#evil math and science classes
thebluestbluewords · 6 months
happy holiday break, let’s talk class schedules
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According to the Secrets of Auradon Prep tie-in book, AP runs on a rotating block schedule. Six periods per day, plus lunch. Pretty reasonable for a high school class schedule.
Homeroom once a week feels a little weird to me, but after an unofficial poll of some friends, it’s apparently not too uncommon for American high schools to only have it at the start of the week.
It’s sort of nice that the students get a study period every day, instead of having their free block/study block worked into the rotation with the rest of their classes.
In Mal’s Diary, we get another look at her schedule.
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She’s in most of the same classes as the sample from before, but no chemistry class. Is Mal not interested in chemistry, or did Fairy Godmother decide it was more important for her to learn about evil fairies instead? Are there other “cultural history” type classes for other students, or did Fairy Godmother and whoever planned the class schedules for the other VKs just decide to pile on allll of the history/social studies classes for the VK to educate them in the ways of Auradon?
I think it’s funnier for me personally if Fairy Godmother received transcripts from Dragon Hall, looked at the VKs’ classes so far, and decided to say ‘fuck it’ on math and science classes, what these kids need is Auradon cultural education. Woodsmen, Fairies, Auradon History, and straight-up Goodness 101. One singular math class will take care of the rest, they’ll be fine.
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imnotverybright · 10 months
at my evil school writing in my decomposition notebook
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fangirl-writes · 6 months
Benny Weir x Fem!Reader
MBAV Masterlist
Warning(s): near-death, canon-level violence
Request: can be found here.
Notes: This is a mix of multiple things that we’ve seen in MBAV episodes while also stealing a little bit of plot from the Vampire Diaries. Hope you like it! 
PS: I kinda want to make this into a full fledged fic because I had so many ideas that were hard to package into a one-shot but we’ll see if I ever actually do that.
Summary: A doppelganger traps you in a mirror dimension and slowly sucks the life out of you so it can take your place. Will Benny and friends save you in time? (yes obviously, but the suspense)
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You stare across the room, into the only window in the otherwise dark room, the yellow glow of it staring back at you.
It was a tragic way to die, in a place without light, where your loved ones would never find you. All the while a cheap copy of you wandered freely, fooling your friends and your Benny.
Benny. Would you ever get to see him again?
Perhaps you’d get lucky and he would peer into the mirror so his eyes would be the last thing you saw before the life finished draining from you.
He’d probably feel so guilty, think it was all his fault. 
But it wasn’t.
If there was anyone to blame, it was the vampire who seemed a regular bane to the existence of White Chapel and its inhabitants.
Let’s start from the beginning, shall we?
In the school’s theater, in a dressing room we’ve seen before, lies a cracked mirror that once held the spirit of Olivia Frye. And while her spirit no longer posses it, that doesn’t mean the magic of the mirror is gone.
The vanity lights flicker on in the otherwise dark room, illuminating the pale face and blue eyes of Jesse Black.
Reaching into his pocket, Jesse pulls out Benny’s spellbook.
He opens it on a marked page, running his fingers across the paper before reading aloud: “Zacaroth Maznacaroth. Dimitte hunc spiritum e carcere, ut iterum vivant.”
As he reads, the mirror begins to repair itself, the cracks sealing up. But as they are doing so, a mist also starts to leak from the glass.
A grin spreads across Jesse’s lips and he chuckles darkly. “Welcome back, my dear.”
Before him stands the ghostly figure of who appears to be you, but she’s faded, missing the color in her body that signifies life. Except for her eyes that shine the same unnatural blue as Jesse’s.
The following morning, you, Ethan, and Benny are walking down the hallway of White Chapel High as Benny searches in vain for his spellbook.
“Are you sure you didn’t accidentally make it vanish again?” Ethan asks.
“No, it was in here last night I swear,” Benny says before groaning and angrily throwing his bag closed. “The one day I wanted to make Ms. Fine forget about our essays and the thing disappears! It’s like it knows when I’m using it for evil. You think my grandma put a spell on it?”
“If she was gonna do that, she’d have done it long before now,” Ethan replies.
“You know, if you started memorizing your spells like you talk about, this wouldn’t be a problem,” You say.
“And if you had agreed to strip studying I would have tried,”
“Okay, gross,” Ethan says, pulling a face.
You perk your head up, looking around the hallway for whoever said your name, finding no one in a sea of faces.
You turn around, following the voice but still seeing no one.
You jump as Benny’s hand touches your shoulder.
“Are you okay?”
You let out a breath and smile at him. “Yeah, I just thought I heard someone call my name. It’s probably nothing.”
Benny nods and pulls you closer to him, his arm wrapping around your shoulder as you continue your trail to your lockers.
The voices persisted as the day went on, bothering you in class and at lunch, making you feel scared and crazy. Not to mention incredibly distracted.
It made it hard to focus on math or science and especially English where you were meant to be reading Shakespeare and reviewing essays.
“Ms. L/N.”
Ms. Fine startles you out of your stupor and you hurriedly hand her your rough draft, printed and stapled together.
“Are you feeling alright?” She asks and you make a quick decision.
“Actually, I’m feeling a little sick. Can I be excused for the nurses office?”
“Sure. But hurry back.”
You nod and gather your things, exchanging a glance with Benny and Ethan each before leaving.
You really did plan to go to the nurses office until you could talk to your friends, but that damn voice started bothering you again. And in an otherwise empty hallway, it was hard to ignore.
“Oh, I’m gonna regret this,” you mumble before heading in the direction of the voice.
You follow it all the way to the theater, which is dark except for the light coming from one of the dressing rooms.
“Please don’t be a ghost,” you whisper to yourself. “Or a vampire, werewolf, ghoul, zombie, whatever. Let me be having a psychotic break because of stress and this voice isn’t real.”
You cautiously peak into the room...and find nothing.
The room is empty except for the vanity and chair. And the voice has gone quiet.
Shaking your head, you walk into the room and sit down in the chair. “Maybe I am going crazy.”
Your a little startled by your reflection, which is pale even under the warm lighting.
“...or maybe I’m actually sick.”
You press a hand to your face, checking for a temperature, watching as your reflection does the same.
Letting your hand drop, you observe the mirror more closely, eyebrows furrowing together.
“Wait a minute, wasn’t this mirror-”
You let out a scream as your reflection surges forward and pulls you into the mirror before jumping out in your place.
You collapse on a cold floor, hurriedly standing back up and rushing toward the mirror’s opening but your reflection holds out a hand, causing the mirror to seal back up and trap you inside.
“Sorry,” she says. “But I can’t have two of us running around to ruin my plans.”
You bang on the glass. “Hey! Stop! Let me out!”
But she’s already gone, leaving the room and shutting the door, enveloping you in darkness.
“Didn’t you see the look on her face?” Benny asks. “Something’s wrong.”
“I’m sure she’s fine,” Ethan replies. “It’s probably just a headache. You know how too much supernatural stuff gets to her sometimes.”
“Yeah, but this was different. She’s been hearing voices all day. I’m starting to worry this is something bad.”
Benny pushes open the door to the nurse’s office, expecting to find you laying there but instead the small bed was empty.
“Can I help you boys?” The nurse asks from her desk.
“Uh, sorry, but did Y/N L/N come in here earlier?”
“No, I haven’t seen her in here today.”
Benny feels a pit in his stomach. “Right, thank you.”
He closes the door and exchanges a look with Ethan. “She didn’t come back to class and she didn’t come here. So where is she?”
Ethan looks a little more worried now. “I don’t know.”
“Oh, hey, Y/N,” Rory says.
Not-you turns to look at him and Rory is taken aback.
“You okay? You’re paler than usual. Did you get bitten by a vampire? Attacked by an abominable snowman? Possessed by a ghost?”
Not-you smiles. “Oh, no, I’m actually an ancient doppelgänger who just looks like Y/N.”
Rory’s eye go wide. “Woah, really? That’s so cool. But...why’re you telling me?”
Not-you pats him on the head. “Cause you’re not smart enough to try and stop me.”
“Oh. Yeah that’s fair. Where’re you off to anyway?”
Not-you hums. “I’m smart enough not to tell you that.”
“Oh, great,” you mumble, watching as your battery drops another percentage, but the bars never move from zero.
How are you supposed to call for help?
It’s chilling, sitting in the dark with nothing but your phone for light. Your eyes can’t even adjust to the darkness because there’s nothing to see; you’re in a void.
A headache is slowly making itself known and you can’t be sure if its from staring at your phone screen or because a doppelgänger trapped you in a mirror.
The supernatural always has a way of giving you a headache. Doesn’t matter what it is.
Ethan can hardly touch you because if he has a vision, you’ll have a migraine for the rest of the week. If Erica, Sarah, or Rory use their superspeed around you, you’ll nearly faint.
Benny’s the only one who can use his powers and not effect you. You aren’t sure why.
He likes to joke that it’s because your soulmates. 
“I don’t know, E, I just have a bad feeling about this,” Benny says. “Sarah! Have you seen Y/N?”
Sarah, who was just putting her bag on her shoulder at her locker, turns to the boys. “No, is she missing?”
“Yeah we haven’t seen her since English and Benny’s freaking out,” Ethan replies.
“Aw, does Benny miss his girlfriend?”
“No, I mean yes, but that’s not what I’m worried about. She’s been hearing voices all day, what if something spooky got her?”
Sarah smiled. “Benny, if something spooky was happening we would surely know by now. Ethan would’ve had a vision or Rory would pop in with some information he doesn’t realize is important.”
As if on cue, Rory appears. “Heard my name!”
“Perfect,” Benny says. “Okay, Rory, give us some of that sweet sweet information. Have you seen Y/N?”
Rory’s eyebrows furrow. “Well, yeah, but she said it wasn’t really her. She said she was an ancient doppelgänger who just looks like Y/N.”
Benny gestures wildly. “You guys concerned now?!”
“Okay, yeah, maybe,” Ethan replies. “Did she say what she was doing or where she was going?”
Rory shakes his head. “No, she said she was too smart to tell me.”
“Curses,” Benny says. “They’re starting to figure out our tricks. Come on, I need to find my spellbook to track her.”
Ethan, Benny, and Sarah hurry off, leaving Rory behind. 
“You’re welcome,” he says, miffed that they disregarded him. 
“Ah, nice to see you in the flesh again,” Jesse says, tossing some popcorn in his mouth.
“I see you’re still fond of the theater where your plans were ruined,” Not-you replies, eyeing the room.
“I’m a sentimental guy,” he says. “And with you, my plans can’t be ruined again.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that. My doppelgänger might be a mortal but she has the same power I do, under the surface.”
“Don’t tell me your afraid?”
“Not afraid. Just cautious,” Not-you says. “Arrogance is what got you defeated the first time. I won’t make the same mistake of underestimating them.”
Jesse stands up and walks over to Not-you, grabbing her arm. “Starting to get some flesh back, I see.”
“Swapping places with Y/N has helped immensely. Give it a few more hours and I’ll be back to full strength.”
“And Y/N?”
“Collateral damage.”
Jesse smiles. “Then we don’t need to underestimate them. We can destroy them.”
Meanwhile, Benny, Ethan, and Sarah are tearing apart Benny’s room, trying to find his spellbook.
“Goodness me, what’s going on in here?”
“Grandma!” Benny exclaims, popping out from under his bed. “Have you seen my spellbook?”
“No. Don’t tell me you’ve lost it, Benny, you know how dangerous that is,” she replies.
“I know, I know, but lecture me later, we have to find Y/N.”
“Y/N is missing?”
“Yeah,” Sarah says. “She was switched with a doppelgänger.”
Evelyn purses her lips. “Circe.”
“Who?” Ethan asks. 
“Circe,” Evelyn repeats. “She’s an old witch who caused quite the ruckus in White Chapel. Reverend Black tried to have her burnt at the stake but considering that he turned out to be a vampire I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s resurrected her somehow.”
Benny gasps. “With my spellbook!”
“Follow me,” Evelyn says, leading the group of them to her basement where she digs through a box for a leather bound book.
“Ah!” She says. “Here it is.”
She flips it open, going through the pages before stopping on one. “Here she is.”
“Woah,” Ethan says. “She really does look like Y/N.”
“Doppelgängers were created by nature after ancient beings defied their laws by creating immortality. Circe must’ve tried to make herself immortal, causing the doppel curse,” Evelyn explains.
