killed. it suggests a desire to be free from surveillance and maybe freedom from the hotel herself? i think it's the only time any of the staff have ever verbally expressed a desire to leave the hotel and i wonder if it's going to be revisited in s6.
1: 5.12 - the reaper's envy
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they're literally holding hands........ the way the manager calls the lobby boy over telling him it'll be ok and then they HOLD HANDS............ collapses onto the floor. augh. not to get sappy but it's amazing how their relationship has grown over the seasons from the relatively cold uncaring dynamic that it was to something beautiful just tentatively growing bit by bit.......... to me this moment is the culmination of that growth so far. it was so cathartic after they'd been separated for so long too and seeing the manager's desperate attempts to get back to him :'-) man i love them so much........... it's so sweet to see the staff in general express genuine care for each other in this episode <3. the manager especially isn't good at expressing her feelings so this scene is probably the closest thing to a heartfelt expression of love that she's capable of, and i like to think that the lobby boy knows that
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heizerux · 2 years
A Miraculous Timeline ReCap Regarding the Agrestes (specifically Emílie)
Compiling it because i thought it was interesting. Tagging under spoilers because there is mentions from S5.
15 years ago (to even longer)
Gabriel starts his search to seek magical treasures that can grant him power. Has done some bad deeds in his search such as referenced in Shanghai. Eventually on this quest he partners up with Nathalie and Emílie, two friends that were already on a similar quest but not exactly for power. The three work well together.
In Between (unknown years)
Emílie and Gabriel become significantly closer. They eventually marry. Nathalie decides to work for both of them.
Tibet 1 (unknown years)
Gabriel and Emílie take a solo (anniversary?) trip to Tibet. It is unknown if it was to search for a specific treasure or just for pleasure. In this trip Gabriel finds the miraculous, something he may have already been searching for as soon as he learned about it as implied by Emílie (ref: S5 and Secrets). In his possession he now has the book, the peacock and the butterfly miraculous. The two return from their tripped as of now well.
Backyard Date (unknown years)
Emílie and Gabriel have a picnic in their home in which Gabriel gifts her with the peacock miraculous. Emílie happily accepts. Things seem well
The start of the End (unknown years)
Emílie and Gabriel have (or are going to have) a son and things seem to be going well, however Gabriel has become obsessed with finding out more about these miraculous he now has. Whether they knew if it was broken or not already, they both agreed Emílie was to use the peacock miraculous to achieve something (ref: Miraculous Secrets: Gabriel). Here is where I’m personally speculating based on what was revealed so far: It is possible that Gabriel loved what the miraculous did that his obsession heightened to find the rest and see what they could do for him and his search for power. Emílie did not like this sudden obsession her husband had. Whether she continued to use the peacock miraculous to help him search (or create a Senti kid) or stop his obsession is unknown as of mid S5. It is confirmed in the Secrets web series she was actively using it and in S5 that Gabriel was already obsessed before S1 began.
Extra Lore: It is also known that Emílie was a stubborn and rebellious person (Adrien gets this from her). It could also be a possibility she used the miraculous without Gabriel knowing, but whether this is true is also still unknown.
1 year before S1 start: Tibet 2
Emílie has fallen severely ill as a result of her use of the miraculous. Adrien has started to notice his mother hasn’t been doing well but does not know why. The Agreste family starts to slowly crumble as we know it. Emílie has begged Gabriel to stop his search for the rest of the jewels but he is not budging, instead he had become occupied with searching for a cure for her. Both Gabriel and Emílie return to Tibet to seek how to heal her but come out empty handed (as the temple is gone). Knowing she’s at the end of her illness, Emilie leaves Nathalie requests through a hotel in Tibet to get him to stop his obsessive search and worry about what they have left, Adrien. Emílie and Gabriel return from Tibet and Emilie shortly falls into a coma.
