#so then its only 8 teeth per full moon
gorgynei · 1 year
werewolves that have their wolf teeth push their human teeth out and vice versa when they transform are so cool in concept but also realistically that is so many fucking teeth. like an INSANE number of teeth. at least 74 lost teeth (32 per human mouth, 42 per wolf mouth) every full moon. what would you do with all of them. drowning in teeth ....
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variousqueerthings · 10 months
DOCTOR... WHO???? (siiiigh)
ok. ok. so. ok. alright let's do this. i have a sneaking suspicion this will rate higher than some other M*ffat episodes, but don't let that fool you about me thinking it's good"
sexism rank objectification (female character is ogled/harassed/turned into a sex joke by the doctor and/or a lead we’re supposed to root for and/or the camera): 8/10
sexism rank plot-point (lead female character is only there to serve plot, not to have her emotional interiority explored): 3/10
interesting complex or pointlessly complex (does the complexity serve the narrative or does it just serve to be confusing as a stand-in for smart, this includes visually): 1/10
furthers character and/or lore and/or plot development (broader question that ties into the previous ones, at least two of these, ideally three should be fulfilled): 5/10
companion matters (the companion doesn’t always have to be there, but if the companion is there, can they function without the doctor– and overall per season how often is the companion the focus or POV of the story): 3/10
the doctor is more than just “godlike” (examines the doctor’s flaws and limitations, doesn’t solve a plot by having it revolve entirely around the doctor’s existence): 3/10
doesn’t look down on previous doctor who (by erasing or mocking its importance, by redoing and “bettering” previous beloved plotpoints or characters, etc.): 6/10
isn’t trying to insert hamfisted sexiness (m*ffat famously talked a lot about how dw should be sexier multiple times, he sucks at writing it): 4/10
internal world has consistency (characters have backgrounds, feel rooted in a place with other people, generally feel like they have Lives): 1/10
Politics (how conservative is the story): 3/10
FULL RATING: 37/100 (if I can count….)
OBJECTIFICATION: Amy wears a suit in this one. River Song is also wearing a suit in this one. because this secret society thing? (I am unclear what they're doing in it in this world, but I mean... the world-building is rated one out of ten so we'll get to that) people wear suits
there is this weird fucking interaction between sci-fi Churchill and the Doctor:
Churchill: What’s she like? Attractive I suppose The Doctor: Hell.... in high heels Churchill (leering): Tell me more
okay so it's about how River Song broke time in order to not kill the Doctor, which is supposedly a fixed point in Time, even though it definitely is not in show canon up until this season decided it was, and then the whole episode is the Doctor building up to telling River "actually I've found a way to not die," and she's like "oh good" and then he doesn't die
that is the plot. why is this a season's worth of plot and then 48mins? I will get to the FUCKING MONTAGES in a bit
so River's Thing is like. she's in love with the Doctor. in fact according to this episode "I cant let you die without letting you know that you are loved, by so many and so much, but by no one more than me"
which, if you're into River/Doctor is fine, personally I think Matt Smith looks like a child and Alex Kingston for all her acting (and hindered by so much bad "sexy" dialogue) cannot convince me she's into this baby-looking person. maybe if they'd done this during Capaldi, but that would require doing more things with River Song and M*ffat isn't really interested in her beyond the fact that a. she's in love with the Doctor and uh... 2. she was raised by a secret society. or she lived with her mother while she was growing up? (how did that work, when she was a child, weren't there people wondering who this kid's parents were????) and 3. she's sexy and she knows it
it does not fucking matter how she feels about the brainwashing of it all. it Does Not
I give this SOME points, because finally Amy got to have an emotion about her baby being taken away from her, I had fully forgotten that: "You took my baby from me and you hurt her and now she’s grown up and she’s fine (is she, we'll never know), but I’ll never see my baby again," and then she straight up, deliberately murders the villain who's helplessly tied to a chair
wonder if her feeling about murder will affect the plot in the future (they do mention it at the end of this episode), and she hints that "River didn't get it all from you" so like. Amy care to explain the execution you just committed?
she also mowed down a bunch of The Silence, but they're creepy monster people and not real people, so that's fine
uhhh what else for Amy? idk, she's there, she still loves Rory
COMPLEXITY: Stupid! Fucking! Plot! wait I already did this in the above point, okay so after River Breaks Time to not kill the Doctor at this supposed fixed point (lol, no it still fucking isn't M*ffat, there's loose continuity, and there's not caring at all about making your shit make sense, because LOLLL it's scifi after all and you can do what you want I fucking guess), Time just... stops
and all of Time happens at the same Time, except some people are noticing (are people ageing? or experiencing the same day again and again? or.. hte same second again and again? why is Churchill really the guy we want representing this idea??? why are there cars being carried around by big balloons????? why is it all earth? no time to explore any of this world- wait that's below point IT ALL BLEEDS INTO EACH OTHER BECAUSE IT'S SO STUPID)
the Doctor is explaining what happened up to a certain point and does so through the artistic format of montage. that means that Every! FUcking! Episode! M*ffat wrote for this season has a montage at the beginning!!!!!!
and then at the end of the montage, they're like oh no there's The Silence around us, for some reason, and then the Doctor gets kidnapped by... Amy, who's in the secret society now?
but now they're good guys, dedicated to figuring out why Time has stopped (except it... I mean it clearly hasn't, things are moving and changing and why is this done in the Stupidest way possible)
and they captured some Silence. but actually they were never captured just waiting, and now they're free and they go up to the top of a pyramid, the Doctor gets married to River, time restarts, River shoots the Doctor, but the Doctor had a Plan all along, using the little guys in robot-people we met in Let's Kill Hitler to get that body shot instead
the end
except for setting up THE NEXT STAGE OF THE MYSTERY because aaaalll of this happenned from WAY back in s5, because of a Question that mustn't be asked... and that question is Doctor Who
this episode is doing like. 2 things. "I know I'm going to die, and I stopped it easily (not so fixed a point after all I Guess, M*ffat)," and River and Doctor got married
oh and Amy KILLED PEOPLE but this will not be important, that was just to make her More Badass
and for all that it is presented like it's so fucking complicated
CHARACTERS/LORE/PLOT: um so plot as above is nothing, as said, it's just another bit of silly mystery on top of an already unwieldy house of cards standing in a drafty room
characters. not much actually, I mean, yes the Doctor and River got married now, but it's like. anti-dynamic. it's just there now the characters are meant to get married for the set-piece
lore um... checks notes. fucking. "Doctor Who." Trenzalore is a place something is going to happen. yeah so, fuck off nothing
COMPANIONS MATTER: lol see above. nope they're still basically "The last Centurion and the Girl Who Waited"
which, defining Rory as the Last Centurion outside of the particular episode in which another version of him was the centurion never made sense to me, sure that's something he did in a part of the story, but it's not really what his character... is. it's just that M*ffat loooves a moniker and it sounds impressive, and also in the last episode, the Doctor said "it's time to stop waiting" there's just nothing! new here! they're never going to be anyone else, or like... just their flipping names
Rory in this version of events/this other different universe is a soldier, and Amy doesn't remember him (I'm assuming Amy remembers the Doctor because they have a bond from back in s5 where her remembering him brought him back from non-existence, I can accept this as an already-established thing), but she does remember someone who she draws completely differently to Rory (hearkening back to Rory not being as manly as Amy's ideal fantasy and I thought we were past that but whatever)
anyway, the Doctor goes up to soldier-Rory and says this: Loyal soldier waiting to be noticed, always the pattern
IS Rory a soldier ever outside of two episodes in s6, both written by M*ffat????? M*ffat has a different, less caring, more "masculine" version of Rory that he writes that is so different from Rory in near every other episode... I don't like this Rory much, because he has no personality outside of "shoot gun/be badass and run after Amy"
I do appreciate that he is about to die and Amy returns to save him (although I have questions about how easy it is to kill "the bad guys" in M*ffat's era)
I will take this from the same exchange as above:
The Doctor (trying to get Rory to go for Amy): she said you were a mr hotti…ness and she would like to go out with you for… texting and scones..."
“GODLIKE” DOCTOR: this episode is all about how the Doctor is so special that everything bends towards this Moment In Time, but wait, That Moment is actually all about an even more important Moment that is still to come, also about the Doctor
and the tension of the episode is simply everyone waiting to see what clever thing the Doctor has already done in order to stave off the events this whole season has ostensibly been building up to
River Song at the Doctor: You’ve decided that the universe is better off without you, but the universe doesn’t agree
I mean yes, I enjoy the narratives favourite chewtoy type characters as much as anyone, but the thing is this Doctor isn't that, because the Doctor already has the solution. it's just. doing the exact thing that the episode The God Complex was deconstructing! S I L L Y ! ! !
