#so what’re the thoughts going on there? idk I’m just Here
bad268 · 3 days
hii! idk if i can request this but can you write for pepe marti about the crash in baku? like the crash happened and reader try to comfort him or something like that??
My Methods (Pepe Marti X Reader)
Fandom: RPF/F2/F3
Requested: Clearly (Took me a minute, but I got it!)
Warnings: none technically
POV: Second Person (You/your)
W.C. 877
Summary: The reader comforts Pepe after the crash in Baku.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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The last place you expected to be after this race was in a hospital waiting room. You knew this was just a precaution, but that didn’t mean you wanted to be there any more than you needed to be. You weren’t allowed to go back with Pepe, so you sat scrolling through TikTok in the waiting room. 
You loosely followed the rest of the race, but after Pepe’s accident, you went to grab yours and Pepe’s things from the driver’s room, knowing that he would need to go to medical. Little did you know, they would suggest he go straight to the hospital until his engineer told you separately. By the time you got there with the rental car, Pepe was already in the room getting checked out, so you just had to wait. Thankfully, it didn’t take too long for him to be released on concussion protocol. 
He slowly walked with his head down through the waiting room as the nurse guided him to you. Once he was within an arm’s length, you reached out and grabbed his hands. You pulled him closer to you and wrapped your arms around his waist, breathing him in. You realized he still had his race suit on, so you tried your best to grab your backpack without pulling too far away from him. 
“I've got a hoodie and jeans for you, so you can get comfy,” You whispered, putting the backpack in his hands. You walked with him to the bathroom before gently pulling away and gesturing for him to head inside. “I’ll be out here, waiting for you, and we can go home.” He seemed to hesitate, looking between you and the door a few times. Then, he just walked back over to you and rested his head against your shoulder.
“No,” He whispered back as you moved your hands to card through his hair carefully and tried to see if there was a nurse or anyone nearby that could help. Unfortunately, or fortunately in your case, no one was around, so you pulled him into the bathroom after checking to make sure it was empty as well. When the coast was clear, you pulled him into one of the stalls and locked it behind him. He barely opened his eyes as he slurred, “What’re you doing?”
“Getting you out of this suit,” You said, moving to undo his suit. You pushed it off his shoulders and helped him get his arms out of the sleeves, taking care not to make him move too much. “It’ll suck getting it off, but you’ll feel better not being in your suit. Can you lean down a bit or sit down?” He didn’t fight as he bent his knees to lean a bit, so you could lift his fireproofs over his head without straining or gostling his head. You set the fireproof top on top of the bag before grabbing his hoodie and helping him put it over his head. “That wasn’t too bad?”
“No,” He whispered back again, closing his eyes and swaying lightly on his feet. You wrapped your arm around his waist quickly to help him regain his balance. “I’m good, I think.”
“We can take a minute,” You comforted, keeping your arms around him. “You were just in a crazy crash. We can take all the time you need right now. I’m in no rush. The team said we could head back to the hotel after this, and they’re helping extend the stay at the hotel for a few nights since you shouldn’t fly with a concussion. “
“Can we just,” he stopped for a second, trying to collect his thoughts, “wait…? Like, slow down?”
“Yeah,” You agreed, running a hand up and down his back as he planted his head on your shoulder again. “We’ve got all the time in the world.”
“Can you just talk for a while? Everything’s spinning, and I just wanna hear your voice,” He requested as he hid his face between your neck and shoulder.
“Of course, baby,” You cooed, leaving a kiss on his cheek before sighing, trying to think of something to talk about. “I don’t know if you wanna hear about the race, but I’m glad you’re okay. That was super scary to watch, and I bet it was scary to experience. There was nothing you could have done to avoid it, and I’m just glad that you are not seriously injured. The good news is it could have been worse. The bad news is you have to deal with a concussion and a few bruises for a while. You’ll come back stronger in Qatar. I just know it. I’ll also get to spend every day until then spoiling you and making sure you’re ready to get back in the car.”
“Will you let me eat candy?” Pepe perked up slightly, peaking his eyes open to gaze at you.
“If you want candy, I’ll sneak it in for you,” You chuckled lightly. “Anything you want. You’re currently injured, so I’m here to get you back to health. If that means getting you candy, we get you candy. Mental health is physical health, and your team can take it up with me if they have a problem with my methods.”
51 notes · View notes
pebblezone · 1 year
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Fun fact! Pip’s the type of guy to only eat at subway
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10 notes · View notes
bonny-kookoo · 4 months
Princess | Limits [Final]
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There's only so much he can take.
Tags/Warnings: Wolfdog Hybrid!Jungkook, Showdog Hybrid!Reader, Enemies to lovers, Angst, Fluff?, Brat!Reader, Jungkook has major brat tamer energy, misunderstanding, smut, (slightly) mean Dom kook, a slap to the thigh, uh, knot is mentioned, it's nasty, unprotected but MC is mentioned to be on birth control, he holds her by the throat? Idk he also has his fingers in her mouth-
Length: 5k Words
There is no taglist for this fic.
-> Masterlist
A/N: This will act as a final chapter. The main story is therefore wrapped up- but as always, if you want drabbles, you can still request them.
Jungkook has never understood the phrase of your ‘heart stopping’- because how could it ever? You’d be dead in that case. But right in this moment, he finally gains the knowledge by experiencing it first hand- eyes wide open and body frozen.
Why are you in his bed? Barely dressed, snuggled up to him who’s only in his underwear?
He thinks through the whole process of yesterday to make sense of this. Did you both get potentially drunk last night? No, not at all. You and him had simply packed your things to drive you to your parents hours away, after having contacted them and told them about everything. He remembers driving you there himself, unloading your bags, leaving you there after waving and driving off. And added to that, that was not last night. It was almost an entire week ago.
He hasn’t seen you in days. So what are you doing here?
It’s not a dream either, clock on his nightstand ticking away, world outside going about its day as the window isn’t all closed to let some fresh air in at night. And yet, you’re there- bare legs entangled with his, arms holding onto his.
He doesn’t really feel alarmed by the fact that you somehow entered his apartment- you know where he lives after all, and you know the passcode to his door, so it’s not really surprising at all. But what he is questioning is why you’re here- and why you’re in his bed, most of all. Has he forgotten some conversation you might’ve had? Or has something happened to make you so upset that you were craving the comfort of him at any cost?
Now he’s worried.
Shaking you a little to wake you up seems to not be very effective- because you just frown, slap his hand away and bury your face right back into his shoulder as if he’s nothing but an annoying fly. “I know you’re awake.” Jungkook tells you, and at that you actually open one of your eyes, looking up at him with your tail wagging beneath the covers. “What’re you doing here?” He asks, and you frown again turning onto your back to look up at him who’s sat up by now.
“Why do you sound so upset about that?” You complain with almost a pout in your tone, arms crossed. “I thought couples love reuniting.” You say, and he looks at you, confused.
“Couples?” He questions, and you nod, now visibly unsure as well.
“Well, yeah?” You say, attitude fading and being replaced by uncertainty. “I mean.. we haven’t said the L-word yet, but like.. I thought..” you start, scanning his face for any sign that he realizes what you believed you two were. “..since you uh.. called me baby in the car..” you drift off, and still- there’s no sign of anything on Jungkook’s face as he thinks, and digs around in his memories for the correct moment he might’ve said that. He did, maybe. But he doesn’t remember.
“did I?” He asks, and regrets it the moment he watches the shame visibly wash over you- from the way your ears pin back to the slight change in your gaze, he knows he fucked up by saying it loud- and he’s a little too late as you roll out the bed and run for the bathroom after picking something up from the floor, hiding away now. “hey- wait.” He asks, getting up to walk towards the bathroom floor, knocking on it just to not get an answer. “I’m sure it’s just a misunderstanding-“ He starts, trying hard to calm you down- but it’s clearly not working as the door opens, and you slip right past him to run towards the door where your shoes are. “Hey no- stay, let’s talk-“
“Nuh-uh, nop, this is so embarrassing-“ You rant, visibly frustrated over the shoes not closing fast enough as your hands are too shaky to really tie them. So you just make a simple knot and stuff the laces into the corners, before a tattooed hand snatches your other shoe from you. “give that back!” You bark, not looking at him however as you reach for the shoe he’s holding too high for you. “stop-“
“stop, exactly. Don’t run off now, I’m sorry if I said something that made you think we were more than we are.” He explains, and you visibly deflate at that, ears down low just like your tail. “let me get dressed, and we can talk, okay?” He asks again, and you just shrug.
He sighs as he puts down the shoe and leaves to tug a shirt and pants onto himself- before he realizes his mistake too late-
Door already slamming shut, your jacket the only thing you left at his place.
He’s been knocking since forever it feels like- but even at his third visit today, you refuse to open the door.
You still got a week left in your apartment- but he knows from first hand experience that you got almost no furniture at all in there anymore, so this can’t be an option for you to sleep at. He doesn’t want you to be upset at him- and in hindsight, he really could’ve worded things a bit better, but he’s still new to this as much as you are. “please let me in.” He requests once more as he’s done so often today, sighing. “I missed you too, you know?” He tries this time around, and to be honest, that’s not even a lie.
Its odd how at first glance, he never thought he’d ever get along with you. But having you gone for almost an entire week, he really felt the way you’d somehow snuck into his heart- every task back to being mundane without you causing a little chaos in his daily life here and there.
“That’s a lie.” You say, door open just a crack to glare at him through.
“Its not.” He denies. “I just think we never actually talked about what we want to be- so I was surprised to just.. have you turn up out of nowhere in my bed.” He chuckles a little, and you just look down to the floor in shame.
“M’ sorry.” You apologize. “won’t happen again.”
“What if I want it to happen again?”
Your gaze snaps up at him at that, confused. “I was just a bit caught off guard, and honestly worried. Did something happen at your parent’s?” He wonders, and you sigh, opening the door to let him into the almost entirely unfurnished apartment- a pile of clothes and a blanket being the last items that were probably used as a makeshift resting spot for you today laying in the corner of the main living room. You sit down there, before letting yourself fall to the side as if exhausted, before you shrug, Jungkook sitting on the floor across from you. “it was.. I don’t know.” You admit. “I love them. And I was really super happy to see them again, and spend time there..” you explain, before you pull the blanket between your fingers to have something to hold onto while you stare into nothingness. “But it was.. really a lot.. I don’t know how to explain.”
“I guess that’s normal. You know, being overwhelmed with it.” Jungkook sympathizes. “I’m exhausted too after spending a day or two with my entire family-pack. Nothing to worry about.” He explains, and you just nod, still avoiding eye contact. “I think what’s important now then, is what we are to one another. You can’t just break into my apartment and sneak into my bed without formally asking me out, you know?” He jokes, but your glare is filled with embarrassment.
“Now I don’t want to anymore.” You huff, before you turn around- and at that, Jungkook feels an odd rush underneath his skull, fueled by your subtle and underlying confession in your words.
“You love me though, don’t you?” He asks, leaning in closer as he sits near you now, a hand on your shoulder. “all you need to do is say it.” He chuckles, as you curl up more into yourself as if that would hide you.
“And then what?” You huff. “You’ll-“
“I’ll say it back.” He cuts you off. “or I’ll say it first, it’s no issue. At this point it’s pretty obvious that I’m starting to fall in love with you.” He easily spills, and you freeze before you slowly unravel, turning to look at him over your shoulder with a face full of wonder.
“You are?” You ask hesitantly, and he smiles, before he nods.
“I am.” He responds, confirms his words and you sit up at that, facing him now. “are you?” He wonders, and you nod.
“I am.” You answer, and he laughs.
“See? Nothing to be scared of. Now come on, I’m not letting you sleep here.” He says, standing up with you to pick up your stuff-
Unaware of the absolute Rollercoaster he just signed himself up for.
Jungkook did not know what he got into when basically confessing his growing feelings.
His mundane life is pretty much over at this point, with you always around and currently basically having moved in until you can figure out if this works or not. After all, you’re not used to living with someone else- and it’s clear that no matter what, you’re the opposite of an angel, still trying your tricks on him to make him dance around like you want him to.
But Jungkook isn’t this easy to control. And in a way, it’s a little fun to see how much you can get away with.
“Jesus christ, put some clothes on.!” Jungkook curses as be spots you laying on your stomach on his couch, in nothing but a simple top and underwear, tail wagging. The wolf hybrid has to turn away, distract himself with the task of turning the volume of the TV lower, while you just don’t understand what his fussing is all about, game on your little console in your hands on pause.
“Why?” You ask because of that, not sure why he’s being so overly dramatic in your opinion. It’s just your legs, maybe your butt. So?
“because- just put at least some pants on.”, he groans, and you roll your eyes, before you continue your game instead.
You’re not listening. And he’s not sure if it’s your character- or if you think his decreasing patience is funny to watch.
“Do I have to turn the wifi off to get your full attention?” jungkook asks a little irritated, and you shrug.
“Don’t care.” You respond, eyes on the little screen between your hands. “the game doesn’t need internet.”
Suddenly however, the console is taken out of your hands, as he saves your current progress, and puts it into the charging station near the TV. “Hey!” You complain, getting up now to rush towards him- and as he makes sure you can’t get to your precious game again, he notices that God fucking damn it, you’re not wearing a bra beneath this very flimsy shirt.
You’re really testing him.
“Put pants on.” He says, and you have the audacity to laugh.
“Nah.” You deny, stretching before you step away from him, walking towards the bedroom. “I’ll just take a na-“ you don’t get to say much else, as he suddenly tugs on your tail with just enough force to make it count- but nowhere near enough to hurt. “Hey!” You turn around instantly, just to be basically cornered by the wolf hybrid, who’s backing you into a wall in the living room.
“You’ve got a real smart mouth there.” He simply says, but it sounds like a threat almost-, a very specific kind of threat that makes your skin shiver. “But you tend to forget when to shut it, clearly.” He scoffs, as your back hits the wall, making you swallow your own saliva nervously.
But he can sense, smell, that this is affecting you not in the direction of fear- but something else entirely.
“You’re so lucky, you know?” He asks, somewhat- and you look at him with question. “I’m not usually patient like that.”
“What would you have done?” You ask, unable to really keep it in as you know that if you hesitate for just a second, you’ll never be able to say this out loud, ask for such things. You want them, but you’re also nervous, considering you’ve never actually gotten this far with anyone before. “Put me in timeout?” You almost challenge, tail beginning to sway a little with newfound confidence, when he just shrugs it off, and shakes his head.
“No.” He denies. “Brats like you need something that.. Lasts longer.” He words out, and at that, scenes manifest inside your head that make you visibly shy.
You’re not sure if he realized it yet, but a lot of the things you do, you do on full purpose. You like this game of push and pull, you think its exciting and fun- so you hope that with words like that, he means them as such, because that would mean that he’s both aware of the little game you’re playing, and also a willing participant in it.
You don’t want him to just feel like you’re made of porcelain, possibly breaking at the slightest touch.
“Such as?” You ask, and he leans in closer at that, almost unbearably so.
“fuck around and find out, Princess.”
Turns out you can be sickeningly sweet almost when you really want to- currently happily laying on his stomach after helping him cook and wash the dishes after, awfully nice today and in a good mood.
It makes him wonder. Are you up to something? Or are you simply not who he thought you were? It would be just a slight bit disappointing, if he was to be honest- considering he’d actually grown quite fond of the idea of you with your ass spanked bright red, Jungkook basically having to work for your submission. But maybe you’re just all bark and no bite- just yapping around, nothing more than that.
Even that would be fine at this point, as long as he’s got you.
It’s when the male lead kisses the female love interest in the admittedly boring drama you both watch on TV, than he notices you staring at the scene. He’s notice too that at this point in time, one might think you would’ve kissed by now- but that’s not the case, neither of you seemingly brave enough to make that step towards the other. But it’s clear from the way you look at the scene in front of you with a shy sense of longing, that you want it- he just needs to find the perfect moment for it.
After all, he doesn’t just want to be any partner for you. He wants to be the one and only.
“I’m tired.” You yawn and stretch, arms above your head before you look at him. “can I get a goodnight-kiss?” You boldly ask, and Jungkook laughs, before he moves to basically lean over you entirely, hands pressing into the cushioning of the couch below you.
And then he finally leans in to peck your lips- or at least that was his intention. You chase after his lips and even move your hands to pull him back, making him act on instinct as he pushes them back, pins them down with his fingers around your wrists. But he has to admit, either the lip balm you’re using is sweet as honey, or he’s surely found the perfect person to kiss in you-
Because he doesn’t want to stop either.
“You said you’re tired.” He hums in when you break apart for just a second, and you shake your head.
“not anymore.” You deny his claims, making him chuckle.
“Not anymore?” He repeats, teasingly escaping your advances. You shake your head, as your legs move to rest around his waist, signals sent pretty clear to him as he watches you try and seduce him. “You’re right.. You’re clearly not yet tired.” He mumbles, as he leans down to kiss you again, letting himself be swept away by the moment, as you both just enjoy each other’s presence.
“Jungkook..” you whine impatiently, hips squirming around in search of any form of friction, while he just laughs under his breath.
“What do you want?” He asks. “this is our first time, after all. I don’t know what you like- or what you can handle.” He teases- though it’s clear that there’s an underlying truth to his words. This is indeed clearly going in a very obvious direction, and you feel warm inside knowing that he actually cares this much about your experience during this.
“I don’t know..” you admit. “I just.. always do it myself, so I don’t know.” You tell him, and he nods, accepting that as his kisses move to your neck, where he makes sure to leave his marks.
Because he wants you to be his, and his alone.
“how far do you want to go?” He asks, pausing his advances for a moment to look at you.
“All the way.” You tell him, and he nods.
“You sure?” He questions, and again, you nod- this time visibly serious.
“There’s no one I’d rather be with like that than you.” You say, and he soaks those words up like a sponge, before he leans back down to kiss you- softer now, more gentle, as if he’s savoring you and your open appreciation for him in this moment.
And he does. He really does.
And you know, through the softness of his touch and the slow and gentle manner in which he undresses you, that tonight, he’s going easy on you.
Tonight, he’s just going to show you real love.
Something clicked into place last night.
As if he’s finally committed himself to you, he’s relaxed, comfortable and most of all; confident. And you’re strangely excited about this new side of him, because it’s unbelievably entertaining to play around with him now that he’s not holding himself back any longer.
Youre currently all laughing, some friend’s of Jungkook’s having spotted him at the grocery store with you, eager to get to know the girl who made him catch feelings. And you’re having a lot of fun hearing some embarrassing facts about your now boyfriend- who’s also laughing along, despite being the butt of the joke. Even when you make jokes about him too he doesn’t seem bothered-
Until a hand finds the back of your neck, fingers pressing down a little to make sure you know he’s got a good grip on you. And like a cat grabbed by its weak spot, you freeze, one look at him making you almost cower in public as his dark eyes gaze down at you. “yeah- but I think we’ll better head home now.” Jungkook decides to his friends, casually smiling while he says goodbye to his friends. And even when his hand leaves you, you’re strangely affected- waiting for something to happen, as he calmly brings the groceries to the car.
You must’ve gotten away this time, since he seems pretty relaxed on the way back home. Good thing you were in public.
However, once back inside your now shared four walls, things take a turn again when, instead of helping him unpack the groceries, you lounge on his sofa- TV instantly turned on as you watch, and Jungkook makes sure to put everything where it belongs by himself.
Your punishment follows late- but you know when it’s time.
The TV is wordlessly turned off, but you stop mid-breath trying to complain about it, because the smile he sends you is none of pure kindness. He looks almost like a villain ready to move on with his sinister plans, as he approaches you. “You think it’s funny, don’t you?” He asks, and when you don’t reply, he clarifies further. “you love getting on my nerves.” He states, and you have the audacity to shrug.
“What’re you gonna do about it?”
That was definitely your last mistake made- challenging him, well aware of how he will potentially punish you.
He’s quick to grab at your hips, no matter how fast you’d wanted to dash off. His grip is tight and secure as he carries you unto the bedroom, where he closes the door with his foot, putting you down on the big mattress. And there you sit- waiting, not sure what his silence means.
“Early bedtime, huh?” You scoff, trying to appear unimpressed.
“Its what you make of it.” He however answers. “this is your last chance to get on my good side, Princess.”
“or what?” You ask with an attitude, still not believing in hit bite at all.
Jungkook sits down at that, back against the door, eyes reflecting a little in the darkness of the bedroom. He’s a wolf, deep down, even if he’s mixed- he’s got time, and patience, and he knows it. He’s well aware that after yesterday’s endeavors, you’ve been trying to ‘seduce’ him all day long- wanting more, wanting it again, because as you’d told him last night, you ‘can’t do it the same he does’. It’s normal, as a hybrid-
And as someone like you in particular, who craves everything pleasurable in life.
You’re still sitting there, waiting, adjusting your position a bit, squirming under his watchful eyes. You’re not sure what he’s aiming at here, but it makes you a little uncomfortable-
Mostly because you can feel the way your underwear is soaking up your arousal over this entire situation.
“Go to sleep, baby.” He tells you with fake gentleness in his voice. “it’s late, isn’t it?”
“I don’t want to sleep.” You respond, and he chuckles.
“I know.” He tells you.
“Jungkook..” you whine, hoping this will be enough to break him. “I’m sorry..” you admit, ears drooping low, as you look at your lap in shame.
But he’s not fooled.
“try again, princess.” He simply says. “I know you’re not sorry.”
