#sheikah reader
imababblekat · 1 year
Revali X Sheika Reader
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Anon Request; "Hello! May I request Revali w/ a Sheikah!Reader who is extremely kind but also a skilled fighter alongside Impa? Thank you, good luck for everything!"
The first time Revali met you, he didn’t think much. The Rito champion assumed you were an acting guard for Impa, to which he honestly didn’t understand the need for considering her own impressive skill as a fighter. While boastful and full of pride towards others, neither of you rarely conversed. He honestly thought you quite boring, as compared to his own very stoic rival, Link. It wasn’t till the Sheika’s visit to his homeland that he realized just how full of color you truly were.
It was another restless night for Revali, full of tossing and turning in anticipation to get his signature move down right. It secretly irked him how gifted the other Champions were, having been blessed with magical abilities that came as easy as taking a breath. He’d get his move down right, one day, but in the meantime sleep and rest were not helping him get there. The Rito had taken to the skies not moments after making the final descion to get up and work harder, soaring over to the flight range in the dead of night. The chilly air during such a time was nothing to him, so it came as quite the surprise when his sharp eyes picked up the flickering lights of a fire down below.
The closer he guided down to the small hut, the tunes of a soft flute flited to his ears. Whoever had been playing it was so focused on their craft that they had not heard him land and make way into the range’s hut. Once his eyes had adjusted to the light of the cooking pot, Revali immediately recognized who had beaten him to the range. Your back to him, you had not a single clue of your audience as you continued to play the melody of your village so far from the Rito’s. It was melodic and mystifying, a sound that very few outsiders ever got to experience. Yet, Revali was ever so lucky to hear it himself as it resounded off the ranges peaks and be played by non-other than you.
So lost in the beautiful tune you spun, Revali couldn’t help but think back to the past week of your tribes visit. It had taken some time for you to adjust, showing that all the quiet moments of your presence being that because you were actually quite shy, but once you had opened up, Revali somewhat regretted thinking you so dull. You were quite cheerful and oh so kind. The children of his village adored you; always asking you to help them with something or to play or even watch as they awkwardly flapped through the air. Anytime they struggled, you were always quick to encourage them on with unending support. It was something the Rito Champion soon realized he truly admired about you, and he wondered if it was because he had never had someone there to support him.
The sound of a clearing throat made him slightly jump, and he wondered when you had stopped playing or had even taken note of his presence. With a soft smile and confused brows upon your face, Revali was quick to gain composer as to not make him seem off guard.
“Couldn’t sleep?”, you questioned with a hint of concern.
Revali shook his head, stepping forward to stand by where you sat before the ranges cavern.
“Hmph, sleep. Sleeping is for those who ignore their potential and take the easy route about life.”, he huffed, wings crossed as he watched you stand and dust off your Rito winter garb. An outfit he had to fight himself from internally thinking about how nice you appeared in.
“Rest, dear Revali, is what you need.”, you peered out to the ranges peaks before turning to point back at the bow strapped to his back.
“I’ve seen you train, better yet, I’ve seen what you like after.”
Revali reveled in the admittance that you’d seen him in action.
“Oh? An admire?”, he teased with a raised brow and slightly puffed chest.
“No”, you rolled you’re eyes but kept your smile, “Someone who is concerned for the Rito who acts all high and mighty, but staggers away when no ones looking and tries to hide fallen injuries.
Said Rito winced a bit at your statement. He was so careful to make sure no one saw his mistakes or how much of a toll his over training was taking on him. Revali was a prideful sort, he kept himself to high standards and worked hard to be where he was today, unlike most of the others he was assigned to fight alongside of. Last thing he needed was to be seen as weak.
Before Revali could angrily retaliate, you quickly stepped forward and into his space. You face had been inches from his, and he quickly took a step back with a soft squawk, his cheek feathers fluffing up in a bit of embarrassment.
“I know! I’ll challenge you to rest!”
It took Revali a moment to comprehend what you had said, but once he had any bitterness from before had been quickly replaced with intrigue. If there was one thing Revali was known for it was his eagerness to prove himself in competition. With a smirk, he stepped forward in challenge, wings on his hips and startlingly green eyes catching your unwavering form.
“Heh, and what do tell, are you proposing?”
“A shooting challenge.”, you confidently winked, pulling out your own bow.
This caused Revali to let out a heavy laugh, one that only made you smile wider.
“Are you serious?! You do know who you’re talking to right?”, Revali confidently grinned, taking out his bow and holding it as though it were a magnificent treasure.
“What? Are you a kokoo?”, you jested, making bocking sounds to only further ruffle Revali’s feathers.
With a huff, Revali stepped toward the end of the flight range’s landing, you quickly following behind him.
“There.”, he pointed to some targets set in the far distance. “Whoever hits all of those wins. Think you can do that, Sheika guard?”
Narrowing your eyes, Revali knew he tugged a string with the title he’d thrown at you, but was left confused when your dour expression changed to one of mischief.
“I’ll do you one better. If I hit those targets blindfolded, you have to rest. For a week!”
Revali smirked with a raised beak. You really had no idea what you were getting yourself into huh?
“Fine, but if you miss a single target, you will craft my arrows for the same amount of time.”
It was known that Sheika were skilled in the ways of crafting weapons, and Revali reveled at the thought of showing up Link with some new, quicker arrows.
With a nod of agreement you quickly wrapped a piece of cloth around your eyes, taking stance along the edge and drawing your bow. Just behind you, Revali held an already triumphant smirk. He knew the range better than anyone, and knew just exactly how rough and unexpected it’s winding winds could be. How could someone who couldn’t even fly be expected to hit targets, blindfolded, in such unpredictable situations.
And yet, just as how you had taken him by surprise when you’d first arrived and shown your true personality, you had once again done so in the form of archery. With a deep breath and senses he couldn’t even begin to comprehend that you were capable of on high alert, you fired. Each arrow seemed to be carried by the sharp gust of wind, as though you some how knew what direction it would take. Revali watched in awe as the arrows twisted and turned in ways he didn’t think was even possible, the sound of them hitting their mark dead on resounding in his mind. Just as the tune you played on your wonderful flute had moments prior. Was your playing a tactic to learn the ranges winds?
Removing your blindfold and shaking your hair back into place, you didn’t even bother to look at the targets you hit, instead turning to the awestruck Rito Champion with a smirk of your own.
“See you back at the village. Oh, and one more thing,” you brushed teasingly against him as you made your leave.
“I’m not a guard. I’m a warriors aprentice.”
Watching your retreating form, Revali felt a warmth blooming within his chest and let out a small chuckle with a shake of his head and a genuine grin, your admirable skills with a bow playing back in his memory.
You weren’t boring in the slightest.
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littlefreakelio · 1 year
just wanted to write self indulgent reader x link but i accidentally came up with the coolest most badass plot of all time . writer's curse
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tobitofunction · 2 years
Child of Mine
The children of one of the Champions look suspiciously like the Hero of Hyrule aka Harwin Strong and Rhaenyra from HOTD minus the death
TW: childbirth, pain of childbirth and blood
Also just for clarity:
Alec- oldest (your hair colour + blue eyes), Lenor- middle (blond + blue eyes but looks like you) 
Jace- youngest (looks like a mix between both you and Link)
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The sounds of a crying newborn filled the room which was previously filled with the sounds of screaming, crying and cursing from a certain Champion,” It’s a boy. Hylia bless the mother” a nurse said handing you the newborn, tears of joy began rolling down your sweaty cheeks,” Is he healthy?”,” Kicking like a horse, my lady” the nurse said with a smile, you giggled and pressed your lips against his small head, the baby snuggled into your embrace,” Lady y/n, the Queen wants to see the baby” a maid said, it was Zelda’s personal maid, you didn’t say anything but just pulled the blanket closer over your son before you slowly got up with the help of the nurses and maids,” I will take him myself than” you said closing your eyes as you felt a sting of pain flow through your body and blood flow down your legs,” You should remain in bed, my Lady. The Queen wouldn’t want you in any pain” the maid said trying to get you back down on the bed,” Get me dressed” you said ignoring what she said previously. You sighed in pain as they began dressing you, the baby in your arms seemed to have fallen asleep but it didn’t last long as you had to hand the baby over so you could be dressed probably, the second the baby left your arms, his cries began to fill the room again making your heart clench.
“How much do you wanna bet that the child was born with suspicious golden hair or brilliantly blue eyes?” Teba asked playing with his bow,” Shh” Yunbo said nervously looking around for either the Queen or her loyal knight,” Why? We can all see it, well all besides our Queen and that husband of hers” Teba continued,” Are you sure that Master Link is the father? Lady Y/N, the husband is a Sheikah, isn’t there a small possibility -”,” How does a white-haired man with red eyes and a woman with h/c and e/c make children with golden blond hair and brilliant blue eyes, Mmmh?” Teba cut the young Goron off,” You might be a Champion but your words still will be seen as treason,” Riju said making the Rito roll his eyes,” I am just being truthful”l,” Nature works in mysterious ways, my friend”, Sidon reasoned”,” I don’t care if Link is the father but I doubt the Sheikah’s would like someone being their chief with no blood connection to them” Teba shrugged, soon Zelda entered the room ending the questioning of your children parentage.” Did the maid bring the baby yet?” Zelda asked hopeful, just at this moment you walked in with the baby in your arms, and your husband Priven who was at your side helping you walk,” Y/N, why are you walking? You need to be in bed” Zelda gasped,” You wanted to see the baby” you said with a fake smile trying to mask the pain,” I didn’t expect you to bring the child, I should have come to you” she said with a sigh,” Here sit” she said helping you sit down,” He looks so cute” Zelda smiled peaking down at the child,” The two of you must be happy, he kind of looks like you Lord Priven” she said looking between you and your husband who smiled widely, you looked Priven up and down before giving a fake smile,” Can I hold him?” you nodded, Zelda smiled when you handed her the newborn, a small cry left the boy but he settled in quickly in the arms of the Queen,” Do you have a name?” she asked,” No-“,” Jace” your husband said cutting you off, you gave him an annoyed look,” An unusual name for a Sheikah?” Teba said gaining an elbow in the ribs from Riju,” How would you know? You aren’t Sheikah after all” she lifted a brow making the white Rite grumble” Did the birth go alright,” Riju then asked sitting down beside you,” I called the midwife a cunt, so all went well” you smiled,” If you're in much pain, I could try to heal you,” Sidon said,” I have been practising” he added, you gave him a smile,” I should be fine Sidon, he isn’t my first child, but thank you. Talking about children where are my other sons?”,”They’re with Link in their chambers” Zelda said cooing at the baby in her arms,” One day you might get a baby which will actually look like you?” Teba commented looking at the child and back at Priven, who nodded with a tight-lipped smile, you send the large bird a glare before looking at Zelda who didn’t seem to hear the comment,” We should see the children, they probably want to meet their baby brother” you said slowly getting up with the help of Riju and Sidon.