You’re starting to feel horrible. Your body getting heavier and heavier, a weight on your chest growing. 
It wasn’t like the usual anxiety or claustrophobia you’ve experienced before. No, this felt like your soul was slowly being sucked from your body.
Is this it? you think. Is this really how I’m going to go out?
You raise your phone, the bars still empty and the battery too low for comfort.
“God,” you mumble.
Jesse pulls the Cubile Animus from his pocket. “This is what we’ll use to capture the souls.”
Circe raises an eyebrow at him. “Is that thing going to be able to hold all the supernatural souls? They’re more powerful than human souls.”
“Well, if you happen to have another soul-holder laying around, you just let me know,” Jesse says, scowling at her.
“I’m just saying, maybe you should’ve done some research before you set this plan into motion.”
“It’s going to work.” Jesse snaps, getting into Circe’s face. 
“All right, if you say so,” she replies, lifting a magical hand, glowing gold, and pressing it against the box.
You gasp, feeling a sudden rush of adrenaline and your eyes flicker a gold that makes its way down your face, arms, and into your phone, causing it to call Benny.
“If Circe has taken Y/N’s place you need to find her fast. The longer Circe stays in her place, the more of Y/N’s lifeforce she takes,” Evelyn says. “She could die.”
As if on cue, Benny’s phone rings. 
He scrambles to check it, Y/N’s name glowing on the screen. “Oh my god.”
He answers it. “Y/N? Where are you, baby?”
“Benny...” your voice is faint and quiet. “...mirror...”
“Mirror? I don’t know what that means, you’re gonna have to be more specific.”
The urgency in his voice is obvious and you’re trying your best.
“At- at school...the mirror...”
“A mirror at school? The mirror at school?”
“Olivia Frye’s mirror!” Ethan says with a snap of his fingers. “In the theater.”
“Y/N, babe, is that right? You’re in Olivia’s mirror?”
“Great, let’s go,” Sarah says.
“Be careful!” Evelyn replies as they go.
“Y/N, stay on the phone with me, okay?”
You groan. “Benny, I’m so tired...”
They throw themselves into Grandma’s car, Sarah driving.
"No, no, baby girl, stay awake for me,” Benny pleads, hearing your breathing become labored.
“Benny...” you whisper out one last time before the phone goes dead.
“Y/N? Y/N! Y/N, baby, please- god dang it!” Benny throws his phone down.
“It’s okay, Benny, we’ll find her,” Ethan says. “She’s gonna be fine.”
“I hope so, E, I really hope so.”
"Do it now,” Jesse demands.
Circe’s eyes glow gold and she whispers an incantation.
Meanwhile, Erica and Rory are out looking for a midnight snack. 
“Are you sure we should be out here?” Rory asks. “Sarah said there’s a powerful witch out here somewhere. And that she’s working with Jesse.”
“What’s Jesse got against us?” Erica replies. “If anything he should be thanking us for being his only turns that survived. Natural selection in my opinion.”
Suddenly, her body goes rigid and a glowing, white mist flows out of her mouth and shoots off. Her body collapses to the ground.
“Erica?” Rory asks, nervously, leaning down next to her.
Erica’s soul finds its way into the Cubile Animus and Jesse smiles.
Rory’s body follows ensuite of Erica’s, going still and his soul being taken from his body.
And now we’re caught up. You’re dying in unimaginable darkness, weeping. Wishing with all your might that they find you. That you’ll see your friends and Benny again.
Luckily for you, they burst through the door.
Ethan, Benny, and Sarah are to the mirror in no time, Benny’s hand pressing against the glass.
“Y/N! Come take my hand, please!”
“I-I can’t,” you cry, tears rolling down your cheeks as you look at him, his eyes worried, scared even.
“Yes, you can!” He replies. “I won’t let you die! You’re so close, Y/N, just come take my hand.”
It’s hard, and it hurts, but you move.
You crawl, sobbing, towards him.
Benny’s own tears are threatening to spill over as he listens to you crying. 
“Please,” he whispers. “Please, I love you.”
You reach up. And take his hand.
Feeling your grip, Benny pulls.
Your body comes tumbling out of the mirror and into Benny, who immediately hold you close, whispering “oh my god” over and over.
You’re shaking, still crying. You’re thin, pale, and weak.
“Y/N,” Sarah says softly. “Do you know where the doppelganger is?”
You close your eyes, focusing. “The theater,” you whisper. “They’re at the theater.”
More souls are being sucked into the box: Kurt Lockner’s, David Stachowski’s, all the vampire nurses.
Evelyn, knowing - or rather feeling -  what’s happening, sits in her rocking chair and mumbles a counter spell that will keep her soul inside her body.
Circe growls. “Let go, Evelyn. I’ll get your soul if it kills you.”
“Not a chance.” Evelyn replies.
Sarah hits the breaks hard, putting the car in park and jumping out of the car, Ethan following closely.
“Y/N, stay here, okay?” Benny instructs.
You nod, closing your eyes and lying down.
“Hey!” Sarah kicks open the door to the theater. “Having a party without me?”
“Sarah!” Jesse says. “Glad you can join us. Just in time for Circe to take your soul.”
“Oh yeah? Over my dead body.”
“That can be arranged,” Circe replies, turning to Sarah with glowing gold eyes.
It strikes her then how nearly exactly she looks to you.
“So your the witch who’s stealing my girlfriend’s soul!” Benny shouts.
Circe smiles. “I’m a much better model, don’t you think?”
“Not a chance, honey.”
“Jesse, I’m busy. Take care of them, won’t you?” Circe says. “Your grandmother can’t hold on forever, Benny.”
“What?” Benny cries, becoming angry. He shouts a spell, hurling it in Circe’s direction, who waves it off easily. 
“You’ll have to do better than that.”
“Come on, Sarah,” Jesse says. “We’ve been here before, haven’t we? What makes you think you’ll win this time?”
“This!” Ethan yells, shooting Jesse in the face with holy water.
Jesse screams.
“Literally never go anywhere without this. We’re smarter this time, don’t you know?”
“I don’t think you nerds have the capacity,” Jesse says, wiping the burning liquid off his face with his sleeve.
Sarah attacks him and Ethan gasps, being overcome with a vision. It’s a vision of Benny’s grandma and Jane chanting the same words she used to defeat Jesse the first time.
When he comes back to, he shouts, “Benny! Your grandma’s spell! The first one!”
The pieces clicking in his head, Benny chants those same words and watches as a bolt of lighting appears and hits Circe in the chest. She cries out, dropping the box that Benny scoops up.
“Hey, Jesse,” Benny says.
Jesse stops, Sarah’s neck in his hand, and looks at Benny.
“This look familiar?”
He opens the box, releasing the souls inside.
Jesse screams, dropping Sarah and running off.
“You coward!” Circe yells. “Coward! AH!”
The souls attack Circe, slowly pulling Y/N’s soul out of her body.
Once it’s out, Circe drops to the ground and fades away in a fog.
Breathing heavily, the three left watch as Y/N’s soul shoots off, presumably back to Y/N’s body.
“We really need to destroy this thing,” Benny says, tossing the box in the air and catching it again.
Erica and Rory burst through the doors, fangs bared, ready for a fight.
“Aw, man, did we miss it again?” Rory asks.
“Yeah, sorry, Ror,” Ethan replies.
“Ugh. I’ve been waiting to tear Jesse a new one for like, ever,” Erica says.
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll get your chance,” Sarah says.
“Oh my god, Y/N,” Benny says, shoving the box into Ethan’s hands and running out to the car, the others following.
You’re still sleeping, and breathing, thankfully. But your color isn’t back to normal, neither is your weight.
So, they take you to Evelyn.
“Her body isn’t used to magic,” she explains as Erica and Sarah set you gently onto Benny’s bed. “It’s going to take a while for her to naturally heal. But, if a few powerful magicians were to try to speed things along...”
“We can do that?” Benny asks, hopefully.
Evelyn grabs his shoulders. “We can try.”
They hold hands over your body, shutting their eyes and chanting “Extende in desiderium cordis mei; Sana hoc vulnus cum virtute ignis. Aufer aegritudinem et dolorem; Sanatio est quod offero.”
Your body glows, color coming back to you and your weight returning to its normal size, but you don’t wake up.
“Did it work?” Benny asks. “Why is she still asleep?”
“Even healing magic takes time,” Evelyn explains. “Give her a little bit.”
She pats him lightly and leaves the room, leaving Benny alone with you.
“God, I really thought I was going to lose you,” he whispers, squeezing your hand.
The time stretches on as he waits for you to wake up and he eventually nods off.
Which is when you decide to wake up.
You smile as you see him lying next to you and lean over to kiss his cheek.
He shoots awake immediately, practically tackling you in a hug. “Thank god!”
You laugh. “Thanks for saving me.”
“Always,” he replies. “Always.”
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lavendercharm · 4 months
Linger, Chapter 2: Evil Woman
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Summary: From the moment you meet her, you can't stand Melissa Schemmenti.
Warnings: Strong Language
For as irate as she’d made you, you knew you owed credit where credit was due: Melissa was a phenomenal teacher. 
You’d watched her teach math after settling into your desk, masking her disdain toward you effortlessly as she started her lesson. Her passion and love for her work was undeniable. Even more, her kids seemed to adore her. Everyone has those teachers who stay with them as they grow up, and you had no doubt Melissa would be that teacher for quite a few of her kids. Sure, they were silly, rambunctious, and easily distracted, as are most eight and nine year olds. But there was a strong undercurrent of respect for their teacher. The fact that she managed all of this while teaching two grades was immensely impressive. 
You didn’t care if it was petty: the fact that she was just that good made you all the more irritated. 
You watched her with contempt and tried to ignore the budding admiration that was almost imperceptible beneath it all. ‘She’s had plenty of years to practice,’ you think to yourself grumpily, but despite your best efforts, you couldn’t put any real malice behind the words. You didn’t really care about how old she was. You were simply stewing in your feelings, the knowledge that she was apparently touchy about her age the only ammunition you had at the moment. Seeing as you couldn’t find much of anything to criticize when it came to her teaching abilities, you were grasping at straws. 
After her last biting comment, you managed to make it through the rest of the morning mostly unscathed. A few sharp glances had been thrown in your direction as you made your way around the room assisting the kids who asked for help, but you’d resolved to ignore them. You weren’t going to give her the satisfaction of acknowledging her dirty looks.
The morning flew by in a flurry of math, reading, and science. You’d started to learn a bit about the kids in your temporary class. There was Jameela, a third grader who’s favorite color was yellow and who had a new kitten at home named Butterscotch; Kaden, a third grader who loved Minecraft and hated jelly beans; Antonia, a second grader who’d corrected you that she went by ‘Toni’ and who’d beamed when you told her she hadn’t made a single mistake on her math sheet; and Lawrence, a third grader who was terribly shy, yet wonderfully intuitive. You’d given him a giant grin as you helped him sound out a word he didn’t know. 
You could feel your sour mood gradually beginning to lift as you’d made your way through the room. Helping students reminded you why you were here. After the events of this morning, the only thing you really wanted to do was keep your head down, do your work, and make it through the end of the day without having another… disagreement with Melissa Schemmenti.
Turns out you wouldn’t make it to lunch. 
A few minutes before 12:30, Melissa gruffly mutters to you in passing that she has lunch duty today. Glancing at the schedule she’d petulantly tossed on your desk earlier, you saw her class had Art and Recess after lunch. As you open your mouth to ask if Melissa wants you to take the kids, she abruptly cuts you off, holding up a hand to silence you. Narrowing her eyes, she bitingly snaps, “I got it. I wanna make sure they get there on time."
The anger that had started to simmer down boils over, becoming white-hot, the suffocating feeling welling up inside of your chest. You’d hoped to move on from this morning, but it was becoming quickly apparent that Melissa Schemmenti knew how to hold a grudge. You clench your jaw, aiming for a low blow you knew would land. "Don't break a hip on the way there," you quietly sneer. You weren't proud of it, but you were pissed and giving into the urge to lash out.
There was an intense flash of animosity in her eyes. You know she heard you, and you're sure you'd be dead on the spot if it weren't for the kids in the room with you. The look in her eyes could peel the skin off of you. "What was that?" she practically growls, her tone low to avoid drawing attention to you both. 