Fuck. What else could you do to get him to crack?
Manipulating him into doing what you wanted him to has worked in the past, so it shouldn’t be this hard. And he’s already seen you naked yesterday, so you don’t have to have shame about what you do next- moving your legs to give him a bit of a teaser to your soiled underwear beneath your skirt, feet digging into the bed below as you try and get under his skin this way.
“…can you help me?” You wonder, noticing how his eyes were captured by the sight for just a second.
“I can.” He nods, getting up to walk over to you- and your tail wags, triumph yours to claim. It’s still so easy to make him dance around like a puppet on strings, because down the line, he’s just another guy who’s quickly caught up in his own lust-
His face is inches from yours, eyes piercing into yours as he still got that wolfish smirk on his lips.
“But I don’t want to.”
Wait- that’s not part of the script.
“do it yourself, puppy.” He laughs, opening the bedroom door. “You know how to-“
“No!” You call out, making him turn his head over his shoulder to look at you. “I want you!” You argue, making him laugh.
“too bad.” He denies, and at that you get up, one leg out of the bed already. “get back on the bed.” He demands, and you huff.
“so you really putting me in timeout?” You scoff, stepping out with the other leg as well.
“You want to act like a brat so I’ll treat you as such.” He explains. “get back on the bed until I’m done cooking.”
“No.” You deny, walking closer.
He says your name, low and clearly in a warning, but you don’t care.
It’s then that your world turns upside down for a second, before you’re thrown back onto the bouncing mattress. You can’t help the sound that escapes your lips at his display of strength over you, a hand still on your arm to push you down. “does pissing me off make you that horny?” He asks, almost in a demeaning tone. “gushing into your panties just because you’re getting on my nerves, huh?” He continues, and your tail still wags.
“Its funny.” You admit, giggling, when a hand slaps your inner thigh, skirt having risen up to cover basically nothing anymore. “ah-!” You call out in surprise, making him laugh.
“it is.” He agrees. “it’s funny how you think you can play me.”
The next second, he’s tugging your underwear off of you, strings of sticky arousal still trying to hold onto the soiled fabric for a good stretch before the piece of clothing is thrown somewhere. “gotta get you off to make you listen?” He asks, agitated, hand between your legs a complete contrast to the gentle way he’s helped you reach highest pleasure last night. “gotta fuck you stupid so you’re finally a good girl for once?” He questions, and you just nod, frantically, overwhelmed by the way he pushes two of his fingers in already, thumb rolling over your most sensitive spot.
“Please-“ you start, but he only laughs down at you.
“Please? That’s a new sound.” He mocks you. His ruthless acts down settle down at all however- instead, he takes his hand away from you, and wipes it on his pants. You’re left alone, watching him, unsure what’s happening. “You ready to listen?” He asks. What an asshole. He knows exactly that in your state you’d accept anything-
“Why did you stop?” You whine however, and your downfall has been sealed.
Only moments later, as you try and escape, he’s on top of you, using his entire body to cage you in, hand around your throat- though he’s gentle enough to not hurt you at all. The hold he has still arches your back, pushes your behind right into him. And considering the fact that you’re on birth control, he doesn’t need to search for any other contraceptive right now, able to just pull himself out of his cotton pants, not needing much to get himself ready.
You whine in complaint when he pushes in. He knows it’s a bluff.
“oh shut up.” He growls into the back of your neck. “You can take it.” He states, well aware that you can. And it seems like finally, you’re quiet and compliant- if only after his fingers press down on your tongue, occupying your mouth with something other than whining. “so this is what it needs to shut you up?” He mocks you. “my cock inside, and my fingers in your mouth?” He purrs against your neck, and you just whimper pathetically.
His pace is steady, but he doesn’t even need to move anymore he notices- you’re for once doing all the work for him, bouncing on his lap like you’ve done this a million times already.
Your stamina does however not match up with his, as your thighs quiver, orgasm approaching you and causing you to lose tempo. Something he catches up on- taking over as he rolls his hips into you with dancer’s precision, while you emit sounds of pleasure the second his digits leave your mouth. You fall forward once he lets go of you entirely, spent.
“I’m not done with you yet.” He however days, as he manhandles you onto your back beneath him, hands tugging on your legs to move them exactly where he wants them. “wants to be fucked stupid but can’t even keep up with me.” He teases, shaking his head as he pushes his length through your thighs, remnants of your own arousal making the movement easy and slick. Your hands reach out sleepily, fingers touching the very tip every time it appears between your legs, and you giggle, visibly out of your mind.
But he notices something else too.
You look entirely relaxed, not even a glimmer of any of your usual insecurities present. You’re just existing in the moment, enjoying this, enjoying what he offers you, and nothing else.
Your head must really just be TV static.
You open your legs again, whining once more as he watches you reach for his hips- one orgasm not enough still, or maybe you just want to please him the best you can. He’s going easy on you this time, he decides, complying with your wordless demand to get back inside you, a wish he happily grants.
You don’t hold back, only shutting up when he leans down to kiss you, needy and chaotic, tongue and bitten lips. But once his hand is between you both, pushing you over the edge alongside him, you squirm once more- his release spilling inside of you, something swelling that you didn’t feel yesterday.
It’s him. He’s locking himself inside you to make sure you don’t spill any of it.
Which isn’t all that easy, since he appears to be a but of an overachiever- some of it already escaping you the second he softens up, cunt pushing out the translucent white as he pulls out of you.
You’re a mess.
Clothes somewhat still on, skin sweaty, opening between hour legs still gaping, clenching around nothing as your body calms down.
But, to be fair-
You also, finally, shut your mouth.
“You can be so gentle!” You complain as he helps you put lotion on your skin after your shower, already back to your old self not even a couple of hours after.
“I can.” He laughs.
“But something tells me that you like it rough.”
How right he is.
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balletfilmss · 6 months
hiii can i get a smau percy x daughter of persephone who loves flowers and lives on a farm
✸ pairing: percy jackson x daughter of persephone!reader smau
✸ notes: tysm for requesting & im sorry this took a hot minute, but i hope you like it!! 🤍
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…now playing: love grows (where my rosemary goes) — edison lighthouse
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persea_: i’ve officially made friends with the ferns 🫡(thank you yn for not letting them eat me)
tagged: @flowersforyn
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g_man: are you…are you AWARE of how ferns work?
╰┈➤ persea_: yeah i am. 2 words: chomp chomp
chqsingannabeth: who’s…who’s truck did you steal?
╰┈➤ persea_: what’re you a cop?
flowersforyn: guys don’t be fooled by the second pic, this was the aftermath of him DROPPING me
╰┈➤ persea_: one, didn’t have to expose me like that & two, I SAID I WAS SORRY
╰┈➤ persea_: i bet it does 😗😉
╰┈➤ g_man: reminder that this is a PUBLIC app
ghostking: pls don’t break her
╰┈➤ persea_: did…did u just say PLEASE?
╰┈➤ ghostking: i take it back. break her and i break your neck.
team.leo: why she violating a tree like that
╰┈➤ flowersforyn: leo just bc you didn’t get hugged as a kid doesn’t mean nobody else did 😒
tysonn: ask yn if ferns will be my friend too
╰┈➤ flowersforyn: they absolutely will tyson, we’ll have to bring you out to the farm next weekend <3
╰┈➤ tysonn: yay!
╰┈➤ persea_: me too, right?
╰┈➤ flowersforyn: …
╰┈➤ persea_: RIGHT??
notpipermclean: yn get this loser off our farm, the kids are asking questions
╰┈➤ notpipermclean: NO🤗 im gonna report you for hate speech
╰┈➤ persea_: mf YOU’RE hate speeching ME
╰┈➤ sp4rky: @ team.leo the girls are fighting 👀
╰┈➤ team.leo: 🍿🫢
…now playing: strawberries & cigarettes — troye sivan
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flowersforyn: fav boy on the farm!! 🍓
tagged: persea_
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chqsingannabeth: your face being cut off of that first pic is CRIMINAL 😩 not percy’s tho, that was a gift from the gods
╰┈➤ flowersforyn: im srry babe, i looked goofy 😔
╰┈➤ chqsingannabeth: oh no ma’am, you could NEVER
persea_: the best day with my absolute best girl 🩵
╰┈➤ flowersforyn: kicking my feet & giggling, ILY SEAWEED BRAIN 🤍
g_man: WHAT did you do to make those strawberries look so scrumdidliuptious?
╰┈➤ persea_: dyslexia just took me OUT with this one dude 😭
╰┈➤ g_man: nobody was talking to you brotha 🙏
╰┈➤ flowersforyn: grover bud i use my mommy’s magic, hope this helps 🫶
persea_: don’t let her lie to you, people. i thought my first fit was BOMB & then she made me put on that sweater cuz it was cold as hell outside
╰┈➤ flowersforyn: i want you to read that again…slowly
notpipermclean: save me yn the garden princess …save me
╰┈➤ flowersforyn: have no fear bae, im here 🫂
╰┈➤ persea_: yn, babydoll, i beg of you, PLEASE stop hitting on people that aren’t me
╰┈➤ flowersforyn: there’s enough of me to go around perce 😒
╰┈➤ notpipermclean: YEAH PERCY SHARE
sp4rky: why is bro carryin a whole bakery on that swing
╰┈➤ persea_: jason…🤭
╰┈➤ sp4rky: I PLEAD THE FIFTH
flowersforyn uploaded a story!
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@ g_man replied:
why is bro so silly 😭
idk but he’s the silliest
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@ sp4rky replied:
tell him to leave the flying to me
i’m not telling him SHIT from you
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@ persea_ replied:
idk what ur on about, i look terrifying here
oh yeah, i’m shaking in my boots
great, now can you pls come help me get down?
yknow, i can’t kiss you from up here
i’m otw 🏃‍♀️ 💨
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zombiec · 10 months
Jealousy | Gojo Satoru
(Readers gender is not specified)
(Modern au)(reader is very flirty)
Synopsis ☆: Reader goes to smoke with gojo and he gets jealous
Warnings: Oral, toy usage, marijuana usage, a little reader x choso, errr idk anything else
a/n: this was originally supposed to be for my friend but I’m gonna post it >.< Also it was suppose to be a 3 some but I forgot abt the other two.
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You were lying in your bed on your side scrolling through instagram reels. Bored out of your mind, until you got a call from the one and only gojo. “Haiiiii” you sighed “what do you want gojo” you could hear his pout through the phone “I just wanna talk to you” he said whining. It irked you how sexy you thought his voice was. Something about a man with a whiney voice just did something to you. “Again what do you want gojo” he giggled “do you want to come over” you raised an eyebrow, because most of the time gojo invited you over it was to engage in sexual activities . “Why?” Your voice had a little teasing to it. Gojo whined “becauseeeee I miss you…and because I got weed>.<“ “I’m omw!” You said and immediately hung up.
You sprung up out of your bed and pulled on a pair of black basketball shorts, a purple hoodie, and some purple fuzzy socks. You slipped on your black crocs with cute little charms on them, and looked in the mirror before deciding that you looked good. Grabbing your phone and your car keys you left the house.
You hopped into your black jeep liberty 2007, which you cherished. While driving to Gojos house you realized how excited you were. You haven’t smoked in a while, but the thing is you’ve never smoked with gojo and you know when you smoke you get a bit horny. You’re a little worried because last time you and gojo have done anything you realized he was getting too attached so you told him you two should just stay as friends. You hoped nothing would happen.
When you arrived at his house you parked in front and walked up to his door. You rung the doorbell then put your hands in your pockets and waited, standing kinda awkwardly. When the door opened you were surprised to see Getou. “What’re you doing here” you rolled your eyes and brushed past him “I was invited goofy””oh” is all he said and closed the door walking behind you. When you walked in the smell of weed immediately hit you. ‘How could they start without me’ you thought. You walked further into the house and see a circle formed which included Gojo, Choso, and Shoko. You immediately went to your favorite “SHOKO!!!!” She shrieked when your tall frame basically tackled her. You love Shoko she’s so cute and funny, ontop of that her voice is so sexy. You laid ontop of Shoko and kissed her cheeks, she giggled and pushed you off. “I didn’t know you were gonna be here I thought it’d be just me and gojo” “I’m actually leaving right now I have to go, I have assignments to catch up on” you pouted a little “awe what you’re gonna leave me here with these animals” “yep..goodluck!” she said and kissed you on your forehead walking out.
You looked to your side and made contact with brown (?) eyes. You smirked a little cause you know choso has a little crush on you. He’s always looking at your lips when you’re talking to him and always blushing around you. he’s so obvious it’s cute. You moved towards choso leaving a little space between you two “hey choso” you said a little teasingly. He blushed a little and greeted you back. You looked across the circle and noticed gojo frowning a little. You mentally rolled your eyes ‘he can’t handle my attention on anyone but him.’ “Hi gojo” “oh now you see me” he said with an attitude. you rolled your eyes “what’s wrong with you” “he’s mad your attention isn’t on him and only him” Getou butted in. “No I’m not! I don’t even care” you grinned at Gojos hostile behavior.
As the blunt was getting passed around for the 3rd time you found your arm around choso’s shoulders while his legs were thrown over your lap. You can’t even lie he’s looking so good right now . He’s wearing a black shirt with a v neck that he rolled up because it was ‘too hot’ so you can see his abs and gawd you were bout to act like an animal. He had on grey shorts with neon orange socks on, his sexy,shaved, long legs on display. And Ofcourse He has his typical pony tails in that you just wanted to pull on while you thrust into him from the back.
Gojo went into the kitchen a little while ago to do idk what,but you choso and Getou were still smoking. When the blunt made it back to you, you had an idea. You took a hit of the blunt, grabbed chosos jaw, pressed on his jaw hard enough so that he opened his mouth and blew the smoke in his mouth. He immediately got what you were doing and inhaled the smoke you were blowing in his mouth. The look he gave you was about to drive you mad. His eyes were hooded and he looked dazed I almost leaned in to kiss him but then “pass the fucking blunt already” Getou said getting antsy. I gave the blunt to choso and went over to Getou “Awee is the poor baby mad he’s getting no attention” you said pinching his cheeks “fuck off” he said slapping your hands away. You blew him a kiss then walked into the kitchen where gojo was.
Gojo was in the kitchen on his phone bent over the counter facing away from me. I might just be horny but he looked really good. I walked up behind him and pressed my hips into his ass while grabbing onto his waist. He jumped a little but relaxed when he realized it was me. Gojo turned his body around to look at you “so now you wanna talk to me” he said with a little frown on his face “I always wanna talk to you baby don’t be so fussy” you say and brush some of his hair out his face “all you do is ignore me when other people are around” he said and wrapped his arms around your neck since you’re a little taller than him. You wrapped your arms around his waist and he smiled a little bit. The both of you just stare at each other for a while before gojo speaks up “make it up to me” you grin and tilt his head up a bit “is that how you ask gojo?” He looks at you with pleading eyes. You just look at him waiting. He huffed “please make it up to me”
You push gojo up onto the counter and connect your lips with his. The kiss is rough and is filled with pure lust. You grabbed gojo by his thighs and he wrapped his legs around your waist. Gojo pushes the back of your neck towards him so that you could be closer as if you two aren’t already close enough. He moaned into the kiss when you bit lightly onto his bottom lip pulling away while gojo tried to chase after your lips. “Please” he begs “I really need you.” You were about to say something but the sound of someone clearing their throat behind you guys made you halt your movements. You looked behind you to see Getou AND choso both standing there.
“Whoops” you said and immediately let go of gojo. You heard gojo huff from behind you. You knew he was mad you two got interrupted. You kind of were too from being cockblocked for the second time... It’s always Getou too. He’s always ruining the moment, you starting to think he wants some too.
“So….” Getou awkwardly started. Everyone was still standing in the kitchen, me and gojo on one side choso and Getou on the other. “What kind of porn do you guys watch”……the fuck? “I like step mom step son porn” you looked at gojo with a weird expression and scooted away a bit. Getou smirked a smile and high fived gojo “me too” they laughed together. You just gave them a grossed out look. Then choso spoke up “I like twitter porn, the ‘vanilla’ stuff so they say” “aweee” you cooed. Choso blushed. “What about you” everyone turned to you… you took a deep breath “No” “oh come on” gojo whined at you. “No” you said yet again but this time you walked upstairs towards Gojos room. You heard gojo yell something but you didn’t hear nor care what he had to say.
While you were in Gojos room you were just snooping around. His room was actually very clean, you’d think he’d be messy but no. All of his figures and accessories sit ontop of a black dresser. You go towards his dresser snooping through the drawers. Underwear. Shirts. Pants. Socks. ‘Boringggg’ you thought. You checked the final drawer and all you saw was black cloth. Being curious as you are you picked up the cloth only to realize it’s not a cloth it’s a black satin bag, which was sort of heavy. You know it’s wrong to go through peoples stuff but…who cares. You opened the bag only to be utterly shocked by what you see. A 9 inch silicone dragon dildo is in the bag. Your jaw is literally on the floor. How in the world can gojo take this. Has he ever used it? The girth on the dildo is insane and you wonder if the ridges in the dildo would feel good or cause a little pain.
“What’re you doing” your soul left your body. It was fucking gojo who creeped up behind you. Grasping your chest you lightly smacked gojo upside the head “the fuck is wrong with you, don’t sneak up on me like that” “you’re the one in my room looking through my things” gojo replied rubbing where you hit him. “Oh yeah…found your dildo” gojo let out a breathy laugh “damn that’s crazy…” you and gojo locked eyes for what felt like hours (it was a few seconds). You huffed and threw the bag with the dildo on Gojos bed. “come here” gojo immediately wrapped his arms your neck brought you down a little. You could tell by the way he kissed you gojo was desperate. He kissed you like it was the last time you’d see each other.
You kissed down to Gojos pale unmarked neck, leaving light bites on it. Gojo let out a girlish Moan and brought his hands up to your hair tugging a little which pulled a low groan out of you. Gojo couldn’t take it anymore. “fuckkk~ please~ I-I need you so bad” you picked up gojo by the back of his thighs causing him to wrap his legs around your waist. You pushed him up against the wall and looked gojo in his eyes he was so pretty. His dazed beautiful blue eyes staring back into yours, his pink puffy lips that had a little slob on them, and the marks on his neck that you created looked so alluring on his pretty pale skin. just made you want to fuck his brains out.
“What do you want gojo” god the way you said his name drove him crazy. He couldn’t stop thinking about the way you were looking at choso when you guys were down stairs. It’s not fair. You’re supposed to be his and only his. He wants you to fuck him and make him moan so loud so choso and Getou can hear how good you make him feel.
Gojo bites his lip and tightens his legs around your waist. “I want you in me.” You smirked “do you really deserve that? You were giving me a lot of attitude downstairs” you fake pout. “No no please I’m sorry I won’t give you attitude anymore..just- please..do something” he sounded so desperate, but you got an idea.
“How bout you fuck yourself on that dildo and if you can make yourself cum without me touching you I’ll fuck you dumb.” Gojo didn’t hesitate after that. He was quick to let you go and scramble to get the satin black bag holding the 9 inch dildo. Gojo took the dildo out the bag and was quick to place it on the floor. He pulled down his shorts and stepped out of them. “No lube?” You asked sitting infront of him on the bed. Spreading your legs open so your buldge on display. Gojo blushed “I- I already prepped myself” you giggled “oh? Were you expecting something to happen?” Gojo didn’t answer you and sunk onto the dildo. ‘fuckkkk” you thought, he let out the loudest high pitched Moan you’ve ever heard from him. As gojo sunk lower onto the dildo he was looking you directly in the eyes. Biting his lip with a slight blush on his face. He was so pretty.
He stayed still for a while getting used to the girth of the dildo. Then he started moving up and down on it. You swear you could’ve came in your pants just at the sight. The Gojo Saturou sitting infront of you riding the biggest dildo you’ve ever seen. He was such a Slut. Suddenly you felt hands on your thighs and you made eye contact with him. You knew exactly what he wanted. “Go ahead” you said . Gojo didn’t hesitate to pull the waistband of your shorts down and pulled out your cock that he loved shoving down this throat.
You loved when gojo sucked you off. The way his lips wrapped around your tip, and the eye contact he made pushing his head all the way down your length drove you crazy. Still bouncing on the dildo gojo pressed his fat tongue on the tip of your dick licking up the pre-cum. He couldn’t wait anymore. He wanted you all the way down his throat.
Gojo wrapped his lips around your length and started going further down making you let out a breathy moan. “Yea baby just like that” you threw your head back and gripped the sheets beneath you. Gojo was getting close from the sight infront of him. He did that. He made you lose your control. Bouncing faster on the dildo gojo started bobbing his head up and down on your cock. You couldn’t take it anymore, you grabbed gojo by the back of his head and started bobbing his head faster. Gojo whined. You could tell he was close by the noises he was making. “You gonna cum baby?” Gojo whined yet again and you pulled him off your dick right before you were about to cum. He made a confused sound before you kissed him, aggressively pushing your tongue in his mouth. Gojo moaned incredibly loud into the kiss and you saw ropes of cum come out of him. ‘Damn’ you thought surprised at how much came out. Gojo came to a stop on the dildo and was taking deep breaths. You smirked “Good job, you ready for your reward?”
