#Owen Nicholson
theitalianscribe · 6 months
I can't wait to see more of Owen Nicholson and to write him into fic's because the dissonance between my interpretation of him and how he is written in cannon just shows how I am probably watching Welcome to Dreamworld for the wrong reasons.
Cannon Owen:
"A man is some day going to outlive his father, but it shouldn't be this soon. And not like this."
Serious character. Has kind of film noir vibes.
Is in a tragic situation even now and is understandably solem about it.
Currently being gaslit while in spider robot purgatory
Owen when I write him
A bit of a goofball but very supportive.
Is super supportive of Wiatt.
He made a hat with a pun on it to congratulate Wiatt on figuring himself out and picking a name.
Is either a streamer, a blogger, or journalist.
He is so proud of his son (and maybe his son's sister Sara depending on the au.)
Is aware of the spooky shit going on but pretends to be oblivious and is trying (but unknowingly failing) to keep his kid(s) out of it.
If he is a journalist/news reporter, has the tagline of "This has been News with Nicholson, where you always get more than my two cents!"
Come to think of it, I may be basing him heavily on Patton Sanders. That probably means that he also is masking depression which would make sense now that I think about it.
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thedreamworldlibrary · 7 months
Two Birds Chap. 1-Fun Times with the Nicholson's
Here is the next chapter!
I was doing some thinking while planning the next few chapters, and that this story right here will be an arc while the main series stuff will happen in the next arc. Now I have TONS of ideas focusing on the past in this AU so that might be in this arc, or a separate story so I can FOCUS on the main story stuff!
Big thanks to @gigilefache for beta reading! Also go give her love!! It was her birthday yesterday!!
It had been 7 years since Rosie’s death, and so far Owen had been able to raise his twins, whom he named Wiatt and Sara, well. It was rough at first, but after a while, he was able to handle it. He spent time with them and played with them as much as he could.
The hard part was trying to find someone who could watch them while he worked at the Nickel-Per-Play arcade. At first he relied on babysitters, but once the twins were five he decided to bring them to work with him. It was an arcade after all.
Now the twins had their own games with their father, something fun between the three of them when Owen was home.
“48…49…50!” Owen counted down, playing a game of Hide and Seek with his twins. “Alright you two, here I come!” He started to look around the house for his kids, and checked the places they’ll usually hide behind the couches or doors in the house.
While he was looking in the living room, he heard a door close and went upstairs to the source of the sound. Opening the door to the twins’ room he looked around and saw nothing out of place. He then opened up the twins closet and saw no twins in sight. “Hm…” he said closing the door and checking under the twins’ bunk bed.
Suddenly, another door closed and some giggles came from the twins. Owen turned and saw a door open that lead to a guest room. Owen went to the room and saw the twins had just left the room and hid in another.
“Okay you two, this is Hide and Seek! Not hide everywhere in the house forever!” Owen shouted.
He waited hoping his twins would hide somewhere else again, but this time they were quiet. After waiting a while, Owen decided to keep looking for his twins with a plan in mind. He went to his bed room and looked around, and like with the rooms before. Nothing was out of place.
Or so he thought.
Owen sensed his twins were hiding there, all he needed to do was lure them out. He looked around for a bit before opening the door and closing it again, but hid by his bed. 
Soon coming from her father’s closet, Sara appeared and thought it looked safe for her to come out. She was ready to run and find her next hiding space, but she was grabbed by her father, causing her to scream.
“Found you, my little flower.” Owen said, before hugging his daughter close.
Sara laughed as she struggled to get out of her father’s grasp, but held her tight as he gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“Daddy!” Sara laughed. “Let go!”
Owen laughed, and put his daughter down. “Okay now where is your brother?” He asked.
Sara kept silent, she wasn’t going to tell her brother’s hiding location to her dad.
“Come on, you can tell me where he is. Or else…” Owen warned.
“Or else what?” Sara asked.
“The tickle beast will tickle it out of you!” Owen yelled, grabbing his daughter and starting to tickle her.
“No! Daddy!” Sara yelled, before she started laughing as her dad tickled her. “W-Wiatt! Help me!”
Hearing his sister’s cries, Wiatt came out of his hiding spot, which was the closet in the room Owen just checked. “Hang on! I’m coming!” He yelled.
Wiatt dashed to his dad’s room but Owen grabbed his son and started to tickle the both of them. The twins laughed as they struggled to escape their father’s tickle attack, but Owen grabbed a hold of them and kept tickling. Soon the three got tired and went to catch their breath.
“Gotcha.” Owen said, catching his breath.
“No fair!” Wiatt complained.
Owen chuckled and hugged his kids close. Suddenly he heard the phone rang and went over to it answering the call. “Hello!” He said.
The twins looked at each other before watching their dad take the phone call.
“Y-Yeah I’ll be right there.” Owen said as he hung up the phone. He looked at his twins and gave a small smile. “So I don’t have anyone to close the arcade tonight, so you two want to pick up burgers for dinner and spend the rest of the day at the arcade?” He asked.
Sara and Wiatt’s eyes widened as they looked at each other with glee.
“Yes!” They both beamed.
Sara and Wiatt ran to their room and grabbed stuff to bring with them to the arcade. From coloring books, to video games, anything for them to pass the time especially after playing arcade cabinets for what would be hours on end. Once packed, Owen was waiting for them at the front door.
“Ready!” Wiatt beamed. He took his sister’s hand ready to go out, but he was stopped by his father.
“Hold on you two. Say goodbye to mom first.” Owen reminded them.
“Oh yeah. I forgot.” Wiatt replied. He and Sara faced the table by the door that had a photo of their mother. “Bye mom!”
“See you soon!” Sara added. With that the twins went outside to wait for their dad.