Link meanwhile watched the two boys playing with their toys with a fond smile,” Master Link, do you believe we get another brother?” the former youngest of your sons asked, his striking blue eyes staring into Link’s,” There is a possibility” he said ruffling his blond locks. The door swung open revelling you and your husband,” Mom, Dad look what we made for the baby” Alec your oldest said,” Purah helped us make it” Lenor said holding up the egg,” It’s a Sheikah egg” he added,” I let Lenor choose the design” Alec said making you ruffle his hair which was identical to yours,” That’s very sweet of you” you said sitting down in the couch,” How was the birth?” Link asked,” Painful like the others but it was worth it,” you said smiling down at the boy,” Have a name in place already?” you hummed,” My dear husband has,” you said looking up at the Sheikah male,” Jace” he smiled happily making Link nod,” Would it be alright for me to hold him?” Link said his eyes lingering on the sleeping baby in your arms,” Of course, come on boys. Let’s give some privacy to your mother and the baby. Sidon is still here if you’re fast enough you might still catch him” he said making the two boys faces light up with happiness and making them speed out the room. The Sheikah male turned to you and Link, he gave you a nod and a small smile before walking out of the room. Once they were gone you handed Link the baby,” He looks like a good mix from the both of us” you whispered, making Link blush and nod,” Hey, don’t sleep in front of Hyrule’s Knight Commander” Link said to sleep child making you chuckle, Link gently stroked the babies soft cheek with his thump,” It gets harder every time I see you guys, seeing the boys, how they carry some of my features but knowing that they never call me what they call your husband” he said looking down at Jace who was snoring softly. You sighed, you loved Link and he loves you back, but Link was the hero of Hyrule, his purpose was to protect the goddess descended and defeat the evil, this doesn’t leave much space for a wife and kids, doesn’t matter how much Link wants to, he doesn’t want his family to live in constant danger. So when Impa proposed a marriage between her grandchildren and one of the Champion it seemed like a gift, as the Priven who was the oldest of her Grandchildren, seemed to have little interest in you, so he agreed to the bargain of Link fathering the children and he just have to keep up the good husband and loving father front with you as his loyal wife, but another promise of never telling the children about their actual father was also put in place, something Link thought would be okay for him, as it was for their own safety but he never thought that it would hurt so much seeing his boys call someone else father,” Once the Sheikah elders find out it’s over for us...me” you said rubbing your now empty belly,” I hate to say it to you but the Sheikah’s are already talking” you bit your lip at Link’s words,” I know, so are our fellow Champion’s and your fellow knights, some are nicer than the others” you confessed,” Tell me who they are and I make sure they regret it” Link said with narrowed eyes,” Don’t, it will only bring more suspicion on you” you caressed his face gently,” I love you Link”,”I love you y/n” he said gently kissing you. 
The door swung open revealing Zelda, the two of you jumped apart” Isn’t he the cutest?” Zelda asked Link plopping down beside him,” I don’t know how you do it y/n, 3 children. Maybe one day I can experience this as well” she said looking at the baby in her friend's arms blissfully unaware of the situation.” Zelda? Have you heard any rumours about my son’s parentage?” you asked as Link’s eyes widened,” Yes, but do not worry anyone who dares to spread those lies while punished” Zelda said firmly looking at you,” Thank you” you said trying to avoid her gaze.
“Lady Impa, news from the castle. Lady y/n gave birth to another boy” a messenger said,” Another boy, how wonderful” Impa said,” Those this message state a certain resemblance to the hero of Hyrule?” Robbie hummed making Impa shoot him a look,” Robbie please”, Robbie shrugged,” We all know it’s true. I love those kids but they aren’t Sheikah”,” Be careful my friend, these words can be seen as treason and the Queen won’t be kind on those who question the children’s parentage” Symin, Purah’s assistant said,” Not only that but blood doesn’t make family, love does and my grandson loves those boys to bits” Impa said,” Tell that to the other elder’s, they won’t see it as you do Impa” Robbie said making Impa sigh,” Your right but I am the Village main elder, so they will have to suck it up like the younglings say”.
Link walked outside the Castle, the boys were currently training with a fellow knight, a knight who doesn’t seem to like Link in the slightest,” Hello Commander” he said with a smirk,” Hello, how is the training going?” Link asked folding his arms over his chest,” Those boys are sloppy, which is surprising for having two- I mean one parent who is a Champion and another as Sheikah” he said making Link bit the inside of his cheek,” Well they are quite young, give them time” Link said,” Yeah, it’s just surprising, as you were besting soldier at their age and even pulled that fancy sword” he shrugged,” What do I have to do with it?”Link lifted a brow,” Oh nothing Commander, just because you put some much effort into their sword training and it’s not even showing progress” he said,” How I said they’re doing fine” Link said when suddenly Alec crashed to the ground, a small whimper leaving his mouth,” Alec, are you alright?” Link asked helping him up,” Yeah, I am fine Master Link,” he said dusting the dirt off his clothes, Link nodded and picked up the wooden sword he dropped,” Commander you need to stop babying them. If you want them to be like you, like father and-”,” Finish that sentence and you be done for” Link snapped,” Why? It was just a metaphor. It’s rare to see someone put so much effort into a child, usually, we see this kind of care only for family” he smirked. Link clenched his jaw, his fist tightening around the wooden sword. The Knight was about to say something when a familiar voice cut him off,” Link, may I speak to you?” Zelda said sternly, Link nodded and shoved the wooden sword into the knight's chest.
“Are you the father of y/n children? Tell me the truth” Zelda began as the two friends entered her chambers,” No-”,” Don’t lie to me, please, aren’t we friend?” she said softly. Linked hummed,” What gave it away?”,” Your reaction to the Knights' teasing. You usually don’t care about rumours, you brush them off like it’s nothing but all of a sudden this rumour made you nearly punch one of your knights”,” It’s a rumour about my honour, of course-”,” There were rumours about us being lovers, that you and Mipha were secretly married even though it was against her father wishes. These were rumours which could have damaged your honour as well but you didn’t care” Link sighed again,” I love her Zelda, and I love my boys. I don’t regret anything” he admitted,” Then why didn’t you say anything. I would have wedded the two of you in seconds” she sighed in frustration,” It’s not that. I’m the Hero of Hyrule, I have so many enemies. If they find out that y/n is my heart and that her boys were fathered by me, people will come after them. I couldn’t live with myself if they died or even got hurt because of me. Having Impa’s Grandson as a father to them is safe, no one would dare touch them, as in their eyes they can’t prove that I am the father of them. Blond hair isn’t evidenced enough when the father is white-haired” Link said making Zelda nod,” I understand, I won’t tell anyone but please, stop having kids. You two are walking a very fine line here” Zelda warned Link, nodded knowing she is right,” I thought I was going crazy, I know nature works in mysterious ways but when I see one of the boys they always reminded me of you somehow, either in personality or looks, but now I am glad that I am not crazy” she joked lightening the mood,” They got some of my features, yeah but they mostly take after their mother” Link nodded,” Thankfully, as a few similarities to you can be explained away but a child which looks like you exactly will be impossible-”,” I know” Link cut her off.
Zelda watched as your boys were saying their goodbyes to the other Champions, mostly to Sidon, who the boys adore and vice versa. Alec's blond looks glisten in the sun, identical to her knight,” You called for me?” your voice said from behind her,” I’m sorry for disturbing you, but I wanted to talk to you” Zelda said helping you sit down,” It’s fine the baby is sleeping” you smiled,” I know about you and Link” Zelda said directly making your smile drop,” I don’t-“,” Y/N, please don’t lie” you looked at your lap,” I’m so sorry” you whispered, Zelda sighed and grabbed your hand, giving them a squeeze,” It’s fine, I just feel so stupid that I didn’t see it from the beginning” she scoffed with a smile,” Maybe it’s a good thing?” you said softly making her nod,” Hopefully not many people will continue to see the resemblance” she gave your hand another squeeze,” I love your children very much, and I will do whatever is in my power to make sure they are safe” you placed your other hand on top of hers and gave a grateful smile,” Thank you”. The door suddenly swung open revealing Link,” The Yiga clan, they have attacked Lord Priven on his way to the Sheikah Village” Link said, you gasped and Zelda’s eyes widened,” Do the boys-”,” No, they aren’t aware of this, yet” Link answered you,” How is his condition?” Zelda asked,” Impa message said it was critical, they will try everything in their power to bring him back to health” Link said,” Why was he attacked? The Yiga never posted a problem to him... us” Link sighed,” I wish I knew, but until your husband recovered we will not know” Link said softly,” Link, make sure the Champion’s don’t leave and when they have sent a messenger for them to turn back. I have a feeling this attack has something bigger in mind” Zelda said getting up and folding her hands together, Link nodded, his gaze was fixed on you who was staring into the ground.”I leave the two of you” she said walking past Link, she patted his shoulder before leaving her room.
“Is it our fault? Did the Yiga clan find out about us? Is that their way of telling us?” you said, Link sat down beside you, grabbed your hand and placed a gentle kiss on your knuckles,” Don’t blame yourself, my love, Priven was the grandson of Impa, they might have targeted him for this” Link said, “ After 25 years? He never was attacked by a Yiga member, not even once. People have been whispering about our children for years, maybe it has been to a larger extent than we thought” Link didn't answer, knowing that you are probably right. He wrapped his arm around your body and pulled you closer to his,” Whatever will happen, I will protect you and the boys, even if it means dying” Link said cupping your chin and looking into your eyes, which had tears building in them,” I never felt so scared Link, if something happens to them-”,” I won’t let that happen. You and the boys are my worlds, and I rather see Hyrule burn down than see you or the boys hurt” you smiled sadly at him,” If Hyrule burned down we wouldn't have a place to live, so you better not let this burn down” you joked making Link chuckle, you kissed his lips,” You need to go, I will be fine. I’m just a little bit useless right now” you said,” You gave birth a few hours ago, you are allowed to be” he said getting up.
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mairynz · 10 months
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a few improvements to my botw oc
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newtabfics · 1 year
Please can I have Tauro with a stoic sheikah s/o who used to be in the Yiga clan, I don't care if it's NSFW I just need more Tauro please😭
JDHXJEBD THE WAY I GASPED AT THIS CUZ YES OMG. May or may not have let my brain run with this one.
For Fear Of Losing: Tauro x Fem!Reader
Triggers for implied torture and kidnapping and also some enslavement maybe? This story is up in the air because I have an idea to make this a fic mini series in the future but I don't know what direction to take it yet.
>1000 words
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
“At ease, you’re scaring the girls,” Dorian scolded Y/N playfully. She blinked and readjusted her mask, nodding as she looked away, attempting to relax. The old man sighed as he looked at his daughters. “Girls, don’t stare at Y/N too much.”
“Then tell her she can just come play with us!” Cotta insisted.
Y/N shifted nervously at that, making Koko sigh. “I’ll play with you.”
When the girls went off, Y/N sighed, looking up at Dorian. “Apologies, sir. I didn’t mean to make them uncomfortable.”
“You don’t need to do this to yourself, kid,” Dorian sighed. “Tell you what. You need a break from the stares. Why not help the Zonai Survey Team? They could use a guard like you. I’m sure Tauro would enjoy your company.”
Y/N stared at him blankly and said, “I am never drinking with you again.”
As the woman walked off, Dorian’s audible confusion stuck in the back of her head. She’d gotten used to the stares of the older Sheikah members. It was the children that made her uneasy. Likely because she never once had seen a child growing up.
