#so the afterlife sort of becomes just normal life
natjennie · 9 months
okay not to be all "never beating the makes everything into hadestown allegations" but. the captain attending that veteran's event was him looking back. but then instead of havers being condemned to the world of the dead, he was stuck in the world of the living. the captain had to look back. he had to check, he had to know. and because of that they lost everything they could have had. but he knew. he had nebulous knowledge that havers was alive presumably, the war was over, he could have continued living, looking forward and getting them both out of the situation alive. he could've gotten some contact information from somewhere he could've waited outside the gates he could've he could've he could've. but of course he didn't. he looked back. just as havers looked back from the gate as he waved goodbye. he looked back, and it killed him.
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bonchobrick · 1 year
Dead on Main au where Jason is of course Danny’s Fright Knight and like all knights do he has a weapon—except it’s his gun.
The batfam + justice league + everyone (except ghosts duh) don’t know that his normal average everyday gun is actually like a super powerful spiritual soul shooter that is, yaknow, capable of blasting someone into an alternate dimension where their greatest fears become real.
So imagine there’s like a big battle where a ghastly ghoul reigns terror on Gotham. The world sends their best hero’s—wizards and occultists are notably high highest in demand—to stop the ghost but, nothing works. All of the weapons and spells and chants fail.
As the fights worsens and the heros scream for people to flee suddenly--
Loud squeaking footsteps echo across the ground. Jason yawns strolling into the battle zone in a ghostbusters t-shirt plaid pants bunny slippers--he strolls up in pajamas--as if annoyed at being woken up and cocks his fucking normal 'i could buy you at walmart' gun at the ghost.
His brothers screech at him yelling ”Are you insane” and to "get the hell out of here" in fear and panic because their idiot brother is trying to kill a real life ghost with a damn gun.
But then Jason shoots the ghost and it works.
The ghost fizzles down with a cry into just a little blob.
The young man then spends 30 minutes lecturing the spirit saying things like “you’re glad I’m not calling the big guy” and “you know our highness would not be happy learning what you’ve been doing” before taking out a thermos of all things and sucking the ghost into it.
Jason then sighs and walks away as if he hadn’t just defeated a hell raising ghost with a gun people can buy off a corner pawn store and a soup container.
Immediately the bat family swarms him with questions
Dick grabs him by his shoulders tense with worry, “Are you okay?”
“Um yeah—“ Jason tries to reply squirming in his hold
Damian cuts him off, “How the hell did your gun a physical weapon hurt that ghastly demonic spirit!”
“Uh that ghost is actually pretty chill you guys just pissed him off." Jason replies plain
They stare at him with a look saying 'you did not call a ghost that has been decimating gotham chill' probably because he did just that.
Tim is the first to break out of the disbelief stupor as he very inteligently says, "What?"
Jason responds easily with a confused quirk in his brow, "Second, my gun affects entities of all sorts, perks to my job and all that."
"How did being a vigilante and also probably crime boss give you a gun that could do that?" Dick asks
Jason sends him a look saying "are you an idiot" as he replies, "Yea, sure, kicking petty thieves and druggies got me my all powerful spirit weapon--No you dumbass, it's from being the bodyguard of the King of the Infinite Realms! How the hell did you guys not think of that!”
Tim breathes in, then breathes out, then breathes in again and screams, "Why the HELL WOULD WE THINK OF THAT JAY?!"
"The--" Batman, suddenly beside them, chokes, "Bodyguard of T-the what."
Jason blinks at his family then his eyes widen, "Oh shit."
"What?!" His family screech in panic
"Oh fuck," Jason says with a growing hysteric smile, "Danny's gonna have a big ol' fucking laugh with this."
"Brother who is Danny!" Damian demands for an answer
Jason coughs into his palm, "Oh yeah you guys really dont dont know. So I may have forgotten to explain some... things."
Bruce levels him with a stare that says "you think?"
Jason chuckles nervously, "So y'know how I'm half dead?"
Damian very eloquently responds for the suddenly dying screaming combusting members of his family, "...sure."
"Well I met the King of the afterlife which is like the Ruler of Everything and he was really cute--" Jason says distant in his own world
"Theres a afterlife?" Superman asks casually appearing beside the emotionally wrecked family
"Yea its pretty cool. So I start flirting a bit with the guy and we hit it off, I now im his zombie ghost knight boyfriend lover for all time. Oh and i got this sickass gun." Jason says with a happy grin
"That is a pretty sick gun." John Constantine nods
"I know right?" Jason chirps
"You wouldn't mind if I inspected--" John reaches his hand
Jason slaps it away, "Not a chance you soul whore. Y'know your basically the tax evasionist of the Ghost Zone right?"
John only sighs and leaves
"But yea so I'm like the ghost world equivalent to married with the king and became his knight and thats how I was able to stop that ghost guy." Jason reiterates as if explaining a simple question, "Y'guys get that?"
Tim is on the ground trying to decide whether; sobbing hysterically, interogating jason to find out all the things he doesn't want to know or sleeping would be a better use of his time.
Dick has decided to blame himself and has started to draft a reddit post in the middle of the street starting with "I (23 m) have a younger brother (19 m), who I used to resent but really regret now, he died and came back and doesn't even tell me about what goes on in his life anymore. How do I fix our--"
Damian is just staring at the gun and... Jason pushes it deeper in his holster and shifts to the side, better to be safe than sorry with this thieving shit.
As Jason adjusts his weaponry he hears Bruce sob in the background, "He didn't even invite me to the wedding! Am I that horrible of a father!"
Wonder Woman pats his shoulder reasuringly whilst the rest of the League seem to be trying to calm him down
Jason looks around tiredly at the mess he had created and decides fuck it
"Alright I'm heading out for the night, you guys get home safe!" He yells and without caring to listen to anyone and everyone voicing their confusion he zips open a green portal and stumbles in
He crashes down on an unbelievably comfortable bed
Danny blinks blearily before sending the young man a sleepy smile, "Hey Jay, what kept you up so long?"
Jason slipping under the blankets with a yawn says, "You would not believe the night I just had."
Edit: UMM HII The fic is out now here!! you guys are awesome I'll post the new chapter 2 in a hot sec after editting ^^
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starwrighter · 1 year
1/?? Halloween prompt
I’ve got brain rot for creepy Deadserious content but only when it’s only seen as creepy by outsiders. (I know I’m writing a fic with a similar plot but it’s different I swear! Also my grammar is shit because I’m getting dental work done tomorrow and I’m nervous) Tw for stalker behavior
So Damian has a crush on Danny and immediately goes about acting on these feelings much to onlookers horror. Danny is swooning because someone made the effort to do a background check on him. Danny thinks Damian doing this is really smart because, he could be a serial killer for ancients sake why would you risk that? Others say this is a horrible invasion of privacy.
Damian not realizing he's being creepy (being liminal and being an ex assassin, turned vigilante wasn't doing him any favors) Plus Danny also not realizing it's creepy unless you relay Damian behavior towards him with different names.
Damian's just being a textbook stalker, breaking into his house and shit and Danny's all like "awwww he likes me" because this is just normal ghostly courting rituals! His dormroom isn't his lair so Damian breaking in doesn't feel like he's violating any sort of boundary. To him it's like a friend showing up at the coffee shop you work at to say hi.
Danny's had stalkers before, he's very cautious of his behavior to insure he never stalked anyone. Being stalked back in Amity was a horrific experience for him. From cameras in the locker rooms at school (wes) to cameras in his bathroom and bedroom at home (Vlad)! He couldn't feel safe anywhere! To Danny Damian's not a stalker, he's his protector. Nobody seems to understand when he tries to explain this though they just look at him like he's lost his mind.
Damian’s not subtle at all and Danny’s kicking his feet like a lovesick school girl who found out her crush likes her back. Overall it’s super cute from their points of view Damian’s planning an official confession to ask him on a date while Danny’s trying to figure out if Damian actually likes him or is just being nice. They’re just doing normal couple things but people just jump and attack Damian’s character while painting Danny as some kind of brainwashed victim.
The thing is… Danny’s become very good at appearing normal while Damian refuses to pretend to be a bumbling idiot like the rest of his family. He also refuses to dull down his personality for anything other than secret identity reasons. For these reasons since their relationship had become public, Damian had been painted by the media as a creepy possessive boyfriend who threatened Danny into a relationship. This infuriates Danny, the only one doing any kind of possession is him god damn it!
They want to be around each other all the time and that’s normal behavior for ghost/liminal couples! They live much longer than regular humans do they’re like elves, their perceptions of time are messed up. They still spend time apart they still have hobbies and an independent life, people just get hung up on the amount of time they do spend together. It’s normal behavior for them to know mountains of information about each others interests to the point they almost know more than each other. It’s normal to know each other’s schedules and background check the people they associate with. (The realms are very dangerous with shapeshifters and manipulators like spectra and Desiree who can ruin your afterlife in a matter of minutes) Their relationship is creepy to those who haven’t gone to extremes to survive.
Damian has taken to ignoring the reputation press has given him. He’s dealt with paparazzi and tabloids before it’s just frustrating to deal with. It’s when people start accusing him of hurting his beloved that really pisses him off.
