#mathematics is a weird name for a high school class but maybe it’s a basic like assessment/general class??
thebluestbluewords · 9 months
happy holiday break, let’s talk class schedules
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According to the Secrets of Auradon Prep tie-in book, AP runs on a rotating block schedule. Six periods per day, plus lunch. Pretty reasonable for a high school class schedule.
Homeroom once a week feels a little weird to me, but after an unofficial poll of some friends, it’s apparently not too uncommon for American high schools to only have it at the start of the week.
It’s sort of nice that the students get a study period every day, instead of having their free block/study block worked into the rotation with the rest of their classes.
In Mal’s Diary, we get another look at her schedule.
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She’s in most of the same classes as the sample from before, but no chemistry class. Is Mal not interested in chemistry, or did Fairy Godmother decide it was more important for her to learn about evil fairies instead? Are there other “cultural history” type classes for other students, or did Fairy Godmother and whoever planned the class schedules for the other VKs just decide to pile on allll of the history/social studies classes for the VK to educate them in the ways of Auradon?
I think it’s funnier for me personally if Fairy Godmother received transcripts from Dragon Hall, looked at the VKs’ classes so far, and decided to say ‘fuck it’ on math and science classes, what these kids need is Auradon cultural education. Woodsmen, Fairies, Auradon History, and straight-up Goodness 101. One singular math class will take care of the rest, they’ll be fine.
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ttheriddlerr · 3 years
Idk I this is we’re
You request
But I was thinking of a y/n x fez but it is mainly about her an ashtrays relationship. Just like scenarios with y/n as a mother figure towards ash like when he is sick or in trouble I just think it would be so cute bye 😘
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summary : in which, fezco isn’t the only one who realizes your efforts.
warning : unedited
pairing : fezco x black!reader + ash
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the first time fezco introduced you to ash he thought you were weird. you were fairly quiet around him but very talkative with fezco.
you didn’t wanna make a bad impression on fez’s lil bro when meeting him for the first time so you kept it short.
fezco knew you weren’t being rude, you were always a nervous individual. so he understood fairly well why u acted so distant at first.
they first time you and ash had a real conversation was when fezco brought up school. it was some time ago but you all still remembered it like it was yesterday.
“hey [name], how did those exams go? you know with your studies and shit.” fezco asked while in the kitchen
“they went good actually! i get to move on with my classes on mathematics and science studies! i scored pretty high too!” you didn’t mean to brag, you were just super proud of yourself
“maybe you could help ashtray lil dumbass, he’s always need help wit school work and you know ion know much about that.” fezco was obviously joking about ashtray but you did infact agree to help him
ash barely attended school and it was obvious to why, but you did at least want him to still know things he needed in the future.
so that day when he and fezco came back from running the store you sat down with him and talked about it. obviously not trying to be really pushy because the last thing you wanted to do was make him uncomfortable.
“hey ash so fez told me you could use some help with school work and stuff like that. if you want i could help you with some, of course only if you want.”
at first he wasn’t totally on board with it, first reason because why would he need help from you? you were just some girl fez was dating and second he could learn from the real world not some meaningless books.
“you don’t have to answer today, just whenever you do want help with school just tell me. i’m here to help, i wanna see you succeed kid.”
you could see how nervous he was to answer so you didn’t wanna push him.
that day you made them dinner before heading to your own house, and ash absolutely loved it. he obviously wasn’t gonna tell you that, but he did tell fez. which fez told you and word just got around to you three.
so you started coming over and cooking more frequently, making sure to leave enough for the next day.
during that time ash started warming up to you, realizing you weren’t here to hurt him or his brother.
a couple months after him warming up to you was when he first asked for help, and man were you happy.
you were excited to help the kid, so you started out with the basics for a kid his age.
you know like basic math, science and english. even if he didn’t need it now, he may need it later.
once a week you would give him some sort a sheet to do, which honestly in due time you saw improvements.
fezco was over the moon, he was so happy to see you both bonding. ever since his grandma had gotten into the condition she was is ash never had a “motherly” figure. fez saw that you were the perfect fit, with you smarts and your already nurturing attitude you were perfect.
it was around the month of february and you loved this month. it was nearing the end of the colder months and one of your favorite holidays came up, which of course was valentine’s day!
you had something cute planned out for you and the boys. you obviously had classes that day so your plans did get pushed back by a couple hours unfortunately but it was okay! nothing you couldn’t make up with a delicious home cooked meal and chocolate!
so when you seen that both ash and fez came home that night looking stressed you knew something was up. you instantly fixed them a plate of whatever you were cooking and told them not to worry. just to sit down relax because they looked like they’d been through enough today.
you served both the boys and sat with them eating too.
“happy valentine’s day guys, i got you both something! but eat first don’t wanna distract you” so for the time being you all ate with the tv playing in the background.
once they were all done with eating you took the plates and washed them, you always made sure everything was clean before anything else.
once you were done you grabbed a couple things from your bag and made your way back to the couch.
“so i got you guys something quick im sorry it’s not much, just with school and stuff i didn’t have enough time. i really hope you both like it.”
so you have fez his respective items which was a box of chocolates and a little bear so he could always be reminded of you and a hand written letter. it entailed about how much you loved and appreciated him, how he changed your life for the better and much more.
then you turned to ash and gave him a box of a more variety of candy, so not just chocolates. you got him some game he’d been talking about for the longest and also a hand written card.
it basically was about how much you had seen him improved not only academically but also as a person. how you felt as though he was a great kid and him going out his way to protect his brother was something you couldn’t have thanked him more for.
you and ash has a similar upcoming, you were bother delinquents, always running the streets, doing anything and everything to stay alive and make a living. you sort of understood how he viewed his place in the world and you wanted him to know you really appreciated him and everything he has accomplished so far.
to say the card hit him hard was an understatement, sure he wouldn’t express it to you but you could tell. it was getting later and you had to go back home because you had class again tomorrow.
“i’ll see you guys again to tomorrow, i love you both so so much! until next time my friends” and with that and a laugh you left out the front door.
ashtray looked up to you, these past couple months you him and fez spent together were more than enough to make him realize. he appreciated you, how happy you made him and his brother. how you always made sure they were both safe every day, made sure they ate, made sure they felt loved.
“fez.. don’t go runnin you mouth but she’s a nice girl. i really like her, i’m happy that you finally found someone to complete you bro. none of that sap shit though, she’s just a sweet lady.” fax was laughing his ass off in the corner
ash had gone soft, for a girl who he barely wanted to speak to in the beginning.
“thanks bro, i’m happy you feel like that. you know ever since ma been in the bed i just needed something to fill us back up. someone you could look up to, and someone i could be with you know? thanks for accepting her lil bro.”
fez always spoke with such a genuine voice, and sincere words when speaking about you.
“yeah yeah whatever man. she’s kinda like i don’t know a mom kinda. you know she looks after us and shit. i like that.” a small but visible smile on his face
“i’m glad ash. now go to bed champ we got stuff to do tomorrow.” and with that fezco was off to bed hoping ash would be close behind.
looking back in everything ash realized you are more than a girl friend to his brother, you were his rock.
ash looked up to you, not only for you brains but for your heart.
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lchufflepuffcorn · 6 years
Her (Scott McCall x Reader)
Resume: Being a born necromancer isn’t nearly as cool as being a werewolf of a banshee. Even being human is cooler than being able to raise the dead. 
Words: 3604
Warning: Bref mention of suicide (very brief but still) details of eyes missing. 
Note: There is a high possibility of being a second part to that, I just don’t know when so... I hope you’ll like it. (I do not own the gif.) -LcH. xxx
You can find my masterlist here!! 
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If you could blame your weird habits on someone, in particular, you’d name your father, without a shadow of hesitation. The reason for it was that he had been missing from your life since you were very young, and you were sure as hell that your mother couldn’t see the ghosts like you could. Partly because when you would wake up crying, she would assure you that it was only a nightmare. You did try to tell her that, no, the bloody grandma living in the ceiling really was there, next to your bed but to no avail. So your absent father was the only logical explanation for your condition. All the more so that Deacon had said it was hereditarian. Though, having your father in your life wouldn’t have made you the woman you were now from what you’ve heard. 
You were born and raised in Beacon Hill, as was your mother. Single child after your father left home, she raised you well to be a kind girl with a vast curiosity for things. Your mother had been a close friend to Claudia Stilinski and her husband from Stiles and your’s playdates in kindergarten, she worked with Melissa McCall at the hospital, though your mother was a doctor, not a nurse. On top of everything, she went to school with Peter Hale and Chris Argent, hooking up for a brief instant with the first, Peter had told you that first hand after discovering your origin. Therefore, you were bound to know Scott and Stiles, even Lydia Martin, though your mom didn’t really like her mother. 
While being friends with both Stiles and Scott meant many things, though it mostly said that you had to help patch-up the stuff they’d messed up, you were not considered as one of the troublemakers. More like their mother to be honest. Stiles tended to forget eating, because of that, you found yourself doomed to put food in all of your bags. Scott wasn't the most prepared teenager, so you were affording his lacks most of the time, such as helping him study five minutes before a test and what-not. Lydia sometimes needed to hear things that her mother couldn't tell her. So you did it for her. You went from a group of friends to another like a butterfly. Everyone in the school knew your name. 
At first, Scott didn’t want you to be involved in all these supernatural problems. Up until Derek asked if your dad was (Y/D/N). Derek was the one to tell you what you really were. A necromancer. After that, your role as the mother of the group just became more evident. You would drive the gang around when it wasn’t Stiles who was doing it, more often then not, Derek asked you to talk with him about the matters with Scott and Peter, because you were spiritually his age. Now, was that a compliment or an insult, you didn’t know. Then Scott and Alisson broke up, and things started to get weird for everyone. Your dreams were more vivid, sometimes happening during class or when you were driving. Lydia was a Banshee, Isaac Lahey was turned by Scott, and Scott became Alpha. 
He would, in the beginning, call you to take Isaac home. He usually called you when matters were starting to get out of hands.
After Alisson’s death, when Isaac left, you remember feeling empty, as if something was missing, and you could only imagine what was Scott's feeling and thus understanding why he didn't want Liam or Mason near any troubles was. It soon became a habit of yours to bring them back home, even if Scott didn’t ask you to. During the years, Scott or Stiles would call you from any places at ungodly hours in the night. You scolded them often about their lack of safety, especially if they got hurt that night. And you would always be the only one to talk about school night and homework and eating correctly. You liked being able to say: 'I told you so!'. Most of the time,' Scott would back you up on the safety talk every chance he had. He wasn't any better than they were in the matter of safety, well, in the concern of his safety anyways.
Could you blame him? Not really, he didn’t ask for it after all, but at the same time, he wasn’t really doing anything to help his case. After the bite and his change. Then Allison's death, the Alphas, and Derek going from and to God know were. With everything that was going on, you could only try to help your childhood friend. Unlike Stiles, you weren’t human. Thought, unlike Liam, Kira or Lydia, your powers were not so developed that you could actually be helpful. You couldn't even spell charms to save your life or scream to kill your opponent. Your bite wasn't poisonous, you couldn't control the electricity or a sword for that matter. On top of all, you didn't even own a baseball bat. All you could do was talk to the dead, and you didn't really like doing so.
At first, it was because of the meaning of profanity behind the rise of the dead. Later it became because of the dreams you had because of them, then because of Allison. Your dreams held on her rising from the dead for months. Scott was with Kira at that time, but it didn't stop him from answering all your calls at outrageous hours and come to your house for a night in. Melissa had bet twenty bucks with Stiles' father that you would end up together. Your mom already owed her fifteen.
Parents were not the only ones taking bets about the two of you. Since Scott and Kira's breakup, Lydia and Stiles had many playful fights about your romantic status. Liam had even nicknames your mom and was using this to name you instead of your real name every chance he got. 
''Tell mom this.'' ''Did mom do that?'' ''Where's mom?''  He was worse than a child.
Today as Stiles, Lydia, Scott, and you were studying for a test, things were going smoothly. Liam was in class with Mason. Somehow, you had obtained what you had asked for so long: a time of peace and quiet. Well, the silence was approximative as it was on the school ground, but it was still a peaceful moment. In one of your ears was playing an instrumental song. In front of you, numerous sheets of notes were expending. You had taken the trick from Stiles, but your structures of notes were less messy than his.
''(Y/N)'' Scott's voice made you lift your head suddenly. ''Do you have the notes from last history class?''
As the four of you were studying for the Mathematics test, you found it odd that Scott would want the last notes in history. More so because you remembered him being present in class that day. 'Yeah, I do, here. But it won’t help you with math...'' Scott only chuckled as he took your notes, not answering your point. 
After school that day, Scott was taking you home on his scooter. You didn't have for a habit of accepting getting on because of the idea of getting killed. But your mom had driven you to school in the morning, so you didn’t have your car, and you didn’t like taking the bus, so you agreed. When Scoot first started riding his bike, you would bicker about his deficit of headgear. He only had one, and you were at least 75% sure that it wasn’t the safest one he had found. Unfortunately for you, Scott now had another one, basically with your name on it. The grey mass slowly moving in the sky helped convinced you to ride back home with Scott; it would rain before you would arrive home on foot. Homework was beginning to drown you under their weight, the year was slowly starting to end, and you could literally feel it. Melissa was working the night shift, and your mother was doing a double shift tonight.