PREVIOUS DOCTOR WHO: there's a moment here that's kind of quick succession, and goes like this -- the Doctor is avoiding the moment of his death (that is easily avoided), and has a throwaway bit in which he say that Liz the First is forever waiting in a grove to elope with him (gross, stop gross stop with the ongoing Elizabeth the First banged the Doctor jokes stop! It!) or he could just "go and help Rose Tyler with her homework"
I can read this either as M*ffat's penchant of writing whatever he wants in terms of how the timelines of this series go (which is how he does it with Eleven constantly jumping forwards and backwards, up until the point it suddenly can't be done, because M*ffat only has rules when they serve a particular plot point), but I also can pretend/enjoy it from the perspective of "actually I could never go back and help Rose Tyler with her homework, because it's not possible to change how things went down or mess with her timeline, and that's the point, I'm pretending I can do what I want, but I know I can't"
ofc the episode then undermines this point, but still... it's a sweet point
also Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart dies. I didn't remember this in the episode, but I assume it just didn't land with me back in the day because.... who is the Brigadier if you haven't seen classic!who? it's something for the classic!who fans I suppose, but it's literally the moment that makes the Doctor stop running and it's completely unestablished why the Doctor cares about this character or even really who this character is
I'm being pedantic now perhaps, but I think if you're going to bring up classic!who (which I do enjoy) it needs to either be an actual Easter Egg/not affect the plot, oooorrrr it needs to be re-established in this text why this matters, and this does neither
I was sad watching it this time, because I've met the Brigadier now, but it's easy and lazy nostalgia bait
“SEXINESS”: so like. this isn't the worst episode for this, but the worst episode for this is so bad!
aforementioned gross mention of "Liz the first," River Song and the Doctor do boring, annoying flirting in which she mentions his past with Cleopatra (strike two, but at least??? Marilyn Monroe isn't also mentioned)
INTERNAL WORLD: none. nothing. montages of places that will never matter and a pocket universe world in which it seems like they thought two seconds about the functionality of it, I went on a rant above, I'm resisting ranting again, this whole thing is Stupid
POLITICS: there's not really politics. I mean, it's not a very big episode, it's just pretending to be, but in the end it's a couple of specific plotpoints inside a carnival that's on fire
but let's see, there's obviously the complete lack of interest in exploring female characters (including in episodes in which their names appear in the title)
oh and they mention psychopath River again
River: Take a child, raise her into the perfect psychopath, introduce her to the Doctor… who else was I going to fall in love with? fuck offffffffffff fuck off with all of this forever
also the plot culminates in a marriage -- now I was more annoyed when I thought the marriage literally solved the problem, when really it's more a sort of... segue into solving it, but the idea that this is a more important relationship than any the Doctor ever had or is ever going to have is what this plot works so hard to make the central conceit, and the way to prove this is by getting married, which segues into Fixing The Universe
and to be fair, it walked itself into this corner (on purpose) from the moment River Song was introduced, but the way it pretended at mystery as if the answer wasn't always "yeah they got married I guess, in an episode so boring, trying to be so big, that presents the Idea of marriage as the event that is more important than any other in the Universe (not like... individually, in the Universe) that for the Doctor in the same season as we had The Doctor's Wife is framed as more important than any other relationship because it is now defined by Getting Married...."
it's kind of a central problem with River Song and the Doctor, in the end it's... terribly normative. it tries not to be, but its structures struggle to break out of it, even when we get told that River has other partners (never seen, never important, often more of a throwaway innuendo to show how sexy she is), even with the tragedy of them moving backwards (sort of) in their respective timelines, it's still performing alloromantic heteronormative relationship hierarchy (big words meaning They're Straight TM writing)
the possible upside (we shall see) is that maybe now the stupid flipping marriage build-up is done River can be doing other fucking stuff, like being a character
FULL RATING: 37/100 (if I can count….)
okay so, the good. low on literally objectifying female characters on the whole, and isn't the worst on previous doctor who (except for of course saying a big fuck you to every past Companion and important relationship the Doctor has ever had)
and the bad is. that it is bad. bad across the board. it's a bad episode, made worse by everything that was bad before being doubled down on, so that in hindsight all the other bad stuff is also worse, like a horror ride funhouse mirror of non-linear watching reflecting backwards and forwards in time (kind of like M*ffat wishes the River Song and the Doctor's story managed to do, but in bad)
and that is s6. what a wild ride. epic highs and lows indeed!
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #171
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Today on Fate and Phantasms we’re making the Berserker of El Dorado, a.k.a. the CEO of Amazones, a.k.a. yet another reason why Type Moon should stop designing teenage characters. Like several other servants from Agartha her true name is hidden when you meet her, so expect spoilers below the break.
Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
Next up: The reason they call him that is because you have to resist punching him in the face.
Penthesilea, queen of the Amazons, is a Zealot Barbarian for a whole lot of anger issues and godly boons.
Race and Background
Penth’s the daughter of a god and also fuckign terrifying, so that’s why she’s a Fallen Aasimar. When she fell she got +1 Strength and +2 Charisma, as well as Darkvision which explains the black sclera, Celestial Resistance to radiant and necrotic damage, Healing Hands to keep her golden body in top condition, and the Light Bearer cantrip. Your weapons are glowy, this’ll take care of that for now.
You’re queen, but a queen of the amazons, so modify that Noble background to get History and Intimidation proficiency.
Ability Scores
If you want to be the daughter of a war god you’d better be able to war good, so make sure your Strength is as high as possible. Your Dexterity also better be good, I know jumping is strength-based, but running around in half a suit of armor is dex based. It definitely doesn’t look like armor, but it’s spiked, and a +2 to dexterity will let you use medium armor efficiently. After that is Charisma, you’re a shrewd businesswoman and also fucking terrifying for anyone vaguely greek. Your Wisdom’s also pretty solid, you’re good at sniffing out Achilles, and you’ve got an even keener business sense. Constitution isn’t that solid, you’re kind of a glass cannon, but you’re still pretty solid. Finally, dump Intelligence. Half the time you’re a raging ball of teeth and spikes, the other half you’re a CEO. Neither of those make me want to put much faith in your smarts.
Class Levels
1. First level barbarians start of strong (pun intended) with Rage, beefing up as a bonus action for advantage on strength checks & saves, damage resistance, and a bonus to attack damage. You also get Unarmored Defense, making running around in that outfit a slightly less bad idea. Or it would, if your constitution modifier wasn’t +0.
You also get proficiency with Strength and Constitution saves, as well as two barbarian skills. Athletics because you’re literally an amazon, and Perception to help you find that damnable greek hero.
2. At second level, your Reckless Attacks will help you pierce through that jerk’s magic skin, giving you advantage on all attacks for the round, at the cost of taking attacks at advantage. To be fair, your AC’s probably like 12 right now, so it’s not like it makes him more likely to hit you.
You also get a Danger Sense, giving you advantage on dexterity saves you can see coming, like a fireball. Or a giant careening chariot. Either or.
3. Your brand new Primal Knowledge gives you proficiency with Survival. It’s a dog eat dog world, and now you know how to cook that dog. You also get a Necrotic Shroud as a bonus action, adding necrotic damage to your attacks once per turn for a minute and when you transform you scare the crap out of people nearby if they fail a charisma save. You can transform once per long rest.
On top of your divine blood activating this level, your divine blood activates this level, making you a Zealot barbarian. Your Divine Fury adds even more damage to your attacks once per turn while raging. Pick either necrotic or radiant damage, I’m not your mother, it’s your choice. You also become a Warrior of the Gods, so now reviving you doesn’t cost money. You don’t have a guts skill, so this’ll come in handy.
4. Use your first Ability Score Improvement to become a Dual Wielder, letting you attack with both sides of that giant mace thing using your bonus action. It also gives you +1 AC while dual wielding, that’s nice. Some barbarians have to die to attack with a bonus action, and you got it as a feat.
5. If you want to attack even more, Extra Attack lets you attack twice with your action, so now you can attack three times per turn. Your Fast Movement also adds 10 feet to your movement speed to catch up to that carrot.
6. Your Fanatical Focus lets you re-roll a failed save once per rage. Your golden rule means it’s hard to mess with your body, and this will help with that.