“Y/N!” Tauro perked as she approached. She bowed her head in greeting as he turned back to stare at the ring ruins. “Guard duty boring you? Or is it the weird looks again?”
“Looks,” She said simply, looking up at the ruins herself. “Let’s move to the others. You’ll frustrate yourself just staring at it.”
The man took her words into consideration before nodding, walking in that direction before looking at her. “I could use protection.”
Y/N smirked as she followed, eying her surroundings to be sure all was safe. She felt eyes on her, brushing it off as some of the Sheikah members gave her a dirty look.
The ruins now surrounding Kakariko were almost like an omen. It meant enemies could be around every corner.
Her ear twitched as she quickly moved in front of Tauro, making the man stop as the Sheikah drew her blade and charged at a hiding Bokoblin, taking it out easily.
Tauro hummed and clapped his hands. “Well done. You’re still my guardian every time.”
“I need to survey the area to see if there’s any more,” She said, pointing to the ground. “Stay here. Holler if you feel unsafe.”
He nodded and she ran off, hunting any nearby monsters. Tauro sighed as he ignored her orders though and made his way through the ruins, reading the tablets available to him probably for the thousandth time. He wondered if he should start tracking it to be sure of how much time he’d wasted on it just to pass the time before new information would appear.
Tauro chided himself for thinking such negative things as he briefly saw Y/N on top of a ruin, scanning the area before locking in on something and attacking it. It was worth seeing this side of her. The side that truly cared. He knew she was fond of him because of how much more at ease she was with him. He wanted to learn about her, however.
He tried to ask around the village but it was mostly hateful things.
“That wretched girl is a blight.”
“Miss Y/N is scary! Like the look she sometimes has!”
“She hides behind a mask because that is how she was raised.”
He couldn’t even blame her for keeping it if it were how others spoke. He remembered a night he was staying out too late and she’d tapped his shoulder, pulling him out of his thoughts.
“It’s nearing midnight. You need to rest so you can come back with fresher thoughts.”
He knew she cared then, but what settled it was when his stomach growled and she quickly pulled some dried meats from her bag. He joked with her, “How do I know it’s not poisoned?” He was joking, and he could see how much it hurt her.
She’d tugged down her mask and took a bite, chewing it as she readjusted her mask onto her face, but it was enough for him to eat it.
Her devotion to showing rather than telling was what drew him in. She was trying to show her true intentions daily, taking up guard shifts to help out where she could, joining the hunting parties that abandoned her oftentimes in the fields alone so she’d simply wait until they were heading back before following them dejectedly back to the village, the way she looked up at Dorian with some hope when he spoke to her.
Tauro knew this woman meant well, and was trying to reconcile for something.
He blinked when he turned the corner and saw a bundle of bananas. The man could only stare in confusion. As he approached it, a blade pressed to his throat.
“Don’t scream,” the man ordered, making him blink. “We’re looking for Y/N. Just tell us and your blood stays inside you.”
He heard the brief whizz of a blade through the air when his attacker was knocked to the side. Y/N pulled Tauro behind her as she held her blade, squinting at the Yiga Blademaster.
“What? Couldn’t risk sending a low-ranking member?” Y/N taunted.
“Everyone’s higher than you,” The man spat, gripping his blade. “Deserter.”
Y/N snarled and charged at him. Tauro blinked and the fight had been done. It was incredible to see it firsthand before the blade master retreated.
It was only when she staggered that he saw the injury on her thigh. When he made to approach, her head snapped to him. Her eyes told him everything.
The years of haunting images, the pain of her spirit, and the fear of him hating her.
“Let me take you back. We have to report this to Lady Paya.”
Y/N gulped and nodded. She made to limp but he quickly took a bandage wrap from his pouch and wrapped it around her leg. She used him as support, flustered as his hands touched her thigh, carefully gripping and rubbing his thumb to soothe her.
He then scooped her up, carrying her back. As soon as they came into the village, all eyes were on her.
“She’s hurt?”
“How’d that happen?”
“Maybe she was attacked?”
“She did desert them...according to Link.”
Tauro glanced down at her. She kept her gaze pointed towards his shoulder, not wanting to meet anyone’s eyes. “Whatever they did to you,” He said. “You’re safe here now.”
Y/N gulped and nodded. “I’d…like to tell you, if it’s okay to, I mean.”
“I’d like that.”
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luimagines · 3 days
Can I request a piece where the reader has a penchant for making friends with monsters and dangerous wild animals? Imagine the reactions of the links when reader pulls up to camp with a giant bear and lynel following them like little ducklings 😂
Oh goodness- Reader can give Wild a run for his money!
Content under the cut!
The boys were trying to figure out where you went first.
In the beginning, they thought it was another situation where you went off the explore. It had happened enough times with Wild and Hyrule that no one no longer batted an eye. They merely waited for Wolfie to show up so that he could go collect you and bring you back and then they could scold you for leaving by yourself and without telling anyone you'd be gone.
Only for Wolfie to come back looking more troubled than before.
He was running, no, sprinting to get backup that had everybody strapping on their swords and running after the divine beast as he led them to your scent.
Within moments, the group could hear the telltale signs of monsters in the area. Multiple grunts and strange babbling sounds very quickly entered their ears. They hunkered down and tracked as close as they could only to be stunned in their spots.
Wild took out his sheikah slate and started recording.
"Oh look at you! Very nice and very pretty. We'll get your beautiful hair and spick and span and cared for. You're being such a good boy." You cooed as you brushed the mane of a lynel. And he was allowing you to do so.
Legend had to sit down as every single jaw in the group fell to the forest floor.
"Oh... oh my god.... by the three..." Four whispered, watching you as you continued to groom the monster beneath you.
Wild whined and kept his sheikah slate aimed at you as other monsters happily played by your side, unbothered by the fact that none of the monsters in questions typically interact with each other. "Why can't I do that?"
'Over my dead body." Twilight hissed, reaching to smack of Wild's head.
He misses.
"Do you think the monster is soft?" Wind poked Warrior as he older hero tried to take as many mental notes as he could with the monsters "unusual" behavior around you.
"I have no idea." Warrior huffed. "But ask them whenever they're able to get away because I'm not going to collect them."
"....I can go." Hyrule offered.
"No." Legend finally picked his jaw up. "We leave them and then we grill them when they return. I'm with the Captain on this one."
"Agreed." Time muttered, watching the scene with both eyes. He shouldn't be as surprised as he is. Part of him had a suspicion that there was more to you than meets the eye. But he wasn't expecting this.
"We'll have to leave quietly." Sky hissed, already stepping back. "I don't know about you. But I don't think that just because the monsters are friendly with them that they'll be just as friendly with us."
Four nodded, pulling Wind away gently by the arm as he leaned forward. "Let's go. We shouldn't get caught."
Wolfie suddenly appears next to time, beginning to usher the boys away.
Someone steps on a stick, alerting the monsters of their presence. Every one freezes and waits.
The monsters pause.
You look up, not seeing them, but knowing that they are most likely there, and that you've been found out.
The lynel finally stands, ignoring your attempts to calm him back down and goes to investigate.
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rinstaro · 1 year
Tbh I don’t have an idea for this one kore, but smth horny asf with my bb time or even wild cause I’ve been having a bit of a rough time
hope ur well and thank you!!
of course, anything for you dear. this took so long!!!! sorry i’ve been so dead lately, life is tryna whoop my ass. i was playing botw and changed into the barbarian set and…… yeah. you know how it “bolsters links fighting spirit”? in my head it just makes him a lot more feral so it makes him horny too. i hope you like it! and i hope you feel better soon! i promise that these rough times will pass 🌟
cw: he’s a little mean, doggy, forest sex, reader is implied to be shorter than him, slight predator/prey dynamics, y’all are just messing around… or are you? reader has a vagina no pronouns, not proofread <3
minors do not interact.
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you played with wild’s stuff all the time. he didn’t mind so long as you didn’t hurt yourself. his swords, his bows, and especially his armor. no matter how many rupees he’d spend buying you whatever clothes you wanted, you were always fascinated with his instead.
his knights armor was heavy and sturdy. his climbing gear showed off his toned arms. his sheikah armor had you drooling.
the only set you hadn’t seen on him was the barbarian armor. you always wondered about the set. the headpiece was just a little scary, so you asked him what the armor was for when it covered so… little.
“it makes me a little more…. it’s easier to fight.”
he left it at that, but it made you curious. so it made him stronger, but you wanted to see that firsthand. you asked him if he’d put it on for you to which he shied away. “i don’t think you’d like it…”
you rolled your eyes, begging him to do it, just once. he eventually caved. when he did, you immediately realized why he was hesitant to show you his armor.
he looked fucking divine.
the way it exposed the best parts of him had you salivating. you circled him, trailing your gaze up and down his body. the tattoos that manifest on his torso and legs... you wanted to taste them for yourself. “i cannot believe you hid this from me,” you mumbled. you wrapped your arms around him, tracing his skin with your fingertips. you could hear his breath hitch as you teased him relentlessly.
suddenly he grabbed your wrists, looking at you with a hardened gaze.
“i’m not sure if we should… do that right now.”
you could tell wild was holding himself back, so you decided to kick it up a notch. you dropped to your knees in front of him, batting your eyelashes when he hisses. your hands trailed down to his thighs, nails scratching the skin ever so slightly. “come on, you don’t wanna have fun? at least let me– oh!”
the grip on your wrists tightened, and you were locked in place. your heated gaze met his, and you shuddered. he looked like he was about to eat you alive. wild’s nostrils flared as he stared down at you, seemingly trying to keep himself together. he slowly leaned down, eyes never leaving yours.
“sure, let’s have some fun.”
that’s how you ended up deep in the forest, heart racing and wild hot on your trail. this was harder than you thought, but it was definitely exciting. the deal he made you was simple. just a quick game of hide and seek.
“you get five minutes. if you win, you get your way. if i win, i get mine.”
you took off as soon as he uttered the word ‘run’, excited giggles ringing in his ears as he watched you. he waited til you were out of sight, and even gave you an extra minute. after counting, he started walking at a leisurely place in the direction you took off in, grinning to himself.
sure, this was a little unfair. you didn’t stand a chance against him without the set, let alone with it. but you didn’t need to know that. you wanted to have some fun, so he’ll entertain you. wild wondered how long you’d last when he finally got you under him.
you stopped to catch your breath, hands on your knees as you panted. surely this was far enough. you'd been running at full speed for a while, and you were sure at least 2 minutes had passed. you had to have gotten pretty far.
only moments later did you hear a loud “thud” from behind you. you spun around to be met with trees and shrubs, the silence making you uneasy. your eyes scanned the area only to find nothing. probably just some animal, right? even if it was, you weren’t gonna take the chance. you slowly backed away in the opposite direction of the noise, keeping an eye out for any movement.
when you turned back to run, you were met with the hard surface of someone’s chest. you groaned, rubbing your nose before your eyes widened at the sight of your boyfriend.
“i win, right?”
you opened your mouth to protest, quickly being cut off by him gripping your chin. his hold was gentle but the look in his eyes was anything but. “l-link?” he wore a twisted little grin, as if he’d just caught his first meal in days.
