#so why not give a blowout a try
nottyoursbutmine · 2 months
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cruel summer | t.n
pairing: theodore nott x hufflepuff soulmate reader
the one where nott and Y/N never wanted a soulmate. so why can’t they stop thinking about each other after they agree to never talk about it again?
this is my first writing and you can totally tell. it’s super long for no reason so pls be nice. it has 3 OC in hufflepuff. totally wrote this overnight so I rushed the ending can you tell?
cruel summer - taylor swift
You’re listening to your best friend, Sophia, as you’re walking towards the Great Hall. For the past two weeks she has been ranting about the same thing, Blaise Zabini, her soulmate.
As she’s going on about the colors of trees, our uniforms, and flowers you can’t help but space off. They met while being paired up during Potions and spoke their first soulmate words to each other. She has always wanted to meet her soulmate and ever since then, she’s been happier than ever.
You have never wanted to meet your soulmate. The thought of being trapped down and having children will not be your future.
“Are you even listening to me?” Sophia asks.
“Oh, um…of course I was, Blaise is perfect, the sky is magical?” You say with uncertainty. You’re arriving at the Great Hall and approach your table to sit down.
She gives you a look and says, “No, you know exactly what I was saying…please Y/N!”
“Can I just ask why is this so important to you? I mean, it’s not as if we would have anything in common. Slytherin do not make friends with Hufflepuffs,” you say with a straight face. Compared to her always happy demeanor, you were the type of girl who looked at the glass half empty. Not to say you weren’t kind to everyone you met, but you were a realist.
“I have been trying to introduce you to Blaises’ friends since we met… please?” As she sits across from you at the table, she gives you her biggest smile, one that you can never say no to.
As you pick at your food, you finally give in. “Okay, fine but we have to invite the rest of the girls.”
She squeals, leans over the table and gives you a hug. You’ve never been one for physical contact but you’ve been friends with Sophia since diapers, so you do your best and pat her back.
You’re sitting on your bed with your curtains drawn staring at the words on your wrist, thinking about the power they hold. Your entire future is determined by your first words with a stranger. The words were harsh, feeding into your whole ‘wanting to be alone,’ thing. You wonder what their words say.
Seeing colors is something you have also always wondered about. What are the colors of your eyes and hair? What is the color green and why does it make nature look so beautiful? What about flowers? And the color of your clothes?
However, does spending forever with someone you didn’t get to choose sound worth it? You have heard stories of colors fading for people who have lost their soulmate or chosen to be alone, you wonder if that’s true.
You hear the door burst open and Sophia say, “Okay, get ready everyone! We’re going to the Slytherin common room.”
You pull your curtains back, then look at Violet and Ariana, Violet lets out a small laugh from her bed and says “What?”
“Yup! We are meeting Blaise, Riddle, Nott, Berkshire, and Malfoy in 1 hour,” Sophia says, “so you all better start getting ready.”
You all get up with a groan as you get up and all go into the bathroom to get ready. You decide to put on a warm sweatshirt/sweats set because it’s cold out and blowout your hair. You exit the bathroom and all make your way out of the Hufflepuff house.
Walking to the Slytherin common room seemed faster than it should have been. Sophia talked most of the way, assuring us that this will be fun. She always seemed to be the positive one in our group. She states that the guys are nicer in person and only look scary from afar or something like that.
As you get closer you see Zabini waiting outside. Sophia walked towards Blaise, greeting him with a kiss. “Blaise, these are my friends, Violet, Ariana and Y/N.”
He shakes Violet’s and Ariana’s hand, trying to make a good first impression on his soulmates friends and as he extends his hand towards you and Sophia stops him, “Y/N doesn’t touch.”
You feel your heart get warm, you didn’t know how you were going to get out of that awkward situation. She knows you so well, you just give her a small smile as a thank you.
He just chuckles and says, “Exactly like someone else I know. Okay, c’mon the guys are inside.” As you walk in you can’t help but look around, even though you can’t see colors, the Slytherin common room has always been famously talked about and you wanted to know what the fuss was about.
You see Berkshire sitting on an armchair, reading a book. Malfoy is sitting on the floor with his back to the couch and he’s doing homework on the table. Riddle laying on a couch and Nott laying on the couch across from him talking you think about Herbology.
“Girls, these are the guys, right there is Malfoy. Right there is Riddle, over there is Nott, and there is Berkshire.” Zabini says pointing over at them without looking, without caring. It made you internally laugh.
Your eyes glaze over the boys and you just give them a smile. The girls give the boys their biggest smile and say hello, Ariana even goes as far as to give her famous flirtatious hugs. Not that you are judging, these guys are attractive.
Nott and Riddle sit down on the couches to make room for you girls. You sit next at the end of the couch to the left of Violet, who’s in the middle sitting next to Riddle. Ariana is sitting across from you, to the right of Sophia. Sophia is sitting next to Zabini, who’s finally sitting next to Nott at the very left. Berkshire is hadn’t moved from his place in the arm chair and Malfoy had collected his homework, but was still sitting on the floor.
The usual topics come by, grades, hate for the teachers, holidays, and the usual family drama. “Okay let’s get real, has everyone here met their soulmate?” Ariana asks.
Berkshire begins to rant about his soulmate, one that everyone knew he had. It was nice to hear him say those sweet words about her.
Malfoy rolls his eyes and says, “Doesn’t everyone already know the answer to this question? It’s not as if this school doesn’t spread the word as soon as it happens.”
Riddle laughs looking over at him, “You’re just upset because Granger is mad at you right now.”
“I don’t know why you don’t go apologize to her like I’ve been saying, staying here isn’t going to help her forgive you,” Berkshire says.
“He’s right, you need to man up and go to her dorm,” Nott speaks up, “if you don’t she’ll be pissed forever man.”
Malfoy looks like he wants to kill all his friends as he gets up and storms out of the common room, assumingely on his way to the Gryffindor house.
Malfoy, Berkshire, and Zabini are the only ones in the group who have found their soulmates, leaving Riddle and Nott to find theirs.
As everyone but Nott and you answer the question, the tension shifts. “So Y/L/N, have you found your soulmate?” Riddle asks, a hint of suggestiveness in his voice.
All eyes fall on you, “Um...No, I haven’t, but I don’t want to either, so…” you say trailing off.
“You don’t want to? Sounds familiar. Can we ask why you don’t want to?” He pries while glancing to the side, at something or someone. You’re not sure if you imagine it but everyone leans in closer, except for Nott of course, who’s sitting against the couch, eyes not leaving you.
“Well, let’s just say, I’m not going to let some words, colors, and a stranger determine a future I have already envisioned for myself, one that does not have a soulmate,” you have the straightest face and you’re not sure if it’s just your natural face or if you’re just annoyed by all these questions.
The boys sit in silence as they all give each other looks to your answer, however Nott is just staring at you and for some reason you’re afraid to look his way.
It seems like the night has ended with what you said and you decide you need to leave to room immediately. “Okay well, if that’s all I’m going now…I have to go to the library to finish my homework.”
Violet and Ariana follow you out, Sophia stays behind to spend more time with Zabini. As you’re walking you feel eyes burning into the back of your head.
Heading back to your common room from the library alone before curfew was a usual trip for you. The dark, empty corridor never scared you, it actually brought you peace. Ariana was the only one who preferred to study with you, but today she wanted to rest.
Fever dream high in the quiet of the night
While turning a corner you trip over something you don’t see, hands wrap around torso preventing you from falling. You drop your books and loose papers on the ground. You immediately push yourself away from the person holding you up.
It’s so dark out, you can’t see the tall figure, however, as you bend over to pick up everything you dropped, his shoes look expensive.
And so you do what you do best, apologize,“Oh Merlin, I’m so sorry. Are you okay? Than-”
You feel the person slightly freeze but not enough for you to process it, “My god, what the hell is wrong with you?”
Now it’s your turn to freeze. You’re afraid to look up, you’re afraid to even move. All of a sudden everything is different, you understand what Sophia means when she says the lights are yellow and actually do light up the night. You look at your clothes and see your yellow set. Everything yellow.
You’re not even sure why but you thought you had more time to find them. You’ve collected all your things and you’re still there staring at the ground. How are you supposed to tell this guy you’re not interested?
As you stand up, you stare into the eyes of Theodore Nott and you’re not sure what you feel. His eyes are so brown, his hair is so brown and he looks so attractive in his Slytherin uniform.
You’re both just standing staring at each other and you’re not sure what to say to him. Should you rip the bandaid off?
“Okay so, I don’t want you and you don’t want me, right? Let’s just pretend this never happened,” he has the straightest face ever.
You’re grateful he said it first so you didn’t have to but you’re not sure why you’re heart skipped a beat, almost like his words hurt you. “Okay.”
You’re not sure what else to say and you’re also not sure why your heart is now beating so hard in your chest. The colors don’t even matter anymore, what only matters to you now is that he’s in front of you and that he was just in front of you a few hours earlier, yet you never spoke one word to each other.
You thought the conversation was over, you thought he would walk away. He clears his throat, “Okay well then, let’s shake on it,” he says as he extends his hand out to you without looking away from your eyes.
You look at his hand and in a beat place your hand in his, slowly shaking it. “So we agree to not tell anyone,” looking back in his eyes. Your heart starts beating faster and your mind starts racing. You pull your hand back and say, “Goodbye then,” you walk away and don’t look back.
Ariana wakes you up the next morning, saying something about almost being late for breakfast.
As you get up, enter the bathroom to get ready and put your uniform on, you curl your hair and put it in a ponytail with side pieces out.
As you exit the bathroom you see Sophia sitting on her bed. “What do you all say about sitting with Blaise and the boys for breakfast this morning?” she says with a grin.
Ariana claps her hands together, jumping up and down, “That would be so fun. Last night was so fun!” Throughout the night she became good friends with the boys by gossiping about the teachers and student drama in the school.
Violet gives Sophia a small smile, “I think that would be nice.”
All eyes turn to me, I roll eyes in sarcasm, “Okay, let’s just go or all the blueberry muffins will be gone and you know how I feel about that.”
You follow Sophia to the Slytherin table and as the boys see you all approach, you see Zabini say something to them, making them scoot over. Sophia casually sits next to Zabini at the end of the table. You sit down first, scooting over for Ariana and Violet. Riddle is to your right, Nott directly across from you, and Violet to your left.
You immediately begin looking around for a blueberry muffin but don’t see one, the only one you see is on Notts plate. So you go for the second best option, banana bread.
“Aw we were too late? I’m sorry hun. Tomorrow will be better,” Sophia says with her positive attitude. You give her a smile and try to not continue the conversation.
“Late for what?” Riddle asks with a mouth full of food.
“Y/N loves her blueberry muffin for breakfast,” Violet says as if it’s the biggest secret in the school. You shrug because it’s true, there’s nothing better to start your day off with.
“Here then.” Nott holds out his plate offering you his muffin. The guys give him a look as if he just told them he’s joining the circus.
“No, it’s yours,” you say, giving him the exact same look.
He pushes the plate closer to you, “Take the damn muffin if you’re going to be complaining about it.”
The energy has completely changed, “Woah man, what the hell?” Berkshire says, sitting to Notts left.
Your eyes narrow at him, push the plate away and in your calmest voice say, “I didn’t complain about any damn thing, you’re getting hysterical Nott. Why don’t you calm down?”
And with that, he storms out of the Great Hall leaving his friends to question exactly what happened.
You’re left staring at where he was sitting, hurt in your chest but you both made this decision. And if you bleed he’ll be the last to know.
It’s been two weeks since you have found Nott, two weeks since you’ve been trying your best to avoid him, and two weeks since you’ve been failing at it.
You’re sitting in the library with Cedric working on your project. You’ve been working for hours and for hours Nott and Berkshire have been sitting in your line of view doing ‘homework.’ You turn back to Cedric, this grade is more important than some boy.
For some reason, Nott can’t look away from you. His mind is going crazy knowing you’re avoiding him. He’s the one who made this decision, why can’t he get you off his mind?
He thinks about the first words you spoke to each other and regrets being so harsh towards you, he wonders if you hate him for that. He wonders if the words on your skin have taunted you forever and if that’s truly why you don’t want a soulmate.
Colors haven’t faded for him, probably because he keeps following you, trying to be close to you. The color of your hair and eyes, your after school outfits. Your smile and the way you tilt your head back when you laugh. He cannot look away from you.
Berkshire realizes Nott isn’t paying attention to him at all, turning around to see what he’s staring at. “Merlin, is she your soulmate or something?”
Notts heart skips a beat, “What are you talking about? O-Of course she’s not,” trying his best to play it off.
Berkshire gives Nott a look, “You constantly follow her around, you threatened Cedric to not make a move even though he has a soulmate, you always save a blueberry muffin at breakfast in case she sits with us, you always-”
“Are you a detective or something?” Nott says narrowing his eyes.
“Listen, I just think that, if you have something to say…you should say it before it’s too late. I should go, I’m meeting Olivia but…think about it,” he says as he gets up leaving to meet his soulmate, a glint in his eyes.
“Wait,” Nott stops Berkshire, “Don’t tell anyone.”
“I promise.”
As he sits there waiting for you to finish with Cedric, the words Berkshire said can’t leave his mind. Cedric’s soulmate walks up to the table with a smile greeting Y/N, his arrival makes Cedric get up and says goodbye to you.
Nott takes this opportunity to walk up to your table and simply sit down across from you, taking Cedric’s former seat. You simply stare at him, not knowing what to say. His eyes are so brown, his hair looks so soft, and his sweater looks so warm you just want to reach over and feel every part of him.
You’re both staring at each other in silence, both afraid to make the first move, your heart is beating so fast and you can’t think of a single thing to say to him.
He takes a deep breath, looks in your eyes and says, “I know you probably don’t want to talk to me right now but I can’t stop thinking about you and colors are brighter when you’re in the room, I need to see your smile and hear your laugh everyday or else I- I can’t think about anything else and you seem so okay but I-”
To say you’re in shock is an understatement, you’re afraid to open your mouth unsure of what will come out. You reach over the table and hold his hand in an attempt to calm him down, “I’m not okay,” you say looking down at your hands as he starts drawing circles, “I think about you all the time, it’s exhausting.”
“I never thought finding my soulmate would feel like this, I never thought choosing my own path would be the wrong option.” You give him your biggest smile and he stares at you with a glint in his eyes you’ve never seen before. “So, how should we go on about this? Do we tell everyone now?”
You let out a nervous chuckle, “How about we start to get to know each other first?”
“I already know everything about you. You love blueberry muffins, cats, you don’t have a favorite flower because they’re too hard to choose from, you don’t drink your drink until after you finish eating, you hate people who chew with their mouth open, you-”
“Okay! Wow, you really do know me. Have you been purposefully following me?” You say in a teasing tone, your heart warming at the fact that your soulmate knows you, the real you.
You see his cheeks heat up and his head lower, “What? No! Uh-no, I-”
“Nott,” you say pulling your hands back from his, giving him a small smile, “I’m just joking around.”
He grabs your hands back pulling them into his, the warmth of his hands helping with the cold of the library. “It’s Theo.”
Your cheeks warm up, “It’s Y/N.”
It’s been a week since the conversation in the library and having a soulmate was better than you have ever heard. Theo and you haven’t gone further than holding hands in secret and sharing pecks on the cheeks and the corner of each other’s mouth. It has been excruciating holding back from kissing him, but you want him to make the first move.
For the past week, you woke up early in the morning to meet with Theo before breakfast. You told your friends you went to the library to get some extra study hours in. For some reason, they never questioned you and you never questioned that.
They don’t know you meet Theo in either The Room of Requirement or an empty classroom and just talk about anything and everything. Before it was blueberry muffins and now this is the best way to start your days.
This morning you’re laying on the couch in the Room of Requirement with him on top of you as you play with his hair in silence. “Can I admit something to you?”
“Of course you can,” you say furrowing your brows.
He looks up, grinning like a devil, causing you to stop playing with his hair. “I tripped you. When we met, I saw you walking, I saw you in your mind and for some reason I just wanted to…touch you. Which I knew I needed to do because I’ve never felt that way. I’ve never wanted to feel someone’s skin against mine. I don’t want to keep secrets just to keep you.” His voice getting deeper as he talks and your heart beating faster as the air grows thick with something you’re unfamiliar with.
You can’t look away and your skin is burning. Was it always so hot in here? You don’t know what to say. His eyes are so brown, the brown you love. You only have one thing to say, “Kiss me.”
He doesn’t hesitate, holding himself up with his right hand so you’re laying underneath him. He grabs your jaw with his left hand and immediately places his lips on yours. The kiss starts off gently, with you running your fingers through his hair, as you pull on it he immediately begins deepening the kiss, his left hand now cupping the back of your head pulling on your hair.
Typically when walking towards the Great Hall with Theo, you both arrive before anyone and walk to your separate tables, waiting for your friends without suspicion. However this time, with everything that happened, you two were a little late.
