#so wiatt is and always has been wiatt
theitalianscribe · 6 months
I can't wait to see more of Owen Nicholson and to write him into fic's because the dissonance between my interpretation of him and how he is written in cannon just shows how I am probably watching Welcome to Dreamworld for the wrong reasons.
Cannon Owen:
"A man is some day going to outlive his father, but it shouldn't be this soon. And not like this."
Serious character. Has kind of film noir vibes.
Is in a tragic situation even now and is understandably solem about it.
Currently being gaslit while in spider robot purgatory
Owen when I write him
A bit of a goofball but very supportive.
Is super supportive of Wiatt.
He made a hat with a pun on it to congratulate Wiatt on figuring himself out and picking a name.
Is either a streamer, a blogger, or journalist.
He is so proud of his son (and maybe his son's sister Sara depending on the au.)
Is aware of the spooky shit going on but pretends to be oblivious and is trying (but unknowingly failing) to keep his kid(s) out of it.
If he is a journalist/news reporter, has the tagline of "This has been News with Nicholson, where you always get more than my two cents!"
Come to think of it, I may be basing him heavily on Patton Sanders. That probably means that he also is masking depression which would make sense now that I think about it.
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thedreamworldlibrary · 5 months
Magia Chap. 2-Starlight So Bright!
Here is the next chapter! I got started working on this at work before my shift and after I finished chapter 1. Yeah, I’m on a roll with this AU because it’s something I wanted to create since I joined the fandom.
Big shoutout to @belladazeblog916 and @summonfi for giving me encouragement to write this AU because of you guys this AU has been fun to work one alongside Pokemon AU.
So this part of the AU takes place around the time Lewis was supposed to go missing, but alas he didn’t.
Big thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader!
It was late in the afternoon when Wiatt made it to the building where a new children’s entertainment facility called Dreamworld was about to open in a few months. He let out a sigh and held his backpack close as he slowly opened the door to the facility.
There wasn’t much, except for painted walls and posters of the characters that would be the stars of the facility. Wiatt smiled remembering these creations as Lewis would bring them up on their dates. He thought the designs were nice, especially the Starlight animatronic, which he always teased Lewis about since him.
He was so lost in his thoughts he bumped into an older man. “Oh sorry!” 
“N-No it’s okay.” The older man replied.
Wiatt’s eyes widen recognizing the older man. “Wait are you Eric Gale?” He asked.
The older man nodded and remembered Lewis had told him something about an old friend coming over. “Yes.” Eric replied. “I’m guessing you’re, Wiatt Nicholson.”
Wiatt nodded in reply.
“Lewis told me you were coming, but I thought it would be later at night,” Eric explained.
“I left a little earlier, and decided to stop by now,” Wiatt explained.
Eric sighed, “You might have to wait for a bit. Lewis and his friends are in a meeting at the moment.” He explained.
“O-Oh. I see.”
“Yeah. It’s about Sara, again.”
Wiatt gave a glare and rolled his eyes. “Lewis has told me.” He said.
“Yeah. I worry about her. She was never like this, she was always excited to build this facility.” Eric explained.
Wiatt remembered one of his texts with Lewis and he said the same thing. A week after that, was when Sara started separating herself from him. Though he worried for Lewis, as Sara could’ve done something to him if he wasn’t careful. Wiatt gave his boyfriend plenty of warnings, but Lewis reassured him he just needed to talk to Sara or find out who the person is that’s keeping her away from them.
He didn’t want to stand here and just wait, he had to see Lewis. “I know Lewis is in a meeting, but is it alright to check up on him?” He asked.
“Sure,” Eric replied. “Just be careful, it could be tense.” 
“I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.” Wiatt reassured the older man.
“Alright, good luck.”
Wiatt went through the doors that said ‘Employees Only’ and as he walked through the hall, he heard a familiar voice. 
“You don’t get it, do you?!” A female voice yelled.
A voice that made him shiver.
“You haven’t understood any of my ideas since we agreed on a club logo back in high school. Everything else you always argue against!”
It was the voice of Sara Covetman, one of the founders, Lewis’s friend and someone Wiatt never trusted.
Quickly he ran through the hallways passing through a room where the voice was coming from. He stepped back a bit to see the three founders of Dreamworld in a meeting. Wiatt saw a small opening and saw Lewis and Sara in an argument as Oliver stood to the side looking nervous.
“I don’t even know who he is?! You won’t tell us?!” Lewis yelled.
“Well, Oliver doesn’t seem to mind, does he?” Sara asked. “What has he been working on while we go back and forth on my ideas?”
“Eric was right, this is tense.” Wiatt thought to himself. He wanted to wait a bit before coming in and intruding on the group on their conversation.
Lewis glared and pointed at Oliver standing right next to him. “He’s standing right here! The least you can do is ask him!” He shouted.
Sara groaned, “fine! Oliver, you clearly don’t have anything to say about our little dispute, what have you been working on?” She asked.
Oliver was about to speak, but the door squeaked causing the three founders to turn. Lewis saw a piece of recognizable clothing and walked over to the door. “W-Wiatt?” Lewis asked.
Wiatt opened the door, and walked in, chuckling nervously, “I hope I wasn’t interrupting something.” He said.
“You were,” Sara replied, crossing her arms. “What are you doing here Wiatt? I thought you were back home watching your grandfather’s creepy manor.”
“I was,” Wiatt replied, with a smug smile. “However, I wasn’t sure if Lewis gave you the message that I was coming over to visit. Were you just stuck in your office again?”
Sara glared at the smaller boy and gave a low growl.
Lewis smiled and gave a light chuckle, “Hello darling. I thought you would be here later tonight?” He asked.
“Well, I left a little earlier and figured I would see the place now rather than later,” Wiatt explained.
Lewis chuckled, he truly did miss Wiatt. Having been gone for a few years he saw Wiatt barely changed. His hair was a bit longer, but that’s about it.
“H-Hey Wiatt,” Oliver spoke up. “Glad you're here.”
“Oh, Oliver! It’s nice to see you too.” Wiatt replied. He then turned to Sara who glared at him, and he glared back, “Sara.”
“Wiatt,” Sara replied.
Lewis felt the tension again and decided to break it. “Um Wiatt, why don’t I give you a tour of the facility? It’s needed.” He asked.
“Sure,” Wiatt said. “Uh…is there anywhere safe I can keep my bag in? It’s a little heavy.” 
“You can leave it here, darling. No one would touch it.” Lewis told him.
Wiatt glared at Sara, who looked offended. “Like I would dig through your stuff!” She snapped.
Wiatt rolled his eyes and put his backpack in one of the chairs. He unzipped the bag and looked at everything. If anything seemed out of place, he knew who to blame. Wiatt zipped his bag again and was ready to start his tour.
“Okay, ready,” Wiatt said.
Lewis chuckled as he took Wiatt's hand, which made the two blush, and decided to show him around the facility. 
Once the two were gone, Sara made sure the two were gone and turned to Wiatt’s backpack. Oliver took notice and saw Sara digging through Wiatt’s bag.
“Uh…what are you doing?” Oliver asked.
“Looking through Wiatt’s bag,” Sara replied.
“Didn’t he say, not to go into his bag?”
“Yeah, but he has a reason to be here and I want to find out why.” Sara paused, seeing the jewelry box. She raised an eyebrow seeing the box inside the young boy’s bag, and pulled it out scanning it.
“Is that a jewelry box?” Oliver asked, walking over to his friend.
“It is,” Sara answered. “Now the question remains, why did he bring it here?”
What she didn’t know was that inside the box, the pink gem started to shine.
Sara put the box on the table as the two took a closer look at it ignoring the footsteps coming back into the room.
Wiatt returned to the office and froze seeing Sara looking at the jewelry box. She froze and stepped back from the box, and Oliver froze looking like a deer in the headlights.
 “uh…what are you doing?” Wiatt asked.
Sara looked up at him and the box, “I should be asking you, what is this?” Sara asked, picking up the box and pointing at it.
“It’s just a jewelry box I found in my house,” Wiatt replied. “Nothing special.”
“Why did you bring it?”
Wiatt opened his mouth, but he couldn’t come up with an answer. He just brought it with him without a second thought. “Look, I don’t know. My brain must’ve decided to take it and bring it. Just give it back to me.” He said walking over to Sara.
Sara pulled it away from Wiatt and held it up. Wiatt tried to reach for the box, but even though Sara was an inch or two taller than him, she was still tall enough to hold it back from him.
She then smirked and turned to Oliver. “Oliver heads up!” Sara yelled, tossing the box towards the timid boy.
Oliver yelped and caught the box, before sighing in relief.
Like with the pink gem, the green gem inside the box started to shine.
“Oliver, give it to me!” Wiatt yelled.
“Oliver, toss it back!” Sara yelled.
Oliver looked between Sara and Wiatt and decided to throw it to see who caught it first. Wiatt stepped back to grab it, but Sara tripped him and she caught the box.
Wiatt glared and tried to get the box back, but Sara threw it back at Oliver who caught it.
The shy boy smiled and threw it back to Sara before Wiatt could grab it back. From there, it was a game of monkey in the middle as the two founders tossed the box back and forth away from Wiatt.
“C-Come on guys! This isn’t fucking funny!” Wiatt yelled.
“It is to me!” Sara laughed. “Oliver, go long!” She tossed the box a little further as Wiatt ran over to it.
Oliver was about to catch it, but another pair of hands grabbed it.
“What’s going on here?!” Lewis shouted, holding the box in his hand.
Like with the other two gems, the blue gem started to shine and afterwards the other three gems shined as well.
“Uh…” Oliver started looking nervous and quickly pointed at the female founder. “Sara started it.”
Sara stuttered looking shocked that Oliver would call her out like that. “W-What?! Oliver, Y-You were enjoying it too!” She yelled back.
“Enough!” Lewis yelled. Oliver and Sara went quiet as they faced the other founder. “I’m putting an end to this, and giving this back to Wiatt.” He went over and handed the box back to his boyfriend. “Here you go, darling.”
“Thanks, Lewis,” Wiatt replied.
“Though I must know, is that a gift for me?” Lewis asked, interested in the box.
“N-No it’s something I found in my own house,” Wiatt replied. “I don’t know why I brought it. I just felt like bringing it.”
Sara rolled her eyes, “well did you open it?” She asked, hearing Wiatt’s reason wasn’t something she expected.
“I did, but inside are gems,” Wiatt answered.
“Gems!” Sara exclaimed. “Can I see?”
Wiatt pulled the box away from the female founder. “After the bullshit, you just pulled? No way!” Wiatt replied.
“Come on Wiatt! I just want to see!” She begged,
“Darling, please show her,” Lewis exclaimed.
The smaller boy was surprised to see his boyfriend defending his friend, even though the two had been arguing for weeks, maybe months over the facility plans.
“L-Lewis,” Waitt whispered, still shocked.
“I won’t steal it I promise,” Sara said, putting a hand to her chest and raising the other one.
Wiatt growled tired of all this. He didn’t trust Sara, but also was hurt Lewis defended her, and not him. “Fine!” He yelled. He grumbled a bit as he opened the box showing the gems inside. However, upon opening them the gems started to glow bright. This concerned the trio because gems don’t usually glow like that,  “See, they're just gems, that's it.”
“Uhh…Wiatt…” Oliver spoke up, sounding frightened. “Are gems supposed to glow like that?”
Wiatt looked down at the box and saw the gems glowing brightly. Soon Wiatt and the Founder Trio’s eyes flashed like the colors of each gem before a bright multi-colored light flashed and sent the four towards the wall.
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Eric and Carly heard it from their office and ran quickly towards the room to see the four groaning and slowly getting up. “Are you guys okay?!” Eric asked, as he ran towards Lewis and helped him up.
“Y-Yeah, we're fine,” Lewis replied, rubbing his head.
Oliver groaned trying to stand up, but his legs felt shaky. “Ugh…I feel sick.” He groaned.
Sara slowly got up as she turned to Wiatt, putting on his glasses, and gave him a small glare. She wanted to yell at him, but her body was too weak at that moment. “Wiatt, what did you do?” She asked.
“I-I don’t know what that was, but it might’ve been when you and Oliver tossed it around, it activated something,” Wiatt explained. 
The smaller boy looked at the box and closed it before putting it in his backpack.
Eric saw the four weak and tired, and after what transpired today he decided it would be best if the group left for the day.
“I think it’s best if we all go home and get some rest,” Eric said.
“Yeah…I’ll take that.” Oliver groaned. 
Sara turned to the clock and saw it was only 5:05 pm. “I guess, but Lewis and Oliver if you feel well enough later come to my apartment to discuss things.”