You didn't think she’d go so far as to physically fight you in front of her students, but you noticed her fists clenching and unclenching at her sides, and suddenly you weren't so sure. You'd been in exactly one fight in your life, and you weren't all that convinced that punching a boy in the nose for making fun of you when you were eight even counted. A darker part of you wanted to see how far you could push the woman, but the last thing you needed was to lose your job by continuing to provoke a full-time faculty member.  
Instead of playing into the desire to take things further, you use the only protection you can think of: drawing the attention of the students. Raising your voice slightly above your normal speaking volume, you retort, "I said 'Suit yourself, Miss Schemmenti!’ What do you think I said?" Being unable to resist one final jab, you force a genial tone and add, "Maybe you should get your hearing checked!" 
A couple of students giggle, and you see a muscle in Melissa’s jaw jump out as she clenches her teeth together. She’s practically bursting at the seams to pounce on you and rip your head off. Her nostrils flair with the effort of holding herself together. You find yourself suddenly struck once more by how beautiful she is. There’s a dusting of color high on her cheeks and her eyes are alight with intensity. Her full lips are fighting the urge to pull apart and bare her teeth in a snarl. She was gorgeous. 
You couldn’t fucking stand it. 
She manages to bite out a very forced, “Of course. How silly of me.” She pries herself away from you and stiffly asks the class to stop what they’re doing to line up for lunch. She doesn’t look at you again, but an aura of hostility still hangs in the air around her. You get the impression you’re only safe for the time being.
A few minutes later, you’re alone in the classroom. You feel the weight of the confrontation starting to dissipate and you collapse back into your seat. Dropping your head into your hands, you berate yourself for your childish and unprofessional behavior. You’d never been so quick to anger as you were with Melissa Schemmenti. Replaying the events of the morning, you try to figure out why you both ended up at each other's throats so quickly. You start to think perhaps you’d been too sensitive about Melissa’s japes, but you stop yourself. You had been late, but it was an accident. She’d never met you before and it had felt totally uncalled for. Couldn’t she be bothered to give you the benefit of the doubt?
Her comments about the way you looked just added insult to injury. You realize in her mind she may have just been making a joke, but it had made you feel belittled, as if she didn’t respect your position as her equal. Just because you had less experience than her didn’t mean you should be treated like you were below her. You scowled to yourself, thinking about how she’d reacted when you fired back asking her how old she was. She could dish it, but apparently couldn’t take it.
This day had felt impossibly long, and it wasn’t even 1 PM yet. 
Glancing around the room, you absorb the state it was in. Trying to wrangle nearly thirty kids into a semblance of an orderly line to get to lunch on time meant school supplies were scattered haphazardly across desks and the floor. You didn’t have your lunch today, and though you considered leaving to buy something down the street, you really shouldn’t spend the money.
After a moment’s thought, you stand from your desk and begin tidying up the room. You collect colored pencils, paper scraps, and glue sticks, reuniting them with their caps in the process. If you weren’t going to eat lunch, you might as well keep yourself busy to make time pass a bit faster. And maybe coming back to a cleaner room would improve Melissa’s mood a bit, so you could both leave at the end of the day without having drawn blood. 
You toss the paper scraps into the recycling bin near the door and investigate the various drawers and cabinets to find the proper homes for everything you’d gathered. It’s not long before you discover the colored pencil bin in a cabinet, and frown when you notice the disorganization inside. A teacher as experienced as Melissa didn’t strike you as someone who couldn’t stay on top of her stuff - at least under normal circumstances. With two grades crammed into one room though, it made sense things would get away from her. Did her current aide even do anything?
You start removing things, finding items in the wrong bins as well as many unusable and ruined materials. Huffing to yourself, you manage to empty one container and designate it “The Graveyard”. Soon you’ve amassed a sizable pile of broken or unusable supplies. Deciding to organize the crayons and pencils by color group while you’re here, you’re suddenly interrupted by a quick knock on the doorframe and a voice speaking before you can even turn around.
“Hey Melissa, can I take a peek at your lesson for- oh?” 
You find yourself in the presence of a very small black woman with wide eyes and short curly hair. Her outfit is colorful - ‘Oh lord, the pattern on her skirt. Was her skirt literally made from a quilt?’  The surprise on her face is quickly replaced by the friendliest smile you’d seen today, which was really no competition. Regardless, it fills you with warmth. You silently ask the universe to please let you make one new friend today.
It seems you’ve earned a break. “Sorry, I thought Melissa would be in here, since she’s not in the lounge! She must have lunch duty. I wanted to look at her lesson plans for Social Studies to make sure my class isn’t falling behind. Or getting too far ahead. Probably that second one, my class loves social studies. I’m Miss Teagues- er, Janine!” You don’t even care about her info dump. You’re so relieved to have a normal, friendly introduction that you’d let her talk about almost anything. Janine was the first adult today who hadn’t either lied to your face, or seemed ready and more-than-willing to break it. 
You return the woman’s smile, greeting her and giving her your name. “I’m subbing for the aide while she’s out sick, so it looks like I’ll be around for the next few days,” you tell her. Speaking it out loud, you feel a bit demoralized. ‘If I even live that long.’ 
Janine beams at you. “Well, welcome to Abbott! It’s the best, I love it here. I bet you will too!” You expect her to leave, but an awkward silence follows in which Janine simply looks at you. After what feels like just a little too long, she pipes up.“I love reorganizing! And believe me, I totally get it when you’re in ‘the flow’,” she emphasizes with very cheesy air quotes, “but aren’t you going to eat lunch?”
“Oh, actually I’m okay-” you begin to reassure Janine, but the gurgling of your stomach rudely interrupts you and blows your cover.
You stand in another awkward silence for a moment, before Janine throws you a finger gun and cracks, “Sounds like someone’s hungry. Why don’t you stop for now and come join us in the teacher’s lounge? You can meet Jacob and Gregory!” You’re touched by the enthusiastic offer.
“That sounds really lovely Janine… but I woke up late this morning and left my lunch at home. At this point, I don’t really have time to run out. I’ll be okay, I promise,” you reassure the shorter woman. But you can tell by the look in her eyes she won’t accept your answer.
“At least let me bring you some of my lunch! You need to eat something today!” Before you can protest, Janine is out the door and down the hall. Her insistence on looking after you makes you slightly uncomfortable, seeing as you’d only just met three minutes ago, but you allow yourself to accept her kindness. It was the first overt act of compassion you’d received today, and you had a feeling that once Janine Teagues made up her mind about something, she did not give up easily.
When she returns, she’s holding a paper plate with the most incredible looking lasagna you’ve ever seen. It’s steaming, and as the scent reaches you, your mouth waters. She hands it to you with a grin and says, “Go ahead and dig in! This is the best lasagna ever.”
You take the plate and thank Janine profusely. You feel like you could cry from the kindness she’s shown you in light of how awful the day’s been. You pick up the plastic fork, and take a bite. Immediately your taste buds are flooded with flavor, the melted cheese and perfectly spiced tomato sauce actually bringing tears to your eyes. You didn’t realize until just now how hungry you really are, and you don’t even fully swallow your first bite before taking a second. Janine’s watching you intently, a smile plastered on her face as she witnesses the spiritual journey her lasagna is taking you on. 
After you swallow your third bite, you look at Janine and declare, “This… this might be the best thing I’ve ever tasted. You’re an incredible cook Janine.”
Immediately Janine looks sheepish, her smile unwavering as her eyes dart away from you. “Oh, thank you! But I didn’t make it. I had a bit of a rough week last week. I was in the lounge this morning, doing my prep, you know? And all of a sudden, a tupperware full of lasagna’s sitting in front of me. She didn’t say anything, but I know it was Melissa’s way of taking care of me.”
You come to a screeching halt mid-chew. The name unpleasantly rings in your ears like tinnitus after a loud concert. Through a mouthful of food, you utter, “Melissa?”
Janine’s eyebrows come together in confusion. As if it’s the most obvious fact in the world, she replies, “Yeah, Melissa. She’s the incredible cook.” 
Your appetite evaporates. The lasagna may as well have turned to ash in your mouth. You have to force it down, not wanting to spit it out into the trash in front of Janine. Despite the heavenly taste, this new knowledge makes it feel like your body’s trying to reject the food. You look down at the remaining lasagna on your plate and your stomach churns. After a final gulp, you turn away from Janine and grimace, abandoning the remainder of her lunch on your desk. You muster a weak, “Wow, that’s… wow!” 
‘Is there anything this damn woman can’t do!?” you think, your mood reaching its depths of the day. You take a moment to compose yourself before turning back around to Janine and shooting her a tight-lipped smile. “Thank you Janine. I should finish up what I started before the class gets back!” Janine assures you she’s happy to have helped, and after dallying a moment longer, she departs the room.
Your hands fly to your face, running down it in exasperation. You just couldn’t escape Melissa Schemmenti. Still, a niggling thought sticks in the back of your mind. It appears the woman was capable of being civil, and even showing acts of kindness. Although indirectly, it was because of her that you'd been able to eat today. You're sure she'd be furious about that.
You resolve yourself to try and patch things up with her. Taking stock of the progress you've made in organizing and decluttering her room, you think you might have a good start to doing just that.
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starboybutler · 1 month
Lights Up (Ch. 1)
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summary: john egan, sophomore, sees a cute boy in class and gets serious about his education. (not)
word count: 3148
warnings: objectification, drugs, sh, non-con (all briefly mentioned), blowjobs, john egan is kind of an asshole
notes: first chapter of my college au fic! this went through like. five rewrites before i was happy with it and even now i still kinda hate it. but!! i hope you guys enjoy!
chapter two | chapter three | ao3 link
here's some art for this chapter!
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john egan was not made for college in the slightest.
he enjoyed the experience– the parties, the friends he made, the experimenting with almost every drug in the book– but the academics? not so much.
he wasn't even sure how he got in, honestly. he did all the paperwork when he was high one night, and he gotten a letter saying he was accepted. his momma was so happy for him.
he had skipped class a lot, opting to go out and meet up with a dude he matched with on tinder instead and fucking his brains out in a shady alleyway and ghosting him the next day. when he did attend class, he would sleep through it and miss almost everything his professor said.
he was bad with his assignments too. he never turned them in on time, always promising his professors via email that he'd get it turned in by the end of the week. and when he didn't, he'd just leave it be.
that's the thing about college though– unlike high school, there was no one to breathe down your neck to tell you to do your schoolwork. they expected you to fend for yourself because you were an adult now.
john honestly never had a reason to go to class. until last week.
here he was, in god knows what class listening to his professor drone on about square roots…something like that. did he even sign up for a math class?
whatever. all he was focussed on was the pretty blonde boy that had found a seat right in front of him. he had sleepy blue eyes and pouty pink lips that put every woman he’s ever seen to shame. his hair fell in ribbons over his shoulders, shiny and soft looking. he couldn't take his eyes off of him.
he showed up last week without a word, hair in a messy little ponytail and dressed up in a frayed jean jacket and leather pants. john was so happy he decided to show up to class that day. the minute that blonde beauty walked in, he perked right up, immediately gaining an interest in this particular class.
that entire day, he watched as he wrote line upon line upon line of notes, muscles in his hand moving dutifully.
john had started waking up and walking to class everyday, even opting to get here early just to watch the new boy set up his little work station. he had plenty of pens and pencils and scratch paper to take notes on, but this week he seemed to have finally invested in a laptop for his notes instead– which was a shame, because he had pretty handwriting.
despite a week passing, he had only just text curt about the new boy today, telling him every little detail he’s remembered.
curtie 🖕🏻💚
‘hello???? you’re just gonna say all this and not send a picture???’
‘you’re evil’
bucky huffed out a little laugh.
