#this has been a problem chapter from the start (i had like 4 alternate beginnings
dangerous-drabbles · 1 year
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part viii writing snippets!
all text may be subject to change, but i’m pretty happy with how it’s turned out so far <:
(transcription below the cut!)
[Image ID: Two separate screenshots depicting several paragraphs of continuous plain text, taken from an ao3 chapter draft.
The first image reads:
“The light was dim, but his tentative headache intensified. He winced, turning his head to the side.
He was faced with... stuff?”
(The text then continues into the next screenshot.)
“Welter pressed in on him, piles and piles of clutter arranged in precarious stacks. Bookshelves, boxes, dressers, pushed up against the walls, accumulating in a labyrinthine slew of corridors.
An incohesive sundry, laid out in rows and columns.”
The text concludes. /End ID]
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stephsageek · 1 month
So, like most unhinged people on the internet (content creators), I had a visceral creative reaction to something I love, namely, The Umbrella Academy. I definitely have a love/hate relationship with some of the writer's choices, but I will always love TUA. I do plan on creating some fanart, but that'll take a while since my style can be labor intensive. I also have a billion story ideas swirling around in my head, including an extension on the show's canon ending where all the Brellies and Sparrows are reincarnated, and another that explores Five and Lila's 7 years on the subway, to another that will be about the 6 years between s3 and s4. Here's is but a taste of one them:
"Much Longer Than Six Years, Five Months, and Two Days"
Summary: Some people believe an affair starts when two people cross the line and become physical with one another. Five and Lila knew better. Looking back, this ‘thing’ between him and Lila had begun much longer than six years, five months, and two days ago. If either of them had been capable of being honest with themselves, they might have been able to admit, it had started from the very beginning.
This is my take on all the years Five and Lila have known each other from the beginning of Season 2 to the events of episode five of Season 4 of The Umbrella Academy. It will be told from alternating POV’s. None of these characters are mine, nor any quotes from the show itself.
Chapter 1: Day One
Five stood across the street, tucked behind the corner of a building observing his brother and some unknown woman, sitting in a car and watching the Texas School Book Depository of all places.
It had taken pathetically little effort to locate his brother.
It had taken Five a few minutes of searching his memory to realize the significance of said building and when he did, he had squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed a tired palm across his face.
Lee Harvey Oswald.
Was Diego really that eager to get arrested again? Did he really think his hero complex was going to do anything besides get his ass thrown in prison or worse?
Fuck that. I spent way too much time and energy just to find your God damn corpse again, ya knucklehead.
Five sighed, trying to focus on listening to them talk, gauging whether or not he needed to step in before the no-brained-wonder could get himself into trouble.
“All right, here’s the plan: Oswald finishes his shift at 4:30 p.m.”
Five rolled his eyes. Is that numbskull fucking serious? What’s he gonna do? Grab ‘em and drag ‘em into the car?
“Once he walks out those doors, we force him into the front seat.”
Five smacked his forehead.
Beside Diego, the woman was biting her nails.
Five furrowed his eyebrows as he watched her. Who the hell is that? And why the hell is she with my idiot brother?
Five tilted his head as he considered her.
He had to admit, he could understand why his brother was hanging around her. She was very pretty.
He narrowed his eyes.
‘Very pretty’ can be very useful to someone who knows how to use that to their advantage.
Especially around blithering morons with ‘mommy issues.’
Five tried to focus on what they were saying, straining his hearing from where he was observing them.
“You’re gonna pin his arms, I’m gonna cut off his trigger finger and tell him he has 24 hours to exit Dallas.”
That’s your plan? Five thought incredulously. What the fuck is that gonna do? What if he’s ambidextrous, ‘ya idiot?! Five found himself blown away by his own sibling's ridiculous logic.
“That’s your plan?” the woman spoke his thought out loud, her tone mirroring his own bewilderment.
“You got a problem with it?” Diego countered with an edge to his voice, indicating his displeasure at his lame-ass plan being called out.
“Well, why don’t we just kill him?” the woman wondered.
Exactly! Why complicate things? Five found himself silently agreeing.
“What?” Diego questioned, his expression shocked and judging.
Five’s mouth twisted in annoyance.
He didn’t know why Diego was acting so surprised, acting as though the umbrella academy hadn’t killed a room full of bank robbers when they rightfully should have still been in middle school.
Five didn’t enjoy killing—never had. But if Diego was going to sit there and act all high and mighty while planning to kidnap a man and cut his finger off, Five was gonna belt him on principle alone.
He listened as the woman clarified that the whole reason they were even going after Oswald in the first place was because Diego thought he was going to shoot the president.
When Diego confirmed this, she replied simply, “Put a bullet between his eyes. Problem solved.”
Five found himself nodding. Clean, simple, straightforward. It’s how any professional worth his salt would approach the problem.
Five paused.
It was not, however, how any sane, rational human being would approach the problem.
It was how an assassin would solve the problem.
Five lifted an eyebrow, his instincts kicking into high gear.
How very convenient for some beautiful mysterious woman to somehow take an interest in his shaggy-headed brother, who had at one time had no more exalted words to say about the woman he had purported to love than she, ‘had great legs’ and a ‘cute butt.’
How very strange that this same woman would have the exact same instincts Five had when it came to solving problems when he had been trained for the explicit purpose of murdering inconvenient individuals since he was a toddler.
The Commission, he thought grimly. It has to be.
“Oh, no, no, we’re not going to kill a man before he’s committed a crime,” Diego argued.
“That’s stupid,” the woman said the same thing Five was thinking, so simultaneously Five thought he’d spoken the words out loud himself.
Five pursed his lips.
He wasn’t sure who this woman was, but at least she wasn’t a moron.
Five found himself snorting at her comments about Diego being ‘an open book written for very dumb children.’
He was inclined to agree.
Okay, so she’s mildy amusing, smart, and pretty.
Five rolled his neck.
Alright. Enough dicking around. Let’s go say ‘hi,’ to Diego’s mystery woman.
Five was fairly certain that this broad was a plant. Someone sent by the Commission to keep eyes on him and had apparently seen fit to do so by using bargain batman.
Well, there's only one way to find out for sure. I'm gonna have to keep an eye on her. At least she's nice to look at.
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kitthepurplepotato · 8 months
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Shenanigans EXTRA (1/2) - A trip to another universe!
Summary: Y/N, Katsuki, Izuku and Shouto goes on an adventure to another universe. Having of each is already enough but two?! Things get weird really quickly.
Warnings: Swear words, sex jokes, horny thoughts
Helpful note:
To make it easier I tried to play around with names to make it obvious who’s who, so…
Izuku - Normal Izuku
Deku, Midoriya - Other world’s Izuku
Katsuki - Normal Katsuki
Bakugou - Other world’s Katsuki
I hope that helps!
If you want to start at the beginning, CLICK HERE for the first chapter!
If you want to read the Alternative Universe Arc alone, CLICK HERE! (It can be read without knowing the full story! It’s only 3 chapters!)
Check out all my works HERE! 💥
A few months ago in another universe.
Bakugou Katsuki. University student. Hobbies: Drums, nerdy things, Marvel and All Might movies. Secretly collects Pokémon and Yu-gi-Oh cards. Loves Funko Pops. Top student. Drummer in a cool, edgy band. Definitely not a hero but apparently he is one in another universe. Because that shit exist. Yeah. Shocker.
How does he know that? Because he met the love of his life when the gate between the two worlds had suddenly opened. She fell from the sky. Literally. He swears he wasn’t on any substances when this had happened. He does drink quite a lot, don’t judge him, he’s a fucking UNI student, but drugs aren’t his thing. He also have two bozos, Deku and Shouto, who can vouch for him if you don’t believe him. They were also completely sober, even though with those two, Bakugou is never sure. They look high 24/7.
So long story short, this random, absolutely gorgeous lady fell from the sky, she knew them by their names and she also told Bakugou that his other self hates her guts and he got so angry he started crying out of pure frustration, promising this gorgeous girl that he’ll find her in his world and fucking marry her on the spot because Bakugou was head over heels for her the second her lovely butt touched the ground.
Bakugou did not a give a fuck about love before but now he does. Oh hell, he really fucking does. This lady was only with them for 24 fucking hours but it’s been months now and he still can’t forget about her. But here’s the problem; this lady wasn’t Japanese. She was a fucking foreigner living in Japan. Which means, Bakugou had to work his ass off while doing UNI full time to have enough money to fly to her country for a whole month. It was terrible. He had no life, no time for anything, he was tired 24/7 and even though he just landed on this foreign land and he should be excited about it, he just want to fucking sleep for a week, which he won’t, because he only has 4 fucking weeks to find this bloody woman and make her fall for him. No time to sleep here.
“Kacchan, you won’t woo her with a face of a serial killer, you do need to sleep.”
He hates when his best friend is right.
So he sleeps. For one whole day. That will hopefully be enough to rid him of his Gucci bags.
He’s out of the bed by 7AM the next day, fueled by a weird feeling which makes him believe that Y/N is close by - Which would be ridiculous. Meeting her on the first day? Absolutely not possible. Life isn’t that kind and Bakugou doesn’t believe that faith has the power to connect two people out of the blue even though he literally fell in love after a foreigner fell from the sky for him and is literally spending all his money to find her right now. He’s a fucking hypocrite, isn’t he? Yeah, whatever. He believes in faith in a way, he believes that you can feel when you are on the right path, you can feel when you meet the right people, but faith opening the right doors to find the right path is nothing but a fairytale. Again, says the guy whose girlfriend fell from the sky.
With that said, Bakugou leaves the house in his fanciest clothing which only makes him look like half a nerd and not a full one. Should’ve gotten contacts though. His glasses are really fucking nerdy. He can only hope that Y/N likes nerds because otherwise, this mission is a failure from the start.
He decides to take it easy and get some breakfast instead of searching like an idiot. The other world’s Y/N gave him some potential addressees he needs to check but he can’t do this shit with an empty stomach, so he runs into the nearest coffee shop to get some pastries and a big jug of black coffee but some bozo decides to run into him, trying to get through the door first, even though there is enough space for the both of them inside.
“Oi, careful!” Bakugou reprimands after realizing that the girl he just bumped into is much more fragile than him. Because he’s a fucking gentleman. You heard it right, a GENTLEMAN.
Okay. No fucking way. This is a fucking joke.
“Fuck’s sake, this is the shittiest day of my life!” Y/N tries to squeeze past mumbling back in English for some reason, but there is no way Bakugou will let her run away.
“It’s 8 in the fucking morning, silly.”
Oh god. He sounds so lovesick. And his accent is so shitty. The Y/N of the other works spoke perfect Japanese so he must say he’s a little bit uhm… surprised. But at least she speaks English. That’s… helpful.
“The fuck are you so happy for? Did you win the lottery?” Y/N tries to acts nonchalant but her cheeks are dusted red.
“Yeah, I think I just did.” He admits with the silliest smile on his face.
… there goes Katsuki’s plans to be cool. Nevermind.
“Well, you have a weird way of flirting. I’m intrigued.” She answers back. They are literally standing in the doorway, blocking the exit but no one dares to speak about it. What a chill country. Maybe he should move here after retirement.
“Well, it’s far more believable than saying that I’ve met your twin from another universe a few months ago and I was kinda looking for you for several months now.”
“Is it weird that… I can kinda believe that?” Y/N looks into Bakugou’s eyes and that’s when Bakugou completely loses it. His face becomes a mess of emotions, there is adoration, wonder, a weird kind of anxiety he’s never felt before, his urgent need for coffee long forgotten.
“Can we share a table, then?” Bakugou tries his best to sound confident, but his voice wavers when Y/N looks at him with eyes full of rejection.
“Not unless you can help me with my Japanese homework. I have an exam in two days.” She sighs, finally moving away from the door, leaving the lovelorn Bakugou alone in the doorway.
“Well, luckily for you, I’m Japanese.” Katsuki answers in his own mother language, trying his best to not smirk menacingly, but he probably does it anyway.
“Study date with a stranger?” Y/N fucking winks and that’s when Bakugou descends into another world, thankfully, not literally.
“Oh my god, you two, get a table.” The bartender rolls her eyes and it’s weirdly sounds like “get a room.”
Bakugou and Y/N has a study date. By the end of the day - yes, they’ve been at it the whole day, eating pastries for breakfast, lunch and dinner - Y/N looks like she’s about to pass out, but she has a content smile on her face as she looks at her notebook filled with random notes from Bakugou himself.
Bakugou isn’t the most patient person when it comes to studying so needless to say he did end up yelling at the poor girl quite a few times but instead of the usual resentment he got nothing but cute giggles as a reaction. Bakugou is already head over heels for this version of Y/N. She’s fierce but cute, she can handle his temper perfectly and they just… click. It really feels like they were meant to be.
“Any chance you are the type of nerd who’s great at everything? I also need to catch up on math and English.”
“Same place, same time tomorrow?” Bakugou smirks and Y/N smirks back at him.
“See you tomorrow, Y/N.” Bakugou leaves a cheeky kiss in Y/N’s hair and runs towards the door, trying his best to hide his red face from the crowd.
“How do you know my full name?!”
Bakugou doesn’t need to think about an answer for this one.
Bakugou helps Y/N with her studies every day for the whole month. It’s around the second week when Y/N admits she’s been looking for opportunities to study in Japan. She doesn’t need to say anything else for Bakugou to know there is something more behind that decision than Y/N’s dreams to see Tokyo; the way they are cuddled up on Bakugou’s floor surrounded by random notes is more than enough for him to know that he’s not the only one feeling this weird connection between them.
Y/N kisses him on the lips when they say goodbye at the airport. Bakugou sells half of his clothes to make space for her stuff in his closet after he gets home.
Now back to the hero world.
“Are we all ready?” You yell loudly to gain everyone’s attention.
“Let’s go!” Yells Katsuki, exhilarated.
“Yes.” Typical Todoroki. He doesn’t even look excited.
“What if we get stuck there? Are you sure you are capable of doing this, Y/N? There must be a limit to your powers, what if something goes wrong and we will be stuck in a weird in-between or in the quantum realm like in that cool superhero film? What if by the time we manage to come back all out friends are dead?! Oh my god….”
Do you even need to say who that was? Probably not.
“Well, have fun.” A grumpy voice comes from the background. “Don’t worry about me being left out. Honestly, no biggie, I’ll just cry myself to sleep, alone in my room while my friends are having a pajama party in a cool universe…”
You would love to be able to bring Eijirou with you as well, but someone needs to run the agency.
“Shut the fuck up you stupid red monkey, I told you I’ll stay back the next time!”
You sigh and decide to just go for it before poor Izuku’s brain explodes from all the unnecessary worry.
Everyone screams. Then they scream some more when they start to fall into eternal nothingness.
You think about the University those guys go to. About the green grass and the benches surrounding the small clearing right next to the University, you think about Midoriya’s eyeliner, their unproblematic smiles and suddenly, a small spot of light appears right under your foot, the spot getting bigger and bigger as you fall and fall and fall until your butts hit the pretty green grass.
“Fucking hell, babe, that was a shitty landing!”
“Sorry, princess, I’ll get you a massive bed for the next time, okay?”
“Fuck you.”
“You wish.”
“Guys, I’m… me is looking at us?! Okay, I’m officially freaking out. Oh my god, I’m wearing an eyeliner. I think I’m going to pass out. Guys, I’m passing out. Oh my…”
“Pay up, halfie.”
“I’m not mad, just disappointed.” Shouto pulls out a note from his pocket and hands it to Katsuki.
“Y/N!” A really gay-looking, lanky nerd jumps on your back and hangs there like a monkey. You decide to show off your new strength by catching the guy’s thighs and give him a piggy back ride.
“Oi, put your filthy arms away from my woman, you nerdy little shit! Also, your other self just passed out on the floor!”
“Oh my god, that’s me?!” Midoriya jumps off your back and goes towards Izuku to take a better look. Todoroki (the other one.) runs back to their bench to grab a bottle of water and sits down next to your Izuku, absolutely ignoring his other self for the sake of your world’s Izuku.
Well, now… it’s really hard not to laugh.
Picture this. There is a passed out Izuku on the ground, surrounded by two worried Todorokis, one lean and nerdy and one looking like a greek god. Then there is this world’s Midoriya, slim and wearing the colors of the rainbow, shamelessly touching Izuku’s massive arms with pure wonder, at least until he looks up to the Greek God Shouto; he stares at the guy with hungry eyes, looking him up and down, and he just says.
“I would let you ruin my favorite underwear in a heart beat.”
Katsuki hollers.
“Oh my god, this guy is Deku? THIS?! Are you fucking kidding me?! Also, you just let your boyfriend salivate over another guy right in front of your face?” Katsuki looks at the other Todoroki who only shrugs at that.
“Well, technically, he is me. So he’s salivating over me just with more muscles.”
That’s fair.
“Hi, I’m Todoroki Shouto. Nice to meet you.” Shouto shakes Todoroki’s hand. Katsuki is about to pass out from all the laughing, still laying on the floor.
“Uhm, hi. I’m also… Todoroki Shouto.”
Awkward silence. Katsuki is dead.
“Okay, while I really enjoy your shenanigans, let’s move to somewhere private before someone gets a heart attack from seeing this shit.” You giggle. Shouto is about to take his boyfriend into his arms when Todoroki stops him.
“I’ll take him.” He takes a deep breath while Midoriya snickers in the background. Needless to say he can’t even lift the guy off the ground. “Nevermind. You can… take him.” He moves away awkwardly, back to his partner’s side who looks at him with nothing but pity in his eyes.
“We will start working out from tomorrow.” Midoriya gives Todoroki a shoulder pat.
Todoroki doesn’t say anything just nods.
Shouto takes Izuku’s body in his arms without even flinching.
“I think I peed a little a bit.”
“Oh my god, Deku.”
“You are so cute.”
Those are Izuku’s first words after he finally decides to wake up properly, now in Todoroki’s room. This world’s Todoroki blushes like a maniac.