“Fine by me darling. I still need to ask some…questions about earlier.” Lewis replied.
“Wiatt. I can give you a ride back to wherever you're staying.” Eric said.
Wiatt sighed, even though he walked here his body felt too weak to even walk. “T-That would be nice. Thank you.” He replied.
Eric smiled and the group split off for the night.
Once back at his hotel, Wiatt collapsed on his bed. During the ride, he felt his head pounding and his chest was hurting. Heck, Oliver suffered the same thing, as he too was given a ride back with Eric, and he wondered if Lewis and Sara felt the same.
Curious, Wiatt dug into his bag and pulled out the box again. He opened the box, and his eyes widened in shock.
The gems inside were no longer shining, but instead dimmed and faded.
“That’s odd. They were shining not too long ago. I wonder what happened.” He said.
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Basically it seems to be an ad for watchful eye toys, but also not, like most other "ads" we see in wtdw.
So the video starts with a new character already, this guy:
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Keep them in mind, we'll circle back to them later.
Thet say that "It's been far to long since we last spoke", before quickly diverting to a new character who immediately just flings themselves in our face:
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Their name is Morris, they're a court jester vampire bat, and right after they say hello, there's a random beeping noise. This happens at other seemingly random points through out the video. We then learn more about other products that watchful eye toys makes.
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The jack in the box is called the "Itty Bitty Jester Bot/Box" (I couldn't tell which), the bat is a "Mystery Cove Bat Friend", and the tambourine is a "Twinkle Light Tambourine". Not much is known about these currently.
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They then go on to talk about Twimblo's, showing this ad. Now, this was shown in ep 13, but I wanted to bring up the "phone number" (does anyone know if this is a code or just random symbols because idk codes), but also not only do these go for $500 (before tax), they still put up a "buy one get one free", presumably to get more souls.
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Then we get this little scene, showing Morris talking to Oddity, which first of all, why is he here, second, Morris is surprised that Oddity can talk?
Is talking like, and Oddity thing and not just a Twimblo thing? Is Oddity possessed? What is that about?
Also Oddity doesn't even know why he's here, or where he even is, someone help the poor guy-
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They then get to the real purpose of the video.
Dreamworld is making a new animatronic.
Apparently, the viewers get to comment features they might like the animatronic to have, and Watchful Eye will go through the top ten most liked and create a new animatronic??? Okay, cool, that's interesting, we'll talk about this later.
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After that, they do an outro to the video, officially clarifying that yes, that's Oddity, and Morris asks if the camera stopped rolling, and if this means they can "Finally go-", before getting abruptly cut off.
There's then static, we get this image;
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And then we see announcer guy again
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They say their the project manager at the facility, before saying "But, you don't recognize me? What if I just..." It then cuts to this all to familiar screen;
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We of course here training tape person saying their basic introduction, implying that announcer and training tape (who sound almost nothing alike) are on in the same. And then finally, we're left with this;
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And a long stretch of blackness.
So, first off, announcer is pretty obviously Litho. Project manager for watchful eye, implies he voices the training tapes, which I always assumed were voiced by Litho possessing Sara, and shows a image that is clearly implied to be Litho quickly after. Plus, something I noticed is that Sara has pink eyes for most of the plot, aka when she's being possessed, but looking at when she's not obviously possessed, like for example her in highschool;
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Her eyes are brown. So it appears that a sign of Litho's possession is pink eyes. And who else has pink eyes? Announcer guy.
Next, touching on Morris. My theory is that Morris is Rainbott, due to similar color palettes, and the fact that we never really learned what Winnie did to Rain. Now, the question is, what is Morris? It's never stated they're an animatronic, so what are they? Could it be similar to poppy playtime toys? Are they actually just an animatronic? Who knows.
Finally, the whole Amazing Automations thing. Why are they doing this? Why do they need a new animatronic?
I think I have an idea. I think they're planning to kill someone, and need a place to keep the soul. But who?
My top guess is Wiatt, due to how much trouble he's caused, and how odd it is that Litho let him stay around and keep his job. My next bet is Celio, but due to them just getting there, it's unlikely. Maybe Oliver as well?
And one last note that probably doesn't mean anything but it's interesting.
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The eyes look vaguely similar.
This has been my wtdw Ted Talk. I hope you enjoyed.
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Hello everyone, this is Dr Gale, some people and I are going to control the asks for a while until the founders make up.
These are the people you can ask:
Dr Gale (me 😄)
Dr Sterling (manager)
Ben and Liz Acrimony (Oliver’s younger twin siblings)
Carly Gale (my daughter)
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Tragedy struck the Nicholson family.
Mrs Nicholson killed herself after making a call to the police saying that she will k### her 4 year old daughter, ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ Nicholson who is luckily alive and found playing in the playroom of the house.
Owen Nicholson is found missing during his business trip.
⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ is taken in for questioning.
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Officer Walker: hello? ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ is it?
⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: yeah that’s my name.
Officer Walker: I’m going to ask you some questions. If you can take a break, if any questions makes you too uncomfortable.
⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: sure.
Officer Walker: did your mother acted aggressive towards you?
⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: no. She always sleeps as she claims that she doesn’t feel well.
Officer Walker: where did your father go?
⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: he never told me or mom.
Officer Walker: did your mother act strange?
⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: ever since she got a weird phone call, she has been acting very odd like she suddenly has a bad temper and she breaks mirrors.
Officer Walker: why did your father go.
⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: he went to find a cure for mom.
Officer Walker: was anyone else there?
⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: I think so but I don’t know, I was told that I have too many imaginary friends but I’m 99.9% sure that the shadow man was real.
Officer Walker: who is the shadow man?
⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: his skin was dark like shadow and his smile is wide grin with sharp teeth and he has too many eyes. He was always seen with my mom.
Officer Walker: why was he near your mom.
⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: I don’t know but I think he was up to no good.
Officer Walker: okay we are done for the day, I will make a few calls about this. Just stay here.
⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: okay…
(The officer leaves)
⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: where did dad go? Why does this happen to me. Why was I left alive.
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saltyr3mix · 1 year
OK SO IVE HAD THIS IDEA FOR A WHILE! i think it was inspired by a tumblr post but here is an outline for a Oliver gets possessed by litho timeline idea!
Child. was watching tv with his parents when they started to be....not great parents. ummmm he fights back and now has two dead adults on his hands but is like Sara in the sense he doesn't quite realize what hes done. or at least is one hell of an actor to the cops.
his siblings are still around but once parents died he was to young to hold custody so he hasn't seen them since that night. they moved away.
founders trio happens the same. but instead of phone calls Oliver grows distant watching some sort of news channel. still has the same effect and follows Sara's footsteps except with tv instead of phones.
Winnie shows up. we love to see it. Lewis dies the same. only Oliver is a lot less....i don't know...mischievous with it. hes more cold, calculated vibes than Sara's quick jabs and menacing one liners. i also think hes just a tad more sympathetic to Litho/Winnie than Sara because missing siblings/kids. he knows how that feels.
other deaths go the same minus the twins. because! we replace them with uhhhh idk yet. either Celio or Norman. someone close to Sara.
Sara! then gets Damien involved. for detective reasons and also because she knows hes been Olivers crush for years and can try to talk some sense into him
it didn't work. Oliver sends Sara to the basement and she get a radio instead of Tv which i think is fun!
i think Damien ends up making the virus in this au. in fact the way i see it the radio trap was meant for him but Sara ended up falling for it so hes in here looking for her but also trying to help Oliver.
Drama romance bloodshed, the series goes on as usual. other fun facts when Litho takes over Oliver's soul gets shoved into the WTD website, this is really my theory on what happend to cannon Sara. but making it cannon in this au because its cool.
Big end confrontation with the collector and stuff. we get a moment of softness from Litho seeing his brother again, and then star reveals he knows where the twins are. this is where major cannon divergence starts to happen. because that breaks Oliver out of Lithos control. even for a second. his eyes flash black to blue before Litho reeks havoc and memory stuff happens.
Wiatt ends up escaping along with Damien with their new found goal of finding Oliver's younger siblings while trying to restore everyone's memories.
Twins are either circus performers or just like genuinely living in the middle of no where with some random guy who i would connect to a character, like a sibling of one of the main cast.
Is this twin centric when it probably shouldn't be?.....yes. big reason ill never write this is because i always feel like im either dragging it to far from cannon or two close to cannon to make an au thats interesting.
Anyway feel free to ask be about it if you want. this is pretty much all i have for it but im more than happy to add more.
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Barefoot And Bruised Playlist
 YouTube Playlist
Part One: Songs Featured In The Text
Dancing On Glass - St. Lucia (Chapter: 27/Chapter 27 Song)
How long ‘til we learn, Dancing is dangerous, How long 'til we find, The devil inside of us, How high is too low, We’re not that young, So we’re never gonna stop, Never gonna stop, Never gonna stop, Until we break it
Drops Of Jupiter - Train (Chapter: 12/Chapter 12 Song)
Now that she’s back in the atmosphere, With drops of Jupiter in her hair, hey, hey, hey, She acts like summer and walks like rain, Reminds me that there’s a time to change, hey, hey, hey, Since the return from her stay on the moon, She listens like spring and she talks like June, hey, hey, hey
One More Day - Diamond Rio (Chapter: 24/Chapter 24 Song)
One more day, One more time, One more sunset, maybe I'd be satisfied, But then again, I know what it would do, Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you 
Part Two: Songs That Remind Me Of The Text*
Alibis - Marianas Trench (Chapter 59 Song)
This is not the man I hoped to be, And I'm just trying to stop the bleeding, I don't know how to word it, I just started to deserve it, And all my, all my faces are alibis, And me, I'm half the man I wanted to be 
Amazing - Foxes (Chapter 46 Song)
See, I've got a wild heart and I can't control it, It keeps on letting me down, I know, with you, tonight could be amazing, Be amazing, I'm scared, to death, still I stood here waiting, Here waiting 
Angel By Your Side - Francesca Battistelli (Chapter 50 Song)
I’ll be the angel by your side, I will get you through the night, I’ll be the strength you can’t provide on your own, ‘Cause when you’re down and out of time, And you think you’ve lost the fight, Let me be the angel 
Awake In A Dream - Hedley
Though I feel like I’m flying, I’m sure my feet are still on the ground, Open my eyes and it’s amazing, How my world is changed when I look around, It’s like I’ve found the road straight to heaven, And that road has lead me right here to you
Bad Dream - Ruelle
Feels like I'm frozen, Nowhere to run, nowhere to run from here, These walls are closing, Closing me in, Wearing me thin with fear
Because Of You - Danny Gokey
Your amazing love can put me back together, When I think all hope is gone, It's incredible knowing you are with me, It gives me strength to keep moving on 
Be The Song - Foy Vance (Chapter 9 Song)
When inner scars, show on your face, and darkness hides, your sense of place, well I won’t speak, I will refrain and be the song, just be the song.
Better Love - Foxes
And it's killing me, When I'm in your arms, I forget the darker days, And it's haunting me, These feet of mine, Won't let me march away
Better Man - James Morrison (Chapter 70 Song)
There was a time, I had nothing to give, I needed shelter from the storm I was in, And when it all got too heavy, You carried my weight, And I want to hold you, And I want to say, That you are all that I need 
Better Today - Coffey Anderson (Chapter 79 Song)
And when I, and I’m thinking of the times, Your hand’s in mine, together we will stay, You made me better today, Better than I was before, And now my heart can rest and I will search no more, You made me better today
Big Guns - Ruelle
There's nowhere to run when all is coming undone, You can try, you can try, But you can't hide from the big guns 
Black And Blue - Mindy McCready (Chapter 65 Song)
Oh he said I had it coming, But I know that isn't true If he loved me, The one thing he would never do, Was turn me black and blue 
Borrow My Heart - Taylor Henderson (Chapter 35 Song)
Oh love, love is a feeling that you fear, But if you open up, know I won’t let you fall my dear, Under the surface we’re all just the same, Follow me darling, for you I’ll be brave, Oh love, love is a feeling that you fear
Break In - Halestorm
You are the only one, The only one that sees me, Trusts me and believes me, You are the only one, The only one that knows me, And in the dark you show me, Yeah it's perfectly reckless, Damn, you leave me defenseless, So break in 
Break Your Heart - The Gaslight Anthem (Chapter 26 Song)
It would bring you to tears, if you knew what I know. See, I spent all of my money on second hand love, But I trusted somebody way and back when. And I loved her like fire until it drove me insane. And oh, my my, it would break your heart, If you knew how I loved you, if I showed you my scars, If I played you my favorite song lying here in the dark. Oh my my, it would break your heart.
