#so you have threegado going on
idkaguyorsomething · 11 months
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me tryna explain the shipping implications of the missy comic to anyone who’ll listen
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roxannepolice · 3 months
I understand where the "RTD is pulling an obscure past villain in a supposedly new audience focused season" take-with-critical-flavour comes from but. Like, this may be one of the things that make his writing for me, but all of these past situations hardly ever required lore literacy?
Nastene consciousness is a very simple concept that neither benefits nor loses from having seen TotA. The Daleks' focus was entirely in reference to the Time War. Cybermen in s2 were specifically parallel universe Cybermen. The Sontarans were simply on their usual bullshit. Ice Warriors were only brought up as Mars's natives that would explain were the Flood came from (you remember that, right? that the Flood was Ice Warriors' weapon?). Dammit, Rassilon being Rassilon is only established in one line and apart from added epicness of literally fighting your technocratic god this doesn't give or take away much. The Toymaker got one flashback to remind that yes, he and the Doctor already know each other and there's a pinch added bitterness but no, this isn't a revenge story, this is "humanity is fascinating with their little nation dolls and war games" story.
And I left him for the last, because even THE MASTER wasn't there for "history between us" nostalgia fest sake. Yes, the childhood friendship had to be brought up because it's too important in this case, and the times the Doctor stopped the Master as well as the times they cooperated had to be brought up to show how they differ in their perceptions of their relationship, but that's pretty much it and you get all this from the story on its own. You can get an added rush from the little threegado nods but that's just the aesthetic.
Like, the universe is large, multiverse even more so, but sometimes you're just going to run into the same anthropomorphic or zoomorphic personification of pure concepts, and the only thing you can do is deal with it again, with the caveat the gods can't be tricked twice?
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thoscheienjoyer · 4 months
I post so much angst that I decided to make a short funny story of threegado as an apology
The Master paced around his captive smugly before giving the Doctor a look. "Doctor," he smirked, "I have your precious little Jo, so unless you do what I say-"
"Oh, come now." the Doctor interrupted, his voice laced with more annoyance than concern. "We both know you’re not going to harm her."
Jo, bound and watching, stared in horror. She trusted the Doctor, sure, but the Master was not a kind man when it came to human life by any means.
The Master’s eyes narrowed in confusion. "Why are you so confident? Do you really think I wouldn’t-"
"Because," the Doctor interrupted, "it’s not your style. You thrive on chaos and manipulation, not senseless violence. Hurting Jo wouldn’t further your plans; it would only solidify my resolve against you."
The Master clenched his fists, his frustration evident. He had banked on the Doctor’s fear for his companion to weaken him, but the Doctor’s unshakeable confidence threw a wrench in that. "You're as insufferably clever as me."
The Doctor allowed himself a small smile, his eyes flicking towards Jo, reassuring her without words. "Thank you. Now, why don’t we settle this one on one? This battle is between us."
The Master scowled, realizing his leverage was slipping. "Very well, Doctor, but I will find another way to break you."
"Perhaps" the Doctor replied nonchalantly.
The Master muttered something under his breath and gestured to one of his minions to untie Jo. As she stumbled free, she ran to the Doctor’s side and clung onto him, not really able to focus on processing that odd phrasing she just heard.
They're so insufferably divorced
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drwho-shipbracket · 10 months
This is genuinely a little mean. You're running a meaningless shipping poll blog. It's really not that deep and certainly not deep enough to slap fans of a ship in the face after they won your stupid ass poll. When a ship wins, you get butthurt and tell all the people voting for it you wish you hadn't included it? Not even a winner post first, just straight up spitting in fan's faces for no reason. It's not like it was a Thoschei sweep either lol there were several Thoschei variants in the poll that all lost except for threegado, which you also put in a tie break DESPITE it (incredibly narrowly) winning the vote. So which is it? It's too popular to be paired against other ships or so narrowly winning it deserves a tie break? If you can't take people not voting for what you want them to vote for or at least respect them enough to not be rude about it, don't run a voting blog like?? What did you expect?
I'm sorry it was mean, I shouldn't've phrased it that way and I should have been much more considerate of how it would make Thoschei votes feel. To clarify: I made that post because of how many rude comments I have gotten about Thoschei specifically being in this poll, because of how I feel about the way I've been treated.