Melissa was still home when you arrive at Scott’s, getting ready to leave. It wasn’t unusual for you to spend the night at the McCall’s or vice versa. She smiled at you before running back to her room.
''Lunch is in the oven.''  She called from upstairs ''Don't let it burn, please.'' 
''Mom, I won't!'' Scott responded, making his way toward the kitchen table, bringing you with him as he did. He let his schoolbag slide on the table, and you sat down next to him. Melissa came down to the kitchen and kissed her son's forehead. She then proceeded to kiss your hair as well. She grabbed her keys and left, but not before shouting her last goodbye for the night.
''You two have a good time studying!''
''Bye, Melissa!'' You shouted back before the door closed. The house fell silent, finally. As you turned to focus on your homework -you had them out of your bag as soon as you reached the table- but Scott’s eyes were on you. ''What?'' 
''Nothing, what do you want to start with?'' He questioned. Lifting your shoulders up, you just gestured toward the pile of books before you vaguely. 
It was maybe an hour or so later, Scott and you had half-eaten your dinner now, still doing homework when your phone started to buzz like crazy. Calls and texts were harassing you fro every one of your friends as if the world was ending. But all of them were for the very same thing. 
'Hey, have you seen Scott? He doesn't answer his phone!!' From Stiles.
'Can you tell Scott to look at his phone? Stiles’ starting to be very annoying.' From Lydia.
'Is Scott with you? We need him A.S.A.P.' From Kira. 
'Hey, Mom, could you text Scott? We've been trying to contact him for a while, but he doesn't answer.' From Liam.
‘Need Scott, hes with you?’ From Malia.
As more text flowed in, you signed. You shoulder felted like iron bars as you let them dropped a little. Your heart was racing. What was it this time? Another Deadpool? A Nogitsune roaming free in town? A werewolf without a pack but surprisingly much more robust than it should be? Was it a witch wanting the power of a mythological tree again? You raised your eyes to Scott's.
''Look at your phone. You've been popular this evening.'' He seemed surprised, his brow nearly raising to the top of his head as he took out his telephone from his pocket. At the same time, Mason had managed to call you, and Scott's phone too was ringing. You answered your phone with a sigh as the boy next to you showed you the caller ID. 
‘’Hey, Mom!’’ exclaimed Mason, seemingly relieved that you answer this time. 
''Hey, Mason. Tell Stiles to stop calling, Scott’s right next to me.'' 
''Oh, okay, I’ll tell him!’’ there was a pause. ‘’Stiles! I’ve got (Y/N) on the phone, Scott’s with her!'' Mason's voice called, he echoed your message to what seemed to be Stiles. The ringtone of Scott's phone stopped a second later.
''What is it?'' Scott moved his hand, and you put your phone on speaker.
The words were coming out of the engine as if there was some distance between Stiles and Mason's phone, but you could still distinctly hear what he was saying. ''I should have called her, they're always together.'' Scott scoffed, Stiles' voice came in much more clearly.
'' Hey, you two! Uh, we're kinda having difficulties? I mean, you should really come to see this. It’s nothing like we’ve seen before...'' His tone seemed odd to you like he was trying to make it look less of a big deal than it really was.
''What do you mean?'' Scott asked. You took the now empty plates back to the sink int the kitchen. Scott was old enough to understand Stiles on his own anyway. And you didn’t mind missing half of the conversation anyway, you would follow him to where the others were having trouble anyway. It was always like that. And if you were to go out, who knew what time it would be when you arrive 
to sleep, and in no way would you want to have to clean if that happened, so the plates were going in the sink now before it was too late. 
As you let the water clean most of the stain of the food from the ceramic, you felt a cold breeze hit your skin tenderly. Your heart started to race. It was the first time a ghost appeared at Scott’s house. You slowly turned, trying with all of your might to make it seem as if you couldn’t see them. The man was standing tall behind you, his face was partially hidden by a shadow and blood was spotting on his clothes. You downed your eyes. Making it look as if you couldn’t see him at all. Clearing your throat, you called for Scott but heard nothing back. The sounds were slowly fading out, you knew what was going on but refused to accept it. Going into your little necromancer mind place wasn't really as attractive as it sounded. Your heart was racing, and your mind was running for anything that would anchor you to reality. Your breath was coming in short and leaving before it could have done his job to help the blood run through your veins. The man took a step to be closer to you.
His mouth opened, but it wasn’t words that came out of it. It sounded like wailing and a grunt at the same time. It was as if broadcast was continually cut off then switched on again. You figured that it was too late to ignore him anymore, so you looked at him the eyes. But there were no eyes to look at, only bloody holes oozing a black liquid out of them. The man was holding his hands high as if he wanted to grasp your shoulder. You closed your eyes, unable to move, your heart was racing, and you felt sick, the dinner in the back of your throat threatening to spill if you looked at the man any longer. You were ready to handle the ice-cold touch of the dead on you, but instead of it on your shoulders were hot and desperate hands that ended on your face.
You gasped for the air you had forgotten to inhale, your eyes wide open now. Disoriented -the waving of the furniture before your eyes weren't helping either- you soon realized that it was Scott's hand on your face, gently tracing patterns on your cheek to comfort you. Also, you were not standing in his kitchen anymore, you were laying on its floor. The fresh feeling that was the ceramic tiles on your neck was recomforting enough, you didn’t feel like vomiting anymore. 
With some difficulties, you managed to sit up, Scott was all over you asking if you were okay. ''Yeah, I think so.'' Your head was turning as if you were sitting in a boat, but you didn’t have the seasickness that usually occurred when you were in a boat.  
''What did Stiles want to talk about?'' you asked, trying to distract yourself from the memory of the eyeless man. 
Scott hesitated a moment before telling you. ''Lydia found another body.'' His statement sent shivers down your spine, you felt nauseous. Through your shirt, you could see the frequency of your heartbeat.
''Do you want me to come with you?'' You asked. Scott looked at you as if he didn't want you to come. Even so, you ignored it and, with his help, rose on your feet. ''Liam and Mason didn't go home today, so they'll be hungry. Stiles will, too, because he's him. Maybe we should also bring covers? It's cold outside and-''
''(Y/N)'' Scott cut your ranting by setting his hand on your arm to prevent you from leaving the kitchen. ''Maybe you should just rest? I could call my mom too. You were unconscious on my kitchen's floor.''
''I'm fine now.'' You shrugged, trying to play it cool. He didn't look assured. When he still didn't let go, you huffed. ''Scott, can we just go?'' He sighed but compelled to your request. He left the room after placing a kiss on the crown of your hair. Borrowing a hoodie from his collection, you trailed after him, arms full of food and covers.
Lydia wasn't as shaken as she was the first few time she found dead people. However, she did take the blanket you were proposing to her. Liam was happily eating the pizza you had brought him while Mason was explaining in detail all of the things you had missed. Scott was talking about it with Stiles, Malia and Lydia on his side.
''- and then Lydia stopped moving and just took a deep inspiration and then started to scream!'' You nodded slowly. Since your arrival, you hadn't looked at the body that was lying there. Too scared to watch, no, you felt disgusted more than scared. The little you had seen of the body was close to the spectre you had encountered in Scott's house.
It was crazy to think that the man had been able to overpass your magical defences just to meet you. You weren't a defenceless child anymore like you were when Peter first came back. You understood your power much more now, but that was not something you've been able to explain to yourself. Mason was still ranting about how awesome it had been when Lydia screamed and brought them to the body when you cut him.
''It's late, boys. Didn't you had homework to do?''
Liam looked at you with pleading eyes, and Mason lowered his head.
''Seriously, guys! You need to stop that. School is important for your future, even if you don't like it.'' You had tried to level with them many times. You even talked about it with Isaac when Derek couldn't handle him, so he had to live with Scott. Liam lowered his eyes to the ground.
''Scott does it-'' You stopped him before he could finish his sentence.
''Scott took his responsibilities in hands. He tries his best to have good grades and does every single one of his homework. He didn't ask to become the Alpha, Liam.'' You took a breath before starting to talk once again, but with much less energy. ''While you don't have such responsibilities, try to take advantage of it. Plus, your mom will be worried if you don't go back home soon. I won’t cover for you his time.'' 
You and Mrs. Dumbar had made an agreement when Liam started to pass more and more time with Scott’s pack, you would take care of him. Unbeknown to her, you also made an agreement with Liam so that when he didn’t feel like going home, you’d cover for him saying he was staying at your house or that the gang was having a sleepover somewhere. 
You turned your back from the boys but soon realized your mistake when the shadow you thought you had left behind came back in front of you. Your blood ran cold once more, and your head started to spin again. You closed your eyes. 'Go away, leave me alone.' You thought.
''(Y/N)?'' Malia's voice sounded so far away that you had difficulties hearing it. You opened your eyes. The ghost was nowhere to be seen, Malia was standing in his place. You smiled in her direction. ''Are you okay?''
''Of course.'' She looked at you with anxiety. You felt forced to continue. '' I just thought that I don't have my car. So I can't drive Liam and Mason home.''
''But-'' tried to intervene the two youngest only to find themselves being cut short.
''No, buts, you have homework to do and a future to plan.''
Scott made a movement with his head, and Stiles started to make his way toward his Jeep. ''C'mon, boys. Tomorrow will come in way too early anyway.'' Lydia sighed and followed him. She was holding Malia by her arm to make her walk too.  Scott pushed Liam in the back to make him move in the direction of Stiles' car.
''I'll call my dad, you two better leave,'' Stiles called after starting his vehicle. Scott waved his hand.
''We will.'' He then looked at you, brow knitted in worry. ''You saw him?''
''Saw who?'' You tried to play it dumb. He didn't need to worry about you over everything there was for him to worry about.
''The man, (Y/N). Did you see him?'' His tone was not the one you could just ignore. He was worried and would become angry if you played it dumb again.
''Yes, from what I saw, it could have been him.''
''Did you saw him at my house too?'' 
How come he could know such things, he wasn,t even trying. You couldn’t get the words out of your mouth, it was as if your tongue had stopped working, so you nodded instead. The man was standing in front of your eyes. Your breath caught in your throat. ''I don't want to see him, Scott.'' You succeeded to choke out. ''He standing there, and he won't go away! ''
Scott's hand met your arm and brought you in a warm hug.  ''Let's go home, we'll talk about it there.'' You nodded, closing your eyes.
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The Blood Moon
Summary : With great powers comes great responsibility, so why bother with them, when you can just chill back and relax? That’s what Katrina always told herself in a way to calm down whenever she felt herself lose control, but nothing will stop her from getting in trouble with literally everyone around. Her world was chaotic, like the last seconds of a fly trapped in a spider’s web, but what happens when the world literally goes Upside Down for her, has to take care of a group of nerds much bigger than herself and even worst, she feels her heart beat for the first time, but now, not because of anxiety, but due to a much warmer feeling.
Pairing : Billy Hargrove x OC (Katrina Black)
TW : Stranger Things, as a TV show, explores a lot of themes, including childhood trauma of various types, which I am going to go along with.
This story contains and explores a variety of trauma and darker themes, most of them relating in canon to a certain character, others that I’m more familiar with then I wish I were and so on.
I have this story written on AO3 that I wrote in like 3-4 days because GODS I am in L O V E with Billy Hargrove and someone please save me, all my feelings are in here, from sorrow to glee, from fluff to angst and so on.
But I’ve never been prouder of a story I’ve written like I am with this one.
Chapter 1: The Fox and the Lion
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I had no idea how the hell I managed to get wound up in a group of 12 year olds’ troubles, but I can’t deny that it wasn’t fun, if not, just crazy dangerous and deadly. I met up Mike and his little group of nerdy friends whilst going to the arcade one day and them cursing my nickname for not being able to defeat my high-score in any game. Of course, since all arcade games only had a 3 letter maximum for each name, I put mine.
Because I have red hair and can be pretty sly and sneaky, despite how very introverted I am. Now it’s my last year at Hawkins High School, this one being the most important because if everything goes right, I may get a scholarship and be able to continue my studies further, to University, pursuing Vet Medicine, like I’ve always dreamt of.
Now, to tell a little bit about myself…
Officially, I was called “3”, just like the number tattooed on my shoulder, which is to brand me as one of the many experiments the Russians/Americans did on children. Somehow, and very thankfully, I managed to run away, thanks to my weird powers that I’m still not 100% sure, and found myself in the woods, where I stumbled upon this policeman named Hopper who was nice enough to take me in for a while, before getting me to an orphanage and making sure a real family gets to take care of me.
The date of me meeting Jim was January 3rd, a very cold and snowy winter, so from that day on, that has become my birthday. Since I didn’t have a name, he let me stay a few good weeks with him and taught me how to read and write, which was pretty easy, to say the least, and upon reading so many books, I found a name that finally suited my tastes.
That was 5 years ago, when I was 13, and now I’m at my own little house close to the Byers, I recently found out, living alone with Jim visiting me often, or having the kids have sleepovers at mine from time to time, when I’m not too busy with my studies.
After the incident with the monsters, Will’s disappearance, El and everything, we’ve really bonded, and gotta say, being a Rogue in their DnD party was super fun!
Life hasn’t been easy, that much is sure, isn’t it? Many bad things happened that cannot be changed or unmade, so you have to life with them through the rest of your life.
But things never stay the same, do they…?
