#due to being a fancy rich kid school
thebluestbluewords · 9 months
happy holiday break, let’s talk class schedules
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According to the Secrets of Auradon Prep tie-in book, AP runs on a rotating block schedule. Six periods per day, plus lunch. Pretty reasonable for a high school class schedule.
Homeroom once a week feels a little weird to me, but after an unofficial poll of some friends, it’s apparently not too uncommon for American high schools to only have it at the start of the week.
It’s sort of nice that the students get a study period every day, instead of having their free block/study block worked into the rotation with the rest of their classes.
In Mal’s Diary, we get another look at her schedule.
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She’s in most of the same classes as the sample from before, but no chemistry class. Is Mal not interested in chemistry, or did Fairy Godmother decide it was more important for her to learn about evil fairies instead? Are there other “cultural history” type classes for other students, or did Fairy Godmother and whoever planned the class schedules for the other VKs just decide to pile on allll of the history/social studies classes for the VK to educate them in the ways of Auradon?
I think it’s funnier for me personally if Fairy Godmother received transcripts from Dragon Hall, looked at the VKs’ classes so far, and decided to say ‘fuck it’ on math and science classes, what these kids need is Auradon cultural education. Woodsmen, Fairies, Auradon History, and straight-up Goodness 101. One singular math class will take care of the rest, they’ll be fine.
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erial-c · 5 months
redacted headcanons if they were filipino 🇵🇭
please bear w me and my scattered thoughts😭 also credits to @pandoraroid for the vincent hc it's so real
- when the shaw pack gets together they do the family gathering thing of making the kids have a dance competition for money
- angel doesn't know how to commute (public transportation) and david would have to come along with them on a jeep to help them learn
"davey ikaw pumara para sakin please nahihiya ako" "kaya mo yan, dali lalagpas na tayo oh"
("davey can you make the jeep stop please i'm too shy" "you can do it, cmon we're gonna miss our stop")
- at a jollibee birthday party david would always help the shaw kids win the "bring me game" . that shit is SERIOUS for him i would bet
- milo would overdress all the time  . kahit anong ganap he will be layering IN SPITE of the heat. he'd also be called "estetik" and he HATES IT  .
(estetik: from aesthetic, used to make fun of people who dress up)
*(kahit anong ganap: whatever event there is)
- also, milo and sweetheart ukay-ukay dates perhaps. . . . but i think they'd both get carried away because they'd be blessed by the ukay gods and forget they were ever on a date
(ukay-ukay: secondhand shops in the ph!! mainly clothes)
vincent and lovely  . aircon humor x kanal humor CMAWWNN. the vampire houses alone r so extra and fancy vincent would for sure have the conyo/filipino rich ppl accent too like. 
(vin telling lovely abt his first summit): vin: "ok so inisip ko like, paano ako gaganti kay william during the summit, right? so i decided i was going to show up looking like as the, pinaka-antithesis of what he wants me to look like."
lovely, absorbing nothing of what he just said: "HUY antithesis???????"
(vin: "ok so i thought, how am i gonna get back at william during the summit, right?; ...looking like the (most)antithesis of what he wants me to look like.")
(aircon humor: humor associated with wealthy people, priv school kids, "out of touch" humor
kanal humor: "public school humor" , vulgar and relatable
conyo: someone who speaks filo+english in a pretentious way, mostly due to being raised wealthy . idk they always have that rich ppl accent)
- i can't imagine guy being filipino no matter what i do. however, i think honey is for sure filo (projecting) and they wld have a complete filo friend group  . honey wld still have that gruff exterior but their walls r down, and their friends would joke that honey and guy r the "nonchalant x oa" pairing and guy wld have NO clue what they're all talkin abt.
(oa: over acting, usually used negatively to call someone dramatic, but with the "nonchalant x oa" it's kinda similar to the introvert x extrovert trope)
- when honey brings guy along to hang out w/ their filo friends, he just looks at them mesmerized 90% of the time they're all talking . afterwards, when they ask abt it, guy says that honey is way more expressive when they speak in filipino and he thinks its rlly cute (IDK. I FEEL THIS ONE IN MY BONES .)
- i also have a hc that honey likes to draw so . stem strand/course to art course pipeline baby (many filipinos can relate🔥🔥🔥)
general idea / kinda just a joke but honestly it'd be so hard to allude to being a vamp in the philippines . 
"pag natamaan yung balat ko ng araw, nasusunog ako" "beh nasa pinas ka, lahat tayo nasusunog"
("when the sunlight hits my skin, i start to burn" "beh you're in the philippines, we're all burning")
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daisyjoyflower · 10 months
My thoughts/theory on the socioeconomic status of the main characters in Danny Phantom;
Tucker Foley - Middle class
It would seem he has been to the Amusement Park that Sam refers to in “Attack of the Killer Garage Sale” (as he knows the price to get it and the food expenses) meaning it is within his reach to go there, but not on a moment’s notice and not frequently, as he declines her offer to go, due to the expenses.
He can afford things like his PDAs, however he mentions in one episode that his current PDA isn’t paid off yet. This shows, his family, like many, can afford to make payments on electronic devices, however do have to pay in monthly installments and it’s a big enough deal that Tucker, at 14, is conscientious of the fact that his device is not paid off yet.
While we only see a few shots of Tucker’s house, it seems to be a fairly normal house and his bedroom appears to be a standard size bedroom (unlike Danny’s and Sam’s which are larger).
Even though he can’t afford unplanned trips to the amusement park and needs to make payments on certain items, he is never shown to be struggling for necessities, such as food and clothes.
This therefore, leads me to the conclusion that the Foleys are a part of the middle class.
Danny Fenton - Upper Class
In “Attack of the Killer Garage Sale,” Danny’s parents make the statement that, as Fenton’s, they have plenty of money (but tell Danny he needs to earn his)
In “The Ultimate Enemy”, Jazz is seen to be telling her classmates that she has to choose between Hartford, Stanford, and Yale (all of which are expensive schools). Never is the money needed to go to these schools, mentioned as a problem though. And that can’t be blamed on “the show not tackling such issues,” as after Valerie’s family looses their money, Valerie is shown to have to work a job in order to save up for college. Therefore, it seems to be implied that the Fentons can afford to send Jazz to such a school, and still pay for Danny to go to college, two years later. The only loophole to this would be Jazz having a full ride scholarship to the school of her choosing, which is possible, but not probable.
When we see Danny’s house, it on the outside appears to be a normal size two story house, however Danny’s bedroom looks to be bigger than the average bedroom, some shots even making it look like it could be the size of a master bedroom. As well, both him and Jazz (the two kids of the house) are shown to have their own tvs in their bedrooms, something that isn’t standard, especially not at the time the show aired.
His parents have to pay for their ghost hunting equipment somehow.
This all makes it seem likely that Danny is actually from the upper class. It’s just not glaringly obvious, probably because his parents, rather than spend money on typical rich people things, such as fancy homes, ect., choose to spend their money on ghost hunting and lab equipment.
Sam Manson - The 1%
The Mansons appear to be rich far beyond the Fentons. Sam states that her family is filthy rich. She was also self conscious enough about the amount of money they have, that she kept it hidden from Tucker and Danny for a long time.
Their house is huge. They have a screening room, bowling alley, middle of the night access to delivery services, and are said to be able to afford a plane and/or a yacht, most of which are out of reach to average upper class citizens.
There is an episode where she rhetorically asks why her parents can’t have day jobs, like normal parents, implying that her parents don’t work, at least not in the traditional sense.
She mentions that their money comes from her great grandfather, which tells us that her family’s fortune is “old money,” and there is enough of it that it’s been around for generations (though that fortune has probably grown over the years from being invested in the stock market and such)
With all this in mind, it seems the Manson’s are a part of the 1% or close to it.
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iamnmbr3 · 4 months
Hi again :)
Two questions actually:
First why didn't Lucius buy Draco another broom? I know JKR meant for Harry to have the bestest broom ever but I wonder why Draco never got a broom upgrade? His parents can afford it and I dont see why Lucius would deny his son a faster broom. Especially after he became prefect.
Second, why exactly is Harry so obsessed with Draco early on? Its obvious why Draco goes after Harry given he is famous and all. But why the other way around? Before Draco ever really did anything to hurt him, he was putting Draco on the same level as his abusive cousin, which makes no sense, and getting all angry at Draco getting care packages. What's his problem? Why pay this rich kid so much attention??
Hello! :D Once again, thank you for your patience. This was a cool ask so I wanted to do it justice.
On your first point, I think a couple of factors are at play, but basically Lucius was probably feeling a bit fed up at that point and also he quickly had other things on his mind due to Voldemort's return. What do I mean by that? Well, in second year he already seems annoyed with Draco for coming second to Hermione in school and is kind of Done TM with hearing Draco talk about or complain about Harry (to be fair Draco did seemingly spend the whole summer doing this). Then he goes out and gets Draco on the Quidditch team and buys the entire team really good brooms. And Draco STILL loses to Harry (though only just). And presumably still comes second to Hermione in school. I think Lucius might've been less than pleased with this.
Plus, Draco's more of a talker than a doer. Yeah he complains about Hermione but he doesn't actually do anything to her because of his aversion to violence. If Lucius and his Death Eater buddies had got ahold of her at the Quidditch Cup they wouldn't have insulted her. They would have hurt her. And they would have enjoyed it. Draco would not have the stomach for that, and Lucius might already be beginning to suspect that. Not to mention, Lucius actually doesn't approve of Draco's open rivalry with Harry. He feels that it is smarter to at least pretend (at this stage) to like Harry since openly seeming anything other than grateful for Voldemort's fall is unwise politically. Draco of course is incapable of leaving Harry alone since if he can't be in Harry's life as his friend he's determined to be in his life as his Nemesis TM. Lucius probably views this as shortsighted and is likely annoyed by it.
Furthermore, the Firebolt is REALLY expensive. Even Harry, with all his wealth, decides it would be unwise to buy it. I mean, it's not really something you would usually use for a school team. It's what professionals at the Quidditch Cup use. So after buying a whole team's worth of brooms and being a bit displeased with Draco, Lucius may not be in the mood to get him something so fancy. Still, Lucius might have bought it for Draco eventually but let's remember the timing. Harry gets the broom midway through third year. Lucius doesn't feel inclined to rush out that minute and buy Draco a new broom (again).
And then fourth year rolls around. The Triwizard Tournament means there's no Quidditch so there's no point. Plus Lucius is probably distracted by the fact that his Dark Mark is getting clearer every day and oh no what if Voldemort isn't actually dead? What if he comes back? What if he's mad at all the people who didn't stay faithful to him...?
And then Voldemort DOES come back. And Lucius has...so many problems. First he has to tell Voldemort that he kinda sorta might've lost his diary. Whoopsie. And that...does not go well. then he's busy trying to stay alive and un-tortured and trying to regain Voldemort's favor during fifth year. And then he gets caught at the Department of Mysteries and arrested. Probably broom buying is the last thing on his mind.
(First, as an aside, I don't know that Draco's interest in Harry is purely based on his fame. I mean, he tries to befriend and impress Harry in Madam Malkin's before he even knows who he is.) But anyway, both of them seem to be mutually drawn to each other even though their relationship is an acrimonious one almost from the beginning. Yes, Harry almost immediately takes a dislike to Draco. But he's also very aware of him. And that...never stops.
I'm not sure I would say that Harry exactly puts Draco on the same level as Dudley, but he is immediately reminded of Dudley due to Draco's boasting. Draco speaks in a way that makes Harry think he is spoiled and privileged...like Dudley. Draco also declares he'll bully his father into getting him a broom. This is a boast because he's trying to show off to impress Harry.
Lucius and Narcissa are not Vernon and Petunia. They do a lot for Draco but they would never allow him to push them around the way Dudley does his parents. Harry doesn't know this however, and takes Draco at his word which makes him draw a parallel to Dudley in his mind. Draco's bullying and bigoted behavior also further turns Harry against him. He's never afraid of Draco though in the way he is of Dudley, so the dynamic is different.
But yeah. Harry is...really hyper aware of Draco. Not because he's scared of him. But just because he can't seem to look away. They orbit and play off each other right from day one. Harry immediately recognizes Draco when he meets him again on the train (and Draco also remembers Harry right away). He watches Draco's sorting and where he goes to sit. He dreams of Draco his very first night.
I'm not sure Harry even knows why this is. There's just something about Draco that he's drawn to, even when they aren't friends, even when they are bitter rivals. They can never forget each other or look away from each other. Harry isn't like this with other people he dislikes. He's not like this about Zacharias Smith or Crabbe or Goyle or Michael Corner or Cormac McLaggen or even Snape or Voldemort.
There's something different with Draco. Something more. To me, that something is drarry.
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roxanneslosteyes · 2 months
My little story for Francis and Nacha
I'm going to reference some things that did happen in the past (and sadly still happens today in some cases) So this might have sensitive content to this, please be careful while reading! Thank you! :)
Cw/tw: Brief mentions of war, death, cheating, teenage pregnancy, Nacha being disowned by her family and doppelgangers being doppelgangers.
I couldn't help falling in love with you ~ Milkbread's story.
Nacha was born into a rich family, her father was famous chef in a fancy restaurant that only rich people could afford and her mother had successful family owned fashion business. While Francis was born into a working class family, His mother was a servant for Nacha's family while his father was a factory worker.
Nacha was mostly raised by maids and servants because her parents were too busy with their duties. While Francis was mostly raised by his uncle and auntie due to how busy his parents were to keep their family afloat.
Nacha's mother entrusted two women to look after Nacha while she was busy, She entrusted the maid to look after Nacha with cooking and making sure she didn't hurt herself. And the servant she entrusted her with cleaning Nacha and cleaning Nacha's bedroom. The maid and servant accepted the job. They knew it won't stop them from being mistreated by Nacha's family but they hoped that the mistress would treat them abit better.
The maid's name was "Galina".Galina knew Nacha was an adventurous girl, she always kept her safe and sound. Making sure she didn't hurt herself, she would cook for her and looked after her. The servant's name was "Henriette", Henriette was Francis's mother.
One day in the spring of 1931, Henriette was cleaning Nacha's bedroom when she saw Nacha looking bored out of her mind.
Henriette asked her what was wrong, Nacha told her that she didn't have any friends because her father wouldn't let her socialise with children her age who was poor or in the working class. 6 year old Nacha told her, her papa sees them as low lifes and the kids she should be friends with are kids from middle and upper class.
Henriette told Nacha, She has a son she could be friends with because he was struggling to make friends at school.
Nacha agreed, the next day Nacha met Francis. Nacha and Francis had secret play dates while her parents were gone, Galina kept a eye on them. Making sure other staff members didn't catch the daughter of famous fashion designer and chef playing with a son of a servant and factory worker. Galina knew Nacha needed a education.
So the next year, Galina convinced Nacha's mother to send her daughter to a public school. Lucky for Nacha, She got into the same school as Francis. Francis and Nacha would hanged out in bakeries, shops and parks with the supervision of Henriette or Galina. Francis and Nacha was getting closer to Francis. They soon started to develop feelings over the years.
In 1942, Francis and Nacha was getting too adventurous with their love while a war was going on and Nacha got knocked up with Anastacha.
Nacha was panicked, she was only 17 and Francis was only 16. They were too young to look after a baby especially when a war started three years ago. Nacha knew she was getting to be shamed by the world for being pregnant and unmarried.
Soon her parents found out, her parents was pissed off at their only born daughter. They shamed her for getting knocked up and forced her to choose.
"Give up the child after it's born to adoption or suffer being a unmarried mother and leave the family."
Nacha decided to leave the family, Her parents disowned and kicked her out, Galina found out and tried to convince them to let their pregnant 17 year old daughter to stay with them. But they refused. Galina quited her job after that to support Nacha.
Francis's mother were more supportive of their son then Nacha's parents. Francis's parents knew Nacha's parents never supported their relationship because Francis was a low life in her family's eyes. Francis was also suffering the fact his father was forced to go to war three years ago at age 38 when Francis was only 13.
Nacha soon lived with Galina, Galina helped Nacha with her pregnancy along. While Henriette helped Francis with his worries of being a teen father.
Soon, Nacha gave birth to Anastacha in the home of Galina. Nacha refused to give birth in a hospital due to fear of nurses taking away Anastacha from her just because Nacha is a unmarried mother.
Francis helped looking Anastacha, along side Galina and his mother, Henriette. 2 years later, Fate had a cruel plan to separate the couple. Francis at age 18 was forced to go to this ongoing war due to low on soilders. Nacha was okay looking after Anastacha because she had Galina and Francis's mother to help her.
While Francis was on the warzone, He met his 43 years old father. His 18 years old son told him everything, his father was supportive. However during the year tragedy had creeped into the lives of Francis and Nacha.
