#soc is messing me up big time my dudes
darlingmoppy · 1 year
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chained-sweater · 4 days
UPDATED Sexuality Headcanons
The Gang:
Darry: Gay. (Expect a lot of these, lmao.)
Ponyboy: Bisexual (No preference. Likes men & women equally. Me too, dude.)
Johnny: Gay. (His type: Ponyboy.)
Steve: Gay. (I told you there would be a lot of these. Only dated Evie to protect himself & his reputation.)
Two-Bit: Straight ally. (I used to hc him as pan, but now my brain don't like that. :p)
Sodapop: Gay. (Dated Sandy to protect himself & his reputation like Steve with Evie.)
Dallas: Bisexual. (He sleeps w/ everyone. Small preference for men.)
The Other Greasers:
Tim: Bisexual. (Female preference.)
Curly: Aggressive bisexual. (Basically bisexual, but aggressive. Male preference.)
Angela: Bisexual. (Female preference.)
Sylvia: Bisexual. (Male preference.)
Sandy: Straight. (Not an ally. This bitch is a big time homophobe. Sorry not sorry.)
Evie: Lesbian (Dated Steve to protect herself & her reputation.)
Buck (bc I have to include this king): Gay. (My dumbass changed his sexuality bc my brain went like, "y'know [my real name], he'd be better off with a man.")
The Socs:
Randy: Gay. (Loved one person and one person only: Bob.)
Marcia: Bisexual mess. (Male preference.)
Cherry: Straight as an arrow. (Ik people hc her to be bi or les, but I can't see it. Also, she ain't that supportive of the queer community, but doesn't really express any homophobia. Fight me on this, I dare you. You cannot change my mind.)
Bob: Questioning. (He liked girls, but also realized that he liked guys as well. He never got the chance to explore his sexuality bc Johnny pulled up w/ his switchblade and said, "Adíos, bitch.")
Paul: Unlabeled. (He likes guys and girls; he just doesn't want to label himself as bi or somethin' like that.)
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snazzystarlight · 6 years
1-60 :)
Thank you for catering to my attention-seeking, self-absorbed self. ily mads.
1. selfieI done posted!
2. what would you name your future kids?I don’t want kids even a little bit, but I want cats named Chad, Brian, and Craig
3. do you miss anyone?I really miss Sara and Brooke and Kalib and Alex right now!!
4. what are you looking forward to?I actually have a whole lot of projects planned-I’m redoing my YouTube and I’m pretty jazzed. I’m also excited to go to soc tomorrow morning.
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?Sara, 100%
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?I actually really don’t date much, but I have a philosophy that if you’re breaking up, then there’s a reason for it and it wasn’t meant to be. So breakups aren’t actually bad and I don’t think I mind them.
7. what was your life like last year?For the most part, really good! Jess and I had to deal with some really dumb stuff for a little while, but honestly I’ve had such a great time moving and going to college and working on the shop.
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?Yes! Literally yesterday because I’m having so many issues with financial aid for school.
9. who did you last see in person?Jess before she left for class. She’s probably the next person I’ll see, too, haha.
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?I don’t really try to, tbh.
11. are you listening to music right now?Nope, I’m watching Shane Dawson atm
12. what is something you want right now?A latte. However, this kid cannot afford to get daily Biggby.
13. how do you feel right now?Somewhat neutral--I’m real stressed about financial aid and one of the apartment situations, but honestly? I’ve got a lot to look forward to and I’m optimistic that things are gonna work out.
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?Not to sound lonely af, but I think the last dude to hug me was my dog, Joe Jonas.
15. personality descriptionI’m tired and always kinda angry, but for the most part I’m optimistic. I’m definitely kinda dumb, but I’m cool with that.
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?Oh, yeah, all the time. I have deal with some mean folks and I always try to keep my mouth shut and just chill instead of snapping at them.
