#so you get his debut via a doodle
grand-zodiac · 4 months
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summoner debut? kind of.
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So let’s say you’re now in charge of creating a Spider-Man TV Series, as many seasons and episodes you want, as long as it remains genuinely faithful to the comics; Peter gets his powers when he’s 17, only Flash and Liz are with him in high school, ect, and ending it all with a Revelations like series finale. You’re allowed to streamline some things now that there’s the benefit of hindsight. You’re also allowed to be as faithful to the comics as possible. What do you create?
Lol I’ve been planning this for like 15 years. Currently I’d do this. 12 seasons 26 episodes each, and 3 movies.
 I’d play it as a biography of Peter’s life from the day he became Spidey to the day he stopped, with a mind of making a version of the MC2 universe the canonical future for this version of Spidey. I’d set it in the 1960s as depicted by Ditko but have the technology and fashions change to broadly speaking reflect the time periods that Peter spent parts of his life in. In other words his high school episodes will be set in what looks like the 1960s, Gwen would die in what would look like the early 1970s and he’d get married in what would look like the late 1980s. But cultural references would be kept to a minimal. Effentivly it’d be set in a world where fashions and technology happened to occur way more quickly thanin the real life, so 1962-1998’s fashions and technologies all happened but across like 12 years.
 Also I’d have Peter’s look change. He’d start out with the Coke bottle glasses and keep them throughout season 1, and he’d have a black and red costume, complete with a big blue spider on his back and web pits. The idea being this is a rookie spidey who’s awkward and not yet become the Spidey we perhaps recognize. He’d sell his glasses in the final episodes and get his costume wrecked in the finale, requiring him to make a new one, the classic Romita Senior outfit minus the web pits. He’d keep that until he got his black suit which would be modelled on Frenz’ take upon it. the cloth Black suit would have more of a McFarlane influence with huge eyes. MJ would make him a new red+blue costume before his first big showdown with Venom which would resemble the McFarlane/Bagley 90s look. Obviously Scarlet Spider’s look would be modelled on Bagley’s design, Spider-Ben on Romita Jr’s and his final outfit would be modelled on Romita Jr’s too. And Sal Buscema’s take would be the outfit worn by Flash when he pretends to be Spider-Man.
 Movie 1: Amazing Fantasy: The Birth of Spider-Man: The origin, MAYBE rounded off with ASM #1’s plot.
 Season 1: Basically everything up to when he graduated with every issue serving as an episode. I’d omit guest appearances like the F4, the Torch, DD, the Circus of Crime. I’d supplant the ASM #5’s plot with one about Jason Macendale armed with tech abducting Flash when he’s dressed as Spidey. He’d be a stand in for the Headman from Untold Tales and the episode would end with his mysterious boss speaking to Spidey remotely through a camera. This would of course be the Goblin who I’d have debut in what was his second appearance hijacking the Spidey fan club. I’d have Doc Ock unmasking Spidey end that episode and have most of it dedicated to Betty Brant’s origin told in flashbacks as she’s abducted. I’d do Spider-Man No More here, combining it with ASM #18’s plot line as it’d redundant to have him quit in big ways twice. So one episode would be ASM #18’s plot with bits of ASM #50 mixed in, ending with him throwing away his suit. Then the next episode would be about his Spidey free life before he triumphantly returns. The Molten man episodie would end with Aunt May collapsing rather than Spidey graduating.
This would lead directly into the MP Trilogy’s main storyline but to spice things up the Master Planner would hire some of Spider-Man’s villains as extra obstacles in his way, thus we’d adapt the original Sinister Six story too. The last episode would end with Peter graduating and then sitting alone to make a new suit. Also Betty would leave town.
 Season 2: It’d kick off with a recovered Peter starting college and someone hiring Kraven to go after Spidey like in ASM #34. The key difference here being that Kraven dons Spider-man’s old costume and when Spidey finally shows up to deal with him he’s sporting his new red and blue Romita Sr threads. Then we’d get the Robot Master stuff, the first Rhino story and a few other stories before around episode 6 or 7 getting to the Goblin unmasking Spider-Man and revealing himself as Norman. I’d have Norman seriously injured to the point where Spider-Man has to save him or else he’d die. He’d sweat about Norman knowing the truth like in Spider-Man: Blue before finding out Norman has amnesia and that most people don’t recover their memories. Seeing how happy Harry is, he decided to let it go and give Norman a chance. The rest of the season is basically adapting the big Romita era stories (sans Spider-Man No More of course), with an emphasis on Kingpin and fewer Doc Ock stories. POSSIBLY I might do Doc Ock’s origin from Unlimited #3 here, I dunno. It’d either be here or next season though. The season would wrap up with George Stacy’s death and with Gwen leaving.
 Also I’d foreshadow a little that Norman has a healing factor via his speedy recovery.
 Also, also, rather than space spores creating Colonel Jupiter, I’d have it be the Moon Gem that actually turned him into man-Wolf. It’d be an artefact he’d bring back from the moon and it’d increase his strength and affect his mind so that he’d desire to have the gem for some unknown reason (we’ll find out later).
 Season 3: This would be half a team up season, introducing characters from the Marvel Universe who’re relevant to Spider-Girls’ stories, so the F4, Daredevil, Ghost Rider, Doctor Strange, Spider Woman, Arana, Julia Carpenter, the Avengers, the X-Men, etc. It’d begin with Peter heading to London to find Gwen and inadvertently winding up in a team up, I’ve not figured out with whom yet (maybe Ice Man and Firestar for funsies, MAYBE Excalibur so we’d get Spider Phoenix????), anyway it’d adapt ASM #95 in any case. Then we’d go to the drug trilogy but I’ve not yet decided how to handle this. On the one hand it’s iconic. On the other it’s questionable by modern standards to have Peter see Norman remember the truth and then just let him go on, hoping he doesn’t remember. Maybe you could play it as him being worried that turning Norman in could trigger his memory, I dunno. I feel you could swap out the action part of the story with something else, provided you kept all the Harry drug stuff the same, and maybe had the story be about Norman STARTING to remember and unravel. When peter goes to him for a job though he’d catch a glimpse of a weird painting, depicting the Scriers and Norman would give a little background on their alleged history.
I’d also have the Six Arm Saga and debut of Morbius happen here, but link it in with some illegal genetic experiments someone within ESU is doing on the side for the mob. These experiments would lead to the creation of Vermin who owns Spidey’s ass until he’s saved by someone at the end of the episode. After Vermin beats a retreat, that someone helps Spidey up and it’s Captain America! Cue an ep of Spidey and Cap on the helicarrier with Chameleon using Artificial Life similicra to infiltrate it. Cap is abducted at the end of this episode and the Avengers show up accusing Spider-Man of it. Cue the next 2 episodes where Spider-Man teams up with the Avengers to take on the Hulk in Canada and Seth, the Serpent God of Death. This would then lead into the final 2 episodes which I’ll get to in a moment.
Also in this season I’d have a two part team up with Spidey and Spider Woman. Madame Web would summon them and reveal she is a member of the Spider Clan. Her granddaughter Anya Corazon, has been abducted by the Tarantula clan and Peter and Jess need to rescue her. This would allow Spidey to meet Madame Web, Jessica Drew and Anya of course and foreshadow the Black Tarantula. The Tarantula Clan’s outfits would resemble Julia Carpenter’s Spider Woman and Arachne outfits. This would lead to a ‘filler’ ep about Spider-Man fixing his suit and daydreaming about other costumes and powers he could have. This would be an excuse to pay homage to the Spider Armour, Captain Universe and a few other classic outfits for Spider-Man. the episode would end with him tossing away a doodle of the black costume inspired by his previous adventure. Later we’d get Nothing Can Stop the Juggernaut but the story would end with the X-Men showing up. The episode after that would be a Spidey/X-Men team up but Mastermind would mind control them into fighting, thus we’d get Spider-Man vs. the X-Men like Secret Wars #3
 The final 2 eps would be the Death of Gwen Stacy. I’d keep this pretty much the same but with the exception of having Gwen awake and trying to escape. The moments just before she’s knocked off the bridge Peter would try to earn her trust by starting to unmask.
 Season 4: It’d kick off with the Jackal hiring Punisher to take out Spider-Man. Apart from that it’d be basically ASM #123-149, all about Peter grieving Gwen, falling in love with MJ, etc. I would cut some of the dumber stuff out though and condense some multi-parters into single stories. I’d whack in some team ups for good measure too as MTU was around at this time. One major change I’d make is that I’d have Man-Wolf show up as a result of similar experiments that created Vermin and ditch the moon gem stuff. However, Man-Wolf would eventually go after the Moon gem but it’s energies would in fact revert him to normal. The clprit behind Man-wolf and Vermin would be revealed as Miles Warren.
 One smaller change I’d make would be to omit ASM #150. It’s a great issue but it’s not a great season finale like ASM #149 would be. BUT I’d keep the MJ scene from it by simply moving it to the events of ASM #149. The idea is that when the bomb hits zero, everything fades to white, Peter would wake up amidst debris, when Gwen asks how he knows he’s the real one, he’d respond that ‘he just knows’. Later as he’d be approaching his apartment we’d get a flashback revealing that he was thinking of MJ as the bomb hit zero and so he couldn’t be the clone. Cue him finding MJ in the apartment, end season.
Season 5: Basically the Len Wein run with a dash of Marv Wolfman. It’d wrap up with a combination of 3 Wolfman era stories. MJ proposing to MJ, Spidey vs. the Burglar from ASM #200 and finally Peter graduating. A major change would be that MJ would literally leave town immediately after rejecting Peter, and it’d be a break up not just a rejection. But we the audience would see a private moment with MJ where we can tell she wasn’t nearly as casual about it as she let on.
 Movie 2: Mayhem in Manhattan: Mid way through the season I’d adapt this Spider-Man novel into another animated film.
 Season 6: It’d kick off with Spider-Man meeting Black Cat. The season really would be about Peter dating different people casually and more seriously. Deb Whitman, Cissy Ironwood, etc. He’s work for the Daily Globe and start Grad school. The season finale would be the Owl/Octopus War ending with Felicia seriously injured and Peter ripping out Otto’s arms as a result. The season would end with Spider-Man and Black Cat now an item. But I’d omit the events of Spec #77-79. Also at the Daily Globe Peter would meet and work with Eddie Brock.
 Season 7: It’d start with the debut of the Hobgoblin, cover Felcia’s recovery, gaining new powers (from other people continuing Warren’s experiments with animal DNA), MJ’s return, Peter dropping out of Grad school, MJ’s big reveal and origin, and culminate in Peter and Black Cat breaking up and Kingpin leaving NYC. The Kingpin battle would be taken from Wolfman’s run moreso than Spec #100 because that’s just a better fight.
Of course the Alien Costume Saga would happen. I’d keep the canon stuff but add in the elements of it corrupting him, with the extra spice of Felicia actually preferring this darker Spider-Man.
Peter would get the costume differently though. Instead of Secret Wars, criminals would try and obtain the Moon Gem, which was being hosted as ESU. The fight would culminate in a Kinglsey clothing factory and as a last resort Spidy would smash the gem by throwing it into one of the machines in the factory.
Licking his wounds afterwards he’d be leaning against the conveyer belt when a tiny black ball would emerge from the shards of the Moon Gem, enlarge and when Spidey noticed it we’d recreate Secret Wars #8.
BTW, to give readers clues to the Hobgoblin’s identity I’d have him record a voice journal but with a voice changer so we get his inner thoughts sorta.
Also Jason Macendale would show back up but not as jack O’lantern.
 Season 8: It’d start with ASM #260-261, the Rose/Hobgoblin story where they abduct a pregnant Liz Allan. The season would omit a lot of irrelevant stuff like the golden notebook subplot, the Beyonder, etc. But it’d keep stuff like Crusher Hogan, When Commeth the Commuter, Web #13 and other classic stories. The three central subplots of this season would be the Ned/Flash/Betty love triangle, Peter and MJ’s ‘will they won’t they’ romance and the Hobgoblin mystery. However instead of Lance Bannon, Eddie Brock would be one of the suspects. Brock would be threatened directly by Spider-Man when he starts writing Sin Eater articles and that’s just about the only thing I’d change from the Death of Jean DeWolff storyline. Most of the real important stuff from this era (sans Doc Ocks mental breakdown) I’d keep the same with the exception of not making Jason Macendale the new Hobgoblin. After Peter and Felicia break up I’d have Betty go all Cult of Love from later in the comics before the finale being yet another way later story: Hobgoblin Lives. It’s just more logical to wrap up the Hobgoblin mystery here rather than end it badly and wait years to fix it.
 Season 9: This is kind of the least accurate season but hear me out. Okay so we start off with Peter proposing to MJ, her rejecting him, then her agreeing, just like in the comics. BUT...we don’t have them then get married. Something as huge as your protagonist’s wedding should be the first or final episode of a season, not episode 3 or 4 or even the mid-season finale. So I’d grab a load of post-wedding stories and tweak them to be about Peter and MJ as an engaged couple. The stories would be selected to somehow tie-in with their relationship. The idea is to have the couple gradually develop doubts. So we’d have Jonathan Caesar. We’d have the Drunk Spider-Man issue but with Jason Macendale now the Demogoblin (it’s just a costume no demonic stuff) instead of the Hobgoblin. MAYBE we’d even have a heavily rewritten Jason Jerome subplot. We’d have Felicia turning back up to stir up trouble as she did in the 1990s. You get the picture. Because the finale is the wedding, which is obviously light on action, the episodes before the wedding I’d finally do Venom. Venom is great at generating dynamic action set pieces so he’d kind of compensate for no action in the actual finale. Venom is also an ideal choice because this whole season is about a romantic relationship, and Venom is in a sense an ‘unholy union’ between two entities. We’d draw upon the fact that Brock’s wife left him and ASM #300’s climax happening in a church bell tower is just too perfect for the wedding theme of this season. One element I’d throw in though would be for Spidey to have his ass handed to him by Venom once only to get away. MJ makes Spidey a new red and blue costume. The idea being that in wearing Venom’s colours the colours Felicia preferred him in, the colours that don’t represent his true self, he won’t win against this dark version of himself. But the red+blues are Mj’s preferred suit, MJ’s colours and reflective of who he really is.
