#sob ily arle
beiibeiii · 5 months
know its for the better
exgirlfriend!arlecchino x fem!reader
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sfw, angst, ooc arle?
art credits : celeyunn on Twitter
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you really shouldn't of ran away from home. you were feeling miserable from arlecchino breaking up with you. you had accidentally argued with your mother and ran out the house. the rain harshly fell from above. it was cold and late at night. you were drenched in water and you hadn't brought an umbrella.
it had already been 2 weeks since arlecchino broke up with you. you remember that night so vividly. the way her eyes coldly stared you down. "i'm breaking up with you." she said. your heart shattered just at the thought of it again. she walked off without another word or an explanation. you were in tears, left with more questions than answers as you wondered what you did wrong. you had already heard the rumours of arlecchino playing with everyones hearts. you felt stupid at the fact you thought of yourself as an exception.
you wandered around, shivering as you recalled that heartbreaking memory. you walk and walk.. until, eventually, you walk past the park you had your first date in. the place brought back bitter sweet memories. you feel a wave of misery and sadness in you. you missed her. and so, as the rain starts to get even heavier, so did your heart. you were hugging yourself in hopes of keeping warm. your mind could only wonder to the one question - why she broke up with you.. you wanted to know, but you fear that knowing would hurt even more. until something broke you out of your thoughts.
your breath hitched at your name being called. you knew that familar voice. you were scared to turn around, you felt like bursting into tears, your chest felt so tight. what do you do? you cant face her, you dont have the heart to-
you felt the rain stop. the loud sounds of pitter pattering over you. an umbrella was being held over you..
"you will catch a cold.. let me walk you home."
you felt her behind you. her body warmth behind you felt so familiar. it felt good. you couldn't help but turn around to look up at her. she didn't look any different.. nor did she any worse or any better. she was still the same.. the expression on her face was calm. just like she normally was. her words had a touch of gentleness lingering around them, just like they normally did. what was the meaning behind this? why was she here..
you feel your lips tremble at the feeling of her eyes peering over you. you couldn't make out what were behind those eyes. was it regret or sadness? or maybe even neither.. you lowered your head, you feel your stomach churn as you finally replied with a nod.
you two walked down the streets quietly. not a word said. it was an uncomfortable.. yet an comfortable silence.. you kept your head lowered, holding back the tears welling up in your eyes.
arlecchino's eyes remained on the road, her footsteps measured as she walked. after a few minutes of quietude, she spoke up, her voice soft yet steady. "your mother was worried sick. she was concerned about where you went."
her gaze drifted off to your downcast one. she was hit by a truck of guilt as her eyebrows furrowed slightly. but quickly put her more 'stoic' front back up again. there was a sliver of warmth in her voice, indicating she genuinely cared.
thats right.. your mother doesnt know you two broke up yet. she must of assumed you ran off to her house.. your lips throat felt so tight.
"you have been in contact with her?.." you said quietly, trying holding back your hoarse voice. not wanting her to think that you wasn't taking the breakup easily.
"she messaged me 15 minutes ago." arlecchino remarked, a hint of concern in her voice. "she was worried about where you had went." arlecchino's gaze flicked towards you, and for a moment, her stoic facade disappeared, replaced by a glint of worry. you couldnt answer her, you didn't know how to.
"your shivering.." she pointed out, her voice gentle.
your lips pushed together as you held back the urge to cry. seeing her only made your heart break more than anything. your footsteps and the loud impact of the rain pelting onto the umbrella could be heard. why was she holding the umbrella over you? she had left without another word.. it made you feel so hopeless.. your expression so bitter as you refused to look or reply to her.
after being rejected of your acknowledgment, arlecchino's gaze softened further, her steps slowing down, almost to a crawl. she felt the wave of guilt wash over her, drowning her out. she reached out with a slender hand, gently cupping your cheek, forcing you to look at her.
with an hitch of your breath, your eyes widened slightly. arlecchino remained eye contact with you. her gaze somber, as if she was trying to read you. her sharp nails were dangerously, yet gently sitting on your cheek, reminding you of the pain. her hand was so warm, and so familiar..
"y/n.." Arlecchino uttered faintly, her voice a mere whisper, barely audible above the rain's pitter-patter. her gaze not daring to break away from yours.