You both arrive at the Great Hall and see your friends sitting together, giving you both looks as if they’ve been expecting you. Now your mind is racing with probabilities. Is your shirt ruffled? Is your hair out of place? Are Theo’s buttons unbuttoned? Is Theo’s hair ruffled?
Theo and you sit down seats away from each other as casual as you can as if that would be less suspicious. You serve yourself breakfast, ignoring the silence and obvious topic you’re trying to avoid.
Riddle scoffs, “Okay, I’m tired of this, when are you two going to tell us?” He says looking only at Theo.
“What are you talking about?” Theo says, furrowing his brows feigning confusion.
Ariana speaks up, “Y/N, we really thought you would tell us if anything happened.”
“I understand why you wouldn’t but finding your soulmate is something massive that you needed time to process-”
You cut Sophia off, “Soulmate? So you all know then.”
“We know.” They all say in unison.
“Wait, how? Besides Berkshire who promised not to tell…” Theo said.
“Wait Berkshire figured it out?” You ask.
Berkshire nods his head as he says, “Oh c’mon it was so obvious. He was stalking her, obsessed with blueberry muffins, his mood would change when she was around, he switched seats to be near her, guys around her would suddenly not be-”
Theo narrows his eyes, “Okay, you could’ve stopped a long time ago. We get it.”
You look at your friends, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you guys, it was all just complicated.”
They all look at each other and Violet smiles, “We get it Y/N, we all noticed you’ve been happier too.”
Ariana adds in a teasing tone, “Plus you two weren’t that secretive walking back to the dorms before curfew. I must say though, you actually looked cute, his arm around your shoulder.”
Your cheeks warm up, the fact that they know and it’s now official, setting in.
You turn to Theo, finding him already staring at you. You immediately give him a smile and look into his eyes, his eyes are so brown, the brown you love. He smiles back and-
“Yuck! You two are disgusting, I’m trying to eat my breakfast here,” Malfoy says.
“Alright Theo, let go,” you say getting up from the table ready to get away, “we’ll see you guys later.”
“Theo?” All the boys say in unison.
Theo intertwines your fingers together, glad he doesn’t have to hide you two anymore. “Just keep walking,” he says. However as he leads you out of the Great Hall you don’t miss the teasing “Aw’s” coming from your friends.
He leads you out of the Great Hall, into an empty classroom. He closes the door after you enter and presses you up against the door. He holds your face in his hand, “Please tell me they didn’t scare you off.”
You tilt your head back while laughing, “Of course not.” You peck his lips and pull back too fast for his liking.
“Good because, for whatever it’s worth…I love you, ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard?” He says looking down at you with a shy smile.
You wrap your arms around his neck, shaking your head, “I love you,” pulling him down so your lips could meet.
You pull back and stare into his eyes, his brown eyes, the brown you love so much.
send any requests you would like thank you
I totally edited this after I posted
I know theo doesn’t have brown eyes btw it’s more of a reader(me) thing thanks
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ashwhowrites · 3 days
Could you possibly do a part 2 of the pick me, choose me, love me fic that you did for Eddie x reader
I had a few people wanting a part 2 so I hope this will be a great ending for everyone!
Pick me, choose me, love me part 2
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Y/N yawned as she opened her eyes. She was confused at first but then remembered where she was and why. She felt her stomach sink as she thought about Eddie. It killed her to know her best friend betrayed her and she felt sick at the thought that he knew how she felt for months and never said a thing.
She blinked away her tears as she felt a body moving next to her. She looked over her shoulder, letting out a small laugh as Steve's face was buried in the pillows. She rolled over to face him, closing her eyes to try to get more sleep.
Steve started groaning so she opened her eyes. She smiled when his barely open eyes looked at her. He gave her a tired smile, his hair all over the place as he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer.
"Morning," he said, his voice low and deep from just waking up. "Did you get any sleep?"
"I did. Thanks for letting me crash here," she said, a sad smile on her face. "Guess I should start figuring out what the hell I'm going to do."
"I know what you need to do first," he said, slowly sitting up. The sheet moved and exposed his hairy chest as he smiled over at her.
"What's that?" She asked, trying to keep her eyes respectful.
"Breakfast" he whispered. He laughed as she pushed his shoulder.
"Just when I thought you were going to be helpful!" She teased. She got out of bed and groaned. "Fuck, I don't have clothes or anything."
"I'll drive you home and you can grab a few things. We'll go to breakfast and plan what you want to do next." Steve offered, and Y/N smiled down at him.
"Thank you, Steve. For all of this and helping."
Steve slipped out of bed and walked over to pull her into a hug.
Y/N sighed as they walked up to her door, Eddie's car was up front so she knew she was going to face him.
"You can do this. Just go straight to your room and grab what you need." Steve encouraged. She nodded and unlocked the door.
Steve followed behind her as they walked in. Y/N held her breath as she walked into the living room, Eddie and Kathy were cuddled on the couch watching TV. Upon seeing her, Eddie stood up shocked. Kathy grumbled as her body slumped against the couch.
"I'm just here to grab a few things and I'm gone." She snapped, rolling her eyes when she looked at Kathy. She walked to her room and Steve stayed behind. Y/N knew Eddie picked Kathy but it pained her to see that after the huge blowout, he was still right by her side.
"Eddie, Kathy" Steve greeted
"Playing the knight and shining armor, Harrington? I mean how long has she been running to you and she still has no feelings for you!" Eddie smirked
"Let's see," Steve pretended to think, "I think the first time was when you got completely drunk and told her that sometimes you have dreams about marrying her. Oh! Then a minute later, your tongue was down a girl's throat! That was maybe freshmen year? So um since then!" Steve said as he snapped his fingers. "I don't need her to have feelings for me to care about her. It doesn't give me a purpose to be a cocky son of a bitch like you."
Eddie's smirk dropped and he felt anger rush through him. "I've always cared about her. Her having a crush on me didn't change any way that I treated her!"
"That's true," Steve said as he stepped closer. "It's her that changed the way you treated Y/N." He whispered, his eyes looking over Eddie's shoulder to Kathy.
"You're pathetic, Harrington" Eddie growled, "she has never looked twice in your direction and you think that'll change because she's hurting? You'll just be a rebound. You'll never be me."
"You think I want to be you?" Steve laughed, "She runs away from you and comes straight to me. She comes to me for comfort, for love, for support. You fucked up, man. If she wants a rebound, I'll give her a rebound. I'll give her every damn reason to never speak to you again. You got Kathy, you're not the winner here."
"You'd take advantage of her and fuck her?" Eddie growled, shoving Steve's body.
"Be careful there Eddie, sounds like you might be jealous," Steve winked. He loved edging Eddie on. "I'd never take advantage of her, I'm nothing like you."
"Steve, I'm ready to go," Y/N said as she walked out with a bag.
"Yeah, me too," Steve said
"Y/N, can we please talk?" Eddie asked, ignoring the pain he felt when she stood next to Steve and held his arm for comfort. She used to hold his arm when she needed comfort.
Y/N wanted to say yes, but seeing Kathy on her old couch reminded her nothing was going to change and she'd keep getting hurt.
"Nothing we need to say. Once I figure out where I'm going to stay, I'll be here to pack everything up. Enjoy your life, Eddie." She said sadly, tugging on Steve's arm.
Eddie watched as they walked out, a different feeling swarming around his stomach.
"I think if I moved a few blocks down, it should still be in my price range," Y/N said, cutting up her eggs.
"Do you really want to deal with that? And you'll have to find a roommate." Steve explained, then shoved a mouthful of waffles in his mouth.
"What else can I do? Staying with Eddie is not an option. He'll probably have Kathy move in so I don't think he'll give me the place."
"Live with me," Steve shrugged
Y/N choked on her water, coughing as she set down her cup.
"You don't want me living with you. I'm going to be a mess with all my emotions and you deserve a break some days," she joked, but a sad reality to her words.
"I'll never need a break from you. You've been staying at my place for years when you need it. The only difference is that it's your place now too." Steve explained
"I don't know. What about when you want girls around? You don't need a sobbing girl across the hall." Y/N argued.
"I want you there," Steve said as he reached over and held her hand. "Give it a chance before you go out and spend all your money. It's a free trial!" Steve joked
He smiled when she let out a laugh. "Okay, fine. I'll be your trail roommate!"
It didn't take long for Y/N and Steve to spend every moment together. She always felt happiest around Steve and she forgot how good it felt. He always had her smiling and laughing, and it was refreshing.
After a week, Y/N forced herself back to work. She wasn't sure how it would go now that she and Eddie weren't talking. Or at least she wasn't, he still called every day. She was worried he would be sitting at the bar like he always did, she wasn't sure if she could handle seeing him.
"What do I even say? Can I ignore him? Or do I have to sit there and serve him drinks like he didn't break my heart!" Y/N ranted as she got herself ready for work. Steve sat on her newly claimed bed, admiring her as she brushed through her hair frantically.
"Would you feel more at ease if I came with you?" Steve asked, "If he gets out of line, I'll cut in."
Y/N smiled at him through the mirror, "You'd do that for me? I'm sure there's a better way to spend your Friday night."
"I'd do anything for you, doll." He smiled
"So, how long are you going to wait until you tell her the truth?" Robin asked, playing with the small umbrella in her drink.
Robin and Steve were sitting at the bar, keeping Y/N company throughout her shift. The bar was busy and packed so she was able to keep her mind off Eddie. And it helped that he still hadn't shown.
"What do you mean?" Steve asked, Robin smirked as his eyes stayed on Y/N as she walked through the bar.
"Can you stop staring for a second and talk to me?" Robin joked, hitting Steve's arm.
Steve blinked and looked at Robin, "happy?"
"Yes, and you know exactly what I mean. You can't torture yourself by never telling her you are in love with her." Robin said she could see the emotions changing in Steve's eyes.
"I know and I will tell her. But she's still hurting right now and throwing that on her would be inappropriate. I want her to heal."
"No, you want her to be over Eddie." Robin corrected
"You're a pain in the ass," Steve groaned
"Drinks?" Y/N asked as she leaned over the bar to grab Steve's beer. He coughed as her cleavage poured out of the tiny tank top the bar made her wear.
Robin snickered and Steve was quick to kick her with his foot.
"For you," Y/N smiled as she placed the beer on Steve's napkin, he went to grab it and his fingers gently touched hers. Y/N couldn't help but let her fingers linger before she pulled away. Snapping back into reality as Robin coughed.
"Another one for you, Rob?" Y/N asked politely
"I'm good, gorgeous." Robin winked
Y/N winked back and went to help other customers.
"Do you have to flirt with her right in front of me?" Steve teased
"Let the show begin," Robin said with a smirk as she nodded her head towards the front. Steve looked to the door and there Eddie was walking in.
Steve glared flames into Eddie as he walked further into the bar and took a seat on the other side. Steve smiled when she walked right past Eddie and came to him.
"What do I do? I'm panicking" Y/N whispered, trying her best not to look over her shoulder.
"Want me to ask him to leave?" Steve asked, already standing up
"No!" Y/N said, "I don't need you guys fighting. It's my problem, I need to be an adult and just face him."
"I'll be right here if you need me. Just call me over," Steve said as he sat back down. She leaned over and kissed his cheek.
"Thank you," she said
Robin watched as she left. "He seems pissed. You really get under his skin, don't you?" she asked
"He doesn't like that she realized she doesn't need him," Steve shrugged as he sipped on his beer
"Is he your new bodyguard or does he just follow you around like a love-sick puppy?" Eddie scoffed
"What do you want to drink?" Y/N asked, ignoring his comment as she grabbed a glass
"You might not be talking to me right now, but I'm still your best friend and we can work this out," Eddie explained
"Are you going to break up with her?"
"Why does that have to be the only outcome?"
"Not understanding why tells me there's nothing worth working out. If you were my best friend you wouldn't have hurt me while you knew I have feelings for you. It took me too damn long to see that you don't care about me as much as you say you do. You picked Kathy, you get to live with that choice. And when you wake up and finally realize you picked a fake bitch over the girl who actually loves you, don't you even think about me." She spat, slamming down his glass of beer.
She felt proud as she turned around and walked over to Steve
Eddie gripped his glass as he fumed watching her laughing with Steve.
A few weeks passed and things were changing. The more time Y/N spent with the Steve, the less she thought of Eddie. She was moving on from him and slowly falling into Steve.
She realized it all on a random Sunday. Steve had his friends over for the football game, everyone was cheering and having a good time. Y/N didn't really watch football but she was dressed in one of Steve's jerseys, sitting next to him on the couch. Her legs were sprawled out on his lap, and his large left hand was softly tracing shapes on her bare skin. His eyes were focused on the TV, his mouth running as he talked with his friends. He was occupied by everything around him, but his touch never left her.
There was a knock on the door and Steve got up to answer it
"Hey Y/N," Robin greeted as she walked in with more beer
"Hey girl," Y/N smiled, she stood up so Robin could take her spot. The couch was full and Y/N prepared to head off to her room.
Steve sat down and cracked open a beer, within seconds he was lost in the game. But no matter how occupied he was, he would always know if she was missing.
"Whatcha doing over there? Come sit," Steve laughed as Y/N stood in the hallway
"Robin needs a spot and this is your friend time. I can hang in my room, don't worry about me!" Y/N shrugged
"I can grab a stool from the kitchen!" Robin offered, going to stand up but Steve pushed her back down.
"Nonsense, there is room for both my girls, come here," Steve said as he waved her over
Y/N slowly walked over, she leaned down to whisper in Steve's ear
"I don't want to be rude and make all your friends move," Y/N looked around the couch, all the boys zoned in on the TV and she didn't want to disturb that.
Steve didn't say anything, waiting until she stood up. Once she did, he turned her around and grabbed her hips, throwing her right down on his lap. She squealed in surprise.
Steve wrapped one arm around her and moved up to whisper in her ear,
"This okay?"
The feeling of his hard body against her back, the raspiness in his whisper, his breath tickling her ear, and the way his hand rested on the inside of her thigh made her think of Steve in ways she never had.
"Yeah, it's okay," she said, her voice cracking as she squirmed. Her eyes were on the TV but her mind was busy imagining Steve's hard body in different scenarios.
Ever since then, a crush on Steve formed and kept getting out of control.
More weeks passed and Y/N was a mess for Steve. She tried to keep it under control, cussing herself out for crushing on all the guys she moved in with. She knew how bad it ended last time and did not want to lose Steve too.
But he made it so hard
It was his birthday and he wanted to go clubbing. So now Y/N was slipping on her tightest dress, with her best heels, and perfecting her hair and makeup.
"Hey, are you re-" Steve cut himself off as his jaw dropped. He stared at her as she finished her lipstick. She stood up and turned around to face him. She shivered at the way he looked her up and down, once again making controlling her crush harder to do.
"Yes, let's go!" she rushed out, speeding past him so she could feel herself breathe again.
They were at the club for a few hours, a few drinks, and a lot of dances. They weren't drunk, but their liquid courage seemed to make them more free with each other. Y/N would never be grinding on Steve's body if she was fully sober. And Steve wouldn't be sucking on her neck if he was fully sober. But the heat between them was too much to ignore, the sexual tension needed to be acted upon, or neither would be able to move on.
So lost in lust, neither remembered how they got home. But it didn't matter as they pushed through their front door with their lips locked. They made out as they walked to Steve's room, pushing open his door. Steve pulled away as they walked towards his bed, she stopped when her legs hit the mattress.
"Is this what you want?" He asked, his chest moving rapidly as he breathed hard. She admired his red lips, loving the way she could see just how hard they were kissing. Then she looked into his eyes, so dark and swimming with lust. She wished she was looking at herself through his eyes because she must have looked beautiful by the way he couldn't look away.
"Make me feel good, birthday boy," she whispered, a smirk on her lips as he moaned. She gasped when he pushed her body against the bed and climbed on top of her.
His mouth was on hers as his hands moved under her dress. She moaned as he teased her cunt over her thin underwear. His long fingers slid up and down, his mouth sucking away her breath as she panted underneath him.
Neither wanted to spend time with foreplay, both early tearing each other's clothes off. He was painfully hard and she had never felt so wet in her life. She was running her fingers through his hairy chest and her other hand scratching down his back. His head buried in her neck as he pushed himself inside of her.
He started slow, memorizing how she felt wrapped around him. He had been dreaming of this for years and he didn't want to rush anything. But the way she moaned, begging him for more, and whispering dirty words in his ear made him want to lose himself inside of her.
"Steve please, I can handle it," she begged. He felt amazing don't get her wrong, but she wanted him to fuck her like an animal.
"I've wanted this for so long, I want to feel everything," he said against her lips, his forehead softly pressed against hers. She smiled at his words, feeling her heart burst.
"I promise this won't be the only time. Show me how desperately you want this, let yourself go," she said, reaching up to hold his cheek
He turned his head to kiss her palm
"Tell me if you need me to stop," he said
The second she nodded, his mouth attacked her chest. She moaned out as he bit down on her nipple, tugging it was his teeth as he drilled his cock inside of her.
