#sofiane kada
bbchlow · 2 years
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒈𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝒊𝒔 : 𝑺𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑲𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝑷𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆
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schtrawberry · 1 year
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justmeandmyships · 1 year
Constantly thinking: when Obé wanted to revenge and hurt Sofiane, he went straight to hurt Victor 😭😭😭😭
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andrewthedeadly · 2 years
cannot believe mortel is over … sick to my stomach that was my SHOW!
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ronandhermy · 2 years
watching Mortel and my god it’s hilarious how Sofiane went from “yeah, I could kill this Victor guy” to “hey, that’s my Victor, get you’re own, I was here first” so damn quick
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tsukishimawhore · 2 years
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Wtfff i want to cry so bad ! Mortel has been cancel by netflix💔💔💔
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pige0ntel · 2 years
Anyway now that that’s done, I refuse to forgive the mortel writers for leaving us on Sofiane’s “something i’ve been meaning to tell you” line and never actually elaborating in s2.
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In my head Sofiane is bisexual (or pansexual), I will NOT accept any other possibility period
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adictaenserie · 3 years
Mortal a segunda vista
TEMPORADA 1 – Sofiane está buscando a su hermano Reda, que desapareció hace 4 meses y junto con Victor, que intentó suicidarse, hace un pacto de sangre con Obé, un dios joven del vudú que cumple la función de parca, para salvar el alma de Reda a cambio de asesinar a una persona. Obé le da poderes psíquicos a los dos: Sofiane puede controlar a las personas con la mente y Victor, escuchar sus pensamientos.
Una estudiante quedó en coma después de saltar por una ventana y hay un grupo que se niega a salir de sus casas (hikikomori). Sofiane y Victor, con la ayuda de Luisa, que vive con su abuela que practica vudú, descubren que estos hechos están relacionados y detienen al culpable.
TEMPORADA 2 – Sofiane se enfrenta a las consecuencias de marcar personas y Luisa al pacto que hizo con Obé. Victor propone una nueva víctima para sacrificar y así superar los traumas de su infancia.
Los Désandans envían a una enfermera escolar para vigilar a los estudiantes y Luisa descubre que para proteger el poder y evitar que se cumpla la profecía están inclusive matando mortales. Finalmente Luisa termina su iniciación.
Mortal es una serie de fantasía, pero en vez de enfocarse en los efectos especiales se apoya principalmente en los actores y la fotografía. Los actuaciones son impecables, sobre todo Carl Malapa (Sofiane Kada) cuando utiliza su poder y Némo Schiffman (Victor Wanderwelt) en toda la gama de emociones. En cierto sentido, varias escenas, principalmente cuando Sofiane y Victor en el T1:E6 entran a la "guarida" del antagonista y luchan contra los matones, recuerdan a Michael Richards (Cosmo Kramer) en Seinfeld.
Las tomas en lugares reducidos como por ej. los pasillos y escaleras del liceo, los planos picados del exterior del liceo, la predominancia de colores básicos, el vestuario unisex, etc. con el trap sonando de fondo le da una personalidad única a la serie.
Se desarrolla en un liceo y con respecto las clases pasa lo mismo que en Dark, no es casualidad que se mencione a "El extraño caso del doctor Jekyll y el señor Hyde" porque le está pasando algo similar a Victor. Además los conflictos que tienen los 3 protagonistas están principalmente vinculados a lo sobrenatural y a situaciones que también aparecen en ficciones con personajes adultos, como los triángulos amorosos o el arco de Victor, que fue víctima de abusos, es similar al de Kasper, el asesor de prensa en Borgen.
De "Un lobo adolescente" no pude terminar de ver ni el primer episodio, porque me pareció muy infantil, pero en el caso de Mortal aunque es también +16, la trama de fantasía está interesante dentro de los parámetros del género y la segunda temporada tiene también unos tintes de terror. Además a nivel personal, me gustan las ficciones inspiradas en otras religiones que no sean la católica.