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Easy peasy lemon squeezy
Please request stuff guys I’m dying over here >.<
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rivatar · 4 months
Pandora’s Hub
Pairing: Adult!Lo’ak x Fem!Human!Scientist!reader
Warnings/content: MDNI 🔞, heavy smut, p in v, outdoor sex & recording (obvi), porn references/simulation, degradation & praising, creampie, flirty man-whore Lo’ak, squirting
A/n: Day 5 prompt (Outdoor Sex + recording) for Pandora’s Glow- hosted by @luvv4j4ybe11 @aperiraa! Sorry it’s a week late, I’ve had so much going on (graduations, weddings, birthdays, etc) but I finally finished this. And ngl it’s filthyyy hehehe🤭. Also I hope you guys get the ‘Pandora’s Hub’ = ‘Pornhub’. Idk I thought it was funny 💀
Dividers by @cafekitsune
W/c: 2.2k
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It was a beautiful day on Pandora. Quietly humming to yourself, you made your way towards the forest where you would be collecting photos of many different plants to further your research. The book ‘Pandoran Botany’ that Grace Augustine wrote was literally like your Bible. You spent countless hours working with the other botanists to learn more about these plants and what they are capable of providing. Their beauty and wonder never failed to amaze you.
You’ve spent almost the past week coming out into different spots in the forest to capture photos of plants and try to identify them without looking in the book. Of course, you didn’t stray too far from the lab but each day you ventured out a little further and further, not being able to contain yourself each time you seen a new plant you’d never seen since you arrived on Pandora. But what was the harm, right?
You were crouched down in a spot, carefully focusing the camera on the details of this plant you found.
“What’re you doing out here?” A deep voice startled you, making you jump and gasp, nearly dropping the camera. You whipped around to find the source.
“Oh, Lo’ak,” you blew out a sigh of relief with your hand over your heart, “You scared the shit out of me!”
He laughed, flashing a wide and charming smile, looking at you in amusement. “Sorry, didn’t know you were so jumpy,” he teased with his hands on his hips.
You stood up from your crouch and gave him an eye roll, trying to suppress a smirk.
“Well, what are you doing?” He asked for the second time.
“Oh yeah— I’m just taking some pictures of some plants for my research,” you explained as he nodded in response. “What are you doing?” You threw the question back at him.
He tsked, “Last time I checked you’re on my terrain. Didn’t know I needed a reason to be out here.” He tilted his head at you holding your camera.
“Let me see this,” he snatched the camera out of your hand.
“Hey!” You tried to grab it back but he dangled it way above your head due to his much taller stature. “Be careful with it, Lo’ak, it’s got important stuff on there!” You scolded while jumping up and attempting to get it back. It was to no use, though.
He chuckled and seemed to enjoy teasing you. “Awww, the little human girl can’t reach. Aren’t you just pathetic?” he laughed and feigned pity, poking out his bottom lip in a fake sad expression all while holding you off with one strong arm.
He threw it up in the air and gasped to scare you, only for him to easily catch it with his large hands. Your heart dropped, not wanting the camera to shatter and lose all the photos it possessed.
“Knock it off, Lo’ak!” You shouted angrily and kicked his shin, only to make him bust out laughing.
“You’re so cute when you’re angry,” he kept laughing and petted your head.
“I’m not a fucking child, stop treating me like one!”
“Oh, yeah?” His eyes danced around playfully.
You didn’t answer, you didn’t know if he was still teasing or if it was a trick question. You just stared at him, eyes filled with anger.
He smirked and looked away from you to look at the camera, clicking through its contents.
“Hmm, these are pretty pictures,” he stated observingly, “But Eywa, you would look so much prettier in this camera” he flirted shamelessly.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, trying not to blush. It was no secret Lo’ak has always been a huge flirt.
“Oh please, Lo. Don’t you have anything better to do than flirting with me?” You asked peering up at him with your arms crossed.
He loved you calling him his shortened nickname and how you teased him back. He liked to think you were playing hard to get. All the other girls would’ve already submitted to him by now, but what’s the fun in that?
“Nah, I don’t think I do.” He quipped. “Have you never wondered what you’d look like on here?”
You raised an eyebrow. “What’re you talking about?”
“Like they do back on earth. I think dad called it ‘porn’?” He asked nonchalantly.
Your jaw fell to the ground after you nearly choked on your spit. A blush crept over your features, not being able to hide your blush this time. “Lo’ak! You pervert!” You shoved his stomach and tried acting offended that he would insinuate such a dirty idea.
He chuckled at your reaction. “How am I the perv when you’re the one blushing, huh?”
Your blush deepened, much to your dismay, and you looked down at your feet.
He squatted down to be on your level. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d almost think you are curious about it” he spoke lowly, and you swore you could feel his breath on your face. He stretched an arm out to pull the strap of your tanktop and bra down your shoulder. Your stomach did flips and you were frozen in place, unable to stop him.
“Tell me you want to,” he demanded, already feeling impatient. “I know you do, I can smell you, but tell me you want it.”
“I-I want it, please,” you gave up your fight easier than you’d like to admit.
“Hmm, good girl. I knew you had it in ya,” he praised, loving that he broke you and won. He turned his attention back to the camera in his hand and pressed a button, making a red light come on in the corner as he pointed the camera towards you.
“Hey everyone, Y/N here is gonna show us how good she can be whenever she’s not bickering like a brat or hiding in that damn lab,” he started, and you blushed and couldn’t help but laugh at him.
“No one is seeing this, Lo.” You made it clear and shook your head, looking at him and not the camera lens.
“Oh, come on! I know that but don’t ruin the fun, baby.” He laughed. His smile faded and lust clouded his eyes, darkening his expression. “Now let’s see you take those clothes off, sevin,” he rasped.
Your heart was racing and you were nervous as hell. Not only because of the thrill of doing anything sexual with this hot Na’vi man, but also the thrill of doing it in on a video?? You were sure your heart was about to beat out of your chest.
Your hands were shaking a little as your reached for the bottom of your tank top, slowly peeling it up to raise it over your head and off. Your nerves made you slower and less confident. You had the first item of clothing off at least, time to tackle the rest.
“C’mon babe, this thing won’t be able to finish our video at the pace you’re going,” he laughed behind the camera, holding it up to his face to make sure you were perfectly centered.
You huffed in frustration and wiggled your shorts and panties off in one quick tug, flinging them off to the side and unsnapped your bra in a swift move as well to be completely naked. “There! Happy?”
He lowered the camera from his face so he could fully take in the sight for his own eyes. “Fuckkkk, yes,” he groaned out deeply, reaching down to palm his tented loincloth that was aching for some relief. His eyes were hooded and ate up every inch of your naked form, licking his bottom lip in the process.
His evident approval made your confidence boost and you didn’t feel as insecure to be exposed in front of him. You rubbed your thighs together as slick coated your pussy lips, you were more than ready for whatever Lo’ak had planned in that dirty mind of his. He chuckled seeing your apparent neediness and untied his loincloth with one hand, the other hand still making sure the camera caught every inch of your glory.
His cock sprung out as the cloth fell to the ground. You couldn’t help your mouth from hanging agape, taken aback by how huge and heavy he was. It took effort to force your eyes off his beautiful erection and back up to his equally beautiful face. He motioned you with his hand. “C’mere, babe.”
You gently walked towards him, waiting for him to make a move. He reached his hand out and grabbed your tit, fiddling with your nipple between his fingers. He smiled when you couldn’t help but hum and whimper in satisfaction. Then he lowered himself in a squat to get on your level and positioned the camera to get a closeup on your boobs.
“Fuck, these are perfect,” Lo’ak said while groping them, “Truly a work of art.” He continued to get all the angles of your breasts while playing with them, making your heart speed up.
Then he lowered himself more, opting to sit on the ground in front of you. Without warning, he hiked up one of your legs and you quickly gained your balance on your standing leg, hands finding rest on top of his head. He angled the camera to get a good view of your pussy as his other hand began playing through your glistening folds, collecting all your slick on his long fingers. You whimpered above him, the rough pads of his fingers bringing much pleasure to you.
He spread your lips apart, gaining a perfect view to your little hole. Looking through the camera, he made sure this stunning view was being captured. You blushed deeply at the way you were being put on display like a pornstar, but it turned you on beyond belief.
“Such a tiny little tawtute pussy,” he hummed and looked up at your eyes, “I’m gonna fuck it so good.”
You clenched around nothing, your one standing leg suddenly growing weak and wanting to give out. “Please Lo’ak!”
“Lay down, now,” he demanded and you wasted no time in rushing your way down to the forest floor, spreading your legs wide open.
“You’re so good. What a good little slut,” he praised you. He grabbed his rock-hard dick and ran it up and down your slit, earning a moan from you. Once again, he held the camera up and made sure it was getting all of this. Your pretty self laid out on display for him and his dick starting to breach your hole. It was nearly too much for him to handle.
Pushing in slowly, you gasped at the stretch and he groaned as you sucked him in your tight walls. He pushed and pushed until he nearly bottomed out, giving you a minute to adjust to his size. “You okay?” He asked, genuinely concerned you might break in half.
“Mhmmm, go, please!” You thought it was more painful with him being still inside of you instead of moving.
He obeyed and started with some short thrusts to get you going. He knew the interspecies differences would make this nearly impossible if you and him weren’t so damn turned on right now.
Squelching noises filled the air as you took him in your pussy so well. Your noises of pleasure only encouraged him more, and he swore to himself he wouldn’t cum until you did.
“Fuck! You’re so fucking wet and tight around me,” he said breathlessly.
“Mmm, feels so good, more!!” You shamelessly begged as he sped up his thrusts.
“God you’re so good at this. Taking me so well.” he groped your tit some more with his free hand, marveling in the way they bounced around from his steady and hard thrusts.
You moaned loudly and felt your orgasm approaching as the pleasure intensified. You reached down to rub your little nub and threw your head back, screwing your face up.
“I bet you’re so wet because you like being recorded, hm? You like being a filthy whore every once and a while?” He degraded you, but he was right, and God, it only turned you on more.
“Yeah everyone, look how she’s rubbing her clit and trying so hard to cum. How pathetic,” he spoke to the ‘audience’. The thought of someone else watching this was all you needed to finish. You came hard around him.
“Fuckkkk!!” You screamed and kept rubbing your nub quickly. You felt warm liquid coat your hand and splash around.
“Holy shit!! We’ve got a squirter!” Lo’ak said in awe and surprise, continuing his thrusts but they got sloppy as his orgasm overtook him too, not being able to hold back anymore at the sight of you squirting on him.
“Shit, I’m cumming!” He announced and came inside of you, somehow finding more room in there to put his cum.
Your combined sounds of pleasure and heavy breaths rang through the air. You were both a sticky mess from sweat and cum.
He lowered the camera and ended the video, laying it to the side as he collapsed on top of you. You were both trying to catch your breath.
“Well, that wasn’t what I had in mind for what I was going today,” he joked.
You snickered. “Yeah. You’re telling me.”
Taglist: @bambithewriter @neteyamssyulang @anemonelovesfiction @professional-yapper @plantgirliewholovespandora @etherynn @nonamevenus @ladykat37 @loakstahni @zafrinaxyz @xylianasblog @xstarsdiary @itchaboi-itchyboy @neteyamsoare @strongheartneteyam @inolaphoenix @erenjaegerwifee @vogueweb (lmk if you wanna be added or removed from taglist!)
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notjustjavierpena · 11 months
Oops, I accidentally sent the request before actually typing it, lol
Here we go again:
The family is away for summer vacation and reader bumps into an old high school boyfriend of hers at the beach while Javi is playing with the kids (making an adorable mess with sand castles), and he sees it at some distance and get super jealous about it, but only get to talk to her about it after dinner when the kids are asleep in their hotel room. Idk, something about that with obviously make up sex for reader to show him how much she’s all his and etc
Random thoughts, I know, but I’m sure you’ll be able to work magic with this
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Series Masterpost | Main Masterpost | Support a disabled creator
A/N: Hi hi hi, and so sorry for the wait. I hope this fulfils your heart’s desires, my friend. Thank you for following my work ❤️
Summary: You bump into your high school sweetheart on holiday and Javier is not a fan.
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader (no y/n)
Tags: +18 smut, jealousy, javi is whipped for reader, dirty talk, piv sex, rough sex, bit of roleplay, creampie, use of papi, possessiveness, aren’t they just the cutest?
Word count: 3.1k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51262198
Children’s laughter travels through the air to meet your ears along with the sound of a soft summer breeze, making you put down the book that you’ve been holding in your hands. It’s impossibly sunny hence why you’ve decided to hold up the book, shielding its pages from the rays, and the skin of your back glistens with sweat. There are seagulls in the air, busy noises from families around you, and the therapeutic push and pull of the waves.
Beside you, you have a glass of strawberry lemonade and in front of you, you have a view of your husband enthusiastically digging moats around the various sandcastles that have been scattered across your chosen spot on the beach. You feel refreshed and relaxed; just how you’re supposed to feel on your vacation during the hottest days of summer. 
It had been Javier’s idea to go away for a week to your hometown. You are thankful for his suggestion because you would never have voiced your wish for a break out loud yet he had sensed it despite your silence. 
You’ve visited your parents, yes, but the majority of days have been spent on the beach where you’ve gotten some quality time with yourself. Javier has managed to tire out both of your kids with endless activities, and the evenings have been filled with long, slow kisses on the hotel room balcony. You have hoped for more but a shared hotel room means that you will have to keep everything PG-13.
“Look, Mommy!” 
Your thoughts are interrupted by Inés’ excited shout. She has placed seashells on the biggest of the sandcastles’ walls, making them imitate grand windows. 
“They’re beautiful, baby,” you praise adoringly. 
Lucas is by the shore with a bucket, filling it with water for the moats. He beams at you when he returns, and you smile right back at your beautiful boy. 
“Remind Papá to take a picture of you when you’re finished,” you say loudly for Javier to hear as well. He looks back at you, grinning with genuine joy and happiness but you’re too busy staring at his happy trail just above the hem of his bathing shorts. He notices.
“What’re you looking at?” He winks.
“Nothing,” you say back and shoo him, holding up your book for show, “Go keep an eye on your offspring, Dad. I’m very busy.”
The day continues. You manage to go through a few more chapters, occasionally watching Javier over the top of your book as he is enjoying himself. 
And then it is late afternoon but the sun is nowhere near descending yet. You are interrupted in your reading by a shadow above you, and you don’t manage to catch yourself as you automatically tell Javier off, “Honey. You’re standing right in front of the great big reading lamp in the sky.”
The shadow laughs and then you realize it isn’t your husband. You look up to stare at a familiar face anyhow, and your face grows hot. With quick motions, you put your book down and push yourself to stand.
“Jonathan!” You exclaim in what you hope is a calm and collected voice. You know it is a possibility, being in your hometown, that you run into your high school ex-boyfriend but it still catches you off guard. 
“You mean ‘honey’ right?” Jonathan jokes. You laugh politely and awkwardly, and despite the ring on his finger, Jonathan doesn’t seem to back down. He hugs you, splaying his large palm on your back - right under where your bikini top sits. 
Afterward, he gives you a once over with his eyes, and out of the corner of your eye, you spot Javier glancing in your direction. 
“God, you look well,” Jonathan continues, “Still in Laredo?”
“Still in Laredo,” you confirm, curling your toes into the warm sand. Jonathan looks almost exactly the same; blond, wide-eyed, and pale. He still sports a t-shirt with a print of a ‘70s band logo on the front that you remember him buying when it was cool. 
You realize that you haven’t done anything to make conversation, quickly adding, “And you? You haven’t aged a day.”
“Never escaped, teachin’ at our old school,” he shrugs. He eyes Inés and Lucas but only briefly, turning back to you when he realizes that you are here with a man too. Javier is throwing daggers his way but for once, he has no intention of interrupting which is fair since he would have to leave his children unattended for the time it took to play macho. 
“Course you are,” you smile genuinely. It suits him perfectly to be one of the people who keep the cycle of the quiet town alive, even if it is by simply replacing your old teachers, “And the ring? I couldn’t help but notice that we’re both married.”
Jonathan tells you briefly about his wife and kids. You don’t actually care, but he lights up as he speaks about his two daughters and that’s the most important thing in this whole conversation. He has a dreamy look in his eyes as he finishes, “And to think we thought it would be us.”
By instinct, you reach out to touch his arm and then you giggle softly because the image of the two of you getting old together is absurd. You have everything you need in Javier Peña… Who is fuming without you noticing.
You hug Jonathan goodbye and the rest of the afternoon is suspiciously quiet. 
Inés and Lucas fall asleep quickly, exhausted from the amount of fresh air they’ve breathed in today. Outside the sky is turning rose-colored from the evening catching up on you; the sunset will be long and beautiful. But you don’t want beauty with how much tension is between the two of you. 
You are brushing your teeth side-by-side in the hotel bathroom. It’s been a tight-lipped dinner. You honestly just want to go to sleep so you can start over tomorrow. 
Javier finishes brushing his teeth first. He waits for you, looking like someone who is contemplating whether to say something or not.
You finish brushing your own teeth just as he finally makes a decision, off-handedly throwing a remark at you.
“You sure were friendly with Jonathan earlier,” he says simply.
You let out a long sigh, stepping away from the sink after putting away your toothbrush, “Jesus, Javi, I knew this would happen.”
“What?” He leans against the sink.
“You don’t have to act like a fucking… I don’t know. It is every damn time a guy even looks at me - and it’s just not very attractive,” you are exhausted. 
“Excuse me for liking you to myself,” he looks away, “I like having you alone.”
You decide on something at that moment. 
“You already have me. Don’t you know?” You ask in a voice close to a purr. Javier raises a brow in annoyance, but you don’t give in to a fight so easily. Instead, you go to close and lock the bathroom door.
“Know what?” He asks impatiently.
“That you’re the only one?” You watch him standing against the sink counter. He doesn’t look as annoyed after those words but he still isn’t overly impressed with your actions earlier. There’s no way that he doesn’t know what clicking the lock means though. If only he knew the power you have over him, the power that you’re soon to make a display of. 
You cross the room to stand in front of him. You tilt your chin upwards to look up at his face but his eyes stray from yours the second you catch them. He can get so pissy sometimes, a part of the game, but you’ll take the challenge especially when you haven’t had his cock inside of you for a week. At this point, your core aches for him. 
Gently, you put two fingers under his chin and pull it down towards his chest so he is forced to look at you. Your smile is sweet as honey, “Thoughts of you keep me up all night sometimes. Hot and bothered, legs barely knowing what to do.”
There’s a pause where you can only hear his breathing matching yours. His pupils have blown wider, signaling desire for you. 
“What do you think of?” He finally gives in. 
“I think about all the ways you turn me on,” you tap his chin but then let your hand go down. It skims down his bare chest and over each ripple of muscle that quivers with each touch. 
“Yeah?” He murmurs. His eyes flick down between the two of you for less than a second when your hand hovers over his happy trail. The second you catch him doing it, your own eyes follow suit. It’s too hot to wear his usual pajama bottoms, so it’s so easy to spot that he is hard already, showing off the outline of his dick in his gray briefs. There’s a stain of precome. 
“Yeah, baby,” you don’t even hesitate, reaching down to palm the length of him. His breath hitches in his throat the second he is touched, and your voice lowers to a whisper, “All I do is fantasize about you. The way you kiss, the way you touch me, and mmm, the way you fuck me.”
“Mhm,” he hums softly in the way men do when they don’t really know what to say during their current state of mind. You have him scatterbrained with your touch, a moan falling from his lips and replacing the hum when you snake your hand into his underwear, wrapping your fingers around his cock to stroke him lazily. 
“You like this?” You ask but don’t give him time to answer since you tighten your fist around his girth. He forces a nod and you lean up to kiss his lips teasingly soft, “You really think I would ever touch another man like this? There’s no way. No comparison to how you look when I do it.”
“Go on and I might forgive the eyes you were sending him,” he tells you with a hint of edge in his voice. He sounds more desperate than confident, more wanting than he might want to let on. It fills you with self-satisfaction because you know that what you are saying about him goes for you too; you’ve ruined everyone else for each other. 
“I told you I was doing no such thing,” you reply. He pulses in your hand, precome sliding down over your knuckles when you make your fist a tighter fit, reminding him of what waits between your legs. You go a little faster, and Javier’s breathing speeds up. 
“Liar,” he challenges raggedly. 
“As if he could ever make me come as hard as you,” you egg him on, patiently waiting for him to lose control with you, “There’s only you, Papí.”
That seems to do something. Javier yanks your hand away, and you know the strength behind the action because he breathes the same way that he breathes when teetering on the edge of release. He has stopped himself but it’s only to enter your personal space more than you even thought possible.
He grabs at your hips almost violently, steers you backwards a few paces so he can flip the positions. Now, you are the one against the sink counter and it gnaws painfully into the small of your back. There’s an air of consideration for a moment as he checks in on you during the beginning of what can be regarded as playing with each other. You give him a dirty look, a small nod and he smirks back.
“Javi,” you mumble in fake confusion, reaching up to put your hands on his chest but you don’t get to do much because one of Javier’s hands comes up to catch one wrist after the other. It’s so easy for him to do, both because of his job and his physical superiority. 
He twists your hands behind your back and roughly shoves you down over the sink. He lowers his voice as he speaks, “You’re not gonna wake up anyone, are we clear?” 
“We’re clear,” you promise, finding his eyes in the mirror. If he touches you now, he’ll find you wetter than you have been in a long while. What is it about holidays and hotel rooms? Mixed with not having been able to touch each other since you have arrived here, it is a dangerous combination. 