17. opinion on insecurities.So, I really am not insecure about a lot of things, as I’m really passive and just roll with whatever I’ve got. I do understand people having them and I respect that they have a lot to deal with, but I definitely haven’t experienced it that much.
18. do you miss how things were a year ago?Not really. A year ago, I had just gotten out of high school and I was living at my parents’ place. I genuinely enjoy college and I like living on my own a whole lot. I do miss seeing Sara almost everyday, though.
19. have you ever been to New York?I passed through when I was like six, but it was night time and it was a blur.
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?“The Competition” by Kimya Dawson
21. age and birthday?I’m 18. My birthday is August 4 (just like Obama).
22. description of crush.A tasty soda
23. fear(s)Okay, so: people living in my home secretly, people grabbing my car door when I’m stopped at a light (that happened to me and I thought I’d die), and faces in my window.
24. heightStraight up five feet tall
25. role modelI really look up to Alex Fucking Smith (I have not told him this and I refuse to do so). He manages Sleep On It and writes tour journals and he’s just all around an exceptional dude.
26. idol(s)I don’t think I really have any? I kinda don’t believe in that because idolizing people is a bit messed up and puts them in a weird position when in reality we’re all people just trying to get by, you feel?
27. things i hatePeople who are mean for no dang reason, yelling in a context that is not a car ride scream fest
28. i’ll love you if…You are a cat
29. favourite film(s)Hellboy, Ghostbusters, Last Unicorn, Labyrinth. 
30. favourite tv show(s)Bob’s Burgers, Parks and Rec
31. 3 random facts-I drink about a pot of coffee everyday-I hate wearing pants-I love Big Boy
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?I’m actually pals with a lot of gals and nb folks.
33. something you want to learnHow to actually edit videos. I have!! No idea!!
34. most embarrassing momentI yelled that I loved the McDonald’s employee who gave us extra shakes n burgers but it turns out he had not closed his window and neither had I. (This happened two days ago)
35. favourite subjectRight now, it’s either anthropology or sociology.
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?I want to be able to live off my art without ever worrying that I won’t be able to pay rent or tuition.(Madi you’re gonna hate this) I’d love to be able to give Harry Styles a set of songs after everything he and his mom did for me.I want to travel all around the States.
37. favourite actor/actressI don’t watch a ton of TV or movies. 
38. favourite comedian(s)John Mullaney! And Iliza Shlesinger.
39. favourite sport(s)Every time my rooommate puts sports on the TV, I tell her it’s homophobia. But she plays hockey and I love her, so let’s say hockey?
40. favourite memorySara and I driving around, drinking lattes, and yelling. And then I get sick on the side of the road. I had too much milk in that latte and I yelled too much and then I almost died. Also the time she threw up on my dad in a car in full homestuck cosplay.
41. relationship statusWho’s to say?
42. favourite book(s)Ari and Dante Discover The Secrets of the Universe!
43. favourite song everLittle Things by One Direction
44. age you get mistaken forPeople who meet me in professional sessions assume I’m 24. People who meet me otherwise assume I’m 15.
45. how you found out about your idolI don’t really have one, but I really do look up to Alex. I met him through Sleep On It and when I helped Brad LePlant out with interviewing him. That was also the night he helped me not get kidnapped.
46. what my last text message saysIt’s literally me making plans with Brooke for the YouTube renovations.
47. turn onsIn a general, non-romantic type of way, I just like when people are chill, you feel?
48. turn offsAgain, in general. just people being rude or pretentious.
49. where i want to be right nowI’d actually really like to be in, like, a little cabin off on my own with some coffee.
50. favourite picture of your idolI don’t really have an idol, and I can’t think of specific pictures of people I look up to?
51. starsignLeo, and it shows.
52. something i’m talented atI really think I’m good at making coffee. I’m so good at it.
53. 5 things that make me happyCats, coffee, Sara, painting, car rides
54. something thats worrying me at the momentFinancial aid suuuuucks and most of mine got cut!