(Bonus if Danny’s the one frothing at the mouth to maul a reporter while they try to paint him as a poor innocent victim)
I’mma end the prompt with this so everyone understands why Damian specifically being targeted by press. The more liminal you are the more creepy/uncanny you appear to other people and the more effort you have to put in to hide it. It’s why the bats are more believed to be Eldritch creatures than actual humans in suits. Surprisingly becoming a Halfa completely changes this effect to do the complete opposite. It’s easier for the human brain to look at a halfa and think “Innocent or normal,” Vlad and Danny were morons when it came to actually hiding their identity’s it was only their statuses as halfa’s that prevented people from comprehending them being anything other than normal.
In short Damian’s too dead to be perceived as normal while Danny’s too alive to be perceived as anything other than normal.
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yandereforme · 8 months
OK, I was in a boring lecture with my classes, and my brain came up with an idea.
Everyone knows that trope where the main character is stuck in a time loop. Like, they are stuck, reliving the same life over and over and over again.
What if that situation happened? With the bat family becoming Yandere?
Let me explain. It starts out with the normal story of neglectful bat family. You’re probably Bruce’s kid through a one night stand of his. Then you mom tragically dies and she leaves it in her well that you are Bruce’s. Then you go to live the Manor and none of them really have time for you or pay that much attention to you, etc. etc..
You probably die due to an accident with a rogue or maybe you get into a car accident or something. The point is you die, and instead of going to the afterlife, you wake up in the car driving you to the manner for the first time.
You end up slowly living your life in a loop of one year. Overtime, you become more and more independent of the family. I’m going to say this is like your seventh life, because that’s where things get interesting.
This time, you’ve decided to just throw the whole thing out the window. You’ve tried getting to know them. You’ve tried just actively avoiding them. You’ve even tried running away very young, and you even joined them as a vigilante during your fifth life. Nothing has stopped you from dying every single time. So this time, you deciding to fuck things up. Do whatever the hell you want. And what you want is to cause some chaos.
You deliberately fuck with them. You make references to things you shouldn’t know, but always talk your way out of any situation. You casually mention things about certain vigilante, that you know will cause, drama, and deliberately ask your brothers to be around you during a certain time when you know they’re going to be on patrol. You decided that you’re going to just have fun, and like being a little chaos gremlin.
This sort of behavior is what causes the family to fully notice you. And overtime become Yandere for you. They also keep having these strange dreams where you die in front of them. They remember themselves saying things to you that they never did. All while puzzling at your knowledge of them. 
You become a puzzle to them. And after a while, you have a fully Yandere bat family obsessed with you.
You must be thinking “ OP, if the reader dies again, everything go back to normal?” Well, you are wrong. Because every life that you live after that one, they will remember more and more things, and become more and more obsessed with you even from the get-go.
During the seventh life, you caused some serious chaos and left a giant impact on them. When you return to the manor for the first time in the eighth, they are going to look with you with more interest than they normally would, because something in their gut is telling them that they need to pay attention to you.
Basically, the simple version of this is that they were very neglectful of you in your first 6 lives, and didn’t pay much attention to you until your seventh life, which you decide to fuck with them. Unfortunately, you girlbossed too close to the sun and left an irreversible impression on the soul. No matter what you do, in every single life they are going to become more and more obsessed with you.
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betweenlands · 3 months
sbk members species + respawn hcs
Viking -- "human." he's unsure how he respawns, and unknowingly this is because it's tied to something/someone that would really prefer to avoid detection.
Fix -- lumian. they just have innate respawn in some universes, wild right? it's fine, don't worry about it.
Fool -- was human at some point, probably, but is a little bit too god-touched to classify as that now. his god is actively trying to keep him alive.
Milkman -- nobody knows, but he's immortal by default of getting himself kicked out of every single afterlife in existence.
Kittrix -- sculky and might be an insect of some type (credit goes to @mallowbees for the latter). whenever she dies, a new Kittrix crawls out of the ground at her spawnpoint like a warden with her memory fully intact.
Trog -- don't ask. as for respawn, though, even if they hadn't done dark magic about that ages ago to make sure they'd never die, they effectively made the Skyblock world.
Ruby -- "human" as well. The Bearer Of The Curse. it's unclear as to if this curse is just immortality or if it's something else as well. some people who've stood near the point where zhe respawns have heard ticking clock noises...
Vintage -- human-adjacent, but a shapeshifter sometimes randomly have pointy ears or a unicorn horn or mantis mandibles or what have you. someone in her recent family history was probably fair folk. whatever afterlife she keeps getting sent to, they're suckers and are easily sweet-talked into letting her come back to life for free.
Leon -- just sort of a general anthro penguin situation (with maybe a little bit of endermite in there too). has too much chorus fruit in his system still and taking damage -- especially void damage -- will cause him to teleport, often several times at once. he usually drops all his stuff when this happens before ending up teleporting back home.
Josh -- a really fun guy. regrows. like a fungits. he's a mushroom.
Avid -- human, then ex-human (and largely made up of corpseplants), then a monkey. his boss won't let him die. whether this is a work benefit or a horrible drawback is entirely unclear.
Doovid -- was legitimately human prior to turning into a monkey. whenever he dies, time freezes, he sees an Instability detected. Player restored and game paused popup message out of the corner of his eyes, and then he resets back to where he woke up that morning with no stuff.
Kale -- pigy (potentially an alien, credit to @moxijunk for that one). has normal respawn, but goes full Gmod ragdoll when he dies before eventually fading and respawning. can't actually take Void deaths as he will loop back to the top of the skybox until he hits something solid, at which point he and his items vaporize on impact.
M1g -- lumian-enderdragon hybrid (credit to @autisticlalna for the former and @moxijunk for the latter). lumians do in fact have respawn in some universes; M1g specifically is here on assignment so he's been given respawn in order to blend in and maintain cover.
Marmalade -- human, still, something she's a little bit grumpy about because she thinks becoming a nonhuman would be pretty cool. whenever she dies the Void picks her up and oh so gently sets her back down at her spawnpoint with a pat on the head.
Teaish -- dryad, or at the very least a plant person. her fortune specifically said she was going to have a nice day and permadying would really ruin that :(
Anathra -- questionably human (he can see through the fourth wall, but also, he seems totally human otherwise). lags out heavily until he eventually restabilizes, erratically teleporting around and resetting his position several times in sort of a combination of Leon and Doovid's respawn styles. drops all his stuff during this process. (credit to @rubycowashere for this one)
Acorn -- tanuki (this seems to be a general consensus, idk who to credit) and also maybe fae (credit to @mallowbees). transforms into a leaf, and then a leaf on top of the Spruce island transforms into her. can't carry her inventory with her when doing this, though. (credit to @rubycowashere for this one as well)
Elffe -- some sort of Netherborn, although his exact species is unknown. regrows when he dies (it's very fleshy and a little bit gross).
Artemis -- human, but slightly to the left. weird portal-based respawn that will often evaporate her items while she's traveling. (credit to @fallow-foot for these)
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theoisdaydreaming · 6 months
hi!! i loved your overlord angel dust/husk art and i commented about potentially turning it into a fic and adding your art, which you consented to. i was wondering if you had any additional ideas to make it more than a oneshot, maybe they open a casino together with mafia roots, collect souls together, etc…once again, your art was amazing!!
Thank you so much, I would love a fic about my AU (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
Here are other ideas about the story:
In this AU Angel didn't worked with Valentino, he and Arackniss reconciled before Angel could sign a contract with him
That is not to say Angel wasn't doing sex work, he would take all kinds of offers, from stripping to singing gigs, just for the money
Regarding the backstory of the spider brothers I haven't really fleshed it out but here are some points of it:
They had kind of a strained relationship even though they cared for each other, because Arackniss (or Andrew as I like to think) used to put down Anthony's dreams of becoming a performer like the drag queens he liked to see (in secret) in the gay bars the Mafia used to own back in the 30s (real history btw)
He did this in hopes he would give up, leave it all behind and live a 'normal' life, out of fear their dad would disown him, or worse, kill him
It wouldn't matter anyway because both of them would die together while doing a shady work for the mob (who started the shots? They couldn't really remember)
At the beginning of their afterlife Arackniss avoided Angel with the guilt that (according to him) it was his fault his little brother got shot in the eye. (He was too far, too late, he couldn't protect his brother and now he's dead because of him)
Cause of this angel thinks his brother hates him, but they eventually encounter during a turf war that went wrong
Arackniss sees Angel surrounded and not wanting to repeat his brothers death again, he saves him this time.