But speaking of being mean, I need you to understand that you have no idea how much shit I've gotten for Thoschei and Threegado being in this poll. I don't post it. I don't screenshot tags and say, "hey, this really hurt my feelings". Anytime I call something out, I am very careful to keep it anonymous and be clear I am not attacking the people who said it.
I'm seventeen years old, guys. I'm currently concerned about college and my math grade. When I made this ship tourney I wanted to have fun, which I did with the first tournament. But the rarepair one just hasn't been fun for me.
You guys have critiqued these ships, critiqued my choices, critiqued my criteria. You won't go to the effort of giving me propaganda on polls, only saying that the other ship is a stupid choice. What I wanted was community, a chance to spread rarepairs, add to ao3 tags, maybe make a few tags. Instead, it was hard to run this poll because I felt so attacked. That's what's been with the sporadic updates, by the way.
I'm sorry I put Threedago in a tiebreak. I don't remember that. At the time, I probably had a good reason, or it fit something I had decided, like .1 percent wasn't enough to go on.
Like you said, this is a supid ass poll. It's my stupid ass poll, and if I feel attacked, I might retaliate, because I'm a teenager who started this poll to have fun and spread ships and get ideas (and maybe ruthlessly root for my ot3). Why are you sending a seventeen year old hate anons for a stupid ass poll?
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clanoffelidae · 1 year
sorry if this is invasive, and feel free to ignore this, but I've seen a few of your posts stating you're working on a threegado human au fic? I have no clue how old these posts are, so I just wanted to ask: "Is it finished? Is it still in the WIP phase? Did you abandon it? (No shame in that I've abandoned hundreds of WIPs) It sounds so good the way you describe it in your posts, and I would love to read it. Best of days to you!
i… literally don’t remember seeing this ask??? this says it was sent in on april 30th but holy shit i have absolutely 0 memory of seeing this before now. usually i spot something in my inbox and adhd brain forgets about it only to later go ‘OH SHI-‘ but i genuinely don’t recall ever seeing this, oh my god i am so sorry for not answering this until now, the notification must’ve gotten eaten or something and i rarely get asks so don’t think to check my inbox. i’m so sorry for taking so long man it wasn’t intentional
and to answer your question it is not abandoned at all but it is still in the wip phase right now yes! it wound up slipping my mind when i got sick and then i’ve been focused on some wips for another fandom lately, but it is very much not abandoned! if you want to come off anon i’d be more than happy to share what i’ve got so far if you like :) i actually made a list a few weeks ago of the wips i wanted to focus on right now and it was on the list, so hopefully i’ll get back around to it soon! ❤️
it’s about little baby jo (like. 4.) meeting these two weird homosexuals at the park and roping them into playing princess knights and dragons with her. here’s a little bit of dialogue that will be included (john smith and victor smith nee magister):
baby jo to her mom: this is victor! he’s an evil mastermind 😳
john: he’s a physics professor
victor: no my phd students agree
(since i presume you probably wouldn’t know anon - i came down with severe covid last christmas that i was very slow to recover from and has left me with some long term damage that i’ve been fighting through, so as you can imagine for a while there fanfiction was the LEAST of my priorities lol. but it’s not as bad as it could’ve been and i survived so i’m thankful for the health i have and there’s no need to worry! it just rather knocked any and all fandom content clear out of my head for a good few months lol)
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hesgomorrah · 1 year
3/brig, 3/delgado master and brig/mike yates :)
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this post is the best way i can sum up my feelings on them. they've been together since day one they both think their feelings are unrequited they made out at the christmas party and both pretended to be too drunk to remember the next day. they would die for each other and they admire each other so much but they would never ever say it to the other's face. i'm about as normal about them as they are about each other.
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controversial opinion but i'm not generally that into thoschei? i can definitely see the appeal and threegado are probably my favourite iteration but i'm more of a doctor/companion girlie (gn) myself. but i'm not gonna deny that they have a weird gay thing going on
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not my biggest ship for the brig but i think that's just because i need to spend more time rotating mike. at the same time i'm kind of surprised it's not more popular? we can all quote "the brig is an alcoholic and mike yates is gay" but we don't actually talk about mike flirting with the brig all that much (also, gestures vaguely at the time monster). i'm not sure i see them becoming official for obvious reasons (though they would be such a power couple if they did) but i can imagine there being all sorts of rumours about what the brigadier and his 2ic get up to on those long nights in his office if you catch my drift. and as much as i love works about benton dealing with mike's betrayal, it definitely hits the brig hard too and i'd love to see more people explore that.
send me ships!