“How long am I going to be ignored? Huh?” Katsuki decides to throw an actual hissy fit, hand on his hips and everything. “What about me?! I look fucking hot too! Don’t ignore me!”
“Yeah, where is the other Kacchan?” Izuku asks the million dollar question.
“Yeah, where is my other boo? I wanna kiss his stupid face for making me realize this guy isn’t just an asshole.”
It’s harsh, but it’s the truth. Without this world’s Bakugou you wouldn’t be here right now. You must thank him properly.
“Oi, don’t ignore me!”
“Kacchan, don’t worry, you look gorgeous, honeybun!” Midoriya decides to save the day. “I love the undercut and damn, that waist!”
“Finally, thank you!” Katsuki mutters with a red face. “Fucking ignoring me, I can’t believe this shit…” He mumbles in the most adorable way and you can’t help but cuddle into him, your eyes full of adoration.
“I love you, you gremlin.”
“Asshole.” He mutters back but he kisses your forehead anyway.
“SURPRISE BITCHES!” Todoroki’s door opens and that’s when it’s your time to loose your shit; seeing this world’s Bakugou again is already enough for your heart to act up but there is another person next to him, none other than yourself. “No fucking shit! No way! Y/N!” Bakugou is right in your personal space, hugging the shit out of you while your other self gawks at the whole scene.
“So that comment before wasn’t a poor attempt at flirting?! Katsuki?! What the fuck is going on?!” Your other self stares at you for several seconds before she finally speaks again. “Damn, I’m hot! Damn, you are hot! The fuck are these people?!”
You are just about to answer your own (?) question when Bakugou makes a move towards your boyfriend, extremely pissed all of a sudden.
“You fucking asshole!” Bakugou attempts to hit Katsuki but needless to say, he dodges it and literally just grabs the guy’s shirt and yanks him up and far away from him, like he weights nothing. “Oi, let me fucking hit you! You broke Y/N’s heart, you absolute moron, you are the e stupidest fucking blonde in the whole wide universe! I’m ashamed of you! Shame! Shame! Shame”
“You know Kacchan is mad when he starts quoting Game of Thrones.” Rainbow Deku adds helpfully.
“Stop fiddling and calm the fuck down! I’m doing my best to not fucking hit you myself for cuddling my girlfriend back then! I was so mad I couldn’t sleep for three days after that!”
“Oh?” Finally, Bakugou stops moving around and just looks at himself (?) with a questioning look.
“Yeah, oh, you fucking idiot, do you think I actually hated her guts back then? I was stupid, but I’ve learnt my lesson so stop fucking trying to kill me with your chicken arms!”
“So, you two…”
“Yeah. I fucking love her. Of course I fucking do. We just moved in together.” Katsuki finally puts Bakugou down, blushing like a school kid.
“We also have a pet pigeon, Steven… wait no. Stephanie.” You put your arm around Katsuki’s torso and pull him close. He leaves a tiny kiss on your forehead again.
“We also have two grand kids. Stephanie just had babies.” You look up at your boyfriend like you are talking about your actual grandchildren and not just about some random pigeons who decided to live on your balcony. Katsuki looks back at you with so much fondness in his eyes it kinda makes you tear up.
“Oh my god, get a room.” Deku smirks at your boyfriend, who smirks back.
“If there is a spare room we can use, I’m happy to oblige.”
“You can use Izuku’s room, it’s free!” Todoroki says right away and Bakugou slaps his own face out of embarrassment.
“Honeybun, you just told them to go and fuck in my room.” Deku puts his hand on Todoroki’s shoulder who gets as red as a lobster when he realizes his mistake.
“Why is human language so hard?”
“Don’t worry, you are not alone.” Shouto goes over to himself with an understanding look. “I’m also terrible at understanding these things. I get in trouble all the time. Or I just get laughed at. Just smile like you’ve meant it as a joke and then they’ll think you are just funny. Don’t ask me why, I don’t understand either, but that’s what I was told to do.”
“Okay, why don’t we sit the fuck down? I’m starting to get dizzy from seeing two of the same people. I need a moment of silence to get my head around this shit.” Your other self speaks up and honestly….
… Last Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- Sorry for being so late with this, I finished this chapter ages ago then I forgot that I need to post it? 😂 I was also busy writing the two upcoming series, one Bakugou x Reader and one Kirishima x Reader (different reader) spin-off for this series! Please please please give them a read when they come out! I’m so excited for them!
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- I hope it wasn’t too hard to understand who’s who, I really tried my best!
-I’ll try to post the last chapter of this one as soon as I can, I’m almost done with it! I will post the Kirishima one first though, so you guys can have a little peek into what’s coming! 💜
- Thank you for all your support during this series, your comments give me a reason to live 💜
TL: @sixxze @iwannahaveaprettyaesthetic @hanatsuki-hime @cloroxisadelectabletreat @cheesenmax @coffeent @smolsleepybat @therealpotatobish @qardasngan @canarystwin @unofficialmuilover @nanamomo1 @mikestuffffs @p4ndawrites @yao-ai @porusuniverse
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READING princess of Walles 16th may 2023 tarot & oracle
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Before starting to read, I blocked questions etc... it's going to be like this until the end of June then I'll see. I'm tired of your messages, I can't read my cards because your grandmother, your father, your dog doesn't see anything. Catherine said stop no more babies, she can't stand diapers anymore, your messages just piss me off. Catherine is no longer toned enough, yet she is a very athletic person and it shows.
this is what i have today may 16th.
energy oracle: Catherine is ready to open a new chapter as a royal, she has a lot of hope, she hopes to enter a more solid phase away from the dramas. She is no longer in her heart chakra and she is more in her ego, in action mode, she is in her masculine energy (Catherine has more of a feminine energy) but she is also in patience mode, she has been waiting for things to thaws because there is little openness, so she waits for the right moment, her third eye is open so we have intuition. In conclusion card we have 2 abundance cards.
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Catherine and her health in general: a lot of anxiety we start with the 9 of swords, but we are working on a problem from the past, there is a medical team with the 7 of swords around her (no energy loneliness) in order to gain confidence to achieve a blessing. With the 2 sticks, we move forward on a somewhat unstable situation, the fear of the past comes back again, we asked for help from a masculine energy which holds knowledge (king of swords) in conclusion card we have the mage chapter 1 the beginning, key words trick and will.
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here is the famous question but I turned it in another way (so the universe tells me what it wants to tell me)
CATHERINE AND 4 CHILDREN: ok we start with her past, it really marked her, she had miscarriages but she couldn't talk about it (catherine and william sent a letter of condolence to cristiano ronaldo) she made the decision with the ace of swords to keep any information or emotion to herself. No announcement, and it's her because she returns as a queen of coins. in conclusion: I had the 2 cuts so will & kate prefers to remain hidden on this subject (I mean rainbow baby) despite our fears we are moving on a very stable path towards the 10 denier (because we are with the 9 denier) so concrete.
is there a potential pregnancy: there is a mental problem that comes back, or not very good health that comes back because I have 2 sword cards but in the middle I have the 8 of batons, we are going through something at the level of the mind from the past. We continue to work but alternate moments of rest. during the first paragraph we had the card of the 9 of denier and I find the 10 denier = solidity, heritage, construction of something solid. there is still a notion of things that come back and that we have to face because I have a row of sticks with the energy of the knight of sticks. But I also have a notion of rest. there is something going wrong but unrelated to catherine's health lots of fire energy???? (meghan) lots of fire and it's not Catherine's usual energy.
BUT I end on 2 beautiful judgment cards + Empress
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pyreo · 3 years
deltarune megapost
I wanted to make a Deltarune post about the lore and the things that aren’t  obvious. And once I do that I wanna focus on why Mettaton is incredibly important to this setting
And also why he poses a problem
Why did Toriel and Asgore get divorced?
Without the setting of Undertale, Asgore and Toriel’s marriage still broke up after they had Asriel. There needs to be a reason though. In UT it was Asgore’s ‘worst of both worlds’ decision regarding killing anybody that fell from the human world, including children. We saw how close they were before this happened. Only something deep and serious caused that rift. In Deltarune, what on earth did Asgore do?
What happened to Dess?
Mentioned a handful of times by Noelle, Dess was her older sister and is mentioned In Undertale.... in that Xbox exclusing casino thing. The way Noelle talks about her, the conspicuous way Noelle gets locked out of her big house - it implies Dess is gone or deceased. Berdly recalls a spelling bee when he and Noelle were younger where she, despite being smarter than him, misspelled ‘December’, allowing him to win.
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In the two-player spelling puzzle, it also spells out ‘December’ as Noelle recalls the past and her silhouette regresses to a child while she does so. Being distracted by her sister’s disappearance, rather than pure shyness, could account for her misspelling her name on stage, and it clearly left a big psychological mark for her to have this visual regression in the Dark World.
However, there’s a graveyard in Hometown with no Dess. I heard another theory that she has been missing for years, because where each character’s personal room is made by Queen to reflect their tastes via their search results, Noelle has a calendar where every day is December 25th. This could imply that Noelle continually searches the internet for ‘December Holiday’, her sister’s name, to see if there are clues to her disappearance, but of course the only result you would get is the date of Christmas.
Who is the Knight?
It’s now implied to be Kris, who has been forcibly removing the player’s influence to act on their own. By all accounts the Knight is the game’s main antagonist. Spade King and Queen both mention the Knight as someone who influenced their position - they brought Spade King to absolute power, and showed Queen that creation of new worlds was possible.
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We’re led to believe that Kris was doing this, because they’ve been acting outside of the player’s control. Eating the entire pie between chapter 1 and 2 might have been a red herring to cover that they also went to the library and used that knife to slash open a dark fountain there.
However. This has issues. How would they even manage to shuffle slowly all the way to the library and get in the computer lab? The Knight is also the one creating the hidden bosses. They talked to Jevil until he realised he was in a game and he lost his mind; they ruined Spamton’s life by elevating him to success and then crushing him. Whatever the Knight is doing seems to be deliberately planned with key players in mind.
Kris opening the fountain at home at the end of ch.2 can be explained in that you just figured out in Cyber World that anyone determined enough can do this, and so, Kris decided to. So a better question might even be...
What does Kris want?
We have no idea. They are capable of removing the SOUL, ‘us’, temporarily, and putting things in motion we cannot influence. But they also keep putting us back in control afterward. This is hinted at right when ch.2 starts, where if you inspect the cage in Kris’s bedroom they threw us into, the description says it’s inescapable. Meaning Kris came back and took us out, willingly.
They allow us to pilot them through the game. Why? Because they cannot live without the SOUL for long for some reason? Because they’re bad at bullet hell? Why did they slash Toriel’s tyres before opening the fountain, making sure nobody could drive away?? Why did they specifically open the door?
You can find out details about Kris through the creepy way you interact with the townsfolk, who think you are Kris. They play the piano at the hospital waiting room - better than you. They used to go to church just to get the special church juice. It’s all normal, relatable things, not like someone who’s trying to plunge the world into darkness. Judging by their search history portrayed in their Queen’s castle room, they really want to see their brother again. However the castle has a room based on Asriel’s search history too, and Kris (not you) closes their eyes and won’t look at it.
What is Ralsei?
His name is an anagram of Asriel. Is he an extension of Asriel? The slightly flirtier dialogue in ch.2 would point to no. Is he an extension of Kris themselves, given the link between Kris’s childhood habit of wearing a headband with red horns on it, to pretend to be a monster like their family?
Ralsei knows exactly where the Dark World in the school is located, and unlike regular Darkners, knows the world is folded up inside the ‘real world’. There’s a certain whiplash to Ralsei telling you to hop out of his reality into yours and go down the hallway to retrieve all the board game items.
How does he jump from one Dark World to another, without assistance? How does he not get petrified like Lancer and Rouxls? Is this a power level thing because he’s a prince or something else? We definitely do not know enough about Ralsei.
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He also says this incredibly suspicious thing after you spare Spamton NEO. Susie was also curious but accepts that maybe it ‘didn’t mean anything’, which is a sure tell that these optional bosses do mean something.
Someone is orchestrating what’s happening, opening fountains, manipulating the rulers, and influencing NPCs to become the optional bosses. Why? I suspect Ralsei for both knowing too much, and pretending something doesn’t matter when it clearly does. Until Asriel actually comes home from college I’m going to suspect he’s involved in this too.
How much does Seam know?
Seam on the other hand knows a lot about what’s going on but is openly withholding information while helping you. He’s nihilistic. He says things like:
One day soon... You too, will begin to realize the futility of your actions. Ha ha ha... At that time, feel free to come back here. I'll make you tea... And we can toast... to the end of the world!
Either this ‘end of the world’ is a reference to The Roaring, where opening too many dark fountains dooms the Dark World and the real one... or, I can’t get out of my head the idea that Deltarune takes place in a fake, or weird reconstruction of Undertale where things don’t match up, and eventually it will have to disappear. After all, powers of determination and creating and manipulating universes are Undertale’s basic bread and butter. How can we look at an Alternate Universe containing the characters we already know and not suspect that? Seam also uses Gaster’s key words, ‘darker, yet darker’, seemingly to clue us in that he’s not off track here.
Why haven’t we seen Papyrus?
This is a bright neon flashing ‘something’s not right’ sign. It’s not like Papyrus’s voice actor was too busy or anything. His absence is noticable and for a reason. Nice of Sans to promise we could meet him despite being aware we’re piloting a child’s body around, though, even if he didn’t follow through.
What locations in town could be used for dark fountains in the next 4 chapters?
If the sequence continues, we have chapter 1 in the school games room, chapter 2 in a computer lab, and chapter 3 in front of Kris’s television, where the aesthetic of each setting influences the world, characters, and enemies in the Dark World created there. Future possibilities include the church, the hospital, sans’s grocery store, Noelle’s house, and the closed bunker.
What the hell’s in the closed bunker
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This one’s too obvious, honestly. I think it’ll open for no reason in chapter 7 and a little white dog will bounce out and steal one of your key items and nothing else happens.
Why does Asgore have these
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Unlike the bunker feeling like a joke teaser, I gotta believe this is foreshadowing something weird. For example, what does opening a dark fountain in here with the seven flowers do? Does it just take you into Undertale?
Each chapter will have a hidden boss with a ‘soul mode’ from Undertale
Chapter 1 let you stay red, but I think each subsequent chapter is going to change your soul mode to one of the seven colours and design the encounter around that. Purple, yellow, green and blue were used in Undertale, leaving the light blue and orange modes yet to be revealed.
How does Spamton emulate Mettaton Neo’s name, body, and incorporate his battle theme, and the ‘Dummy!’ theme, with no actual connection between them ingame?
This is a really fun one that’s explained over in this post here. Swatch is the Dark World creation from the paint program on the library computers, so he’s able to explain that a Lightner made the robot body decaying in the castle basement that way.
Mettaton went to the library and drew his ideal form, Mettaton NEO, in MS Paint, and the Dark World formed that into a puppet body which Spamton was able to hijack temporarily. So by doing that Spamton was able to channel Mettaton’s appearance, attacks, music, and SOUL mode for the fight.
This might mean that the future hidden bosses, each with their own SOUL mode, might be based on the associated character for that mode (Muffet, Undyne, and Sans or Papyrus), and the boss will take on some aspect of them from their world to leech their fight mechanics.
The Problem With Mettaton
We don’t exactly know what Deltarune is about. It’s an alternate universe where the characters from Undertale already live on the surface, have completely normal lives, but diverge from the storyline of Undertale and, crucially, have not lived through the changes Frisk brought to their lives.
Remember how Undertale had a dozen different ending routes depending on who you befriended? The constant reinforcement in Undertale was that your choices mattered. Through Frisk, you chose to bring Alphys closure about her mistakes, you chose to befriend papyrus instead of attacking him, you chose to help Alphys and Undyne realise their feelings for each other and it’s only doing that that leads to the golden ending and escape to the surface.
Deltarune is the opposite, your choices do not matter. The only thing you can do to force the route of the game to change is to force Noelle into a No Mercy run, which is indirect, and also, a total desperation to mess with an otherwise set course. This version of the characters have not been helped by Frisk - Undyne and Alphys are not together, Papyrus has no friends, Asgore cannot get over himself, and they’re clearly the worse for it, but potentially, you COULD still do these things. In fact it’s hinted that you already are.
But there’s Mettaton.
He’s still a ghost and does not leave his house. In Frisk’s world, Gaster deleted himself, promoting Alphys to royal scientist by bluffing with Mettaton, and she then build him his ideal body. In Kris’s world... Alphys is a school teacher. There’s no barrier to break, no reason to experiment on souls, no Flowey mistake, and no body for Mettaton.
It was sad in Ch.1, but now with the Spamton NEO fight in ch.2, it’s unmissable. Mettaton wants that body and he cannot get it. Alphys in this universe is not going to leave her teaching job and suddenly be able to build a robot. Mettaton is just... screwed out of his happy ending and cannot get it.
So what resolution could this have? If it wasn’t for Mettaton I might believe in the vaildity of Deltarune and Hometown. But. How can you doom this character? If Undertale was the only way Mettaton could be befriended, then Undertale is Primary Universe A and Seam is right - the world of Deltarune is doomed as some kind of aberration. It all relies on how this gets explained in the future, but the core mystery of Deltarune is how exactly this universe intersects with Undertale and whether one is an offshoot of the other. How the Dark World links into that is another complication. But even as we get more fun characters and neat stuff in the Dark Worlds, let’s not forget we have absolutely no idea why Undertale’s characters are living here with no mention of underground or why there are no other humans beside Kris.
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lunarfly · 3 years
Ok so I decided to finally post the promised: defending Romione (🥺💗💕💖💞💘) against Dr*mione (ಠಿ_ಠ) shippers.
So I've read a few posts about Dr*mione shippers, talking about why their ship is amazing (which had nothing to do with canon btw) and bashing Ron (for no reason) and I'm literally shaking out of anger.
Here are my thoughts:
1. "Ron is too dumb for hermione"
Stop- Just-
Yes, he might not be very interested in school subjects, but 👏 that 👏 doesn't 👏 mean 👏 he 👏 is 👏 dumb 👏.
