#so they took the stuff they did like - mostly Will's photokinesis - and moved on
aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
TSATS really does honestly feel like someone took all the solangelo/Will Solace from early post-HoO in the fandom, shoved it in a blender, cranked that shit on high, and then dumped it into a book without any care for consistency or anything. The book keeps stumbling into reading like somebody who just found out what being gay was, or exactly like a 2014/2015 pjo fanfic or forum rp with Ye Olde Fanon Will back when nobody knew what to do with him and half the fandom decided his major character trait was “Asshole.” Like, back then photokinesis!Will was at its peak. Saberghatz’s Solangelo quest AU, before the plot of was TOA announced, was absolutely booming (and between Saber’s au and Cherryandsisters’ Will askblog, they were probably the leading sources for Will fanon at the time). Nico was being UwU’d to hell and back. The fanon, being fanon, never was actually required to comply with canon, so headcanons about Will having known Nico since TTC were plentiful because nobody cared - it was headcanons - and nobody could remember anything about Will Solace anyways.
But TSATS seems to be taking all of that and going “No, it’s canon now.” Which doesn’t work. Fanon can exist as fanon because it’s all headcanons, and it’s just making stuff up in a little playground of picking and choosing what canon to stay and go. If you’re actually writing canon, then you’ve already decided what canon stays and goes because you put it in the book, and now that’s what’s established and you need to follow it. Or else you’re making a retcon or a continuity error. Fanon can have Will impossibly exist in The Titan’s Curse, but canon absolutely can’t (and it definitely can’t say Nico somehow spent more than one week at CHB when the entirety of TTC is contained within one week). And it feels incredibly bizarre to see all this in a canon book anyways, because again - basically all of it feels ripped from fanon with zero consideration whatsoever.
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Villain Among the Family of Heroes
A/N: Hi, hello! So I was scrolling through pinterest and I found a writing prompt by @writing-prompt-s but I didn’t get to save it. But basically the prompt was something like “You have a family full of heroes. The three of your elder brothers are known as Powerhouses. But you rarely see them because they’re always out there saving the city. One day you decided to be a villain in order to see your brothers. And now family diners are the most amusing time.” My writings might not go as the prompt for hundred percent, I’m so sorry about that… Also, two things; English is not really my first language so sorry if there’s any grammar mistakes. And this is my first attempt at writing, it’s bound to be bad. But I would like to know your opinions so I can improve. Anyways this is a long freakin’ a/n, and I hope you enjoy!
Word count: 2649 (Damn that’s a lot)
   I sighed, today has been a long day. And a pretty fun one, to be honest. I get to properly fight with my brothers as a villain and without them going easy on me. As a matter of fact, my brothers don’t know about me being the villain.
   Okay, I might’ve lied to my family about where am I today.
   You see, my family is a group of heroes. Well- mostly my dad and my brothers.
   My mum, Eleanora Lascaris, doesn’t have any superpowers, she’s a normal human. She’s a doctor in town, and you’ve probably guessed it, she’s the one patching my dad and my brothers after missions. And I think that could be considered as superpowers because according to mum, my brothers are a handful when she patched them up. Patience is her superpowers.
   However my dad, Matteo Lascaris, was born heliokinesis; the ability to manipulate solar energy. He was the hero in town called Ilios. He saved the people here numerous of times from different villains. Some villains still causing trouble ‘till this day, and some of them we never heard from again.
   But now that my dad puts more of his time on his non-superhero work, someone has to protect the city when he can’t. That’s when my elder brothers take the role.
   Alastair, Raiden, and Dylan Lascaris. Also known as Phyyrhos, Fulgur, and Hydro. The Powerhouses.
   Raiden and Dylan are identical twins, both having the same light brown hair, same button nose, same height, and same amount of annoyingness. The only thing that makes a difference is that Raiden has amber coloured eyes, Dylan has sea blue eyes. And they have different powers. Raiden has electrokinesis; the ability to manipulate electricity and lightning. Dylan has hydrokinesis; the ability to manipulate water. And let me tell you, these two can be childish with their powers.