Francis lost many friends in the war, witnessing them die in front of his eyes. Even saw his father die in his arms. Galina fell ill with scarlet fever which sadly took her life, Nacha only had Henriette to help her look after Anastacha.It didn't help Anastacha who was only 2 years old wasn't getting enough sleep due to bombs going off in the background. She always came crying to her mother.
Four months after Galina's death, Henriette found out her husband's died through a letter. Henriette soon got broken heart broken heart syndrome. And died in the same year as her friend, Galina and her husband at age 42.
Nacha was a single mother, who was unmarried. Due to the stress of being looked down by society, Nacha went back onto the dating. She met her old classmate who was same age as her called "Albert" She dated him for 1 year before she got married to him.
When Nacha introduced Anastacha to her new husband, her husband asked her why she has a child. Nacha lied to him that Anastacha was her daughter from her last marriage that didn't last long because her ex husband died shortly after Anastacha from a illness. Anastacha was only 3 years old at the time.
Nacha would normally call a man called "Oswald" to see when Francis was coming home or give him a break to see him when her husband was at work. When Francis came back home for a break, He would visit Nacha alot. Causing them to her an affair behind her husband's back.
When in 1945, When Francis was visiting Nacha. Anastacha was in her bedroom alone. Something was creeped into the house, It was in the hallway. It started to mimic Nacha's voice, it wobbled to Anastacha's room, slowly crept into Anastacha's room.
"Honey, Mommy is here. Come to me."
Young Anastacha crawled to imposter Nacha until it violently grabbed Anastacha. Anastacha quickly knew something was wrong. She cried for her parents.
Nacha and Francis rushed to Anastacha and saw the doppelganger. Francis panicked and hit over the head with a crowbar. Over and over again, It released Anastacha. Anastacha rushed to her mummy. Francis tried to kill it, but it wouldn't die. Soon The doppel stopped in its track and ran off.
Francis and Nacha was traumatised by the event. The affair came more and more common after the event.
Soon 5, years later, Albert found out about the affair while And had a massive argument which caused Nacha to get hurt.
Soon Albert and Nacha divorced, Nacha was glad for the divorce. Nacha was free after 6 years of being a housewife. Nacha moved into the apartments as it was cheaper than a house. Nacha got a job as a chef in a local restaurant, Nacha always wanted be a chef after her father but her father didn't believe in her because she was a girl.
Now she can be a chef. Meanwhile Francis moved into the same apartments and got a job as a milkman.
Sadly over the years, Francis's mental health got worse, he was suffering with trauma and something else that was keep him awake. He came distanced to Nacha because of this, He still loves Nacha and he hates himself for leaving Nacha alone being a single mother even though Nacha is suffering with her own demons too.
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kaivenom · 3 months
The Harry Potter World having a Spanish Wizarding School HCS Part 1
I know many people don't like Harry Potter anymore because of the author and i get it, i don't like J.K. Rowling either. That's when i realized that didn't exist a wizarding school in Spain, and Beauxbatouns don't exactly represent an especific culture (it looks more like a fancy rich kids boarding school). So, since i don't give credit or money to J.K. Rowling in any form, i decided to created a prototype of how wizards in Spain could be.
I give permision to use this info for OC's or inspo but please, give it the credit it deserves and not attribute the idea to yourselves and if you see someone using it, please tell me.
Masterlist | Part 2
I present you.....
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The image is a reference
Grazalema's Natural Park on Aldalucía, Spain
It isn't known how much older the school it is because it wasn't always on the south of Spain. Until the 1200 was on the north, nut then the Inquisition arrived and made a big fire and hunt to all the students (which is now called "The night of the Queima"). Thanks to the help of the King Alfonso X "the Wise", they could evacuate almost all of the students but the school and the evidence of magic were discovered.
With the school out of the map, the Inquisition tought they exterminated almost all the magic of Spain, which helped the King Alfonso to give funds clandestinely to make a new school on Andalucia, on the south (in that time this region of Spain was a part of the Castilla's reign, which was Alfonso's Kingdom).
Even with most of the previous knowledge was lost, they could remade the school house's and everyone tried to contribute to made new books about every subject. Alfonso's commitment was so big that he was burried in the new school and became a ghost after his dead.
The only thing known from the previous admisions of the school were that they permmited wizards and muggles to enter but after the replacement they don't let normal people enter.
Until these days, a lot of inofrmation is missing so it can be one of the most old school's of Europe.
School appearance:
Obviusly it is a medieval castle, which is placed between to mountains. It's surrounded bu forrests, waterfalls and mistic caves between many other natural settings. It has a lot of towers with silver colours, terracotta's walls, a lot of orange trees and enchanted fountains can be found all over the place.
Sometimes if you watch it from a long distance, the school looks like a yellow and silver waterfall between the mountains.
Thanks to the caves and the laws of natural life protecction given by the Spain Ministry of Magic, the school has many unique plants and creatures coexisting with the students.
Due to Andalucia's hot weather or just not very cold one, many of the school's classes can be done outside. Thats why the school has many open-air classrooms and terraces between floors. Exterior terraces are niveled and have gardens, resting areas and go all the way down thru the sides of the mountains. A lot of these places have exterior stairs to so you don't have to get inside to go up or down between floors (they all have railings and roofs to cover from wind gusts).
Because it is placed in between to mountains, the top part of the castle is habilitated to be the comedor for the students. In winter is covered and has big stoves, but in summer let's people see the night sky while dinning.
The Quidditch field is in a cave underground to preserve the temperature and avoid problems with being seen.
In matter of interior design, they have really open spaces and warm colours (thanks to musulman influence). Most of the decorations are made with wood, marble, colored glass, mosaics and tapestries. It has a lot of hidden passages to get out of the school, it was planned to be evacuating routes but after so many time, is now used by the students to get out.
Education on the school:
The school has classes during the morning in winter but in the summer they have classes in the afternoon and even nocturnal classes.
They have eight shool years, like Hogwarts but unlike the british school, they teach Animagus transformatión and dark arts (not just the defense against them). They get TIMO's at the age of 15.
Like many schools in Spain, they make excursions to emblematic places like the Ministry of Magic or Trasmoz (a Spanish village known for being habitated by witches placed in Zaragoza).
Thanks to the closeness of places in Spain, many students have the posibility to visit their homes on weekends but they have a special permit to do it.
Practically all magical children in Spain go to the school, the only exception are the ones whose parents don't want them to go but the Ministry is thinking about making the education obligatory.
The students get to the school thru the crouse that picks them up in different stations along the river or busses that peak them up in Grazalema under the address of a school trip.
The schools provides all the supplies to the students, which means making a trip to Trasmoz a week before the school starts. Some students already have materials, thanks to their parents being previous students but the muggle borns appreciate having the opportunity to be in equal posibilities with all the students.
Electronic or digital devices or any muggle technology is forbidden if it isn't registered when entering the school. The teachers have to permite it. Most of the times it's not permited but old phones without media signal or even analogic speakers are permited to "student's experimentation".
Spanish Wizards
Due to Spain's more increasing of dishabitation of the interior regions of the peninsule, many wizard villages are placed all over the territory freely but still there are a lot of wizards that like the chaotic style of muggles. That's why they know many things about muggle culture and devices, cause even if you live in the wizard's dictrict of Mdrid or Barcelona, you are connected to the muggle's ways.
Wands in Spain are made from typical trees such as eucalyptus, pine, castiñeiro, etc.
In the domestic elf's matter, it is a little less bad than in Uk. This is due to the connections with muggles, which makes elf's ownership a thing from the past (wizard families tends to have one muggle member, it's very mixed). The only ones who still have domestic elfs are families from the interior and old families. This makes the elfs an "extension" of the family or another member of it. Many families have been with the same line of elfs so many generations that are "part of the family" themselves. They still have the condition of servitude but it's rare to see wizard families using them in actual days.
All things related to houses will be in another post cause i don't want this to get too long.
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sea-owl · 2 years
Do you think the Bridgerton storylines and relationships would have been different if The Bridgertons weren't a titled family, or rich but the spouses were?
Weirdly had this thought after watching the latest Magic Mike movie 😅 that somehow led to me wondering about Bridgerton and the divide between the wealthy and poor.
Current thoughts: ok so let's go Modern Au, because icbf with the regency rules and proprietry.
Bridgertons are like Modern Au Weasley family/ Cheaper by the dozen vibes.
Simon: Still the son of a Duke, canon backstory with Anthony being his best mate. They met at a fancy boarding school but Ant was a scholarship kid. In attempt to escape his Aunt's matchmaking schemes, he propses a fake relationship with the waitress he'd just witnessed sucker punch a rowdy customer. Unaware of just how inevitable their meeting truly was.
Kate: known cold stone Heiress to her late Father's company. An active workaholic who is always triggered into fight mode by that 'Bridgerton bastard' who works for her good Friend Simon (cbf thinking of proper roles rn😂😅)
Sophie: After her dad died, she's surprised to learn he named her his official heir despite her illegitimacy and only left a stipend for her step family in his will. Forced to go into hiding after multiple murder attempts, she has a fateful encounter with a struggling art student and becomes his unwilling muse.
Penelope: The Featheringtons are high class old money folk, but Pen is desperate to escape the suffocating lifestyle she's been born into. She wants to branch out make a name for herself with her own hard done work to thank not some dead ancestors lucky gamble in investment and business. Thank the gods for the charming bartender who's become the listening ear she's desperately needed all her life.
Phillip: Mostly similar cannon backstory. Except the children are his brothers and they do indeed need a nanny. Eloise didn't even know what she applied for. All she knew was she'd get a free room(no dorm expenses) free food (no meal expenses) and no transport fees (uni was only a 40 minute walk!). What a deal, and it'll keep Anthony off her case about finances!! How hard of a babysitting job could it be?
As far as I got, but would love to hear if you or anyone else has any other thoughts to share or add 😁😁
Magic Mike, lmao. I should probably watch that series if it's giving people ideas. But yeah I do think it would definitley change some dynamics espcially since three, four if we count the tv series, of the spouses came from not okay money situations.
Saphne: So for this I can still see it going as a mutually beneficial fake relationship for both. Hear me out, sex historian Daphne. It's a newer field and newly graduated Daphne is working to help get it off the ground with social media, but she doesn't have much time due to her long hours as a waitress. In comes Simon, her brother's best friend, who allows her the chance to help boost her following. Everyone would be curious about Simon Basset's new boo, and Simon will get his aunt off his back about finding love. Anthony orinally doesn't want his sister in the limelight like that but he does eventually consent when Daphne starts pulling in numbers and can leave her waitress jobs where a bunch of creaps like to come. Oops they fell in love.
Kathony: I can see this going one of two ways, the first being something similar that anon wrote, or mistress Anthony. Anthony works with Simon in his law firm, with hopes to open up his own practice one day, but that's a far off dream with seven siblings, five who are helping with the bills, and a mother to help support. Kate's frustrated with her job as the heiress to her father's company. She's needs a release. That lawyer Simon keeps sending looks handsome enough and one hate sex night later Anthony is now Kate's mistress. There's no way this is gonna backfire on either of them right?
Benophie: Hear me out, makeup artist Benedict. His true talent lies in painting, but that doesn't pay the bills. He's good with a brush, and once in a while, he gets to have fun with special effects makeup. Sophie is being paraded around as the new Pennwood heiress, despite her suspicious birth. Her stepmother is doing everything in her power to have the media downplay Sophie and her ability to be the heiress to Pennwood by getting every makeup artist to purposely make Sophie look horrible. Having enough Sophie calls her friends for a makeup artist her stepmother hasn't sunk her claws in. Enter Benedict. Benedict works his magic and makes Sophie look fabulous for her next interview. Sophie has found her new makeup artist, and Benedict has found his new muse.
Polin: Penelope is from old money, and she hates it. She feels trapped and suffocating from all the rules she has to follow. She wants to leave and make something of her own. Her friend Colin, who she met in a writer's group, jokes she can write a tell all book. That earns him a sock in the arm from Penelope, who refuses to become a stereotype. Colin wants to see the world one day. Travel to far off places, explore the culture, and most importantly, try the food. Penelope thinks he has what it takes to be a travel writer. He's shared what he wrote when in his journal during the rare family outing to the beach, and it almost felt like you were there. Well Penelope has more money than she knows what to do with and knows about running a blog. She might not what to do with herself but she can help somebody else. Who knows maybe she'll get some inspiration. Hey Colin, how would you feel about a trip to the Mediterranean?
Philoise: Throw them in the plot of the Nanny, and there's the modern philoise au. But on a serious note, Eloise doesn't even know what she applied for, all she knew is that the benefits were perfect. Needing a nanny for the weekend, Phillip hires Eloise on a test run. Her methods are unconventional, but Oliver and Amanda haven't scared her off. Phillip would almost dare to say they like her, and Phillip might like her too.
And that's all I got for now too. Lovelies join in if you want!
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popculturebuffet · 8 months
Top 25 Ed, Edd, N Eddy Episodes: Top 25 List of the Ed (Comissioned by Weirdkev27)
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Hello all you happy Eds and happy late anniversary to one of the best showss Cartoon Network ever put out. A few weeks back Ed, Edd n Eddy hit it's 25th Anniversary.. which makes me feel old, but still proud.
For those less familiar, Ed Edd, N Eddy was a series by Danny Antonucci. Antonucci was a huge fan of cartoons of the 40's through 70's, the wobbly style and chaotic energy, and , basing it on people he knew from his children with two of the ed boys to himself with Rolf. He tried pitching it to Nick, but wisely didn't want to give up creative control, something cartoon network gave him, leading to 5 seasons and a movie of handrawn wonder. Yes i'm aware of the 1 technically 6th season episode, but like HBO Max I just lump that in with season 5.
For those less familiar with the show, a quick primer: Ed, Edd, N Eddy follows the titular ed boys: Imaginative cloudcukoolander dum dum brick house Ed, neurotic genius inventor voice of reason Edd, and scheming egotist jerkass Eddy. The three would reguarly try to pull "Scams" to get the kids quarter, a combination of buisnesses, out and out schemes to get money, and ocasinally buliding an ENTIRE CITY. Their targets were the other 6 kids and plank of wood inhabiting their Cul De Sac: Rich kid asshole treat him as the villian Kevin, nice girl and sorta love intrest Nazz, son of a shepard Rolf, Ed's abusive shouty sister Sarah, Sarah's best friend and sensitive kind boy Jimmy and the weird, wonderful Johnny and his best friend Plank. Typically the schemes would fail either due to Eddy's hubris, an unforseen thing or if the writer's were feeling a tad lazy, just having local bullies and sexual harassers the Kanker Sisters end the episode.
The series stuck to it's small cast, a handful of settings, yet used those for all they got, getting 4 seasons out of a nearly endless summer filled with fantastic slapstick comedy, nice adult nods sprinkled in there, and fluid and bouncy animation, with a 5th shifting the setting to school for a decent enough season that's barely on this list but wasn't too bad, ending in a finale movie.
So i'm honoring this fine series with it's 25 best episodes: once kevin pitched the idea and clinked the money in my jar, I went through the series, picked out my faviorites, narrowed it down to the 25, then rewatched ALL of them. I was stuck in bed with tubrculosis, what else was I going to do. I COULD have gone off memory, but it just felt right to rewatch them all and at 11 minutes an episode it was fesable. I am willing to do more lists on comission and will rewatch any episodes I put on said list if possible, but I have limits. Overall though it was remarkable how I not only had TROUBLE pairing it down to 25, but how awesome these episodes still were all these years later.
So these are the good, the great and the weird of Ed , Edd N Eddy across 5 seasons and celebrating 25 years, 25 scams and 25 cents. Join me under the cut.
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25. Ed, Pass it On aka The One With Eddie's Brother Allgedlys Coming Back Home
Ed Pass It On.. is okay. The opening set piece is an all timer and rewatching these reminded me just how much this show loves it's opening set piece scams and how good it was at them. A restraunt is great and the way it derails being ed putting hhimself naked on one of those fancy serving tray things is brilliant. I didn't need to SEE a naked Ed, but that's half the joke.
The actual episode.. is less enjoyable than I remember. The idea of Eddy lying his big brother coming back is great and it has some nice foreshadowing for the big picture show, but joke wise it's just not funny watching everyone be terrified a serial domestic abuser is going to come back. it is intresting seeing how each character interacts with the idea and Sarah easily derail it, but it didn't hold up as well possibly due to SAID big picture show hammering home just how bad a person Eddy's brother is taking Kevin and Rolf's reactions from kinda funny to "Okay I see why jesus". Not a terrible one, just one that didn't age well.