"what is the matter?"
you felt your eyes well up in tears, yet your gaze didnt break from hers either.. her eyes were so beautiful, yet they held so much pain to you. you couldnt hold you tears back. with an blink of an eye, your tears fell down your cheek. you pull your head away from her hand, closing your eyes as you lower it. lifting an arm rub your tears away. why did she have to see you like this..
why did she still utter your name so softly..?
arlecchino's eyes widened slightly at the sight of your tears. she reached out yet again, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder, her grip firm but gentle. "y/n," she whispered once more. your name rolling off her tongue so easily. a hint of distress was evident in her voice. "please talk to me. what has made you so distraught?"
arlecchino's face became softer. she had always asked questions she knew the answers to..
"Is it something I did?"
you couldnt face or answer her. you felt like going through the ground and never coming back up. she knows why your crying. your tears fell down your cheeks. small held back sobs could only be heard. your sleeves were wet from your tears and the rain. you didn't know what had gotten into you. her words always touched the deepest parts of your heart.
arlecchino seeing how distraught you were, made her heart shatter. she didn’t force you to talk. she understood she had hurt you. she didn't push you any further, her instinct to let you cry it out kicking in.
after a short moment of silence, she softly pulled you into a hug. the umbrella was long forgotten as it had been casted away on the ground. one arm was wrapped around your waist, the other hand cradling the back of your head, gently pushing your head into her shoulder. she whispered gently, "let it all out."
your eyes widened slightly at her sudden action. arlecchino had broke up with you. why does she still embrace you? shouldnt she of gotten tired or hated you to break up with you? you didnt understand. yet her warmth felt so familar. the warm you were yearning for, for so long..
your hands gripped onto her jacket tightly. you cried and wept into her shoulder. her shoulder caught all your tears. she would rub your waist gently and stroke your wet, yet beautiful hair.
despite the both of you being drenched in water, it was warm. muffled sobs could only be heard from you. you couldn't keep yourself together. the despair and confusion only fuelled your urge to cry more.
arlecchino held you close, the downpour outside only increasing in intensity. Her embrace was warm and reassuring, a tender gesture that defied the bitterness of the night.
"i am sorry." she whispered after a while, her tone soft and remorseful.
"i didn't want to make you cry." arlecchino continued to hold you, her fingers gently stroking your hair, offering silent comfort. her body leaning into you more, you could feel her breath from above on your neck..
"w-why..?" you sob in between sobs. your voice broken and hoarse. to know arlecchino was the reason of your pain, she through her heart, feeling worse than being stabbed 10 times over..
you shook your head desperately as you sobbed. your tears, they just kept running and running. your body was shivering and your breath shaky as you held her tightly.
arlecchino's eyes welled up in compassion, her heart aching at the sight of your anguish. her dangerous, yet gentle fingers continued to stroke your hair, trying to soothe your pain.
"i made a mistake," she finally whispered quietly, a deep regret evident in her tone. her eyes narrowing as she looked down at your sorry state. arlecchino hugged you tightly, offering an unexpected apology.
"i'm sorry for hurting you."
her words were genuine. you felt the sorrow gnaw at your heart, eating you alive. her gaze never wandered off of yours. her embrace still tight as her body shielded you from the rain.
"w-why.. did you go.." you whisper out. your voice is shaky, not holding back the pain in your voice anymore. your cheeks were tearstained. your grip tightening on her jacket as you wept your soul out.
there was a short pause. arlecchino choosing her words carefully. "you deserve someone better than me." she murmured softly, her lips just brushing the shell of your ear. arlecchino continued to hold you, her embrace firm and reassuring. her hand gently running through your hair.
"i am too complicated,” she uttered gently. “too selfish."
you felt your heart drop at her words. how could she think of herself like that? you lifted your head back up at her slightly. your teary eyes meeting hers full of guilt. "that isn't true.." you whispered out.
that was all she had wanted to hear. her chest heaved slightly at the sound of your voice, her heart clenching in remorse. she pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head, her hands coming to rest on either side of your head, cradling your cheeks.
"don't weep," she whispered gently, her touch tender and warm. "you shouldn't cry over someone like me." she kept denying.
you had only ever wanted her, no one else. you couldnt handle this, you just wanted everything to go back to how it was before, the love in your heart still so strong for her.
"but.. i love you." you cried out desperately. arlecchino's face broke into a look of despair. she felt the same pain you did, and the sound of your heartbroken voice tore her apart. she took a deep, shaking breath, her body trembling slightly with a mix of emotion.