Por último me pareció simpático que Victor y Luisa pinten (y también que se mostraran los dibujos de Obé que hicieron los hikikomori) porque como ya mencioné, la serie tiene una estética única y por ese motivo supongo que parte de la audiencia tendrá inclinaciones artísticas. Pintar un mural tirándote de un puente es el nuevo flashback.
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painauchocolatwife · 1 year
new crush unlocked sofiane kada
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mobumi · 3 years
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When I called to ask you to come back, I didn’t think you would.
for @honeyglazedbabe
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atomickada · 2 years
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(here's a cropped version of a crappy photo I took a while back on my phone of his form for that smarty people class that he filled out in season 2 episode 1 in case y'all wanted proof)
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cloveroctobers · 3 years
A Sunday Drabble | w. a few of my boys
Warnings: language, phobias, under age drinking, possessive/jealousy, illness, and trauma. Fluff, humor, drama? And angst? All right up my alley! I think that’s it.
+ also from a prompt list I forgot to like/reblog?
Angel Reyes
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There were times like these where you preferred being single, preferred not having someone that got on your nerves. And sure your relationship with Angel tended to be dramatic and if you asked anyone who knew the both of you, they’d say you were the most dramatic out of the two. Whatever.
Your parents came down to Santo Padre for Labor Day weekend and Angel had the nerve to take your dad’s side over yours. So after dessert you cleaned up the kitchen with your mom and right off the bat your mom knew you were annoyed with your husband. Yet she found it humorous how you were sulking over your husband’s shared preference with your father, instead of saying how you felt from the beginning.
Normally you would jump at the chance of your husband bonding with your father, since it took forever for your dad and Angel to get along. You were the youngest of four sisters and in your mind you seemed to get it the worst out of your sisters for whatever reason. It really wasn’t a whatever reason, you were extremely close with your father (and his favorite) despite what your second eldest sister Josephine thinks. It was childish of course to want your father to agree with you 100% of the time but to have him and Angel gang up on you? This will just not do.
Your mother never had a issue saying what was on the tip of her tongue, whether you liked it or not. Sometimes it worked in her favor and a good portion of the time it irked your father’s nerves, again every relationship was of course not the same, but you weren’t the most vocal out of your siblings or your mother. Most of the time people had to pull teeth to get you to open up…but when you did it put those around you at ease—depending on the situation.
Instead of sitting in the living room with Angel and your parents, you went straight outside to walk your front yard with another glass of white sangria in your hands. You paced the front yard as the summer bugs voiced their complaints into the night. The conversation wasn’t that big of a deal but it made you question whatever else Angel might have thought differently from you.
First it was the whole debate about leaving Santo padre behind as you two were going a year into your marriage but Angel had his duty to the club, which you understood but you wanted to see more. You weren’t originally from here, being from Reno, Nevada then you went off to school in Utah before dropping out two years in to end up right in Santo Padre where you met Coco then Angel.
“Come inside, quierda, I’m sorry.” Angel called out to you, now standing on the porch from some time as he watched you pace back and forth.
Your mother must have blabbed your annoyance to Angel the moment his eyes burned into your frame as you silently walked out the house.
“What’s her problem?” Your dad huffed as his wife sat on the couch.
Angel shrugged, just as clueless as his father-in-law.
A laugh bubbled in your mom’s throat, “listen very carefully boys—
You fanned your hand at him, “Not until you apologize.”
Angel furrowed his brows, he couldn’t believe you were this upset over him choosing lemon white frosting on pound cake rather than plain, how you liked it.
“I just said I’m freaking sorry.” Angel sighed as he hopped off the porch, making his way over to you.
He hoped to the man above that you weren’t crying, then he’d really get his ass kicked but by his own father this time. He knew your dad would just stare at you wide eyed like he normally did over your dramatics.
“So every time you eat my pound cake it was just a lie?” You whipped around, peering up at Angel who was relieved there were no tears.
Just pain.
“I never said I didn’t like your cake? I just prefer icing on most desserts! Anyways, every time you put a plate in front of me I’m eating that shit right?” Angel gripped your forearms while you shortly thought about it.