“Te deseo mucho, amor,” he says softly and out of character. 
“I love you,” you reply. 
He dives back into the scenario. His other hand tugs at your cotton shorts, dragging them over the curve of your ass and down your long legs. You step out of them as soon as they lay around your feet. 
“I’m gonna let go,” he says and shakes your hands in his grip to indicate what he is talking about, “But only so you can cover your mouth for me and I can get out of these fucking underpants.”
He does as he said he would. You move to prop yourself up on your elbows, neck already having strained from the mere moments you’ve had to feel the cold porcelain against your chest.
Behind you, there’s shuffling. You cover your mouth as he enters you swiftly, jerking forward at the intrusion that has you panting damply into your palm. He fills you to the brim, stretches your cunt as only he can, and then he fucks you - hard, rough, and fast.
Your head spins, your knees bang against the cabinet’s front, and you try to strain the muscles in your legs so they don’t. He knows the ticking bomb that is your children sleeping soundly in the room next door, but he cannot help himself as he drives into you. He leans over you. 
“No one but me,” he growls lowly, “This little cunt belongs to no one else. She gets red and puffy for me, no? Filled up with only my come.”
“Sí,” you practically sing out but then quickly cover your mouth. He gets rougher with you then, each snap of his hips a reminder of how only he can make you feel like this. He is getting exactly what he wants, and he has you a moaning mess soon after. 
Your first orgasm tears through you after a rough pounding of your g-spot, sending shockwaves down your spine to burn at the base and throwing your upper body forward with such a force that you nearly lose touch with the floor, standing only on your toes as you clamp rhythmically down on Javier’s cock.
“That’s it,” he praises quietly, not relenting, “You can do one more, can’t you? Gotta remind you who makes you feel this good.” 
You nod through sobs. More, more, more.
Suddenly, he leaves you empty. The feeling has you on edge, makes you look at him over your shoulder because gaining eye contact in the mirror is somehow not good enough for the look of betrayal you want to give him. He takes a step back from you whilst panting frantically, gesturing to you by drawing a circle in the air, “Turn around.”
You straighten without thinking and flip around, so you are positioned as you were at the beginning of this. He seizes your hips, hands going down your thighs to grab at them and lift you up onto the edge of the counter. 
Your hand clasps around the back of his neck. He lifts your legs up to settle them around his waist, and then he guides himself back into you and continues fucking you with a force that has you lifting your free hand up behind you to brace yourself against the mirror. 
“Javi,” you whimper repeatedly, clutching at the curls at the base of his skull. He had wanted to cut it before summer came, but you are so glad that he did not. 
“Shh,” he soothes your growing cries and you know that he’ll make you come again soon, “Be quiet for me, baby.”
You don’t think he is quiet enough himself to demand such a thing from you. His stamina has always impressed you, but it’s the sound of his breaths that tears your own from your chest. Alongside the hungry eyes that bore into you, you don’t think that it’ll take long for this to reach its peak for both of you.
“I can’t,” you stutter a little more high-pitched than you intended.
“You have to,” he says with a hint of sternness but he cannot keep it up. Especially not, when he has to take the consequences of reaching down between your legs to thumb at your clit. 
You come so fast that you don’t even have time to warn him, and you cry. So loudly that he needs to kiss you to swallow the sound of you reaching your second, over-sensitive high. 
You throw your arms around him as he chases his own peak, whimpering at the hard thrusts he is giving you to reach his end. You hear him let out a drawn-out fuuuck as he spills inside of you. He pulses, settling deep inside you. He kisses you lazily. 
Everything goes quiet except for your shared breathing. You want to say something to finish the argument that almost never took place but a knock is heard on the locked bathroom door.
You freeze. Javier pulls out of you. The bathroom counter is a mess. 
“Mommy?” Inés’ little voice sounds anxious. You figure that it’s far from nice to find your parents’ bed empty on holiday.
“Just a second,” you say with a weak voice. 
“We’ll be right there, mí vida,” Javier says as well.
“What are you doing? Why is Mommy crying?” You hear her ask and Javier’s face twists in surprise for a moment before he starts laughing, burying his head in your neck as he holds you close. You slap his shoulder. 
“I’m not crying, baby,” you reassure. With a glare that’s anything but actually angry, you push Javier away from you to get cleaned up. 
“I have to pee,” Inés continues with a hesitant tone to her voice. 
Javier kisses you one last time, and you draw it out for a few more seconds than you have time for. It’s still romantic despite you holding a hotel towel between your legs. 
“One moment, mija,” Javier says and gets dressed in his briefs. He waits for you to dress too.
When you walk towards the door, he smacks your ass and you whip around to slap his hand away. There’s a grin on your face though, “Dog.”
“Go to bed, I’ll take her,” he just says.
If you would like to follow my writing then go follow @notjustjavierpena-fics and turn on notifications 💖❤️
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whatsnewalycat · 2 years
bunny - one shot
Javier Peña x PhoneSexOperator!Reader - Explicit (18+ only)
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Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: Phone sex, masturbation, aliens??
A/N: Just for funsies. I’m gonna do a second part to this at some point in time. Is it considered a one shot then??? Idk. Enjoy ☎️
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The first time you heard Javier Peña’s voice was in 1998.
Fresh off a call with one of your regulars, Dale, with whom you role played an alien abduction fantasy, detailing the things you would theoretically do to extract his sperm in an attempt to make an alien-human hybrid clone. You told him all about how you were wrapping your spindly, gray, extraterrestrial fingers around his cock, pumping his throbbing manhood, so warm, so deliciously human. From wherever he was, a wet slapping sound and shaky little moans filled your ears.
Sometimes you theoretically shoved things up his ass while he actually shoved things up his ass. Probing, he called it. Sometimes you’d theoretically take him in your tiny, lipless alien mouth while you sat at your kitchen counter and stretched your very human lips around a dildo, rutting up and down until you were gagging and gasping for air. Dale, on the other end, would start out whimpering no, don’t, I have a wife. Then as the squelching sounds of the dildo in your mouth grew wetter, faster, he would grunt out things like fuck yes, you fucking like that you naughty little alien?
Only after he came would he allow the façade to break, mumbling a thank you, telling you about how his wife thought his fetish was too weird to partake in this kind of role play. You said that you enjoyed his calls because it allowed you to be creative and… actually, you found it kind of hot. He said he’d talk to you soon and dropped the call.
Then the next call came in.
“Hi,” you purred, “What’s your name?”
“Javier,” he replied, “What’s your name, sweetheart?”
The dulcet baritone of his voice was smooth and sure. There was clinking and a long sip from his end, indicating that he was drinking.
“Bunny,” you told him, “What’re you drinking tonight, Javier?”
This was a fake name, of course, and was listed in your newspaper ad alongside a grainy black and white picture of a woman who was most definitely not you. Most men know this, sometimes asking what’s your real name? Or, what do you really look like? And you always tell them the same thing: I’m whatever you want me to be, handsome.
A fantasy. A shapeshifter. Custom-tailored to outfit their most depraved sexual cravings.
“Whiskey,” he answered, “How long have you been doing this… Bunny?”
As thinly-veiled as his disbelief was, you appreciated his attempt to suspend it when he said your fake name.
“About a year now,” you started off around your kitchen’s island counter, stepping heavy to let him hear your heels click-clack against the tiled flooring. That really got some men going.
The wet swallow of his throat, a slurp, then a quiet sigh. Another sip of his whiskey. He then inquired, “Do you like it?”
“I do,” you replied earnestly, looking up at your ceiling, studying the grooves of the light fixture hanging above you, “I get to talk to all kinds of interesting people.”
His throat rumbled in acknowledgment.
“How was your day today, handsome?” you prodded, trying to sus out what this man’s motive was for calling. Some people take a while to gather the courage to come out with it. A few just want to talk.
“It was shit,” he grumbled. The flick of a lighter, then a muffled inhale, exhale. Smoking.
“What can I do to make it better?” you asked, edging your voice along the rasp of your throat.
Javier took a long drag off (what you assumed to be) his cigarette, then said, “Tell me about something that makes you happy.”
You frowned and hummed in contemplation, searching your mind for what you think would make Bunny happy.
Then he added, “But don’t give me some horse shit answer like you’re just so happy with a cock crammed down your throat, ok sweetheart? Real answer.”
This made you laugh, and you told him, “Sure. Ok, let me think.”
“I like your laugh,” he commented softly while you were digging through your brain.
“Thank you, Javier,” you smiled, then started pacing around your island counter as you mulled over an answer that’s real, but not too real as to reveal the tender parts of yourself you keep separate from this job.
He waited patiently, sipping his drink and smoking.
“There’s a bird feeder in the garden of my apartment complex,” you confided as you leaned against the counter and crossed an arm across your soft middle, “In the morning I sit out on my deck and watch the birds while I drink coffee.”
“And that makes you happy?” he asked. His voice was flat and unbelieving.
“It does,” you confirmed, nodding your head as you shifted your weight from one leg to the other, “I think it’s important to take joy in the small things. Like how the sky looks when the sun is rising. Or when I see a black-crested titmouse at the bird feeder.”
“A what?” Javier chuckled, and it was warm and deep and genuine, “What’re you, a Boy Scout?”
“Bunny scout,” you joked.
Heat spread across your face like wildfire when he laughed at this. The sound made your heart skip a beat.
“And, what makes you happy, Javier?” you asked then, dropping your voice to sultry croon.
He grunted at this. The sound of a fridge opening. Ice clattering into his glass. The glug-glug-glug of whiskey being poured.
You pushed off the counter and walked around the island again, the click-clack of your heels on tile sounding off every second like a timer.
“I suppose, the company of a beautiful woman like you is enough to make me happy.”
“I thought you said no horse shit answers,” you teased.
He laughed again, which made you smile, then he cleared his throat and admitted quietly, “I’ve been trying to figure it out lately.”
“Trying to figure out what makes you happy?”
“Trying to figure out what happiness is,” he clarified.
The salience of his admission struck you. You hummed to emphasize its poignancy, then told him, “Happiness is whatever you want it to be, handsome.”
Javier was the one humming then. A long sip of his whiskey. The sound of a lighter sparking the tip of a cigarette.
“Can I ask you to do something for me, sweetheart?”
“Whatever you want, Javier,” you cooed.
“Tell me what you’re wearing.”
You looked down at your baggy t-shirt and biker shorts, “A red lace bra and matching panties.”
“What you’re really wearing, Bunny,” he purred, “Let me see you how you are.”
“I’m wearing shorts and a t-shirt,” you admitted with a smirk.
“Take your shirt off,” he instructed.
You placed the phone on the counter and pulled your shirt off over your head, dropping it next to the phone. When you brought it back to your ear, you notified him, “My shirt is off.”
“Mmm, good girl,” he breathed, “Bra?”
“Not wearing one,” you told him, “I’m… topless in my kitchen right now.”
“Squeeze your tits.”
With your free hand, you grazed your breast, then pinched your nipple with a whimpered, “I’m squeezing my tit.”
“The other one, too.”
You complied, attending to the opposite side with another airy whimper.
“Do you still have shorts on?”
“Take them off.”
You shimmied your shorts and underwear down to your ankles, then stepped out of them, “They’re off.”
The jingling of a belt buckle. A zip. More jingling. A soft exhale.
“I’m touching myself,” you told him as you dragged your fingertip along your seam, exploring the ridges and valleys of your sex.
“Tell me more.”
“I’m rubbing my clit,” you narrated your actions in a throaty whisper, “Drawing circles around it, it feels so fucking good, Javier.”
“Suck on your fingers.”
You did this, humming and licking around your digits.
“Are they wet?”
“Spit in your hand. I wanna hear it.”
You gathered a wad of saliva on your tongue and spit it onto your fingers.
“Good,” he rumbled, “Rub your clit again, sweetheart.”
A whimper fell from your lips as you follow his instructions, “Oh my god, Javier.”
He groaned and the sound dripped down your center, hot and tangible as it pooled inside you.
“Are you stroking your cock?” you asked him.
“Good,” you purred, “Fuck, this feels so fucking amazing, baby.”
“Tell me more,” his voice was low and strained.
“Rubbing my swollen fucking clit, I’m so fucking wet,” you whined, and it was real, the heat gathering at your core and pooling between your legs.
“Let me hear how fucking wet you are, sweetheart.”
You slid your touch down your lips and spread your slick around, then sank two fingers into your cunt. With a shaky moan, you started fucking yourself, letting the wet squelch of your arousal sound off freely, breathing, “Can you hear that, Javier? How much you turn me on?”
“Oh my god, yes-” he groaned, “Are you fingering yourself?”
“Yes,” you whimpered.
“Get on your knees,” he instructed, so you did, then he told you, “Put the phone on the ground so I can hear you. Keep doing what you’re doing, baby, make yourself feel fucking good. I wanna hear you make yourself cum.”
“Setting the phone down,” you told him, then put it to rest on the floor between your spread knees.
This man’s stern instructions swirled around in your head, filling you with fire. You followed the urges of your flesh, moaning wantonly as your hands worked your body, “Yes yes yes- just like that, Javier, that’s fucking perfect-”
You arched your back and let your eyes flutter shut, picturing this faceless stranger getting off on the sound of your moans, the wet sound of your fingers rutting in and out of your pussy. Frantic whimpers huffed from your throat as you chased this shimmering, golden orb of pleasure, “Yes, Javier, yes yes yes baby, I’m gonna cum- that’s it, Javier- oh my god yes, I’m fucking cumming-”
Your words caught in your throat. The strumming of your touch on your clit, your fingers inside you, the stranger stroking himself, it all tightened and lifted you. The swell of an orgasm overtook your body and crashed down on you. You released a shattered moan as your pussy fluttered around your fingers.
When you picked up the phone, your breath was ragged, chest heaving, “Did you get that, handsome?”
He was panting, too, “So fucking hot.”
“Did you cum for me?”
“Yeah,” he chuckled, “I did.”
The flick of a lighter on the tip of a cigarette.
You giggled, “I wish I could have heard it.”
“Is that right?” he rumbled, taking a drag of his smoke.
“Yeah. I think it’s sexy,” you admitted, then added, “Maybe next time.”
“When can I talk to you next?”
You gave him your schedule. It became a weekly occurrence, these calls with Javi, which you eventually were given permission to call him. He was your favorite caller.
With most of your callers, there was an expectation that you would morph yourself into their fantasies. Which is fine. It’s something you enjoyed about your work as a phone sex operator. But there was something so freeing about your calls with Javi, how he wanted you to be yourself. Your real self turned him on more than any of the bullshit.
He never asked for your real name, although you could tell he wanted to know it. Every time he called you Bunny, it left his lips with a kind of disdain. Like he couldn’t stand you pretending to be someone he knew you weren’t. He opted to use sweetheart or baby instead, which you liked.
Javier was a loyal customer for two more years, until you were hired as a professor at The University of Texas San Antonio and finally had the financial freedom to quit your side gig as a phone sex operator. Truth be told, you grew quite attached to him. You couldn’t bring yourself to tell him it was your last call when it happened. Goodbyes have never been your strong suit.
Little did you know, no goodbye was necessary. Because it wouldn’t be the last time you’d hear his voice.
[ part 2 ]
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mayearies · 11 months
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TALK ABT ★⭑ ——— jotw
next part ->
“and you’re sure you’re not gonna switch up this time?”
miles had been dealing with this for months. you said you wanted a boyfriend, and he agreed to help you. what kind of best friend would he be if he didn’t? he always supported you. always. you had been eyeing this guy for a while now, after switching up 3, 4 times. with a verdict, you had to come over to his house immediately and tell him.
“so, what’s he like? he handsome?” he asked, something about it made his head ache a little bit. he watched as you paced around his room while biting your finger. “this guy got you worked up, huh?”
“like no guy i’ve ever known! he’s just so…” you sighed in delight against his sheets, “everything i’ve ever wanted in someone.”
miles played at the loose string on his sweatpants, “that seems like a lot. so, what’re you gonna do about it?”
“just- ask him out i guess. no use in hiding it for so long now. you think it’ll go well?”
he sighed, flopping next to you and staring towards the ceiling, “i mean, i cant say for certain but like, if it doesn’t go well, i’m here for you. i’m just a little nervous about it.”
“nervous?” you sat up to loom over him in curiosity, he had a bothered look on his face and avoided your gaze, “you’re nervous?”
“you know, the whole boy best friend thing. some boyfriends aren’t a fan of that.” he puffed and looked at you, “i just dont want things to become awkward between us. that’s the last thing i would want.”
you understood that well, but miles had always been overprotective and possessive of you when it came to boys. can you blame him? yes and no. sometimes he would scare them away. but you know you could promise one thing: “it wont, i promise. we’ll still be that annoying, shit-talking duo that the whole school knows about.”
he laughed under his breath, “you’re bad at keeping promises but, i have hope for this one. you swear?”
“i swear.”
“good,” miles sat up with a groan and dragged his backpack to the middle of the mattress and pulled out this binder. “now, let’s finish this homework before my ma complains about my spanish grade.”
“you’re failing spanish again?” you moaned in annoyance.
“its different from puerto rican spanish.”
“you can’t keep using that excuse, she said it’s getting old already” miles rolled his eyes against your remark. that night, you went back and forth about it for around 10 minutes then falling asleep. still getting no work done. 
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⭑ SHUSH! QUICK THOUGHT! … idk this series seems really fun already according to my notes LMAO
@ mayearies , no swiping!
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hanggarae · 10 months
౨ৎ mansae
requested by @seuonji OMG NAII again congrats on 1k! idk if you’re still taking reqs but if you are i wanna request joshua+mansae by svt! i love YOU and your writings sm have a great day<3
AYAAAAAA THANK U SO MUCH BAE RHIS REQ WAS SO CUTE 😢 mansae is literally one of my favourite tt’s ever it’s so <33 i love u so so much and ur writings too like i read the jeonghan x daycare worker reader as a weekly routine atp hfhfhf
joshua x f!reader, fluff, friends to lovers, 0.7k words, part of 1k event
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“shua” you said happily, taking the seat in the library next to him. when you sat you noticed the work and textbooks splayed out in front of him “what’re we working on here?”
“yn hey!” joshua said with a smile, already clearing space for you to join him more comfortably. “i was just finishing off that assignment we had for chem, it’s so tiring i’m starting to lose my mind i think” he laughed easily.
you looked at his work for a second and nodded at his words, you were still only halfway through yours. “i get you, i tried working on some of it last night and contemplated dropping out at least five times”
joshua smiled when you laughed, taking notice of the pretty ways your eyes crinkled in joy causing a warmth to creep up on his face.
for the next thirty minutes a steady atmosphere settled over the both of you, both focused on your work and occasionally asking the other for help.
joshua wouldn’t like to admit it but he looked over at you enough times to make it embarrassing and plain desperate.
“did you hear about that movie playing this weekend? apparently it’s super scary some people even passed out” you said with excitement lacing your tone.
truth be told, joshua couldn’t handle scary movies well. sure when he went to a haunted house or an escape room he could handle it but the movies were different. the way they make it just makes it overly eerie!
that would not hold him back if you asked him to go with you though.
“really? you .. go?” idiot, what the hell was that?
and joshua swears all the colour must’ve drowned from his face when you furrowed your brows in confusion, “huh?” you laughed off a little awkwardly.
joshua cleared his throat, “sorry, meant are you going to see the movie this weekend?”
he sighed in relief when you smiled at him, “i was hoping to, yeah. but i don’t really have anyone to go with..”
‘this is your chance. literally this is your chance. this is a free pass’
“we could go together..” joshua proposed, voice quiet and eyes searching yours for any signs.
“we as in- me, you and uh, jeonghan!” and joshua swears he can hear jeonghan in the distant telling seokmin that joshua’s an idiot. and jeonghan would not be lying at all.
“oh, uh yeah i guess that’d be great” you said, disappointment colouring your face.
‘why was this so hard?’ joshua thought as he looked at you. you’d already turned back to your work and bit back a pout wanting to settle on your lips. ‘why’s this so hard to get out? can’t someone else just do it for hi-’
“joshua, do i make you uncomfortable?” you shot up and asked him suddenly. “or like, do you just not like me like how you like the others? because you’re usually so.. honest with everyone else but with me it feels like you’re beating around the bush with your words sometimes”
“it’s not like it’s something i dislike!” you quickly reassured him when you saw how he looked like a kicked puppy, “it’s just, well it’s what i’ve noticed. and it only made me think i’m just maybe not as good a friend and maybe i’m just overthinking-”
“it seems different because i don’t want to be your friend” joshua cut off your rambling, “because i want to be your boyfriend”
“you what?” you looked at him a little out of breath and in disbelief that he just admitted that.
“i want to be your boyfriend, and obviously i’d talk differently to my friends than to someone i want to date” joshua moved his hand to hold your own, gently stroking the skin experimentally to leave space if you wanted an out but you didn’t and only grasped his hand tighter. “and i’d obviously be nicer to my girlfriend than my friend. no offence but you’d definitely get special privileges over jihoon”
you laughed lightly at his words, lips settling to a slightly teasing smile. “getting a little ahead of yourself, huh? i don’t remember you asking me to be your girlfriend, loverboy”
“not yet,” joshua smiled, “but i’ll ask you after i kiss you on our date this weekend, deal?”