7. Seventh level barbarians get a Feral Instinct, giving you advantage on initiative checks. You can also ignore being surprised if you rage immediately on the first turn of combat. You also get an Instinctive Pounce, moving half your speed when you start a rage. Your rival is basically a manic the hedgehog humansona, so you’ve got to be able to keep up.
8. Use this ASI to bump up your Strength for more damaging and accurate attacks.
9. Ninth level barbs get Brutal Criticals, giving you an extra die of damage when you deal critical hits. Shockingly, giant metal balls hurt when slammed into people. Wild.
10. Tenth level zealots have a Zealous Presence, spending a bonus action once per long rest to inspire nearby creatures to get advantage on attack rolls and saves until your next turn.
11: Eleventh level barbarians get a Relentless Rage to avoid death while raging. If you pass a DC 10 constitution save, you drop to 1 hp instead of 0 and the DC goes up by 5. When you finish a short rest, it goes back to 0. I guess you do have a guts skill after all.
12. Use this ASI to grab the Mobile feat for even more movement speed and the ability to ignore difficult terrain and opportunity attacks. Achilles is really going to have to step his game up here.
13. Another level, another Brutal Critical, making your critical hits even more brutal. Don’t really have a joke for this one, it’s pretty self-explanatory.
14. Fourteenth level zealots can Rage Beyond Death, meaning you can’t die until you stop raging. Damage that takes you to 0 hp still starts the death save train a-rolling, but you don’t die until your rage ends, and even then only if you’re still at 0 hp. It’s a good thing you don’t have the ability to heal yourself right before your rage ends, or that would be busted. Wait...
15. Fifteenth level berserkers get a Persistent Rage, so now your rage only ends if you want it to, or if time runs out, making you immortal for a full minute of combat. Or until someone casts Sleep, a first level spell.
16. For this ASI we’re getting a little experimental with Flail Mastery, a feat from an old Unearthed Arcana. Technically it only applies to flails, but if you can convince your DM to use UA this old you can probably convince him to extend the definition to morningstars too. Anyway, you get +1 to attack rolls, can use your bonus action to negate a shield’s defenses on your attacks for the turn, and your opportunity attacks force a strength save, on a failure the creature gets knocked prone, which eats up half their movement. Not a big deal for a halfling, very big deal for Achilles.
17. Did somebody say Brutal Critical? I did, just now. Speaking of, you get another one of those, meaning your critical hits now deal double the amount of dice plus three extra.
18. Your Indomitable Might means all your strength checks are now at least your strength score, which is pretty freaking good. It’d be even better if we could bump that up higher though...
19. Your last ASI is going towards your str- no, sorry, it’s another feat, now you’re Menacing. This rounds out your Charisma, doubles your proficiency in Intimidation, and you can replace one attack from your action with a contested Intimidation v Insight check against a humanoid. If you succeed, the target is frightened for a turn. Really we’ve just been giving you better versions of the Berserker class features. Shame we couldn’t get that strength up one last time though.
20. Just kidding! Primal Champions get +4 to their strength and Constitution, and your maximum for both scores increases by the same amount so you don’t have to worry about capping out. You also get unlimited rages, so just pop a new one whenever the old one’s about to run out.
Your race, plus all those feats you took, give you a lot of options in the middle of combat, even while raging. You can heal yourself, scare people, attack... okay, it’s three things, but that’s two things more than most berserkers.
By the end of the build, you have unlimited rages, and you can’t die while raging. Tack on your healing hands at the end of a battle, and you’re effectively immortal to anyone not packing Sleep. It’s a first level spell, so a lot of people will be packing it, but by the time this combo comes together most people will be using 9th level spells, so they’ll probably overlook it.
You’re also pretty speedy, even compared to other barbarians. 50′ of movement speed and the ability to ignore difficult terrain will make it hard for your to get space between you and it. Even moreso when your opportunity attacks knock it flat on its ass.
Before you become an immortal rage machine, you’re pretty squishy thanks to your low constitution score. I mean, squishy compared to other barbarians. You’re still rocking almost 200 HP and rage protection, but it means you’re not quite as tanky as Herc. Until you hit level 20.
We picked up a lot of Feats in this build, so that’s a good part of the reason why your ability scores are so low compared to other builds. Your fighting style only cares about strength and charisma, but if you get in a business meeting you can’t scare your way out of you’re going to have a rough time.
You have absolutely no way of dealing magical damage. You might be able to eke out some chip damage with Divine Fury and Necrotic Shroud, but if you go up against something with resistance or immunity to nonmagical weapons you’re going to have a bad time. It’s lucky you’re not super pissed at someone who literally has that as their defining feature, huh?
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imagines-mha · 4 years
class 1-B and night routines
Monoma: if monoma doesn’t annoy at least 2 people per night he simply will not sleep. Wears the comfiest pyjamas- like a 100% cotton top and plaid pj bottoms and everyones so fuckin jealous. He tells everyone he has a 16 step self-care routine he does every night but he really just brushes his teeth and then sits on his phone for like 2 hours? Ike what do you GET out of lying??? 
Tetsutetsu: he thinks going to bed after 11pm is criminal. Literally doesn’t understand the cryptidcrew™️ who DONT MF SLEEP. Works out before bed which is 👌🏻👌🏻 OOF. Aw hes the type of friend to make everyone tea and toast and send them asmr videos if they cant sleep i love him. He usually spends his night dancing around with pony and working off all his ENERGY
Kendo: “yall im turning into bed i’m too tired for this shit” “kendo it’s 7pm”
My girl will retire to her room as early as she can (usually with the rest of the girls) and she just RELAXES. Like self-care to the max: paints her nails, watches tv, plans her tomorrow, showers. She’s usually asleep at 10pm and wakes up the next morning full energy I want what she has
Awase: he has the WORST sleep schedule like fr. Literally sits up on tiktok until 3am and he’s just like “oh shit i’m up at 7…” *continues scrolling* like bro GET UR ASS TO BED U HAVE TRAINING AT 6AM. His night routine ain’t anything special- he sleeps in sweats and always keeps his window open (although someone told him about banshees once and now hes lowkey terrified lmao)
Kaibara- the type to fall asleep on the sofa and wake up at 4 in the morning to find tsuburaba in the kitchen eating a full course meal and he just SIGHS and goes up to bed in the worst mood bc why tf are his friends so WEIRD. Likes to watch the stars and edit pictures before he sleeps- its so therapeutic to him and also productive so he’s winning
Rin- he drinks coffee every night after midnight and then goes “oh my fuck shit i just drank coffee why am i like this” like congrats u fuckin dumbass now u ain’t gonna sleep. And he never fuckin learns. Always does his hw at like 11pm, Also stays up way too late binge-watching star wars smh 
Tsuburaba: he gets up every night and treats himself to a three-course meal in the kitchen no cap no sound awareness my man will be blending shit full blast at 2 in the morning. Usually falls asleep sitting at the kitchen table and he 👏🏻 needs 👏🏻 a 👏🏻 chiropractor 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. Also always forgets to do his homework until everyone’s packing up to go to bed and hes like “please,, anyone,, the math?”. Shoda wants to punch him so bad
Ibara: the most well-structured person in the entire building. At 7pm she has her shower, at 8:30pm she goes to pray, at 9:30pm she journals and draws to calm her mind, and at 10pm she meditates until she falls asleep- which is usually 10:20pm.. Everyone wants her self control and independance like damn how does she FUNCTION. Also queen of vegan self-care remedies 
Pony: girl is chaotic as fuck it’ll be like 10pm and rin’s like “yo pony can i copy the hw??” And shes like “WHAT HOMEWORK.” . *cue two idiots freaking tf out*. She’s always wearing matching pj sets and fluffy socks and loves sliding around in them like a dork. Dances every night before bed to tire herself out like shes just in the lounge deadass vibing to taylor swift and a new person joins her everytime . people would be dead without her
Kodai: movies every night or she won’t go to class the next morning. Shes always just sitting on her phone w earphones in like she has absoloutely no time to deal with monoma’s shit so she just peaces tf out of existence. Cutest pyjamas ever i love her pyjama queen. The go-to girl for homework she just leaves her bag open, as long as u return it shes cool
Tokage: oh my god shes so CRYPTIC and FOR WHAT. Pranks pranks pranks pranks pranks. everyone hates her for it and she loves it so bad. Like she has the balls to prank kamakiri and that TAKES BALLS LET ME JUST SAY . she’ll just leave her body parts in people’s beds and its SO annoying. They usually just pick up her stray arm and fling it at the wall in revenge then act confused the next morning when she complains abt the bruises 