This was true.
His hands slid down to your backside, “I like peaches and cream too.” He flirted.
You scoffed using your elbow to shove your own personal horn dog away, “cool it 112, I’m still annoyed with you.”
“But I love you anyways even when you’re pissed over stupid pound cake.” Angel pressed his forehead against yours as you finally laughed at how silly this whole thing was. However Angel Reyes wouldn’t have you any other way.
Jordan Baker
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It was summer time so you had this bright idea to do a friend trip and once you put the bug in Layla’s ear (it also somehow got to JJ) it was no turning back from there. You were all graduating high school and majority of you wouldn’t be attending the same school’s so it was in your best interest to have one last hurrah since it would be the last for awhile.
JJ put Europe out there but that was shot down the minute Chris said it wasn’t in the budget right now. Respectfully they had to take that into consideration since most of the teens did not have their own money or a lot of it so they all settled on Sante Fe, New Mexico.
So far you were having a great time, it was only your first-second day out here? Blame the drinks okay? But everyone seemed to be enjoying their time together since there was no pressure of whatever college had to bring and you were trying to keep it that way. You and the group took a early afternoon flight to New Mexico, with no turbulence and no running into storms that would delay the flight. Every thing was fine minus Spencer getting hit with motion sickness one hour into the flight but everything was smooth sailing especially when you all arrived at your home away from home for the next week!
There was only a hour difference between California and New Mexico but by the time you did get to the vacation home it was approaching dinner time. You all ordered from grubhub and took shots out by the pool to end your first night in Sante Fe before managing to all get to your rooms. You were sharing a room with Layla and it didn’t take long for the girl to knock out on her bed beside yours, so you were left tossing and turning in your bed for a good thirty minutes before you threw the covers back.
You hated being a insomniac. Melatonin was not on your side tonight or those three shots of tequila but your thoughts about Rihanna finally giving us a album was stuck on your mind. Humming to yourself you went shuffling along the spacious home, your fingers sliding against the warm toned walls as you went—and for leverage if you ended up stumbling. It was when you reached the split level of the house that you heard something, your eyes went to slits as you peeked around the corner.
Of course you couldn’t see anything since you didn’t have your contacts in and oh yeah, it was dark as hell in the house—considering there were no lights on but that’s not focus here! Your bare feet slapped against the cool tiled covered stairs as you slowly went down them still looking to the right searching for something. That’s when you heard the noise again, you went down the four steps that led to the front entrance and door of the home.
See, any other time you heard a noise? You would high tail your ass right back up those steps and lock the doors before sending a quick text to warn the others or something along those lines but with liquid courage, you were about your shit more than ever right now. Latching onto a golf club that looked pretty expensive, that sat by the door, you quickly weighed it in your hands before running on your tip toes around the house.
Making it into the living room you hunched down as the noise was much louder now. Your heart was hammering in your chest as you silently counted before your attack.
“Game’s over, you son of a bitch!!” You screamed, swinging the golf club all throughout the air. You might have even closed your eyes as you did so— yeah we can talk about that later.
You did hear a gasp until a familiar voice answered, “Okay, just don’t hit me.”
“Jordan?” You questioned, opening your eyes at some point.
There the tall boy stood in a tank top and some shorts holding a carton of cashew milk, “Morning sunshine.” He waved his fingers around the carton he was holding.
“What’re you doing down here?! I thought it was a alien making all that noise.” You lowered the golf club.
Jordan frowned, “why would a sexy ass alien like myself be down here trying to eat human food?”
You grimaced, “…I don’t know about all that but—
“I’m offended that you don’t think I’d make a sexy alien.”
“I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that you think you’re sexy.” You pointed.
Jordan smirked, “I don’t think, I know, y/n. Did you see those ladies break their necks at the airport?” You rolled your eyes as Jordan continued, “and you thought I was sexy a few hours ago too with the way you were putting that thang up on me by the pool.”
