#so uh. oopsie.
hahaha STRESSING. so not prepared for my second english exam.
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heybiji · 4 months
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dnd valentine's sketch for dal who plays lafavel, the party paladin with a crush on my warlock, dandelion
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cherrirui-official · 7 months
A collection of totally normal Boisona doodles while I try to get back into the swing of things lol
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I don't rlly have anything to add here but while I'm here I might as well repost some other saltydkdan related shitposts in the cut while I'm here bc it would be a waste to leave them all on my now abandoned twitter account lol
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goku-nba · 9 months
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its dinner time for Tails nation
Edit: putting Newgrounds link here instead
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total-drama-brainrot · 3 months
Total Drama Psycho Noah AU, during the TDWT London Episode... What if Noah doesn't call the hidden Alejandro an eel, instead Alejandro and the other hidden Contestants saw Noah briefly showed his true insane colors to defeat the 'Ripper', with a big psychotic grin?... How would Alejandro feel about trying to bring up Noah's insane side, but Noah keeps denying it (and so does Owen, because Noah asked him to)? 😏
Psycho!Noah, under the assumption that he's alone with only Owen and the camera as his witnesses, going Full On Mania Mode on the Ripper? That's a fun thought.
I think, given the fact that he's on a Reality TV Show in the first place, this Noah would be upfront to the audience that he's... a little unhinged. Maybe he cracks a few jokes in the confessional (either during Island or World Tour) about his eccentricities, or maybe he really plays up the 'crazy' to paint himself as a wolf in sheep's clothing for the audience?
The second option there would probably work more in his favour, since him Just Being There would be a source of dramatic irony for the audience- something to keep people watching in anticipation, waiting for Noah's mask of mundanity to slip. He'd be 'good for ratings'.
I've decided that's the characterisation I'll go with. Psycho!Noah hides his true self from the contestants but, knowing that he'll be recorded 24/7, doesn't bother disguising himself for the audience- his nature will inevitably be exposed to them anyway, so why not cut out the middle man? At least this way, he gets the added pleasure of toying with the viewer's expectations.
So, given the fact that the only people he thinks are seeing him are people already in the know, what's stopping Noah from letting loose a little?
Nothing. Nothing's stopping him.
He and Owen step onto the double decker bus, the larger teen tiptoeing almost timidly onto the vehicle in his trepidation, whilst Noah follows casually behind him. He's a little disappointed, truly; horror themed challenges would be so much more interesting if they were, y'know, scary.
Luckily for him, things soon get interesting.
The shadowed figure of the Ripper drops from the ceiling with a thud behind Noah, assumedly crouched down on all fours like some sort of beast though it's hard to tell behind the inky, billowing cloak they're wearing. The motion would've been too fast for someone less capable to properly react to. Thankfully, Noah is very capable.
He pivots in place, catching the surprisingly fast arms of the Ripper before their taller frame can grapple him in his own deceptively strong grip, then forcibly bends the figure's arms until a sickening crack resounds through the bus's interior. The Ripper cries out a raspy animalistic shriek of pain, their forearms hanging uselessly limp out in front of them at awkward angles, and the clattering of something hitting the floor draws Noah's attention downwards. A knife, the Ripper's weapon of choice, gleams threateningly on the ground under the weak moonlight, having slipped from their incapacitated hand.
Well. That's certainly interesting.
Easing up his iron grip on the figure's disfigured arms, the cynic gingerly bends down to swipe the knife from the floor, then straightens back up triumphantly as he brandishes his new found weapon.
"Noah?" Owen's meek voice echoes from behind him. The bookworm tilts his head towards the other, who's fear-blown gaze is fixated on the sharp object in his unstable friend's unpredictable clutches.
The Ripper, momentarily subdued, continues to whine and groan in pain beside him.
"What's up, bud?" He responds, voice conversationally light and airy- a stark contrast to the Ripper's agonised gargles.
"Is- is that a knife?" The larger asks in a wavering tone. Noah isn't sure if it's the fear of himself with a sharp object, or the frankly pathetic display from the figure beside him, that's causing his best friend's hesitance. But he knows Owen- the big lug is a hardy sort, he won't stay scared for long.