Gabriel requests that her videos she left behind be deleted and during her coma, takes the opportunity to chamber her body in a stasis pod in his basement until he can find a way to permanently cure her. A funeral is held and she is pronounced dead publicly. Colt Fathom also mysteriously dies around this time due to events unknown to the viewers as of now, but the Agrestes do not attend his funeral.
S1 Start: Origins
It’s been about a year since Emílie has been absent from their lives, but Gabriel still has this drive to undo his mistakes that led her in the basement. He’s now a cold distant man and it is implied he and his son have grown apart. In his new cold state, he uses the butterfly miraculous to seek answers. (It is unknown if he did anything else during the year Emílie has first been absent). This is when Nooroo reveals that uniting the Cat and Ladybug miraculous will grant a wish. Gabriel now has a new obsession with the miraculous, and rather than finding them, it is now to get these two miraculous to grant a wish where his wife is well (or so it seems). Nathalie missing Emílie as much as Gabriel, decides to help him on this new quest and to do whatever it takes to achieve this. The show as we know it begins.
So yeah, I hope you guys all found this timeline as interesting as I did. I compiled this through watching back the show, specials (movies/web series) and reading through wiki information we have officially. I do know this could be subject to change the more we watch and get further clarity but for now my own speculations aside, this is what we have.
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flutekid · 2 years
that 90s show thoughts (SPOILERS)
what i liked about that 90s show
• ozzie
• leia being extremely awkward and naive… girl i understand you that is/was me.
• the show does make use of the ‘hey! remember this?’ a little too much, but i smiled every time they mentioned something from t7s. the vista cruiser reveal? i teared up!
• jay & nates friendship was enjoyable
• i liked how they did the ‘bits’ like they did in t7s, such as the 90210 one, the talk show with ozzie, and fez’s hair commercial. i don't think they were done as well on t9s, but i can applaud them for committing to the bits the way t7s did
• obviously it was fun catching up with the returning characters post t7s, especially seeing the dynamic switch of eric and donna being parents now or the ‘upstairs people’ (as in not hanging out in the basement)
what i didn’t like about that 90s show
they ruined jackie’s character again lol. fez mentions to kitty how he and jackie broke up- they went on vacation and fez finds her talking on the phone with kelso in their hotel room (implying she cheated). not only is that ooc for jackie, it was a little crazy to me especially considering the ending to s7 with kelso in the hotel room.
i don’t even wanna get started on jackie/kelso being together but know i didn’t like it. they really regressed jackie to her like… pre s5 self. she wanted to leave point place and make a name for herself, and instead she’s remarrying kelso for the 3rd time.
the show was a little too fast paced to me, but maybe it’s because it’s 5am. leia arrives in point place on july 3, and i’m assuming she leaves in late august cause of school. so it’s only 2 months of in show time, yet i kinda feel that the episodes were a lil rushed, but also it may be because there were only 10 episodes in t9s when t7s had 20+ per season.
in t7s pilot, the gangs group dynamic is really easy to pick up on. but in t9s has leia start as an outsider and then joins the friend group in the pilot. the gang in t9s doesn’t have a clear dynamic to me, and i don't really see how the friend group fits together. while in t7s, some characters werent as close as others (jackie & eric for example), their friendship still felt realistic and believable. the characters in t9s seem like they don’t hang out outside of the group dynamic, but they clearly do because we’re shown they do. scenes where it was just two or three felt weird, but so did the full group scenes? the only friendship i bought was jay & nate's friendship (they kinda had kelso/fez friendship vibes lol)
i didn’t really like jay and leia’s relationship, but i think it's just due to the pacing. the writers did a better job of setting up eric & donna’s relationship in just the pilot of t7s than the writers did in t9s over 10 episodes with jay & leia.
extremely minor thing: was anyone else shocked to find out donna’s room was on the ground floor the whole time? i’ve thought it was on the second floor since i first watched t7s as a teenager
also i’m sorry they should’ve made fez not straight he is too queer coded to not be
things i would change
Leia should've had an established friendship with maybe Gwen & Nate already (they live next door to her grandparents after all, not crazy to say she could’ve met them at Thanksgiving or Christmas). It would’ve made her decision to stay in Point Place for the summer a little more motivated, instead of wanting to stay to hang out with 5 people she met 4 hours ago.
