#i am going to write owen so out of character you guys dont even know
theitalianscribe · 6 months
I can't wait to see more of Owen Nicholson and to write him into fic's because the dissonance between my interpretation of him and how he is written in cannon just shows how I am probably watching Welcome to Dreamworld for the wrong reasons.
Cannon Owen:
"A man is some day going to outlive his father, but it shouldn't be this soon. And not like this."
Serious character. Has kind of film noir vibes.
Is in a tragic situation even now and is understandably solem about it.
Currently being gaslit while in spider robot purgatory
Owen when I write him
A bit of a goofball but very supportive.
Is super supportive of Wiatt.
He made a hat with a pun on it to congratulate Wiatt on figuring himself out and picking a name.
Is either a streamer, a blogger, or journalist.
He is so proud of his son (and maybe his son's sister Sara depending on the au.)
Is aware of the spooky shit going on but pretends to be oblivious and is trying (but unknowingly failing) to keep his kid(s) out of it.
If he is a journalist/news reporter, has the tagline of "This has been News with Nicholson, where you always get more than my two cents!"
Come to think of it, I may be basing him heavily on Patton Sanders. That probably means that he also is masking depression which would make sense now that I think about it.
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chemicallady · 4 years
Science and Vision
Part I
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A/N: let's start something completely new! Hope you'll like the idea. I dont know how many parts I'll write. Let's see what happens togheter.
Once, Greg said that he has to choice between science or 'something else'. And he chose science. What it someone we is going to bump into is thinking otherwise.
I'm also using the characters of Frank Diners, introduced in episode 13x02! A couple of years before those (terrible) event.
Important: this parts are dreams
Couple: Greg Sanders/Female!Reader
Category: Romantic, Supernatural, Phychic, a little of angst of course.
Content Warning: mention to cases in which is involved a kidnap and a murder. Csi classical stuff.
Summary:  Reader is a powerful psychic, as her grandmother. Unfortunately, this gift doesn't help her in paying the rent, but as his mom always says 'anything happen without a reason'.
Reader starts to believe that when a series of drammatic nightmares start to keep you company during the night. And the subject is always the same, like a video, replied over and over again....
Las Vegas, December 5th 2010
《Sorry Vincent! I'm late!》
You make your entrance at your work place - Frank's Diner- and you notice both officers Akers and Mitchell laught softly at you from their position at the bench.
《Traffic is tremendous tonight》, you try to explain yourself, keeping your apron and put it on. Your boss is in the kitchen, so he doesn't notice your delay. Owen, his brother, grinns from the front desk, like he doesn't mind at all. Picking a pen and your notebook, you look at the two officers with a charming smile. 《What can I serve to you, gentlemen?》
Andy orders the usual coffee with bacon and eggs, even if is like three in the morning. The bell on the door rings again and four people are now coming into. The last one, the guy who is talking with Owen, is the one who always caught your attention. Greg Sanders, CSI, hot material. He is also funny and interesting.
A total match.
But probably too smart to notice a waitress. Little does he know that you have a master degree. You are the new one in here and most of the clients are cops. Cops never ask too much and if the do, well.... it's an interview.
《Ei (y/n)》 , sayis a man, smiling at you with his usual kindness. 《Are you on shift tonight? Isn't this your day off?》
《What can I say, Nicky?》, is your answer, keeping a pitcher full of hot coffee. You fill a cup for him while you are still speaking. 《I need some extra money. I have some problems with my car, actually...》
《Again?》 Sara asks you, keeping the mug you're offering to her. 《Maybe is time to change that tin can.》
Akers captures your attentions with a joke. 《Maybe that's why you're always late!》
You start to pretend to be offended, putting and hand on your chest. Greg laughs and answers for you. 《It's a '69 Chevy Chevelle, Sara. (Y/n) cant just throw that piece of history away.》
《Thanks Sanders, you truly are a man of culture》 , you says, bright smile and a little wink, while Edie grinns next to you. 《That car is a part of me》
《The oldest one, I presume》 , Catherine tosses at you, 《Sorry to bother your discussion about ancient veichles but we are on a case and we need some fuel to work. Can we order now, (y/n)? You are in front 9f a group of hungry forensics. 》
《Of couse you can!》 Vincent appears somewhere next to you. 《Edie will keep your orders guys! (Y/n) has a big mouth ... hasn't she?》
Everyone laugh while you blush a little, biting your tongue to avoid a rude tense. Dahlia comes to the bench, asking for her usual milkshake that you are more than happy to prepare for her. Just to hide how much you are embarrassed. The CSI stay for almost 30 minutes and you cant help yourself but searching for Greg's gaze. He gives you some in return, but the two of you don't speak till it's time to say goodnight.