He is actually very smart! He beat McGonagall's chess game, he is logical and quick-thinking. There's MANY examples of this that I won't name right now, but it's a canonical fact. Ron. Is. Not. Dumb.
And consider he was dumb. So? Would that stop Romione from happening? NO! Hermione didn't mind Ron not being smart. She was just upset that Ron was lazy and wouldn't study anything until the last minute. She wanted to get both Harry and Ron to study according to a schedule.
Is it clear? Intelligence doesn't determine love.
**And this is something that confuses me. This doesn't have anything to do with the point, but why does nobody realize that Harry isn't much smarter than Ron? Yes, he was better at DADA but that requires TALENT, not intelligence. And I'm pretty sure we all know that Ron is talented as well (hopefully everyone realizes that). Nobody uses the fact that Harry wasn't intelligent against Harmione, but everyone uses the fact that Ron wasn't intelligent against Romione. The double standards tear apart the fandom.
2. "Ron bought hermione perfume and Draco could get her something better."
Soooo, you're saying that just because Ron didn't have the money that Draco had means that Hermione didn't deserve Ron?
Wow, this just says a lot about you dr*mione shippers. You only care about the money that Draco has, not his personality. You don't like Ron because he's poor (and I know how FanFics give the "kind Draco" Ron's canon personality so the only "problem" with Ron is his looks and lack of money). And you don't see Hermione nor Ron the way they are. This "point" of yours is literally stating that Hermione should be a gold-digger and get Draco because he can get her the expensive presents that she deserves. Yikes.
3. "Draco can understand the emotional side of Hermione while Ron can't."
Draco is only EVER concerned about his own self, he is a NARCISSIST. He would NEVER care for someone (let alone Hermione) as purely and truly as he cared about himself. He didn't even care about Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy Parkinson etc. He was selfish. The only reason he could express his emotions was because he had to go through a lot since he realized that killing Dumbledore wasn't as easy as bullying Hermione. This would never ever work.
And even if Ron didn't understand her as much, he STILL comforted her. Take the beginning chapters of The Deathly Hallows as an example. You'll see.
4. "Ron is too immature."
I need help.
Of course Ron was immature when he was 11!! Yes, he acted immaturely many times, yes, he made many mistakes, but guess what? He changed! He changed for Hermione!! Draco didn't change at all, not for Hermione, nor for anyone else. He remained the same bratty bully.
If you could reread the books and read prisoner of azkaban vs deathly hallows, you will definitely see how much Ron has matured. He doesn't argue with Hermione anymore, he comforts her, he's there for her. Yes, he made a mistake but he was manipulated by the horcrux! We don't blame Ginny for what tom riddle's diary made her do, do we? So stop blaming Ron!
Anyways, I think if dr*mione shippers have read the books, they'll know what I'm talking about when I say Ron changed for Hermione. I honestly don't know how you could miss Ron's character arc.
5. "Ron would be jealous of the brilliant Hermione."
If I remember correctly, the reason Draco bullied the trio was because he was jealous of them. His jealousy turned into a 7 year torture for the trio and now you're saying that Ron is the jealous one? Please.
But anyways, Ron has been jealous of Harry and has made a few mistakes. But there are reasons behind them and I can defend him for each of these with arguments other than "everyone makes mistakes" (cough cough* Draco stans* cough cough).
First of all, Ron has admitted being jealous of Harry's fame because he lives with 5 older brothers who outshine him. But that's not really a mistake because he never let it get in his way. There were only 2 situations in 7 years when he left Harry out of jealousy but I think these have different explainations.
No1 Ron left in goblet of fire. I think the real reason that Ron let his jealousy get in his way this time, was not only because Harry got to participate in the tournament which could bring him eternal glory, but more likely because he was disappointed that his own best friend didn't even tell him that he was entering and didn't even help him participate (which wasn't true, but Ron thought so back then).
No2 Ron left in deathly hallows. This one was 100% because of the horcrux and I think we should all accept this by now and stop hating on Ron for being affected by dark magic.
And just like that, Ron never let his jealousy get in his way of friendships. I can't think of a situation where Ron is jealous of the brilliant Hermione so if you remember, please let me know so I can argue against it. <3
6. "Ron and Hermione would break up and remain friends, it's easy to imagine because they didn't have a strong relationship."
This was actually said, someone actually said this-
I'm just going to say that Ron and Hermione are happily married to this day (which definitely proves that their relationship is strong) and give the dr*mione community a moment of silence.
7. "Ron didn't do anything for Hermione and was just a jerk."
Coming from a person who has read and reread the books multiple times, I can assure you that Ron did many things for Hermione.
Of course, he was immature at first, he was mean to her, but slowly he started seeing more of the good in Hermione and started changing for her.
And even when he was immature, he still cared about Hermione and would protect her no matter what.
Let's remember how many times rubbish Ron stood up for Hermione against the brilliant bully Draco. 🥰
Let's remember how cowardly Ronald faced his fears of spiders to help Hermione (and the rest of the school, just how jerkier can he get?). 🥰
Let's remember how ridiculous Ronniekins stood up for Hermione against sensational Snape and got himself into detention (oh yes, this is the book version of the movie moment where Ron agrees with Snape about Hermione being an 'insufferable know-it-all'). 🥰
Let's remember how rotten Ronny comforted Hermione when she was worried about Hagrid and Buckbeak (and he even let her hug him and cry on his shoulder, how rude). 🥰
Let's remember how revolting Ronald sacrificed himself to save Harry and Hermione in the chess game. 🥰
Let's remember how horrendous Ron attempted to hex Draco when he used a slur that was meant to offend Hermione. 🥰
Keep in mind that all of these were done when Ron was still immature and still argued a lot with Hermione.
And these aren't even all.
8. "Ron and Hermione have a loveless marriage."
What the-
I'm sorry, I'm trying to be respectful here but this is crap. And the fact that the person said they also had "proof" from the c*rsed ch*ld but didn't want to spoil it-
As much as I hate the c*rsed ch*ld, I can tell you that it did its job portraying Ron and Hermione's unconditional love. Even in alternative realities, where they didn't get married, they were still in love.
And why would you even think that Ron and Hermione would marry and have kids if they didn't love each other? I need explainations.
9. "Ron never listens to Hermione."
I'm sorry, what? I'm genuinely confused??
What do you even mean by this? Yeah, they used to argue a lot, and? Ron thinks Hermione is brilliant and wonderful and he follows her advice. I can't recall a moment where Ron won't listen to Hermione, doesn't agree with her and ruins her plans. Anyone else?
Since this one is a big mess and a confusion, I'll move on to the next one until someone explains the points and arguments.
10. "Draco could make Hermione laugh while Ron couldn't."
Do I really need to say anything for this one?
Ron was the funniest one from the trio, that's why Harry enjoyed his company so much! Don't you remember the line in goblet of fire where Harry thinks about how much he misses having Ron as his best friend, because without him there's less fun and less laughs? I do.
But what I don't remember is finding Draco's sense of humor funny. I'm sorry but his intellectual level is almost as low as Crabbe and Goyle's. His insults are none other than Potty and Weaselbee, he only got 3 O.W.L.s and all of his jokes were stupid and dumb and their only purpose was insulting people he was jealous of.
These fanfics have rotten people's brains...😬
Anyways, I'm going to stop here. I've delayed this post for very long and I'm so excited to finally post it!
I read a book on wattpad by a dr*mione shipper and it was nothing but a giant headache. That's where I got all of these statements from. Most of the garbage in the book revolved around Draco and Hermione being inseparable and getting over all obstacles (wth) and other stupid stuff like that which really annoyed me. The book was called "why we love dr*mione" and it was by Bittenwizard. You can read and enjoy! Trust me, you'll have lots of content to post about after that 🤠👍
*I always try to be respectful to all ships, but sometimes some of them really anger me because the ships are either toxic or the arguments are plain trash. I'm sorry if I offend anyone.
Thank you for reading this. If you're a dr*mione shipper, I hope I've convinced you to give up the ship or come up with better arguments for it.
If you're an anti-dramione I hope you enjoyed the post. I'll delight you with more anti-toxic-ships content. :)
Thank you once again! <3
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goddessofmischief · 3 years
Blue Monday, Chapter Thirteen - Loki x Reader
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TW: Mention of the word ‘suicide.’ Not discussed in graphic terms.
Author’s Note: It’s been a long journey! There is still so much more story to tell, so please send me questions or feedback if you liked this chapter!
Previous Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
The last day of Amora Freyadottir’s life had begun like... well, almost any other.
Loki had woken up next to you. His Amora.
The pair had risen in synchronization, methodically buckling up armor after armor, sword after shield.
And when you were both ready, you’d descended down the stairs together, one perfect unit, marched down to the castle courtyard, where Odin and several other highly-trained soldiers were assembled. He’d instructed you on the mission-
You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to escape the flood of memories that had suddenly fallen into your mind.
"I’m... I’m what?”
“You,” said Mobius. “You’re Amora. You always have been.”
“Loki, I don’t... I don’t understand,” you stammered. “You lied to me, you swore you knew I wasn't her, you swore it-”
“I didn’t,” Loki promises. “You aren’t. These lies are simply a diversion to distract us from Mobius’ misdeeds.”
“Oh, Loki,” said Mobius. “Poor, poor Loki - if only that were true.”
He gestures, and a T.V.A. guard rushes in, restraining you both.
“Our story begins in Asgard, I think,” Mobius spoke, sipping from a tumbler of whiskey that had magically appeared. “Yes, that’s the one. Asgard. You and Loki had just marched off to the battle of Vanaheim... a terrible, terrible battle. Oh, they found you in pieces, Y/N. You died a warrior’s death.”
“Not me,” you said, stubbornly. “Amora did.”
“Yes, well... Loki got kinda despondent after that... not all that surprising, since he obviously loved ya-”
You glanced at Loki. He paled.
“And, well, Loki usually gets what he wants... and he decides he wants you back. Only problem is, he wasn’t sure how to do it. You were about as dead as it gets, sweetheart. So he studies, right? He studies for months and weeks, until he finds the plan that works best for him... that he’s going to reincarnate you.”
“No,” you argue, stubbornly. “No. No, that’s not true, it’s not true, it can’t be-”
“Crazy, right? I thought so, too. But I saw potential, in his failures, cause, the thing was... I’d started to see where things were going, even then.
The Earth was on the verge of nuclear war. The stars, divided by piracy and battle. In the middle of all of it... the two of you. I’d been trying to leave this universe for a long, long time - only problem is, the Watchers have kept me here. Something truly cataclysmic would have had to happen in order to let me destroy it - and, well... this little Romeo and Juliet story was a pretty good disaster-in-the-making, if I do say so myself. I knew if I stoked the fires of it, Loki would find a way to make the universe burn.
Soon enough, our friend Loki here uses a considerable amount of dark magic to reincarnate your soul into that of a mortal. He’d thought... well, I imagined he thought that once you reached a suitable age, about the age you are now, he’d give you your old memories, and find a way to make you immortal again. But you just couldn’t stay away, could you, Loki?”
“What does he mean?” you asked.
“I don’t know,” Loki stammers, and Mobius snaps his fingers - and suddenly, Loki’s eyes glow bright green, and a single tear rolls down his cheek.
“I visited you,” Loki whispers, slowly. “In your dreams, I -”
He paused, removing his glove and resting his palm on your forehead. You couldn’t see everything, not just yet - so many of your memories were still blocked out.
But you saw him. You saw him... throughout your life. Long walks, chess games, dives into swimming pools. He’d appear in your dreams, even. You were never alone.
“You didn’t have any friends,” Loki said. “And... I didn’t want you to be alone.”
“But if you were there, for everything... why can’t I remember any of it? Why can’t you?”
“Well, you can’t remember much of anything, can you?” said Mobius. “Only... the moments without him. The moments with your father. And, of course... your would-be death. But you never could remember what drove you to make that choice, could you? Only that you did, that cold Monday morning, and that I saved you, and swept you away to a life with us. You have wondered, haven’t you?”
You had.
“That was my work. I needed you to get to a point of desperation, so that the T.V.A. would seem the perfect option for you, so that you’d feel you had nothing else left. The thing was, when I made Loki forget... I kinda altered his memory two years before yours. So I doomed you, you see. I left you for two years, without him. He abandoned you... or, so you thought. And without your protector, well, you were a mess, weren't you?”
You had been.
“And without him to stop you, you made the rashest decision you could. You made an attempt upon your own life - and thus, my plan fell into place.”
“So it’s my fault,” said Loki. “If I’d never visited you... none of it would have happened. You’d never have thought I left you. Mobius never would’ve been able to manipulate us. It’s my fault you... died. Or, almost did.”
This was almost too much for you to comprehend. You were Amora? Loki had known you all your life? His leaving caused your depression, and set Mobius’ plan into motion?
But something more important stood out, too -
You loved Loki.
And he loved you.
Somehow, that had to mean something.
With a growl, you kicked Mobius across the room.
Loki turned to you, and without wasting a moment -
The two of you ran.
“Loki!” you found yourself shouting, tempted to shake him and make him listen to you.
“We can’t just run!”
“Why ever not? I’ve used this strategy - it’s worked for me, many times.”
“Because your last enemy didn’t have access to every timeline in existence! We can’t hide - he’s just gonna follow us there!”
He considered this.
“Fine,” Loki said. “How about this - we’ll fetch some back-up.”
You had to admit, your heart began to pound a little faster about the idea, just imagining the heroes you and Loki could recruit.
Alternate Iron Man. Alternate Black Widow. Perhaps even Thor himself-
“I’m sure me, being me, would be more than willing to help.”
Just like that, all those hopes came crashing down, all at once.
“Uh... what?”
"Well, in this scenario, I can really only trust myself, darling. You of course can understand. We’ll simply locate a variant of me... and enlist their assistance.”
You shrugged, helplessly.
“I... I guess.”
By this point, you figured you were going to die, anyway. You may as well just give in to his flawed logic and see where it would lead you.
“But I’m not dealing with another Lady Loki,” you insist, as Loki started to focus his energy on programming the tesseract with coordinates. “Not again.”
“No, no, of course not... then again, we would have gotten along, had I not possessed something she wanted. So, it seems to me... all I have to do is find a ‘me’ that hasn’t yet lost his Amora.”
“Okay, how do we do that?”
Loki focused on the tesseract.
“There,” he uttered, after a moment. “It’s... it’s programmed. It’ll take us somewhere, I know not where... to me. A me who has a version of Amora with him. That me will have no need for jealousy, and I’m sure I can reason some way to tempt them to aid us-”
“And... we’ll take her with us, too? The other Amora?”
“Jealous already, darling?”
“No,” you said, raising your gun to blast an approaching T.V.A. soldier. “Never.”
He grinned, and takes your hand.
And together, you both disappear into the icy-blue light of the Tesseract.
@bepo-is-sorry @the-obelisk @buckybarnes1982 gorgeourrific-nerd @suwupremeleader​​ @sserpente​ @tripleyeeet​ @kcd15 @rorybutnotgilmore 
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avatarskywalker78 · 3 years
Fanfic Masterpost
Now under a read more due to the growing number of fics.
even if we can’t find heaven (i’ll walk through hell with you) - Part 1 of The Shieldmaiden Saga, focusing on Steph Taylor - Eddie’s childhood best friend - as she gains powers from the particle accelerator, and soon finds out she’s not the only one, gaining new friends...and discovering that the accelerator was flawed.
to save the world (with a friend by my side) - Longfic for SyFy’s Krypton, where Adam Strange and his friend Ashley Tanner travel back in time to save Krypton. Problem is, the villain they’re after’s already arrived, Kandor’s a powder keg, there’s an extremist group making things even worse, and Adam and Ashley are about to find their different approaches are going to clash. 8/11 chapters
flufftober 2021 - A series of mostly shortfics I wrote for flufftober 2021, mainly dctv but a few Marvel and Ace Attorney ones as well.
emerald legacy - An AU spanning from Arrow’s S1 finale, where Oliver was the one who died saving Laurel, not Tommy. In the midst of dealing with Oliver’s death, plus the revelation that Thea’s his sister, Tommy knows that sooner or later the city is going to need a protector again, and decides to take up Oliver’s mantle.
of legacies and lies - Alex Thompson, Jack Thompson’s granddaughter, goes on the run after the SHIELDRA reveal, and has to deal with the fact that her entire career in SHIELD has been a lie. Meanwhile Jack and Sarah - his wife - are making sure she’s going to get a fair trial when she reaches the US.
a god’s reflection - a rewrite of an old FFN story, written from Loki’s POV after his initial imprisonment post-Avengers as he thinks about his actions, and regrets that he’ll never really have a chance to make amends because he’ll likely be imprisoned for the rest of his life.
when one door closes (another opens) - In the 22nd Century on Earth-4, Brianna Thawne takes Sara Lance up on her offer to join the Legends, and this is only the start.
now we have (the freedom to choose) - an AU of Legends’ S1 finale. Kendra isn’t the only one dealing with destiny, but Carter too - and since he’s the one who always remembers first, it’s unlikely he’s ever had much chance to be with other people like Kendra has. Featuring a more self-aware Carter and a heart to heart with Sara Lance.
you’ve always been (a part of me) - A Seg/Adam fic set 40 years after Krypton’s S2 finale, where they’ve been together almost as long - and Seg is hit with the realization that he���ll eventually outlive Adam.
speak (and i’ll listen) - a short MonWinn fic set in an AU of Supergirl S2 (the AU being that they’re together, and not Mon and Kara). Winn stresses over not being able to stop Music Meister. Mon does his best to comfort him.
to new beginnings - A Westhallen short fic written for Polyam Shpping Day #14, set in an alternate season 2 and featuring the three of them discussing New Year’s resolutions.