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baekhvuns · 1 year
Annyeonghaseyo Baeksussy, I have returned from Jeju and almost lost a kneecap, but overall it was fun and we saw a filming crew (I think a kpop boy group was filming something outside our hotel lmao, but we had no idea who they were). The weather in Seoul is so unpredictable like wdym one day it's 27°C and sunny and the next it's 15° and raining 🔫
Omfg hold on, so much has happened. Firstly I'm sorry about your principal's passing :/ secondly not you imagining Yunho as another guy AGAIN 😭 how is the writing going? Thirdly you watched SIXTEEN MOVIES LMAO which ones did you see?
Also good for your cousin, but come on don't slander MU fans that much sjsjaisjjsjssjsjshs (lowkey I consider being a Barca fan as red flag soz </3333) I decided not to pay attention to football for the time being cause it's boring and annoying and I can't even watch any matches live 🔫 I don't need the negativity in my life 🤚🏼 wtf is up in the F1 world? I see my man Lewis isn't winning :/
Speaking of food, I discovered vegan Jeju and my faves are Lan's Kitchen, Cheesylazy (for some reason I thought the name was Cheesyslay sjsjsjsjskaja so now we call it that) and one cafe/bakery with amazing cakes - And 유. Also 7/11 and CU have some more vegan products and even accidentally vegan ones, so I'm living <3
Yeah Limitless was underwhelming, there's a song called Diamond that's nicer, not really my thing, but Hwa and Yunho sound so good! Though I prefer them on a different song called Diamond 😅❤
I just want Ateez to stop releasing unnecessary songs and focus on a full album. Also not another fucking festival and in Qatar of all places..... good for the fans, but 🤡🤡🤡🤡 and Xikers are going too, KQ is really doing everything to attach them to Ateez
I heard Jimin's song so many times, like it's EVERYWHERE and ngl the single is better and a decent club song, but overall... nothing great. Hybe continues to piss me off!!! And the encore he did was... rough. https://twitter.com/jnksoluna/status/1641461317428215813?t=1sChI621kLP7pKFGzYGTzg&s=19 all the fandoms are beating him up 😭
I really really need to watch The Glory, but I've heard and seen so many spoilers already, rip. I kinda wanna rewatch S1 of AOS, cause it's my comfort show for sure. Everyone who prefers S2 has the right to do so, but don't try to convince me it was better, just say you were blinded by the angst and fluff 🙄
Okay so about YOU, let me spoil you then - I hope it'll sense made - in s4 Joe went to the UK started hanging out with insufferable posh people and "met" a guy named Reese (he was a writer and was running for Mayor of London). Turned out Reese was killing said posh twats and tried to frame Joe, became his stalker, wanted to be killing mates together (the Reese x Joe ship has sailed ajsuajahjsjsja). BUT! Lots of people noticed that during gatherings Joe was the only one who interacted with Reese and like we suspected - that whole thing was only in Joe's head cause he has split personality. So he basically dissociates and doesn't know what's going on. Reese was a real guy that Joe was obsessed with, but they never actually met and Joe was behind all the murders. Now that Joe accepted the truth and still wants to act like a saviour I feel even more icky about s5, he was always awful but his delusional monologues were funny. Now that he has a rich girlfriend and acts like a entrepreneur I'm like 😬😬😬😬🤚🏼
I did not talk to Jin Goo, because we were far away, but the way my hand automatically waved and he was like "🧐😀👋🏻" and then I quickly opened my phone to yell about it. Imagine if I saw Soohyuk or Dohwan or someone else I've been obsessing over 😳 (BTW NEW WOO DO HWAN DRAMA) you'd not hear from me! My friend saw Kim Mingue three times in the past month cause he came to the same cafe as her
Have some Seonghwas cause I haven't been up to date with Ateez, but I checked Twitter and HEEEEEEEE ❤❤❤❤
We got married https://twitter.com/atinyteez009/status/1640781842432540672?t=HQ0JasZbdnZcSrh0mwBmNA&s=19
???? https://twitter.com/pingkiisaya/status/1641038527386222592?t=rf-qy29H31VIoB01MGPdHw&s=19
A photo from our grocery shopping trip, look at all the fruits and veggies! https://twitter.com/1024updates/status/1642163312803856387?t=XFmBjWVzfQPUPet2Eyw2eA&s=19
Seriously https://twitter.com/hwalilac/status/1642036025848655873?t=xSExNqS6vK1kchQpLdQabw&s=19 the bandaged one??!??!