《Which one?》, Dahlia asks you, while you are still pointing the door with both your eyes, as you are waiting him to come back and ask you out one of those days.
《Don't know what are you talking about》, is you flat answer while the realisation that he is gone again without your number arrives.
《Stokes or Sanders?》, the blonde ask again. Edie smiles, clearly enjoyed by the situation. You know that she is only happy to have a co worker but also too shy to ask first. There is Dahlia for this.
You sigh, 《Am I so obvious?》
《You look so helpless, baby girl》, Dahlia continues, playing with her long amazing hair. 《You didn't answer sweety.》
You have your back on a corner. Once a Marines, always a Marine and Dahlia is proving this theory to you right now. So you decide to let it go. 《The cutest...》
Edie keeps the dirty mugs, smiling even brighter. 《So Sanders》
《We need to arrange a date》, is the last statement from Dahlia, before she goes on Owen to pay. She lefts 5 bucks as a tip, and a malicious smile. 《Because if we have to wait the both of you, guys.... nights in Vegas are long, but not that much!》
The crowd is melting in front of your eyes. All that is matter right now is him.
His eyes on the road, is smile....
The sound of the music is far away from you and you can enjoy the sweet sound of his voice.
The place is dark and quiet and you feel safe with him.
He is your only hope.
Your courage....
No one have never understood you like he can. You two meant to each other.
So why is he so mad at you?
And then the pain arrives.
Is impossible to handle it.
Your hands are painted in crimson and you are loosing your balance...
....The room is so cold.
The silence is heavier than you think.
And the Emptiness is swallowing you all, piece to piece, slowly....
Here we go again. Another shift, beyond the bench with an headache caused by lack of sleep. It's the same old story since.... you can recall.
You've started to have this nightmare almost two weeks ago, when you moved to Vegas. It's funny, you run away from ghosts just to bump into new ones.
But this time is different. Is more...
Powerful and you are helpless because you can't just go to the doctor and tell him 'hi, I'm a psychic and my visions are too strong while I try to sleep. Can you prescribe me Valium? A family storage please.'
Everyone will change their behavior towards you if they only know...
Same old story, again.
And you are so tired to move away every time you feel uncomfortable.
Is a lonely condition because you have to keep this secret for yourself.
You are the mad one, in the end. The crazy girl who can see the 'emotions' of dead people. Their last moments. And you grow tired of being the freak.
You want to be normal.
You want to be less lonely.
《Ei (y/n). You look so pale, what's going on?》
Your eyes meet Greg's ones when you hear him speak. A tiny smile appears on your lips, while you rise your hand to keep a mug full of coffee for the agent. 《 Have you ever sperimented how awful is being tired but incapable of fell asleep?》
《Please don't tell me》, is his answer, while he is smiling at you. You can't help yourself but think that is so cute. 《Thank you for the coffee.》
《Do you want to eat something?》
《No, I'm fine (y/n). I just want to review this case. I hope I won't bother you if I stay here at the bench for a bit.》
So charming.
He would never bother you.
Another smile and then you come back to work, serving coffee and keeping orders to the abitudinary clients. Greg stays much longer than 'a bit', by the way. An hour passed and he is still there. Is almost the dawn and you are going to end your shift. You are so tired...
You will probably walk home; you are too messy to drive.