Cobalt Blue and The Flash - an AU series where Malcolm Thawne and Barry Allen are best friends and both get struck by lightning, becoming speedsters. Malcolm wakes up first - and this changes everything.
doubt (and the bonds of love) -  Another short MonWinn fic, set in an alternate S3 where Mon-El never left Earth. Mon-El has become distant all of a sudden and Winn is determined to find out why.
to live and rise (and hope again) - longfic about Eliana Kent, Clark and Lana’s daughter from an alternate universe, as she experiences a massive power boost, becomes a hero, and joins the DEO, while still dealing with her family’s loss and having to work with two of their counterparts.
the future (is ours) - a short Thallen fic, set in a AU where Iris is the Flash, Eobard got defeated without any casulties, and Barry and Eddie are dating - Eddie second guessing his relationship with Barry after Eobard’s manipulations.
right here (is where i’m meant to be) - A lazy morning Segdam fic set post-canon.
Cobra Kai Mini Rewrites - a series of unnconnected oneshots that will rewrite various scenes of the show that I felt didn’t work or were flat out bullshit. Currently has 18 stories.
bad boy (no more) - my collection of Mike Barnes redemption fics. Currently has 3 stories.
10 notes · View notes
phoenixglacier · 3 years
Archon Quest Chapter I: Rewritten
(Part of my Genshin Impact Headcanons (things that blatantly go against canon but I’m pretending at true) series.)
Hi guys I really hated the Liyue Archon quest, but I don’t want to because Liyue really doesn’t deserve that. So I mixed it up a little to fix the main problems I had with it.
In this post:
Ningguang is the Geo Archon and Liyue’s Archon. She is “Morax”, with “Ningguang” as her modern name. Details such as Morax being of the original Seven and writing contracts with all adepti applies to Ningguang.
Zhongli is only an adeptus, not the archon, at any point. His original and official name is “Rex Lapis”, with “Zhongli” as the name that he’s using as a mortal.
Mainly, I wanted to remove Zhongli from the position of Liyue’s Archon entirely, because I his character is much more likeable that way (to me).
I’ll be marking parts that are the same as the original version with a *.
So, here’s how I would have the storyline play out in the game with my version of the Liyue Archon quest:
Traveller goes to Liyue Harbour as instructed by Venti*. They aren’t told that there’s any time limit, Morax simply governs the people directly rather than descending once a year. However, few ever get the honour of seeing Lord Morax (Ningguang), and her decrees are mainly spread by her direct underlings and the Qixing (Keqing and others).
When Traveller arrives, they set to work asking the ordinary citizens about Lord Morax and how to meet her. The citizens tell her the same spiel* about how the Qixing control Liyue. Here, the conversation/argument between the citizens is brought up about whether the Qixing should be given any credit compared to the Adepti. They eventually direct Traveller to Yujin Terrace*, because they can pray to the Adepti there.
At Yujing Terrace, there are people milling about, but they have not gathered for a specific event. They walk around and pray and act like normal NPCs.
Traveller makes wishes at the altars as per in-game and talks to some people which gives her insight on what the Liyue people tend to wish for. As she heads to the last altar, the cutscene triggers.
In the cutscene, we see the body of the Dragon Rex Lapis fall from the sky*, but the crowd isn’t originally crowded around the body, rather they move towards the body after they see it fall.
(For this part, basically Rex Lapis is declared dead*, and I’ve chosen to introduce Ganyu here arbitrarily) Ganyu appears suddenly from the sky, attracting the camera view and the attention. She jumps towards the body, and declares that this is the Mighty Adeptus Rex Lapis, and that he has been murdered. She declares that “Lady Ningguang will not forgive the culprit.”
The millelith begin securing the area accordingly, and Paimon panics*. We could have the sneaking quest again, but alternatively we could just skip straight to the next cutscene: while Traveller tries to escape, Childe grabs their hand and tells them “Come with me.”
(Childe had been in the area of Yujing Terrace earlier, but Traveller didn’t have the chance to talk to him yet because he was near the last altar, where the cutscene would trigger when they got close.)
Once they’ve escaped, the same conversation* happens where Childe tells them he’s a Fatui, Traveller prepares to fight him, Childe convinces them that they need his help, gives them the Sigil of Permission for Jueyan Karst, etc. Childe has to convince them that they’re a suspect a little more compared to the original, and amps up the blame on the Qixing*.
Traveller’s Jueyan Karst journey is the same*. However, the dialogue is a little different: the Adepti question why Ningguang sent a mortal to deliver the message to them, then they ask why she didn’t send a message at all. They are more enraged than ever over the death of Rex Lapis, whom they consider to be a friend and ally rather than the one they owe loyalty to.
After that’s done, Traveller returns and Childe introduces them to Zhongli*. It’s similar, but Zhongli explains that he has been instructed with the honour of carrying out the funeral for Rex Lapis, and as such will get to meet Lady Ningguang. If Traveller helps him out, he’ll bring them with him to meet her. Traveller agrees*. Childe is still funding*.
While the whole shopping fiasco with Zhongli could go exactly the same*, I think it’s more fun to merge Yanfei’s quest into it. Yanfei offers her services after Zhongli has trouble obtaining specific materials, and throughout the quest they can run into similar legal/scammy/bargaining scenarios. When Yanfei parts ways with us, she admits that she’s an adeptus but points out that the city needs legal advisors like her more than they need adepti*.
(Adding Yanfei’s quest here would be great because we would be introduced to Liyue’s culture of contracts early on, helping us understand Liyue better and hitting all the significant people anyway. It would also make a nice contrast with Zhongli’s cluelessness, and show the difference between adepti who are stuck in traditional ways vs adepti who were able to adapt.)
Zhongli brings Traveller to dinner, where they’re finally personally approached by Ganyu and invited to the Jade Chamber*. Zhongli says that it seems we don’t need his help after all since we’ve gotten the invitation by ourselves, but asks us to come to the funeral later anyway. Paimon assumes we won’t see Zhongli again until the funeral.
We meet Keqing on our way to the Jade Chamber*. She doesn’t ask us not to side with the Adepti exactly, but instead scold us a little for getting the Adepti involed at all. She says that “The Adepti live so far away from Liyue Harbour that they would never have known if you hadn’t told them.” Traveller also asks her how she knows that the adepti know, since we haven’t seen them since, and Keqing responds that Ningguang must trust the Qixing with this information, since they run Liyue with her.
In the Jade Chamber: (I can’t actually remember much of the dialogue from the original version...) but it should be similar-ish. The scene would probably be extra flashy to emphasise that she’s an Archon at first, then as she insists on being casual the filtering gets casual too. Ningguang tells her how much she trusts her, some of the history of Liyue (them coming together to protect Liyue during the war), and how the Adepti are angry with her about Rex Lapis’ death. She talks about the Fatui and how they’ve been trying to get a foothold here. She notes that she admires how Mondstadt has prevented them from having a hand in their running, but having a Harbringer in their city makes it difficult to push back against them. Ningguang asks Traveller what they think about Keqing, then sighs and says that she is very capable but very young. She mentions Yanfei, and explains that she is unique because she is half-adeptus and also very young. Traveller asks whether she thinks there’s no way for the rest of the Adepti to adapt to modern Liyue, and about Rex Lapis, and Ningguang skirts around those topics.
Traveller gets the information of the second Fatui base from Ningguang’s wall*. After that, actually going to the location is probably in Part 4.
When Part 4 starts, Traveller goes to the base, raids it, and finds the Sigils of Permission*. They are then caught by Childe. In the dialogue that follows, Paimon and Traveller accuse Childe of several things, including goading him that his plan of using Zhongli didn’t work. Childe laughs and reveals what we think is his whole plan: summon an Ancient God to attack all of Liyue Harbour. He says that leaving Traveller to babysit Zhongli was just to distract them, since he knew they would meddle with him otherwise. He also says that Morax, the Qixing and the Adepti are fighting each other now, and don’t have time to do anything except argue.
Traveller fights him*. The fight is pretty much the same, with him triggering his delusion and using Foul Legacy and being introduced as Tartaglia*. After he finishes fighting Traveller in Foul Legacy, he regrets it a little and says that he got carried away, but since Traveller is on the ground (conscious but) he begins the summoning for Osial.
(All of that can still take place in the Golden House with just an extra “Follow Childe” quest or by placing the Fatui base nearby and having Traveller follow a trail to there. I did think it would be cool if the base was in the Guyun Stone Forest instead, exactly where Osial was summoned. So after the summoning, Paimon yells at Traveller to teleport a distance away)
Cutscene where Traveller meets up with Ningguang, the Qixing, and the Adepti*. Paimon expresses surprise that they’re not fighting each other, they say that they’ve put aside their argument until Osial has been stopped, so on*. The fight and strategy would be almost identical, with Ningguang creating the platform and ballistas, and Traveller fighting the Fatui with the blessings of the Adepti.
This next cutscene is crucial. Instead of one of Osial’s attacks destroying the platform, one of the Fatui’s portals opens up behind Ningguang. Childe launches out from it and takes her Gnosis out of her body the same as with Venti. Ningguang’s concentration is broken and she nearly faints, which causes the whole platform to start breaking. Then Zhongli crashes in, catching Ningguang from her fall and immediately attempting to fight Childe. Childe is confused (“Zhongli-xiansheng..?”) and shocked, but Zhongli doesn’t try reasoning with him or saying anything at all, instead trying to fight him immediately. Childe is excited to engage in the fight, while Zhongli gets hurt immediately and is confused at why he’s so weak. However, the fight doesn’t last more than a few seconds, as Childe starts to run and Ningguang (weak and collapsing) tells Zhongli that they have to focus on protecting Liyue first, and the other Adepti go “This aura... Rex Lapis?”
They drop the Jade Chamber on Osial to defeat him*. Now comes the part where they explain everything that has been going on. The Adepti and the Qixing alike demand answers, the Adepti especially expressing that Zhongli has to be Rex Lapis. Ningguang explains most of it:
Some time back, Rex Lapis came to her saying that he wants to die. He’s tired from losing all of his old friends and working endlessly. “While I understand that it is the terms of my contract to serve you and Liyue, is there any way for this contract to end?”
(Zhongli notes that his experience with Yanfei showed him that contracts are much more complicated than they used to be)
Ningguang had agreed, because she thinks that Liyue is much safer than it was when she had signed those contracts with them, and if that was what Rex Lapis wished then so be it. However, she also thought it was too big of a decision to just not make use of.
The plan was that Rex Lapis would fake a very public death. After doing so (killing his original body) the rest of him would go into a human body where he will die at whatever human lifespan he made it to. This would allow Rex Lapis to live as a mortal under the name Zhongli for what to him was a very short amount of time. But because most of him was killed, he lost almost all of his power, reducing him to really just a mortal (still really strong, just weak in comparison to how he used to be as a Dragon and an Adeptus), which he unfortunately only realised the implications of when he couldn’t protect Ningguang from Childe.
The Adepti get angry and teary at Zhongli, saying that they really thought he was dead and scolding both of them for keeping it a secret. We get a few more emotional lines.
The plan was that Rex Lapis would fake a very public death. Ningguang would use this to stir up the people and sow distrust towards the Fatui, using it to drive them out. From her reports of Zhongli, she eventually guessed that Childe was planning to attack her at some point of the funeral shenanigans, which she was prepared for and planning to make use of. In short, she was hoping to get rid of the Fatui by using Rex Lapis’ death as a cover/excuse/catalyst.
But the Osial situation was beyond her expectations, and she wasn’t prepared for that. She doesn’t explain exactly what the Gnosis is to the people present, merely saying that it is important, and Keqing quips that Ningguang looks like hell right now. This launches into the Adepti vs Qixing conversation*.
The Adepti accuse Ningguang of not trusting them and trying to cut them out in favour of these mortals. The Qixing retort that the Adepti were only useful today because they needed to fight, even arguing that Cloud Retainer’s technology could only be put to use in the form of weaponry and nothing else. Madame Ping mediates the most*. Ningguang tells the Adepti that it wasn’t that she doesn’t trust them, but that she didn’t want them to have to get involved when they had already distanced themselves and were living peaceful lives in seclusion. She takes the Qixing’s side, but tries to explain to the Adepti why. The scene ends similarly to the original*. As they leave, the Adepti tell the Qixing and other humans to call them whenever Liyue needs their help.
That’s the end of the dramatic scene. At the funeral, things go pretty much the same*. Traveller hears people talking about the Fatui being the cause of everything* (Ningguang milked the Osial situation completely*). The Fatui are also blamed for Rex Lapis’ death. If the millelith still does make a speech, it would be that Lady Ningguang is cracking down on getting the Fatui out, which is met with positive reactions. Ningguang gives a speech at the funeral which honours Rex Lapis and reminds the people to work together for a new future of Liyue, but it would be less dramatic than the original.
When we talk to Zhongli, he explains some things: When he turned human, Ningguang gave him some money and a job and asked him to practice being human because she intended to give him an allowance to live on in the future. With the limited knowledge he had from never being a human before and the intense studying from a few books on funerals, Zhongli did his best. (He’d also accidentally fallen in love with a Fatui Harbringer oops). Traveller asks him what he’ll do now since he has some years left before his human body dies and he replies that he has absolutely no idea. After some thought, he mentions “I wonder whether Childe will forgive me...”
Traveller probably talks to Ganyu instead of Ningguang for the final ending (the part where they tell them about Inazuma*).
Okay um so some notes about why I made Zhongli not-the-archon:
I was really frustrated that he seemed to not care about the mess he was making in Liyue at all. By making him a normal adeptus, it’s much more acceptable for him to walk away from all his duties because the responsibility doesn’t fall solely to him. Not only is Liyue not falling apart because their main Archon is still there, but he doesn’t bear the actual main responsibility at all.
Zhongli’s cluelessness when it comes to mora doesn’t make any sense if he was supposedly managing the whole country until last year. Plus, Liyue even trades with all other countries, so it’s not like he’s never had to be worried about losing money. By making this the first time he’s really experienced human society, his unbalanced knowledge and behaviour can seem more cute than incompetant. Even his rigidness towards his contracts and the details of the funeral can be explained because he’s probably also been living in seclusion like everyone else.
In the original story, Zhongli stood by while everyone else fought Osial, even though he still had his Gnosis, even though Liyue and all his Adepti’s lives were on the line. In this version, it was possible for Zhongli to interfere in the fight while still losing, because he was already a mortal. It makes him far more compelling because he actually tried to help.
The contract with Signora. We don’t know (yet) what the terms are, so for the the contract is just very annoying. It only serves to convince me that the Gnoses can’t actually be that important. Anyway, dramatic gnosis-stealing scene is what I prefer. At least we can have sympathy for the character - I can’t admire Zhongli for whatever smart decision he made because I don’t know what it is.
Overall, if you change Zhongli to a normal Adeptus, almost all of his existing dialogue reads much better without needing any changes, because the explanation is satisfactory.
Why make Ningguang Morax, then?
Ningguang is already introduced as if she is a god. People tell folktales of her, she displays complex high-level magic that we haven’t even seen Zhongli do (that platform and ballistas), she lives in a literal floating island in the sky that she built, etc. She’s also already running Liyue and doing well at it and has a strong sense of responsibility towards it. It makes sense for her to be the Archon.
Why not Keqing? First of all, Keqing’s elemental and physical abilities aren’t portrayed as particularly special (all of this is based on story bits, not the game mechanics). While she seems capable, the game doesn’t originally give her enough buildup and credit, and she’s portrayed as younger and more stubborn. But most importantly, Keqing is the key person on the Qixing side of the argument, so she needs to remain a Qixing.
Why add Yanfei’s quest in the middle:
The Liyue Archon quest went way too fast without getting us close to Liyue itself. Zhongli’s quest is meant to get us close to them, but he only brings us to people and spouts trivia. Yanfei’s quest embodies the “Contracts” aspect of Liyue so well and it would be really useful to go through that quest before we had to fight to defend Liyue.
If you compare Liyue to Mondstadt and Inazuma, you’ll see that you automatically get close to Mondstadt because it takes a long time to level in the early days of playing. Meanwhile, Inazuma requires you to complete Yoimiya’s quest (which shows the culture of “Eternity” in Inazuma) and Ayaka’s quest (which shows the people whp want to escape the “Eternity” in Inazuma, although Yoimiya’s quest is more important). Liyue doesn’t require any quests in between at all, yet players don’t neccessarily spend time there idly, so it’s hard to get to know Liyue.
Alternatively, Yanfei’s quest could just be a required quest between the parts instead of being integrated into the main Archon Quest itself.
Thanks for reading the Geo Archon Ningguang version of the Liyue Archon Quest.
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Post Season 8 fanfic recommendations
Hey! So, I’ve been working on this for a while. I’ve read so many good Hyde/Jackie stories, and I feel like it’s a waste not to share them.
I tried to separate everything in categories, but some fics fit in more than one category and honestly it was just a mess. So I've separated them the best way that I could. I’m going to post the categories separately, and after I’m done I’ll make a masterpost with links to each of the categorized posts, as suggested by @springsteenicious and @those70scomics (thank you both for the help!).
Even though this is only one category, it’s still a long post, as I’ve said before, I’ve read many fanfics. I don’t know if I should edit this and add more stories as they’re out (for instance, I have a post season 8 story that I’m planning on posting soon) or if I should just leave things this way. Please let me know if you think I left out a good story or if you have any suggestions.
I’ve read and enjoyed ALL of these stories, they’re all very good. All the stories mentioned here are post season 8 stories. I’ll post stories that take place during season 8 next. I hope everyone enjoys it!
20 Questions by ShanghaiLily
Just after New Year's day in 1980, Jackie Burkhart decides to disappear from the basement to save her sanity. When Christmas rolls around and the Formans beg Jackie to attend their party, she ends up involved in an elaborate game of 20 Questions with Hyde that could change both of their lives.
This story is almost entirely T rated, but there is smut in some chapters. The author placed a warning in the notes of the chapters that contain steamy scenes, so you can easily skip it if it makes you uncomfortable.
This story is complete.
71k words, 21 chapters.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna and Kelso/Brooke
After the End by araleebo
Who's to say what happens after the end? Jackie finally thought she could get her happily ever after with the guy of her dreams in the new decade. For a while, she was right. Then, the worst few days of her life happened.
