#aka : the only worthy trope
bbchlow · 2 years
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒈𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝒊𝒔 : 𝑺𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑲𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝑷𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆
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absolutebl · 10 months
I Cannot Reach You - Kimi ni wa Todokanai REVIEWED
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This image perfectly captures how I feel about this show. You ready? I wasn't.
I Cannot Reach You
AKA I Can't Reach You AKA Kimi ni wa Todokanai
Japan 2023 - 8 eps 20 ea approx 2.5 hours
Themes, main tropes & archetypes: friends to lovers, tsundere/sunshine, self acceptance, self worth, high school BL, live action yaoi, soft romance, kindness
Rating? 10/10
Yeah, it happened again in 2023.
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Adapted from a manga.
The moment I finished binging this show I was thinking about writing about it and re-watching it. This is a sure sign that I adored a piece of media. 
This is a wonderful BL.
Truly well executed, with smooth filming and lovely acting, both of a simplistic style that felt slightly more Korean than it did Japanese. It reminded me a little bit of Seven Days and a little bit of Takara and Amagi, and since these are my two favorite high school JBLs obviously I was bound to adore ICRY.
But what it reminded me of more than anything was Cherry Blossoms After Winter.
Odd for JBL and KBL to be so closely linked. 
Like CBAW show, ICRY is classic live action yaoi.
Like the MOST classic of CLASSIC.
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All the JBL tropes. I mean look at that image above? It's rooftop assignation, kabedon, and a handhold ALL AT ONCE.
There was also multiple runnings of the gays, surprise kisses (one on a bridge), and shoulder leans.
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There is even a “seme looses control to desire” scene which leads to dub con. There is an abject apology after but still - you’ve been warned. 
The premise is: smart sporty hot (and hella gay) Yamato has a long standing crush on his silly sunshine sweetheart bestie, Kakeru. Yamato is also stiff, self isolated, shy, and has only ever really managed to get along with Kakeru. I love this kind of pining seme so damn much, it probably biased me. 
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Unlike most uke, Kakeru starts to slowly figure out that his best friend is in love with him by ep 2 (let the chaos bisexual identity crisis commence).
So do some of the friends around them.
The story thus revolves around Yamato trying to unsuccessfully suppress his desire, and Kakeru trying to figure out if he can return Yamato‘s affection.
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This biggest barrier is actually Kakeru's feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness (when compared to Yamato). But this is tempered by his genuine kindness which forces him into act with integrity around his dear friend's love and strive to fix everything (even himself) to prove worthy of it - whether he can ultimately return it or not.
Kakeru's struggles are pitted against Yamato‘s repressed need that keeps bubbling over and figuratively (sometimes literally) attacking Kakeru with romantic, emotional, and physical intensity. 
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Quick pitch:
This classic friends-to-lovers BL is everything Japan does best. Angsty. Emo. Aching. Driven by real thirst. Yamato is deeply in love with his childhood bestie, Kakeru, and has been for ages, unable to hide his ungainly damaging high school need. He wants Kakeru in every way possible and it oozes off of the screen. Kakeru is silly and a little simple, but not frenetic or overly camp about it. He is earnest, and genuinely wants to keep Yamato in his life which means giving a romance (and gayness) a fair chance. We watch him realize his affection and what form it can take in a truly authentic way. This show was impossibly kind to both of its lead characters and I felt almost honored that I got to watch something so lovely and rare play out on my screen.
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I’m not gonna lie, I dithered over whether to give this a 10/10 and nearly didn’t. But there is nothing wrong with it AS A BL.
And it's so GOOD to ALL of its characters and they are so good to each other. It's quiet, and because of that and its goodness, it will get overlooked, but I LOVED IT.
It's not one of those that BL outsiders will get and you must like Japan's style to enjoy it. But I'm in it. It's for me.
What am I hung up over? Even the kisses are good.
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Welcome to a very elite club. I gotta change all my best of lists now.
I am sorry to tell you how difficult this show is to get hold of. It deserves a much wider distribution. As of Nov 2023 I do not know where to legally find it internationally with eng subs. Please check the comments for updates.
It's on Netflix in some countries!
Try to find it, you won't regret it.
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matamisin · 2 years
I am absolutely living for the Stardew art. I love that game so much and have over 600 hours of playtime in it. I did have a little bit of a request but feel free to ignore! Could you rate all of the potential spouses based on your personal interpretations?