The season finale would be the wedding but split over 2 episodes. The first ep would end with Peter going to see Felicia the night before his wedding and MJ going off with Bruce (or maybe Jason Jerome).
The actual final episode would be them vocing their doubts and insecurities to Felicia and Jason/Bruce and through talking with them, and reflecting on the events of the season and their lives in general they realise they’re just getting jitters. If they weren’t going to go through with this they would’ve walked away a long time ago. In fact their hardships this season prove they can handle it and make it work. So they get married but in typical Parker luck fashion their ride gets caught in traffic en route to the honey moon, so they gotta web swing their way there into the sunset.
 Movie 3: Fearful Symmetry: Kraven’s Last Hunt: I briefly considered making this the opening of the next season, the season finale of the last season or the mid-season finale of the last season but it just didn’t work. It’s too iconic to change up like that it HAS to happen shortly after the wedding. Making it a movie would help sell the fact that for the first time ever we’re suddenly hearing Kraven and Vermin’s inner thoughts which would be weird to happen randomly in the middle of a season. A movie though can sort of be it’s own thing.
I wouldn’t change anything beyond adding a kind of prologue chronicling Kraven’s history up until now, who Vermin is, Peter and MJ’s marriage, Ned’s death, just some stuff that’s a small story unto itself and can allow the movie to stand on it’s own a bit more.
 Season 10: Basically this is the Harry Osborn Saga from DeMatteis’ run. I’d cut down on the Vermin stuff. Maybe I’d cut out Peter’s parents from Child Within. I dunno because I would totally do a rewritten Robot Parents story arc in this season because I think that story could be compelling if done properly. I’d just have it happen BEFORE Harry dies, which naturally would be the season finale. Also in this season we’d introduce Carnage, Tombstone, the Joe Robertson/Tombstone subplot and the Return of the Sinister Six. One thing I’d add into the latter story would be the character of Carolyn Trainer who’s quite taken with Doc Ock. Spidey and Ock would have a huge showdown adapting their battle from Spec #79 since that’s probably the best Spidey/Ock fight ever. I might also do an adaptation of Soul of the Hunter and/or Torment, both because it’s a famous Lizard story and because it’d set up Kraven’s death withint he context of the show and thus give Chameleon motivation for the Robot Parents stuff.
 Season 11: A heavily abridged and rewritten version of...the Clone Saga!
I’ve actually plotted this episode by episode. The gist is Aunt May has a stroke, Ben shows up, we introduce Carrion who busts out Carnage in exchange for some of his symbiote. Spidey fights Carnage but when they’re both affected by a poison Carrion tests out, Ben steps in to help. Venom also escapes, leading to Ben becoming Scarlet Spider. Peter is dying of the poison leading into the Web of Death story where Doc Ock cures him and Kaine then kills Otto. Web of Death could’ve been the ultimate end for Doc Ock so in a show that’s finite it makes sense to end him with that.
Anyway, Peter learns MJ is pregnant, he and Ben reunite with the Jackal, Carrion and the Gwen clone. They learn Carrion is a clone of Warren and was in fact the Warren from Shea stadium, he’s got telepathic powers and is using them to keep Gwen’s clone (Joyce Delany) under Warren’s control. Warren sows doubt as to who the real guy is.
Aunt May dies, Peter goes to jail, a third Peter Parker shows up. But instead of being Spidercide I’d make him a human/symbiote hybrid, and he’d be this show’s version of Toxin.
Peter becomes Scarlet Spider to clear his own name, learns who Kaine is, finds out he’s a clone, DOESN’T hit MJ but he does run away distraught, etc.
I’d have Maximum Clonage happen but very, very differently. No army of spider clones, no Punisher, no nonsense like that. Warren is going to unleash his virus but wants to keep MJ safe as her baby could be interesting to study. So he abducts her and gives inoculations to the virus to everyone. MJ refuses so he asks Gwen to do it as she’s MJ’s friend. Gwen’s clone is kind of not all there due to the mind control so when MJ breaks her own dose of the inoculation, Gwen simply administers her dose to MJ. Ben shows up to save MJ and knocks out Carrion. Carrion as it turns out was keeping Toxin under control so he freaks out, grabs MJ and Gwen, asks Ben to choose between them and tosses them both off the roof, but then he pins Ben so he can’t save either. Peter shows up to save MJ, Warren instinctively jumps after Gwen to save her but out of nowhere, a new Green Goblin shows up to save her and Warren dies. The Goblin, Kaine, Ben and Peter fight Toxin who’s gonna be losing until he bonds with Carrion and is now too much for everyone else. Gwen meanwhile would be trying to defuse the device that’d be administering the virus, but starting to degenerate due to the stress.
Her last ditch effort would be to implore Carrion/Toxin to save them all. He’s a clone of Peter and Miles Warren so he loves her and since she’s not inoculated she’s gonna die. Carrion/Toxin smother the virus and absorb the poison into themselves, dying.
Kaine takes Gwen’s clone away as he understands the pain of degeneration and Peter retires, making Ben the new Spider-Man.
The second half of the season is a condensed Spider-Ben era but with Lady Ock, Spider-Carnage, Green Goblin V and Blood Brothers as the central storylines. We’d do some flashbacks to Lost Years and wrap up with Revelations. As a final little change I’d have Peter’s new Spider-Man costume be one created by Ben before he decided to make his own one.
Season 12: Basically the post-Clone Saga era. This final season would be wrapping stuff up, giving a lot of characters their swan songs, but the focus would be on Peter and Norman’s rivalry, Norman owning the Bugle, etc.
We’d introduce Black Tarantula, have a final gang war storyline in which Kaine is hired as a mercenary, Daredevil and Richard Fisk would die, and Kingpin would finally go to jail for good.
I’d also sort of adapt the Revenge of the Green Goblin storyline. I’d have Mysterio on Norman’s orders create a ‘dream’ for Peter Parker where he imagines MJ dies in a plane crash and everything goes wrong, Norman would torment him and try and tempt him into becoming his son and heir. Peter resists and escapes the nightmare.
The season/show would wrap up with Peter reclaiming baby May and a final showdown with the Green Goblin. Norman would be rocking his Marvel Knights armour and be juiced up with Phil Urich’s strength enhancing Goblin mask. Also Phil Urich will have been black mailed into becoming the Goblin on Norman’s behalf so he could clear his own name.
I’ll spare you the details, but essentially Norman’s plan involves murdering billions of people, taking control of the world and potentially endangering the life of baby May. He’s ultimately killed when his identity is revealed to the press, his glider decapitates him and triggers a gagillion explosions. Said explosions would wreck the Bugle leading to Spidey lifting it up like in the Final Chapter. Before he died though, Norman would try to beat Spidey by administering an antidote to his powers that he would’ve tested on Scorpion. He’d not give Peter the full dose though.
When all is said and done, Peter’s got an injured leg (but he’s not lost either of them) and his spider powers are gone, maybe forever, so he retires to be a family man.
This then leads into Spider-Girl where we learn over time he regained some of his old powers but they amount to allowing him to crawl on walls, have a vague reading from his spider sense and render him fit for his age. His leg injury still plays up though. Basically he’s got power but not so much that it’d be reasonable for him to go back to heroism.
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richincolor · 5 years
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New Releases
At YallWest this weekend, I went to a panel where Maya Motayne spoke about her new novel Nocturna, and I got so excited, so adding her novel to my ever increasing TBR list. Which of these will you be adding to yours?
Somewhere Only We Know by Maurene Goo Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR)
10 00 p.m.: Lucky is the biggest K-pop star on the scene, and she’s just performed her hit song “Heartbeat” in Hong Kong to thousands of adoring fans. She’s about to debut on The Tonight Show in America, hopefully a breakout performance for her career. But right now? She’s in her fancy hotel, trying to fall asleep but dying for a hamburger.
11 00 p.m.: Jack is sneaking into a fancy hotel, on assignment for his tabloid job that he keeps secret from his parents. On his way out of the hotel, he runs into a girl wearing slippers, a girl who is single-mindedly determined to find a hamburger. She looks kind of familiar. She’s very cute. He’s maybe curious.
12:00 a.m.: Nothing will ever be the same. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Kings, Queens, and In-Betweens by Tanya Boteju Simon Pulse
Perpetually awkward Nima Kumara-Clark is bored with her insular community of Bridgeton, in love with her straight girlfriend, and trying to move past her mother’s unexpected departure. After a bewildering encounter at a local festival, Nima finds herself suddenly immersed in the drag scene on the other side of town.
Macho drag kings, magical queens, new love interests, and surprising allies propel Nima both painfully and hilariously closer to a self she never knew she could be—one that can confidently express and accept love. But she’ll have to learn to accept lost love to get there. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo HarperTeen
Ever since she got pregnant freshman year, Emoni Santiago’s life has been about making the tough decisions—doing what has to be done for her daughter and her abuela. The one place she can let all that go is in the kitchen, where she adds a little something magical to everything she cooks, turning her food into straight-up goodness.
Even though she dreams of working as a chef after she graduates, Emoni knows that it’s not worth her time to pursue the impossible. Yet despite the rules she thinks she has to play by, once Emoni starts cooking, her only choice is to let her talent break free.
— Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Nocturna (A Forgery of Magic #1) by Maya Motayne Balzer + Bray
To Finn Voy, magic is two things: a knife to hold under the chin of anyone who crosses her…and a disguise she shrugs on as easily as others pull on cloaks.
As a talented faceshifter, it’s been years since Finn has seen her own face, and that’s exactly how she likes it. But when Finn gets caught by a powerful mobster, she’s forced into an impossible mission: steal a legendary treasure from Castallan’s royal palace or be stripped of her magic forever.
After the murder of his older brother, Prince Alfehr is first in line for the Castallan throne. But Alfie can’t help but feel that he will never live up to his brother’s legacy. Riddled with grief, Alfie is obsessed with finding a way to bring his brother back, even if it means dabbling in forbidden magic.
But when Finn and Alfie’s fates collide, they accidentally unlock a terrible, ancient power—which, if not contained, will devour the world. And with Castallan’s fate in their hands, Alfie and Finn must race to vanquish what they have unleashed, even if it means facing the deepest darkness in their pasts.
Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me by Mariko Tamaki & Illustrations by Rosemay Valero O’Connelle First Second Books
Laura Dean, the most popular girl in high school, was Frederica Riley’s dream girl: charming, confident, and SO cute. There’s just one problem: Laura Dean is maybe not the greatest girlfriend.
Reeling from her latest break up, Freddy’s best friend, Doodle, introduces her to the Seek-Her, a mysterious medium, who leaves Freddy some cryptic parting words: break up with her. But Laura Dean keeps coming back, and as their relationship spirals further out of her control, Freddy has to wonder if it’s really Laura Dean that’s the problem. Maybe it’s Freddy, who is rapidly losing her friends, including Doodle, who needs her now more than ever. Fortunately for Freddy, there are new friends, and the insight of advice columnists like Anna Vice to help her through being a teenager in love.
Mariko Tamaki and Rosemary Valero-O’Connell bring to life a sweet and spirited tale of young love that asks us to consider what happens when we ditch the toxic relationships we crave to embrace the healthy ones we need. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
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roseisread · 6 years
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My Year in Movies: Favorite Non-2018 Feature Films (Part 1)
I watched a LOT of movies this year. At last count, I had logged 229 features and 126 shorts; and that doesn’t count rewatches--only movies that were new to me.
I set a few challenges for myself as well this year. The first one was to watch at least one non-English language/US release per week--this exposed me to so much world cinema and some really amazing filmmakers. Anyone who avoids foreign films because “I don’t like subtitles” is really missing out, and I found myself craving these narratives from voices I don’t ordinarily get exposed to in my everyday life. 
Other personal challenges: Watching as many horror movies as possible in October (with horror defined pretty loosely so I could include entries from silent era and onward, as well as some comedy cult classics that have horror/thriller elements); participating in Noirvember (in addition to attending Noir City in Chicago); crossing off some major blindspots from my list (such as Bicycle Thieves, The Producers, Lethal Weapon, A Few Good Men, Grease, Home Alone 2, Brazil, and Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom); and trying to watch movies and short films from every decade that motion pictures have existed.
In 2019, I hope to do similar personal challenges with a focus on movies made by women, LGBTQ+, and people of color, in addition to filling in the gaps of my classical/canonical movie knowledge. 
OK, so that’s enough preamble. Let’s get to the list! For this list, I’m excluding movies that were released in 2018--that’s coming but this is for movies released before that. 
50. Linda Linda Linda (2005, directed by Nobuhiro Yamashita, country of origin: Japan)
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High school girls recruit the Korean exchange student (Doona Bae, of Cloud Atlas and Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance) to join their rock band a few days before the school talent show. This is just a feel good film, recommended if you enjoyed the likes of Sing Street, We Are The Best!, and The Runaways. Unfortunately, it’s out of print in physical form; but last I checked someone had uploaded it to YouTube so you might want to get on that before it’s removed. You can watch the trailer here.
49. The Blue Dahlia (1946, directed by George Marshall, country of origin: US)
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This film noir stars Veronica Lake and Alan Ladd, and like any good noir, it deals with dark subjects including murder, blackmail, political corruption, and PTSD. It’s been on my watchlist for a long time, and thanks to Noir City Chicago, I got to see it on the big screen at the Music Box Theatre. For small screen viewing, you can catch up with it via rental on Vudu, Amazon, iTunes... the usual suspects. 