Life at highschool ain’t the best, especially not with all these mean girls and boys around, but how I survived 3 years, I can survive one more, right? Also, recently, Will and the gang told us about a new girl coming from California called “Max” who apparently beat all their records as well and from their description, I really wanna meet her. Now, I’m wondering if this is a coincidence or not, but my Sherlockian instincts were tingling, and she may or may not be our new colleague’s little sister. Oh, yes, new colleague… His name is Billy Hargrove and he’s the most intimidating man I’ve ever seen in my life. He is literally radiating masculinity and his eyes make everyone either kneel at his feet or stay away from him, because he won’t take anyone’s shit. In a very short amount of time, he managed to gain the reputation of “Keg King”…I think that was? Beating Steve Harrington at popularity, now being the literal best student at sports (especially basketball), having the most number of uh…Charmed ladies, as a count, and beat up a ton of boys who dared disrespect him. So, uh...FUN!
I could have said that I’ve been pretty lucky so far, seeing that I didn’t have the need to directly interact with Billy so far, but fate was never as you’d expect and the weirdest of changes always happen when you least expect them.
Wednesday morning -
I wake up, eat a bowl of milk and cereal, go to wash my fave, brush my long red hair and look through my clothes.
I choose an over-sized AC/DC Tshirt, light blue boyfriend jeans, a red plaid shirt tied to my waist, round shades, a black hat and black combat boots, take my bag and go to my motorbike that I recently managed to buy and went to high school. Maths went pretty fast by, Chemistry too, but during Biology, we had to make a project for the final grade, which will affect the overall grade by a huge percent, which completely got my attention.
But that wasn’t all.
Mrs. Green insisted on assigning us partners…And I was to do the project with none other than Billy Hargrove, which made me gulp in anxiety and start to slightly scratch at my neck, not daring to look at him…Or anyone, for the matter.
Mrs. Green: Kat, Billy, may I talk to you at the end of the class for a moment? Billy: Sure. Me: Okay…
After this, the class went on as if nothing happened, but I could basically feel the burning and poisonous glares the many girls in my class would throw at me. After all, who wouldn’t want to be partnered up with THE King Billy?
What a fool.
All I did the whole class was to draw on my notebook, habit which I found out managed to calm down my anxieties pretty well, even if I didn’t really pay attention to the teacher…But hey, for someone like me, it’s no big deal. After all the other students left the classroom, I grabbed slowly got up and went in front of Mrs. Green, not managing to look in her eyes, my gaze fixed on the floor as I bit my lip and fiddling with my fingers. Billy, as well, stood just next to me, but he looked extremely laid back.
Mrs.Green: Billy, I am sure you are aware that, despite your pretty good grades, slightly above average, in most subjects, you are somehow failing Biology. So, I wanted to ask you, is it just disinterest, or are you not understanding something? I thought that, compared to Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics, this would be at least a bit easier. Billy: Well, uh…I dunno, I guess I don’t really get it or something. I guess I started with the wrong foot and continued even worse and…Yeah, you get it. Mrs.Green: Kat, dear, I am very sorry to ask this of you, since I know you’re extremely shy, but would it be okay with you if you were to help Billy with Biology? You told me you want to pursue Medicine at University, and so far you’ve been exceeding all expectations at my subject, which is why I paired you two up. Just a bit of tutoring, once in a while, if you both agree. Billy: If it helps with my grades, I don’t see why not. Mrs.Green: Excellent! What do you say, dear? Me: Uh, w-well, I…Uhm…I-I mean, s-sure, but…But a-are you sure I’m the right person for this? I-I mean, as you said, I’m painfully shy…A-And I’m afraid I might be more annoying than useful and I don’t want to waste anyone’s time and- Mrs.Green: Dear, Kat, calm down. I’ve seen you help and explain to some of your colleagues before at different subjects and you did an extraordinary job at it! I think you shouldn’t be afraid. Who knows, maybe Billy will be able to help you out with your shyness, since he’s so popular and sociable. Me: *hiding my face* I-I-I w-well, I don’t know what to say… Billy: You can start by saying ‘Yes’ ? Me: Uhm…I guess you’re right. S-Sure, I will tutor you, I am fine with that. J-Just tell me when you don’t understand or if I’m being annoying, I’ll try to stop. Billy: *chuckles* Don’t worry, toots, I’m sure we’ll get along just fine. Mrs.Green: *winks* Think of it as opportunity. It will look very good on your recommendation letter. Me: Y-You mean, you will…? Mrs.Green: *smiles* But of course, dear! How could I possibly not recommend my top student to the best University? It was supposed to be a surprise from me and your Physics and Chemistry teachers, but oops! Busted~. Me: I-I-I can’t thank you enough!! Really, thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me! I am forever grateful for you and your patience and kindness with me! Mrs.Green: *pats my head* Dear, your only fault is worrying too much and enjoying life too little. Take the advice of the bands you listen to so much and you might learn to live a bit. Now, off you go, your next class is about to start! Me: See you tomorrow, Mrs.Green! And thank you so much for everything again! Billy: Good bye, Mrs. G.
Outside of the classroom, I gripped my notebook close to my chest and walk to my locker, but Billy was still following me with a smirk on his face, and then leaned on the locker nearby.
Billy: So, I just got a very hot teacher as a reward for failing the class, the more you know. Me: I…I think it’s more of a punishment. Billy: Why’d you think that, Kitten? Me: Wh-Why did you j-just call me “Kitten” ? Billy: Mrs.G called you “Kat”, so, why not? Me: My name is Katrina, not Kitten, so please call me that. Billy: Fine, fine…Kitten. *winks* Me: *pouts* Guess I can’t convince you… Billy: You give up pretty easily, babe. It’s almost like you like that. Me: *cringes* I-It’s nothing of the sort. I-It’s just…Over the years…I learn that if saying “No” doesn’t work the first time…It won’t work no matter how many times you repeat or struggle…So might as well just get it over with. Billy: *raises an eyebrow* That sounded oddly specific. Me: *eyes widen* Ah, n-no, forget I just said that! S-Sorry, I, uh…I gotta go to Physics, excuse me. Billy: What a coincidence, I have Physics too. Why don’t we talk about the project and my tutoring on the way there? Me: Uhm…If you’re okay with it, I guess okay. Billy: Have any specific topic you wanna do? I kinda have no idea what we’ve studied so far. Care to enlighten me? Me: Well…We started with the Nervous system, followed by the Sensory organs, then Glands, the Locomotor system, Digestive system, Excretory system, Metabolism, some pretty basic Genetics, some plain Environmental things…And…Uhm…Well… Billy: *smirks* You missed out the Reproduction thingy between Excretory and Metabolism on purpose, didn’t you? Me: *gasps* Liar! You said you didn’t know! You tricked me! Billy: *chuckles* I might have. Say, toots, it’s almost like you missed it on purpose. Are you embarrassed? Hey, what about we do the project on tha- Me: NO!!!! Billy: *wide eyed* Whoa, slow down, there, I was only teasin’. Me: *slaps hand on mouth* I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to shout at you! Please, don’t be mad. It’s just…I really don’t like it and it makes me feel very…Very bad. Billy: *shrugs* S'okay, I got it, don’t worry, I’m not mad. Jeez, Mrs.G was right, you really do worry too much. Me: Yeah…I’m really sorry, I told you it’d be more of a punishment than anything. I know I can be very annoying without even realising. Billy: Chill, babe, chill. So, when and where shall we meet? Me: Uhm…Tomorrow after class for the project? Billy: I have Basketball training, sorry. Me: Oh, right, you’re in the team. When’s your next match? Billy: In 2 weeks. Wanna come and cheer me? Me: *smiles* If you want me there, sure, I will be there. Billy: Huh, would ya look at that, Kitten has a pretty smile. Ya wanna make me swoon? Me: Ah, n-no, really, I’m not. Billy: You’re melting my heart, babe! Me: S-Sorry! Uhm…How about this Friday? About 5pm? At…Uhm…There’s this pretty cafe in town called “Ma Cherie” and they have amazing tea and sweets. Billy: Friday…Friday…Ah, yeah, sure. Had a date, but- Me: Oh, shoot! Okay, we can find another day so you won’t have to miss it! Billy: *chuckles* Nahh, don’t worry, I’ll just cancel. I’d much rather stay with you than with her. Me: *bites lip* Uhmm…I…Flattered? I think? Billy: Good then, it’s a date, see you then, sweet cheeks! Me: WAIT WHAT?!
I stopped in my tracks but he only laughed and waved at me, jogging ahead in another direction. It was only then that I realised that I was in front of the Physics classroom and he, in fact, had a complete other subject, not Physics.
Smooth bastard…
And so, Wednesday came to an end, Thursday as well, Friday went by unnoticed and then, I had to go full speed to the Animal shelter nearby to help out. They never told me how much to stay, seeing that my schedule was hectic due to College and Uni preps, so I would just come and go whenever I could. Problem is, I lost track of time and when I looked back at the watch again, it said 4:46pm.
F U C K.
I bid the workers farewell and ran to my motorbike, going as far as I could back to Hawkings and at the cafe, getting all the two bags full of books and running into the cafe, and looking at my watch at the same time.
Kill me please.
Entering the cafe, I nod at the waitress, as I’m a regular here and we’re on friendly terms, and scan for Billy, who was writing something in a notebook. I rush to take the seat opposite, but before I sat down and let the books fall to the ground, I start apologising to Billy a bit too much.
Me: I’M SO SORRY!! I-I really didn’t mean to be late, but it’s entirely my fault and I feel horrible for making you wait for me! Please don’t be mad, I-I’ll make up to you! I’ll pay each time we go out to study, okay? S-So take anything you want a-and I’ll pay! I know it won’t really make a difference bu- Billy: Babe, sit down and breathe. Me: H-Huh? Billy: I’m not mad. I can clearly see you rushed to get here. Lost track or time, huh? What were you doing? Me: Yeah, I know, I’m stupid. I got a watch today so I can make sure I leave at the right time, but I forgot to check it and…I am late. So, uhm…Y'know how I mentioned I want to pursue Vet Medicine at Uni? I work at an animal shelter nearby and it takes sort of…Almost an hour to get here. Well, more like 40 minutes, but I rushed and got here in like 25. It kinda helps to get in at a top Uni…With a scholarship. I couldn’t afford to study at University otherwise, so I gotta do what it takes. Billy: Well, babe, you look pretty hot in you lab coat. I wanna see you like this more often. Me: M-My lab coat…? AH, DAMN, I FORGOT TO TAKE IT OFF! Godamn it! Billy: *chuckles* You’re pretty amusing, doll. Come on, sit down and let’s order. Me: Okay. Leila, dear, could you please come and take our order? Leila: Hey, Kat, rushed again from the shelter I see. Regular? Me: For me, yes. Billy, what would you want? Billy: Just a black coffee, thanks. Me: Are you sure? Billy: Yeah, sure. Me: O-Okay… Leila: Okay, then. A Cherry Vanilla tea with extra cinnamon, a chocolate cake and a black coffee coming right up! Me: Thank you for your time, Lei-Lei! Leila: Any time! Billy: Seems you calmed down a bit. Me: Yeah…This place always manages to sooth down my anxieties. Uhm…I literally only come here every time I want to study. Billy: I’m not surprised. It’s pretty nice, I guess. Me: *smiles* I’m happy that you liked it. Billy: Say, forgot to ask you on Wednesday, but today I see you have a Metallica Tshirt. Are they your boyfriend’s? Me: *blushes* B-Boyfriend? But I don’t have a boyfriend, what do you mean? Billy: You don’t? How come? Me: Why are you surprised, who’d want someone like me? Trust me when I say this, I know what I’m talking about. Billy: But you’re smart and pretty, what’s not to like? Me: Many things. So uhm…These are my Tshirts. 90% of my tops have band imprints. And…Well…AC/DC, Iron Maiden and Metallica are my Top 3 favourite bands. I have all their vinyls and cassettes. Billy: You just keep getting hotter and hotter the more I know you. Me: Hahaha, no, no way that could ever happen. Billy: If I were to give you one of my band Tshirts, would you wear it on our next date? Me: D-Date?! C-Come on, Billy, I’m literally the last person you’d want to date, I can assure you. Billy: What if I prove you otherwise? Me: How do you know you’re my type? Billy: *smirks* Oh~? So I’m out of your league, sweet cheeks? Me: Ah-…! Wait, no, I didn’t mean it like that! I didn’t want to insult or offend you, I’m sorry! Billy: Just teasin’, relax. Me: *pouts* Whatevs… Billy: So, wadya say, dollface? About us? Me: D-Don’t you think we should, like, get to know each other first? Become friends and trust each other and all that? Billy: Awww, toots wants one of those cutesy romance novel relationships, how adorable. Me: *blushes* W-Well…Y-Yeah…I guess…I know I’m asking for too much…And there’s no way in hell that could ever happen to me…S-So…I just…I guess…I kinda gave up on even thinking of dating long ago. Billy: *sighs* Maybe your expectations are too high of people that are too low. People suck, y'know? The world sucks. You’re expecting a happily ever after? Me: If I ever get to be in a relationship, I want it to be that kind of shelter that would be protective from all the chaos and evilness in the world. The only place where you can feel safe and be yourself. And if that Happily Ever After, as you call it, won’t happen with another person as my significant other…Then I’ll be very content with saving animals’ lives and travelling the world at my leisure. Billy: *smirks* Have I ever told you you’re pretty hot when you speak like that? Me: Uhm…Okay, so, I was thinking that maybe we could talk about the Nervous system in our project? Leila: Kat, you don’t need to talk about the Nervous system. You literally ARE a Nervous system. Me: … *laughs* Oh jesus, that was a good one. I won’t forget that…Actually, I might even use it as a joke when I do the presentation! Leila: *winks* Don’t forget the author’s right! Me: Okay, okay! As per my lovely barista friend joked, instead of presenting you the Nervous system, I will introduce myself, for I am, in fact, a Nervous system. Leila: Hey, Billy, was it? Please film her or something, I want to see that part. Billy: Consider it done. Me: I call this a conspiracy! Don’t try to overthrow my reign! Leila: Oh, shut up, nerd. Here’s your tea, honey and cake, and here’s your coffee. Good luck with your project! Me: Thanks, dear! Billy: Okay, that looks and smells pretty good. Me: *smiles* Wanna try? I can give you half of everything, if you want? Billy: Y'sure? Me: *nods* Sure! Do you like your tea sweetened? I usually put a lot of honey in it. Billy: Make it as you like and I’ll drink after. Me: Here, you can eat from my plate as much as you want. I usually drink the tea first anyways. Billy: So generous, toots, you’re melting my heart. Me: Ahem. So, the Nervous system? Billy: I have no idea what that’s all about, but just for the sake of the joke, I will say yes. Me: Cool! I kinda thought of specialising in Neurosurgery after Uni. B-But that’s really very far in the future, so it’s pretty irrelevant. Billy: Teach me your magic, babe, and let’s fuck them up big time.