55. tumblr friendsI feel like I talk to most people on a lot of platforms, so someone that is pretty much exclusively tumblr is @zemmefatale aka the best aka madi
56. favourite food(s)Peanut butter cups, tacos, pasta
57. favourite animal(s)Cats.
58. description of my best friendSara’s smart af and funny and so chill and she’s literally always there for me and I adore her beyond words
59. why i joined tumblrI was like 13 and my friend had it. Woooow.
60. ask me anything you want Madi you didn’t ask a question for this so I’m gonna make up something you’d ask e. “Why are you like this” it’s because I’m tired, Mads.
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simpcitybaby · 7 years
Don't cha know I'm in love
A/N: Okay so I have the song “Uptown Girl” stuck in my head so that’s kinda what this song is based off of, ya feel? Curly is such a fucking complex character and I wrote him my way.
PSA: That Was Then, This Is Now is on YouTube also I’m on mobile so this formatting is shitty, also I didn’t proof read
Word Count: 2703 words
Curly x Reader
Warnings: Idfk, swear words ig —————– Let’s Begin ——————- In the middle. That’s what you were. You weren’t a greaser nor a soc but you had friends in both categories. You were best friends with Sherri Valance and Angela Shepard, the three of you were unlikely friends. You were always caught hanging around with Ponyboy, Johnny, and the whole gang. Cherry would constantly invite you to hang out with her and Bob to which the answer was always no. Bob was a complete asshole and so were his friends. You met Angela’s brother Curly when you were 8, he wasn’t as bad back then but he always felt the need to upstage his older brother Tim. He would always tag along with you and Angela but you didn’t see him as much anymore since he was in and out of the reformatory for awhile. He managed to be released and today the Shepard gang was having a party for him which meant that you had the job of inviting your main greasers. You inched up the stairs of the Curtis residence and the door swung open, revealing Sodapop.
“You guys! Our little uptown girl is here!” You rolled your eyes at the nickname that he had given you so many years ago. Out of the gang, Soda was the easiest one to talk to when it came to boys and relationships. He was an absolute sweetheart but he’d get down and dirty if he needed to protect you or the boys.
“Maybe you should change the name to middle-class girl.” You poked your tongue out as you teased him. “Uptown girl has a better ring to it. It also sounds cool when we’re called the backstreet guys.” “You mean the Backstreet Boys?” “No (Y/N). Uptown girl is always looking for the backstreet guys.” You sighed before shaking your head, “It’d sound better if you said downtown boys.” You were met with the sound of a pencil scribbling across a piece of paper before hearing, “Ponyboy is going to write a song about you. Did you get that Pone?” Soda peeked over Pony’s shoulder as Pony read,
“Uptown girl, she’s been living in her uptown world, I bet she’s never had a backstreet guy, I bet her mama never told her why… That’s all I have for now.” The whole room filled with laughter when Johnny brought out a guitar and started playing some chords to go along with Pony’s new poem. “I came to invite you guys to the Shepards party tonight not to have a song written about me.” You laughed before Two-Bit piped up, “Are you excited to see your Romeo?” He was met with an eye roll and a quick, “he doesn’t like me that way.” “(Y/N), man. The boy has the hots for you.” A chorus of yups and who wouldn’t’s filled the air, causing you to blush.
Curly was stone cold and hardheaded. He never wanted to admit when he was wrong and he prided himself on the amount of arrests he’s had. He was never serious about relationships but he was always there for you. When you got a lead in the school musical he was the one who dragged Angela to go and see it. The whole time he was going on and on saying things like “what the fuck is this shit? Fucking stupid that’s what this is.” and “nobody actually does that in real life.” But he was lowkey enjoying himself and his smile widened once graced the stage with your presence. Curly even brought you flowers but reminded you, “don’t think too much about it. I just didn’t want you to be embarrassed about not getting any flowers.” You just smiled at him and reassured him that his bad boy image was still present and that you were thankful for his thoughtfulness even though you had several bouquets of flowers in your hands. On your birthday he had stolen a pearl necklace for you but quickly added, “You know I can’t afford to buy you pearls but I can steal some for you, so be fucking grateful.” Unbeknownst to you, his face lit up every time he saw you wearing the necklace.