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Just rewatched that threegado swordfight scene (three and Delgado!Master).
"I wouldn't do that if I were you, that's government property" (when the Master starts slashing at some curtains)
The Doctor: *disarms the Master and presses his sword against his collarbone (a very sensual area for a Time Lord), then says "all this fighting makes me... Hungry" whilst ferociously ripping into a sandwich then discarding it*
After this, having the Master with his arms up in surrender and disarmed, he throws the Master's sword back to him so they can keep fighting.
Please go to YouTube and watch this because it's driving me insane this is so sexual I swear to fuck this whole scene is just them begging each other to fuck each other. Also, the Master being weak and pathetic
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best-enemies · 4 years
Where I can come alive
Author: Cosmya
Rating: Explicit (always read the warnings first)
Pairing: Twelfth Doctor/Missy
Chapters: 1/1
Welp, here we are. I’m always excited to write these, even though I’ve been having a rough time lately, because fanfiction is one of the few things that have keeping my mind away from bad thoughts. So, last night I was looking for a new Thoschei story to read before bed like always and looking through the Doctor/Master tag on AO3 I found this one.
I’m ashamed to say that I don’t read a lot of Twissy - I don’t know why though, because they are one of my favorite Thoschei pairings and every single fanfic I’ve read of them was purely awesome. I guess it had something to do with the timing - this year we had Spydoc and I spent months hyped about them. Then, I was missing some Threegado fluff, after that I went back to my good old Academy Era, then I felt some Tensimm nostalgia, then I thought “It’s been years since I’ve read some fivey/ainley, I hope there’s some good stories this time around”, so you get it.
But then the sumary of this story caught my attention: 
“We have bodies, too. So many of them. Our bodies are so much of what we are.It gets lonely in the vault, so Missy has to use her imagination sometimes. She’s become rather good at it. Imagination is memory’s answer to the corruption of time, the erosion of absence. The Doctor can learn a thing or two from her about that. And experience is the best teacher.”
And I was like: Oooohh sounds pretty I should give it a try...
At college my professors have always told me that many people can write about something, but none of them can write about it like you. It’s always about the way each author interprets the same scenario that we can get so many different plots and we know Thoschei writers are pretty good at that. Cosmya took a very familiar scenario (the Vault), a simple plot and dug deep into their relationship, yet with a casualty that feels so light and overwhelming at the same time. The writing is just so good that I felt it carry me through their feelings.
The story is written through Missy’s p.o.v and told by herself. Which is something I never thought I’d appreciate so much, because 1st person stories aren’t usually my thing. But as Missy said herself, “I raise my eyebrows at him inquisitively, but he’s still not looking. Even if my daydream isn’t affecting him, it is affecting me. I’m starting to feel the very thing I’m describing. How good a storyteller I am”, and I don’t mean that just because the scenes are great (you know which scenes I’m talking about. I refuse to call it porn again) and wonderfully written, but because Cosmya understands how these characters work, their relationship (one of the readers, who’s way better at expressing themselves than me, described Twissy’s as ‘darkly romantic’, and I love it. So, full credit to mxoxo!) and how Missy would tell a story, and well, Missy is a storyteller. You can hear her voice saying all those things. So, even if you don’t like first person stories, I think you’ll like this one.
I’m so bad at this. How do I explain the feeling of reading and feeling overwhelmed, going to another tab, taking a breath, and then coming back to the story because I couldn’t stop reading? How do I explain the way that their previous incarnations and their personal dynamics come to my mind and I can see all of them doing the same things because the story might have only one specific Thoschei pairing, but describes their love and history as a whole? Few stories can give you those feelings, and honestly, they’re the ones that will imprint into your mind and become a part of the way you see the Doctor and the Master’s relationship.
