#so you can kind of graft life onto ghost-hood and death onto the living world
natjennie · 9 months
okay not to be all "never beating the makes everything into hadestown allegations" but. the captain attending that veteran's event was him looking back. but then instead of havers being condemned to the world of the dead, he was stuck in the world of the living. the captain had to look back. he had to check, he had to know. and because of that they lost everything they could have had. but he knew. he had nebulous knowledge that havers was alive presumably, the war was over, he could have continued living, looking forward and getting them both out of the situation alive. he could've gotten some contact information from somewhere he could've waited outside the gates he could've he could've he could've. but of course he didn't. he looked back. just as havers looked back from the gate as he waved goodbye. he looked back, and it killed him.
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