Owen chuckled and looked at the photo of his wife. “See you soon, Rose. I love you.” He said. Owen then closed the door as he and his kids got in the car and drove off to the Nickel-Per-Play arcade. 
After eating burgers, the family made it to the Nickel-Per-Play arcade. Once inside, the twins were greeted to the sounds of kids and teens playing arcade games, ski ball, and air hockey. Owen then led his kids to the breakroom where the twins put their stuff on the couch, so they could play a few of the arcade games.
“Alright, go have fun!” Owen exclaimed, handing his kids 10 tokens to play.
The second the tokens were in Wiatt’s hands, the twins dashed off and went to the available Pac-Man arcade cabinet to play a few rounds. 
While Owen worked at the arcade, the twins went back and forth, playing games and going to the break room to color in a coloring book or playing the video games they brought from home.
It went on for the remainder of the night before it was closing time. Owen was cleaning up the place before deciding to check on his twins. When he opened the door to the break room he smiled seeing the twins had already fallen asleep.
Looking back, there wasn’t much cleaning to do in the arcade so he figured calling it a night and decided to take the kids home and get some sleep.
Owen packed up his kids' stuff in their backpacks before carrying it as well as his kids back to the car. He buckled them up before going in the driver's seat and driving back home.
Once he was home he carried his twins up to their room and laid them down in their bunk bed, starting with Wiatt by putting him in the bottom bunk. “Good night Wiatt.” He whispered.
Then Sara was next to be put on the top bunk, “night Sara.” He whispered. Owen put their bags down on the floor and left the room to let them sleep.
The second he left the room a pair of red eyes appeared and watched the twins sleep. He let out a light chuckle before disappearing into the shadows once more.
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wheel-of-fish · 3 months
hey fish! i was wondering if you have any recommendations for the portrayals of erik that are more on the sweet or tender side of the spectrum? or especially tender moments some actors have done? thanks!
Yeah sure! These are the actors who come to mind offhand.
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Earl Carpenter (with Rachel Barrell)
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Ted Keegan (with Emilie Kouatchou)
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Josh Piterman (with Kelly Mathieson)
And the OG Michael Crawford, but I would actually direct you to this audio clip for him.
And here are some other tender moments that I like!
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James Gant (with Holly-Anne Hull)
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John Owen-Jones (with Celia Graham)
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Laird Mackintosh
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Saulo Vasconcelos (with Irasema Terrazas)
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Michael Nicholson (with Olivia Safe)
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Jeremy Stolle (with Samantha Hill)
Also this audio of Greg Mills
(Do most of my favorite tender moments involve hair and/or hands? MAYBE SO)
EDIT: This is not meant to be an exhaustive list! Please feel free to add your own!
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badflicks · 1 year
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How do you know? (2010) 🍕🍕
The script is mediocrity in its purest form, solely standing on the shoulders of a star studded cast who clearly needed some cashflow.
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ad-j · 1 year
WATCHLIST 2022: How Do You Know
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cinemedios · 1 month
"¿Cómo saber si es amor?", perfecta para las tardes de lluvia
Reese Witherspoon y Paul Rudd tienen la cinta perfecta para pasar una tarde lluviosa entretenida y llena de romance; “¿Cómo saber si es amor?” es esa película que además de arrancar suspiros y lágrimas brinda momentos divertidos, ideal para quedarse bien acobijado. “¿Cómo saber si es amor?” se estrenó el 17 de diciembre de 2010, y aunque ya pasaron 14 años, sigue siendo una cinta enternecedora…
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genevieveetguy · 9 months
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. Have you been dreaming about me?
Dream Scenario, Kristoffer Borgli (2023)
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lokiondisneyplus · 5 months
Loki season two seemed like a conclusion to an engaging character arc of one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s (MCU) original villains. It capped a redemption arc where the titular character finally achieved what he’s been looking for all this time, but with a twist. At PaleyFest 2024, attendees watched a screening of the season finale followed by a panel featuring the cast and creatives. Stars Tom Hiddleston, Owen Wilson, Sophia Di Martino, and executive producer and writer Eric Martin and executive producers and directors Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead looked back at the Disney+ series.
Many anecdotes where shared including the previously reported stories of Di Martino’s special Sylvie costume that allowed easy access for feeding and pumping while filming season one. The actress used the same costume the next season because she had recently given birth again. Di Martino also retold the origins of her character working at McDonald’s in season two. When producers asked where she saw Sylvie next, she responded about fancying a burger.
Hiddleston then talked about which characters he studied while developing Loki. It’s no surprise that he drew inspiration from some well known villains including Alan Rickman’s Hans Gruber from Die Hard, Jack Nicholson’s Joker from Batman, and James Mason’s Phillip Vanddamm from North by Northwest. Much like Loki, all there were focused on control and revenge. 
In the season finale, Loki realizes what he must do in order to save his friends. Hiddleston also shared how he got into the right mindset to film his awe inspiring scene where he finds his Glorious Purpose. He went back and watched the God of Mischief’s journey throughout the MCU.
“The experience of watching it reminded me that these are not just scenes I played, but they are all chapters of my own life. It reminded me of the friendships I made and the experiences I had in different parts of the world. I was filled with such gratitude for the whole of it, for the journey.” Hiddleston continued, “I realized that in this moment, Loki is redefining his Glorious Purpose and he’s discovered it because he’s found friends that he loves and wants to care for. Loki is doing it for his friends and the people he loves. And I thought to myself, well, Tom. Do it for your friends and the people you love.”
We’ve already heard of costume designer, Christine Wada, and her magic with Sylvie’s outfit. Hiddleston discussed Wada’s approach to the final God Loki look we see in the finale. 