Hiii!! Yes yes yes thank you for this ask- I planned to do quick portraits anyways! <3 <3
But let's start!!
[PLEASE DO NOT REPOST, reblogs welcome! >:3c)
Harvey: 10/10
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Handsome yes yes
Very sweet and loyal like bro LETS GO that's all I need
Doctor?? AKA he fixes up love interest who regularly gets into trouble? Endless possibilities BRO this is my favorite trope to write/draw about
HOWEVER HARVEY DOESN'T ACCEPT ANY INSURANCE HE JUST CHARGES OUR ASSES bro I'm trying to have a tender moment of almost dying and him worrying and then BOOM hands me my bill like "see you at home honey ily"
Overall he would treat us right yes
Animals LOVE his ass but he's awkward with them LOL
He's often a tired man due the clinic but he'll pull through to do things with the farmer when they're dating (like outings)
In the beginning when farmer is frequently getting hurt in the mines and being brought in hurt, he buys them a walkie-talkie. He's said multiple times that he doesn't recommend going in those dangerous places but learns that farmer's determined to keep going so he'll do what he can to make sure they can relay when they need help
He'll chime in on the walkie when he sees farmer going towards the mines and has them check things off a mental list (hi, this is Harvery- going to the mines? Do you have your weapon? How about food? You have your first-aid kit on you too right?)
This man will be TENSE the whole day when he knows farmer is in the mines. He'll only ease up once he knows they're not in there anymore
Disclaimer: from here on most of what I write will be 100% from my head because I haven't married anyone else yet LMFAO
Sam: 10/10
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I interpret him as the golden retriever type- very hyper and friendly
That just makes him 1000% more loveable
Very good with kids cause of Vincent which is like YES
A little blunt sometimes but that's wassup
Doesn't eat the best (AKA I give him two pizzas every week. Hmm. So maybe that means I'M the problem lol)
Also doesn't really know a lot of cooking, but when he moves in farmer finds new-looking cookbooks tucked away in his spaces
I feel like he'd be the type to have a switch in attitude- he's v friendly UNTIL he has reason to distrust/not like someone and then he'll flip from bright to cold (especially if the person has bad intentions about somebody he cares about)
Doesn't realize farmer and him are dating he just thinks they’re hanging out a lot and just kissing as really good friends
When he does realize they’re dating he gets all flustered and red
Would let you win at Mario-Kart
Despite his goofiness, he knows how to be a gentleman. He's always keeping an eye on farmer and making sure they're okay. If they're out together, the moment the sun goes down his jacket is on farmer's shoulders. When it's raining and he wakes up late and sees that farmer has gone out of the house for the day, he'll get up quick and run around with an umbrella and a thermos of hot coffee until he finds farmer. He'll follow farmer around with the umbrella covering mostly farmer, so he gets pretty drenched.
Very vocal about his love
Shane: 10/10
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Ah the chicken man himself
ALSO GREAT WITH KIDS but in a different light- he's way more protective about them whereas Sam is more the laid-back and playful parent-figure (he throws his children into the air)
Recovering from his alcoholism and the habits that came with it (messiness and cluttery) but he's trying his best aww
Will rub his stubble on your face when he comes in for a hug ouchie
Even though he is not a dad- he just comes with dad stuff (dad outfits, dad jokes, EVERYTHING)
His chickens are protective of him so you must prove yourself worthy
(In my headcanons, Joja is kinda twisted) Will start to distance himself from Joja after farmer tells him of how they're trying to hurt the Junimos. He may eventually quit to work elsewhere, even though he doesn’t really know what Junimos are but something about farmer telling him about them seems sincere
He's very cuddly after getting to know him and dating. His love language happens to be physical touch and every touch makes him fall harder
This also means he gets a little sad when it's summer and too hot to cuddle that farmer turns around in their sleep. He gets pouty in the morning after until he gets a kiss LMAO
He'll frequently realize how messy he leaves his spaces, and will clean up. He tries to upkeep the cleanliness and manages it for a few days before it starts to get messy again. Sometimes it lasts a while, but sometimes it just slips his mind due to bad habits
Farmer pops into mind every time he has an urge to drink, and he'll shake it off and go do something else for them. He's DETERMINED to be the best person he can be for farmer
