#so utterly unnormal about their love for each other
cebwrites · 7 months
vampire AU hcs
a/n: something short and sweet to get these ideas out of my head, spooky szn hasn't quite left me yet 🦇💕
oc x canon, they/he law, blood ment, hickeys word count: 0.6k
Vampires being repelled by garlic but treating it with the same weight as most lactose intolerant people because, depending on the amount consumed, the affects are more or less the same as a mild allergic reaction - Law is not giving their idiot vampiric boyfriend their blood to sip equivalent to a lactaid pill while he sniffles and whines at them over a bowl of pasta
Law travels a lot for their work and it's not uncommon for Kirin to shadow them, stealing kisses under the cover of heavy foliage or napping comfortably under the good doctor's coat in the form of an innocent little bat until the sun sets
On the occasion that the area that he has to visit is notoriously sunny or crawling with vampire hunters, however, Kirin stays "home" at whatever little inn they've made themselves comfortable in for the month
The first long trip away from each other, Law returned to the innkeeper running up to him in a panic about the state of his partner since their departure; Kirin was as they left him, asleep and tangled up in the covers with his hair splayed across both pillows
Just that this time his skin ran a deathly chill (more than one would expect from the undead) and according to the inn-keeper he'd hardly moved at all in the past week, let alone get up to eat anything; although Law supposed that latter part was a good thing considering his partner's... proclivities
Only after they assured the innkeeper, and the handful of worried servants that had been charmed by their partner's nature before he ended up in such a sorry state, that everything would be fine if they just gave them some air and space to work, in private, did light return to Kirin's eyes
Whether it was the prospect of fresh blood or just Law's presence as they leaned down to give their pallid lover much needed affection and sustenance - that mattered little because life quite literally poured back into Kirin with the first bite
Later he'd get a scolding smack from the huffy doctor when Law asked how he ended up like that in the first place, and Kirin's only answer was that he refused to drink anyone's blood but theirs because "he was afraid to upset them" if he took anyone else like he took to them
They discussed later that if this little asshole was literally on the brink of a second death, that drinking other people's blood was okay without Law present
I like to think that Kirin's bites have minor healing properties in addition to the local anesthetic actual vampire bats have, where wild vampires have their gluttonous bloody feasts he lures his prey in with easy smiles and a gorgeous silhouette in the night, then he's gone without leaving so much as a trace on their necks
Makes things a lot harder for the hunters to follow his trail if there isn't one to follow
As far as Law is concerned, it's convenient, especially when he has to head into a meetup with other hunters over the weekend and their frankly insatiable lover is begging for more blood - although Law does feel a little something when Kirin proudly flaunts the patches of red and purple that they leave on him with his open, flowy shirts
Almost pouting because they've got nothing to show, but really all they have to do is ask and Kirin would gleefully mark their throat with love bites that didn't break skin, therefore having no need for his supernatural abilities to kick in and hide them
Though Law would hesitate to actually admit it out loud, since they're almost certain that the idea of them actually wanting to be marked by Kirin would send that man into a giddy, giggly haze for hours, and they really don't have the time to flush for that long (they're right)
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ethien · 4 years
Hiiii. ( ´ ▽ ` )/ I have one unusual request. Yiga clan!Link x Sheikah!fem!reader. I'm not against lemon(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
OMG..I finish it. AHHH! >.< 
It can be that the smut part is shorter than I expected...but all in all, I really had fun with the idea. I am also really sorry it took so long. My mood hardly swings in october and well, I was often ill in november ._. And well, I love gaming and when I found a game, I am gaming. 
Hope you like what I created.
Age of Sexuality
Words: 5.082
It got dark outside while you waited outside your house. The dark times were the dangerous times of your village – the enemies often attack your village in the dark. They often harm the people, sometimes they kidnap them. You were part of the protection team. You were a skilled sheikah warrior, so you can defeat the enemy – the yiga.
The yiga were once part of your tribe – but something happened in the past and now, they were the enemy of the kingdom of Hyrule. You often asked what happened – but no one ever answered your question. They also often told you not to ask – Foolish you thought in your opinion.  
Maybe there was a way to understand them without crossing the blades.
Tonight, you hoped that you will get your answers. Why you were so confident in it?