You plunged your ears, “lalallala, Meg was playing, Meg was playing! what was I supposed to do?”
“Hey, I’m not complaining!” Jordan laughed placing the carton on the counter.
You snorted as you moved to pull yourself up on the counter peeking to see what he was even eating at this point. “Really Jordan, egos and Buffalo wings? Ewww.”
“When I’m toasted, a man has to eat.” Jordan argued.
“It doesn’t make a difference if you’re drunk or tipsy, you’re always eating, fat ass.” You shuffled away from the plate of disgust near you.
Jordan glanced behind him, “you think my ass is fat? JJ and Asher were the only one’s who wanted to work on glutes the other day.”
You slapped your hand against your mouth laughing but also getting a peek yourself.
“Don’t objectify me, y/n!” Jordan scolded you.
“You asked my opinion!” You raised your hands in surrender.
Jordan folded his arms before moving to place them on the counter by your hips, “you didn’t answer either, you just keep hurting my feelings. why are you up?” He suddenly asked.
Tipsy Jordan could give anyone whiplash.
“Couldn’t sleep, as always.”
Jordan trailed his fingers over your face, pressing against your tense temples before flicking his eyes up to meet yours, “I know a way to put you to sleep.”
“Nope! I’m not drinking NyQuil again.”
Jordan laughed before running his fingers over your lips, “oh hell no we’re never doing that again, I’ve had some pretty stupid ideas but that might be top five.”
“Uh huh.” You nodded.
“I was thinking something like this.” Jordan’s voice lowered before pecking your lips, once then twice.
You caught his drift as you wrapped your legs around his waist.
EZ Reyes
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Sundays were meant for relaxation before the week starts but they always seemed to fly by. It was approaching 3pm, the light platter of rain sliding down the windows as you cuddled into your blanket watching some lifetime movie that your mother texted you about. It was funny really that you hated watching them with her when you were a younger since all you cared about was watching your cartoons or some teen drama but now here you were, getting texts whenever a good one seemed interesting enough to watch.
You snacked on your gummy bears periodically as you buried yourself deeper into the couch as the central air kicked back on. Letty was stretched out on the two-seat sofa, already sleeping a half hour into the movie, homework long forgotten. You shook your head laughing to yourself as you turned back to the flatscreen watching as the story progressed.
The movie went straight to commercial as you heard the door open then shut. You were shocked EZ was home early unless he was coming in to run right back out?
“Hey, babe, look what I found.” Ez greeted you as he walked around the couch, he pressed a quick kiss to your ear.
You hoped it was The Xoloitzcuintle you’ve been looking at for months now as you sat up on your elbows as Ez moved to stand in front of the tv. Immediately you stopped chewing your gummy bear as you focused in on what ez was holding oh so proudly.
“GET THAT OUT OF THE HOUSE NOW!!!” You screamed, making Letty jump up out of her sleep.
The smile on ez’s face dropped as he glanced at the object then back at the complete terror on your face. Letty rubbed her eyes as she sat up and peeked at what ez was holding with one eye still closed, “dude, why would you bring that ugly thing here?”
“Ugly?” Ez frowned, “your dad is actually the one who encouraged me to get it for y/n at one of those thrift stores at the border? You don’t like it, y/n?”
You closed your mouth and rubbed at the spot in between your brows taking a deep breath. “I—appreciate the sentiment but that thing—
“Is creepy as fuck. Worse than annabelle and robert the doll combined.”
“Sorry. I’m just saying what we’re thinking but clearly bozo one and two weren’t.” She sat back against the couch searching for her phone to take pictures.
Ez lowered the object slightly disappointed.
“I guess now you know a phobia of mine.”
Ez tossed the doll at Letty who snatched it up to take pictures of it and with it while he sat on the floor in front of you. “Damn, why haven’t you told me before?”
“‘Cause it’s embarrassing and childish?” You muttered, no longer wanting your gummy bears.
Ez shook his head reaching for your hand and placing a kiss on the back of it, “nothing to be embarrassed about…we’re all scared of something.”