Pretty excited, I got the books from the bag and handed them to him, showing him the tons of notes, scribblings, ideas, details and so on that I’ve gathered so far, and for the next 4 hours, everything we smoothly, but we had to leave because Leila had to close, and we decided to meet again on Monday at lunch time in the courtyard and study while we eat.
I have to admit, the time spent with Billy was…Well…Really nice. It seemed almost like he was a complete other person, not the scary guy who looked like he would snap at anyone if they even as much as blinked around him. Sure, he was a huge flirt, but it didn’t seem too…Ill-willed, to say the least. I just hope it won’t turn into a crush or something. I absolutely canNOT and will NOT allow myself to catch feelings…Not again…Not after everything that has happened. He is right. There is no Happily Ever After, so why bother?
The weekend passed by very fast as I prepared notes for both the project and some tutoring ideas for the Nervous System, since we had to start with the very beginning of Biology, so after the first 3 classes in the morning, I tried to rush outside, but I got pushed into a locker with a boy that I couldn’t recall the name of, but I knew was pretty popular…Like many others. I think his name was Dennis or something, and he wasn’t alone, but surrounded by 3 cheerleaders, Clarisse, Carol and Christine, or the Triple C as they were called.
Boy: Hey, freak, 'sup? Me: Uhm…Hi. Boy: Didn’t you hear me? SPEAK UP! Me: I-I Said hi! Boy: I SAID SPEAK UP!! Me: HI! Boy: Thaaat’s more like it, you ugly sow. Now, what the hell were you doing around King Billy? What you’re tryina get him to like you with that pity party of yours? Your face implores pity and sympathy, but you’re nothing more than a nerd! Me: W-We have to make a p-project together… Carol: Yeah, right, as if! You have the goo-goo eyes for him! Y'know, just 'cause he likes the bands you claim to like, doesn’t mean he likes YOU! I bet you only like that music 'cause HE likes it! Me: N-No…That’s not true…
By now, my eyes were watering, and Dennis pinned my wrists above my head and started screaming very close to my face. I could feel a panic attack beginning to form at an alarmingly fast rate.
Clarisse: Aww, look at her! What, gonna freak out again and cry? Christine: Pshh, yeah, right. What a stupid crybaby. Never got past the stage of a 10 year old? Dennis: You and your stupid red hair, better stop hanging out with Billy, or else you’re gonna get it. Me: B-But I h-have t-to- Carol: *slaps me* Billy. Is. Mine. Slut!
After she slapped me, everyone around started laughing and belittling me again, but I couldn’t get out of there because Dennis was exponentially stronger than me, so I knew there was no use in even bothering. A booming voice, however, echoed in the hallway, making me flinch at the noise. “SILENCE! What the hell is going on here?!” the deep voice rang out, a funeral silence taking over, only my soft whimpers being heard.
Dennis: STOP CRYING, YOU BITCH! Didn’t you hear our King asked for silence?! Me: S-Sorry… Dennis: And open your eyes when he’s here, stop being so disrespectful for someone clearly superior to you! Come on, now, on your knees, like the little bitch that you are!
Dennis laughed as he put his hand on my throat, squeezing a bit before throwing me to the ground, in front of Billy. I could only tremble on the ground, not daring to move. I learnt it the hard way that getting away always made it worse.
Billy is the most popular guy in the High school, making all the ex-popular guys hang out with him to gain popularity. He has always been the talk of the school, the womanizer, the rebel, the cool guy everyone loved and feared. Despite everything, I expected him to side with his friends…Even if a little part of me wished for him not to.
The silence in the halls was far more excruciatingly painful than the mockings and the laughter, but it soon vanished as a voice darker and lower than before started talking. He was clearly pissed off.
Billy: …What the fuck were you doing here…? Dennis: We were teaching this bitch a lesson, of course! Make her remember her rightful place! Clarisse: No, no, if you were doing that, you’d have thrown her in the trash bin, 'cause that’s what she is! Carol: Hey, Christine, look at her! She’s staying there like she wants to suck King Billy’s dick! What a shameless slut, on her knees in front of everyone! Billy: Did I, even once, ask ANY of you to do anything like this…? Dennis: Well, no, but she’s been rubbing her pathetic germs all over you! Following you like some lost puppy just 'cause you’re popular, and even more! Lying to us! Carol: Ha, yeah! She kept saying she’s dating you and that you already fucked! Pshh, whore! Me: I…Never… Carol: Oh, shut up, nobody cares what you’re saying, get a hint! Billy: Are you 4 fucking out of your GOD DAMN MINDS?! Dennis: Uhm…B-Billy, what’s the matter? Billy: WHO THE FUCK TOLD YOU TO DO THAT TO HER?! SHE’S MY PROJECT PARTNER AND MY TUTOR, OF COURSE SHE’S HANGING AROUND WITH ME! You fucking idiots, I’m gonna FUCKING KILL ALL OF YOU! All of you stay around me like whores on the sidewalk wanting to get some cheap money, but you’re all good for nothing! Dennis: Come on, Billy, you’re new here, but she’s a freak, okay? I mean, look at her! There are only bad rumours about her and you should hear what her EXes say about her!
Before Dennis could say another word, he was slammed on the locker behind him and choked. I cringed at the sudden noise, but when I saw the outright rage on Billy’s face as he choked Dennis, he drew back one of his arms, wanting to punch him, but I threw myself on his arm.
Me: Billy…Please don’t… Billy: Get back, dollface. This fuckass needs to be taught some discipline the hard way! Me: Billy…Please, I beg of you. Please let him go. Please. Billy: But look at you, they made you cry! I can’t let them get away with this! Me: Billy…Please, for me, please don’t do it. Please stop. Please. Let’s go work on the project. Please. I beg you with all my heart. Billy: *glaring* What the hell is wrong with everyone in this fucking town?! You’re all a bunch of submissive fucktards with no brains at all!
Billy sneered, throwing Dennis away from him and walking down the corridor. I took 3 deep breaths to calm myself, before I ran to him and hugged him tightly from behind, making him freeze in his tracks, extremely tense.
Me: I-I’m very sorry, Billy. I know I only bring you troubles. Even now, I can feel that you hate me touching you like this, but it was the only way I could think of thanking you. And…And…I really appreciate you saving me…And not fighting in my presence. Billy: I really don’t get you. You just stood there, letting them do whatever the hell they wanted with you! There was no struggle, no fight in you! Nothing!
By this point, I let my arms fall down my sides and he turned around to face me, yet my gaze was still on the floor.
Me: You really think I could have gotten out of there? That I could have managed to throw Dennis off of me? Look at me, Billy. My arms are literal noodles, I can’t even punch. Hell, sometimes I struggle to open the water bottle cap. And if I tried to scream…Who do you think would have helped me? Harrington? Wheeler? The lovely Carol and Tina? Or Tommy? The only person who was okay with me in this high school has been Jonathan Byers, but people hate him too, so I can’t possibly make him get bullied more because of me. What would you have me do? It’s been 3 years already…What’s one more? Billy: …You’re so godamn irritating. Me: I know…I’m sorry. I’m really sorry for causing you so much trouble. I…I will go tell Mrs. Green to assign you a new project partner and I will continue tutoring you, if you wish, where people won’t have to see us in the same room. Billy: Did I ask you to do that? Me: N-No, but- Billy: But nothing. Shut up and let’s go, you’re supposed to be tutoring me today. Me: I-I know, but we said outside, and if people see you with me- Billy: Then let’s skip. I don’t have Basketball practice today, so I don’t really care. Me: I-I…I never skipped before… Billy: *shrugs* There’s always a first time for everything. C'mon, if you get in trouble, you just say I kidnapped you or somethin’, chill out. Me: A-Are you sure about this…? Billy: Yeah, yeah. Hop along, I’ll drive. Me: Where are we going? Billy: My place. My parents won’t be coming home tonight so nobody to disturb us. Me: Uhm…Well… Billy: I won’t do anything to you, fuck’s sake. Me: W-Well…If you’re sure it’s no problem… Billy: Get in the car, then. Me: B-But my motorbike- Billy: You have a motorbike? Me: Y-Yeah…Couldn’t really afford a car. And it’s pretty neat. Billy: Fuck, babe, you’re so hot. Me: Ah, I-I’m really not. Billy: I’ll get ya to your house and pick you up tomorrow then. C'mon, sweet cheeks, lemme show you my love. Me: Okay, okay.
He winked at me before signaling me with his head to follow him to his car, where he patted the hood very proudly and smirked, leaning on the door. He got inside, starting the ignition, which was a cue for me to get inside too, putting on my seat belt and gripping it tightly.
Billy: How d'ya like it? Me: It’s very pretty. What car is it? Billy: '79 Camaro, Chevrolet. Complete chick magnet, ya get me? Me: It is very nice. Billy: Fancy some music! Me: Oh, yes!
Smirking at me, he put “You shook me all night long” by Scorpions at max volume, making me grin at him in glee and start singing the lyrics of the song, and he followed my lead, making both of us scream like idiots above the music. Then, the perfect Mixtape with AC/DC songs started, featuring “Highway to hell”, “Hells bells”, “You shook me all night long”, “Dirty deeds done dirt cheap” and my favourite, “T.N.T.”, but by the end of it, we already got to his house, which made me pout a bit before laughing and getting out of the car.
Me: Thanks for this, Billy! It was super fun! Nobody I know listens to the same kind of music I do, and being able to sing with someone else was sooo cool! Billy: Next time, try screaming my name, 'cause damn that was sexy as hell. Me: *laughs* Don’t be silly. Billy: *winks* I’m not.
He guided me to his room which was filled with band posters over which I started gushing about as he brought some snacks and soda for us to munch on as we study. I took off my boots before I jumped on the bed criss-crossed as I spread my noted for today’s tutoring, repeating some things myself, so I won’t stutter explaining too much, but before I realised it, he already threw the bags of crisps on the bed over my notes, making me yelp in shock.