They sort things out, and become closer than ever
When Arackniss figures out what angel has been doing for money they decide to start doing mob work again, they're good and people start giving their loyalty and doing contracts with them because the brothers actually care about the souls they own, deciding to learn from their father's mistakes, they respect all of their workers
furthermore, Angel gains more influence because he gave the people he met while being a sex worker, safe and living conditions; every stripper, actor, performer wanted to work with him, and with all the contracts he made, became an overlord
On the other hand, arackniss does all the shady work, sticking to the shadows, not wanting any attention. He is very prod of angel, and becomes his right hand man
Other ideas and dynamics:
Angel calls arackniss An, Andy or niss
Arackniss calls angel Angie, Anni, or Anth. (He never really liked tony, that's what his father called him)
They love each other very much but they're still siblings, they bicker and fight all the time (all their goons are used to it at this point, unimpressed by the brothers shenanigans)
Valentino develops some sort of obsession with Angel after meeting him (this brings problems)
Angel fell first, husk fell harder
They kind of had an enemies to lovers (but not really, more like a rivalry bc angel likes to annoy the cat overlord for fun)
Molly is still in heaven in this AU, arackniss was able to shield her from the family business (he couldn't with angel though, That's part of his guilt)
She died of heart disease before the brothers death
Angel is the spoilt younger sibling
I haven't really thought about how him and husk get together but they will definitely become a power couple
I like the idea Angel performs at the casino
He sings, does drag, etc. (Maybe some pornos too, just for fun)
What caught husk's attention is that Angel cared a lot for the souls he owned, he treated them like the humans they are
That's all I have for now, I will make more art about this AU later, you can use it if you like, whether as reference or inspiration for the fic (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
Ik this is more about Angel and Arackniss but I really like to focus on their story. So regarding the huskerdust you can have fun with that as I don't have a lot of ideas
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plushieclan · 2 months
The Afterlife: how it works
So, there has been some hints to how it works, but I figured I’d explain it in its entirety!
All bodies who die become ghosts who wander around. Most of these ghosts will fade over time, unless they either choose to be reborn or are guided into Starclan/The Depths by a living cat.
However, if a cat is buried high up, they are able to enter into Starclan
Starclan has three ranks; Guide, Member, and Chorus
Starclan’s guides are the strongest spirits. They’re usually the first person to die in a given area, or are important members to the clans. They have the easiest time fully manifesting
Starclan’s members are the ordinary spirits that reside there. They hunt, eat, sleep, and play like normal cats. Members who are under 3 moons old have the opportunity to be reborn into a new life to try again. They can manifest fully, but only around the First Snow (so, for the month of October).
Starclan’s chorus are those who have faded from memory. When a cat is fully forgotten, they are incorporated into the will of Starclan. All prophecies come from the chorus.
All Starclan individuals can manifest in the living world. However, there are different levels of perceptibility
Starclan cats can either manifest silently, partially, and completely. Members can only manifest completely around the First Snow, when the barrier between living and dead thins.
When manifested silently, the Starclan cat expends very little energy. They are entirely imperceptible unless a living cat is born with ghost sight or has trained ghost sight to its full potential
When manifested partially, they will not appear to the vast majority of cats. They will appear as a blue outlines to cats with a strong connection to Starclan. They will appear fully only to cats with ghost sight.
When manifested fully, all cats can see the Starclan cat. Only guides can do this all the time. It expends a great deal of energy, which typical members of Starclan do not have. It is less intensive during the First Snow.
The Depths
Cats thrown into the depths are trapped down there. The lake has a special barrier that prevents spirits from leaving. This barrier is maintained by The Leviathan, a hundred year old lake sturgeon who guards the entrance to the depths. There are three ranks in the Depths; Wraiths, Drowned, and the Freed
The Wraiths are vengeful spirits who have dwelled in the lake for many moons. They have no regret about what they have done, and have some goal left in the living world. This rage grants them greater powers than the average drowned. Unlike with Starclan, the barrier on the lake is absolute until the First Snow. Not even the Wraiths can leave when the barrier is full. Most Depths prophecies come from the Wraiths.
The Drowned are the ordinary members of the Depths. They serve an indefinite sentence and are only Freed when they have truly changed and understood the problem with their actions. If they never regret their actions, or did not deserve to be down there in the first place, they are stuck forever. Once, there was a special rank for living cats who had the power to guide these wayward cats to Starclan. However, that role died with Bayclan.
When a Depths cat has changed for the better, they are transformed into the Freed. They are transformed into a lake sturgeon, and are able to swim out the depths. When they die, they become a Member of Starclan.
There are very few recorded mentions of a living cat falling into the Depths. One is an old tale regarding Shining’heart, later Baystar. It was said that when she fell into the depths, she returned with a coat like the morning sky. Afterwards, she had the power to pluck spirits from Starclan. It is theorized that all living cats that fall into the depths undergo some sort of change and emerge with some sort of power.
But, it’s just a rumor. Right?
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worldsewage · 4 months
Sorry if this has already been asked/answered before and I’m just missing it, but I’m suuuuper curious- what’s the transformation from a salmonid’s normal form into their spawning form like? Is there any correlation between that and the boss/king salmonids that appear in the game, or are those just not something that’s present in the homerun AU? (Hopefully that question made any sense lmaooo)
Salmonid’s are in a way, culturally and socially aromantic and asexual… the only way a Salmonid can possibly ever have children is through transformation, so clans/cities/non-city salmonids who practice this idea/ usually send very prolific salmonids to transform… as it’s seen as a divine right, the highest possible rank is to have children and die… Salmonids often don’t “date” each other due to how the common salmonid household functions, they don’t have a “Ma n’ Pop” family model, rather houses are filled with bunches of random salmonids, usually those who share a profession, acting sort of as hostels, almost. They’re platonic dog packs. There’s more to it but that’s not what this ask is asking haha…
Salmonids do NOT have a life cycle that results in transforming, ie they don’t reach a certain age and suddenly begin to transform. (Salmonids DO have to fully grow out of the fry phase and be a fully fledged adult.) The Homerun transformation is a direct result of trying to cross the ocean, Salmonids are from the west, and always head east (towards Inklings civilization) to breed and lay their eggs at the rivers in inkling societies. The transformation is triggered by swimming in the ocean, HOW you will transform is always different, Salmonids pride themselves on mutated distorted designs since in their religion they believe that this form, when it decays— when it dies and reaches the afterlife— is strong enough to rise over the waterfalls in their afterlife and ascend to their version of heaven… stronger Salmonids = Greater Ranks in Heaven. Only homerunning (transformed) Salmonids will go to heaven.
Transforming is a slow process that occurs while crossing the ocean, the time spent in the water will slowly change salmonids back into a legless form. in fact, a lot of Salmonids who work in the water will start undergoing symptoms that resemble that of Homerunning Salmonids, medication called “NOROT” is required, literally saying “no rot,” it keeps them from transforming, hence from decaying.
Boss/King salmonids do exist, King Salmonids are Salmonids who have NOT died during the Homerun, which (death) is intended, and because the transformation they undergo is not designed to survive, those who last longer in this phase keep growing, as the mutation never truly “stops”, which means many of the Kings are just nonstop growing salmonids… this strange phenomenon used to be a rare case that’s caused by Salmonids being unable to fully make it upriver, but now is extremely common due to Inkling’s polluting water with their own Ink to make rivers and waters SAFER for inklings, especially with ever growing tides and floods, waters are very dangerous to inklings… Salmonids can’t breathe this ink, so many Salmonids can’t make it up river, lay egg’s prematurely, and are more aggressive than ever. There ARE Salmonid cities that rest outside of running grounds that adorn and care for the local King Salmonids, and Grizzco employees are encouraged not to kill the Kings due to how much they are worshipped.
With that said, there still probably are multiple “cohozunas”… Boss Salmonids are Salmonids that have ALSO somehow managed to survive longer, and because of this, Local Salmonid cities (the ones built close to Homerun grounds) train them to manage weaponry, they take good care of the Boss ranks in hopes they become Kings.
Salmonids, much like Octarians, are commanded by music, so drums and horns are often played in battle, as it helps them sync up and coordinate. Which is especially important since Homerunning Salmonids are not very capable of reasonable thinking.
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valfreyarbor · 3 months
Hello! You left a comment on my post about deities related to death, and after seeing it, it feels a lot like my situation at the moment. So, if you don't mind of course, would you like to explain perhaps part of your practice or how these deities have helped you become calmer with this topic, presumably? You obviously don't have to do anything outside of your comfort zone ^^
Oh my goodness gracious a real person in the world who’s interested in my spirituality?!? Somebody pinch me. And warning this is gonna be long, so if you don’t wanna read it all there’s a TLDR at the bottom.
To talk about my relationship with Hel, I should start with how I got into paganism in the first place. On my 20th birthday I started having multiple panic attacks a day about my mortality, non-existence, dying, the whole process, etc. I tried talk therapy, exercising, researching the latest life-extending healthcare and body preservation options.
THEN I finally started taking anti-depressants, and that got the multiple a day down to daily/every other day. But something was still missing, because it felt like just a numb acceptance of everything.
My husband (boyfriend at the time) was really big into developing your own spirituality and finding your own path outside of institutions, and inspired by him I decided to read into neopaganism/wicca/the goddess movement+hypothesis. One night after reading through all sorts of theories as to who this multi-syncretic goddess figure could be, I decided to stop reading and start meditating about it.
I lit a candle and started to whisper these goddess names softly. Hekate, Inanna, Morrigan…and something was different about Freyja. Thought at the time she was the deity I knew least about from a pantheon I felt no connection to, my entire body got goosebumps and the candle infront of me flickered beyond it’s normal pattern. Finally, the taste of a spiritual experience.