   Then there’s Alastair. He’s the eldest child and the most responsible one. He has short dark brown hair, chestnut brown eyes, and also a button nose. His power? Pyrokinesis; the ability to manipulate fire. Even though I said that he’s the most responsible one, that doesn’t mean he didn’t try to burn a bunch cherry to see if it will explode or not. And in case you’re wondering, no it didn’t.
   These three are the best heroes and highly respected ones as well, like our dad. They cared and saved the city like our dad, and maybe more. The whole citizens love them. They have every reason to.
    And then there’s me, Thea Lascaris. I’m the youngest child and the most underestimated one. I do have my own power, photokinesis; the ability to generate and manipulate light. And I usually train with my brothers, but they and my dad never allowed me to be a hero like them. They said it was “too dangerous” or “I need more training. I’m still too weak”. I know that they just wanted to protect me, but sometimes I’m just tired of being underestimated. My brothers know that I don’t like to be underestimated. And often talked to me about it. They always remind me, “one day, sis.” And in the end I just let it go. At least I have my brothers with me, right? Wrong.
   Usually, they would take a break from all of the Powerhouses stuff and spend time with me. Like training, watching a movie, talk about peoples we hate at school, or playing monopoly and not finishing it because one of us flipped the board. The point is that they always make time for us to spend as siblings. As a family. Up until a couple of months ago.
   There’s crime everywhere, every day. The Powerhouses, along with Ilios has been busy taking care of it. Ever since then, I rarely saw them anymore. Let alone, spending time with them. I would lie if I said that I didn’t miss them. I tried to make them take a break but they never did. Not even for dinner! They’re either outside as heroes, or inside sleeping, researching about the bad guys, or doing their homework.
   Days passed until I realise that the only way to see my brothers again is by becoming a villain. That way, not only can I see my brothers, I can use my powers. I can prove them that I’m not weak. I can prove them that I’m capable of doing something more.
   After thinking about it, discussing it with Alice and getting the “this-is-stupid-but-I’ll-support-you” look from her…
   “Are you really going to do that? What if you get caught?”
   “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure I didn’t leave a clue to who I am. As long as you don’t tell anyone.”
   She thought about it for a moment before giving me the look.  “Fine,” she breathed out “On one condition,” I made a gesture for her to continue,
   “Alastair’s phone number,” she said with a cheeky smile, crossing one arm and made a gesture to give her the number with the other one.
   “When will you stop hitting on my brother?”
   “When he stop being so hittable.”
   …I finally came out as the new villain, Thanafos.
   Surprisingly, I was pretty good at being the bad guy- err- I guess bad girl. I get to play around with my powers, testing what it can and can’t do, kicking my brothers’ butts, and going home like nothing happened. Though, I always make sure that I didn’t go too far. I don’t kill anyone. I only harm them and then leave them be. And I don’t harm my brothers. Well, not too brutal. Just enough so they don’t catch me.
   Today was no different. I told my family that I was going to Alice’s house for a group project. That’s actually wasn’t completely a lie, I did a group project before I robbed a bank and getting away with it, with a fight of course. And I might have been a bit too harsh on the Powerhouses. It wasn’t my fault, I was trying to get away before the found out or getting the clue that it was me.
    After all that mumbo jumbo, I teleported to a safer place, took half of the money for me and left half of it in front of an orphanage before I did another light teleportation back to Alice’s house before I went home. You might be wondering, aren’t you supposed to be a bad guy? Why are you dropping the money in front of an orphanage? Well, keep in mind that not all bad guys are heartless.
. . . .
  “Mum, I’m home!” I said rather loudly, stepping into the house
  “Thea? Where have you been? You said you’ll be home by five. I tried calling but you didn’t answer.” my mum said rushing to me, concern was evident on her voice.
  “Sorry, mum. It took a while to get our project perfectly, and I put my phone on silent mode. You know, so I get full focus.”
  She sighed, “I thought something happened to you. Crime is everywhere these days and I’m just worried-“
  “Mum, calm down. I’m fine. Safe and sound. Besides, I could protect myself. No need to worry.” I cut her off, with a reassuring smile.
  “Okay, then. Take a quick shower and come help me with dinner. I forced your dad and your brothers to take a break just this night.”
   I smiled, nodding as I ran upstairs to my room, quickly locking it as soon as I got there. I dropped my bag on my bed, took my villain suit out and hide it in my closet, among my other clothes. Grabbing my casual outfit, I went to the bathroom and take a shower.