“Have you ever seen that movie dead silence?”
“No, can’t say that I have.”
“That amplified my fear.”
Ez hummed, “guess I know what I’m going to be for Halloween this year.”
“Oh, fuck you.” You shoved his hand away while the man laughed, pushing off his hands to lock his muscular arms around you.
One way you would want to die would be by this man’s arms, don’t tell him you said that though, it might go to his head.
“I’m sorry, y/n. I should have bought you a better trinket, that’s the last time I listen to coco’s dumbass.” Ez huffed as he squeezed you closer to his chest by your shoulder.
“You promise?” You laughed.
“When it comes to you? No doubt.” He grinned, placing a kiss on your head.
Sofiane Kada
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“Why’d you hug him? You love him?” Was the first thing Sofiane had said to you in two weeks.
You knew he was having a hard time with the disappearance of his brother and you tried to be there for him. You tried to be there for Sofiane in many ways when you simply didn’t have to be but still he treated you like shit. Just like he did Melanie. He was cold then he was hot and it kept going like that for awhile and it was so draining. You were Sofiane’s friend before anything, before feelings got involved and you wished it counted for something.
“Sorry, we don’t want anything you’re selling.” Was your automatic reply as you went to shut your door, you would go out the back way to avoid him if you had to.
As you went to close the door, his hand shot out with such strength it almost knocked you back into the wall. He saw the look in your eyes and steadied his breathing before taking it upon himself to walk inside your house and close the door behind him. He glanced around your house finding it quiet and no cars out front, which meant that you were alone.
He knew he’d get his ass beat by your own family if they caught him here. He was positive they knew how he was acting towards you lately since you seemed different yourself without Sofiane—even though you hated to admit that.
“Sofiane,” you inhaled, “get out.”
“I’m not going anywhere until you answer my question.” He snapped.
“I don’t even know what you’re talking about!” You screamed, highly frustrated with him.
“Yes you do,” Sofiane pointed which made you slap his finger from your face, “you made sure to put on a show as you hugged him. You made sure you saw me to flaunt yourself at some loser ass dude.”
“Excuse me?” You hissed, “you have no right questioning or dictating what I do when or if you’re around.” You knew what he was talking about, it had to take you hanging out with another classmate Sofiane didn’t particularly like for him to actually speak to you. Wow.
Sofiane pinched as his bottom lip pacing your floor before slamming his hand so hard against the wall you were sure you heard it crack.
“Do…you love him?”
“No.” You immediately answered shaking your head, “does it matter?”
“Yeah, it does.”
He turned to rest his back against the wall as you crossed your arms, burning holes into his frame.
“My brother’s back.” He announced.
You thought you saw Karim around school but didn’t think much of it since you had too much on your mind that day.
“I’m happy for you guys, is he okay?” You were polite.
Sofiane shrugged, “I don’t really know how to answer that, to be honest with you, y/n.”
You nodded, understanding. There were many things you were out of the loop on when it came to Sofiane but you knew it shifted once again when Victor and Luisa came into the picture.
“At least you’re being honest about something.” You muttered.
Sofiane knew he deserved that but that didn’t mean it didn’t sting. He was coming to terms with the shitty ways he’s been treating people and he’s trying to be better. He wanted to be better and knew he could be but who’s to know if it’ll stay that way? It was different with you than with Melanie but he still needed to be better.
“I’m sorry for everything and making you feel like you didn’t deserve to be loved by me.” He stepped to you.
You knew you deserved love and that it didn’t have to be by Sofiane. He had such this ego before but you knew that you wanted to be loved by him, that was the difference, and ultimately the hard part.
“I have my own inner…demons I guess you could say.” He laughed bitterly, again something you didn’t quite understand, “I don’t need you to forgive me but I just want you to know that I really am sorry for putting you through all that shit.”
You clenched your eyes shut. That was all you needed to hear. He cautiously reached out for you and instantly you fell into his embrace. The both of you melted into each other, his arms locked around your shoulders while you buried your nose in the space between his shoulders and neck with his cold gold chain brushing against your cheek.