Komori: cryptic as fuck. Does she sleep? Why is she always sitting at the table? What is she doing? . Closes her tabs whenever someone comes into the dining room and just stares at them til they leave again like :)). In the garden every night til she can’t bear the coldness- watches the stars and makes flower crowns and worships the moon i love her
Kuroiro: nighttime is the time he just evaporates like where tf is he like 🙄🙄 reel it in randy from monsters inc . Hiding in the walls and listening to everyones conversations and secrets is his only skill in life . Everyone thinks he doesn’t sleep and just wanders around (he does, he just likes to have an edgy reputation)
Kamakiri- did you hear that?? oh its just kamakiri fistfighting monoma in the hallway again. Fr takes no prisoners he needs his beauty sleep (or idk do bugs sleep lmao??). If you’re in his way while he’s RAMPAGING to his room youre dead bro when i say he takes bedtime routines seriously i MEAN it. He does self-care and tells NOONE but its lowkey cute idk lmao why do i have a crush on a bug lemme call my therapist real quick
Bondo- 9pm. Wind down time. A good book is all my mans needs and he’ll be out for the count in absolutely no time at all. Fukidashi will die jealous and bondo fucking loves it. Milks tf out of it too he’s like YAWN I AM SO TIRED OFF TO BED NOW TO SLEEP PEACEFULLY GOODNIGHT and everyone who WISHES they could sleep as early as that wants him to choke
Manga- king of never having hw done until 1am at the earliest 🤡. He lives on 1 hour sleep most nights and his speech bubble just says “no <3” until like 11am. Its cus of his crippling hyperactivity he’s running the halls at 3am practicing the entire mamma mia choreography ffs fukidashi U HAVE A CAREER AHEAD OF U 
Reiko: energy drink addiction 101 if she doesn’t drink monster every night before bed she’s convinced she’ll die. “I sleep all day and party all night” she says, crying over math hw at 2am. Plays music too loud and has LED strobelites on ALL NIGHT. Shes deadass doing witchcraft in the lounge w komori all night during finals week she doesnt give a single fuck x
Shishida: another reader,, mans will finish an entire book in a night by the force of sheer willpower alone. Takes a bath every night and it makes his fur so fluffy and smell like apples smdnwjdnwd. Perfect snuggle buddy for wintertimes (pony LOVES HIM) and he’s that good man who carries tsuburaba to bed when he falls asleep at the kitchen table
Shoda: “please don’t speak to me while im doing my homework im 👌🏻 this close to having a mental breakdown and all it takes is a single poke to reel me over the edge.” Complains all day about being tired then goes to bed at 2am?? Like no shit ofc ur tired bitch . Always up for a deep talk at night he knows EVERYTHING abt EVERYONE and hes so trustworthy hed never tell a soul
Honenuki: he meal preps and does yoga before bed 🤢 like WHO HAS THAT MOTIVATION. Irons and sets his uniform out for the next day before getting his homework FINISHED by 9pm . He’s pretty flexible w what he does at nights it 100% depends on his mood. Usually he’s helping Tokage with pranks or working out w tetsutetsu tho. Used to annoy people who were up doing hw after 11 like “really tsuburaba? You should be ashamed”. Shoda almost DECKED him once for it tho and he was #traumatised and never did it again
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isobel-thorm · 5 years
All for Grant. >:3c
1) How do they respond to having a song stuck in their head? Does that happen to them often? “Oh God, not that one again” then begrudgingly play it til its out of his head. 
2) How do they feel about confronting their friends when issues arise? He’ll only confront them if the situation turns absolutely dire/Grant thinks the friendship is on the brink of disintegrating. He’ll try to keep his own feelings close to his chest if he thinks it’ll lead to a confrontation. 
3) When speaking to themselves in their mind, how do they refer to themselves? “You” and a buncha self-deprecating or self-preserving adjectives. 
4) Do they enjoy wearing socks/stockings when they aren’t wearing shoes? Not really. Socks get annoying after a while. 
5) Do they have any unappealing habits (ex: picking their nose, hawking loogies)? Does nearly nonstop self-hate count?
6) How do they cope with losing a game? Shrug it off and move on
7) How do they cope with losing an argument? Same as the last answer
8) How do they cope with losing a friend? Fuck him up entirely. Losing one if they part ways after a fight is right up there with losing his friends in that skirmish, so a lot of anger/grief goes internal and he either shuts down or turns the blame on himself. 
9) How do they cope with losing a lover? Not as upset about losing a friend, but close. It takes him a while to decide he’s even worthy of love, so it’s an outlook of “they’re better off without me.” 
10) Do they enjoy sitting on countertops? I wouldn’t say “enjoy” but he does if the place he’s in is cramped and the space allows for it. 
11) How expressive is their face? Are they easy to read? Not very expressive/he usually keeps a neutral face, but he expresses himself a lot via expressions, so when he does react to something, a little goes a long way. 
12) How do they deal with experiencing physical pain?  He’s got a high pain threshold, so he basically just rolls with it. 
13) Are they easily insulted? Not at all
14) Would they prefer to act or react? Depends on the situation. In general, react, if there’s an emergency or someone is in danger, then definitely act first. 
15) How would they respond to performing on stage? The only way to get him up on a stage would be if you had to administer medical attention on a flat surface while he was unconscious. Can’t respond to being up there if you go out of your way to never get on a stage. 
16) Would they ever wear perfume or cologne? When? What would the scent be? He’s not a cologne guy in the least. 
17) Could their personality or interests be considered “flighty?” Do they change their mind/interests often? Not at all. He’s got a small handful of interests that never really change/suit him just fine, so he’s happy with them. 
18) Do they daydream? Of what? All of the “what if”s if his life hadn’t gone to shit. 
19) What is the most inappropriate thing they have ever done in public? Decked a guy in passing for poking fun at an injured homeless vet. It was an emotional day for him to begin with, and it’s not ‘inappropriate’ per se, but he’s still not entirely thrilled he did something that escalated that quickly. 
20) What was their favorite toy as a child? Little He-Man figures that his uncles got him. 
21) What was their favorite way to play as a child (ex: playing pretend, playing games with rules like tag,)? Playing pretend, though usually it was basically only half a game, because he’d pretend to be a rancher/cowboy in the Old West while helping out at his uncles’ farm. 
22) How do the sneeze (ex: loudly, quietly, openly, into their elbow, hold the sneeze in)? Tries to be as quiet as possible, into his arm 
23) When engaged in an irritating conversation, how to they conduct themselves? Lots of smiling and nodding. 
24) What words make them cringe? “Purpose” , “square” (in a ‘town square’ sense), “guilt”
25) How do they feel in large crowds? Fairly comfortable, though the soldier in him is constantly noting how many exits are around/what have you in case of an emergency where he has to get people out. 
26) Would they ever spend an afternoon in a library? What section would they spend the most time in? He probably wouldn’t, but if he had to, probably any place with the comfiest chairs. 
27) Do they find it difficult to try new foods? Not at all, he’s willing to try new things right off the bat. 
28) If a friend asked them to taste something and it turned out to be unpleasant, how would they handle it? Not let them see him struggle with it, keep his face/voice as pleasant as possible. He’d rather die than hurt their feelings. And he’d wait a few minutes/at least a couple of it’s a quick cooking process and make ‘harmless suggestions’ to try and improve the dish - but deliver the suggestions so blase so it doesn’t seem like he’s actively correcting them and they think it’s mostly their personal change, ie: “Oh, that could use... I don’t know, little something for an extra little kick” “Hmm. Oh, I could add more sugar, even out some of the bitterness!” “Perfect!” 
29) Do they wear underwear? 100% of the time, yes
30) Can they pee in front of other people? Only people he’s close to/has known for years. 
31) What story gave them nightmares as a child? When his parents talked about getting promotions and the like - which meant less time for him, so he’d dream about them leaving him somewhere/forgetting him/being all alone etc. 
32) How would they respond to being handed an infant? Absolutely petrified. He would hate it, fear that he’s tainting the kid and try to hand them off to someone else the first chance they got. He’d definitely have to have someone right there next to him to reassure him that he’s being really good with them. Which is a crime because most babies usually immediately love him. 
33) How would they respond to being asked to watch over a child for an afternoon? “Uuuuhhh is there.... someone... else? More qualified?” 
34) Do they enjoy climbing trees? No. Doesn’t really see the point. 
35) In which of their own skill sets do they have the most confidence? Why? Threat assessment while referring to people, because it’s what he was good at in the Army. 