48. Siren of the Tropics (1927, directed by Mario Nalpas and Henri Etievant, country of origin: France)
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My dearly departed Filmstruck had a spotlight on the films of Josephine Baker, and this was among them. I fell in love instantly with the lively, beautiful Baker, here playing a woman named Papitou who deals with some super scummy dudes but manages to be herself in the face of all that nonsense. Silent films can sometimes be tougher to engage with for modern audiences, but this one flies by and contains some unexpectedly racy sequences for the time. Its racial politics don’t meet today’s cultural standards, but considering Baker’s parents were former slaves and their daughter went on to become the first woman of color to star in a major motion picture, this is still a landmark film worthy of our consideration. She broke down many barriers and contributed a great deal to both the entertainment world and the Civil Rights movement, and this serves as a nice entry point into her career. It’s available on DVD through Kino Lorber, and hopefully one day soon it’ll pop up on another streaming service that carries on the Filmstruck legacy.
47. I Don’t Feel At Home in This World Anymore (2017, directed by Macon Blair, country of origin: US)
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Here’s a film that goes to some unexpected places. I had no idea what to expect from Macon Blair, who frequently appears in the movies of Jeremy Saulnier; but in his debut feature for Netflix, he pulled out all the stops. Hilarious, violent, and intense, with memorable performances from stars Melanie Lynskey and Elijah Wood, this is a movie about getting in over your head and just going for it anyway. I don’t want to tell you about the plot because it’s best discovered through watching--just go to your nearest device and add it to your Netflix queue. 
46. Song of the Sea (2014, directed by Tomm Moore, country of origin: Ireland)
Absolutely gorgeous animation from the team that previously brought us The Secret of Kells, and a touching story that combines family and mythology. I adored this one. Watch it on Netflix or rent on the usual streaming sources--for a preview, click here. 
45. Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942, directed by Michael Curtiz, country of origin: US)
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I always watch Independence Day on the Fourth of July; but in 2018, I decided to mix it up and cross this patriotic musical off the watchlist. I’d seen James Cagney’s gangster movies like White Heat and The Public Enemy, but seeing him sing and dance was a whole new joyous discovery. This movie is entertaining, funny, touching, and full of iconic sequences that other films would go on to borrow from. I absolutely loved it. Pretty sure I saw this on Filmstruck originally, but since that’s no longer possible you should be able to find it at your local public library or you can rent it for a couple bucks on Amazon, YouTube, iTunes, and the like. 
44. The Man Who Cheated Himself (1950, directed by Felix Feist, country of origin: US)
This tightly wound noir thriller pits brother against brother against the backdrop of 1950s San Francisco. Lee Cobb plays an aging bachelor and an accomplished police detective who falls for the wrong dame. His younger brother, played by John Dall (Gun Crazy, Rope), has just joined the police force and idolizes his older brother. Trouble strikes when the dame murders her no good husband and needs help from Cobb to cover it up. Naturally, Dall gets assigned to the case and as he begins to piece together the clues, he doesn’t like where they’re leading him. The climactic sequence is one of my favorite endings to a noir film, and I’ve seen a lot of them. Watch it for free if you have Amazon Prime; otherwise, there are a few versions uploaded to YouTube of varying quality or you could wait for it to pop up on TCM. 
43. Los Angeles Plays Itself (2003, directed by Thom Andersen, country of origin: US)
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This documentary edits together clips from movies of every era that were filmed or set in Los Angeles, and explains through voiceover narration the significance of each location and the history of the motion pictures in LA. That’s it--very simple concept but also fascinating. I split this up over a couple nights because it’s pretty long, but if you’re a film fan or a Los Angeles native, this is well worth your time. The voiceover is kind of hilariously flat in its delivery--kind of a Steven Wright sound actually--but that sort of adds to the charm for me. Get a taste by watching the trailer, and then you can rent it on YouTube for $1.99.
42. A Simple Plan (1998, directed by Sam Raimi, country of origin: US)
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It’s been almost two years since we lost Bill Paxton; I don’t know about you but I don’t think any other actor can really fill those shoes. This year I caught up with three films that showcased his talent: A Simple Plan, One False Move, and Frailty. He plays very different characters in each one but in many ways they all start off with a similar premise: Ordinary guy dreams of becoming more. What that “more” is for each character is what sets each film and performance apart, but Paxton provided a great canvas to paint these unique characters onto. He inhabited the ordinary man better than just about anyone. 
In this film, which I watched during Noirvember, Paxton plays Hank, a college-educated guy working a blue collar job in a small town, trying to make a better life for himself and his family. He’d like to get away from those small town roots, but his socially awkward brother Jacob (Billy Bob Thornton) relies on him. Unfortunately, Jacob is often accompanied by the hard-drinking loose canon Lou (Brent Briscoe). When the unlikely trio discover a crashed plane in the woods containing a suitcase full of cash, they each have ideas for how to handle the situation. Of course things escalate from there, and the way the movie explores human nature and family ties set this story apart. Available for online rental on the usual platforms.
41. The Iron Giant (1999, directed by Brad Bird, country of origin: US)
Given my obsession with Vin Diesel in the early 2000s, it’s pretty shocking I never saw this movie til now--sure, he and his glorious muscles don’t appear on screen, but he does provide the voice of the title character after all. When the Iron Giant made a controversial cameo in this year’s film adaptation of Ready Player One, I decided it was time I saw the source material for myself. 
This gorgeously animated fable unfolds during the Cold War era, and features an ET-inspired story arc of a young boy befriending an unlikely being that the government is looking for. If you’ve never seen it, this is definitely a must-watch. Currently available on Netflix, but rentable on other platforms too.
40. The Unsuspected (1947, directed by Michael Curtiz, country of origin: US)
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I adore Claude Rains, star of this film and supporting actor in Curtiz’s more famous work, Casablanca. Here, he plays the host and narrator of a popular radio show that revolves around tales of murder--basically the Law and Order: SVU of its day. We learn early on that he sometimes draws inspiration for his broadcasts from real life criminals. When people in his own life start dropping dead, the plot thickens and he finds himself at the center of the action. A very suspenseful and well-plotted film noir, which is available from the Warner Archive collection on DVD. I got to see it at Noir City Chicago, and loved every second of it. 
That’s all for this entry--stay tuned for part two of this list, posting soon! 
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wannawrite · 7 years
Don’t Play
who?: Wanna One’s Ong Seongwoo genre: 🌸 type: bullet point the ‘our two lips’ flower boys LDH | PJH | PWJ | KJH | IYM | JH | LGL 
blog navigator. • flower boy AU • Seongwoo loves to play but not on the job and definitely not with your feelings the double-edged sword flower boy AU is back, with added Christmas spirit. I kind of lost touch with this AU, it has been awhile. :”) but TYSM for requesting anon!! The boys are back ;) - Admin L
• so you know that guy who is always over enthusiastic and excited about ANYTHING • that is Seongwoo at his finest • you always hear him before you see him • it’s simply a Seongwoo thing you know? • every time, everywhere • in university lectures • at the campus Starbucks • even on the other side of the football field • Ong’s voice will surround you • everyone is blessed with Seongwoo and the whole student body drools when they see him • along with his 10 friends • everyone calls them Wanna One • for some odd reason • strange • literally, everyone loves them • there are fan accounts on IG and Twitter just for individual members • your college is so extra tbh • side note: this actually happened at my friends’ school • like there were fan accounts of the popular boys • lowkey scary tbh • but anyway, they’re Wanna One • they are just THAT good-looking, well-mannered, smart • if you breathe the same air as them, good for you • honestly, you’ve inhaled too much of Seongwoo’s toxicity • he has been your neighbour since two of you were toddlers • but it isn’t that cute, fluffy, scattered with sugar story that is expected • no • the Ongs and your family aren’t exactly on good terms • it isn’t like World War III is about to lash out any moment but that’s exactly what I’m saying • there’s just some unspoken rivalry that neither of the younger generation understands • ‘you must never associate yourself with them!’ • ‘don’t even think about looking about that Ong boy!’ • your parents shut up whenever you question it and your grandparents brush it off • ‘it’s nothing. just ignore them and don’t give charity.’ • lol trying to trip Mr Ong Senior with your walking stick isn’t ‘nothing’ • but whatever, you and Seongwoo just avoid each other • like you’re meant to • your families would throw a big fuss if the two of you were within a 5-metre radius • ‘why can’t we just sell the house and move?’ You’ve asked that question many times • apparently, this house is passed down to your parents from generations ago and they must ‘continue the family tradition’ • this is weird • side note: I’m sure this happened in real life too • so you continue to avoid Seongwoo • even though many of your lectures are spent a few seats away from each other • sometimes you take that chance to ogle his extremely good features • that jawline • his twinkling eyes • those cool three moles on his face that form a perfect triangle • you wonder if he took his family’s eyeliner to draw it on • there’s no way he can be SO flawless • but he is Ong Seongwoo so there is a way • half of you wants to just say ‘f it’ and talk to him but the other, more rational half is saying that he won’t speak to you because of all that family drama • no one knows what even happened • you go about uni ignoring Ong and trying to suppress your feelings for him • but it’s really hard because of how ‘close’ you are to him • like if you concentrate, you can see that he’s actually drawing flowers on his notepad and not taking down notes • Seongwoo also lets Daniel, his best friend, doodle random sketches on his hands and arms • most of them resemble flora like patterns • it’s also not uncommon to see Seongwoo walking home with a bunch of wildflowers in his grasp • he likes flowers • and he’s intimidating • Seongwoo is that guy who will talk a bunch of crap and expect people to know what he’s referring to • only his friends get the drift • he’s just naturally talented in gag • always cheerful, bubbly, making his friends chortle with laughter • he definitely knows how to put on a show • playfully insults all his friends, won’t hesitate to punch one of them - but gently and for fun • you’ve seen enough of Seongwoo’s quirky personality to fall in love • finally, on the very last day of school, you muster up the courage to talk to him • ‘h-hey Seongwoo, c-could you sign m-my yearbook?’ you stutter out, blushing • internally: please! don’t! ever! tell! my! parents! about! this! • smiling, he turns away from Daniel - who wriggles his eyebrows - and takes your book • ‘sure, of course. I can’t deny my adoring fans, can I?’ • he even adds a heart to your yearbook page • you can’t tell if you should cry or laugh • ‘thank you!’   • ah goodness now you have to make up some crappy excuse as to why your parents can’t see your yearbook • ‘oh! that! I...uh left it at Jaehwan’s place by accident. You know...since we went out to celebrate...’ • Seongwoo was at Jaehwan’s house party too, but you never communicated • I guess it’s a good thing? • a wasted opportunity • other than admiring from your living room window or balcony, that’s the last you see of him and the first yet last interaction you had • you need to be careful, your mother caught you staring at him a few times • ‘staring at that Ong boy again?’ she spits out ‘Ong’ so venomously you nearly shrink back • ‘that Ong son is no good? Don’t mix with him! I’m so glad he will be in a different lecture next year. Good grief!’ • your whole family insists he’s bad influence, turning you into somewhat of his rival • it does irk you a little how much they dislike the Ongs • enough to pit their children against each other • sigh • family drama :( • ahhh, another thing happens • Seongwoo starts to pay more attention to you • ‘hi!’ he chimes when he sees you at the bus stop • ‘you asked me to sign your yearbook...and I saw you at Jaehwan’s party. Y/N? Was it?’ • is he really talking to me? • hold up, there are CCTV cameras around here right? • ‘uh, yeah. see you around!’ • *runs* • another time, you’re going out with your friends and he seems to be on his morning run, Nikes, earpieces and all • ‘GOOD MORNING’ • you blush, shyly waving • Seongwoo greets you every time he sees you around and it really worsens your crush on him • for a good week, you try to avoid him as much as possible • please! don’t! smile! at! me! that! way! • if not my heart will flutter wildly :”) • but our families hate each other • for no reason • and I’m not about to go around pulling some modern day Romeo and Juliet shit • btw, I watched the ballet this year and it was very very VERY enthralling. 12/10 would recommend • suddenly, running from Seongwoo becomes a routinely thing • it works • now, it is the only physical activity you will engage in • to hell with physical education • but do take care of your health guys!!! • you find yourself thinking of other things other than him • until Saturday • you and your best friend are on your way to a cafe for dinner • since it’s Soyeon’s birthday, she chooses to dine at Our Two Lips • please support Cube’s amazing rapper, Jeon Soyeon’s debut single ‘Jelly’ • please please Cube is trash but their artists are never • ‘oh! My relative, Guanlin, works there. I’m here to collect blackmail to send to Seonho.’ • my Cube babies :”) • Lai Guanlin? The opposite of ‘flower boy’?  • oh well • Our Two Lips is early to celebrate Christmas, the place is already decked out with fake snow, Christmas lights and a hella lot of mistletoe • all the flower boys now boast Santa hats • well, some have Poinsettia flower crowns • Guanlin literally goes tomato red when he sees his cousin • he’s all over her Snapchat story • from a mile away in the Yoo house, you can hear Seonho’s evil laughter cackling • ‘I’m done.’ Guanlin says, tossing his mile of menus to someone else and taking a tray of empty plates from their hands • oh look who it is • your jaw falls open, and immediately, you feel redness creep up your neck and guilt root in your stomach • the man you had been desperately trying to evade • Ong Seongwoo • and his perfect constellation moles • to hell with him in his crisp work attire and bright red Poinsettia flower crown • plus, he did his hair up today • the poinsettia’s are the ones holding his up-do in place • in fact, the dark shade of his hair makes the flower crown POP • w o w • but, to your surprise, there isn’t any huge beaming smile, or jokes falling from his lips • just a serious, suave, look • Seongwoo smiles politely and takes the both of you to your seats • throws a huge fuss when he finds out its Soyeon’s birthday • ‘SuNGWOON HYUNG, iT’S SOYEON’S BIRTHDAY’ • if you don’t get the connection, Sungwoon and Jisung spend a lot of time dabbling in dessert and confectionery other than being flower boys • seen in the other flower boy works ^ • wink wonk check them out via the master list • ʕ ·ᴥ·ʔ • this Seongwoo is so different from the one you’re used to seeing • suddenly, you miss his laughter, his smile and his humour • that small glimpse you had of his personality was enough for you to love it   • ‘I’ll be back shortly with your order,’ he says, taking the menus back • cue wink @ you • once he’s out of earshot, Soyeon bursts into a fit of giggles • ‘I knew it! Everyone was betting whether you two liked each other!’ • everyone? • ‘huh? who?’ • ‘oh you know, Daniel, Lin, HyunA, Jisung, Sungwoon, Jihoon, Yeeun, E’Dawn, Hui, Eun-‘ • your hands fly to cover your reddening ears as Soyeon lists pretty much everyone you know • ‘LA LA LA LA LA’ • it doesn’t take you long to realise that you blurted that out a crowded cafe, loud enough for everyone to hear • curious stares bore holes into your back and you can feel the embarrassment choking you • ‘FA-LA-LA-LA, LA-LA-LA-LA TIS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY’Seongwoo belts out, skipping across the room as if it was normal • out from the speakers blast the Christmas carol • the speakers were connected to Seongwoo’s phone via Bluetooth • you’re lucky he invested in Spotify premium as an early Christmas present • ‘to: Ong Seongwoo. With love, Ong Seongwoo’ • he is that hoe who pulls that kind of shit • but yes self love, self appreciation • pretty much forces everyone to join him in a mini Christmas song karaoke session • Soyeon gets the video she needs • Guanlin wants to kill himself so he dabs at the end of every song • all the diners clap and cheer along like nothing happened • they love Jaehwan’s high notes • it takes you a moment to process that Ong Seongwoo, who you tried to hate and avoid • whose family is in deep shit with yours • just saved your ass • albeit it isn’t like he saved you from drowning • well, drowning in your tears of embarrassment but • it’s nice of him to try and cover your peculiar behaviour • ‘MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!’ Ong shouts, spraying canned fake snow • ‘uh, hyung it’s still November.’ Park Woojin reminds softly • ‘well Halloween is already over and we can’t exactly celebrate Thanksgiving right now so it’s practically Christmas already,’ • happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate! • I don’t but I’m thankful for all of you 💓 • Seongwoo wins that mini-debate so it’s declared Christmas starting from 30 November • remember when he said Merry Christmas in the middle of May? yes, mood • ‘JIHOON, I’M GOING TO NEED SOME SNOWMAN LATTE ART’ • ‘JAEHWAN, BRING OUT MORE POINSETTIAS’ • Soyeon simply snickers once more Christmas songs pour out of the speakers • Seongwoo arrives with your drinks and you can’t bear to look him in the eye • ‘Oh gosh Soyeon,’ he whisper-yells. ‘God doesn’t need snow to make an angel.’ • *points at you* • I’m sorry I’m sucking the bad Christmas jokes too much • I can’t believe I came up with that? It’s awful • your face is redder than the Poinsettias or mistletoe decor • when will he give you a break? • never • I love Never so much • ‘hey, Y/N,’ he pauses to set your dinner down • ‘yeah?’ you already know how it’s going to end • you like it • shush, don’t let him know ;) • ‘in my eyes, you’re more radiant than an angel.’ • A S D F G H J K L • that was bad since I made that one up too • you fight a blush and purse your lips, forcing yourself not to smile • ‘I guess you’ll end up on Santa’s naughty list this year,’ you counter-attack • ‘wait...I didn’t know you were into that kin-‘ • ‘because you stole my heart!’   • cutting off Seongwoo for a good reason • he nods in approval, high-fiving you • ‘nice one.’ • all puns intended • with a smile on her face, Soyeon shakes her head and quietly chuckles • ‘you two are the perfect match. I saw it coming.’ • the only rivalry you’ll allow between you and Seongwoo • who can make worst puns? • it’s entertaining to playfully spite him • puns bring people together • Seongwoo looked absolutely dashing • you suddenly love Poinsettias • and mistletoe • but that’s for another day ;) • he’s sweeter than the Christmas stollen you ordered • he’s stollen your heart for sure • puns intended • there’s like 0 way you can hate him now • your family is going to combust if they knew • AHHHHHHH • maybe you’re secretly wishing for Seongwoo to appear under your tree this year • ‘don’t wish for him under the tree, wish for him under the mistletoe!’ Soyeon hisses, winking. • you love her • spending time with your best friend at OTL is 12/10, I’m ready for emotional talks over Christmas scented Yankee candles yes • then • Seongwoo, Sungwoon, Jisung and pretty much all the other staff make their way to your table • you can see the glint of Guanlin’s phone as he records the moment of Soyeon’s face going absolutely red when they start singing ‘happy birthday’ to her • SO CUTE • she’s a girl crush okay, what is my sexuality anymore • the cake that Sungwoon and Jisung made is a mini log cake • those with little reindeer and sleds pinned on the top too • ‘Soyeon, I have locked you in my memory!’ • you don’t need to look to know it’s Park Jihoon and his catchphrases • ‘ahhh, no. That’s now how you do it,’ Seongwoo protests • Jihoon pouts. ‘Okay, show me hyung.’ • ‘Y/N,’ • N O. N O • ‘You have the key to UNLOG unlock my heart!’ He does an ‘unlocking door’ gesture • you can’t contain your giggles and neither can the rest of your friends. • awwwww Seongwoo is really something else • maybe he’s your gift this Christmas • the sweetest, cheekiest, cutest gift ever • you really wouldn’t have it any other way • ‘Seongwoo,’ you call, just before you’re about to leave. • he perks up, a faint pink rushing to his cheeks. ‘yes?’ • ‘maybe...you can give me your number and we can go out more this holiday.’ • his eyes go wide and his mouth falls open a little, shocked • ‘u-uh..sure!’ • he NEVER stutters • ‘I’ll see you around then!’ he yells as you walk out of the shop • outside, there’s a thin layer of snow coating the ground • snow falls • and you’ve fallen for the Ong boy wearing a Poinsettia flower crown • looks like you’ve got a secret to keep this Christmas • and Santa has one wish off your list
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thotyssey · 7 years
On Point With: Blake McIver
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Beginning his career as a child star with memorable roles in “Full House” and “The Little Rascals” reboot, this actor / writer / producer / director / singer / songwriter / ex-gogo boy has definitely sashayed his way into our hearts and minds. New Yorkers can enjoy a pair of performances from him this week at the Laurie Beechman Theatre: first covering a legend’s songbook in a solo show, then as a supporting player of a drag queen’s showcase that he’s directed. It’s the charming and talented Blake McIver Ewing!
Thotyssey: Hi Blake, thanks for talking to us! So, are you mad busy now with rehearsals and finishing touches on your two shows (Blake Sings Barbra and I Dream of Jackie), or are you comfortable with what you have down now for both of them?
Blake McIver: Well, I am admittedly a rehearsal addict, but I had to come back to LA for another show. So, we'll do a couple quick clean-ups before next weekend!
You've certainly been performing for nearly all of your life... have producing, writing and directing always been part of the equation as well? I've actually been directing for over a decade! I started a theatre company in Southern California at 19, and cut my teeth as a producing major during my time at UCLA. Writing came shortly thereafter, first with songwriting, and then it expanded from there! So are you pretty much open to a variety of projects, or do you have a pretty specific wheelhouse? I like wearing many different hats. It keeps my passion alive, and keeps me learning and constantly refining my skill set.
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Are you still basically based out of California? I am still based out of LA. As much as I love my time in NYC, the West Coast is always home. I was born and raised in the heart of LA, which is very rare. I consider myself a unicorn, haha!
Unicorn indeed! You've had a long and amazing career as an actor, beginning with some choice gigs as a child star... including Derek from Full House, Michelle's adorable friend who slayed “Yankee Doodle Dandy” in his debut episode! When you're that young and that famous/successful, can you even fully understand what is going on... or is it just normal because that's all you know?
For me, it was just going into the family business at a young age. Both my parents have lifelong careers in entertainment, which meant that many of their friends were in the business as well. I went to regular school, with non-working kids in between gigs, so I was aware that my life wasn't exactly typical. But I wouldn't have traded it for the world.
Nor would your fans! I understand Derek was meant to be a one-time-only appearance, but that evolved into a beloved recurring role for several seasons.
You're right! Derek was supposed to be a one episode thing, that turned out to be three seasons of the show until it ended. It was a joy to be on that set every single time. It really was a cohesive family by the time I entered the cast, and they all made me feel right at home.
One fun part of Fuller House is seeing many of these supporting characters and their actors from the original show return as adults for cute cameos. It would be difficult without the Olsen Twins on board for this version, but would Derek stop by Fuller House if it were up to you?
YES! If it were up to me, Derek would definitely be the flamboyant show choir director at the School of the "new generation" kids! Have you noticed the show is so gay now? DJ and Stephanie are hitting on gay guys, and Kimmy's ex-husband is basically the New Trade. It's wonderful! Haha! That's awesome to hear. I have to be totally honest and tell you I haven't actually watched any of the reboot past the first episode! I know, sacrilegious! There's just only so many hours in the day, and I have so many Real Housewives franchises to keep up with! But I'm so glad people are loving it, and I hope it goes on and on.
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Speaking of Housewives, you made appearances on a Bravo show a few years ago, "The People's Couch!" What was that experience like?
Well I have to say, when they pitched the show to us I thought, "Okay, we've officially reached the end of entertainment! You're making a show about people watching other shows on TV." Of course I hadn't yet seen the brilliant original British version, Gogglebox. And then when I saw the rough cut of the pilot, I was blown away with how fresh and funny it was. 
We really had the opportunity to engage in social commentary in a way I couldn't have predicted. Of course there was plenty of silliness along the way, but we did get to talk about some real issues on Bravo primetime, which I'm proud of.
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Your album The Time Manipulator was such a diverse collection of songs and styles. 
Indeed! The Time Manipulator was intentionally stylistically diverse. It wasn't until I began writing music that I realized the diversity of my musical influences. Each track on that album represents a story from a moment in my life; some happy, painful, frustrating, etc. The narrative is quite dramatic, and I felt the genres really needed to serve the narrative. 
Of course, that's the last thing any record label wants to hear... which is why it was important for me to self produce / release the first one so that my un-diluted musical story is there.
That's the way to do it! Who would you consider some musical influences?
I'm inspired by everyone from The Beatles and Queen to Diana Ross, Carole King, Elton John, Antonio Carlos Jobim, to Gaga and Beyonce. I'm a real music nerd so if the melody and lyric meet a pure emotional intention, I'M IN! Do you have any plans for another recording? I do! I'm in the middle of a (much more musically cohesive) new EP that is inspired by my love of Motown, Blues, and Soul.
Right before recording The Time Manipulator, the internet-browsing public was alerted (thanks to Perez Hilton, I think) to the fact that you--a former child star!--were gogo dancing to fund its production, and the Thirst Pics were abound. You've already talked a lot about that experience with honest candor and charm, but I was wondering.. does being a stage and screen performer prepare you for gogo dancing at all, or is it a completely different animal?
The performative aspect of it definitely felt familiar to me. Performing for an audience has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. But does anything truly prepare you for shaking your moneymaker in a jock on a box? Not sure, lol! 
It was like playing a role to a degree. I had a character / persona in my head. He had a name and a personality that was admittedly bolder than my own. So I guess it kind of was like a fun acting gig. Def, and it paid! Is that also how you got to know people in nightlife, like promoters and drag queens, or did you already kinda know that crowd from just being a gay entertainer in LA? It all sort of happened simultaneously, in a beautiful way. Just as I was becoming more comfortable and free in my queer identity and expression, I was meeting wonderful queer artists and brilliant performers who challenged me artistically and mentally, which was really wonderful.
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What's been your history as a stage performer in NYC?
Well, my NYC stage debut was as an honorary member of "The Broadway Kids" in the early 90s. I believe a Gavroche got sick before one of their big shows, and my friend Kathryn Zaremba (who was Lisa on Full House) was Annie Warbucks on Broadway. She said to the director, “my friend can learn this show in four days.” Before I knew it, I was singing and dancing alongside all these young Broadway vets who were very gracious to let the TV / Film brat come play with them! What's a dream role for you, as far as Broadway is concerned? Deena Jones in Dreamgirls. Which I realize is extremely problematic on every level, and will never and should NEVER, EVER happen.  
I wish that Disney could get it together and put Hunchback on Broadway. I would do just about anything to bring Quasi to the Broadway stage. Oh God that would be incredible!  
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So I saw I Dream of Jackie during its initial run at the Laurie Beechman Theatre, starring NYC queen Jackie Cox, which you directed and also co-starred in. I absolutely loved it, it was cute and very funny, and even had sincere moments! How did you get involved with that show, which I’m happy to see returns to the Beechman on Sunday, August 20th?
I'm so glad you enjoyed IDOJ! It was such a joy bringing it to life. Jackie (aka Darius) has been my best friend since we met on day one of college at UCLA. We actually came up with the character of Jackie together, which is why I am referred to as her "Drag Father," hahaha! 
It worked out that my schedule opened up enough for me to be in NYC for the month of July, and I jumped at the chance to direct and choreograph the show. Can't wait to do it again next Sunday!
Amazing! Have you / would you ever try drag yourself, by the way?
I have very strong, angular features. Me in drag just looks like Idina MANzel.
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Ha! Well, the night before IDOJ returns, the Beechman will see you solo on the stage for the return of your own hit cabaret revue, Blake Sings Barbra: The Concert! What role does Barbra Streisand's music play in your life, and what made you want to bring this show to the stage?