   I have a feeling that I’ll find tonight’s dinner quiet amusing.
. . . .
   As soon as I’m done setting the table, I heard my brothers arguing about something in the hallways,
   “..Stop touching my shoulder, Raiden! It hurts!”
   “You think that hurts? Thanafos kicked my face and threw me to a wall. And they burned my wrist while doing so. Now that hurts, Dylan.”
   “You know that you could just electrocute that guy, right? They’ll pass out and we can know more about this person.”
   “I told you, Al, it’s like this person knows my moves. Our moves and successfully dodge them! This guy has only bothered the city 4 times and they fight us like they’ve been doing that for years!”
   When they entered the dining room, I couldn’t help my shocked face. And they said that I need more training, I thought.
   What I saw was Dylan with his shoulders bandaged, bruises here and there, nothing too brutal but it must’ve felt painful from his statement before. Alastair has a light bruise on his right arm, his face was littered with scars and small cuts, and there’s a bruise just above his collar bone that might looked like a hickey. And I think that will be his reason if someone had asked him.
   And then there’s Raiden. Dear brother, I am so sorry.
   He’s holding an ice pack to his left cheekbone, his back is kind of hunched, looks like he is limping a little, not to mention those first degree burns. He got one burn on each wrist, two on his right forearm, and one on his left palm. All burn are already treated. There’s a lot of visible scars on him. And his hands seems like it’s sparking with electricity, which only happens when he’s pissed or nervous.
   He’s going to kill me if he finds out it’s me.
   “Maybe Thanafos is a mind reader. That’s why they know our next moves.” Dylan suggested.
   “Maybe. Or maybe they’ve already memorized our moves from past villains. They take notes.” Alastair said.
   “Alright, you guys. Sit down and eat your dinner. Where’s your dad?” mum asked, while cleaning the counter.
   “He’s still downstairs.” All three of them replied, sitting on the chairs.
    Mum sighed and went out the kitchen to the basement, calling for dad. Not before telling us, “You guys, eat your dinner. Don’t wait up.”
     I sat on my chair, still holding back a smirk as I began to eat. All four of us ate in silence until I pretend that I don’t know anything and asked, “What. The Hell. Happened. To you three?”
    “Got beaten up,” Raiden grumbled.
    “Burned,” Dylan continued.
    “And pretty much failed to stop Thanafos. Again.” Alastair finished.
     I choked on my water as I laughed. My brothers’ eyes immediately shot up to me. “You? The Powerhouses? Got beaten up by a criminal? And failed to stop them?” I asked, my laugh died slightly. “I never thought I’d see the day!”
    Dylan frowned slightly, “What do you mean? We don’t always successfully stop a criminal and we always came back home looking like this. Well, except for Raiden. Today has been brutal to him.” Raiden groaned upon hearing Dylan’s statement.
    “What I meant by that is that Thanafos is a new bad guy here. Other bad guys here are often being not so lucky on their first couple of heist. This person has annoyed the city for only four times in two months. That’s nothing compared to the other villains here and all three of you failed to use your powers against them. That’s rare, bro.” I pointed my carrot to three of them before taking a bite.
    “Well, I don’t think this person is a newbie. Clearly they’re trained. And they might’ve memorized and understanding our moves and powers,” Alastair stops to swallow his food, “and taking notes because they can easily dodge our powers.”
    “And this person clearly has a power. I’m assuming it’s also pyrokinesis, like Alastair’s. That could explain the burns.” Dad said as he walked to sit on his chair with mom trailing behind him before sitting down on hers. “But they could also have heliokinesis like mine.” He continued. They all nodded slightly.
    Raiden gulped down his drink before commenting, “I have to admit though, Thanafos puts up a good fighting skills for a newbie.”
    I’m flattered, Rai.
   “Yeah, I can see that from the many scars they left on you.” I noted, smirking.
   Dylan and Alastair snickered while Raiden groaned. Again. “Will you guys stop commenting on how bad I look right now? I’ve had enough scars on my body, I don’t need more on my heart!” He pouted, causing us to laugh.