Billy: You get scared pretty easily. Me: Y-Yeah, I mean, that was pretty unexpected. Uhm…Let’s clean up a bit, you made a mess of my notes. Oh, bring your notebook, you’ll need it. O-Oh, right, I brought coloured crayons, I wasn’t sure you had…And your sister might have needed them. Billy: How did ya know I had a sister? Me: Well, I kinda guessed. Both you and her transferred from Cali on the same day, at the same time. Billy: Why do you know about little brats? Me: *shrugs* I have a few little friends. They don’t mind that I’m a nerd…'Cause they are too. It’s pretty fun, actually! Billy: *raises eyebrow* Right. So, why’d I need crayons? Me: Drawings, of course! To understand Biology better, one must need tons of schemes and drawings. I already have mine and I will give them to you for as long as you need, but I’d appreciate it if you were to draw them by yourself too, since it will really help you understand and memorise better what you’re about the learn. Billy: Right…Okay, fine. Me: So, if it’s okay with you, should we start talking about Cells? Shapes, roles, the organelles inside it and what they do. Then, we should cover the tissues a bit, before starting to talk particularities, mainly, to explain the Neuron, how reflexes work and why, and then cover the nerves and organs. Billy: *blank look* Good luck. Me: Huh? What do you mean? Billy: It’s gonna be tough getting me to understand this shit. Me: I don’t think so. I have faith in you. Mrs.Green said that all your grades are above average, which is really good! If you manage to get a B at Biology as your final mark, then you have a very strong chance at a scholarship! Billy: How d'ya know that? Me: You are the best at sports, Billy. The teacher always praises you, despite all the…Uhmmm…L-Let’s call it problematic behaviour. I’m sorry. And, uhm…Our highschool has 1 Sports Scholarship, and 1 Studies Scholarship. Billy: And clearly, you’re the one to get the Studies one, right? Me: *blushes* Well…Y-Yes, it seems so. Billy: And how are you so sure I’m the one qualified for the Sports one? Me: Well…I…I spend a lot of time around teachers. It’s kind of a safe haven where nobody can bully me, and I get to find out a few things as well. Billy: Holy shit, you’re such a Vixen~! You, little, naughty vixen! Me: *chuckles* I…I’ve been called Fox before. Billy: And rightfully so. Me: Y-Yeah, carrot hair, I know. Billy: Oh, shush, it’s hot. And damn, looks damn good with your green eyes. Me: *clears throat* N-Nobody said that before. Uhm, s-so! As I was saying, because you’re currently the top choice…That’s actually why Mrs.Green wanted you to pair up with me. She saw potential in you and she didn’t want it wasted. Before you, there was Steve Harrington, but since you came… Billy: Oh, babe, trust me, I’m gonna come very soon if you keep praising me like that. Me: *confused* What do you mean? Billy: You…Didn’t get that? Me: *shakes head* Should I have? Billy: Never mind. So, what am I supposed to do? Me: Basically, get that B in Biology, win at least 3 of your upcoming Basketball matches until the end of the year…And I think it’s settled. Billy: I’d kiss you right now. Me: *scratches the back of my neck* You wouldn’t like it. So, uhm…Is this enough of a motivator for you? Billy: It could be…Okay, babe, work the hell outta me. Me: S-So, I was thinking, if it’s okay with you, that I should give you a test after each chapter we finish. Like a revision. I think it would be nice and it would help you not forget some things, and also, see where you didn’t understand well enough and all that stuff. Billy: What’s the passing grade, teacher? Me: *flustered* D-Don’t call me that, please, I would be a terrible teacher. I think…A 75% should suffice Billy: That’s quite a lot, babe. Me: *smiles* You can do it, Billy. Your future self is going to thank you for your struggles and hard work. Billy: How about a motivator? Me: Isn’t the Scholarship enough? Billy: It is…But Y'know, it’s gon’ be hard. Me: I suppose you’re right…Okay, what do you have in mind? Billy: *smirks* Each time I get a passing grade at your tests…Let me kiss you. Me: *eyes wide* Wh-What?! Billy: Aww, come on, babe, it’s just a kiss and it’s gon’ help motivate me to study hard. Don’t cha wanna help me get that scholarship? Me: *blushes furiously* I-I-I…Wh-Why w-would you want that?! Billy: Because you’re adorable as hell and I like you. Me: L-Like you like all girls? Billy: Who said I liked them? They’re all dumb and want the same thing. Can you guess? Me: *shrugs* Dunno. Billy: Come on, babe, think, you’re smart. Me: I guess? Billy: You’re the smartest babe I’ve ever got the pleasure to meet. All fucktards at school want just one thing, 'cause they’re all shallow brain dead suckers. They aaaaaall just wanna fuck. Me: A-And don’t you do the same? Billy: I do. Me: Th-Then why’d you want me to kiss you? To add me to your list or something? Billy: Nahh, I’d be a real shithead if I were to take advantage of you like that. Me: *mutters* Wouldn’t be the first one… Billy: *raises eyebrow* Do you trust me? Me: Don’t take it personal, I don’t really trust anyone. Billy: Huh. Not bad. Let’s make a deal, toots. I’ll do my best to raise up to your expectations and you’ll give me those little rewards. If by the time we finish everything you won’t be satisfied with how I behave, then you can hate me all your life and I won’t bother you again. Me: B-But I don’t wanna hate you. Billy: *gets closer to my face* Even better. So, wadya say, sweetling? Me: Uhmm…Well…I-I don’t know… Billy: Come on, Kitten, what’s the harm? It’s just a kiss. Me: *blushes* Uhm…Uhmmm…F-Fine…If it will help you… Billy: Thanks, babe! Now, how about I see what to expect~? Me: NO!
With each question, he just kept getting closer and closer to my face, while I leaned backwards, until the last where I got so flustered that I didn’t realise I was completely on the edge of the bed… Until I fell off with a high-pitched squeal and a thud, while he just laughed his ass off looking at me, as I pouted and looked at him done with life.
Me: You could’ve caught me, y'know? Billy: Sorry, toots, I was too shocked to realise. But, shoulda seen your face, t'was hilarious! Priceless! Me: Yes, yes, I’m hilarious, ha-ha! Just wait till you see how hilarious the tests are gonna be! And I’ll laugh in your face like you do right now! Billy: Ohhh, mrrrr, babe, you’re on fire! Fine, you’re on, then! But I’ll show ya it’s gon’ be worth it. Me: You better.
Stretching a bit I get back in bed next to him and putting on my best game-face, I grab the first pages of notes, the drawings and schemes and start explaining him in detail every little thing, telling him to repeat what I said from time to time, to make sure he stays focused, and make him explain what he understood so far, in his own words.
Despite everything, he was actually really great company to have and I’m kinda…Actually, really glad that Mrs.Green made me be his partner for this project, and more, tutor him. If only he could tone down his excessive flirting, he’s surprisingly soft and nice. Or well…That’s what I think. I could also be wrong, like I’ve been so many times before, and I wouldn’t be shocked in the least bit.
But…I really hope I’m not wrong.
Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
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Superheroes with Secrets: Sick for one reason or another (Fic part 19) (Set in 2001)
Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places.
Tags: @piratewithvigor please inform me if you wish to be tagged/untagged from posts
‘Giantess’ Kirby Roussimoff x Shane ‘Hurricane’ Helms (Circa 2001)
Reference Posts: Shane ‘Hurricane’ Helms
Kirby 'The Blacklight Bandit’ Roussimoff
Notes: The story is set in 2001, which would make Helms 27 and Kirby 31. This story also blends Kayfabe and Reality. Certain people speak in different colours, Mainly: Helms is Green. Kirby is Orange. Kane is Red. Undertaker is Purple. Big Show is Blue.
Other members of the BSK are also in purple.
Other women are in pink.
"Helms, what was the thing you freaked out over? Fucking con-domssss. Do you get where I'm going with this now?"
"Oh shit, you found some that fast?"
"Wasn't that hard, to be honest."
"Unlike me earlier." He grins.
Kirby laughs, "exactly."
"I appreciate it sweetheart, thank you."
"I didn't want you freaking out or unable to find one if you needed one." Kirby murmurs, blushing pink.
"I'll probably be more okay with time. Definitely by the time we get married."
"God, that's gonna be the third time I have my name changed."
"Doesn't have to be. If you don’t want to."
"I want to, sure it's weird to think about, but I want to have the same surname as my husband."
"And I want to have the same surname as my wife. I just know that your family means more to you than mine does and maybe you'd rather I change my name." He offers simply.
"I only want you to change your name if you want to. If I change mine I will have been born, Kirby Andrea Trevor, then become Kirby Andrea Roussimoff and then married you and become, Kirby Andrea Helms."
"The Helms family I knew isn't deserving of having Kirby Andrea carry the name. You're so much better than them."
"If you want to be a Roussimoff, I won't stop you."
"I do. My surname is the last tie I have to them. I want it severed."
"So, you would like to go from Shane Helms to Shane Roussimoff?"
"I do."
"So, the future Mister Shane Roussimoff, how about we turn on the radio and chill as we drive to St Louis?"
"It'd be my pleasure, the future Mrs. Kirby Roussimoff."
Kirby smiles as she turns on the radio, the first song they hear is 'But Anyway' by Blues Traveler.
"So, Hero, ask me anything you want to know."
"What do you remember about your birth parents? Were they nice?"
"From the tapes I've seen of them, my dad worked part time as a wrestler, looked like a non-giant version of André too. My mother taught me a lot of the basics, how to talk, walk, everything. She even taught me some Irish, Scottish and Welsh."
"They sound like good people."
"I am confused by my genetics though. My father had black hair and blue eyes, my mother had ginger hair and brown eyes, how the hell am I blonde?"
"Gingers and blondes are pretty interchangeable. Recessive genes and all that."
"How do you know that?" Kirby questions, cocking an eyebrow in confusion.
"High school biology class. I liked that unit, but it wasn't quite as much fun as the natural selection unit." He shrugs.
"I think I must have missed some lessons, I liked science but mathematics was always my best class."
"Numbers have their moments. Probably would have liked it better if it had more real-world applications."
"I always thought that too, but moving on, anything else you want to know about me?"
"What was Japan like? I've never been."
"Everything was smaller than me. Every single door was smaller than me. It was cool, training under Giant Baba was cool, but, I hit my head so many times that I developed that thing I do where I duck through every single door."
"I did notice you always duck a lot lower than the doorway goes."
"I'm six-foot-ten and have twice knocked myself out by hitting my head on door frames."
"Jesus, twice?"
Kirby nods, finding herself unable to look at Helms due to her shame at her history of injuries.
"I mean, I'm no stranger to knocking myself out, but I've never accomplished it with a doorframe yet. Doors themselves is a different story. Also managed it with the use of an axe, a fridge, and twice with a dog and a tree."
"What ... how .... huh?"
"Doors that open in a different way than I expect have gotten me on my ass a few times, but only knocked me out fully once. The axe was when I was splitting wood and the log came back the wrong way, so I guess it was with a log. The fridge was because it was stupid humid and the fridge was really cold and the suction wouldn't let the door open, so I hit myself in the head when I finally yanked it. The last one is cause it was my job to walk the dog growing up, but if it was too hot, I would bike alongside him instead to make it go faster. On two occasions, he ran one way around a tree when I biked the other way and we got wrapped around and I fell off my bike."
"Oh... uhh... this may be a weird thing to say after all of that, but ... I've never had a dog ... or any pets really..."
"Well, you travelled a lot. It wouldn't exactly be right to have one around if you were never home. Just like how I haven't had one since becoming a wrestler."
"You probably had a closer to 'normal' life before becoming a wrestler, didn't you?"
"I suppose comparatively. First 16 years were pretty normal."
"I ... I don't think I've ever had a 'normal' life. When I was eight my parents died and then I was adopted by André. When I was ten I fell off a ladder and hit a rock so hard it created the X-shaped scar on my left eyebrow. When I was fifteen, I was six feet tall. I started working in Japan at sixteen. I was stabbed in the right thigh at eighteen. I had my top lip split open when I was twenty one, hence that scar. I came back to America at twenty three and started wrestling for the WWF. That same year I had a brawl with someone in a bar, that ended with me getting the scars on my other eyebrow. I got my first tattoo at eighteen and kept getting them after that, not caring about the pain, I just wanted to have memories inked on my flesh."
"At least your injuries came from logical sources and not human stupidity like mine."
"Helms, stop the car, pull in at the next truck stop or something, please?"
"Of course. You okay?"
"I think I'm gonna be sick." Kirby murmurs.
"Oh god..." He guns the gas a little extra and makes it to the next truck stop, parking quickly.
Kirby rushes out of the car and throws up in the nearest trash can.
He follows slowly and rubs gentle circles on her back. "That's-a girl. Get it all out..." He murmurs.
"Fuck" Kirby mutters, her breathing heavy and ragged.
"How long have you been feeling like that?" He whispers.
"The last ten minutes." Kirby murmurs.
"Want me to get you some water?"
Kirby nods, trying to calm her breathing. He dashes back to the car for a bottle of water and brings it back, handing it to his girl.
Kirby takes a swig, swishing it around her mouth and gargling it before spitting into the trash can, "fuck..." she whispers, wiping tears from her eyes and saliva from around her mouth.
"Suppose I should have asked if you have a tendency to get road sick."
"That's the thing, I don't get road sick. I've never done that before, ever."
"You've only had toast and coffee this morning... I'd suspect the bread might have been bad, but it looked fine to me."
"I have no idea, I don't feel sick. Sure the past ten minutes I felt sick, now, nothing. A little lightheaded but, that's all."
"Think you feel up to eating something else? I mean, we're here and everything and I know it isn't going to be a lot better than our road snacks, but I'd still feel better if I knew you had some kind of real food in there."
"Sure, anything, I don't care what we have, but anything's better than nothing."
"Eggs are gonna keep you fullest the longest. And I've never known a truck stop to fuck up eggs. Think you lose the name on the sign if you do."
Kirby smiles a little, her skin still a little paler than usual and a little colder but she's trying her hardest to keep composed. Helms keeps a hold of her hand as he leads her inside, freaking out quietly, but refusing to show it outwardly. The sudden illness is ringing alarms in his head, but he's trying to dismiss them as quickly as possible. This can't be morning sickness; Kirby can't be pregnant yet. It'd only been a few days since they had first started boning. Pregnancy symptoms didn't happen so fast. The couple enter a small café, Helms getting Kirby a plate of eggs on toast and paying for it before she can protest to him paying. It's his turn to just have toast and a beverage. Apple juice and buttered toast, just to pass the time while she eats and he can watch her intently.
Kirby slowly gets through the meal, pausing to burp before speaking, "Je-Zus... sorry about doing that, I don't know why that happened."
"As long as you're not dying, don't worry about it. And thank you for humouring me through this meal."
Kirby looks away from him, not wanting to look him in the eye when she feels so ashamed of herself, "Helms ... I... I... ugh, I don't know how to say this without it sounding stupid but, I haven't been sick since high school, and that was because I got in a fight and got kicked in the stomach like a million times."
"Do you want to call ahead to St. Louis and set up an appointment with the company doctor?"
"Yes ... please" Kirby whispers.
"Finish up here, I'll go make the call."