“so we’re doing this my way. i’ll still give you one choice. do you want it here, or do you want me to chase you back home?” your knees buckled at his words, your mind reeling. you couldn’t even begin to speak, sputtering out nothing but nonsense. wild huffed, grabbing your wrists and pinning you face first to the nearest tree. he pinned your arms on the side of you and spoke, “don’t move.” you nodded hastily.
“you know you look really cute when you run? it was hard not to take you right there. the wait was worth it, though,” he grinned. his fingers traced your spine, his hunger only growing as he watched you shiver.
wild placed a hand over your eyes and started trailing love bites down your neck. you whined. the bites felt hard enough to leave marks, yet you could still tell he was holding back. you pushed your ass back against him, trying to rile him up.
your boyfriend growled, suddenly biting down harshly on your neck. you whimpered loudly as your arms twitched with the need to move, which didn't go unnoticed.
"look at you, still trying to be a good pet. ah, its a little late though. you've already pushed me to my limit," he snarled, landing a smack to your ass. he watched the flesh jiggle, humming contentedly. without warning, your bottoms were ripped from you and thrown to the ground. the roles were now swapped, wild on his knees before you- well, behind you.
you felt him part your folds with his thumbs, watching your sex drip with arousal. you squealed at your sudden nudity, arms reaching back to grab him. he quickly put a stop to that, grabbing both wrists in one hand. "on the tree. don't interrupt me."
you obeyed his orders, bringing your arms back to yourself and placing them on the tree. once he was satisfied with your position, he gave no warning before licking a long stripe up your cunt. you moaned shakily, the pleasure between your legs making you tremble. wild hummed, tongue swiping across your clit at a rapid pace.
he ate you like a man starved, your position not allowing you any room to squirm. you moaned his name over and over, and it only seemed to make him more ravenous. a mix of spit and slick dripped down his chin while his nails dug into your thighs. he'd been waiting for this for far too long. "l-link, im gonna- keep going, please!"
your boyfriend wasn't listening to your whines, tongue fucking you until your eyes crossed. he was doing this for him.
only a couple moments later did you gush all over his face, legs shaking in his grasp. wild didn't stop even when you whimpered for him to slow down. he made sure you were licked clean before pulling away from your cunt.
"b-babe what- oh!"
you weren't sure when he undid his belt, but you felt the head of his cock push against your folds.
"you always taste fucking amazing. be sure to give me another taste later," he whispered in your ear. his buttercup blonde hair tickled your shoulder as he leaned over you. "that wasn't loud enough for me, though. maybe i just need to be a little rougher, then you'll scream for me right?"
without another word, he pushed his cock into your cunt making your eyes roll back into your head. it took no time for you to adjust to his size, and he took no time in starting up a mean pace. the sound of his hips slamming into yours rang in your ears, every pleasurable thrusts making your head spin. one hand left your hips to grab your hair, tugging slightly. you winced, the pain sending heat right to your cunt.
"oh, you like that? squeezing me so hard— so cute, baby, thinking you could beat me," he groaned. you could only respond with loud moans, your brain turned to mush. "sound so pretty, gonna cum?" you nodded frantically in response, begging for him to keep going. he watched your cunt suck him in, your ass jiggling with every mean thrust.
"p-please, feels good!" your words slurred together, drool beginning to drip from your chin. it was too much and yet you wanted more. he was hitting your g spot with every thrust, his balls slapped against your clit, and you couldn't imagine a better way for this game of yours to end. you heard him snarl before he picked up his pace.
"f-fuck! 'm my god yes!" a few more thrusts and you were spasming in between him and the tree. wild stopped his movements, relishing in the feeling of your cunt squeezing around him. he chucked to himself as he watched you writhe. he suddenly frowned, realizing he hadn't been able to see your face when you came. oh, well. he'll just make you cum again.
wild pulled out, turning you around and staring you in the eyes. he then watched as your chest rose and fell, mouth hung open as you tried to catch your breath. the ferocity that was temporarily sated was now rising again.
you yelped in surprise when he lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. your back rested against the tree as you furrowed your brows in confusion. "b-babe?"
"you're so gorgeous. how many times do you think i could fuck you til your legs gave out?" he questioned casually, a dark smile on his face. your legs clenched against him, hands coming to rest on his shoulders while he held you up by your thighs. you swallowed thickly, unable to answer. "hm? three? four? or more than that? well, i guess we'll see..."
wild never broke eye contact as he slipped his cock back into you, not even giving you a moment before fucking you at a savage pace. your back arched against the tree as you squirmed in his grasp. he pounded himself deeper into your cunt, his growls getting louder and your vision beginning to turn white. he was too much, fucking you so mercilessly and yet you couldn't bring yourself to want to stop. is this what he meant? he thought you wouldn't like this?
"hm?" he answered, never faltering in his pace.
"harder!" your boyfriend's eyes widened slightly in surprise before he huffed in disbelief. you just continued to surprise him. he adjusted his grip on your thighs, leaning in so that you two were nose to nose.
"i've always wanted to see how much you could take."
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suniix · 11 months
small bite | (botw) link x reader
synopsis | reader gets cute agression and bites link
word count | 624
note | two posts in one day is insane but sorry i’ve fallen into a rabbit hole ever since totk came out so have another blurb!! 😣 first time writing for link so idk how i feel about it 💔 (also yes i just did one for inumaki i like the idea leave me alone)
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The campfire made crackling sounds as Link fed it more logs. The sun had set long ago, the moon rising to take its place and casting a white glow across the land. The two of you had been traveling for a long time without breaks, so when you suggested that the two of you should rest for the night, Link offered no complaints. You were tired, the horses were tired; a break would benefit everyone.
You sat on the ground, far enough away so you wouldn’t get burned but close enough to still feel the warmth of the fire. Link took a seat right next to you on the floor, holding up mushroom skewers with a grin.
“Seriously? We just ate not too long ago.” You laughed, accepting the skewer nonetheless.
The two of you ate in comfortable silence, enjoying the small dinner Link had made (though, to be honest, you know he’ll make more, his stomach is like a void that never gets full). Finishing your skewer, you close your eyes, basking in the ambiance of the night. Somewhere in the distance, there was a cricket chirping. The grass tickled your legs as a small breeze passed through, making you shiver. It’s moments like this that give you hope for a new life after Ganon is defeated. Soon, you’ll have peaceful nights like this every day.
A rustling sound brings you out of your thoughts. Turning to look at Link, you noticed him preparing another skewer. You hold back a laugh, knowing you were right. Link hears you nonetheless and raises an eyebrow, almost as if saying, ‘What?’. You wave him off, a small giggle managing to escape. “It’s nothing, you keep eating.”
Link rolls his eyes, but you don’t fail to see the small smile growing on his lips. It’s not often that you get to see it, but he has a really nice smile. You wish you had the Sheikah slate right now to capture it.
In this moment, you can’t help but admire how beautiful he is. The light from the fire gave his sun-kissed skin a golden glow. His eyelashes are long, something you’ve commented on several times while on your journey together, casting shadows against his cheeks. Actually, his cheeks are unusually round today.
You’re tempted to squish them.
Silently debating whether or not to squish, you figure he wouldn’t mind. He does it often to you; this is only fair. Link turns to look at you as you lean in, half expecting you to kiss him, but instead you cup his cheeks. He gives a confused hum as you gently squish them for a few moments.
Slowly, you begin to pull him close to you. Now, Link thinks, now is when you give him a kiss. To his surprise, you bit his cheek. He doesn’t pull away; he just silently sits there as you bite his cheek.
When you pull away, Link is sitting there, confused. Link raises his skewer to you, gesturing for you to take it. This causes you to burst out laughing. “No no! I’m not hungry haha, just wanted to bite your cheek!”
“.. you sure?” Link asks, half expecting you to bite his cheek again.
“Yes, Link, I’m sure.” You laugh. You grab his free arm and wrap it around your shoulder, snuggling into his side for warmth.
Link goes back to eating, pulling you closer with his arm, still wondering where your sudden urge to bite him came from. While he was distracted, you turned to his arm that’s wrapped around your shoulder and bit his forearm. He flinches, once again caught off guard.
“If you’re hungry, please tell me.. I promise I didn’t eat everything and can make you another skewer.”
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thank you for reading till the end! :D
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 months
Topic: Genshin impact.
au: Sagau.
idea: So what if you had the powers of every character you played as in every game you played and then get isekaid into genshin impact with imposter au. I imagine it goes smth like
Zhongli: “I will have order!”
reader, Who played Roblox as someone who lagged the game (explanation: I’m pretty sure ping is also how time works in games. If you can control the flow of ping you can control the flow of time in games.): “ZA WARUDO!”
Heyyy!! Thanks for waiting for the reply/response from my slow ass :0
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So they did clarify what they meant/expand so imma just copy paste that here!
“k now I remember. So basically imma write it here since it’s easier: Basically you don’t have to (but you can) transform into the character that has those set of powers but if you do those powers are enhanced.”
Sun: Reader (”you”/they/them)
Orbit: Headcanons-ish, Light Imposter AU (as in, NOT Yandere/Dark), mild crossover elements bc Shapeshifter Shenanigans™️
Stars: bro idek
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: mild cussing, genshin typical mild violence, & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
so fair warning,, ive never seen jojo bizarre, but i appreciate i come off well-read/watched? LMAO
so im just gonna kinda,, guess? like just cycle thru diff. random media, and im hoping both me and you reading this will have a fun time (as this is a little challenge, but i like it so ill give it a shot, dont kno if its a good one but- 😅)
so to set the scene, of how u got to this point, ykno of running like ur life (maybe?) depends on u running around different teyvat countries,
u thought it was weird everyone knew a little too much about you?? (ofc theyve heard u during gaming, they know u the same way we all know Markiplier, get it?)
then a bunch of NPCs/Vision users/Archons?? were REALLY invested in talking to you, which freaked u out even more
and by the time you saw Zhongli, yknow, just the oldest god in game, making a fast-walk towards you, ykno the retired god who didnt move an inch when an old water god attacked Liyue for a test, is now hurrying to you???
ur logically get so fucking scared sm shits abt to go down, u just start running
it isnt until ur reaching for a ledge and some webbing shoots out of ur arm (from a glitchy little spot on ur arm, where it could be coming out of ur skin, but sometimes its a blue and red bracelet)
it latched onto the nearest building, and thats how u find out u can grapple ur way, literally Spiderman style, out of the harbor
and bro, idk if it would be fun, or confusing and stressful, or maybe both?? to just find out u can use any video game power from any game youve played before as you go running from countries bc for some freaky reason they know too much abt you/are pursuing you-
dUDE- they had small statues of you in like every little section of their cities
u head to Mondstadt and as Venti comes screaming and flying at you (in excitement, but ur freaked), u go to hold a hand up and suddenly ur holding a heavy stone tablet that unleashes some holographic yellow chains that freeze him in place-?? why is this familiar-
oh my god u have the sheikah slate from Breath of the Wild,
and as ur booking it out of there, u manage to get ahold of a sword, and u know exactly how to use it to knock back favonius knights trying to stop you (they are concerned for their god who is just unleashing random powers on ppl, pls let Grandmaster Jean just talk to you Your Majesty-!!)