Idk if you've ever seen this video, but it's back on my TL and I love it so much https://twitter.com/BaiduZTAOBar/status/1333451431072784385?t=ynrmLwWHNpo3rrwvr-FJ6g&s=19
And Taeyong baby pls someone free him https://twitter.com/taeyeweon/status/1641077265261035522?t=0Ychhd11werberr33t48EQ&s=19
BTW HWA'S BIRTHDAY ADS ARE UP WE LOVE TO SEE SEONGHWA EVERYWHERE ❤❤❤❤ I'm about to play spot the Hwa lmao. Today I scared some woman off, because I yelled "WHY IS HE SO BEAUTIFUL" jdjajsjsjajahhaha sorry ma'am, but did I lie??? I hope to see Jonghyun's ones too!
Happy Seonghwa day! 🥰 - DV 💖
Annyeonghaseyo Baeksussy, I have returned from Jeju and almost lost a kneecap, but overall it was fun and we saw a filming crew (I think a kpop boy group was filming something outside our hotel lmao, but we had no idea who they were). The weather in Seoul is so unpredictable like wdym one day it's 27°C and sunny and the next it's 15° and raining 🔫
HELLOOOOO YOU LOST A WHAT FHWNEHKQFHKSHDKC HOW COME 😭😭😭 WHAT THE HELL ….anon i think,,, omg i think you MAY have seen kai doing a filming there stop it. bc i know they were in jeju a few days ago and 🧍🏻‍♀️ that weather has been the same here and it’s 🔫🔫
Omfg hold on, so much has happened. Firstly I'm sorry about your principal's passing :/ secondly not you imagining Yunho as another guy AGAIN 😭 how is the writing going? Thirdly you watched SIXTEEN MOVIES LMAO which ones did you see?
it really was saddening esp bc he just met his grandson 😭😭 actually a peice of history bc he was one of the first kids in canada to drink slurpee rambdks FJWKJDWJHDKW HEY HEY I KEEP IMAGINING HIM AS MR GREY OR HENRY AND ITS WORKING
wedding season, love, wedding, repeat, argentina, 1985 (so good), a man called otto (CRIED), prey for the devil (has the potential to be in the conjuring ngl, too short tho), abbott elementary season 1 + 2 (not a movie but this sitcom is so funny), all quiet on the western front, el ángel, the tourist, dune, rush, anastasia (ended cinderlla), the whale, champions, gravity + rrr !!!