Reading about her after that experience was really engaging and enlightening, and I was so comforted to read about folkvangr. It seemed like this heavenly field of an afterlife that I could be swept up into and away from…whatever else there was to death in Norse paganism. And to know what I felt like Freyja was “saving” me from, I started to read not only about the goddess Hel as we understood her from a historical side, but also from a neopagan perspective to see what others thought of her and her realm. Highly recommend Ocean Keltoi’s video about her, because it opened my mind to showing her respect in the same way you might any other grim reaper figure, but with much more kindness and understanding to the downtrodden. I mean, the myths say she herself was put into the position of guarding for this realm because her and her siblings were being punished for the crime of being born. A deity with a myth like that sounds like she’d be understanding of what it’s like to be “cast out” of anywhere, and leaving the realm of the living is the ultimate “cast out” we all face.
So I started to pray for every dead bug, roadkill carcass, and cemetery I passed by. And it was a really simple call: “Hel hold them.” And a couple months after that, was when I first encountered her.
I was packing up from an AirBnB stay and I stopped to notice a bug in the hallway. It was buzzing around in a circle on the cold cement ground, and when I looked up and away, I saw her for just a second:
She was quietly standing beside the bug covered in a long, black cloak that obscured the walls around her. Underneath the hood I could see that her face was not exactly split in half like popular depictions, but it exhibited two characteristics at the same time. Soft and aged? Dark and sunken in as well as…lightened? Pale wrinkled skin that was supple around her cheeks and gaunt/shadowy by her eyes and neck. It was like she could have been 19 or 109 at the same time, but again I only saw it for a second before the vision disappeared. It very well could have been a trick of my eyes and brain, and I won’t deny that. But if there really was something behind it…then I know what I saw. And thinking now on it I treat this as an important lesson for the foundation of my faith in her: she’s there with everyone who passes. Even the bugs. No one ever faces their “casting out” from the living realm truly alone.
A couple months after that I had a dream that I was walking in a barren wasteland with tattered clothes, and in my arms I was carrying a dead black puppy. And normally I’m quite put off by dead bodies, quickly saying my prayer and driving/walking on after. But this dog….i looked at it and I just felt so much sorrow, but also love. Deep, unconditional and unbound love. I stroked his fur gently, kissed his head and cradled him until I found a soft spot on the ground to rest him. I was crying in the dream but not from fear, from the overwhelming serenity of this specific grief. A goodbye with true closure. I woke up crying from that dream.
A month after that, I had another dream of two puppies playing, this time one black and one white. I was accompanied by an old man in a wide hat, carrying a staff. He explicitly told me that what I was watching is a metaphor for the relationship between Hel and Baldur, and that they became playful friends after she welcomed him into his domain. I woke up from that dream not crying, but just…amazed. That confirmed to me that I was being called to a specific pantheon to use in order to identify these new energies I felt and understood.
And I guess as a last note: I was an atheist from ages 10-21. Even when I was calling out names and I felt the goosebumps, I wasn’t entirely sure of what I was experiencing. And maybe these dreams aren’t coming from anything other than my brain. But the serenity, the peace, the acceptance that I feel radiating from me when I wake up from these dreams have healed me more than anything else I’ve ever tried. I only listed a couple here but there’s more.
So TLDR: Start praying for roadkill, keep a dream journal and thank you for asking me anything at all! Best of luck with your journey trying to figure this all out too, it isn’t easy ✨🖤✨
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falasteen7urrah · 6 months
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also bcs people love to hate on the internet like sincerely I think the first thing when people think when they see something on the internet is how can I construe this in a way that I can attack and hate on them. Hate all you want tbh idgaf. I’m a Gaza evacuee.
Every single person keeps talking about dumb fu87king useless politics like the U.N. or the bs icj or any of that BS is going to help anyone, I used to sit down and write five thousand words easily about Gaza about the people the history the situation and now I can barely get anything out because my mind is light years away in pain agonizing of everything I know and see and think and I hate it I hate it so much this is I wrong nobody NOBODY can imagine what’s going on there what’s become normal or what’s been getting worse, I effing hate everything, the barbarity, the depravity, the hell that has plagued our world to be able to justify or normalize what’s been going on in Gaza is disgusting, and I’m just spitting out useless bs like everyone else who truly or fake (virtue signaling) talks about Gaza. No amount of words or actions is going to end what’s happening in Gaza and I would have rather stayed and died there and I genuinely do not care to continue to be alive and see this continue. I genuinely think few people have done anything for Gaza or actually cares. Sorry. I just don’t. I’ve said this now a billion times when I was inside I didn’t fear death I knew that wasn’t the end (we believe in the afterlife) so it was always more like but my friends but my family but then or this but i was there I was there and the possibility of my death was constant now I’m here in safe and sure I can still die we all can but I’m safe and away and now I’m just in the audience watching each of my friends being plucked off like insignificant numbers.
Also the shifa siege is fu7king horrific 78 years SECEBTY EIGHT years of healing and medicine at that hospital and now it’s been made into a graveyard a incenerated death zone I hate seeing those pictures and videos so much. Literally you have no idea how happy literally every gazan were when they got the new er building also there’s a huge shopping area outside of the hospital cause it’s in the center of remal like the main city so it was always such a busy place there’s a lot of shopping areas around it if you ever seen videos from before the wars there’s lots of street vendors just like around schools there’s a lot of street vendors foods and fruits and even clothes like right outside of it. And the level of desensitization that people have to look at those horrific pictures and videos coming out of there is absolutely disgusting with the high violence high sexuality of movies no in days people are so desensitized to seeing these real life things and in their mind it’s probably just filed away because they see these sorts of things in movies all the time where in reality these are real people real stories it’s just barbaric and I can’t effing do this anymore.
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random-lil-illing · 9 months
finally done with the storyline/lore (its very basic but still)
okay this au is divided into three acts (i guess): 
act 1, the nightmare continues. basically this is charlie, henry and michael coming back from the dead to drag william to hell, and help gregory escape along the way
act 2, the end, and the beginning. william is defeated, vanessa is freed, the virus is wiped, and gregory escapes leaving the pizzaplex intact with all the animatronics inside of it. the old manager gets fired, a new, better one takes his place charlie, henry and michael stay behind to make sure everything is going smoothly, telling the new manager everything. she believes them, and offers them to become attractions/employees here. after some thinking, the three of them accept
act 3, the dream begins. everything returns to normal, with the addition of the security trio (charlie, henry and michael). this act is the part heavily inspired by the Moon is Done series on ao3, where it’s basically all slice of life at the pizzaplex, with the security trio settling in, the animatronics recovering, and maybe gregory and vanessa coming to visit. this act is what all the info sheets are based off of
okay now more in depth explanations
the nightmare continues:
william, through means of the digital world, manages to come back once again after being freed from cassidy’s hell made for him. of course, it takes him a couple of years to do so, and in the meanwhile, all the souls were chilling in the afterlife. however, after seeing that william has made a grand comeback and is once again wreaking havoc in another fazbear location, charlie decides shes going to drag this bitch to hell herself. of course it would be illogical to do so alone, so she jumped back onto the mortal plane, taking michael and henry’s souls with her. luckily, since the pizzaplex was built directly on top of michael’s old pizzeria, they managed to find the (mostly) intact and functional bodies of the puppet, lefty and michael. so she re-possessed the puppet, made michael possess his own body, and then stuffed henry’s soul into lefty bc it was the only body left. henry, understandably, freaks out because 1. its his first time coming back to life or possessing an animatronic, 2. william fucking afton is back again 3. he’s possessing a glorified lobster trap intended for his daughter. michael is mainly just annoyed and upset that he’s back, and that william’s back. slowly, they shamble up to the pizzaplex with their broken, burnt bodies. michael is the one with the most functional body somehow, so he gives henry and charlie a few quick repairs (oiling rusty joints, giving them limbs, removing their ai) and then they’re on their way to beat peepaws ass.
HOWEVER, on the way they notice the animatronics are acting strange and they can sense williams aura coming from them and vanessa. the only whos safe from williams possession/virus is gregory and freddy. so along the way of finding william, they knock the animatronics out and fix that virus, leaving them powered off somewhere for the day staff to find them. they also discreetly help gregory escape, yknow, by distracting the animatronics, dropping flashlight batteries in front of him, shutting off rooms that could be unsafe. they also knock out vanessa and free her from williams possession, and they just sort of carry her around until they can find a medical station where the staff will find her, leaving a note that she needs to be taken to the hospital. eventually they get gregory the hell out of the pizzaplex and proceed to also shut freddy off so they can deal with william. and they do. they find him hiding out wherever he hid out (idk i haven’t actually played security breach or seen a full playthrough i just know some bits and pieces. i'm mainly making it up as i go) i think william was hiding IN michael’s pizzeria but that would make this whole au fall apart so he was hiding somewhere near it in a hidden part of the plex. anyway they all have a turn at beating his ass - henry gets to chop his head off with an axe and charlie gets to kick it. michael hits him with a pipe. then they throw him into a trash compactor and set his remains on fire. twice. they just do everything in their power to make sure he’s fully gone. now they do plan to move on after this, but they want to make sure william’s really gone before going back to the afterlife because the whole process of coming back and freeing yourself is tough and mentally draining.
the end, and the beginning:
well peepaw is defeated (for good, that mf is NOT coming back), the old manager is fired because dear god how do you fuck up a restaurant this bad. a new, way better one is hired, the animatronics are fixed, vanessa is saved and taken to the hospital to be in a coma in peace, and the pizzaplex closes down for a bit to fix all the possible lawsuit bringers. the new manager…. still don’t have a name for her… they’re called Ms. Nicole from now on 👍. so anyway ms nicole is wondering who to thank for defeating william afton and the security trio make an appearance and explain everything (they tell her the entirety of the fnaf lore). she offers them jobs/attractions here until they’re ready to.. die again i guess, and charlie, henry and michael all really like this idea because it allows them to oversee the pizzaplex better so obviously they accept. michael gives henry and charlie some much needed upgrades and basically glamrockifies/modernizes them. bam they work at the pizzaplex now, leading us into act 3 (open act)
the dream begins:
slice of life basically. michael is now assistant manager alongside a bunch of other jobs, henry is lead mechanic as well as a security animatronic, and charlie’s a security animatronic alongside henry. only the manager knows who they really are, everyone else just knows that the animatronics that are supposed to go by lefty and the puppet are called henry and charlie and that the new assistant manager is really weird. they deal with karens, settle in, make friendships, help out with the business, etc. gregory might make an appearance, this time during the day with his newly acquired parents, vanessa might also show up when she wakes up, who knows?? i certainly don’t. all i know is that william is staying in hell. anyway as i said this act doesn’t really end until the security trio go back to the afterlife, which will be in a long time since they’re watching over the plex currently
anyway that’s it :3                      
also i opened the ask blog 👍
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candyheartedchy · 8 months
What is your opinion that Ollie is the new chairman and Scratch can have his normal life?