“It would be distinctly different from everything that had come before. All the other costumes in the MCU are elaborate and armored and detailed with embellishment almost as an expression of who he wants to project in the world. This is more humble and almost monastic. Yes, in a way he’s a king finally ascending the throne. Perhaps he’s more like a monk at the end of time. Something monastic and humble about it.”
During Loki’s moment of self sacrifice to repair the Loom, we see him grasping the various thread-like timelines and weaving them together. It’s as if he is turning these “burdens” and wrapping himself with them. Moorhead shared some insight into the scene itself.
“Loki is learning the importance of the connection between people so it’s a visual metaphor of course for the things that are most important to him, which is connection to the people at the TVA, his friends and all that. Something he didn’t have coming into season one… He’s becoming the Loom by the end of it and so we should have him physically start to become the Loom when he gets into this very humble looking God Loki.”
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barkingbonzo · 5 months
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Chinatown is a 1974 American neo-noir mystery film directed by Roman Polanski from a screenplay by Robert Towne. The film stars Jack Nicholson and Faye Dunaway. It was inspired by the California water wars, a series of disputes over southern California water at the beginning of the 20th century, by which Los Angeles interests secured water rights in the Owens Valley. The Robert Evans production, released by Paramount Pictures, was Polanski's last film in the United States and features many elements of film noir, particularly a multi-layered story that is part mystery and part psychological drama. Chinatown was released in the United States on June 20, 1974, to high critical and commercial success.
Chinatown received a leading 11 nominations, including Best Picture, Best Director (for Polanski), Best Actor (for Nicholson) and Best Actress (for Dunaway), winning Best Original Screenplay. At the 28th British Academy Film Awards, the film received 11 nominations, including Best Film, Best Actress in a Leading Role (for Dunaway) and Best Actor in a Supporting Role (for Huston), and won a leading 3 awards, including Best Direction (for Polanski) and Best Actor in a Leading Role (for Nicholson). It also received 7 nominations at the 32nd Golden Globe Awards, including Best Actress in a Motion Picture – Drama (for Dunaway) and Best Supporting Actor – Motion Picture (for Huston), and won 4 awards, including Best Motion Picture – Drama, Best Director (for Polanski) and Best Actor – Motion Picture Drama (for Nicholson).
The American Film Institute placed it second among its top ten mystery films in 2008. In 1991, the film was selected by the Library of Congress for preservation in the United States National Film Registry as being "culturally, historically or aesthetically significant". It is also often cited as one of the greatest films of all time.
A sequel, The Two Jakes, was released in 1990, again starring Nicholson, who also directed, with Robert Towne returning to write the screenplay. The film failed to match the acclaim of its predecessor.
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nerds-yearbook · 4 months
The final film of the devisive Star Wars prequel trilogy was released on May 19, 2005. Of the first 6 Star Wars movies, Revenge of the Sith was the first Star Wars movie to be rated PG-13. It was also the first Star Wars film to not recieve a nomination of Best Visual Effects. The original cut of the movie tied directly to the end of the Genndy Tartakovsky animated Clone Wars (2003 - 2005) shorts and showed Shaak Ti (Orli Shoshan) being executed after failing to protect Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid). The animated shorts also introduced General Grievous (Matthew Wood) and explained why he had respratory problems. The title was simular to the original title of episode 6 Revenge of the Jedi (1983), which was turned to Return of the Jedi as Lucas felt revenge was not a Jedi trait. The title was changed late enough that it altered the title of Vengeance of Khan (1982) to Wrath of Khan as Star Trek producers felt Vengeance sounded too close to Revenge. Lucas finally worked in a Wookie planet battle that was originally in the script for episode 3 Star Wars A New Hope (1977) and reworked as Ewoks in Return of the Jedi. Originally, George Lucas planned to write and direct the first movie and then story and executive produce episodes 2 and 3, like he did with 5 and 6, but after the panning the first prequel got, he wrote and directed 2 and 3 himself. The movie had the key points of ending The Clone Wars, turning Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen and James Earl Jones) into Darth Vader, the fall of the Jedi and the Republic, the creation of the Empire, the revelation of the Emperor and his disfiguration, the duel between Vader and Obi Wan (Ewan McGregor) that disfigured him, the death of Padme (Natalie Portman), the birth of Luke Skywalker (Aidan Barton) and Princess Leia Organa (also Aidan Barton), Luke's adoption by Owen (Joel Edgerton) and Beru Lars (Bonnie Piesse), Leia's adoption by Bail (Jimmy Smits) and Breha (Rebecca Jackson Mendoza) Organa, Yoda's (Frank Oz) exile to Degobah and Obi Wan to Tatooine, and C-3PO (Anthony Daniels) getting his memory wiped. The movie introduced the planets Utapau, Mygeeto, Felucia, Saleucami, Kashyyk (though technically this first appeared in the Star Wars Holiday Special - 1978), and Mustafar. Action also took place on established planets Coruscant, Naboo, and Tatooine. Noteable deaths in the movie were Count Dooku (Christopher Lee), General Grievous, Padme, Agen Kolar (Tux Akindoyeni), Saesee Tiin(Kenji Oates), Kit Fitso (Ben Cooke), Mace Windu (Samuel L Jackson), Boga, Ki-Adi-Mundi (Silas Carson), Aayla Secura (Amy Allen), Plo Koon (Matt Sloan), Stass Allie (Nina Fallon), Zett Jukassa (Jett Lucas), Whie Malreaux (Coinneach Alexander), Bene (Olivia McCallum), Cin Dralling (Nick Gillard), Nank Tun, Passel Argente (Marty Wetherill), Po Nudo (Paul Nicholson), Poggle the Lesser (Richard Stride), Rune Haako (Jerome Blake), Rute Gunnay (Colin Ware), Nute Gunray (Silas Carson), Tikkes , Cat Miin, Shu Mai, San Hill, and Wat Tambor (Ben Burtt and Matthew Wood). Characters that continued on to the original trilogy were Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader, the Emperor, Yoda, C-3PO, Tarkin (Wayne Pygram), R2-D2 (Kenny Baker), Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew), Owen and Beru Lars, Mon Mothma (Genevieve O'Reilly), Luke Skywalker, and Leia Organa. Critically, Revenge of the Sith is often called the best of the prequel trilogy and was the highest domestic grossing film in year release of 2005. ("Revenge of the Sith", Star Wars Movie Event)