Since some time, you had a feeling of eyes on you. There was someone who looked over you and you were sure, it was a yiga. You caught sometimes some shadows from him…And you were sure it was a him. His posture was quite manly and strong – he moved very smooth and agile and he should have golden blond hair – what was quite unnormal for a yiga. You just did not know his face – but you guessed he must be a handsome one.
Maybe you had a little crush on him – your enemy. If he really was your enemy. He often watched you without attacking which wasn’t really yiga-like. It was true you were fascinated about the unknown and maybe you had your fantasies with dealing with the enemy as a friend…or more.
You shook your head. There was another time you could dream your pervert fantasies. It was more important to save your village and even if you found your enemy utterly hot, he still was an enemy.
You hoped you could catch him for information.
 There was a rustling sound in the near. There was no wind – so it should be him. You tried to act like just stargazing. You hoped he was silly enough to think you just do nothing. He did and it played you in the cards.
In seconds he jumped out of his hideout – it seemed he wanted to capture you – but you were faster. You put out your swords and the fight could start.
It was like you assumed – manly posture with some muscles, blond hair, agile, smooth and a good fighter.
You did not know why but he seemed to holding back his skills. He just parried and did not try to harm you. You really did not know why he does that – but it played you in the cards. In seconds, you put your swords away and attacked him with yourself. He never saw this coming and could not react.
So, you could slam him in the ground and captured him.
Now you sat there in your house. Only some candles lighten up the room. He was bind against the pillar. He could not move his body, his arms or his legs. And he seemed not happy about it – but you guessed he would be.
 “So, yiga” you started talking and looked at the masked man before you. “A reason you wanted to kidnap me? Isn’t it easier to just…well…killing me?”
He was silent.
“Or did you all kipdnap us for providing your tribe new people? I mean, every tribe needs kids to grow. Would be natural your tribe do that”
He only snorted.
“Oh, I found a weak spot. A bit pathetic, you have to say. Kidnapping…so you just have childs. But it would suit your loveless structure. Like what woman would be willing to be a wife of a yiga…”
Silence again.
“But well, I am not here to ask you what you do to create new member. I have…other questions”
He only snorted again – like he wanted to say Try it, I will say nothing.
“Nice try…but this will not work” you said. You put your hands over the masked and took them down.
 It was like you said – he really was a handsome one. His blond hair was in a high ponytail like other yiga. Clear blue eyes – no one would guess these eyes could harm others and still, there was something dangerous in them. He did not look like a usual yiga. He looked more hylian with sheikah vibes to you than any other yiga did.
“I guess you could speak better without that piece of wood”
He looked angry at you. But not the angry like You will pay for it. It was more like an embarrassing thing.
“So, before we start our like chat - What’s your name?”
“What?” he just said surprised. He had a calming voice. Manly, but also calming. You guessed he was also your age.
“Discussing things, it better with knowing each other better. I’m [Y/N]”
“A bit foolish to say your enemy your name”
“Maybe…but you have to say it made the atmosphere better”
“What atmosphere? We are enemies”
“We are? I don’t think so”
He looked very surprised at you.
“Well, your tribe is my enemy, that’s true. But I don’t think you not”
“And how do you think that?”
“Well...” you started. “You had enough opportunities to kidnap me. And there was a lot where I was without weapons…or cloths…” You could not hide the slight pink around your cheeks. “But you didn’t. Even in our fight, you hold back. There must be a reason”
You saw how he also got a little slight pink around his cheeks.
“So, tell me…what’s your deal with me?”
 His deal was something else than kidnapping you. But it was too embarrassing to tell. If someone from the clan would know it, he would be surely dead.
Everything started with a task to observe you. Why you?
He got told you were one of the skillest warriors in the village, you were related to impa and you seemed to have a good influence for the kingdom. Someone said there was a rumor you could be the next sheikah warrior appointed to princess Zelda. And this was something his clan wanted to delete. If they know more about your daily life pattern, it was easy to kidnap and then kill you.
As one of the best yiga, he got the task and well…at the beginning, it was just boring observing for him. He learnt everything about you – how you train, how your life is and how you are. And it happens what should not happen – He got interested in you.