Alex: 10/10
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A little rough at first lol- his attitude is very icky in the beginning BUT he's cute 
Once you get through that exterior he practically does a 180- HE'S SO SWEET AND CARING and no longer uhhh icky
He would tackle things for you (can he help farmer out of the mines when they pass out in the game? If he does I'd like to think he just picks them up and BOOKS it for the exit knocking anything in his path down LMFAO)
Becomes pouty when he gets a little jealous
Again he's very sweet- he kisses Evelyn and George on the cheeks every morning before he leaves the house, he often thinks about his late mom and visits her grave with flowers from Pierre's and has a small picnic there
I feel he would be prone to dreams about his mom, waking up in a cold sweat and tears. After the 8-heart event he gets up and does something sweet like making a whole breakfast for Evelyn & George or giving Dusty some quality time with walks, playing, and a good treat
Will be extremely protective over farmer. Farmer gives him a heart attack every time they go to the mines or the skull cavern or even in the sewer like baby what are you doing WHY ARE YOU GOING INTO THE MANHOLE
The caves he can't follow farmer with because he knows he isn't trained to fight monsters like farmer is and might hold them back instead, but he'll wait outside or tell Harvey that farmer's in the mines instead
Doesn't come out with it but he needs a lot of reassurance due to abandonment issues. He gets a little clingy and touchy but a little shy. (reaching for farmer’s hand/just pinching onto a part of the farmer’s clothes and holding on)
Sebastian: 10/10
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This one might be rough cause I've never really felt much for him IM SORRY
Once farmer asks him out he's very unsure how to proceed. He'll call them things like dude and bro *with love*
It's literally like pulling teeth for him to call farmer honey just cause he's never been the affectionate type till now hehehe he'll try to say it and then drop to his knees like OTL and curl up (He'll get it eventually tho- this is just like the first few months LMFAO)
He has frogs right? He'll show you his frogs 
Your void chickens will love this emo boy they just vibe y'know?
He shows his love through acts of service and gifts, finding out the things you love and bringing them to you
As awkward as he is, his true intentions are very evident when he starts to really try to reconnect with Robin and asking her for advice on most anything he hasn't much a clue about.
He wants to be able to properly feel like part of his family, because farmer tells him that he deserves to feel loved there too. He’ll have a difficult heart-to-heart with Robin, Demetrius, and Maru and over time the family dynamic starts to heal. Sebastian is eternally grateful for farmer and tells them about the relationship and they’re all overjoyed to have farmer as part of the family too
He WILL stop smoking if farmer ever raises concern for his well-being
He starts to come out of his shell more (in general) as he and farmer progress their relationship. He tries his best to be a great partner, and everyone can sense that his demeanor is a little bit brighter than before. He starts to not be as shy about PDA too
He has many hoodies for farmer to steal HOWEVER they're all the exact same pair HAHAHA
Elliott: 10/10
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I may also struggle with Elliott for similar reasons
Handsome right off the bat bro
But you'll never be able to be the one with the great hair in the relationship cause man he dominates in that
I see him as a gentle lover- very old-school romantic
He writes farmer love poems and songs often HE WILL SERENADE FARMER EVEN THOUGH HE'S ALREADY MOVED IN
Has pictures of farmer EVERYWHERE like his desk, in his books and notebooks, and has one of those accordion picture holders in his wallet of farmer and himself (and their child(ren) when time comes) He shows them off to the other villagers at the Saloon even tho they literally know farmer LMAOO
Has a very comforting vibe to him- he knows how to coddle farmer after they take a visit to the clinic
He'd let farmer use his favorite pen, trusting that it would return to him
Romantic gestures are EVERYWHERE. Songs, poems, so many pretty flowers in farmer's hair. 
I think he'd be the best cook out of everyone. Farmer wants to go out on a fancy date out of the village?? S'NOT GOOD ENOUGH- Elliott will change the whole decor of the kitchen and spend hours cooking and preparing for farmer to come home and then he plays all the roles (waiter, bus person, lover, etc) through the entire meal. But if farmer really actually wants to go out he'll go with it
Bachelorettes will be done in part 2 soon!