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taydaq · 1 day
OH! So Kane and RVD! Well, Kane is very much dependent on what era of Kane you are looking for, and how much you are willing to pay for him. The From The Vault one is nice and all, but if you are looking for something a little earlier, his Ultimate Edition (the first one in the 'main' line, series 11) is an amazing figure. But as a heads up, the first run of Kane UE figures had some really weird design choices on his sleeved arm - the figure was made so that if you bend the arm with the sleeve, the inside of the joint was flesh color. This was corrected via running change, but the only way I believe to tell on a Mint In Box figure which one version it is, is I THINK that Mattel also corrected Kane's slightly-unpainted Mask issues on the original as well. So if you see a Kane where the black stripes on his mask look incomplete at his hairline, there's a really good chance it's the one with the mispainted arm as well. I have the first run of that figure. I just painted the mask properly myself, and have him posed that you can't see the messed up arm. At one point, RSC had a special listing where you could purchase JUST the correct arm and head parts, but I'm not sure if it's on there anymore. That said, the From The Vault is a really nice figure, if you want "Hardcore Kane", and there is another Kane from the same 'release type' (Ringside Collectibles Exclusives) that is widely believed to be coming in either the next From The Vault series (3) or the one after that (4) that has him in chains from his unmasked era. But we don't know that for sure yet, it's just a pretty popular theory based on what's already been released. As for RVD, Defining Moments RVD has some issues. Namely the fact that his face on it looks like Jack Nicholson's Joker. It's a horrible headsculpt. His "Best of Ruthless Agression" ultimate edition figure is WAYYYY better... but also really stonking hard to come by. I got lucky and found one at Walmart in person. Most people never found him and paid a fortune on ebay. If you can stomach the shitty headsculpt, the Defining Moments figure is a fine choice for something obtainable right now from an etailer. If you can't stomach the headsculpt, they made an RVD in the tiger stripes in... (checks notes)... Elite Series 91 that's got a better (but not perfect) head on him. Actually, I just looked on ebay. You can get the Ultimate Edition for not a ton over retail right now. Prices have gone way down, even for in box figures. I'd go with that one, if you don't mind a ruthless aggression RVD. (If you want original ECW era, go with Elite 91. AVOID the Monday Night Wars release from Walmart, it's his worst figure, and like I said, up to you if the Defining moments head is a dealbreaker or not) As for IG, I've been meaning to post some of the figures I've been working on. I'm still working on those photos! I aim to start posting them to IG sometime within the next week or so. Here, have a teaser!
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(Picture of a custom I threw together of Sami from his first show after Royal Rumble. I plan on finalizing him with parts (hopefully) from the new Kevin Owens Survivor Series release later this month. The legs here are from a John Cena figure and make Sami too tall. I'm hoping the ones on Kevin are a little shorter and will make him scale better. If they do, I will repaint the Kevin legs and swap out the left hand for a fist to finalize.)
I'm sorry for the late response on this one. Oh my god. When I get the chance to purchase some Kane figures, I will go back to this ask! Same for RVD!! Your input is very helpful and means a lot!
I hope that Sami build is still coming along!!
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theitalianscribe · 5 months
What's in a Name
Summary: This would be Wiatt's first lunch joining his boyfriend (BOYFRIEND!!!) at his usual lunch spot with his usually lunch mates, which is to say that he was re-meeting Lewis's best friends with the context of dating Lewis. This was basically make or break it as far as Wiatt was concerned. Just had to make a good impression. No pressure. Right? Riiiiight.
(Also available on AO3)
     Wiatt was nervous. This was his first time seeing having lunch with Lewis as his boyfriend. What's more, this was his first time having lunch with his boyfriend and his boyfriend's best friends. Wiatt knew how important the two friends were to Lewis. One was practically a sister that Lewis had grown up with and the other rounded out their energetic ideas and was a kind glue that smoothed out the edges and made the three closer than the two were before. He treasured these friendships and if either of them thought he wasn't right for Lewis or just didn't like him, well, a boyfriend of two days vs a pair of best friends for over a year? He was pretty sure who Lewis would choose, and honestly? Was Wiatt even that much? What did Lewis even see in him? 
     He had to make a good impression. He had been introduced before, but something about today felt more real. Oh, fuck! What if he got their names wrong? What if he forgot them? Asking them to repeat their names after he had known of them as long as he had known of Lewis? He was going to seem like such a careless jerk. Wiatt nervously jiggled the cord of his headphones and winced at the slight static sound it caused. He would have to put Coldplay on pause in a moment, but he let the tempo of 42 guide the beat of his footsteps as he scanned the area for a sign of blonde, brown, or orange hair. 
     Eventually, he spotted Lewis's beanie and made his way to one of the blue mesh metal tables with an umbrella. Next to Lewis was a girl with long brown hair. She was munching on baby carrots from a purple striped lunchbox with the Cheshire Cat on it. What a shifty character to pair with someone eating in a shifty way. Just carrots? Plain? No ranch? No hummus? As if sensing his judgment, she plucked a grape out of the bag and took a bite into another carrot. What a monster! 
     Next to the food fiend was a boy with slightly unkempt red hair and sunken green eyes. Wiatt's Wikipedia-scavenging heart went out the boy he clocked as a fellow insomniac. 