I've been captivated by Barbra since I first saw Funny Girl at 7 years old. But it wasn't until her 1994 comeback concert that I became completely obsessed. It was a crazy year for me: I was in my second season of Full House, I filmed The Little Rascals, and my parents’ house was destroyed in the Northridge earthquake. In the show, I take you through all these things via The Concert, which basically taught me everything I know about being a performer.
I've wanted to do this tribute show for many years, and finally sat down one day last year, during the tumult of election season, and wrote it all down.
Now that you mentioned The Little Rascals--where you play spoiled villain Waldo-- and the election, I have to quickly ask about how surreal it is that Donald Trump plays your Dad on the other end of a phone conversation in a brief cameo. That must be so surreal to process, nowadays.
It really is! And I tell the extended version of the story in my show. It becomes relevant at a certain point in the concert!  Intriguing! What's your favorite song to do in the show? I love the setlist from the concert so much, so it really changes with every audience. Last month I had some true 94 concert superfans in the audience, so during "The Way We Were" they were quoting her ad libs at me, then I quoted some back at them during the interlude, and we all screamed and it was a fabulous moment. I explained it all to the rest of the crowd after the song, haha!
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Sounds like a remarkable experience, congratulations! Anything else coming up for you? Yes, in September I am directing and choreographing a tour for the wonderful cabaret and burlesque artist Ariana Savalas (of Postmodern Jukebox fame). I built the first version of her show last summer, and now it's expanding into a full Caburlesque extravaganza, which is so fun! And then I'll be back at the Beechman in October with two more shows! Excellent! So, lastly: what do you think The Little Rascals’ Waldo would be doing today, as an adult?
I feel like he'd be on a yacht in the South of France, spending his father's money as rapidly as humanly possible!
Sounds about right. Thanks, Blake!
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Check Thotyssey’s calendar for Blake McIver’s scheduled NYC appearances. Follow him on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and his own website.
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geekade · 7 years
Welcome to the D-List: Jack Flag
It’s no secret that the 1990s were incredible – especially for comics. Giant muscles, costumes with an unnecessary amount of pouches, and beach-ball shaped boobs made that decade the most glorious time to be alive. Amidst all the timeless artwork and NFL SuperPros, a unique hero assisted Captain America in the fight for our right to play with Pogs.
Jack Flag was such an enormous patriot, he dyed his hair red, white, and blue. Unfortunately, he and his star-spangled scalp appeared infrequently and the hero would disappear from comics for years at a time. However, I believe that Jack Flag was simply a character full of unused potential. This month, it’s time to welcome the grand-old and high-flying Jack Flag to the D-List.
Jack first appeared in Captain America #434 in 1994. Created by Mark Gruenwald and Dave Hoover, Jack’s first appearance on-panel was epic – he carried a boom box that could shoot lasers, and used it to stop two members of the Serpent Society from robbing a bank (no amber waves of grain for villainy). Sadly, that epic boom box would never be seen again. 
While Jack was quite an extravagant character, Gruenwald did his best to grant the hero a legitimate origin during his first appearance (by legitimate, I mean slightly less ridiculous than boom-box lasers). Jack Harrison and his brother, Drake, were volunteers for Captain America’s hotline network, and even fought local crime. Unfortunately, the Drakes were forced out of their home because of a scheme conducted by the Serpent Society. Initially, Jack didn’t have any superpowers, so he lifted weights and trained in the martial arts in order to exact vengeance on the evil group.
Jack attempted to trick the Society’s leader, King Cobra, into letting him join the villainous team. King Cobra did not believe that Jack truly wanted to join the Serpents, so he sent Flag on a suicide mission to retrieve something from Mr. Hyde. Jack and Hyde fought, but the hero was knocked into some chemicals that Hyde conveniently left on a nearby table. Hyde’s chemicals granted Jack super strength, and he swiftly defeated the villain. Although Jack returned victorious, King Cobra unleashed his Society on the hero. However, one of Captain America’s sidekicks, Free Spirit, arrived and helped Jack escape. Jack Flag frequently teamed up with Free Spirit, and the sidekicks worked quite well together (she was the dandy to his Yankee Doodle).
Sure, Jack Flag punched some bad guys, got a few bruises, and did so looking like a 4th of July fetishist, but as quickly as Jack Flag appeared, he disappeared for years (hit the road, Jack). Patriotic sidekicks may have seemed too cheesy and obvious to utilize within Captain America comics, so subsequent writers likely had no use for Jack. He reappeared a decade later, however, in a very badass capacity.
Jack was living in an apartment with his girlfriend when they overheard some local jerks harassing a young woman. Jack put an end to their intimidation, but the hooligans contacted the authorities regarding the unregistered superhuman in their building; Jack refused to register during the “Civil War” storyline. Jack put on his costume and readied himself for battle – the Thunderbolts arrived outside of his apartment, and the ensuing fight was amazing to watch.
As someone who, until this point, seemed like more of a joke than a serious combatant, it was incredible to watch Jack Flag singlehandedly fight the Thunderbolts and do as well as he did. He broke Swordsman’s helmet and sword, kicked a piece of the sword into Venom’s chest, threw a broken rim into an airborne Songbird’s throat, and walked away from Penance’s blasts (all while gallantly streaming). These killers could not overpower this one, unpopular hero, until Bullseye ambushed Jack and stabbed him in the back. The villain paralyzed Jack from the waist down, and Flag was left in a Negative Zone prison.
The battle with the Thunderbolts truly proved that Jack Flag had the potential to be a powerful hero. The man refused to get rid of his costume, even after years of inactivity, because of what it stood for, and was ready to fight for what he believed in. That kind of dedication is truly heroic, and the skill that Jack displayed when he fought a team of killers was amazing.
Jack met Star-Lord in the Negative Zone prison when Blastaar attacked, and the two heroes were rescued by the Guardians of the Galaxy. Through the power of the cosmos and comic-book logic, the medical team on the Guardians’ base healed Jack’s paralysis and he was able to walk again. Unfortunately, his participation with the Guardians never amounted to anything substantial (little more than jack-shit, actually). Though I’m happy he was used throughout volume 2 of Guardians of the Galaxy, he never got the spotlight. Once this volume ended, Jack wasn’t seen again for quite a few years.
I understand that not every character in Marvel’s vast catalogue can be constantly utilized, but this guy was patriotic! Captain America couldn’t have made him an Avenger? There were no more space battles that warranted Jack’s attention? For the majority of another decade, Jack was absent from comics. Thankfully, when Captain America: Steve Rogers debuted in 2016, Jack returned…briefly. Goddammit, Marvel…
Although the circumstances weren’t explained, Jack returned to Earth, and both Flag and Free Spirit were assisting Captain America on missions once again. The trio were alerted to Baron Zemo’s location, but the villain tried to escape via plane as they arrived (the only thing deadlier than snakes on a plane is Zemos on a plane). Cap chased him, but Zemo gained the upper hand as they battled. Jack leapt onto the aircraft, knocked Zemo unconscious, and saved Steve. Although visibly upset and apologetic, Captain America pushed Jack out of the plane. Free Spirit found Jack on the ground with a weak pulse, and a medical team took him to a hospital where he remained in a coma.
Unfortunately, Jack’s survival was a liability to Captain America’s nefarious plans for world domination, so Steve prepared to end Jack’s life by poisoning his IV drip. As Cap was about to do so, Free Spirit entered the room and told Steve that she and the doctors decided to pull the plug; they didn’t believe that Jack was going to recover (so I suppose this was his twilight’s last gleaming). 
Come on, Marvel! This guy tried so hard to help the popular characters around him, he deserved a better death than this (at least some rockets’ red glare, or maybe even some bombs bursting in air). While Jack Flag had an extremely simplistic origin, there was still plenty of potential to develop his character. Now that this D-List hero is dead, it may be years before a writer decides to revive him.
To my knowledge, Jack Flag has never appeared outside of the Marvel 616 Universe. While so many people have been angry about Nick Spencer’s treatment of Captain America recently, I’ve just been pissed that Jack was killed immediately after his first appearance in years. The ridiculousness of his initial appearances, the amazing battle with the Thunderbolts, his time with the Guardians of the Galaxy, and his recent return prove that Jack Flag is a timeless character. Until a writer brings him back into the Marvel Universe, forever in peace may you wave, Jack Flag.
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zraiqsagher · 5 years
Allow's Construct A Prometheus Seller In Rust Rapid as well as Easy
Wilbur creates a little mischief as the check in front of his house has a tough time remaining connected. Recalling' In ancient Egypt, there was a magician called Dedi that performed before a group, where he supposedly beheaded 2 birds and also one ox. With two red tubes, a bottle of root beer, a glass, and also a couple of sucker gags, the magician makes the root beer and glass shift a few times. This duplicated lot of times in various settings, however it constantly points back to the illusionist. The volunteer selects a card from the deck as well as while they focus on it, the magician drinks the bag to magically write on the paper. The illusionist places an uncapped pen as well as notepad into a gift bag. He opens up the bag and also shows the name of the card doodled on the paper. This is an excellent impact where you begin with a sign revealing the name of the method, but after some byplay it reveals "9" after that "6". He generates a container of Magic Woofle Dirt from the cyclinder and pours some bent on utilize for his next result. Perform a multiplying bottle regimen with a wizard style.
Additionally offered in a Christmas Motif! Now feed the initial of the two exact same coloured bows (orange) via one of the openings on completion of the slide binder. Any one who had actually fallen into such expanded will remain to be in the exact same expanded as well as never able to come out of the exact same. He describes playing those songs years later on with the same pals he recorded them with in 1975, stating that on stage it offered "a great communion in between myself and also the band participants. As soon as you have refined numerous card trips you can then surprise your buddies and also loved ones with your recently acquired capabilities. Theft from employees can just remain in the kind of 1. Workers that give free food to buddies. All obstacles can be gotten over by utilizing this technique of holding the original thought and letting it direct you on exactly how to construct it right into the physical world.
While your hand is under the scarf, finger palm your volunteer's dollar, holding instead the item of paper you've rolled up beforehand. Cut your ribbons - 2 1 meter pieces of one colour (orange) and also one 1 meter item of an additional colour (blue). Repeat Steps 3 - 5 with the other two bows. You may need some help from a grownup with a few of the action in making the ape bar magic trick. Check out the video on just how to set up the Monkey Bar Magic Technique. Our hyper-flexible minds latch on to test, whether it be in a video game, with a challenging Lego construct or setting an application. After the extensive video clip bundle, host Terry Crews required to the phase, bringing all 11 of the semi-final acts, revealing just 5 will certainly proceed to the finals. Make sure the holes are smooth as the bow will be taking a trip via these openings and also will capture on any kind of rough patches.
There are not too several better methods to announce on your own on your residence debut than 2 helps and a guy of the match performance. An also much better concept is to strike the street. Without clear spoken instructions, even the most effective filmed visual instructions will certainly be difficult to wrap your head around. Jay, in addition to 52 individuals he phoned from the target market, did things that were hard to fathom despite the fact that he described the methods as he executed them, reducing and also clarifying what he was doing. "He thought youngsters must learn to juggle because it would certainly serve in their expert lives and in the promotion of the British realm," one contemporary acolyte, Will certainly Houstoun, tells me. You can also observe this behaviour when young children are making use of the mouse for the very first time. Or perhaps just a sweaty little guy (they are generally men) attempting gamely to pacify a celebration of sugar-high six-year-olds with balloons while their moms and dads elope the back?
This memory has day-to-day totals going back to the beginning of the computer systems history. Containers can be shown vacant at the beginning and also completion of the method. Draw the bow right into the cord end cap. REMEMBER: the solitary colour bow (blue) enters the middle of the slide binder. Mark this as your center hole. Measure equivalent distances to the left as well as right of the middle hole (leave about 1.5 cm from the sides) and also mark for the other 2 openings. IDEA: Procedure and discover the middle of the slide binder. TIP: I have utilized a pencil to open the slide binder to make it less complicated to get the ribbon with. This cage is open resource as well as MIT accredited (so you can utilize it freely) and also it's designed to assist you produce a Prometheus merchant. Nevertheless, you can utilize the info in this article to educate any adult that has actually never made use of a computer system.
0 notes
tayersaree · 5 years
Allow's Build A Prometheus Exporter In Corrosion Quick as well as Easy
Wilbur produces a bit of mischievousness as the check in front of his residence has a tough time staying affixed. Looking Back' In old Egypt, there was an illusionist called Dedi that performed in front of a crowd, where he supposedly beheaded two birds and also one ox. With two red tubes, a bottle of origin beer, a glass, and also a few fool tricks, the illusionist makes the origin beer and glass transpose a few times. This duplicated many times in various positions, yet it constantly points back to the illusionist. The volunteer chooses a card from the deck and also while they concentrate on it, the magician drinks the bag to magically compose on the paper. The magician positions an uncapped marker and paper right into a present bag. He opens the bag and shows the name of the card doodled on the paper. This is a wonderful impact where you begin with a sign revealing the name of the trick, yet after some byplay it reveals "9" after that "6". He creates a container of Magic Woofle Dust from the cyclinder and also puts some out to use for his next result. Perform a multiplying bottle routine with a wizard theme.
Likewise available in a Xmas Theme! Currently feed the very first of the two same coloured ribbons (orange) through one of the holes on completion of the slide binder. Any one who had fallen under such grew will certainly remain to remain in the exact same grew and never able to find out of the same. He explains playing those tracks years later on with the very same good friends he videotaped them with in 1975, stating that on stage it gave "an excellent communion in between myself and the band participants. When you have actually refined a number of card journeys you can after that surprise your close friends and also relatives with your recently gotten abilities. Burglary from staff members can just be in the type of 1. Workers that give totally free food to friends. All challenges can be overcome by using this technique of holding the initial idea and allowing it assist you on just how to construct it right into the physical world.