He saw why you were the chosen one and why everyone likes you. He also saw how popular you were with others…maybe that got him a bit jealous. The more he observes, the more he wanted to get in touch with you…making you to his wife. He even thinks asking his leader that instead of killing you, he would be observe you until the rest of your life. He wasn’t sure what this feeling was.
Now he really should kidnap you and he fucked up. He thought he does not need to fight seriously – then he could catch you to the yiga hide out and live in peace for the rest of their lives.
And now, you got him.
 You were pretty interested in the history of the clan. With the yiga before you, you had your answers. You wished he would say something more to you but well…after your deal question, he went silent. It seemed he had to think about things.
“It seemed you don’t want to say why. Well, okay. The question wasn’t the question I want an answer for. Instead, just answer me some others…more clan related…”
He eyed you a bit suspicious.
“You want to know about…us? Did you not get information about us from the village and the eldest?”
“Sure, I got some. But the information is from their view. I don’t know the view from a yiga itself. Maybe there are reasons why you act how you act…”
“And with getting it… you believe, you can find a solution?” he hissed at you.
“I guess No. But I can understand it better and can decide on my own what is right” you said.
“Why that?” he asked. It got him really curious.
“Just doing tasks without deep thinking isn’t my style. I am not like that. You can ask a lot people here – I am not doing everything they asked me to do”
He remembered situations where you acted different from others. You acted in your way. Maybe this was a thing why you were a danger for the clan.
 “And why do you believe I would tell you things? I will get myself into trouble if they knew I talk”
“Oh, you really think you will get out of here?” you smirked at him. “I am not silly that I let you go after I got what I want. I can easily talk to my people and you will be our prisoner. Do you really think they did not know I already caught you? We talk about your clan. Traitors and Failures end in death”
He was astonished you know that.
“And I really don’t think that you are a full-hearted yiga.”
“It seemed more you did it because you have nothing else. And if you be serious with fighting, you could easily live on your own.”
It got silent between you two again.
 “I got a task to observe you” he started talking. You just nod and sat down. “I should study your patterns so we could kidnap you in the future”
“We see that this wasn’t successfully” you said.
“Ha ha, yeah I know” he said sarcastically. “Well yeah, I started the task and it was pretty boring. At the beginning it was…But with the time…”
He hesitated a bit while talking. “I got more curious about you…I wanted to know more about you…”
You were unsure in which way this talk leads.
“I can now finally understand why everyone is interested in you…Good fighter, strong mind, you are always yourself, handsome…”
You were unsure if you heard it right that he maybe flirted with you without the intention to do. He was…curious about you? And he found you…handsome?
You feel flattered and a slight blush across your cheeks.
“If…if this is a trick, I will not fall for it” you said embarrassed.
He wanted to say something when he saw your blush. You seemed touched by his words and the idea you also could like him got a bit more realistic.
“I don’t trick you. I was honest with you”
 There was an attractive man before you. A man who said he was interested in you. And after all, your tribes are enemies. It seemed right and wrong at the same time.
“This would explain why you also observe me while bathing” you murmured a bit. He could hear it and got a bit red.
He remembered quite well the days you bath. The first time was a shock for him to see you…well...naked. But very fast, he could not stop admiring your naked body only covered by the water. It made is mind goes wild and he would be lying when he said he got not turned on by it. Maybe there were times he also touched himself while watching…wishing he was next to you…wishing he could give you the feeling he had at the moment.
“I can…I cannot deny…. that I did that” he murmured and looked shyly away.
Now you had your answers – He was into you. A man where you had your fantasies with.
“So,you really enjoyed it seeing me…naked?” An idea formed in your little pervert brain. You could also ask him later more things. He nods.
Now…you wanted some fun.
 “You didn’t answer my question before”
“What question?”
“Your name. I think the next hours will be pretty…interesting for both of us…and it feel more polite to know the name from each other…So, what’s your name? I’m [Y/N] after all”
He groaned a bit.
“Sounds cute” you admit and could observe his pink blush.
“So…Link…You enjoyed seeing me naked. I guess it is a thing that made you speak”
Link could not believe what his ears hear. What on earth was your plan? Your smirk was dangerous.
“I think I cannot follow your words”
“That’s okay. Just follow what I am doing”
You closed the door and the curtains. You turned your back to the door and faced him. Slowly, you put down your jacket.