36) Do they enjoy receiving compliments? How do they respond to it? Laugh it off and be super dismissive about it. “Thanks, but not really.” 
37) How often are they the one to initiate physical contact? Not very often. He’s got to be in a rare affectionate mood to initiate. If someone else initiates he’d be happy to go along with it, though.
38) Do they prefer salty or sweet things? Sweet
39) Do they get the urge to jump from high places? ... ... You all know the angsty direction I could take this which is ABSOLUTELY true, but for now I’ll say no and be lying through my teeth. 
40) Have they every written a dirty letter and actually sent it? Not at all. Dirty communication of any kind isn’t his forte. 
41) How would they describe their love life?  “Non-existent and loving it” (John or Matthew walk by) “... ... Okay so that was an outright lie and I’m happy.” 
42) How would they describe their sex life? “Not bad” - he borders on ace so it doesn’t happen much, which he’s absolutely fine with. 
43) Do they hide objects? What and where? He doesn’t hide any objects. He figures he hides enough of his personal life, why add more things to the list? 
44) What are their reasons for getting up in the morning (outside of achieving their main goal)? Again there’s a very heavy, very true, very angsty answer that I could go with, but for now - he doesn’t want to disappoint and/or worry Nic, John or Matthew, so he’ll get up for them, then genuinely enjoy the day just because he gets to spend time with them. 
45) Who is their greatest confidant? Who confides in them? Nic. She was the first one in years to not pry into his life with annoying, over-asked questions. She didn’t constantly give him pitying looks either. She treated him like a regular person and let him come to her with details about his life, so she earned his trust and friendship, and that gives her confidant status. And it’s mutual for that reason. 
46) What is something they’ve always wanted to do, but know they shouldn’t? Tell off his parents for being shitty people. He could, but there’s already been so much damage between them and done to himself he’s afraid he’d rip apart what shreds of a relationship they have left. 
47) Is there someone whose laugh makes them laugh as well? Nic again, John on occasion, Whitehorse, Matthew
48) How festive are they on holidays? Depends on who he’s with. If he’s alone, he’ll be vaguely festive. Put him with Nic, or whichever boyfriend he has depending on the Universe, or his family he does have a good relationship with: “Hell yeah, give me that ugly sweater, Hell yeah I’ll help you with the ham, Hell yeah I’ll play Santa for the kids.” 
49) How would they respond to their ears ringing for an extended period of time? Would drive him absolutely bonkers and he’ll try any trick in the book to make it stop. 
50) How likely is it that they would be the first to point out a full moon or a beautiful sunset? He wouldn’t be the first to point it out but he’d be the first to notice it. 
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megansfavourites · 3 years
All Pokédex entries from the Vida Translations Pokémon Silver (Part 1/2)
(Part 2 here)
I did this just for the sake of nostalgia. I modified my save file to fill up the entire Pokédex so that I can enjoy all the Pokédex entries I read as a kid, which I later learnt were just made-up stuff by fans. The most memorable one that I can still recall is Mareep’s entry, where the fan translator claimed, “So called because of Mary, who had a little lamb.” (I’m typing this off the top of my head. Let’s see how much of it I’ve correctly remembered!) All spelling and grammatical mistakes are preserved.
BULBA: A strange seed on its back grows with it.
IVYSA: Its bulb grows so large it, can’t stand up!
VENUS: The plant blooms when absorbing solar.
CHARM: When it rains, steam rises from its tail.
CHARL: Its tail can raise temperatures to 10000C.
CHARZ: Spits fire hot enough to melt boulders.
SQUIR: After birth, its back hardens to become a shell.
WARTO: Often hides in water, stalking preys.
BLAST: This POKeMON has pressurized water jets.
CATER: It has suckers on its feet for climbing.
METAP: It’s vulnerable to attacks when its shell is soft.
BUTTE: Flaps its wings to release very toxic dust!
WEEDL: It has a sharp venomous stinger on its head.
KAKUN: Can only harden its shell for protection.
BEEDR: Attacks using the big stingers on its arms.
PIDGE: Flaps its wings at ground level to kick up sand.
PDGTO: This POKemon will fiercely attack any intruder.
PIDGT: Can fly up to twice the speed of sound.
RATTA: Small and fast, it attacks with sharp teeth.
RATIC: Uses its whiskers to maintain its balance.
SPEAR: Flaps its short wings fast to stay up.
FEARO: Can keep aloft without resting.
EKANS: Moves silently, eating PIDGEY’s eggs whole.
ARBOK: The poison on it’s fangs is the deadliest known!
PIKAC: When several gather, lightning strikes.
RAICH: Its long tail serves as a ground.
SNDSH: Lives deep underground far away from water.
SNDSL: Can roll up into a spiny ball when scared.
NIDOF: Its venomous barbs make it very dangerous!
NIDRA: Likes physical attacks like clawing.
NIDOQ: Uses its hefty bulk to execute powerful moves.
NIDOM: In danger, it will use its poison sting.
NIDRO: An aggressive POKeMON that is quick to attack.
NIDOK: Uses its tail to smash, bind then break.
CLEFY: Many admire its magical and cute appearance.
CLEFB: Runs and hides the moment it senses people.
VULPI: The tail split from its tip as it gets older.
NINET: Grabing one its tails could curse you.
JIGGL: Sings its enemies to sleep with its melody.
WIGGL: When angry, it will inflate to a huge size.
ZUBAT: Uses ultrasonic to avoid objects while flying.
GOLBA: It attacks by draining the blood out.
ODDIS: If you yank it out of the ground, it shrieks.
GLOOM: Oozes nectar which is used to attract prey.
VILEP: The larger its petals, th more poison it holds.
PARAS: The mushrooms grow by drawing the blood.
PRSCT: The parasite has taken over the bug host.
VENON: Lives in the shadows of tall tress.
VENOM: Its wings show the poison it holds
DIGLE: Lives about a yard underneath ground.
DUGTR: DIGLETT triplets. Triggers huge earthquake.
MEOWT: Wanders streets looking for loose coins.
PERSI: Its fur raises a high price on the black mart.
PSYDK: Its attacks are strongest with a headache.
GOLDK: Often mistaken for the Japanese monster KAPPA!
MANKE: Extremely quick to anger.
PRIME: Always furious and tenacious to boot.
GROWL: Barks and bites to repel any intruder.
ARCAN: This POKeMON runs agilely as if on wings.
PLWAG: Prefers swimming to standing up.
PWHRL: Capable of living in or out of water.
PWRTH: Can swim up to 70miles per hour.
ABRA: Identifies danger and TELEPORTS away.
KADAB: Emits alpha waves which cause headaches.
ALAKM: Its IQ is said to be around 5000!
MCHOP: It trains in all types of martial arts.
MCHOK: It must wear a powersave belt to move!
MCHMP: Its punches can hit you clear over the horizon.
BELLS: This POKeMON feeds on bugs and insects.
WEEPI: Spits out POISON POWDER to kill its prey.
VICTR: Said to live in colonies deep in jungles.
TCOOL: Anglers who hook them are often stung.
TNTCR: It’s tentacles can paralysed anything!
GEODU: People often mistaken them for boulders.
GRAVL: Rolls over any obstacle without break!
GOLEM: It can easily withstand dynamite blasts.
PONYT: It can trample anything fast in a little time.
RAPID: This POKeMON will chase anything that moves.
SLOWP: It takes 5 seconds for it to feel pain.
SLOWB: The SHELLDER on its tail feeds on scraps.
MGMIT: Uses anti-gravity to stay suspended.
MGTON: Formed by several MAGNEMITEs linking together.
FARFE: Uses its spring of green onion like a SWD.
DUODO: Makes up for its poor flying with fast feet.
DODRI: While two heads sleep, the other stays up.
SEEL: The hard horn its head is used to fight.
DEWGO: Swims at a steady 8 knots in any water.
GRIME: Appears in filthy areas with pollution.
MUK: It is thickly covered with a vile sludge.
SHELL: It is vulnerable only when it shell is opened.
CLOYS: When attacked, it launches its horn fast.
GAST: Cloaks the target and outs it to sleep.
HAUNT: It is said to be from another dimension.
GENGA: It likes to mimic the shadows of people.
ONIX: As it grows, it hardens like a diamond.
DROWZ: Occasionally gets sick from eating bad dreams.
HYPNO: Uses a mix of PSI moves such as HYPNOSIS.
KRABB: Its pincers are also used for keeping balance.