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24. Stop Look and Ed aka The No Rules One
The titles for this series.. aren't great. Some fit okay, but the chaotic title cards meant I didn't read them clearly half the time as a kid and their so generic. Thankfully the episodes are still good> This one's got a strong premise: Edd is , as you'd expect, neurotic about a keep off the grass sign, and Eddy and Ed defy it, then decide to break all the rules they can, leading to the neighborhood goign into chaos in hilarous ways with Rolf taking a break for once, Kevin destroying dishes and Sarah and Jimmy's ice cream mountain. We also get the iconic line "Save it and use it for ammo when I need to double d". Otherwise.. it's flimsier than I remembered, with Edd's solution being entirely assholish and eddy being a dick the whole time. It has enough memorable moments to land it here, with the jawbraker satilte, the off screne double d reveal, the ice cream mountain, it's just not the series best. That won't last long on this list thankfully.
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23. An Ed Too Many aka Sarah gets a crush on Double D
Season 1 was a tad more relaxed than the seasons after, a bit more chill and that shows here. There's no scam in progress, our heroes just hit up Double D, try to make pizza then work on what the next scam will be while the conflict is simply Sarah getting a crush on Edd and stalking him.
That part could easily ruin the episode: Ed, Edd N Eddy has held up in a lot of ways, but it's use of the Kankers.. is not one of them ,being the embodiment of "HA HA THIS SEXUAL HARASSMENT IS FUNNY BECAUSE IT'S HAPPENING TO A MAN. LAUGH LAUGH AT HOW UNCOMFORTABLE THIS IS LAUUUUGGGGHHHH".
So it's a plesant suprise that when it comes to this episode with Sarah.. they get it right. Sarah is obsessively following Double D around, but the episode makes it very clear in how she acts this episode she's a kid: She dosen't understand this isn't okay or Edd isn't intrested because she's.. well apparently 12 according to the middle school seasons but clearly supposed to be younger than that even in those seasons? This show is weird with ages.
Point is you get an innocence in Janynse Jaud's performance. She's just a kid following around the older boy she has a crush on and not understanding that him giving her a flower, entirely innocently, didn't make him his boyfriend but you understand why from her perspective she is. Not only that Sarah's entitlement as a character and tendency to not be told no , as anyone who does usually gets their teeth misplaced soon after, makes it clear WHY she doesn't get it and why Ed gently trying ot tell her to leave or eddy being.. eddy about it don't work. The episode dosen't make Sarah's behavior okay either, as it's clear Double D is massively uncomfortable, but it's on such a low scale, the worst we get being "hello trapped boyfriend" and her acts mostly being following him around, asking him to play and making paper art out of the paper used for their dinosaur.
The episode is low on jokes, but ones it has are great. We have that great shot of Ed and Eddy carrying edd, "Get Lost", an all time great joke of the series, and of course Jimmy's heartbroken reaction to everything, foaming at the mouth and trying to pick a fight with eddy in the most hilarious way possible while Eddy just boggles at it and has ed kidnap him. The ending solution, the two playing together is also really sweet. All in all a solid, shockingly wholesome episode.
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22. Over Your Ed aka Cool Ed
Another season 1 episode and once again I like how relaxed it is: our heroes are simply running an "eno-g-drink" stand, a smaller hustle than normal, ed being ed and also extra smelly ruins it, so the eds decide to fancy him up and then profit off it. Simple plot. This one is here entirely for ed's transformation, a classic design from the fun wig to the neat jacket, and the fountain of nearly incomrephnisble 70's and 80's catchphrases. Cool ed is a delight and would easily get this episode higher. The problem is one MANY an episode have: Deus Ex Kanker. The writer's can't figure out how an episode ends, so the Kanker Sisters show up. There's less HARASSMENT in this one, so it's not as bad, but this one wreaks of them not knowing how to end the scheme and just letting the Kankers do it for them and it ends the episode on a sour note.
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21. Laugh Ed Laugh aka Eddy looses his mind due to a Pandemic
Yeah this one aged well for obvious reasons, but even beyond the obvious parallels to the hellscape we all lived through, it's a well done character piece that shows why EDDY does this. Sure we know other reasons, greed, a need to live up to his brother, etc, but this one makes it clear he's addicted to it. He's given a chance to just hang with his best friends, let the storm pass.. but it's just not as fun. He can't play games like kick the can when there's no money in it, no thrill to it. He may get constantly frustrated at his constant losses... but this ep adds the subtext that that the possiblity of loss, the possiblity of not winning... is part of it. Eddy.. is a gambler. He lives for the thrill of the chase as much as the thrill of those quarters jingling in his jar. IT's why he ends up playing one of the oldest scams in the world with a bunch of squirrels for a prize he dosen't care about. He cares about the money.. but he needs the game too and goes mad without it. Tony Sampsons performance is also a large reason this one's here as it's one of his best. Truly great hilarious stuff. A solid episdoe that really cracks Eddy open as a character.
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20. This Won't Hurt an Ed aka The Needle One
This is also the only one from Season 5. Now despite this I DO like Season 5's attempt's to do something new with the formula, putting the Ed's back to school and giving us new outfits for most of the cast that still echo their familiar ones. I particularly like Eddy's jacket. I also get why it dosen't work for some as the show still wasn't back to full speed despite this refresh, some of it's worse habits stuck, and the minimalist cast is a lot more noticable in a school setting, if still working for me. But I get why it wouldn't work for everyone.
That said it still gave us some classics and this is the best of them. It's also an episode that makes me feel bad for Kevin something hard given that he's an arrogant jerk. The episode does this well without really changing his character: he's still arrogant and he's largely nice to Jimmy at the moment because Jimmy's feeding his ego.. but you also get WHY the other kids are showering him for winning a sports ball as he has genuine charisma and is in a good enough mood to not be a sarcastic jerk to them, as he often tends to be.
The other half is Eddy. Eddy starts shit with Kevin this time not because Kevin disrespected him.. but because Kevin's getting all the attention. Eddy is genuinely in the wrong here and uses private medical information to torture Kevin with his fear of needles while also causing a panic in the school and making Double D's job as a nurse's assitant harder. Eddy... is a bad person a lot of the time and while he has a damn good reason WHY he's this way, it dosen't change the fact a lot of the time he's just a jerk for petty reasons.
The various torments are hilaroius but what gives the episode extra charm is the creepiness added as Kevin tries to avoid the eds as they stalk him. The short takes on a horror movie vibe. And again the episode dosen't forget Kevin is who he is: his response to the boys con being outed by Double D.. is to try and beat their heads in. But what clinches this one as a classic is Double D finding anothe rway around, one that remidns me of the aformentioned grounding episode... but instead of having kevin beat them.. he gives EDDY the shot to help Kevin with his own fear. A perfect payback ending to a damn fine episode.
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19. Floss Your Ed aka OW TOOTH HURT
This is just a fun gag fest, plain and simple. The setup is simple: Ed's tooth is loose , Eddy puts a bounty on it to try and get that tooth fairy money and we get a lot of fantastic hyjinks from the rest of the kids as they try to get it loose from fishing lures to the fake jawbreaker above. It's a bit low thanks to it's ending not being as fun as everything else, but the payoff of Ed eating the teeth still works.
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18. For The Ed By the Ed aka The Election One
A fitting one for this year, and not the last election episode i'll be going with. And what a concidence it's also between a blatant criminal who tries to steal an election and a plank of wood whose still a far better choice. Eerie.
This one's here partly because I really like election episodes, but mostly for it's murderer's row of jokes: We get things like the shovel, Eddy's over the top electionaring, Ed literally digging up dirt, and Eddy's blantant election fraud so obvious and ineveitble Edd already planned way ahead. Simple premise but damn if it ain't fun. It's also cathartic as hell to see Plank beat up the Kankers. He's got my vote.
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17. Rent An Ed aka The Eds leave Johnny Homeless
This is another quick one to talk about: it's just gag after gag after gag as the Ed's destroy Jimmy's house then Johnny's. Plank telling them what they did, the design of Johnny stuck in a tree, Chez La Sweat, this one is just nonstop slapstick gold , concluding int he glorious delivery of "IS THAT THE SUPPORT BEAM TO THE HOUSE?!"
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16. Dear Ed aka Johnny and Plank Break UP
This one thrives on a great concept, as do most great Ed Edd N Eddy Episodes: Johnny and Plank have a fight and while Jimmy takes the poor hunk of wood in, Eddy tries to captlize on Edd's well meaning attempts to find the kid a new best friend. What foils it is especially clever: it's not Eddy's usually impulsivness or greed, it's simply Johnny's imagination: Johnny gave Plank life, so they can't really contorl how he reacts to the other friends with a Traffic Cone being a perverted jerk and a Boot nearly killing him. Add in a fun as heck party with the whole neighborhood showing up and a wholesome ending with the boys dancing with Jimmy and you have one of my faivorite episodes.
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15. Dueling Eds aka the Duel One
Okay some of these titles are pretty transparent, but you name an episode off the top of your head by title. Go on i'l wait.
Anyways, I love Rolf, easily tied with Johnny for my faviorite of the kids, so it's a shock only one of his episodes is on here, but damn does he make it count. The premise works well: It simply let's Eddy be his obnoxious self, disprespecting Rolf's culture then refusing to see he did anything wrong despite how obviously upset Rolf was and how obvious it is to anyone with two eyes that he was an insenstive little dickhead. Thus while Eddy goes through it this episode.. you don't remotely feel bad for him: He had every chance to apologize and even the cupcakes would've work but his stubborn refusal to admit he did anything wrong gets him beat. It's also aged remarkably well with many a person disrepscting people's personal cultures for being diffrent They all deserve a fish slap.
The duel itself also climbs it up here with the striking colors and some good gags like Rolf wanting eddy to fight back even though really this fight is one sided and Eddy has been trying. We also get a rare kevin compuance, as he tapes the fight, clearly is only into it because Eddy's getting beat.. and clearly gets beaten up afterwords. Also Ed becomes an eel. That sure did happen. I also love the guys eagerness to walk on Rolf's face. What a guy.
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14. Look Into My Eds aka the Hypno Wheel One
Look into my heads is a weird one. As you might have noticed from the other season one eps on this list, Season 1 , like most season 1s, experimented a bit, trying to figure out the show's rhythm, having a more relaxed tone in places. The show hadn't quite settled into it's scam of the week format (with the ocasional breaks to keep it from getting stale of course).
So we get this episode where hypnotism is outright real and a lot of fun transformations , paticuarlly monkey Kevin and frog sarah. It's just some fun nonsenes. It's only real issue and what keeps it this down low despite such great animation and physical comedy .. is the Kankers. Their barely on this list for a reason, and while the ending isn't AS bad as usual, their use still feels like they had no ending thought up when they came up with the hynowheel. The reason it dosen't completely derail the ep is it is at least CLEVER why their resitant and the hair gag is hilarious. So a unique ep that could've been better, but still is solid and memorable thanks to it's designs and comedy.
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13. Dawn of the Eds aka The Space Ranger One
Dawn of the eds is another season 1 experiment and one I wish they'd done more of: it's just a chill hangout episode outside the usual premise where the guys collect money for jawbreakers, plan to sneak into a movie then spend the day roleplaying in the junk yard. It's just pure fun to watch the kids have so much fun dressing up junk, hanging out in an old van and playing spaceman, and the ending of them throwing shit at sarah and jimmy and leaving for dinner while dragging ed away is a perfect capper. It's not joke dense like later entries on this list, but it's just so much fun and nice break from the pattern the show would fall into later.
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12. Avast Ye Eds aka the Steel Pedal Guitar One
Another vibes episode.. at least for the first half and one of my faviorite scams of the series: The ed's simply take Johnny and Jimmy boating which fits first, the former loving adventure and the later being a perfect foil for how dinky the boat is with his fussy nature and seasickness. It also has that steel pedal guitar bit, from how much Edd hates the thing to how GOOD he is at it while being utterly bored. It's one of the series best and elviates this episode by itself but even without it it's still a lot of chill fun on a boat.
Then the Kanker's show up.. and the episode gets even better. Yeah, probably the only time anyone's ever said that but unlike other examples of their inclusion in season 1 they feel more part of the plot: of course they'd do this and the pirate thing helps esclate it giving us great stuff like "kick my feet faster", johhnny's badass sail ripping, and walking plank. I"m shocked they got that obvious joke out of the way so soon and wouldn't be suprised if they entirely wrote an episdoea round getting there. The usual sexual harassment keeps this classic down a few pegs, but it's still one of my go to episodes for a reason.
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11. X Marks the ed aka ATTACK THE WIG.
LIke the last entry on this list, X Marks the Ed gets a lot of mileage out of having one of the series best gags, in this case my personal faviorite ATTACK THE WIG, from it's randomness, to Ed's tender reveal of "wigs scare me double d" as well as how it takes the easy solution to this dillema out of the plot.
X Marks in general is just funny. Yes Eddy probably dosen't deserve his suffering even with his giant pile of horrible deeds before this, but while the Zit on his head isn't his fault, his making it bigger by poking at it is. And the antics the kids get up to, from Johnny running a scam himself to the expertly crafted photo bit, is great. Rolf is also in top form here, happy to help, treating making the cure like a cooking show and somehow srhinking eddy while running away from his actions. X Marks the ed is just pure laughs the whole way through and sometimes that's all you need to make a good episode of this show.
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10. They Call him Mr Ed aka Up
This was one of my faviorites as a kid (as most of this list is really, they held up well) , and for good reason: the simple idea of Eddy building a company dedicated to going up with no actual goal this time is genius. It's very clear his understanding of buisness is what tweens would be, with him just thinking it's about board rooms, hiring people and going UP. The sheer amount of up puns is mindboggling as it is incredible and I salute them keeping this schitck up. Everyone fits into the corprate setting really well: Eddy as the corrupt ceo, Edd as the Smithers, Johnny int he mail room, Nazz as receptionist given her people skills, Jimmy as the style person, Rolf on security with his strength. Though I don't think had the fight got on Kevin would've lived much longer. It also uses kevin well to derail the scheme: it's a tricky arct finding a way to end it that isn't TOO ashoolish, and Kevin simply wanting to talk to Nazz, not respecting the game their playing and leading to Eddy tipping his hand on not paying anyone is perfect, as is Ed's elevator runner paying off in such a surreal way.
This episode is truly in the up-er echelon and a perfect way to start UP the top 10.
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9. Fa-La-La-La-Ed aka the first Christmas One
This one gets to the top 10 on sentiment: it's a genuinely heartfelt christmas episode... even as eddy keeps reminding us "it's July!". Remember that for July this year. It's just so nice to see Ed's delusion it's christmas lead to the kids deciding "fuck it let's go ahead and celebrate christmas" and just enjoy themselves. It has good gags too including the caroling and the piggy bank scam, as well as the whole idea of piggy bank day, but it gets here entirley just by being sweet and with Ed being at easily his kindest and most selfless.
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8. One + One = Ed aka the Really Fucking Weird One We All Love
This one was a shoe in for a list the second it was pitched to me. It's one of both the msot memorable episodes and the funniest and now having learned more about animation than I did as a kid, gags like Eddy going into the background or taking away Jimmy's line are even better. It's also hard not to love Jimmy's comeback later "don't spill me!" or the three headed Rolf. An episode simply about learning things work sharply swerves into an absurdist masterpiece, and I love every second of it. It plays with the animation, breaks every rule and has a damn good time doing it. It's certainly the show's weirdest episode.. but it's also certainly one of it's best.
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7. Urban Ed aka Edtropolis
This is one I loved as a kid and I was delighed, again like most of these, that it held up REALLY well.
The setting is what makes this episode both such a classic and such a nice break from the usual: While Eddy's still trying to milk money building an entire, fun looking city of cardboard for it while introducing various city scams, from beginin stuff like shopping or shoe shines to a tatoo parlor the episode finds a LOT of fun stuff to do with an urban setting. This thing is crammed with joke after joke from the anvil gag to the boy with the snake on it's face, and once again threads the needle just right; Eddy's punished.. but given he hit johnny up for money earlier and built the city LARGELY just to make money off people, I can't feel too bad. The opening scam is also one of the series best. Just try to confuse them into money. I'm shocked it didn't work.
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6. Robbin Ed aka the Superhero Episode
Look I love superheroes. I'm not shy about that so this one always had a place in my heart. But it's a dang fun superhero episode and what I hold up as one of the gold standards for "one of the cast becomes a superhero" episodes. It helps it has a unique hook to it compared to most: it's not our main characters becoming masked vigiliaintes, but Jonny, whose upbeat nature, kindness and already shown bits of heroisim (See the pirate episode from before) make him a perfect fit, with Plank being a natural sidekick.