Link really was unsure what you were doing and what on hell do you do to him? Did you enjoy it playing with him? What’s your intention?
You walked in a slow way to him and smirked playfully.
 You moved your hands to your zipper for your body outfit. Slowly you unzip it before him. You had his eyes all on you. He seemed unsure and excited at the same time. It was new to him that an enemy who is also a bit his crush, is undressing before himself.
Link cursed himself how easy you could play with him. He wanted to get his revenge – on the other side, he wanted to explore every part of the nude body before him.
“You like what you see,huh?” you joked and turned around. You acted like you wanted to grab something on the floor. Link had the perfect view on your back…and your butt and some part of your pussy.
For yourself, you had to admit you pretty liked this game with the domination. It was kind of embarrassing being naked around a stranger – but you felt safe with him…even with the thing he was your enemy.
You could feel his eyes on you and you had a feeling, you could sense his growing desire. In the side of your eye, you saw his lust and frustration on the same time. He seemed to feel uncomfortable in his pants and the fact he is binded, did not play in his cards. It really seemed he wants it…but can’t have it. And this played in your cards.
 It was pretty, damn hard for Link right now. It was clear what you did to him. It was of course clear what you want from him besides some information.  But he must tell: He is also very interested in it. Maybe it was also a hidden desire – being intimate with an enemy. Even when you said, you both were not.
However, there was a little problem. He was binded. He was now in your hands. And even that he likes being dominated, he really wants his payback. So, he needed to cut down his binding and well…then pinning you down and show you how merciless he can be with his “enemy”.
The plan to hide his growing bulge is a plan he could really forget. It was too obvious. And painful he had to admit.
He already saw you naked but not in this near to him. He could see every curve, every old wound, every scar. He could even smell you – sweet but also a bit…natural. How you moved earlier in your fight…pretty hot. And the imagine fighting naked did not really help his desire to fuck you right now.
He was unsure how strong a desire can be…even with not knowing each other. And well…with the damn history between their clans.
 Link wasn’t sure when it all started. He often got told it all started with some of them who questioned some actions from the kingdom. Lies, Betrayal and punishments leads some to left the sheikah tribe. They started searching for a new goal, far away from what the sheikah did. So they researched and learned about the past. The past about the conflicts with ganondorf. They found the truth behind and that the kingdom was the real enemy in this point.
He really questioned the history of his tribe. It seemed logical in his mind.
That they need to observe the hope of the sheikah tribe – impa, purrah, Robbie and you.
Link thought you all would plan something terrible. But everything he saw was…you all did research of antic technology. And well, guarding the royal family.
It did not make sense in his view with what he got told and what he saw. And now with you before him – a naked sheikah woman ready to get fucked by him, a man of the yiga – everything was confusing for him.
It was true you were kind of special. You seemed to be interested in the history. You wanted to understand why you both should hate each other.
 You saw that he had to think about something intensive. You were not sure what about. However, you will not let down the atmosphere what already started around you two.
You slowly approached him and before he could say something or move, you sat yourself in his lap.
You took him really off-guard and he was now just a different man than the fighting man some hours ago.
A wave of desire and lust went over you. You could not believe how strong you wanted someone you still don’t know and well…who could kill you if he wants to.
He was around your age, he was indeed handsome and you believe, he was an honest man. He also was attracted to you. He slightly confessed to you. And his bulge you could feel between your legs was also something what let you think this way.
He was unsure where he should look. Into your face was embarrassing. But he could not stare on your boobs or everything else. Everything was tempting to look at but also embarrassing.
He was silent and it wasn’t a state you wanted. So you slightly pushed your ass against the bulge.
He pressed his lips together that the sound his lips wanted to escape did not go out. He strongly concentrated to wear his mask. His deep red blush said something else and it was utterly cute for you.
“My, my. Are we holding back?” you teased. “Don’t want to admit to be turned on?”
He just snorted by your comment.
“I clearly remember you said you were attached to me. But well, I don’t know you are so proud not to admit a weak point…” You pushed again; he holds back again. “…to someone”
“What do you play?”
“Well, I don’t get what you want. The first second you want more information about the yiga and the second, you really want to get fucked by me”
You just chuckled.
