#so they’re all set on those and it’s time for AURADON SOCIAL STUDIES
thebluestbluewords · 9 months
happy holiday break, let’s talk class schedules
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According to the Secrets of Auradon Prep tie-in book, AP runs on a rotating block schedule. Six periods per day, plus lunch. Pretty reasonable for a high school class schedule.
Homeroom once a week feels a little weird to me, but after an unofficial poll of some friends, it’s apparently not too uncommon for American high schools to only have it at the start of the week.
It’s sort of nice that the students get a study period every day, instead of having their free block/study block worked into the rotation with the rest of their classes.
In Mal’s Diary, we get another look at her schedule.
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She’s in most of the same classes as the sample from before, but no chemistry class. Is Mal not interested in chemistry, or did Fairy Godmother decide it was more important for her to learn about evil fairies instead? Are there other “cultural history” type classes for other students, or did Fairy Godmother and whoever planned the class schedules for the other VKs just decide to pile on allll of the history/social studies classes for the VK to educate them in the ways of Auradon?
I think it’s funnier for me personally if Fairy Godmother received transcripts from Dragon Hall, looked at the VKs’ classes so far, and decided to say ‘fuck it’ on math and science classes, what these kids need is Auradon cultural education. Woodsmen, Fairies, Auradon History, and straight-up Goodness 101. One singular math class will take care of the rest, they’ll be fine.
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auradonuniversity · 7 years
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Meet The Halcyon. They’re the child of Anna and Kristoff, a sophomore at Auradon University and hails from Auradon. Some say they look like MAXENCE DANET-FAUVEL and they’re TAKEN.
Name: Fjord Bjorman
Age: 20 years old
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: tbd
Occupation:  Food Delivery Driver
Extra Curricular and Clubs: Acapella, Band and AU F.M
Major: Major in Archaeological Studies and Minor in Music
From the moment Fjord Bjorman opened his eyes to the world, there was definitely something special about him. Youngest child of Anna and Kristoff, there was no doubt in the world that the boy would grow up surrounded by love and warmth. It was basically guaranteed - with loving parents, two siblings to run after, and an aunt and cousin nearby to spend countless hours with; Fjord would never be alone and never want for anything. The only thing that nobody was counting on was how boisterous the boy could be. Jovial and with an infectious warmth, Fjord was that kid that radiated happiness and light. It was said throughout Arendelle that it was very hard to be anything but cheerful around the boy.
He had always been a ray of sunshine - happy-go-lucky, carefree and rather spirited. His mother had often commented on how Fjord’s smile could light up a room, and pretty soon the comment was attached to his voice. Ever since he’d found his father’s lute something had clicked within him. Music, it would become one of his great loves in life. It wasn’t uncommon to hear the gentle plucking of the lute from his bedroom window, where the boy would sit with his legs draping over the sill, not a care in the world, as he plucked away at the shabby old instrument.
The older he got, the more his personality quirks caused a bit of trouble. While his boisterous attitude had been cute when he was a child, there were times when it became a bit of a nuisance when he was older. Fjord had a particular dislike of rules and a lack of the ability to behave himself. You set boundaries, he would break them; and his parents had a hard time reining the wild child in. He spent more time out in the woods, running with the reindeer and exploring every nook and cranny of the surrounding areas, than within close range of the town’s limits. He’d once made an attempt to climb the North Mountain, wanting to have an adventure like his parents had, until they forbid him from going that far. Didn’t stop him from pushing the limits to these restrictions and going as far as he was physically able to go.
His adventures outside of Arendelle proper lead him to be so close to the trolls who had adopted his father and Sven years ago - Bulda declaring that she was going to keep Fjord just as she had Kristoff when he was young. The trolls taught Fjord many things - about life, about people, some things about love. But they also told him stories of magic, and of the world beyond, stories of ancient times and civilizations and their grand feats. These stories in particular intrigued the young boy, who had grown a deep love and appreciation for the secret histories only the trolls knew. He’d spend hours among them, listening to Grand Pabbie and learning from his wise words. As the years went by, it seemed that Fjord was more at home with the trolls than he was with his own family back home.