‘i don't know if you've been told this, but taking pictures of people you don't know is weird.’
curtie 🖕🏻💚
‘NO curt’
curtie 🖕🏻💚
‘FINE. i’ll just come over there’
“oh god,” john sighed, letting his head fall forward onto the table in front of him, slightly embarrassed. he loved curt to death, but he acted like he was in heat sometimes- like he just couldn't help himself around a good looking guy.
he peeked at the boy again. today, the boy was dressed a little less flashy than the previous days– only wearing a simple white shirt and gray sweatpants.
he was hyperfocused on his laptop as he soaked up the professors words like a sponge, typing his words into a well organized word document with quick, nimble fingers. his glasses slid lower on his nose, making him take a hand away from his keyboard for a split second and push them back up to the bridge.
john was hypnotized by every movement of his. he seemed so calm, collected– calculated. he seemed like everything bucky wasn't. he was the type of boy that john had always fantasized about taking home and corrupting beyond repair.
fucked up, yeah, but the thought of taking this pretty, smart blonde beauty to bed and making him scream and yell and forget everything nerdy he was typing until he could think of nothing but john’s name– bringing him to filthy, low down clubs and having him take all kinds of things and then fucking him in his car while he giggled, just happy to be there…
god, what an image he created for himself.
“issat him?”
“christ–” john sputtered, startled as curt’s voice suddenly sounded in his ear, arm suddenly slung around his shoulder. “didn't think you were actually comin’.”
“you know me, bucky.” the boy smiled, eyes fixed hard on the blonde, scanning every single little detail. “i hear about a hot guy, i just can't help myself. it's a curse.”
“i gotta get you spayed or something,” he joked, tugging the shorter boy’s hoodie so that he was sat in the chair next to him. “siddown.”
they spent a good while just staring, before curt broke the silence with a filthy whisper in bucky’s ear.
“think he'd be down for a threeway?”
“what? man, god knows what you're thinkin’ i’m just brave enough to say what i’m thinking out loud.”
“yeah, in a class full of people,” he hissed, flicking curt on the side of the head. “keep your voice down.”
“what's your deal?” curt huffed, rubbing at the spot john had struck him bitterly. “you’d be flirting with a guy this hot by now. it's like you're scared or something.”
“i’m not scared– you're just bein’ too goddamn loud.” john said, elbowing him in the side sharply. “besides, he seems like the shy type- so i’ll have to get him to warm up to me before i can even suggest anything, y’know?”
“ughhh,” curt groaned, falling back dramatically and clutching his chest as if he were dying. “i dunno if i can wait johnny-boy. i wanna devour him like thanksgiving dinner and lick the plate clean.”
“i know you do.” john mumbled, rubbing at his temples. “just try and be patient, yeah? don't you got other boy toys you can sleep with in the meantime?”
“none as good lookin’ as him.”
“down boy.” john teased. “i got this. just give me a week and we'll have him in our dorm.”
curt huffed and stood from where he was seated, shoving his hands into his loose pockets. “alright, but i’ll be damned if i wait a day longer.”
and there he went, striding out of the classroom like he owned the damn place, pants falling low on his hips because he'd lost his goddamn belt somewhere the week before. that boy was more of a mess than he was.
class came to a close, and john sighed and picked up his bag nonchalantly. he had been brainstorming a way to even approach the guy, seeing as he looked like the quieter type. he had a nagging feeling that if he tried to just go up to him and strike up a conversation he'd freak him out a little bit.
he must've spaced out. when he came to, the room was empty, save for the professor organizing his haphazard work space.
“i know you aren't gonna ask me any questions about the lecture, egan,” the frumpy old man said, glaring up at him. “you know where the door is.”
“gee, thanks.” john mumbled under his breath.
he turned to leave, bag slung lazily over his shoulder, only for something glimmering under the fluorescent lights of the room to catch his eye.
he turned to look at the object. it was a pair of glasses.
he practically jumped over the table to get to where the blonde was sat previously, taking hold of the thin-framed specs in his large hand.
he dashed out of the classroom, hoping he could still run into him somewhere outside since class hadn't ended that long ago. he made his way into the hall, which was fairly vacant, and scanned for him almost frantically.
he was standing near the exit door, fumbling through his satchel for something– and john hard a fairly good idea of what he was looking for. he took a deep breath, straightened his back and walked towards him, shoving the bifocals in his pocket.
“hey,” he started, obviously scaring the blonde a bit as his eyes shot up from his bag, meeting john’s. “lose something?”
“oh, uh,”
he looked caught off guard, but his face remained surprisingly stoic. the only tell that he was nervous was his stiff posture and twitching fingers.
“yeah, lost my glasses. think i left ‘em somewhere.”
god, his voice was deep– smooth and soft with a hint of a southern twang.
his plump bottom lip twitched slightly as he took his hand out of his cluttered handbag, letting them rest at his sides. he fidgeted with nimble fingers, picking at a loose string that stuck out from his frayed jeans.
he was so much cuter up close. john could really get a good look at all of his features– his sleepy eyes, his soft hair, his straight nose, the freckles that dotted his cheeks, and the musky, sandalwood-vanilla scent that wafted off of him. john wanted to devour him.
he pulled the aforementioned glasses from the pocket of his basketball shorts, presenting them to the blonde. “y’mean these?”
the blonde perked up.
“oh, yeah,” he said, quickly taking them and sliding them back onto his face, missing the way john jumped a little as their skin made contact for a split second. “thanks. must’ve dropped ‘em.”
“nah, left them in class, actually,” john informed, nodding back to the door of the now barren math room. “saw ‘em sitting on the table, so i picked ‘em up.”
“uh, thanks,” he said, hands moving to clutch at the strap of his satchel. “how’d you know they were mine?”
john chuckled and gave his most charming smile, cocking his head to the side slightly, just to add to the charm a bit. “couldn't forget a cutie like you sittin’ in front of me.”
the boy turned his head away at the words, but john didn't miss the way his cheeks flushed a soft, sweet shade of pink. he couldn't help but smirk.
his neck tensed, letting john see all of the muscles in a way that made him want to sink his teeth into him right then and there. he didn't miss how his shirt was cropped slightly either, a little bit of skin showing as he reached to scratch at the back of his reddening neck.
“oh. uh, well…thank you.” he mumbled, a nimble finger running up and down the faded strap of his satchel. “nice of you to return ‘em.”
“of course. who wouldn't? i’m sure everyone would want an excuse to talk to you,” john replied, smiling wider. “what’s your name?”
“oh– it’s gale.” he said, gathering himself and making eye contact with john once more. “gale cleven.”
“nice to meet you, gale,” he crooned, holding out a large hand. “i’m john egan. friends call me bucky.”
“nice to meet you,” he said softly, a slight smile crossing his face as he took john’s hand, shaking it firmly. “bucky.”
“good boy,” he said seamlessly, watching as gale’s face went a pale pink once more. “how about you grab a drink with me? i’ll consider us even for the glasses.”
“ah, i’d love to, but,”
he faltered, and john’s heart sank for a moment. he must've overstepped.
“i don't drink. even if i did, i’m 19, so i can’t legally get a drink at bars.”
john shrugged, playing off his miscalculation as he released gale’s hand. “a’ight. how about a bite to eat then?”
gale went quiet, lip twitching once more as he mulled over john’s offer. bucky worried his bottom lip with his teeth in anticipation.
“not today,” gale exhaled. “gotta study, y’know. but i’m free tomorrow?”
“okay. i’m counting on you to keep your word on this.” he purred, flashing him a sly wink as he walked past him, out the door. “see ya tomorrow, gale.”
“so, did you ask him?”
“curt, didn't i say a week?” john huffed, shucking his shirt off and tossing it aside. “you're real impatient, you know that?”
“he's hot.” curt said urgently. “god, if i got a chance to talk to him i’d–”
“i know, which is why i didn't let you talk to him.” john laughed, sitting on the edge of his bed. “you’d scare him off and he'd probably report us or something. it’s happened before.”
“no one's reported us.”
“whatever.” curt sighed, crossing his arms like a petulant child. “did you at least get a name? what color are his eyes? what’s he smell like?”
“gale. gale cleven.” john recalled fondly. “he’s got big baby blues, and he smells real good. like those ridiculously overpriced colognes you love so much. god– his voice is so deep too, curtie.”
“...gale sounds like a chick’s name.”
“what, it does!”
“and you think you’d be able to get him to agree to a threeway? with a mouth like that?” john huffed. “you're such a shit talker.”
“it’s not on purpose, i promise.” he said with a bratty roll of his eyes. “i just think honesty is the best policy. ain’t that a core value or sumn?”
“it is– but not if you’re thinking of telling a cute blonde guy you wanna fuck that his name sounds like a chick’s name.”
“are you gonna tell me it doesn’t? honestly?”
“you just–” john pauses, lips pressed into a flat line. “you shouldn't say it.”
“so you agree!” he cackles, falling back with the force of his raucous laughter. “oh johnny, you're such a hypocrite.”
bucky all but pounced on curt, relishing the little yip that came from him as he was pinned against the shitty little dorm mattress. john’s hand was gripping the front of his hoodie, lifting him up slightly so that their faces were inches apart, breath mingling with one another.
“you've got such a smartass mouth, you know that?” he hissed, staring curt right in his crystal-blue eyes, which were wide with an obvious mix of arousal and fear.
this is what curt got a kick out of- riling bucky up and making him manhandle him. this wouldn't be the first time they had gotten carried away in their little friendly bickering matches, only for john to end up on top of or inside of curt. it was a little arrangement they had. they’d known one another since elementary school, and they'd only grown closer as they grew up.
curt was there for bucky throughout his worst– the drugs, the relapses- he’d seen john at his absolute worst, and he stayed right by his side.
he'd also seen curt at hit lowest, dirty and covered in blood and other fluids that were from men that curt didn't want to name because he was sure ‘they didn't mean it’.
so much they've been through together. so many nights they've spent curled up together- crying, screaming, or just silent.
“yeah?” the boy exhaled, erection poking at the back of bucky’s thigh insistently. “why don't you shut me up then?”
he didn't need anymore permission. bucky pulled his half-hard cock free from his loose basketball shorts, shoving it roughly into curt’s mouth, laughing cruelly as the boy let out a little whiny sigh.
“didn't even gag. how many cocks you suck this week, huh? how many men you let violate your pretty mouth?”
another whine, tears gathering in the corners of his eyes as he began to lick and suckle at his cock weakly, hands grasping at john’s thighs.
the words were harsh, but he knew it’s what curt liked. he loved being talked about like he was an object- a little plaything for john’s personal gratification.
he rolled his hips forward, smirking as curt gagged slightly at the nudge of john’s cockhead against the back of his throat. spit was running down the corners of his mouth, creating a pretty, messy little picture below him.
“fucking hell, love your mouth.” he sighed, settling into a slow rhythm, savoring the feeling of curt moaning and whimpering around him like a pitiful little puppy. “love when i get to take you like this. you think gale would fill you up like this?”
a downright filthy groan left curt’s mouth at that, nails biting into the plush skin of john’s thighs. bucky laughed throatily. tugging at curt’s damp curls until just his tip was in the warm chasm of his mouth.
“hah….thought he had a chick’s name? bet you don't really care. you’d still moan for his cock like the whore that you are, huh?”
curt’s tongue licked at the weeping head of bucky’s dick, shuddering at the taste of precum drizzling over his pink little tongue. his chest was heaving with each breath he took, eyes almost rolling into the back of his head as john forced him to swallow his cock once more.
“want me to cum down your throat, curtie? gonna imagine that it’s gale?”
a garbled word that sounded like ‘fuck’ escaped the shorter boy’s throat, his nails scratching down his thighs and leaving bloody little marks that would be hard to explain– but he didn't care. his thrusts got sloppier, more frantic as that familiar warmth built at the base of his spine.
he pulled free from curt’s throat with a filthy wet sound, jerking his wet cock as he spilled all over curt’s scrunched up face. his cheeks were pink and wet with a mix of john’s precum and his own spit, which made such a beautiful little picture as his spend was added to it.
they both sat there panting for a bit, before curt shoved him in his chest.
“i said down my throat, asshole.”
john just shrugged, smirking crookedly. “i hear cum is great for your skin. just trying to keep you looking young.”
curt shoved him again, enough to make him stumble off of his chest and onto the floor, which made them both laugh.
“god, now i gotta shower again,” curt huffed, wiping at his face with his hand. “god, you're such a dick.”
“you're welcome,” bucky called out as curt shuffled off to the bathroom, shooting him the finger as he closed the door behind him. he was left laying there, cock still wet and messy with curt’s saliva as his eyes drifted shut. images of gale, spread out below him, flushed and fucked out flashed prettily like a homemade porno behind his eyelids.
tomorrow, he was gonna win that blonde boy over no matter what.
