#sofia of enchancia
naoisbroke · 23 days
Just finished the Camp Wilderwood episode, and why didn’t either of the camp counselors step in to help James at all? Not only did he have the equivalent of poison ivy, which should’ve been treated, but he was also bullied and pushed out of events by the other students. It shouldn’t have been Sofia’s job to make sure the other kids didn’t bully him
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ladies-of-fiction · 2 months
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Princess Sofia
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rwbyangst12 · 9 months
Season 4 episode 17 or season 4 episode 19 on Disney Plus "The Birthday Wish"
Sofia's 11th birthday party was ruined by multiple things so Tizzy, Ruby's fairy godmother cast a spell that would let her redo the day but she hadn't read the spell fully and it had said until "the person who this spell was cast on is truly happy for the day, it will repeat endlessly"
Sofia relived her birthday over and over until she was free from the spell and becoming really happy for the day.
The amount of angst potential this could have in any fanfic where Sofia just questions her age wondering if all those birthday's would count because she had tried again and again to make sure everything went perfectly thinking that a perfect birthday party would make her happy not knowing it was something else. Her being trapped in an endless timeloop of having relived the same day for years and questioning if that technically counts as her aging.
Dear lord the Angst potential. She just wanted to celebrate her birthday and she got a curse instead that wasn't even from the amulet but because SOMEONE didn't want to do their job properly and read the entire spell.
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gobbochune · 6 years
its occurred to me that when Cedric welcomed Sofia into his workshop to try and take her Amulet for the first time she had just come home from a disastrous day of princess school and felt like she had no one on her side. From her perspective it must have seemed like he was the only one in the castle who really understood how hard this is for her, shows her something special no one else in the castle has ever seen, and even offers to use his magic to help her adjust to palace life where everyone else just expects her to go along with all the new changes.
To the audience Sofia seems really gullible and oblivious to be so randomly supportive of him but its probably because he accidentally became a role model for her in the beginning of the series. She might even be so obsessed with magic because she really does think he’s a cool and nice guy whose always been trying to help her.
Which makes him telling her they he never cared about her in the first place so much more hurtful then it would have been if he was just another one of the gazillion new friends she’s made since becoming a princess. Like yeah that would have probably hurt too, but being told by one of the first people to truly understand her situation and sympathise that he was just using her for power has gotta be....ouch. 
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kpopsocks · 8 years
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i couldn’t find one of these so I made one for myself~
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naoisbroke · 1 month
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Another fun little thing for the fic. Vivian and Sofia very much have a “thought they had a lot of time so they never confessed” x “thought they didn’t have any more time so they never confessed” type of doomed sapphic going on and I’m obsessed
I’ve been thinking of including a scene where future (or past tbh) Sofia’s amulet summons Vivian from her original timeline, and Sofia gets a bit of closure with only her. She finally confesses and apologizes for not giving them a chance before and it’s all fluffy but also angsty
This part definitely won’t be included in the fic, but Sofia used to date Hugo. However, while they dated, Hugo was very emotionally distant and seemed to want Sofia to be someone else for appearances and all that, so Sofia breaks it off after she runs away and everything
Vivian had a crush on her since long before she dated Hugo, though. Kind of a “fell first and fell harder” trope
Hugo would eventually get a character redemption and apologize to Sofia and they would continue on as friends
I am so insanely normal about this (lying)
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naoisbroke · 2 months
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A traditional Sofia sketch that I may or may not digitalize later down the road
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ladies-of-fiction · 9 months
I believe that anything can be a princess thing
Princess Sofia, Sofia the First
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rwbyangst12 · 2 years
Growing up is realising that Sofia was just an 8 year old girl who had too many responsibilities and was pressured by adults to save her new family and a kingdom and realm she now has to take care of and protect and people have high expectations of her, and that she was never given any real time to grieve her missing (most likely dead) father who only passed away like a year before her mother's remarriage and she is a child with trauma and doesn't want to bother people with it or tell anyone her secrets because they might put her in danger. She is a prodigy in just about everything she tries and isn't used to the idea of failling or not getting the hang of things quickly.
Sofia is also constantly betting her own life or being forced to negotiate the lives of her family since she was 8. She was betrayed by 4 adults, 3 of which were her teachers and and 3 of them are redeemed. She watched two people be murdered and a man waste his life away. Her brother being distressed and angry because he wasted his childhood preparing for a position he was never going to get because their grandmother and aunt lied. She watched the reason the twins were born and the queen was killed. Has been trapped in the middle of no where multiple times. Her sister stole her amulet. She saved the world multiple times. And her friends were toxic to her for being better than them at a game and trying to help a girl out. Was tricked by Cedric into cursing the entire kingdom to sleep. Is very protective and suspicious to anyone who even looks at the Amulet. Was given a position that constantly puts her life in danger and told to protect an entire realm filled with like 50 kingdoms. Must watch or read peoples lives no matter how gory in order to give them an ending weather it's sad or happy as long as it's an ending. Is blamed if things go wrong because of an adult. Isn't believed even if she's right. And none of the adults listen to her and always underestimate her.
This child needs a hug, therapy, sleep, and should just go play Dazzle all, Flyer Derby, or Ice dancing, go back to the Buttercup scouts, do her homework, practice magic, and play with her animals.
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