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turian · 3 months
garrus's position as what is essentially a police officer puts him in the line of fire of various tired copaganda tropes. worthy of note is the "cowboy cop" trope, which can be summarized as a renegade police officer who breaks the rules in favor of vengeance, justice, or righteousness. the "cowboy cop" is usually framed as being in the right; this trope largely belongs to antiheroes. "cowboy cop" is considered by tvtropes to apply to both garrus vakarian and renegade shepard. garrus, though noted as being more "polite and soft-spoken" than those the trope generally applies to, is a character who defies authority and values his own sense of justice above the law. he voices his preference for killing criminals rather than letting them slip away. his personal quest in me2 is heavily related to this - he seeks to hunt down and kill a man who he perceives (whether or not he is correct is not relevant; all that's relevant is that garrus believes wholeheartedly in this conviction and this method of justice) was responsible for horrific human rights abuses. as a paragon or renegade shepard, you can either aid garrus in this or stay his hand and insist that you seek another more measured form of justice.
garrus has, by this point in the narrative, essentially become a vigilante. he is a dog with a bone when it comes to his view of justice, and he is not capable of letting an investigation go because beureaucracy - or hierarchy - dictates he must. this is why he quits c-sec, so that he can chase justice along shepard's side. after shepard and him are separated, garrus, rather than resuming a c-sec career, decides to go clean up crime on omega. he is granted the nickname archangel. these exploits nearly get him killed - it is only shepard's intervention (which occurs just in the nick of time) which save him from near-certain death. even with shepard's help, he does not leave omega unscathed - he has, by the end of his recruitment mission, taken a rocket to the face, and for the rest of the game series, carries those scars.
garrus's story would not be terribly out of place in gotham, though its politics differ from batman's. the "cowboy cop" trope doesn't technically apply to bruce wayne. bruce wayne's vigilantism, gothic or not, is shown to be directly in community with police. batman serves the empire in which he lurks. batman may take issue with some corruption in that system, but he naively believes in good cops. batman is elevated by one thing only - his refusal to kill. that said, he is happy to hand victims of his justice to institutions that will kill.
garrus vakarian has oft been called the batman of his universe, but should instead be likened to jason todd, aka red hood. red hood is fuelled by anger at a system that failed him, and seeks to work outside of that system. however, even in working outside of that system, jason carries the system's view of justice with him when he dispenses his own violent form of vigilante justice. red hood fights the same people that batman fights - the only difference, really, is that jason fights with bullets rather than batarangs.
garrus's motivations are alleged to be a desire to stand against and work independently of corruption. and to be clear, taking a stance against corrupt police is good. violence against corruption is good. violence against police is good. however, based on garrus's aims and actions, it seems clear that garrus is not against policing, nor is he necessarily against corruption in all its forms. garrus is instead against being controlled. garrus would like to step outside of the system, but unwittingly brings the system with him when he makes that move. quoting from tvtropes:
Paragon Shepard's influence can inspire [garrus] to rejoin C-Sec with a new appreciation for playing by the rules, in addition to reapplying for Spectre candidacy (which happens either route you take). Renegade Shepard's influence, conversely, will encourage his tendencies to the extent that he envies Shepard's lack of problems with red tape.
garrus's frustration may be with c-sec and corruption within c-sec in part, but garrus is distinguished from corrupt officers only through his disdain for anything he perceives as leashing him. it's made clear by his respect for renegade shepard and the ability of a pro-police paragon shepard to sway him back c-sec's way that garrus is more than fine with the police. his disdain for them is in no way radical. it should also be noted that garrus leaves c-sec to serve the alliance military, who are enforcing laws in their own right. garrus simply moves to doing the same things he's always done in proverbial international waters.
characters like garrus and bruce wayne (and, for that matter, jason todd) act with authority based on their own convictions. because they operate within stories and are intended as sympathetic characters, their convictions go largely unquestioned by the narrative. batman is right because he's batman. red hood is right because he's red hood, except when batman is right instead. shepard is right because they're shepard. garrus is right because he's garrus, except when shepard is right instead. the question mass effect really poses in garrus's arm of the story is as follows: should garrus dispense violence for the system within the system, or should he dispense violence for the system while pretending he exists outside of it?
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countesspetofi · 6 months
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Today in the Department of Before They Were Star Trek Stars, George Takei guest stars in "A Matter of Honor," episode 10 of the single season of Assignment: Underwater (original air date November 11, 1960).
There are a couple of caveats here. Firstly, the only copy I could find of this episode was a very lo-res kinescope, but I thought it was interesting enough to make up for the fuzzy images.