While your hand is under the bandana, finger palm your volunteer's buck, holding rather the piece of paper you've rolled up in advance. Cut your bows - 2 1 meter items of one colour (orange) and one 1 meter item of an additional colour (blue). Repeat Steps 3 - 5 with the other 2 bows. You might require some aid from a grownup with a few of the steps in making the monkey bar magic method. Take a look at the video clip on exactly how to set up the Ape Bar Magic Method. Our hyper-flexible minds lock on to test, whether it be in a computer game, with a difficult Lego construct or configuring an app. After the prolonged video clip bundle, host Terry Crews took to the phase, bringing all 11 of the semi-final acts, disclosing just five will certainly proceed to the finals. Make certain the openings are smooth as the ribbon will certainly be traveling via these openings as well as will certainly capture on any rough patches.
There are not too several much better methods to introduce yourself on your house debut than 2 helps and also a male of the suit efficiency. An even better idea is to strike the street. Without clear verbal guidelines, even the most effective filmed aesthetic instructions will be difficult to wrap your head around. Jay, along with 52 people he called from the audience, did things that were difficult to fathom although he described the techniques as he did them, decreasing as well as clarifying what he was doing. "He thought youths should learn to do magic since it would certainly work in their specialist lives and also in the furtherance of the British empire," one contemporary acolyte, Will Houstoun, informs me. You can also notice this practices when young youngsters are utilizing the computer mouse for the very first time. Or perhaps simply a perspiring little man (they are almost constantly males) trying gamely to placate a party of sugar-high six-year-olds with balloons while their moms and dads elope the back?
This memory has everyday totals returning to the beginning of the computers background. Containers can be shown vacant at the start and also completion of the trick. Draw the bow into the cord end cap. REMEMBER: the single colour bow (blue) goes in the middle of the slide binder. Mark this as your center hole. Action equal ranges to the left and also right of the center opening (leave about 1.5 centimeters from the sides) and mark for the other 2 openings. IDEA: Procedure and discover the middle of the slide binder. POINTER: I have used a pencil to open up the slide binder to make it easier to get the ribbon with. This pet crate is open resource and also MIT accredited (so you can utilize it easily) and also it's developed to aid you develop a Prometheus merchant. Nonetheless, you can use the details in this post to instruct any kind of grown-up that has never ever used a computer system.
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mutashakerjedan · 5 years
Let's Create A Prometheus Seller In Rust Rapid and Easy
Wilbur produces a bit of mischievousness as the check in front of his home has a tough time staying connected. Recalling' In old Egypt, there was a magician named Dedi that carried out before a crowd, where he supposedly beheaded two birds and also one ox. With two red tubes, a bottle of root beer, a glass, and a couple of fool gags, the magician makes the origin beer and glass transpose a few times. This repeated several times in various placements, yet it always directs back to the magician. The volunteer selects a card from the deck and also while they focus on it, the magician drinks the bag to amazingly create on the paper. The magician positions an uncapped pen and also notepad right into a gift bag. He opens the bag as well as reveals the name of the card doodled on the paper. This is a wonderful impact where you begin with an indication revealing the name of the method, but after some byplay it reveals "9" after that "6". He generates a bottle of Magic Woofle Dirt from the cyclinder and puts some bent on use for his next impact. Carry out an increasing container routine with a wizard style.
Likewise offered in a Xmas Style! Now feed the very first of the 2 very same coloured bows (orange) via one of the holes on the end of the slide binder. Any kind of one that had actually fallen right into such grew will certainly remain to be in the exact same grew as well as never ever able to come out of the very same. He describes playing those tunes years later on with the same pals he videotaped them with in 1975, claiming that on stage it supplied "a great communion in between myself and also the band participants. When you have refined a number of card journeys you can then surprise your pals and also loved ones with your freshly gotten abilities. Burglary from employees can only be in the type of 1. Employees that provide cost-free food to good friends. All challenges can be conquered by utilizing this method of holding the original idea as well as letting it direct you on just how to build it into the physical world.
While your hand is under the handkerchief, finger palm your volunteer's dollar, holding instead the paper you've rolled up beforehand. Cut your ribbons - 2 1 meter items of one colour (orange) and also one 1 meter item of one more colour (blue). Repeat Steps 3 - 5 with the various other 2 ribbons. You may require some assistance from a grownup with a few of the action in making the monkey bar magic method. Look at the video on exactly how to establish the Monkey Bar Magic Technique. Our hyper-flexible minds lock on to test, whether it remain in a video clip game, with a tricky Lego develop or configuring an app. After the lengthy video bundle, host Terry Crews took to the phase, bringing all 11 of the semi-final acts, exposing only five will go on to the finals. Make certain the holes are smooth as the bow will certainly be traveling with these openings and also will capture on any rough spots.
There are few better ways to reveal yourself on your house debut than two aids and also a male of the match efficiency. An also better concept is to hit the street. Without clear verbal directions, also the ideal filmed visual guidelines will be tough to cover your head around. Jay, in addition to 52 individuals he phoned from the audience, did things that were difficult to fathom despite the fact that he clarified the techniques as he performed them, reducing as well as clarifying what he was doing. "He thought youngsters ought to learn to carry out magic since it would serve in their expert lives and in the progression of the British realm," one present-day acolyte, Will Houstoun, tells me. You can likewise observe this practices when young youngsters are using the mouse for the initial time. Or possibly just a perspiring little guy (they are generally men) attempting gamely to pacify a celebration of sugar-high six-year-olds with balloons while their moms and dads slide out the back?
This memory has daily total amounts returning to the start of the computer systems background. Containers can be revealed empty at the beginning and also completion of the technique. Draw the bow right into the cable end cap. REMEMBER: the solitary colour ribbon (blue) enters the middle of the slide binder. Mark this as your center opening. Step equal ranges to the left as well as right of the center opening (leave around 1.5 centimeters from the sides) as well as mark for the other two openings. IDEA: Procedure and also discover the middle of the slide binder. POINTER: I have utilized a pencil to open the slide binder to make it easier to get the ribbon through. This pet crate is open source and MIT accredited (so you can utilize it openly) and also it's developed to assist you develop a Prometheus merchant. However, you can utilize the details in this write-up to instruct any kind of grown-up that has actually never ever utilized a computer.
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magicofvideogames · 5 years
Let's Create A Prometheus Merchant In Rust Fast in addition to Easy
Wilbur produces a bit of mischief as the indication in front of his house has a difficult time remaining attached. Looking Back' In ancient Egypt, there was an illusionist named Dedi who executed in front of a group, where he allegedly beheaded 2 birds and also one ox. With 2 red tubes, a bottle of root beer, a glass, and also a few sucker tricks, the illusionist makes the origin beer and glass transpose a few times. This repeated often times in various placements, however it constantly directs back to the illusionist. The volunteer picks a card from the deck and also while they concentrate on it, the magician drinks the bag to amazingly write on the paper. The magician positions an uncapped pen as well as paper into a present bag. He opens up the bag and reveals the name of the card doodled on the paper. This is an excellent impact where you start with a sign showing the name of the trick, but after some byplay it shows "9" then "6". He creates a container of Magic Woofle Dust from the cyclinder as well as puts some out to utilize for his following effect. Perform an increasing bottle regimen with a wizard style.
Likewise offered in a Xmas Style! Currently feed the first of both exact same coloured ribbons (orange) via among the holes on the end of the slide binder. Any type of one who had actually come under such expanded will continue to be in the same expanded and never ever able to find out of the same. He describes playing those tracks decades later on with the same buddies he taped them with in 1975, claiming that on stage it gave "an excellent communion in between myself and also the band members. When you have developed numerous card trips you can after that amaze your buddies as well as relatives with your recently acquired abilities. Theft from employees can just be in the kind of 1. Employees that provide free food to close friends. All challenges can be gotten over by utilizing this technique of holding the initial thought as well as letting it lead you on just how to construct it right into the physical universe.
While your hand is under the handkerchief, finger palm your volunteer's buck, holding instead the notepad you've rolled up beforehand. Cut your ribbons - 2 1 meter items of one colour (orange) as well as one 1 meter item of an additional colour (blue). Repeat Steps 3 - 5 with the other 2 bows. You might need some aid from a grownup with a few of the steps in making the ape bar magic method. Look at the video on just how to establish the Ape Bar Magic Technique. Our hyper-flexible minds latch on to test, whether it be in a computer game, with a difficult Lego build or programming an app. After the extensive video plan, host Terry Crews took to the stage, bringing all 11 of the semi-final acts, revealing only five will proceed to the finals. Make sure the openings are smooth as the bow will be taking a trip with these holes and will catch on any kind of rough patches.
There are few far better ways to reveal yourself on your house debut than 2 aids and a guy of the match performance. An also better suggestion is to hit the street. Without clear spoken guidelines, even the ideal recorded aesthetic guidelines will be challenging to wrap your head around. Jay, in addition to 52 individuals he called up from the audience, did things that were hard to fathom although he clarified the tricks as he executed them, decreasing and also clarifying what he was doing. "He believed youngsters should learn to juggle due to the fact that it would work in their specialist lives and in the promotion of the British realm," one contemporary acolyte, Will certainly Houstoun, informs me. You can likewise notice this practices when young kids are utilizing the computer mouse for the very first time. Or perhaps just a sweaty little man (they are often males) trying gamely to pacify an event of sugar-high six-year-olds with balloons while their moms and dads elope the back?
This memory has everyday totals returning to the start of the computers background. Bottles can be shown vacant at the start as well as completion of the technique. Pull the ribbon into the cord end cap. REMEMBER: the single colour bow (blue) goes in the center of the slide binder. Mark this as your middle hole. Measure equivalent distances to the left and right of the middle opening (leave around 1.5 centimeters from the sides) and also mark for the other 2 openings. IDEA: Procedure and also find the center of the slide binder. POINTER: I have made use of a pencil to open the slide binder to make it easier to get the bow with. This dog crate is open resource and MIT accredited (so you can utilize it freely) and also it's developed to assist you create a Prometheus exporter. Nevertheless, you can utilize the info in this write-up to show any kind of grown-up that has actually never made use of a computer.
0 notes
Allow's Construct A Prometheus Merchant In Deterioration Fast as well as Easy
Wilbur produces a little bit of mischievousness as the check in front of his residence has a tough time staying affixed. Looking Back' In ancient Egypt, there was a magician called Dedi that executed before a crowd, where he supposedly beheaded 2 birds and also one ox. With 2 red tubes, a container of origin beer, a glass, as well as a couple of fool tricks, the magician makes the origin beer and also glass shift a couple of times. This repeated lots of times in various settings, however it constantly aims back to the illusionist. The volunteer chooses a card from the deck as well as while they focus on it, the illusionist shakes the bag to amazingly compose on the paper. The illusionist places an uncapped marker as well as paper into a present bag. He opens the bag and shows the name of the card doodled on the paper. This is a great effect where you start with an indication showing the name of the method, yet after some byplay it reveals "9" after that "6". He generates a bottle of Magic Woofle Dust from the cyclinder and also pours some out to use for his next effect. Perform an increasing container routine with a wizard theme.
Additionally readily available in a Xmas Motif! Now feed the very first of the 2 exact same coloured bows (orange) through one of the holes on the end of the slide binder. Any kind of one who had actually come under such expanded will continue to be in the same grew as well as never ever able ahead out of the very same. He defines playing those tunes years later on with the exact same pals he taped them with in 1975, saying that on phase it supplied "an excellent communion between myself and also the band members. As soon as you have developed a number of card trips you can after that impress your pals and also relatives with your newly acquired abilities. Burglary from employees can just be in the form of 1. Employees that provide complimentary food to pals. All obstacles can be conquered by utilizing this approach of holding the initial idea and allowing it guide you on how to build it into the physical world.
While your hand is under the handkerchief, finger palm your volunteer's buck, holding rather the piece of paper you have actually rolled up in advance. Cut your ribbons - two 1 meter pieces of one colour (orange) and one 1 meter item of an additional colour (blue). Repeat Steps 3 - 5 with the various other two ribbons. You may require some help from a grownup with a few of the steps in making the monkey bar magic method. Look at the video clip on exactly how to establish the Ape Bar Magic Method. Our hyper-flexible minds latch on to challenge, whether it remain in a video clip game, with a difficult Lego develop or configuring an app. After the lengthy video package, host Terry Crews took to the stage, bringing all 11 of the semi-final acts, revealing just five will proceed to the finals. See to it the holes are smooth as the bow will be taking a trip via these holes as well as will certainly catch on any kind of rough patches.
There are not also many better ways to introduce on your own on your house debut than 2 helps as well as a guy of the suit performance. An also better concept is to hit the street. Without clear verbal instructions, even the finest recorded visual directions will certainly be tough to wrap your head around. Jay, together with 52 people he called up from the target market, did points that were tough to fathom also though he explained the tricks as he did them, decreasing and clarifying what he was doing. "He thought young individuals must discover to execute magic since it would be useful in their expert lives and also in the progression of the British realm," one contemporary acolyte, Will certainly Houstoun, informs me. You can also notice this practices when young youngsters are using the mouse for the very first time. Or perhaps just a perspiring little guy (they are often men) trying gamely to pacify a party of sugar-high six-year-olds with balloons while their moms and dads slip out the back?
This memory has everyday overalls returning to the start of the computers history. Containers can be revealed vacant at the start as well as completion of the technique. Pull the ribbon right into the cable end cap. REMEMBER: the solitary colour bow (blue) goes in the middle of the slide binder. Mark this as your middle opening. Procedure equal distances to the left and right of the center hole (leave around 1.5 centimeters from the sides) as well as mark for the other two openings. IDEA: Measure and discover the middle of the slide binder. IDEA: I have made use of a pencil to open up the slide binder to make it less complicated to get the bow via. This cage is open resource and MIT licensed (so you can use it openly) and also it's made to aid you create a Prometheus merchant. Nonetheless, you can use the information in this post to teach any kind of grown-up that has actually never utilized a computer system.