This story is complete.
34k words, 6 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
All That I Got by AdriDee
After being an asshole to her during most part of 1979, Hyde decides it’s time for redemption. And to win Jackie back, he must work on himself first.
Their journey in this story is beautiful, and amazingly written. The story is complete.
122k words, 22 chapters.
Rated M for smut in some chapters.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna, Kelso/Brooke, Fez/Laurie, Red/Kitty
Back to the 70’s by Wicked Chocolate
The 80s had barely begun before they start to crash around Jackie, maybe an Angel can grant her a trip back to the 70s and give her a second chance with Hyde. How will the events we know unfold now that Jackie has the knowledge and opportunity to change them?
Trigger warning: Major Character Death, kind of.
73k words, 10 chapters.
Rated M.
This story is not complete, but it’s worth the read.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna.
Also available on AO3
Back to Their Roots by Hart-of-Tree-Hill
Who doesn’t love a friends with benefits story?
Jackie and Hyde decide to have a no strings attached relationship after everything, but we all know those don't work.
This story is not complete and it makes me sad :( I still have hope that the author will update this someday. It kind of ends on a cliffhanger so it’s totally up to you if you want to read this or not.
13k words, 4 chapters.
Rated T, surprisingly
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna
Before The Summer Ends by 107derwent
Summer is stupid. It makes you act stupid. Makes you stupid ,
This story is complete.
4k words, 3 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Catch the Bouquet by heatherlea75
Fate has been unkind to Jackie Burkhart for too long. She has a plan to change that, and to obtain what is rightfully hers a glorious wedding. Though she doesn't know it, she needs a little help, and a surprising person is perfectly willing to offer it.
This story is complete, and it has an adorable sequel, called Pop The Question.
6k words, 2 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna
Charm Bracelets and Lighters by Aaliamad
Set three years after the series finale. Jackie’s been living a new, fabulous life in Chicago, what she didn’t know was that Hyde was also living in the same city as hers.
They eventually run into each other in a nightclub and have a special reunion. Can things be different between them this time?
Rated T.
This story is complete.
72k words, 36 chapters.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna
Chasing Windmills by c00kiefic
Four chapter short story about their journey back to each other after season 8. To be honest I love all the stories by this author, but this one is definitely one of my favs.
This story is complete.
11k words, 4 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Daddy’s Home by Hyde’s Bride
Jackie moved to Chicago after she had nothing left for her back in Point Place, but after two years, something awful happened to her. A certain burnout wants redemption but she finds herself in the middle of a pretty complicated dilemma.
Trigger warning: rape.
39k words, 14 chapters.
Rated M.
This story is complete.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna, Kelso/Brooke, Red/Kitty, Fez/Laurie
Date Night by SwanseaGurl
Hyde has been trying to get Jackie back for a while now, but after everything that happened between them, she's not willing to give him another chance. But he's also not willing to give up on her.
One day, a drunk and lonely Donna tries to make a move on Hyde and Jackie witnesses everything, will it change things between them?
Donna's not a really cool person in this fic, so be warned.
Rated T.
This story is complete.
11k words, 5 chapters.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Everybody Must Get Stoned by ShanghaiLily
After new year's 1980, huge fights break out between Eric & Donna and Jackie & Hyde. Both feeling the need to escape their problems, Jackie & Eric drive the VC to Mexico. Who gets shot? Who flees the country? Who comes out of the closet?
This story is amazingly written. I always appreciate a good story with amazing Jackie/Eric friendship moments. It’s complete.
129k words, 29 chapters.
Rated T, with some M chapters. The author placed a warning before the sexy scenes in case you’re uncomfortable with it.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna. And if you have a soft spot for Jackie/Eric, you might like the beginning of the story.
Everyone Thinks I Dodged a Bullet by MonDieu666
When Hyde and Jackie are the only ones to see a murder, they're placed into witness protection. Living under the same roof is one thing but lines begin to blur when they're forced to pretend to be married and memories from the past begin to resurface.
This story is amazing and it makes me smile. And it’s complete.
69k words, 16 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna
Fatherhood by varietyofwords
The birth of Betsy and Kelso taking on the role of father has gotten Hyde thinking about fatherhood.
This story is absolutely beautiful. And it’s complete.
10k words, 6 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Fire in the Light by Noducksinpond
The eighties are almost ending and a certain couple is reunited.
This story is complete.
31k words, 14 chapters.
Rated M
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Kelso/Brooke, Eric/Donna
Heart Like Yours by PoetDameron
This is the first That 70s Show fanfiction I’ve ever read, and it’s absolutely beautiful. It’s based on the book “If I stay” and it’s amazing.
I’ve also read all of the other t70s stories by this author, and I highly recommend them.
Trigger warnings for drug use.
Rated T.
This story is complete.
139k words, 22 chapters total
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna, Kelso/Brooke
Also available on AO3.
Keep Me by 107derwent
Jackie and Hyde managed to be friends after all the crap that happened in season 8. She’s there for him when he needs her the most. Will that rekindle old feelings between them?
This story is complete.
20k words, 10 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna
Like a Rolling Stone by elphabacan
Ashleigh 'Ash' Burkhart is a typical teenage girl. She never knew her father, and never cared to. Until she stumbled upon a new record store in a Minneapolis Neighborhood....
Beautiful writing. This story is complete.
50k words, 16 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Mamma Mia! That 70s Show style by love.devil.movies
Inspired by the classic Mamma Mia movie. Jackie is in Hawaii for Eric and Donna’s wedding and she finds herself between three of her exes.
This story is complete (and it’s a super fun read).
26k words, 13 chapters.
Rated T
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna and Red/Kitty
Mired by Tandy
Five years after she moved to California, Jackie goes back to Point Place to attend an important event. She ran into someone special and it turns out that a trip down memory lane is not as simple as it sounds.
This story is complete.
22k words, 7 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Never Tear us Apart by MinaSeraphina
Unlike 90% of the stories I’ve recommended so far, this one focuses on the entire gang. Each chapter is focused on one of the characters and they all have their own storylines.
This story is complete.
14k words, 6 chapters.
Rated T
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna, Kelso/Brooke, Fez/Laurie
New Resolution by c00kiefic
Jackie is getting married and Hyde is not the groom. What happens when Hyde and the gang decide that they need to stop this wedding?
This story is complete.
16k words, 4 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna
Not a Thing to do but Talk to You by Willofthewisp
This story is not focused on Jackie and Hyde. It’s focused on the entire gang, and it’s beautiful.
It alternates between present time and flashbacks, but season 8 did happen in this story, that’s why I placed it in this category. It’s complete.
53k words, 30 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna, Kelso/Brooke
November Rain by luvcali
After a torrid encounter on Halloween night, 1984, ex-lovers Jackie and Hyde spend the next month reevaluating their past.
This story is complete.
373k words, 33 chapters.
Rated M for sexy scenes.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna, Brooke/Kelso and Fez/OC
Nowhere But Lost by Zenkindoflove
Hyde is cynical, depressed, alone, and would really like to keep it that way. But what happens when something inside of him resurfaces and is more than unhappy about his current living arrangements?
This story is complete.
52k words, 13 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna
One More Time by CarouselUnique
Jessie Forman thought she knew a lot of things; who she could trust, who her parents were, even what was possible in the world around her. One snowy night, all three of these things change. Now, stuck back around 1978 - she's left in the worst situation possible to figure out where to go from there.
This story is a WIP, it’s been a while since it was updated, but I’m pretty sure the author is coming back to this story one day!
14k words, 4 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna, past Jackie/Eric
Reelin’ In The Years by JoyfulHeartEO
I placed this story on the post-season 8 category, but there are some small differences that made me kind of lost in what category to place this. Season 8 happened, but Sam never left and Jackie and Fez never happened. It takes place on New Years.
Rated M.
This story is complete and it has a sequel, it’s called Crazy Love.
89k words, 20 chapters.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna, Kelso/Brooke, Red/Kitty
See Me, Feel Me by elphabacan
Hyde wants Jackie back, Jackie wants nothing to do with him after everything that happened. The boys find out about Jackie’s secret love for The Who, and while Fez and Eric fantasize about it, Hyde sees it as an opportunity.
This story is complete.
10k words, 4 chapters.
Rated M. Very much M. You’ve been warned.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna
Second Chances by Flowers_For_Flamingos
Hyde's life has snowballed since Jackie's death. He moved back in with the Formans, Donna and Eric live far away, Fez was who the hell knows where, and Kelso....Hyde didn't think about Kelso. But one cold rainy night, while Hyde is drunk he causes an accident that sends him spiraling back in time to almost ten years ago, when everyone still liked each other. When Jackie was still alive.
This story made me cry so hard. It’s beautifully written, please read it.
It’s a WIP (work in progress, which means it’s being updated).
32k words, 15 chapters for now.
Trigger warning: Major Character death
Rated T
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna
She’s The Devil by starfalls
It’s Halloween 1980, and the gang takes an ill-fated trip to a party that leads to some major revelations between Jackie and Hyde.
I could literally picture everything happening in my head while I read this story and I laughed so hard during some parts. All the characters are on point.
This story is complete.
30k words, 2 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna.
Stages by c00kiefic
I love everything this person ever wrote. Seriously. EVERYTHING.
Hyde’s there for her when Jackie goes through hell.
This story is not complete and it pains me. It has SO MUCH potential. Every now and then I reread it because it’s so good. I think it’s worth the read.
7k words, 2 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna and Red/Kitty.
That’s My Baby by kezztip
Jackie focuses on her career after the disaster that was 1979, and moves to Chicago after getting an amazing new job. Before she left, Hyde convinced the whole gang to throw her a surprise party for her, so he could try and make amends. Jackie ends up leaving the party angry as hell, what she didn’t know was that she left the party with a special souvenir inside of her.
This story makes me laugh SO HARD. The author managed to write all the characters perfectly. Please read this.
This story is complete.
68k words, 23 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna, Red/Kitty, Brooke/OC.
The First and Only Mrs. Hyde by The Queen Of Wallflowers
As it turns out, Sam is Hyde's second wife. He married his first when he was six. Mrs. Forman has the pictures to prove it. Now he just has to make it legal.
Donna’s kind of a bitch in this story, so if you don’t like stories like that, this might not be for you. But I do think this is an excellent story.
This story is fluffy and just perfect in general. Please read it.
It’s almost complete, and I still have hope that someday the author will actually finish this.
32k words, 12 chapters so far.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Also available on AO3
The Morning After by ShanghaiLily
Sequel to the one-shot Resolutions. Jackie wakes up in Vegas laying in bed with her very sexy ex-boyfriend and a tacky wedding band on her finger.
This story is complete.
59k words, 10 chapters.
Rated M for smut.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Fez/Caroline, Eric/Donna
The One with the Tee Shirt by c00kiefic
In which Jackie tries to get closure, Hyde's in denial and Donna plays middlewoman.
This story is complete.
18k words, 5 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna
The Secret of Katherine by heatherlea75
Jackie and Hyde are keeping a secret from their daughter, one they fear will hurt her. When someone decides to tell her that secret, will it destroy her relationship with her parents?
Rated T.
This story is not complete, but it’s worth the read.
23k words, 8 chapters.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna
The Sweetest Gifts by zeppelinandunicorns (myself)
It’s a known fact that post season 8 stories tend to be angsty, but this one is not.
This is a fluffly story that narrates Jackie and Hyde’s journey through parenthood. It will be part of a series, I got too attached to this universe, lol.
Rated T.
This story is complete.
26k words, 3 chapters.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
The Wall by Tayi
The new decade begins and Hyde finds himself alone in the basement listening to the latest Pink Floyd album, and the song "Hey you" suddenly has a new meaning. Now as the days turn into weeks, it feels like the whole album is haunting him until it helps him fix the mistakes of the past few months .
This story is complete and it has a sequel, that it’s updated constantly. Its called Over The Hills and Far Away.
14k words, 16 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna
Things Change by shy1214
Jackie's life wasn't going well, she was alone and her friends were no longer actual friends. She had lost the love of her life and everything else, especially her once incredible confidence. A new strange friend might help her find it, and give her hope again.
This story has plenty of OC’s that crawled their way into my heart.
Donna is not a nice person in this story.
112k words, 28 chapters.
Rated T
This story is complete AND it has a sequel, it’s called Lock, Step and Gone.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde. And that’s pretty much it other than the pairings between the original characters.
Voulez-vouz by zeppelinandunicorns (me)
To celebrate her birthday, Jackie convinces Hyde to take her on a romantic trip, but Las Vegas wasn't exactly where she wanted to go, and she definitely didn't want to take the rest of the basement gang with her. Frustrated, Jackie thought that the trip was ruined, but Hyde's willing to make it unforgettable. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right?
This story is complete.
13k words, 5 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna, Kelso/Brooke
Also available on AO3
War Stories by Jenny7
It's 1980, and Hyde is more lost now than ever. When Hyde gives into the man and joins the Army, against all he's ever believed in, it will take friendship, family, and a love stronger than distance and time to get him through.
I was reluctant to read this at first, because c’mon, it’s Hyde, he would never willingly work for “the man”, but as I started to read it, everything made sense, and I fell in love with it.
This story is complete.
31k words, 24 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Mainly just Jackie/Hyde
Welcome to Jackie’s by TeaTimeAllOverTown
Jackie moves to Chicago shortly after season 8 to live out her dream. But when a happy, confident Jackie returns to Point Place will her past upset her future?
This story is complete.
38k words, 8 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Mostly Jackie/Hyde
What Lies Beneath by SophiesRoses
This story deserves way more recognition, it’s one of my favorites of all time.
Trigger warnings for alcoholism, heavy drug use
Rated M because there are a few sex scenes, but don't let this discourage from reading the story.
This story is not complete, but I still recommend it. A lot.
119k words, 28 chapters.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/OC, Kelso/Brooke, Donna/OC, Fez/Laurie
Yet Another Season 9 by elphabacan
Picking up on New Years Day, the group has eight months before Donna and Eric leave for Madison. New faces, new stories, and many MANY changes are in store.
Rated T.
This story is complete.
94k words, 25 chapters.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna, Kelso/Brooke, Fez/OC, Red/Kitty
Post Season 8 one-shots:
Be Hers by c00kiefic
Hyde and Jackie talk while they’re on the road.
Rated M.
4k words.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna
Burn War Snapped by SkittleLvr79
Can an ultimatum from their friends lead to the end of a long, bitter feud?
Rated M. Very M.
3k words.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Canada by angelwithawand
They agreed not to talk about marriage in The United States. Luckily Canada is close.
Rated T.
418 words.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Could’ve Been, Should’ve Been by propelled
Sometimes coming back home means facing the reason why you left in the first place.
Rated T.
5k words.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Deja Vu by 80sUnLoveChild
Takes place right after the season finale. The countdown is on, but who is kissing who at midnight and why does it feel like this has happened before?
Rated T.
3k words.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Fragile, Handle with Care by JadedAngel
A simple confrontation between Jackie and Hyde lead to, maybe not the perfect solution, but at least get them a step in the right direction.
Rated T.
6k words.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
How I Spent my Decade: Steven Hyde by 177istaken
Are memories enough? How Hyde spent the 80's dealing with his favorite chick.
Rated T.
1k words.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Just a Small Glimpse by AdriDee
A small one-shot about Edna’s thoughts when she sees Hyde and his family. I wouldn’t call this a sequel, but it’s the same universe of All That I Got, a multichapter story written by the same author.
Rated T.
1k words.
Pairings: Background Jackie/Hyde
Karaoke by 80sUnLoveChild
It's New Years Eve 1979, and as usual the Forman's are having their New Years party. Why oh why did Bob bring his Karaoke and why is Eric so insistent that Hyde sing?
This story is funny as hell, I love Eric.
Rated T.
5k words.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna
New Years Day by legally_blonde
Takes place right after the series finale. Jackie and Hyde are cleaning bottles on New Year’s day.
Rated T.
2k words.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Reversed by SkittlezLvr79
Set in 1986. Hyde finds himself in a somewhat familiar situation but this time, he's on the opposite side of things from where he usually stands.
Rated T.
1k words.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
So far, this is all.
Stay by FreyReh
Everyone gets together again for Kitty’s 50th birthday and old feelings stir between Jackie and Hyde.
Rated T.
7k words.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Red/Kitty and Eric/Donna
Stoner’s Nightmare by Bunny1
What if season 8 was just a nightmare?
Rated T.
581 words.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
The Force by 107derwent
Eric’s back and the whole gang is back together, but some things are still missing.
Rated T.
1k words.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
The One I Love by c00kiefic
“He’s been on Jackie’s bad side for so long that he’s forgotten what it’s like to be on her good one.”
Hyde sees the love of his life getting engaged to someone else and decides he’s not going to let that happen.
Rated M.
4k words.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
The Princess and the Rebel by ForTheLoveOfFanFiction
Much of the damage of 1979 has been repaired; all except Jackie and Hyde. A trip in 1980 to see 'The Empire Strikes Back' makes Eric and Donna wonder if there is still hope for everyone's favourite princess and rebel.
Rated T.
1k words.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Donna/Eric
Zozo: A Journey to Understanding by zpplnchick
"You don't deserve a real tattoo. But if I were to get one, I'd show it to Fez before I'd ever show it to you!" Ironically, that's pretty much how it happened.
Rated T.
3k words.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Oh, just one thing, speaking as someone who writes, it would be really cool if you guys decide to leave a review (or a comment, if the story is on AO3) in the stories you read, especially the unfinished ones. It really motivates the authors, and receiving a compliment is always a mood lifter. I’ve seen some authors updating stories after years because of nice reviews, so... yeah, this is just an idea.
Next category: Stories that take place during season 8. I’ll post it soon.
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not-poignant · 3 years
Hi Pia! Love your work and most of your writing advice 🧡
So, I'm a writer myself and I was very curious about how you manage working on so many projects at the same time, do you alternate in between writing and editing? How long do you let your edits sit before letting a beta see?