It was unclear how long you held onto each other but you didn’t want the moment to end. Once he pulled back, he used the pads of his thumbs to wipe the water from your eyes.
“Still pretty even when you cry.” He smiled, laughter lines appearing by his lips.
That was something you enjoyed seeing. More smiles that reached his eyes because lately, they haven’t. You wanted Sofiane to be happy, more than anything. You had such a good heart and Sofiane took that for granted.
You just had to do it. You placed two quick kisses, one by the corner of his lips, and then right on them. His licked his bottom lip scanning your face as he fought with himself for a few seconds before he muttered, “fuck it.”
Before gripping your face and placing your lips together once again. You both sighed against each other as your head touched the wall and your hands gripped his back.
Sofiane maybe bad for you but you wanted him and you had him.
JJ Maybank
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“Let’s just bury the hatchet.” JJ made his way over to you as you silently sat by yourself watching the night waves.
You and your friends now lived on your own unknown island after the battle with the Cameron’s on the ship. You weren’t sure how long it had been but you were sure some of you were being looked for. It was a miracle that you were not dead yet since you were so accident prone once upon a time, shout-out to that bitch anxiety, we hate her! Lately due to the circumstances on the outer banks, you changed when you didn’t want to. Call it growth, call it trauma, call it healing, all of that, you had it.
You were not known as the klutz anymore. You became a fighter and a lot of people weren’t expecting that, including yourself but this was the new you. And here comes Jeremiah James “JJ” Maybank messing up your little ounce of peace. You two recently butted heads on the island, maybe day five onto the island? You couldn’t remember what it was even about so you say but you instantly felt pissed the next morning and ignored him. Which he didn’t like. At all.
Once the sun went down and you had your dinner thanks to your turn of spear fishing and clamming with John b you separated from the group for a little bit. You encouraged them all to do that so you wouldn’t get sick of each other but of course no one listened so it was only a matter of time before you were all starting to bite each other’s heads off. Little did you know that Sarah and Cleo were the main one’s encouraging JJ to talk to you, while John b, Kie, and Pope decided against it.
“Fuck your hatchet.” You flipped your now choppy short hair behind your shoulders, “I don’t want you anywhere near me.”
“Do you even have a reason to be pissed or is it just easier to be pissed at me than to admit you like me more than you should.” JJ still stood while your doe eyes flicked up at him, heated.
You picked up grains of sands in both hands and tossed them up at JJ’s face but that backfired since a sudden breeze flew by, sending the sand flying, which made you cough as you inhaled the grains and a little bit went up into JJ’s eye.
“Are you freaking serious right now?!” He yelled, rapidly blinking and rubbing at his eyes.
John b went to glance over at you two from the fire but Sarah immediately reached onto his head to turn it back to the fire, “let’s mind our business before we get sand in our eyes too.”
“How did you know—
“Oh this might not end well.” Pope mumbled, side eyeing his friends by the ocean.
Kiara poked the fire, “tried to warn Sarah and Cleo here, you have to let that one ease their anger for at least two to three business days.”
“I don’t remember it being that serious.” Cleo stuck her knife in a log.
“Just leave Jeremiah.” You said.
“You seriously thought throwing sand into the air would be a good idea?” He gritted his teeth, the dimple on one side of his cheek appearing as he did so.
“Oh you should be the last one talking to me about good ideas, Jeremiah James.” You fanned your hand at him, turning to face the ocean.
JJ chewed on his bottom lip in irritation, “would you stop calling me that!”
“Jeremiah. Jeremiah. Jeremiah.” You waved your fingers up at the blond while JJ slapped your hands away in a instant before reaching for your legs, “the hell are you doing?!”
“Shutting you up, buttercup.”
Easily he lifted you up into his arms and it took you a minute to react, “JJ—
“Oh, now it’s JJ huh?” He laughed as he walked closer to the large body of water and that’s when you went into fight mode.