I like the idea that Ollie becomes the new Chairman, though that poor boy would have so much pressure put on him 😭 But I think it would be funny if he was kinda like Danny Phantom in a way where he’s human one second and “going ghost” the next to take care of chairman business and trying to balance/protect both the human and ghost world.
And Scratch deserves a happy life, normal or not, mostly because I like to think he would still have some sort of connection to ghosts/the afterlife a little still as Todd, but that’s just me.
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pawsometoons · 1 year
Soooo me and @man-of-fandoms began brainstorming on once again another GHS related au, this one actually also being related to the Scales of Fate au. Basically, it's an alternate timeline to the Scales of Fate au. And we called it
The Scales of Twisted Fate Au
Justin, Desperate to get a win, secretly employs the help of Assasin, Shelly De Killer, who assasinates Japser and Ray, (Jasper being stabbed with his scales while Ray is shot in the heart) causing them *both* to end up in Gregory House. And naturally, all the fucked up things that happen to Jasper still happen, and despite Ray being there to try and help him keep his sanity, Jasper eventually loses it.
Ray would eventually succumb to his own transformation as well (becoming Ray "The Grieving Pierrot"), making him look more like a slightly twisted version of Reala, but leaving his humanity intact as he desperatly tries to pull free the one he loves from Judgement Boy.
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But, Justin's plan still backfires on him. Because he ends up getting killed for going back on his deal with De Killer, and ends up in Gregory house as well. But he quickly learns of Jasper's fate, and knowing that his normal tactics won't work, he demands that he undergoes the same transformation as Jasper did. But he wished to make his better than Jasper's, just to show that HE was the superior one. Becoming Judgement Boy Gold.
But his Judgements are twisted and made to be the outcomes HE wants, while JB's would be the truth. Similar to how they were as lawyers. Strangely enough, there were no clones made, as Justin wanted it to just be him and Jasper. So he could be the one to constantly wave his "greater status" above JB's head. Along with constantly calling him by Jasper. A name he no longer remembers and is constantly confused as to why he keeps being called that name by those he doesnt know hes forgotten.
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Over time, as much as Ray wanted to stay by JB's side, he was always pushed away by this look of confusion, telling Ray that JB just couldnt recognize him anymore. So Ray would try to help elsewhere and bring hope to the other guests, and even try to convince Gregory to stand up to his mother! Ray did all he could to try and get the love of his life back. But at this point, he had to try something else.
Then one night, Justin Gold's laying down the insults on JB because he doesn't remember him and is filling his head with how he's better at everything he will try to do. But Ray then comes in, pretty much close to giving up on getting Japser back. Plus, Ray is pretty much unrecognizable in his transformed state. But still he defends JB and tells Gold to get lost. Which he reluctantly does, but not before rubbing it in that it "was pointless trying to save someone that doesn't even remember them anymore".
JB thinks: 'What did he mean by that?" and quickly scans Ray's memories before getting that headache of awakening. Then, as Ray is about to leave, he hears a familiar voice call out his name for the first time in years.
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This is when JB finally realizes and remembers the love he had once forgotten by some sort of miracle! Once again they would cherish each other's loving embraces and just for a moment, feel whole again. And from that point onward, Ray never leaves JB's side. And eventually, despite looking the same JB would start to act a little like his human self again.
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Soon enough, a power struggle would begin between Gregory and his mother. Due to Ray's help in bringing the Hotel back to it's former status (a place for lost souls to stay until Death comes along to bring their souls to the afterlife), Gregory would begin going against his mother's orders and eventually kicking her out. But not without Gregory Mama taking Judgement Boy Gold with her. This is when Gregory Mama begins to wage war against Gregory House, and makes her own hotel across to the other side of the forest to take in twisted and evil souls. She tried to take some other guests in the hotel with her, but all except Gold refused to go with her.
This brings in new opportunities for Gregory House to grow and become better than it once was, which is where the shared events from the Twisted Fate AU come in. In which the Judgement Circus is a thing here too, along with Ringmaster RoseGold! And instead, the Judgement Boy clones were created after the Judgement Circus is built, (As well as future Judgement Bots made for this au and the Twisted Fate au) Ray would find himself to play a good role on the Judgement Circus alongside JB! Due to Ray's already clown-like appearance.
As time goes on, Gregory would be working hard day and night to make sure the hotel doesnt fall like it once did, along with the help of Ray and JB of course. Meanwhile Gregory Mama was having a hard time getting any guests at all for her "Dark Gregory House" (as she calls it) and so she gets the idea to have the little ammount of prompters there was that Gold managed to drag along with him create a Judgement Boy clone for her hotel. But to spite Gold, these promoters that were forced into doing the bidding of these two monsters would prove to Gold that you can't make something that beats the original. But Gold only makes it worse for himself due to him berating and rushing the prompters. Due to this and the lack of materials, a faulty clone was made (Soul Collector JB). Gold decides to roll with it anyway since it's really all he has, although relentlessly abused the poor thing for the constant mistakes it would make.
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Ray and JB catch wind of what's going down at Gregory Mama's hotel and the poor clone in Gold's posession.This they could NOT stand. And so they sneaked into enemy territory to eventually retrieve this clone and bring them back to Gregory House. This clone eventually becomes very close to Ray and JB, basically becoming their child!
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Later on, a bit farther into the future, Gregory is confronted by Death for an important matter. Gregory is told that a slight disturbance has manifested within the between of their realm and reality. This disturbance being the appearance of souls manifesting from non-living objects within an elementary school in the real world. Death supposes it's from essence of these forgotten objects that give them living and breathing forms. And somehow the energy from their realm is leaking into the waking world, giving the elementary school a new form during midnight. These beings formed by these objects seemed to be children, Wandering around this empty school aimlessly, not sure what to do. Death tells that this is why he came for Gregory's help. But as much as Gregory wanted to help, he has so much on his plate already and couldnt possibly offer help of his own. But... lately, seeing how well Ray and JB were at watching over the children of the hotel every now and then, Gregory had an idead that just maybe... Ray and JB could be the ones to help out death with this situation.
It is later found out, that this midnight version of the school was once in operation before under different owners. But due to Gregory Mama having the most power in the realm the school was connected to, she destroyed it, causing no more forgotten objects to be given living forms. This, along with the Principal of the Midnight School being the only survivor, but was trapped away in a void like prison. But with Gregory Mama not in full power anymore at Gregory House, new forgotten objects in the school been given form! So when Gregory is informed by Death about the school, it would soon be under the watchful eyes of Ray and JB!
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(There is an update reblog to this au that you can find here)
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the-videodame · 5 months
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oh BOY anon ur in for a treat cause i just recently finished writing her backstory (tho its always subject to change lmao) and i've been meaning to make a tl;dr bullet list of notes for it too SO...
also, sorry this took so long, i kept getting distracted and was also just never in the right headspace to write lmao BUT here we are!
and just fyi, im not at all an expert on DnD or Forgotten Realms lore, everything i know is from BG3 and whatever wiki deep dives i go on
Yv'ette is my Baldur's Gate 3 MC/Tav! Although at this point, shes kinda becoming her own DnD character herself with all the other BG3-inspired ocs I have, and I've basically made up my own group of 'companions' alongside her for their own quest(s)
Here's a sheet with all her basics and such as an overview before I lay on an insane wall of text and pics for the rest of it:
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And now, her backstory, in paragraph form:
~~ Valmeia Dyrr made a pact with her devil patron one day, while still in the first trimester of her pregnancy, that stated: in return for the power he can give to her, she is to choose one of her twin children’s souls to give to him.Pleading with the fiend to take some sort of mercy on her, on the twins, the devil Hyde gives her only one grace: “If you fret over which to choose, know this: one shall be a sinner, the other a saint,” he informs her. “You have until their 25th birthday to decide which you will choose. Fear not, for I will not take their soul right away. But slowly. Each time you draw upon my power after their 25th year, the infernal influence I have over them will creep ever further on their soul. Soon, I will have full control over them.” It was a steep price, but to wield incredible spells to aid her cause, and to be resurrected should she die from unnatural causes? It was a price worth paying. ~~
Yv’ette Dyrr, Captain of the Stormbringer
Born as half tiefling, half drow, Yv’ette grew up as an outcast to her peers - dusky purple skin, blackened sclera with flaming purple irises, and a furry tail tip instead of the typical half-arrowhead. Unlike her twin, who had a fairly normal shade of black hair, Yv’ette inherited her fathers stark white hair, which is an unusual trait for tieflings in Faerun. This made her a target for bullying by other kids, and even other tieflings, as they would tell her how ‘weird’ and ‘creepy’ or ‘evil’ her mix of traits made her. While the comments from those kids would sting, there were plenty of other kids that would befriend her, many of which were also victims of the same bullies. 