"Fuck yes," she moaned, smiling as she felt pleasure running all throughout her body. He was long and thick, feeling like heaven inside her as he fucked her fast.
"You feel amazing, baby," He moaned
His bed was smacking the wall
His balls were smacking against her skin
Her moans were turning into screams
"Make me cum, Steve. Make me cum," she whined, throwing her head back
"Gladly" he smirked, and he slid himself out of her. Giving her no time to whine in protest as he flipped her around. She clawed at his pillows as he pushed her hips up, her ass in the air.
She gasped in pleasure as he slipped himself back inside of her, keeping a rapid pace as he moved his right hand down to her clit. She felt her eyes roll in the back of her head as he swirled his fingers against her clit, adding to the pleasure that was building in her stomach.
"Yes, yes, yes" she chanted like a prayer as she felt herself getting close. Then he slipped out of her again and she wanted to cry. But then she felt his wet tongue pushed inside of her.
She cried into the pillows as he tongue fucked her and kept his fingers rubbing circles on her clit. She didn't have time to warn him, her thighs shook and she felt everything snap.
Steve moaned as he felt her cum soak his face. He happily ate her cum, humming at her sweet taste. He groaned as he felt his cock twitch, he pulled back and pushed himself back inside her wet cunt.
She yelped at the overstimulation, crying into the sheets as he chased his orgasm.
"Fuck, you're gonna make me cum so hard" he moaned
"Fucking," thrust "Gorgeous," thrust, "best" thrust, "sex of," thrust, "my life,"
"Oh my god" Y/N whined as she felt Steve cumming inside of her. She could feel his warm cum painting her walls, every drop inside of him, her cunt milking him until he was empty.
His sweaty body collapsed against her back. He panted as he slowly stood up with shaky legs. She rolled her body over, a blissful smile on her face. Her eyes were heavy as she looked at him through her lashes, his sweaty and toned body standing over her.
He looked down at her in awe
She wiggled her finger to call him closer, he listened and leaned down. She smiled as she leaned up and softly kissed his lips.
The next morning Steve was in the kitchen making breakfast, his chest bare and a pair of sweatpants low on his hips. When he moved a certain way he could feel the scratches on his back and he'd hiss at the sting.
He was lost in memory when he heard a knock on the door. He turned off the stove and walked over to the door. He opened it and was surprised to see Eddie.
"I need to talk to Y/N," he demanded
"Hello to you too Eddie, and I don't think that is a good idea," Steve explained, ready to shut the door but Eddie stopped the door with his hand
"I don't care what you think, I need to talk to her," Eddie argued
"Well, she's not here so bye," Steve again tried to close the door but Eddie wasn't having any of it.
"I feel like I can barely walk, Steve. Jesus chr-EDDIE!" Y/N froze as she walked out of the bedroom. Her eyes locked between Eddie and Steve, both men looking mad as ever, but for different reasons.
Eddie felt his heart race as she stumbled as she walked, her words, and the dark marks on her neck. Eddie didn't take long to connect the dots; all he saw was red.
"YOU FUCKER!" Eddie screamed, taking Steve down to the floor. Y/n screamed in panic as Eddie and Steve began to brawl on the ground in front of her.
"EDDIE GET OFF!" Y/N screamed, grabbing his arm and shoving him away from Steve. Eddie stood on his feet, glaring as she helped Steve stand up. She frowned at the little blood that fell from Steve's nose.
"What the hell is your problem!" Y/N spat, turning around as her glare landed on Eddie
"He's my fucking problem," Eddie hissed, pointing his finger at Steve as he seethed in anger. "I knew all along that fucker liked you. Sitting in the corner, being a shoulder for you to cry on so he can make moves on you!"
"Why do you care so much? It's not like Y/N is your girlfriend, Eddie. I'm not in the wrong for going after what I want. You've got your girlfriend to focus on so leave us alone" Steve spat
"Kathy and I broke up"
Y/N whipped her head to look at Eddie, pure shock on her face
"What?" Y/N asked
Eddie looked at Y/N, softly grabbing her hand. Steve held himself back from tearing Eddie's hand off.
"I miss you," he said, his eyes staring deep into Y/N's. "I realized everything too late, I know that. But you changed my life and I'm never going to get over losing you. I should have listened when you warned me and I regret nothing more than picking her over you. I'm jealous, I'll be honest. The idea of you and him," Eddie said as he nodded his head towards Steve with a pained look, "breaks my heart. I thought I was so angry about it because I wanted to protect you, but I know that's not why."
"Eddie, what are you saying?" Y/N gulped
"I'm saying that I'm jealous and angry about Steve because I have feelings for you. I think I always have, it just took so damn long to realize it. I love you and I'm sorry for all the pain I put you through. I want you to come home, and I want to work this out. I want you."
Steve could feel his heart-shattering in his chest with every word. It hurt to see the look in Y/N's eyes. It was everything she wanted to hear ever since she fell for him. Eddie confessed he was in love with her, and Steve had no idea where that left him.
"Eddie I-I" Y/N stuttered, she was honestly at a loss for words
"Just say you love me too," Eddie begged, pushing his forehead against hers, he held her face in place. His rough hands on her delicate cheeks
Steve had to look away, the water filling his eyes as he tried to hold back his tears
"I love you too," she whispered
Steve bit down on his lip as hard as he could, silencing his sobs as his body shook. He did everything for her, he treated her the way she deserved, and he still wasn't going to get the girl.
"But I'm not in love with you anymore"
Her words made both boys freeze
Y/N stepped back, taking Eddie's hands off of her.
"What?" Eddie whispered, a pained look in his eyes as she kept stepping back
"I spent years wanting to hear you say that, but I've never felt loved by you. But Steve," she said, walking over to him. She softly grabbed his hand, "he shows me how much he loves me every day"
"I understand," Eddie choked out
Steve and Y/N watched as Eddie left, the door closing behind him
"So, you've uh liked me that long?" Y/N asked, a small smile on her face as she turned to look at Steve
"Just a bit," he shrugged
Y/N stood in front of him, dropping his hand to reach up and wipe away his tears
"I like you too, you know just a bit," she joked, loving the way he smiled and laughed
"I was preparing to lose you" Steve sighed
Y/N nodded and cupped his cheek, she leaned in and kissed his lips. "You won't. I pick you"
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maxlarens · 10 days
driver!reader and engineer!george spiel:
I can just imagine if driver had a tyre blowout or smth George just becomes so apologetic and feels terrible-
“I’m so sorry I didn’t notice it in the data-“
*driver sighs* “for the a thousandth time, it wasn’t your fault.”
also when driver first moved to the team George had no idea how to comfort them after a bad race, unsure if they wanted space, or just someone to be with them. George decides to keep his distance until one race where driver just sighs and mutters “stay…please.” George’s heart melts and combusts simultaneously at this.
i love this it’s so sweet!!!! hope y'all enjoy!!! i feel so bad for not posting anything recently so i wrote this sooo quickly before i had to get ready for work lol😵‍💫😵‍💫
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You know the disqualification wasn’t your fault.
You know that. How could it possibly be your fault anyway? Sure, if you twist it into something utterly unrecognisable you could make it into a personal failing. But you’re trying not to blame yourself for every little thing, and you’re trying hard not to micromanage.
You’re new at Mercedes anyway, you don’t want to come off too strong. Scare them off before they start to really trust you. It's a miracle in and of itself that you're here. A rookie driver, a woman, at Mercedes of all teams. Alongside Lewis Hamilton. You've got Susie and Toto Wolff to thank for that you suppose.
Anyway, you're trying hard not to think about the car just on the other side of the wall. Trying not to grab a tape measure and measure the chassis yourself. Like you'll find anything different than the FIA, like it'll change anything at all.
It's only P8 after all— four points— which is four points you'd have really liked to have to your name. Especially so early on in your rookie season. Toto knows that, had been apologetic on behalf of the team during the debriefing. You'd understood.
You'd tried to understand at least.
He'd said it wouldn't happen again.
Still, it hurts. There this ache in your chest that makes it feel like your hopes and dreams are slipping away through your fingers. This was the first race you felt you'd really begun to prove yourself and your position on this team and now everyone will be able to point to the disqualification and say this is why. She doesn't have the raw skill, it's because of the car—
"There's next week."
You snap your head up, startled at the noise. It's George, in the doorway. You'd not heard him come in, too busy navel-gazing, feeling sorry for yourself. God, you're pathetic.
"Hm", you question, trying not to let on that you're utterly miserable.
"There's next week," he repeats, inching into the room and closing the door gently behind him, "You'll do it again next week."
Your mouth twists involuntarily, skeptical. Even though you know it wasn't you. It was the car, it was some silly mistake from the warehouse. You couldn't have done anything. It just inexplicably feels like the world is crumbling in on you and you can't figure out why.
"You think?"
George nods, expression serious, a little harrowed. But sympathetic, like he understands, like he knows how it feels. You're inclined to believe that he does, he'd not given you a reason to think otherwise in the six odd months you've known him.
"Pretty sure," he says in such a way that you're sure he means 'unequivocally yes', like he believes in you wholeheartedly, like he'd never doubt you.
You're not sure what you've done to deserve that from him. This unwavering loyalty to you that he seems to have already. You just know you feel it too. Inexplicably.
You watch him, long-limbed and slightly out of place, shifting from foot to foot under your stare. He makes a move to leave after a long minute, giving you a cursory nod— you feel something open up in your chest at the thought of him leaving right. Some pit of yearning, some ache that you cant quite place.
"Wait," you say, feeling brave.
His hand falls from the door knob, he turns, tilting his head at you in question. His eyebrows furrowed.
"Would you stay? For a bit?"
He's nodding before you've got the words out, crossing the room to sit next to you on the couch. Not too close, but enough that you can feel the body heat radiating off him, smell him, a little sweaty from being out on the pit-lane, but mostly the smell of his cologne.
"Yeah," he says gently, "Of course, I can."
You nod in thanks, feeling a little exposed, a little vulnerable from your shame, from begging for a friend in him.
"Thank you, George. I just—" don't have anyone else, you don't say, feeling like that might be too far. Instead you let you sentence taper off and sigh, letting some tension leech out of you, "Yeah."
George moves closer, fractionally. Feeling brave again, you lean your head onto his shoulder, hoping he doesn't mind too much. You decide he doesn't when his arm comes around so he can rub little comforting circles into the top of your shoulder.
Slowly but surely, you feel all the anger and the sadness make way for some warm fuzzy feeling in your stomach. From then on, George becomes a regular fixture in your driver's room, especially post-race, especially when you feel like your heart has been stomped on. It's hard to feel like shit when George acts like you're capable of anything.
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headcanon: george is a former driver turned engineer!
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hysteria-things · 8 months
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read part two here
read part three here
read part four here
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: dom!nate x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: it feels like every day there’s a blowout between you and nate. however, something changes when all of a sudden he’s knocking at your bedroom window.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUTTY SMUT, swearing, teasing, some praise/degradation, pet names (pretty), p in v, unprotected sex (don’t be silly wrap your willy!), stomach bulge, possessiveness, cream pie, ROUGHHH
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1,172
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: this is low key toxic LMAO but it’s okay cause nate’s a cutie patootie.
thank you anon! hope you like it❤️
for some reason when i listened to this song it make me think of this fic, even though i would never picture him like this at all😭
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tap tap tap.
“you cannot be fucking serious.” you curse softly, placing your phone on the bed as you get up and head over to the window.
it’s no secret that you hate nathan doe, and he hates you too.
your parents are close with his, but nate has always been a little shit.
ever since you two were kids, he’d pick on you. you’d understand that it was friendly banter since he’s, y’know; a boy. boys do that.
but it was never like that with him.
you unlock your window and open it, staring at the boy squatting on your roof. he’s in a t-shirt and gray sweats, his hair damp from showering.
“are you kidding right now, nate?”
“can i come in?” he asks, already making his way through your window.
you roll your eyes. “i mean, you already are.”
he stands in the middle of your room with his hands in his pockets, looking around. “what do you want?” you groan.
he snaps his head toward you. “what? can an old friend not visit?”
“you hate me.”
he raises his eyebrows and glances down your body. “i didn’t see you at the game today.”
“i’d rather die than go to a lacrosse match,” you say. you guys are standing across from each other, and it’s weirdly comforting. you two would be trying to fight right now, but even if you were you’d be too tired to.
“what do you want, nate?” you repeat, this time more harshly.
“why do you always have a fucking attitude?” he snaps.
there it is.
you scoff. “stop with this nice act. i shouldn’t have even let you in.”
“yet, you did!” he says with a high voice, taking his finger and pointing upward.
“fuck you.”
“you wish.”
you squint your eyes at the boy. you should’ve pushed him off of your roof when you had the chance.
“i’d watch that mouth if i were you, y/l/n.” he now points at you. “it can get you into big trouble.”
your next two words were meant to be in your head. “make m—”
in one stride, nate pulls you in by the throat and smashes his lips on yours. you would think you’d want to pull away but no. you kiss back with hunger.
he pushes you against your bedroom door, not breaking the kiss as he lifts the bottom of your band tee to push his fingers inside your underwear.
he pulls away to make eye contact with you as he starts to rub your embarrassingly wet clit with his fingers. he smirks when he realizes this is all from him.
you fight every fiber in your body to not give him the satisfaction of giving you pleasure. not even a lip bite or a buck of the hips, even though you want to.
so. fucking. bad.
he continues to rub at a decent pace. “why so quiet now? cats got your tongue, pretty?”
“don’t call me that, asshole.” you spit back. “i hate you.”
he chuckles under his breath. “seems like it.” he mocks.
the heaving of your chest gets faster when you feel the knot start to form in the pit of your stomach. you curl your hands into fists that are on your sides when you feel wetness drip down your inner thighs. nate scans your face until he figures out what just happened. “came already? my fingers weren’t even inside you. that’s a little pathetic, don’t you think?”
“shut. up,” you say through gritted teeth.
you look down at his sweats without thinking, seeing the imprint of his boner as clear as day. he leans to your ear and takes his hands out.
“feel how hard it is, pretty?” he jolts his hips into your clothed pussy. “it’s all because of you. i can never stop thinking about you, you know that? you’re engraved in my mind and i hate you for it. i always get off to what you’ll look like wrapped around my cock.”
your bottom lip quivers from his words. you don’t know what to say; the only thing you can think about is what you need. you need him.
he starts sucking a mark into your neck while untying his pants and pulling them past his thighs.
he lifts you, your legs dangling at his sides. he moves your panties to the side and starts to enter you slowly.
you pinch your lips together when you feel him all inside of you.
he groans at the feeling. “better than i’ve imagined.”
his thrusts start small but he gradually gets faster to the point where he pulls back and slams back in. you bite back your moan.
“so stubborn,” he whispers, taking your bottom lip out from your teeth with his thumb.
one thing to keep in mind is that your parents are sleeping just across the way, but you can’t seem to hold it in any longer.
don’t do it… don’t do it… don’tdoitdon’tdoitdon’tdoit.
“oh, god, nathan!” you cry out, immediately covering your mouth.
“there she is,” he says. he somehow makes himself go deeper.
“fuck, nate. fuck!” your noises are muffled by your hand.
you look over his shoulder at the window, realizing you never closed it. even though your room is on the second floor, people can still see and hear you.
nate turns his head to see where you are looking at and smirks. he takes your hand off of your mouth.
“don’t hide your sounds. i want everybody to know who makes you feel this good.”
you whimper and look down, seeing how he fills you from the bulge in your tummy with the movement of his thrusts. your mouth drops slightly at the sight. “see how well i fill you up, pretty? see how good you take my cock?”
you whimper again and grip his shoulders, dragging your nails down his upper back. “how long has it been since you’ve been fucked this good?”
“a l-long time.” you moan in pleasure as he hits that spot inside you. “right there, right there! please don’t stop.”
“whose is it, y/n?” he starts. “whose pussy is this?”
“y-yours, nate. it’s all yours.” you cry out. “i need to cum. please let me cum for you.”
you keep blabbing out nonsense as he fucks the living daylights out of you. “gonna cum inside this sweet cunt so you know it’s mine. you’re all mine, pretty. don’t ever forget it, yeah?”
“yes. yes!” you repeat. “i’m all yours. all yours, nathan.”
he kisses you as he spills every drop inside of you. you soon after gush around his dick, legs shaking and toes curling as you do so.
he sets you down and holds you by the waist so you don’t stumble over from all of the stimulation. he holds you in a tight hug and whispers sweet nothings in your ear.
then, the light in the hallway flicks on and you hear footsteps.
“y/n!” your dad bellows. “what the fuck is going on in there?!”