Can I - Tedy
Can you tell me that you'll be here, For all the little things, Can I lay here, In your arms, Can I love you, Would it be alright, Can I wait here
Carry You Away - Us And Our Daughters (Chapter 60 Song)
When you feel you're gonna fall, I'll carry you away Don't let your memories turn to chance, Don't live that way Cut the shackles, set you free You won't be the same When you feel you're gonna fall 
Clean - Travis Atreo (Chapter 17 Song)
Hung my head as I lost the war, and the sky turned black like a perfect storm, Rain came pouring down when I was drowning, That’s when I could finally breathe, And by morning gone was any trace of you, I think I am finally clean
Come And Save Me - Gloriana
Hold me close, Now until forever, I'll be unafraid, Hold me close, Give me back, My reason to believe, Come and save me 
Crash And Burn - Lifehouse (Chapter 54 Song)
I've been hurt and I've been scarred, At least I know that I'm alive, And If I fall and crash and burn, At least we both know that I tried
Daydream - Ruelle (Chapter 68 Song)
Faded it's gone, The darkness I once knew, What could go wrong? My heart is safe with you
Devil Side - Foxes
Still I want you, but not for your devil side, Not for your haunted life, Just for you, So tell me why I deal with your devil side, I deal with your dangerous mind, But never with you, Who's gonna save you now? 
Done You Wrong - Aaron Pritchett (Chapter 15 Song)
I want to tear down, The walls that you built up, And baby open your heart, To all my love
Don’t Worry About Me - Frances (Chapter 44 Song)
I'll feel the fear for you, I'll cry your tears for you, I'll do anything I can to make you comfortable, Even if I fall down when you're not around, Don't worry about me, don't worry about me 
Doorway - Io Echo
I wanna feel you, I've gotta shake you off, I wanna hate you, Your words, they haunt me, I over-analyze, I watch the doorway 
Dreaming Of This - Jamestown Story ft. Whitney Wiatt
I've spent so many years dreaming of this, I'm long overdue, And finally all my dreams are happening, In an ideal form of you 
Dying To Live Again - Hedley
I was such a fool to hurt you, 'cause you're the one I always turn to, When I'm going out of my mind, I just bite the hand that feeds me, Instead of loving ones that need me, But I want it more this time, I was wrong. It's hard to say, At least I learn from my mistakes, I would change everything 
Empire - Ella Henderson
I see your light, I know it’s coming and I’m terrified, No more defences here to hide behind, Oh, just you and I, And through the smoke, I see you burning like a ray of hope, I found the fire now the ashes glow, Oh, I come alive 
Ever After - Marianas Trench
Don't you move, Can't you stay where you are, just for now, I could be your perfect disaster, You could be my ever after 
Every Little Thing You Do - Westlife
It’s every little thing you do, That makes me fall in love with you, There isn’t a way that I can show you, Ever since I’ve come to know you, It’s every little thing you say, That makes me wanna feel this way, There’s not a thing that I can point to, 'Cause it’s every little thing you do
Everything You’re Not - Demi Lovato
I used to sing to your twisted symphony, The words that had me trapped inside your misery, But now I know, The reason why I couldn't breathe 
Falling In Love In A Coffee Shop - Landon Pigg (Chapter 6 Song)
I think that possibly, maybe I’m falling for you, Yes there’s a chance that I’ve fallen quite hard over you. I’ve seen the paths that your eyes wander down, I want to come too, I think that possibly, maybe I’m falling for you, No one understands me quite like you do, Through all of the shadowy corners of me
Fragile - Gnash ft. Wrenn (Chapter 66 Song)
I'm sorry you saw me breaking, But stay with me don't stray, God, I wish you would hold me closely, Don't think I don't feel the same 
Give Your Heart A Break - Demi Lovato (Chapter 28 Song)
Don’t wanna break your heart, Wanna give your heart a break, I know you’re scared it’s wrong, Like you might make a mistake, There’s just one life to live, And there’s no time to wait, to wait, So let me give your heart a break
Grow - Frances
Don't put your eyes down, You're not to blame, I know there are stories, You can't explain, But if I should find you black and blue, And aching from crying, I'll wait with you 
Halo - Kris Orlowski
Remember those walls I built? Well, baby they're tumbling down, And they didn't even put up a fight, They didn't even make a sound, I found a way to let you in, But, I never really had a doubt, Standing in the light of your halo, I got my angel now
Heart And Mind - Kina Grannis (Chapter 77 Song)
And it was hard for me to say, Those three words that are so brave, Almost kept them locked away, Deep inside where they'd be safe 
Heart By Heart - Demi Lovato (Chapter 14 Song)
No, there’s no one else’s eyes, That could see into me, No one else’s arms can lift, Lift me up so high, Your love lifts me out of time, And you know my heart by heart
Heart Of Gold - Birdy (Chapter 30 Song)
I can be strong when I want to be, You think I’m weak ‘cause you can tear me apart, With the words that you speak, You think you’re in control but you don’t understand, How much you are wrong, You choose to lash out at me, I’ve done nothing wrong
Heavy Heart - Gabrielle Aplin (Chapter 53 Song)
We can pretend there's nothing wrong but I was telling you it's not your fault, You wanna help but it's helpless every time
He’s Not Him - Megan & Liz (Chapter 33 Song)
This ain’t then and he’s not him, Remind myself I can be myself again, Waking up to someone new, Thanking God that it’s you, 'cause this ain’t then and he’s not him
Hold You In My Arms - Ray LaMontagne
When you came to me with your bad dreams and your fears, It was easy to see that you'd been crying, Seems like everywhere you turn catastrophe it reigns, But who really profits from the dying, I could hold you in my arms, I could hold you forever 
Hope - Russell Taylor
Lost in space, Of how it used to be, Then you came and gave me, Gave new life to me, I thought there’d be no hope for the daylight, Then love came and rushed in, Then you came, And gave new life to me.
I Am Not Nothing - Beth Crowley
Looking up at the sky, I think I see the start of a sunrise, And I will forgive myself, And start to let it go, Accept that who you chose to be, Was out of my control, And though it might be hard, To begin again, I'll write myself a brand new story, With a happy end 
I Could Get Used To This - The Veronicas
I'm feeling it comin' over me, With you it all comes naturally, Lost the reflex to resist, And I could get used to this 
I Do - Susie Suh
I just wanna hold you when the goings tough, I just wanna love you when you're not enough, I just wanna give you all that I can give 
I Do - Jessie James Decker
You found me in the darkest night, You're my angel, You saved my life, I can't believe we're standing here, What's mine is yours, and yours is mine, I love you till the end of time 
I Do (Robyn’s Song) - Paul Brandt
Will I promise to be your best friend, And am I here until the end, Can I be sure I have been waiting for you, And did I say my love is true, Baby I will, I am, I can, I have, I do
If  You Need Someone - The Field Mice (Chapter 22 Song)
If you need someone, To make you, Feel safer than safe, I’ll try to, If you need someone, To comfort you, When tears fall down your face, I’ll do what I can
I’ll Be There - Faber Drive
When you can't carry on, When the road's way too long, Know that you're not alone, I can carry you home
I Should Go - Levi Kreis
I should go, Before my will gets any weaker, And my eyes begin to linger, Longer than they should, I should go, Before I lose my sense of reason, And this hour holds more meaning, Than it ever could, I should go 
It Is You (I Have Loved) - Dana Glover (Chapter 78 Song)
It's no more mystery, It is finally clear to me, You're the home my heart searched for so long, And it is you I have loved all along
Just A Step Away - Carly Rae Jepsen (Chapter 2 Song)
Here we are, Dancing cross this floor together, With every step I take I seem to want you more than ever, You made me love you, Look into my eyes, I want to tell you, I’ll never let you down, And I’ll never go away, And if you’re ever feeling down, I’m just a step away
Latch - Natalie Taylor
You lift my heart up when the rest of me is down, You, you enchant me even when you're not around, If there are boundaries I will try to knock them down, I'm latchin' on babe, now I know what I have found
Lay Down - Ella Henderson (Chapter 75 Song)
Won’t you stay now, There’s so much that’s never been said, Won’t you stay now, Remind me to never forget, And I, I won’t break down, I don’t want to live with regret, Won’t you stay now, I’ll be by your side ‘til the end 
Let The Light Back In - Maggie Eckford
When the shadows come, When the push comes to shove, I won't leave, When you want to fall apart, When it tears your heart, When you feel like giving in, I'll believe
Lionheart - Demi Lovato
And we walk together into the light, And my love will be your armor tonight, We are lionhearts, And we stand together facing a war, And our love is gonna conquer it all, We are lionhearts 
Locked Out - Megan & Liz (Chapter 5 Song)
You keep me comin’ in runnin’ until I break down, You keep me fallin’ and fallin’ until I hit the ground, You always pull me in, and then you shut me down, You know you’re keeping me, leaving me
Loved - Lucy Hale
It's the way you bring me coffee in the morning, And how you know just what not to say, I don't need you to try and fix everything, When I've had a bad day 
Love Is Your Name - Steven Tyler (Chapter 55 Song)
I’ll walk through the fire, I’ll run through the rain, I’ll wait for forever, If Love is your name, Your name 
Lover, Please Stay - Nothing But Thieves (Chapter 63 Song)
Lover, I feel your sorrow, Pouring out, Of your skin, And I don’t want to be alone, If I’m tonight, I’ll always be 
Lullaby - Chester See ft. Andy Lange (Chapter 72 Song)
So dream with me, Hold my hand; escape reality, Let my love be your cavalry, And I will hold you close, Don’t you worry; I’ll be by your side, I promise I’ll be here all through the night, I’ll comfort you until the morning light, And I won’t let you go
Lying To The Mirror - Gabrielle Aplin
And all your monsters in the night they come to life, So you embrace them in the hope that you’ll survive, Intoxicated by the fear and the flames, There’s paranoia in your veins.
Make You Feel My Love - Sleeping At Last
I know you haven't made your mind up yet, But I would never do you wrong, I've known it from the moment that we met, No doubt in my mind where you belong 
Maybe - Nat And Alex Wolff (Chapter 4 Song)
Maybe there’s a reason, I stand in your presence, I see you’re unhappy I can tell, Maybe, this is living, staring, Without moving our signs are still vital, We’re alive
Metalingus - Alter Bridge (Chapter 61 Song)
I'll never long for what might have been, Regret won't waste my life again, I won't look back, I'll fight to remain
Me Without You - Jennifer Nettles
Now I wake up early, whole world feels new. Seems so strange to ask myself, what do I want to do. Now I don’t know this road I’m on, or where it’s leading to, but I know I’m gonna be alright. The more I see, the more I like me.
My Best Friend - Tim McGraw
You're more than a lover, There could never be another, To make me feel the way you do, Oh we just get closer, I fall in love all over, Every time I look at you, And I don't know where I'd be, Without you here with me, Life with you makes perfect sense, You're my best friend 
Near To You - A Fine Frenzy (Chapter 39 Song)
You and I have something different, And I’m enjoying it cautiously, I’m battle scarred, I am working oh so hard, To get back to who I used to be, He’s disappearing, Fading subtly, I’m so close to being yours, Won’t you stay with me, Please
Never Been Hurt - Demi Lovato
I will love you, Like I’ve never been hurt, Run through fire for you, Like I’ve never been burned. I’m gonna risk it all like I’ve never lost, Gonna give it all I’ve got, I will love you, I will love like I’ve never been hurt, never been hurt
Nightingale - Demi Lovato
Can you be my nightingale? Sing to me I know you're there, You could be my sanity, But bring me peace, Sing me to sleep, Say you'll be my nightingale 
On My Shoulder - Westlife (Chapter 41 Song)
‘Cause when it all gets too much, Put your head down on my shoulder, A little warmth when it gets colder, Now I don’t know the things that you’re going through, But you can put your head down, On my shoulder, Wear the storm 'til it blows over, I know you’re there for me too, No I’ll be there for you
On The Side Of Angels - LeAnn Rimes
We’re on the side of angels after all. Every time you touch me, Don’t you feel it too? The gentle hand that’s guiding us, You to me, me to you, After all the might-have-beens, The close and distant calls, After all the try-agains, Don’t be afraid to fall, We’re on the side of angels after all.