Secondly, I wanted to take a minute to talk about depictions of non-Anglo cultures in this series of posts. Sometimes, I'm comfortable just shrugging and saying "Times were different back then" and sometimes I'm not. I've skipped over episodes where the use of yellowface or redface seemed gratuitous to me, or where there aren't any other things going on in the episode that made me feel it was worthy of note. I'm still on the fence about other episodes, where the depiction of BIPOC aren't necessarily negative, but are just kind of ignorant, or reliant on stale storytelling tropes, where you can tell that the White screenwriters didn't really make much of an effort at research, or consultation with people in the culture they're depicting. (NB: I don't think any of this reflects on the actors involved; sometimes you just need to pay your bills and do the best you can with the scripts you get.)
This episode of Assignment: Underwater feels like it might be dipping its toe into that last category. Japanese and Chinese culture are kind of lumped in together, there's some "model minority" stuff going on with the Japanese-American family, and Italian-Americans don't exactly come out smelling like roses. But I thought the episode was interesting enough to make it worthwhile. It's available for free on The Internet Archive, so I encourage anyone who's interested to watch and make up their own minds.
Takei plays Ken Kitigawa, the oldest son of an immigrant family who are friends with the main character, who is in charge of some kind of U.S. Navy underwater rescue/civil defense operation. Ken has gotten involved with an organized crime syndicate, who are sending him to sabotage the boat of one of their rivals. The hero stops him in the nick of time, he agrees to turn state's evidence, and everyone lives happily ever after.
Other Trek Connections:
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Takei's gangster boss is played by Stanley Adams, AKA Cyrano Jones in the Star Trek episode "The Trouble with Tribbles,"
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And his girlfriend is portrayed by BarBara Luna, who played Marlena Moreau in the Star Trek episode "Mirror, Mirror," as well as appearing in two episodes of James Cawley's fan production Star Trek: Phase II.
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youatemylollipop · 1 year
I loved your post about which girls the tokyorev boys would be interested in! Could you maybe do rindou, kakucho and south if you write for them? 💕💕
A/N: Thank you so much!!♥️ I'm glad that you enjoyed the post and am happy to provide you with a list of respective characters and their dream girls. Thank you for your interest!
Ft: Haitani Rindō, Hitto Kakuchō & Terano South (Tokyo Revengers).
Part One: Haitani Ran, Hanemiya Kazutora, Matsuno Chifuyu, Mitsuya Takashi & Sano Manjirō ➵ Tokyo Revengers
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Haitani Rindō
➵ There is one type that I can see our chicken little becoming interested in, and that is the “queen of sarcasm”.
➵ I kid you not.
➵ She’s the one who invented the “Wednesday Addams” nickname—ahem insult.
➵ I believe that was also the moment when Rindō realized that she was the one.
➵ I mean, it is a well-known fact that Rindō is a sarcastic—and sadistic—brat when he wants to be, so obviously his partner has to be someone who has no problem keeping up with him.
➵ Though she's probably a bit more mischievous than his stoic persona.
➵ They are probably throwing insults at each other on a daily basis, and anyone who has not become accustomed to this fact will probably believe that they are having a serious argument.
➵ They’re also the type of couple that views each other as their sworn enemies until somebody else comes into the picture.
➵ Mostly Ran, who almost always becomes their shared victim for new inventive insults.
➵ Rindō even has a tendency to write down everything unusual that she throws at him or others.
➵ The enemies when alone, but best buddies when they have a mutual enemy trope.
➵ Ran would have laughed if he had not been the one on the receiving end most of the time.
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Hitto Kakuchō
➵ The "god complex" type is his dream girl—I'm not even sure if ‘dream girl’ is the right term for whatever this is.
➵ I don’t know why, but I see Kakuchō as the type of guy that has the “I can fix them” mindset.
➵ Pretty much like Izana, she exhibits tendencies like looking down on others and not taking their opinions or feelings into consideration.
➵ I mean, come on, the fact that he’s willing to follow Izana through thick and thin says a lot about his preferences.
➵ Kakuchō is also one of the only people in this universe that would willingly want to deal with such people.
➵ He even somehow manages to become someone worthy in their eyes.
➵ Seriously, this guy is literally worshiping her mere existence! He would feel honored to kiss the ground that she’s walking on!
➵ She views herself as the empress that’s got the whole world bowing down at her feet.
➵ And well... Kakuchō obviously doesn't mind descending to her personal servant.
➵ If anything, he should feel grateful that she's letting him assume such a "high" position in her life.
➵ I swear to god, I wanna cry!
➵ This boy deserves so much better than this!
➵ But seriously, she isn’t that bad.
➵ Kakuchō would never pay attention to her if she weren't a good person at heart.