Never one to have trouble fitting in, the choice to go to Auradon University after four years ‘slaving away’ at Auradon Prep seemed like a logical step. Where he had boasted throughout all of high school that his garage band, Ragnar Rock, was going to become the next big thing in all of the kingdoms, Fjord instead followed the encouragement of his troll relatives and decided to study ancient civilizations. He is minoring in music, but his ultimate goal is to become an archaeologist - to unearth the secrets of the past and shed light on the ancient heritage from long before he and his peers’ famous parents’ days. There are more fairy tales hidden in the past, he knows this, and he wants to uncover all of these things. Of course that’s in the future - if he can manage to focus on studies. It’s kind of hard when AU is teeming with an active social scene where wild parties and fun is to be had at every corner. He’s just a sophomore, and intends to get the most of the college scene during his first couple years before he has to settle down and focus on those dreams of his.
Character Traits
positive: affable, care free, spontaneous  negative: inconsiderate, oblivious, boisterous
As a son of Kristoff, Fjord is a fan of ice. Ice Skating. Ice Sculpting. Ice Harvesting. Ice was just kind of part of the package. When he was really little, he used to say he would become an Ice Harvester like his dad, and would go with him on ice cutting trips. It wasn’t until he found his father’s lute, and then eventually spent more time with the trolls, that he would change his mind about following in his father’s footsteps. But his opinion on ice in general changed drastically when he’d fallen and injured himself while ice skating with his family. A fractured wrist wasn’t a big deal, but it was almost the end of the world to the self-proclaimed “greatest lute player of all time���. He thought his life was over. Since recovering, he’s stayed very far from ice and has officially dropped any plans to take on the ice harvesting gig with his dad.
As the youngest of three - and to a princess who had not ascended any throne - Fjord isn’t really pent up to be the prince of anything. He doesn’t care to date princesses, or for royal matchmaking. He wants to find true love and he doesn’t care who that’s with. Just like his mom, who found true love with a socially inept ice harvester whose best friend is a reindeer - Fjord is all about real human connection. That being said, he’s incredibly non-committal and doesn’t get to know people very far beyond the surface level. He also doesn’t want to fall in love with the first person to come by and give him attention; he’s heard one too many times how that ended up for his mom and he’s not about to get his heart frozen for some self-centered royal with double motives.
Fjord had decided to take on a lot of odd jobs when he was a teenager, saving up every penny he earned. His adventurous side matched with the growing archaeologist in him meant he wanted to explore every inch of the kingdom. When he was old enough to afford a vehicle, he went out and got the shabbiest thing he could and fixed it up. And then he started saving up again, putting every scrap away for his adventures. Summer after senior year at Auradon Prep, he set off on his first road trip, passing through as many kingdoms as he could and seeking out the best historical spots within. It’s becoming a thing for him - he works several jobs while juggling school and saves all his earnings so that during every break he can take a trip somewhere. It’s only pushed the distance between him and some of his family members, because Fjord is out there trying to learn all he can. He longs for the day he’s free to travel all over the place, to learn about all the cultures and their unique histories. Currently he’s got a bucket list of places to visit, including Olympus, Egypt, India and Machu Picchu.
On his eighteenth birthday he gifted himself with his very first tattoo, and become a little addicted. He’s amassing tattoos at the speed of light, with the goal to eventually be covered in them. Most of his tattoos are reference to the stories the trolls have told him, or based on doodles some of his friends had drawn on his arms during classes or hang outs. His favorite tattoo is a set of runic letters over his heart. Ever the mama’s boy, they spell out Anna, because at this rate the only girl who will ever truly have his heart completely is his mother.
The Icarian: Freshmen gotta stick together, right? Everyone needs a pal to get through the wild ride that is freshmen year and The Icarian found a best friend in The Halcyon. The two have a lot in common and their shared interests left them with a brotherly bond that freshmen only hope for during their first year. And especially during rush week.
The Academic: The Academic and The Halcyon have never been close. It’s not that they dislike each other or anything, they just don’t have much in common. The Academic might hold up in the library all day to read a thrilling murder mystery, whereas The Halcyon might spend 12 hours playing video games. There’s just nothing they have in common to bond over, at least none that the two have found.
The Reticent: Everyone has been wondering how the royal’s and villain’s were going to coexist under this new rules, and when The Halcyon and The Reticent literally bumped into each other on the first day of orientation week, no one knew what to expect. But The Halcyon has no interest in digging up old issues, especially their parent’s issues, so they apologized and kept walking, much to The Reticent’s surprise.
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