Please Don’t Say You Love Me - Gabrielle Aplin (Chapter 52 Song)
Just please don’t say you love me, 'Cause I might not say it back, Doesn’t mean my heart stops skipping when you look at me like that, There’s no need to worry when you see just where we’re at, Just please don’t say you love me, 'Cause I might not say it back
Purify Me - India.Arie
It's like summertime always, Like it's sunny out all day, Whenever you smile, Sweeter than momma's homemade, And I thought every man was made the same way, But a world of smoke and ashes boy your are milk and honey 
Rescue You - High Valley (Chapter 51 Song)
I wanna be your knight in shining armor, Wake you up with a long slow kiss, Wanna guard your heart, I wanna keep you warm, I wanna feel you wrapped up in my arms, I wanna rescue… You from every dark night, You from every tear cried, Save you from a world so cruel, I wanna rescue,You from being lonely, Lay your worries on me, Show you what love can do, I wanna rescue you
Return To Innocence - Enigma (Chapter 23 Song)
If you want, then start to laugh, If you must, then start to cry, Be yourself don’t hide, Just believe in destiny, Don’t care what people say, Just follow your own way, Don’t give up and use the chance, To return to innocence
Safe - Katie Armiger (Chapter 64 Song)
I didn't want to jump the gun, And be the one to say I love you so soon, But when I look at you, the truth is, Baby now I do I do 
Safe Haven - Ruth B
When the world is caving, baby you're my safe haven, And when it all comes crashing I remember you saying, If you show me, then I'll show you, All the things that make me wanna know you, And when the world is caving, Baby, you're my safe haven, you're my safe haven 
Same Old War - Our Last Night
Stay strong, keep moving, can't let the darkness blind us, Carry on, we'll be the ones that pull the stars down to us 
Set Sail - Frances (Chapter 37 Song)
Love leaves you stranded, But that's the way we want it, Save in our own refuge, No one else will ever reach it, Will you be that someone 
Shape Of Us - Ian Britt (Chapter 25 Song)
And I know you've had it tough, Your road's been bumpy and rough, But say goodbye to a world that you once knew, I have every faith in me and you
Shelter - Birdy (Chapter 19 Song)
Maybe I had said, something that was wrong, Can I make it better, with the lights turned on, Maybe I had said, something that was wrong, Can I make it better, with the lights turned on
Shine - Hilary Duff
When everything's wrong, I just pick the phone up, The sound in your voice well it fills my eyes with tears of joy, 'Cause I know you'll be there, When I'm hanging by a thread, You're my heaven sent 
Shine - Keith Urban
When the sun is hard to find, When it's raining in your eyes, When the shadows block those pretty little blue skies living inside you, When the falling of your tears, makes a candle disappear, When you just can't see the light, Baby, I'll find a way to shine 
Show Me What I’m Looking For - Carolina Liar (Chapter 8 Song)
Don’t let go, I’ve wanted this far too long, Mistakes become regrets, I’ve learned to love abuse, Please show me what I’m looking for, Save me, I’m lost, Oh, Lord, I’ve been waiting for you, I’ll pay any cost, Save me from being confused, Show me what I’m looking for
So Far Gone - Thousand Foot Krutch (Chapter 38 Song)
Sometimes I wonder why you even care, Cause even when I leave you’re always there with me, And like a candle makes a brighter place, This mark you’ve made on me can’t be erased.
Something To Hold On To - Allie Moss (Chapter 76 Song)
You are a vessel of light, to me tonight, and while I wrestle with demons and appetites, I cling to you 
Stay - Gracie Abrams
I'm so scared of you, 'tho nothing's wrong, You're my new idea of everything I want. I'm so bad at this, got a heavy heart. And I've been tossed around and thrown back down, And torn apart. 
Storm - Lifehouse (Chapter 48 Song)
And I will walk on water, And you will catch me if I fall, And I will get lost into your eyes, I know everything will be alright, I know everything is alright
Take A Look At Me Now - Greyson Chance (Chapter 45 Song)
Don't know what you get tomorrow, Not sure where I want to go tonight, Isn't that what life's about? So long for the fears and worries, Let's go and you won't be sorry, I'll be the one to get you out, Chase the demons out tonight, You can see how fast they run, When you turn the light switch on 
That’s What I Want For Christmas - Nancy Wilson (Bonus Chapter Song)
When you said, Yesterday, That it's. Nearly Christmas, What did I want, And I thought, Just love me, Love me, love me, That's what I want, For Christmas
That’s Where You Find Love - Westlife
It’s where the stars line up, It’s where the ocean’s touch, It’s in a place you’ve never been that feels like home, It’s in the air right now, It’s when you give your all, and give a little more, I’ve never been so sure, that’s where you find love
The Day Before You - Matthew West
Now you're here and everything's changing, Suddenly life means so much, I can't wait to wake up tomorrow and find out this promise is true, I will never have to go back to the day before you 
The Fighter - Keith Urban ft. Carrie Underwood (Chapter 13 Song)
I know he hurt you, Made you scared of love, too scared to love, He didn’t deserve you, Cause you’re precious heart is a precious heart, He didn’t know what he had and I thank God, oh, oh, oh, And it’s gonna take just a little time, But you’re gonna see that I was born to love you
The Lonely - Christina Perri (Chapter 49 Song)
Too afraid to go inside, For the pain of one more loveless night. Cause the loneliness will stay with me, And hold me till I fall asleep. 
The Safest Place - LeAnn Rimes (Chapter 36 Song)
It feels so real, You showed I could trust you, With emotions I had locked away, It was your touch, your words, They heal the deepest part of me, That only you can see
The Way I Am - Ingrid Michaelson
Cause I love the way you call me baby. And you take me the way I am.
Time To Mend - Barcelona (Chapter 71 Song)
It's not the end, 'cause you still have time to mend, It's not the end, 'cause you still have time
True - Ryan Cabrera (Chapter 69 Song)
I've waited all my life, To cross this line, To the only thing that's true, So I will not hide, It's time to try, Anything to be with you, All my life I've waited, This is true 
Turning Page - Sleeping At Last (Chapter 34 Song)
If I had only felt the warmth within your touch, If I had only seen how you smile when you blush, Or how you curl your lip when you concentrate enough, Well I would have known, What I was living for all along. What I’ve been living for
Under Our Feet - Frances
Shaking through the smoke, Aching to the bone, Facing fears I've craved and nearly left behind, You're the refuge in my mind
Un-thinkable (I’m Ready) - City And Colour (Chapter 20 Song)
I was wondering maybe could I make you my baby, if we do the unthinkable would it make us look crazy? Or would it be so beautiful? Either way I’m sayin’ If you ask me, I’m ready.
Warm Safe Place - Aaron Pritchett
I feel like an old guitar, Looking for some brand new strings, Never thought I'd get this far, Without saving anything, For me, Do you still have that smile for me, And could I stay here for a while 
Waiting Outside The Lines - Greyson Chance
Try to have no regrets, Even if it's just tonight, How you gonna walk ahead, If you keep living blind? Stuck in the same position, You deserve so much more, There's a whole world around us, Just waiting to be explored 
War Of Hearts - Ruelle (Chapter 74 Song)
I can’t help but be wrong in the dark, Cause I’m overcome in this war of hearts, I can’t help but want oceans to part, Cause I’m overcome in this war of hearts
War Of Hearts - Russell Taylor (Chapter 62 Song)
I was dark, And you were the light that brought me back, Back to life, And it's because you loved me. 
We Belong - Toni Gonzaga
I've tried to tell you, So many times this feelings of mine, But it's not that easy, Letting you know, How I love you so 
When I’m With You - Ben Rector
But when I'm with you I'm no longer wandering, And when I'm with you, I swear I can breathe, When I'm with you, I know who I am and who I want to be, Who I want to be 
When The Time Is Right - Griffin House
When the time is right, Don't hold back, When the time is right, Don't hold back 
When You Came Into My Life - Scorpions
You give me your smile, A piece of your heart, You give me the feel I've been looking for, You give me your soul, Your innocent love, You are the one I've been waiting for, I've been waiting for
You Are In Love - Travis Atreo (Chapter 67 Song)
Morning, his place, Burnt toast, Sunday, You keep his shirt, He keeps his word, And for once you let go, Of your fears and your ghosts, One step, not much, But it said enough, You kiss on sidewalks, You fight then you talk, One night he wakes, Strange look on his face, Pauses, then says, “You’re my best friend." And you knew what it was, He is in love
You Make Me Happy - Cathy Heller
Let’s walk in the rain, kiss under the overhang, Share an ice cream cone, share some secrets no one knows, Don’t matter where we are, as long as you’re not far from me, You’re my favorite guiding star, that’s why I’ll keep you here, You make me happy
You Save Me - Kenny Chesney (Chapter 58 Song)
When I'm a ship tossed around on the waves, Up on a high wire that's ready to break, When I've had just about all I can take, Baby you, baby you save me
You Won’t Let Me - Rachael Yamagata
If you would only let me, I could show you how to love, Take our time, let all it go 
Part Three: Reader Recommendations
And Then You Kissed Me - The Cardigans
Blue, blue, black and blue, Red blood sticks like glue, True love is cruel love, Red blood say power fuel, Sweet love tasty blood, My heart overfloods 
And Then You Kissed Me II - The Cardigans
It's a mystery how people behave, How we long for a life as a slave, When he kissed me I gladly gave in, To a fight nobody could win 
Banana Pancakes - Jack Johnson (Chapter 43 Song)
But the telephone is singing, Ringing, It’s too early, Don’t pick it up, We don’t need to, We got everything, We need right here, And everything we need is enough, Just so easy, When the whole world fits inside of your arms, Do we really need to pay attention to the alarm? Wake up slow, mmm mm, wake up slow
Barefoot And Bruised - Jamestown Story (Title Song)
Maybe when your sky comes crashing down, I can be your angel on the ground, If you get tired and can’t go on I will carry you along, when the rocks below your feet wear out your shoes, when you’re barefoot and bruised
Because Of You - Reba McEntire ft. Kelly Clarkson (Chapter 11 Song)
Because of you, I never stray too far from the sidewalk, Because of you,I learned to play on the safe side so I don’t get hurt, Because of you, I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me, Because of you, I am afraid
Begin Again - Taylor Swift
And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid, I think it's strange that you think I'm funny 'cause he never did, I've been spending the last eight months, Thinking all love ever does is break and burn and end, But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again 
Brave - The Shires (Chapter 18 Song)
Well, let me hold your heart, let me be the one, You’ll never have to feel so alone, Let me bring you back to the world, back home, Let me mend your broken soul
Broke - Natalia Kills
But if I had a dime for every single time, you ever made me cry, I’d be a millionaire, But if I had a dime for every single time, I should have said 'Goodbye’, I’d be a millionaire, But I don’t cause you left me broke
Centuries - Fall Out Boy
Mummified my teenage dreams, No, it's nothing wrong with me, The kids are all wrong, The story's all off, Heavy metal broke my heart
Cry Baby - The Neighbourhood
I know I'll fall in love with you, baby, And that's just what I'll do, I hope you won't ever lie to me, And if you do, I know I won't be your cry baby 
Dandelions - Ruth B
I think that you are the one for me, Cause it gets so hard to breathe, When you're looking at me, I've never felt so alive and free, When you're looking at me, I've never felt so happy, And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime, And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine 
Demons - Imagine Dragons (Chapter 7 Song)
Don’t wanna let you down, But I am hell bound, Though this is all for you, Don’t wanna hide the truth
DKLA - Troye Sivan ft. Tkay Maidza (Chapter 10 Song)
When we tried it, we were a fire with no smoke, Rags to riches but I’m addicted to being broken, Take my breath away, you know I’m bound to choke, When I close my eyes I still see your ghost, So what do I do now? I don’t keep love around, What do I do now?
Everything Has Changed - Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran (Chapter 16 Song)
All I know is we said, "Hello." And your eyes look like coming home, All I know is a simple name, Everything has changed, All I know is you held the door, You’ll be mine and I’ll be yours, All I know since yesterday is everything has changed
Field Of Innocence - Evanescence
I still remember the sun, Always warm on my back, Somehow it seems colder now 
Fleurs Captives - Nicole Dollanger (Chapter 29 Song)
And they say open up the window and stand in the sunshine, But you stay in the shadows, 'Cause the light goes right through you, You're a ghost, you're a ghost, You're a ghost, you're a ghost, you're a ghost 
Forests - Duologue (Chapter 32 Song)
Cause I feel out of your pocket , Back to where I started, In the dust that never settles, I found my home
Given It All - Hayley Kiyoko (Chapter 47 Song)
Tear the walls down, Don't be stupid, meet me halfway to your heart. 
Happily Ever After - He Is We (Chapter 40 Song)
Oh, happily ever after, wouldn’t you know, wouldn’t you know. Oh, skip to the ending, who’d like to know, I’d like to know. Author of the moment, can you tell me, do I end up, do I end up happy?