You come back to Greg and you lean against the bar, yawning in your fist. 《May I ask you about this case?》
He sighs. 《An answer for and answer.》
《Then ask, Sanders.》
He looks at you with a small grinn. 《Why you can't sleep? Did you partied all night at the Mediterranean?》
A small laught abandon you month. 《 I wish. I just had a nightmare....》 He looks sorry for you, but it's fine. 《So? The case?》
He goes through his file before he shows you a picture. You barely hear what he says next. 《A girl disappeared a couple of weeks ago. Her name is Nina Foster, a university student. She was the head cheerleader of the college's football team and she went missed since the last.... (y/n), are you ok?》
You are barely breathing now. 《Oh my God.》
《What?》 , he asks without understand what's wrong. 《Do you know her?》
《I didn't. 》 you reply. 《.... I have dreamt about her. My nightmares....》 your hand traces slowly the line of the jaw in the pic, before speak again. 《I saw her being stabbed in the belly..... I think she is dead.》
....That probably wasn't a good idea.
~ continue ~
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Appreciation Overflow Post💛
Or, it’s my birthday, and i’m celebrating 67 amazing followers wtf???
hi, uh so it’s my birthday today, and i really want to do an appreciation post for all for my mutuals, because they have gotten me through so much even if they don’t know it, like
someone close to me going into hospice and then dying
my mental illnesses getting worse (one of my many christmas gifts lol)
sharing private information that for my safety i shouldn’t be sharing (i know this doesn’t really fit but it also does)
and a few other things that i don’t feel comfortable sharing
you guys helped me though so much, and i am amazed that i made it this far. i’m so happy i made it this far, because then i got to meet all of you.
i’m just a teen writing fanfic in my bedroom. (and i will block the creeps.) but you guys bring me so much happiness and i can’t wait to see what this year brings!
so without further ado- here’s me appreciating/maybe roasting/who knows what/simping (nah i’m not gonna simp for any of you) but to/for my mutuals. i apologize if i repeat any complements, there are not enough in the world for all of you
(i’m gonna go from oldest following me to youngest/newest)
@issaxcharlie issa, my very first mutual, i never quite processed that you followed me. i love all of your writing, and you interactions with @writerinlearning are so wholesome and amazing. keep being you issa 💛
@n0wornever missy, where do i start? your daily mantras help me know what day of the week it is, and if it wasn’t for them i would probably make a lot of silly mistakes (like going to the wrong zoom class) missy, you are beautiful 💛
@crybabyddl doll, you are one of my biggest inspirations on this site. dcma was amazing, and you are so talented! i am so happy you decided to follow me. you are amazing 💛
@meangirlsx sam, its so crazy that you follow me. you have thousands of followers, and yet you are following my tiny little blog. thank you. also can i take a second to just apprecate your blog aestetic? keep it up sam 💛
@bright-molina alright, is it bad that when the a majority of the people i follow changed their url to “bright-(last name of a JATP character)” i kinda lost track of who everyone was? nevertheless, bianca you are so amazing, and i am so honored to be one of your mutuals 💛
@txrii tori! you are so kind and lovely. i honestly cannot believe that you followed me, it blows my mind every day. keep creating tori💛
@blind-their-eyes kay, your support on my writing is unparalleled. i love your writing and i love to see your url pop up in my notifs💛
@jaskiers-sweetkiss erin, your writing is insane. the amount of talent you have is just so amazing, and the way your fics are written is even more so. i can’t wait to see what you come up with next! sending love your way 💛
@ssa-cinnamon jemma, im honestly amazed that you still follow me, esp cause ive turned into a JATP blog. you come up with the most amazing fics, and i hope you dont leave, but i undestand if you do. shine bright jemma 💛
@controversial-fandom-things love, go drink water and eat some food if you havent and also take a nap cause you are most def sleep deprived. i love you but go take care of yourself. please 💛
@piratesandswords lyra, where would i be without you? the answer that pops into my mind right now is less depressed, and less heart broken. but that’s the past, and this is now. i dragged you into JATP and i hoe you are enjoying it. thank you for being one of my amazing betas  💛
@calamitykaty katy, before i type anything else, can you and @dream-a-little-bigger-x get together already? you and nele are so sweet together and i will die on this hill. i love you owen fics so so much, and the plot twists that you come up with shock me everytime. be positive katy 💛 
@funsizearsonist doll, where do i start? like lyra, i have no idea where i’d be without you. you help be channel my ideas, and turn them into fics. your support on enemies to lovers is legit unparalled. thank you for your support  💛
@mo-d3ans dear your writing, like all of my mutuals, is legit god tier. i would love to see that hat that you pull your ideas out of and steal it sometime. do what make you happy love 💛
@julieandthepodcasters you all are so amazing. i re-listened to your podcast the other day, and just hearing your voices makes me happy. your podcast is once of the only podcasts that i am able to actually sit down and listen to. amazing work 💛
@softforcal nova, i know you are on hiatus, but if/when you see this, *gives you a big hug* (or if you don’t like that *gives you a high five*) i went back to check out some of your stuff the other day, and it made me a lot more confident to post my own RPF. hope your hiatus is going well 💛
@merceret julie, you are amazing! your writing is lovely, but you are even more so. i can’t believe i get to call you my mutual (also i’m ready for those benny watts fics i got so happy when i saw the coming soon!)💛
and to all of you, my 67 (what???) followers, thank you! i keep seeing that number go up, and it makes me so happy that you guys like my work. i didn’t think i’d ever get that many followers, and if i could tag you all, i would. you guys are the ones that make writing worth it, all your reblogs and messages and asks and notes. keep dreaming friends 💛
also i curled my hair and it didn’t turn out the best but i feel really pretty!