Lewis looked up from his cafeteria soggy spaghetti and meat sauce and a beaming smile lit up his face. That smile could give solar power a run for its money, but instead it sent a charge to the butterflies in Wiatt's stomach, especially when his lips parted to sing out his name, "Wiatt! Darling! Come, join us."
     At the sound of his harmonious voice, Lewis's friends looked up at the lunchtime interloper. Right! This was the make it or break it moment. The brunette was closer, so he offered his hand to her. 
"Hi, Sara." Her name was a bit easier to remember because after their introduction he had the song “Que Sera Sera” stuck in his head.
     Sara didn't take the offered hand. She just stared at him, as if challenging him to try and mess with her. Fair enough. He didn't need to talk to her. Let her resume her food crimes.
     Time to greet the other friend. Right. His name had something related to plants, right? Oakley? Ash? Forrest? 
“Wiatt!” The other boy exclaimed. Then he made a face like he was worried he said something wrong. Or maybe he was worried he said it too loud? Well, Wiatt would just up the energy and try to calm this guy’s nerves. Besides, he remembered the boy’s name. They were in World History together.
“Hey! Good to see you, Basil!” Wiatt cheered and gave his own smile.
     Basil took the offered hand and smiled back, then paused. 
“Yeah! Wait.”
Sara started to cackle. She leaned over and gave the redhead a noogie. “He sure is! It’s my bestest buddy, Basil.”
“Saaaraaaaa,” the boy whined.
At the same time, Lewis cleared his throat, stood up, and guided Wiatt to sit next to him. “That is Oliver, Darling.”
Oh. Oh. Oh no. Wiatt covered his face. “Oh my god. Oliver! I am so sorry! Oh no. Hnnnngh!”
Lewis chuckled and pat Wiatt’s back. “It’s quite alright, Darling. We could tell you were nervous.”
“You sit next to me in World History.”
“I am really sorry!”
Sara took a breath to calm her laughter. “He’ll forgive you, don’t worry. I, however, will not let you live this down.” “Noted.” Wiatt deadpanned.
“For the record, you got my name right, at least. But I am telling you now it is spelled S-A-R-A. No H.” “Got it.” “Do you want me to write it down? I can get a pen.”
“If I offer half my cookie will you forgive me?” Wiatt sighed.
“You may buy my silence for the moment.” Sara agreed cordially.
“I was asking Oliver.” “Are you sure you don’t mean Basil?”
“I really don’t mind. Wiatt.” Oliver finally spoke up. Wiatt held out half the cookie to him nonetheless. Oliver gamely took the treat, broke it into thirds, and passed a piece each to Lewis and Sara.
“Aww! A sweet from a sweetheart!” Sara cooed in thanks. She then retrieved a bag of…more grapes??? from her lunchbox and passed the plastic bag to Oliver.
“You just don’t want to eat the olives,” Lewis chided
“Yes, and?” Sara retorted
Oliver looked at the bag, smirked for a moment, and held the bag out to Wiatt. “Want some? As a pneumatic device?”
Wiatt let out a nervous chuckle and plucked one of the offered namesakes. “Thanks.”
     From there, things went a bit more smoothly. Aside from the occasional teasing from Sara that petered out after a while, the name mishap was forgotten for a while. At least, it seemed to be.
-Around a year later-
     The three best friends looked over their new employees. To think, they had employees , now! People were relying on them for instructions and paychecks. The nerves! 
     Oliver was surprised to see some familiar faces. It felt weird seeing people he knew from school when they were now in a different city. Sara leaned over to inspect the list of names and photos to go with the names. 
“Oh, no way! Lewis?” That was Andrew. He was in a study group with Sara as well as the art club Lewis had to drop once they started the project that led to them founding the Dreamworld facility.
“It’s good to see you, Darling.” Lewis greeted.
“Is it just you or is…Oh! Hi, Sara.” Andrew was bouncing on the balls of his feet. Then he turned to look at Oliver. “I didn’t get to know you as well as Lewis and Sara. Oh! But now I have the chance to know you more, too! I look forward to working with you, Basil!”
“Oh, um,” Oliver was caught off guard by Andrew’s enthusiasm, but his words registered after a moment. Oliver let his face fall into his palm, “Darn it, Wiatt.” 
Sara patted his shoulder. “Not even here and the plus one is still causing trouble,” Sara laughed. 
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thedreamworldlibrary · 7 months
Two Birds Prologue
Hey guys! Got a new and surprising WTDW AU for you all!
So this AU was originally gonna be Foster Siblings AU before my friend, @theitalianscribe and I had a discussion in which What if Wiatt and Sara were twin siblings. This is where this lovely fanfic came in, and at some point I wrote down a scene that will appear later in the series.
I always saw Wiatt and Sara as “sibling-coded” my own fandom term for characters I see as siblings even though they’re not related. So this fanfic is just taking that term and having fun with it!
Quick note, I know Wiatt is trans and we are exploring his childhood, but for the sake of the story Wiatt will be using he/him pronouns.
BIG thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader!
Alright, I hope you enjoy it!
Funerals weren’t Owen Nicholson’s favorite things to attend.
He remembered attending the funeral of his mother, which turned to a nightmare as his father went from kind and loving parent to neglecting and constantly snapping, shoving his son away at every opportunity.
Not long after his mother's passing was the funeral for his father. Sadly, no body was found, but his dad’s family suggested the funeral for him regardless. Despite his father’s mood changing, Owen still cared for and loved his dad, and hoped one day he would come back.
Despite the loss, Owen kept moving forward with his life. He finished school, helped run his family’s arcade which grew in popularity, married his high school sweetheart, Rosie, and was blessed with two children.
However, all good things come to an end. Rosie ended up dying from an illness she caught shortly after giving birth. Owen was crushed and had to plan yet another funeral for a person he loved.