One long swing to JJ’s clavicle and he quickly let go of you right into the water. Under you went as JJ rubbed at the now sore spot, “see I was trying to bring the peace but you kept on picking! All because I didn’t want to hear some Celine dion song yesterday night! Really, y/n!?”
Spitting out some water you smoothed your hair back as slammed your fists into the water, “no one disrespects Celine!”
“That can’t be what this is about.”
You trudged through the water, stalking up to JJ who glared at you and you pushed him back then sighed as you felt your lips quiver, “…i miss my mom, okay? I know I don’t talk about her and I just thought you would get that. Celine was all she played and sung before it took over. She didn’t think I noticed but it became harder for her to not only sing but talk so that’s why she sent me down here to live with my uncle and aunt.”
JJ’s shoulders fell. He did understand now that you said it. It wasn’t a secret about your upbringing: your mother was a single mother back in New Jersey, father was a deadbeat and in jail for robbery and assault, mom got throat cancer and shipped you off to North Carolina before she fully left this world—it still hurt regardless, and you grew up in the outer banks since thirteen with your mom’s younger brother and his wife.
The blue eyed boy rubbed at the back of his neck, “I-I’m sorry, y/n. I didn’t think.”
“I’m sorry too, we’re supposed to be friends…well…close and I shouldn’t have blown up on you like that.” You apologized as well.
The both of you didn’t talk about your mother’s much, maybe you did more so than JJ but you both shared that pain. You shared scars and knew most of them physically and internally, but that wasn’t the main thing that bonded you. There was much more to the both of you than the surface layers: JJ was more than just the goofball who was always up to something and you were more than just this once shy person obsessed with cars.
And you both knew that.
“Can we hug it out?” He asked, which you appreciated.
“I’m all wet.”
JJ smirked eyeing your frame, “that’s never stopped me before.”
“Oh, see. Now you’ve ruined it.” You clasped your hands together before circling around him.
JJ jogged after you laughing and he locked both hands around your waist and twirled you around before settling you back on your feet. He kept himself pressed against you before whispering into your ear, “is it safe to say the hatchet is buried?”
“Only if you let go of me.”
“Eh, I kinda like holding you,” he squeezed you tighter, “and I think you do too, you’re just putting on this front but I know your heart, y/n. you’ll give it to me when you’re ready. So I’ll wait.” He let go of you to stand beside you instead.
You peered up at him and felt a smile trying to break out onto your lips but JJ saw the twitch, reaching out to poke your cheek.
“Whatever, Maybank.” You lightly bumped his shoulder before leading the way back to the bonfire, JJ shaking his head with a laugh as he followed you.
He sat right next to you which everyone caught onto.
“Everything good, guys?” Pope asked as he sipped at his water.
JJ smiled glancing at you with those eyes, he raised his brows silently asking you to answer the question.
“As long as everyone else is…we’re good.” You smiled which made everyone let out a cheer before you looked over at JJ who sent you a wink.
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athousandsands · 3 years
Sofiane x Victor x Luisa
Mortel (2019-2021) on Netflix
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dirbykoreeda · 3 years
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i need season 3 of mortel so i can see victor touching the chain and getting the comfort he needs at the thought of sofiane
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ryoryeonggu · 3 years
Victor & Sofiane & Luisa OT3 are just perfect for each other.
Victor both loves Sofiane and Luisa deeply and equally, he would literally do anything for them. And they are the only ones in the world knowing/understanding about his trauma and helping him get better.
Sofiane always needs Victor by his side under all circumstances, he's the rare person who notices him without judging and making him feel like he's always about to screw up and let people down. The one who forever has his back no matter how deep he can fall and how many times he pushes him away (more specifically, being an idiotic asshole 😅😭). And there's Luisa - the only one who can shut him up xD
Luisa loves Victor because he will always love her for who she is despite how messed up she can be, because of him she knows what it is to be loved, to be treasured, and to be seen. Luisa and Sofiane have a deep bond over their darkness and how far they can go/did go for the people they love.
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