by the time you teleport ur way to Inazuma, (bc u still have this worlds access to ur player/traveler’s powers), ur trying to find a nice place to stay for a little bit
at least in that sweet spot of the Raiden not noticing/finding you, while things cool down on the main continent, before moving on,
and u get some tools to help fashion just a little shelter, bc u dont have any money/mora rn, and ur able to literally build a house???
a mailbox pops up and thanks you for renting with Tom Nook???? As in Animal Crossing-
and rlly if the BOTW/slate thing didnt clue u into video game powers, then this definitely would tbh lmao
right as u see Yae Miko circling ur house, with an armful of books? ..is she planning to thru them at you??, u get the hell out of dodge before her favorite god can follow along
(she knows ur prefrences in books and got authors/trends to start so youd have plenty to read, and she was making sure it was ur house before politely dropping them off! how was she to know thatd spook their favorite God, Ei?!)
u get to Sumeru and think ur safe, hiding in an abandoned forest watcher outpost (1 person treehouse rlly) when Nahida shows up in ur dreams,
and u just,
walk out of the dream, into reality, and possess a nearby ruin guard so u can sleep in peace, bc she cant access a robot,
that one baffled u as you re-possessed ur own body before realizing-
Five Nights at Freddy’s. 💀
U cant do that forever, so u try Fontaine, hoping Neuvillette/Furina wont rlly give af abt you, plus theyre the latest region, so maybe they have the least exposure to whatever the other archons didnt like abt you??
u get there and are immediately summoned to court, and right as the mekas show up to escort you, jfc they have a mecha army
(meanwhile, theyre thinking, yknow. high profile guest/our god of gods. ofc we need state of the art mekas to escort them, its only polite-)
meanwhile ur cape has now become wings, and a mask covers ur face as you glide and fly ur way over the city in an attempt to get to where u assume Snezhnaya is
it doesnt occur to you the game until ur running out of stamnia and catch ur reflection in the waters of fontaine, Sky: Children of the Light
u hope the Tsaritsa’s dislike for other gods/Celestia doesnt extend to ur otherworldly presence so ur just hoping for the best atp tbh
tbh youd forget what all powers you have, and the absolute chaos ur causing urself as u try to desperately rememeber what games youve played thru ur entire life is NOT helping to reduce confusion when u randomly wake up with elf ears (legend of zelda/botw) or get dragged into another ruin machine when u fall asleep/faint/do smth u guess mimics death lmao- (fnaf) 💀
(meanwhile the Tsaritsa does get wind ur coming this way, and just, makes the people have a parade/festival to celebrate you coming,
she did also have to get Pierro/Captaino to physically restrain some of them from going ahead to meet/escort you to the palace, she’d heard how the others scared u off, and was, ironically, hoping the warm welcome would clear things up)
well that was, something. 😃🫠
sorry lil car, that was such a fun idea idk if i did it justice!! i thought itd be too op to include every media youve consumed ever, so i kept it to video games, (which, could u cheat the system if youve played smash bros??)
i hope it was at least a decent read, and sorry im half asleep so i was not v funny this time around, but, again, hope u got smth out of it 😭
on another note, im having my wisdom teeth surgery this friday, send whatever u got my way, prayers, blessings, good vibes, ill take anything im nervous 🙃
have a good week guys!
Safe Travels Lil Car,
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legendofzoodles · 3 months
This post is a little gory, reader discretion is advised.
Sky: Would you help me hide a body?
Hyrule: No I am not helping you! I want nothing to do with this!
Hyrule: [curious] ...But why? Is hiding bodies a fad in society now? Dang I'm really out of touch.
Sky: In what Hyrule is that a fad?!
Wild: [coughs]
Time: [sighing] I'm always cleaning up after you boys.
Sky: Wait Old man it was just—
Time: [pulling a trash bag from his adventure pouch] Where is it?
Wild: Hide...a body? O-Okay sure, I'll help you...
Wild: [muttering] Oh but not all of it I'm sure I could find uses for at least a few of the body parts...
Wind: [thumb up] Yeah of course! We'll just toss it into the ocean.
Sky: Ok but what if the Hyrule was landlocked...?
Wind: What if what? I'm a pirate.
Sky: Is that really how it works?!
Warriors: [polishing his sword] Huh? Dispose of a body? I can do that.
Sky: You...can?
Warriors: [glancing at his reflection] Eliminating traitors is a bit sporadic with its state funding so, I've had to get my hands dirty.
Sky: ...oh buddy.
Legend: Whose body is it? Under what circumstance? Who did the killing?
Legend: Sorry, I need to know if I should do it with enthusiasm or not.
Sky: [voice crack] Ledge...
Legend: Well I'm sorry, you keep telling me to find joys in life. I am trying!
Twilight: A-A body?! W-Why would you want me to...?!
Twilight: Wait, this one of Wild's pranks? Is he in that bush with his Sheikah Slate?
Four: [deadpan] Here's a list of ten efficient ways to dispose of a body.
Four: [very deadpan] It was my best self study project when I was a kid.
Four: [we all know this is Vio talking] The example body wasn't human, but that can't be too different.
Sky: [disturbed] ...No you can have it back. That question was just...
Warriors: [dutiful in improving his craft] Great can I have it?
Sky: Ok this is the last hypothetical! Between Wind's magic box thought experiment, Four's out of context question and this?! We're clearly really bad at these.
Twilight: Not sure what kind of responses you were expecting with that one to be honest.
Sky: ...You're right this one's on me.
Thanks for reading! Based off this
Sky got the fun hypothetical question from a friendly bar patron.
Wild coughed in that first one because with the restoration of his Hyrule ground in Hyrule field is being built on and, well, they are unearthing a lot of 100 year old skeletons. Not exactly hiding bodies, but...
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Apple Merchant [BOTW!Link x Isekai!Reader] (Part 1)
In which Isekai!Reader becomes a merchant, and unintentionally Link's benefactor.
Even more self-indulgent trash. The usual.
PART: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Alternate Extras: Embrace
TW: Nothing worth mentioning.
Disclaimer: Don't own The Legend of Zelda franchise.
Being transported into a video game was not as dramatic as the media had led you to believe. For one, there was no bright, all encompassing light nor the feeling of a thousand worlds ripping themselves asunder. Instead, you had taken one step out of your door and crossed the threshold into an endless field of tall grass.
Panic should have taken hold by that point, but it didn't. You'd later learn it was just postponed by the shock of it all. At the time though, you'd simply taken stock of the situation, scanned the horizon for civilization and started in on the first plumes of smoke you found in the distance.
You'd been lucky. So incredibly lucky it had been a village that you'd landed near and not something more sinister. That you had decided against going near the waterfall or towards the forested area where a clear path was etched into the hillside.
You hadn't known that yet though. Instead, you'd taken the most direct route and hiked up the steep grassy slope heading towards the plumes.
Near the top you'd taken a short break beside an apple tree, admiring the perfect shape of the fruit hidden throughout it's low hanging branches. How large they were, and how brightly colored.
You'd taken one, struggling to pull it from it's stem. You were surprised by just how heavy it was when it finally did give way; more akin to holding a watermelon than an apple and as large as a grapefruit.
It was strange, but you figured it was just a variety of apple you were not familiar with, or perhaps you were heading towards a farm that was working on a new type of apple for the market.
You decided to save this one for later, in case the place you were heading didn't have resturants or take card payments. The surrounding land looked pretty rural, so you wouldn't be all that surprised if they didn't.
As soon as you'd thought it though, the apple disappeared. No light or sound or anything to indicate the unnatural occurrence, just popped out of existence.
It should have startled you, and it did, but you didn't panic. Not yet. That would come later. Right then, it was almost like you were dreaming.
In the top left corner of your vision a flicker of red came into existence. A simple line of words ended in an explanation point that pinged at your subconscious.
[New Item!]
And you'd thought, 'What a strange dream.'
Four years later, and you knew this was most certainly not a dream. The panic had passed, the initial pain of loss and separation had eased. The confusion of a new language and culture had settled into smooth integration.
The easy acceptance of the Hateno people helped a great deal with that.
Honestly, it helped that the population was as small as it was. While some cultures would shun outsiders upon contact, the scarcity of new blood had made your arrival quite the welcome event. Even if you were a human.
Perhaps even because you were a human. It was hard to tell sometimes. Your round ears were equal parts admired and awkwardly avoided in polite conversation.
You tried not to think about it too much.
The bottom line was that you had been transmigrated into Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Your head now contained the equivalent of the Sheikah slate and the differences in product quality here and your world was, to put it frankly, wacked. The metabolism and durability of the region's residents was even more so.
The apple you had picked up the first day had lasted you two days. Each bite was equivalent to eating two apples. Eating a whole apple was enough to make you sick. You'd watched a hyrulian child munch down three of them with no issues, and then ask for dinner.
Your conclusion; Magic. Hyrule was very similar to your own world, but the addition of magic had fundamentally altered the biological makeup of it's inhabitants.
It wasn't a difficult conclusion to come to. Hell, one of the farmers had even given you a brief rundown on the magic quality in the soil once, explaining the emergence of Hearty foodstuffs. It was an eye opener for sure, though a welcome one.
However, things got complicated in your case. The addition of gamer like attributes seemed to alter the world around you to an alarming degree. Nothing too noticeable thankfully, but still noteworthy.
Things you picked or put in your inventory had a way of coming back within a few days. This, you'd learned, was not the norm. A harvested field stayed harvested until it was replanted. A picked apple stayed gone until a new one grew from another bud.
Things did not just reappear after enough time away from them. Hyrule did not have that type of magic, though it would seem you did. Which, honestly, was fine by you. It helped you make a living at the beginning.
Food, you found, was a precious commodity. The game made it seem easily accessible, but in reality it was a hit or miss depending on the season. Late spring through early fall was bountiful, but the rest of the year was downright miserable.
People here lived on what could be grown locally. When things stopped growing, people started struggling.
Not to say most residents starved, but the cost of a bale of wheat went up drastically in the winter. Nevermind the cost of fresh fruit, meat or anything not pickled or preserved.
The game never showed this side to Hyrule. The part where these magical people with their high metabolisms suffered during the lean winter months. How they worked and saved all year just to break even through the cold season.
Winter might have been the time of hardship, but it was your golden goose. It was how you made a living, how you came out ahead.
Anything stored within your mindslate stayed perfectly preserved, untouched by time nor the effects of decomposition. And added to your unusual effect on the world, it allowed you to amass a literal shit ton of resources.
At first you'd make daily trips around the village gathering enough materials to ensure a place at the inn every night. Anything would do. Wheat, crickets, apples, the occasional fish, even fairies.
(Strange that one, how your mindslate just stored living beings like that. They were the one thing you didn't mess with. Just let them sit in there, as far from your mind as possible.)
You cut grass with your rusty sword, hacked down small trees with your equally cheap and rusted ax, roamed the nearby woods for mushrooms, beetles or lizards. Occasionally, you'd even find a more unusual item. Like a sword or shield just laying in the grass.
You'd try not to think of how it got there.
You gathered resources for a living, and the shop owners came to know you as the Apple Merchant. It was sweet actually, and it seemed to endear you to some of the residents.