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @hearts4chris @mattslolita @sturnbaby
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skzstannie · 6 months
"Just Breathe"
SKZ -> Minho x GN!reader
genre: exes to ??, hurt/comfort, angsty wc: ~1,200 cw: brief descriptions of a panic attack, reader has claustrophobia but it's not directly mentioned
summary: After a nasty breakup, you're hoping to never see Minho again. However, when your stuck in an uncomfortable situation, Minho is right by your side yet again.
A/N: Well hello again! It's been forever, so I thank you for being so patient. School has been stressful as ever (I'm actually procrastinating as I write this), but I wanted to get something out to you guys even if it's short and kinda shitty (but oh well). I have a few requests, and once school eases up, I'll get right on them! Just want to make sure they're good quality.
Not proofread (oops)
Happy Scrolling! | Masterlist
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"What I wouldn't give to live in a different apartment complex right now," you sigh, standing as you wait for the elevator.
The elevators have had a vendetta against you all week, and you've been trying to not let it get to you, but after waiting for the fifth minute with no luck, your patience starts to run a little thin.
Taking the stairs is always an option, however, you live on the 15th floor, and 30 flights of stairs is certainly not for the weak. You would know, as yesterday you took the alternative route. It left you a sweaty mess with sore limbs and blisters on the back of your heels, something you're not looking to experience on the daily.
Finally, the elevator dings, signaling it's arrival, and you pick your bag up from the floor. A load of people step out the elevator, explaining why it took so long to arrive. You step in, turning to press your floor. The doors begin to close, but a hand sticks itself in to the gap before they close all the way. Your eyes narrow at the person before they're even in your view, upset that you're once again behind held up.
All you want is to go upstairs and lay on your couch to take a nap.
What sliver of patience you had left in you quickly diminishes once you see who has stopped the elevator.
Lee freaking Minho, your ex. Things didn't exactly end well between the two of you. There were multiple accusations of cheating going around about the both of you, and neither of you were putting enough trust in the other person. He thought he was the one to end it, and you thought you were the one to end it- so things didn't end on a very concise note. Not that you were complaining; after the blowout fight you two had, you were hoping to never see him again. This was unlikely though, as he lived in the same apartment complex as you.
His eyes widen upon seeing your agitated stance, and he scoffs when you roll your eyes. You hope for a moment he'll just turn around and walk out upon seeing you, but your heat drops when he doesn't. In fact, he has the audacity to even ask you to press his floor.
"17, please," he smirks at you, sarcasm dripping from his tongue.
"What, you can't reach over there yourself?"
"No can do sweetheart, you know I'm not one for unnecessary movements," he snaps back, leaning back against the cool elevator wall.
You scowl at him before relenting, reaching over to press his floor for him.
It's silent for a moment, and you relish in the peace of not having to hear him run his mouth. All good things must come to an end, unfortunately.
"You know, if you keep scowling like that it might stick forever," he comments, crossing his arms over his chest. You once might've fawned at the way his shirt tightens around his chest and arms, but the only emotion you feel now is annoyance.
"I'm sure you know from experience, right?" you shoot back, keeping your head facing forward as to not give him any satisfaction.
Just try to ignore him.
You can see out of your periphery how he rolls his eyes, pulling his phone out of his back pocket to busy himself.
You breath a little easier upon seeing he's going to leave you alone now, and you bring yourself to watch the different floors pass as the elevator goes up.
You watch as you hit floor 10, then suddenly the elevator jerks to a stop. You stumble a bit, not expecting the jolt. The number disappears, and the elevator, once lit with the overhead light, turns pitch black.
Your breathing immediately picks up, and you crouch on the floor to try and ground yourself.
"Y/N?" Minho says, his voice shaky and apprehensive.
"Shut up," you tell him, focusing on trying not to hyperventilate.
"It'll be fine," he says, trying to reassure both you and him, "I'll just press the emergency button, and hopefully they'll have it up and running again soon."
You don't respond. You bring your hands up into your hair, subconsciously tugging at the strands roughly. You squeeze your eyes tightly, anything to distract from the panic bubbling up through your chest.
You feel a hand rest gently on your back, but you immediately push it away. as if it's burned you. Minho's brought out his flashlight from his phone, illuminating the elevator in a soft glow.
"Don't touch me," you rasp out, falling back onto your bottom. You bring your knees up to your chest, burying your head between them.
"You need to calm down, you're going to give yourself a panic attack."
While you'd love to scream at him, tell him that he's not allowed to comfort you anymore. That he's not allowed to tell you what to anymore. That he had his chance to be a good boyfriend, but he threw it away.
You wish you could tell him all those things. Scream in his face, tell him how badly he'd hurt you. He'd hurt you bot only by accusing you of cheating on him, but also with hanging out with your ex-best friend, someone he knew had hurt you very badly in the past, enough for you to cut all ties with her.
While this is what you wanted to do, you know your body needed something different.
Throughout your relationship, Minho was your rock. Through thick and thin, he'd always been there for you. Every accomplishment, every set back. Every celebration, and, in turn, every panic attack. Unfortunately, the latter happened more frequently than you'd like to admit, and he'd gotten quite good over the years at comforting you through them.
So, deciding to listen to what you knew your body needed, you gave in.
"Please just hold me," it came out as a whisper, but Minho had no problem hearing you over the silence encompassing the elevator.
While you were having your own internal battle, Minho was also contemplating his options.
He knew if he held you, if he comforted you, all those emotions he'd suppressed for the last few months would resurface. He'd worked so hard to get his life back on track, all for you to inadvertently ask him to throw it all away.
In his heart, he knew what he needed to do. It was the just the two of you in this elevator, and he'd be a monster to tell you no, especially since he knew what would happen if he did.
So, with that, he quickly dropped down onto the floor. He wrapped his strong arms around you, and immediately you felt the panic begin to subside. It was amazing what this presence could do to your fragile mind in times like these; it never failed to amaze you.
You leaned your head against his chest, taking slow and deliberate breaths to try and slow your heartrate down.
"That's it. You're ok, we'll get out of here. Just breathe." He let his arms tighten around you, and he realizes just how much he missed having you in his arms. How natural it felt for him to comfort you in this way.
"I'll get you out of here."
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kcsplace · 2 years
Steve gets started attending Community College,but he doesn't tell anyone, embarrassed that he might fail, that they'll tease him, that they'll be embarrassed by him.  Nancy is going to go off and change the world, Jonathan's photography talent is gonna get him into art school somewhere, Robin is having colleges trip over themselves to offer her scholarships and Eddie's band is starting to draw crowds that aren't just about "checking out the maybe-possible-kinda-murderer-dude". 
Why would any of them want to hang out with a loser like Steve?
Steve, madly desperately and stupidly in love with Eddie even if he hasn’t said anything thinks that means he can't have kids now, but he knows he's good with them.  He also knows what its like to go from hero to zero and just how easy it is to be a shit in school and how important it is to change.  So he thinks he could be a good guidance counsellor.  He thinks he could help those kids out.  Kids like Max and Eddie that don’t have all the things he had growing up, kids like himself who didn’t have positive role models, kids like Will and Robin that are a little different.
His father shat all over that dream, told him he'd be shit at it, just like everything else he tried - he can’t even win a championship in four years of trying -, and so he's not paying for it.  As a result, sure in his decision, Steve's been working to pay for college (much easier in the 80s admittedly and at CC) but he's burning the candle at both ends, especially working for the credits to transfer as a junior into a four year college. 
Eddie finds him asleep in his car outside his latest job, all his textbooks on the seat next to him.  He lets himself into the car, wakes Steve up, all the textbooks in his lap, flipping through their pages in the dim illumination provided by the dome light.  Steve thinks Eddie's gonna mock him, tell him he's gonna be bad at it, he won’t be able to hack community college let alone a four-year, and even if he could, what school would hire a loser like him to help kids? He’s waiting to hear all about how stupid Steve is to think that just because he kept a couple kids alive, he thinks he can guide them during their most vulnerable times.  Steve tries to steer it off, starts blathering out that its nothing, just y'know, Robin tells him all thetime its good for the brain to learn and his dad’s been riding him to grow up and shit and that it was just an available course, but Eddie isn't actually dumb.
He starts dropping off notebooks to Steve's work, new stationery, he likes the feeling that his gifts help Steve get his grades, that Steve's working toward his future with the pens that Eddie gave him.  Its stupid little shit but seeing the pens that Eddie gave him shoved behind Steve's ear or him chewing on them while he studies...it gives Eddie the warm and fuzzies OKAY? he doesn't wanna talk about it
Seriously, Robin, he doesn’t wanna talk about spending a quarter of his legally obtained paycheck (fuck you so much, Sheriff) on shit from Ink Spot and he isn’t gonna.
after six months of keeping Steve’s secret, Eddie heads over to the Harrington house for some movies and weed - its not a school night after all - only to see Steve’s textbooks sticking out the trash.  He finds a dejected Steve sitting by the pool, and drops them all in his lap.  Turns out, after weeks of work and research, Steve had gotten a C on an important essay. 
“So you just quit?”
“Why not? I clearly can’t handle it.”
“Y’know, maye you should.”
“’Scuse you?”
“The kids deserve better than some iidiot that just quits the moment shit gets tough.”
“Glad you agree.”
“Or, you could let me help you.”
“You. the guy that took three goes to graduate?”
“Just proves I stick to shit until it’s done. And I’m gonna make sure yu do the same.”
One year, countless study sessions, one immense blowout fight over the Oxford comma, and a loyalty card to the Ink Spot later, Steve turns up on Eddie’s doorstep with an envelope that he thrusts at Eddie.  Tearing into the envelope like a gremlin, Eddie stares at the words in front of him.
“Dear Mister Harrington, we are delighted to inform hmpffff-”
Eddie might not have been prepared for Steve to kiss him, but he got on board real quick.  Literally.  Dropping the letter and its promise of a place at Purdue for Steve to transfer to complete his degree, Eddie wrapped his arms around Steve’s neck, hopped and wrapped his legs around the man’s hips.
“Never made out with a college boy, before.”
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thatanimeramenchick · 7 months
Yandere Vox x Secretary Reader Pt. 3/Finale
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This is the finale. Ya’ll are not talking me into another one.
Word count: 4,313
Part One - Part Two
You had a lot of time to think before you saw Vox again.
Your little spat had kept him from visiting you for about a week and a half, which was fine by you. He was often so busy he only visited you every other day or so even before your blowout. It would have been more than fine by you if you weren’t completely alone that entire time, having nothing to do but live with your depressing thoughts. Thoughts that always led you back to the same dark place at the end of the day.
In your heart, you knew there was nothing you could do to get out of the situation. Kick and scream as you would you weren’t leaving. It was only going to be a matter of time before all of his patience evaporated, and he really lost it with you. And while a part of you wanted to hold out that he would give up or die before then, the logical part of your mind knew he would snap way before that happened. You didn’t even want to know what he would do to you then. If you came to some kind of arrangement you could tell yourself you had at least agreed to things on a surface level, even if it had been something you didn’t want to do. So, your mind had been whirling like crazy, trying to come up with a plan of some kind of a proposal that would make you feel like you had at least a little control.
Besides, you had been locked up in here for what, four month? You had turned it over and over and over in your mind. While it was true you might have to wait a small eternity before you found a way out of his arms, it was going to take just as long to get out of here even without the contract. At least with one you’d be able to leave regularly and try to work something out.
By the time he had finally decided to grace you with his presence again, you had worked out a shoddy idea of how you want this to go.
This would be fine. He had accepted your apology well enough, seeming to take a certain pleasure in your partially feigned shame and timidity. You had even managed to wrap your arms around him for a few seconds as you asked for forgiveness. While his initial reaction was to look at you with some surprise, his face has soon changed to one of self-satisfied indulgence, and he had caressed your head with a patronizing touch. How could he remain angry at you when he cared so much for you and you were clearly so sorry for your behavior?
Now that you were actually sitting beside him though, you weren’t sure you actually wanted to go through with the rest of your plan. He was on his phone, no doubt checking something for work. You bounced your legs, crossed at the knee, working up the courage to say what you wanted to.
You cleared your throat.
“Vox? I-I wanted to ask you a question,” you said.
He looked up from his phone.
“If it’s all right, I would like to go out to dinner,” you said, “In an actual restaurant.”
“And I would let you out, why?” he asked.
This was going to be the hard part, forcing yourself to actually say the words.
“If you let me out of here for a little while, I-I’d give you something you want,” you said, “Something you’ve wanted for a while.”
You sucked in a hurried breath, suppressing the urge to shudder.
“It could even be a formal deal,” you said, words rushed together now that you had worked up the courage to say them, “If you take me out for the evening, dinner and a hotel, I’ll let you do whatever you want with me afterwards. I’ll even consider the contract.”
You made yourself look him in the eyes, your body stiff. You forced yourself to smile at him, but with how strained it felt, you didn’t doubt that Vox could see how fake it was. There was only so much you could fake about actually wanting this. Despite your obvious discomfort though, Vox’s looked at you thoughtfully, as if actually considering the proposal.
“Why not just sign the contract now?” he asked, “If you’re serious about being cooperative why hold it out?”
“I want to be sure it’s something I actually want to agree to,” you said, “L-like a test run.”
He smirked, “So you’re saying you want to take the car for a ride before buying it?”
You avert your gaze, feeling your face heat up.
“S-sure, yeah,” you said, “I mean, it only makes sense that I see what it’s like before I commit permanently.”
He was quiet for a minute before a satisfied looked crossed his face.
“All right. What the hell, why not? Let’s make it official then. We agree that, if I take you out to dinner in a real restaurant and then to a hotel, let’s say on Saturday, you’ll do whatever I want that night?” he asked, holding out his hand.
You listened. It was obvious to you that he was using carefully planned out words, as Overlord’s often did in their deals and contracts, making sure that it was clear on both ends what would be expected and fulfilled. A part of you also wanted to make sure he didn’t slip anything in there that would trap you in over your head even more, which was a common tactic with demons.
“… Except make another deal or contract,” you said.
“Except make another deal or contract.”
You supposed that this was as good as it was gonna get. You took his hand hesitantly.
It hurt. It felt like a shock of static had gone through you, a little painful but more annoying than anything. Over as soon as it started. Blue light had near blinded you for a second before dissipating as well. You felt a small tug on your chest somewhere deep inside, probably in your soul somewhere. Not too apparent, but it had been there nonetheless. You rubbed your arms a bit, the lingering spark cooling.
“I trust you’re not going to do anything stupid like trying to run off,” Vox said.
“Do I look like a moron to you?” you said, the words out more resentful than you intended.
“Of course not. But you and I both know you’ve been a bit out of sorts lately,” he said, “Acting irrationally.”
“Couldn’t imagine why,” you said sarcastically
You feel your face contort in fear as the last word hangs in the air and Vox raises an eyebrow at you. Shit. He stares at you blankly for a minute taking a strand of hair in his claws, causing you to flinch. He smirks at that.
“Hmph, well, I suppose you just need some stress relief,” he said, “Which I’ll be more than happy to assist you with very, very soon.”
You were filled with apprehension the night of the outing. Your stomach turned as you sat in the restaurant, so stressed from your situation that you had a headache. At least, that’s what you told yourself it was, as the alternative reason was much more unpleasant. Part of you wondered if your nerves were a wreck from your confinement. You hadn’t been out around people in forever. Even if it was a relatively short time period, it was clear that being isolated for so long was having an affect on your mental durability in public. Everything just felt like it was too much. The loud noises of the city and bright lights in the restaurant unnerved you. You just wanted to take a remote and turn down the intensity of the room.
You supposed alcohol made a good substitute for that.
You started pouring yourself another cup, some of the wine spilling onto the table as you overfilled it. Before you could pick it up though, Vox took it.
“Hey, give that back,” you said, unable to grasp it as he held it out of your reach.
“F/N, you’re going to pass out at this rate,” Vox said.
“S-so?” you said.
“So I don’t want to drag a half dead woman around town for people to gawk at,” he said.
You tense as he wraps an arm around your shoulder and pulls you closer to him.
“And… I would prefer it if you actually were awake when we spend time together tonight,” he said.
Well, clearly Vox wasn’t as stupid as you’d been hoping. He never was. You had partially been downing alcohol like it was water in the hopes that you’d be so out of it that whatever gross fantasies he fulfilled with you would be lost in a hazy blur. You didn’t want to remember it when you woke up in the morning.
“… of course,” you said.
“Why don’t you eat some more?” he said, “Try to clear your mind.”
You didn’t really want to though. You liked shrimp, but something about this dish was making you feel nauseous. You weren’t sure if it had gone bad or if you just weren’t in the mood stomach anything knowing what was going through his head. Not wanting to irritate him though, you picked at the dish a little. Damn it, you had done this to have one more night of imagined partial freedom, and you couldn’t even do that. Pathetic.
“I don’t feel well,” you whined, “It’s too loud in here. And the light is hurting my eyes. Can’t someone turn it down?”
“You’re so needy, dearest,” Vox said, but he called your waitress over.