Hard Work - Ella Henderson
You can be hard work but you’re good for me, And though you seem to make my body ache, It’s a feeling I appreciate, Which makes it easier when, You can be hard work but you’re good for me
Heart - Sleeping At Last
Go ahead and laugh, Even if it hurts, Go ahead and pull the pin, What if we could risk, Everything we have, And just let our walls cave in 
I’d Lie - Taylor Swift
I don’t think that passenger seat, Has ever looked this good to me, He tells me about his night, And I count the colors in his eyes, He’ll never fall in love he swears, As he runs his fingers through his hair, I’m laughing 'cause I hope he's wrong, And I don't think it ever crossed his mind, He tells a joke, I fake a smile, But I know all his favorite songs 
If This Is Love - Ruth B
Kiss me now and remind me why, I ever wanted to make you mine, And even though it hurts in this moment, I've always known it, You're the other half of my broken heart 
I Like Me Better - Lauv
If we lay, let the day just pass us by, I might get to too much talking, I might have to tell you something, Damn, I like me better when I'm with you 
I’m Kissing You - Des’ree
Touch me deep, Pure and true, Gift to me forever, 'Cause I'm kissing you, oh, I'm kissing you 
I Was Made For Loving You - Tori Kelly ft. Ed Sheeran
'Cause I was made for loving you, Even though we may be hopeless hearts just passing through, Every bone screaming I don't know what we should do, All I know is, darling, I was made for loving you
I Was Made For Loving You/Please Don’t Say You Love Me - Kina Grannis ft. The Gardiner Sisters
Please don't go, I've been waiting so long, Oh, you don't even know me at all, But I was made for loving you 
Let Me Love You (Until You Learn To Love Yourself)  - Ne-Yo
Much as you blame yourself, you can't be blamed for the way that you feel, Had no example of a love that was even remotely real, How can you understand something that you never had?, Ooh, baby, if you let me, I can help you out with all of that, Girl let me love you, And I will love you 
Let Myself Fall - Rosie Thomas
There's no turning back, There's no turning back, Since I let myself, Fall in love with you 
Love Alone - Katelyn Tarver
I told you my heart's leaning towards you, a little more than I knew something was scaring you. Is it too much or too fast or too forward?Should I step back and pretend I don't feel this way? I don't wanna tell a lie, I don't wanna have to hide. 
Malibu - Miley Cyrus (Chapter 73 Song)
We are just like the waves that flow back and forth. Sometimes I feel like, I'm drowning and you're there to save me, And I wanna thank you with all of my heart, It's a brand new star, A dream come true 
Mercy - Shawn Mendes
Please have mercy on me, Take it easy on my heart, Even though you don't mean to hurt me, You keep tearing me apart, Would you please have mercy, mercy on my heart 
Me Without You - Ashley Tisdale
It's just you and me, And there's no one around, Feel like I'm hanging by a thread, It's a long way down, I've been trying to breathe, But I'm fighting for air, I'm at an all time low, With no place to go, But you're always there 
Me Without You - Sam Tsui
No, I don't understand, How I held it together, Before I could hold your hand, And I can't, I can't recall, If I knew who I was before, You knew me flaws and all
Out Of Reach - Gabrielle (Chapter 42 Song)
So much hurt, So much pain, Takes a while, To regain, What is lost inside, And I hope that in time, You’ll be out of my mind, And I’ll be over you 
Over And Over - Rachael Yamagata
So have the ending come, And bring the winds that scream, And spill the fog all over town, And break through every door, And strip away the tree, And raise the rivers high, Just help me drown, And hold me in your standstill ground, I will sink down, And you'll be washed away 
Passion Play - William Fitzsimmons
Are you still on my back, After all these years?, Chasing me out of hell, And my nice veeners, I don't know how you stand, When you've got no floor, Or how you can breathe, With your hands on boards 
Safe And Sound - Taylor Swift ft. The Civil Wars
Just close your eyes, The sun is going down, You'll be alright, No one can hurt you now, Come morning light, You and I'll be safe and sound 
Slow - Andy Grammer
I don't want to rush your love, I can never get enough, I'm sitting outside your door, I give you everything you need, Sunshine, the world and all your dreams, So what are we waiting for 
Soldier - Before You Exit
You got holes in your jeans, And few in your heart, You don’t know what it means to me, To watch you fall apart. 'Cause you're broken and bruised, But I can hold you through. I’ll take you in my arms tonight, Just me and you.
Song For A Friend - Dominic Sherwood
There’s no price to pay, When you give and what you take, That’s why it’s easy to thank you
Stereo Hearts - Gym Class Heroes ft. Adam Levine (Chapter 21 Song)
My heart’s a stereo, It beats for you, so listen close, Hear my thoughts in every no-o-o-te, Make me your radio, And turn me up when you feel low (turn it up a little bit), This melody was meant for you, Just sing along to my stereo
Take A Chance On Me - JLS (Chapter 57 Song)
So when you feel like trying again, Reach out, take my hand, See how great it could be, To fall in love with someone you can trust, Who would never give up, 'Cause you're all that he needs, Baby take a chance on me
The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot - Brand New (Chapter 56 Song)
You are calm and reposed, Let your beauty unfold, Pale white, like the skin stretched over your bones, Spring keeps you ever close, You are second-hand smoke, You are so fragile and thin, standing trial for your sins, Holding on to yourself the best you can, You are the smell before rain, You are the blood in my veins 
The Fire - Former Vandal
Hold me, just for this moment, darling. Cause I don’t want to be alone.So won’t you hold me? So I can forget my sorrows. The burden’s heavy and the world’s get hard to shoulder on my own. And it grows. 
We Can Hurt Together - Sia
There ain't nothing you can say, To scare me away, I got history too, And it's never to late, Share a secret today, I reciprocate, Baby I got you 
You Always Make Me Smile - Kyle Andrews (Chapter 31 Song)
I like your messy hair, I like the clothes you wear, I like the way you sing, And when you dance with me, I don’t know why I love you, I just know I can’t stop thinking of you
You Ruin Me - The Veronicas (Chapter 3 Song)
We’re that song you wouldn’t sing, Just a broken melody, You’re killing me, You play me like a symphony, Play me till your fingers bleed, I’m your greatest masterpiece, You ruin me, Later when the curtains drawn, And no one’s there for you back home, Don’t cry to me you played me wrong, You ruin me
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thedreamworldlibrary · 3 months
Nothing Bad Happens Chap. 5-It's Wilight Time!
It’s Wilight Time!
It has been a while since I last worked on this fanfic, and while writing this I almost left out some important details that were brought up in the first two chapters. But this chapter is…SO CUTE!! I had fun writing this chapter. I think I have way more fun writing, shipping, and random chaos!
Big thanks too @gigilefache for being my beta reader!
It’s been a week since Wiatt started working at Dreamworld. Things have been fine for the most part; for the starters, he began to get along with the other workers at the facility. Pen and Audrey were cool and helped him out, but Hayden may be a jerk, but Wiatt considered him a friend. Audrey reassures him he’s a good guy he just doesn’t open up.
Second, Wiatt hasn’t seen Litho possess Sara-heck, the female founder hadn’t brought him up since he got here. It didn’t mean he was still around causing trouble or Sara wasn’t sharing it around with everyone.
Finally, Wiatt and Lewis have been talking again and the new mechanic has been wanting to ask Lewis out on a date again. It was his day off after today, and he was ready to ask Lewis out.
“Thanks for helping me with Starlight’s decorations, darling,” Lewis said. The two were walking from Staract and heading over to the staff room to chat and hang out.
“No problem,” Wiatt replied. “Listen, are you free tonight?”
Lewis thought for a bit, “No. Sara, Oliver, and I are just gonna relax at our place.” He answered. A blush quickly appeared on his face knowing what Wiatt was going to ask him. “Why?”
Wiatt started to blush too and let out a nervous chuckle. “W-Well you see. I was hoping-“ Wiatt was cut off when Pen came through the door.
“Lewis! We need to back up at Madhouse! The kids started to play pin the lollipops on Hayden and other co-workers.” Pen explained. 
Lewis sighed, “All alright, Sara and I will be over there.” He said. “Sorry, darling. Ask me later.” Lewis then went with the other worker to help him with the moody worker.
“O-Okay,” Wiatt replied. He let out a disappointed sigh as he sat down in one of the chairs. He thought for a bit about how to ask Lewis out, but his mind told him that his friend was one of the founders and he’d always be busy.
Plus what if Lewis doesn’t want to date him anymore? It worried Wiatt a lot that he decided to put his head down and decided to think this through.
However, in the shadows, Starlight saw the poor boy looking down and decided to go to Lewis and speak with him.
Meanwhile outside of Madhouse. Lewis, Sara, Pen, and Hayden finally calmed the kids down and with help from LoliPop they were able to play a new game that didn’t involve wasting candy. Even though the four were covered in candy, Hayden got the worst of it.
“Well, Sara, Lewis. I’m fucking done for the day.” Hayden said as he removed the lollipop from his hat. “If you need me. I’ll be at home taking a mental health break and won’t be back till Monday.” He marched off, removing as much candy as possible from his body.
“I’ll talk with him. Don’t worry.” Pen reassured the two founders. He went over to find Hayden, which wouldn’t be hard to find thanks to the trail of candy.
Once the two were gone, Lewis and Sara shared a chuckle as they removed some of the candy from their clothes. “Okay, not to be mean, but that was pretty funny,” Sara said, laughing.
“I don’t mean to be mean too darling, but I agree,” Lewis replied, laughing as well. The male founder glanced around and smirked before leaning into his friend’s ear, “Did you see that one kid who took the lollipop and stuck it into Hayden’s a-”
“Lewis!” Starlight called out, cutting off the founder.
The two founders gave a smile to show the animatronic they weren’t just joking about their co-worker. “Y-Yes Star,” Lewis replied.
“Could we talk in private, darling?” Starlight asked.
“Sure. I’ll be back darling.” Sara nodded letting her friend go with his favorite animatronic. Lewis then followed the animatronic back to Staract so the two could talk privately. 
Once at the animatronic’s main attraction, Starlight took Lewis backstage so they could talk. “Darling, there’s something I should ask you about Wiatt.” He started.
“Like, you want to get to know him?” Lewis asked as he used one of the crates that held the props as a chair.
“No,” Starlight replied. “I mean, Oliver told me a week ago that you and Wiatt broke up.”
Lewis’s eyes widened as he turned away from the star animatronic. “I-It was my choice, darling.” He replied in a low voice.
Starlight let out a scoff, “your choice?!” He asked, getting closer to the person he shares his soul with. “What do you mean ‘your choice’?” 
“You share my soul, you should know.”
“Lewis, even though I’m alive with half of your soul. I don’t share your memories.” Starlight replied, crossing his arms.
Lewis let out another sigh, frustrated this time, “Fine. I broke up with Wiatt before we graduated high school because I was moving out here to build Dreamworld.” He explained.
Starlight’s arms dropped and his eyes widened hearing what Lewis did. “Lewis, why did you do that?” He asked.
“Well, it’s been my friends and I’s dream to build this place. I just felt like having Wiatt around would be a distraction.”
Starlight put his hands together and took a deep breath. “Lewis Apollo Bright, you mean to tell me, you broke up with this lovely, lovely man because he’d be a distraction to you?” He asked, his eyes glowing red and purple on each eye.
“Look, I know you're mad, and yes it’s a very big mistake!” Lewis exclaimed, before calming down.
Starlight’s eyes went back to normal as he frowned at the human. The founder realized what he did was a mistake, and the animatronic felt bad. He decided to sit next to the human that gave him life, and spoke up, “Care to explain, Lewis?”
Lewis nodded, “when we broke up, Wiatt and I kept in contact. I told him how things were going and he told me things were fine on his end. Then Dreamworld was nearing its opening. I wanted to ask Wiatt to work for us, but then I had that ordeal with Sara and…” Lewis paused, feeling like he was about to cry.
“Wiatt wouldn’t understand, would he?” Starlight asked, guessing that’s what Lewis was trying to say.
“I know Sara and Wiatt don’t get along, and he knows a bit about Sara using my soul to bring you to life. If he was told the whole story…” Lewis paused again, “he’d probably look at me as if I was crazy and go off on Sara.”
“And you want to keep both of them instead of the two pulling you like a pair of kids fighting over the last toy.” Starlight finished.
Lewis looked up at the animatronic in shock, “I thought you said you don’t have my memories?” He asked.
The star animatronic chuckled, putting his arm around the founder, “I don’t. I do have your feelings and how you feel about Wiatt right now.” Starlight said.
The founder chuckled, blushing a bit, “I do want to ask him out. He tried to earlier, but I got called in by Pen to assist with the pin the lollipops on the workers' situation.”