0 notes
limejuicer1862 · 5 years
Wombwell Rainbow Interviews
I am honoured and privileged that the following writers local, national and international have agreed to be interviewed by me. I gave the writers two options: an emailed list of questions or a more fluid interview via messenger.
The usual ground is covered about motivation, daily routines and work ethic, but some surprises too. Some of these poets you may know, others may be new to you. I hope you enjoy the experience as much as I do.
Sarah Westcott
Sarah Westcott’s first poetry collection Slant Light was published by Pavilion Poetry, an imprint of Liverpool University Press, in 2016. A poem from the book was Highly Commended in the 2017 Forward Prizes. Her debut pamphlet Inklings, published by Flipped Eye, was a winner of the Venture Poetry Award and the Poetry Book Society’s Pamphlet Choice for Winter 2013.
Sarah’s poems have appeared in magazines including Poetry Review, POEM, Magma and Butcher’s Dog, on beermats, billboards and the side of buses, and in anthologies including Best British Poetry and The Forward Book of Poetry.
She was a poet-in-residence at the Bethnal Green Nature Reserve in London in 2015 and Manchester Cathedral poet of the year in 2016. She won first place in The London Magazine poetry prize in 2017 and the Poets and Players competition in 2018.  Sarah grew up on the edge of Exmoor,  lives on the London/Kent borders with her family and works as a freelance writer after twenty years as a Fleet Street news reporter. She has a science degree and an MA in Creative Writing from Royal Holloway, University of London.
Sarah has run poetry workshops at schools and for the Second Light Network for women poets, and in 2019 starts work as a poetry tutor for City Lit in Covent Garden. She is an experienced and sensitive editor and offers a professional manuscript critique service for writers ranging from their first pamphlet to a full collection.
Website: https://www.sarahwestcott.co.uk
The Interview
When and why did you start writing poetry?
I had always written and doodled in notebooks and in my head as a child and teenager  but I didn’t start taking any notice of it until my children were young and I was in my early thirties. I felt like something was ‘missing’ but I couldn’t put my finger on it. ~then I realised it was, without sounding pretentious, my creativity. I needed to access that part of myself. I only studied English up to GCSE level (although I kept on reading). I took an introductory OU course in poetry and another on short fiction – they were only about three months long. It was one of those light-bulb moments – you could say poetry ‘found me’. I remember going to see Jackie Kay read aloud in a church in London and I was in awe of seeing a real poet in the flesh, reading their work. She was captivating. That was the beginning of my poetry journey
1.1. What was it about Jackie Kay’s performance that had you “in awe”?
I think I had thought, maybe subconsciously, that all poets were old white men, and often dead, and almost not real. But here was a real woman with a beautiful voice speaking her poems to a packed church and suddenly poetry was accessible to someone like me.. I think I was in awe because she was able to captivate the entire audience through her voice and her words  – no special equipment or anything – just her living voice and that was the first time I had heard a real poet reach people like that.
2. How aware are and were you of the dominating presence of older poets traditional and contemporary?
I was aware of a canon of mostly dead white men and I knew  I was ignorant when it came to understanding their poetry because I stopped studying English after GCSE. It felt like these poems were full of riddles or literary allusions that I had no chance of ‘getting’. I still feel a little like that now. I think it is partly to do with the type of education you have and mine was at a comprehensive school where my abiding memories of English were marking each others’ spelling tests.  I had read a little Ted Hughes, Philip Larkin and some of the war poets at school but not really any women apart from Sylvia Plath. I used to  dip into an anthology called Palgrave’s Golden Treasury when I was bored at work in my twenties and I loved Gerard Manley Hopkins. But I didn’t really know any modern women poets and once I began reading them – Gillian Clark for example, a whole world opened up. I loved it that she wrote about domesticity, for example – I remember reading her poem The Sundial in which she starts by writing about a sick child and it was so heartening that women were writing about this sort of thing. These revelations  were only about 12 years ago which shows how quickly things have changed.
3. What is your daily writing routine?
I don’t have one as I have a lot of caring responsibilities at the moment and I’m learning on the job as poetry tutor as well. But what I do try and do is find the time to read a little bit every day. I make sure I write into my notebook  at least once a week when my three-year-old is asleep or at nursery. I often start with a free write or I might even just take my notebook out with me when I walk the dog and treat it like a ‘field trip’. I love doing this. I try and make the most of any time I have by getting something down – it doesn’t matter if it is rubbish or not. Sometimes 20 mins is enough, especially if it something I have ben thinking about for a while.  Then I have something to work with. If I don’t read and write I start to feel restless and sad. I actually find having very little time very helpful in that I dont waste it procrastinating – I just sit down and write. Likewise, train journeys are a blessing as long as I have a seat and something to write with!
5. What motivates you to write?
I am motivated by being alive – to capture something of the extraordinary quality of being a sentient being and then to connect with others – I am also motivated by observing and being curious. I love the euphoric feeling of making or creating something new from words, something that is both idea and music, that has not been made before and which reaches to other humans. If someone responds to a poem you have written it is a wonderful feeling. I am also motivated, perhaps weirdly, to leave something behind of me when I am gone. I am increasingly driven to write about the climate crisis too. I feel you cannot write without writing of it, somehow – it is a grave backdrop to everything.
6. How do the writers you read when you were young influence you today?
I think it is more a subconscious influence – a lot of the stories I read when young seeped in and helped form me. I loved Judy Blume – her stories had a lot of darkness and humanity in them. Likewise the Chronicles of Narnia. I think they all go towards making up your psyche and also the richness of the place you draw from when you write. My dad used to read me Robert Louis Stevenson verses when I was young and their imaginative flight definitely stayed with me – that sense of possibility and play.
Maggie Smith said she was given the advice ‘write what scares you’ very early on. I spent a lot of time being terrified by what I read – I remember being terrified of witches and also reading the end of 1984 and understanding that Winston had figuratively died – I remember his gin-soaked tears. I think that writing and reading is a way of facing that existential terror within yourself because there is no where to hide – you are facing hard truths.
7. Who of today’s writers do you admire the most and why?
SO much extraordinary and powerful and important work is being made at the moment. I keep a tally of the books I read each year and put a heart by the ones that affected me most. In the last few months for me, Max Porter for his hybridity and linguistic verve, Ilya Kaminsky, Fiona Benson (her fierce and tender poems) . I also loved Sean Hewitt’s Lantern and I love the way Alice Oswald listens in to the natural world..
8. What would you say to someone who asked you “How do you become a writer?”
How do you become a writer? I love Mary Oliver’s dictum “Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.” I think we are all writers – stay curious, observe and read. When you are ready, come to a blank page with all your senses open and do not be afraid to just write. Like running, one foot in front of another. One word after another. I find free writing really helpful. Or writing letters. Anything that connects the subconscious mind with the hand on the page, or whatever works for you. Editing uses a different part of the brain. Do not worry about getting an audience or being published. Just write with your heart open.
9.  Tell me about the writing projects you have on at the moment.
I am working towards my second collection with Pavilion poetry – there seem to be some poems exploring our relationship with trees and flowers and trying to have a conversation with the natural world. I feel like I am in the realm of Keat’s negative capability – that is, not knowing or being capable of mysteries. It’s quite exciting – the book is quietly forming and re-forming. There’s a sense of ripping up my old way of writing and beginning again, also of taking as long as it will take. I’m lucky to be part of a workshop group called Nevada Street Poets and we are celebrating our tenth anniversary this year and putting together a collection of essays . Mine is on looking .
Wombwell Rainbow Interviews: Sarah Westcott Wombwell Rainbow Interviews I am honoured and privileged that the following writers local, national and international have agreed to be interviewed by me.
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radioastronot · 7 years
Antara Post-Hardcore, Singapura dan D'Masiv | Interview Paris In The Making (from Majalahsintetik.com)
oleh: Hilmi & Alfan
Saya pertama kali mengetahui Paris In The Making dari status Facebook Indra Menus (vokalis To Die, juga jagoan post-hardcore di Last Kiss To Die of Visceroth). Kala itu Indra Menus mengabarkan kalau band Singapura ini akan bikin tur Jawa. Dan, di tab comment, salah satu jagoan post-hardcore lain, Akhmad Alfan Rahadi (vokalis Papa Onta Cult, juga kamus hidup-post-hardcore) ikut memberi komen bahwa tur mereka ini akan jadi wahana bahagia bagi pecinta post-hardcore, terlebih lagi bagi mereka yang menggali Envy. Maka, saya yang cuma post-hardcore-er cemen ini langsung ikutan bersemangat. Di salah satu tanggal, mereka akan mampir di Malang. Semangat saya berkembang bukan kepalang. Kapan lagi penggemar post-hardcore bisa “haji-haji”-an?
Saya pun langsung meminta kesempatan kepada panitia untuk minta jadwal interview. Dengan bekal pertanyaan yang juga telah saya konsolidasikan bersama Akhmad Alfan Rahadi, saya menginterview mereka sebelum mereka naik panggung. Mereka cukup ramah dan suka becanda. Wawancara berjalan menyenangkan.
Tapi bodohnya saya, si post-hardcore-er cemen, ternyata file audio interview yang saya rekam di hape qwerty (juga) cemen ternyata busuk sekali. Tak bisa didengar. Duh. Dengan penuh malu, saya lalu mengirim email berisi pertanyaan yang sama untuk mereka jawab lagi via email. Untungnya mereka mau.
Berikut adalah isi email itu;
Hi Hilmi, my name is Su, bassist of Paris in the Making, and I will be answering all your questions.
how do you guys meet each other before? We formed sometime in 2004, right after Inn (vocalist) got a show offer which he accepted without even having a band ready yet. The show was about a month away and he roped us all in hoping to get some materials ready by then. Good thing was we were already friends prior to the formation of the band, so it was quite easy to be very comfortable with each other’s capability as a musician individually. Back then, the music scene in Singapore was still relatively small and anyone was acquainted to everyone, so we knew each other from there. Inn, Syahmi (guitarist) and I were there from the very beginning of the band’s formation. Syahadi, who is also Syahmi’s brother, joined us in 2007 and Ariff (guitarist) joined us in 2011.
how do you guys write a song? By jamming around or predesignated? Both ways work fine for us, our newer materials are usually written in impromptu during jamming. One of us would doodle with his own respective instrument and the rest would follow suit. It’s a nice feeling to play in a small space together, without saying a word to each other, and the music flows and weaves seamlessly together as if we have written it in our minds and hearts all these while. But I’m not saying it works all the time. At times, either Syahmi or Ariff would have a riff recorded and sent to the rest via their phones, and all of us would take a listen and brainstorm our ideas during practice.
when you're playing your instruments, i often see you guys eyes closed, what do you visualize at that moment? I’m not really sure about the rest, but usually my eyes are closed because the sweat got in. Apart from that, I do try to portray a mental image of our songs in my head, and I find it easier to visualize by staring at the darkness of the back of my eyelids. And it also depends on the mood of the particular riff that is being played, be it sad, angry or happy. We do try to portray an emotional stance that befits our music that would somehow be interpreted subjectively by the audience.
hows the scene in singapore? i usually seen posters of your fellow singaporean band play with japanese band, recently heaven in her arms. is it often to exchange gigs with japan? Is it possible in the future, you guys sharing the gigs with indonesian band on singapore? It’s really hard to say, in a way, the international music scene in Singapore is much bigger now. I guess with all these help from the global media and the recent surge of big pop and rock acts performing in our little island, I can say that we have kind of made a mark on the world map of the musical industry. However, at the same time, the local music scene is also taking a beating, fewer people are supporting local acts, fewer people are buying local music, local bands stop playing due to the lack of support and other reasons be it financial or personal, fewer bands are being formed among the younger generation, the masses prefer listening to what’s being played in the radio. So it’s quite an ironic situation that’s currently happening here in Singapore. Somehow, we are becoming more of the place to play in, rather than the place to listen to.
We kick started our tour with two shows alongside Heaven In Her Arms, in Kuala Lumpur and in Singapore. It was a surreal and fantastic experience to play alongside them. And yes, we do have a number of Japanese acts coming to Singapore recently – Toe, FC Five, Heaven in Her Arms, Makoto Ozone, so it is quite often and also common to see bands not only from Japan, but the rest of the world to perform here. And whether it is possible for Indonesian bands performing on Singaporean soil? Why not? I’ve seen Domestik Doktrin and Grave Dancers gracing our local stage, and I would personally love to see more Indonesian bands here.
any particular local bands that you like along the tour? Ghaust, First Flower After Flood, Nervous, Last Kiss To Die Of Visceroth. There are other bands too which unfortunately I can’t remember their names. So sorry!
Some people refer your music as post-hardcore, but in myspace and facebook you guys described as screamo act, which one is right? Well, honestly, we’re not really comfortable in being categorized under a specific genre. Personally, i get a little confused with the amount of genres nowadays and it does get a little constraint to be expected to write music under a classification that may get a tad too linear for the band’s progression. As a band, we play to whatever we feel that is right. Change is always a constant, and who knows, our music may change in future, but the same message will be delivered, the same passion will be expected from us. So, in other words, I can’t personally describe our music because each one of us may give a different answer. Rock, perhaps. 
How’s post hardcore in Singapore, because it is pretty rare here in Indonesia.. Well, it all depends on your definition of “post hardcore” actually. To me, post hardcore has a pretty strong following here in Singapore. I do see post hardcore shows being organized here on a monthly basis, so they must have been doing something right somewhere to have such a constant flow. I can’t really say anything else much about the post hardcore scene here other than that.
these days common people look at post hardcore usually on the outside, the stigma , the gimmicky outfit and hairstyle. what do you guys think about that related to the style of your way of Post-hardcore? Personally, I’ve always believed in leaving out the fashion from the music. Sure, it may give an added visual advantage and it would certainly give out a more emotive and cognitive visual response for the audience. But personally, I am quite a boring character when it comes to fashion sense. Plus, I don’t find them comfortable and way definitely not comfortable when I am on stage. It’s all about the music to me, so I’d wear something really comfortable that would not hinder my performance on stage. It’s all music, no gimmicks.