“Dim the lights for us,” he said.
The waitress looked a little nervous.
“What do you not know how to turn down a light?” he asked.
“No! I do! It’ll just be a second!” she said.
She brought over a spare chair and stood on it, trying to reach the light. One of her large horns twisted in the glass beads, getting tangle.
“I know what I’m doing! I promise,” she said, looking panicked.
You weren’t so sure about that as she lost her footing and she swung off the chair, kicking her feet erratically through the air. Not wanting to get smacked in the face you ducked. You wondered if the alcohol had knocked you out and this was just some weird hangover dream.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Vox yelled.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, I just-!”
Before she could finish, the chandelier could no longer take her weight and fell onto the table and floor, shattering into a million pieces, wire torn and dragged out from the ceiling. The electric charge in them was still quite strong though, some of them sparking with a life of their own, twisting and sputtering.
“What the fUuuuUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkk-k-k-k?”
Before Vox could move out of the way the wire had made contact with one of the openings on the back of his head, sending him shocking and jolting. His face flew through a hundred different images, colors flying across it as static burst from his head. His entire body jolted as it overflowed with electricity.
“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry!” the waitress shrieked.
“I-I… c-c-c-ca-a-an’t…” Vox tried to speak, his entire head buzzing at the overload of electricity before he slumped over, knocked out. His screen was all black. As he went out, he fell forward and the wire disconnected. The sparking and burning had stopped, but there was a foul smell in the air, like something was burning.
You watched as your waitress started to panic.
“Oh, shit, shit, shit,” she said, “I’m so, so sorry! L-let me get my boss! We’ll fix this!”
Several other wait staff had walked over, and even some other customers turned their heads at the commotion. This was going to look really bad on the restaurant if they didn’t do something. At some point, you saw the waitress hurrying back, her boss with her. As they neared, more people crowded around the scene.
“Are you ok, ma’am? Are you hurt at all?” a waiter asked, helping you stand and move away from the wires and glass.
“I’m fine,” you mumbled.
It had all happened so fast you barely had time to mentally catch up to what was happening. The waiter walked you over to a nearby empty table, sitting you down.
“Why don’t you just wait here?” he said.
“O-ok, sure…” you said.
You stared at the scene of panicked people for a minute, brain fuzzy, before standing up. No one even glanced in your direction as you started to wander towards the entrance of the building. It wasn’t like people knew who you were or cared, and everyone had seen what had happened. They were all too worried about Hell’s biggest media manager to notice you.
I’m not running away. Of course not. It’s not like there’s anywhere to go anyway.
But your body was telling a different story as it pushed passed the waitstaff to the door. You walked out of the building, shaking a little from your inebriated state. You could do this though. You could walk a straight line. Right, you could do this. It’s not like you were running away. No, you weren’t that stupid. Just taking a little walk. Just one foot in front of the other. Left, right, left, right- Escape. Escape. Now’s your chance. Find a place with no cameras. Don’t let him catch you. Don’t let him find you. Don’t-
No, no, no. This wasn’t the time to get sick. But either you were too stressed or that shrimp really must have gone bad, because there was no holding back what wanted to come out. Before you knew it, you were bent over the public trash can vomiting up the little you had been eating and the fountain of wine you had been drinking.
“You all right, dear?” you heard someone saying
I’m puking over an outdoor trash bin, genius, what do you think?
You hurled for a few more seconds before pausing, coughing a little. You took a deep breath before looking up woozily at the concerned face who was looking down at you. And you really had to look up, not only because you were still learning over the trash can, but because of how tall the person was that you had been talking you. Once you laid eyes on him, you would have gasped if your throat didn’t burn with acid.
“A-Alastor?” you managed to choke out.
“The one and only, darling,” he said, “Glad to know my reputation proceeds me.”
He was taller than you had imagined, and his face disconcerting. While you had seen pictures and drawings, they had not been able to quite capture the eerie cheerfulness that his smile held, so large against his thin frame. A suppressed chill ran through your body at the knowledge that you were talking to your boss’s proclaimed “nemesis.”
“W-what are you doing here?” you said.
“I beg your pardon?” he asked.
“N-no! Sorry, I just… I’ve never seen you in person,” you said, “I never thought I’d… Well, my boss h-hates you.”
While he continues to smile, you can tell by his eyes that he isn’t too impressed by your state. You probably smelled and looked as gross as you felt, half-drunk and wobbly.
“Does he now?” he asked.
“Y-yeah,” you continued, “You know him. The big ass TV demon with the red glowey eyes?”
“Oh, so you’re Vox’s then?” he said.
“No!” you said, a bit too forcefully, “I’m not Vox’s! I’m not anyone’s! I don’t want to be anyone’s.”
He tilts his head a bit.
“Is that so?” he said.
“Yeah, n-not yet at least, not ‘till t-tomorrow,” you murmur, waving your hand in front of your face, “Right now, there’s no contract though. S-so I’m… I’m not anybody’s. Least of all his.”
His eyes soften a bit at that, though there is still a coldness in them that is unmistakable.
“Well then,” he said, after a short silence, “I suppose I should leave you to get back to your evening. Word of advice though, elder to younger, don’t do anything that will lead to any permanent consequences you aren’t willing to fulfill.”
Like I haven’t considered that, asshole. I would literally rather sign a contract with anyone else.
Wait a minute. You look at him as he starts to turn away.
“W-wait! Mr. Alastor, sir,” you said, “I have to ask you something.”
The idea was solidifying as he turned to look at you.
“If I sold my soul to someone, no one else could have it, right?” you say, hurriedly, near silent.
“Your soul would no longer be yours, so no. Only the owner could sell it to another person,” he said, looking at you thoughtfully, “But that’s not usually something that people have to worry about.”
That damn smile on his face was really creeping you out. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea sitting in the back of your half drunk mind. But you know what? You didn’t really care. What choice did you have? You were in hell for crying out loud, every path seemed to lead to some kind of shit. But if you weren’t going to get what you wanted, neither was your unrequited admirer. This was Vox’s biggest enemy, right? Nothing would upset him more than knowing that not only would you never belong to him, but you belonged to the man he hated more than anything else.
That was more than enough reason for you.
“I want to sell you my soul,” you said.
He cocked his head thoughtfully.
“You must be in a desperate pinch to want that,” he said, “And what would you like in exchange, my dear?”
You hadn’t even really thought of that. Your only thought at the moment had been to make yourself inaccessible to Vox, and your mind was still kind of hazy. It only made sense you get something out of it though. Something decent. Through the fog, an idea crept into your mind.
“I… I want you to make it where I can’t show up on screens, like you,” you said, “I want to be impossible to capture on film.”
As you said the words you held out your hand.
“We have a deal,” he said.
And with that he clamped onto your hand with his own, the room glowing green with magic. While it pulsed with energy, it was nothing like what you had felt when you had made the deal with Vox. It was a warm flurry that filled you from head to toe. You could feel the sensation of something tightening around your chest, much tighter than when you had made your earlier deal. It crept all the way into your neck before you felt like you were going to choke it was so tight before finally disappearing. A part of you thought you were going to throw up again.
“You going to be all right there?” he asked.
“Y-yeah, I’m f-fine,” you manage, hands on your knees for a second.
Apparently that was a lie, as you literally spill your guts onto the pavement.
“I’ll take that as a no,” Alastor said.
You cough again, straightening. You felt a bit better after that one.
“S-sorry,” you mutter.
“No need to apologize, dearest,” he said, “Now, since we have come to an agreement, I think we should discuss some things.”
“Well, I’m not really-”
You froze as you heard your name being called. You turned to see Vox walking down the stairs, his face back on. A chill ran through you. That was fast. Someone must have reached into his head and turned a switch to reset him. He looked a bit dazed still, but not enough to be too impaired by it.
“There you are,” he said, “I thought I was going to have to start looking through every camera in this city to find you. What did I tell you... about…”
He glared when he saw who was standing next to you.
“Get the hell away from my employee,” he said, immediately aggressive at the sight of his rival.
Alastor looked at Vox, his eyes holding amusement and his grin turning more mischievous.
“Hm… no, I don’t think so,” he said.
“Excuse me?” Vox said.
“I’m afraid she belongs to me now,” Alastor said.
“I’m sorry, she what?!” Vox’s voice cracking with static.
“Your employee – or should I says ex-employee – has made a binding deal with an Overlord, which means in exchange for a service I provided, she has given me h-”
“I know what a demonic deal is, dickwad!” he yelled.
“Well then, the situation should be perfectly clear to you,” Alastor said. You had no idea how he was able to remain so calm when it was so obvious that Vox was on the verge of exploding, perhaps literally. As severity of the situation dawned on him, he turned his burning, furious eyes on you.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Vox said, “Of all the assholes in hell you choose to bind yourself to other than me, you pick this one?!”
You don’t say anything to him. For a second you look directly at him and tremble at the amount of terrifying wrath you see emanating from his body. Another feeling stirs in your chest though. A sick satisfaction at the fact that he is so upset. After all the control he had deprived you of for the last few months, it felt right to finally put him in a situation where he had zero control over things.
“We already made a deal! You can’t just sell your soul to him!” he yelled.
“Well, apparently, the deal wasn’t strong enough to chain her to you in any way considering she was able to sell her soul to me at all,” said Alastor, “And I don’t know what deals you’ve made previously with her, but if she has failed to fulfill any of them, as the owner of her soul I have the right to forfeit them. If you’d like to discuss what it is she was supposed to give you, perhaps we can work something out. Unless you failed to uphold your end of the bargain?”
He look flustered, but before he could really say anything you murmured, “Y-you only upheld half the bargain. S-so I don’t have anything I owe you.”
Confusion clouded his eyes for a brief second before he seemed to realize what you were talking about.
“Are you really trying to play the damn exact wording game with me?” he said, storming towards you, “You selfish little conniving bitch!”
You yelped as he grabbed your arm, his claws digging into your flesh to the point where you could feel skin beginning to break. Small splurts of blood formed on your flesh. His face was so livid though that you had a feeling that this was the least of your concerns.
“You better enjoy this while it last, because once I’m done with Alastor, I am going to hang his sorry excuse of a deer carcass on my office wall,” he said between gritted teeth, “And you are going to be begging to go back to the previous arrangement we discussed when I finally get my hands on y-”
He stops speaking as a black tentacle smacks him in the face, almost sending him off of his feet.
“That’s quite ungentlemanly of you, Vox,” Alastor said, “Treating a lady like that. And I would appreciate it if you didn’t touch what’s mine.”
Vox had a hand up on his screen, a large crack on the right side of his screen. It reached all the way down from the top down to where his cheek would have been. A small piece of glass was hanging by a wire.
“What the f-?! Ugh!” Vox yelled, “You are going to regret that! Both of you!”
He backed down though. As mad as he was, you both knew it was a losing battle if he tried to fight Alastor one on one right now. One hand trying to hold up the falling piece, he turned to walk away, grumbling under his breath. As he left your line of vision, you leaned against the wall, rubbing your eyes. You even felt yourself tear up a little involuntarily. You had truly thought there wasn’t going to be a way out of this.
“T-Thank y-you,” you said. If you weren’t scared crapless of this guy, you would have gotten on your knees and kissed his feet right there.
“There’s truly no need to thank me for anything,” Alastor said, “You are mine now. It’s in both of our interests that I protect you.”
Not really listening to what he was saying, you nod. It was awkwardly quiet for a minute or two as you wiped at your face, trying to get a hold of yourself. Damn it, you were wasted. Finally you felt like you could talk again.
“I-I guess, I’d better hit the road,” you say.
Though to be honest, you don’t even know where that is at the moment, considering you don’t have any money or job or anything really. Before you can walk off though, Alastor places a hand on your shoulder.
“And where do you think you’re going?” he asked.
“Oh, um… well, I wasn’t- I don’t have to go if you’d rather I didn’t,” you said.
“I should hope not,” he said, “Besides, I’ve already been thinking. There’s a lot of work I have that you can do.”
Well, shit.
I really hope I don’t come to regret this.
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theweirdwideweb · 15 days
we want the work blowout deets
I'll give you the tea but it will be lengthy and I'm going to cry.
Thank you for asking anon. To be honest with you I've been crying in bed about it for the past couple hours. I stood up just now and went to the bathroom and saw two big wet patches on my smiley face tshirt and it sucks so much. I'm so sad.
I could really use some feedback on this situation to be honest. OK. So the long story short is that I got a new supervisor a year ago and my work life has been hell ever since. First off, she doesn't understand what I do. She's never done my job. And she is THE micromanager from hell. For the first 7 months of the year she had me turning in a time card every week showing everything I did down to 5 minute increments. I turn the spreadsheet in on Friday, then every Monday we'd have a meeting where she'd tell me she just doesn't understand how I use my time. Why did it take so long to do X amount of invoices? She estimates it should take 2 minutes per invoice, but it took me 4 minutes per invoice. Like I said she knows nothing about my job and as many times as I've explained it she still "doesn't get it." It was demoralizing, nerve wracking, and frankly so insulting to my competence that I went to her boss (my old supervisor who I love). When she did nothing I went to HR with serious concerns about discrimination----it's no coincidence that I was granted some medical leave at the beginning of the year to address mental health concerns.
Yada yada yada, we made some changes and I don't have to turn in the spreadsheet anymore, but she is still making me email her every week with a list of tasks I didn't complete from the week before. It's still insulting but at least she agreed I'd only have to do it for another 3 months. Actually she said 1 month, but she's such a bitch that by the next HR meeting she claimed she never said 1 month and switched it to 3 months. She's a fucking moron, reader. She's dead fucking stupid. I really can't stress that enough. Dumb. It took her 15 years to get the position I got within 3 years of starting. The only reason she's where she is is seniority, personal relationships with management, and being a fucking bully. A dumb bully! Telling you how to prioritize your work! She's accused me recently of being unprepared for a meeting---a meeting that I hosted, provided all the material for, wrote all the notes on, fleshing out a new process she told me to start implementing but had zero idea how. She just tosses ideas at me and I'm left to figure out any kind of practical way to do it because---AGAIN---she doesn't know how to do my job. There've been other things too. She's a sneak humiliator. She's a button pusher. She's a moron. A big fat ugly moron who looks like Roz from Monster's Inc.
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So on Thursday at 4:30pm, end of the day, suddenly a meeting with HR and this cunt appears on my calendar for 10am Friday (yesterday). I'm like---well here we go. She's either going to fire me or put me on a formal PIP. I'll be honest with you, I'd already decided to quit but I was holding out for my bonus in December. I entered the meeting feeling tranquil. I thought, "Do it. Pull the trigger. I'm ready for the end. Just fire me. Let me go. Release me."
But when the meeting starts it's just a touch base with our HR rep to see how everything is going. Are YOU fucking KIDDING me. Anyone would have thought the same thing I did. Of all the things my supervisor sucks dicks at, communication is the worst of all. She can't even spell. She can't string a sentence together. I mean it's shocking she writes at like a 6th grade level. I've seen emails she sent that are so garbled they are literally incomprehensible.
So I'm PISSED. I express how nerve-wracking the previous evening and all morning had been. We're off to a great start. She lets me know she's going to try to end the email process early. OK good. She tells me she's concerned because I haven't been providing personal feedback to her when prompted. Easy enough to explain: I hate your fucking guts, I'm trying to be a grey rock until I can quit. But I can't say that so I'm just like Alright.
Now here comes the bullshit! 1) She now wants me to ask permission in advance to work on weekends. I'm so overworked and stressed out I work like every weekend and now she wants me to ask her permission for the privilege of working on my day off. Guess who's never working a weekend for this company again. 2) The emails that just contain a list of tasks, right? Was 1 month, now 3 months, etc. She also changed the rules so that I have to provide a count of all the claims I processed across multiple platforms. And well---she just doesn't understand how I processed X number of claims and it took this long. In fact, she said, she counts 8 hours reported on my timecard she can't account for last week.
I lost it. I was openly hostile and belligerent. Fuck this fucking bitch. I cannot work for this vile idiot anymore. I actually used my IRL voice to poke holes in what she was saying and pointing out how fucking stupid it all is. Then she comes at me for not respecting her authority. As a reminder, just minutes before she'd complained about me having no feedback for her.
I left the meeting by refusing offers for additional time with the HR rep. I was in no place. I barely worked the rest of the day I was so upset and I didn't send my email, didn't complete my tasks, and didn't ask her permission to finish it up on the weekend (lol). I don't have another job lined up but this is the last time she's going to question whether I'm just straight up lying on my timecard or some kind of moron. That's it. This is her 100th strike for me.