It also puts Eddy in the perfectly fitting role of supervillian. He's already a crook, has ego issues and gets pissed off easily: have Jonny ENTIRELY JUSITFIABLY wreck his latest and most scammy scam (selling people a device they only had one of and filling the boxes with nothing), and Professor Scam is born. The rest of the episode is Eddy just.. perfectly sinking into the role, from his hilariously dumb setup scheme which made me laugh at a butt joke for a change, to his scam ray to that all timer gag of his getaway bike floating away without him, it's a perfect 60's batman style showdown, and Ed turning face at the end is the perfect way to resolve it. Robbin Ed is a good time and stands out for good reason.
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5. See No Ed aka The One Without the Eds
See No Ed is a clever inversion of Laugh Ed Laugh: We've had an episode without the other kids, seen how the Ed's deal with that. I'm amazed it took till season 4 to get to this given they did the inverse so early on but it was worth the wait.
It also neatly shows the stages the kids go through: their curious, then throw a party not having to deal with Eddy's shit for a day, then are genuinely worreid and finally go to a scam WITHOUT the ed's there to opperate it which still goes well. It's all logical but also creates a sense of intrigue as to WHERE they are.
Helping this is Kevin, the lead of the episode and given how much Kevin can be a jerk, putting an episode on his shovel chin is a risk.. but it pays off here. Just as the other kids absence rattled Eddy, Kevin finds he's off ballance without his nemisis. He assumes the absence has to be s cam, that the eds ar ewaiting for him, devolves into parnoia. It lays bear what Kevin is: a bully that needs a target to fuel his massive ego, the same way eddy needs to pull scams, win or loose, to stroke his own ego: Eddy scams because it get shim money and makes him feel sharper than the sharpies. In turn Kevin hutns eddy so viciosuly because hunting Eddy and whaling on him gives him something.
Something that dosen't come up often but this episode makes clear is that Kevin's place among the kids.. is fragile. He's postiioned himself as the alpha dog, the big boy, the one others respect.. but his closest friends are the ones nice to everyone: Rolf and Nazz are just unbelievably Kind. And Even Nazz gets annoyed by him at times and is the one most likely to call him out and Rolf likely woudln't be as close if he knew half of what Kevin said. Kevin needs Eddy because Eddy's presence assures he won't become just like him: an outcast whose ego, selfishness and need for attention isolate him from everyone else. Kevin falls apart because he can't accept the eds aren't some boogey man to make him feel better and their absence isn't some scheme and it's glorious to see.
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4. The Day the Ed Stood Still aka He's a Literal Monster
The Day the Ed Stood still is another format bender, and a clever one as it's a bait and switch: it starts with your standard cold open scam, Ed decides he wants to be a ,onster, Edd wants to help because he's a kind soul and Eddy does because he can sell this.
Then.. things go off the rails in the best way possible. This one asks what happens when two of the ed's biggest assets, Edd's inventivness and Ed's unstoppable strength, ran rampant: Double D builds Ed the perfect monster suit.. and Ed BECOMES the monster and a nightmarish force Double D desperatley tries to stop while Eddy encourages because he's a sick bastard. IT's one of the few times he's not punished for being the worst.
What follows isa fun tense monster movie as Ed slowly picks off the neighborhood. The deisgn on the monster is awesome and the slow reveal of it is brilliant, as is Ed making his layer in his basment with chewed up chunky puffs. Gross AND horrifying. The ending, with Eddy naturally having a bunker ready under his bed and Ed going wild to not let him get away THAT easy with his actions, is a lot of fun.
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3. Once Bitten, Twice Ed aka The Never Ending Scam
This one is helped by having the series best cold open. Easily. It's not even a contest: Baron O Beef Dip is just pure comedy gold, from how Shoddy the prank is, to using Ed's iconic little monster pal, to fo course ED EATING HIS MATTRESS, not to mention the fact this isn't the first time, and ending on "devour the non belivier and Eddy having to get eddy to CALL HIM OFF CALL HIM OFF. This alone would get the episode on this list.
The rest though is also excellent and while a bit overshadowed by the opening set piece, still slaps with a simple concept: Eddy has a scam he won't let go of and instead keeps lazily rehashing while the kids get tired of it and by the end aren't falling for it. Eddy uses a random object, lures them in, it's a hunt, Rolf tries to participate witha blunt object, Johnny objects. Rinse, repeate, comedy gold. I also found a joke I didn't get as a kid that i loved here, Great Nano's kidney stone. The fact Rolf has that and the fact Nazz is the only one to go "wait waht". It's brilliant. Replacing that later wtih Kevin just.. giving hi ma hammer, this time KNOWING it's ed is also good. This one takes a concept and runs with it and unlike Eddy dose'nt run it into the ground. It's a perfect eddy plot too: he's so prideful that of COURSE there'd be that one scam he thought was great and refuses to admit was halfbaked from the start. Of course. This one never quite ends but it certainly leaves us on a high.. and a toilet for some reason.
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2. Little Ed Blue aka BIG TROUBBBLEEEEEE
We all remember this one: Ed gets upset, chaose ensues. What I noticed more on rewatch though is two key things that made this epiosde good: it's densely packed with jokes and ahs a well done plot: the opening with the theater is genuinely nice: the movie is entertaining, we get the steel pedal guitar again, a clear seal of quality, and the food fight is wholesome: it starts as a fight btu the kids just have fun and Eddy gets an honest day's profit.
The main event though is one of the ages: ed is upset, kicks everyone out and gives sarah her just deserts for a change. And what works is that Ed.. just wants to be alone> He's dealing with a pebble, he's having a crappy day and the episode only keeps going because Edd, misguidedly, want's to cheer up his best friend instead of letting him just have a poopy mood, especially since outside of the theater thing, he's not harming anyone> He just sits on a stump moping and only gets agressive when Edd and Eddy won't leave him alone. The worst he does is hurt Edd's feelings.. but he tells him to go away. They don't listen, so what happens next is on them.
It allows the episodes slapstick to be hilarous as Eddy is his usual self, not wanting ot help because he dosen't care and screaming at edd or othe rhalf assed things. Hence the glorious shit he gets done to him from Ed making a toy breathe fire, to the comic book face to my faviorite him being turned into a bat to bean kevin after both are dicks to ed, it all feels deserved> it also makes johnny solving it work: Jonny did nothing wrong, and thus is the one who actually fixes ed.. with planks help. It's a masterful episode with Matt Hill's best performance by far.
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Shoo Ed aka Annoying Johnny
Many an episode on this list is good.. but at the end of the day one was #1 in my heart for years as I didn't realize till getting screencaps a year or two back a LOT of my faviorite gags were int his one episode and even amnong all these rewatches, only one king of the cul de sac could be crowned.
I like Jonny a lot as a character, inconsitent spelling of his name here or not, with plank also being great. His innocense, his weird sidekick, but this is the peak of his moutnain. Johnny is unteitonally a pest to kevin, and Eddy weaponizes it for his own means. The result is the funniest episode of the show and the best version of it's standard formula.
Johnny's the star here with his unteiotnal annoyance, the glorious purple suit, and Paul David Grove's great enthusasim. But everyone gets a chance to shine: Double D's growing bafflement with this and eventaul freakout with "i glued a block of wood to johnny's foot", eddy at his scammiest and hammiest as he enjoys this, and Ed .. well he glued a block of wood to johnny's foot. We get so many great jokes from Eddy and Kevin's argument, to "I glued a block of wood to johnny's foot", the suddne ye haw, provoke our creation, Rolf natually loving new johnny "What does that mean I ask you" and of course
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So many great lines and performances I could spend all day listing them but I won't. It also , like most eps here, avoids the usual pitfall of the series: The ed's punishment is proportionate, trapped by the monster they created and eddy's own cheapness. A fitting end to the series best episode.
Thanks for reading Ed boys.
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itsuki-minamy · 1 year
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* List of Chapters
Her name is Aki Kameido. She has never particularly liked the surname "Kameido".
When she was in elementary school, the kids in her class would charge her with the funny "turtle" sound.
If you behave carelessly and slowly in the classroom, they will criticize you and say: "Turtles are slow! Because they are turtles!" It makes no sense to say: "I am slow because my name is turtle." They just mean "turtle". Even if you try to say that: "A turtle is a turtle". That's how it is. The surname "Kameido" stuck to her body like a heavy shell and could not be removed.
Names and nicknames are the simplest curses. The mere two-letter word "Japanese you want to read aloud" has become a dishonorable curse trying to crush Aki's existence.
It was her father who lifted the turtle's curse.
The father told her daughter that she came home crying after being bullied for being a turtle.
"Dad didn't like being called a turtle or a slow man either. That's why I got the name Aki-chan from a mythical figure."
Demigod from Greek mythology, hero of the Trojan War and speedy Achilles. It's that Achilles that the boys love, making the difference in the corners.
Her father was a bit fancy. Possessed of solid knowledge and rich sensitivity, he looked up at the stars in the night sky and thought about the world of mythology. He was that kind of person. In other words, his feet weren't on the ground. However, Aki felt very comforted by the origin of the name that he told her.
From a slow turtle to a mythical hero. Proof of this transformation was Achilles' nickname, "Fastfoot".
Once the ideal to aspire to was decided, Aki did not hesitate. She read the autobiography of track and field athletes, reviewed training method videos on the Internet, and ran every morning and night. A diligent effort unlike an elementary school student. In terms of ants and grasshoppers, they were ants, and in terms of rabbits and turtles, they were turtles.
In the upper grades of primary school, the physical strength of girls exceeds that of boys. However, for those girls, it was the time when fashion and sociability began to be valued more than exercise. Aki earned a unique position in the classroom as a peculiar existence of "a girl who runs like crazy".
And finally, when she beat the fastest boy in her grade from the outside in the fifth grade track meet relay, her presence reached her peak.
"Hurry up! Turtle speed!"
The boys in the class were monkeys, so the one who ran fast was right. Aki's nickname changed from "Turtle" to "Jet Turtle". The turtle call was still the same, but this was an honest compliment.
After overcoming the turtle curse, Aki entered the track club in high school.
However, this time she was slow there.
She didn't think she had much talent to begin with. Temporary superiority due to the subtle transition between elementary school and high school, which she dedicated to "what others don't do". Before long, she was no match for the children who began to grow up, and her classmates who started the weight loss club activities began to break records.
But aside from other things, she couldn't afford to lose the race. Because she was not a turtle, but the swift-footed demigod Achilles.
Aki didn't realize that the name "Achilles" was also a curse.
What she lacked in talent she made up for in practice. She left her hobbies, her love life, and her studies, and just ran into it. The options for the future had been reduced, and going to the institute had become a sports recommendation.
When the escape route was thus completely cut off, she learned the anecdote of "Achilles and the Tortoise".
The so-called "Zenon's paradox". No matter how fast Achilles chases after it, the tortoise always stays a little ahead.
Yes, Achilles was "slower than a tortoise".
Spring for new college graduates.
Aki was standing on a high school podium in Ninoshima, Ayaka Islands.
It was an unknown land. She remembers hearing the news when she was in middle or high school that one of the Ayaka archipelagos had erupted and caused considerable damage, but she never thought that she would go there.
Seven years after the disaster, Ichinoshima has made great strides as a tourist destination along with its reconstruction, while Ninoshima is a quiet land where traditional residents live. The small island high school still retains the atmosphere of a "remote island school". Due to the deterioration of the school building, the following year it will be merged with Ichinoshima High School and the school will be closed.
Due to the small number of teachers, she was appointed as a new teacher. It's a sophomore class.
Around the new teacher who finished greeting in the classroom, the simple students of the island gathered.
"City people are really sophisticated."
"That suit, it suits you very well."
Looking at them with admiration and curiosity, Aki smiled guiltily.
"Thank you. I will do my best to live up to everyone's expectations. Nice to meet you."
Their eyes weren't directed at Aki herself, but at the image of "an elegant teacher from the city". She knew that. She's never been told that she's really "polished" and she's just worn suits more times than she can count. She felt that she was deceiving people by disguising herself.
But that's fine for now. She came to this island to change.
From now on, she will be a person who is not ashamed to look at herself.
"Sensei, are you nervous?"
"You must be tired because you still haven't gotten used to life on the island."
Kaze Hayashi-kun, Mizutani-kun, Kanesaki-san... she was also accepted by the students who are in charge of her. First of all, it's a great start.
When Aki thought that...
"Sensei, sensei."
"Come on sensei, why did you come here? To an island where nothing exists."
(Ah, is this kid "Jingi-chan"?), she thought.
The word "Sagawa Jingi" written in the attendance book was still not quite connected in her head, but she had heard of a boy named "Jingi".
On the first day of moving into the boarding house, when the landlord's aunt invited her to chat over tea, the landlord, who laughed at Aki's worries about her life as a teacher, said, "Ahaha, okay, everyone seems be good boys". She remembered the moment when he suddenly became serious.
"Ah, since you're in charge of the middle school, you're in charge of Jingi-chan."
Even when asked by Aki, the owner didn't answer. He was silent for about three seconds with a straight face, and then he laughed again.
"Ahahaha, it's a bit suspicious, but it seems like he's a good guy too."
(What was that?), she thought.
"What kind of kid is he? What is "Ayakai"?"
"Hahaha, alright, alright."
She has heard that the residents of this island are generally tolerant, but isn't that more irresponsible than tolerant?
Also, "Ayakai" seems to be a local dialect, but she's not sure what kind of nuance it represents.
In any case, that "Jingi-chan" is now laughing in front of her. If this kind of atmosphere is called "Ayakai", it probably doesn't mean very well.
"Hey Jingi, it's rude to say that to a sensei who came here."
"First of all, it's not that there's nothing. If you go to Ichinoshima by train, you'll find anything. A huge shopping mall has also been built."
"Sensei, you don't have to worry about what Jingi says!"
"No, it's okay... why did I come to this island?"
After appeasing the students attacking Sagawa, Aki began to speak. She knew they would talk about it anyway.
"I did track through college. At first I was trying to get a job there, but..."
"Eh, a business group? Isn't that amazing?"
"Idiot, Sensei is participating in national politics. She's a serious athlete."
"Oh, I also won a medal in the short distance."
"Ah... you know that, don't you?"
"My mother heard from the owner about the sensei."
A terrifying network of rural information. Human relationships are too close.
"Uh, yes. You're right. That's right, but..."
Aki chose her words carefully, thinking that what she was about to say would quickly spread throughout the island.
"I got injured last spring. No, as is often the case in the sports world, there will come a time when you retire anyway, and think about the future..."
She is not lying. It's not a lie, but it's a little convenient. The injury was not fatal and she could have returned to competition, but she kicked it on her own terms. After that, she relied on the teacher training course she had taken at the university, took a local teacher employment exam, and hoped to find the most remote place to work. The further she was from her previous life, the better.
She was slightly anticipating the development of a local drama, "A young woman who is lost in life is assigned to a remote island as a teacher, healed by beautiful nature and simple students, and is reborn". In other words, it's some kind of self-discovery, but she actually decided to get a job for a very fluffy reason, it's too stupid for words.
She wanted to blur it a bit.
Sagawa spoke as if he wanted to find a hole in her slightly stray thoughts.
"Hey, what kind of injury is it?"
(What do you mean "Hey"? That vocabulary.), she thought.
Aki replied, trying not to show any irritation on her face.
"Yes, I hurt my Achilles tendon."
"Huh, Achilles tendon."
Also "Huh". He must have laughed a bit now.
That's how it is. "Aki-chan's Achilles" is a ruptured Achilles tendon. Like it's funny?
(No, no, no, no, no.), she thought.
Other than the Achilles tendon, she hasn't talked about the "origin of her name" since high school.
The reason why the student in front of her seems to be smiling is because that's how his face was originally.
The face of the earth is joking.
"Okay, then it's "Kame-chan"."
"Eh, what?"
"Well, "Aki-chan" or "Kame-chan", I wasn't sure if I should call you "Kame-chan", but "Aki-chan" doesn't look very good, so I'll call you "Kame-chan"."
Sagawa said that.
"You are too familiar with the sensei!"
"It is a mistake in the sense of distance."
Other students criticized him. However, Sagawa himself didn't seem to care at all.
"Hehehe, I think it's better for sensei to get used to school as soon as possible. Nice to meet you, Kame-chan!"
He said that forcefully and laughed.
That face. A while ago she thought him was terribly unpleasant, but she finally understood the cause.
That playful face resembles a boy from her class who once called her "turtle".
"Oh, thank you... Nice to meet you, Sagawa-kun."
Aki smiled as softly as she could with a fake smile.
The boy who used to call her "Turtle" was Saruyama's boss, meaning he was the fastest boy in the classroom.
As she progressed through the school year and changed classes, she was still involved, so she beat him to the relay. She felt good.
However, after that, she was withdrawn from high school. There were no differences in physical ability between genders.