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iamdeltas · 4 years
I'm going to be predictable and send in Thoschei (Spydoc or Threegado specifically) for that ask meme you reblogged
I’m gonna do Spydoc, cuz I haven’t actually watched 3′s era, rip. 002 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when of if I started shipping it: I think I really started shipping it during the second part of Spyfall. Everything about their interactions there, dude! The lack of personal space (very notable, considering how much 13 always really values that usually), the hatefucking energy, the Sexual Tension(TM), the banter, and the general two-sided assholery? I was a goner.
my thoughts: I love these bastards so much! Honestly, one of my favorite things about their dynamic is how it brings out a different side to 13, specifically, the Feral Bastard Asshole side. It’s such a contrast to her whole first season of a largely unbroken Cheery, Space Puppy Alien Facade. But also it’s just so Tragic because... honestly, Spydoc is a great example of miscommunication for Drama DONE RIGHT. It singlehandedly showed me that that can actually be done well! They’re just missing what the other is actually meaning and they constantly unintentionally push each other’s buttons (you know, when they’re not doing that intentionally) and it’s just. It just kills me. 
What makes me happy about them: Dunno if this counts as happy, but it’s so entertaining to watch them be Peak Bastard to each other. They play off each other so well.
What makes me sad about them: I think I actually might have already accidentally answered this under the “my thoughts” section, oops!
things done in fanfic that annoys me: Oh boy. A number of things, but I think most of them boil down to, ultimately... I feel like a not insignificant contingent of fic writers for this ship think this is a good-girl-falls-for-bad-boy-ship. Which is incredibly reductive (and feels astonishingly Het tbh). 13 is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a “good girl.” She is a Bastard who’s clinging onto her paper-thin “Happy Space Puppy” facade. And Dhawan!Master is more complicated than “bad boy.” Essentially, if Spydoc isn’t characterized as Feral Bastards Trying To One-Up Each Other On Feralness, you’re probably doing something wrong!
things I look for in fanfic: Uhhh.... IDK man. Good characterizations, mostly? With a good dose of angst cuz I mean. I live for that shit. But really, good characterization is the key to getting me to like most fanfic in general honestly. Good characterization can sell me on fics I’d otherwise not look twice at.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I mean, ultimate OTP is Doctor x TARDIS, obviously. Also, both of them with therapy. They fucking need it.
My happily ever after for them: For them to actually fucking communicate with each other dammit! Maybe they can get together with the best marriage counselor in the universe, IDK.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: 13 is the big spoon, Dhawan!Master is the little spoon. Dh!Master just screams little spoon energy.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Uh. Swordfights? Fistfights? Something that involves fighting each other?
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friendamedes · 4 years
15. “Please tell me that we’re not stuck out here in your piece of shit car.” w/ threegado?
omg bESSIE???? BESSIE??? THE ICON??? B E S S  I E, A PIECE OF SHIT???? yeah fjfjfjfjfjjf like again what is up is the prompt in the ask thing and why does it throw me off so much
note: i hope u realize by now that there is no consistent prompt inclusion in my ficlets,,, u get the general vibe,,, and that is all,,,
“Slow down,” said the Master, squeezing his eyes shut at the nauseating  rush of colors past the car. “For the love of all that is holy. Slow down.”
The Doctor didn’t even spare him a glance. (Not that the Master could see if he did; but he could tell when the Doctor was looking at him). “I told the Brigadier we’d be home by seven.”
“Ah, you have a curfew.”
The Doctor grunted. “No. I just told him —”
“Is it to make sure you don’t stay out too long with your boyfriend?” The Master peeked his eyes open, a grave mistake, and immediately closed them again. “You’re going to kill us both.”
“You’re overreacting.”
The Master took one hand from his white-knuckled grip on the door to blindly adjust his tie, which was threatening to poke loose and hit him in the face. “I can hear the engine…”
Beneath them, the car jumped and stuttered, as if agreeing with the Master.
“…Giving out.”
“It’s not going to give out. You’re overreacting.”
The Master opened his mouth to retort, but at just that moment, the monstrosity the Doctor called a car gave a put-out roar, shuddered, and abruptly rolled to a stop.
The Master opened his eyes.
The Doctor stared across the brush and empty road ahead. He made a noncommittal humming noise.
“I think it gave out,” said the Master, helpfully.