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bro-atz · 11 months
Hi, its my first time to request. Since its halloween can you write an incubus Yunho one shot fanfiction? I just want the fanfic has a plot before the smut scenes and its up to you what would that be. Thanks 😊
dream in a dream
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in which: yunho needs to fuck in order to stay alive, but he fell in love with you in the process.
pair: incubus!yunho/afab!reader
word count: 8k
content: smut, angst... a lot of sex... like a lot a lot, death, raw sex (remember to wrap up irl!), consensual...? definitely not non-con, but... mostly consensual idk sexsomnia/somnophilia are hard to categorize
author's note: friend... my brain literally exploded HAHA i never thought the day would come when i would be requested to write an incubus ff... anyway i really ran with the idea apparently so i hope you like this ridiculously long incubus!yunho also i am so sorry for how it ends... seriously i'm truly sorry idk what i did happy halloween ig?
tag list: @k-hotchoisan apply for the permanent taglist here!
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The thing with immortal beings that a lot of people don’t know is that they’re not actually immortal. They have to do certain things to stay alive. Humans have to eat food and drink water to stay alive, but not immortal beings. Each one is different. Vampires feed on blood (duh), banshees feed on revenge, wendigos need to consume human flesh, and an incubus needs to have sex. Vulgar? Yes, but it’s the truth.
It’s not just about sex for an incubus, though. They need the health, the energy, the life force from a human, and they have sex in order to obtain that.
Yunho was an incubus. He was kind of a lousy one at that. No, he was good at obtaining the energy he needed to keep going, but the problem for him was that he was picky. Some vampires only like a certain blood group, and Yunho only had an affinity for certain people. It was hard for Yunho to find someone he didn’t immediately despise. Think about it— he can’t have sex if he can’t get it up, and there were a select amount of people on the planet who could get him to that point.
That was when he met you.
You were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his entire life (and he had lived such a long life). There was just something about the way you would laugh and smile that made his heart flutter, and just watching you walking away from him made his body burn with lust. You were the one. He just knew that you were the one from the beginning, before he even slept with you.
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You sighed deeply as you flopped onto your bed. You had a horrible day at work, and you wanted to relieve your stress one way or another, but you just couldn’t figure out what to do in order to relax. You dragged yourself into your bathroom and forced yourself to get ready to go to bed.
As you sat on your bed under the duvet in your tank top and shorts silk pajama set and watched TV, you couldn’t help but feel like something was off. You couldn’t tell what it was, but after getting sucked into the drama in your show, that feeling vanished. Sleepily, you turned your TV off and slept.
Then, your eyes fluttered open. Something got onto your bed, and you knew because you felt the bed dip. You blinked a couple of times and saw a shadowy figure next to you. You wanted to scream, and you opened your mouth to do so, but the figure covered your mouth.
“Shh, baby,” the figure whispered in the most reassuring, low, manly voice. “I’m not here to hurt you.”
“W-who are you? What’re you doing here? How did you get in here?” you rambled off all of the questions in your head.
“None of those things matter,” he responded with the same, low register. “What matters is this. Us.”
The figure brushed your hair out of your face lightly, and you found yourself comforted by his touch. There was something about the warmth in his hands that reassured you. His fingers ran down the side of your face, down your neck, and over your shoulder, slipping your tank top strap off the side. You trembled when you felt his lips press lightly against your shoulder and let out a tiny moan as their kisses trailed along the part of your chest that was exposed.
“Why…?” you breathed out.
He responded, but you couldn’t hear him over the sound of blood rushing to your ears when you felt his body weight press further into you. You lost yourself even more when he brushed hair away from your neck and left sweet kisses.
“Just enjoy it, Y/N,” he whispered.
“You know my name…?”
He nodded against your neck, continuing to kiss you. You gasped when you felt his hand go under your top and squeeze your breast tightly. You squirmed below him as you felt yourself get more and more turned on— you needed him to do something about it. Whimpers and moans left your lips the more he felt your body up, and those whimpers and moans stopped when his lips met yours. He kissed you sweetly. He originally kissed you only once, but you needed more. You reached for his face and brought him back, kissing him over and over again.
“God, you’re so perfect, Y/N,” he breathed out in between kisses.
When he moved away from you, you wanted to complain, but he didn’t give you the chance. He tugged your shorts down all the way and licked your cunt from bottom to top. You inhaled sharply as his tongue continued to violate you. His firm hands went under your knees and pushed upwards, allowing him to pleasure you even more.
“Oh God,” you hissed when he sucked on your clit.
You felt yourself nearing your climax. You brought your hands to the back of his head and ran your fingers through his hair before holding on tightly to his roots. The closer you got, the firmer your grasp became, and right before you came, you pushed his head closer to you.
“Fuck!” you cried.
Your pussy convulsed, and stars filled your vision as you reached ecstasy. You were breathing rashly when he sat up and wiped his lips with his thumb.
You could barely make out his features now that you got a better view of him, but you knew that the man was fine. His jawline was sharp, and his nose was long and slender. His hair shielded his eyes, but his lips were beautiful and plump. As much as you liked staring at his lips, you wanted them connected to yours again.
Before removing his own clothes, he helped you out of yours. You laid in bed and watched his muscles ripple as he moved, his slender frame swelling up as he inhaled and looked at you. You watched him palm himself, your heart racing as you saw exactly how well hung we was. Slowly, he pinned you down and positioned himself carefully.
You felt like he was going to split you wide open when he entered you. He was long and girthy, and you really weren’t ready for it. Tears slipped out of your eyes as you suppressed your cries. Yet, despite the pain, you didn’t want him to stop, so when he was fully inside you and didn’t move, you whimpered and whined.
“Good job, baby,” he whispered as he pet your hair. “I’m going to start moving now, okay?”
You nodded eagerly, making him have to choke back a laugh. You reached for the back of his neck and brought his face down to yours as he pulled out slowly. You kissed him hungrily while he started to actually fuck you. His tongue slipped into your mouth, and your tongue met his over and over again with every kiss.
At first, he was moving slowly at a steady pace, but suddenly, he thrust sharply into you, making you moan into his mouth. You continued to moan in between the kisses as he fucked you hard, his waist hitting yours with so much force that your entire body shifted forward. Worried that your head would hit the headboard, he put his hand on the top of your head, only to move his hand to the back of your head as he pulled you to sit upright.
His lips were still pressed against yours as he knelt on the bed, his cock still deep inside you. You sat on his lap and held onto him tightly as he raised and lowered you repeatedly. You let out little yelps every time he sat you down on his lap fully, his dick hitting places deep within you with such force.
“So good!” you moaned loudly as you flung your head back. “I’m gonna cum again!”
Without any sort of reaction, he lowered you down again and fucked you senseless, his hips making your ass cheeks sting. You kept crying out with every thrust, and when he slammed into you and stayed inside, filling you with his seed, you came as well. It was only when he pulled out that you squirted onto the bed, his cum leaking out of you.
You remained lying on the bed in a puddle of pleasure as he laid down gently beside you. His fingers tucked your splayed out hair behind your ear and caressed your face as your eyelids suddenly became heavy with sleep. 
Drifting back to sleep, you were barely conscious to hear his response when you asked, “What’s your name?”
When you woke up the next morning, you looked up and around wildly, remembering the incredible night you had— also fearing that a stranger really was in your home— but there was no one to be found. You were wearing your pajamas, which confused you because you definitely fell asleep after… That… Naked. Also, your hair and bedsheets were still neat and orderly, which definitely should not have been the case if you had sex that night. Was that all really a dream?
“Geez, get it together,” you whispered to yourself. “There’s no way you slept with a complete stranger last night.”
It had to be the exhaustion, you told yourself. You just needed a break.
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“Yunho, you gotta find someone to fuck, otherwise you’re going to vanish. You know how it is,” a demon sighed.
Yunho was with his incubus friends chatting and people watching as they sat in public in their human forms.
“No, I know, Mingi. I found someone,” Yunho answered.
“Wow, the picky incubus finally chose someone?!” another demon exclaimed.
“Shut up, San. And, yes, I did.”
“Who’s the lucky lady?” Mingi asked.
“Just… Someone.”
Mingi and San looked at each other with concern as Yunho looked away, a light blush appearing on his face.
“Yunho… When did you meet this woman?” Mingi asked.
“About a month or two ago.”
“And how many times have you slept with this woman?” San continued the line of questioning.
“Uh, I think eight times.” Yunho lied. “Why?”
“You need to find someone else.”
“Dude, are you stupid, or did you forget that you can only fuck her so many times before she dies?”
Yunho pressed his lips together and looked away. Of course he knew that. He knew, but he couldn’t help it. He loved you. Demons weren’t supposed to fall in love, but there was just something about you that drew him toward you. He couldn’t keep away.
“You’re only at eight—”
“I lied. It’s ten.”
“Okay, fine. You’ve only fucked her ten times, right?” San clarified. “You have to find someone else.”
“It’s not so easy! You guys know how I am.”
“Yes, we do. At least find someone else before you hit twenty,” Mingi said with a sigh. “You don’t want to end up like Yeosang, do you?”
Yeosang was another incubus that was part of Yunho’s little group. He, too, fell in love with a human and fucked her until the fated number— forty-two. When she passed away, Yeosang couldn’t move on. Because he wasn’t having sex, he withered away, leaving both the human world and demon world.
“I know. I’ll find someone else…” Yunho conceded.
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It was the weekend for you, and you had a long and stressful week thanks to work, which meant you were going to use the weekend to recover instead of spend it having fun with your friends.
Recovery to you meant sitting in bed, watching TV, and eating as much junk food as your body could handle. As you sat and mindlessly watched whatever it was playing on your television, your mind drifted to the dreams you’ve been having as of late.
It wasn’t every night, but it was starting to become more frequent. You kept dreaming of that man, Yunho, and he had sex with you in each dream. It felt so vivid and real, but every morning after the dream, you’d wake up to a clean bed and clean pajamas. You wished it was real, though. Yunho always fucked you right. He knew exactly how to treat you, which just made you feel even more delusional. How could a dream be better than sex in real life? The human mind truly is incredible.
Your mind kept going. You thought about Yunho and how he looked when he was sweaty and passionate hovering above you, the way he would brush two fingers along your temple to move your hair before leaving a light kiss on your forehead, his technique when he…
You started touching yourself. You thought about Yunho’s fingers, his tongue, his dick. You thought about how good he made you feel whenever you dreamt about him. You rubbed your middle finger over your clit while imaging it was his tongue, and with a soft moan, you slipped two of your fingers into your pussy— although it definitely wasn’t the same because Yunho was significantly bigger and longer.
You thought about the sweet nothings he would whisper in your ear as he fucked you softly. The way he called you baby, the way he praised you… Fuck.
You were close to cumming when all of a sudden an ad on the TV scared the shit out of you. It was loud and for a horror film. You immediately turned off the TV and threw the remote onto your nightstand. Great. The mood was gone. Annoyed, you pulled the covers over you and went to sleep
Yunho, meanwhile, had been watching you— demons had the ability to become invisible, so he was able watch you while leaning against your door frame, his arms crossed over his chest. Watching you was so hot, and if anything, it made him love you even more. He hated that you went to bed unsatisfied, so of course he had to act. He waited until you were fully asleep before turning into his human form and sitting on your bed.
You looked so peaceful lying there fast asleep. Yunho didn’t want to wake you up. But, you were legitimately dreaming about Yunho in that moment, calling his name in a whisper and clutching the air as if you were clutching him.
Yunho turned your head and bent down to kiss you, his lips gently taking your upper lip. It was a long and sweet kiss. Yunho thought that you would for sure wake up like Sleeping Beauty or some other princess, but you were still asleep. He couldn’t wait for you to wake up, though. His cock was itching, aching to pleasure you greatly.
Sloppy kisses echoed in the room as Yunho trailed his lips across your collarbones to your neck. You moaned quietly, shifted, and hugged Yunho with your eyes still closed— you ended up waking up when you felt his hair tickle your cheek. Your hand ran up from his shoulder to the back of his head, your fingers running through his hair.
“Yunho…?” you murmured.
“Yes, baby,” Yunho replied softly.
“Oh, good! You’re here,” you giggled softly while guiding his head towards yours. “I need you. My body needs you.”
“R-really?” Despite knowing that you were masturbating to him, he was still taken aback. He was in love with you, after all.
You nodded and shot him a small, loving smile before kissing his lips. Yunho was overjoyed. He was so overjoyed, in fact, that he could hold himself back. He was grabbing at your body and bringing you closer as if you would run away if he even let go of you for a split second. He rolled onto his back as you laid on his chest, your lips still locking with his, his tongue still playing with yours.
“I… I need you in me. Right now,” you broke the chain, breathing heavily as you spoke to him.
You tucked your thumb under your waistband and pulled your pajama pants along with panties down. Yunho was seriously over the moon. Eagerly, he helped you out of all of your clothes and stripped himself down at the speed of light so that he could swiftly enter you.
Yunho was overly eager. You had to hold onto his arms or shoulders to keep yourself upright as he thrust rapidly and harshly into your sopping wet cunt. Flinging your head back, you cried out in pure bliss when you felt his cock hit deep inside you, waves of pleasure spreading through your body rapidly.
There was no way you were ever going to be able to pleasure yourself properly, you thought to yourself as Yunho’s penis made you cum harder than you ever had before. There was no way you were going to be able to ever be satisfied, not when your dream was this fucking good.
When Yunho came, he came inside you. A thought about breeding you briefly flitted in his mind before he shut that down. He desperately wanted to be with you like that— he wanted to get married to you, have kids with you, and grow old with you. But, that was never going to happen. You were a human, he was a demon, and life was a bitch. He had to settle for being your “dream man” for now.
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You were starting to feel weird. For a week straight, you had dreams about Yunho, and when you woke up, you were exhausted. There definitely was no way that the dream was real, which meant that you were dreaming so hard that your body wasn’t getting any rest, or something like that. You tried to rationalize it by yourself, but you realized that you just couldn’t figure it out alone.
You met up with one of your friends for coffee one day. Your friend expressed concern when she saw you literally chugging your coffee to get a new one.
“Okay, I haven’t been sleeping that great lately,” you started.
“Lay it on me, girl.”
“I’ve been having these… Dreams…”
“What kinds of dreams?”
You coughed. You were slightly embarrassed that you were going to admit to your friend that you were having wet dreams, but you had to tell her. “They’re, uh, sex dreams.”
“And it’s so weird because it’s always the same guy… I’ve never seen the guy in real life before either, so I have no idea who I’m dreaming about.”
“Maybe you saw him in passing once, and now you just think about him.”
“Yeah… Maybe…”
You sighed and took a sip of your third coffee of the day— you had chugged yet another one right before you started explaining your reason for being exhausted to your friend.
“What goes on in these dreams?” she prompted you further.
“Well, he fucks me in every dream,” you said with a slight blush on your face.
“And how is it?”
“Honestly? …Fucking amazing.”
“Oh yeah?”
You nodded eagerly. “Yeah, like, oh my God! If I had sex like that in real life with that guy, I’d grab on and never let go.”
“Maybe we should go look for him? Make your dream a reality?”
You let out a little laugh— there was no way Yunho was real, but sure, you could go hunting for him.
There was a brief moment of silence between you and your friend before you admitted in a hushed tone, “But… Sometimes… I wonder if the dreams are real…”
“What on Earth? What do you mean by that?” you friend asked, her eyes wide.
“Like, I’ll wake up with my back just sore as hell, or my neck kind of bruised—”
“Like a hickey?”
“No, just… Sore and barely bruised. It’s also, like, an entire area and not a small mark.”
“Girly, I think it’s your bed. Get some new pillows and a new mattress.”
“I should… But my mattress cannot be the reason why I’m exhausted.”
“Have you been sleeping?” your friend asked (dumbly).
“Well, obviously, because how the fuck else would I dream about this all the time?” you responded while rolling your eyes. “But… I think I’m just dreaming about it so much that it’s exhausting when I wake up because I wasn’t, like, fully asleep or something…”
“Like lucid dreaming?”
“Yeah! That. Like that. What should I do to stop the lucid dreaming?”
“I think you need to see a doctor. It sounds like it could be sleep apnea or something as well.”
You nodded and continued talking to your friend.
Meanwhile, Yunho and his demon buddies, in their demon forms, were watching you from a distance while eavesdropping on your conversation (incubi had impeccable hearing).
“Yunho, leave her alone. You need to stop with her,” San lectured his friend with a frown.
“It’s easier said than done—”
“No, dude! If you really love her, then don’t do this!” Mingi interrupted.
Yunho sighed and looked down. His friends were right. You were getting weaker by the day, and it was his fault. But, he loved you, and he loved making love to you, and at that point, he’d rather have you die because of him and not because of some other factor. More morbid thoughts filled his head as he pondered his relationship with you.
“How many times has it been, Yunho?” San asked with a heavy sigh.
“…I don’t remember.”
“You don’t remember?! Are you fucking nuts?!” San shrieked.
Mingi stared at Yunho. He knew that his friend was lying. He grabbed Yunho’s shoulder and said almost threateningly, “You know. You know how many times you’ve slept with her, so tell us the truth and stop fucking lying to us.”
“Eighteen times…”
San nearly lost his shit and berated the demon, but he held back. With a frustrated scream, San told Yunho to get his shit together before flying off.
“We just don’t want you to leave us, Yunho. Please leave that woman alone,” Mingi spoke to his friend softly.
Yunho bowed his head. He couldn’t promise a single damn thing, and Mingi knew that. Mingi patted Yunho’s shoulder and took off as well, leaving Yunho alone to stare longingly at you.
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“Nngh, Yunho,” you whined as you felt the tip of his tongue roll around your clit.
Your dream was really catering to you this time. This time around, Yunho was so gentle— although, he usually is gentle with you— and really focused on you. He was eating you out, and you were trembling under his sensual touch.
Yunho pushed your thigh up so that your leg ended up resting on his shoulder as his tongue prodded into you. You quivered when you felt his tongue go deeper inside you and run up the walls of your cunt. When he slurped up your arousal fluid, you felt your face get hot. You were embarrassed for a split second until you felt his tongue flick your clit back and forth, causing that thought to leave your mind and focus on keeping it together.
Two of his fingers rushed into you, and he fingered you fast. There was so much friction happening between your walls thanks to his fingers that you felt like he was about to start a fire in your cunt. His tongue continued to go after your clit ruthlessly, and his fingers refused to let up as you felt yourself reach your climax. You grabbed onto Yunho’s hair and held him tightly as you let out the most sonorous, pleasureful cry while squirting several times, your ass and thighs shaking. You were still moaning and crying after you finished, the feeling of him pleasuring you with just his tongue and fingers not leaving you so fast.
Through bleary eyes, you watched a tiny smirk appear on Yunho’s face. He looked so pleased with work, his fingers rubbing up and down your folds as he felt up your wetness.
“Oh, God… Yunho,” you sighed as you flung your head back into your pillow, stars starting to fill your vision. “So… Fucking… Good…”
With that, you were out like a light. Yunho looked at you completely passed out, your hair splayed wildly, your bare chest moving up and down rhythmically, and your pussy still quivering, luring him.
He wished you were awake, but he didn’t have it in him to wake you up, nor did he have it in him to just up and walk away. You looked so fucking sexy to him— he finger-fucked you senseless, and it gave up a sort of pride to see that he was the one who did that to you. His boner was pressing hard against his pants. He needed to relieve it, and seeing as how your cunt was unsheathed and still soaking wet, he tentatively but ultimately used you to calm his throbbing dick down.
Already shirtless, Yunho just unbuckled and pulled his pants down. He moved your legs so that they were on either side of him, his cock resting on top of your stomach. He lifted your hips upwards, your ass barely on the bed at that point, before rubbing his length along your folds. You moaned slightly when he pushed the tip of his cock into you, but you were still asleep. Even when his cock entered you entirely, you had yet to wake up again. You were out cold.
Yunho felt so wrong fucking you, the woman he loves, while you were asleep, but when your pussy clenched around his dick, he gasped and shivered, all logic and reasoning leaving his head. He had to fuck you. He had to fuck you until your cunt was quivering and throbbing. He had to fuck you until he filled you up completely with his sperm, cumming more than several times inside you.
Without letting up, Yunho just kept thrusting and thrusting and thrusting into you sometimes softly, sometimes with immense force at different tempos and rhythms. His breathing was rough and ragged, and at times he wanted to stop, but your pussy was so addicting that he just couldn’t. Even after he filled you up to the point where cum was literally overflowing from your pussy, he wanted more. But, for the night, he had to stop. It was almost sunrise.
You were drained as fuck when you woke up the next morning. Your back was hurting, and your chest would hurt any time you inhaled too deeply. Something was wrong, but you didn’t know what it was. All you knew was that it was starting to scare you a little how adverse your body was starting to react.
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San decided to check in on you one day. He debated changing into his human form, but the second he saw your physical state, he realized that he didn’t need to. He immediately departed for Yunho’s place to berate him.
“If you keep this up, Yunho, you’re going to die, too!”
San was walking, more like chasing, behind Yunho while lecturing him, Yunho walking away from his friend, trying to avoid the conversation. Technically speaking, he could just fly away, but San would follow even in the air, and he didn’t feel like using that energy to have the argument. 
“Since when do demons care about whether or not a human dies?!” Yunho shot right back.
“Because you love this specific human, and I know you! I know that if she dies, it’ll kill you! Do you really want to end up like Yeosang?!”
“Stop fucking bringing him up, San! Yeosang died because he chose to kill himself. I’m going to keep living after Y/N dies, so fucking leave me alone!”