He was the one who said: "Achilles is slower than a tortoise, right?" She still can't forgive him.
The fact that he looks like someone she hates is reason enough to hate the person. It is for the same reason that she continues to hate someone she once hated.
A bad boy has a bad face. It's because she doesn't like it.
Anyway, she can't forgive anyone or that guy.
Three months later, summer.
"Hello, everyone."
When Aki wearing a T-shirt entered the classroom, the students greeted her.
"Kame-chan, good morning."
"Kame-chan sensei, good morning!"
Before she finished the first semester, the nickname "Kame-chan" had established itself. At first, everyone criticized Sagawa for being too familiar, but eventually it turned into an atmosphere of "it's about time you stopped acting like a stranger", and in the end, "Kame-chan" was already used to hearing that nickname. The reason why she didn't become "Aki-chan" may be because she talked about the Achilles tendon.
"Good morning, Kameido-sensei."
There are students who appropriately call her, including Junnosuke Mizutani, who is serious. It's a last name she doesn't like, but it's better than "Kame-chan".
On the other hand, Jingi Sagawa, the one to blame for this situation, raised his right hand as soon as he met Aki's eyes.
(Don't mean it as a greeting in a foreign language. I mean, stop calling me that.), she thought.
Furthermore, the initial plan for a new life, "as a teacher in the city, being healed by life on the island", was quickly thwarted.
For the first month, she tried to make time on the weekends to visit tourist spots in Ichinoshima, but there weren't enough places to visit each week, so she ended up doing the bare minimum at the mall. Before she was assigned to her new position, she hoped that the "island" would bring some kind of wonder.
By the way, once a week the high school teachers had night shifts. The system does not serve to prevent crime, but for an extremely idyllic reason: "If there are no signs of people, raccoon dogs will come and do mischief.". She stayed in the night watch room on the first floor of the school building once a week to keep the raccoon dogs away.
In any case, there would be nothing to do when she got back to the boardinghouse. In the neighborhood there was only one small private store that called itself a convenience store, there were only two TV channels, and cell phone signal reception was poor.
On the other hand, on days she was on duty and stayed at school, she could save herself the hassle of commuting and her work moved forward. At that time, she took advantage of her free time to go running. It turned out to be a good course to run, past the big jetty that skirts the coast to the end and then back. It feels good to see the sunrise on the horizon early in the morning. For Aki, who doesn't have any hobbies, it was one of the few hobbies.
Therefore, while taking the initiative to take on the tasks of other teachers at home, she began to sleep and wake up in the night watch room every day. It became troublesome to change her clothes and make up each time, so she started wearing a T-shirt to the classroom.
"Kameido-sensei" should be someone in a neat suit, but "Kame-chan" is comfortable in a T-shirt.
So this is all because of Sagawa Jingi. As for the original, it was because she started talking to him. She thinks so.
Between classes in the afternoon, when Aki went to the night duty room to collect his personal belongings, Sagawa opened and ate the sweets she had bought. He didn't hesitate to try the chocolates in a pretty box or the individually wrapped candies. Even the tea was carefully brewed in a teapot.
"...Sagawa-kun, what are you doing?"
When Aki screamed...
"Hmmm... snack time?"
"It's not like that. Don't go into someone's room without permission."
Sagawa said as he laughed.
"This is a public place, isn't it? Kame-chan is occupying the school premises."
It was ok. Originally, there was only a simple kitchen and a set of futons for naps in the night shift room, which was supposed to be used by the shift teachers, but now it was filled with a large number of personal belongings that Aki brought. Change of clothes, late-night snacks, magazines, basic necessities, etc. So, it was like the house of a neglected student.
"Well, yesterday, the old man at the shop said, "Kame-chan bought a lot of sweets", so I thought this was a target."
(A target...?!), she thought.
"Also, this is it."
Sagawa lifted two heavy-looking plastic bags from the side of the refrigerator. Each bag is packed with long-sized beverage cans. The handle, stretched by the weight, looks like it's going to break at any moment.
"Oh, that's..."
"You can't do it~, don't drink like that."
Canned Chuhai "Z Force" with low price and advanced number. A dangerous tipe who looks like juice and feels brutally drunk. It can be said that it is already an addiction to buy something like this and drink it regularly. Of course, drinking and sleeping at school will be a problem. Even if it's outside of work... No, night work is still work. She went out normally.
"T-that! Give it back to me!"
Sagawa stepped out into the hallway, dodging Aki's outstretched hand.
"I'll get rid of this~♪"
"Wait, wait!"
Aki also ran into the hallway after Sagawa. If she were to let him out, the scandal about the "new professor drinking on campus" would spread across the island in an instant. She had to see him at school and collect even the chuhai from the evidence.
However, Sagawa's feet were surprisingly fast.
Although he was running like an idiot with a shopping bag that weighed several kilograms in both hands, he was running at a strange speed as if he were flying. He passed through the entrance, from the schoolyard to the school gate, and to the path that leads to the coast. No impulse at all. She couldn't close the distance.
(What is this? What does it mean?), she thought.
High school boys are faster than women over twenty. This is certainly true in general terms.
However, she is a person who was a runner at the national level a year ago. Although she has a void as an athlete, she has not stopped exercising completely.
She should still have more physical strength than the average person.
Even if she ran and ran, she couldn't catch him.
(What is this boy?), she thought.
"Wait a minute, Sagawa-kun!"
Before long, Sagawa and Aki reached the shoreline while maintaining their speed and started running on the breakwater. It's a jogging circuit she's familiar with.
Here and there, local residents prepare tricks and fish on the embankment. She ran after him and headed towards the point that juts out at the mouth of the river that flows into the sea.
Immediately after arriving on the island, she was warned not to fall because the water currents around the estuary are complicated and dangerous. It is said that a fisherman who fell through carelessness died in this way.
Of course, Sagawa should know those stories. So she would lead him there. Even if she can't reach him, she should be able to corner him.
Even when he got closer to the river mouth, Sagawa didn't slow down.
(Oh, no...!), she thought.
In the past three months, she has come to understand Sagawa's personality. The kind of people who get drunk and jump into a camping lake or jump into a rain-swollen river while saying "Yahoo!"
As for whether or not to do it, he would 100% "do it".
"Wait! It's dangerous!"
Sagawa jumped over the edge of the breakwater and leaped into the air, ignoring Aki's hold.
He really he said that too.
And then he fell. There was a loud bang and a loud sound.
Aki leaned over the edge of the breakwater and looked out over the water. It's no longer a level story that can't be heard, it's a life-threatening water accident.
As she warned in advance, the flow of water near the mouth of the river caused numerous complicated eddies. Caught in one of them, Sagawa's body flowed in an arc. He still had a chuhai bag in both hands.
"Sagawa-kun, put that down!"
Looking at the face of Aki, who was desperately calling out to him, Sagawa smiled slightly and was spinning in a whirlpool.
"Hahaha, wiii..."
No, that was not right. After that there was no sense of crisis. He was probably joking up until the moment of his death. He would die joking.
The surface of the water is about five meters away. If she jumped in a hurry, she wouldn't be able to drag him either. Should she call the police or the fire department? No, she left her cell phone at school. Aki looked around her. Is there something like a rope, or rather, that helps the fisherman that he can see in the distance?
At that moment, the inside of Aki's head was spinning.
Sagawa's body slipped out of the vortex on the surface of the water and was caught in another vortex. Further, after one and a half rotations as a leaf, to another whirlpool. Round and round, and beyond...
Sagawa's body went from eddy to eddy as if the flow of the river in the area had a clear will.
The swift current in the middle of the river, which should normally run straight out to sea. Sagawa also crossed that, going round and round. And when he landed in the shallows on the opposite shore, he looked at Aki and smiled.
He ran away with a shopping bag in both hands.
Aki just dismissed him in amazement.
(What's with that? What is he?), she thought.
As Aki feared, this incident became known throughout the island the next day.
"Jingi stole the sake that Kameido-sensei had hidden, was chased and fell into the river."
That's how it went. Rumors often have tail fins, but in this case, it was a given without tail fins.
However, surprisingly, Aki was not blamed for this matter and instead…
"It seems that Jingi has caused you trouble..."
Some neighbors came to the school to apologize.
When she asked them if they were related to Sagawa or something, it seemed like they were just friends in the same town. Or rather, the parents of another student are often mixed. If she were to force them, the young lady who claimed to be the owner of the boarding house would probably be closer to direct guardian, but the age difference was at most siblings, so she wasn't sure what their relationship was.
They didn't seem to have arranged anything in particular, and each brought a 1.8-liter bottle of shochu, or Japanese sake, so there were plenty of sake bottles gathered in the classroom. For some reason, the woman in question brought four bottles of sweet potato shochu. Of course, Aki politely tried to refuse, but they said they couldn't take the apology home, and the principal and other teachers said...
"Just take it."
"Hahaha, Ayakai, Ayakai."
After saying something like that, five minutes later, for some reason, the class had started drinking heavily.
She still didn't understand what it meant and thought it was something irresponsible, but it seemed like he's an easygoing local character.
Three months later, autumn.
"Come on, Sagawa!"
Aki chased after the fleeing Sagawa across the school grounds and jumped from the school gate onto the path leading to the shoreline.
"Hahaha, I'm doing it."
"None of us get tired~"
The figure was fully visible from the classroom window and was recognized as a familiar sight among the students.
"Wait, Sagawa! Leave it behind!"
"What's that?"
As Sagawa ran, he turned around. In front of his chest, he held a 1.8-liter bottle diagonally.
Ever since the canned chuhai incident in the summer, Aki has been receiving alcohol from the neighbors. It's fine to have a culture where they respect the "teacher", but she was just an amateur in her first year of teaching. Even if she tried to say no...
"So humble again."
"Hahaha, Ayakai, Ayakai."
That said, the 1.8-liter bottle was left behind.
In addition, some local inhabitants practice sea fishing.
"I caught a good fish..."
And there were many cases where it was accompanied by fresh fish.
After being placed in the night shift room fridge, they became a side to Aki's late night drink. In the last three months she has gotten quite used to handling fish.
As she already exposed herself, Aki had a habit of drinking. When she injured her Achilles tendon, she couldn't exercise during the day, so she couldn't sleep, so she tried to have a drink before bed. When the wound was fully healed, she was drinking a reasonable amount. When she first came to this island, she used to drink a long can of chuhai before bed, but recently she switched to sake and shochu, and there are plenty of side dishes to go with it, so she's starting to become a full-fledged drinker. Recently, she has made it her rule that "you can start drinking when the sun goes down."
Early today in the morning, the father of a student in her class left a horse mackerel with a junmai daiginjo. She decided to leave it between work and school, and when she returned to the night watch room...
By the way, can you imagine a scene where a Japanese macaque is carrying a 1.8-liter bottle and jumping and jumping?
Thus, Sagawa was stealing alcohol.
When their gazes met, the movement stopped perfectly.
"...Sagawa, what are you doing?"
Sagawa chuckled lightly like always.
"Well, it looks like you have some good sake."
"He likes it," or, rather, he was there this morning. In the classroom, he heard Kazebayashi's father say things like, "Sensei, this is delicious.". But that's not what Sagawa was told.
By the way, can you imagine seeing a Japanese macaque running away from the window with a 1.8-liter bottle?
"Wait, Sagawa! Sagawa!"
Aki ran out of the school building in search of Sagawa, and a fierce chase drama began.
It should be noted that this kind of persecution was a common thing in recent years, just like parental donations, but there was still something that she couldn't understand.
Why does Sagawa steal alcohol in the first place?
There are several theories as to why.
Hypothesis number one. He just drinks it. The conventional wisdom that "you have to wait until you are 20 to drink alcohol" does not apply to Sagawa or this island. However, since he steals a 1.8 liter bottle every few days, he drinks several times more than Aki in terms of pace. What about that? Isn't it bad for his liver?
Hypothesis number two. Sagawa once had a "sensei" who cared for him like a true father, and stolen sake is offered in front of his grave. Something so auspicious... she was about to be fooled for a moment, but is it okay if it's a stolen item? Will the deceased agree?
Hypothesis number three. Sagawa sells the stolen liquor to the convenience store. More specifically, most of the alcohol that they take to Aki's house is bought at that store, so Sagawa collects the alcohol that is sold at convenience stores and the same alcohol circulates. In other words, it seems that a kind of ecosystem has been created that monetizes the "respect for the teacher" of the local population through 1.8-liter bottles.
Hypothesis number four. He only does it to make fun of Aki.
He can do it if he wants to read too much about it.
(Four? Four as expected.), she thought.
First of all, a guy who runs backwards when someone is chasing him is taunting his opponent.
At this moment, Sagawa's body is completely facing backwards and she runs towards his back. That kind of running is faster than Aki's. In other words, it is approximately the speed of the national level.
What is this? A revolutionary new way, like the occasional Olympics, or something. Will runners all over the world start running backwards in a few years? Or will the rules change due to complaints from leading countries and become a forbidden technique? No, she doesn't think so. As you can see, this guy is a jerk and is pulling some kind of charade.
More than anything, that face that smiles.
After all, it is similar to that boss monkey.
A new fire entered the depths of Aki's belly.
She knows it. Guys like him seem friendly, but they don't really show their hearts to anyone. That kind smile that laughs at everything and deceives is a mask thicker and harder than the shell of a turtle. If you ask him "why" or "for what purpose", he will just dodge. That's why...
(I'll open that face and give you a guess in correct form!), she thought.
"Wait, Sagawa!"
Aki quickened her pace. She was clearly faster than when she was on duty. Whether the air and food of this island suit her body, or whether it is a problem of mentality and motivation, Aki Kameido's running ability was peaking on this island to no avail.
At the top of the breakwater, which is the final phase of the usual game of chasing, she literally runs the straight 100 meters like a sprinter and finally puts her hand on Sagawa's neck.
Sagawa was also in the process of growing up.
After slipping into Aki's hands with a smile, he increased his speed even more, adjusting his stride as a long jumper as he ran back, took off the spike of the breakwater and jumped into the air. Of course he's on his back.
And even more.
After falling five meters and landing on the surface of the estuary, Sakawa got up, turned around (in other words, he turned back to the right direction) and ran towards the opposite shore of the water's surface.
"Oh, this..."
Aki simply dismissed Sakawa, who leaves for the opposite shore, with a feeling of disappointment.
I've heard for some time that Sagawa Jingi is training in a profession that is passed down from generation to generation in this land, like in a shrine, and that he can use various mysterious techniques. What's that?
It's false. Shouldn't it be banned according to international standards?
After many hours.
She went back to school and finished her usual chores, and when she returned to the night watch room well after closing time, Sagawa was cooking in the kitchen. The rice cooked well and also made miso soup. And when he turned around...
"Kame-chan, the horse mackerel was supposed to be fresh, right?"
With a quick click of her tongue, Aki sat down at the dining table with sake and a glass.
On a day like today, when there was a chase fight, after Sagawa managed to escape from Aki, he would return to school and appear preparing dinner. In any case, like today, prepare dinner and alcoholic beverages by himself, and even rice.
"The goal of the race is the mouth of the river" and "If the game is won, it will not be revived" was a promise between Aki and Sagawa. It is said that there is an ancient custom on the island that "those who cross the river will not be questioned". It seems that the story involves something like a folkloric vision of life and death, like the Sanzu River.
She doesn't know if it's a custom or a legend, but Aki personally has no objection. Even if you hold down a spot coming from the other side, it's just that the opponent is stupid and you won't win. It makes sense to catch the fleeing opponent.
The evening drink started with handmade sake. Across the table is Sagawa, who is eating rice and miso soup for dinner. Then, the two skewered the horse mackerel as a snack and garnish.
"So what happened today?"
Aki asked about the whereabouts of the daiginjo.
As expected, Sagawa smiled and dodged. Therefore...
"You offered it to "Master"?"
When she delved a little deeper than usual, Sagawa's expression changed slightly.
"Yes, well... he shouldn't have drunk it, my master."
Hypothesis number two. Was he really with the "master"?
"After putting it in front of the grave for a while, I took it home and sold it to Obaba at the convenience store."
Three of them. Both?
"Do you always do that? You don't drink, right?"
As a teacher, she checked it out.
Then, Sagawa turned his gaze diagonally and shrugged.
This guy is probably doing it. Also, he makes people stupid.
One and four. It is everything after all. Is complete.
When Aki sipped a glass of sake...
"Kame-chan, after running, you're a bit relaxed, aren't you?"
That's what Sagawa said.
"Maybe if I don't run, I'll stress out and die."
"As expected, it's not that far. It's an exaggeration."
"But when I start drinking without running, I'm more afraid and my eyes fix. The amount goes on and on."
"Don't call people that like they don't have self-control."
"Hey, do you have self-control?"