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bites-kms · 7 years
La Joie de Vivre: Paris 32mm
Just came from Le Caveau de la Huchette - yes, the jazz club from La-La-Land. I didn’t know this, until I was at the door. I was just looking for a fun place to have a drink or two on a Thursday night and what a joy I found. I literally found the joy of life, or the Parisian way - la joie de vivre.
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These people, they were so immerse into the beat, it was très magnifique. Specially there was this one women, with style and grace, short hair, long earrings, long skirt -long according to her age but edgy enough let her wave and move around-, without a bra, laughing and shaking her arms towards the back while killing the dance floor at the beat and rhythm of bebop with his partner, a black man with a white haired afro, with the same big smile and crazy moves as her. It was amazing. I only felt tele transported like this before and it was at Nicky’s, the best Speakeasy bar in Buenos Aires. But this was the real deal: I am in Paris, living the late roaring 20s, in between wars after the American soldiers fought in Paris, in a lost cave right next Ile de cité, few blocks away from Notre Dame. 
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photocredits: Black Label Media  Although I must confess I was expecting to meet my Ryan Gosling - and yes, I did remember our dance mov(i)es - I met Mr. PH, or Pierre-Henri, the lovely Swedish/French, who lived in Utah from Uppsala. It’s amazing to be able to connect with all these people through music, regardless of age and origin, and this was even more special due to my Swedish experience. We danced and laughed a lot. I proudly made a fool of myself and decided I’m gonna learn this dance once Im back in NYC. Then I met Maurice, a younger, intriguing French guy with whom we danced more upbeat my-hips-dont-lie songs. That was some intense moves going on there! I had such a wonderful time I couldn’t wait to come home to write about it, I hope to make justice to the amazing experience I just had. Walking down the Seine, as Owen Willson in Midnight in Paris, I came back home - to this evil, evil Airbnb, not without stoping by the Louvre and enjoying all its secrets, changing my movie switch to the Da Vinci Code.
It’s still mesmerizes me how much these narratives shape our collective perspectives on the world. I was thinking about this exact same issue while walking down my office’s street the other day, back in NY, and saw a couple of police patrols going around like crazy, with a black SUV that looked as if it was from the FBI and a small but intense manifestation. I was surprised on how quiet the protesters were after the police cars passed by and didn’t make much sense to me. That was when I finally realized I was living this meta-reality and was tricked by my very own mind: this was all a set up for Gotham and I thought it was the real deal. I couldn’t stop laughing and my mind exploded for a couple of very long minutes trying to understand and process all these realities happening at the same time in my head!  So yes, this is my tribute to them, to the movies, to those little pieces of realities that we share in 32 mm (or blue ray, but that way is not that picturesque any more) And it feels weird that I start this tribute in Paris and not in New York, but I guess the NYC experience still feels a little bit surreal to me. At least here I know I’m not staying for good, I’m just here for 10 days, so I guess that makes me way more objective, an eager observer and an obsessed analytic of every minute.
I deserved some celebration after the success on the US embassy, so I decided to start with the simplest thing: let’s go for dinner! I went for my poulette avec pomme de terre but since it only came with fries, I switched it for the plat du soir and felt a little bit of the Jack Nicholson’s magic on Something Gotta Give at the Grand Colbert restaurant.  