Perhaps they appreciated that you were trying to make a life for yourself among them, not just begging for handouts. Or maybe it was pity for the foreign human who didn't know hyrulian common well. Hard to tell.
When winter came that first year, is when you realized the full breath of your situational advantage.
One year. That's all it took. One year to become one of the wealthiest people in the village.
And they didn't even realize it.
A bundle of carrots purchased cheaply during the height of harvest season sold for five times that amount in the winter. A bundle of wheat, nearly seven. And meat was something else entirely. Rare enough during the warm season, it became worth its weight in gold the moment winter set in and creatures ventured to warmer regions.
Winter was a literal Godsent.
And the next winter was even more profitable. Now armed with the foresight of experience, you planned your life around it. Bought overflow harvest in bulk, bought out traveling merchant's wares without a second glance.
You prepared, and you thrived. Your bare threat clothes became wool, your worn shoes became comfortable soft leather. You bought a horse, then three, a wagon. Hired guard detail.
Became a merchant. The Apple Merchant; written in clear hyrulian script across your wagon.
By the third year, you were in Lurelin, Kakariko, and every stable and small settlement in the southern reaches of Hyrule. Damn near made it to Gerudo too, before the logistics of such a trip set you back.
You made it though, on your forth year. Reaped the benefits of being a well stocked merchant in an inhospitable place like Gerudo desert. Never made it to Gerudo town though, but the outlier villages more than made up for that.
Life was good. It was profitable. You could even say you were happy.
Then it happened in the early spring of the fifth year. The Shiekah towers rose.
It was nothing that should have concerned you. Link had finally awoken from his 100 year slumber as he was meant to, and his story would continue on without you. Your paths would probably never cross. You were just one of the thousand's of merchants making a living all across Hyrule.
You were nobody in the grand scheme of things. You were someone completely removed from the big picture.
Until you weren't.
And it started with a missing apple.
Now I return to the shadows to rest.
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the-moon-files · 2 months
So I have tried to request this prompt from someone else but I don't think their blog is that active anymore. If your willing I'd love to request the following.
Prompt: Reader is bisexual and gender neutral.
Reader is considered fairly attractive and gets flirted with pretty often by basically whoever gender wise. And maybe reader and Zelda even end up flirting a little bit. Reader would have a similar lackadaisical flirty personality as Warriors has.
I wanted to see how each of The Chain would react to this with the context of them having secret feelings for the reader.
2nd official request, woo look at me go 🏃💨
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Sun: Gender-neutral Reader (”you”/they/them)
Orbit: Headcanons-ish
Stars: Zelda (Assuming they meant BOTW), + the classic Chain of Links <3
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: mild cussing, mild typical loz violence, Mildly Suggestive, & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
so i like to think that modern flirting is radically different than their medieval flirting,
like mayyybbeee Wild can handle it, but even then, they have royalty/knights still, so hes still gettin flustered lol
and i like to think u learned that difference the first time Wars complimented ur new/strange modern fit, and u returned the energy?? except 10x stronger (to them)??
youve played the player, and beat him at his own game, the Captain of the knights is sputtering and shit LMAO
(he said smth like, “their beauty is god-like in this otherworldly clothing“ and YOU said smth like he’d “thank you, youd look better in my bed than in armor 👉 😎 👉 ” lmao)
funniest part is, bc its so natural, i can see u immediately shooting off smth and forgetting it instantly, much to the Links collective shock 😭
u go to towns and notice theres always 1 hero around to steer u away from shopkeepers, townsppl, etc so u wont flirt w/them LMAO
(when u finally notice, u just, “ohh i get it now, so im only allowed to flirt with someone named Link, ohhh, okayy” and they just, “NO we didnt say that-!” “No its just their bold flirtations are not for the weak of heart-!” “Yes.” “CAPTAIN-”)
the only one who they cant steer u away from is Zelda.
afterall, they kinda have to inform the Princess/now Queen of the kingdom, whats going on w/them traveling with Link (Wild) around time and space
the sheikah tablet had been disconnecting + reconnecting to Purah’s both fascination and worry
so as theyre invited to eat dinner and explain in the rebuilding castle, everyone’s absorbed in shadow talk or smth, and u can see Zelda’s struggling to follow along, u just casually bring it back to her, as she’s also trying to write notes and theyve moved on too quickly w/o her
“wowww, all these men and not a single one’s gonna offer the lady any, ‘hi, hello, how is the most beautiful girl in the world today?’ “
and the gapingggg from the links shut them right up, while Zelda goes all pink and coughs, and agrees that they should move on to more chill topics lol
and u can crack anybody tbh, Zelda giggles at ur compliments all the time, even in work mode, u can deffo get Wars to blush to his ears, and even Time to look away first in a flirty + staring contest lol
Legend might actually put his hands up like he’s prepared to fight u anytime u try to flirt at him when its just you two, before he realizes what hes doing and stops LMAO
oh and u absolutely get a lot of mileage out of that one lol
the best reactions have gotta be, in order of most to least extreme: Hyrule, Sky, Wild, Four, Legend, Twilight, Wars, Time
Rulie, Sky, Wild and Four fall into that classic, shocked-heart-eyes, full blush up to their pointy ears, etc category when u get them,
they are also very easy to get lmao
Four is the best at recovery, or ducking away, but if its the Colors, its this type of obvious lol, w/the obvious ones like Red and Blue, Green takes a little more to break, and tbh Vio could go toe-to-toe w/u better than Wars tbh before he crumbles under the pressure lol
Legend, Twi, Wars, and Time faces may not change a lot, bc theyre trying to save it lmao, but the way their cheeks go pink and ears twitch is how u know ur gettting to them (along w/legend’s defensive reaction to getting cornered LMAO)
Twi has caved and covered his face w/his hands before lmao
one day youll get Time to break more than an ear twitch, and looking away, One Day.
(Wind is in fact, having the time of his life, watching you absolutely hilariously wreck these otherwise v serious heroes, hes glad u got them to finally relax a little, but also its hilarious seeing Wars and Legend red faces, and occasionally stealing Wild’s tablet to take funny pics of them all to blackmail later lol)
idk how good that was, as im kinda bust at flirty banter between characters, so i hope this suffices ur need to flirt w/everyone lol
also i feel i should apologize for not rlly including pronouns? it just kinda comes w/writing reader stories to put them in 2nd person to both make intimacy for readers w/their little avatar im controlling for them, and to purposefully remove the need for gendered pronouns :/
so im sorry i couldnt quite figure out how to make it where “they/them” got used much, i promise i love all pronouns, its just a skill issue tbh lmao
send any prayers, blessings, or good vibes u got my way tomorrow bc im getting wisdom teeth surgery and i am intimidated✨
ill post more asks (i have multiple asks!! <33) after im lying in bed lamenting my painful fate,
mostly just worried ill react badly to the drugs, also the idea of being knocked out during surgery is a little scary so what can i say
have a great weekend guys!! thanks for reading if u did :)
Peace out,
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frickingnerd · 8 months
being in a poly relationship with zelda and mipha
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pairing: zelda x gn!reader x mipha
tags: wholesome fluff, polyamorous relationship
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zelda and mipha are both princesses and at first, it might seem as though those two had been fighting for your attention, when it was quite the opposite
those two weren't rivals for your love! after all, they were dating each other before you even met them
for a long time, you were just a friend to them and the three of you spent a lot of time together, until it began to feel like you were more of a throuple than a group of friends
slowly, you began to get closer to the two girls and win their hearts, something they hadn't expected to happen, but weren't opposed of
the three of you still get mistaken for just friends occasionally and with you around, people always assume you're either dating just zelda or just mipha, neither both or that they are a couple
it's a little annoying, but with time, the three of you learned to laugh about it! 
both mipha and zelda are very kind and loving girlfriends, who like to take care of you and each other
due to her healing abilities, mipha often takes care of you two when you get sick or injured, while zelda tries to cook to impress you two! 
she isn't that good at it, but over time she gets a lot better! 
mipha and you always accompany zelda on her expeditions, whether it's research on the sheikah or zonai, or simply studying herbs, flowers and the wildlife in hyrule
the three of you quickly move in together, somewhere between hyrule castle and zora domain, so that both girls aren't too far away from their home
zelda is a bit messy, always letting her books and papers lying around everywhere, but luckily mipha knows how zelda sorts those and supports her with that, making sure to neatly put them away and keep the house clean
mipha and zelda both aren't jealous people! however, since those two were a couple first, you might envy their strong bond… 
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rg-bugs · 9 months
Lost in the moon
Sun/Moon X reader
Word count: 2521
You decide to check out the daycare where you meet Sun, after the daycare closes you leave. But you gets lost and don't exit the Plex in time and get looked in. You end up meeting Moon and try asking him for help
I got lazy with the ending cuz this fic took me nine days to write and I've had enough with it, so enjoy
You stroll around the pizza plex enjoying the overpriced pizza, arcade games and various attractions that the place has to offer. At one point you got lost in the pizza Plex, but you got help from one of the glam rocks and at the same time you also got the chance to take a picture with them, which in all honesty was quite nice of them. Though you're terrible with names. (But you do remember them being a chicken with green earrings). Was it Sheikah? Sheek? Oh It was Chicka! Chicka the chicken! Even if your day was filled with exciting activities, you could not help yourself but to feel disappointed and isolated. Even surrounded by people constantly throughout the day, it fell short of what you had hoped for.
As the sun's light begins to dissipate, you find yourself meandering through the expansive building, observing as people gradually depart as the bustling crowds disperse. With less than an hour left until closing you start to make your way to the daycare. It was the only place you hadn't looked at yet today. And in addition, since the daycare closes an hour earlier than everything else, you believe that there will be an absence of strangers staring daggers at you, and wondering why a random adult is there, though you thought of it more reminiscent of a curious child exploring.
You don't do too well with copious amounts of crowds surrounding you for the entire day. So you need a quiet place to sit down for a bit to get your self level headed from the day. You know the two characters that work in the daycare, Sun and Moon. You have seen their posters here and there plastered on the walls. If you were going to be honest for a little while you thought that their names were Sundrop and Moondrop, but no, it's the candy they advertise.
You enter the daycare and you start to hear funky but kinda nice music. you start to bop to it slightly, and it makes you feel slightly better. You tread quietly up to the metal fence next to a slide where it said ´slide in to fun!´. You looked down at the play area and at first glance you saw two large jungle gyms connected with a bridge and a ball pit. Man you wished this was the daycare you went to when you were a kid, because this looked amazing this could easily be any kids dream come true. But your train of thought was interrupted by the feeling that it felt like something was staring at you but you can't pinpoint where it's coming from, so you just shrug it off as anxiety. You make your way down to the lower level of the daycare to sit on one of the benches to rest before you start making your way out of the Pizza Plex.
You have your back turned away from the big daycare doors as they fling open and you freeze in shock as you hear a loud chery voice behind you. "Why hello there friend! All the kids have already been picked up. So what concern do you have here to be here at such a late hour?" You berated yourself for forgetting that there are two daycare andents, of course they'd still be active. You turn your torso around slowly to face who is behind you, having both legs firmly rooted into the floor. As you turn you see a very tall robot with eyes that are chalk white and triangles around his head designed to look like sun rays. He had a big smile, and hands stretched to his sides and stood there with a mighty posture looming over you.