He didn’t know what to do once the service ended. All he knew was that he was a single father to twins.
“I-I don’t know what to do without you.” Owen said to himself, almost like he was talking to his wife. “I thought we will be able to take care of them together. I can’t take care of both of them myself. I-I’m useless without you.”
Owen cried hoping there was a sign. Anything that would give him hope again.
It wasn’t until he heard his babies cooing in the backseat of the car. He turned and saw his twins had their eyes open and staring at him. The second Owen saw their eyes it gave him the smallest hope he needed to care for his them. 
Owen gave a sigh and smiled for the first time since his twins were born. He knew if Rosie was still alive, she wouldn’t like to see her husband sad. “I’ll do my best, only for you.” He said to himself.
He started the car and drove home starting his new life with his kids.
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wheel-of-fish · 7 months
Updated stream list
Everything we've watched so far!
Longtime crowd favorites (streamed at least three times) are marked with a single asterisk.
Why isn’t [specific actor/video] on this list?
The video is currently marked not for trade.
We haven’t gotten to it yet.
The footage does not exist or is too incomplete.
It isn't on a platform I can stream it from.
There's something particularly off-putting about the video or actor.
How can I get a copy of a video listed here?
There's a list of publicly available bootlegs here, and there are many other adaptations on the Phantom Retrospective channel. Otherwise, contact @glassprism (or another trader) for a possible trade, or check her website for info on which master(s) to contact.
For general stream info, please see the Saturday Streams FAQ.
On to the list!
Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera (Dividing these by decade because there's a character limit per text block!)
1988 Broadway: Michael Crawford, Sarah Brightman, Steve Barton
1989 Broadway: Cris Groenendaal, Rebecca Luker, Steve Barton
1989 Los Angeles: Michael Crawford, Dale Kristien, Steve Barton
1990 Los Angeles: Michael Crawford, Mary D’Arcy, Reece Holland*
1991 Los Angeles: Michael Crawford, Dale Kristien, Michael Piontek
1993 U.S. Tour: Franc D’Ambrosio, Tracy Shayne, Ciaran Sheehan
1993 Vienna: Alexander Goebel, Luzia Nistler, Alfred Pfeifer*
1994 Sapporo: Eiji Akutagawa, Hisako Hanaoka, Masayuki Sano*
1994 Toronto: Peter Karrie, Teresa DeZarn, David Rogers
1995 Broadway: Davis Gaines, Tracy Shayne, Ciaran Sheehan
1995 London: Ethan Freeman, Jill Washington, Simon Bowman*
1998 Broadway: Thomas James O’Leary, Tracy Shayne, Gary Mauer
1998 Los Angeles: Davis Gaines, Marie Danvers, Lawrence Anderson*
1998 San Francisco: Franc D’Ambrosio, Lisa Vroman, Christopher Carl*
1998 Toronto: Peter Karrie, Elizabeth DeGrazia, David Rodgers*
1998 Broadway: Thomas James O'Leary, Sandra Joseph, Gary Mauer
1998 Broadway: Thomas James O’Leary, Tracy Shayne, Gary Mauer
1999 Broadway: Howard McGillin, Adrienne McEwan, Gary Mauer
1999 Toronto: Paul Stanley, Melissa Dye, Laird Mackintosh
1999/2000 Mexico City: Saulo Vasconcelos, Irasema Terrazas, Jose Joel*
Early 2000s
2000 Antwerp: Hans Peter Janssens, Inneke van Klinken, Michael Shawn Lewis
2000 London: Scott Davies, Meredith Braun, Matt Cammelle
2000 London: Scott Davies, Charlotte Page, Matt Cammelle
2001 Hamburg: Ian Jon Bourg, Colby Thomas, Kyle Gonyea
2001 Hamburg: Ian Jon Bourg, Olivia Safe, Kyle Gonyea
2001 Hamburg: Michael Nicholson, Olivia Safe, Christopher Morandi
2002 London: John Owen-Jones, Celia Graham, Robert Finlayson
2003 Broadway: Howard McGillin, Adrienne McEwan, Jim Weitzer
2003 Broadway: Hugh Panaro, Julie Hanson, Jim Weitzer
2003 Broadway: Hugh Panaro, Lisa Vroman, John Cudia
2003 U.S. Tour: Brad Little, Lisa Vroman, Tim Martin Gleason
2004 Madrid: Luis Armando, Teresa Barrientos, Armando Pita
2004 Stuttgart: Thomas Schulze, Maike Switzer, Carsten Axel Lepper*
2005 Broadway: Hugh Panaro, Julie Hanson, John Cudia
2005 Broadway: Hugh Panaro, Sandra Joseph, Tim Martin Gleason
2005 Broadway: James Romick, Marie Danvers, John Cudia
2005 Essen: Thomas Borchert, Sandra Danyella, Nikolaj Brucker
2005 London: John Owen-Jones, Rachel Barrell, Oliver Thornton
2005 U.S. Tour: Gary Mauer, Marie Danvers, Michael Shawn Lewis
2006 Essen: Ethan Freeman, Anne Gorner, Nikolaj Brucker
2006 Essen: Uwe Kröger, Beatrix Reiter, Lucius Wolter*
2006 London: Earl Carpenter, Rachel Barrell, David Shannon*
2006 São Paulo: Saulo Vasconcelos, Kiara Sasso, Nando Prado
2006 U.S. Tour: Gary Mauer, Elizabeth Southard, Jim Weitzer*