"Hmm," Noah hums playfully, toying with the weapon in his grip. Feeble beams of moonlight shine and shimmer from it's blade, illuminating their surroundings in spectres of milk light, "Yeah, I think it is. Good eye, big guy."
A moment of tense silence passes between the two (somewhat ruined by the Ripper's incessant snivelling), before Owen's face splits into a shaky smile.
"Do you want to, uh, maybe, put the knife down?" He suggests.
Noah shifts his focus back onto the tool in his grip, theatrically ruminating over his friend's suggestion as he raises his free hand to his chin in a pondering motion, whilst his piercing gaze subtly flickers around the bus to locate the nearest hidden camera. He spins the knife in his hand thoughtlessly as he searches, deftly twirling and weaving the blade between clever fingers, sending spirals of light dancing through the darkness of their enclosure.
Once he's spotted the tell-tale red blinking light of a recording camera, he careens his whole body to face it. His features soften into a serene smile, highlighted by trickles of pale moonlight, as he addresses the camera.
"No. Not really. It's quite pretty. Don't you think?"
Noah waits a heartbeat, keenly listening for a response that'll never come from the recording device, before his smile splits into something wider. Something that splinters around the edges of his face and crumbles through his mask of tranquillity, revealing glimpses of wild delirium through its cracks. Similarly, his amusement-crinkled eyes widen with mania, irises contracting into pinpricks of molasses against the white of his sclera.
"And wouldn't it look a lot prettier... in a different colour?" The pessimist halts the spinning of the knife with a flick of his wrist, letting the question simmer in the stale air of the bus.
The Ripper, having finally regained their bearings, stumbles to flee from the bus.
Well. That's not very interesting, is it?
In the blink of an eye, Noah is suddenly nose-to-mask with them, holding the blade millimetres from the figure's neck almost tauntingly as he traps them against the fogged over glass of the bus driver's window, "Red would look really pretty."
"Noah," Owen whines petulantly, "we're supposed to capture the Ripper, not kill him!" As if to punctuate his point, the blonde tugs at the edges of the burlap sack he's carrying, shooting an imploring look towards his little buddy.
"Oh, I forgot. Silly me!" Noah exclaims jovially, smacking at his sizable forehead with his free hand. The Ripper beneath him whimpers at the motion.
In the First Class cabin, the majority of the Total Drama contestants stand gobsmacked at the display they just witnessed. Varying expressions of disturbance and fright are dotted across the crowd, and the more sensitive of the group have turned varying shades of nauseated green or horrified white.
"What the fuck?"
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sexynetra · 2 months
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Saw these photos and decided the world needed a Plane Jane skating fic… so here you go 😅
Read on Ao3
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kylominis · 1 year
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unamused ominis is my favorite [♡]
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homosexualcitron · 7 months
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OLIVE AND AMBROSE STUFF!!!!!!!!!! they are so!!!!!!!!
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shadow0-1 · 1 year
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Rest for a moment
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takitori67 · 11 months
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More about Magical-Girl Junas (+ Bhima)
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damifrfrx-x · 4 months
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hngjsbs credits to 1MPZZ for this preppy eepy pip!1!1!1!1!1!!1
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ohtendril · 4 months
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two of you. always in sync
#you know what i wasnt gonna do this but i rewatched prodigal son and uh. some of the frames made me crazyyyy this time around#and i love imagery it has to be said#its like. this time around i actually Perceived them. and not watched them like. every time liv looks at el its like. she cant believe it#like she's looking at a ghost. like he's gonna disappear any second#and at the same time. she can barely look him in the eye. she looks at him when he isnt watching. lest he sees. lest he recognizes her#and what shes feeling. lest she recognizes that he still knows her and *sees* her even after all this time. and she cant have it. she wont#so she watches him and observes him like shes both memorizing him and recognizing him.especially in that interrogation room... fuck me bro#that metaphor. of her standing right between el and the suspect. up against that mirror. and we're seeing her reflection.#the present liv the captain watching like a hawk and the past liv. right behind her back in the room with el sensing him and seeing#him getting ready to pounce. like the shot of her with el's fists in the background. oh mama. she just knows “do you need a break detective#and then them being literally divided in some of those shots. by the window binds by kathy and space and actual doors#(and her sliding those doors in the first place and then watching from the other side and the cut to her again watching through the door an#OPENING IT???)#and i havent even talked about el lmao. but it's svu it's supposed to be liv centric (well) but anyway#i havent essayed in the tags in so long i forgot to tag this in the beginning oopsie daisy#svuedit#bensleredit#eo#lawandorderedit#svu#benson x stabler#*mine#*svu