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I ended up in the most surreal circumstances on a Friday’s night. Lost, during a thin-rainy eve in Paris, searching for hidden wifi hotspots in order to reach my destination: a typical French bistro by Le Marais. What I didnt realized, was that I was gonna run into this typical French guy called William. William, is actually a PHD professor and researcher from Atlanta- although he has been living in France since forever, and as per a Woody Allen movie, he was wearing a brown suit jacket which was double his proper size. He was also wearing bigger trousers -not pants- and we debated about morality, existence and transcendence of matter and language over the Frankfurt School, Marcuse, Horkheimer, Adorno for more than 4 hours, having wine, charcuterie and terrine. It was a very nice movie cliche to experience without even planning it!
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Who knew Paris was so famous in movies? I mean, of course in the collective imagery it is, but I didn’t actually realize the size nor the amount of “featured time” Paris have in this movie so called life. After my wonderful La-La-Land experience, my expectations were high and difficult to match, but oh you, dear Amélie, that was a hell of a Saturday we shared together! 
I went to Montmartre and started my film on the Abesees station, right next to the carrousel, close to her apartment. After a beautiful morning stroll with the sun on my face and the joy on each and every single pore of my being, I found the Cafe des 2 Moulins, where she enjoys the small but amazing things of life. Little did I know that not only the creme brûlée was gonna be amazing, but the atmosphere and the memories would be as such! The waiter became my fan: he noticed I was writing in my journal and started hitting on me with the sweetest and cheesiest lines ever, talking about the movie, practicing and mixing English and French, gifting me a pain au chocolat, drawing a heart gesture on the air before giving it to me. He even dared to asked for my number in the most courageous yet sweet way imaginable! It really made my day. Thanks Jullien, that was fun! Of course I also checked out the Studio 28 Cinema, where Amelie enjoys her movies. BITES & KMS SAYS: That’s a meta-hyper reality indeed: Amelie, a fictional character which I watch, goes and watches movies to the cinema in a narrative fiction, located on the same place I am standing right now in real life, thinking and wondering about what that character would be feeling at that moment, with the difference that I am feeling it right now. Wow #mindblown
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Of course, I couldn’t stop singing My Song, performed by Christian (Ewan McGregor), feeling a little bit like Satine from Moulin Rouge, while going up and down hills. I hate Boulevard de Clichy, I absolutely hate it: it’s dirty, touristy, with no style nor personality, full of weird people in the bad sense weird can be understood. But well, even though the Bal du Moulin Rouge is located there, this is not whatsoever the best part of the Quarter. So, I kept my musical dream alive and went around the other small and hidden streets. I actually found a spot, which was absolutely perfect. I needed to stop and write about it. My piece of paper said something like this: “Little pieces of Paris, small and unique as the cobblestones of their streets, where only the little birds sing and the sun warms the soul, in between the distant buzz and talks from the tourists.” I imagine a little chambre on one of those top balconies, with lovers singing to each other, having sex and drinking wine in bed at 11 am on a Sunday, waiting to be drunk again to keep sleeping. I stopped by this wonderful Bistro called Le Sancerre. I had my first glass of champagne and had a delicious lunch, falling in love with all these movies, one scene at a time.
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The following day I had a very specific location in mind: the Coulee Verte Rene Dumont: secret lover gardens. Only true Parisians go there and take their dates in hopes of some French kiss action. It is quite far off the tourist circuit, and that made me realized how the US is a rough copy of the best of France, with a very local spin. The Highline, that architecture phenomenon everyone is proud of, already existed here in Paris more than a century ago, and still lingers today. So, sorry Paula Scher, there’s nothing new under the sun. And talking about the sun, this was the setting for Before Sunset. I went there to seek inspiration and to reflect upon that proper dialogue that happens in the movie. Was sex with Ethan Hawke that forgettable or was it actually remarkable? Was he really happy with his wife? Why aren’t they together? Are they meant to be? 
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I guess there is just time to listen to some Nina Simone - which, for the time being, we can switch for French Edit Piaf or Italian Mina- and to whomever is asking when I’m flying back, I’m just gonna do as Ethan Hawke: 
Celine- Hey Babe, you’re gonna miss that plane. Jesse- I know.
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