"No... but no."
She is irritable, she tends to be an alcoholic and she is aware of it.
Sagawa said with a slight smile.
"I don't mean to preach, but my teacher used to say, "Pleasant sake is the best of all medicines. If you drink it with a smile, you will prolong your life"."
"Hey... so how long did he live?"
"30 years."
"Life expectancy has not been extended."
After finishing the meal, Sagawa got up and began to wash the dishes.
"Oh, Kame-chan, can you give me a bottle of shochu?"
"Okay, but what are you going to do? Are you going to visit the grave again?"
"A souvenir for my landlord. That person should also drink."
Sagawa's landlord is the person who brought four bottles of shochu during the canned chuhai incident. Well, she seemed like a nice person.
"Then take as much as you want. There are plenty."
"Hehe, thanks."
Sagawa skillfully tied two 1.8-liter bottles together with packing rope and walked out into the hall, holding them with both hands.
"Good night, Kame-chan. Don't drink too much."
With that face, looking back and saying unnecessary things when it's time to go.
(You really look like him.), Aki thought.
Three months later, winter.
"Wait, Sagawa!"
As always, Sagawa and Aki walked across the schoolyard.
Recently, the students have completely lost interest.
"Well, it's always the same. Let's just leave it at that."
"That looks familiar, right?"
That's how it was.
Rather, they were more interested in what the scooter brought back from the post office after the two of them walked out the school gate.
Thirty minutes later, when Aki returned with Sagawa, Ranko Kanezaki came running over.
"Kame-chan! Looks like a stalker sent you a postcard!"
Since she doesn't come back to the boarding house very often, her mail was sent to the school recently. The postcard they gave her had something like this written on it in crude characters.
[I sent you a postcard, thinking that it might not read in a sealed letter.
I'll pick you up soon.
Kanezaki called out to Aki, who was frozen with a postcard in her hand.
"Ah, no, this is... not a stalker..."
The next day.
"Kame-chan seems to have escaped from her fiancée and come to this island."
"It seems that her fiancée is coming to take Kame-chan away."
As usual, the rumor spread throughout the island in an instant.
"No, no. He is not my fiancé.
Aki corrected.
"It's true that he said something about marriage, but I didn't respond. That's why he's not a fiancé."
"He proposed to you?"
"We usually get along fine."
"If you don't like him, why don't you say no?"
"Someone you have to run quietly from? No way... isn't he a stalker after all?"
"No, it's not like that. He's an excellent person… maybe."
"Then, why?"
"It's a compatibility thing... Well, we've known each other for a long time, but it's like a rotten relationship..."
The students listened to Aki's unsatisfying story one by one, mixing inferences and confirmations.
In short, the story is more or less like this.
Aki Kameido had an old friend, or rather a comrade.
They informed each other of the content of the training almost every day. They often went out to eat and drink.
If she had a complaint, she would call him in the middle of the night.
The man's name is Masaru Hiratome.
"Hey, Hiratome is a track athlete?"
"It is said that he became a strengthened athlete for the next Olympic Games..."
"He is great."
In the spring of her fourth year at the university, Aki didn't know which way to go. An Achilles tendon rupture is an injury that can be completely cured with proper treatment without rushing, but leaves you blank for almost half a year in competition. As a result, there are many people who have returned to active duty but eventually retire without being able to reach their original peak, and conversely, there are many people who rush back and relapse. Since she was in her early twenties, that would determine her competitive career, and it was a delicate period before she started looking for a job, there was some risk in every decision she made.
It was there that Hiratome made a proposal.
If Aki wants to go pro, of course he'll support her, but if she's not sure, she should have the option to withdraw. It makes a lot of sense for her to continue running as a regular runner for a long time, rather than risk a recurrence and aim for a momentary good result.
If you are concerned about your livelihood, you can take care of yourself for years, even the rest of your life. She thought about her course with that in mind. He wanted her to think about the path that Aki thinks is the best.
"...A proposal. That's a proposal."
"The conditions are really good!"
"He is a good person."
"I don't know why you're running away."
Aki waved her hand at the students who said that.
"No, that's why I didn't run away. I just kept my distance and hid the conclusion."
"You're running from your decision, aren't you?"
"Something called Blue Marriage."
"This time the other party was waiting for me, so it's fine, but normally he would be surprised and cut ties with me."
"Don't test people's feelings with an ambiguous attitude."
Aki still made excuses to the students admonishing her.
"No, I don't. I just decided to rearrange things and try to think for myself."
"I do not think."
"You drink alcohol every day and play with Jingi."
"Haha, yes."
"Jingi, shut up for a moment."
"That is..."
Aki lowered her eyes,
"...That's Sagawa's fault."
"What's that?"
The students groaned.
"It's natural for him to be bad. This guy is always the worst."
"But just because Jingi is bad doesn't mean you don't have to do it right!"
"Don't blame others for your problems, even if they are loyal."
"Haha, yes."
"Shut up a second."
If it crosses the vermilion, it turns red. Aki, who runs with Sagawa, has already become a "same guy" among the students. If you think about it normally, no matter how people's commitments are or how life is, there is no reason why a good adult should poke into a high school student in that area, but after all, it is "similar", so this is unconditionally a sermon. It became a target.
As the curiosity trivia session began to show signs of ending...
A student came in from the hallway.
"Kame-chan, you have a guest in the principal's office."
A tall man was sitting on the couch in the director's office, in the seat reserved for visitors.
The muscular figure is clearly visible even from the top of the suit. He looks like an athlete.
"Masaru Hiratome."
"Wow, it's real."
"It's great, isn't it?"
Students looking from behind the door. The man on the couch...
Masaru Hiratome looked in that direction.
The students suddenly descended into the hallway, leaving Aki alone.
Masaru Hiratome got up, walked towards the door and grabbed Aki by the shoulders with both hands.
"Aki, what are you doing in a place like this?"
"If you want to be a teacher, that's fine. I said that I would support you no matter what. Why did you decide without consulting me? I was worried because you disappeared without telling me where you were going..."
(Oh, this is...)
(That's really romantic.)
The students, who had been half listening to Aki's story, leaned forward to see the development that took place more than they had imagined.
Aki, on the other hand, stiffened with both shoulders grabbed, but before long...
"That's... you're wrong."
(What are you talking about, Kame-chan?)
The students were stunned for a moment, but Masaru winced as if he had been struck by the void.
"If you say, "I'm rooting for you" or "I'm worried", that means you're putting me down. That's not good for me."
(Wow, this is one messy pattern!)
The students joked in their hearts.
"I see... that's correct."
Masaru smiled sheepishly.
"Well, then it's a match."
He also said something strange.
Aki had an angry face, but she nodded naturally. It seemed that there was something decided between the two of them.
They didn't know the details, but...
(In short, both are weirdos.)
The students thought.
They all moved to the schoolyard.
Lead-colored clouds hung in the sky and a little wind began to blow.
Aki Kameido, Masaru Hiratome, the principal, Aki's students, and other staff members and students also heard the commotion and gathered together.
As the crowd watched, Masaru removed his jacket and tie and traded in leather shoes for sneakers. He thought that if they met that could happen, so he brought it as luggage.
It was decided that the tour would begin in the school yard, follow the road towards the coast, and end at the tip of the breakwater. The distance is about 1000 meters. It is said that the students will be placed at important points and guide Masaru to run across this land for the first time.
Masaru was somewhat relieved to know that there were children around Aki who found this kind of thing amusing. He at least believes that she felt less alone than she did when she was in high school and college.
One of the students drew a line in the dirt with his toes and Masaru took a starting position standing next to Aki.
He and Aki Kameido have known each other since they were in elementary school, and for more than half their lives, they have been more deeply involved than each other's families.
According to Aki, Masaru was the first to call her a turtle. It was then that her life began to go crazy.
He doesn't remember it clearly, but it may be true. It is natural to call a person named "Kameido" a "turtle". Aki used to call him Saru, a play on Masaru's name (he remembers it). He believes that dependent on the other in that sense, but when he thinks that he might have been the one to set the direction of Aki's life in the first place, he feels a certain responsibility.
When she beat him in the fifth grade relay, he was embarrassed to be beaten on the big stage, but he didn't regret it. He knew that Aki was working harder than anyone, more than him. Her triumphant smile was radiant.
In high school, they both joined the track club. The activities were divided between men and women, and he was a little relieved that there was no direct competition. However, because this was an individual competition, there were many situations where simple numerical values could be competed for, such as records and amount of practice. Aki seemed to see him as her imaginary enemy like always, but there was simply a difference in physical strength between men and women.
Furthermore, he was blessed with a good body and during the three years of high school, his skeleton and muscles grew significantly.
At first, he felt guilty, as if he was playing an unfair game, but before he knew it, he began to think that he might be the pacemaker to guide Aki.
Five years from now, ten years from now, someday when he stops running, Aki will triumphantly catch up with him like that day. She always wins in the end. She is the tortoise of the rabbit and the tortoise. He already figured it out.
It was the biggest mistake of his life when he told Aki about "Achilles and the Tortoise" when he was in high school. The demigod Achilles, origin of her name, was her pride and support. He made a joke and contaminated that feeling. Furious, Aki ran to her father at her house and after that, she didn't speak to him for a week. He still regrets that matter.
After entering high school, Aki's attitude towards competition changed even more. What had always been a rather stoic way of dealing with him had become an afterthought, almost austere way. It was as if she carried an invisible load on her back and kept training to the limit.
So when Aki injured the Achilles tendon in her right leg, he told her, "There is also the option of dropping the load". Aki was not convinced and got angry. That anger may be directed at him, but that's okay. If it started because of him, it's okay if she blamed him for messing it up.
However, contrary to expectations, Aki disappeared without saying anything. She didn't tell anyone where she was going and even canceled her cell phone.
He recently found out that she became a teacher on a remote island. It's been almost a year since she went missing.
"Okay, go ahead!"
With that order, the two began.
Masaru had the disadvantage of running on an undeveloped road that he had never seen before. As he waited and watched, he slowed down and let Aki take the lead.
But, Aki jumped in much earlier than expected. It's like running a sprint.
Is it a strategy to gain distance first and escape? Although it is fast. He can't believe there's been a blank for over a year.
However, if he had to say that, she was always on active duty without a break. Masaru quickened his pace and closed the distance to Aki's back.
Of course, he wouldn't take shortcuts. He knows that would hurt Aki's pride more. He would simply show a careless look touching the scales. As a result, Masaru has always put his all into his races with Aki and has won most of them. Each time, Aki became angry and frustrated, and worked even harder to move forward.
No thanks to that, in fact, she probably even hates him.
However, now Masaru's self-imposed mission is to continue playing the role of "Achilles' tortoise", the unpleasant guide who runs ahead of Aki.
Masaru caught up with her.
Aki felt the pressure on her back as if a thick wall was approaching her.
Normally, that wall ran in front of her, no matter how much she ran, she couldn't catch up with it and couldn't even touch it.
But today, in this place, Masaru will only apply pressure from behind and will not surpass Aki. The actual attack will occur once the breakwater is reached and the goal is fully visible.
High school students stand at regular intervals on both sides of the road.
"Good luck to both of you!"
"Hiratome-san, go straight for a while!"
"Hey, hurry up you two!"
Each supports the other. And when the two passed by, they ran after them making a lot of noise.
Aki kept pace with her as she walked through the school gates onto a gentle slope towards the coast. She ran across the asphalt pavement near the school and eventually entered an unpaved gravel road.
Both gravel and slope are road conditions that Masaru, a competitor, would normally avoid. If you get used to it, you will be able to run without problems, but inevitably the load on your ankles and knees and the possibility of falling will cross your mind.
Failure to get used to it creates disorder in form and muscle stiffness. Unlike Aki, who has run this course hundreds of times, Masaru's body will become more fatigued the more he runs.
May his legs get tired before he reaches the breakwater. That was Aki's strategy.
She assumed that he was trying to stay back to see how things were going, but when he wanted to pass, he couldn't pass.
No matter how hard he tried, no matter how much he struggled, he couldn't reach the back in front of him. He tasted that feeling. Today it is the other way around. She is the tortoise and he is Achilles.
From the sandy beach she climbed a short flight of stairs to the breakwater. Last straight course.
Aki ran towards it.
Contrary to Aki's expectations, Masaru was unable to turn around.
Fatigue clung to him like a burden and still all of Aki's power remained.
The physical strength of a top-level active player was something like that.
And his mental strength.
Masaru never lost sight of his purpose. Risk of injury and even loss of a future career for taking this irregular route. He ignored them and did the best he could.
Masaru pulled Aki. There was a complete difference in strength.
There were now less than 50 meters to the tip of the breakwater.
The battle is already completely decided. It was a situation where everyone thought so.
But Aki still didn't give up.
(Why can't Achilles catch up with the tortoise in the first place?)
That's because Achilles "exactly wants to win". Aki thinks that's it.
Achilles always points to the "current position" of the turtle. So when you get there the turtle will take the next step.
It's like a stone curling, thinking to stop as it continues, trying to stop safely in a chicken race. It's essentially a chicken.
It was different.
If the turtle in front of her, the walls of life, slowed her down and said, "Go ahead" or "That's enough", would she be satisfied with that? Would she agree?
She wouldn't do it. She wouldn't be convinced. She couldn't forgive herself if she felt relieved when someone said, "That's enough", and rushed to help.
She is a very stubborn person and that won't change until she dies.
She will not stop doing it until the moment of her death.
Aki accelerated quickly and passed Masaru.
(This impulse...!)
Masaru realized that in an instant. He had misjudged Aki's determination.
Generally speaking, sprinting requires at least a few meters to go from sprint to stop. Considering that the current surface is flat concrete, he should estimate that it will be at least 10 meters.
However, Aki's strength clearly exceeds that.
He intended to speed up until the last moment.
He reached out, but it was too late.
Aki slipped out of Masaru's grasp and ran further forward.
Masaru was starting to slow her down, but he couldn't catch up anymore.
"Hear that!"
"You're going to fall, Kame-chan!"
The students following her were starting to make a fuss.
"Hahaha, let's do it, Kame-chan."
There was laughter from Masaru's side.
Before she knew it, one of her students was running next to her.
He was facing Masaru in a backward running position. It was clearly abnormal posture and speed.
"You... from Aki's class...?"
"Hiratome-san, it's okay here, go to the other side!"
Aki's student Sagawa made a "detour" gesture with his outstretched hand and then accelerated even further, pushing Masaru away with tremendous force.
"Hey, you... Aki?"
"Leave it to me~!"
And at that moment, in the direction they were heading...
Aki stepped off the tip of the breakwater and jumped into the air.
The weather was starting to get worse and the waves were high.
Aki's body fell several meters and was enveloped by the icy water of the river. Her consciousness and body temperature disappeared in an instant and her vision turned black.
(Ah... this is dangerous...)
Even that consciousness disappeared in an instant.
Before she knew it, Aki was in a soft beam of light.
There was no gravity, no sense of up and down, she simply floated in a fixed direction along with particles of light.
(Is this the afterlife... the Sanzu River?)
She had imagined something more like a river bed or a flower garden, but when she thought about it, she realized that it was an image of the old "other world" and that something as simple as that would be more authentic in these days.
As her consciousness became clearer, she remembered the race process with Masaru just now.
Jump from the breakwater into the winter river
(I see... I think I'm dead.)
She wouldn't go so far as to say that she was prepared to die, but when her blood rushes to her head, she does something reckless without thinking about the consequences, so she expected to some extent to end up dying like that.
(Well, in that case, it's okay.)
She ended up causing problems for Masaru, but if she could come out on top with the victory, that would be the most important thing.
Regardless of what happens along the way, in the final moments of her life she must emerge victorious. That's what she had in mind.
When she was in her third year of high school, her father died.
Apparently, he died instantly in a traffic accident while traveling. It was too sudden, but more than that, she always regretted the fight she had with her father just before.
About a week before the accident, Aki, who had lost a match with Masaru as usual, complained, "I'm supposed to be Achilles.", to which Masaru was amused and said, "That guy is slower than a turtle."
"What?!" Aki said, and Masaru also seemed surprised. She thought he knew the story of "Achilles and the Tortoise". After saying that, he apologized.
It was frustrating. She had feelings like "I was humiliated" by Masaru, "I was made fun of", and "On top of that, he cared about me". Although she had those feelings, her strongest feeling was that her father had "betrayed her".
Her father was not an idiot, unlike her. He probably knew the story of "Achilles and the Tortoise" and was probably very careful when naming his daughter. In other words, the "demigod Achilles" appeared after the fact.
They thought she was a stupid girl and took advantage of it.
Meanwhile, she raced for five years and even decided her career path.
She felt like her feet were being destroyed and she was angry.
So after getting home...