Now here's why I'm so conflicted. 1) My previous supervisor (now my boss's boss) is going on a leave of absence like THIS WEEK for about a month and a half to treat her cancer. I care about her very much. I don't want to stress her out at the last second like this. 2) My bitch boss is also having a sudden serious health problem requiring her to be at the hospital multiple times a week. 3) On top of that, this stupid fucking cow has to take over my boss's boss's work while she's out for cancer. 4) They are absolutely fucked without me. For me to leave right now is a disaster. Add to that---the one person I manage and have a 100% rock solid relationship straight up told me that she's going to quit at some point and that if I quit she's walking out right behind me. She said this to me unprompted and I discouraged her from quitting. 5) I have a heart. The boss and the boss's boss are both having life problems that are more important than work. I think it's immoral to leave them in the lurch right now. They have serious health problems. As much as I hate my boss, at one point we were friends. My heart is breaking.
So I'm crying in bed. I can't live this way anymore. Toxic work stress has taken over my life. I get so miserable, but then some days it's just a job. It's a job I know how to do. I've been here 6 years. The health insurance is spectacular. I've got nothing lined up. I have adequate savings to get through a couple months of unemployment, but it's no guarantee I'll find a position that suits me in that timeframe. I have all these personal relationships at work (a mistake I will not repeat). I've let this job become part of my identity. I'm getting older. I'm 37 and I'm tired and I'm crazy and I just want peace. This position is fully remote---what if the next guy makes me work in person? My whole life will change. I just want this job to work like it has been for the 5 years before she took over. I'm so sad. I've felt this way so many times.
I want to quit first thing Monday. But I want to offer them the option of staying on until good boss gets back from cancer leave, so long as I don't have to work with illiterate cunt boss any more than is absolutely critical in the meantime. What do you think guys? My heart is breaking.
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lumizwrld · 1 year
𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐱𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐏𝐮𝐬𝐬𝐲 🂼
"Even the most timidest guys have the heaviest thoughts…”
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➢ ¡Switch! Ryohei Arisu ♥︎ Black Fem Reader
☕︎ word count ・4.0k
(no cuz there's barely any smuts of him, so I gotta be the one to make some because he's so fine and nobody wanna give him love fr)
cw ✐ intoxication, shy Arisu taking control of you, fingering, dick sucking, missionary, deprived reader and Arisu, submissive and dominant Arisu, whimpering, dirty talking, riding, overstimulation, teasing, nearly caught, sex in a hot tub, drunk sex
✍︎ Summary = Arisu and you had accompanied a blowout party right before Hatter's death and the 10 of Hearts game, he proposed you both ease and take some time into partying away the night, sipping your desperations away, and soon after you both ending up in a hot tub together. During your time, you both don't speak until the silence is broken, all these emotions end up being confessed, and soon after you find yourself on top of him, confessing a love of desire for each other. ✧
✄ This is literally my first ever smut LMAO but I've spent months trying to articulate this shit and IT'S FINALLY FINISHED. ♡ Sending much love to all who read this and like it #yallfrthebest♡
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Tranquility, the littlest ripple of water or even taking the slightest breath would disturb the moment of solitude between Arisu and you.
The pool deserted hours ago, leaving nothing but clutter and the two of you intoxicated. Unwinding in a hot tub, out of sight from the Beach. Nothing but emptiness appeared to run across your minds, speaking not a single word to each other in the past hour but rather the language of eye contact.
How deliberately his eyes had wandered on your frame, tilting his head with parted lips as his arms folded. He kept wondering what ran through your dazed mind, minding the fact of how lethargic you occurred to him. Your inanimate body sat in the same position for the past hour, eyes lost in the waves of the water while running your fingers through the tangles in your hair. Seemingly, at this moment, he had gazed intensely at your beauty, gradually scrutinizing every subtle part of you. He didn't comprehend why he felt so fond of you in this very moment, nor did he comprehend why his body began to erupt with ardor, nonetheless, he just felt so guilty to think of you in such a way. But how was it that this wasn't the first time he had thought of you like this before? How tensive the yearning of attaining a slight touch on your body besides your hands seemed like a wish come true to him, to feel the weight of your body rest on his lap, caressing your hips while you reflected down on him so passionately. Well, even the innocent-looking guys appear to have the heaviest thoughts.
Regardless, Arisu was way too shy of a guy to express any of that to you, considering how close you both were. So there he sat, withering in a lustful pool of desirable intentions of you, rewinding themselves in a constant motion. Curiouser and curiouser he thought, how would you feel if he were to make a slight move on you? What type of feelings did you have for him? Did your feelings fall in unison with his? He sighed, catching your attention accidentally.
“You tired Arisu?” You questioned, a small grin appearing on your face.
“Kind of.” He grinned in unison, “Are you?”
“Yeah, but I like it out here.” You responded, “It's peaceful, but it's been quiet for too long. How about we break the silence, do you know how long has it been since one of us has said anything?”
He chuckled, “I can’t even remember, but break the silence huh? In that case, how do you like it here?” He questioned, resting his elbow on the rim behind him.
“It's a vibe, most of the time. Then again it beats me how after the games everyone can just go back to normal and party as if nothing happened. Somethings up about this place but I can't seem to put my finger on it.” You claimed, embracing the sides of your body as you averted your eyes toward the water and then back to him, “What about you?”
“Yeah, it's the same for me.”
“It's so crazy, I still can't believe you're an executive, it shows how special you are Arisu.” You grinned.
“Heh, special? They only need me for the games, I'm not that important. Why do you think that?” He questioned, tilting his head curiously.
“You're able to figure a game out and win no matter the difficulty, I mean...I'm pretty good at solving games but I tend to have a bit of trouble.” You asserted, watching him smile softly.
“Hey! You're just as smart! Your confidence is what makes you special. Y'know sometimes I can be confident, well- barely most of the time. But with your confidence and how you get right into the game without needing help, it seems as if you don't even need me. Now that's something, I would say, special about you Y/N.” He conversed, slouching forward to you.
You giggled, “Thanks. Honestly, without you, I don't know where I would be.”
“Anytime. I can say the same for you Y/N.” He giggled in unison, gazing at you. “Hey...What are your thoughts right now? I know it's a bit off-topic but I wanna know what goes through your mind?” He uttered in curiosity.
“Well, nothing right now besides the next game.” You responded.
“There has to be something you're thinking about...I-I mean It's okay if you don't wanna talk about it I understand, but we can never just talk and have serious conversations that much, I wanna take this time to understand you more.” He expressed.
“Understand me more? That's so adorable of you to say. I...I really--Well, actually there is something.” You articulated as his eyes glistened, “Recently, I've been having these emotions...About someone. It's not that important but, I wonder what they feel about me.”
“Yeah. I don't know...I’ve been feeling so heavy with keeping this building up inside me.”
He had maintained his breath, wondering, was this feeling towards him? Did she...finally find someone else? Who was this person, and what did she see in them? He brushed his chin, “Can you tell me about them?”
“Well, he’s a nice guy, but that's all I can say.” You grinned.
“Oh…I-I don’t know what to say I-" He stammered, "Do you have an emotional connection with him? How does he treat you? Has he ever made it evident on how he feels toward you?” He questioned, evidently uninterested yet uncomfortable to admit.
“Well, he never admitted it, he preferably holds in his feelings someway like me. However, I can tell he sees something in me…I-I might be wrong but…” You expressed, reflecting your gaze into his. However, he sat there so oblivious. Slowly averting his eyes from yours, he could feel nerves run down his spine as he observed you gradually swimming towards him, “He has to confirm it to me, otherwise, there's nothing else I can say about him.”
“T-Then you're gonna have to speak to him about it...” Arisu stumbled with dilated eyes, “Y/N, w-what are you doing?”
You tilted your head at him, relaxing your hands on his thighs, “Nothing, it's just funny how clueless you can be sometimes.”
“W-What do you mean? Clueless? Me?” He stuttered.
“Arisu, I love how innocent you are,” You emitted, softly giggling as a faint gasp fled his mouth. “You have something, that I never knew I could be so tempted to before. You think I don't know how you feel about me, yet...I see it all over your face.”
“I...I don't understand what you m-mean.” He stuttered as you watched his pale complexion shift.
“I hope you don't find it weird of me but, I hear you every night. Sweat runs down your face as you whine and groan in your sleep. I don't want to be weird but, I tend to observe you once in a while. There have been times I heard my name fly out of your mouth in a way that...Made me feel things at night. I see the way you are with me, that's why I have to be the one to initiate things. You’re so shy yet...You’re so bold with yourself that, you show it to me without even noticing that you're doing it.” You spoke softly, watching his eyes roam all over your face.
“Is…That bad?” He doubted, choking up with surprise.
“It’s adorable, really.”
“Why are you nervous? Is it because I finally called you out on it?” You giggled as you slowly crept closer to his face.
“Y/N...I-I don’t know what to say I-” He spoke with chuckles in between, concealing his agitated state.
“Confirm it. Confirm those thoughts you have of me, Arisu.” You urged, lust sparkling in your eyes. “Why is that, you being so shy right now is making me feel so needy.” You expressed with your lips scarcely touching his.
“N-Needy? I'm making you needy?” He asked, embracing your arms tightly.
“Is that bad?” You reverted, watching him resist the urge to kiss you.
“N-No! I-I just didn't expect you to be so turned on right now...Y-You didn't have to call me out like that you know? For a second, I-I thought you were talking about someone else.” He doubted.
“I don't know. Maybe I was, maybe I was talking about-” You teased, sensing his hands bind your waist profoundly and arrange you on his lap roughly. “Who? Don't play around now” He asserted, evidently more confident than before, “You can't just take back what you said now can you?”
“What's wrong? You can tease me but I can't?” He uttered mischievously, releasing your waist and repositioning his hands on your wrists. “I don't think it would be fair now, would it?”
You deeply sighed, abruptly sensing the pounding of your heart. Surprisingly, he had reverted your energy. You didn't acknowledge how turned on you made him, scrutinizing his eyes satisfy themselves with lust as his breathing heightened. “What are you doing Arisu?” You contested, knowing his intentions with a grin.
“What you want me to do, confirm my feelings to you.” He whispered, seizing a kiss from your lips. He hauled your wrists to his neck, signaling you to grasp him as his hands went about on your waist. His words were assertive, yet, his kisses were subtle and deprived. You felt so vulnerable, sensing his trailing hands up your back towards the string of your bikini top.
“You say I'm bold? Then, let me express these feelings I have for you.” He pleaded, trailing his roaming hands down to your thighs gradually. “Let me show it by pleasing that deprived pussy of yours.”
“I-Arisu-” You whimpered, racing your fingers through the back of his hair.
“Was I too forward? Heh, I'm sorry about that. Do you want me to beg? How about I just beg- let me touch you, let me please.”
“I…I-" You choked, averting your eyes back and forth from his hands to his face.
“Please Y/N…I’ll do anything for you.”
You felt appalled, your pumping heart racing to a burst as you desired to risk it all for him. It was all your fault, teasing him was amusing until he revealed to be so deprived. Apparently, you adored every extent of his pleading.
“I was only teasing, I-I didn't mean to make you so-”
“Turned on? Horny? Eager to fuck you? Awe, but this is what you wanted Y/N.” He pleaded, reaching his face toward your neck “You say it's all over my face but...Your beautiful face says it all as well." He teased, darting his eyes at your adorable flustered face.
“Fuck.” You whined.
He delivered a giggle, fondling your inner thigh. “I know how shy I can be but, you made me think things through with myself and...” He spoke before, drawing aside your bathing suit and gliding his fingers into the folds of your pussy, “At this moment, I'm permitting myself to be confident with you.” You bounded your arms around his neck, feeling his fingers explore your pussy as he kept his eyes on you. Circling your clit gradually, he watched your body squirm slightly, making himself comfortable when he discovered the right spot to attend to.
“Ari-Arisu!" You gasped as his lips seized your neck, leaving kisses and subtle bites all over to overstimulate you. Your breathing became erratic, uncomprehending on whether to respire or moan. However, he carried support with which to focus, picking the momentum up when he caught your struggling state of fixation.
“Awe- keep saying my name beautiful. Your cries, the way how your body responds to my fingers, it's showing me how much you're enjoying this.”
“Stop being so cocky- fuck- please” You whined, bucking your hips as his free hand groped your tender breasts.
“Yeah? But your loving every moment hani, swaying your hips to the rhythm as you make beautiful songs along the lines? If only you could see how gorgeous you look right now Y/N.” He teased as he grasped your chin, seizing another kiss that forced you to moan in his mouth.
(Hani ~ Honey) inspo goes to @usetheeauthor
You could feel his fingers reposition themselves, his thumb this time circling your clit as two fingers began to entreat the entrance of your hymen. At this point, you had given up, permitting himself to stick his fingers all the way inside your needy pussy. His rough fingers, fucking your insides, making you toss your head back, whining his name as he reached closer to watch your reaction, “Yes Mommy, you like that huh? Fucking you like this with my fingers?” Arisu questioned with pleading eyes.
“Mommy?- Fuck- You are enjoying this aren't you-” You moaned in between your words, observing his innocent smile which made you smile in unison. You felt like such a slut at the moment, giggling intently while moaning for him to fuck you faster.
“Is making me feel like a slut turning you on? Is watching me ride your fingers like this while you sit there, make you throb?” You teased, watching his eyes dilate in shock. “You don't think I can’t see how badly you want to touch it?” You giggled.
His head was thrown back by your words, stopping the pace which allowed you to pose next to him. Squeezing your warm body next to his, wrapping your leg around his as your arm wrapped around his head, forcing him to look at you as you slowly trailed your fingers down his chest. This was all a little trap. “I see right through you, catching at all that confidence exposed like that, how I loved every bit of it. However,” You spoke, sensing his heart race, “You will always be a shy guy to me, and I tend to have a weakness for guys who-” You spoke whilst caressing his hardened bulge, “are so shy to even let a word form out of their mouths, Arisu.” You asserted.
“Hah-” He whimpered, with worried eyes and quivering lips as you kissed his cheek.
“You taking control yet, trembling immediately is so hot to me Arisu.” You whispered, reaching your way into his shorts.
“R-Really?” He trembled.
“Oh but yes puppy, so hot to where...I was desiring to fuck you so badly, letting your cum drip out of my pussy."
“Y-Y/N fuck-” He whined, sensing your hands grasp the tip of his dick.
“Yeah, just imagine, my pussy fucking you like this.” You insisted, stroking the tip.
Arisu jerked up instantly, huffing out a moan to the sensitivity while all you could do was giggle and stroke him faster. His tensive body rapidly reacting to your strokes made you torture him even more, whispering lustful lullabies as he could do nothing but whine for help.
“F-Fuck mommy, please don't focus on the tip s-so m-much.” He begged, shoving his head into your shoulder as you fondled faster, hearing his whines all in your ear.
“Awe, but baby you're enjoying this though. I bet if I keep going, keeping all my attention on your tip just like this might make you cum like a good boy huh?”
“Yeah?” He moaned, “You wanna make me cum Mommy?” He moaned again, tossing his head back as you compelled a kiss on his lips. Keeping a fast pace, his face was as red as a rose. Watching him catch his breath as he could feel his essence grow nearer, you could only imagine how hot he would sound when he cums. How could only a little tease from you, end up at this point? How was it that, you both went from sitting across each other with no communication to him begging, whining to cum for you? He wrapped his arm around your waist, signifying how close he seemed to be.
He exhaled deeply, “W-Why am I starting to feel it-”
Your eyes glistened, just hearing those words made you focus even more on his tip. Gradually edging him then giving him a ruined orgasm was your plan, like just imagine, his cum spewing all over your hands as he begged for more, whining to fuck your pretty body and treat you like the fucking slut you were…However, he grasped your hand and stroked it himself at a rapid pace.
“A-Arisu?” You questioned as he attained a kiss, feeling your body maneuver slowly closer to him.
“I-I don't wanna cum y-yet.” He stammered, quitting his strokes. It seemed to be all a blur because, you didn’t imagine yourself looking up at his pretty face while his dick stood tall in yours. You were stunned, feeling your body shiver and your cheeks flush up with warmth. Abruptly how close his dick was towards your lips, you didn’t even expect him to be big since he was skinny compared to you. Sweat was rushing down his face as he caught his breath, looking downward at you so innocently while you slowly grasped him, lips parting until he gently grasped your hair, pushing you closer to the tip.
“Is this what you want?” You spoke whilst subtly leaving kisses.
“Y-You don’t have to…” He stammered.
“You want me to though, you wouldn’t be holding my hair up like that unless you wanted me to-” You spoke, suckling gently.
You watched him struggle to pull the bottom hems of his shirt up, munching down vigorously as your hand trailed up his stomach.
“You’re gonna have to use your big boy words, tell me you want me to-” You teased, licking him as he groaned in his shirt.
“M-Make me cum in your mouth Mommy.“ He whined indistinctly, surveying you to consume him slowly as his eyes rolled back in pleasure. You sensed how hard he was inside your mouth, tasting his surging pre-cum as well as how nervous he seemed to be in this situation. His straining body, veiny hands tightening on the grip of your hair as you mouth fucked his dick sloppily, you knew for a fact he couldn’t think straight at all. You had made full eye contact with him, however, he couldn’t force himself to stop tossing his head backwards from all the pleasure you were tending him, it made you smile because you knew that if he were to keep his pretty eyes on you, this session would last for only a minute utmost.