“Why not both? Because I can admit I find you pretty attractive. And maybe I can let out my moans if you find my weak spots” you said to him. “If I let you free. Now I just enjoy the hand I have above you”
“Pervert” he hissed.
“Said the one who peck at someone in the bath”
 If you could see what Link really did, you would not be calm and teasing. While you teased him, he started to cut off his bindings. He was sure he will not harm you if he got free. But he wanted his payback for the teasing. And you admitted you wanted sex with him.
It was indeed hard to concentrate to cut off and not moaning. Pretty, damn hard.
He just needed a good time to surprise you. And then, he would fuck you merciless.
 You tried to do the ass thing another time but you had to admit to yourself it got pretty boring. He was too quiet and concentrated for you. You had to take the action in the hand. So you drew circled on the bulge, touch the top of it or just push it. The hidden sounds of pleasure from him was your reward. You pretty knew he wanted his payback. But how when he was binded? You really enjoyed having the top side.
“It gets boring when you said nothing” you whined playfully. “Are we really THAT proud?”
You smirked and stand up from his lap. You turned your back to him and looked around your house. A big fault for you.
While you watched back, Link could finally cut off and was now a free man. He saw from afar the bed. A good place for the things he had now in mind doing with you.
It was time to get in action. In seconds, he stands up, went behind you and took one arm around your neck. With the other, he pushed your body against him.
“Guess the leading hand changed, my dear” he said to you. Normally, others would fight to get free. You were pretty calm. However, he could feel your excitement about the change.
While you two slowly walked to bed, he drew circles by your thighs. You already get it was his way of teasing.
“If you think this let me moan, then I have to disappoint you.”
“Don’t worry – that’s just foreplay”
 You two arrived at the bed. How rough he catches you, how carefully he laid you there. It was indeed a bit charming you had to admit.
He sat himself on your hips, so you could not escape. You did not mind the weight – you knew it was safe with him. And well, the thought what will happen next was more interesting to you.
Link admired every inch of your body before him. From the near, you were just as beautiful as from afar. Your skin, your little goosebumps, your breasts that just fits perfectly in his hands, your thighs, your slightly spread legs which’s shows some bits of your vagina.
“Isn’t it a bit uncomfortable…in these cloths?” you asked and took him a bit off-guard.
You just poked his visible bulge.
“Or are you used to this? Little turn on?” you joked.
“Or do you just want to see me naked?”
“Good point” you started. “I mean, it made things easier. And to be honest, I am a bit curious by that huge thing here”
“I have a feeling you want to see more of my dick than me”
“Well, can be true. So, would you please undress yourself? Or do you need some…help?”
You smirked at him, he also smirked back.
“If you wish it, then go ahead”
 You took him by word und searched for the zipper of his outfit. You slowly put down the zipper and you could observe how slowly you could see more skin from him. It was clear he had a good figure but to see the real thing was something else.
“Like what you see?” he teased while you admire him. You could not hide a slight blush.
“Yeah, I do. You should often wear nothing”
“Really? Well, when it distracted my enemies, why not?” he laughed a bit.
“But for now, we should stop this playing around” Link said. “We are not here for admiring each other naked. I remember you wanted my dick inside you”
With this, he just smirked and left his position on your hips.
He laid himself more over you, so you could feel his weight. You didn’t mind at all. Your skins touched and this was something what turned you on.
He felt warm and strong but also soft. With his hair now open, he did not look like someone from the yiga clan.
You felt goosebumps over your skin when you finally could feel his hard member between your legs.
On the other side, Link could also sense how wet you were for him. And his dick was just between your legs. And you were already in a welcoming position for his member.
You both were silent and stand still for a moment. You just looked in each other’s faces. There was lust and desire in your eyes. Both of you could not wait but on the same time, you two wanted to live in the moment as long as you could.
“Are you…ready?” Link asked and you could see a little caring in his eyes. You both were still stranger but still…it was a sweet move of him. He really wasn’t your enemy.
“I am when you are”
He smiled sweetly at you. You did not know if this was the caring moment of him or the atmosphere…but you had the urge to kiss him.
It was a light one and you took him off guard with it. But he accepted it.
His lips were soft but also a bit rough. It suited him.
When you parted, you looked a bit surprised at him.
“Do I have something in the face?” he asked.
“No…I am just surprised.”
“About what?”