There was one kid in particular, a tiefling boy who lived at the local orphanage in the nearby town, that Yv’ette had wished to befriend sooner. Although he carried the common traits of a tiefling, he was abused the most by local kids, likely due to his meek and generally uncaring attitude towards it all. One day, at age 15, after running around town with Vekyll, Yv’ette would notice this same boy talking to a group of known troublemakers as she was called home by Valmeia. There was this feeling in her gut, almost like an instinct to go and defend this boy from whatever those kids were going to do, and it only grew worse as she watched them lead the boy away towards the river near town. However, the demands of her mother to hurry home eventually won over her, and Yv’ette headed the opposite way. 
That next morning, the body of the tiefling boy would be found in that very river, caught against a bridge's support beams. Throughout her life, Yv’ette would constantly regret not following her gut feeling and telling those kids to leave him alone. While his name faded from her memory over time, that very situation didn’t, and she often finds herself begging that tiefling boy for forgiveness during her lowest moments. She only hopes his soul is being treated better in the afterlife than it was on the material plane.
At age 17, while her twin brother was busy with knight training, Yv’ette decided to attempt to pursue her dream of becoming an actress. She auditioned for small community plays, performed skits with other kids for spare change, and eventually managed to land a permanent spot within a traveling theatre troupe by age 18. However, she was told that if she wanted lead protagonist or love interest roles, she would have to magically disguise herself as a human. “To fit the type casting,” the director would tell her each time. “Your acting skills are immaculate, but the role calls for a human or elf, I’m afraid.” The thing is, if she was ever cast as the antagonist or some other ‘evil’ role, she was never given the directions to disguise herself. For about a year or so, Yv’ette held her tongue about this fact - the pay was decent, her fellow actors were friendly with her, and this was her dream, after all. She only needed to keep this job until she felt like she had enough experience under her belt to join higher-ranking theatre troupes, as well as train her singing voice better so that she could expand her talent range into musicals and operas (spoiler: her singing voice remains terrible and she's very insecure about it).
One performance haunts her particularly, one that she has nightmares of constantly. The theatre troupe decided to put on a charity show for an orphanage, a play that wasn’t too intense for children, but still held a solid story and was engaging enough for all ages. It featured a hero, played by a dashing wood elf with his rag-tag team - and the villain, a greedy pirate captain played by Yv’ette, with her crew of bloodthirsty misfits. While she had the opportunity to take the love interest’s role, it required her to be able to sing, thus she gladly passed the role off to another. The moment she received the script, she knew it would not end well. The performance itself went just fine, up until the climactic battle between the hero and Yv’ette, both poised with their swords at the other, when suddenly the audience of children began to yell and cheer … but not for both actors on stage. 
“Get her! Kill the pirate!” was the first of many outbursts to come, and it wasn’t so bad. Children have called out during performances before, and it was pretty typical for them to root for the hero rather than the villain. “Kill the tiefling!” was what made her freeze, and the other actor too, the two staring at each other with their swords crossed as they listened to the hateful calls. Cries of “Foul-blood!” and “Kill her, before she takes your soul!” were a few of the jeers that she could make out before the orphanage’s caretakers decided to step in and quiet the children, likely realizing the horrid things they were saying. 
That was the point that she decided to demand the director, the troupe leader, to let her perform as her true self for ALL her roles. In response, the director decided to give her a choice: either she could willingly let him use her body as he pleased in return for better roles - or she gets kicked from the troupe. Without pause, Yv’ette tore her contract in two and stormed out of the directors office, immediately packing up her things and saying goodbye to her fellow actors. When asked why she was leaving, she simply stated something had come up back home, and she needed to return to her family. She didn’t have the heart to tell them the truth.
With her brother preparing to move to Elturel for higher training as a knight, and the possibility to become a Hellrider, Yv’ette refused to move back home in fear of disappointing her parents and becoming a burden when she should be a successful adult at that point. Instead, she used what money she had left from her actress pay to go from inn to inn in various towns and cities, trying to find a solid paying job that either didn’t under pay her - or blatantly told her they didn’t hire foul-bloods. On her last leg, Yv’ette meets a elven woman named Tilly one night at a tavern, and after drunkenly telling the bubbly woman about her situation, Tilly tells her a bit of info that will eventually change her life: Tilly’s uncle had left her a merchant ship to her in his will. She had no plans on using it and was debating on just selling it, but Yv’ette could have it, so long as Tilly was allowed to come with her on her travels.
“We could go treasure hunting or do some mercenary jobs and make money that way!” Tilly had said, excited as ever. “We could find more people down on their luck, and make a crew for ourselves!”
And that’s exactly what they did. Gathering folks from various parts of Faerun, and even further out on Toril, Yv’ette managed to become the captain of her own crew by the age of 22. Drow, dragonborn, harpies, half-orcs, githyanki, kobalds - she has at least one crewmate of every outcast race out there. She wouldn’t really call them pirates, but sometimes it was just easier - plus it intimidated people more.
The night before her 25th birthday, Yv’ette had the most vivid dream she’s ever experienced. In that dream, she stood nude in the middle of a body of water - an ocean? A lake? River? She wasn’t sure, as it was dark and foggy, barely enough moonlight shining through the dark storm clouds above her. In the waking world, it was less than a minute to midnight, and the ocean waves felt restless as they began to crash against the ship. In her dream, Yv’ette felt the urge to raise her hand towards the ever-darkening sky. Despite being soaked from the water she stood in, and though the air felt chill even within her own mind, she reached her left arm upwards to extend her fingers towards the electrically charged clouds. 
The clock strikes midnight, and in a flash - quite literally - lightning erupts from the clouds above her to strike her index finger. A burning pain shoots up through her arm and to her chest, even reaching up to her eye, as she bolts awake in her bed. Clutching her arm and squeezing her eyes shut from the phantom pains, Yv’ette lets the now-calm waves rock her back to sleep once the pain resided. 
In the morning, her crew would ask her why her left eye was a different color. She would have no answer.
In a tenday, her crew would ask her why there were black markings beginning to form around that eye and at the tips of her fingers. She would have no answer.
In a month, she would ask herself why she couldn’t use magic anymore - why could she not call upon the Weave? Her, the successor to a long line of storm sorcerers? She would have no answer. 
In fact, no one would have an answer. Not only could she not feel the Weave, the Weave couldn’t affect her, either. No wizard, sorcerer, cleric, warlock, or druid would be able to identify the cause of her issue. The only answer anyone could think of was: a curse. A powerful one, too. Whoever cursed her made it so that magic was ineffective on her, and vice versa, likely to ensure that no one could figure out how to cure it. So Yv’ette decided to leave it be, though eventually the growing markings were becoming a concern, and so was not being able to heal or be healed by anything other than potions. 
Thus, her crew had a new mission: find a way to break her curse. Or at least, find someone who knows how to.
It's a shame that a rogue nautiloid happened to snatch her off her own ship before they could.