Kirby continues to eat, feeling like she's going insane or something close to insanity. Helms calls Vince outside. He relates how he really hopes it's just some kind of bug or food poisoning, but wants to double-check just in case. Vince agrees to get them set up with the physician for a quick examination when they arrive. When Helms comes back to her, Kirby is finished with her food and all but certain that she's being stared at.
Helms sits down beside her instead of across the table, pulling her into a gentle side-hug. "We've got about 6 more hours to St. Louis. The doctor's gonna be waiting when we get there. How're you feeling?" His intentions are to make her pay attention to him only and not whoever may be staring.
"I feel like my head is spinning." Kirby whispers.
"Gonna hurl again or just woozy from dehydration?"
"Dehydration" Kirby whispers.
"Get yourself some more water."
Kirby shows him the empty bottle, "there's a couple more bottles in the car"
"Get down as many as you can."
Helms gets up and helps Kirby back to the car, watching her for a couple minutes as she drinks another full bottle of water before opening a third bottle.
"Think you'll be good for a few hours?"
Kirby nods, before drinking more water.
"Good girl." He murmurs, starting up the car.
Helms gets them back on the road and Kirby pulls her sketchbook out to flip through and find an empty page. It's a mostly silent, very peaceful drive as the go through the fields of the Midwest to Missouri. Kirby starts sketching out another portrait, occasionally drinking water.
"About an hour left to go. How're you doing?" Helms asks, sneaking a glance over at her.
Kirby's nearly finished a portrait of Helms, a full body nude portrait of Helms, and is drinking their final bottle of water.
Catching a glimpse of her page, he starts blushing deeply. "Looks good." He manages to squeak out.
"Hmm?" Kirby notices how red Helms has gone and immediately covers the portrait with her arms, "you weren't supposed to see it." Kirby whispers.
0 notes
vulpesvulpex-blog · 7 years
extremely detailed character sheet beneath cut
Official name (current): Vixen Carlos
Past official names: Vixen, Vixen Österberg, Todd Österberg, Ravona (verse specific)
Vixen, Todd, Ravona- literally all mean Fox ; Österberg- eastern hill ; Carlos- manly... ironic, names herself after the transgender composer Wendy Carlos, also on my side in reference to Bun E Carlos from Cheap Trick
NICKNAME: Vix, Bunny
MEANING: diminutive; Bunny is in reference to her appearance mostly, and playboy bunnies 
AGE APPEARANCE: threads work anywhere from 18-68, older than age when she’s younger, younger when she’s older
BIRTHDAY: Summer solstice, unspecific, year varies per thread
SPECIES: Human in most verses; Modified homo Sapiens; homo Sapiens mutant
GENDER: female
ALLERGIES: nothing major, dust
SEXUAL PREFERENCE: bisexual, predominantly with a preference for women, more so over time. identifies as lesbian. somewhat kinky, but repressed, conflicted
THEME SONG(S): have a gander in the tag- ‘midnight radio’ (music) 
HAIR COLOR: naturally- dark brown, typically- dyed multiple colors 
HAIR STYLE AND LENGTH: shoulder length or longer, never short. worn loose usually, periodically in a ponytail, wavy, fine. relatively unstyled or untreated beyond dying
EYES COLOR: Steely blue, pale, pretty uniform EYESIGHT: Average but weakens with age, more farsighted than nearsighted
WEIGHT: 120-160 pounds, muscular but struggles with anorexia
OUTFIT/CLOTHING STYLE: ranging from high femme to business butch, follower of glam, always in heels, tight usually form fitting clothes, rarely wears skirts
ABNORMALITIES(TAIL): depends on what you’d call abnormal, transgender
DISTINGUISHING MARKS(SCARS,MOLES): Scars verse-dependent, mostly accidents, fights, self harm, nothing major, a few surgical scars from breast implants (verse dependent) has not had bottom surgery and is reluctant to despite distractingly prominent features 
SELF CARE(MAKE UP): Rarely seen without makeup, eyeliner, some mascara, lipgloss or lipstick, foundation blush etc, tries to minimize that forehead and chin
FIRST IMPRESSION ON PEOPLE: Flirty, guarded, indecisive, attempting confidence
SKIN COLOR: Very fair, freckled, thick veins show up easily
BODY TYPE/BUILD: Tall, slim build, feminine but athletic: small toned waist, muscular ass, lean legs, flat/prominent chest (verse dependent), somewhat of an narrow hourglass
DEFAULT EXPRESSION: bored, not quite resting bitchface, but almost sad
POSTURE: Will correct frequently, pushing chest out and standing straighter. Tends to try and make herself smaller subconsciously, slouching.
PIERCINGS: verse dependent, nothing more risque than the ears
DESCRIBE THEIR VOICE: singsongy, relatively deep, soft
SIBLINGS: doesn’t mention them, verse dependent 
HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: distant, detached 
OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS: closest with grandmother, but no longer. rarely speaks with parents. 
PAST LOVER(S): verse dependent, likely no one notable
CURRENT LOVER: verse dependent, a bit repressed
REACTION TO MEETING SOMEONE NEW: Somewhat standoffish but usually polite, to the point, concerned with appearances
ABILITY TO WORK WITH OTHERS: Can do fine but rather work alone and do everything or someone else do all the work
HOW SOCIABLE(LONER,ETC): Superficially social, most of the time rather introverted but turns up the charm to 11 when feeling like it/wants something
FRIENDS: Doesn’t make friends easily, verse dependent, largely coworkers but not closely
PETS: Not usually financially/socially stable enough for pets. likes cats, rats, birds, rodents, nothing too big or noisy
PARENTAL TYPE(PROTECTIVE,ETC): Anxious, unwilling. Careful but somewhat neglectful, not someone who intended to be a parent. Somewhat strict.
FAVORITE PEOPLE: Smart people who might be smart asses but aren’t know it alls, someone with a sense of humor who doesn’t think they’re the funniest person in the world
LEAST FAVORITE PEOPLE: remove the buts and replace them with ands. people with no respect or sense of boundaries 
..WHEN YOU FIRST MEET THEM: Kind of blunt and weird, quiet, awkward. Very... tall. Girlish, not too tactful. 
..AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY LIKE YOU): Nicer, quite intelligent, an eager learner, open minded but stubborn, playful and energetic, loves jokes and clever references, generous. 
..AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY DISLIKE YOU): Vixen, if you’re lucky, pays you no mind, will not talk to you, and generally ignores and avoids you, too busy to be bothered by anything you do. If you’re a real asshole then you get the ruder more aggressive side who will let people know she doesn’t like you and why. Rather self centered and impatient. 
FAVORITE COLOR: pink, orange, warm colors
FAVORITE INSTRUMENT: organ, analog synths
LEAST FAVORITE FOOD: not big on seafood 
HOBBIES: music, continued education, gardening (usually indoors), bodybuilding, fashion, museums, misc
USUAL MOOD: observational, snippy/sarcastic 
DRINK/SMOKE/DRUGS: debatable, verse dependent. in moderation in most verses, avoids hard drugs but may abuse prescription medication. not big on cigarettes. 
HOW SERIOUS ARE THEY: serious in her work, but a little more lighthearted on a friendly basis. 
CLASS IN AN RPG: Sorcerer 
BELIEVE IN GHOSTS: No, adamantly 
(IN)DEPENDENT: Pretty independent but privately needy
SOFT SPOT/VULNERABILITY: Being seen as ugly, unwomanly, inferior, fake, a poser, a pervert, undesirable
OPINION ON SWEARING: Swears to the point of issue 
DAREDEVIL VS CAUTIOUS: thinks she’s/wants to be a daredevil, probably more cautious 
MUSIC TYPE: Art rock, electronic music, music concrete, disco, would probably listen to vaporwave 
MOVIE TYPE: Artfilms, yes, seriously. Very 80s young adult crap. Documentaries that are just left on all day. Hates most action films, romance, and family films. 
BOOK TYPE: Nonfiction and pop culture/fashion magazines 
GAME TYPE: Strategy, rpg adventure
SLEEPING PATTERN: Poor. Stays up too late, sleeps too little, will take mid day naps
CLEANLINESS/NEATNESS: Vixen is kinda a slob
DESIRED PET: a leopard or something ridiculous like that
HOW DO THEY PASS TIME: More work, needs to be occupied at all times, that or junk, work out, window shop, sleep, want to do things and not do them
BIGGEST SECRET: That she’s trans but thinks everyone already knows. or Verse dependent nastiness, not always a ‘good’ person
HERO/WHO THEY LOOK UP TO: verse dependent, famous scientists/humanitarians 
FEARS: Rejection, being alone, failure, men
COMFORTS: reading, coding, listening to music, exercise, animals, gardening, garbage tv, shopping, swimming
SAD: distant, quiet, disinterested, tired
HAPPY: Excitable, playful, easygoing, diligent 
ANGRY: aggressive, impatient, mouthy
AFRAID: Watchful, anxious, guarded, hesitant
IN LOVE: Silly, nervous, touchy, affectionate, talkative 
HATE SOMEONE: blunt, dismissive, avoidant 
WANT SOMETHING: manipulative, cheeky, flirtatious
CONFUSED: doubtfulness, anxiety, frustration
DANGER: Overstimulation 
PROPOSAL TO MARRY: Bewilderment, disbelief, hesitation 
DEATH OF LOVED ONE: Quietude, depression, neglect
DIFFICULT GAME/MATH/ETC: A challenge to be beaten
INJURY: Surprise
SOMETHING IRRESISTIBLY CUTE: Loss of composure, squealing and repetition
LANGUAGES: English and or Swedish, verse dependent (eg. Japanese, German)
SCHOOLING LEVEL: College educated
INTERESTED CAREERS: Mechanical/Acoustic engineer, biologist, bioengineer, geneticist, musician, artist, model, programmer, trophy wife, nothing that involves too much talking or dealing with people
EXPERTISE: technical skills such as working with machines, languages- especially code and mathematics, music, verse dependent sciences
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shrinarayan · 6 years
My Intro-Shri Narayan Upadhyay
Hi, my name is Shri Narayan Upadhyay and I am from Uttar Pradesh, India. It’s been a while I was thinking about writing and blogging but I was not able to figure out on which topic or area should I write and so I had just started it anyways. In my life (till now) I have been considered as a confused guy full of questions and rare/incomplete understanding of many things. I don’t know the reason but it is now easy for me to stop thinking all the time. Most of the time I raise the question to myself on every little simple thing for example, how it works, what was behind this/that, etc. I know it could be a common thing for you many people but sometimes I pay an enormous amount of attention (as per my cerebral capacity) on one single thing for long hours. And sometimes it is very difficult for me to understand even a simple thing.
At this point of time, even I don’t know many basic/simple kinds of stuff but I have realized one thing in a very effective way which is there exists “N” number of ways/processes and aspects for any individual to live this human life to the fullest. I came to know some of these ways from various sources which I think are 100% legit and most importantly “it really works”. I will definitely share my take on them later on in my blogs.
Like I said, there are a lot of things that I don’t know but whatever little kinds of stuff I know I will share with you guys in the most realistic and natural way. I certainly believe that in order for us (human being of this generation) to live a better life, we have to at least touch (not necessarily master) some of the most fundamentals aspects of the life. You can’t really say that I am best at 5 things and that’s all matters. I sometimes feel like I am testing nature itself without knowing the results and consequences. For example, I test/analyze how my brain process/thinks, when and why and at what speed my hands are moving, etc. You know what, people usually ask me- What is your interests, passion, likes, etc or What you want to be, What is your goal/purpose and what not. And most of the time I give them answers as per that situation but at the same time, I speak to myself, looking inside and say, What the hell is wrong here….Why I can’t be everything or become anything or Why can’t I have all the goals and purposes that could ever exist for humans, etc. Weird!!! Right?? I know you might be thinking that I am stupid or out of my mind or anything like that. But like I said, to be honest with you here I am sharing the most real and natural thinking/feelings/situations that I have/had. So I always think that there should a way or path, or I don’t know…which can make this (to become everything) philosophy possible. I don’t even have “a point” idea about it. I am not even on that path as far as I can see or analyze. Now you might be thinking that hey bro- you have seen a lot of science fiction Hollywood movie, and just live a practical/ realistic life and don’t screw yourself. I can understand it but my answer to this is “No” it's not like that.  
Alright!!! Apart from my stupid thinking (which you think), let’s talk about some real kinds of stuff. Now let me tell you something about my self, I do have a day job (which I really like), my mom and sister. My father was in the military and now he is not with us, he passed away on 9 September 2007 due to the heart attack. So the death of my father played a major role in my personality and mentality which means I become more caring, conscious of many things, ground hearted, also alert at the same time, etc. I began to feel upset (a lot of time), began to think of many materialistic things which I would have got/received if my father would be alive, felt like I am weak (in many aspects) in comparison with others around me, etc. And after realizing and witnessing the most utter truth (as people say) of this human life which is “Death”, I began to think about “N” number of aspects of living this life. So, what could be the next thing, yes!! I began to work and study a little harder than earlier. I become more sincere and wiser (than what I used to be). And there were a lot of good and bad kinds of stuff happen which makes me even more bold and strong. I was studying at school also I was working and earning a very small amount as a part-time private home tutor, struggling with schedules/timing. But now I think I was actually enjoying that struggle phase by realizing some that I have more sense of understanding and responsibility in comparison with my classmates and other people around me. My mother was not happy with me most of the time because she felt bad looking at her high-school going boy working for money, spending extra hours, etc. When I was in class 8th, I have realized that money is important for us in many different ways and so I started working even harder and harder. I started giving private home tuition to small kids below class 8th when I was in class 9th but the best part is I was not only working for money but I was working to get some experience and revise my knowledge on various subjects. In this way I become good at Mathematics, analytical reasoning and science (physics, chemistry, and biology) and then I passed high school with 94% marks in aggregate. Guess what!!! After 3 years we (me and my family members) had real happiness and smile on our face after that long time. But then, unfortunately, there were a lot of crazy things happened in between the later 2 years, which created an enormous amount of disturbances in my studies which again hampered my confidence and moral towards success and achievements.