I know all os these processes vary depending on each person's needs, but as someone who always gets blocked after finishing editing the thing they've been working on, I'd love to read about your process! I hope you have a lovely day 🥰
Hi anon!
For me, writing multiple projects actually helps with writer's block. For other people, it slows them down or hinders them. One of my good friends and beta for my published work (i.e. not the serials but the novels) can only work on one project at a time. She cannot work on multiple projects, but she's a professional, published, award-winning author, and if she tried to do it my way, she'd ruin her method.
Meanwhile for me, I've always had a saying: 'Writer's block on one project isn't necessarily writer's block on every project.' I enjoy working on projects that all feel a little different! They all have different moods, requirements, and require different levels of technical skill.
I usually have 'editing days' and don't like to always write and edit on the same day, but I will do it for Falling Falling Stars, it's not uncommon for me to finish a chapter, edit the chapter on the same day, and send it to my beta on the same day, lmao. FFS has a very fast turnaround.
But for The Ice Plague, that usually has more editing passes (typically 2-4), before it goes to Silvia. And she's behind on betaing for TIP because the pandemic and personal stuff was really hard on her, and TIP is one of those things she could put off, because she's still ahead of everyone else (in the sense of like, I have a buffer of 12 chapters currently, so if she's 6 chapters behind what I'm up to, she's still 6 chapters ahead of everyone else).
The Nascent Diplomat also has a relatively fast turnaround.
I have tried to train myself to let editing and writing brain not be too connected to each other. But I can't always pick up a new chapter immediately after editing another. That's why after editing, I'm normally putting a chapter up instead. Or I'll consolidate time and edit 2-3 chapters on the same day, because I know that won't be a 'writing day.' I never plan to write anything else after editing. And if I start my day editing, I won't finish the day writing.
So I can relate to sometimes feeling blocked after editing! That doesn't have to be an abnormal part of the process. Editing is tiring, and it's meticulous and particular. So sometimes after editing, that part of you that likes to do idea generation and sit in different worlds etc just needs a rest. I play video games, chat with friends, or just focus on anything else after editing. I don't ever force myself to write after editing.
That being said, if I edit all day Monday, I can write again on Tuesday morning. It's a new day, I ignore the chapter I edited (I don't read through it again), and I start with something new. A good trick if you have writer's block, is to always end your current project or chapter on a sentence or paragraph you already know how to complete. So that way when you start in a few hours, or the next day, or a week later, you will look and have already given yourself a head start.
Many writers stop writing when they sort of...fatigue on the chapter or run out of ideas or get stuck or don't know what to do next. I strongly strongly suggest just trying the practice of stopping writing when you do know exactly what to write next. That's not going to solve the issue every time (some chapters are just more difficult than others), but the act of finishing a sentence or paragraph at the beginning of a writing session is way more motivational then sitting there staring at the problem that past you left for your present self, lol.
But yeah, my writing-editing-publishing turnaround is fast. Even The Gentle Wolf only got about two or three weeks before serious edits commenced. And even then, every chapter went immediately off to my beta (in serial format almost), and I batch-sent chapters to my other two betas (i.e. 4-5 chapters at a time). I made all of their suggested changes, and then got stuck into serious edits once the manuscript was finished.
It is good practice to let manuscripts sit, but I don't have that luxury with serials in quite the same way, with the exception of The Ice Plague.
That being said, because I reread my own works for pleasure, I'm constantly editing and tweaking bits and pieces over the years! Even SAL got 10,000 words removed from when it was first published to now. So people who read it now are reading a tighter story than the version that went up week to week. :)
I hope in the mess of all that rambling there's something that might help you anon!
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beholdme · 3 years
All the Many Shades of Gerry - Chapter 9
Chapters: 9/19
Fandom: The Magnus Archives (Podcast)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Gerard Keay/Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist, Martin Blackwood/Gerard Keay, Martin Blackwood/Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist, Gerard Keay/Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist
Characters: Martin Blackwood, Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist, Gerard Keay, Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives), Sasha James, Gertrude Robinson, Elias Bouchard
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Library AU, Librarian Jon, Artist Gerry, Trans Male Character, Trans Martin Blackwood, Canon Asexual Character, Asexual Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist, Ace Subtype - Sex Positive, Polyamory, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Romantic Fluff, Falling In Love, Boys in Skirts, Kissing, Demisexual Gerard Keay, Minor Character Death, Past Character Death, Canon-Typical Child Neglect, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Flirting, Minor Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist/Tim Stoker, Adventures in Hair Dying, Happy Ending, Banter, Gerry has a lot of sass, Gerard Keay is Morticia Adams, Jon is a very grumpy Librarian, Martin adores them anyway.
Summary: In which Gerry is a kaleidoscope and Jon and Martin can’t help falling in love with him.
He happens to love them back.
Find it on Ao3
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
On a Tuesday in the middle of November, not long after Gerry's 28th birthday, the three of them eat dinner at Gerry's flat, as they often do these days. Jon cooks for them and after, Martin and Gerry wash the dishes and debate the book they both just finished reading.
Jon has been twitchy all evening, so they leave him to read his own book in peace.
He wanders in at one point, leaning against the counter. "Gerry, do you know what day it is?"
Gerry looks over at him in such a way as to indicate that he really doesn't.
"Our six-month anniversary?" He tries.
"No," Martin pipes up, "That's not for weeks yet."
Jon and Gerry both look at him askance. "What? Your boyfriend starts dating another man, you remember the date. I can't believe you two don't know." Martin says as if that about covers it.
"Nevermind that." Jon snaps, and even with his previous moodiness, the others are taken aback at his blunt words and even harsher tone.
"Something wrong, Jon?" Gerry asks quietly, leaning against the opposite counter to Jon and crossing his arms. His tone suggests what he actually wanted to say was 'Do we have a problem here, bitch?' but he manages to reign the actual words in.
"I want to know why you left without saying goodbye." Jon's words are filled with a multitude of frustrations, none of which are actually conveyed in his limited words.
"Yesterday?" Gerry asks, incredulous. "You were asleep!"
"No! Not yesterday." Jon snaps back. "When we were younger. It's been ten years today since you disappeared off the face of the planet."
"Oh," Gerry responds quietly, his defensive posture dropping. He leans his hands back on the table behind him, bringing his shoulders up around his ears. It’s a rare display of confident, edgy Gerry trying to shrink himself.
"I thought we were, you know. Together. Then one day you were just gone! As if you had never existed. Your mother wouldn't tell me anything at all, just sat there smirking at me, said that you were gone and she didn't know when you were coming back, or if you were ever coming back. Which you never did, actually." Jon has been pacing, his voice rising with each new word until the final words are shouted accusatorily into the space between them.
Gerry knew Jon had wanted to talk about this since the day he walked in the library and back into his life. He had waited, been patient, and Gerry had put it off in the hopes that he would never have to choke the words out. Now, that patience was obviously over, and he knew he owed Jon this explanation.
"We were together Jon. I loved you."
"So why? What did I do so wrong, that I got to wake up one day and find you gone ?" Jon's voice has become desperate, and they can all hear the tears that he is trying to hold back.
"Don't say that. You didn't do anything wrong. We weren't perfect, but we were always so good together. I... I had to get out of there. And I couldn't leave any clues behind, so I couldn't tell you anything, because it wouldn't have been safe for either of us." Gerry reaches towards Jon to soothe him, but he flinches away and Gerry doesn't pursue him.
"I don't understand." The tears have come, and Gerry desperately tries to hold back his own when he sees them.
Martin had up until that point been standing resolutely in the corner, trying not to interfere in their pre-Martin argument. At the advent of tears, Martin moves to stand at Jon's back, gripping his shoulder for comfort. Gerry looks bereft and Martin holds out a hand to get him to come closer as well. They huddle all together, both Jon and Gerry taking comfort in Martin's steadiness.
Gerry leans into Jon, sliding his hand around his neck and pressing their foreheads together. "I'm so sorry, love. I've never forgiven myself for just disappearing on you. I thought about you every day."
"I love you," Jon whispers as Martin rocks them both gently. "But I need to know."
"I love you too." Gerry shuts his eyes and wishes more than ever to erase his shitty legacy of pain and blood.
Martin drags them to bed and offers to leave them alone to their talk.
"Please stay," Gerry says, grasping his hand. "You both need to know, and I don't want to have to talk through this twice."
So they all pile into Gerry's bed together, sitting in a vague circle like teenagers at a slumber party.
As Gerry starts to talk, Martin drags him over toward him and begins braiding his dark blue hair. It's both an offer of physical comfort and affection (easily Gerry's main love language) and a simple way of letting him off the hook for eye contact.
With Jon staring at him quite intently, Martin doesn't think he needs any further pressure.
"Jon, you-" He starts and then halts abruptly. Jon reaches over and grasps his hand, attempting to further ground him. "You remember my mother. I know you saw how, how just off she was. Manipulative and controlling. By turns demanding and completely uninterested in me. One day I would be free to run wild for weeks at a time, the next she would have a meltdown if I wasn't exactly where she wanted me, every second of the day and night." Gerry blows a breath out, shuddering at the memory of a particularly bad incident with a vase that had left him needing several stitches over his left eye.
"Well, she wasn't always like that. I remember her being a pretty good mom when I was young, if distant. She was always far more interested in being a wife than a mother, and she loved the way my father adored her.
“When I was 7, my father was blinded in an accident at work. I remember the day the phone call came. She spoke very calmly to the hospital, before hanging up the phone and shattering every picture frame in the house." Martin is finished with Gerry's hair and simply leans into him, offering silent comfort. "He coped okay with his new disability actually, and I liked helping him learn the world again with no sight. My mother never recovered from her initial breakdown though. She was angry and petulant that she needed to help and support him for the first time in their entire relationship and became more and more unhinged over the course of a year.
"One day I came home from school to find a puddle of blood soaked into the floor of the living room. She said there had been an accident and my father wasn't coming back. She hit me for the first time when I cried. She told me that I was a man now, and tears were for useless girls and disgusting… Well, you get the picture."
Gerry pauses and glances between them. A few tears have started to run down his face, but he doesn't seem to even notice them.
"We moved a few days later, and that was all I ever knew about my father's death until I was eighteen, almost ten years later. I'll spare you the horrid details, but as I'm sure you've already guessed, she murdered him. She explained very, very graphically what she had done with the body, and that she would never be caught, no one would ever think to blame her, even if anyone could ever prove that he was dead at all."
The words hang heavy in the air between the three of them. Gerry feels the comfort of their touches, but can hardly stand the affection anymore. He gets up off the bed and goes to look out the bedroom window, arms crossed and posture hard.
"Then she looked me right in the eye. And she told me that was exactly what would happen to Jon if she ever caught me with him again."
Dead, cold silence fills the room.
Gerry turns back around to find them both watching him. "So, I packed whatever I could fit into my duffle bag, and I got the hell out of dodge. I ran. I ran because I couldn't close my eyes at night with seeing your face white and cold and covered in blood and," he breaks off and takes a shuddering breath, covering his eyes and sinking to his knees. "And I couldn't stand that she would hurt you because of me. That all your light and potential would be ripped away from you in blood and pain and nothing I felt for you could make even the risk of that worthwhile."
He lifts his head to look up at them, where they’ve moved to the side of the bed towards him. “And do you want to know what the worst part is, actually? I can’t get over the idea that even though I haven’t seen Mary Keay in 10 years, the ghost of her demons lives inside of me. That I'm really just… Her. That one day my mind will snap and I'll be a danger to you both and I'll be the one hurting you, just like she hurt him. And then I'll just be the same monster who has always haunted my dreams."
Martin and Jon exchange a heavy look. They can scarcely believe that Gerry had endured so much and yet is still… Gerry. Happy, flirtatious, loving Gerry. Gerry, who fills their lives with colour and spontaneity, always showing up when they least expected him, pushing himself into their gravity and asking for space in their lives.
Despite the rather violent nature of Gerry's confession, it doesn't change anything for either of them. Things are not yet settled between them, but they curl around Gerry on the floor and they cry together over shattered innocence and sacrificed futures, and Jon promises himself that he will never let Mary Keay come between him and Gerry ever again.
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Hi Steph! How you’re doing? First of all, I wanna say that I love your lists. So, I was wondering, do you have some long Johnlock fics? Like, with a bunch of chapters and all that. Thank you!
Hey Nonny!! 
I absolutely do! And you know what?? I’m gonna be selfish: No one has ever EVER asked me for my shorter long fics, so I’m going to take this opportunity to finally release this list, because it’s been sitting in my drafts for YEARS lol. BUT you can check the list below for the links to all my longer-fics lists! Happy reading!!
See also:
Novella Length Fics: 25 to 50K (Aug. 2019)
Novel Length Fics: 50 to 100K (Nov. 2018)
Novel Length Fics: 50 to 100K Pt 2 (May 2020)
Novel Length Fics: 100K+ w. (May 2019)
Novel Length Fics: 100K+ w. Pt 2 (Aug 2020)
Through the Clouds by Mazarin221b (E, 20,004 w., 6 Ch. || Retirement, Home Improvement, First Time, Romance) – Sherlock takes a remarkably early retirement at 47, and convinces John that a change of pace would do them both good. They buy an old cottage on the South Downs, and exchange their nonstop life in Baker Street for quiet contemplation, bee studies, and book writing. They might go completely insane, but sometimes it takes stepping outside of the life you're living to find the life you want. Part 1 of Through The Clouds
A Life Well-Lived by Kate_Lear (E, 20,121 w., 1 Ch. || Original Male Character, Sherlock Woos John, Jealous Sherlock, Reluctant Bi-John, Past Abuse, Insecure John, Reassuring / Caring Sherlock, Protective Sherlock, Understanding Sherlock) – John got scared off men by an abusive past relationship. Sherlock has to try and woo him while not scaring him off with protective possessive rage.
The White Lotuses by SilentAuror (E, 20,340 w., 1 Ch. || Slow Burn, Domestic, Romance) – One day John realises that he just isn't where he belongs, which is back at Baker Street with Sherlock. So he goes back and Sherlock, in his own way, courts him. Romance.
Out of the Woods by SilentAuror (E, 20,471 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Romance, Slow Burn, Flirting, Drunk Sex, Practical Jokes, POV Sherlock, Bottomlock, Possessive John, Pining Sherlock, Frustrated Wanking, Frottage, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, First Kiss/Time, Virgin Sherlock, Love Confessions, Soft Sherlock, Dancing, Bum Appreciation, Hanging out with the Yard) – Sherlock is fairly certain that John has taken to flirting with him of late, but can't be entirely certain of it. At least, not until a case takes them into a forest, along with Lestrade's team and something happens that will change everything about their lives...
You're On the Air by prettysailorsoldier (M, 20,616 w., 1 Ch. || Unilock, Matchmaking, Radio, Christmas, Christmas Fluff, First Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Sherlock POV, Pining Sherlock, Flirting, Bisexual John) – The Consulting Detective and The Woman dominate the airwaves of their university radio station, doling out advice on everything from meeting the parents to sexual positions. When their ratings start to dip before the holidays, however, manager Mike thinks it's time for some fresh blood, and who better to fill in the gaps than rugby captain--and notorious flirt--John Watson? Part 1 of 25 Days of Johnlock
whiskies neat by Ellipsical (E, 20,660 w., 15 Ch. || Alternate First Meeting, POV Second Person Sherlock, Slow Burn, One Night Stand, Rimming, Blow Jobs, Anal, Soldier John, Crying, Emotional Lovemaking, Switchlock) – Home and hearth and whiskies neat, or, alternatively, Sherlock Holmes falls in love.
Achieving the Together-Coloured Instant by teahigh (E, 20,776 w., 1 Ch. || Est. Rel, PTSD, Codependency, Fluff & Angst, H/C, Smut, Demisexual Sherlock, Experiments) – John wonders if this is how it’s going to be: A life speaking in code, because they’re both too stupid to figure out how to say, “I love you.”
Winter's Delights by Kate_Lear (E, 21,173 w., 1 Ch. || Holmes Family, Christmas, Fake Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Bed Sharing, Domestics) – Sherlock takes John home for Christmas to meet the extended Holmes family. Part 1 of Winter's Delights
Once More, With Feeling by cellard00rs (T, 21,178 w., 7 Ch. || John’s Family, Fake Relationship, Romance, Fluff, Humour) – To put off his meddlesome, matchmaking mother, John convinces Sherlock to play the role of his significant other. Unparalleled awkwardness ensues.
Love Is by SilentAuror (E, 21,508 w., 1 Ch. || Angst, UST / URT, Post HLV, Romance) – At Mrs Hudson's urging, Sherlock finally decides to tell John how he feels about him. Part 1 of Love Is
echoes through time by chellefic (E, 21,619 w. || First Time, Romance, ACD & BBC, Epistolary) – Mummy sends a trunk from the Holmes cottage in Sussex to 221B. Its contents alter the way John and Sherlock see themselves and one another.
The Real Meaning of Idioms by feverishsea (T, 21,691 w., 1 Ch. || Texting, Humour, Post S2) - After two weeks away, John finally texts Sherlock. He doesn’t expect Sherlock to respond. He doesn’t expect Sherlock to keep texting him. And he really doesn’t expect things to spiral out of control so rapidly.
5 Times John Got the Girl (and lost her) and 1 Time John Got the Guy (and kept him) by LiviKate (M, 21,695 w., 6 Ch. || 5 and Ones, Kissing, Oblivious / Awkward Sherlock, BAMF / Sexy / Stud John, Embarassed John, John’s Scar, Hurt/Comfort, Jealous Sherlock) – John has always had good luck with the ladies. He's charming, friendly and funny, not to mention great in bed. However, his usual skill with the opposite sex is constantly being thwarted by Sherlock and his outbursts. How will John ever get a leg over when Sherlock is always cockblocking him?
Brief Conversations with the Woman by May_Shepard (E, 21,906 w., 20 Ch. || Pining, Love Fairy Irene, Filler Fic, UST/URT, Drug Use, Clueless Sherlock, Relationship Advice, Angst w/ Happy Ending) – Sherlock has a puzzle to solve, and his name is John Watson.