Darry pulled you out of your thoughts when he said, “Don’t let them bother you. Just go home and get ready, we’ll pick you up say 8 o'clock and then head over to Buck’s.” On the way out you were met with Cherry’s smiling face, “I knew you’d be here! I want to help you get ready for the party.” She wiggled her brows suggestively before pulling you towards your house which sat directly in the middle of the South and East side. Sherri decided that she wasn’t going to go to the party because she didn’t want to be the reason that Bob started shit with the gang. So instead of being your wing-woman, she was going to dress you to the nines. ——————-Time Skip —————— Your body was clad in a yellow pinup dress while your feet were snug in your white vans. Your makeup was ideal and it accented your (E/C) eyes, making them glisten in the moonlight. Your stomach erupted into a flurry of butterflies as time ticked down. You were about to see Curly for the first time in months and you didn’t know what to expect. He always bragged to Angela that you were his better half but what if that changed? You wouldn’t be able to blend into the scene and hide from him since you were wearing a bright ass yellow dress but you wore it because Curly loved the color on you. If you had it your way he wouldn’t be in and out of the reformatory, he’d be home with you.
Meanwhile, Curly had dragged Angela into his room and said, “What the fuck do I wear, Angel?” Angela smirked at the nickname because she knew that she was anything but. “Since when were you worried about wearing the wrong thing?” “Since (Y/N) is fucking going to be there! Is that what you wanted to hear, you cold hearted bitch.” “Wear one of those nice button ups that you stole and some jeans. Oh! Also wear your jacket, not that you could forget it but bring it just in case she gets cold.” “Angela this isn’t a fucking movie and I’m not going to sling my jacket over her shoulders and be cold myself.” “You know you’d fucking do it you big softie. You really like her even though you wouldn’t say so. If you want a girl like that, you’ve gotta treat her right.” “Get out of my fucking room.” Angela exited as Curly threw himself on the bed, burying his head in his hands. He always went for broads but with you it was different. You couldn’t be classified in that category, you were too good for that label. He wanted to prove to you that he’s good enough and that he’s worth your time. You were his better half and maybe if you were around more he’d change his ways. Not fully of course but enough to stop going to the reformatory. “Ready to go, you little shit?” Tim’s head peaked into Curly’s room and with that, they left. ————- Bitch it’s party time ————– When you stepped outside of your front door you were met with the boys dressed fairly nice. “Shit, you guys look sexy.” You announced this as you guys started walking to Buck’s. “Don’t you look beautiful as ever, (Y/N).” Steve slung an arm over your shoulder as he said this, causing you to let out a snort while laughing. “Aren’t you something, Randle?” It was a fairly nice walk filled with banter and giggles but upon arriving at Buck’s you started to freak out.
All of the guys made their entrance while Dally stayed back with you. “Stop freaking out, man. You’re making me feel nauseous for you.” You glared at Dally and responded with, “Dallas, what if he’s changed? What if he doesn’t like me anymore? I should’ve stayed home.” You rambled on and on which led Dally to put his hand over your mouth. “Shut the fuck up already. You look like an angel among us all and if he doesn’t like you then he can go suck a dick. You can find someone better than him if he’s going to mess with your emotions. You’re a good kid and you’re gonna have fun, yadda yadda yadda. Let’s go fucking party now because this pep talk is over.” You smiled because you could tell that Dallas cared for you. The two of you walked in an were met with dim red lights and alcohol.