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matryx7728 · 5 months
Thoughts about Gabriel ultrakill and the heavenly council
okay okay okay okay okay so
i’m assuming this is referring to the tags i rbed that one post with so. youngings avert your eyes maybe idk how deranged i’ll get while typing this
gabriel ultrakill has such an impossible appeal to me and i’m going to attempt to put it into words
first of all. look at him. he’s so fucking pretty it’s insane have you seen that guy he’s beautiful in a way i can’t wrap my head around
he acts the way he acts he gets beat for the first time ever literalky ever by a machine and falls in love with it but mistakes that love for hatred and then when he reports back to the council they blame him for getting his ass handed to him like hello ???? you can’t just do that to him this is not what this post is supposed to be about im getting off topic
the way he acts his character his flow hsi jehevrnrgehrgrgrhuuuuuggaggggggggghh he triggers such a primal carnal desire within me that i’ve not felt my entire life until i witnessed him do you fucking grasp how much just how much i need to just be Near him do you understand how much i want to just hold his hand or to grab his stupid tiny little waist i want to place my hands on him in any kind of way okease oh my god please i need to cling to him i NEED to watch him do common normal things like twisting a doorknob or tie a knot oh my god i need to see him tie a knot you know how you have to pull the strings taut i need ti see him di that i need to see him lift something slightly heavy i need to watch him throw something into the air and catch it or alternatively i need to see him almost not catch it and do that jolt thing people do when they almost drop something to catch it i need to see him do that i need ti see him grip something i need to watch him stand up from a sitting position i need to watch him forget the direction he’s supposed to be going in and then do that weird pause and glance around before turning around and speed walking in the opposite direction i need to see him pick up a spherical object and watch the way his hands wrap around it i need to watch him reach around to try and grab something slightly out of reach
i need to jump on him i need to cling to him i need to climb all over that guy i need to feel the ridge of his spine i need to watch his adam’s apple shift as he swallows or speaks i need to watch his throat do that when it’s like you know when you lean your head back and the skin over your neck is pulled taut and the movement of yiur throat is much more significant i need to see him do that i need to watch him preen his wings i would collect his shed feathers and keep them in a little box or put them on a necklace and he’d be like Why Do You Have Those and i’d be like 😊😊😊😊😊😊 i think his wings are so fucking pretty i also think they’d be warm like they change temp depending on his mood notmally they’d be relatively warm like a heated blanket enraged they’d be like the temp of the surface of the sun and ecstasy they’d be even hotter donyou get me
there are so many things i think about him i have no words for them i just think he’s so catastrophically attractive ok in every way possible my view on him varies all the time sometimes i’m like Wow I’d Really Like To Be Friends With That Guy and other times i’m like I NEED HIM IN ME ummmmmm thats
okay getting only slightly more unhinged i’ll cut it here just in case cause we’re enterying hornypost territory
do you understand the amount of lust my body contains for gabriel ultrakill i would love to be pinned down by that guy by the shoulders or to have his hand run along the length of my spine or against my jaw i need to press my body up against his i don’t care how i just need to Touch him i NEED to hear that archangel whimper (<- listened to the gabriel whimpering audio clips 67 times) i need that guy down my throat uhhhhmmmmmm yeah i’m cutting that one short it seems my rational mind has finally kicked in
have fun reading my category 7 autism event
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other-peoples-coats · 2 years
for Reasons I'm thinking about like, logistics fuck ups, and like. what kind of absolute nonsense fuck ups happened over the course of the goddamn clone wars.
did someone store 80 space kilotonnes of space!rations powder too close to the heat exchange and blow up a venator with the resulting fireball? probably! did an entire battalion accidentally produce space!wood alcohol in their still and all go blind from it? maybe! did someone put in their hyperspace jump slightly wrong and end up 50,000,000 space miles from the battle they were meant to be jumping into, scaring the bejezus out of some outer ring farmers when half a dozen fucking warships popped into existence in the atmosphere suddenly? almost certainly.