KINGL: The large pincer has 10000HP of crushing power.
VOLTO: They are easily mistaken for a POKeBALL.
ELECT: Often explodes with little or no provocation.
ECUTE: When disturbed, they quickly attack in swam.
EXTOR: Sometimes one of its heads will drop off.
CUBON: No one has even seen its real face.
MAROW: It throws the bone it holds like a boomberag.
HMLEE: It runs smoothly with long, loping strides.
HCHAN: It fires punches in lightning fast volleys.
LICKI: Its long tongue is twice its body length.
KOFFI: Stores many kinds of toxic gases in its body.
WEEZI: Two Koffings fused together over many years.
RHYHO: It can easily knock a trailor flying.
RHYDO: Capable of living in molten lava of 3600C.
CHANS: Said to bring luck to those who catch it.
TANGE: It is swathed with wide vines like seaweeds.
KANKA: The baby doesn’t leave the pouch.
HORSE: Shoots bugs with ink from the water surface.
SEADR: Swims backwards by flapping its wing like fins.
GOLDE: Its tail fin billows like a dress.
SEAKI: Can be seen swim up in rivers in autumn.
STARY: Can regenerate any appendage which it lose.
STARM: Some people value the core as a preciousGEM
MRMIM: Doesn’t like to be interrupted while miming.
SCYTH: Has ninja-like agility and speed, can move fast.
JYNX: Seductively wiggles its hips as it walks.
EBUZZ: Normally found in power plants, but few.
MAGMA: It can always hide very easily among flames.
PINSR: It will swing the enemy and throw it.
TAURO: Charges furiously while whipping with its tails.
MAGIK: In the past, it was stronger than it is now.
GYARA: Capable of destroying entire cities in rage.
LAPRA: LAPRAS can ferry people across the water.
DITTO: Capable of copying an enemy’s genetic code.
EEVEE: It may mutate if it is close to stones.
VAPOR: Lives close to the water, and has a long tail.
JOLTE: Accumulates negative ions in the air.
FLARE: It stores thermal energy in its body.
PORYG: It is capable of moving in cyberspace.
OMANY: Long extinct. Can be resurrected again.
OMAST: Died out when its shell became too heavy.
KABUT: Was resurrected from a fossil found.
KTOPS: Its sleek shape is perfect for swimming.
AEROD: It goes for the throat with its fangs.
SNORL: As its bulk builds it becomes more slothful.
ARTIC: Appears to people lost in icy mountains.
ZAPDO: Appears from clouds when it drops lightin.
MOLTR: Each flap of its wings makes a flame.
DRATI: Thought to be made up until one found.
DRAGO: Has the ability to change the climate.
DRITE: Its intelligence is said to match humans.
MEWTW: It was created by a scientist after DNA Tests.
MEW: Still said to be a mirage by many experts.
CHIKO: The leaf on its head stands for butty.
BAYLE: Its necklace produces a very burning scent.
MEGAN: Its petal necklace emits a depress strench.
CYNDA: Don’t touch this POKeMON’s back its hot!
QUILA: Its back of flames arcs and kills enemy.
TYPLO: Its anger can break glass when it gazes.
TOTOD: This POKeMON has a very powerful jaw.
CROCO: Grows a tusk for every battle it wins.
FERAL: Its massive jaws can bite and tear up anything.
SENTR: Strangely, it evoles into worm POKeMON.
FURRE: Its burrow is narrow so others will not fit in.
HOOTH: Odd-looking. Has only one leg with four claws.
NOCTO: Its eyes can see even in complete darkness.
LEDYBA: Flies away for days, and returns with mate
LEDIA: The new rival of SCYTHER and PINSIR.
SPINA: Waits in its own web for preys that come near.
ARIAD: It spins thread from both ends of its body.
KUROB: A new evolution of ZUBAT and GOLBAT.
CHINC: Lives underwater, but has electric powers.
LANTU: Its light can reach the surface from 5000m.
PICHU: This POKeMON wastes electricity when it laughs.
PI: People think that it came from a star.
IGGLY: Has a very soft body, so it always bounce.
TOGEP: Bonds with the first person seen at birth.
TOGEC: Still has the markings from TOGEPI’s egg.
NEITI: Closing its eyes makes it look like a seed.
NEITO: The two eyes at the bottom scares ppl.
MAREE: Its name is like Mary, who had a little lamb.
SLOOM: If its tail is cut, it will evolve backwards.
DENRY: The light on its tail helps guide lost ppl.
BELLO: A SOLAR STONE power gives it all its ability.
MARIL: Its tail can be filled with water or air.
AZUMA: Said to be the cousin of RAICHU.
SUDOW: It is always smiling until it enters a battle.
POLIT: Rumoured to be the rival of POLIWRATH.
HOPIP: Sounds similar to JIGGLYPUFF when sleep.
FLAFY: Its gentle ways make it popular to train.
JUMPL: A nocturnal POKeMON.Blooms on every full moon
AIPOM: Has a very long tail with a hand on it.
SUNKN: Said to feed on bugs and germs using its seed.
SUNFL: It never blooms until it warns to attack.
DUNSE (Yanma): A lonely bug POKeMON which has no evolutions.
AMPO: Found living in cold waters, catch using bait.
QUAG: Moves very fast in cold waters and land.
ESPEN: An EEVEE change in the day with PSYCHIC.
UMBRE: An EEVEE change in the night with EVIL PWRs.
MKROW: If seen at night, it will cause bad luck.
SLOWK: A new evolution of SLOWPOKE and SLOWBRO.
TRILX: Found in caves and lives in loneliness.
ANNON: A ghost POKeMON which has many different form.
SOONA: Its eyes is always close due to pains.
GIRAF: It is immune to sneak attacks with its 2heads.
SKARM (Pineco): Views the surroundings un-noticed.
FORET: Two Jet guns pop out during attacking.
DUGLA: A weird looking POKeMON that eats fishes.
GLIGA: Sticks to the enemy’s face, stinging them.
STLIX: Its body is much harder than diamonds.
SNUBB: Looks stern, but it is a gentle POKeMON.
GRANB: The most loyal POKeMON ever known.
WOBBU (Qwilfish): Uses the spikes on its body as defence.
SCIZO: Appears to have three heads when it attacks.
TSUBO: A rare POKeMON that hides in crack rock.
HERAC: The irregular horn on the top is for ATTK.
MISDR (Sneasel): Uses the sharp nails it hides for DEF.
HIMEG: Teddy Bear-like POKeMON liked by girls.
RINGU: The ground stomps as it moves along.
SLGMA: Leaves burnts on the ground as it moves by.
MAGCA: Lava flows from its body due to the heat.
URIMU: Found in dark caves with a low temperature.
INOMU: Resembles an entire boar head, moves slowly.
CORSO: A cute POKeMON that is loved by all.
REMOR: Swims in water with the help of only 1 fin.
OCTIL: Spits out pure black ink when escaping.
DBIRD: Holds a mystery bag it used in battle.
MANTI: Hard to be found it roams round the oceans.
WOPER: A Steel Bird POKeMON with hard armors.
HOUND: Talks differently to friends and enemies.
HDOOM: Able to throw flames of 5200C.
KINGD: A new evolution of HORSEA and SEADRA.
PANPY: Uses its long nose to do all the work.
DOPAN: A charge at enemies makes them fly away.
PORY2: A modified version of the PORYGON ONE.
STANT: Said to be related to the reindeers.
DOOBU: It marks its territory by painting dots.
BARUK: Can evolve into a HMCHAN, a HMLEE or HMTOP.
HMTOP: Try not to be bewitched by its graceful dance.
SMOCU: A baby POKeMON by breeding JYNXs.
ELEKU: A baby POKeMON by breeding Electabuzz.
MABY: A baby POKeMON by breeding magmars.
MILTK: Produces delicious milk for the elderly.
BLISY: If you eat its egg, you are very lucky.
RAIKO: The thunder Lengendary DOG POKeMON.
ENTEI: The second most powerful legendary dog.
SUICI: The Ice and Water Legendary DOG POKeMON.
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hereliesbitches--me · 6 years
(Part 1)
Firstly, I would like to thank you for coming to check my cat girl out.
While her background varies per verse she’s played in, the roots below are the background she has in the original world which she comes from. Its my own work i’ve spent years developing, with its own lore, and which I will go on to explain in later posts. My cat is very adaptable to all worlds, and i’m more than happy to chat and explore a little, so please don’t be too overwhelmed. Feel free to ask me anything, and Thank you very much for reading!