"i love you too," she confessed, her voice shaking and her grip on your shoulders tightening. "i love you so much. but I cannot be the person you deserve." her eyebrows furrowed, her lips in an thin line..
you knew you had lost her at that point. you couldnt respond to her. she had given up already.. you just sobbed hardly into her shoulder once more. she allowed her shoulder to soak up your tears. the sound of your sobs caused something inside of her to crack. her grip tightened on you, one hand clutching the back of your neck, the other holding the small of your back, pulling you close against her trembling body. her heart pounded in her chest, and was strained with emotion.
"i still love you y/n .. i truly do." Arlecchino whispered in despair, her words trailing off. the rain poured furiously around you two. her words starting to pour out as if she had been holding them back for a lifetime.
"just know its for the better."
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romaritimeharbor · 5 months
arlecchino voice line leaks!
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oh she can't STANDDDDD his ass i just know she was gritting her teeth while saying this!!!!!!!!! .....also oc lore time hehehe 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 maybe... maybe esfir and arlecchino, our arlecchino, would get along quite well, hm? crucabena was def the one that handed her over to dottore then. i love new harbinger lore bc it makes me think of new oc lore
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OK GIRL LMFAOO NOT THE DOTTORE SHADE "compared to, lets say, someone who would go so far as to create segnents of themselves to better wander across the land.... 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️" SHE'S SO FUNNY ILY ARLE 🙏🙏
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PANTALONE LORE RRGRGGFGRGRGEGRR oh so he's CRAZY crazy, driven mad by HATRED and BITTERNESS? i love that for him. you go king. do whatever insane little thing you're going to do 👍 also this is VERY fascinating because we've seen him to be calm and collected but, as i suspected, that really is just a very delicate and well-crafted mask, based on this line. dude. i'm so excited for this guy's lore you guys have no idea
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Oh. wow. wouldn't it be crazy if i just started crying actually. ah. Brb guys i need to WIPE MY TEARS THIS IS SO FUCKING SAD DUDE. SHE LIKED HANGING OUT WITH THE KIDS. I AM GOING TO THROW UP. CRYING SHAKING WEEPING THROWING UP SOBBING WAILING HOKY SHIT DUDE. DUDE. GUYS??? HEY HOYOVERSE? WHAT THE FUCK???? WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME. I MISS YOU EVERYDAY ROSALYNE. SOBS. FUCKING CRIES. also more oc lore. hestia and arle exchange letters sometimes i think <3
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beiibeiii · 4 months
bathing together
fluff!arlecchino x reader sfw
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i was in the bath and suddenly i started hallucinating arlecchino with me so heres this
due to arlecchino being busy as a harbinger, times like this are rare. you both make sure to make the most out of it. the calming music coming from the phonograph was playing in the background. there were rose petals, bath salts and dimly lit candles. it was all so romantic.
arlecchino was relaxing in the bath with you. you were sat in between her legs, her arms are wrapped around your waist so tenderly in the warm bubbly water. your back is against her. arlecchino's long hair is untied, loosly falling down against her back. her head nuzzled into your shoulder.
"i love you." you mumbled as you smile softly. your hands lightly hold onto her wrists as she holds you.
you can feel her lips curl up against your skin into a soft smile as she takes in the sweet scent of you. her arms give your body a light squeeze.
"i love you more.." she mumbled against your neck, giving you a soft and tender kiss.
her mouth and hold is warm.
shes so gentle and caring with you. she pulls away and pours some body wash into her hands. you hear the warm, steamy water splash around as she moves. soon blackened arms make their way to your back.
"your so pretty, my dear." she utters softly.
you could feel her breath on your shoulder. you laugh softly, her praise never fails to get old. she always enjoyed seeing you happy. you loved it when she was so sweet like this.
as she scrubs your back, she makes sure the be extra careful to not scratch you with her nails. her touch is so relaxing. you feel all tension leave your body when your with her. the dimly lit candles serving as lighting make her look so pretty. she rubs at all the right places, making you feel so good. her touch was so pure and loving.
"lower please, arle.." you sigh out in relief.
she obeys like the good husband she is. her hands lower down your back. her nails gently gliding down your back.
"here my dear?" she asks you.
her hands are exactly where you wanted them to be. you let out a soft, content breath.
"just right there my love.." you answered.
her mouth curls up ever so slightly again. shes happy shes able to be herself around you. eventually she washes the body wash off your back. the water drips down from your back. you turn your head to the side to face her with a light smile. she immediately leans in to peck you on the lips. leaving you with a blush on your cheeks.
"don't be embarrassed my dear, let me take care of you." her voice was gentle.
you feel her hands dip into your hair. her gentle fingers massaging your scalp with hair wash.
only you had her like a lovesick fool. she loves you so much, even if she doesn't show it sometimes. <3
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