“I seriously fucking doubt it, asshole,” San flew right in front of Yunho, getting the man to stop moving. “You’re such a sentimental bastard. There’s no way you would kill her without it haunting you forever. You would never be able to live with the fact that you killed the love of your undead life!”
“Just shut the fuck up, San! I know!” Yunho started crying. “I don’t want her to die, but I can’t… I can’t control myself! Every time I see her, I just want to make love to her all night long!”
“Then stay away from her! This world so big. You can fly to another country and make your rounds there! Forget about her. Let her go, and let her live.”
Yunho nodded slowly. San was right. He knew San was right.
“How many times have you slept with her, now?” San asked, afraid to hear the number.
“Shit… You need to get the fuck away from her. Right now. Go.”
San shooed Yunho away, Yunho taking off. San watched his friend fly away, praying to their demon overlord that Yunho would listen to him for once.
But of course, Yunho wasn’t going to listen. After all, his love for you superseded logic and reason.
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You were losing it. You were so fucking drained, your dreams continuing to exhaust you. You kept thinking that it had to be real, that there was no way you body would be so worn down just by dreaming about sex. Yet, when you woke up in the morning, nothing seemed to be out of place. You looked exactly like you did before you went to bed the night before except with your hair a little bit messier and your clothes just a tiny bit wrinkled.
It was hot outside, and yet, you were shivering. After requesting the day off from work, you dragged yourself to the doctor’s office to see what the fuck was going on with your body.
“Well, Y/N. You’re fine… I don’t know what to tell you,” the doctor said while scratching their head— they were confused as well.
“There’s gotta be some sort of explanation!” you exclaimed. “You seriously didn’t hear anything wrong with my breathing? Because I have been having difficulty breathing, and I shouldn’t be shivering like this when it’s summer!”
“It’s baffling to me too, Y/N! I wish I could give you an answer for all this, but I seriously can’t find anything abnormal… Have you been sleeping well?”
“Not at all.”
“Well, that’s a start. Why haven’t you been sleeping well?”
“I keep having these… Dreams…”
“No, it feels too good to be a nightmare…” you admitted before immediately clamping your mouth shut. You were already mortified that one of your friends knew about your sexual dreams, and you didn’t need to embarrass yourself in front of your doctor. “The main thing is that these dreams are so hyperrealistic that they leave me feeling more exhausted when I wake up.”
“Alright…” your doctor scribbled on a pad. “I’m going to put in an order for this medication, so start with this, and if your sleep is still disturbed, then we’ll do a sleep study for you.”
You nodded and took the prescription from the doctor, and you thanked the doctor before you left the building. Immediately after leaving, you picked up the new prescription from the doctor and went home to test it out immediately.
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The pills worked. About an hour after you took one dose, you passed out in bed. You were so knocked out that you didn’t even realize that Yunho sat on the bed and immediately started feeling you up. Although, despite the fact that you were fast asleep, that didn’t stop you from moaning when you felt his fingers run up your calf, along your thigh, and to your crotch.
“Y/N,” he whispered as he left soft kisses along your exposed arm. “Baby…”
He had laid beside you and was touching any and every part of you with a feather light touch. You smiled softly and turned towards him, but you were still completely asleep. Even when he brushed your hair behind your ear and ran his fingertips from your forehead to your chin, you remained asleep. Yunho trapped your lower lip in between his fingers before dragging you towards him, his lips overtaking yours. He was amazed when he realized that you were kissing back. You, fully asleep, were responding to his advances. It was exhilarating.
Yunho kissed you passionately for a solid several minutes before releasing you, a sigh escaping your lungs, and a pout settling on your face. You, unconsciously, did not want Yunho to stop. Yunho didn’t want to stop either, especially not while his crotch was getting tighter by the second. Sitting up to kneel, Yunho removed his pants, his cock springing out.
It wasn’t until that moment did Yunho feel like a real incubus. Usually, he would wake up whoever it was he was going to sleep with because he felt kind of uncomfortable making love to someone who was unresponsive (for the most part), but you could not be awoken. He spat on his hand and stroked his dick a couple times before moving so that his cock was positioned right by your lips. It was only when Yunho held your face with one hand and squeezed your cheeks did your mouth open properly, allowing him to slip his dick into your mouth.
Your tongue swirled around his cock the deeper it went into your mouth, and even half fucking asleep, you still gagged and stayed asleep. Yunho bit back moans as he felt you suck hard on him, and he had to control himself as he began to thrust gently into your mouth. You were moaning lightly with his dick still deep in your mouth, and the stimulation was too much for him to handle. Grabbing your head, he pushed you towards him and shoved deep into your throat, his cock twitching and throbbing as he came in your mouth.
“Fuck,” Yunho hissed as he realized what he had done after it was over.
He pulled out from your mouth and watched a trail of white connect your tongue to the tip of his penis. When you closed your mouth and swallowed, Yunho couldn’t take it. His cock stiffened almost immediately, and he desperately wanted to be inside you.
Usually, he would take your clothes off carefully, but Yunho couldn’t bear it any longer. He snatched your pants off and nearly tore your night shirt as he removed that as well. He left your panties on and just pushed them to the side quickly so he could be inside you as soon as possible. He groaned loudly as he felt how fucking tight you were despite him fucking you so many times. He loved your body so goddamn much.
As he rolled his hips into you repeatedly, he also massaged your breasts, earning sweet moans and sighs from you. It was a wonder how you hadn’t woken up yet. Even when he slammed his pelvis into you, you were still asleep. It turned Yunho on more than it should’ve.
“Y/N, baby, oh fuck,” Yunho bit out; he was so close to cumming.
Your moans had turned into whimpers and whines by that point because your body was also ready. Yunho came first, and he came inside you, only to feel your arousal fluid start to squirt out of you. As soon as he pulled out, you squirted and cried loudly, your entire body shaking as your orgasmed. Yunho for sure thought you would wake up by that point, but you were still fucking fast asleep. Those were some strong fucking pills.
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The medication the doctor gave you was working— it knocked you out, and you hadn’t dreamt about Yunho since you started taking it, but you were still run down. You noticed that you were losing weight rapidly and that you could barely keep food down. You were dehydrated no matter how much water you drank, and the cherry on top to the whole goddamn thing was that you felt like you were dying, but your doctor said you were fine.
“Let’s get you on that sleep study, okay?” the doctor said. “Maybe we’ll get some answers from there. If not, we can go through more tests, but the sleep one first.”
You got set up for the sleep study and slept for the first time in a while without the medication the doctor provided, and you didn’t dream. Not once.
Yunho, in his demon form, sat in the room with you while you laid in the bed for the study. He watched the way your eyelashes would flutter, the way your lips would part slightly as you switched from breathing with your nose to your mouth, and the small, cute little freckles that he missed seeing when he was too busy fucking you. God, he loved you so much. So fucking much.
Mingi met up with Yunho the next morning, the two of them standing and watching the nurse take the electrodes off you.
“Yunho. She looks like shit.”
“Shut the fuck up, she’s beautiful—”
“She was beautiful.” Mingi interrupted. “You’re sucking the life out of her… What number have you hit now?”
Yunho couldn’t respond. The number was forty, but he didn’t want to say the number out loud because he hoped that he was wrong, that he hadn’t slept with you so many times.
“You know what you need to do if you want to keep her on this planet,” Mingi stated.
“I do.”
“Are you going to do it?”
A tear rolling down his cheek, Yunho turned to Mingi and shook his head. He couldn’t stay away. He loved you.
“You really are a demon, Yunho.”
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You got the results back— they were normal. You were actually so fucking confused. How could you feel miserable but be completely disease free whenever you tested for anything? You scheduled a couple more check ups at the hospital, but you knew that deep down, there were going to be no results, that you were going to be labelled as fine. Still, you had to go through the check ups for the sake of going through them.
You stopped taking the medication by that point, wondering if the medication was actually making it worse. You hadn’t dreamt about sex with Yunho in so long, but to prepare, you studied up on lucid dreaming. If you dreamt about him that night, you were going to snap out of the dream. You were going to find natural ways to stop the dreams from keeping you up.
And so, you went to bed that night, fully expecting to wake up in your lucid dream.
It’s just a lucid dream, you told yourself when you stirred from your slumber. You knew the ways to wake up from a lucid dream, and you were going to put them to the test today, but when you saw Yunho, you couldn’t. Fuck, he was just a figment of your imagination— how did you fall for someone that wasn’t even real?
And yet, your heart ached when you saw him sitting on the edge of your bed. He looked so sad. Why was your lucid dream doing this to you?
“Yunho?” you whispered gently.
Yunho turned his head.
“Oh, Y/N. You’re awake?”
“I’m… Awake?”
You couldn’t process the words— Yunho fully embraced you tightly, his arms squeezing you to the point where you definitely could have broken a bone. He dug his nose into your hair and inhaled deeply, making you tingle all over.
“I miss you,” he whispered sadly.
You were rendered speechless when he dropped his head into the nook of your neck and left a soft, sensual kiss on your exposed skin. You felt yourself get swept away in his affection when he lifted you and laid you down on the bed so that he was pinning you down before immediately running his hands up your shirt.
Yunho was urgently trying to get you out of your clothes. He should’ve taken his time with you knowing that it was going to be the last time, but the fact that you were actually awake this time made him overly eager to be intimate with you. He got you out of your clothes in record time, his hands roaming your body immediately.
You moaned loudly and flung your head back as you felt his mouth meet your breast. While his mouth worked on your breast, his fingers moved down to stroke your— you didn’t realize that you were so completely wet— cunt, his finger brushing along your clit several times. You were whining and rocking your hips gently as his fingers teased you and his teeth tugged on your nipple.
“You like that, baby?” Yunho, after leaving your nipple with a slightly painful suck, asked you softly.
You nodded, words still evading you. Your brain was starting to go numb with pleasure, and truth be told, you felt as if you were nearing your climax in record time. Yunho, however, noticed your eyes start to roll back as you suppressing your incoming orgasm, so he stopped. He wanted, nay, needed to be inside you and feel your walls tighten around his throbbing penis.
Yunho leaned away from you to remove his own clothes, making you miss the warmth of his physical contact. Your arms reached out for him silently, and that’s when you noticed that Yunho’s face was twisted into a painful frown.
“Yunho?” you whispered, a word finally leaving your lips. “What’s wrong?”
Immediately shaking his head, the frown left, and Yunho smiled at you, but you could tell that his smile was fake. You knew him well by that point, and that smile was definitely not how he usually smiled at you.
But, you didn’t get time to press further. Yunho was completely naked and about to make love to you. He pinned you on the bed once more and rubbed his cock against your clit a couple times.
There was a little nagging voice in the back of Yunho’s mind, and that voice was a mix between San and Mingi telling him not to fuck you. And he seriously didn’t want to because he wanted you to stay alive for him, but the thought of not being able to sleep with you ever again also drove him insane.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” Yunho whispered.
You didn’t know what Yunho was apologizing for— you thought it was because he thrust into you so hard without warning, but it was really because he was sorry for what was going to happen to you after. His cock went deep inside you and nearly hit your cervix, but Yunho controlled himself because he didn’t want you to cum so fast. He wanted to fuck you for as long as humanly possible. He wondered if he could just keep his penis inside you until the end of time, that way you could stay alive, but he was itching to move.
Your back arched with every stroke of pleasure, and you felt yourself get lightheaded as euphoria approached. The way Yunho was rolling his hips into you made you feel so fucking good, so fucking sexy, and you wanted more and more. You held onto his shoulders and pulled him towards you, connecting your lips with his, and you kept your hold on him as you desperately made out with him.
You missed Yunho too. Although it was just your brain, you missed having such satisfying sex with him. He made you feel incredibly good when he ran his hands along your waist and over your hips, and his long cock filled you so well that you felt like your cunt was truly made for him.
“Oh my God, Yunho!” you stopped kissing him and cried out when you felt his waist start slamming into yours. “Faster!”
Yunho shivered. Hearing you order him around nearly made him cum. Nonetheless, he listened to you. He thrust into you as fast as he could, making you feel like his penis was going to pull your insides out with his speed, girth, and power. You felt your head press further back into the pillow below your head, your hold on Yunho getting tighter to the point where you were definitely leaving nail marks in his skin.
“Fu-uck,” Yunho bit out. “I’m cumming.”
He didn’t want to. He really didn’t want to, but he couldn’t hold himself back anymore, especially not after seeing you all sexy and disheveled under you. Shutting his eyes tightly and letting a singular tear roll down his cheek, Yunho released his load in you, his white and sticky cum filling you up.
The feeling of Yunho’s cum spurting into you was the final thing you needed to bring you to climax. As soon as he pulled out, you came loudly, your cry echoing loudly in the room.
What Yunho feared happened almost immediately. Your hold on him weakened, your arms slipping to your sides. He immediately wrapped his arms around you and brought you up, desperately praying that if he did anything, you wouldn’t pass. He kissed your lips, ran his hands through your hair, placed his hand over your heart, but nothing. Just as it was for centuries, forty-two was the unfortunate number, and the two of you had reached it.
You felt your conscious slipping from you, and as your eyelids grew heavy, you noticed that Yunho’s form had suddenly changed. He went from being the tall man with the fair skin and soft brown hair to this red skinned, horned devil with scales covering his body and wings sprouting from his back. He looked like himself, but it was a horrible terrifying version of himself with solid, black eyes, fangs, and long ears that stuck straight out of the side of his head. In other words, Yunho was a demon, and you knew that he was right in your last moments— you immediately knew that sex with Yunho was not a dream, and that you were most definitely awake every time you consciously fucked him.
His demon form terrified you to the point where you were able to let out a scream and try your best to get away from him, but you passed out before you could even push you away, and soon, everything faded to black for you. Completely. Forever.
Yunho, seeing that he had actually transformed into his demon self right before you fully died, was mortified. How could your very last memory of him be his true self and not the man of your dreams? He felt like in the most literal sense that he scared you to death.
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Yunho finally understood how Yeosang felt. He stayed in his invisible demon form and kept an eye on your decaying body until someone discovered you. He followed you all the way to the hospital and accompanied your family as they set up a proper funeral for you.
During the entire funeral, Yunho wept. He had so, so many regrets. He regretted having sex with you so many times, he regretted not stopping before he hit forty-two, and he regretted not telling you that he loved you. He did not, however, regret falling in love with you. If he could, he’d do it all over again.
Yunho seriously could not move on after you. He found some people to help him elongate his life, but he couldn’t live with the guilt of knowing that he killed the love of his life. San and Mingi did their best to help Yunho keep it together, but the same way Yeosang had vanished, Yunho did too. There was no point in staying around if he couldn’t be with you.
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zombiec · 9 months
After party | Jean Kirstein
(Jean calls reader his boyfriend but other than that readers gender isn’t specified)(reader has a dick ofc>o<!!!)
Hockey player reader x Jean
Synopsis ☆: Jean is jealous of you and Erens relationship . He handles his jealousy in a different type of way.
Warning: possessive Jean, Eren slander a lil bit, breeding kink a little, weed>.<!!!, power bottom Jean, mating press, Jeans ass is referred to as boy pussy.
a/n: this is kinda long? Also can males squirt🤔🤔🤔idk but I made him so😹😹
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You were so mad. One of the players from the other team unnecessarily shoved you really hard, causing you to punch him as best as you could through the helmet. Somehow you were the one who was sent out. You slammed open the penalty bench box and threw your hockey stick on the floor. Taking off your helmet and your gloves because it was hot as fuck and you were sweating your ass off. You heard the door to the penalty box open but you didn’t look towards it.
“Hey” it was Sasha . You didn’t respond back because you knew why she was here. “Come on you and Jean need to make up” Earlier you two got into a fight. You and Jean were standing by your car talking, when Eren came over to ask you something. He whispered something in your ear and you chuckled and said “yeah I gotchu” he hugged you then walked off. You turned towards Jean who was glaring at you with his arms crossed. You looked at him confused. Jean hated that look on your face you looked so stupid.
Jean started walking away, but you were quick to grab him by his wrist. “Where you going” “I’m going to find my seat. go hang out with your boyfriend” he replied. ‘What’ you thought. What is he talking about. You don’t know why but Jean always gets angry whenever you interact with Eren, it’s so annoying to you . “What’re you talking about Jean” you said to him and he shivered at the way you said his name. “I said go talk to your boyfriend, eren” “what the fuck are you on about, Whyre you always mad when eren talks to me” you said and looked at Jean with a frown.
“I’m not fucking mad I don’t even care. He obviously likes you though” you look at Jean dumbfounded. Like you haven’t proved to him over and over that you want to be with him and only him. He’s so stupid and it’s making you angry. You and Jean always flirt and kiss. A lot. It’s never passed that point though . You two haven’t tried a relationship yet because you’re scared if it ends out bad, then you’ll lose ypur best friend.
“Why does that matter?” Jean looks at you with his arms folded and a frown on his face. “It matters because you like to stick your dick in anything that walks” now it was your turn to frown. Everyone on campus believes you’re a play boy, but you’re not. you bailed on what was supposed to be a one night stand, she got mad and all of a sudden you’re the campus thot. A ‘jock’ who just likes getting their dick wet. It’s not true and Jean knows that, so why would he use that against you.
“Maybe I will go fuck him” you said and shouldered him while you were walking past. This brings us back to the present. ”why would I do that” you spoke to sasha. “Because you guys are supposed to end up together. come onnnn he didn’t mean it he was jealous” You rolled your eyes “he’s always jealous” before sasha could say anything else you were being called back into the game. “I’ll see you later Sasha” you said and grabbed your things and went back into the rink.
With 2 minutes left on the clock and the score 12 - 12 it was up to you and your team mates to make this last shot. You currently had the puck. Dribbling it towards the goal but then you get crowded by 2 big ass men from the other team, so you pass to Connie who happened to be on the other side of you who was wide open. He dribbles it closer to the goal and tries to score but it gets blocked by the goal keeper. The goal keeper tried to pass it to one of his teammates but you blocked it just in time and passed it to Connie. Connie was then bombarded by the opposite team and passed it back to you. You saw a small opening and took your shot. You made it. YOU FUCKING MADE IT. The buzzer rang loud and you looked at the score board. 13-12. You won. Your team won championships.
The crowd erupted in cheer and your team came and lifted you up into the air. Everyone was cheering and hugging. I was so happy we finally made it to championships. Connie walked up to you and dabbed you up.” Hey nice shot!!” You grinned “Thanks gang” “Are you going to Erens party?” You raised your eyebrow. “His mom is letting him throw a party” Connie chuckled “hell nah she’s on vacation” ‘oh boy’ “yeah I’ll go” “alright I’ll see you there” Connie said and walked away.
You walked into the locker room to go change so you can start heading to Erens party. Meanwhile with Jean. “DID YOU SEE THAT GOAL UGH THEYRE SO GOOD” sasha was geeking right next to me, she was so loud. “Yes I saw sasha” I said a little exasperated. I’m still upset me and my boyfriend got into a fight. They aren’t really my boyfriend but I call them that because theyre mine. I didn’t mean to call them a slut, but like they’re always talking to Eren, and I know eren wants them he’s literally told me so. I saw my boyfriend walk out the locker rooms and guess who I saw walking up to my boyfriend… Erens desperate ass. He asked them something and I saw my boyfriend nod and they walked off.
….WHAT THE FUCK. He’s doing this on purpose to piss me off I swear he is. Suddenly I was pulled out of my thoughts when Sasha tapped me. “Do you wanna go to Erens party?” Sasha knows I hate eren so why would she ask me that. “Your boyfriend’s gonna be there” Connie said popping out of nowhere. “Really? He hates parties” Connie shrugged. “Fine I’ll go”
Back with you. You were currently driving eren to his house because he asked for a ride. The car was blasting with music until it was turned down. “I got a question” eren suddenly piqued up. “Yes?” “Are you and Jean dating” you laughed. “No why?” “Because he’s always glaring at me and I’ve seen you two kissing before like a lot to be honest” “he’s just jealous because he thinks you like me.” “Hell no” ‘well damn’ you thought. “Oh no not like that I’m dating mikasa.” Your mouth dropped. “REALLY?!?” “Yes Whyre you so surprised” “I don’t know I would’ve never guessed.” “The fuck is that supposed to mean” you winced. “Oh look your house!”
You parked infront of his house and you both went in. There were already a whole bunch of people here. “How’d they get to your house before you” “mikasa probably let them in.” You sighed. You honestly hated parties you can’t even lie. You just wanted to come so you could get high to be honest. Looking to your left you see Reiner, Annie, and bertholt sitting on the L shaped couch. They were smoking, bingo! “Hey Reiner” you smirked at him. You can’t even lie you think hes sexy as fuck. “Hey come here” you walked over and sat down next to him.
“Let me get a hit” he passed the blunt to you. You took a few hits then passed it to Annie. You’re a lightweight so it doesn’t take a lot for you to get high. A few minutes later and you were out of it. You were currently laying on reiners lap. His thick warm thighs that your face was buried in, you were silently geeking because oh my god. “Who wants to play spin the bottle!” You heard Sasha say from the living room. You piqued up and turned to Reiner “thanks for letting me rest here imma go play” “anytime” Reiner said smirking. You smacked his thigh just to see it jiggle then walked off. Unknowing of the blush that was left on his face.