2006 U.S. Tour: John Cudia, Jennifer Hope Wills, Adam Monley
2007 Broadway: Gary Mauer, Jennifer Hope Wills, Jason Mills
2007 World Tour: Simon Pryce, Julie Goodwin, John Bowles
2008 Broadway: Howard McGillin, Elizabeth Loyacano, Jeremy Stolle
2008 Las Vegas: Anthony Crivello, Kristi Holden, Andrew Ragone*
2008 World Tour: Simon Pryce, Ana Marina, Alexander Lewis
2009 Australia: Anthony Warlow, Ana Marina, Alexander Lewis
2010 London: David Shannon, Gina Beck, Simon Bailey*
2010 London: David Shannon, Gina Beck, Will Barratt
2010 U.S. Tour: Tim Martin Gleason, Trista Moldovan, Sean MacLaughlin
2012 Broadway: Greg Mills, Marni Raab, Kyle Barisich*
2012 Broadway: Hugh Panaro, Trista Moldovan, Kyle Barisich
2012 London: Marcus Lovett, Anna O’Byrne, Simon Thomas
2013 Broadway: Jeremy Stolle, Samantha Hill, Greg Mills*
2013 Broadway: Peter Joback, Samantha Hill, Jeremy Stolle
2013 Broadway: Peter Joback, Elizabeth Welch, Kyle Barisich
2013 Broadway: Hugh Panaro, Sierra Boggess, Kyle Barisich
2013 London: Marcus Lovett, Sofia Escobar, Simon Thomas
2014 Broadway: Greg Mills, Mary Michael Patterson, Jeremy Hays
2014 Broadway: Hugh Panaro, Sara Jean Ford, Jeremy Hays
2014 Broadway: Hugh Panaro, Elizabeth Welch, Jeremy Hays
2014 Broadway: Jeremy Stolle, Mary Michael Patterson, Jeremy Hays
2014 Broadway: Laird Mackintosh, Kaley Ann Voorhees, Jeremy Hays*
2014 Broadway: Laird Mackintosh, Sara Jean Ford, Jeremy Hays
2014 Broadway: Norm Lewis, Sierra Boggess, Jeremy Hays*
2014 Broadway: Paul Schaefer, Mary Michael Patterson, Jeremy Hays
2014 Hamburg: David Arnsperger, Lauri Brons, Nicky Wuchinger
2014 Hamburg: Mathias Edenborn, Daniela Braun, Nicky Wuchinger
2014 Moscow: Dmitry Ermak, Tamara Kotova, Evgeny Zaytsev
2014 Moscow: Ivan Ozhogin, Tamara Kotova, Evgeny Zaytsev
2014 U.S. Tour: Cooper Grodin, Grace Morgan, Ben Jacoby
2014 U.S. Tour: Cooper Grodin, Julia Udine, Ben Jacoby
2014 World Tour: Brad Little, Kristi Holden, Anthony Downing
2015 London: Geronimo Rauch, Harriet Jones, Richard Munday
2015 Moscow: Ivan Ozhogin, Tamara Kotova, Ivan Rak
2015 Prague: Marian Vojtko, Michaela Gemrotova, Tomas Vanek
2015 Prague: Marian Vojtko, Monika Sommerova, Tomas Vanek
2016 Broadway: Laird Mackintosh, Julia Udine, Jeremy Hays
2016 Moscow: Andrey Schkoldychenko, Elena Bahtiyarova, Evgeny Zaytsev (act 2 only)
2016 Oberhausen: Brent Barrett, Elizabeth Welch, Max Niemeyer
2016? Prague: Marian Vojtko, Michaela Gemrotova, Tomas Vanek
2016 Stockholm: Peter Jöback, Emmi Christensson, Anton Zetterholm
2016 U.S. Tour: Derrick Davis, Kaitlyn Davis, Jordan Craig
2018 Broadway (Sept.): Ben Crawford, Ali Ewoldt, Jay Armstrong Johnson
2018 Broadway (Oct.): Ben Crawford, Ali Ewoldt, Jay Armstrong Johnson
2018? Prague: Radim Schwab, Monika Sommerova, Tomas Vanek
2019 Copenhagen: Tomas Ambt Kofod, Sibylle Glosted, Christian Lund*
2019 London: David Thaxton, Kelly Mathieson, Jeremy Taylor*
2019 London: Josh Piterman, Kelly Mathieson, Alistair So*
2019 São Paulo: Fred Silveira, Giulia Nadruz, Henrique Moretzsohn
2019 São Paulo - Fred Silveira, Lina Mendes, Henrique Moretzsohn
2019 São Paulo: Thiago Arancam, Daruã Góes, Fred Silveira
2019 São Paulo: Thiago Arancam, Giulia Nadruz, Fred Silveira
2019 World Tour: Jonathan Roxmouth, Meghan Picerno, Matt Leisy*
2021 Broadway: Ben Crawford, Meghan Picerno, John Riddle
2021 Broadway: Jeremy Stolle, Emilie Kouatchou, John Riddle
2021 London: Killian Donnelly, Holly-Anne Hull, Rhys Whitfield
2022 Broadway: Ben Crawford, Kanisha Marie Feliciano, Paul A. Schaefer
2022 Broadway: Ben Crawford, Emilie Kouatchou, John Riddle
2022 Broadway: Ted Keegan, Emilie Kouatchou, John Riddle
2022 Broadway: Ted Keegan, Elizabeth Welch, Bronson Norris Murphy
2022 Broadway: Jeremy Stolle, Emilie Kouatchou, Jordan Donica
2022 London: James Hume, Holly-Anne Hull, Matt Blaker
2022 London: Killian Donnelly, Anouk van Laake, Rhys Whitfield
2022 Sydney: Josh Robson, Georgina Hopson, Callum Frances
2023 Broadway: Ted Keegan, Emilie Kouatchou, John Riddle
2023 Broadway: Ted Keegan, Julia Udine, John Riddle
2023 Broadway: Laird Mackintosh, Julia Udine, John Riddle
2023 Broadway: Greg Mills, Emilie Kouatchou, John Riddle
2023 Broadway: Greg Mills, Julia Udine, Paul A. Schaefer
2023 Broadway: Jeremy Stolle, Julia Udine, Paul A. Schaefer
2023 London: Earl Carpenter, Paige Blankson, Ralph Watts
2023 London: Earl Carpenter, Eve Shanu-Wilson, Connor Carson
2023 London: Killian Donnelly, Lucy St. Louis, Matt Blaker
2023 London: James Gant, Holly-Anne Hull, Matt Blaker
2023 London: James Gant, Paige Blankson, Matt Blaker
2023 Madrid: Geronimo Rauch, Talia del Val, Guido Balzaretti
2023 Shanghai: Ayanga (various clips)