You guys always cited as Singapore-an Envy, what do you think about it? We’ve been compared to Envy many times before. No doubt, they are one of our many major influences when we first started out as a band. Personally, I don’t find it that overwhelmingly annoying, because in away, it does show that we are heading in the right direction. I’d rather be compared to Envy than a band which I do not like nor listen to at all. Every band has an inspiration or an initial direction that they look up to so I guess it is quite normal to have comparisons with someone else. Face it; you can at least name one other band that sounds like another band you know. And it is not necessarily a bad thing either, being inspired by someone else may give way to eventually identifying your own unique sound. Every band has to start somewhere, somehow.
Lately, post rock developing rapidly, the sad fact is that some band doesnt take their instrument seriously, so that the genre become a boring music, what do you think about it? Yes it is sad to know such things happen, but then again, that is what happens to music that gets a little too popular for its own good. Just by listening to one or two popular post rock bands, and without doing their proper homework, these bands began playing the same repetitive stuff over and over again. It is normal, just like fashion; music has its trends and seasons too. And eventually it will die out; the bands will either disband or move on to another musical direction and only the few true ones remain. And from what I see, it is a vicious cycle that happened to other genres previously as well.
Is it real that you guys only have one album? Because it is amazing to us how one record band could do this kind of abroad tour a lot.. Haha, yes, we have only one album. For our very first tour back in 2009, we were only a supporting band for Milvains from Italy for their South East Asian Tour in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. It was more to gaining experience in playing overseas for us as some of us had not played anywhere else other than Singapore back then. And also, we didn’t want to steal the limelight from Milvains, who were heavily promoting their album throughout the tour. So this time in 2012, we are touring again to promote our debut album.
Tell us about your album.. ‘Origins’ is our very first album that took us more than 3 years to record and caused a great deal of financial toll on us individually. We actually started recording even before our first tour in 2009, and recording ended officially around December last year. I won’t go into the details on why it took us that long but somehow, it just did. It comprises of our earlier songs that we have written as Paris In The Making with Zad, our ex-guitarist, recording his parts before he left the band. According to Inn, the lyrics of the songs in ‘Origins’ involved various topics ranging from friendship, family, love, a higher divine power, fear, anguish, resentment and the darkness of a void uncertainty.
You have been to Indonesia before, what thing you miss the most? And any history about your last visit? We miss all our friends most of all, it’s great to be back, really. It’s nice to catch up with each other’s lives and hang out again. We would have loved to see Menus’s beautiful daughter, it’s a pity she wasn’t in town. Everyone in Indonesia has been so nice to us it gets pretty overwhelming. I wish I could somehow repay everyone’s kindness one day. And of course, the food here can never be compared with anywhere else either.  One memorable moment the last time we were in Jogja in 2009 was when Alessio (Milvains drummer) was going around the whole hostel we were staying in dressed only in his briefs and asking for tissue paper from everybody because he needed to shit. It was quite a culture shock for the Italians having to experience such toilets that do not exist back in their country. He eventually got wet wipes from someone, so it ended happily.
As an emotional musician, do you guys are the kind of people who kind outside, and screaming inside? Or you guys more like contemplative person, just like on your songs? I do quite a lot of thinking, so I guess you may consider me as a contemplative person somewhat. But generally, all five of us are your average guys who love to hang out, love to share a joke or two, and love to share the knowledge of music. We don’t come across any different from everyone else’s character, really. We just tend to write emotionally charged music because we love music that makes you feel.
What is it with Paris? The name ‘Paris In The Making’ was coined by Izzad, our previous guitarist. I guess his take on the name was that as a newly formed band, we are moving towards and also rising to something beautiful which is defined by the city of Paris.
What is your emo-song guilty pleasure? Syahmi and Syahadi listen to a lot of Peterpan and D’Masiv (not sure how you spell that). Inn listens to a lot of sappy Bon Jovi songs. Ariff loves Katy Perry, and recently I heard him singing to ‘The One That Got Away’. I do listen to a lot of Coldplay once in a while.
which one do you like? small venue or concert hall? I would say I am leaning more towards small venues because it feels more intimate and somehow I feel more at ease with the audience crowding around us. But once in a while it is nice to play in a huge concert hall with all that space.
any bands that you look up to? Each of us has different bands that we look up to. I started out with Green Day and Nirvana, and so did many other boys back then. And as time passes, there were more bands from various genres that I began looking up to, piling up the list. These are just a few of them on top of my head: Foo Fighters. Silverchair, Metallica, NoFX, The Descendents, Lagwagon, Jimmy Eat World, Asian Kung-Fu Generation, Broken Social Scene, Dustbox, The Black Keys, Blur, Radiohead, Sigur Ros, M83, Mogwai, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Mono, Envy, Pg.99, Orchid, Heaven in Her Arms, Daitro, Shikari, Fall of Efrafa, Tragedy, Refused, Raein. And the list WILL go on.
What is singaporean act that you recommend to us? There are loads of talented Singaporean bands that are worth a listen, here are some that are grouped in no particular order – I Am David Sparkle, Plainsunset, The Observatory, Yumi, After The Sky, You & I Collide, Duxton Plains, Sjanse, Navire Creux, Misissued, Monster Cat, This Is Atlantis, Pazahora, B-Quartet, Wormrot, The Psalms, Hear Me Toby, Silhouette, Postbox, Pleasantry, Amateur Takes Control, Pathos, And They Whisper In Silence, Sleep Easy. If you have the time, do check them out. They’re really good.
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simplegoblin-blog · 7 years
snapchat hack download
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To use snaphack APP you require to very first enter the username of the account you want to be hacked, then select features that you want to use, in topic bellow we will clarify what every function implies in detail. The hackers issued a statement, saying they released the private details in an work to place pressure on the company to beef up safety. Everyone who has worked on this app has had at least 10 years of understanding & encounter in hacking, from working in the professional field all the way to the dark side of the neighborhood. Hackers seem to have posted account information for 4.6 million users of quickie social-sharing app Snapchat, generating usernames and at least partial telephone numbers accessible for download. If you want to hack far more than one particular Snapchat account, then just come back to the house web page. Tap the 3 dots on the far right-hand side of the screen to bring up the download button to the left. If you really feel like you have sausages for fingers when it comes to drawing, zooming in can aid you get finer detail on your Snapchat etchings. For that reason, a user ought to assume hackers are afoot if they need to maintain re-authenticating themselves. The Snapchat hack is totally secure to use on any device (iPhone, Android, Pc, Mac, and so forth.). The hack keeps you anonymous using the secure encryption tool. To turn your Snapchat app to travel mode, go to settings, which you can access by opening Snapchat, tapping the ghost icon in the top center of the screen, and then tapping the gear icon in the leading right-hand corner of the screen. Many net development companies in USA are employing Snapchat as efficient tool for digital Advertising for the present and the future. Snapchat ‘s popularity has only enhanced considering that its debut, but for first-time customers, the expertise can be a bit daunting. Say you want to draw a rocket ship, but you happen to be not an artist. Just select the rocket ship emoji and trace over it. Everybody will consider you're a Snapchat doodle master. This iPhone app will a individual to to watch just about all of the content on cable with out having the higher month-to-month payments. The hack comes days right after an Australian firm, Gibson Security, warned of vulnerabilities in Snapchat's app which it stated could be exploited by hackers. First off, it will support point devices generally are supposed by four.3.x: iPad, iPad two, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod touch (3rd and 4th generation). On the iPhone, just go to Settings”, scroll down to the Snapchat icon and make positive the toggle is switched on by Camera”. A person want save Snapchat Screenshots but in my opinion saving Snapchat Screenshots is like watching a film with your eyes closed. You can run the hack in the background with the Snapchat app open, while viewing Snaps the timers will be frozen, and any video Snaps even though repeat in a loop until you pick to stop it. You do not require access to the telephone of the individual whose account you want to hack at all. SnapBox: This is another app used to save Snapchat photos/videos on your ios device. After it will take you to our On the web Password generator site wait for the web page to load fully. Instead of automatically loading snaps, you will then have to tap to confirm which you want to download. There is a snapchat hack android tool as properly as snapchat hack iOS version, so the app is tailored for mobile usage. Our Snapchat score hack makes it super effortless to modify your Snapchat score inside minutes. This function is quite versatile and without having doubt one particular of the most utilized features of the hack app due to its several utilizes. Even the deleted content material would be checked by the parents with support of free of charge snapchat spy. The app will download every photo the user has shared because the time of installation of the app on his or her phone. Nowadays we present you the ultimate Snapchat Hack, a spy application which will support you to monitor more than all past conversations of your desired Snapchat account. Throwing on an extra filter or three on your Snap is considerably less difficult following a recent Snapchat update. The hackers behind the website that published the data stated they had exploited the safety flaw highlighted by Gibson Security. There are other ways to hack snapchat that are totally free, but these are complex issues that only expert in IT Safety and Hacking field would be in a position to understand and to execute such operation.
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wintersoldies-blog · 7 years
Snapchat hacker app
Free Article Spinner Online - No Sign Up Needed!   Snapchat Hack Tool Snapchat is a very well-known social media app where men and women can develop videos and share photos after which sometime that video will be self destructed if the receiver sees it. Snapchat was located out by Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, and Reggie Brown. Numerous individuals want to know how to hack someones snapchat but they are not hunting in correct direction, basic google search will bring a lot of final results on snapchat hack topic. Attempt Just before You Get We are confident that Monitor iPhone spy app is highquality and userfriendly. http://www.artfulchange.org/ Tap and drag it into the Snapchat record button and VOILA, it need to record a 10 second video completely hands-free. We have produced something which no one has established prior to: a Snapchat Hack that performs. It is most likely the most essential issue to any Snapchat user, as we always locate that whenever a person sends us a picture, as it automatically gets deleted within 15 seconds. As opposed to other Snapchat Spy providers, we do not charge you any money or ask your credit card details. Element of that includes that we produced our Snapchat hack in such a way that it automatically makes you totally anonymous. Right after all, the folks at Snapchat claim that sound is a massive part of what makes Snapchat videos so appealing. As you already know that I am using Snapchat++ on iPhone without having Jailbreak to execute this approach. The hack tool supplies complete safety of private info, as you will never ever be traced to use an app. Users are therefore not anticipated to preserve on installing and downloading different pieces of software program for the various Snapchat hacks they could be keen on undertaking. Like I mentioned earlier, I made the hack for myself in order to see what my girlfriend was carrying out. Keep reading to discover 15 hacks to help you master Snapchat and impress each friend on your list. As you can to believe out - Snapchat Spy is a special computer software to watching private posts or messages of the Snap users. If you are a company that's only interested in buyer downloads or bringing in targeted traffic to the website, Snapchat is not your thing. The Snapchat Private Viewer application, which a small group of Stanford University understudies produced, propelled in September 2011 and is accessible for each Apple iOS and Google Android gadgets. If you are going to do that,” Platco told the Every day Dot, why not just upload a complete Photoshop file?” Other folks consider it vital to safeguarding their work while crafting complicated photos in a young and buggy app. Enter a e mail address of your account and then pick choices of the hack for instance: Download Photos and so forth. Snapchat ‘s reputation has only improved because its debut, but for initial-time customers, the expertise can be a bit daunting. Say you want to draw a rocket ship, but you're not an artist. Just choose the rocket ship emoji and trace more than it. Every person will consider you are a Snapchat doodle master. Even though screenshooting snaps is regarded a Snapchat faux pas (i.e. Snapchat will snitch to your pals that you've screenshotted their snaps), there is an straightforward workaround. In case of getting caught of utilizing snapchat hacks, the user will be banished, and his IP address removed from program's servers. Initial off, it will assistance point devices typically are supposed by four.three.x: iPad, iPad 2, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod touch (3rd and 4th generation). On the iPhone, basically go to Settings”, scroll down to the Snapchat icon and make sure the toggle is switched on by Camera”. Snapchat is a mobile application that was developed by Evan Spiegel , Bobby Murphy , and Reggie Brown when they had been students at Stanford University. But when someone requires use of the snapchat spy app, they would be in a position to see the contents of such messages. Our motivation behind the release was to raise the public awareness around the situation, and also put public pressure on Snapchat to get this exploit fixed. This means that nobody sees the messages and that aids in privacy of snapchat. In that attack, somebody posed as the company's CEO and convinced a Snapchat employee to send more than payroll details The successful phish in the end compromised dozens of employees' identities. This spying software program whilst remaining a single of the most employed and well-known hack applications can be effortlessly downloaded, with no any need to answer long unnecessary question, and filling extra types. But even better: if you snap a selfie and use the filter, then download it just before you send it out, you will have a quite kick ass grid of all the places you have been in a few weeks. When user tends to discover out how to hack someones snapchat, password and reach some data, this tool is the very best selection. Trying every single possible password while logging to remote machine is not a excellent notion, as it is very easily detected by intrusion detection systems, pollutes program logs, and could take years to total. Copy a blank variety of space to your clipboard from your Notes then paste it into the text field in your snap on Snapchat. Additional functions can likewise be accessed via the main screen of the Snapchat mobile app. Once you enter it into the App and hit Commence Hack” it will take care of the rest. This Snapchat Hack is in the on-line version so it works with all systems, and the approach is carried out on our internal server. In this report, you'll learn ten hacks for creating more appealing Snapchat stories. Snapchat is the one platform exactly where you will literally get to know of your genuine stalkers, huge time I must say.
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