#so unless some bs happens expect an update sooner rather than later (:
dangerous-drabbles · 1 year
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part viii writing snippets!
all text may be subject to change, but i’m pretty happy with how it’s turned out so far <:
(transcription below the cut!)
[Image ID: Two separate screenshots depicting several paragraphs of continuous plain text, taken from an ao3 chapter draft.
The first image reads:
“The light was dim, but his tentative headache intensified. He winced, turning his head to the side.
He was faced with... stuff?”
(The text then continues into the next screenshot.)
“Welter pressed in on him, piles and piles of clutter arranged in precarious stacks. Bookshelves, boxes, dressers, pushed up against the walls, accumulating in a labyrinthine slew of corridors.
An incohesive sundry, laid out in rows and columns.”
The text concludes. /End ID]
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