You saw the circle forming and was looking for a place to sit. You found a spot but it was next to the one and only Jean. ‘When did he get here’ you hope he didn’t see you on reiners lap or that’s another thing he’s gonna tweak out about. The circle consisted of Armin , Mikasa, Annie, Eren, Connie, Sasha, Jean, a few random people you didn’t know, and then finally you. You sat next to Jean and the game begun. “Who wants to start.” Connie perked up “I’ll go” Connie spun the bottle and it landed on Annie. People oou’d and Connie leaned over the circle pecking Annie on the lips.
Next was Annie’s turn, she spun the bottle and it landed on you. You chuckled. Annie rolled her eyes and leaned over pecking your cheek. Sasha groaned “LAMEE.” “Shut up Sasha” mikasa told her, shutting her right up. It was your turn now. Spinning the bottle it starts to slow down..it stopped directly on Eren. Everybody in the circle got quiet. They know Jean doesn’t fuck with Eren and they know you and Jean are a thing. Suddenly Jean turned the bottle towards himself. Eren spoke up “that’s not how the game works” “I don’t give a fuck” Jean said and turned towards you.
He put his hand behind your head and aggressively pushed you towards him forcing you two to kiss. You can’t even lie that shit was sexy as fuck. You love when Jean gets possessive. Jean got more into the kiss and climbed into your lap. He tried to grind into you but you gripped his waist to stop him. “What the fuck are you trying to do? Are you trying to ride me infront of everybody” you whispered so only he could hear. “Fuck yes” he responded. You immediately picked him up by his thighs. “We’re using one of your guest rooms” you said to Eren and walked off. “take me to Erens room and fuck me in there.” “No shut up” Jean whined and you took him into an empty room.
When you walked in you put Jean down. “What is up with you today?” Jean huffed. He didn’t say anything because you should know why he’s acting up. “Hello? I’m talking to you” you grabbed him by his neck tilting his head up by his chin. “Nothing” you rolled your eyes “it’s obviously something” now it was his turn to roll his eyes. Why don’t you get it. Whyre you so stupid. He gets so jealous when he sees you with Eren or literally anyone. He can’t help that you’re sexy as fuck and everyone wants you. He saw you on reiners lap and he was so mad. Just thinking about it is pissing him off so bad.
Looking up at you Jean glared. You raised your brow “What?” “I saw you with Reiner” ‘shit’ you took your hand off his neck “why must you make me jealous all the time” Jean spoke walking making you walk backwards. “Why must you look so fucking good all the damn time” you fell back onto the bed that was in the middle of the room. Jean sat right ontop of your crotch, where you just so happen to be hard already. You were hard since he kissed you during spin the bottle. “Why must you drive me insane” he said gripping your collar. “Jean-“ “shut the fuck up I’m gonna show you who this dick belongs to” Jean says grinding on your dick through the jeans you were wearing.
You groaned and Jean pulled you into a kiss. The kiss was aggressive and was filled with lust. Jean dragged his hand down to the waist band of your pants. He wanted them off, he started pulling them off then you kicked off the rest. What’s left was your boxers, you don’t even have your boxers off and he could see how big you were. God he wanted it so bad he wanted you to make him a mother, no he didn’t want it he needed it. He looked up at you and you were already looking down at him with a smirk on your face.
“You wanted it so bad so take it” oh he will. He hurried to take off his shorts and his boxers. He took your hand and sucked on two of your fingers while looking at you. The way he was looking at you with lidded eyes and the way his tongue swirled around your fingers almost had you cumming in your boxers. When he felt it was good enough he took your fingers and guided it to his ass. You put your fingers in his hole and immediately thrusted them up into him. He moaned and threw his arms around your neck.
He was moaning and placing sloppy kisses on your neck. You added another finger in him trying to stretch his hole. “Just put it in already please” you grabbed Jean by his hair and kissed his lips. He moaned into the kiss grinding harder on your fingers. You pulled your fingers out his ass making him whine and making his hole close around nothing. Ignoring his sounds you guided your dick into his hole.
Jean gasped so loud. He unwrapped his arms from your neck and put his hands on your shoulders. ‘Fuckkkkk’ Jean thought. You were so fucking big you were stretching him so damn wide. He’s seen your dick before you two have sent pictures to each other but he never thought it would feel this fucking good. Jean sunk lower onto your dick until it was fully inside him. Your hands went on his thighs trying to guide him but he smacked your hand away. “I t-told you I’m going to show you this dick belongs to me” he said and did a little practice bounce you groaned and gripped the blankets beneath you.
You would just ignore him, grab his waist and fuck up into him but you could tell he was desperate to prove something to you. He wanted to prove that you belong to him and only him..and you were going to let him. “Pay attention to me” Jean whined. You looked at him and smirked. He started to bounce on your dick going up and down. He was going too slow for you. “Mmm~ go faster baby” Jean bounced harder and faster on you making him let out loud ass moans.
“Mmph~ feels so good” you heard him whisper huskily in your ear. You started to thrust up into him feeling his warm walls envelope your dick got you going crazy. Jean moves his hips in circles and you’ve had enough. You grab Jean by his thighs and fuck up into him. “FUCKK~” he yells. “You’re moving too slow for me baby we both know you own this dick let me show you who owns this boy pussy” you said and turned Jean around so he was on all fours. Jean wanted to be in control but fuck the sound of you owning his ass sounds so good and the fact you called it a boy pussy has him ready to be bred.
You grabbed Jean by his waist and started to fuck him. The sight of his hole swallowing your cock has you ready to cum. You bend down to jeans ear “you’ll never get fucked good like this” Jean moaned and matched the pace you were going at while fucking back into you. “I-im gonna cum” you slapped his ass and he came with a loud moan. But you weren’t done yet.
You turn Jean around so that he’s in a mating press. You put his legs up on your shoulders. “W-wait I just ca~ AH” you thrusted into him not caring about what he had to say. You pinned his hands next to his head and looked him straight in the eyes. He was so pretty his face was red and he had a flustered look on his face. His hair was splayed on the bed and he was breathing hard. “You’re so gorgeous” you say while moving some of his hair out of his face. Jean blushed hard at the comment and it drove him closer to his second orgasm.
You pulled out of Jean so only your tip was inside of him, then slowly you put your dick inside him. You hit something inside of Jean which you guessed was his g spot by the way he gasped. “FUCKKKKK RIGHT THERE RIGHT THERE” he tried to pull you impossibly closer scratching at your back. You thrusted into him hitting his prostate over and over driving him crazy. Jean felt a building up sensation and he couldn’t hold it in anymore “IM GONNA CUMM IM GONNA CUM” “cum for me baby” Jeans body spasms and his release splashes on your face.
It’s silent for a few moments before Jean hears you chuckling. He whines and slaps your shoulder. “Did you just squirt” Jean covers his face and turns away from you. “Shut upp.” You pull out of Jean slowly causing a small moan to come out of him. You get up to get towels so that you could clean both of you up. You go into the bathroom that’s connected with the room and get a few towels because you guys made quite a mess. You come back to Jean and see he’s almost fallen asleep poor baby must be exhausted. You wipe him and yourself down then put the towels in the garbage because who’s going to reuse those. You lay down next to Jean and turn off the light.
Jean snuggles up with you. “Will you be my boyfriend” you heard him say quietly. “Ofcourse” you said and kissed his forehead. He looked up at you “you missed” you chuckle and kiss his lips. You were the happiest person right now and no one could ruin that.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Posted this on the wrong account at first whoops!!
Anyway guys hope you enjoyed >.<!!!
Next is Naoya x reader 😾😾
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geminibsworld · 9 months
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teachers pet pt.4
warnings: smut, slow burn, jealousy, whatever yk idk i just write shit LOL
summary: daisy and tom continue to sneak around
🫧the other parts are on my masterlist def read those before this 🫧
daisy bit tom’s bottom lip teasingly, he hums in response, his rougher hands gliding on her back. her hands pulling on his expensive dress shirt not caring about wrinkles, tom and daisy kiss. he pants into the kiss, she lets go of his shirt, as her fingers go for his waist band, he pulls away as one of his hands catches her wrist. his forehead on hers, he places a small kiss on her lips, she pouts at him. he smiles before pulling away, and returning to sit at his desk. daisy crossed her legs turning and facing him. she watched him start up his laptop, and he slid on his glasses to start on the computer. he sighs rubbing his forehead, as his phone rings, he ignores it typing in his log in information. the call ends, as another starts. daisy peaks at his phone, she knows who it is. his wife.
“aren’t you going to answer that?” she asks, humming, twirling his waves. his hair had gotten so long that two hooks peaked out behind his hair, she loved it. she especially loved tugging on it. he sighs making a face looking at daisy. he thought she was so beautiful, so beautiful that nothing else ever mattered.
“not when i’m with you,” he says, smiling at her. he then grabs his phone, and puts it on do not disturb. daisy laughs, shaking her head. she then pulled her legs up on the desk, her knees touching her chest. tom typed away on the computer, before they heard a knock the door.
“tom, it’s your wife,” a woman’s voice spoke, daisy and tom looked at each other. daisy hopped down, quickly grabbing her bag about to leave. tom held a hand out to her and opened the door, daisy stood motionlessly by a bunch of filing cabinets unsure of what to do.
“Michelle,” he says, annoyed. michelle shoves past him, looking around the room before her eyes land on daisy. she makes a face before turning to tom.
“this her?” she asks, pointing a manicured finger at daisy. daisy makes a face, her brows furrowed and she looked confused as ever.
“what?” daisy asks, confusion all over her face, she stepped forward, “how does she know about me?”
“oh please, he talks about you all the time. i’m surprised a small girl like you can handle him though,” michelle laughs, daisys cheeks burn as she looks at tom.
“what’re you doing here?” he asks, politely but his face said otherwise, “i’m working right now. i don’t need any distractions,”
“oh is that why she’s here?” michelle laughs, her brown hair in perfect curls. almost everything about her was perfect, daisy couldn’t help but feel weird.
“yeah.. i’m gonna go- i’ll see you later,” daisy says, looking down to leave, tom groans following her to the door. daisy turns and looks at him making a face, her eyes quickly going to michelle. michelle smirks leaning on his desk, eyeing the two.
“aw well aren’t you sweet? comforting your baby?” she asks, dryly, eyeing tom. tom scoffs, rolling his eyes.
“can you leave?” he asks, trying to plead her. michelle eyes daisy and tom, daisys eyes warred and cheeks burned from embarrassment. she didn’t know why she was crying. tom rubbed daisy hand, trying to comfort her the only way he could at the moment. he wanted to pull her into a hug, but he couldn’t.
“you’re no fun, tommy,” michelle says, smirking at him playfully before glancing at daisy one last time. daisy eyed michelle, blinking away her tears. tom sighed, squeezing daisys hand gently before pulling his hand away from her.
“well, i guess ill go.. what’s for dinner tonight tommy?” michelle asks, staring at him with a certain look in her eyes. daisy scoffed rolling her eyes before pulling out her phone, she wanted to text ellie to rescue her.
“just go, i’ll call you when im on the way home,” tom says, quietly his hands on michelle’s shoulders, reaching around her pulling the wooden door open pushing michelle out. daisy didn’t say a word as tom shut the door, he cleared his throat.
“i’m sorry- about her,” he says, walking up to her. he stands in front of her looking down at her, his eyes filled with worry as he searches daisys face. their eyes meet, and he sighs. pulling her into a tight hug, his arms wrapped around her completely enclosing her body. her arms slowly wrapped around his waist as she has her head laying below his chest. she sniffles and inhales his scent, reminding her he’s hers. the scent of expensive cologne and lavender filled her senses.
“i’m sorry,” he mumbles, leaning down placing a kiss on the top of her head. rubbing her back softly, she sighs pulling away looking up at him, his hands lay on her waist. he stares at her, giving her a small smile.
“you’re so beautiful, you know that? so beautiful and sweet, like a daisy,”
daisy was in tom’s class today, she had felt weird ever since she met michelle. so weird, that she didn’t ever want to see or hear about michelle again. like she doesn’t exist.
“daisy, can you come up here please?” tom’s voice interrupts her thoughts, she glances at ellie before she stands up and walks up to him at his desk. he was on his lap top, wearing a loose sweater his collar bones showing and she noticed he was wearing a silver chain necklace.
“yes, Mr. blyth?” she asks, looking down at him. he smirks ever so slightly, before sliding a paper over. it says, ‘meet me after class’ she smiles at him grabbing the paper before returning to her seat next to ellie.
ellie glances at the paper, giving daisy a look. daisy giggles, crossing her legs bouncing her food against the seat in front of her.
“daisy,” a boys voice came from behind her, ellie and daisy turned around to look at him. it was jackson, a guy who has been obsessed with daisy for years. not in a creepy way, but in a ‘i want you so bad way’
“what,” daisy whispers, not wanting tom to look in her direction. jackson scoffs, ellie makes a face.
“what, dick?” ellie asks, attitude in her voice. daisy laughs, turning to look at him.
“chill el,” jackson laughs, before meeting eyes with daisy, “do you want to hang out later?”
“me? hang out with you?” daisy asks. quietly quickly glancing back at tom. ellie clears her throat, daisy snaps back. tom was staring right at them.
“uh- ill let you know later?” daisy says, turning around to face him quickly. he smirks, nodding at her. the bell rang, daisy and ellie began to pack up. as daisy stands up, she glances towards tom’s desk. he wasn’t there, she didn’t know where he was and she was nervous. she hoped he still wanted to meet.
ellie and daisy share a smile as ellie leaves daisys side, daisy walks to tom’s desk and peaks around. she walked towards the back where the auditorium was connected to the actual classroom, she saw tom. he looked annoyed, he was sweeping the stage.
“tom..” daisy says quietly, tom looks up at her and gives her a small smile. she smiles back walking closer to him. she stands in front of where he’s sweeping, with her hands clasped in front of her.
“you look beautiful as always my daisy,” he mumbles still sweeping, not looking at her. he sighs placing the broom against the wall, he wipes his hands on his jeans as daisy eyes his large, veiny hands.
“thank you, why did you want me to stay after?” daisy asks, cocking her head to the side. her hair falls behind her back. tom spins on his heel, his palms pressed against the wall. daisy makes a straight face, tom had a unreadable look on his face.
“what did he want?” tom asks, his brows furrowed at daisy. daisy lets out a dry laugh.
“really? this is what we’re doing?” she asks, shaking her head. tom shoves himself off the wall, walking towards her. daisy scoffs and rolls her eyes beginning to walk away.
“i asked you a question,” he says, grabbing daisy’s wrist. daisy snaps her head back, yanking her wrist away. her skin still burning where his hand was.
“fuck off,” she grumbles, walking away. tom follows behind her, she picks up the pace slightly. tom wraps his arms around daisy, engulfing her, she squeals as he picks her up.
“oh my god, are you fucking joking tom?” she groans loudly and dramatically. tom laughs, a true belly laugh. he shook his head, carrying daisy to his office slamming the door behind him.
he drops daisy on the ground, she scoffs at him. he turns and locks the door, before pulling daisy into him on the desk, she lets out a gasp. she stood between his thighs, his hands tight on her hips. she chewed her bottom lip anxiously, her doe eyes stared at him.
“now, i asked a question, remember? be a good girl for me and answer me,” he says, his voice low. his eyes searching all over her face, his finger tips digging into her bony hips. she makes a face, wincing.
“all he did was ask me to hang out, and i said i’d let him know, no big deal,” she shrugs, her eyes meeting tom’s eyes. the blue piercing into daisy’s green eyes. she felt her breath hitch as tom held his jaw tightly, his fingers digging into her harder.
“no big deal?” he says, his eyes trailing down her body. she nods quickly, agreeing with what he says.
“no big deal,” she confirms, tom lets go of her hips to grab her ass, she gasps as he pulls her completely into him. his face hard, as her jaw slacks at him.
“i’ll show you no big deal,” he mumbles, “bend over my lap for me,” his hands roughly squeezing the flesh under her skirt.
“w-what?” she asked, her anxiety rising. bend over his lap? what? he raises his brows at her, she gulps.
“be a good girl, and bend over my lap. now.” he says, his voice and low and husky. she couldn’t help but feel herself pool in her panties. her eyes widened at him.
“you heard me, get over here. please, i’m not gonna ask again,” he says, monotoned as ever. he pats his lap, she walks over to him slowly standing on the side. he places her hand on the small of her back, gently nudging her.
she slowly bends over his lap, she gulps feeling nervous. tom slowly pushes up her dress, his rougher hand feeling over her soft pale skin. gripping and squeezing the flesh, she could feel herself getting wetter by the second. she couldn’t help it, she found it embarrassing that she gets that wet. but it’s him. his hand smoothes over her soft flesh before his fingers dip between her cheeks sliding down slowly and teasingly. she anticipated him touching her. he tsk’d before he spoke.
“already so wet,” he mumbles, “so perfect,” he leans over to the side to look at her bent over his lap.
“i’ll do a few baby, promise. you’ll probably like it,” he says, she can hear the smile on his face. she chews her lip, biting the skin off her lip. he rubs the soft flesh some more, his finger dipping down and taking one finger teasing her clothed pussy. his finger teased her clit under the panties, she couldn’t help but let out a hiss. his finger softly rubbed between her folds. daisy lets out a small moan, her back arching into his touch.
“feel good baby?” he asks, almost mockingly. she nods bucking her hips gently. he chuckles at her.
he removes his hand, and she lets out a moan of disappointment. he laughs, before his hand meets her cheek. the pale flesh jiggled as a pink handprint appeared, a squeal escapes her lips. daisy felt her panties drench, his hand came down again. she moaned, loudly.
“yeah? be so fucking loud that little prick can hear you,” tom says, sarcastic and bitter. his hand flying down again, a red mark on her bottom. he couldn’t help but smirk at the site.
“one more baby, tell ‘em who’s mine,” he says, a smirk evident in his voice. daisy peels skin off her lips in anticipation and anxiety. his hand came down a lot slower, but still hard as he hit the same spot he’s been. the hand print red now. he liked how it looked on her. she was his.
daisy had tears in her eyes, she couldn’t help it. the pain stung but the pleasure made her feel good. tom coos as he rubs her red cheek.
“you did so good, now stand up for me,” her lip quivers as she sits up. he fixes her dress, his eyes racking in her body. then finally meeting her eyes, he stands up from his seat. he gives her a quick kiss on the forehead, before rubbing her cheeks with both of his hands.
“my good girl,” he smiles, kissing her again. her eyes red from the tears, and her cheeks stained. she smiles up at him, before he leans down pressing a lingering kiss to her lips.
“daisy- woah!” daisy and tom jump apart, a scream leaving their lips together. she holds her chest as she looks over and sees ellie. tom groans to himself.
“i would say get a room but that was my bad y’all,” ellie teases, smirking at them. tom can’t help but feel annoyed. daisys eyes glance at tom, before meeting ellie’s.
“that was cute by the way, the whole stroking her cheek and kissing her forehead,” ellie laughs, tom shakes his head walking away, leaving just ellie and daisy.
“are you serious el?” daisy complains, throwing her arms up. ellie laughs, not taking things serious at all.
“what? it was cute,” ellie shrugs, daisy groans.
“listen my bad- i didn’t even see you all till that. i won’t tell on him, fuck you’re my best friend.” ellie says, trying to help by offering a small smile.
“dude, he doesn’t care. he could fired for this. if you saw, who else would? his fucking wife knows already and we’ve met!” daisy throws her face in her hands as she leans against the wall. ellie pouts making a face before furrowing her brows, confused as ever.
“wait you met her?” ellie asks, suddenly. daisy makes a face rolling her eyes.
daisy showed up tom’s apartment, wanting nothing more than to see him. it snowed today, the cloudy grey sky and ice on the trees matched daisys mood. she hadn’t seen tom in two weeks, he hasn’t even been at the college. he’s just been sending us work through our lap tops, she felt like she was going crazy.
she knocks on the door, feeling nervous her heart racing. tom opens the door, dressed in a black hoodie and sweatpants, he looks like he just woke up.
“morning,” he says, his voice gruff and cracked. she felt weak in the knees even after a simple word. her mouth opened to say something but nothing came out. he smirks, his hair a messly long. he stretches, while yawning his hoodie lifting up, his lower toned abdomen exposed. daisys eyes travel downwards, she felt her mouth go dry.
“daisy, it’s too cold for flowers. your cheeks and nose is so red,” he says, a soft smile on his cheeks. his hand reached out for hers, she reached her arm out her fingers grabbing his hand.
he pulls her into the warm apartment, pulling her into him. he kisses her, hard. she can’t help but let a noise in surprise, she then kisses them back. his hands tangled into her waves. her hands gripping his hoodie, they disconnect breathing heavy as they both pull off their hoodies. their lips reconnect again, his rough hand gripping her left breast his tongue softly gliding over her hard bud. their lips fighting against each other, she moans into his mouth. he takes that opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth, their tongues wrestle. her hand reaches into his pants, grabbing his hard member. he groans into her mouth, his hand playing with her bud still. he pulls away and picks her up shoving her into the front door, he rips her leggings she lets out a loud gasp. he pulls down his pants, and spits in his hand before jerking off slowly before positioning him at her hole. he slowly enters her, her mouth falls into a ‘o’ shape. tom admires her as he slowly inserts himself inside of her. her pink lips falling open and her eyes squeeze shut.
“been thinkin about you the whole time. i’m surprised i didn’t see you sooner baby,” he moans, before pulling out and sliding all the way in again. she screams, tom moans as her tight gummy walls accept him.
“you feel so fuckin good,” he moans, his hips going at a steady pace. both of his hand cupping her fleshy ass, daisy moans a response. her nails digging into his biceps.