Now at present, I am learning and understanding various stuff which is mainly focused on personality development, world history, business/entrepreneurship, spirituality, meditation, yoga, god, nature, etc.
I realize that many people find it very difficult when it comes to being helpful, humble and ground hearted, etc for others, They really have no time for all these basic things, maybe something else is more important than the life itself.
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My Life Story Part 10
In 6th grade I promised Sarah I would stop making a fool of myself since she felt it reflected badly on her. Instead of giving into the urge to sing or dance or say absurd things, I told her I would keep my mouth shut. I would also learn how to use a fork properly, since I guess I had been using one sort of like a caveman without realizing it. And maybe try to do something with my hair. This kind of became the beginning of a dynamic between us that hasn't entirely changed – though maybe it should. I always kind of feel like I am doing something inappropriately or disruptive in her presence even when i don’t think it consciously matters to her anymore, sometimes I really am, and Sarah addresses it and tries to fix me in a way. In a way, this was just kind of a mild way of saying that something about 'me' was wrong that needed perfecting. I ran with this idea and to this day I find myself very interested in personal improvements – though I still forget to brush my hair most of the time. We stopped taking our Pokemon merchandise to school with us everyday. I still was an avid gameboy color Pokemon Gold player with a level 100 Ho-Oh, and I still drew Alien Girls. But I just kept it on the down low. We were sixth graders after all, and we needed to start preparing for our junior high years.
My 6th grade teacher is one of the biggest douchebags I have ever known. He was a gym teacher for the whole school and he taught the 6th grade. He was basically a 24-7 insert stereotypically the most worst gym teacher stereotype you can possibly imagine. He was always calling the boys women. He was transphobic, homophobic, a fatshamer, a slutshamer. He was always talking about giving it '110%'. His favorite saying was 'YOU CAN LEAD A HORSE TO WATER BUT YOU CAN'T MAKE IT DRINK'. He was full of bullshit peptalks that there is not enough space in the universe for my eyes to roll back as far as they needed to. He wore awful polo shirts. He was just the worst. If you asked for help, and Mr. Webb was in a poor mood, he would scream at you and write you up.
He liked to send kids out to the hallway to chew them out. When they would come back in, their faces would be streaked with tears. He sent me in to the hallway once. I don't remember how it all started, but at some point, he said he didn't want to hear 'MY TWO CENTS WORTH' (another one of his favorite one liners) and he put his hand in my face. On instinct, I told him to get his hand out of my face defiantly. Everyone in class looked at me. They were all ready to see me get sent out to the hallway and to come back with tears in my eyes. Sure enough, I got sent to the hallway. He screamed at me a bit, threatened to give suspend me. I apologized, but I had become very adamant in my own mind about not crying. I didn't cry, and eventually I was sent back in the room. Everyone's eyes were on me. I just smiled like nothing had happened. I definitely can be a very emotional fool, but I don't like letting assholes get the best of me, at least not in person.
Then we had this student teacher named Mr. Wilcoxon. Mr. Wilcoxon had been tormented in high school I am sure of it, and I think he came back to the school to get back at all the students he felt had ruined his life. He was incredibly emotionally imbalanced. Looking back, I don't think he was actually a bad person, but he didn't seem emotionally up for the job. He was was short, balding and he twitched when he talked. He had a strange little mustache. This alone made him the subject of ridicule, and I am surprised that Mr. Webb didn't stuff him in a locker. Everything became personal with him. When the kids acted up, he would scream with tears in his eyes in a way that just influenced the more cruel jocks to laugh at him. He was always telling stories of self pity to the class. I can kind of sympathize with him now, and I am sure my class wasn't fun. He must have been going through a hard time. It's just that he was a horrible leader, and he was always looking to write people up before anyone had done anything wrong. Samantha, who was generally a straight A, and pretty serious student accidentally called him Mr. Wilcock one day instead of Mr. Wilcoxon and he flew into a rage and wrote her up even though it was an honest mistake. It was stuff like this that made him insufferably annoying. This made people want to rebel against him. Why did he constantly have to bring his personal life to the classroom of dumb kids? Why couldn't he have just taught us what we needed to know? I am an emotional person, but even I know  how to put on my terminator persona when it is needed for a job.
Third, there was Mr. Gilson who was our principal. Since Mr. Wilcoxon and Mr. Webb were  so horrified by the class I was in they would have Mr. Gilson come into the class and give us a good freak out once in awhile. He once broke one of those big steal school doors by slamming it. He would alarm us, and then be gone. Honestly, I don't remember him entirely, other than he was kind of like Mr. Webb but not as bad. I think his true passion was beekeeping or something like that. About once a month I had to go talk to him because I didn't do homework, and he would tell me what kind of bum I would grow up to be unless I looked into the mirror and decided to straighten up my life here today in this very office. The whole thing honestly stressed me out so badly that I could not even understand what he was saying. All I could hear was the mumbling of his words attempting to be cutting. I would just shut down. My stomach would hurt and I would feel trembly and want nothing more than to slither back behind a novel. I was always near tears when I left his office, but not because of my grades. It was just because I had to anticipate the event, and I had to look him in the eyes which was excruciating for me.
Fourth, my music teacher, Mrs. Gertie was a grandiose egotistical force within the school. She conducted all the plays in the school, and people in the community used to see her as a grand force of good for the community as a whole. She was in reality, a very mean woman and she hadn't grown up much in terms of maturity past high school herself. She judged girls for their looks. She was the worst person to get into trouble with, because she liked to use shame to get students to behave. If you had to pee during class, she would make you stand in front of the class and explain to them why you were failing them all. She was the only class that I ever actively cheated to pass. Samantha didn't like sharing her answers with me, but since Sarah always got her answers from Samantha, Sam felt mildly obligated to share her own. It wasn't that I had no understanding of notes and keys. But her teaching style incorporated fear of failure. Fear of failure is the worst way in which to approach the arts – especially in the beginning. She would also sometimes do this thing where she would turn off the lights and tell us that even though the school said she couldn't do this, she was going to do it anyway. Jesus Christ is the lord and savior of this earth, and if we didn't believe in him, we were going to HELL. She went on this religious tangent sometimes. It was incredibly dumb. There has never been a single moment in my life where I feared that was true, no matter how many times people told me.
So other than Mrs. Mathison, I mostly hated my teachers. They eventually sent me to special Ed for math, since I had fallen so far behind I might as well have been starting 5th instead of 6th. There was a student teacher who was teaching. She seemed nervous and a little bit snappy at first. She had blonde hair and she was heavy. Her name was Mrs. Umpenhour. At first I did not like her. There were only four of us to teach and the whole set up was awkward at first. But over time, I started actually really seeing her as a person and like her. She was only snappy because she was nervous and afraid we were judging her. One day I was doing my homework, and I noticed in another part of the room that she was eating a candy bar and crying. Another teacher asked her what was wrong, and basically Mrs. Umpenhour was crying because she was obese and she ate food that she shouldn't have that morning and her car kept breaking down. Her husband was away oversees in the military, and she was alone all the time and she just felt second rate because of her weight, and she just felt like she had no control over her own life.
It's not that I related to her exactly at the time – since even though I was kind of a fat girl, I actually kind of saw myself as more of an alien that just happened to be stuck in a Renee body for the time being. But this touch of realness from her made me realize that even though she was an adult she was very much vulnerable to the world all the same. I started respecting her in class more, and for what it was worth, between all five of us, I became the class leader. I went from having a 20% in Mathematics to having a grade of literally 112% or something like that – due to getting perfect scores on extra credit. I made sure to always do my homework, and I actually read through my entire math book and taught myself how to do all the equations. I really wanted her to feel like she was doing a good job. And when she lost 20 or 30 lbs, I made sure to compliment her. I encouraged the other students in my class to do the best they could. I found myself being a bit of a mascot for the class.
I was doing so well that they made me take an online math test to assess my math skills. Most of the questions I had to guess on since they were several grades above my understanding. But this is when I learned that I could do something extremely weird, and I haven't found anyone who knows what I am talking about or believes me quite. When I am taking a multiple choice quiz for something – usually math and I don't know the answer at all I have this bizarre method of seeking the answer.
I at first assess if I know the equation that leads me to the answer. I read all the multiple choice options. When I have come to the conclusion that I am not familiar with how to get the answer to the question, I stare at the whole question in such a way where I shift focus from the meaning of the words. I just study the chunk of writing as a whole. I personalize the question in a way, and I personalize the options. Generally speaking when I stare at the screen or paper long enough, one of the options starts seeming a slightly different shade than the rest of the options. The black seems blacker somehow, or the light around the paper seems lighter around the print. That is the one I decide to select as the answer. I do that every time I have a multiple choice question I don't know the answer to. I don't know why. It just feels right somehow. This whole revisioning thing also makes me feel extremely shaky and it makes my head hurt a little. And I am right far more often than not which is extremely mysterious. And honestly, I don't know why I have been able to do this on multiple choice tests. I feel like I am cheating somehow.
One theory that I have is that I am somehow subconsciously seeing an underlying pattern in the numbers that I am not consciously aware of. That is the theory I go by, since I would hesitate very strongly in calling myself a psychic. I feel like on some level, there must be a pattern that I am picking up, somehow. Whatever my brain is doing, I really don't know about the functioning. Part of doing it is turning off the part of my brain that thinks and going to this other intuitive side instead. I definitely don't suggest that people start taking their tests on intuition.
So somehow, after this test, I scored like a 12th grader would. I had been going over questions that I had absolutely no idea what they meant, with power symbols and other symbols that it would be several years before I would ever see for over an hour. I was just kind of meditating and feeling the answers out, and getting them all right. And because of my method of picking the right answer made me out to be some kind of math genius that I am not, they took me out of my beloved special ed class, the first class that I ever was excited to go to and didn't feel nervous in. They just assumed that I had been playing dumb the entire time, the charade was up and I got sent back to the main class. As soon as I was put into the class with screaming Mr. Webb, I instantly went back to failing math again. Mrs. Umpenhour ended up moving shortly after that anyway, and I never saw or heard from her again. I am not even spelling her name right so I could not search for her on Facebook if I wanted to.
This was a year where I also did something kind of awful. I was sitting in class one day. I reached into the very back of the desk storage, and I found this little metal Navy clock on a chain. I assumed it was a knick knack nobody would miss. I didn't even really like it that much myself, or get the significance of it being something from the actual navy, but I took it anyway because I didn't own very many items at home, and I had a weird thing about random found objects as keepsakes. Later, a boy in my class named Seth told Mr. Webb that he couldn't find his special watch anywhere. His dad had given it to him before abandoning him, so it kind of meant everything to Seth. His mother had a new boyfriend every week, and she practiced black magic openly. She also had eight children. This made her and her family kind of oddities in town. So I imagine Seth's life was probably kind of hard. Seth was eventually in tears. Mr. Webb was out for blood. Everything built up so much so fast that I was too afraid to give the watch back. I would have given the cursed item back, but doing so meant that they would punish me as a thief for stealing and the whole class would see me that way. I was too nervous to go up and give it back. And because I didn't give it back right away, I would have been punished for having not said anything immediately if I had tried later. I think my guilt was obvious, because Mr. Webb specifically targeted me when he talked to the class about the pocket watch. They knew I was the last person who had been sitting in the place Seth would have most likely left it.
Seth was also a bully to me after school. He would ride his bike around me when I went out for walks, throw rocks at me and call me names every time he saw me, in a nonflirting fashion. He was one of those bullies who actually is insecure and cries very easily. It's not that I had wanted to punish him for this, but it made it doubly hard for me to admit that I had taken the watch on a whole new perspective. Would this situation have made it worse for me? All day, I just felt this guilt pain in my chest and the thing burned in my pocket.
I went home, and I hid it in a box, and I didn't get it out until I was an 8th grader and Seth had moved away. My future friend Katie loved the watch, and so I gave it to her, glad to be rid of the cursed item, a medal that was won because of bravery – but in my case, won out of deceit and cowardice.  
If you want to read my life story so far, here are the previous parts.
PART 9 - http://tinyurl.com/yc2t6vfw  
PART 8 - http://tinyurl.com/ybl37utq
PART 7 - http://tinyurl.com/ybvo283g
PART 6 - http://tinyurl.com/kbc9dwu
PART 5 - http://tinyurl.com/msnz4am
PART 4 - http://tinyurl.com/k9x8esg
PART 3 - http://tinyurl.com/mwp9atx
PART 2 - http://tinyurl.com/lbt6xq2
PART 1 - http://tinyurl.com/l8xbvg8
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kayawagner · 6 years
We’re Totally Missing the Boat on Math Education
I’m going to change this story slightly because I don’t want to call out a specific person when I have seen the same thing over and over from  “STEM” or “STEAM” or “STREAM” programs. Generally, the more letters they have, the bigger problem it is.