And here's a TL;DR bullet point list of notes on her:
As a kid, loved to run around the city with her brother Vekyll with other kids, namely ones who didn’t have a home or were bullied
With white hair being very rare on tieflings, Yv’ette was often verbally bullied and made fun of by other kids, even other tieflings
Growing up, she loved to participate in theatrical showcases whenever the opportunity arises, and eventually joined a traveling theatre troupe when she was old enough
Unfortunately, her childhood bullying didn’t end there, it seemed. Though she was talented, she was told she didn’t “look the part” of many of the protagonist or love interest roles, and was required to cast disguise spells on herself during performances to that of a human or elf
The only time she wasn’t required to disguise herself was when she played the role of a villain, or other antagonistic/evil caricatures 
Eventually it whittled down her self-esteem and image of herself as both a tiefling and drow - not fitting to typical tiefling beauty standards, and not being “drow enough” to be welcomed by most drow either ---
While growing up, she was fascinated by paintings of women draped in fabrics, joined by equally beautiful men or women, all painted with such a divine elegance 
The thing is, all those paintings were usually of humans or elves or assimar, perhaps the occasional satyr. If she were lucky, there might have been a drow, although those paintings would have more haunting tones, but were still beautiful
However, none of those paintings featured a tiefling in the role of the divine maiden or the handsome knight. They were always the devious villain with ill-intents, depicted trying to tempt or harm others in the scene
As a result, she's incredibly insecure about her appearance and how others perceive her visually ---
Both her parents are worshipers of Eilistraee, and thus she grew up as a worshiper as well. However, over the years she began to loose faith in almost every 'god' out there, since none have protected her from the traumas and misfortune, and figured they favored her brother more, just like their mother did
Time to time she'll pray to a god specific to a situation, such as Umberlee and Talos during her pirate days
During her journey to Baldur's Gate, once she reads the texts of Illmater within the Open Hand Church, she begins to feel something toward his teachings, especially after having to deal with her companions' burdens
I do plan on her eventually coming back around to worship Eilistraee again, maybe once she's cured of her curse, or something of the like ---
For romance, I legitimately can't choose between Gale or Zevlor, so i said - fuck it! Throuple. I feel as though Gale and Zev would really understand each other, what its like to be 'abandoned' or 'betrayed' by the god you devoted yourself to
Yes I know Gale is very monogamous, and I respect that. I, however, think he deserves TWO loving partners who dote on him wholeheartedly
The ship name for her and Gale is "Shockweave" and for all three of them its "Hell Raisers"
In a more non-canonical storyline/AU for her (despite her already being not canon, but y'know), she ends up siding with Raphael and eventually falling for him, fully knowing he can't 'love' back (but i beg to differ, imo, but i wont get into that here lmao)
In the timeline where she sides with Raph, I'm leaning toward her becoming a devil herself as a method of defeating Hyde and ridding herself of her curse / her mothers' contract
Some misc things about her:
Before her magic was suppressed by Hyde, she was exceptional at Lightning magic - thus I gave her a lightning motif/theme. Her brother has a Thunder motif, together making them the "Storm Siblings"!
Proficient with finesse weapons (namely a rapier) and also flintlock pistols! Also crossbows, namely hand crossbows
Her rapier is enchanted to absorb lightning, both natural and magical, and fling it back at her opponents in either a strong single line, or a swooping range attack, depending on how she swings the rapier. She calls it The Lightning Rod, and her pistol is Shockwave
Tried to sing once as a kid, since Eilistraee's teachings encourage it, but embarrassed herself pretty badly and refused to sing again afterward, especially after her brother did much better than her. Even though she might be better now as an adult, she still refuses to sing around anyone, and rarely ever sings even when shes alone. She still loves to dance, though. I can also see her taking up piano or flute as a hobby
If it weren't for laws, she'd be fine with going topless often
She and her brother have fluffy tail tips! Though, shes a bit insecure about it, as in the past kids would make fun of it and call it a 'cows tail'
Wears a sharp, slightly curved blade at the end of her tail to aid her both in battle, and to hold onto the ship posts when she uses her tail to keep balance when climbing/walking them (and to also hide her tail tip)
Enchanted compass tattoo on her right arm, which unfortunately stops working when her curse begins
Full-spine tattoo of a sea serpent that wraps a but around the base of her tail, to commemorate her crews first victory over one
In the AU where she becomes a devil, I like to think her 'ascended' form is sea-serpent-like, and her hair morphs into a storm cloud
Alcoholic; she lessens up on it during the events of BG3, but dives right back into it after finding out about her mothers contract
of course she's still being work shopped and such, i mean fuck just between writing this up i changed a bunch of things about her from beforehand LMAO
id love to know your (or anyones) opinons and by all means PLEASE ask me more about her or my other DnD/BG3 ocs
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auxiliarydetective · 1 month
AP-01: Project Apocalypse
ch. 03: I Think We're Alone Now
AP-01 Masterlist
This fic is part of the Academy Projects series, a full rewrite of The Umbrella Academy with the addition of an original character, Kassandra Hargreeves. Throughout the story, you'll stumble across a few songs. This is supposed to make the fic feel as much like the show as possible, so I recommend you don't skip them.
Warnings: Canon-typical issues, death, murder, child abuse
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It was almost comical. Six adult siblings sitting in the drawing room, keeping as much distance from each other as possible like petty kids. Only Klaus seemed to be having a good time, mixing himself a drink at the bar a little further off.
“I, uh, guess we should get this started,” Luther finally said.
Kassandra almost hadn’t recognized him when she had seen him. He had grown even taller, towering over all of his siblings, but that much wasn’t surprising. What had taken her out of it was just how muscular he had become. To Kassandra’s knowledge, being in low-gravity environments meant losing muscle mass, not gaining it, and she even doubted a normal human would be able to get beefy like that. But, then again, Luther was no normal human. None of the siblings were. It was probably his super strength that made him grow like that. Puberty must have given him a little boost to his powers – or at least that was how it had been for Kassandra.
“So, I figured we could have a sort of memorial service in the courtyard at sundown,” Luther continued. “Say a few words, just at Dad’s favourite spot.”
“Dad had a favourite spot?” Allison mumbled.
“Yeah, you know, under the oak tree. We used to sit out there all the time. None of you ever did that?”
“Will there be refreshments?” Klaus asked, cigarette in one hand, drink in the other. “Tea? Scones? Cucumber sandwiches are always a winner.”
“What? No. And put that out, you know Dad didn’t allow smoking in here.”
“Is that my skirt?!” Allison cut in.
“What? Oh, yeah!” Klaus confirmed, gesturing at his new attire. A black sort of jacket-coat-blouse combo, silver skirt, funky necklaces. Classic Klaus. “I found this in your room. It’s a little dated, I know, but it’s very breathy on the… bits.”
“Listen up,” Luther said, pulling the attention back to him. “Still some important things we need to discuss, alright?”
“Like what?” Diego questioned.
“Like the way he died.”
“And here we go.”
Yeah, Diego… Here we go…
Kassandra locked eyes with her deal partner as Klaus plopped down on the couch between her and Vanya, throwing his arm around her shoulders.
“I don’t understand,” Vanya muttered, “I thought they said it was a heart attack.”
“Yeah, according to the coroner?”
“Well, wouldn’t they know?”
“Theoretically?” Allison echoed.
“Look, I’m just saying,” Luther defended himself, “at the very least something happened. The last time that I talked to Dad, he sounded strange.”
“Oh! Quelle surprise!” Klaus called, gurgling his liquor.
“Strange how?” Allison asked sharply.
“He sounded on edge,” Luther explained. “Told me I should be careful who to trust.”
“Luther,” Kassandra finally said, keeping her voice firm yet soft. “Dad was always on edge. He had a habit of getting suspicious at the tiniest notion and he was a perfectionist. To top it all off, aging usually makes those things worse. Don’t read too much into it. It was probably just another of his valuable life lessons.”
“You haven’t seen him in fourteen years and you couldn’t ever read him in the first place. – You don’t know anything about him.”
“Woah, woah, hang on—”
“Klaus, I know you don’t like to do it, but I need you to talk to Dad.”
That sentence caused Allison to scoff. Kassandra was about to raise her voice again, but Klaus was faster:
“I can’t just… call Dad in the afterlife,” he complained, “and be like, ‘Hey, Dad, could you just… stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take a quick call?’”
“Since when?” Luther threw back. “That’s your thing.”
“I’m not in the right… frame of mind.”
“You’re high?!” Allison almost shouted, her voice rising a fifth.
“Yeah, yeah!” Klaus giggled. “I mean, how are you not, listening to this nonsense?”
“Well, sober up,” Luther barked. “This is important.”
Kassandra huffed. “Okay—”
“Then there’s the issue of the missing monocle,” Luther continued without paying attention to her.
At this point, Kassandra was fully pissed, but trying her very hardest to hide it. Her joints were growing stiff, her muscles tensed up, and she wasn’t sure if the wave of intoxication swimming over from Klaus’s mind to hers was helping or making it worse.
“Who gives a shit about a stupid monocle,” Diego grumbled.
“Exactly,” Luther agreed. “It’s worthless. So whoever took it, it was personal.”
Kassandra tried again. “Luther—”
“Someone close to him, someone with a grudge.”
“Wait, Luther—”
“Where are you going with this?” Klaus chirped.
“Oh, isn’t it obvious, Klaus?” Diego huffed. “He thinks one of us killed Dad.”
Silence. Deafening silence.
“Kass, is that true?!” Allison hissed.
“Yeah, it’s true,” Kassandra stated. “Open secret, clearly. And now that I’ve finally got your attention: How dare you, Luther? You’re accusing all of us of patricide over a freaking monocle? Do you know how tiny that thing is? It could’ve fallen off and slipped through the cracks. Maybe it’s in the bedsheets, between the mattress and the bedframe, under a cabinet… And even if it’s not – who cares?! It’s the day of Dad’s funeral, we’re all together in one place again, and the only thing you can think of is that someone of us must’ve murdered Dad? You’re a great brother, Luther. Really. Great work, Number One.”
“Yeah, Luther, way to lead,” Diego mumbled, then walked out of the room.
Luther muttered something, but it was too late.
“You’re crazy, man,” Klaus called, untangling his limbs and slipping off the couch, gesturing with his cigarette. “You’re crazy. Crazy.”
“I’m not finished,” Luther declared, trying to take back control.
But, by now, everyone was getting up and walking out, Klaus loudly proclaiming that he’d murder Mom next… Well… Almost everyone. After even Allison had left despite Luther’s attempt at pleading, Kassandra was still sitting there, looking up at him with large, angry eyes.
“Thanks, Kassandra,” Luther sighed.