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taglist: @mooodyblue @lauvmyself @kaiistheguy @slowsweetlove
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chiharuhashibira · 9 months
Back to you Part 10
Hello! So here is our Part 10~ Firstly, I'm sorry if this took so long. I really need to dedicate myself on work for a while soooo yeah XD
Anyways, hope you enjoy!
@unofficialmuilover @sofilsworld @skeleton-the-gangser @ahashiraswife @sharkyy-tm @crazycatlddy
𝑩𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒕𝒐 𝒀𝒐𝒖
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚇
𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐗 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐔)
<𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫>
Content Warnings: Curse words, Slightly Suggestive, Verbal Abuse, Neglect, Emotional Trauma, Panic
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(Images are not mine. Credits to the rightful owners)
"Hey, I had no idea. Y/N-sensei has a boyfriend!"
Sanemi shot up from his seat when he heard Kanae tell that to him, as he was busy checking the papers. Boyfriend? Did Y/N tell her about us? It's not that I mind, but I thought we agreed to keep our relationship low-key for now.
"Oh, tell me about it." Sanemi said impatiently as he watched Kanae place her bag down on her seat. It felt like hours as Sanemi waited for an answer.
"Oh... I didn't expect that you like gossip, Shinazugawa-sensei."
Sanemi was astounded by her words. He was expecting that Kanae would tell him that Y/N shared things about their relationship, but no. With the surprise on Kanae's face, it is obvious that she still has no idea about them.
Pissed-off, Sanemi clicked his tongue and went to sit at Kanae's desk while glaring at her. "Eh? Just blurt it out," he said with an annoyed tone that made the science teacher chuckle.
"You still haven't changed, Sanemi," she said as she looked up at Sanemi with a look that was so familiar with the man. But then, that same look made Sanemi stand up and repeat his question. Kocho sighed, and finally...
"It was Haga...Ha—"
"Oh, that shitty man."
"You know him? Hey. Hey!"
Without answering Kanae, Sanemi walked out of the room with a vein popping out of his forehead in annoyance.
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"Hello class, I need to excuse Y/N-sensei for a while."
You turned to look at the math teacher, slash your lover, when he suddenly entered the room and told your class to excuse you for a while. You raised an eyebrow at him, but eventually you noticed the annoyance on his face, so then you just followed him out of the class.
Just as you stepped out of the room and closed the door behind you, Sanemi suddenly pulled you into a corner where no students usually go. There, he finally let go of your hand and glared at you.
You have no idea why he is mad right now. You didn't know why, because nothing has really happened between the two of you since yesterday. You weren't able to see Sanemi right after his Math Club thing because you were not in the right mental state to do so.
Perhaps he's mad because of that?
"Why didn't you tell me about it?"
"About what, Sanemi?"
"Why do I have to know it from Kanae first?"
"Kanae?" You blinked in confusion as you stared at your lover's glare. A tinge of jealousy usually crawls up your body whenever Sanemi says Kanae's name, but now it was worry. What did she tell him?
"I don't have all day, Y/N. You don't need to play dumb with me."
You gave Sanemi the evil eye for his comment. The tenor of his voice grated on you, and you felt yourself growing irritated. "What's wrong with you?" You asked, trying to stop your voice from revealing your annoyance.
"No. What's wrong with you? Why didn't you tell me that your ex came here yesterday? What's worse is, as per the gossip, he's your boyfriend."
"Sanemi... I can explain..."
"I don't know what else I want to hear from you. As far as I know, these gossips wouldn't be around if you denied them in the first place."
The sharpness of Sanemi's remarks caused your eyes to water. You despise Hotaru so much that you don't want any further contact with him. If you could rewind time to yesterday, you would tell yourself not to be startled by Hotaru's presence. But you were powerless to stop that rage and that dread at the time.
But of course, why would Sanemi listen to you? It's Kanae who told him that, fine.
And it was the last thing you said to him before you turned away. Something about that jolted Sanemi out of his stupor, since he immediately grabbed your hand and prevented you from leaving.
"Hey, I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention to sound so harsh."
Your tears were streaming down your face as you swatted his arm and stared into his eyes. "I-I don't know anymore, Sanemi. Perhaps it would be better if you just left me."
Sanemi's eyes widened. He tried to hold your hand again, and when your skins touched, you felt your heart ache. Of course, you don't want Sanemi to leave you, but sometimes it feels like it'll be better, especially when you still haven't been able to free yourself from the clutches of your past.
You were astounded when Sanemi suddenly pulled you into an embrace. He pulled out a bit and looked into your eyes. "I'm sorry... It's just that I'm worried. What if that fucked-up man did something bad to you?"
You didn't answer. You don't have enough strength to do so. So, Sanemi just pulled you into a warm embrace once again, making you feel how much he doesn't want to lose you. "I'm so sorry... I swear, I'll make it up to you, baby." He whispered in your ear as you buried your face in the crook of his neck.
"Mmm. I'm sorry too." You finally spoke up and wrapped your hands around his body.
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The classes ended, and you heard from Shinobu that Sanemi had talked to Kanae about what she told him earlier. The science teacher apologised and felt sorry for you because of what happened. Apparently, Sanemi told them that Hotaru was a creepy stalker. So then, the lady felt guilty that she didn't do anything yesterday.
You reassured them that everything would be fine. Of course, you didn't give a hoot about the tattletales. You were completely preoccupied by your feelings for Sanemi. You didn't want his ex's harsh words to drive a wedge between you. So, you were thankful that the man had fixed the mess.
Now, there you are, on the bed, entangled with Sanemi. Since you missed your monthsary yesterday, the man has taken steps to make amends today. When he could help it, he refrained from bringing up Hotaru at all.
Instead, Sanemi, while brushing your hair with his fingers, finally spoke up in a low voice. "Babe, would it be better if we stopped being low-key? Like, look at Obanai and Kanroji."
You were astounded by his question. He agreed on separating your personal lives from work, but now he wanted to spill the tea to everyone. Is there something that is bothering him again?
It's not that you didn't want to. Of course, you're proud of him as your boyfriend, but you're just quite scared that it may have an effect on how you will be perceived, especially if almost all people want him back with Kanae.
But still, you dropped that thought and kissed his lips, making him chuckle. "Babe, I'm serious. I don't like the thought of you being linked with other people."
Oh, is it because of Hotaru? You looked at the ceiling and sighed. "Sanemi, is this because of what happened yesterday?"
"No... I mean. It's one of the reasons, but another thing is that I want people to know that you're mine."
"I want that too, babe." You said, giving him a sad smile. "But what if people hate me? You know that almost all people at school want you to be back with... Kanae."
The insecurity's getting higher again, and Sanemi sensed this. So he went on top of you and kissed your lips. "Nah, ignore them. I wouldn't go back with Kanae even if they built a cult or something." He said that, making you frown. Sanemi perceived that as if his words weren't enough, so he moved slowly, sliding inside of you, which made you bite your lip.
"I wouldn't be buried deep within you, baby, if I desired another girl. I only want... you."
After he whispered that to your ear, the room was suddenly filled with the sounds of pleasure that came out of both of you. And yes, beneath the sensation, you also felt happy that Sanemi's still here, loving you.
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Giyu walked down the alley with his hands in his pockets. It's been an hour since he arrived at the place, and that made him bored to the point that he took out a cigarrette from his pocket and lit it up.
There are times when he relapses from his previous vice, which was smoking. And that time is now, as he continues to wait patiently for someone. And there, finally, as he took the first puff, he heard a voice.
"What do you want, Tomioka?"
He looked at the man, and there he was, with his golden-orange eyes. Anger suddenly filled Giyu as he threw his newly lit cigarrete and stepped on it, crushing it with the sole of his shoe.
Hotaru's intimidating aura didn't affect him at all. And he knows the other man isn't affected by his intimidation either. So, to make this conversation quick, Giyu finally walked closer to Hotaru and spoke up.
"If you ever lay a finger on Y/N again, I'll be ripping your goddamn hands off of you."
"Oh scary."
Hotaru's mocking made Tomioka angrier, so he pulled the man by his collar and pinned him to the wall. Giyu is much younger than Hotaru, but his strength is exceptional, which even shocked the other man.
"I mean it. Fucker." He said that and pushed Hotaru against the wall after letting go of him.
Hotaru fixed his top and glared at Tomioka. "What did I do? I just told Y/N that I love her."
"And you also tried to start rumours about you being her boyfriend. Don't you realise that she doesn't love you anymore?"
"And that's because you ruined our relationship in the first place!"
Hotaru was about to punch Tomioka in the face when suddenly,
"Oi, what's the matter here?"
A familiar voice echoed in the alley. And there, just as Hotaru brought his hand back to his side, the speaker's image became clearer in Tomioka's eyes. "Iguro-san..."
"Tomioka's a piece of garbage, so why are you trying to harm him? I don't care about your issues, but as a person living around this area, if you try to punch him again, I'll definitely make you rethink your decisions."
Hotaru clicked his tongue and pushed Tomioka away. Before stepping out of the alley, he spoke up in a menacing tone. "I'll take back what's mine."
Sighing, Obanai sauntered to Tomioka and gave him a critical look. "What the fuck are you doing here? Done messing with your miserable existence? Don't make a mess here, Tomioka."
"I don't need your litany, Iguro-san."
"Then, leave. I don't care if you're Shinazugawa's new buddy. I'll still beat you to plump if you cross my way."
"Then you're going to be beating the wrong person, you fool. That man tries to ruin the relationship of your so-called friend. And oops, I think you still don't know about that."
Tomioka smirked at Obanai, trying to mock him, which certainly worked. But then, it wasn't what he had expected.
"Now you caught my attention. Tell me more about this shit."
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Obanai said that made Tomioka shrug his shoulders. This will be a long story, but this man is Sanemi's friend. He had seen him almost fighting with Hotaru, so why deny it? Besides, perhaps Obanai could help his friend with this little problem about their pasts.
𝑻𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆𝒅…
After a loooong week! I am back with this story XD
And Obanai is here! How would he contribute on this story? XD I know Sanemi can solve his problems but, wouldn't it be cute for him to have his little Charlie's Angels in the embodiment of Tomioka and Obanai? What a weird pair yes XD But this will be all for you~
And what is it with Kanae's longing look for Sanemi? Hmmmmm!
Lots of things to unveil before the most awaited ending of this story!
Requests are open!!
Ja ne~
<𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫>
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tinandabin · 4 months
Koi No Yokan
Special 2K event...
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
AGE: 15
"Alright. This is your profile, right?" The lady at the reception asked you, her glasses glinting in the light. The office she was in was pristine. Too pristine for a school, you would say. Everything was organized and clean, hell, even the dustbin didn't feel like a dustbin. It was too clean to be a dustbin.
Miniature plants and decorations were littered around her desk. You could hear her typing away at the computer. Her fingers moved elegantly, as she pulled up some more details about you. "And... You're transferring here from [School Name], correct?" You nodded, sitting upright.
"Great." She muttered. She looked at the calendar and clicked her tongue. "Since the summer break is going on currently, we don't accept students. But... We can make an exception for you. You'll be free to attend the extra classes during summer break, to catch up on the course... " She rummaged through some documents, pulling out a neat piece of paper. "You'll be given your timetable soon. Welcome to Teyvat Academy. " She smiled, although it was devoid of any emotion.
"Thank you, I appreciate it." You smiled back awkwardly, your fingers fiddling with your vision, hanging loosely around your thigh.
"Ah, I almost forgot. You must be aware, I assume. I'll inform you, though. Teyvat academy offers 5 subjects which are compulsory, regardless of your vision. " She opened a booklet, pushing it towards you over the desk.
You grabbed the booklet, looking through it. The 5 subjects were those you have heard of. Combat training, maths, science, linguistics and of course, history. All students had to study these, regardless of whatever their vision is. But the 6th subject offers option to students. You have alchemy, sword-fighting, archery, flying (for Anemo students only), and last but not but least, witchcraft. Alright, witchcraft sounds evil.
But now, the question is, what will you, dear reader, choose? Choose carefully, now. Your choice will pave your path to... many odd individuals.
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legendary-guest · 3 days
High school sucks, from puberty to petty relationship drama to navigating the cliques - not to mention the teachers! Some so crabby, so lippy, so unfair, so mean that you could swear they were...evil?