"Don't say anything randomly, you liar!"
She hated her father like that and hadn't spoken to him since that day.
Aki's tantrums have been common for a long time. It was common for her to be stubborn for days on end.
However, after a week, her head began to get cold. There was no doubt that her father had said the "Achilles" thing for Aki's sake. Everything her father did was always for Aki. She knew it very well. So, she was trying to find the right time to make peace.
At that moment an accident occurred. Her father died while Aki called him a liar.
She has always regretted that. So when he died, she wanted to tell him that.
In fact, she tried to say it out loud now.
"What dad said was true."
"I'm fast. I won't lose to anyone."
She finally she could say it.
She was glad she could say that.
She thought that when she died, her father would come pick her up from the afterlife and apologize to him directly, but that didn't seem to be the case for her.
However, the flow of light surrounded her body. She was sure her father would be at the end of that trend.
In time, she too will merge with that flow and be a part of it.
"Kame-chan, wake up, wake up!"
Someone was shouting in her ear.
"Because I'm not dead yet! I'm not dead yet!"
"Uh... Sagawa...?"
A howling wind. The cold water splashed on her body. There was no ground under her feet and Sagawa was supporting her body.
She heard voices of people coming from below. Masaru and the students. They looked small like a pea.
(What kind of situation is this...? In the air?!)
It is said that Sakawa Jingi is training in a shaman-like profession that has been passed down in this area and that she is capable of using a variety of mysterious techniques.
It seems that just now, with that power, Aki, who had fallen into the river, was swept away like a tornado, along with the river water.
The height where Aki is is probably about 10 meters, much higher than the breakwater.
"Hiratome-san! I'll send you Kame-chan, so please take her!"
Saying that, Sagawa let go of her hand.
"What?! Sagawa!"
It seems that the power of the "tornado" is still at work, and Aki is carried away by the wind as she loses altitude and falls into the arms of Masaru, who runs towards her.
On the other hand, Sagawa fell almost vertically, probably because he focused more on Aki, and a large column of water stood on the surface of the water.
"Wah, Jingi is down!"
"Help, help!"
Behind the commotion of the students...
"Are you okay, Aki?"
Masaru said, looking at her face.
Aki looked at that face again without understanding.
(If you look closely, they don't look much alike.)
Masaru has more of a monkey face, but he is much more decent than Sagawa.
Well, he could be among the pretty boys. A monkey is a monkey, but a cool monkey.
She was vaguely thinking about those things.
The next year, spring.
Aki became the official teacher of the third year class. Since this is an improvement over the previous year, the student lineup will remain the same.
She thought there would be some excitement like, "Sensei, are you by any chance going back to the mainland?", but that wasn't the case at all.
When Aki disclosed it...
"Isn't that the kind of thing that happens in old movies? Around the Showa era."
Kazehayashi said.
"Kame-chan dreams about the island too much."
And Ranko Kanazaki.
"We will most likely graduate and this dilapidated school will be gone next year."
"Kame-chan is moving to Ichinoshima school, right?"
"Oh, yes."
Aki said.
"You are also students of that school, so if something happens, you should go there."
"However, I have no attachment to my alma mater. It's not like I went there."
"I also wanted to go to a high school in the city...!"
Junnosuke Mizutani. He seemed really sorry.
"Junnosuke, you dream about the city too much."
"Is Ichinoshima really that big a city?"
"Because... there is also a Starbucks in Ichinoshima..."
"No, it doesn't make any difference either way."
Aki said.
"It's like it's connected by a single train, so I think it's quite convenient no matter where you live... You guys will stay in your hometown even after you graduate, right?"
"Oh, my love for my hometown is burning."
"Instead of worrying about us, what will happen to Kame-chan in the future? Are you going to be a teacher in Ichinoshima forever?"
"Oh, that's right! I would like to know what you are going to do with Hiratome-san."
The incident that winter where "Kame-chan ran away from her fiancé and jumped into the winter river" became a rumor throughout the island as a serious incident, but the opinions of the students who saw the scene were generally unanimous.
They said...
"A troublesome woman like Kame-chan, if there is a man who is okay with that, then she should do whatever she wants, including marriage. No, she should do it. It would be a once in a lifetime opportunity."
"If you don't like him, say no clearly. In any case, it's not good to put pressure on others."
In short, Kame-chan is bad at facing her own problems properly.
That's why Aki faced her problems in a relaxed way.
"Yes, well... Masaru is still very active, so I don't think he's getting married."
"There are the Olympic Games."
"I thought it would be a good idea to have someone to support me once I was done with all that and retired."
"Hey, what are you talking about, Kame-chan?"
"Why are you trying to get on board at that time?"
"Isn't this the time to support you?"
"So, let's go, Kame-chan."
Sagawa peeked out from behind the wall at the entrance to the classroom.
"You can ask Hiratome-san to come here and stay in Ayaka forever. You can live in Ichinoshima or Ninoshima, whatever you want.
The idea wasn't bad. Aki looked up at the sky and thought:
"No, it's not that I want to live there forever, and I'll probably get bored soon."
"As expected, that is the truth."
"Well, although I'm not wrong..."
"That's rude, Kame-chan!"
As the students criticized Aki, Sagawa laughed out loud.
"There is nothing to offer. Rich nature, simple life, obedient students. Besides..."
He lifted the square bottle he had hidden so that it was level with his face.
"Delicious salmon~♪"
"Yes, there it is! Mizutani's father brought it yesterday."
"Oh, yes. Good whiskey."
"Hey, if it's a souvenir for the owner, you said you'd make sure to prepare it properly. Why did you bring the "nice guy" without permission?"
Sagawa with a serious face.
"...Because it's interesting."
"Ah... Sakawa!"
The usual chase began.
Sagawa runs back holding a sake bottle to his chest, while Aki runs after him.
The students said as they saw the two cross the schoolyard, raising a cloud of dust.
"Both Jingi and Kame-chan are very cute."
"I never get tired of cosplaying Tendon or Showa sketches. It's the same story."
"It looks like we'll be doing the same thing in five or ten years."
Under a clear sky, a cloud of dust passed through the school gate and headed down the road towards the coast.
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helenadurazzo · 2 years
The Wanderer
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Jacob Thomas Durazzo’s family was full of great, wealthy, and accomplished people, starting off with both sets of his grandparents who are noble families in the Kingdom of Clubs and have had their status for centuries. His father works on maintaining the economy of Clubs while his mother works as a researcher, studying the medicinal properties of plants. His paternal aunt, develops medicine while his paternal uncle trains creatures to help serve in the Clubs military as aids to the soldiers, such as his aunt, who was a top general in the army and would later retire in favor of teaching at the Kingdom’s best academy.
As a member of the upper class society of Clubs and living within the Kingdom’s capital, he, his younger sister Helena, and his cousins often solely interacted with the kids from other rich parents with one example being Alex and Cato Reese who often came to visit him and Helena. Even if school he did not interact with anyone from the lower classes as most of the people who attended the school, were higher up members of society, although there were a few exceptions. He often enjoyed visiting his maternal grandparents, not because he enjoyed their spacious and fancy home, but because he enjoyed observing the farms in the surrounding areas.
His instructors were impressed by his skills and labeled him as a gifted kid, something young Jacob enjoyed at first as it gave him more attention among his peers. However, as he grew up, he goofed off more and started caring less and less about studies, falling particularly behind when it came to mathematics. Suddenly, school, had turned from a fun experience where he could hang out with his friends, to a boring experience where he would just have to wait impatiently for the final bell to ring. In addition, he was never really fond of the idea of going to university because of this, but knew that he had to because of his family’s reputation, although
Alessandro and Olivia would later comfort him when they informed him it didn’t matter what he chose.
At university, he decided to pursue a degree in history as, because of his family members who were historians, it did hold some interest to him. However, all of his instructors were very stiff and no-nonsense, making him dislike it. He tried other activities such as the Abraxan Derby, but quit after one try when he was knocked off his Abraxan and ended up in the hospital due to a broken arm, and as such, has not flown on an Abraxan since. He got extremely bored with being within four walls and longed to explore the natural beauty of the Kingdom of Clubs, as such, he made the decision to drop out of university, choosing to ignore anyone who opposed his decision.
Rivals of his family tried to use the fact that Jacob dropped out of university to give the Durazzo Family a bad light. His maternal grandparents in particular were very disappointed in him and didn’t hide it and often blamed Olivia for influencing him and not stopping him. It was also very shocking as Jacob was set to be the heir of the Durazzo Family and as such, it was expected for him to graduate from university and get a high paying job. However, after dropping out, Jacob worked small side jobs and would assist his mother in traveling on various trails in the Kingdom and gathering her plants to study when she didn’t have time to do so herself
For the most part, Jacob was satisfied with his new found freedom with only have two instances where he doubted his life choices. The first of which was when his sister became one of the King’s advisors, and eventually rose up to be his Jack, the highest position an advisor could get in the Kingdom of Clubs. His sister had always been much more studious than her, so it was not much of a surprise that she got such an impressive job title not too long after her graduation from university. Still, it made him feel like he wasn’t protecting her the way he should have as an older brother, even though she told him not to worry about it as he was happy with his life.
The second was when it came to trying to impress, Angelica Cole, an esteemed Creature Marshall for the Kingdom of Clubs. He had noticed her before but never developed his feelings for her until later (ironically she had a crush on him but grew out of it after Jacob was so oblivious), he worries that, as he is not successful compared to others, she would not even spare him a passing glance. However, he does eventually win her over with time and effort. However, overall, Jacob gained recognition for his discoveries that he made while wandering around the wonderful natural beauty that is the Kingdom of Clubs.
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satisfied-ohyeah · 1 year
I don't have a title for this and I've never posted this type of thing here, so if this reaches anyone who can give me tips, that would be great. If not, enjoy as is.
(Mafiafell!) Sans x (short!) Reader
We met in a smokey bar. I don’t know if it was the fire whiskey, the soothing jazz, or his knock-knock jokes that somehow were also pick-up lines. He had a strong Brooklyn accent and was an imposing figure around these parts.
We danced, laughed, and drank. It was almost love at first sight.
We ended up in bed together that night. Whispered sweet words, tangled limbs, soft touches, and in the dim light of the next morning a warm cup of coffee and an empty bed. Left a card on the nightstand, like I’d call or see him again.
It was a hell of a night, one I wouldn’t forget easily and one that no other partner could live up to.
A revolving door of partners wasn’t the only thing that I could keep myself busy with, work took the rest of my time and I was okay with that.
Work…The Family business was small at first. Father ran the company, believing that a good boss would know and have worked in every position in the company; therefore, each of his children worked from the bottom up. He had each of us start at 10 years old doing grunt work for the most part then built up from there.
I had two older siblings that looked out for me. Each specializes in a specific field within the company, the eldest being up for the next boss and the middle especially good at wheeling and dealing.
I was also being considered for the boss but my love was in reconnaissance. I loved the spy-like lifestyle. Due to my stature, figure and personality displayed to the public, the average Joe often underestimated me.
I was outwardly soft and small. Standing tall at 5’3” and being a little extra fluffy, more along the lines of a human squish mellow than moderately classed as “sexy” dressing in a style that aligned with comfy or runaway teen even though I have been out of school for several years already.
Father didn’t raise a fool though and made sure we all had as good an education as we could get even beyond high school. Whereas Momma raised us with one fist of iron and the other steel. Father was away most days and nights and momma worked during the day. We didn’t live rich but we weren’t poor.
Years lead the family business to grow exponentially among the working class. Father took care of the people who worked for the business, often treating the men and their families like extended family members no matter their colour or orientation.
The house was always busy around the holidays. Lots of people, some I don’t even remember, their faces just a blur in the background, and their voices all mingle together in a cacophony. Smoking wasn’t allowed in the house, so even outside was busy.
I don’t remember when they started calling father “Don”, but I do remember when he started letting monsters into the business. He did it at my behest. I remember going into the office during a meeting just like any other lackey, even if I was the Don’s kid, and standing in front of those old men in their fancy suits, arguing my point to the nay Sayers and throwing evidence in their face. I had gone in undercover to find as much information as I could to support my theory that bringing them in would be beneficial, and I found it.
Monsters had their own family businesses that were going, the skeleton bros that ran Snowdin and the royals that got Hotland. Any monster caught in the middle better mind their “p”s and “q”s or they’d be dust in the wind. And I was convincing the old bastards to hire them for Intel, weapons, and the bonus of having magic.
Every business needs hard workers after all. It would have us making a name for ourselves in the monster community and although some may be upset with the choice most can’t argue that it would be beneficial in the long run. Magic was something the average human didn’t have and could never obtain, but monsters had. They used it to make weapons police couldn’t trace, it left nothing but a body, and aside from saying it was a monster, you couldn’t pinpoint which monster unless you were a witness.
So, we hired them. Any stray monsters not already signing their lives away to the king or the skelie Don could sign their life over to us. They would be protected in the human city, and renowned in the monster one.
It was good. Until it wasn’t. It was the reason I met him, but not the reason I loved him.
Let’s start at the beginning. This is how I got stuck with an enemy and found my soulmate.
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meltingheaven27 · 7 months
An Introduction to Privilege life Roots of me
I came from a privileged family. Both side of my family came from the one who benefitting the era. Let me introduce my roots.
PT B**** and PT P********
This part is my mother side of family. Their story is quite interesting, they live their whole life being a nomad. One born on some place and moving to another. They raised basically everywhere. Like how my aunts and uncles born and raised in different places. Once they lived in North Sumatra near Aceh. Then, they moved to Dumai in Riau for a long time. Then, they moved to Bontang in East Kalimantan due my grandad work that's related to mining/oil, i don't really remember. To move like that, with total of 5 kids and parents (in total 7 people), one province to another province and moving to another island (and it's a rare mobility to get there) it surely a huge privilege. They live a comfort days benefitting the era of New Order. My mom is the first one to move to Jakarta to study in some vocational at the East. She said that she could live comfortably in kos-kosan even though from what i heard it's not the fanciest one (she mentioned how they have to share bathroom per floor). To be able move from Bontang to Jakarta must be cost expensively! second, vocational academy it's not cheap. For today's currency is on 7+11 millions, that must be cost a lot of money for study-living-for fun. She had a lot of entry to mid designers thingy, which of course not cheap. I have a story or two about how they began to fall down, but i can't tell all of them here.
2. Military (**) and Business
This part is my father side of family. I don't exposed much about their story since i don't like them in general (so i usually hide away or not listening in general). Shortly short, my alm. grand father is served in TNI with mid to higher position, which is you know how privileged you are when served to this 'man' (while this 'man' is also rise from the militaru background). They moved to one place to another place too. Both of my grandparents raised in Java, my grandma said that she's come from blue blood of Java (i don't trust her tbh, because i always annoyed when she always ask me to behave like a priyayi). They moved from Java to West Sumatra where they had my dad, and then later they moved to Bali, and their last is in Jakarta at 1970-1980-ish. In Jakarta, my grand father died a little too young that left my grandma a widow. She had a lot of assets, acres of soil in Jakarta-Bekasi, Transportation business (Metromini (?)), and any other thing that i don't really know. My house that i live and writing this was one of her assets, my core family don't own this. Oh, my father is studied at Trisakti, where it's a reputable private university while majoring in Architectural. He used wanting to get in to Parahyangan, where every good Arc produced from there, my grandma get him a after school course preparation to get into there, but failed. The privilege my father has that he drive his car to his campus with a lot of expensive designer clothes and fancy tools for studies.
I didn't realize this after i reached higher education, university year to be exact. Don't get me wrong, my core family is inheriting the privilege. But for only one kid, my oldest brother, before it all went down like hill.
As my oldest brother claimed that he always go to Plaza Senayan to play weird michael jackson space ship thingy, go to Dufan regularly, hang out at Pondok Indah Mall when he was a child. Even mentioned that my core family when were only 3 (dad, mom, and brother) had a house in Jababeka/Cikarang. I cannot believe that we used to have a house or property on our own. But, the house later sold for 'i don't really know' reason.
It's weird to hear all that. When at the same time my mother told that when our family at our worst financial condition, my older brother and i were almost bargained for the friend of mom that is rich and not having a kid.
Me and my older brother not really living in that time where we inheriting the privilege of our grandparents. We just live a life... i don't really know how to describe it though, because for me, it's my normal life.
It's kind of cliffhanger to leave it like this, but that's what i can say and tell.
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
Love the full information of the AU. I wonder what are the changes like Grimm appearing and how Yuu got into school for someone who isn't magic. I also think that Yuu met Ace when they were kids since his older brother Jack go to the same school. Crewel will likely go daddy mode on who will approach Yuu.