The Doctor did not reply.
They sat there for a while, and the car began to play the Rolling Stones, impossibly. (It took the Master a good few seconds to place the song, seeing as it had been a long while since he had listened to the Rolling Stones voluntarily or otherwise, but he finally recognized it as Beast of Burden. Cheery.)
“This would not be my location of choice to get stuck,” said the Master. “The car, I mean. Also…” He waved around at their surroundings. “But the car, mostly.”
“You don’t like the car?” said the Doctor, as if from a trance, or underwater.
The Master fiddled with his tie again. “I do not like the car. You know this.”
“I like the car.”
“It’s your car.”
They listened to the Rolling Stones together without saying anything.
“I should call the Brigadier,” said the Doctor suddenly. The Master raised an eyebrow. “Damned mobile telephones.”
“I think you have to wait a few decades for those.”
“Hmph,” said the Doctor. And then: “Hmph,” again.
“Are you going to fix it?”
“It’ll repair itself. Nanobots,” the Doctor added, by way of explanation. “Hmph.”
The Master knotted his gloved hands together on his lap and cleared his throat. “Do you want me to entertain you?”
“I… what?”
“I’m thinking of an animal,” the Master declared.
“It is a mammal.”
The Doctor let out an exasperated sigh. “I’m not doing this with you, Master.”
“It lives on Earth, in desert biomes and in nature, it inhabits…”
“Please stop.”
“…North Africa and the Middle East. You have got to ask me questions here. I’m going to give it away.”
“I don’t want to play this game.”
“Dromedary camel. You’re no fun.” The Master pouted and stared out across the dry landscape. “I’m thinking of a number between one and ten thousand…”
The Doctor grabbed the Master’s shoulder, roughly, twisted him around, and kissed him. The Master melted against him — this was what he had been teasing the Doctor so endlessly for, after all — rested his hands on the Doctor’s chest, and said silently, The number is twenty five.
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thoscheienjoyer · 3 months
You guys really seem to like my threegado stories, so here's another, I call it 'The Sacrifice'
The Doctor and Jo had faced one hardship after hardship in these past few weeks, the adventures were just too much, so the Doctor decided it was time for a well-deserved break. No aliens, no inter-dimensional threats, just a simple trip the old-fashioned way. Through UNIT’s connections, they secured a private plane for their peaceful getaway.
“Are you sure this will be relaxing, Doctor?” Jo asked in a lighthearted manner, pretending to be overly skeptical, but she did trust the man more than anyone.
The Doctor nodded, “Quite sure, Jo, we'll arrive at our destination in just a few hours”
Settling into their seats, the Doctor fell into a light nap while Jo immersed herself in a book. The calm didn’t last long. As the plane began to shake violently the Doctor jolted awake.
“What’s happening?” his companion asked, heavily concerned for their safety as she looked around frantically for some sort of cause.
Before the Doctor could speak, a sinister yet familiar voice crackled over the intercom. “Ah, Doctor, Jo. So glad you could join me.”
“The Master,” the Doctor muttered and stood. If course.
“Indeed. I’m your pilot for this little excursion,” the Master continued playfully. “The plane is going to crash, and I’ve taken the liberty of packing two parachutes. Unfortunately, there are three of us. Take your pick, Doctor." They could feel the smile.
They horrified looks and the Master stepped out with the parachutes as promised. “You see, Doctor, this is where we differ, I would simply leave both of you, but you? Either admit you and me are worth more than one measly human, or save the innocent and punish the villian. I know you’ll make the ‘right’ choice.”
The decision was already made. “I won’t sacrifice Jo, and I won’t sacrifice you either.”
His smirk faded. “Doctor, what are you saying?”
“Jo and you will live.”
Jo grabbed the Doctor’s arm. “No! Doctor, you can’t!”
He turned to her, his expression gentle but firm as he ran a hand through her hair in a way that could almost be seen as parental. “Jo, if I let someone die because they’ve done bad things, I’m no better than they are. We don’t let people die, no matter who they are.”
Jo nodded but tears streamed down her face “But you’re letting yourself die!” she cried.
The Master interrupted, his voice dripping with disdain for the emotional display. “Why would you risk yourself for a human, Doctor? You’re far more important.”