“Look at me Arisu-“ You demanded, trailing your tongue on his shaft.
“I-I’m trying hani-" He whined, breathing heavily in between words.
“I'm sorry, I got carried away. I just want you to last a little longer okay?-“ You pleaded, suckling the tip again.
“You doing anything will make me cum quicker Mommy.” He whined, “B-But if you want me to last,” He indulged, positioning his hands on your jaw, signaling you to stand up, “Don't put all your attention on me please, I don't want you to sit there unsatisfied.”
“H-Huh?” You startled, feeling his hands grasp yours and then drag you to the rim.
“C-Can you sit on the rim for me?” He questioned, watching you sit for him.
“Arisu? What are you doing?” You questioned as he grasped your thighs gently, spreading them apart and pulling you close to his hips.
“I've never expected this to happen,” He uttered, grasping his dick and slowly entreating the lips of your pussy, “Watching you while you're in pleasure...I-It does something to me Y/N...”
“Arisu-” You moaned, locking your legs around him, “Tell me what you want- don't be nervous please.”
“Let me f-fuck you please, listening to your pretty moans knowing they're from me, watching your pretty face make those expressions that I-I-”
“Love? Then, don't tremble to puppy.” You uttered, feeling his free hand grasp the back of your neck, forcing your upper body closer to his, “I want all of you, give it to me…Ryohei.” You begged.
You watched him throw his head back. It was something that had set him off, your pretty voice begging for him to enter you and the way how you cried out his name. Regardless, you couldn't waste any time, feeling so needy that you penetrated yourself with him. Hearing him moan in unison with you as your eyes averted directly at each other. He whimpered, slowly thrusting himself. How sensitive he became inside your soaking pussy, gripping your neck tighter as you begged him to fuck you profoundly. He completely submitted to you. You couldn't focus on anything in this moment, not even his face, you tried to block out his moans but he pushed you further into a breaking point where you couldn't do anything but respond vigorously, surrounding your arm around his neck, bringing him closer into a sloppy kiss while singing in each other's mouths, increasing his pace inside you.
“S-So aggressive-” You panted, “Keep going my love.” You panted again as you brushed his damp hair away from his beautiful face, wanting to see him in action.
“I wanna see your pretty eyes while you fuck me like this.” You begged, biting your lip as he grasped your neck gently.
“Yeah-Keep talking like that Hani, I love it when you fucking tease me.” He whimpered, struggling to catching his breath, “M-Mommy s-stop squeezing me l-like that.” He whimpered once more, elongating a fuck from his mouth as you marked his neck.
“W-Why? Are you starting to feel it? I'm sorry it's not my fault your s-starting to make me--” You whined, sensing his twitching body strain from exhilaration.
He groaned, pulling you closer, almost picking you up off the rim. “Do it on me please, I want you to please Hani.”
He soon begged you to stretch out your legs for him, arranging his arms to your sides as he slowly thrusted deeper inside you. Watching his face strain with every stroke as you couldn't take the pressure, gradually playing your clit in front of him.
“Oh fuck- l-let me do it, let me do it for you Mommy please.” He begged, shoving your fingers away as his thumb was thrown on your clit, circling you in rhythm with his strokes.
“Ryohei--you're so desperate.” You moaned in anticipation, “S-Stop- I'm starting to feel it--” You stammered, however, he responded with a kiss.
“Do it all over me please hani, be comfortable with me please.” He huffed, pulling away but resting his forehead on yours while gazing into your eyes. “F-F-Fuck-” He exclaimed, “I'm starting to feel it too-”
“Keep going my love, drain yourself into me please, you're doing so good. I want you to give me all of you please puppy.” You begged, seizing your sporadic breaths out your mouth as his tongue instinctively entered.
“Y-You want me to c-cum inside you momma?” He pleaded, sensing an abrupt warmth about to surge out of him. “M-Mommy- I...I feel...it...Y/N.” He whimpered.
“Yeah? You feel it Ryohei?”
“Yeah- I-I feel it Mommy I feel it-”
“Then cum inside me Daddy, please.”
“Ohh fuck- M-Mommy I'm gonna cum I'm gonna-”
“Y/N...I...I love y-”
For a second, you thought you had seen things. (That's when you knew, he had fucked your brains out completely.) A beam of light had flickered on his face. As he kissed you again, you kept your eyes open, and that's when it happened again. To make sure you were correct, you turned around to see a flashlight in the far distance...
That's when you shoved him away from you.
What, the absolute, fuck...
“Who the hell is still out here?” A voice spoke, flashing his light on Arisu's face, he covered his eyes from the high beam while you quickly shoved his shaft back into his pants, fixing yourself up afterwards and pretending as if nothing happened. The guy soon flashed his light on you but you couldn't make out who it was until he laughed.
That's when you realized.....
“I would never expected a fuck fest to happen out here now.” The voice spoke, you quickly presided your eyes at Arisu, watching his eyes widen with shock.
“No...N-Niragi?” He stumbled.
Niragi soon made himself visible. He watched you both stand there like complete idiots while he obnoxiously laughed, “What could you both possibly be doing eh? You virgins need to go the fuck to--wait--” He hesitated, taking another look at you both once more.
“What?” You spoke, watching his jaw drop.
“No--No--NO--I CANT FUCKING BELIEVE IT-ARISU-YOU-FUCKED-HER?” He exclaimed as Arisu had glanced at you innocently, “NOW I DIDN'T KNOW YOU COULD HANDLE A WOMAN WITH CURVES.” Niragi exclaimed again.
“Cut the bullshit we weren't doing anything.” Arisu claimed, leading you out the hot tub.
You watched Niragi walk over, scanning you both down as he took a slight whiff, “Bullshit? Oh but I smell nothing but sweat and sex. It’s all over your faces.”
“Don’t go near her.” Arisu claimed, pulling you closer to him as Niragi looked downwards at you with a snarky grin.
“Y/N, tell me, how good was his fucking eh? I don’t know what you see in his loser ass, but I bet if I had my way with you, you wouldn't be standing here so pretty.” He commented, laughing as Arisu stood in front of you.
“She wouldn't go near you at all, what makes you think you can say that bullshit huh? We were just leaving.” Arisu snapped, grasping your hand generously.
“Arisu, oh Arisu, the only thing that was leaving was that cum you've been saving for how long now? Watch yourself, don't make it a habit of fucking in public, unless I'm in it.” He laughed, winking at you then soon after glaring down at Arisu.
“C’mon Arisu, lets go inside now.” You insisted, hauling him away from Niragi.
“Hmph, are you okay?” He questioned.
“Yeah I'm alright. I am so sorry for what I am about to say but--Niragi ate you up with that comeback.” You spoke, covering your mouth as his eyes averted to your face.
“I'm sorry!” you giggled, watching his serious face break down into a light grin.
“Because it's you, I'll let it pass. Your mean.” He uttered, lightly pushing you away before grasping you and pulling you in close, “He could've at least waited, I don't feel it anymore...”
“Oh? So what I'm hearing is, your desperate and you still wanna cum huh?”
“NO I-I”
“I'm playing! Sorta.” You giggled, watching his face fluster.
“H-How was I anyways, I feel like I didn't do good enough.” He doubted
“Oh puppy, you were spectacular. However, I still wanna finish you off.” You uttered.
“F-Finish me off?”
“You thought cumming inside me was gonna be it? Oh love, you will always remember how good we fucked, even when I'm not there, I want you to throb every time you think about it.....”
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yourmomsawh0r3 · 3 months
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javier pena x fem/single mom reader
summary: escaping an abusive ex husband isn’t easy, but with the court deaming you full custody and legal guardian of your daughter. it was time for a fresh start. Packing up and moving you and your daughter 1,000 miles away from massachusetts.
Y/N and her daughter Elle had just moved into town, their car packed to the brim with everything they owned. The summer sun blazed down as they drove along the highway, filled with hope and anticipation for a fresh start
"Mommy, can I have another chicken nugget?" Elle asked from the back seat, her voice sweet and hopeful.
"Of course, sweetie," Y/N replied, reaching into the bag from McDonald’s that sat on the passenger seat. She handed Elle a chicken nugget, smiling at the sight of her daughter’s delighted face.
"Thank you, Mommy!" Elle chirped, happily munching on her snack.
Y/N continued driving, feeling a momentary peace. They were on the road to a new life, leaving behind the shadows of the past. But as luck would have it, a sudden jolt and a loud thud interrupted their journey. Y/N’s heart sank as she pulled over to the side of the road, realizing they had a blowout.
Stepping out of the car, she was met with the oppressive heat of the 100° day. Sweat trickled down her back as she assessed the situation. The tire was completely flat, and she knew she had to call AAA. After a few minutes on hold, the operator informed her that the wait time was over three hours. Y/N felt tears of frustration welling up in her eyes. She leaned against the car, trying to console Elle through the window.
"Why are you crying, Mommy?" Elle asked, her tiny fingers reaching out to wipe away Y/N's tears.
"Mommy is just stressed, my love," Y/N replied, attempting to smile for her daughter's sake. "We'll be okay, I promise."
As Y/N tried to calm herself and Elle, she heard the rumble of another vehicle pulling over. She looked up, squinting against the sun, to see a large Ford F250 with "Lorayo County Sheriff's Office" written on the side. Relief mixed with apprehension as a tall, broad-shouldered man in a sheriff's uniform stepped out.
"Is everything okay, ma’am?" he asked, his voice carrying a comforting southern drawl.
"Unfortunately, no," Y/N began, her words tumbling out in a rush. "I got a flat tire, and the AAA company says it’s a three-hour wait. It's 100° outside, and I have my daughter here with me. I don’t know what to do."
The officer, whose name tag read 'Javier,' nodded sympathetically. "I can change it for you if you don’t mind."
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise. "You would do that? Thank you so much!"
Javier removed his vest, revealing a muscular build, and went to the trunk to retrieve the spare tire and the necessary tools. Y/N couldn’t help but notice how his strong, capable hands worked with ease, despite the heat. She stood by, trying to keep Elle entertained through the window while stealing glances at Javier, who was now glistening with a light sheen of sweat.
As Javier finished tightening the last bolt, he straightened up and cleared his throat, pulling Y/N out of her reverie. "There you go, ma'am. You're all set."
"Thank you so much," she said gratefully, her cheeks flushing. "I didn’t catch your name?"
"Javier," he replied with a smile that made Y/N's heart skip a beat. "And yours?"
"Y/N," she answered, trying to maintain her composure. "Thank you again, Javier. You really saved us."
"Glad I could help. You ladies be safe now and have a great rest of your day," Javier said, giving a small nod before heading back to his truck.
Y/N watched as he drove away, feeling a mixture of gratitude and curiosity about the kind officer. She climbed back into the car and continued the journey to their new home. Pulling into the driveway, she took a deep breath, feeling a sense of relief and excitement. This house represented a new beginning, a safe haven away from her abusive ex-husband.
With Elle's help, Y/N began to unload the car. Despite her small stature, Elle insisted on carrying some of the lighter items, her enthusiasm infectious. Y/N couldn’t help but smile as they worked together, making trips back and forth until the car was finally empty.
Inside, the house felt like a blank canvas. Boxes were piled high in every room, and Y/N knew it would take time to make it feel like home. She decided to tackle the kitchen first, putting away pots, pans, and dishes while Elle explored her new surroundings.
As the sun began to set, Y/N realized it was time for dinner. Good thing she had placed a Grocery delivery earlier.She placed Elle in her portable high chair and began to cook, asking her daughter about her day as she chopped vegetables. "What do you think of our new house, sweetie?"
"It's big, Mommy! I like my room," Elle said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
After dinner, Y/N ran a bath for Elle. The bathroom echoed with the sound of giggles as Y/N played with her daughter’s toys, creating bubbles and splashes. It was moments like these that made all the struggles worthwhile. "Alright, peanut, it’s time to get out," Y/N said, lifting Elle from the tub and wrapping her in a towel. She covered her daughter’s face with kisses, eliciting peals of laughter.
In Elle’s room, Y/N dressed her in pajamas covered with tiny stars. Elle looked up at her mother with wide, innocent eyes. "You’re so pretty, Mommy."
Y/N's heart melted. "Thank you, my sweet girl," she replied, brushing a strand of hair from Elle’s face.
They settled into a comfortable position on the floor with Elle snuggled against Y/N's chest. Y/N read her favorite book, a story about a brave little bunny, until Elle’s eyes fluttered shut. She gently placed her daughter in bed, tucking her in and kissing her forehead. Turning on the sound machine, she quietly left the room.
In the kitchen, Y/N poured herself a glass of wine and stepped out onto the porch. She took a deep breath, savoring the quiet of the evening. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a flicker of light from her neighbor’s porch a cigarette glowing in the dark. She couldn’t see much else, but it reminded her of the friendly faces she hoped to meet in the coming days.
As she sipped her wine, her thoughts wandered back to Javier, the helpful sheriff. She couldn’t shake the image of his kind smile and strong hands. But before she could dwell too much on him, the baby monitor crackled to life with Elle’s cries.
Y/N quickly rushed inside, her motherly instincts kicking in. She found Elle standing in her portable crib, tears streaming down her cheeks. Y/N scooped her up, whispering soothing words and rocking her gently until she calmed down and drifted back to sleep.
Once Elle was settled, Y/N went through the house, locking doors and turning off lights. She headed upstairs to her bedroom, grateful for the quiet and the chance to finally relax. She took a long, hot shower, letting the water wash away the stress of the day. Afterward, she slipped into her pajamas, completed her skincare routine, and crawled into bed which was on the floor. Furniture would be delivered tomorrow she mumbled to herself.
As she lay there, she thought about the future. She wondered briefly about Javier and if their paths would cross again. With those thoughts, she drifted off to sleep, feeling hopeful about the new chapter unfolding in their lives.
A.N: this is a new series im starting, comment to be added to the taglist
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coffeesugarandsand · 21 days
Middle of the road
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Damon is depressed and overdramatic <3
-Angst and fluff -Damon Salvatore x Reader -Might turn this into a series
Damon had fallen on his face many times, it's hard not to when the only family you have left hates you, even more so when that family is your own brother.
Tonight was one of the worst blowouts he and Stefan have had in a while. It was about Elena, it was always about Elena. Bunny Blood isnt satisfying Stefan's hunger anymore, but of course, Stefan won't listen to anything Damon has to say because keeping the Rabbit diet is safer for Elena. In other words, Stefan doesn't want to end up like the selfish and arrogant Vampire that Damon is, the one that Elena hates.
So now here Damon is on a Friday night quite literally falling on his face as he's basically blackout drunk on alcohol and blood, walking down the middle of the road. At one point he lies down in the middle of the road, mind to dizzy to keep walking.
"Damon?" A familiar voice calls out to him. Elena's younger sister, Y/N Gilbert. "Middle Gilbert? What are you doing out here, hasn't your sister warned you about the vampires? They're dangerous y'know." Damon slurs, his eyes closed.
"Damon, are you drunk... Why do you have blood all over you?" Y/N leans over Damon. "Dont worry I didn't go on a spree, it's only blood bags, o-" Damon slurs out as he finally opens his eyes and looks up at Y/N.
"I wasn't worried, why are you out here like this?" Y/N brushes his hair out of his eyes as she tries to stand him up. "Fight with Stefan" Damon sighs out, complying with her efforts to stand him up. He stumbles before he swings his arm around Y/N's shoulders.
He laughs before looking at you confused "Wait, why are you out here again, Middle Gilbert?" He says, trying to balance himself on his own, and failing miserably. Y/N grabs his shoulder "I was at your house actually. Everyone is freaking out about Klaus and I needed some air." "Air is good, I like air."
"Me too" Y/N laughs at him.
Y/N looks around for somewhere to sober Damon up, deciding his house isn't the best option considering how many people are there. Y/N leads Damon to her house and into her room, dropping him onto the bed. "If you wanted me in your bed, you could've just asked" Damon hums shutting his eyes again. I roll my eyes and go get a wet rag to wipe Damon off making sure to grab a hoodie and sweats from Jeremy's closet.
"Roll over lemme wipe your face" Damon groans as he rolls over, but puts on his usual arrogant smirk when he sees her. "Gonna give me a sponge bath?" He grins wider. "Shut up" I slap his arm before wiping his face. I look down gently wiping his face, occasionally forcing Damon to drink some water.
As he sobers up Damon starts to become more aware of his surroundings and his current state. "Fuck..." "Sober now? talk to me."
"Stefan chose Elena over me, which isnt unusual but I'm just...tired of it y'know. Everyone has chosen anyone except me for over 100 years" Damon expresses, while trying to mask his emotions.
I run my hands through his hair trying to calm him down, trying to prevent him from getting himself worked up again.