When to Let Go by KendylGirl (M, 22,109 w., 8 Ch. || Friends to Lovers, Reverse Reichenbach, Sacrifice, Forgiveness, Angst, Love, Implied Drug Use) – What if it were John who had to die to thwart Moriarty's plans? John's supposed death shatters Sherlock, and when he returns, it will challenge the pair to forge a path of forgiveness, to peace, and to find a way back to each other. Part 1 of When to Let Go
A Shipless Ocean by myswordfishmind (M, 22,135 w. 4 Ch. || Post-TRF, John has a Kid) – Ten years after the fall Sherlock goes back to London to find that John no longer lives there. Instead, he resides in a seaside town, a widower, and the father of a seven year old son. Now, Sherlock must struggle with the fact that there may no longer be a place for him in this new world.
Ghost Stories by SwissMiss (M, 22,256 w., 1 Ch. || Pining, Holmes Family, Christmas, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Bed Sharing, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, First Time) – Sherlock's parents think he and John are a couple. They might be onto something.
The One With the Proposal by kim47 (E, 22,375 w., 3 Ch. || Fluff, Romance, Marriage Proposal) – Proposing shouldn't be this difficult.
Sonatina in G Minor by SilentAuror (E, 22,574 w., 1 Ch. || Case Fic, POV Sherlock, Angst, UST, Sherlock’s Violin, Post-S3, Romance) – John has come back to Baker Street, but Sherlock doesn't understand the strange tension between them, even after he begins teaching John to play the violin at John's request.
Dear John by wendymarlowe (E, 23,031 w., 64 Ch. || Post-TRF, Online Dating, Pining, Epistolary, Cybersex, Long Distance Romance) – With Sherlock dead, John eventually (under duress) makes a profile on an online dating site. And falls into a long-distance relationship with an enigmatic partner who reminds him of Sherlock in all the right ways. (Hint: it turns out to be Sherlock.) Part 1 of Dear John
Knotted by naughtyspirit (E, 23,166 w., 4 Ch. || UST/URT, Cuddling, Sharing Body Heat, Confessions, Kissing, Mastrubation, Frustration, BAMF!John) – John has to cancel a date because of Sherlock's case, which leads them to be tied up in a basement from which they have to escape. They get wet, get tied up close and John has to step up and save them. Because he's pretty. And hot. And just a little bit of a BAMF.
You Can Imagine the Christmas Dinners by ardenteurophile (T, 23,584 w., 9 Ch. || Pre-Slash, Drama, Fluff & Angst, Humour, Romance) – Sherlock takes John along for Christmas dinner with Mycroft and Mummy (And "Anthea", too). Over the course of the evening, John realises that everyone in the room - apart from him - seems to think that he and Sherlock are a couple. Part 2 of Xmas Dinners Verse
Once Upon a Beast Becoming by antietamfalls (T, 24,042 w., 6 Ch. || Beauty and the Beast AU || Magical Realism, Folklore, Celtic Mythology) – An act of pride, a druid’s curse, an enchanted leaf; Sherlock’s torment has lasted an age. Hope arrives in the form of one John Watson, a man uniquely suited to break the spell. But with a single night to win his affections, Sherlock finds his carefully laid plans disrupted by a monstrous killer whose sights are set on the only thing he has left to lose: John.
The Kepler Problem by kinklock (E, 24,270 w., 1 Ch. || Sci-Fi AU, Alien Sherlock, Space Repairman John, Alien Biology, Horny John) – Working in uncharted space exploration was not as exciting as John had hoped, especially when it turned out to be mostly bot maintenance on uninhabited planets. However, the mystery of the repeated, unexplained malfunctions on planet BAK 2212 might turn out to be exactly the kind of adventure he'd been craving.
Maintaining A Personal Life by Gingerhermit (E, 24,284 w., 6 Ch. || Alternating POV’s, Bisexuality, BAMF!John, Jealous Sherlock, Romance / Drama, Sort-of Case Fic, Peril & Angst, Love Confessions, Toplock, Soft Idiots in Love, Post S3) – Sherlock and John discover some interesting revelations about each other’s sexuality, which lead them both to question the assumptions they've made about one another for years. In the midst of their mutual discoveries, a dangerous psychopath looms on the side-lines who threatens to destroy their new beginning.
The Sexual Awakening of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson by suitesamba (M, 24,579 w., 10 Ch. || Post-TRF, Case Fic, H/C, First Kiss/Time) – Sherlock owes Mycroft a favor. Mycroft calls in that favor by offering Sherlock's consulting services in a charity auction. Sherlock and John soon find themselves at the country manor of Mrs. Ives-Patton Smarmington III - not very coincidentally a long-time friend of Sherlock's mother - where they are reluctant participants in her Murder Mystery Weekend. It's a play within a play for Sherlock and John, and their roles for the weekend event bleed over into their real lives, waking the sleeping dragons within.
Tomorrow's Song by agirlsname (M, 24,645 w., 5 Ch. || Post-TRF, POV Sherlock, Angst with a Happy Ending, Virgin / Repressed Sherlock, Love Confessions, Slow Burn, Pining, Jealous Sherlock) – How can he think a relationship with me would be a good idea? I am the sort of person to take a break from my life and when I come back after two years, I expect to find it exactly as I left it. In reality I find it shattered to pieces. (I actually equate you with my life. When did I start doing that?)
State of Flux by Atiki (E, 24,655 w., 4 Ch. || Sherlock POV, Slow Burn, First Kiss/Time, Friends to Lovers, Frottage, Cuddles and Snuggles, Awkwardness, Insecure/Virgin Sherlock, Romance) – John’s marriage is over and he is finally back home (i.e. at Baker Street, where he belongs). Sherlock is awfully insecure and John is awfully hesitant, and they're both awkward idiots, of course, but they figure it out. Many First Times happen.
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rainbowcarousels · 4 years
I don't know how interesting this is going to be but I started to answer a comment on the latest JBSWM from @zanahoriabaila and realised I actually kind of want to talk more depth about the subject so I'm going to post it up here. Between talking a little about Genesis especially on twitter and briefly talking a couple of chapters ago about Sephiroth, it's kind of all been ruminating into something meta that borders on a directors commentary.
Again, how come your Genesis always spews all the stuff I think?
This is absolutely something I do with my version of Genesis on the regular and there's a few different reasons why he’s my character of choice for uncomfortable examinations of stuff.
 Cut for discussion of fic, canon, trauma and interrelationships with everyone!
The first reason is the Eve symbolism that comes with Genesis as a character. There's a decent bit of it with Genesis (much like Aerith) when you consider his name, his limit break, his carrying around of the forbidden fruit and the look of the Goddess statue and in CC canon, he is the first person to tell Sephiroth about what Jenova is. As such, giving a lot of the harder hitting commentary to Genesis feels natural because he is good at weaponising knowledge.
It also makes more sense out of AGS to give it to him because of each of their interactions with how knowledge effects them. The revelation of the Jenova Project in general (I hope!) illustrated this pretty well in that Angeal takes in knowledge and then thinks about what he should say or do or feel about it and it impacts it greatly. Sephiroth takes in the knowledge and tries to analyse and categorise because exploring how he feels emotionally about something is really difficult for him and unless it's pertinent, he just doesn't address it in terms of how to feel about it. Genesis in contrast to both goes instantly to what he is feeling in the moment and it fuels his decisions and choices.
Angeal's issue comes when what he should feel and what he does feel are so at odds that he can't reasonably justify how he feels and he's been going through a lot of that since he doesn't want to think ill of his mother, he does not want to consider that his father might have lied to him and he absolutely does not want to think about Hollander at all. His sense of honour is wrapped up in family, in the idea that he pulled himself up to get where he is with hard work and determination and that he does make a positive difference and he's just...completely lost right now emotionally because he can't reconcile his feelings with what he thinks he should feel.
Sephiroth's comes when something is emotive and he can't pick it apart and make sense of it through physical and observable changes. I think this probably comes from spending his childhood as a lab specimen so he knows how to report things that are observable and that emotions are too subjective so he doesn't include them. Then getting thrust into war, he also learns to describe himself by a physical status report. Zack gives him one based on how he is physically because he knows this is how Sephiroth is. The problem for him and the reason he is as noted by the same comment so detached is because he just doesn't really process anything emotional in any significant way, which is why as noted in one of my much earlier chapters, he struggles with saying 'I love you' because it's pure emotion and he tries to show it in his own way instead.  
Then you have Genesis who runs on his emotions and experiences like they're fuel. There's a throwaway line in Don't You Know My Name about how Genesis doesn't so much like or dislike things as he dismisses or obsesses over them and because of that, he has the nastiest tunnel vision and comes across as self centred. He likes to write his own narrative in a way that makes sense to him based on what information he has and how he feels about it. There's a line in the song from JBSWM's title song that says 'judgment made can never bend' and I think this is part of Genesis struggling more with Zack's inclusion into their relationship with Cloud because he formed his own opinions on Cloud and Zack is Angeal's little puppy he's been hearing about for years. It's hard to shift perspectives for him.
Zack and Cloud have their own relationships with truth and feelings but Gast is history for AGS. So onto Gast, because that the subject being discussed in the chapter. It's not something new, if I go by my own timeline, Genesis and Angeal have known since they were 15 about a decent chunk of what happened as Sephiroth's background and Angeal comes down hard on the 'respect what Sephiroth feels even if it's not entirely accurate because it's important to him' side and Genesis comes down on the 'This was bullshit and Sephiroth needs to know it was bullshit regardless of how attached he is to the memory of Gast because he needs to deal with it'.
Zack and Cloud are just forming their opinions and it'll happen over a few chapters, but Zack is far more emotion based but he also has rose coloured glasses and if there is an upside, he will find it. Cloud, growing up feeling angry and isolated and idolising Sephiroth, kind of has a similar way of coping as him in that he has this idea he can't be openly emotional or vulnerable because he'll get hurt but he also isn't about to pull any punches either. It should make for interesting interaction hopefully.
I think Sephiroth is more knowledgeable than he realises in that he quickly guesses from Genesis being willing to share that they are in the 'experimented on parents' club that this is colouring some of his interaction here. He backs down earlier when the subject comes up, not because he thinks he's wrong but he's not pushing that hard because as much as it comes from a place where he's sad and angry that this terrible thing happened to someone he loves, he can rationalise backing down because his feelings are second hand. Except now they're not. While Angeal and Sephiroth can look at their parents to some degree and assign some kind of blame (and Cloud can from being victimised), he can't because he doesn't know who his parents are or what the circumstances were but Gast was the head of the department when this crap went down so he is a prime target for someone to be furious at.  
These guys spent their teenage years building coping mechanisms based on battlefield experience, it's probably not a surprise Sephiroth is practical and tries to funnel it into something productive, Angeal tries to find the honourable method of dealing with it in the way he's supposed to and Genesis just wants someone, anyone appropriate to unleash all of that emotion on. I'd also argue that Zack tries to apply it to being the best hero he can be even though he was doing a lot of pretty unhero-like things and Cloud was cannon fodder, it's no surprise his sense of worth is in the toilet and he can't really grasp the idea of being special.
Someone described JBSWM as five broken people trying to make each other whole and I don't think it's exactly right, but it is close. It's five people trying to figure out a way to live with a shit ton of trauma and a lot of it is trauma they're complicit in which is really difficult to work through given all time and resources let alone trying to deal with Shinra at the same time. 
This kind of brings me back to why Genesis is often the pushing person in the relationship and why he's not always right to do it.
As horrible as the Project G revelations are, it's not the same as growing up in the way Sephiroth (and in some ways, Aerith) did and he has the coping mechanisms he has for good reasons. He needs to have this idea of Gast as this good person who tried to be good to him but died because the alternative is Gast wandered off the moment he wasn't as interesting anymore and left him (in JBSWM's timeline at around the age of 4) to try and survive it by himself. He's already lost this perfect idea of a mother by having the 'L' put there and all SOLDIERs having JENOVA on their files and he's kind of desperately clinging onto something good because he hasn't really thought about what a lot of it would look like to someone coming in now until Cloud started to ask about it and had enough first hand experience to know it was really messed up. He can justify it as Gast was the better scientist, the better man, the better influence for him but if you start taking that away, it puts him in the position of being victimised and abused and that's all there is and I don't think he knows how to even begin to process that. As @aimeelouart pointed out, if he thinks about it or talks about it with any perspective, he would have to acknowledge he is traumatised and a large part of his identity has been built on his own invincibility. How can he be traumatised if that’s so?
The flipside of it being that I don't think any of them understood fully in a conscious way what happened with Sephiroth’s childhood until they saw it up close and personal with Cloud and even if it's coming from Genesis (dude is loud), Angeal is also pissed off and furious that it's just as bad as they thought it might be but could never be sure because they've only ever seen the aftermath and he does not talk about it. Zack got it all in one, he heard about it and saw it and is trying to deal with that but for Genesis and Angeal, it's festered for a decade and since no one save for maybe Zack has ever met a single healthy coping mechanism, it goes out as Angeal being cautious and letting Sephiroth set his own pace and Genesis going no, this is important, you have to confront this because if it hurts them from just caring about him and realising how bad it was, if Sephiroth some day realises how awful it was, he's going to just...shatter or explode and they'll lose him and even if he struggles to express it sometimes, he does love him dearly and like with Cloud, he wants him to figure out what will make him happy and it doesn’t seem like he’ll feel happy until he can stop blocking out what he’s feeling on instinct as some leftover coping mechanism. Cloud having to deal with his own lab trauma just brings it to the forefront and Genesis is not wasting the opportunity.
The thing is I don't think he's wrong about it because I think Alien Demi-god Sephiroth and Sane Sephiroth are two sides of the exact same person. There's hints of it here and there, but I think one of the biggest ones is he's very possessive and it took Hojo crossing the line and almost killing Cloud when he was beginning to grow attached to him to get him to move out of his holding pattern. In a way, this can also be traced all the way back to Gast and the idea of his mother because it's this almost childlike view that when he's attached to someone, they leave and it hurts so the obvious answer is make it so they can't leave or in the case of canon, try to push them to come back. I genuinely do not think Jenova knew what they were getting themselves into with him because they were like 'hey I could be your mom' and got absolutely swallowed by someone who was hurting, desperate for connection and just So Fucking Done with all of it until his will overrode theirs and he was never, ever going to be alone again because the entire planet would be reborn as part of him. 
Not the direction I'm going with JBSWM, they have some things they need to work on with each other but they are together and leaving Shinra was as close to a statement of commitment as you can get. With Midgar behind them and a chunk of their identity and dreams left with it, trying to face those uncomfortable truths will be hard for everyone and as much as Genesis puts it out there, he’ll struggle with his own too because if they have to deal with their shit, so does he. 
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afaimsarrowverse · 4 years
Arrowverse Update 2021:
I am doing one more of those before the new Seasons are rolling in, because we got major news about one project and some more bits about everything else, so… let’s start with the bad news and then continue with the rest:
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 Green Arrow and the Canaries
 Is officially dead. It is currently unknown if and how we are going to get a resolution of the cliffhangar from the Backdoor-Pilot and its other open plot-threads. Yes, we were promised that all of this would get resolved somwhere else, if the show would not get picked up, however that was one year ago. Since then a lot has changed.
The main problem is that the project was just buried a couple of days ago, meaning that there is no chance for anything of this to be resolved in this TV-Season, which is already completly planned through for all the Arrowverse-Shows (and even half filmed already in some cases). The other problem is that a good portion of the people responsible for „Green Arrow and the Canaries“ is not a part of the current Arrwoverse anylonger. Yes, Marc Guggenheim could come back just to do a Crossover that resolves all that is still open, but why would The CW want its next Crossover Event to revolve around a never picked up show? There would have to be something else in that Crossover Event, provided one of those could even happen any time soon. As for doing just a singular episode the problem is where. The shows with ties to „Green Arrow and the Canaries“ might not be around any more or be in their final season by the time such an episode could be made, and all of the shows might again get shortened seasons, so the producers are going to have other priorties for their own shows in the next year.
So we might not get a resolution to „Green Arrow and the Canaries“ at all. On Televison that is. There is the alternate route though: A Comic Continuation.
As of now however it’s way to early to know anything for sure though. They are looking into it, but as I said, things are a lot more complicated right now, then they were a year ago.
 Season two is rolling around in a few days, therefor they released a new accurate synopsis and The CW has been and is still putting out a lot of promo material. You can watch most of it on Youtube.
A couple of days after I wrote my last one of these, it was reported that Christina Wolfe will be part of the main cast this season. In other news, we also were told that we will get yet another version of Victor Zsasz. The Arrowverse-Version will be played by Alex Morf.
Also David Ramsey will guest star as John Diggle and also direct an episode (but probably not the same one). And yes, this might be the Crossover Episode. However is has to be said that is has become awfully quite around that illusive „Batwoman“/“Superman&Lois“-Crossover. Given the news about David Ramsey being in all shows, it might have been replaced by a Diggle-Storyline that goes through all the shows including „Batwoman“. We will have to wait and see.
The Season opener will go into Kate Kane’s fate (without her being in it though) and Gotham will have to confront the False Face Society and new drug called Snakebite in the opening episodes. The tone of the new Season might be drastically different from before, there are hints for that, and I am not speaking about BLM instead of LGBT-issues. The words „goofy“ and „fun“ are kind of present, if you know what I mean, however this could just be promotion.