I haven't fully decided on the how and why of it all. But whatever the in game reason end up being for Yuu being in NRC is, remains the same, that is unchanged. They have somehow just ended up there at young age. The reason on how they got there long before the game events, I've thought maybe it's because they essentially pulled an Alice. They went wandering around where they shouldn't, and fell down the rabbit hole which is a portal to Twisted Wonderland. The rabbit hole ended up dumping them on the Isle of Sages and Crewel finds them.
As for Grim I'm between two things: Either they meet at orientation just as they did in game. Or, their fates are so intertwined that they find each other before Crewel finds them. We have lost little kitten Grim who woke up all alone with no memories and he runs into this small human and they latch onto each other, because what else are they going to do? They wander into town together and run into a kind man in black and white and have been together ever since.
As for Aces brother, that is adorable, it completely slipped my mind that Aces brother went to NRC too. Maybe he's the student that dressed Yuu as a little mascot. lol Maybe when the family visited for the tournament and parents day, little Ace and Yuu meet and play together, and it's all very cute. Since Ace and Deuce and Crewel are all from the Queendom of Roses, maybe against all odds they end up meeting at a young age. Maybe they're all in the same after school program or something. (Due to the backstory I've given the Crewel family in this au, they are hella rich. So they would not have been in the same school. Crewel would have set Yuu up in some fancy private school) Or like a local daycamp and they all become friends and Lilith sets up play dates, because Yuu is still in that adjustment period and this is their first time making friends with other kids. So the trio are childhood friends, and Ace and Deuce are both shocked and happy to see Yuu in NRC against all odds.
Also another fun thing in this au is that the staff that are younger are not initially there when Yuu shows up. Vargas is two years younger than Crewel, So he's ,at most, only recently graduated and maybe hasn't landed the coach job yet. Sam won't be there for a few more years. As opposed to Crowley and Trein who were there from the start. So Yuu has this completely different dynamic with everyone.
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
Keep thinking about that Midsomer Murders AU. Generally defaulting to the Barnaby and Troy as investigators instead of SW characters
Anakin did the initial killing, but it was one of those murders that would have gotten a "the courts would be very kind to you" kills. There are a few mentions in the show about deaths that are committed in self-defense, so it's definitely in keeping with the show themes.
Anakin found out that Palpatine had helped arrange for Padme's death in childbirth, which hadn't seemed suspicious at the time, but Maul came by two and a half years after with evidence of Palpatine having the medical equipment sabotaged. He went to confront Palpatine about it, in a 'please tell me this isn't true' or ' someone's faked recordings of you doing a bad thing, you need to know before he goes to the press about it' way. Instead, Palpatine cops to it for... no reason (much like how he just kind of waits around for the Jedi after telling Anakin he's a Sith in canon) and mentions offhand that he had something to do with Shmi's death a few years prior to that.
Anakin throws a punch or two. Palpatine dodges with an unexpected level of elderly spriteliness.
Anakin says he's going to go to the press. Palpatine warns that, if he could kill off Shmi (seemingly unfortunate run-in with gang violence in Nevada) and Padme without anyone being any the wiser, then he can do the same to someone else Anakin cares about. Obi-Wan's avoided it so far, but there are far more fragile people in Anakin's life, and death rates for children in accidents…
Anakin freezes up. Panics. He maybe gets violent. There's a suspicious grab at a nearby sculpture (which is, in itself, suspicious) used as a bludgeoning weapon. Anakin knocks him out and then starts rummaging about the desk and office to find better proof of Palpatine's crimes, something that can't be swept under the rug.
Palpatine wakes up without Anakin noticing. Pulls a gun. Threatens Anakin to stop. Shoots to graze. Anakin panics again, goes for another 'knock the man out,' and then tosses the gun out the window into the nearby river. Leaves this time.
The 'knock him out' was more than that, and Palpatine is dead by morning due to a brain bleed.
Anakin doesn't come forward and confess, though he supposedly would get treated relatively well by the jury for the several murders and threat to his children (though he doesn't have it on record), and since he had a gun and didn't use it.
Towards the end, when he's asked about why he didn't confess to it all, he says that Palpatine was a very wealthy, very careful, very powerful man, who probably had back-ups in case of his death, and either someone would ensure he spent decades behind bars, or would kill him as soon as he got out.
There's a moment halfway through the episode where someone finds out that Anakin has a list of Where The Kids (and Dogs) Go If Something Happens (the list starts with Obi-Wan and Ahsoka, then Bail, Sabe, Aayla, Owen, Sola, in that order) (Rex will be added to the list if/when he and Anakin decide to tie the knot) Anakin is asked about the list, which is significantly more detailed with more clauses than what most people have, and Anakin admits that, since he almost died when he was nineteen (car crash that took his arm), and Padme did die when he was twenty-two, he's a paranoid mess about the kids having someone if he dies.
There's also a general background to Anakin ending up in English village life in the first place. Shmi was a single mom in Nevada, the dad turned up when Anakin was nine because ??? IDK reasons he didn't know Anakin existed until then. Shmi wanted to marry a local guy (Cliegg) but if Anakin went with Qui-Gon, then a rich grandfather (Dooku) would shell out for a fancy magnet school in England.
Qui-Gon died soon after Anakin was legally in the UK, ended up raised mostly by Obi-Wan with some input from Dooku, after reaching out to Shmi to talk over the options. Anakin needed stability, so Anakin was raised in Dooku's country estate, which was relatively close to Big Fancy School. Dooku's usually in London for business, Anakin moved out after getting married, etc.
Padme's foreign (probably Italian, because Varykino just gives me Italian Villa vibes, but we could also go with the fashion sources and make her Mongolian), and her family is mostly still living in her home country; this is also why Sola is last on the list of people to get the twins.
Priority goes to family and to geography, so the twins stay in/near a place with familiarity if they suddenly lose Anakin. Owen comes before Sola because Owen and Beru want kids, while Sola already has them, and there will be less of a language barrier in Nevada.
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halloweenbitch2764 · 3 years
Hey! What if the reader is like from the new rich family which just moved in woodsboro and her parents and siblings are extremely overprotective of her as she is very pretty? (Pretty in your eyes, is how much pretty our reader is!) so like she is extremely offimits? And stu and Billy feel a spark in her like some kind of soulmate thingy? How would the whole movie work then? Please do it in head canons! If you can!
Hi! Thank you for the ask! This is definitely super interesting :D
Rich! Reader x Billy & Stu
You had just moved to Woodsboro due to your dad's work moving
You certainly lived comfortably and moved into the largest house the small town had to offer
You were used to the city so the move to a small town was nearly culture shock
You'd be attending Woodsboro High School as a senior which sucked
You were so close to finishing school and had to leave all your friends behind for a new school where everyone already had their friends and friend groups made
This school was much less fancy and smaller compared to your old private school
You didn't mind the downgrade though
Maybe the kids wouldn't be so snotty and arrogant
Your brother would be attending school with you which was a blessing and a curse
You were happy to know at least one person you'd be going to school with
But he was supremely overprotective to the point of scaring potential boyfriends off. He'd done it before and he's do it again
Your parents were just a little better about it but not much, being pretty overprotective as well
You knew they only meant the best but it felt claustrophobic at times
On the first day of your new school you got dressed up since you weren't quite sure how formal or casual you were supposed to dress
So you chose a mix between the two and ate breakfast before grabbing your stuff and getting in your car
Despite having a lot of money you drove a more modest car
Your brother on the other hand had the fanciest sports car your dad could afford
You parked and walked up to the school and to the main office to have someone show you to your classes
A girl named Sidney helped guide you through your schedule
Billy and Stu were ready for another boring ass day of school
Billy silently planned who the next Ghostface victim would be while Stu acted like a goofball as per usual
However they both stopped when you walked into their class, thanking Sidney for helping you
You looked around at the students in the classroom and locked eyes briefly with Stu
I mean he's a giant come on
You quickly look away, being on the shyer and quieter side and take your seat
As you glance at people in your peripherals you notice not only Stu looking at you but Billy as well
They felt a fire when they looked at you
Something neither of them had felt before
Stu was actually too nervous to approach you which wad unlike his outgoing self
You felt the spark too
The blush that was burning on your face was just proof of that
You had a couple classes with Stu and one with Billy
In one of the classes you had with Stu, the teacher told the class about a group project and everyone paired with their friends
But since you were new you just kind of looked around and tried to find someone who wasn't paired up yet
Stu had approached you though
"Well hello there, what's your name new kid?" He asked playfully
You smiled and couldn't help the blush that started burning on your face again
"Y/N." You introduced yourself
"Well I didn't expect to meet a goddess today, I'm Stu. Lovely to meet you."
His goofy personality was obvious from the beginning and you loved it
At the end of the day your brother stood by you while you put your books in your locker
Stu and Billy were about to approach you when your brother noticed them and shot them a warning glare
But that didn't scare away the pair
They were determined to get to know you and get closer to you
Now they knew they'd need a plan to get what they wanted
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levisblackbabe · 3 years
Headcanons of Aot boys with a black gf
Characters: Eren Jeager , Armin Arlert, Levi Ackerman, Connie Springer and Jean Kirstein x fem black reader (separate)
Genre: Mostly fluff, slight angst, deffo crack, (everyone is +18)
Warnings: Language, a bit toxic, slightly suggestive
Wc: 1500+ (Each character is about 300-400 words)
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Eren Jeager (The lowkey Toxic one)
· Lowkey scared of y/n because she reminds him of Levi when she is angry, and he knows she will beat his ass if necessary
· Started out as friends but he has always liked y/n
· He initially asked you out as a dare and you only found out after 6 weeks where you broke up 😐
· This legit started the cycle of breaking and getting back together (he never cheated though just a lil bit toxic)
· He is very possessive and controlling which also lead to your break ups
· Even though you have your ups and down he is mostly a good boyfriend
· He plays basketball so every time he is practising on his own, he asks you to be there for rebounds (in reality he just wants you near him baso 24/7)
· Loves your smell so he steals those items might be your lotion, hair products or perfume
· Loves your natural hair and just touches it without permission after a couple times you just gave up telling him off
· He was confused on why you changed your hair so often
· When you guys first started dating you came with box braids rather then your usual bun and he deadass thought you were somebody else 💀he was so confused on why this stranger was touching him up (this mf loyal cuz he was ready to punch you)
· He was soooo scared of meeting your parents (had to call Armin to ask for advice)
· Your family at first didn’t like him cuz of the constant breaking up but they grew to tolerate him (however your older brother doesn’t)
· Loves taking pictures of you during facetime, golden hour or whenever and saves them in a folder (simp)
· Loves your cooking soo much that he goes collect tubber ware of food worth a week and stocks up his fridge
· He loves when you speak to him in another language so he pisses you off so you can cuss him out in your native tongue
· He barely calls your name its either babe or some cringey name like bubbs or something (however if you hear your full name leave his month rip)
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Armin Artlet (The simp)
· SHY BAE that’s it
· He was your English tutor and has always had a crush on you
· He wanted to ask you out on a date, but he shy and thought you won’t like white boys
· You asked him instead cuz you fell for his ocean blue eyes (I mean who wouldn’t)
· In the beginning you had to take the initiative a lot cuz he wanted to respect your boundaries but after a while he grew comfortable and took the lead
· He LOVES your natural hair and knows your wash day schedule, so he always offers to help anyway possible
· He was absolutely scared of meeting your family cuz once again he white 😐 however everyone loved him
· He most definitely invited to the family reunion
· Your aunts adore him and they always talking about you as a baby to him
· He always doing late night ft calls with you, and he WON’T hang up cuz he wants to see your face when you wake up
· Armin is a giver, so he always offers to buy thigs for your and just buy gifts at least once a week
· He also loves cooking for and with you (once you had a cooking competition and technically, he is a better cook, but he let you win)
· He likes sending random pictures of things you like and remind him of you
· He happily takes pictures of you (photographer Armin)
· You guys have a pet turtle called Mickey 🐢
· His nicknames for you are beautiful, pretty and stuff like that
· Just overall fluff
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Levi Ackerman (the co-worker)
· You guys have been co-workers for 2 years actually
· You thought he hated you but in reality, he does he just acts stingy towards cuz he is Levi 😐 (some serious enemies to lovers vibe)
· He didn’t confess and never would have but due to a drunken Hange letting it slip during a hang out with your co-workers you found out
· He deadass ignored you for a week like if he saw you, he would turn into Houdini and disappear
· However, you once caught him distracted and forced him to talk to you
· Reluctantly so he spoke the truth and asked you out (thought he seemed angry about it)
· Now you guys have happily been dating
· Everyone in your office finds you lucky cuz Levi is the finest man in the office heck the world (if he was real, I would leave my bf 😭)
· He actually has a 5-year-old daughter (DILF! Levi) and told you why he never said anything about his feeling was because you know single dad and shiz
· After 6 weeks you met his babygirl and she is the cutest she loves you considering she never had much of a mother figure in her life
· His daughter is mixed so he knows how to deal with natural hair thanks to YouTube, so he sometimes helps with yours (such a good dad)
· But now that you are here you offer to do any protective styles and give him tips
· Levi isn’t very open, but he expresses his love to you with physical touch, acts of service or gifts
· However, he speaks very softly to his daughter he seems different
· Due to his love language being touch he loves petting your hair (only when you have protective styles) and putting his head on it ( he is tall in my head okay)
· He loves having you in close proximity to you and just somehow touching you
· Him and your dad really hit it off because they both have daughters
· Your aunts are lowkey infatuated with him
· Loves making breakfast for you but due to your busy schedule he just buys your coffee in the morning
· He will never tell you, but he has trouble falling asleep but when you sleepover he actually has a full nights rest (he has silk sheets just for you)
· He might seem closed off, but you know he loves you due to the little things
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Connie Springer (the bestfriend)
a/n I just want to say Connie will be of Hispanic heritage for the sake of this headcanon also because all the fanfics I read about him he is portrayed as Hispanic I just write him like this however this isn’t to offend anyone or play onto stereotypes.
· You guys have been besties since freshman year high school
· You hooked up freshman year of college and been dating ever since
· Nothing really changed in your dynamic other than the fact yall kiss and do the deed
· Like you legit call each other insults though Connie likes calling slime and bubbs
· You jokingly calling each other baby mama and baby daddy (manifesting kids but whatever)
· Speaking of kids, you have plushies that you call kids and rotate them around (they are from your arcade date)
· Loves being on call with you when he is playing because it helps calm him down and not break his tv (anger issues much)
· HYPEMAN if you are looking fine asf he will hype you up so much and offer to take pictures for the gram
· You have a joint TikTok account where you reaching 10k and just do dumb couple stuff its cringey but cute (Same goes for your joint spam account where you guys just do silly things together)
· He always asks to do your hair which you repetitively deny keeping in mind last time you let him he nearly ripped off half your scalp
· Late nights drives happen a lot so you can vent and have a heart to heart under the stars, you guys also just vibe to the music and might spend hours in silence looking at the city lights and dancing
· If you fall asleep on him or in the drive back he becomes really cute and soft and just says you are beautiful and that he loves you in Spanish (ugh my heart)
· He only speaks Spanish when he wants to be cute and knows you won’t understand
· Your family have always liked him so when you guys started dating everyone was like ‘FINALLY’ (same with his family)
· Some type of kid’s movie marathon once a month cuz being a child is great
· Its just overall jokes
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Jean Kirstein (Mr Doesn’t Give Up)
· Kept asking you out for a year until you gave in, he was so excited he kissed you straightaway
· He was so nervous in your first date, but he was a gentleman opening doors etc (whoever said chivalry was dead 🤨)
· Nearly said I love you on the first date considering he has liked you for a year, but he held it in
· However, he did get a kiss goodnight on the cheek (he was grinning like a fool)
· Loves the fact that you change your hair so much and so often that he happily gives recommendations and offers to help you out
· He is the overprotective type of boyfriend so he was reluctant on you meeting his friends especially Eren, but you reassured him that you wouldn’t be swayed (still icky about you hanging with Eren though)
· He adores playing pc games with you and you have a little family in Sims4 which is cute
· He now has a skincare routine because you introduced him to it (he said he didn’t need one cuz he has a ‘handsome face’ but he secretly started one lol
· He also steals your body lotion and legit smells like you (smh)
· His wrist always has a silk crunchie in case you need it, and, in his car, he has a bag with essentials for you such as pads, edge control, etc
· He calls you cute pet names but also the occasional insults as a joke
· He is lowkey rich, so he happily spoils you to fancy dinners and more
· He also likes going back to the basics so picnic dates in the spring and summer are common he says he cooks them but in reality, it’s his mum
· Your mum absolutely adores him cuz he is a ‘charmer’
· He likes facetiming you when he is working out so he can show up, but you just ignore him and continue doing what you are doing
· Like Eren he has a folder filled of mugs of you
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