2023 Shanghai: He Liangchen, Yang Chenxiuyi, Li Chenxi
2023 Thessaloniki: Tim Howar, Harriet Jones, Nadim Naaman
Love Never Dies
2010 London: Ramin Karimloo, Sierra Boggess, Dean Chisnall
2011 London: Ramin Karimloo, Sierra Boggess, Dean Chisnall
2013 Vienna concert: Drew Sarich, Milica Jovanovic, Julian Looman
2018 U.S. Tour: Bronson Norris Murphy, Meghan Picerno, Sean Thompson*
2023 London concert: Norm Lewis, Celinde Schoenmaker, Matthew Seadon-Young
2024 World Tour: Luke McCall, Manon Taris, Niall Sheehy
Other adaptations
1925 The Phantom of the Opera (film, Lon Chaney)
1937 Song at Midnight**
1943 Phantom of the Opera (film, Claude Rains)**
1962 Hammer Horror: The Phantom of the Opera (film, Herbert Lom)**
1974 Phantom of the Paradise
1983 The Phantom of the Opera (TV movie, Max Schell)**
1987 The Phantom of the Opera (animated film)
1989 Phantom of the Mall: Eric’s Revenge
1989 The Phantom of the Opera (film, Robert Englund)**
1990 The Phantom of the Opera (TV miniseries, Charles Dance)
1993 Yeston/Kopit’s Phantom (stage show, Richard White)**
1991 The Phantom of the Opera (stage show, David Staller)
1992 Tom Alonso’s The Phantom of the Opera (stage show)**
1993 Yeston/Kopit’s Phantom (Wichita, Richard White)
1994 Lamb Chop in the Haunted Studio (TV special)**
1995 Pantin’ at the Opera (Wishbone episode)
1995 Phantom of the Opera on Ice*
2000 The Tale of the Last Dance (Are You Afraid of the Dark? episode)
2004 The Phantom of the Opera (film, Gerard Butler)
2011 Spiritual Twist’s The Phantom of the Opera (stage show)
2013 The Phantom of the Opera (Ken Hill stage show, Tokyo)**
2019 Spiritual Twist’s The Phantom of the Opera (stage show)
2018 Yeston/Kopit’s Phantom (stage show, Takarazuka Revue)
2018 Yeston/Kopit’s Phantom (stage show, Seoul)
2020 Sasson’s Das Phantom der Oper (stage show, Germany, with Uwe Kröger)**
2021 Yeston/Kopit’s Phantom (stage show proshot, Seoul)
1994 Australian Phantom cast Easter charity concert ("Phantales")
2017 Broadway: Prince of Broadway (in honor of Hal Prince)
2017 The Phantom of the Empire (Turning Tydes Theatre Company)
Stolleboot (fan edit starring Jeremy Stolle as the Phantom, Raoul, Piangi, and Passarino)*
*Longtime crowd favorite (streamed at least three times)
**We’ve watched it, but it was technically streamed by another host I used to alternate with.
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scbrvght · 3 months
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ( starter call / reverse starter call ) - omg im so happy its the weekend. I'm going to eat something quick and write some stuff. like ♡ for a starter or reply to this post with a ♡ for me to reply to something in your opens ! I have some test museys I'm working out under the tab or of course my muse list is available always.
♡ eunji kim - design student ( daughter of an ambassador & heiress ) - fc: ji hye-won ♡ river st. james - pr consultant - fc: nicholas galitzine ♡ henrick kleist - son of federal minister of defense of germany - fc: damian hardung ♡ benya kanokwilai - art curator - fc: davika hoorne ♡ carrington kelly - hacker & criminal - fc: mark mckenna ♡ levi howard - mechanic - fc: ray nicholson ♡ owen blake - super yacht bosun - fc: harris dickinson ♡ hana yoon - journalism student - fc: minnie mills ♡ zara arai - conwoman & thief - fc: courtney eaton
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To founders have you ever wondered how the anomalies come to be? What if they were human once also wiatt said something about him remembering himself being strapped to a medical table and a weird symbol being on his forehead also don try to capture me I can and will just teleport
Dr Bright: hm, we never really questioned it as we were still new to the anomalies thing then.
Dr Coventman: I doubt it, if they were human, then they won’t hurt people.
Dr Acrimony: but they are some ‘safe’ ones.
Dr Coventman: yeah, but why don’t they just tell us?
Dr Bright: True.
Dr Acrimony: what about Wiatt?
Dr Coventman: If he looks fine, he is fine.
Tumblr media
Missing person report.
Name: Damian Klein
Gender: male
Age: 20
Last seen: The dreamworld research facility
If found, call xxxx-xxxx
[Celio’s last talk with Damian]
Celio: hello?
Damian: hey uh Celio.
Celio: oh hey! Damian.
Damian: I need a favour.
Celio: sure, what do you need?
Damian: I need some documents about a person named Owen Nicholson.
Celio: oh I don’t know.
Damian: please, I think they might be important.
Celio: I just need time to think about it.
Damian: okay, I understand.
???: if I knew, if this was the last time we talk, I would’ve talk more.
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