 As for the episodes:
 2.01 „Whatever happend to Kate Kane?“ (Directed by: Holly Dale, Written by: Caroline Dries, Airdate: January 17 2021)
 2.02 „Prior Criminal History“ (Written by: James Stoteraux & Chad Fiveash)
 2.03 „Bat Girl Magic“
 2.04 „Fair Skin, Blue Eyes“ (Directed by: Menhaj Huda, Written by: Ebony Gilbert)
 2.05 „Gore on Canvas“
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Black Lightning
 Everyone is still very tighlipped about the final Season of „Black Lightning“. So I have nothing new, apart from titles (which are in line with the previous seasons and therefore not telling us anything, if we are honest):
 4.01 „The Book of Reconstruction: Chapter One“ (Airdate: February 8 2021)
 4.02 „The Book of Reconstruction: Chapter Two“
 4.03. „The Book of Reconstruction: Chapter Three“
 4.04 „The Book of Reconstrucion: Chapter Four“
 4.05 „The Book of Ruin: Chapter One“
 4.07 „Painkiller“-Backdoorpilot
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The Flash
 So, yes, someone on the Production Team was tested posivite, and they had to shut down the production for a short period of time because of this, but it remained a pretty isolated case (or so it seems) and the production did resume. To make up for the lost time the Christmas Break was shortend, and they are back to filming already, so no need to worry, everthing is on schedule.
This season will see the return of John Diggle to Central City. David Ramsey will also direct an episode (but probably not the same one). We will also see the return of the Meta-Human Task Force, which will clash with Frost. This storyline will also involve Joe. Eric Wallace has hinted before that there will be a storyline involving the police and abuse of power with Joe in it, and I did assume it would be BLM-storyline, however this is „The Flash“, so this storyline might be what he talked about instead, and we might get a Meta-Human are being hunted and abused-Storyline as a substiute.
 As for the first couple of episodes:
 7.01 „All’s Wells that Ends Wells“ (Airdate: Feburary 23 2021)
 7.02. „The Speed of Thought“ (Airdate: March 2 2021)
 7.03 „Mother“ (Airdate: March 9 2021)
 7.04 „Central City Strong“( Airdate: March 16 2021)
 7.05 „Fear Me“ (Airdate: March 23 2021)
Superman & Lois
 The new Morgan Edge is in and it will be Adam Rayner, who will inherit the role from Adrian Pasdar. We also learned that Joselyn Picard will play the other Cushing-Lang-Daughter Sophie. Reporters we will get to meet on the show not only include Ron Troupe but also Chrissy Beppp played by Sofia Hasmik, while Leslie Larr played by Stacey Farber will be a cold former idealist, probably tied to Morgan Edge, and presumable an antagonist.
David Ramsey will guest star as John Diggle somewhen this season and will direct an episode as well. He will make his way through most of the shows (as Diggle) and might be the Crossover-Factor of this season. Even though the „Batwoman“/“Superman & Lois“-Crossover is not officially of the table, we haven’t heard anything about it in a while, so maybe this actually is it.
We got a proper look at the new suit and also the first real trailer, which is … unusal. More artsy then revealing, but is around one and a half months until the season starts, so there will be another trailer coming out soon.
 The first couple of episodes:
 1.01  Pilot (Directed by: Lee Toland Krieger, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Todd Helbing, Airdate: February 23 2021)
 1.02  „Heritage“ (Airdate: March 2 2021)
 1.03  „The Perks of Not Being a Wallflower“ (Airdate: March 9 2021)
 1.04. „Haywire“ (Directed by: James Bamford, Airdate: March 16 2021)
 1.05 „The Beacon“ (Airdate: March 23 2021)
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Legends of Tomorrow
 Aliyah O’Brien will guest star as Kayla a fearsome deadly alien warrior in this season, who won’t be to happy about the Legends, because she is a pro, and they are …. well … the Legends. David Ramsey will also guest star this season, however he won’t be playing John Diggle, but another role instead. Who or what this other role will be remains a mystery. He could play Diggles ancenstor or descendant, if time travel is still an element in Season 6, or a shape shifting alien or an illusion, however they could also go full prosthetics and have him playing a character with no connection to Diggle at all.
David Ramsey will also direct an episode this season. Caity Lotz did already direct an episode, Episode 5, and given that she tweeted about the strain of directing and acting at the same time, we will see more of Sara in this episode than in last year‘s „Mortal Khanbat“. However still expect less Sara in Episode 4 and 5 than usual.
There was an early air-date floating around for „Legends“, which proofed to be a mix-up. Don‘t expect Season 6 (or any mid-season replacement for that matter) before the end of May, and even that would be early.
 As for the episodes:
 6.01 „ Ground Control to Sara Lance“ (Directed by: Kevin Mock, Written by: James Eagan & Mark Bruner)
 6.02 „Meat: The Legends“ (Directed by: Rachel Talalay, Written by: Matthew Maala & Morgan Faust)
 6.03 „The Ex-Factor“ (Directed by: David Geddes, Written by: Grainne Godfree  & Tyron Carter)
 6.04 „Bay of Squids“ (Directed by: Sudz Sutherland, Written by: Phil Klemmer)
 6.05 „The Satanist’s Apprentice“ (Directed by. Caity Lotz, Written by: Keto Shimizu, & Ray Utarnachitt)
 6.06 „Bishop’s Gambit“ (Directed by: Kevin Mock, Written by: James Eagan & Emily Cheever)
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 Here we are again, with crumbs only. I still can’t tell you anything with value that happens this season. A couple of casting tapes leaked, one involving a prison break plot, however there is no telling if this isn’t just a single scene that leads to something totally different or the beginning of an actual sub-plot. We do know however that Young Alex and Young Kara will make their return this season.
We also know, that „Supergirl“ is about the only show on this list that does not have a finished Episode 1 as of now. They might have one or two finished episodes around Episode 5 or 6, but that’s it.
The reason we know this is that even though they are up to Episode 6 with filming, just like the other Vancouver-based shows, they did start a lot later, meaning they did not film whole episodes. The other reason we know that is that Melissa is just returning to the show this months. And there is no way she won’t be in Episode 1. She might sit out a couple of episodes that star Young Kara and Young Alex instead, but there is no way she won’t be in the first six episodes at all.
We will also get less Alex this year, or tob e more accurate less Chyler. She is having her directorial debute this season. Episode 6 is her episode, and this is the one with Young Alex und Young Kara in it. However present day Brainy und Nia are also in it, so it won’t be a total Flashback Episode. However, expect Chyler Light Episodes 5-6. Episode 7 will be directed by David Harewood. David Ramsey will also direct an episode this season and will guest star as John Diggle, however probably not in the same episode.
Also Odette Annable is back for the final season in some capacity. Wether as Sam or as Reign or both and for how much is unknown at this point.
And yes, „Supergirl“ is also the only show on this, where I can’t give you an episode list, because this is all we know.
Yes, it is the final season and they are extra-tight-lipped because of that, and also as I said they don’t really have finished episodes at this stage, but still it would be nice, if someone up there in Vancouver or someone from the Writer’s Room would give us anything. But it seems like they are holding back with any kind of promotion at least until Melissa starts filming if not longer.
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Fanfic recommendations part three: Season 7 fix-its
Some of these stories are post season 7 finale, some of them take place during season 7 and diverge from canon. Season 8 who? We don’t know her.
I’ve read and enjoyed all of these stories, they are all worth the read.
(By the way this is a big category, so this post is huge)
All Our Yesterdays by ChronicallyChill
After the events of "Street Fighting Man", Jackie and Hyde wish more than anything that things had happened differently. The next morning, they wake up in the past, on the morning of Vanstock where Jackie promptly makes one dream come true. They are not together—but, soon enough, one change snowballs into another... Time Travel AU.
I didn’t knew if I should’ve placed this story on the season 7 fix-it category or in the AU category, in the end I chose this one, if you think it’s incorrect, please let me know so I can change it.
Okay so this story deserves a special comment because OH MY GOD, it’s incredible. It’s amazing how the author writes the characters so well, and I simply love the addition of Buddy Morgan to the gang.
This story is a WIP, it hasn’t been updated in a while but I still have faith.
121k words, 7 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna, Buddy/Fez
Also available on AO3
As You Wish by c00kiefic
A dark comedic look at love, loss and death. Hyde’s there for Jackie when she needs him the most.
This story is complete.
7k words, 2 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Daddy’s Home by bellamarie
Jackie and Hyde’s relationship has been smooth sailing for the most part since their last break-up in ‘79. As Hyde begins to seriously commit to Jackie, her dad is released from prison and he returns home to supposedly rekindle his relationship with her. Hyde, suspecting that Jack’s intentions aren’t pure, enlists the help of his friends to try and expose Jack for the still crook man that he is. While Hyde may be a paranoid burnout, he knows that the wily politician is up to no good. There is one thing, however, both men have a common interest in: Jackie Burkhart.
Okay so this story basically ignores the existence of season 8, that’s why it’s in this category.
Oh, and I’m pretty sure this is an abandoned story. Unfortunaly. It only has two chapters and damn, I’m dreaming about the day the author will update this, I’m already hooked.
4k words, 2 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Finding the Right Future by springsteenicious
After Chicago, Hyde starts driving to Las Vegas, planning to get over Jackie. His car nearly breaks down in Iowa, forcing him to stop. While he's there, he meets Fortune, a woman who will change the course of his life forever.
This story is complete.
13k words, 8 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Halloween is Over by MistyMountainHop
Eric wants to be scared for Halloween, really scared. Donna proposes a contest, and all their friends are in. But Hyde and Jackie's renewed relationship might not withstand the stress. Donna and Kelso must fight their impulses, and Fez and Eric's chances of survival are slim.
This story is complete.
25k words, 8 chapters.
Rated M
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna
Also Available on AO3
Hyde’s Long Way Home by MistyMountainHop
This story is perfect. It literally has no defects. I love ALL of MIstyMountainHop’s stories, literally, all of them, but this one has a very special place in my heart. It’s complete and it’s definitely worth the read.
Hyde goes on a self-destructive bender after finding Jackie with a towel-wrapped Kelso. The day after that, he wakes up ... and it's the same day as before. He's doomed to live the same day over and over — unless he can figure out a way to live it right.
151k words, 26 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna
Also available on AO3
I’d Have You Anytime by anonymous author
What if Jackie after panicking in her show, gave up? And what if she made an unnatural friendship? Basically a fix it of season 7. If you like a story with good Jackie/Eric friendship moments, I totally recommend this one!
Trigger warning for past eating disorder.
This story is a WIP and it’s being updated frequently.
15k words, 9 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna
I Found a Reason by JoyfulHeartEO
Can Donna help Hyde see the light before he loses the one thing that's most important to him? Or will Jackie decide to leave at all?
Rated T.
9k words, 3 chapters.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna
Jackie and Hyde: The Untold Story by Lotusflower655
I was going to place this in the “Hidden Moments” category (spoiler alert, the next category), when I realised this has a different season 7 finale, so... here it is.
Rated M.
12k words, 6 chapters.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Let’s Grow Up Together by yabookreader96
One day Jackie receives a certain letter in the mail, and she finds her life quickly beginning to change. Suddenly she is a grown up navigating life on her own, drifting away from the sleepy little town of Point Place...and from her friends who can't seem to find the courage to discover life outside the Forman basement. Will her friends catch up, or will Jackie be all on her own?
This story is complete.
67k words, 12 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna
Magic by poetdameron
Hyde has never been good at words and Jackie has never been good at waiting, they need to find a balance to stay together. Hopefully, they'll do it before is too late.
16k words, 2 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Also Available on AO3
Please Don’t Say You Love Me (’Cause I Might Not Say It Back) by orphan_account
An alternate take on the end of season 7. Instead of running off to Vegas Hyde downs a couple of beers in the good ol' El Camino before deciding that some things are more important than his pride - i.e. his relationship with Jackie.
This story is complete.
3k words, 2 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Reflections Through the Glass by MistyMountainHop
Okay, this story is quite a trip, and it’s amazing. It’s based on a minisseries called The 10th Kingdom.
Six months after Chicago, Hyde no longer believes in love — or in Jackie. Donna's not speaking to Eric. Kelso's confused about his whole life, and Fez has gone missing. The only way back may be to leave it all behind.
This story is complete, and there’s a sequel, called Beneath a Shattered Sky. Honestly, I love the first story, but the sequel... The sequel is probably one of the best stories I’ve ever read. Those are both very long stories, but they are worth it.
138k words, 46 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna
Season 8 redo by tanith75
This is the most famous story of the fandom for a reason.
The story starts after the s7ep21 episode, so there’s no Chicago problems or people going to Africa over here :) It’s amazingly written, it’s funny as hell, and it honestly feels like I’m watching an episode of the show when I’m reading it. It’s amazing, it’s what should’ve happened in the show.
This story is not complete, but please, don’t let this stop you from reading it.
293k words, 42 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna, Red/Kitty, Fez/Laurie, Kelso/Brooke
Shade by MistyMountainHop
This story ignores season 8 completely and season 7 is canon, that’s why it’s in this category.
Hyde finds himself homeless on a night where Jackie is without parents. The gift he gave her last Christmas draws him to her, but his attachment lingers past that rainy first night, grows through countless experiences, and leads him across state lines. Their relationship is a high-stakes gamble, but Jackie may fold before Hyde can show all his cards.
This story is complete and it melts my heart every single time I read it.
43k words, 10 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Also Available on AO3
The Seeker by QuarterflashWoman
With Donna and Eric's own relationship kaput, after Eric left Donna at the altar, what does this mean for our favorite opposites-attract couple Steven and Jackie? Wedding bells, baptisms, betrayals, and ultimatums. It's just another year in the lives of those of Point Place.
This is mainly a season 7 hidden moments story until it diverges from canon, and it’s lovely. I wish it was complete, but it’s still worth the read.
121k words, 23 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, some background Eric/Donna angst.
We’re All Alright by glittermila
In which Hyde and Jackie actually talk things out after he caught Kelso at the motel.
This is a lovely story, and I really enjoyed it, seeing Jackie and Hyde having a mature relationship is everything.
This story is complete.
48k words, 21 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Mainly Jackie/Hyde
Zenmasters: Seasons 3-5 by zdbztumble
I was having a lot of trouble categorizing this story, in the end, I decided that it was a season 7 fix-it of sorts, since season 8 doesn’t exist and season 7 ends in a satisfying way.
This story is a rewrite of some episodes, the author foreshadowed J/H relationship during seasons 3 and 4, and she added some pretty nice J/H moments in some chapters. The author also changed some things in some episodes (like the way J/H get back together after the nurse, and some other things). It’s a pretty good story, I like it a lot.
After "Jackie Bags Hyde," a certain subplot went into hibernation for a season and a half. What if it hadn't? And, if it hadn't, what other surprises would pop up along the way? "Tune in" to find out!
This story is complete.
170k words, 43 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
A change in fate by KaraSkinner
After leaving Jackie in Chicago, Hyde gets into a car crash and meets an angel that shows him just how bleak life would be if he doesn't change his fate now.
4k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
don’t I love you so by orphan_account
Hyde’d spent so long trying to keep her out, and what had happened? He’d finally opened up the gates, only to realise she’d been there the whole time and had had enough. Love — it was a goddamn Trojan horse.
or; a 7x25 fix it where hyde and jackie talk like adults for once in their damn lives.
4k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Hyde Asks Jackie to Stay by springsteenicious
When Hyde finds Jackie in the basement when she's supposed to be in Chicago, his first instinct is to push her away. Instead, he asks her to stay.
2k words
Rated G.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
I’m not a heartbreaker, so be gentle with mine by FalaZure
It's just a proposal, Hyde's been through worse and really how hard can it be?
or: 5 times Hyde tries to propose to Jackie, and one time he succeeds.
This story ignores season 8 completely, and it’s mainly just fluff, I LOVE it.
12k words.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Jackie Doesn’t Leave Before Getting an Answer by springsteenicious
Jackie stays in Point Place and waits for an answer to her ultimatum. At long last, Hyde gives her one.
2k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Let’s Do It by poetdameron
According to the tags, season 8 does not exist on this story, so off to the season 7 fix-its category you go.
There are things a man should not say after great orgasms on Christmas' Eve, Steven Hyde should have known better.
2k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Moth Drawn to Light by blackorchids
After Hyde sees how good Jackie is with baby Betsy, it makes him start to think.
Ignores the existence of season 8 completely. Just a fluff little one-shot on Hyde’s thoughts about fatherhood.
1k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Our Last Night on Earth by c00kiefic
When Hyde wakes up in the beer warehouse, he decides to actually fight for his girl.
3k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Remember to Breathe by PrefectMoony
She’s all bubblegum laughter, and butter scotch kisses. Hyde thinks he loves her, thinks he’s always loved her. Hates that it’s taken him so long to tell her as much.
Hates it even more that the first time he’s ever told her so is when the break between them is too raw— too jagged— to be able to mend with pretty platitudes.
Beautifully written.
4k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
sighs in my sleep by finkpishnets
“Congratulations,” the nurse says, smile pulled too tight as she glances at Jackie’s unadorned hand.
Jackie wants to shrug it off — “My husband’s getting the ring engraved as an anniversary gift. Isn’t that just so romantic?” — but she can’t find the breath to let the lie trip off her tongue, even in the face of pity.
2k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Street Fighting Man by springsteenicious
Hyde finds Jackie crying at the Packers Game. He tries to fix it.
1k words
Rated G
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Tea For One by KayRight
The second Mrs. Forman walked in with a letter for him he knew what had happened. Marrying her scared him, but losing her terrified him to his very core. Takes place in Season 7 after Jackie tells Hyde she got a job in Chicago.
2k words.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
The One Where They’re Happy by amidtheflowers
When Jackie and Hyde start dating, it takes the gang a while to see how that relationship even works. Something that creepy and unnatural can't possibly work, right? Meanwhile, Donna wonders why she puts up with any of them.
Adorable, I love this story so much, please read this.
3k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
we’ll be alright by marvelfoodlover
What if Jackie didn't easily forgive the gang after they missed her graduation party?
Season 7 fix-it because it diverges from canon.
2k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
I think that covers it.
I’ll repeat this at the end of every single post: speaking as someone who writes, it would be really cool if you guys decide to leave a review (or a comment, if the story is on AO3) in the stories you read, especially the unfinished ones. It really motivates the authors, and receiving a compliment is always a mood lifter. I’ve seen some authors updating stories after years because of nice reviews, so… yeah, this is just an idea.
If you think I left out a good story, feel free to reply to this post!
Next category: Hidden Moments
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