“You did not taste like bananas”
His face was priceless.
“Do we have such a terrible view to others?”
“Well…you were our enemies who love…bananas”
“Just for you to know: I don’t like bananas”
With this, he just kissed you to shut you down. He really wanted to avoid the banana topic.
His hands roam your body while your hands got a good hold on his hair and his back. Your making out was sloppier than expected. You guessed both of you were kind of new to this.
He made his way to your cheek and then to your jawline with placing small kisses. Automatically, you tug his hair a bit harder which made him a bit growl.
It was both clear you two could not wait any longer.
However, you hold a bit your breath and you felt kind of...nervous.
 “Hey…everything alright?”
Link looked directly into your eyes – he notices your nervous state. He really looked caring at you.
“We…don’t have to do it…if you don’t want it.”
“It’s just…. it’s my first time…”
“And you prefer to have it with someone else?”
“No…it’s just…I am just nervous, ok?”
He just chuckled which little pissed you off a bit.
He turned back to you.
“I know this will break my ego complete…You’re…not alone with it”
“You seemed pretty confident in what you are doing”
“But it’s true. I know we could stab each other with blades and I am not afraid of it. But here…it is pretty easy to get hurt…while doing it...you know…and…”
“We are both some nervous idiots...” you just admitted. It really made you glad you were not alone with the feeling.
“I really want this…with you. Let us try…doing it good…”
“And the next time we learn from this one?”
Now you had to chuckle.
“Interesting. There will be a next time?”
“I guess…we discuss this afterwards”
 With this, he adjusted himself a bit comfortable between your legs. He takes a hold of his dick and guides it to your opening before putting a little bit in. You cry out in pain, feeling the discomfort in your voice, he stops.
„I was just…surprised…“
He went down deeper while you tried to handle the pain. You looked in his face and could saw how concentrated he was. He really doesn’t want to hurt you.
When he was fully inside you, you both got silent and looked into each other’s faces. It was time to get used to the new situation.
You could feel his length inside you while he could feel your thigh walls around him. It was new, a bit scaring but also…satisfied for both of you.
He slowly started moving. Little moans escaped both of you. He searched for a good pace for both of you. You also started moving your hips alongside him.  
You curled your legs around his to stay connected while he thrusted in and outside you. It feels like your bodies melted together to one. He threw his head back in his neck and tried to concentrate.
 Your skins made some weirds clashing noises but no one of you did not mind or leaving a thought to it. You ignored all the sweat on your bodies, all the noises you made – the moment together was everything what counts to both of you.
You couldn’t hide a loud moan while he pounds in and outside you. However, he also was quite noisy. He gripped onto your hips and pound harder into you. You gripped the sheets from your bed by the hard contact and the sexual feeling which went over you. Your vision blurred a bit when you feel your climax was there. In seconds, you could feel how everything felt from you and how relaxed you got.
You slowly breathed in and out and tried to think what just happened.
While you were with the head above the clouds, Link went out of you after he heard that you came. He still was hard and well, his climax was nearly there. It’s kind of frustrated him he could not come with you. But he did not have time for it. He needs a release, so he put the action in his on hand. In seconds, he bumped his dick hard up and down to achieve his climax.
You were back when he felt something hot between your legs. That’s where you saw how he had come on your legs with his seed. In seconds, he also collapsed over you and it got silent again between you two.
It felt like hours, but it was just minutes.
 Now you realized the sweet, the feeling of his sweat body on you, his seed on your legs. It felt kind of…weird.
“I don’t want to ruin the moment…” you started. “But can you please stand up from me? I want to bath”
Link was a bit confused from it, but he did what you wanted. He sat himself on bed while you walked in the bath and cleaned yourself.
Soon after, he followed and also cleaned himself.
 “It was…good” he said while you both cleaned yourself. “I had a different imagine of it how it will be…but it was…good”
You just chuckled.
“It sounded so ridiculous. We were so horny on each other and expected something else. But in the end…it was pretty nice. So yeah…about the second time you mentioned before...”
“Where did I mention it?”
“When your dick was just inside me...”
“Oh, there!”
No one would think by this conversation, your clans were enemies.
“So, lets make a deal. The next time you tried to kidnap me…let us talk about our clans…and have a good time. Deal?”
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