Out of everyone, Tim spotted you first. “Hey (Y/N)! Angela’s over there. Have a good time okay?” He ruffled your hair before pushing you in Angela’s direction. “FUCKING SHIT! MY BEST FRIEND LOOKS LIKE A GODDESS. I’M ABOUT READY TO DIE OVER HERE, YOU LOOK SO FINE.” You were met with an embrace and a whisper in your ear which said, “Bitch, Curly is over by the stairs leaning against the wall. He’s been waiting for you all night. If you were anyone else I wouldn’t let you talk to him but you’re you so go get your man.” She pulled away and stuck her tongue out before grinding on some dude. “How much money did someone pay you to wear that?” You yelled this over the music while walking towards Curly.
“Get lost broad, I’m waiting for someone.” The boy was glancing at the door, his eyes were looking at anything but you. How stupid is he? How did he miss you walking in if he’s been staring at the entrance all night. “Call me a broad one more time and I’ll punch your fucking teeth in.” Curly froze and slowly turned around before pulling you in by your waist. “I’ve missed you so fucking much, you don’t even understand.” “Curly, are you sniffing my hair?” He rose a brow and said, “Yeah. Problem?” You shook your head before gesturing towards his outfit. “You look nice! Why are you so dressed up?” If you looked close enough you could’ve sworn that he was blushing. “Just wanted to look presentable for a certain Uptown Girl.” He was met with a shove and giggles. “Curly Shepard got all dressed up for lil ol’ me?” “Shut up before I leave.” “You can’t leave, it’s your party.” “I’ll leave and I’ll take you with me.” “What’s stopping you?” Next thing you know you’re being dragged away from Buck’s and all the way to the alley down by the tracks. “As much as I like it here, I’m not looking for any confrontation tonight. Let’s go to the lot.”
You began pulling him in the direction of the lot before he said, “You make me want things that I can’t have.” Stopping dead in your tracks you turned to him and asked, “What are you thinking about?” “When ever I’m out of the reformatory I come to see you. It’s always been you. I scare away anyone who even has the thought of hitting on you because you make me feel things. I hate myself so much for these fucking feelings.” You walked closer towards him and urged him to go on.
“I should’ve told you that I felt this way a long time ago but I didn’t want to screw things up. You have everything going for you, (Y/N). You’re the Uptown girl and I don’t want to drag you down with me. The Shepard gang only gets worse with age and I don’t want to be the reason that you don’t succeed in life because damn it, you deserve so much more than this.” Curly sighed and ran a hand through his hair while his eyes became glassy.
“Curly Shepard. I am so in love with you that I want to throw up whenever I’m near you. You make me a good kind of nervous. You’re always there for me when I’m doing productions or feeling down. You have this whole, I hate the world, persona but with me you’re different. You just need someone to love you and show you that there’s still good in this world. I can be that person.” Your arms looped around his neck as he let out a nervous sigh. “I feel like I can’t breathe, (Y/N).” Your fingers danced across his face, tracing every single trait and then they played in his curls. “I can’t let you get mixed up with me. I can’t lose you. I can’t let you throw your life away for me. I can-”
Soft lips were met with another pair. Delicate and pillow like. He tasted like cigarettes and alcohol mixed with a bit of icing from the cake they had at the party. You tasted like chocolate covered strawberries and all things sweet. He couldn’t pull you in any closer but he damn well tried. You guys ran your fingers all over one another in the most passionate kiss there was. Although you initiated it, he deepened it and kissed you softly as though you could break. Both of you guys pulled away in a dire need for air after your tongues just battled for dominance. “I’m willing to help you better yourself if you’d let me. I don’t necessarily want to change you because I love who you are. But if you’re scared of dragging me down, we can build each other up together.” “I’d like that. So we’re in agreeance that you’re mine and I’m yours?” You nodded before leaning your head on his shoulder as you guys continued your walk to the lot.