And that's not even taking into account deliberate sabotage from sith-in-chief skeevy sheevy himself. oops no rations and oops the hull of the ships are slightly too thin and more likely to break and oops the air filtration system backfired and everyone died of no-oxygen-disease
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laveenderdraws · 6 months
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headshots of all of my designed inkfish ocs! some of these have been around since splat 1, and its crazy to me that they've been around that long. i'll add some info under the cut
characters are ordered from left to right, top to bottom
Lav (neo agent 3). 21 y/o. he/they/. my main splatsona. he's the only one so far with a finished ref so more info on him will be found there once i've posted it. also goes by Mad Dog.
Mikey. 21 y/o. he/they. secondary splatsona. used largely for when i don't want to cover Lav's hair up with a hat.
TBN he/him
TBN she/her
Vera. age undecided. she/her. fashion designer. can't produce ink pigment
Vee (captain 3). 21 y/o. they/them.
Michael (agent 4). 21 y/o. he/they.
V (agent 8). 21 y/o. any pronouns. name was inspired by the captain (who's completely chill with this)
i don't recall anything about this one, sorry. she/her
TBN she/her. toni kensa model
TBN she/her. oldest of 3 siblings.
TBN he/him. middle child of 3.
TBN he/him. youngest of 3.
also don't remember her name. she/her
had a name too but i don't recall this (but i do know its been written somwhere, i just can't find it). she/her
TBN. she/her. blue ringed octopus.
TBN. he/him. based off the pan flag
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krakenshaped · 6 months
If I can like add to what my moot said, it's almost ironic considering Edo's character revolves around growing up too fast. Edo Phoenix is a traumatised child thrown into an industry filled with adults and was more or less prepared/has already thrown away his youth to fit into that scene. It reflects in everything about him, from his social awkwardness around the other characters his age to his snooty, I'm-better-than-you attitude he has early season 2. Which makes the sexualisation of him just real SAD
Ah okay Edo Phoenix rant incoming, read more below, but tldr; Ed's just a kid and life is a nightmare
I think it's just sad that the fandom treats Edo this way because idk. I found his story incredibly sad and tragic and one of the main points in this tragedy is that he's a kid that's in over his head.
Edo Phoenix is a smug genius who is a world champion and one of the biggest rising celebrities in the dueling scenes. He has an attitude, he's merciless and he crushes those underneath him just because he can. Early season 2 everything began and ended with his success which is why he did as Saiou said to begin with. Because Saiou told him his career depended on it. And to Edo, nothing means more than his career.
Why? Simple. D.D.
A lot of complains about D.D is that he didn't get enough screentime or he wasn't foreshadowed well enough but honestly, I think we found out enough about D.D from the context we were given. D.D is a cheat, a liar and a scumbag filled with delusions of grandeur with an obsession with his persona and success. He was willing to kill someone for success even without the Light's influence, and from there he began to build his image of a talented duelist and kind person, using and manipulating Edo to both evade capture for murdering Edo's dad but also to boost his image. He adopted Edo not because he cared for him, but because it would shape his image in a good way. He began painting this image of being a "Hero", and soon enough the media and the world as a result acknowledged him as such.
You can see in many ways how D.D's attitude towards the world rubs off on Edo. Comparing Edo's unpleasant attitude and obsession with being the hero early season 2 to D.D when he goes mask off says enough. D.D adopted this boy, exploited him to evade police detainment and then shaped him in his image all for his own personal goals. He believes he made Edo what he was. His success was carved by him and him alone. He created Edo, and he will destroy him, as he attempts to do in the finale.
Underneath D.D's influence and his grief of his father's death, Edo is an awkward, well meaning and naive kid. He puts on this persona of being a hero, and being more mature than his classmates but his eagerness to follow those he trusts without even questioning what he's being told to do (like Saiou, D.D, etc), his delinquent idea of what a vigilante is and his general lack of insight shows who he really is.
A really, really, really sad kid who knows nothing but deep, unrelenting grief and hard work. As a result, he's become a stupid kid pretending to be an adult.
Which is why the fanon interpretation of him makes me so SAD.
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