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Meet Dr. Drew Lipsky and Ms. Shea Go! Other outfits linked here. Lots of text under the cut.
"Mr. Lipsky is my father. You will address me as Dr. Lipsky."
It is difficult to escape Dr. Lipsky on the learning side of the high school ecosystem, he practically runs every class that involves math or science.
Arrogant, grouchy and with a tendency to ramble, Doc runs his classroom with an iron fist and a strict no lip policy. He is seldom seen without his ruler, which he uses to write along the chalkboard with his terrible handwriting, draw diagrams, gesture wildly with and slam on sleeping students' desks to rudely wake them. Despite this unpleasant behaviour, he has obvious favourite students - some of them have gone a long way just by sucking up to him - like not being yelled at and being one of the privileged few that haven't been damned to detention for a minor transgression. He's not just mean, he's also weird.
He likes to show-off the fact that he can draw a perfect circle, free-handed. This impresses a lot of the kids, until it becomes dull - he is workshopping drawing a perfect dodecahedron free-handed (it's not going well). School festivities and similar events, not centred around sport, tend to have him actively organising and participating in them. Always decorates the classroom around Christmas time, becomes unbearably cheery. His love for Snowman Hank is infamous.
Students have figured out an effective method to avoid learning - by getting Dr. Lipsky to talk about himself, or anything that vaguely interests him, he isn't difficult to distract. If he realises what's happening, everyone gets extra homework. If he doesn't and class ends, he seethes about it.
Of course, this means that he's always marking, always busy, a vicious feedback loop. He secretly doesn't mind this, as it keeps him occupied, away from depressing thoughts and crushing loneliness. His job is his social life, but even this is difficult as the only real rapport he has with anyone are the students he rambles to. Well, them and now Ms. Go, whom he carpools with - picking him up and dropping him off 5 days a week, just the two of them. His own car was totalled by Ed, and unable to afford another on a teacher's salary, he'd been catching the bus to and from work. His garage has turned into a workshop, where he tinkers with fixing old computers, building robots, lasers, programming microchips, etc. He really doesn't spend time in his own home.
Drew is dyslexic but doesn't know it - he's found ways to manage this. One of these ways is calling on kids who he knows are in Ms. Go's classes - he always knows them - to help him spell something. “How do you spell it?” “What?” “What do you mean ‘what?’ I know you’re in Miss Go’s AP Literature class, so tell me how to spell it!” “Uh…” [spelling ensues] “That wasn’t so difficult now was it?” “Thanks would be nice” “Detention.” “What?” “I heard you talk back. Detention. I’m old, not deaf.” Unlike Drakken, the subject of his blue skin and scar aren't things he's keen to talk about. He addresses it once at the beginning of every semester to the students to quell rumours and that's it. “Before you all start asking, I’ll tell you. This nasty scar? Lab accident. Blue skin? Lab accident. Is it contagious? No. We’re speaking about injuries, not cooties. So, you know I take lab safety very, very seriously. Gloves, closed shoes and glasses in the lab at all times! Last thing I need is a lawsuit from your parents.” No member of staff, including Ms. Go, know why he is blue.
He is still a college drop-out - his doctorate and teaching certifications are fake. He has never been caught. The inciting incident for dropping out (I have yet to cement whether or not it is the Bebes) has defeated him instead of motivating him. Drew Lipsky is still Drakken, but listless, without real focus or ambition, prone to indifference and depression. As Dr. Lipsky, he is a genuinely good, competent teacher, despite all his faults - the need to explain things, repeatedly, helps him in the profession.
Ms. Go is the hot new English teacher at school! Although she is new to teaching on her own, she is not as naïve as some might think. With her experience as Shego, member of Team Go from Go City, dealing with her brothers and various criminals and villains alike, Ms. Go knows her way around people - the Child Development qualification is merely a bonus.
Staff and students don't know of Ms. Go's hero identity and she goes to great lengths to deceive students that point out her strangely tinted skin - by telling them that it's merely the fluorescent lights in the school that make her appear green, and that, maybe, they should be more focused on what's on the board. Several students have started wearing glasses since her employment. Gaslighting the kids is something she enjoys immensely. Dr. Lipsky has noticed, too, but he doesn't bring it up, accepting her reasoning - for now.
Her attractiveness is no secret, with many a boy harbouring a crush on her, some of the bolder ones hitting on her in class or the hallway. Ms. Go effectively destroys the fragile, male teen ego in a single, creatively worded sentence, leaving a path of bitter, broken hearts (and sometimes tears) behind her. Creative put-downs aren't just reserved for boys that hit on her.
Ms. Go's criteria for her hitlist include: disrupting class, poor enunciation/pronunciation, mumbling, using the wrong words, incorrect/poor grammar, and abuse of teen slang in class.
Anything that isn't a school textbook or notebook that is left behind in Ms. Go's classroom goes missing. Pencils, pens, spare change, personal diaries, MP3 players, CD players, gum (which they shouldn't have anyway!) - gone. Ms. Go picks the room CLEAN as soon as all of them leave - finders keepers! She has an impressive collection, and shares the spoils with Dr. Lipsky. Forgot something in Ms. Go's class? FORGET IT! She gives props to those who can clap back in a creative (grammatically correct, well-spoken) way. For this, she is a very divisive figure, fluctuating between cool-hot-mean-bitchy at all times.
The popular, self-absorbed girls try to emulate Ms. Go, from her mannerisms to her style. She doesn't mind this, and even has some fun in seeing how far she can take it.
Ms. Go runs her classes efficiently and she never assigns extra homework - she doesn't want to mark it. She clocks in at 7am and clocks out at 3:30pm, not a minute before or after.
She has an expensive sports car (I'm thinking a Maserati), which she was able to procure from the Mayor of Go City for her service. Hego was, is, very upset over this. Although she has been out of the hero game for a while, something about the unusually hued Dr. Drew Lipsky had her extend the offer to carpool - just him. Especially after she saw him come to work, late, soaking wet from some surprise torrential rain, snarling and growling and snapping at anyone who so much as looked at him funny - only to be berated by the principal on top of it all.
Her degree in Child Development means that she holds the position of school counsellor. Problem is, no one wants to see her! Who does after hearing all the mean things she says? Her small office is rarely visited, to the point where Dr. Lipsky has moved in with all his stuff, mountains of paper that made his corner of the teacher's lounge very unseemly. Anyone who knocks is met with the Doc's intimidating stature and signature frown.
Ms. Go and Dr. Lipsky sit by themselves in the small office, never in the teacher's lounge. Drew will sometimes stay back and work, catching the bus home, whilst Shea goes home. As they get closer, Ms. Go will sometimes just go for a few hours and return to the school to take the Doc home. Although it seems like she's got it all, at the end of the day, she still goes home to her apartment - alone. Used to being surrounded by her family, as annoying as they are, used to the excitement and rush of hero work, and no longer actively using her powers, Shea is not too sure what to make of normal, civilian life. Especially after hers has been anything but. Partying, clubbing and shopping on the weekends are fun, but the prospect of socialising with others, finding interests that aren't focused on her career is daunting, if not a little frightening, if she were honest with herself. Shego, as Ms. Go, still calls him Dr. D (for 'Drew', she says the alliteration makes it fun to say) and Doc. Drew Lipsky for when she really wants to annoy him.
Drew/Drakken having dyslexia, Drew/Drakken taking the bus and the name Shea for Shego's real name are all lifted from Dwelling by @gogofordrakgo. The AU has been stewing for a very long time, almost as long as I have been reviewing. All elements lifted have been credited. I see several paths for it.
A 'Normal' AU where they exist within the KP world but never become villains, and don't teach at Middleton High School.
An Origin Story of how Drakken and Shego met teaching at some high school and then getting into villainy together.
An AU where they are teachers at Middleton High School and Kim and Ron are students there, still saving the world. They still play an antagonistic role, Drakken more than Shego, with Shego empathising with Kim without breaking her Shego-ness and becoming too nice, still distance between them. Ron would also be Shego's one-and-only student that she sees as a counsellor. Their sessions consist of having him accompany her to the mall - retail therapy. In this version of the AU, the recurring villains would be The Seniors. Senior Sr. is a big name supervillain looking to retire and is training his spoiled, sheltered son Senior Jr. to take up the mantle, but all he's interested in is becoming a teen-pop sensation, even though he learns quickly and can take on KP. Senior Sr. finds Kim Possible, not only a worthy adversary, but the ideal match for his son! He is the number one Kim x Junior shipper. (500k slow-burn, enemies to lovers epic fanfic, babies ever after - 7 for all 7 continents - 4 girls and 3 boys - evil-and-in-love - he's planned Junior's entire life for him, he can't wait to retire!). Dr. Lipsky and Ms. Go become villains at the end, becoming Dr. Drakken and Shego, the new villainous couple looking to rule the world and taking the place of Senor Senior Sr. and Senor Senior Jr.
Alternative to the last where it's all the same but they don't become villains. Maybe they try for a bit and after having their fun, they settle down to have a family. I dunno!
Now, is there more to come? YES! MAYBE! We'll see how I am feeling. Why did I do it this way and not write something properly? Because I don't like writing or plotting multi-chapter fanfic. I really wanted to make something that I could write for in this very casual way, and, if anyone else wanted to write or draw for this, that it would be possible.
Teacher AU is such a strong concept for the characters as they are, I wanted to really have it be true to them, as we see and know them in the show. I didn't want huge differences in their backstories, interests, mannerisms or relationships with other characters, because all those things inform who they are. I love that Drakken is a scatter-brained, easily-offended, easily distracted grouch and that Shego is such an annoying, snarky woman, a staunch grammarian and runner-up for professional slacker (Ron takes the number one spot). I wanted to challenge myself with this and I hope that I have been successful with it, at least initially.
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zipstidbits · 1 month
hi zip! 👋 i'm just really curious about how you got into astrophysics 👀 and what careers interest you in that field if you don't mind sharing ☺️ i just think it's so cool, but like, in the way of someone who knows absolutely nothing about astrophysics except that it's probably really hard and also rockets 😛🚀 have a lovely day! 💞
hi zesty!!!!! thanks so much for asking, i don't mind sharing at all :))))
how i got into astrophysics:
both my parents are second-generation americans so education/college was always The Big Goal growing up. this translated to my parents really emphasizing math and science skills and i got really interested in science this way. (the post-cold war american cultural emphasis on science as a whole probably contributed to this as well, lmao.)
i ended up momentarily ditching the science dream because i started struggling with math in middle school. i can do it, but my adhd means i struggle to hold numbers in my head (do mental math) and sometimes i can be slow/need to write things out more than others/make silly mistakes/and then get bogged down by imposter syndrome. this was like 10+ years ago so i had zero diagnoses and minimal support so i hopped onto the anti-math train.
i never stopped liking science though. i want to know everything and imo, science contains the answers to everything and is how we'll learn all that is unknown right now. once i hit high school and science class started having a shit ton more math i started to view math differently. it became the whole 'the enemy (math) of my enemy (the unknown) is my friend' thing. thankfully, math, when applied to physics concepts, makes more sense than when in a pure math class, so this became a very doable arrangement.
i also started consuming a lot more pop-science/science in the news around this time. neil degrasse tyson, the one astrophysics class i took in high school, and my dad who played a lot of star trek and pbs space videos on youtube to bond with me opened my mind to the most beautiful thing ever (space). i just think it's the coolest thing ever and the unknowns are so cool and i want to know what's going on up there so bad!!!!
this (and some spite*) led me to apply to college for a BS in physics. doing just physics and not astrophysics was sort of a safety net because i thought i'd really like particle physics too but it turns out quantum mechanics is evil and fucked up so i chose to stick with astrophysics as my concentration, lmao.