“fuck- tom i’ve missed you,” she cries out, her head hitting the wall with a thud. tom lets a out a laugh, and she begins to laugh to. his thrusts slow down, before he completely stops. daisy lets our a sad moan.
“don’t stop, please,” her hands stroking his toned arms. he nods with a small smirk before, continuing harder and faster. his hard dick inside of her, filling her up completely tapping her cervix.
“oh fuck,” she whimpers, he groans throwing his head back. his hips relentlessly pounding into hers. daisys eyes screw shut tightly as she begins to feel close.
“my pretty, sweet daisy. such a good girl, taking my cock so so well,” he coos to her, she whimpers as she begins to clench around him. he groans speeding up, before they both cry out loudly.
“oh fuck- daddy- fuck,” she moans out, a loud pornographic moan as tom moans, her name leaving his lips many times.
“my good girl, how i’ve missed you,” he says, collapsing onto her. his forehead against hers, she breathes heavily as she gives him a sweet kiss.
“i’ve missed you, so much.”’
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A/N: Okay so a while ago I saw a post made by the__ria on Instagram where she drew Gerard as a tattoo artist with a bunch of tattoos and piercings and it's so INCREDIBLE (the post is from April 2023 on her Instagram page if you wanna see my direct inspo!). So here's a cutesy little story about who I think tattoo artist Gerard would be, and him doing/walking the reader through her first tattoo. Pairing: tattoo!artist!Gerard x F!Reader Warnings: Swearing, needles? (idk if that's one but putting it down) Word count: ~2,900
You were finally doing it.
After over a year of wanting to, lots of thought and contemplation about it, you were finally forcing yourself to overcome the fear of potential pain and just get the tattoo you had wanted. You figured now was not only the perfect time to get some important art with significant value to you on your body but also to face your fear of pain and commitment. Call it killing two birds with one stone, you were calling it a whirlwind of anxiety.
Your favorite co-worker, Lianna, had promptly suggested her tattoo/piercing artist as soon as you told her you were gonna do it. Her face was sparkling with various pieces of metal through her skin, her arms lined with sleeves of small tattoos, and you knew she had some other places too. So why not? She clearly knew what she was doing, and you had no one else to rely on for this.
So this Saturday morning you entered the small parlor tucked in-between a couple of larger shops on the grungey side of town. You preferred it here anyways, where coffee shops and cocktail places were oddly experimental and regular clothing stores were silenced by the absurd amount of thrift stores. “You ready?” She asked with a big smile as you two walked in.
You tightly smiled, “Yeah, but nervous.”
“Don’t worry, Gerard is amazing. He makes everything so comfortable and is such a talented artist. He’ll take great care of you.”
“Did I hear my name?” You heard a male voice shout from a hallway somewhere.
“Yeah Gee, it’s Lianna.”
“Again? Dude, I will always thank you for your business but you were here like three weeks ago-" He stepped around the corner and into the back part of the counter, stopping briefly when he saw you.
“I’m here for her.” She clarified nodding her head in your direction.
Of course Lianna had to bring you to not only a vibey, comfortable tattoo shop, but one where the owner, and soon to be your artist, was extremely hot. You really tried to control your dilating pupils, but then again, no one could do that. There was no hope for you at this point. His lightly shaggy but short black hair that fell just below the tip top of his ear. The piercings that looked like they were made for his face included a septum, angel fangs on the top of his lips, a bridge piercing, and a small one on the center of his bottom lip (you weren't sure what those were called). And the tattoos that surrounded the skin all over him and up his neck just past the cut of the top of his shirt. You wanted to trace your finger over every inch of ink on his body.
“And who is this?” He smirked which you quickly picked up on, going to sit at his computer briefly.
“Um, I’m Y/N.” You said with a small smile, “It’s nice to meet you.”
“You too, sugar.” He looked up at you a bit, “What’re you here for?”
“A tattoo-“
“Her first.” Lianna quickly jumped in.
“Oh? A newbie.” He smiled, “We all gotta start somewhere. It looks like you’re in luck too because I’m free this morning so you won’t have to deal with Frank. He gets a little needle happy and likes the bigger harder stuff, and I’m assuming you wanna start simple.” You nodded, “What’re you thinkin’?”
“I want a sunflower on my forearm,” You said as he lightly nodded.
“Sounds easy enough, got any ideas I can see?” You nodded and pulled up your Pinterest board of ideas you liked while he quickly scanned through them, clearly taking many mental notes. “Perfect, mind if I take a few minutes in the back to draw up some ideas?” You nodded as he shot you a quick smile and went to the back.
“So, what do you think of him?” Lianna turned to you and asked.
“Why did you take me to a hot tattoo artist?” You groaned under your breath and through your teeth, hoping the walls here were thick. “Out of everyone and you chose the one that’s my type, and manages to make every single tattoo and piercing he has look like they were literally made for him.” She shrugged.
“Hey babe, remember I’m into women. Been dating the same one for five years, I don’t notice that shit about men.” You rolled your eyes, “If you really wanna go for it though, Gerard is most definitely single.”
“Yeah because someone who looks like him is gonna go out with me.”
“Judging by how incredibly flirty he was and the amount of times I counted his eyes looking you slowly up and down, I think the feeling is mutual.” You rolled your eyes. “For someone as genuinely beautiful as you are, we need to work on your self-confidence around men. It’s borderline sad how poorly you are at dealing with any man who is into you.”
“Because they’re not into me. They’re being nice.”
“I’ve known Gerard for years. That’s an overly nice, flirty, ‘I want to fuck this women’ Gerard.”
“I’m not looking for just a fuck.” You clarified, though you definitely wouldn’t mind doing that with him.
“Alright, I’m back. Thanks for waiting.” Your trance was broken by Gerard rounding the corner with an iPad in his hands. He walked over to you, standing next to you, and glancing the screen in your direction. It took your brain a few seconds of recalibration to stop focusing on his body heat, proximity, and damn smell that reeked in some sort of addicting way of cigarettes, coffee, and some musky pine situation.
Your eyes zeroed in on the design, realizing it was everything you wanted and more. Your face broke out into a huge smile. “It’s perfect. Like legitimately perfect.” He smiled back down at you.
“I’m glad you like it.” He responded. “Let me run back and print this out real quick, then get you to my station so we can talk placement.”
It only took him two or three minutes to get a variety of his designs printed out, coming back out and leading both you and Lianna to his station.
“You’ve eaten and drank water today, right?” He asked and you nodded.
“I wouldn’t have let he come here without that.” Lianna was quick to speak up.
“Right.” Gerard curtly nodded with a tight smile. “Just double checking. You would be surprised by the number of people that say they do that and then pass out or have issues afterward.” Your eyes went wide in concern. He saw your face and immediately retracted what he had said. “That’s not gonna happen to you. It only happens to people that don’t and just say they did.” He politely smiled. You nodded.
He spent a few minutes working with you on placement before finding the right area, and then carefully positioning it on your arm to make it easier for him to work. Even with his gloves on, your mind wandered with curiosity about how his hands felt, what they could do, and where they could go. It was subconscious, as you internally kicked yourself for thinking such things.
“Alright sweetheart, if you need to take a break or for me to stop because of the pain let me know.” You nodded, biting your bottom lip as you grew even more nervous. Your mind felt like it was spinning a bit, your face heating up at the prospect of the pain. “Do you wanna take another minute?” He asked, clearly sensing your nervousness.
“No, I’m okay.” You replied. “Just rip the band-aid off.” He softly smiled and nodded, grabbing his small tattoo gun.
“If it makes you feel any better,” He mentioned, loading what you assumed to be the ink inside. “Women’s pain tolerances are amazing when it comes to tattoos compared to men. I’ve had way more grown-ass men tap out after a few minutes on easy tattoo spots then I’ve had women after hours on more painful areas.” “Really?” You asked, partially amazed. He nodded with a “mhm”.
“I swear,” He smiled softly. You didn’t even notice until now that he had placed the needle on and began tracing the outline.
It was way better than you had anticipated. If anything, it didn’t even feel fully like a scratch, just like a very very small burning and tingling sensation.
“You doing okay?” He asked, his eyes still zeroed in and focusing on the lines he traced.
“Yeah, actually. This doesn’t really feel like much.”
“See.” You could see his cheeks push up from where his head was tilted in what you assumed to be a smile. “Tattoos are generally not bad, but especially on women.”
He continued on for a few minutes, Lianna filling the air with her random ranting about one thing or another, before Gerard spoke up again.
“Why did you decide on this tattoo, if you don’t mind me asking?” He spoke.
You softly smiled. “It’s for my grandmother. She passed away just over a year ago, loved sunflowers, so I wanted to get it for her.” Gerard hummed in appreciation.
“I’m assuming you were close with her?” He asked next, to which you hummed a quick “mhm”.
“I was very close with my grandmother too.” He smiled to himself, now tracing some the of the leaves. “She was the one who convinced me to continue with art from when I was a kid into my teen years, and then wanted me to go into it professionally.” He said.
“That’s really sweet.” You replied. “Do you have any tattoos for her?”
“I’ve only got one, shockingly.” He chuckled. “I got it right after she passed, five years ago-ish. It’s just her name in her handwriting on my inner forearm.” You glance down to where his arms laid, working on your own, but couldn’t find it.
“What was her name?”
“Helena.” He stated. “I can show it to you after.” You nodded, not even sure if he could see your face, but also not sure how to respond fully. “Are you ready for shading? This is probably gonna hurt a bit more.”
“Yeah, it’s okay.” You replied. He looked up at you for the first time during the session to give you a comforting smile.
“If you need to tap out just say so. No shame in it.”
Shading dis hurt notably more. You closed your eyes for a small portion of it when the pain became a lot, the repetition of the needles over and over again on the same part of your skin. “You okay?” He asked.
“Yeah, I’m good.” You sighed out, letting your mind take you to other places but the pain on your arm.
“Good girl.” He muttered. That phrase made you tense, and you prayed no one in the room noticed your legs move slightly closer together. Damn praises.
Your eyes opened, working their way up to Lianna who was smirking between the two of you. Had you not been preoccupied with one of your arms being temporarily out of commission, you would’ve hit her.
Less than 20 minutes later he was done. You heard the gun turn off, and his gloves come off.
“You wanna see it?” He asked and you nodded, standing up and letting him guide you to the full body mirror in the shop. As soon as you turned your arm to see it, you gasped out loud not even intending to.
It was more than perfect. You weren’t sure you could have pictured it turning out any better, the way it cascaded up your arm and the perfect detailing.
“It’s literally perfect.” You stated in disbelief and excitement, turning to Gerard who had a huge smile plastered on his face. “Thank you so much.”
“Of course.” He replied, “I’m glad you really like it.”
“More than really like. I absolutely love it.” He nodded in appreciation.
You quickly glanced down to his inner forearm, noticing the delicate cursive tracing of the name "Helena". He quickly noticed, moving his arm up and to his side to allow you better access to see it more fully.
"That's really beautiful. And sentimental." He nodded.
"It keeps me grounded. Reminds me of her and all the principles she gave me." He softly smiled. "Grandma's are pretty damn special, aren't they." You giggled under your breath.
"They sure are."
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It didn’t take long for him to ring you up, handing you over the total and waiting for you to pull out your right card.
“Wait-“ You began at the front desk, he stood behind it his head perking up at your confusion. “This is less than it’s supposed to be, right?” He shrugged it off.
“Lianna comes in here so often, I added a friend's discount.”
“Gerard, you really don’t have to do that. You worked really hard and I-“
“It’s okay, really.” He softly smiled. “Just come into me for the rest of your tattoos.” You nodded with a smile.
“Of course.” There was no need to argue and try to say you weren’t sure if you were getting more. As soon as you realized the pain was much less than anticipated, and how much you loved the new piece of art on your arm, you knew deep down you would be back for many more.
“Thank you, again.” You said, giving your signature on the receipt.
“Anytime.” He cheekily smiled at you. “I’ll see you around.”
“For sure-“
“Before we leave,” Lianna spoke up, now standing beside you and leaning on the counter. You assumed she was going to either request an appointment with Gerard or ask a tattoo-related question. “Gerard I’ve known you for four years.” He gave her a quizzical look, clearly just as unsure as you were as to where this conversation was heading. “You’ve never once flirted with a client, until Y/N.” He tried to interject with a quick opening of his mouth as his face turned bright red. “And Y/N is shit at talking to men. So just give her your number so we can all walk out of here happy and knowing the sexual tension over the last hour and a half does exist, and will be dealt with.”
Both you and Gerard stared at her with wide eyes unsure of what to do. For the first time that day, Gerard seemed flustered.
“Oh, um- yeah, sure.” He said, fiddling around the desk and finding a post-it note. He hastily wrote down his number, handing it to you. “No pressure or anything at all.”
“Thanks.” You softly smiled, still too embarrassed by Lianna to muster up anything more. “I’ll uh- I’ll text you.”
“That would be great.” He replied. “You like coffee?” You nodded. “Perfect, we’ll set up a date.” Your eyes went wide with nervousness. You looked like a deer in the headlights. “Again, no pressure.”
“Right.” You said, “I’ll see you around.”
“Yeah, it was nice meeting you Y/N.”
“You too, Gerard.”
As you walked out of the tattoo shop, you felt your cheeks heating up into a bright red of embarrassment from Lianna. “Why the fuck would you do that?” You asked/yelled at her as soon as you were a solid two blocks away.
“What? The tension between you two was insane.” She explained with a sigh. “And he wasn’t going to ask, because Gerard’s professional and takes pride in that. And you sure as hell weren’t going to ask, because you lose every ounce of your confidence around men.”
“That’s-" You knew she was right but the principle of the matter still made you mad at her.
“It’s the truth. And you should be thanking me! You now have a date with a hot as hell tattoo artist.”
“I thought you said you couldn’t judge men by how they look.” You fired back.
“I am a true and proud lesbian at heart… but you do have a point. I could see his attractiveness from a ‘I’m into guys’ perspective. It took a lot of imagining.” You groaned.
“What if he doesn’t actually wanna go out with me and you just made him feel pressured?”
“Gerard Way doesn’t feel pressured.” She explained with a scoff. “If there’s any man in the world who is confident bordering cocky, but thankfully stays a few steps away from cocky, it’s Gerard. He would have come up with an excuse, or better, told me off if he didn’t want to give you his number.”
“Whatever.” You sighed. “Now I have a date to set up and a new stressor and-"
“Gerard is chill.” She softly smiled at you. “He’s literally just gonna ask you to get coffee with him, he’s gonna pay no doubt, and just chill in the corner of a coffee shop with you and talk.”
“I’m not good at talking to men.”
“You’re great at it when you feel comfortable.” She sighed. “Just- trust me, he’s a great guy. If you’re nervous, tell him and he will completely understand.”
“Okay.” You said in a final defeat. “If this all goes to shit though, I’m blaming you.”
“If it all goes to shit, which it won’t,” She confidently fired back. “I’ll pay for your next tattoo.”
“It won’t be from Gerard if it all goes to shit.”
“Eh, so be it. A revenge tattoo arc would be fun for you!”
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hyunsvngs · 1 year
Hi!! I love your writing and How you make your page non-judgmental.
(Sorry if there is any mistakes, my firat language isn't english)
If is no bother, i have a request. I read your pee stuff and i discovered a new world 🫣😳😳
So i have this idea where alpha!Minho gets jealous because omega!fem!reader smells like other men so he goes crazy, marking her and fucking here to get his smell all over her. And you know... most animals mark their territory by peeing so... what if minho do that?
That's my idea, but feel free to do whatever.
Love youuu!!
Anon (idk what emoji to put lol)
“feel free to do whatever” i’m going to do exactly this. also your english is just fine friend do not panic!!!
“are you kidding me?” he’s snarling. your boyfriend’s snarling, and you don’t think you’ve ever heard him snarl before. “you smell fucking awful.”
oh. you feel a little insulted actually, lips forming a pout. “i thought you liked my smell, minnie.”
“i do,” he insists, standing up from his spot on his bed. he’d invited you over today, his idea to watch a film together before your schedules got too busy with uni, and you’d said you absolutely could after you’d met up with a friend for coffee. “i like your smell. not whatever alpha’s smell is all over you right now.”
“oh,” you say intelligently. “then- then claim me. i’m yours, you know that, i don’t care about scents. it’s- it’s my friend’s, you know i wouldn’t-“
“oh, sweet omega,” his eyes are soft all of a sudden, hand stroking over your hair. “i know you’d never cheat, honey. you’re all mine. i just think you need to smell of me more often, huh? i think i need to mark my territory, yeah?”
your hand strokes over the mating bite, faded but still flooding your body with electricity when you dance over it with your fingers. you know what he’s getting at, but you play dumb anyway. “you already have, min?”
“no, no, baby,” he murmurs. you know the look in his eyes. he’s calm. he’s less outwardly angry so that you have a time to refuse his advances. it’s all part of the scene. “do you think you could get on your knees for me?”
you oblige immediately. before he can speak, you blink up at him with a soft smile. “i know my colours.”
“good girl,” he coos, hand rubbing over your scalp. then, he’s fiddling with the clasp on his jeans, pushing them down to his ankles. his erection is thick, moulding the boxers to the shape of it and oh god - you can already see his knot forming.
you whine. he’s straight out of your wet dreams. there’s no fucking way he’s real. you know what he’s about to do, you’d spoken about it days prior. “min, what’re you-“
“i’m gonna mark my territory, baby. i’m gonna piss on you, make you smell of me.”
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gimmethatagustd · 2 years
Hi Jai, ruu here
Thank you for adding me in your taglist.
And you said you are taking fic requests... His last live made me go insane.. He is so hot.. So umm its not actually a fic req. But imagine this Taehyung hovering over you before he devours you.. ��
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👀 ruu, you can't do these things to me ((ik you said it's not a fic req but um i'm a slut))
this is for my taehyung whores. y'all know i have no self-control
((maybe if my whores with other biases were a lil thirstier in my asks y'all might get a lil gift too idk idk))
also wanna make sure everyone acknowledges gif credit @kth1 ((tho ik it says it in the gif itself, just wanted to make it clear for everyone since idk if the ask feature allows gifs to be linked directly to posts or not)). pls make sure to check out maggie's work!
» pairing: taehyung x reader » genre: BTS | 18+ | smut | fluff (?) | fwb | drabble » wc/date: 600~ | November 2022 » warnings: cunnilingus | i didn't edit this at all | it's poetic and vague and probably corny idk » what was jai listening to? go ghost - jackson wang
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You were convinced you didn’t mean anything to Taehyung, but when he looked at you like that it was easy to imagine that this was more than just sex.
It was an expectant look like he was waiting for something he believed could be found in your eyes, his breath held just behind his teeth.
Maybe he saw summer in your eyes. Sun rays sparkling down on intertwined fingers, his hand engulfing yours. Ice cream dates and lazy days at the beach. His lips, sticky and strawberry-sweet, against yours.
The bed creaked as he shifted his weight onto his forearm. Taehyung wasn’t summer, though. When you breathed him in you felt winter, something heavy and earthy like the crunch of leaves beneath your boots or the weight of mulled wine, mug hot between your palms.
“What’re you thinking about?”
He sounded like winter, too. Warm and gentle like the crackle of a fireplace after playing in the snow.
You crumpled the hem of his t-shirt in your fists and let your knuckles brush against his smooth stomach. His t-shirt was loose enough to see his chest through the scoop neck when he leaned forward.
“Nothing,” you murmured, eyes trained on the curve of his collarbone. It was hard to look into those endless eyes. You were scared of what they saw in you when you could hardly know what you saw in them.
Taehyung was the rumble of an avalanche en route to bury your heart deep within him.
“What?” You met his eyes and mirrored the way he bit into his bottom lip.
“Guess I gotta fix that,” he rumbled on, his head ducked down to run his nose from the base of your neck to the start of your jaw just below your ear.
You shivered despite the heat of his body hovering over yours when you felt his teeth tug on your earlobe.
Words meant nothing when your hands were now flat against his chest beneath the baggy t-shirt and his thigh was pressed between your thighs. You could feel his erection through his sweatpants.
“Mhmm.” His tongue flicked against your skin and you felt fire, numblingly hot like frostbite, seep into your skin. The fabric of his shirt rubbed uncomfortably against your bare nipples when you arched against his chest. “Want you thinking about me.”
“Of course I’m thinking about you.” You squirmed beneath his fingertips as he pulled your underwear down your thighs.
“Relax, baby,” Taehyung cooed, his teeth grazing your nipple as his fingers slid through your folds. “You know I got you.”
Your skin simmered with every touch of his lips as he trailed kisses down your torso, immediately growing cold when he lifted his mouth to inch further toward the one place you both both wanted his lips to be.
People thought winter was about death and decay, but they couldn’t see beyond relentless snow and barren lands.
You knew winter was for rest. It was the incubation time for rebirth in spring.
Every time his warm hands pushed your legs to your chest and his breath landed cool against your skin, before his tongue swiped hot over your clit, you swore you felt something new bloom inside of you.
And when the suck of his lips on your clit and the brush of his fingers along your walls made your vision explode with light, you saw the bright greens and soft creams of snowdrop flowers poking through frozen ground.
“You make me feel alive,” his fireplace voice crackled against your lips when he kissed you, and you wondered if you were spring.
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all rights reserved © gimmethatagustd on tumblr & ao3 do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my work
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