“You know that if you had decided to keep this a secret, I wouldn’t have been able to say anything, right?” Kassandra replied. “You can’t have forgotten that.” She sighed, stretching her fingers. “Really, Luther, what happened to you while I was gone?”
“Can’t you see things from my perspective for once?”
“No. But I’ll try. Why do you think one of us killed Dad? – Besides the thing with the monocle.”
“You know just as well as I do that none of you had a good relationship with Dad.”
“That’s true. I know that even better than you because god knows I couldn’t block it out. But that’s not enough for us to kill him. Read the room, Luther. Did that just now really sound like any one of us could’ve murdered him?”
“That’s easy for you to say,” Luther scoffed. “You always know what everyone thinks.”
“It doesn’t take my telepathy to figure that out or to know that what you’ve been implying wasn't acceptable in the slightest.”
“Oh, so now you’re the saint here, huh? After what you did?”
“Not this again,” Kassandra sighed, closer to a hiss than anything. She finally picked herself up from the couch and fixed the folds in her skirt. “Listening to you now, I think you should’ve run away too. It would’ve been better for you than being stuck here for years, with no idea of how the world works.” She paused, looking up into his eyes, trying not to feel like an infant. “And for the record: I miss when we were a team. When you listened to me. When our worst problem was Dad locking Klaus in the mausoleum again and not letting him back out, so we had to sneak out in the middle of the night to get him, hoping we wouldn’t get caught. I miss being siblings.”
With those words, she walked back to her room, the clacking of her heels on the stairs nearly driving her insane. She closed the door behind her and plopped down onto her bed, letting her thoughts wander. That was one thing about her, brought on by her powers: A vivid imagination and memory. It was one of the few blessings she’d been given, allowing her to escape into the past – to the Umbrella Academy’s first mission, when everything had still been child’s play.
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“Do you have the plans memorized, Number Eight?” Sir Reginald asked, eyeing Kassandra through the rearview mirror of the family limousine.
“Yes, Dad,” Kassandra replied. “Blueprints, electrical, piping, fire exits…”
“Sketchpad ready?
“Start as soon as you’re in reach. – Number Six, stop hanging on to her arm and give her space to draw.”
“Yes, Dad,” Ben muttered.
Kassandra and Ben were bunched in the back with the rest of their siblings, wearing their newly finished domino masks. Well, except for Vanya, who was maskless and had been relegated to the passenger’s seat. They were all in numbered order with Luther closest to the door and opposite Kassandra. That way he could get out first to keep order and still look at Kassandra’s drawings to take the reins. To Kassandra’s left, Ben was fidgeting with the hem of his jacket sleeve, and Five was grinning widely, looking out of the window. Klaus, meanwhile, was sprawled out across where the car bent, his legs tangled with Allison’s as he looked out of the window alongside Five. Allison herself was busy fixing her hair, Diego was polishing his knives, and Luther was cracking his knuckles, watching Kassandra’s hand and pen slide over the paper to draw a perfect replica of their target building’s floor plan.
As soon as she could get a glimpse into anyone near the Capital West Bank, Kassandra started scribbling, noting down symbols and icons that looked cryptic at best, but Luther followed her sketch with interest. It was a mess of arrows and stars and squares and whatnot, the steady clicking of Kassandra changing her pen’s color like a metronome. Despite the chaos of colored lines on her sketchpad, her expression was calm and steady, her eyes fleeting across the page and covered in a slight milky haze. Finally, her pen clicked shut and she put it in its receptacle to her right.
“Alright, done,” she announced, angling herself towards her siblings and laying the sketchpad flat on her knees. She held her hands out for them. “Here we go. Your turn.”
A little awkwardly and with plenty of bickering, the siblings all moved closer together, sliding their hands under her sleeves, taking hold of her fingers, Ben being close enough to put his hand over her carotid artery, all of them just looking for enough space that all of them could get skin contact. Finally, everyone was settled, and phantom images of the bank’s insides travelled from Kassandra’s mind to theirs, helping the sketches make sense.
“Awesome, good plan,” Luther smirked. “Four outside, six in the vault, about twenty hostages. We stagger our entrance points, take the robbers by surprise.”
Kassandra nodded.
“Allison, you go first, through this ventilation shaft here. Rumor one of the thugs to shoot another, that’s our sign. I’ll go in through the glass roof above the counter. Diego, you, Klaus, Ben and Kass crack open the fire exit towards Main Street, enter through there. Diego is on attack, Klaus and Kassandra free the hostages. Ben, go into the vault.”
“Can you handle it?” Kassandra asked.
A little shakily, Ben nodded. “Yeah, I think so.”
“Good,” Luther continued. “Five, blink in a bit after the shots, we want that shock value.”
“We’ve arrived,” Sir Reginald announced from the driver’s seat.
“Alright, let’s roll. Kass, signal if anything changes.”
Easily said, easier done. Not even fifteen minutes later, the bank was robber-free (well, free of live ones anyway) and the hostages were running out screaming because of Ben’s powers. Oh well, that meant they were safe now, right? With glee in their masked eyes and proud smiles, the siblings emerged from the bank, lining up in order, looking over the crowd and basking in camera lights.
A little later, Vanya and Sir Reginald came to the scene, carrying coats, gloves and scarves to protect the victorious siblings from the cold air. Keeping back their urge to chatter, Kassandra and the others put on their winter gear, Vanya taking the time to clean the worst of the blood off Ben's face. Then, she was shooed away and Sir Reginald arranged the remaining children in two rows for official pictures, like they had practiced before.
“Our world is changing,” he announced to the waiting crowd. “Has changed. There are some among us, gifted with abilities far beyond the ordinary. I have adopted seven such children.”
Kassandra gulped.“I give you the inaugural class of the Umbrella Academy.”
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Kassandra was pulled out of her thoughts by loud music blaring through the walls of her room. Of course. Of course. The walls had always been paper-thin. Judging by the waves of thoughts she was getting, Kassandra deduced that the music was coming from Luther’s room. At least the song was good.
She just sat there for a bit, quietly singing along to the tune, until she decided she might as well practice her cha cha cha steps. It wasn’t the perfect song for that kind of dance, but she’d manage, right? Her dancing was careful at first, only lightly tapping her feet on the floor, trying not to make a sound… But then she remembered how much she loved dancing, how fun it was – and if the music was this loud, she didn’t have to worry about her heels clacking on the ground, right? Absolutely. She could at least have this.
Bit by bit, she forgot about her routines, just inventing whatever steps she thought would fit, letting her body take control, the music flowing through her veins.
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General Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene @bravelittleflower @box-of-bats
Academy Projects Taglist: @therantsofawriterrr @come-along-pond @the-wyvern-institute @cherrybombgigi
Let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
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iiryebreadii · 1 year
thinking about the light dragon again. ough. going a little insane over her actually.
thinking about how she's just a pretty dragon when you look at her from far away. thinking about how when I first got close enough to see her clearly and eventually land on her back and walk to her head, I was so,,,,, disturbed?? disturbed. by her appearance. the way the eyes bulge out so significantly. the way the pupils are so contracted, the way they're set like a prey animal's eyes, the sort of sickly purple-green combo they've got going on. the too-long face, like one of those over-bred show dogs. like everything about her was a little off. but at the same time, I thought the light dragon was really, really pretty!! she's got those iridescent antlers and golden mane, and that soft glowing energy of the master sword surrounding her.
but then. when you get the master sword and see that cutscene, if you didn't already know beforehand, you almost certainly know now that the light dragon is zelda. and suddenly that distant, beautifully glowing dragon is gone. it's lost some of its beauty because now you know. you've gotten close enough to see the details. those other, more disturbing features of her face are even easier to see now, without the obscuring presence of the master sword's glow.
her design is reflective of her role and experiences in the story. the light dragon's very existence is beautifully disturbing.
she's born from the ultimate sacrifice of a woman wanting to protect those she loves; zelda gives up more than her life (I mean, there's at least an afterlife in the zelda universe as we've seen from the ghosts), she gives up her sentience. and isn't that just intrinsically terrifying?? at least if she had died, she could still be herself as a ghost. but, from what she knows when making her decision, becoming the light dragon practically erases her. of course the light dragon is so unsettling. but she's beautiful too because she only exists because of Zelda's complete and utter faith and love for her knight and the people in her kingdom!!
but man. that final memory. I think it really captures the light dragon's essence. The music, the imagery, everything in that final dragon's tear is just. so beautiful and SO unsettling. if you listen closely to the roar the light dragon makes as she flies upward, you can hear what sounds like a human scream mixed in. which is just. im not ok. i cant even pretend to be normal about that after hearing it. (If you want to try hearing it for yourself and tell me if I'm crazy for hearing it or not, listen here from around 3:17-3:22, headphones would probably help)
ANYWAY. tldr; thinking about how the light dragon's design reflects what you know about her in the story. if you don't know the story yet (haven't found/seen the tears), it's like what you see when you look at her from far away: pretty new dragon with cool blue-yellow aura. but the more you learn (the closer you look) the more unsettling it gets. and then when you get the master sword (symbolically learning the truth of who the light dragon is) then you can suddenly see everything that's so disturbing about her design now that it's no longer obscured (by the aura in the visual sense and by the player's lack of knowledge in the meta sense). am i making any sense here or am i thinking about this too hard
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