Starlight chuckled, “Well why don’t you make the first move, then?”
Lewis’s face turned red as a tomato at this point, “w-what?! N-No darling. I-I can’t!” He stuttered.
“Sure you can!” Starlight reassured him. “You are a theater kid, use some of those skills to ask the one you love out.”
Lewis groaned, covering his face with his hands, “It’s gonna be so embarrassing.”
“It won’t,” Starlight reassured him. He got up from the crate and held his hand out, “Now come on, darling, let’s go to your Prince shall we.” 
Lewis looked up at the star animatronic who smiled at him hoping to build his confidence boost. The blush started to fade from his cheeks as he took Starlight’s hand, got up, and headed toward the staff room where he last saw Wiatt.
Once arriving, Lewis saw Pen, who convinced Hayden to stay a little longer, talking with Wiatt. The latter shared a laugh, probably talking about what happened at the Madhouse earlier.
The male founder blushed remembering Wiatt’s laughter and that it would make him laugh too. He felt a nudge from Starlight, motivating him to go and ask Wiatt out. Lewis nodded and started to walk towards Wiatt, only to run the other way and go straight to the boys bathroom.
Starlight groaned, putting a hand to his face, “Oh for heaven’s sake!” He yelled. Looks like he has to be the one to step up and set up Lewis and Wiatt’s date. Starlight made his way towards Wiatt and tapped the boy on the shoulder.
Wiatt and Pen looked up at the star animatronic, “Oh hi Star.” He said.
“Sorry to interrupt you two, but could I speak with you privately, Wiatt?” Starlight asked.
“Oh, sure,” Wiatt said, getting up. “Talk to you later then?”
Pen nodded, “of course.” He replied.
“Thanks. Later Pen!” Wiatt then followed Starlight towards the hall away from any other co-workers. “So, what do you want to talk with me privately about?”
“Nothing special, just Lewis wants you to stay in after hours with him,” Starlight explained.
Wiatt felt his face blush. “O-Oh. He does?” He asked. 
“Mhm.” Starlight nodded in reply.
“For what reason?”
“Oh, he needs some help with some prop deliveries. Sara and Oliver turned him down, and he needs the muscle strength.” Starlight lied.
Wiatt raised an eyebrow, he knew Starlight was lying, and that he had plans for the founder and him. However, Starlight had a bit of Lewis’s soul, and that meant they both knew how to act and improve, so he’ll let it slide.
“Alright,” Wiatt replied.
“Splendid!” Starlight exclaimed as his eyes sparkled with stars. “I’ll go let Lewis know.”
Wiatt gave a smile and sighed he finally got his date with Lewis. Even if Starlight had to play wingman to get it. He was a bit nervous, but happy he could finally start where he and Lewis left off. “Yes!” He whispered.
“You what?!” Lewis shouted.
The founder was in his office, completely freaking out hearing that the animatronic set him and Wiatt out on a date. Starlight figured this was going to happen, and had to call for backup from the Triplet animatronics. Masquerade was patting the founder on the back in hopes of relaxing him, but it didn’t work.
“Well darling, if you weren't going to make a move then I’ll do it for you,” Starlight explained.
Lewis was sputtering, he couldn’t talk because he couldn’t argue or even reason with the animatronic since it was technically like arguing with himself.
“Don’t worry Mr. Bright,” Masquerade said. “If anything we can help you.”
“Yeah, we know a thing or two about dating.” Melody
“Well, you two do,” Mimic added. “I’m not interested in dating.”
Lewis’s eyes widened in horror realizing the triplets and Starlight, heck even any other animatronics helping him on his date with Wiatt would be a bad idea.
The thought of it made Lewis chuckle, and not in a good way. “No, no, no.” He said. “None of you are going to be a part of this. Except Starlight.”
Now, it was the star animatronic’s turn to stare in horror, “W-what? Me?” Starlight asked, pointing at himself.
Lewis nodded, “you're the one who played wingman, so only you can help out with this ‘date.’” He said.
The triplets crossed their arms in disappointment, but a smirk appeared on Melody’s face as he nudged his brothers and pulled them into a circle. The purple triplet whispered something and once released from their circle a smirk appeared in the other two animatronic’s faces before they left the office to plan their idea.
“Lewis, you seem tense about this.” Starlight started, “I thought you would be happy asking Wiatt out?”
“I am,” Lewis answered. “It’s just me and Wiatt hadn’t had a serious date since our senior year of high school.”
The founder smiled about that date. It was the Friday before Spring Break and before he, Sara, and Oliver were to prepare for the robotics competition to help them with Dreamworld. He wanted to take Wiatt out on a date first as a mix of a confidence boost and to relax before the event. The two spent the whole day at a local outdoor mall, shopping at a retro game store, and then having lunch at a local burger place Lewis likes to take his friends out. On that date, Wiatt was the first to kiss him, and oh my stars he wished they never parted lips!
Lewis was so lost in thought of his last date with Wiatt, that he was smiling like an idiot which caught the attention of Starlight who was chuckling. Lewis blushed in embarrassment and quickly tried to rub it off, which made the animatronic laugh.
“Nervous, huh darling?” Starlight asked.
“Yeah,” Lewis replied. “It’s like a first date.”
Starlight smiled, and went over to Lewis before putting his hands on his shoulder, “I know you two will be fine darling.” He reassured the founder.
“I hope.”
By closing time, all the workers went home except Wiatt, who stood behind and went over to Lewis’s office. As he was walking, he pulled out his cell phone and looked at the photos of him and Lewis during their high school years. 
One was a photo where Wiatt hugged Lewis tight; he lifted him off the air as the latter gave a sheepish smile. The other photo showed Lewis and Wiatt at the park under a tree. Lewis was asleep on Wiatt’s shoulder and the smaller boy had to take a quick photo because of how cute his boyfriend was when he slept. The last photo was at a Senior Year party hosted at a classmate’s house, the photo was supposed to be just Wiatt and Lewis, but Sara and Oliver, who were dragged in, photobombed the couple.
Despite it, Wiatt let out a chuckle as Sara did have her good moments. He didn’t like her, but he didn’t hate her. Though he won’t admit it.
“Mr. Wiatt?”
Wiatt looked down to see Melody, dressed in a light blue vest holding a clipboard and purple crayon.
“Right this way, sir.” He said, pointing around the corner where Lewis’s office was.
The mechanic went around the corner and saw Masquerade at the front of the door, also wearing a light blue vest. “Have a seat sir, your date’s been waiting for you.” He said.
Wiatt went inside Lewis’s office, and was in shock to see the office was turned into a restaurant table with Starlight as the waiter, wearing a uniform and a fake mustache. Lewis was on one side of the table with a forced smile on his face, though it looked like he wanted to jump out the window with how the animatronics were embarrassing him right now.
“Uh…” Wiatt started before letting out a nervous chuckle. “H-Hi.”
“Hi, darling,” Lewis replied, between his teeth.
“Ah, I see we have a lovely couple together now.” Starlight started. “Why don’t you take a seat darling.”
Wiatt nodded and sat down in the seat across from Lewis. The two gave a nervous smile, both blushing because they didn't know what to say. They tried to speak, but instead of words, it was nervous chuckles.
Soon, two cups filled with ice, and two cans of orange soda, were put on the table as Starlight and Mimic, also wearing the same vest as his brothers, handed the couple their menus, which were the menus used at the facility for their guests. “Your menus,” Mimic said.
“Oh thank you,” Wiatt said, taking a menu.
“Well take your time, lovely couple. I’ll be back.” Starlight said leaving the couple alone.
Once gone, Lewis was able to breathe and remove his smile. He slammed his head on the table, “why did they have to help me!?” He complained.
Wiatt chuckled, “They're trying their best, Lewis. It can’t be that bad.” He reassured the founder.
Lewis looked up with a small glare, before putting his head back down.
What the couple didn’t notice was someone turned on one of the security cameras and was watching this whole date go down.
From the security office, Sara heard about the planned date from the triplets, as the trio wouldn’t stop talking about it all day. She decided it would be nice to stick around and watch Lewis’s date like she and Oliver did back in the day.
“This is going to be entertaining.” Sara chuckled.
Sara then heard a knock on the door, and not a second later it was open. It was Oliver, “Sara, what are you doing in here?” He asked.
Sara’s eyes widened as she quickly turned to Oliver. She gave a sheepish smile to her best friend, “Oh hi Oliver. I’m just checking the cameras before we go home for the night.” She lied.
Oliver was almost convinced until he saw something familiar on the screens. He walked over to the screens and was shocked to see one of the screens was Lewis and Wiatt on their little date. The shy founder glared at his friend for spying on their other friend and his boyfriend.
“Sara, I can’t believe you're spying on Lewis on his date with Wiatt!” Oliver exclaimed.
Sara crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. “Oliver, it’s not a big deal. We did this a lot back in high school.” She explained.
“Yeah, high school, we're in our 20s now and should set a good example as we are adults running a children’s entertainment center.”
“Oliver,” Sara started putting a hand on her friend’s shoulder, “don’t you want to see the chaos of Starlight and the triplets handling this date?” She asked, hoping to persuade her friend.
Oliver was about to speak and thought about it. Yes, it would be funny to see the triplet animatronics handling Lewis and Wiatt’s date. However, his conscious got the better of him and he shook his head, “No, as much as it would be funny, no.” He replied. “Now let’s go home!” 
As Oliver started to march out of the security room, Sara smirked, having one more plan up her sleeves. “You know, Lewis has the key to the apartment right?”
Oliver froze and groaned as he marched back to Sara. The female founder smiled and pulled a second chair for her best friend. The male founder put his bag down on the ground as he sat on the chair, disappointed with himself.
“I’m gonna regret this,” Oliver said.
“I’m not!” Sara exclaimed. “Now how would you feel about snacks?”
Oliver growled at his friend, as the two sat and watched Lewis and Wiatt’s date unfold.
Back with Wiatt and Lewis, the two kept their faces on the menu, hiding the blushes that were forming on their faces. Each time one of them took a peek, the other would too before hiding his face again. Wiatt chuckled and put the menu down.
“Remember when we went on our first restaurant date?” Wiatt asked.
“Y-Yeah,” Lewis replied, putting the menu down, his face still red. “It was the first Friday of summer break.”
Wiatt chuckled seeing Lewis remembered their first date. “You came late, and instead of coming in a sweater vest like you always wear, you came in with your Portal T-shirt instead.”
Lewis chuckled remembering that day. “Yeah. I don’t have that shirt anymore, I gave it to Oliver’s little brother. He wears it as pajamas.” The two shared a chuckle as the blush started to disappear from their faces.
Starlight smiled seeing the two getting comfortable with one another and decided to come out and ask if the couple was hungry. “So has the lovely couple decided what to order?” Starlight asked.
“Uh, yeah,” Wiatt replied. He looked at the menu and didn’t know what to pick. “Maybe just the cheese pizza.”
“Perfect!” Starlight exclaimed, writing down what the couple would order. “Well, I’ll get that started for you. In the meantime, I’ll play some lovely tunes.”
Starlight took Lewis’s cell phone and connected it to Bluetooth. He went through his Spotify and found a playlist labeled My Darling which had a drawing of Wiatt on it. He set it on shuffle and soon the song I See the Light started to play.
Lewis’s face turned red again as he turned to the animatronic, “Starlight, please tell me you're not playing my private playlist!” He yelled.
“It fits the mood, darling,” Starlight said before leaving the room.
Lewis stuttered, embarrassed that his playlist was being played in front of his boyfriend. “Oh god.” He groaned.
Wiatt blushed and smiled, “Don’t be embarrassed. I have a song that fits us too.” He said.
Lewis looked up and gave a smile.
“I-If you want I can play it later.” Wiatt stuttered and gave a sheepish smile.
“Sure,” Lewis replied, the blush slowly fading.
The two stared at each other, smiling like idiots as they slowly held hands over the table. Wiatt leaned in and Lewis was shaking thinking Wiatt was going to lean in for a kiss, but Wiatt stopped and asked Lewis a question.
“These guys do know how to cook right?” Wiatt asked.
Lewis gave a horrified look, forgetting about that. “I don’t know?!” He exclaimed, “Yes Starlight is a part of me, but if he has my cooking skills. That I don’t know.”
Wiatt chuckled, “Honestly I wouldn’t mind burnt pizza or lunchable-style pizza for a date.”
The founder gave a nervous chuckle before groaning and putting his head down again. “This is so bad.” Lewis thought.
Back in the security room, Sara and Oliver were sharing a bag of popcorn. “Sara, this is way better than whatever is on TV,” Oliver said.
“Told ya,” Sara replied.