You shivered a bit, swearing because you were going to bring your jacket but Cherry didn’t let you. “Here.” Curly slid off his near and dear leather jacket then proceeded to help you slide your arms through the sleeves. “Shit. I’ll have to thank Angela for this later.” He whispered it under his breath but you caught on putting two and two together. Angela and Cherry must’ve planned it out so that this moment would happen, you definitely had to thank them later. At the lot you guys stared at the stars and traced each other’s features. He stared at you with loving eyes as you fell asleep in his embrace.
Johnny and Ponyboy happened to be on their way to the lot and when they saw you two, Pony whipped out his notepad. “Why were you carrying that, Pone?” Johnny gestured towards the notepad and pencil “New song lyrics, man.” He scribbled before turning the notepad so that Johnny could read it. “She’ll see I’m not so tough Just because I’m in love with an uptown girl You know I’ve seen her in her uptown world She’s getting tired of her high class toys And all her presents from her uptown boys She’s got a choice” After seeing the lyrics, Johnny dragged Pony to the Curtis household in dire need of his guitar to put the lyrics to music. ~ Fin ~
Jk there’s a bonus part: “I swear to who ever the fuck is up there in the sky that if you hurt our little uptown girl, I will personally take care of you.” Dally had Curly’s shirt balled in his fist but was met with laughter. Right in Dally’s face, Curly said, “Hey Pony did you hear that? No? I could’ve sworn that I heard a little bitch!” “We’re serious man, we’ll hurt you.” Curly nodded and said, “I could never hurt that girl in a million years and if I did, you guys could personally kill me but make sure you let Angela get in on it.”
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yarrowleef-babbles · 3 years
anyway I'm at the end of my impulsive grishaverse binge. The King of Scars duology was fun to read and I enjoyed it.. It was also dumb as hell. But honestly I am here for a good time not a...idk, sensible time. Look I’ve been reading almost nothing but warrior cats for over a decade, clearly my standards are low and I can handle a lot of nonsense and still enjoy the ride
 (but rly I still don’t know why the Darkling returning is a thing at all. He’s just a less intimidating shadow of his former self. He went out in a blaze of glory and however he goes out the second time is going to be underwhelming in comparison. I literally KEPT FORGETTING HE WAS AROUND during Rule of Wolves until his POV chapters came up because everything else felt like a more pressing threat, meanwhile he was just. There. Dicking around. I forgot. the *DARKLING* was around. That’s almost impressive. He just came across as so pathetic compared to the constantly looming threatening force he used to be. There were so many enemies and problems to face with the Fjerdans and everything else, why even add him? I feel like I would have rather the main problem just being fixing the mess he left behind, and have Nikolai figure out some other way to solve the fold and his demon problem, considering Lantsov kings being dumb is part of what enabled the Darkling for so long to begin with. He could fix the remaining scars of their biggest mistake before retiring the Lantsov line. Idk, that would require a rewrite since apparently whatever is happening with the Darkling is going to motivate the next plot, but all that junk about the magic tree just felt. Tacked on rather then woven in? if that makes sense? considering how often I kept forgetting about him I feel like it would have been better to just....Let Nikolai have the focus in fixing this issue, no Darkling meddling needed. Darkling stays dead while we struggle with the ghosts and damage he left behind, and he left A LOT behind, he doesn’t need to literally be here as well. I Do NOT want him to get any sort of redemption arc. he Does Not Need One. Can’t we just let him go I’ve had enough of this dude) 
Next point, I am surprisingly fine with Queen Zoya, I think the duology did a good job setting both of them up for this when I look back on it, although it did catch me by surprise at first. Her turning into a LITERAL DRAGON???
Tumblr media
lissen, I Do Not understand the fantasy rules of this world at all sometimes, sometimes it feels like crazy things Just Happen when plot needs it, and its felt that way ever since Shadow and Bone (like last book with the Saint Sand Castle. JESUS CHRIST what was ANY OF THAT I feel like I got transported into a different series I kept putting down the book to whisper-yell ‘what the fuck is happening right now’ to myself, I STILL do not really understand how those people were alive, how their magic worked, or where they were, their explanation didn’t make sense)
 but look. Look, sometimes I also Do Not Care, dragon Zoya was SICK AS HELL. You can be as dumb as you want if you’re also sick and hell while doing it, thems the rules!!!