Basic Info- Muse Edition:
Full name: Rosie Valentine
Pronunciation: Ro-zee Val-en-tine (Like the day. Hates Valen-TEEN pronunciation)
Nickname(s) or Alias:
- Lady Moon
- Little Moon
- Rose
- Sweetheart
- Juliet
- Cat/ Katz
- Kitten
Gender: Female
Species: Celestial guardian deity( Former- counts as her “Soul” in a physical body ) ~> Human (Former, gained body) ~> Angel (Current. Not a biblical angel)  
Note: Becoming these things was a process. It did not happen all at once.
Age: ( varies by what stage she’s played in) Usually between 28- 32. As an ‘Angel’ , the process of aging is incredibly slowed.
Birthday: March 3, 1990 (physical body)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Nationality:  American
Religion: Christian ( although knows of other deities, and she herself is not always  devote with her life style)  
City or town of birth: Miami, Florida
Currently lives: Rural area in the Hudson Valley, New York
Languages spoken:   As a person, She only speaks English fluently. Has some vague understanding of simple spanish, and decent understanding in American sign language.
Relationship Status: Multiship- Varies by verse. Main partners you’ll see often are, whom I love dearly-
- Eddie Brock/ Venom ( Marvel- @osteum )
- Guts ( Berserk- @lupus-solitarius)
- Casca ( Berserk- @bladeofthehawk )
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As a Moon:
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Height: 5’3
Weight: 160lb.
Apple/ faint hourglass shape. Chubby, thick thighs. Slim in the arms and fit calves.
Hair colour: Chocolate brown.
Eye colour: Rusette brown
Skin/fur/etc colour: Medium Beige skin, fur is a creme color. Her body feathers are a light blue.
Tattoos: A swirling red mark on the palm of her left hand.
Scars/distinguishing marks: Covered in array of different scars from battle on nearly all parts of her body- from teeth marks, to burns, to gunshots, to slashes. Significant scars are
- Cross burned into her right hand
- 3 large puncture scars on her abdomen
- Scar down the left corner of her lip
- Scars across both her wrists
- A perfect ring around her upper left arm
Preferred style of clothing:   Usually tries to cover as much skin as possible. Likes Button ups or shirts with long sleeves, or she rolls them up to her elbows. Prefers leggings for comfort, but often caught in dress pants. Anything that covers the skin of her legs and shirts that cover her arms. Rocks the casual professional look. Color choices are always neutral colors or cool shades. A splash of color is usually touches of red.
Frequently worn jewellery/accessories:  Silver cross always around her neck.
Health/ Habits / Personality
It’s rather complicated with her. Used as an outlet and a distraction for her sorrows, she suffers from PTSD which at times can make her shift from sex-repulsed (Because of her own shame), or hyper-sexual for the sake of Validation and comfort. More often than not, she’s well aware when she is being used, but she’s been conditioned to play the game  and a darker part of herself likes it. The artificial intimacy is soothing for the moment until her senses can return to her., and she sets herself straight again to keep going. At the same time, that momentary input often makes her crave for more, but her fear of the vulnerability of a relationship keeps her from seeking and staying in a healthy one. It is something she is trying to overcome into her adult life. Alcohol is used to Dull the pain. Its better to be hazy than aware of your misery.
While her personality varies by her surroundings and by the people she’s approached by, you’ll see Rosie best as someone charismatic and friendly to most, not easily swayed or intimidated given her own life experiences- even to someone who probably could wipe the ground with her physical body or kill her in some way. She’s quicker to try to befriend a possible enemy than act out aggressively simply because, despite the power and destruction she is very well capable of, she does not like to fight. Its tiring and, more often than not, unnecessary. She is trying to improve herself as a person and avoid stresses that cause her bad habits to resurface.  She likes to make light of hard situations, especially when its her life on the line. She’ll joke about her own misery, she’ll try to set herself up with good association. It helps to put her image as one that’s happy and reliable, and it eases her own inner turmoil by pretending to be something else.
She lives by her secrets, and rather not let anyone know about her filthy past lest she really trust them. Childhood experience has left her with a certain abrasiveness to female authority figures, to which that too she is trying to control.  Despite her appearance of being incredibly outgoing , she’s guarded and does not get easily attached. The only exception might be to someone whom she has the responsibility over to care for. Children are a near instant soft spot in her heart, and a weakness to her guard.
Behind closed doors, the woman still faces her own demons. Still trying to handle bipolar depression, overcome her conditioned fears and addiction, and her own soldier complex to try to seem normal to the people around her. Despite being a magnet for trouble, she really does enjoy the company of others. And once she is attached to you, ya truly have gained an ally for life.
*Cat has the strange habit of pushing on her fears for the sake of thrills. Her reaction of them may not always be the same. Especially some that would be exploited in the bedroom*
- Lack of control
- Being pinned face down
- Being unable to move her body
- Smoke/Gas(anything that causes breathing difficulty)
- Unwanted bodily contact. Dislikes her skin being touched
- Tight places with no quick exits
- Slightest wariness Female authority figures
- Elastic Balloons/ When they pop(HARD FEAR)
- Collecting old records for her record player and old tapes.
- Creating and Collecting music boxes
- Cleaning her house, truck, weapons, and armor
- Spending time with her kids to ground her and remind her of her purpose.
- Befriending and nurturing some feared creature because she has faith she can see the good in anyone- which will probably bite her in the ass one of these days.
- Baking
- Murder
Taste in music:
- A Lover of the oldies from the 20s-80s.
- Classic and alternative Rock. Cat ears are sensitive to intense sounds.
- Classical music
Significant/special belongings:
- Silver Cross always around her neck
- Antique records and music player
Level of education:
High school Graduate completed online, some college classes taken in criminology and psychology with duel enrollment. But never went to an official university. Upon the death of her father and a shift in her parental guardian, she is dragged into a military division of Calvary Academy to train, to  hunt, and kill all things supernatural.
- 5 years military experience in hunting the demonic and the supernatural.
- 8+ years on the police force
Current job title and description:
- Officer in the NYPD
- Takes on detective work as her own personal side project
- ( Dependent on the time I play her) Organized and runs a program known as the ‘Angel Project’ - A ragtag team of super people, a species known as angels , to show the potential and good they are for the public. With her own agenda under wraps. She is the figurehead and speaker for the group, handling all the mission updates and policy works, and making sure missions run smoothly.
Family History:
Parents names/ Status:
- Roland Valentine(Father- Deceased, Murdered),
- Camellia Hidalgo( Mother- Deceased, died of cancer )
Sibling names/ Status:
- Alexander Hidalgo (Brother- Deceased)
- Malakaid (Adopted)
- Mia Blagrove
- Thursday Blagrove
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ironemblem · 8 years
GURPS Encounters: Fort Faithful
Finally got this done, after a much too long delay! Sorry for all the waiting! This post is based around the awesome idea of Cowboys v Xenomorphs, so I kind of built a mini campaign world around that, stretching the meaning a little honestly, but I think it fits the spirit. This is more of a loose hook than adventure, just to clarify, I might work some more stuff out for it in the future though! Take a trip to Mars adjacent, the exotic....
Fort Faithful
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“Fort Faithful, as the name suggests it is a reliable and trusted outpost. Situated on the remote moon Deimos, in the Swift crater, from which the bounties of Mars flows through! Oh yeah did I mention this is set in an alternative universe where the 1860’s United States Government discovered space travel? Cause it is.”
Key Features: As mentioned Fort Faithful acts as a sort of in between, where the miners come and go, and then the hard earned minerals are sent on their way to the United States. The cause of this technological miracle? A strange series of artifacts discovered by covert activities into the heart of South America by a crew of military operatives back in 1841.
These artifacts seemed to be the remains of some past advanced culture, after many military skirmishes kept on the down low, spaceships, suits, even atmosphere controlling technology were plundered! So far in the current year of 1863 the general populace of Earth are unaware of this, as well as the massive amounts of precious minerals and further items being dug up on Mars to be shipped back to the U.S of A!
         (TL 5 + a few higher TL artifacts recovered, listed below)
Population of Fort Faithful
         Fort Faithful is crewed by a small group of thirty individuals, disgraced ex-soldiers and former ‘cowboys’ given a second chance and a heck of an adventure.