His old friend softly met his gaze. “I won’t let an innocent die, Master. It doesn't matter who I am."
The Master was frustrated and angry at the thought, he gestured to the other timelord. “The universe needs you Doctor, you know that."
The man's resolve remained unshaken. “I won’t compromise my morals.”
For a moment, the Master seemed conflicted. Then, he thrust the parachutes at the Doctor and Jo. “Take them.”
The Doctor's eyes widened and he was momentarily stunned, but he quickly tried to regain his composure. As the Master assumed the decision was final, the Doctor grabbed him, pulling him towards the door. “What are you doing?!”
“We’re jumping together.” the Doctor would not take no for an answer. “Jo, follow us!”
Jo, clutching her parachute, nodded and jumped. The Doctor and the Master followed, sharing one parachute. As they fell, the Master continued to argue. “You could have killed us both with the extra weight! Why would you save me you fool?!”
The Doctor's eyes were full of compassion as he held his enemy so he wouldn't fall. “You may be my enemy, Master, but you’re still my oldest friend.”
The Master was silent, his mind reeling. His Doctor’s.. No, his Theta's unwavering morals, his refusal to let anyone die, even him, and his willingness to save even his greatest adversary—it was confounding. The Master felt a strange, uncomfortable emotion stirring within him as they descended safely to the ground.
Jo landed nearby and shook her head. “He’s just going to cause more trouble.”
The rouge timelord, still grappling with the Doctor’s actions, didn't even notice how he hadn't let go of him yet, he clung like they were still falling and the Doctor didn't stop him. They're always clinging to each other in different ways.
The Doctor just smiled warmly with a nod, like he's accepted this fact. “I know. But for now, let’s get to safety.”
He let go to walk away from the crash site and the Master couldn’t understand the feeling of being cared for by someone he considered an enemy. The Doctor’s commitment to his principles had foiled his scheme and left him questioning everything.
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roxannepolice · 6 months
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Thanks, @tenderlywicked and @veraynes-blog 'xcept I only got 9 😅
- Don' we know him from somewhere? ~ Don't I know you from somewhere? or ineffable husbands and tensimm are having tv evenings; everyone's a Derek Jacobi fanboy
- You've got nothing on me - the man on the other side of the desk spat out. ~ Kiss Me, Kill Me, by Harold Saxon or the Saxon novel is basically Classic Who Thoschei greatest hits reimagined as gay noir 50 Shades of Gray
So here it comes, the sound of drums! Here come the drums, here come the drums! ~ Please Allow Me To Introduce Myself or bless John Simm's music taste
The Doctor was leaning, face in hands, against the TARDIS console. ~ Feuertrunken or my first Saxteen 🥰
The Master stretched back and sighed. ~ Now and Then or bless John Simm's music taste again because it's his IG that let me know the freaking Beatles are releasing a song in the year of our Lord 2023; stands to reason old men tensimm reminisce about threegado times and Beatles-Stones false dichotomy
The Doctor sighed contendedly as he leaned back in Temple-Nobles' backyard. ~ The Man Who Sold The World or kickstarting the Saxteen retirement AU 🥰
Time for teletubbies, Time for teletubbies, Time for teletubbies... ~ Of Three Headed Dogs and Fridges though that's technically not a sentence??? Very important for the plot tho 🤣
The Doctor was smiling at what he knew would be an excellent work of culinary art. ~ 14.2/2.14 or a saxteen retirement Valentine special
- Go on, then. ~ Do It but it's very not what you think 😅
I guess I like to start with dialogues or quotes, and really like the Doctor and Master stretching in all sorts of directions? 🤣
This was real fun, tagging @koscheiisms @theprodigalpragmatist @incorrectquotesconaisseur @my-lonely-angel @quietwingsinthesky @lazer-screwdriver and anyone else who'd like to share 😁😁
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roxannepolice · 1 year
*drops in through the ceiling* Greetings,
For the character ask game I once again humbly request Delgado (or if someone has already requested him, three). I desperately need more threegado content in my life. Favourite married but at the same time divorced couple ;p
Thank you once again/in advance 😊
Seeing your content, especially your ask games, always leaves me giggling (or alternatively crying) Your head cannons are always so brilliant and I will - without question accept them as cannon.