Back with the couple, Wiatt gave a small smile, “Hey.” He spoke up, which made Lewis look up. “It may be bad, but I’m having fun. Isn’t that what a date is?”
Lewis gave a small smile, “Y-yeah. I guess so.”
“Are you having fun, Lewis Bright?” Wiatt asked.
Lewis blushed, he stuttered a bit. “O-Of course I’m having fun, Wiatt Nicholson!” He replied, feeling offended, “I-I just haven’t had a serious date with you for a very long time, and it feels like we're starting over.”
Wiatt gave a light chuckle. “That’s how it feels like for me too.”
“Huh?” Lewis asked.
“I guess I’m just more calm about it,” Wiatt said.
Lewis smiled and Wiatt smiled back. The two stared at each other lovely and were ready to kiss, for real this time.
“PIZZA FOR THE LOVELY COUPLE!” Masquerade yelled.
Lewis and Wiatt screamed as they fell to the ground. The animatronic flinched and looked down to see the boys, groaning as they slowly tried to get up.
“Are you okay?” Melody asked.
“Y-Yeah.” Lewis replied, “I’m fine, darling.”
As the two slowly got up, Wiatt saw something on Lewis’s chest he hadn’t seen before. He saw what appeared to be a scar. He stopped Lewis from getting up so he could get a closer look at the injury.
“Where did you get that scar, Lewis?” Wiatt asked.
Lewis got nervous at this point and tried to think of something to hide the fact that he got this scar because of Sara. He glanced up at the animatronics hoping they could give him some advice, but the four animatronics looked nervous at him.
Seeing as the animatronics were without ideas, Lewis thought of one good explanation. “It was an accident darling. I was…building one of the attractions and some metal struck me on the chest.” He lied.
Wiatt wasn’t convinced, he knew Lewis was lying. “I know you're lying. Sara did this to you.” He said.
Lewis looked down, seeing Wiatt saw through his lie. “She did.” He revealed. “It has to do with how Starlight was brought to life, but it’s a lot to take in if I explained it.”
“Knowing that it involved Sara and souls. I’m too afraid to ask what the details were.” Wiatt replied.
“Trust me, darling. It’s for the best.”
Lewis slowly got up and held his hand out for Wiatt. The smaller boy smiled took his boyfriend’s hand and got up.
The two stared at each other wondering what they should say to each other because finding out that Lewis was injured to bring Starlight to life brought the mood down.
“Sorry if I brought the mood down, darling.” Lewis apologized.
“No, I should’ve brought it up after the date or kept my mouth shut,” Wiatt replied. The couple paused for a bit before Wiatt had one more thing to add, “Just when you're ready, tell me, okay.”
“I will darling. I will.”
Wiatt gave a small smile and a kiss on Lewis’s cheek. The founder blushed and gasped, turning towards the boy who just kissed him.
The smaller boy turned red and got nervous seeing he kissed his boyfriend on the cheek. “I-Oh sorry!” Wiatt stuttered. “I-I should’ve waited before I kissed you! It was the wrong timing…” Wiatt kept on stuttering while Lewis smiled, blushing a bit. “I-I’m sorry I should of-mhm.” 
Lewis cut Wiatt off as he pulled him by the collar of his shirt and kissed him.
Wiatt’s eyes widened in shock, tears started to pour from his eyes, and he closed them and melted into the kiss.
“Awww!” Starlight, Melody, and Masquerade said at the same time.
“Eww,” Mimic added grossed out by the kissing.
In the security room, Oliver and Sara fist-bumped each other knowing Lewis would be the one to kiss Wiatt on the lips.
Wiatt and Lewis were at it for a while, they both wanted to stay like this forever. However, they both let go and stared at each other’s eyes, blushing.
“One of us needed to make the first move, darling,” Lewis said.
Wiatt chuckled, “Smooth as always Lewis Bright.”
Lewis chuckled back, “Sweet as always Wiatt Nicholson.”
The two ended up kissing on the lips again.
Mimic was grossed out and covered his eyes, but his brothers hugged him in awe at the couple kissing. Starlight’s eyes glistened seeing the two kiss, if he was human he’d be crying real tears.
The couple let go of the kiss and decided to enjoy the rest of their date. “So, we’re back to where we started now?” Wiatt asked.
“Indeed darling. I’m glad we’re dating again.” Lewis answered.
“Me too.”
The couple was about to sit down and enjoy their pizza but were horrified at what it was.
It was a cheese pizza, but other than the base of the pizza that was cooked, the cheese, and sauce weren’t, plus it was topped with gummy worms and popcorn.
“It’s our special couple's Cheese pizza!” Masquerade announced.
“We added our favorite toppings to commemorate the event,” Melody added.
The couple chuckled and looked at each other, “that’s sweet of you three,” Lewis started, giving a forced smile again.
The triplets smiled back.
“However, we’re kind of tired for the night,” Wiatt added.
“That’s alright. I’ll give it to the two people in the security room.” Mimic revealed.
Lewis and Wiatt’s eyes widened in horror. The founder forgot about the security cameras and someone was watching the whole thing go down. Though Lewis realized something, the pink triplet mentioned two people watching the cameras.
“You said two, right darling?” Lewis asked.
Mimic nodded with a smile.
Lewis sighed grabbed his boyfriend’s hand and dragged him into the security office. The founder opened the door with force, causing the other two founders to turn in fear seeing their friend pissed off.
“Sara Brooklyn Covetman! Oliver Schmidt Acrimony!” Lewis growled.
Oliver whimpered and pointed at Sara, “It was her idea!” He yelled, throwing the female founder under the bus.
“Oh and the whole: I bet you $20, Lewis will kiss him on the lips was your idea, Oliver!” Sara yelled, calling out her friend.
“It doesn’t matter who started,” Wiatt spoke up. “You saw our date!”
“And let’s just say it was better than what’s on television,” Sara commented.
Lewis crossed his arms, still glaring and growling at his friends. Sara saw Lewis wasn’t joking around and gave a nervous chuckle. “You two are gonna regret it.” He hissed.
“Quick, run Oliver!” Sara yelled, grabbing her best friend’s hand and the two rushed out of the building.
“You get back here you two!” Lewis yelled chasing after his best friends.
Wiatt blinked before chuckling seeing Lewis got a balance of keeping his boyfriend while still having his two best friends by his side.
AKA: Out of Context thanks to my friend @theitalianscribe
Wiatt: This is fun!
Lewis: I wanna jump out a window
Sara and Oliver: eating popcorn and drinking soda while watching this
It has been a while since I last worked on this fanfic, and while writing this I almost left out some important details that were brought up in the first two chapters. But this fanfic is…SO CUTE!! I had fun writing this chapter. I think I have way more  fun writing, shipping and random chaos!
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thedreamworldlibrary · 2 months
Magia Chap. 7- The Hard Truth
Next chapter is here! A bit of an emotional chapter, but one of my favorites to write!
Big thanks too @gigilefache for being my beta reader.
Lewis was quiet as he drove to the Gale family home from the hospital. Carly was still asleep in the back seat and Eric glanced at his former student frequently, sensing he was angry at Sara. Eric wanted to tell Lewis about his friend, but he hoped the two would talk it out and make up. If they did before, they would do so now…right?
“We’re here,” Lewis said.
“Thanks Lewis,” Eric replied, unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out of the car. He walked to the back of the car, unbuckled Carly’s seatbelt, and carried her. 
In her sleep, Carly nuzzled into her father’s chest with a smile.
Eric smiled back, but before he went to the house he glanced at Lewis. “Lewis, if you're gonna talk to Sara, please go easy on her. She has a lot to say.”
Lewis sighed. He had a lot to say too, and hoped Sara would talk to him. “I’ll try, darling,” he said.
Eric sighed as well and nodded before walking into the house with his daughter. Once the two were inside, Lewis grabbed his phone and texted Wiatt back:
On my way.
Lewis put the phone in his pocket and started to drive over to Sara’s apartment.
Meanwhile, at Sara’s apartment, Wiatt checked his phone and saw Lewis message. “Lewis is coming.” He announced.
Oliver sighed and Sara didn’t reply. Since arriving to the female founder’s apartment, it was nothing but quiet other then Wiatt reading Lewis’s texts. When Wiatt announced Lewis wanted to speak to Sara privately she hadn’t glanced at him or Oliver since then.
It felt like forever, and the silence wasn’t doing anyone any better. Oliver wanted to speak, but kept his mouth shut because he wasn’t sure how to break the silence.
Eventually, the three heard someone knocking on the door. “I bet that’s Lewis.” Wiatt said, getting up and walking towards the door.
Sara felt her blood run cold as she slowly turned towards the door.
Wiatt opened the door and saw it was Lewis. “Hi Lewis.” He said.
“Hi.” Lewis replied as he came in, glaring at Sara. 
Sara gulped as she turned away from her friend. Lewis didn’t say anything and took her hand, “we need to talk, now.” Lewis growled before dragging her to the guest room. Oliver and Wiatt looked fearful of each other knowing this wasn’t going to end well.
Lewis shut the door and locked it before facing his best friend. “Alright Sara,” He spoke up, “I had my patience with you the past few months, but now I’m losing it.” He scolded. “You need to tell me everything right now or else…”
“Which one?” Sara asked. A lot happened these past few months and with Lewis’ house burning down with her and Eric in it, that was now added on to the list.
“Everything, darling.” Lewis stated. “The mysterious phone calls, this immortality thing, and the fact you and Eric almost died!” 
Sara flinched, she never saw Lewis angry. He was always calm and tried to reason with everyone, and when he raised his voice it was out of concern. This was true anger she saw from her best friend. At this point, Sara didn’t know what to say. Her mind was telling her to speak and spill everything she told Eric, but when she tried she couldn’t utter a single word out.
“Well,” Lewis spoke up, causing Sara to look up at her best friend. “Are you going to tell me, or do you want to end it?”
Her eyes widened in fear. “End it?” She asked.
“I’ll leave Dreamworld and you and Oliver can handle it yourself.” Lewis explained. “I’m done with you keeping things from us. Heck, I’m at the breaking point of our friendship.”
Sara felt a pain in her heart as she felt tears in her eyes. “Y-You wouldn’t.” She whispered. Lewis has been her best friend since middle school, not only that he was her first friend ever.
“I would, unless you tell me what’s going on.”
 felt like she was going to cry. She tried to open her mouth and speak up but she couldn’t.
Lewis waited, yes what he said was harsh, but he had no other options at this point. He waited a bit more seeing Sara trying to speak, but not uttering a word. Shaking his head, Lewis turned around and was ready to head out the door.
“I see… That’s your choice then.” Lewis said. “Well, good luck Sara Covetman.” He snapped glaring at the female founder.
Lewis had his hand on the door and was ready to unlock it-
“Lewis, wait!” Sara cried.
Lewis stopped and turned to Sara, but held his hand on the knob.
Sara sighed, her friend won. She needed to speak up about everything instead of hiding it. “I’ll tell you the truth.”
Lewis removed his hand from the knob and walked towards Sara.
“Just,” she started, “promise me you won’t tell anyone.”
“That depends what it is, darling.” Lewis replied. He wanted answers before keeping a promise with Sara.
Sara opened her mouth to beg to Lewis, but she let out a sigh knowing he wouldn’t settle for it. “Fine.” She took a deep breath and started at the very beginning. “Remember before we became friends in middle school, kids made rumors about me being the cause of my missing classmates?”
Lewis nodded, he heard the stories countless times from every classmate anytime he tried to get close to Sara. 
She’s a witch! She’s cursed! A monster! The kids would tell him, but he ignored it and all he saw was a lonely and shy girl who needed a friend. 
Before Lewis could ask where Sara was going with her story, his eyes widened coming to the realization about Sara’s classmates. “T-They weren’t missing weren’t they darling?” He asked.
Sara nodded, “those classmates were my bullies,” she revealed.
Lewis knew Sara was bullied during their time in school, but she told him it was way worse before she met him and Oliver.
Sara started to have tears form in her eyes as she was about to tell her best friend what really happened. “T-the day they went missing,” she started letting out a shaky breath as tears started to fall, “they pushed me and hurt me. I-I was scared and to make it worse they brought matches.” Sara sobbed, still horrified of that day.
Lewis covered his mouth in horror. He didn’t realize…
“W-When they started that fire. I-I wasn’t sure what they planned on doing, so I-I pushed one of them off a cliff.” Sara cried. “T-The other two ran and I-I…” Sara started sobbing not wanting to continue with the story.
Lewis felt like crying at that point. He felt bad trying to end a lifelong friendship with Sara, not knowing how she snapped that day. “Is this what Eric meant when he told me to go easy on Sara?” He thought. The male founder went over and sat next to his best friend, rubbing her back to comfort her.