   “I’m still wondering how Thanafos managed to know our moves and dodge them easily. As well as disappearing after each fight. They couldn’t have more than one power.” Alastair stated. “Is it possible to have burning, teleporting or invisibility, and mind reading at the same time?” He asked.
   “No way. That’s overpowered!” Raiden exclaimed.
   “Unless they have a technology to add more abilities like that, the chances are slim. However, I will try to find out more about it.” Dad explained. “For now, let’s just enjoy family time like this.”
   “Yeah, it’s been a long time.” Alastair said.
   “Hey… sorry we haven’t been able to spend time with you, sis. More crimes every day that we need to take care of.” Dylan told me quietly. Raiden and Alastair nodded in agreement.
   “No, It- It’s fine. I get that you three as The Powerhouses have to protect the city. But sometimes, I just want to join.”
   “You already know that-“
   “I know, I know. Too dangerous.” I cut him off.
   If they let me join them one day, should I tell them that I’m actually Thanafos? I probably should. I decided to not think about that now.
   Alastair smiled, “It’s a good thing you didn’t come with us. You’ll end up worse than Raiden.”
   “I don’t want to imagine what’s worse than this,” Raiden gestured at his bruises and burns, “but, yeah. Al’s right.” We laughed at his statement.
   “To make it up for you, how about going to cinema tomorrow? You know, sibling time.” Dylan asked me.
    I thought about it for a bit, before agreeing to that. “Promise no Powerhouses stuff?” I asked, not making eye contact.
   The three looked at each other before smiling. Alastair puts his right hand in front of him, looking at Raiden and Dylan. Raiden puts his hand on top of Alastair’s and Dylan does the same on top of Raiden’s. “Promise.” They all said. I grinned, putting my hand on top of theirs and then we cheered.
   “So, we’re cool?” Raiden asked.
   “Yeah. Yeah, we’re cool.”
   “Well I’m not cool. I’m pyrokinetic. I was supposed to be hot.” Alastair argued playfully.
   “Whatever, Phyyrhos.”
   “Shut up, Hydro!”
   We burst out laughing. I looked at mum and dad, they we’re laughing along while shaking their heads.
   Moments like this are the moments I love the most. Just the six of us, having the time of our life’s goofing around. Like a family should. But I know that these moments never lasted. These moments are rare nowadays. That’s why I cherish every second of it.  I would’ve been lying if I said that I didn’t want more times like this.
   Unfortunately, I can’t. I rarely saw my family apart from my mum. That’s why I took my opportunity to be Thanafos, right? To see my family. And to prove that I can do more. But they don’t know.
   They don’t know it’s me.
  Not yet. It’s only a matter of time before they found out.
  Will they be disappointed? Most likely.
  Will they be pissed? Maybe.
  But I have my own reasons to why I am who I am now. And maybe, just maybe…
  …other villains have the same reason. And if only people understands it, if only people would give them a chance… they would’ve been a hero instead of a villain.
   For now, let me enjoy my time with my family while I can.
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shinynaembi · 6 years
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( ERIC NAM, 24, HE/HIM ) - That’s GWANG HO HAN, I hear that the CLAIMED SON of APOLLO has been here for TWELVE years! I also hear that he’s OPTIMISTIC & HILARIOUS, but that he’s also SCATTER-BRAINED & OBLIVIOUS!
Hey everyone! I’m CK, and I’m really excited to join the group!
Before I get started here are some links that I’m gonna throw on here that you should check out:
                   About | Story | Backstory Tag | Headcanons | Abilities
Under the cut is some a lot of info about Gwang Ho (and myself)!
☀ Gwang Ho Han (한광호)
“And with each day comes a new happiness, 
But with each day comes a new challenge. 
And with each day comes a new sadness, 
But that’s nothing that I can’t manage.”
☀ Background (Read: Background and Then Some Headcanons)
한광호, Son of Apollo, 24, Korean-American-ish
Gwang Ho was born in Seoul, but moved to Seattle with his mother, Tae Yang, when he was five years old to avoid being caught by some nasty monsters. They were lucky to find an apartment in Seattle above a Korean restaurant that kept him safe from detection by obscuring his scent. They still live there. His mother has found work in that restaurant, and Gwang Ho lives in Seattle with his mother when he isn’t at Camp.