"I-" you took a deep breath to try to get the words out of your mouth as he stood there patiently with both of his hands clasped together. "I just wanted to get away from the crowds for a bit. I didn't mean to disturb or anything- I can leave if you want me to." At that last part you lift up your hands in a nervous mock surrender. "Oh no you are welcome to stay, we were just curious as to why you were here. We thought that maybe you took a wrong turn and got lost or something." He started to sway on his feet rocking back and forth, seeming to hold back his excitement that would explode like a balloon any second now. He suddenly stops standing on his tippy toes; "Oh how rude of me! I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Sun! And what would yours be?" turning his head to the side out of curiosity. Your body fully turned towards him and were more relaxed. This seems to have pleased Sun. You told him your name, plain and simple. You did wonder however, he said"we "a bit earlier, but there was only one animatronic in front of you. You wanted to ask him where Moon was. Maybe he was inside cleaning or was just shy.
"Where is Moon? I would like to say hello to him too." You say it a bit too nonchalantly. He lets out a nervous chuckle and plops down from being on the tips of his toes. "Well he’s only out when the pizza plex is closed as security. Sorry to disappoint." He slouches down a bit but quickly perks up and says. "BUT! I can say hi to him from you, does that sound good?" He starts to fidget with his hands. It was nice to converse with Sun and it helps to distract you from the day. Your legs were aching from exhaustion and you just wanted a place to collapse and catch your breath "Yeah i think that would be nice. Well I'm going to go and sit down somewhere now. It was nice meeting you." You wave him goodbye as you turn away. "Goodbye! The pizza plex closes in thirty minutes!" He waves goodbye and the bells on his wrist jingle. You give him a thumbs up without turning. You feel a small gust of wind hit you as he closes the heavy doors in one swift motion.
You have your gaze on a seat with a table, you speed walk towards it and slump down. Resting your head on your arms as you let out a sigh of fatigue. You allow your mind to wander and overanalyze everything that you've done today to every minute detail, like how you fumbled on that mini golf ting and lost your grip on the golf club and it fell into the indoors river, or how you could not control the gocart properly and jerking forward trying to workout how it works, or how you needed the staff to get you out of a labyrinth designed FOR KIDS! Your spiraling thoughts were broken by the speaker announcing that they close in five minutes and something about a free drink voucher that you could get.
You lift up your head and blink away the sleepiness. You start making your way to the exit of the daycare, not paying attention to where you were walking. You wander and take a turn and… you are not at the entrance gate. You definitely took a wrong turn somewhere to end up at the theater. You couldn't do one thing correctly today it seems. The way back had stairs not a corridor. You start to backtrack back to the daycare slightly panicking. Now speed walking out of the theater and going towards the stairs. You hear a concerned voice "Hello again! I can tell that you're lost, it’s just to go up those stairs and take a left and there's the entrance gate, it's impossible to miss it. You only have like two minutes so you better run" You turned to look at the door that was slightly cracked open and Sun's head was peeking through looking worried. Wow that's a way to rub it in that you had the sense of direction of an egg (or like Zoro from One piece).
Your mouth turns into a line as you have to bite your tongue to not say something snarky like ´yeah, no shit sherlock´ or ´wow this is life changing information´ he was just trying to help you. So instead you opted for a simple thanks with a tired smile and told him ´goodnight, rest well.´ "I hope you do too, it looks like you need it. Goodbye!" he slid back in and closed the door. You really must have looked tired, and you were tired too. You just wanted to get home and sleep. You continued to speed walk up the stairs and took a left. You hear the lights turn off in an ominous voom. You stand still so your eyes try to adjust to the sudden darkness you found yourself in. You eventually got adjusted to the dim neon lights that came in different arrays of colors.
At that moment you realized that the Plex had closed. You looked at the entrance and saw the shutters were down. You were too tired to panic, you were just pissed at yourself now. “Great, Now I'm stuck in here. Unless I get staff to help me”. You opted for Sun's help because you knew at least where he was. You sigh and turn on your heel harshly. As you approach the entrance you don't hear the music playing, it's way too quiet for your liking. You see that the daycare is pitch black, but you continue. You aggressively walk down the stairs and yell out "Sun are you there? I got locked in and I would like to go home and sleep. Please can you help me?" You are met with silence. You were starting to get annoyed (not at Sun just that you didn't want to go into the play area looking for him). You go up to tug on the door and it won't budge, it's locked. You remember that he told you that Moon is security and maybe he was nearby, ( you assumed he would probably have the daycare as his starting point).
You let go of the handle and groan as you pinch your nose bridge, feeling as you felt an annoying headache creeping in. "Moon! Are you nearby? I kinda need help" you yell out.
No answer. You hear a soft jingle of bells. "Where are you?" you mutter under your breath thinking it is Sun making the noise. As you look to the side trying to see movement through the darkness in the play area. No luck, nothing is there. You hear a raspy voice next to your ear whispering "Behind you."
"MOTHER OF JESUS!" You screamed out. You jumped, turning around to see the fucker, whispering in your ear, next to you. It was a blue and white animatronic, it had a wire from its back to the ceiling, hanging upside down like Spiderman does. It has red eyes and a starry night cap with a big sharp smile on its face. Ah this must be Moon. You were eye to eye, just staring at him while he chuckled in amusement. You tried to muster up courage and put on your best smile, but you still sounded shaky in your voice. "Um… are you Moon? If so, can I get some help?" He pauses and his eyes turn pitch black, his head flips around to be right side up with his body still upside down. His smile flattens and eyes are wide open and he is too close for comfort. You swallow the lump in your throat. You took a deep breath and said "I got lost and now I'm locked in." You had your arms crossed and had your weight on one leg as the adrenalin had started to dissipate, as you look in his eyes you can see red pupils staring right back.
His body started to get down to stand on the floor, the wire detaching and going up to where you can't see it, but his face remained in the same spot. He let out a small chuckle and started to smile again as he rose to his full height. He was just as tall and intimidating as Sun was. Looking down at you he said "You are an intriguing one." You paused for a bit, you were confused at his response "Thank you, I guess?" tilting your head to the side. He turns around and starts walking away from you, but stops when he realizes that you're not following and he gestures to follow him. You start to follow him, pleased that you're getting help.
”So, where is Sun? He was in the daycare a few minutes ago.” He turns to look at you and what sounded like him taking a sharp inhale to say something, but he stops himself from doing so. He looks displeased. He thinks for a moment as both of you walk up the stairs and take a turn. “We share the same body, if the lights are on Sun is out, if the lights are turned off I am the one who is out.” He states begrudgingly. You think to yourself that that's quite cool at first, but you realize it must be torment to be in the same body. “Can I ask one more question?” you look up at him, he looks annoyed “why are you asking persimmon now? You didn't before” he said with bewilderment. “Is it like a nap for the one who is not active?”
As you have almost reached the doors he stops for a bit now being behind you and says "Didn't your parents teach you not to trust strangers?" He chuckles. "Oh har har funny joke, it’s obvious that you are Moon right. right?" You turn back to look at him and you see nothing. You hear the creaking noise of the shutters opening. But at the moment you don't care, you were wondering where (THE FUCK) Moon went, and he was avoiding the queston. You look around yourself up at the ceiling and consider walking around and looking behind things, but you were technically trespassing at this point so it's good to not stay any longer. Especially with what he just said, and you ain't taking any chances. You probably pissed him off with that question. You cup your hands around your mouth and yell out "Thank you Moon! Goodnight." And that was it, you opened the glass door and out of the Pizza Plex.
The metal shutters don’t close immediately until youre a small distance away. You look behind you to watch it close and you see an upside down head peeking thru with completely red glowing eyes. As the shutters slowly descend you see Moon waving you goodbye, a bit surprised to see him you wave back until you can't see each other anymore. You might come back and visit, those two were intriguing too. But for now you just need to get home and sleep.
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weepingflowerbonkcop · 5 months
I'm trying to finish these headcannons before moving on. I'd be more than happy to answer any questions about the headcannons. Enjoy reading!
Warnings: Wild being Wild, nothing else.
What the Chain thinks about a Modern! Reader using slang/meme references:
Part 2
• Sky has some basic education for Skyloft. I'd say he finished high school standards for them, but elementary in our standards. He's still pretty smart but just doesn't show it as much as Four does.
• Sky didn't know what to think of when he first heard modern slang.
• He's one of those people that pretend like they know what you're talking about. Reader would be talking casually and Sky would nod his head, listening intently even if he really doesn't understand.
• He likes it when reader goes to talk to him, but sometimes he'd like subtitles to exist.
• He goes to Four and Wind whenever he doesn't understand a word, hoping that they'd be able to give him some indication/translation of it.
• Memes on the other hand - he's actually pretty good at understanding them. He might not find all of them funny but he does manage to catch what they're about.
• He's that person that hears a joke and goes into a full detailed interrogation of the joke. Something like, "Yeah nah, the bro took his cuzy out to the pub. After he met this nice sheela and got a nice rootin' only to find out the day after it was no sheela." Him not knowing what's going on just goes, "So, you've told me before that a 'she - lah' is a girl, yes? And you've also said a 'bro' is a shorter term for brother. So, what does 'cuzy' mean and what does the root have to do with the story?"
• After you do a break down of the slang he just lights up with a 'ooh' and does a little giggle to himself.
• It's cute but ruins a good story when you have to go into another full explanation of said story.
• He's also an 8/10 at least he'll laugh at memes even if he doesn't find them funny.
• Thinking about him losing his memories some of his schooling had also been lost since his resurrection.
• I believe Wild is the most adaptable of the Heroes. He had to be adaptable out in the wild in order to survive.
• So, he'd be the quickest - next to Wind - to catch Modern! Reader's slang.
• He would also interpret it into his own day to day talking. His Hyrule is more flexible in my opinion to different ways and languages than other Hyrules.
• Him along with Wind and Four are your main translators to the others. So, when someone is in doubt they run to Wild to ask about a certain word or abbreviation then run back to reader and continue the conversation.
• However, Wild does radiate chaotic energy and sometimes whenever the others try to learn, he'd casually tell them the complete opposite of what it means for shits and giggles. An example, "Wild, what does 'Yo - lo' mean?" "You only lick once." The person would thank him and run back to you, "Indeed only one lick." "What the -"
• This annoys the living daylights out of Twilight, Time, Warriors, First, Calamity - basically all the serious Links.
• Wild appreciates memes from Modern! Reader's world. In fact he sometimes tries to recreate them with readers guidance.
• Other times he would try and create an entirely new genre of meme little does he know he already is with some of his really cursed selfies on his Sheikah Slate.
• Overall 10/10 best boy cause he gets it and screws with people that don't.
• In my honest opinion I don't think this boy had any type of schooling. Most of the things he knows comes from pure experience. He might've been taught more about magic, curses and things more related to the fae since he was raised by them, but no school system like ours.
• Hyrule much like Twilight thought it was just an accent rather than the modern day and age talk when he first heard it.
• Someone had to sit him down though to tell him it's not.
• Hyrule learns from Wild about the terms and their meanings as Wild starts using them more frequently in his own speech. So, Hyrule starts picking up that habit as well and sooner or later you got two four in actuality people talking like anyone from your world!