Sara looked up to see her best friend giving her a small smile, which cheered her up a bit. Not enough, but it was something. She wiped the tears from her eyes and continued, “After that, I lost trust with everyone. It wasn’t until you and Oliver came into my life...” She said.
“Sara.” Lewis started. “I’m so sorry you went through all that. I know you’ve told me you’d been bullied, but I can’t believe you’d been pushed that far.”
“I don’t deserve sympathy, Lewis.” Sara replied. “I did something horrible, and what’s worse I’ve been hiding it from you and Oliver all these years!”
Lewis sighed knowing his friend was right, and he couldn’t just sugar coat it for her. “Okay, what you did was horrible darling, but you were scared!” He replied. 
Sara turned away, and the male founder realized that it wasn’t her actions that scared her. It was something else…
“We’re you scared that we would leave you if we found out?” Lewis asked.
Sara nodded, tearful.
Lewis didn’t know what to say, heck, no one would be sure of what to say if they were told their best friend secretly killed someone, he knew that for sure.
At that point, something else came to mind. Lewis wondered about those secret phone calls, and if they have connections with the incident. Could “he” be blackmailing her to keep the secret from leaking out?
“Darling, were those secret phone calls connected to what you did?” Lewis asked.
Sara nodded, “yes, they both knew.”
The male founder’s eyes widened. This was the first time he heard it was two people being a part of the secret phone calls. “Wait, there’s two?!” Lewis gasped.
“Yeah.” Sara replied. “Would you believe me if one of them was the defunct pegasus animatronic.”
“Winnie?!” Lewis asked, surprised.
Sara nodded. “He’s been the one calling me, the one who knows is a demon named Litho.”
“A what now?!” Lewis exclaimed. This was a first hearing a demon was being a part of this. “Sara, please explain because this sounds ridiculous!”
“I-I am!” Sara exclaimed. “Winnie is possessed by someone who worked for Litho before. He never told me his real name.”
“And Litho?”
“The demon who is searching for immortality. He knows everything about me, and wanted me to help him with his plans.”
Suddenly, Lewis remembered hearing something Sara mentioned a couple of years ago. “Didn’t you tell me about an entity that was stalking you as a child?”
Sara nodded, “that’s him.” 
“Darling this is horrifying that you’ve been keeping all of this from us!” Lewis exclaimed.
“And you can see why I kept this all from you and Oliver.” Sara replied.
“Yeah, but still...if you told us I could’ve at least help you or better yet if you told me the whole story I would’ve understand.”
Sara sighed, “I’m sorry Lewis. For everything.”
Lewis smiled and held her hand. Sara’s eyes widened as she looked up at her friend. “Sara, you’ve been my best friend since middle school, and I want our business to be a success.” He started. “Plus, if we’re going to find out what’s been happening to us, we need to be a team, okay.”
Sara nodded. “Okay. I promise I’ll try to be a team player” She replied. The female founder knew it was going to be hard breaking from Litho’s contract, but she is willing to try and help out her best friend like she promised. “So you forgive me?”
“As long as you stop keeping secrets from us, darling.” Lewis answered.
“Okay, deal.”
Lewis smiled and hugged Sara, which surprised her. It put a smile on her face as she hugged her best friend back.
Suddenly, Sara’s eyes turned pink as her powers activated once again.
This time she wasn’t sent to the future, but it looked far into the past.
There she saw a woman around her age at her desk breaking rocks. From it, she saw two of the gems; the blue and pink one, as well as a bunch of rocks that were broken and empty or haven’t been broken into yet.
The girl in Sara’s vision had brown hair tied into a ponytail and wore a pale pink dress that looked like it was from the 1700s.
Soon someone knocked on the door, and the girl called out, “come in!” without looking up from her work.
A young boy appeared, and Sara's eyes widened at him. If one saw him, he’d look like Lewis wearing a costume from the 18th century. The only difference between him and Lewis, was his hair was slightly darker then her best friend’s.
“Clara, darling.” The boy spoke. “Are you still working on your treasure hunt?” 
“Yep. I found something that your not going to believe, Cyrus!” Clara answered.
Cyrus sighed and walked over to his friend. “Well what is it?” He asked.
Before the rest of the conversation continued, Sara’s powers ended there.
The female founder gasped, pushing away from Lewis, who was in shock seeing her eyes pink before they ultimately fading back to brown.
“Darling, was that your powers?” Lewis asked.
“Yeah.” Sara replied, nodding. “My powers have to do with time. Anytime I touch someone I can see into the future, but,” she paused, confused as to what she witnessed this time.
“But what?”
“This time it looked like it was in the past, about 300 years or so….there was a boy and girl named Cyrus and Clara, and,” Sara paused and pointed at Lewis, “Cyrus looked like you.”
Lewis blinked, shocked at what Sara just revealed to him.
Who are Clara and Cyrus?
Well, you’ll find out soon enough! Because I’m excited to talk about them when the time comes.
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To doctor bright: are you dating wiatt also I'm being serious keep a eye on wiatt because something is going to happen to him...also give him some flowers or take him on a date or something (gives Lewis a bunch of flowers to give to wiatt from a blue portal) your the only person he has left dude...
Dr Bright: well we aren’t dating anymore ever since we’ve broken up in high school and make matters worse, but Wiatt don’t even remember me because of his amnesia. Sure I’m might be falling for him again. But I doubt he will feel the same again and I can’t let my crush distract me from my work. Besides he has the anomalies I mean his coworkers to keep him company.
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Wiatt: *humming*
Rex: oh hey Wiatt.
Wiatt: oh hey Rex!
Rex: oh you actually remember my name, employees usually use ‘Anomaly 19’ or just call me ‘dragon’.
Wiatt: well we’ve been friends for a month, so what were you about to tell me?
Rex: Oh right, it’s about something.
Wiatt: is it about the stairs needing railings?
Rex: well they do. No, it’s about Dr Bright.
Wiatt: oh isn’t he one of the founders?
Rex: yes, but I heard from Anomaly 33 that the founders might knew you before.
Wiatt: really? I can’t even remember what was my last name.
Rex: I doubt it’s actually true but anyways, I heard that Dr Bright used to be so different like he was happy and creative.
Wiatt: really! Whenever I see him, he always emotionless and strict. But I kinda like him.
Rex: like him like what? Friends?
Wiatt: like whenever I’m near him, I feel warm and cosy.
Rex: I think you might be in love.
Wiatt: what! No.
Rex: can you describe Dr Bright?
Wiatt: well he has shiny green eyes, dress nicely, and his hair is neat and tidy- omg I am in love.
Rex: told ya.
Wiatt: does it mean you will finally tell Glory your feelings.
Rex: what! No. I mean it’s not like I have a crush on her or anything.
Wiatt: yes, you do.
Rex: no, I don’t.
Wiatt: yes, you do.
Rex: no, I don’t.
Wiatt: no, you don’t.
Rex: yes, I do.
Wiatt: okay then.
Rex: (flustered) no wait! You tricked me!
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Hey I saw you were looking for questions about your Wtd aus? Well i couldn't pick one so here's a question for all of them!
Hazelnut tree: What's the alison in this au like? I would love to see his dynamic with more characters and we know he ends up with hazel. I wonder what his rule following personality would look like next to winnies moral roulette wheel.
Scaly secrets: You said some of the cast were dragons? Which ones!? And what colors. Are they all the same kinda dragon or different styles?
Cryptic Dreams: Is everyone a cryptid or are some of them hunters? What are some ways they avoid the hunters using their cryptid abblites?
Superhero: what are their powers? Understandable if you haven't got that all figured out yet. Superheroes are hard. So i'm also going to ask are they all heroes or are some of them villains and vigilantes. 
Post cannon au: Who shares rooms? How many bunk beds? Or do they all get their own room?
Mixed marriages: Where did you get the idea for the kingdom names you wrote about in the snippet you posted?
Robotic fantasy (I LOVE EXTRA ANGST): I noticed we are in a lot of the same fandoms so what other fandoms exactly are being thrown into the mix here? And what's your favorite duo of a WTD character partnered with a non WTD character?
I'm sorry if it's a lot of questions I have a lot to ask! Hearing about cool stuff like this always inspires me! Gets me thinking you know? They just all sound so cool! Hope you don't mind the length!
Salty I am so fucking happy you don't even know, this is my favorite ask ever I couldn't even imagine this!!!!!! I don't mind the length the length lets me ramble about my ideas which I need to do!!!!!!
Hazelnut tree: Allison would probably secretly tag along with Hazel and Night Light, and therefore ends up talking to the whole little group that's building. Allison would hate Winnie before his redemption due to helping Litho so much. After Win's redemption though? They'd probably get along relatively well, helped by the fact that I'm pretty sure their related, and at the very least they are in HNT.
Scaly Secrets: Currently the dragons consist of; Sara, Wiatt, Carly, Mike, The Triplets, and Winnie! Sara is dark pink, Wiatt is blue, Carly is light pink, Mike is orange, the Triplets are their respective animatron main colors, and Winnie is purple. Kept the color choices simple. Currently I don't have any great ideas on designs/abilities for the dragons, but I'm working on it! (They're all technically dragon shifters btw)
Cryptic Dreams: The cryptids are all the animatronic possessers (minus Eric who has a different deal going on) and Sara and the Twins. The main plot revolves around Wiatt, Damian, Celio, and Oliver thinking all tge cryptids have been taken by cryptids since they don't know they are the cryptids. So they team up with actual cryptid hunters to find them. Carly is also in the team to try and keep everyone from finding out about the cryptids while also stopping them from getting hurt. They use their abilities in a lot of ways, mainly to trap the hunters.
Superheros: Decided to answer both at once with a list, not everyone had powers decided on yet. A lot of them use the animatronic names as alter egos, and those who don't have. Kinda bad names lol.
Heros: Starlight (Lewis)* [????? And Specialized Telekinesis], Glory (Alyssa) [Water Manipulation and Siren Song], Rex (Mike), Ribbon Dancer (Ribbion Dancer)
Vigilantes: ???? (Wiatt) [Tech Manipulation], Detective (Damian) [Power Sight], The Triplets (The Triplets), Cheer (Carly) [Super Speed]
Villains: Shadina (Sara) [Shadow Powers and Specilized Telekinesis], Tela (Oliver)* [Tech Manipulation and Specilized Telekinesis], Winnie (Carlos/Winnie), Litho (Litho) [Shadow Powers], Lolli (Liz)*, Pop (Ben)*
(*depends on where in the plot they are)
Post Canon: As a general rule, all couples and young siblings share a room. So we got:
Eric(/Ribbion Dancer technically)
Celio (maybe, idk if they're gonna live with everyone else)
Fun fact, the house they live in is the mansion Wiatt was implied to have lived in during highschool!
Mixed Marriages: The kingdom names cam from me translating a word relating to the character who's a royal in that kingdom into Spanish and Russian before mushing them together and making it look and sound like a kingdom name.
Robotic Fantasy: Pretty much all of them. We got:
FNAF SB in general
MCYT in general
Maybe some of my oc's???
Personally I like Lewis, Moon, and Pearl's dynamic. They go through some shit together.
Also!!! Bonus new AU:
Mcyt (mainly empires) and Wtdw popstar AU has been circling in my head recently, so add it to tge list of AU's
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analog-cottage-gore · 11 months
Saw your Not so Dreamy AU and I wanted to ask a few questions about it;
1:Which of the characters prefer to use their human names, which prefer their animatronic names, and which don’t mind either?
2:Assuming Ribbon Dancer and Eric’s soul isn’t separated and Eric’s half transferred to another body, do they have full control over who is fronting now, or is it just kinda random; like Eric could be in the middle of a lecture, and then Ribbon suddenly is pushed to the forefront and has no idea how to continue teaching, leading to chaos?
3:Are the animatronics immortal now, since they can always be repaired, or can they still ‘die’ after a long while, giving them the lifespan of a regular human? If it’s the former, I can totally see Wiatt choosing to possess his own animatronic on his own volition, since he knows that otherwise he’d eventually be gone and Lewis would live on without him. (This actually happens in my fanfic ‘Wilight through the years’)
4:Do any of the animatronics eventually decide to get more ‘humanlike’ bodies (like Norman has)?
Sorry for the long ask!
Hi very sorry I took a bit!
1: Everyone is fine with either name except Carly who is firm on being called her human name. (And Eric and Ribbon but that's a given.)
2: It depends on the day (aka whatever is plot convenient)
3: I've been thinking the latter tbh!
4: Not really? I mean Glory gets a smaller more humanoid body, but not really a human one ya know?
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