Farewell and have the best week
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Awww, thank you so much! For the kind words and because married couples shouldn't be separated (and also because headcanons overlap), here's the both of them!
1: sexuality headcanon - I suppose they're both demisexual? As in they are the duo that established the Master as Doctorsexual and the Doctor as having a libido rise in the Master's vicinity, so I guess that's the closest term human sexology has for what they have?
2: otp - each other, of course, they very very married <3
3: brotp - for Three it's definitely the Brigadier, for Delgado... this is a bit of a stretch of brotp on parental relations, but the way he accepted that the Doctor adopted Jo so now he too has a human daughter is everything
4: notp - I get a bit of a rise when they are shipped with other regenerations (as in Three with other Masters and Delgado with other Doctors); don't get me wrong they'd get along just fine with other faces but they are too married for it to go into shipping territory; I do see them giving NuWho thoscheis intense couples councelling, though
5: first headcanon that pops into my head - Three is a huge fan of David Bowie (this extends to all Doctors tbh, where the hell do you think Ten got his cheekbones?), with whom he struck an acquaintance and keeps playing him alien music (Ziggy Stardust is very much a real person); he brought the Master to one of their (time travelling, he wanted to prove a point) meetings, and within a few days Bowie wrote The Man Who Sold The World
6: favorite line from this character - this evolved into a full blown meta, but the The point is that one must rule or serve. That's a basic law of life. Why do you hesitate, Doctor? Surely it's not loyalty to the Time Lords, who exiled you on one insignificant planet? - You'll never understand, will you? I want to see the universe, not rule it. exchange is one of peak moments for the entire show; the opposing yet fundamentally not contradictory philosophies; the desperation to reach each other; the could have beens and could never bes...
7: one way in which I relate to this character - I too like James Bond movies, but believe they would benefit from Bond wearing more frills and velvets and Blofeld having a beard
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character - with Delgado, the man eating sofa might have been just the teensiest bit too much? with Three, being chummy with Chairman Mao definitely calls for attention 🙃
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? - Delgado is probably the closest the Master ever got to being a cinnamon roll, yes he was absolutely established as a villain, but his ongoing politeness to every being he's about to subjugate to his will deserves proper appreciation :3; the Doctors generally osciallate right in the middle of the cinnamon roll-problematic fave spectrum, with some going really far into the latter and none going very far into the former, that said Three is one of the few who's marginally more on the cinnamon roll side
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drwho-shipbracket · 11 months
tyssa all the way but its absolutely not a rarepair
neither is threedago, how did you get here?
Okay, so I'm nearly at the end of my rope with this, like then more tags and one more ask away from starting to block. So let's go over it again.
My criteria for rarepair was under 1000 fics on ao3. Some of the ships in tournament had zero fics on ao3. Some had a lot more. But none exceeded 1000. In fact, you may be surprised, but they don't have even that much!
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[ID: Two ao3 screenshots, reading "1-20 of 256 Works in Third Doctor/The Master (Delgado)" and "1-20 of 242 Works in Tegan Jovanka/Nyssa of Traken"]
Some of the pairs included in this tournament only have one page on ao3. Some are really pushing the 1000 fics limit. But this is inherently a popularity contest, because it's focusing on which rarepairs people prefer vs which pairs are more rare.
I'm a rarepair fan! This bracket gave me a lot of ideas, as I hope it did you all. But I'm not required to justify why these pairings are included again and again.
If you want to make sure Tyssa and Threegado aren't considered rarepairs here, add more works to their ao3 tag. I don't mean to be bitter, but I've really enjoyed this bracket. It feels like my pride and joy. I don't want to be nasty, it just gets tiring. We had 256 competitors. (ha! same number as works in the threegado tag). If you wanted less rarepairs to win, well, you should have voted for some of the rarer ones.