I agree with everything Ms. X says when she starts talking, 
“In our district, less than half of the children graduate high school. Less than half of the graduates go on to college. Of those who attend college, the graduation rate is in the teens, usually 17-19%. Most of them drop out in the first semester. They are just not prepared for college. The area in which they are least prepared is math. So, we decided to have a STEM program for these students. 
– many, many people over the years
I’m all on board with this idea, but when I look at their programs, they are something like this:
*** Students read biographies of famous mathematicians and scientist from their ethnic/ racial group
*** Art projects in which students build a tipi , pyramid or other structure from the history of their racial / ethnic group
Here is the problem. I teach statistics.  Here is the formula for the sample standard deviation. One of the more basic statistics learned in introductory statistics in college. 
Formula for Standard Deviation
I have had students ask me:
“What does N stand for?” 
“What is that 2 next to the parentheses?”
“What is that thing that looks like a weird V with a top?”
Nowhere in these “STEM” activities do students learn what an exponent is
I really, really want students to succeed in my classes.  I make youtube videos of how to conduct analyses with statistical software, like this one on confidence limits for the mean and a lot more extra effort to make statistics understandable. However, if they don’t come in with some basic level of mathematics, it is going to be very difficult for them to succeed. By basic, I mean, what is a radical, what’s a square root, what’s an exponent, the difference between a variable and a constant. 
Because I think the STEM / STEAM / STREAM camps and after-school activities are a good start and I don’t want to be a big jerk by pointing out problems with no solution, the next few posts are going to be examples of DIRECT TEACHING OF MATH. 
Example 1: The campfire
I saw a really great activity that began with a story of one tribe stealing horses from another. The other tribe came and kidnapped some children to get even. When the kidnappers stopped to rest, the children slipped away. Since they knew their tribe was coming to rescue them, they built a campfire. 
The challenge activity was to build a campfire circle no more than 18 inches in diameter using “rocks” – actually, balloons the students blew up and then use tissue paper to build a “fire” inside of it.
How you get to the math …
It’s a really interesting story and fun activity but where’s the math? There are a ton of possibilities. Here is just one option: I would conclude this activity by telling the students that I know that if you measure the inside of the campfire circle, no one has a circumference (that is the name for how far it is around a circle) of more than 60 inches. I’d also make sure I had made a campfire myself of 10 inches in diameter. 
Then, I’d have them measure with a tape measure and find out that I am right. I’d have everyone give me their circumference, that is, how far it is around their circle.
How do I know this? Because the circumference of a circle has a formula, that is πd = C  . π is a number that is a constant. A constant means it always stays the same. It is about 3.14  . So, if I multiply 3.14 * 18 the answer is 56.52 That’s your circumference if your diameter – the distance across the circle, is 18. If it is less than 18, your circumference is less. 
Does anyone want to guess the circumference of my circle with diameter of 10?  
Why is this important?
Maybe you want to make pen for your sheep, horses, whatever and it is going to be a circle. Perhaps you have a contract to build a round pool, house, anything . How many feet of material do you need? Any time you know the diameter of a circle, you can compute the circumference.  Maybe you are making a tipi and you want to know how big around it is going to be at the bottom so you can make a rug the exact right circumference. 
I would bet you by the end of this lesson, students would know what a circumference is, what a diameter is, what π is and how to compute the circumference.
My point isn’t that STEM/ STEAM/ STREAM activities aren’t a great start but that often they are just a start and you may need to add a finish.
Forgotten Trail: Calculate percentage of chickens !
REMINDER  – Forgotten Trail is a great place to learn “What is N?” along with more statistics and Ojibwe history.
The post We’re Totally Missing the Boat on Math Education appeared first on 7 Generation Games.
We’re Totally Missing the Boat on Math Education published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
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00sdisney-blog · 7 years
Lizzie McGuire Ranked! S1 Sp 20 “Educating Ethan”
Finally another ranked episode!! Sorry it's taken so long!! Hopefully I can get back on track with these!!! Any who, today's episode is "Educating Ethan". This episode isn't particularly bad..... just a little boring. Now I'm gonna be honest, Lizzie McGuire is my absolute favorite show of all time. I may have my personal faves but I do not hate any episode of the series, so choosing my lowest ranked ones was pretty difficult. But I did my best!!
ALSO getting the screencaps from youtube was a huge pain so you can suffer through these horrible screencaps I took with my phone. Maybe it will make it funnier.
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The episode starts with Gordo doing some kind of Barrett Jackson impersonation by trying to auction off his lunch. Turns out it's his new tactic for trying to earn money for a new stereo. (how 2001 is that?) Miranda suggests Gordo just get his parents to buy him a new stereo (as you do) but to Gordo's misfortune his parents want him to "earn the money" himself. Gordo then explains to Lizzie & Miranda how long it will take him to earn the money & starts throwing around a bunch of math that I do not understand. Lizzie suggests instead of doing this ridiculous lunch auction that Gordo tutor math because tons of people at school could use the help. (apparently everyone at Hillridge is just as stupid as I am when it comes to math) Gordo takes Lizzie's advice & decides to venture into the magical world of tutoring my fellow mathematical idiots. *CUTS TO THEME SONG IF YOU BELIEEEEVVEE WE GOT A PICTURE PERFECT PLAAAAN* AND WE ARE BACK
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Now in class, Lizzie asks Gordo how many people signed up for his tutoring which of course is 0. He then shows Lizzie his flyer for tutoring which looks like this...(how unfortunate)
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Apparently the one thing Gordo sucks at is having decent handwriting because neither Lizzie nor Miranda can even read what it says. They proceed to ask "who in the right mind could read this?" and in walks Ethan Craft because of course....
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He asks Gordo if the flyer is his & if he tutors math to which Gordo replies "yes". Ethan then shows Gordo one of his math papers which looks exactly like my math papers did in high school.....a big sad fail.
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Lizzie & Miranda naturally want Gordo to tutor Ethan because it means they would get to spend time with him. Gordo mentions that Ethan got a 11 out of a 100 on a test & I swear I've never related to Ethan so much in my life.
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We have reached the Matt storyline of the episode. We see Matt & his friend (that's not Lanny) sitting in the floor surrounded by toys & complaining about how bored they are. (oh to be a kid, I wish I could be that bored again) Sam & Jo walk in & suggest that Matt & his buddy (whose name is Oscar) try to help out around the neighborhood. Matt says that he & Oscar can totally do that but as superheroes. Obviously you should of known Matt wasn't gonna do something so basic & normal, he has to make it weird. Back to Lizzie, we get to witness one of the infamous & many 3 way calling scenes between Lizzie, Miranda & Gordo. (again, so very 2001) Lizzie & Miranda are talking about how hot Ethan Craft is while poor Gordo is just awkwardly there listening & playing with a hacky sack. (very 2001 again) Gordo then finds his way out of the convo by telling them he has to go tutor Ethan causing Lizzie & Miranda to squeal with teenage joy. After hanging up with Gordo the girls decide to follow him to the Digital Bean in order to see Ethan. In Matt's world, he & Oscar reveal their superhero costumes which look like this
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They have decided to go by the names "Matt Man" & "Incredible Oscar".(Superman & Hulk ain't got nothing on this) They head off to "fight the forces of evil" & THEN we get this incredible musical sequence featuring the Matt Man & Incredible Oscar logo which is truly art at its finest. Unfortunately, their "help" turns out to be more harm than good.
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Flashback to Lizzie & Miranda who have found their way to the Digital Bean. They try to find ways to get Ethan's attention which include asking about pencils, ordering drinks for Gordo & Ethan and pushing their table closer to them. Gordo is clearly getting extremely annoyed by all of this but Ethan is as chill as always. Gordo starts griping at Lizzie & Miranda for messing with his tutoring session. When Miranda & Lizzie tell him they were just trying to help him he laughs & remarks that "if he needed to go shopping then he would ask for their help". (THE SHADE) This does not sit well with Lizzie & Miranda. The girls storm off sarcastically stating that they are "not smart enough to hangout with Gordo" all while Ethan returns back to the table still chill as ever.
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Matt & Oscar are continuing their havoc as superheroes throughout the neighborhood. Neither of them seems to understand that they haven't helped anyone at all.
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The next day at school, it's lunchtime & Gordo is sitting at one table tutoring Ethan while Lizzie & Miranda are sitting at another. Miranda comments that Gordo is a know it all & basically "called them dumb". Lizzie on the other hand feels bad that they ruined his tutoring session with Ethan. Lizzie suggests that they try to makeup with Gordo so Miranda tells her to go over & talk to him. She walks over & offers help to Gordo & Ethan...Gordo declines but Ethan believes he needs all the help he can get (in more ways than one my friend, ya'll just wait till we get to that “lather, rinse, repeat” episode later on)
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Ethan is trying to learn how to divide fractions, which is still something I, a 24 year old adult cannot do nor understand. Lizzie tells Ethan he should try imagining that the numbers are something real such as a hair scrunchie. (remember those?) She asks the cafeteria for hair scrunchies but nobody listens until she says it's Ethan who needs them. She then starts explaining fractions by using the hair scrunchies while Gordo is once again becoming irritated. (All this math talk gives me a headache) Ethan understands Lizzie's way of doing math better than Gordo's & suggests she start tutoring him instead.
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Flash to the Digital Bean once again, Lizzie reveals that she declined Ethan's offer to have her tutor him in math. Lizzie says she couldn't do that to Gordo because of how seriously he takes his tutoring. Miranda reminds her that Gordo has been acting like a jerk lately but Lizzie still wants to apologize to him for the way they acted the other day. Gordo walks in & tells the girls that they owe him an apology, Miranda tells him that he is actually the one that owes them an apology. Gordo tells them that they shouldn't have used him to get to Ethan Craft & if they want to talk to him they should do it themselves.
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Back at the McGuire household Sam & Jo are scolding Matt & Oscar for their "crime fighting" after getting several complaints from people. They tell the boys they can only fight crime in the house which gives the boys the idea to create a villain in the house that they can save the family from.
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Back at the Hillridge Jr High, cool teacher Mister Dig is the sub for Lizzie's class that day & reveals he doesn't believe in the basic teacher stuff....(pop quizzes, tests, exams, etc)...the class applauds until Mister Dig states that unfortunately he's not their regular teacher & that they have to take their math quiz. (you know who would fail that quiz? ME) After class, Lizzie & Miranda are outside the classroom throwing shade at Gordo for calling them dumb. Ethan walks up & reveals that he once again failed his quiz & Gordo is in disbelief.
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Mister Dig comes out & talks to them while Ethan makes an idiot comment to which Mister Dig replies "it's a good thing you're a handsome boy". He tells Ethan he can retake his quiz again tomorrow. Gordo tells Ethan they'll work on it again but Ethan says he wants Lizzie to tutor him instead because he understood the way she explained things. Gordo makes a snarky comment & this time Lizzie accepts but still feels bad about the whole situation.
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In the McGuire house, Lizzie can't find the shoes she wants to wear & tells her parents that every pair of shoes she owns has gone missing. Enter Matt & Oscar who we all clearly knew are behind this. They say that Lizzie's missing shoes are the work of "The Evil Shoe Barron". Lizzie clearly doesn't find this amusing & demands her stuff be returned. Jo tells Matt that if the Evil Shoe Barron doesn't return Lizzie's shoes he would be spending all his time in the fortress of solitude causing Matt to race off. He returns all of Lizzie's shoes but not without reading a note that the Shoe Barron left first. Jo tells the boys that there will be no more superhero work in or outside the house.
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At everyone's fave hangout spot The Digital Bean, Lizzie starts her tutoring session with Ethan by using jellybeans but he says he doesn't get it with jellybeans & suggest they use cheerleaders instead. (as you do) As soon as Lizzie announces that Ethan needs cheerleaders they all gather faster than diarrhea. Lizzie starts doing fractions using the cheerleaders & Ethan instantly starts getting it! Lizzie however is disappointed that Ethan's attention has turned away from her & steered toward the cheerleaders.
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The next day at school Lizzie & Miranda are anxiously waiting by the door for Ethan to finish his make up quiz. Miranda tells Lizzie that Ethan will do fine because he had a great tutor, Gordo walks up & agrees. Miranda tells Gordo he shouldn't be talking to them because it's "against the brainiac code". Gordo apologizes & says the one thing every girl wants to hear "I was wrong". He tells them that he's the one who should feel stupid because he acted like a total jerk. Lizzie apologizes for taking away Gordo's only student & Miranda apologizes for making Gordo feel like they were using him to get to Ethan.
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All is resolved just as Ethan walks out & reveals that he aced the quiz with a 72, which is still better than my math grades. Ethan tells Lizzie she rocks & gives her a hug. Miranda asks Gordo how he's gonna get the money for his new stereo now & Gordo replies that he's gonna spend all his free time at Lizzie's house listening to her stereo. (this really dates this show ya'll) They all laugh & thus ends another episode.
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Well that was fun! Hope everyone enjoyed! Which episode do you think I'll do next? I'll try to do another one this upcoming weekend so stay tuned!! Also, I know my screencaps suck so I’m gonna try to find an easier way to do them Please bear with me! :)
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