"I understand...well not the over 100 years part but being everyone's second choice, Elena is everyones favorite, the golden child, and before my parents died Jeremy was their baby. I just fell under the radar" We sit in silence for a minute, with the fact that both of us had such messed up lives, and complicated feelings.
"We have each other"
"Yeah we do"
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sparkle-fiend · 2 years
A very happy birthday to @thefreakandthehair 🥳
Steve pulls into the driveway behind Eddie’s van and just sits for a second after turning off the car. It’s been a shit day – he hates his new coworker, a kid puked in the aisle between the cartoons and the romantic comedies, and a downpour started the moment it was time to leave. He can feel a headache threatening just behind his left eye. 
But none of that matters now. He breathes in and out until the frustration fades, feeling the tension ease out of his shoulders and clenched jaw. It’s movie night and Steve has the day off work tomorrow – which means he and Eddie will probably get pleasantly toasted and watch movies until they pass out together on the Munson’s couch. He’s been looking forward to it all day.
He pulls his umbrella out of the back seat and flicks it open, even though it’s not far to the door. The rain is coming down so hard it makes a drum beat on the thin nylon stretched over his head, so loud he almost misses the sound of cursing coming from the backyard – until a particularly loud “Fuck!” filters through the rain sounds.
Steve immediately circles around the corner of the house. He spots Eddie by the thrifted patio table, looking like a drowned cat with his curls weighted down by rainwater. Bizarrely, he seems to be wrestling with a bunch of balloons tied to the back of a chair. 
“Eddie?” Steve calls out.
Eddie fumbles with the pocketknife he was using to try and cut the balloons free. “Shit!” He sticks his thumb into his mouth and flings the little blade onto the table. “Damn thing’s too dull to cut string, but it can still cut my hand? Argghhh!”
Steve jogs across the yard to reach him. “Hey, are you okay? What the hell are you doing out here?” 
Eddie pouts as Steve hands him the umbrella, tugging the wounded hand away from his mouth so he can check it over.
“Well I had everything set up for an awesome party, and then this rain fucked it all up.”
“I didn’t know you were having a party,” Steve says absentmindedly. He smoothes a finger gently over the little cut on Eddie’s thumb. Thankfully, it’s not deep – the bleeding is already coming to a stop.
“Uh, yeah?” Steve looks up at Eddie’s confused tone. “For your birthday?”
Oh. Steve immediately feels like an idiot. It is his birthday – he’d actually forgotten it. He tries to laugh it off. “Oh yeah. I just wasn’t expecting a party or anything.”
Eddie looks weirdly upset by that statement. “But you’re… Steve, you’re the birthday guy. The party king of the Party. You love birthdays!”
That’s not exactly true. Steve likes taking care of people. He likes to give gifts and cook for his friends – birthdays just give him a good excuse. His own birthday has never really been a big deal.
“And after the blowout bash you put together for me, you didn’t think I’d try to do something for you?”
“I didn’t… you don’t have to like, return the favor or anything. That’s not why I did it.” Steve runs his hand through his hair nervously. All the volume is gone, deflated in the rain – just sad, limp strands of hair fighting to curl in whichever direction they please, instead of his carefully styled swoop. “I just… like to celebrate the people I care about.”
That might be admitting too much, but it’s the truth. 
Eddie’s face softens. “Steve, this party isn’t some kind of obligation. I… we’re doing it for the same reason – to celebrate someone we care about.”
His dark eyes are so intense. It feels like there’s more there – a weight to his words, something Eddie’s not admitting to out loud yet. Like they’re standing on the edge of something, almost ready to take a leap.
The moment is broken when a rivulet of icy water runs down Steve’s back. He shivers violently, and both boys blink. 
“Shit, you’re standing here soaked,” Steve says. “You must be freezing. Let’s get inside.”
They walk close together under the umbrella on the way back to the house, and Steve enjoys the warm press of Eddie’s shoulder against his own.
It’s not until they reach the door that something occurs to him. “Wait… you said ‘we’?” 
Eddie flashes a wild, impish grin. He flings open the door, revealing a living room packed to bursting with damp partygoers, waterlogged streamers and balloons. “Surprise!!!”
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gemini-sensei · 11 months
i’m in such a miguel phase so i’ll send so many rn, but imagine miguel fighting with lawrence!reader because he thinks she’s too ‘clingy’ and the reason him and sam are no longer together. pls i love grovelling and men apologising, so him just trying to win her back
Oh as soon as he calls her "clingy", she's so fone with him. And if he mentions what happened with Sam and even hints that it's her fault, she explodes.
"Do not say shit like that because its bullshit!" she shouts at him, getting in his face. She isn't going to let him get away with this. "I was fine before you came along so if you think I need you oh so bad, you're dead wrong. I don't need you."
He takes it, trying to act all big and strong.
"I see why Sam broke up with your ass," she scoffs and walks away. All he can do is watch her go. "Godforbid I try to help you through it."
In the mere days following the blowout, Miguel realizes he fucked up. He's miserable without her around, thinking that they were just friends but maybe things were deeper than that and he didn't realize it until now... he's lost without her around. It's made worse when he's with Sensei Lawrence - he father - and she's not around. It's a slap to the face.
Especially since Johnny is no help at all. He doesn't understand what happened and thinks his daughter is overreacting, so his advice isn't helpful. Miguel knows it's unhelpful and blocks it out but acts like he's listening.
She's doing great. She doesn't give Miguel a second thought as she hangs out with her friends. He sees it too. It's like everywhere he goes, there's something or someone around to remind him that she really doesn't need him around to be happy. There was a time before Miguel and there can be a time after him in her life too, and she wants him to know it.
When he comes apologizing to her, he practically exhausts the term "I'm sorry" to its limit. But it's not enough.
She's about the slam the door on his face when he drops onto his knees and begs for her forgiveness. "I'm so sorry, I mean it, Reader. I don't know what I was talking about when I called you clingy and blamed you for my break up-" he doesn't even say Sam's name because it isn't about her anymore and he's realized that, "-please, just give me another chance. I know I messed up and I should have treated you better. I will treat you better. I swear. Just please, please, please let me prove it to you."
Reader stares at him, arms crossed over her chest. She isn't going to let him off the hook so easily. "I wanna hear you say I'm the best person you know and that you're wrong and I'm right."
"You're the best person I know, hands down. No one is better than you. No one." He stares up at her, still on his knees, big brown eyes hoping this is enough. "And you're always right and I was wrong. I was so wrong and I'm so sorry."
She groans. "God, Miggy, stop apologizing. You sound like a broken record!"
"So you forgive me?"
She glares at him, then smirks. "Maybe."
He'll have to do a little bit more proving it to her before she fully accepts his many, plentiful apologizes, but begging her was a nice start.
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bekolxeram · 4 days
"When the Boeing Gets Tough..."
Yes! I know! I can't believe they actually refer to Boeing by name. The show has to tread carefully. Airliners are designed to have multiple redundancies in case of a catastrophic system failure. Every single crucial flight system has a backup and a backup for the backup. It takes many different failures in a chain of events to bring down a modern airliner. The aviation world calls it the Swiss cheese model.
With the 8x03 title confirmed as Final Approach, it gives more weight to the S8 opening disaster being an emergency landing.
If the Airport 1975 theory is correct, as in a light aircraft crashing into a big airliner leaving the first officer dead and the captain blinded, leaving the unexperienced flight attendant/passenger attempting to land the aircraft with professional instructions, it would be pretty damaging to Boeing's reputation.
There is something called TCAS (Traffic collision avoidance system), required to be fitted to every airliner after the 80s. The air traffic controllers at major Californian airports also have a warning system at their disposal to separate potentially conflicting traffic. If the show just decides to ignore this crucial system for safety, I can't imagine Boeing being happy about it. It's been dealing with bad PR since the 2 MCAS crashes, then the door plug blowout and lately the Starliner stranding 2 astronauts in space for longer than expected.
People have been mocking Airport 1975 for being unrealistic, because the head-on collision with the light aircraft somehow only tore a small human size hole in the cockpit without damaging the rest of the 747 too much. I can think of something in the modern days that actually makes such a precise but catastrophic damage?
A drone, trying to get the best aerial shots for a hit TV show about firefighters.
TCAS scans the surrounding airspace for transponders, which every aircraft flying near the busy SoCal airspace has to be equipped with, but not drones.
It's a super wild guess, but I just think it would be interesting for Bobby's story, accidentally putting his wife in danger again through indirect action, but this time he gets to save her.
Also, as I mentioned before, this is an Airbus.
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I don't know why they're referencing Boeing here, but I did see this blurry shot of a Boeing aircraft in the background here, in one of the bts photos:
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So I don't know, does this emergency involve 2 different airplanes? Is the Airbus crashing into the Boeing? Is the Boeing trying to stop the Airbus or vice versa? I have zero ideas.
I can't wait to be wrong with all of you.
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Best and worst of both worlds (part 35)
Tw: not that i know of for now, short chapter its basically just fluff between Yves and you
Part 36
You woke up to hushed whispers. You deduced that it was between your nurse and someone else.
Your arm moving up to rub your eyes silenced them. Soon after, a shadow loomed over you. The mattress dipped as he sat on the edge of your bed.
Only when your bleary eyes opened did he say something.
"Hello, my beloved (name)."
Yves's ethereal countenance appeared before you. His raven black hair received a refreshed blowout, looking healthier, shinier, silkier and bouncier than ever. He was donning an adoring smile while he had his arms stretched out, his nails weren't painted crimson, but it was neutral pink with ivory french tips.
You blinked multiple times before shooting up to give him a big squeeze. You buried your head in his hair, greedily taking in his scent that now smelled of lavender. Not overpoweringly so, but undeniably pleasant and comforting.
"Oh, how I missed you..." He murmured in your neck before giving it a light kiss. His almond nails carded your hair, sending tingles down your spine.
Yves is gentle. So gentle. His touch is nothing like that monster's, it felt... purifying, cleansing and safe. You know that you will never cry out of pain and agony from his love.
But you're shedding tears onto his expensive, cashmere blouse. Sobs were muffled by his shoulder as you pour your gratitude out through your eyes. You're happy that he's back, you missed him too.
Your fingers gripped onto him tightly, causing temporary wrinkles and twists. Yves didn't mind, all he did was hold you tighter and soothingly rubbed your back.
Yves lets a stray tear slip out of his eye and no more. It landed onto your hospital gown and left a small stain that spread for a bit. He's elated to kiss you, to smell you, to hold you again.
You kept shuffling deeper and deeper into him as if you were trying to merge flesh. Yves understands that you're subconsciously trying to hide from the world, his heart skipped a beat when he realized that your brain sees him as a safe haven to do so. That is why, he wasn't bothered in the slightest that you were suffocating him. He can handle it, he needs you not to worry.
However, he had to pull away momentarily when your crying wasn't showing signs of stopping or slowing down. He held your puffy, blubbering face in both of his soft hands. You're now hiccuping and hyperventilating due to overwhelm.
"(Name), that's enough now. I will not be leaving anytime soon." He wiped the tears away from your eyes with his thumb. "You will suffer from a headache if you cry too much."
His tranquility wasn't enough to stop you from bawling, you gripped onto his sleeve tightly. Yves scoots a bit closer and pressed a kiss on your forehead.
He cupped your right eye, blinding it while he left your other one uncovered. You were caught off guard by this strange move, your heart rate slowed and you eventually breathed normally without tears dripping down your chin. There were a few sniffles here and there, but the warmth of his palm onto your eyelid miraculously calmed you down immediately.
He released his hands from your head and went ahead to retrieve a packet of facial tissues from his brand new opulent handbag. It's of course, black in colour. But it has a different structure, gold accents and material.
You looked at him quizzingly, wondering what he just did to hack your brain. All Yves did was smile and praised you.
"Well done, my love." He lovingly dried your face with the tissue. You had no idea what he was praising you for, but you're not complaining because it made you feel fluttery inside.
You noticed the nurse has given you and him privacy, allowing you to be as shameless with him.
You basked in his rapid shower of kisses, enjoying the unconditional attention and affection while he covered you in his rouge lipstick prints. You closed your eyes and smiled as he did all the work, your body slightly rocking back and forth for every kiss he gave.
In the end, Yves had to forcefully restrain himself from giving more. He wouldn't want history repeating itself again. However, his anxieties were quelled when he saw that you were glowing in contentment once he's done.
"M-my apologies, dear. Y-you look..." He tried to contain it, but he laughed gleefully in the end. You looked absolutely adorable with thirty-two pairs of lip prints on you. Yves couldn't even complete his original sentence, he could only pull you into another hug and nuzzle his nose into your hair.
He lets out an extremely hushed, almost inaudible squeal before pressing one last kiss on the crown of your head.
You let yourself jellify in his arms, taking in all the love, affection and attention that you've been owed for the past five days.
"I brought you souvenirs." He mumbled lowly on your head.
You waited for him to present it to you.
"...But I want to hold you for longer. Will you please grant me the pleasure?"
You said yes. To which he replied with another kiss on the temple.
"Thank you, (name)."
Yves slipped his feet out of his black heels before laying on the bed with you, tucking himself under your blanket and trapping you with him. He was careful not to affect your leg cast and bandages.
You snuggle into his chest as he envelopes you in his warmth, creating a bubble of protection. You felt safe, secured and most importantly, at peace.
His unyielding embrace reminded you that there is someone that you could always retreat to in times of need. And that is Yves.
"I love you."
He whispered before resting his chin on the top of your head. He ran his nimble fingers through your hair.
You grinned and relaxed into him, feeling unburdened with the events that happened over the past week.
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lady-lostmind · 7 months
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for Stobin Month prompt: Safe
Thank you @oh-stars for betaing this!
WC: 676 | Rating: T
ao3 link
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Robin hovers on the porch of Steve’s massive house. She’s never been here before. Was never cool enough to be invited to one of King Steve’s blowout parties when he was still in school. And the whole friends thing is…new. Well, at least in the sense of being friends outside of work. They’ve had the same shifts all summer, and were definitely getting close before the whole end of the world as we know it bit, but they weren’t, yet. And then there was Russians, and torture, and drugs, and bathroom confessions, and blobby meat monsters, and then Steve had shoved his phone number and address into her hand and insisted she come by whenever. That he knows it’s hard to be thrown into all of…whatever the fuck. And now she’s here. At two in the morning, on Steve Harrington’s porch because the quiet at her house was too fucking quiet. 
She takes a deep breath and knocks, hoping to all shit that Steve was serious about the whenever part of his offer. Robin shuffles her feet, tugging her bag higher on her shoulder, and is just starting to regret her decision to come here when a light turns on and Steve rips the door open, hair sticking up in every direction, a pair of pajama pants hanging low on his hips and a nail bat in his hand that he drops to his side immediately when he sees who’s at his door in the middle of the night. 
Robin’s eyes drop to the weapon and then flit back up to Steve. “Gonna put me out of my misery?” 
Steve’s face drops and he shakes his head, leaning the bat off to the side and stepping back to let her in. Robin steps into the spacious foyer and picks at her nails, not sure what she even expected out of coming here. Steve shuts the door behind her and then they’re just…standing there. Staring at each other. And actually, maybe letting the nightmares get her is better than this because fuck if this isn’t awkward and–
Steve sighs and tugs her forward, wrapping his arms around her. “I’m so glad you came over. I haven’t slept in like four days.” 
Robin sags with relief, letting Steve hold her up and tucking her face in against his chest. “Me either.” 
Steve chuckles. “Why didn’t you come over sooner?”
Robin shrugs. “Wasn’t sure I really should. Why didn’t you call?”
Steve sighs. “I was trying to give you space to process all the crazy shit, I guess. It’s uh– a lot. The first time.” 
She pulls back, eyes wide and heart slamming into her throat. “But this was it, right? Like, no more crazy shit. It’s over, right?”
Steve’s mouth flattens into a tight line and he sucks in a deep breath. “I hope so.” He rubs his hand on her shoulder and nudges her in the direction of the stairs. “Come on. Let's try to get some sleep.” 
Robin trudges up the stairs, her limbs feeling heavy as she lets Steve guide her down the hall and into what is quite possibly the ugliest bedroom she’s ever seen in her life. 
She lets out a snort, opening her mouth to comment on the over abundance of plaid when Steve’s hand covers half her face. 
“Don’t. It’s bad. I know. I’m too tired to defend my fourteen year old self right now.” 
Robin rolls her eyes but nods, dropping her bag on the floor and toeing out of her shoes, watches as Steve climbs in the bed and gets situated before holding up the blanket for her to climb in after him. She doesn’t let herself think too long about how this is objectively weird. Just climbs in and sinks into Steve’s ridiculously comfortable mattress with a sigh, eyes already drooping closed. Steve tugs her arm, getting her to scooch closer, her head ending up on his chest, legs tangling together, and for the first time since the world almost ended, she drifts off to sleep feeling safe.
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Stobin month prompt list by @lavenderstobins
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