This rowdy bunch is ran by one General Matthew Faithful, a forty year old man, technically kicked out of the military, and also might be considered dead, by order of firing squad. His crime? Murder. Even with this most heinous of crimes he was chosen to lead. Matthew was the first to land off planet, and has been with the mining operation (titled Red Expedition) since its inception, even being granted the naming rights to fort! For cryptic reasons he insists that no base be constructed by the mines themselves, rather just temporary incursions. Perhaps from a deep paranoia regarding rumors about the Spanish securing spacecraft.
Fort Faithful’s Design
Atmosphere? Fort Faithful is kept in a breathable atmosphere by the grace of a strange energy shield. It somehow scrubs, extracts and maintains an earthlike atmosphere nearly anywhere! When in the void between planets it even generates a gravity field, allowing comfortable travel within the spaceships! When outside of the atmosphere the ‘crew’ use reverse engineered spacesuits (Vacc Suit, the only “extra feature” it however does have the Protected Hearing. Protected Vision and important breathing tech, the radios and such have not yet been figured out).
And Speaking of Space Ships! A handful of spaceworthy vessels were quickly recovered, as of yet no reverse engineering on these have succeeded but the scientists were able to figure out how to work them! The batch specifically recovered carefully, slowly, and stealthily were three Star Freighters (pg 465 GURPS Campaigns), some rumors abound that the Spanish have found even more and are currently learning how to use them! As for their fuel, no scientist has been able to comprehend the engines, it seems like some kind of perpetual motion device, a few even theorize it manipulates a variety of energy undetectable by modern tech.
Guns, Guns, Guns! A rare few extraordinary items have been uncovered on Mars. Most are sent back to Earth, but the truly practical examples are under lock and key in the Armory (and one is at the General’s side). These discovered weapons are: 1 Electrolaser Pistol with 179 shots (pg 280 Characters), 2 Laser Rifles with 30 shots each (pg 280 Characters), and 1 Gyroc Pistol with 6 shots (pg 278 Characters) discovered so far and more being reverse engineered. The Electrolaser Pistol is currently under the General’s control, he hasn’t yet used it beyond the test shot, but is looking forward to it!
         For conventional weaponry they have quite a stock pile, consisting of thirty Cartridge Rifles (.45) and around two thousand shots. Plenty of axes, knives, etc. to be found here as well.
Fort Section One (Courtyard): An ‘open air’ section, really just a walled in landing pad. One of those energy shields keep the air in, the ships and people are somehow able to easily pass through without disrupting the strange tech. So this is where all the business comes and goes for Fort Faithful, miner crews leave and return every nine earth hours, while cargo is comes by every thirty earth hours (dropping off food and picking up minerals).
Fort Section Two (The Church): Set off to the side of the courtyard this area is more of an afterthought really, just a small church. There is no priest on Fort Faithful yet, but rumors are spreading that the General is reaching out for one, maybe to scare some of the rougher workers. It also acts as a medical area, for accidents and the like.
Fort Section Three (Interior Storage): A maze of barrels, crates and sacks, the interior storage is only accessible through the bunkhouse. This is where all the rations, water and just general goods for the Fort are kept. Though it is odd, no artifacts are kept here, rather they are stored in the Armory, since most act as advanced weaponry.
Fort Section Four (Bunkhouse):  Composed of a few separate rooms, giving a small amount of privacy. The General is particular has his own private quarters.
Fort Section Five (Armory): The heart of the Fort, here are the plethora of weapons gathered up for the Fort’s defense. General Faithful has constant armed presence and is quickly figuring out the uncovered alien artifacts for the purposes of fighting off a possible Spanish invasion. Tons of blackpowder and conventional firearms are stacked up as well, how useful they are in space battles is yet to be known.
Important Quick Stats
General Matthew Faithful
         From a decent family, Matthew Faithful worked his way up the ranks of government so many years ago. Not through any decisive battle, but through thoughtful consistency and following the rules. Which is why it was so surprising when he went off and slaughtered a rival in full view of four dozen men. It was not a pretty death either, supposedly the low ranking grunt made a crude comment about Matthew’s long deceased daughter. It seems his overall loyalty to the U.S Government was rewarded, with him avoiding firing squad and embarking on a journey to the stars!
ST 10; DX 12; IQ 12; HT 10
Will 14; Per 12; Speed 5.50; Dodge 8
         Move 5
Traits: Bad Temper (9), Code of Honor (Gentleman’s), Combat Reflexes, Flashbacks (Severe), Honesty, Obsession (”Fend off Spanish”), Sense of Duty (Fort Faithful), Social Regard (Feared) 3
Skills: Boxing-12, Guns (Rifles)-14, Beam Weapons (Pistols)-14, Leadership-16
Equipment: Cartridge Rifle (.45) + 30 Shots, Electrolaser Pistol + 179 shots
Fort Worker
         The crew of Fort Faithful is made up entirely of those with troubled pasts, bandits, insubordinate grunts, some ‘lucky’ card cheats, etc. While one would think this would make the Fort run as smooth as sandpaper, General Matthew is able to force these lowlifes into a half way manageable force. They seem to be under the impression that the good General would boot them into the void of space if they acted up…
ST 11; DX 11; IQ 10; HT 10
Will 11; Per 11; Speed 5.25; Dodge 8
         Move 5
Traits: Duty (“Fort Faithful”: All the Time)
Skills: Guns (Rifle)-10; Prospecting-10  
Equipment: Cartridge Rifle (.45) + 20 Shots
The Swarm
         The dark force of the solar system, perhaps even the universe. They are as locusts to space faring people, living on meteors, lonely moons, and lifeless worlds, when they detect the roar of engines, the flash of heat, they awake, starting a swarm of gluttonous rage. Eventually they do return to slumber, but only after they sate their hunger. Due to the travels of some mysterious past people the solar system was cleansed. Eventually the Swarm died out on Earth, some strange plague as a karmic vengeance swept through those Swarm still feeding on humanity’s future crib. Those on the other planets didn’t die though, still lurking, to feed!  
         Physically they are quite terrifying, pale, gray flesh, harder than many metals. Eyeless oblong heads, which open to startling widths, filled to the brim with short, sharp teeth. A gangly, chimp like form, arms twice the creature’s height, of which is about six foot. Its hands are equipped with three long fingers, tipped in black talons. Members of the Swarm possess on top of all this physically prowess an unnatural regenerative ability, if one doesn’t kill them quick they won’t do so at all. They are killable though! The worst part about the beasts are their reproductive systems, laying eggs within the dead or dying. A single Swarm dweller can lay up to ten eggs a day. These eggs hatch within a week and become full-fledged adults after a month!
ST 16; DX 12; IQ 6; HT 14
Will 14; Per 8; Speed 6.50; Dodge 9
         Move 6 (Ground)
Traits: DR 10, Doesn’t Breathe, Extra Long Arms (SM+1), Infravision (Only), Injury Tolerance (No Eyes), Metabolism Control 400 (Hibernation “Trigger Hunger”), Pressure Support 3, Regeneration (Fast/1 HP a Second), Sharp Teeth, Semi-Upright, Talons, Vacuum Support
Skills: Brawling-14
Story Hook: The Swarm
         Attracted to the Fort’s lifeforms the inhuman monstrosities that prowl our solar system are ready to feed! Perhaps the pcs are soldiers posted at the Fort, fleeing some dark past or thirsty for adventure. Maybe they’re some of the brightest minds of the U.S Government, eager to figure out the eerily advanced tech of Mars. Any method will do, what really matters is the events that occur!
         It starts with an odd disappearance, a few Fort members go out to explore Deimos a bit. After three days General Faithful decides it isn’t just lollygagging! Turns out the Swarm is finally waking from the construction activities on Deimos, and Mars! Within the next few hours the Swarm attacks, having finally found their way to the Fort. Crawling in through the shields and basically tearing up anything and one they come across. Four of the Swarm are active on Deimos, sixteen more arrive over the course of a week if the Fort still stands. Mars is hit even worse, as the mining crew (four this batch) unearth an entire horde of the things! Hundreds of the Swarm!
         Stay flexible, no real set in stone plan, the creatures chase the pcs and other crew through the Fort, but aren’t very bright. Sneaking past is most definitely an option for the clever. The creatures will not rest until every living being on the Fort is devoured, with their massive damage resistance, regeneration and strength that is a definite possibility.
The Orders
         General Faithful will attempt to make a final stand, the starting number of active healthy crew numbers perhaps 16 (not counting pcs). So he decides to systematically sweep the Fort and annihilate the creatures. After half the crew is dead, and/or the General someone will bring up simply escaping with the spaceship and leaving the Fort to the creatures! Of course one of the Swarm may tag along… and they require no mate to reproduce.
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