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roxannepolice · 1 year
hi! missy for the character asks? :)
Of course, but after putting threegado together it's only fair to also combine twissy for @lukifisk 😀
1: sexuality headcanon - after answering this question a couple of times, I think it is safe to say TL are what humans would call pansexual in the sense that their preferences aren't very directional (let's face it this is the most evolutionarily rational direction to take in a reproductive organs shifting species (the Master is generally Doctorsexual tho)) - what does differ across regenerations is libido level, as in how likely they are to get horny (and in the Doctor's case that usually increases when the Master's around); so in this context we have a fascinating set where Twelve is pretty much an ace while Missy is permanently horny - luckily, Twelve is not a sex averse asexual, and willing to perform for a romantic partner, so we probably have something of a pythonic scene of Missy (and let's be fair, Clara and River too) passionately riding and confessing most ardent affection for that old man while he tries to follow Neptunian equivalent of Kama Sutra (getting himself acquaintanced with it in the process)
2: otp - each other, of course; just let them have their much postponed French riviera honeymoon BBC
3: brotp - I mean. apart from the Doctor Missy interacted with an afterlife Zuckerberg, Clara, Nardole, passingly with some UNIT members and Bill, and her own past. that's not much to choose from. so I'll go with Clara, just because this is also what I go with for Twelve (also consider two characters who know the most about the Doctor; Rose and Sarah Jane having a giggle would be nothing condiered to what these two'd get up to): romantic elements I fully acknowledge aside, I think it must have been really refreshing for the Doctor to have a companion that was so much like them; and weird assumptions about straight corellation between age and skin collagen levels aside, his truthfulness with her was very powerful
4: notp - I don't really have one for Twelve, just because his asexuality is so obvious that I'd assume if he's shipped with someone there's a good reason for it? for Missy, the male presenting Masters all being horny for her specifically, yeah selfcest is a good metaphor for narcissism inherent in this character which is what I keep repeating to myself about season 10 finale, but when Masterful (which I LOVE srsly the Doctor could only dream of having such a good 50th birthday celebration) doubled down on it I just thought honey your attempts at heterosexuality are about as convincing as those sybil breasts slapped by Michelangelo on what's clearly boy models
5: first headcanon that pops into my head - I remember it well from Gigi is their song and Bill plays it on her smartphone each time they interact, BBC just muted it for copyright reasons
6: favorite line from this character - for Twelve, Human progress isn't measured by industry. It's measured by the value you place on a life. An unimportant life. A life without privilege. The boy who died on the river, that boy's value is your value. That's what defines an age. That's what defines a species. - wow. just wow. this is such growth from the Time Lord Victorious who'd evaluate individual life from it's Historic importance and the face that almost annihilated a civilization (for the second time!) for one person, also extratextually excellent way to measure the level of civilizational progress; for Missy Your version of good is not absolute. It's vain, arrogant and sentimental. If you're waiting for me to become all that, I'm going to be here for a long time yet. somewhat contradictory to the sentiment of the Twelve quote? yeah maybe but this marks the last time as of season 13 the Master represented a philosophy contradictory to the Doctor's (or, for that matter, anything more than a snivelling canine of a chorus to how awesome the Doctor is) that, despite the text denying it much right, has a respectable place in human ethics: deontology versus pragmatism, yes gimme the Doctor Master dialectic heading for recognition that nothing is simple anytime
7: one way in which I relate to this character - Twelve is... pretty much the Doctor I identify with the most? yeah man be this intellect before emotion bitch that shows how those two are nowhere near contradictory (trying to derive ethics from thinking and keeping contradictory or inconclusive evidence to yourself for the same reasons you don't tell people there's going to be a financial crisis: they will storm the banks and a crisis will in fact occur; they pound that into your brain in every Polish sociology class) and will raise hell if you cannot move heaven for the people you care for (just don't cut out people you haven't yet formed to your liking from the caring part); for Missy, I too aspire to express all my moods through piano and would have Peter Capaldi grab my boob within 2 minutes from meeting him not even for sex reasons just to see him flustered 🙃
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character - for Twelve, informing newly met people Clark Kent is Superman: I get that it makes sense for plot development reasons, but man you don't just say these things! also consistently insulting John Simm's pretty squishy round catface while he's getting an obvious libido rise from the other's proximity; for Missy, not caring for her hairstyle while in prison, wtf gurl, demand an avocado and banana based hair mask in addition to the LHC and pony!!
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? - look there's a lot I like about Moffat's writing, just as there's a lot I dislike about it, but putting the Doctor slightly further down the problematic fave side than the Master (while keeping them mostly in character) deserves proper appreciation; they're both on the problematic fave side of the spectrum though
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