Also good for your cousin, but come on don't slander MU fans that much sjsjaisjjsjssjsjshs (lowkey I consider being a Barca fan as red flag soz </3333) I decided not to pay attention to football for the time being cause it's boring and annoying and I can't even watch any matches live 🔫 I don't need the negativity in my life 🤚🏼 wtf is up in the F1 world? I see my man Lewis isn't winning :/
she really dodged a bullet, he was an absolute jerk who said the n word and then went and said “my parents didn’t raise me like that, know me for what i am right now and not for what i did yesterday” MU FANS ARE A RED FLAG ITS LITERALLY THEIR COLOUR FBWNFB 😭😭😭 WE DO NOT CARE BARCA IS 17 POINTS CLEARRRRR
f1…anon, yesterday was phew, the emotions as a ferarri fan- them being 26 points BEHIND MCLAREN IM ACTUALLY CRYING 😭😭😭 ,,, australian grand prix,,,, 8 dnf, 4 restarts, UNFAIR PENALTIES??? SOME WERENT EVEN GIVEN???? huge expensive crashes, they fucked ferarri over AGAIN they had a straight p4 and turned into p3 after a crash— they restarted the race and didn’t count that lap yet still gave ferarri a 5 second penalty in which they ended p11, no points for them- but red bull got them all bc the fia dickride them 🥰 HAMILTON AT LEAST GOT A P2 IT WAS SO FUNNY BC GNWNFBWK MERCEDES WAS P1 AND THEN THEY WENT P7 AND THEN A STRAIGHT DNF id be crying ngl they’re all too strong to not cry bfnwbdns it was a silverstone again, but at least alonso somehow got p3 🔫 did not deserve it ngl, mercedes not winning bc rocketship red bull won’t let them
Speaking of food, I discovered vegan Jeju and my faves are Lan's Kitchen, Cheesylazy (for some reason I thought the name was Cheesyslay sjsjsjsjskaja so now we call it that) and one cafe/bakery with amazing cakes - And 유. Also 7/11 and CU have some more vegan products and even accidentally vegan ones, so I'm living <3 /// Yeah Limitless was underwhelming, there's a song called Diamond that's nicer, not really my thing, but Hwa and Yunho sound so good! Though I prefer them on a different song called Diamond 😅❤
chessyslay 😭😭😭 i looked the restaurants up and omg they all look so good 😭😭😭 ANON SEND SOME HERE PLEASE JFVWKCHKC u know what forget limitless, dimaond. THIS. HWA SINGING ANGEL BABY PLS 😭😭
I just want Ateez to stop releasing unnecessary songs and focus on a full album. Also not another fucking festival and in Qatar of all places..... good for the fans, but 🤡🤡🤡🤡 and Xikers are going too, KQ is really doing everything to attach them to Ateez
I heard Jimin's song so many times, like it's EVERYWHERE and ngl the single is better and a decent club song, but overall... nothing great. Hybe continues to piss me off!!! And the encore he did was... rough. https://twitter.com/jnksoluna/status/1641461317428215813?t=1sChI621kLP7pKFGzYGTzg&s=19 all the fandoms are beating him up 😭
you are correct, want them to create a song with good b-sides, gathering songs that are actually their style + diving into r&b’s, reggaeton, dance pop’s etc,,, i really hope they chose songs by the sound and not bc the sound what their storyline is meant to be,,, ateez doing a song like oasis, body rhythm, tell me what to do— no rap, just everyone singing and vibing, give us a summer album with no empty chorus, a album where we can play the songs on a road trip with a car with no roof and just vibes GIVE IT TO US PLEASE 😭😭😭
NAURR THE ENCORE,, and then they released the edited version? 😭😭😭 what GOES ON PLEASE speaking off solo’s jisoo’s solo! my favourite is the second track; all eyes on me, has a better sound!