Tae Yang and Gwang Ho live in America as illegal immigrants. Tae Yang originally came on a student visa and went to English school on a two-year curriculum, but when the curriculum ended, so did her visa, and she never was able to make up another excuse to request for a visa renewal. She has an illegally acquired social security number, she pays her taxes, and she has lived in America for 15 years, but, in the end, she is still considered an illegal immigrant. 
Tae Yang’s English isn’t all that great, so Gwang Ho helps her out with learning English and translates for her when they're doing stuff outside. He learned English by growing up in America and going to school from elementary school through high school.
Gwang Ho was claimed when he was five years old, after receiving his name from his mother. He doesn’t remember the experience, but his mother always told him that it was magical. 
He was told about his godly father, Apollo, when he was 12 years old, when his actual powers truly began manifesting. This was also the age when he was introduced to Camp Half Blood. Although many campers have traumatizing stories about the first move to Camp, his trip was relatively easy. Relatively meaning, he almost died maybe two times, compared to the other campers’ three, four, or five.
Ever since he was a young child, he, like all children of Apollo, had an affinity and talent in both archery and music. Gwang Ho plays the piano, the guitar, and other various instruments, and he also sings as a hobby. He refused to play on the Varsity Archery Team, even though his mother urged him to, at his high school because he thought it would be unfair for the other players. And, frankly, it was.
Melee combat though? Not good. His swordsmanship is bad, and his martial arts skills need heavy improvement. This dude is too clumsy and lacks dexterity to do melee.
Gwang Ho’s powers (along with the standard Apollo’s child package of archery, music, and rhyming couplet cursing) include: basic photokinesis (nothing fancy, over-glorified Lumos-type spells), basic healing magic (an extension of his photokinesis, but healing magic really drains him out quickly. As in, he could die if he tried to heal a wound too large), precognition/foresight (gets That’s So Raven-type ‘visions’ sometimes), and the ability to be completely oblivious to any sort of drama that’s happening. (Check out my About page for more info)
I’m serious, it took him more than a year to realize that Percy and Annabeth had a thing going on. More than two years to realize why there were no children of Artemis. 
☀ Personality
 Optimistic. Hilarious. Scatterbrained. Oblivious. ENFP. Hufflepuff.
Friendly, charming, comedic, and very lighthearted, Gwang Ho is known to be a bit of a dork.
He isn’t very good at determining when a situation is hostile or not. I mean, when he is obviously about to fight a monster, then he knows, but subtextual savage disses??? Those fly past him.
Before people get to know him, they might assume that he’s very confident, has high self-esteem, and is an all-around very happy person.
In reality, he is usually happy, but he’s most happy when he’s hiding something that’s bothering him. And he isn’t confident. Although he has a wide variety of inherited abilities from Apollo, compared to his cabinmates, they’re less refined and concentrated. He’s a Jack of All Trades, and he hates that because he feels like he isn’t good at anything. He’s just okay at everything.
☀ Other Notes
He never decided on an English name for himself because of the significance of his Korean name (see: the backstory). He’s also not good at making decisions in the first place.
He’s a meme god.
He doesn’t sleep. All day, all 24-hours, is daytime for him. There is no night. (Average bedtime = 3 AM, Average wake-up time = Sunrise) Maybe this is a power too???
He’s a bit of a romantic, loves to watch RomComs, and sighs in satisfaction when he sees a happy couple. Gets along well with Aphrodite’s children.
The last time he had real contact with his father was when he was claimed.
He does sometimes (every few years) get a parcel in the mail with a weird poem and some candy. It’s probably from his dad, I guess. Or maybe the local church??
He’s bisexual, but he’s straight-acting in public, which is relatively easy because he does have a preference for girls.
☀ Mun Stuff
CK. He/Him. 19. @hdoubleu
I’m from Washington, and I go back home during school breaks. The uni I go to is still on the east coast, though, so I’ll mostly be active on EST timezone.
I’ve been RPing for about 4 years. Although I’ve been on and off because of schoolwork and what-not, I’ve always loved doing it! I’m a pretty slow writer, so I’m sorry if I take a bit to reply!
I love talking and plotting, so slide into my DMs or ask for my discord! I hope I get to know all of you!
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