Neutral on the Nikolai/Zoya relationship. It’s fine, w/e. That’s my stance on most MC romances so shrug.
ANYWAY if I’m honest with myself the Crows are my main true emotional investment in this universe so everything else that happens with other characters is kind of a “yeah ok I guess this is happening now, whatever” one way or another. But my crows. I adore their banter. I loved their appearance, even if it was mostly unnecessary fanservice. I miss them all so much.
I have no interest in investing myself in book fandom culture (it seems like its just...not my scene) I’m vaguely aware that Hanne and Nina’s relationship is controversial. (i’m vaguely aware a lot about this duology is controversial but I don’t know everyone elses reasons as to why, though I have some guesses). And Listen, I can totally 100% sympathize if you are someone who was at all emotionally invested in the helnik ship, even though its been over a year in book time, from the reader perspective Matthias like, just died. And to have Nina immediately thrust into a new meet-cute so quickly while she’s literally standing over his fresh grave?? Yeah I get why that might sting a bit. 
I, however, am not rly a helnik stan, in fact the handling of Matthias and Nina’s relationship was by far my LEAST favorite part of the SoC duology, an awkward frustrating stain on books I otherwise adored so much. Their relationship started off making me wildly uncomfortable (I have a lot of complicated and frustrated feelings about Matthias in general, I think i’ll probably end up making an overly long post complaining about him later on) and though it got a bit better in Crooked Kingdom, it still only reached “I guess I will tolerate this” levels, and then he died before i could finish reconciling with it so. I'm just left frustrated by the whole thing.
For me, her relationship with Hanne felt way more natural and less uncomfortable, yes even if its less ~dramatic~ then almost dying together in the arctic.. (I always felt like she and Matthias were attracted to each other in SPITE of who they are rather then BECAUSE of who they are you know? i just don't love that as a basis for a relationship It’s...ugh look again Matthias is a whole can of worms for me, I can’t get into it right now. It just doesn’t do it for me. I never understood Nina’s attraction to Matthias, so being better then that is a low bar for me. ) I’m not head-over heels with Nina/Hanne or anything, but I like it just fine and I think Hanne is a neat character.
I didn’t think Nina could carry a storyline on her own, but I was surprisingly often more invested in her then Zoya and Nikolai? I was only neutral to her in six of crows, I liked her, but less then the others....... mainly again because she was So Wrapped Up In Matthias Whomst I Do Not Exactly Love that it was hard to appreciate her on her own. I’m glad I got the chance to focus on her and grow to like her as an individual. 
 Maybe her crow status gives her my bias, or honestly maybe I just like high risk spy stuff that felt like it had more immediate danger and stakes every moment to her rather then the more big-but-impersonal concern for a whole country and the exhausting political complications of ruling Ravka, which is what Zoya and Nikolai were often grappling with. I still liked that storyline, but my personal preference is with Nina’s type of stakes (thats probably just another reason why I liked the SoC duology most in the grishaverse)
Which aaaaaaaaaaah, leads me to what is for ME causing the most emotionally charged Issues with the end of this book!!!! It’s probably not the biggest issue objectively, but I am not feeling objective right now, I am feeling emotional! While I think the Darkling returning is dumb, I have less emotional investment in him and the characters surrounding him so that, even though I dont exactly like it, I don’t really mind that much what happens to him, I’m willing to follow the story down whatever nonsensical rabbit hole it wants to go
but WOW I am I NOT a fan of Nina suddenly being the queen of fjerda??????HUGELY MASSIVLEY NOT A FAN OF THAT MY DUDES.  And not just beause it came out of left field (which is most certainly did).
i mean people more articulate then me have already probably talked about why this is a miserable future for her, so. that bites.
idk, no end to this post, just lots of words
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