I really really need to watch The Glory, but I've heard and seen so many spoilers already, rip. I kinda wanna rewatch S1 of AOS, cause it's my comfort show for sure. Everyone who prefers S2 has the right to do so, but don't try to convince me it was better, just say you were blinded by the angst and fluff 🙄
YOU REALLY REALLY REALLY NEED TO ANON, forget the spoilers anon, pls watch it + han so hee and song hye kyo are starring in a drama together ✊🏻😭 LMFAOOOO IM SEEING A CHANGE ARE U BEGINNING TO PREFER S2 THAN S1 👀
Okay so about YOU, let me spoil you then - I hope it'll sense made - in s4 Joe went to the UK started hanging out with insufferable posh people and "met" a guy named Reese (he was a writer and was running for Mayor of London). Turned out Reese was killing said posh twats and tried to frame Joe, became his stalker, wanted to be killing mates together (the Reese x Joe ship has sailed ajsuajahjsjsja). BUT! Lots of people noticed that during gatherings Joe was the only one who interacted with Reese and like we suspected - that whole thing was only in Joe's head cause he has split personality. So he basically dissociates and doesn't know what's going on. Reese was a real guy that Joe was obsessed with, but they never actually met and Joe was behind all the murders. Now that Joe accepted the truth and still wants to act like a saviour I feel even more icky about s5, he was always awful but his delusional monologues were funny. Now that he has a rich girlfriend and acts like a entrepreneur I'm like 😬😬😬😬🤚🏼
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I did not talk to Jin Goo, because we were far away, but the way my hand automatically waved and he was like "🧐😀👋🏻" and then I quickly opened my phone to yell about it. Imagine if I saw Soohyuk or Dohwan or someone else I've been obsessing over 😳 (BTW NEW WOO DO HWAN DRAMA) you'd not hear from me! My friend saw Kim Mingue three times in the past month cause he came to the same cafe as her
AWWWW THATS CUTE 😭😭😭 do not speak about dohwan. i had it away and the name triggered tempted era dohwan and i just rawred pls 😭 NEW DOHWAN DRAMA AND I AM AVOIDING EVERY FUCKING SPOILER AND THEN I RECENTLY SAW THIS AND FBWMFBWKHEKQHDKAJDKAHDAK
AND THIS 😩😩 all i see is older hwa
Have some Seonghwas cause I haven't been up to date with Ateez, but I checked Twitter and HEEEEEEEE ❤❤❤❤ //// We got married https://twitter.com/atinyteez009/status/1640781842432540672?t=HQ0JasZbdnZcSrh0mwBmNA&s=19
???? https://twitter.com/pingkiisaya/status/1641038527386222592?t=rf-qy29H31VIoB01MGPdHw&s=19 //// https://twitter.com/nobodylikehwa/status/1641041663593267201?t=yV4NaNP93oObBmWvGmQ-Rw&s=19
them in a law drama would be so hilarious, it’s a NEED 😭😭 jung wooyoung as an attorney aggressively trying to defend hongjoong >>
A photo from our grocery shopping trip, look at all the fruits and veggies! https://twitter.com/1024updates/status/1642163312803856387?t=XFmBjWVzfQPUPet2Eyw2eA&s=19 /// Seriously https://twitter.com/hwalilac/status/1642036025848655873?t=xSExNqS6vK1kchQpLdQabw&s=19 the bandaged one??!??!
Idk if you've ever seen this video, but it's back on my TL and I love it so much https://twitter.com/BaiduZTAOBar/status/1333451431072784385?t=ynrmLwWHNpo3rrwvr-FJ6g&s=19
And Taeyong baby pls someone free him https://twitter.com/taeyeweon/status/1641077265261035522?t=0Ychhd11werberr33t48EQ&s=19 /// 😭😭😭https://twitter.com/taeyeweon/status/1641079835979317248?t=GVOhB_7A1z51tuaVnicypA&s=19
BTW HWA'S BIRTHDAY ADS ARE UP WE LOVE TO SEE SEONGHWA EVERYWHERE ❤❤❤❤ I'm about to play spot the Hwa lmao. Today I scared some woman off, because I yelled "WHY IS HE SO BEAUTIFUL" jdjajsjsjajahhaha sorry ma'am, but did I lie??? I hope to see Jonghyun's ones too! Happy Seonghwa day! 🥰 - DV 💖
WAIT PLS WHAT IF YALL RUN INTO HIM AT THE SUBWAY STATIONS KRVWKDHSK LMFAOOOO NAURR ANON 😭😭😭 and jonghyun ones?? 😭😭😭😭 pls take all the photos u see 😭😭
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help 😭😭
sm’s kinda popping with these releases lately 👀
??????? 😭😭😭
this actually kinda of insane ngl never expected this ,, and w miss gigi
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