*i felt like a lot of my peers in high school assumed i couldn't do this because i wasn't naturally good at math/physics and i took a little more time and effort (i spent a lot of early mornings and afternoons in help sessions, lmao) and a part of me wanted to prove them wrong.
then, this past fall/winter, i applied for a bunch of astrophysics phd programs because i've thankfully got a BS degree and i've made my mind up on what i want to do in life (study/learn about space). i got rejected from 7 out of the 8 schools i applied to which was terrible in the moment but great now because i didn't really have to choose what program to accept, lmaoooooooooooo.
careers that interest me:
i very much enjoy teaching (i was a teaching assistant this year) and i would really like to continue it. i could probably do that in most research jobs by mentoring others in a lab/research setting but also being a professor sounds really cool and appealing to me since i could do research and traditional teaching, lmao.
i'm kind of willing to give most astrophysics research jobs a try, i think? the only line i'd really draw is i don't want to work anywhere near the american military-industrial complex for moral reasons
thank you again for asking zesty!!!! sorry for rambling so much and i hope you have a lovely day as well!!! <33333
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sillyclowncircus · 2 months
Oh no, silly brain rot
@o-i-w-u come get some gore
Au where the tsams characters all work at a school- but ya know me, murder murder murder- so uhm- everyone has a small twinge of evil- or a lot
And all the kids are orphans to explain why no one notices kids missing
Ack- murder school
Uuuhm- gore mention besties
Tw: gore, murder, death, children death, esting flesh, EVERYONE IS MURDERERS
Sun does art classes :D he really enjoys painting the most, and red just happens to be his favorite color! And who else but those misbehaving students to provide him with that red paint his loves so much? Whats a little loss of a misbehaving student for the cost of art after all? Besides, hes been teaching these kids for 3 months now! If their art hasnt improved yet, what use are they to him but paint providers?
Moon! Going with that basic bitch science teacher for him. He enjoys science and loves it even! It's such a nice pass time for him, something he can relax while doing! Thats why its so annoying when one of the students have to mess up his relaxation time! How could a student be so stupid to mix ammonia and bleach!? Some students just have to learn by being the victim of their own failed experiments... even if it results in a little death sometimes.
Killcode is a gym teacher. After all, who but the fast predator to be one? Kill code is well aware that he scares the students, and he thrives on that terror. He loves to give students difficult tasks. What does he care that you're getting ropeburn from climbing that 20 foot(about 6 meters, i think-) rope? If you fall, then you best get up and run and keep running til someone else falls, or you're going to find yourself torn to pieces to feed his family and other students.
Earth does both cooking and gardening! She loves planting things! Especially things like Castor Beans, Winter Daphne, and Dendrocnide moroides! She has a love for plants that are dangerous and well... dont be surprised if a Castor Bean seed ends up in your food if you happen to be rude to one of her favorite students. Earth may not like killing, but she does like knowing punishments have been given, even if it results in death. She pften cooks the meat of dead students so it doesn't go to waste. It is a shame to waste such good meat after all... and meat is good plant fertilizer.
Lunar does zoology! He brings animals into the school and lets the students meet them! Who cares if last weeks wolf killed a kid? Not Lunar, he's metal. The wolf couldn't hurt him! The raccoon had rabies, and it bit you? Well, the only way to tell with animals is cutting their head off and sending it to the lab, so say by to your head and off to Moon's lab it goes! And if he so happens to take you outside and into the woods within the schools the 3 miles of fencing? He's just there to feed the animals he keeps, and you happen to be the meal.
Bloodmoon does anatomy! If a body comes in whole, they'd use it to carve ooen and show their class, maybe eat an organ or two. When there's not one? Well... no one is gonna miss that short kid in the back, right? It would be fun to cut open a live one and let their students see a heart pumping, lungs drawing their last breaths.
BM1(Bloody) he especially loves the gore, he personally loves the live students to work on, finding the dead ones boring since they don't squirm and scream. He prides himself in making the students both terrified but intrigued
BM2(Harvest) prefers working on the dead bodies. The struggle of the live ones annoys him, too squirmy, too wriggly. Tho he does hate the cold feeling of the dead bodies, so sometimes he just kills a student the moment they walk in class to have a warm cadaver to work on.
SolarFlare teaches both math and reading. Personally, he doesn't like killing that much... but someone getting answers wrong irks him. He's worked so hard with these students for months, and that can't spell something simple that 'Knowledge' correctly? Or what 2544 ÷ 48 is? It's 53! They aren't worth his time, and he doesn't feel that another teacher should waste their time either. So he kills them, his go-to method being to break their necks so its quick and not too messy.
Solar is the janitor and technician. He's just... tired. There is too much cleaning to do, too many dead kids, and most of all... ugh, Eclipse is annoying. But he doesn't break his role of janitor, knowing that he really has nothing outside this school anyways, so whose gonna judge him for snapped and punching a student who annoys him? No one. At least he's not killing... or if he is, no one noticed... It's amazing what hydrogen peroxide can clean out of clothes after all.
Eclipse is the principal. He doesn't mind all the killing, but he prefers not to get his hands dirty. It's enertaining to watch students come complaining to him, though. He will kill, tho. A student breaming too many rules, making too many messes, out with no hall pass... those who break rules have no place in his eyes. So a quick death should do fine. But if there's one he just particularly hates... He's happy to take his time to peel off someone's skin
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And yet again, MORE Random Fanfic Quotes!
whatashayme: anyone: [brings up greek mythology]
whatashayme: keith: I AM AWAKE
lanceylance: because it’s funny!!!! because the turntables!!
princesssparklepants: well make like the clocks and turn them back!!!!
carrierpidgeon: at long last, the evil is defeated
kkogane: the evil is never defeated, just asleep
kkogane: and history. today’s bullshit is that pericles is a little bitch and socrates got what was coming for him
carrierpidgeon: elaborate
kkogane: motherfucker died because he thought “i can’t help that i’m wiser than all of u and u just wish u were me” would hold up in court
kissthehunk: to the government agent monitoring our group chat for all intents and purposes everything in here is a joke please i am begging
princesssparklepants: last night made me feel an emotion with the same energy as euphoria but like. halfway across the spectrum
theromellanempire: she is OUT of my LEAGUE
kkogane: and who said she’s not a superfan of your sport?
kkogane: romelle and i are like soulmates but instead of romantic soulmates we are mortal enemies
carrierpidgeon: no, precalc killed me, i’m texting from beyond the grave
shayfromstatefarm: you can’t make death jokes about math, it’s only first period
carrierpidgeon: my patience for this class, much like this limit, does not exist
carrierpidgeon: but it’s not a party
mattata: just go with it
allurable: so do we need supplies??? i’ve got room in my car for four other people to go party shopping with me
carrierpidgeon: IT’S NOT A PARTY??
hunkerdunker: it’ll just be like…a squad hangout session
shayfromstatefarm: a friendly gathering
takashmeoutside: a casual meeting of acquaintances
mattata: but decidedly /not/ a party
lanceylance: i’m a bisexual put on ur fuckin bifocals pidgey
carrierpidgeon: my virgin eyes have seen the darkest reaches of the internet, my asexual ass just doesn’t want any of your bisexual bodaciousness
hunkerdunker: fucking criminy you know what can we drop this subject
shayfromstatefarm: can i drop every class i have then
lanceylance: why did i tell him
shayfromstatefarm: because you were exercising a healthy relationship by openly communicating about any situation that may cause problems, instead of bottling everything up for the sake of appearing strong to your partner and not hurting them
lanceylance: :)))))) hunk, the light of all of our lives, chef extraordinaire, a gordon ramsay among paula deens
mattata: it’s called a JOKE gremlin
carrierpidgeon: so that thing mom made when she gave birth to you
mattata: yeah, it was such a good joke that she wanted an encore, so she made you
kogayne: sincerely, from the bottom of my cold little heart, fuck you
lanceylance: why did you text me, your room is across the hall
lanceylance: i dunno if you noticed but i’m CONGESTED I CAN’T FRICK-FRACKIN BREATHE
takashmeoutside: keith and i are sickypants2
kogayne: no, only i get that nickname, be gone, germyjeans
shayfromstatefarm: everything is due all at once happiness doesn’t exist hell is empty and all the devils have teaching degrees
carrierpidgeon: and this one girl is like “yeah so we learned about icarus the other day and my sister started yelling about the broken physics behind it” and the other girl is like “well what does she expect it’s a mYTH” and like they kept going back and forth but instantly sherrie and i are like PHYSICS??? SCIENCE??? ENLIGHTEN US ON WHAT SISTER DEAR HAD TO SAY
carrierpidgeon: so emily’s telling us about sarah
carrierpidgeon: and how sarah went and actually researched the physics behind the myth and essentially, the entire myth is fuckin broken
carrierpidgeon: k so y’all know about daedalus, right
carrierpidgeon: created the labyrinth, he and his son icarus got punished, and now they’re breaking free
carrierpidgeon: so basically they made wings out of feathers and wax and were gonna fly across the ocean
carrierpidgeon: icarus had simple instructions: go the middle route. literally, just stay in ur fuckin lane
carrierpidgeon: don’t fly too close to the sun, or else the wax will melt
lanceylance: fuckin apollo
carrierpidgeon: and don’t fly too close to the ocean, bc your wings will get wet and you can’t fly, which, sure, that bit of physics makes sense
carrierpidgeon: but apparently em told this story to sarah
carrierpidgeon: and sarah was like “wait…wait did they say the higher u get…the hotter it gets?”
hunkerdunker: ah
shayfromstatefarm: AH
carrierpidgeon: YES
carrierpidgeon: so sarah looked into this and, first of all, apparently some university kids have actually written a paper on this, so
lanceylance: fuckin millennials
hunkerdunker: i love nerds
carrierpidgeon: second, the other issue that sarah had was that
carrierpidgeon: “wax and feathers are both lighter than water…they float…if he had fucking WINGS shouldn’t he have floated and not drowned”
carrierpidgeon: which should hold true, as long as he didn’t land face down
carrierpidgeon: BUT THEN she was like “mmm but how did he fall in the first place”
carrierpidgeon: her conclusion was that the only way for icarus to have fallen and drowned was for him to have passed out from being up too high
lanceylance: i came into this world screaming and i will be buried the same way
carrierpidgeon: commentary from the sound booth:
carrierpidgeon: “we need to turn her mic down unless we wanna go deaf”
carrierpidgeon: “his mic is all the way up and we still can’t hear him so who volunteers to read his lines while he lip-syncs”
carrierpidgeon: “this is the most hideous lighting we’ve had since….midsummer” “midsummer was our last show” “did i fucking stutter”
carrierpidgeon: “can we just let the seniors do the whole show”
carrierpidgeon: “the next time flotsam misses her cue i’m going to run on that stage and be flotsam myself”
carrierpidgeon: “does grimsby…actually…even know his lines” “that’s…u can’t be serious oF COURSE HE DOESN’T”
takashmeoutside: no u know what we’re gonna go nonchalant white dad on this 
(Said in response to finding younger sibling made a hole in the wall)
takashmeoutside: excuse me i was a Perfect Gentleman
kogayne: “was” damn right what happened
kogayne: how do i put this in a way u musical fuckers will appreciate
takashmeoutside: oh no
kogayne: ~on the first day of pride month some asshole gave to me, a harsh reminder of reality~
Lancei still cant believe i saw his mullet in personit stared me dead in the eyethat mullet came into my house and threatened the lives of my children
Princess: so I judo flipped him 
RazzleDazzle: you should’ve seen it
Hunky: he bounced like a rock skipping on water
A beautiful compilation.
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cats-thoughts · 2 years
Okay so this is about minecraft smps btw just to get that out of the way- Highschool au but the smps are just friend groups in situations
Outsiders Smp is a class taking a field trip to a corn maze. The levers were the buttons to push when you're lost and want out. The second clearing was another class (that got separated and lost) that they bumped into over time and joined up with (everyone else got out) Ori made a deal with the guys who showed up to retrieve them for a map out and kept it secret. He later fulfilled his half of the deal- sacrificing one of their members to be drug into the maze, never to be seen again (Soup was found five minutes after their 'escape' drinking hot chocolate on a haybale)
Kaboodle Smp is a handful of people who got dragged into a theater club because of missing credits. (Except Kaboodle herself, who was the only one there willingly) Clown immediately volunteered to be a villain. There wasn't supposed to be one but he was so excited they agreed. He became that one kid who was cool but also cringefail who had way too many super epic oneliners on backup. Kaboodle had a theory board with red strings and everything that he was actually a real-life evil villain. Pyro and Rae, siblings, were the only ones to agree. (There are rumors that Pyro and Clown used to be dating but no one can confirm anything and they refuse to address it)
LifeSteal is the world's most complicated game of every man tag ever. Everyone has little disassemblable charms and if you can hold one of the fake weapons you get from completing tasks (schoolwork) to someone's throat or heart you get a charm from them. If they get a failing grade in a main class they have to give up a charm. This is because they are all neurodivergent and the only way to get them to do their schoolwork is through competition. Poor Branzy is NOT doing well but he's trying his best. The casino arc was just Clown sitting with him and helping him with English, Science, and History while Branzy helped him with his math. (One time Kabsmp gang decided to follow him to see where he was going after their hangouts and discovered him chasing after Red and Pangi with a cardboard and styrofoam scythe while Branzy cheered him on from a nearby tree. They later asked if the "one kid in the tree who shouldn't be able to see with their bangs over their eyes" was his boyfriend. They never got an actual answer.)