• I believe he would purposefully go to Legend and start telling him some of the slang that he's learned through either you or some of the others. It's similar to a kid running up to their parent to show them a picture that they drew. Legend actually appreciates this and finds it cute but wouldn't admit it.
• He does surprisingly catch on to memes quick.
• His brain works in mysterious ways as well so he'd instantly understand Modern! Reader's references.
• He does go and have little back and forths with Wind when referencing memes that reader uses the most. It's turns into a challenge between Hyrule, Wild, Wind and Four of who is right with Modern! Reader as the referee.
• He genuinely believes its interesting to hear how different the people in Modern! Reader's world talk in comparison to any of their Hyrules.
• Overall he's an 8/10.
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tw1l1te · 2 months
The Final Promise₊˚✩⊹
Chapter 14
Linked Universe x reader
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, some dark themes
You slept like a baby after your… encounter last night. You were surprised to see Time asleep just a foot away from you, deep in slumber. You almost never saw him sleep, so this was a priceless moment. You noticed that the seemingly permanent crease in his brows had disappeared, meaning he was dreaming or sleeping without a worry. His lips were the tiniest bit parted, somehow soft and pillowy despite the harsh conditions of constantly being on the run.
His bangs were covering part of his face, so you lightly brushed them away, seeing his full face now. The moment didn’t last long, as Time was woken up by your physical touch.
“Hey yourself. Sleep ok?”
“Jus’ fine. Surprised I slept at all.”
You chuckled, his accent was so much thicker when he was just woken up.
“Oh nothing, you’re just cute.”
Sitting up, you notice a note on your right, written by Zelda.
Good morning, Y/n!
I’m terribly sorry we didn’t have the time to catch up yesterday, it’s been too long! I dragged Link away yesterday to talk about a particular discovery, not knowing it tied to yours as well. I was hoping you’d like to meet me for breakfast so we can catch each other up on what we found, in hopes of progressing our findings. Link knows where to find me, so he can show you around the castle so you won’t get lost. See you soon!
~Princess Zelda
So she did find something. Interesting.
Folding up the note, you placed it in your back pocket. Wild is hunched over the fireplace, seemingly cooking up some fruit and mushrooms for breakfast.
“You even make the simplest ingredients look and smell good.”
He slightly jumps at that, not hearing you approach. He gives you a small smile.
“You boost my ego way too much.”
“It’s true.”
He shrugs. He pokes the mushrooms around, making sure they get cooked evenly.
“Once you’re done with this, do you mind leading me to the princess? She left me a note saying you could lead me to her.”
“Of course. Let me just plate these really quick and we can go.”
“Where’d you go last night?”
Time blinks at his descendant, “What?”
“You weren’t here for a few hours last night. Y/n was gone too for a bit. You two ok?”
Time sighs, not particularly keen on talking about last night’s situation. Twilight, hell each one of them, was good at detecting lies. Hero’s spirit, he thinks.
“I couldn’t sleep, neither could they.”
“You do know my sense of smell and hearing is really good though, right?”
“I’m aware.”
“I know it's none of my business and all… but I care about them too, yeah? Just be careful with them, ancestor.”
“You sound like me, Pup.”
“I learned from my mentor, what can I say?”
They both return to checking on their drying clothing in front of the fireplace, a silence settling upon them.
Walking into Zelda’s study, you awe at the hundreds of books and scrolls that lined the shelves. Sheikah tech and parts were strewn about the room in boxes, some on the table as well. Zelda was looking at a map, Sheikah Slate in hand.
“You look busy, Princess.”
“It’s just busy work. I’m trying to map out a path for a possible expedition in the future.”
“Oh? Where to?”
She sets the Slate down, sighing. She points at the castle, circling the territory. “I’m trying to get underneath Hyrule Castle. When the Calamity fell, it unearthed a small opening to the corridors underneath the castle, which strangely enough, weren’t marked on the interior maps of the castle.”
That was strange.
“Do you think…. They may have left it out on purpose? In case they didn’t want the map to fall into the wrong hands? It would make sense.”
“I…. suppose, though, not even my Father or the Hylian Council ever talked about it. It’s strange.”
Zelda seems to snap out of her thoughts, focusing back on you.
“Ah, right! We’re here to corroborate our findings. Link mentioned something about hooded figures and a “Twilight Mirror”? I believe I’ve read about the era of Twilight during my studies, though hardly any in-depth information was written about the mirror. I’m surprised you found a piece.”
“Well, we technically didn’t find it, Riju and her research team did. But, yes, it does seem like the real thing and not a replica. I… don’t have it on me right now, but I did bring the Historia and a direct transfer drawing that I did.”
You hand her the two items, waiting for her response.
“This is… truly incredible! This next to the Sheikah technology are amongst the most life-changing of discoveries! Tell me, Y/n, have you found any other information relevant to the Twilight Mirror? Link mentioned something about the Yiga…” she trailed off realizing she rambled.
You smiled solemnly at her, not particularly keen on recollecting the traumatic events that occured at the hideout or in Malon’s home. 
“Well, you see, I was captured by the Yiga when Link and I visited Chief Riju. It was completely unexpected, as we thought the Clan had calmed a bit since Kohga’s defeat, but it appears we were wrong. They… wanted me for an ulterior motive, for someone else rather, but that’s all I can really remember.”
She nods, letting the words sink in.
“I’m terribly sorry that happened to you, Y/n. Link is more than capable of protecting you, me, or anyone for that matter, so it must have really been something he’d never expect.”
You nod, grateful that the princess didn’t put down Li- Wild any further. Hylia knows he’s been through enough pressure and divine expectation as it was.
“…Link also mentioned something about hooded figures… do you have any information on them? Should I be worried for my kingdom?”
“No, Princess, this seems more… personal, for them at least. It seems they want nothing to do with the kingdom itself or you, but more so with me and the other heroes. I don’t have any idea about who they are and where they come from, but I can assure you me, Link, and the others will put a stop to it, regardless of how long it takes.”
She smiles sadly, looking out the window. It was already past midday, the time you spent with her flying by.
“It’s a shame it always has to come to the hero protecting everyone else. I wish I could help more.”
“You’re already helping by restoring Hyrule and not putting yourself in danger. Trust me, Princess.”
She turns back to you, the light in her eyes returning.
“Goddesses, such formalities! Please, call me Zelda.”
You and Zelda spent the rest of the day nose deep in books, textbooks, everything and anything that connected to the past few weeks. Your hands cramped from how many notes you took, giving you not so pleasant reminders of your younger years in grade school, slaving away at an essay that meant nothing to you now.
Zelda closed the book she was currently reading and stood up, “Well! I think that’s enough for today. I truly appreciate the help, Y/n, it really wasn’t expected of you.”
“Of course. After all, it is my quest, so it only seems fit that I put in high effort.”
She smiles, nodding at you.
“Well then, I’ll be heading out to prepare for the night. I most likely won’t see you until tomorrow, but please don’t leave yourself cooped up in here much longer, trust me, it gets to you.”
You nod, waving her off. You sigh, slumping against the chair. How long were you even here? Wind must be bored out of his mind. Shaking your head out of your thoughts, you continue back on your research, taking the book from the top of the stack for you to look through.
Before you could put in a decent dent in your work, the door knocked.
“Come in!”
You thought that it was Wild, surprised to see the Captain walking into the room.
“Still in here? I’m amazed at your skill of concentration. Hylia knows some of the others need it.”
“I’m finishing up, I can’t feel my hand anyways. I just want to finish this last book and then I’ll come join y'all.”
“I’ll stay with you, it’s not like I have anything better to do. I left the others behind anyways to find their away around the castle.”
“That’s mean.”
“They’re fine, they have Wild with them. Plus, I wanted to spend time with you, even for a few moments.”
You hum, satisfied with his answer. You weren’t happy about the fact he left everyone behind, but you did like his company, as awkward as you got.
You continued flipping through the pages, your fingers fumbling with the corners. At a certain point, Wars was sitting next to you, your knee brushing against his, faltering your focus.
“...I’m sorry for what happened back in the desert. I should’ve come sooner.”
You lifted your head, turning to him.
“That wasn’t your fault, Wars. It wasn’t anyone’s fault, besides the Yiga Clan and… whoever our little friends are.”
“But still I-”
“You are all so stubborn. I’m gonna say this once, and one time only: it wasn’t your fault. You had nothing to do with it, Link.”
He stayed silent at your demand, searching your face for any hesitation in your words or flickers of uncertainty. Something took over his psyche and decided to lean in closer, your noses bumping against each other.
“You’re too…fuck-”
You pull him in, impatient with his indecisiveness. He grunted lightly, clearly not expecting the sudden confidence from you. He brings his hand to the base of your head, lightly pulling you in. He’d been waiting and waiting, waiting to show what you meant to him. He promised himself that after the recent incident and the too-close call, he needed to tell you, show you.
He pulled away reluctantly, not wanting to end this sacred moment, but he needed to breathe. You placed your forehead against his, catching up on your breath. He tucked away the couple strands of hair framing your face, looking at your eyes. He could get lost in them.
“H-hah, you’re terrible with feelings, Wars.”
He chuckles, placing a kiss on your forehead, “What can I say, it’s the hero’s spirit.”
You roll your eyes, but you both laugh. You could feel the pressure of the past few weeks leaving your body, even just temporarily.
Closing the book, you get up and hold out your hand to him, “I think that’s enough reading for today. You coming with me?”
“There is absolutely no way you used to look like that.”
“Speak for yourself! You’re practically showing off your ass in those tiny shorts!”
“Oh wouldn’t you like to know-”
You and Wars enter the gallery hall to find the rest of the group laughing and bickering over their paintings. You avert your eyes from Time, remembering the events that took place in the very same hallway. Luckily, he was preoccupied with looking at the paintings to notice your presence yet.
“Y/n, they’re making fun of me ‘cause I’m shorter than Zelda!!”
You chuckle, running up to Wind to look at his painting. Your lips twitch as you cough in your palm, trying to mask the laugh bubbling up your throat.
“I mean….”
Wind just throws up his hands in defeat, “Ugh!!”
Wild walks up to you, standing on your left. He leans into you a bit, asking “I take the meeting with Zelda went well?”
You nod, “Yeah, we got a lot done. Can’t say I found anything extremely helpful, but maybe some leads we could follow.”
“Oh? Who or where?”
“Hmmm… I think the nearest would be Kakariko Village, possibly Robbie and Purah in Hateno, and Lurelin Village, as it says they have a piece as well.”
“Did any of the texts mention how many pieces there were?”
“No, but if I had to guess based on patterns and the size of the piece we have, I’d say anywhere from three to seven. It’ll be easier to tell once we see the other in Lurelin.”
He nods, deep in thought.
“I’ll mention it to Twi and Time, they might have an idea on how to split up the work or what leads should take priority.”
You nod, thanking him. You weren’t sure how Twilight was taking to the journey to assemble the Twilight Mirror, as he seems… distant. Not necessarily upset, but almost hazy in thought or… memories. 
You hoped you could find some time tonight to talk to him and see his perspective on your current journey, give him space to be vulnerable if need be.
You just hoped your efforts weren’t in vain.
The goddesses above tended to do that.
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