EchoCraft is just a bunch of architect nerds with unmonitored access to so many lego sets. (Chief still has his polycule that goes untouched. Very few people in the polycule actually remember joining the polycule but they do know they're in it! Chief gives them forehead kisses every single time he sees them bc he's taller than all of them and Kabsmp and gang were like -surprised Pikachu face- when he walked in to give Clown a book he'd left in a shared class)
Hunted SMP is also a game of tag, but Ivory is winning and she never stops winning. Love that for her <3
DreamSMP was a debate group but it spiraled out of control and now there are physical fights alongside verbal ones. Michael is a guinea pig Tubbo and Ranboo take turns taking home over the weekends and holidays. Yes Wilbur is still from Utah. Charlie joined because Schlatt got kicked out (Quackity suggested the vote as a joke and they all agreed) with a secret vow for revenge and played the part of a young, naive boy who wants to be a part of a club and thought this one was the right one. Couldn't actually make an argument for his life but did occasionally say something so profound that everyone had to take a moment and just. Wow. Until one day he steps up to Quackity and completely deconstructs all of his arguments, making a complete and utter fool out of the reigning champion (only Wilbur could keep up with him and he was on holiday visiting family back home in Utah) and then decking him for good measure, saying "For Schlatt!" He then left, returning to his dnd club. Quackity still has not recovered from this. Tommy recorded it. Purpled is still boasting about "I KNEW there was something up with that guy!!!" Dream's prison arc was him being forced to sit in a corner because he made Tommy cry (He was faking it mans was fine) and the "torture" was Quackity putting a dunce hat on his head. Sam (elected to be the prison "warden") wouldn't let him take it off. Techno broke him out by punching Sam - instantly KOing him - grabbing Dream, and running to the closet where Phil, Niki, and Ranboo were hiding. And also Conner? For some reason?
Hermitcraft are the students who everyone is pretty sure have been here for 5 or 6 years but no one ever seems to graduate? They think it's TFC (the janitor)'s fault, he's letting them in after school so they can hide in a very large closet and do... they're not actually sure? Building something? Legos? Wooden blocks? Maybe they're all just taking a nap? They're very secretive. They are hermits after all.
Those are all of the ones I can think of feel free to add more
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pens-and-gems · 5 months
Princess Hierarchy Preview
Hello everyone, this is a preview to one of my upcoming plays, Princess Hierarchy that I will be posting on my deviantART known as Muggle-Gem-Princess and my Wattpad known as LovePrincessGem. I really hope that this play will make you not only laugh, but you will enjoy it as well.
Princess Hierarchy
A Play by Princess Gem
Characters (in order of appearance):
Narrator (Either Gender)
Snow White "Snow"
Cinderella "Cindy"
Sleeping Beauty "Sleeps"
Miss. Royally Your Majesty
Rapunzel "Zels"
The Queen of Hearts
The Mad Hatter
Prince James Charming (Charming #1)
Prince Damien Charming (Charming #2)
Prince Charles Charming (Charming #3)
The Sugar Plum Fairy
The Three Little Pigs
The Evil Queen
Prince Arthur
The Beast
Little Red Riding Hood
Principal Her Royal Highness
ACT I takes place at the ASB Club and Rapunzel's Home
ACT II takes place at the ASB Club; the Math and Science Club; and the Garden Club
ACT III takes place at Snow White's Castle; during Gym Class; and then ASB Club
Time/Setting-Modern Day Fairy Tale/Modern Day High School
Act I, Scene I
(Scene I. A fairy tale book appears and it reveals itself as a pop up book. We are introduced to a castle-shaped school titled "Fairy Tale High." Then, THE NARRATOR starts speaking.)
The Narrator: Once upon a time, there were fairy tale stories that became popular throughout the years they were introduced. Whether they were used as bedtime stories to children or cinema successes for families, fairy tales became a popular genre for people everywhere around the world. Until one day, when all the famous fairy tale writers such as the Brothers Grimm, Charles Perrault, and Hans Christian Andersen all found themselves wondering "What if, all of our fairy tales went to school together?" As in, "What if the children of tomorrow made their own spin on their stories?" Maybe, they could be superheroes or horror detectives, or maybe, they could go to school together! And thus, the iconic authors put their stories together as one big collection book, and whoever came across it, would make their own fairytale story! As time went by, public domain happened, and so our very own fairy tale characters became different people in different stories. And now, the trend contiunes with the one and only: Princess Hierarchy!
(The book then gets zoomed in as we now transfer to the play's setting: Fairy Tale High where various and iconic fairy tale characters such as Puss n Boots, The Big Bad Wolf, The Fairy Godmother, and others as teenagers adjusting to the new story they're in. We then zoom into the school's building where more characters were seen as they were chatting, being on their smartphones, having a coffee or two, among other teenage behavior they displayed. Finally, we reach our last location: Association Student Body or the ASB Club where SNOW WHITE, the club's president was writing down a few notes for today's meeting. Helping her was also some little blue and yellow birds.)
Snow White: Alright so, 12:30 PM is our Lunch Meeting to discuss Homecoming Week, Back to School Night, and Class Election. Friday at 3:00 PM is the Save the Dwarfs meeting, then Monday shall be New Students week to make up for pictures
(A blue bird gives her a latte in a bag)
Snow White: (takes it kindly) Aww, thank you so much Skylar. How sweet of you. (takes it out of the bag and sips it; only to spit it out immediately) Does this have soy in it?! How many times do I have to say that I'm allergic to soy?! (throws her cup down) Get out of here, (swats her hands at them) go! You disgust me!
(SNOW WHITE continues writing down her meeting notes. Then a knock is heard. From here on out, SNOW WHITE IS NOW REFERRED TO AS SNOW)
Voice: Snow?
Snow: Yes, yes, come in.
(Enter CINDERELLA and SLEEPING BEAUTY, SNOW's "friends" to say the least.)
Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty: (excitedly) Snow!
Snow: (squees) My girls! My queens! My princesses!
(All three run up to each other and greet each other by mimicing a kiss on the cheek.)
Cinderella: How was your summer?
Snow: I went to the Bahamas!
(They all squee again)
Cinderella: Any cute guys that you met?
Snow: Pfft, do I even need to ask?
(They all share a laugh)
Snow: What did you girls do?
Cinderella: (sadly) Prince Dean and I broke up.
Snow: Oh darling, I'm so sorry.
Cinderella: Yeah, but he was also such a creep. I mean, all he ever liked was my feet and my older step-sister.
Sleeping Beauty: I guess he likes ugly feet?
Snow: Sleeps, you are like so unprofessional! You're a princess, be better than that!
That's all I have for now. Hope you all enjoy it and you're always free to give me feedback.
P.S. If you guys believe that I should tag this as "mature" due to the feet joke, let me know.
UPDATE: 1/11/24
Made a few more edits and corrections with help from my Discord friend. Same one that helped me with my Bottom of my Asylum Heart and The Wish posts.
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kohakhearts · 10 months
when people first meet me and inquire about my studies im generally hit with two different responses, being 1) “wow, that’s an unusual combination”/“you don’t see that often”/etc. and 2) “you must be SO smart!” (or its evil twin, “you must hate yourself ha-ha”), and while the first is obviously a better response than the second, both are kinda…awkward to react to.
like? IS it an unusual combination of interests, or is it actually that most institutions make it exceptionally difficult for people to pursue stem and arts concurrently? and that we don’t often talk about the heavy crossover between stem and the arts because we’re so culturally obsessed with this notion that the world is split into Art People and Science People (also known as English People and Math People)?
and how would my interest in a science make me any smarter than someone in my program who chose to pursue a minor in history instead of physics? also, NO, i don’t hate myself. obviously taking stem classes after spending years believing im “not a math person” has lowered my gpa, but that’s not really something i care about, because at the end of the day i find the subject endlessly fascinating and i enjoy my classes very much, and i get better at math every semester because i have no choice. because it’s just…a method of communication. it’s a language. you practice, you improve - but you have to be consistent and intentional about it. the same way you have to be consistent and intentional about analyzing fictional texts and historical documents.
which is to say that like. you are using the same skills. i tutored a high school student last year who looked at me like i was crazy for saying that close reading a short story is functionally the same as solving an algebra problem. you collect like terms. then you compare and contrast them to make a statement about them - it’s human nature to seek refuge in what is familiar even if it is simultaneously traumatic, or x = 2 and y = -2. you can chart it, you can graph it, you can draw it. listen, isn’t there something so inherently beautiful about the word integral? it’s something intrinsic, baked into a person or a thing - the fundamental values formed within you by tiny, infinitesimal pieces: moments, experiences - they coalesce into something completely different, but still. you can go back. you can find the pieces. define them, pick them apart, put them together again in new ways. expand them, contract them, equate them to something else just to understand them.
half the study of mathematics is called analysis, for god’s sake. what is the study of art if not analysis? is it not the goal of the artist, the writer, to make sense of our place in the world? and is this not what we do in physics, too? look at the world and try to find reason in it? as the poet spends their life trying to make the intangible tangible, the particle physicist attempts to study dark matter. when we form a sentence, we utilize a complex system of equations that are so second-nature to us we don’t even register that’s what we’re doing - but there’s a reason this branch of linguistics is called syntactic calculus.
like…believe me. if you told my teenage self i’d be taking calculus-based courses in university, i wouldn’t have believed it. i teach high school students now who tell me they know they aren’t good at english, but it doesn’t matter to them because they do so well in math. and i get it. i do. but it’s disappointing, too, because i think my knowledge of math has made me a better reader and writer. and it feels like most people are missing out on that connection, because they feel like it’s impossible to make. but any experimentalist can tell you there’s an art to the scientific process. any musician or poet can tell you that great art is dictated by numbers - rhythm, rhyme and metre, all of it. the only group of people as interested in conceptual symmetry as physicists are artists.
anyway, all i’m saying is like - one is not more essential than the other, these things are inextricably linked, these things are as fundamental to human existence as breathing. there’s a reason why astronomers defer to shakespeare to name newly discovered bodies in space, you know? we've all gotta learn to love the math in our art and the artistry behind math.
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tiktaalic · 7 months
what should i go to grad school for. i have a bs in biology minor in chemistry. important to know that i am comically bad at math and chem and fought for my life to scrape up a b average in them while taking one (1) a sem among my other courseload. i'm talking made a 30 on my ochem final a 36 on my last calc test bad at these things. i 💗 science i despise fake classes like technical writing and business management. i currently work in clinical labs running tests for clinics hospitals etc on patients. no evil jobs #no evil jobs
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Round 1 Poll 73: Intelligence
Resident Evil submission:
Chris being uneducated/having barely scraped through high school or failed to graduate. This came from non-canon tie-in media. However, in canon he was a USAF fighter pilot, which requires a bachelor's degree. The timeline suggests he went to air force academy, which has quite high entry requirements and typically takes people who were close to the top of their class in high school; the course itself is also said to be quite challenging and includes mandatory courses in various topics including some maths and science of the kind that fanon Chris is often portrayed as totally ignorant of. Canon also suggests he was quite successful/seen as promising during his training so it's not as if he was at the bottom of his class at the academy or something either.
Bungo Stray Dog submission:
Chuuya is no brains only brawn quick explanation to hopefully save u a bit of research time: chuuya is great at reading battlefields, making quick decisions, and is able to understand ppl and what drives them very well. Hes willing to talk problems out with enemies to prevent senseless violence and he’s smart enough to understand when he’s backed into a corner (ex. 15) However in the show he’s always compared to ppl such as ranpo, fyodor, and dazai who have nearly superhuman intelligence and unnervingly calm demeanors, leading to the chuuya is stupid allegations as he’s not quite on that superhuman level and is a bit more short tempered
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