➵ Therefore I personally prefer to call her the “her issues are too hard for this world to comprehend” type.
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Terano South
➵ The "brainy" type, aka, the “Grey Cardinal”.
➵ As a man who thrives in violence, South would likely take notice of someone who deals with things through a different approach.
➵ When I say “through a different approach,” I do not mean a “peaceful” one.
➵ What I mean is a cold and calculated one.
➵ She is the type of girl who would not dirty her hands for petty revenge, but instead, she would find someone else to do the dirty work for her.
➵ I can imagine this girl being quite emotionally detached and difficult to anger.
➵ She is aware of how dark the world is and does not view everything through rose-tinted glasses.
➵ She can be cruel and heartless and is not afraid to speak her mind.
➵ She is as quiet as a mouse, but a predator hides beneath the surface—a wolf in sheep's clothing.
➵ South wouldn't be able to find common ground with her if she were a naive butterfly.
➵ He is the brawn and she is the brains, but he wouldn't mind being controlled by her, as she is his queen.
➵ She could also be classified as the "strategist,” a mastermind who always stays one step ahead of her opponents.
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valeriianz · 1 year
My Sandman -- Hob Gadling/Morpheus MASTERLIST:
i have a page (linked in my bio) full of every single fic i've posted to tumblr and Ao3 right here. but of course it isn't rebloggable so, here!
Rock band AU (M) [aka Bolt in the Blue. slow burn, human, ongoing]
Domestic and Spicy (M) [drabble, Hob makes breakfast and Dream distracts him]
Sleepy Dream (T) [Hob comes home to find Dream sleeping in his bed]
Making out on the dance floor (M) [Morpheus finds Hob in a dream dancing in a club and allows himself to get caught up]
Their first fight (T) [human au, angst-ish, drabble]
Vampire hunter!Hob AU (T)
Neighbors AU (T) [aka Scratch a Little Itch, mixing in the fire alarm trope, mutual pining, professor Hob and pastry chef Dream]
The one about the butt plug (M) [aka Kiss Me Properly... smut based on @messmonte Hob strip game]
Photography AU; exes to lovers (M) [aka Let Me Down Easy. complete. photographer Hob and model Dream. complicated relationship, angst with a happy ending]
The magic of the mistletoe (G) [christmas fluff borderline crack. Dream uses and abuses mistletoe privileges]
Cowboy AU (snippet) WIP (T) [aka charro Dream for @watercubebee. old west, vibes only]
NYE strangers to lovers (T) [aka Call Me Back For More]
Vague mafia AU (T)
Hob being a very good friend after a breakup (M) [aka Never Enough. Dream goes through a breakup and Hob is not subtle about how he's in love with Dream]
Phone sex AU (M) [aka Turn the Lights Off. a fic directly inspired by @issylra's By The Minute]
The worst date Hob’s ever been on (G) [silliness and twist ending]
Car sex (M)
Devil Wears Prada AU (T)
Dream stepping on Hob (power imbalance) (M) [just straight up filth]
Devil Wears Prada AU pt.2 (T)
Vampire hunter!Hob prequel (T)
Pirate AU (G) [Hob saves Dream, his rival, from the gallows. pirate speak aplenty. vibes only]
Getting impatient in the car (M) [vulva wearing Dream, shamless rutting and fingering]
Hob grieves over Dream (vague comic spoilers) (G) [heavy on the angst]
Hob cheats on his wife with Dream (T) [ALSO heavy on the angst]
Fake dating (aka pining in the fitting room) (T)
AND here's my writing tag. in here you'll find all the above along with little fics that didn't make the cut. this includes fics i've only written in a reblog, fics i've sent to friends and they've published, or something else that i've deemed worthy of #my writing
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withingerly · 3 months
5, 13, 20
Thanks for putting together this fun little game!
5. Who is the Asian ql villain you most love to hate?
This one was hard because mostly when I hate something I tend to full-on hate it. But after perusing the good old drama spreadsheet, I think I have to go with Chalothon from The Sign.
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If he had had a mustache, I'm sure he would have been twirling it. All of his sinister smirking and two-facedness were so old-school villainous, I was as delighted by Heng's performance as I was annoyed by Chalothon's actions.
(I did almost put Shiraishi from Love Is Better the Second Time Around, because I was thoroughly entertained every time he got bitchy on screen, aka every time he was on screen, but I never hated him and he wasn't a villain so much as an obstacle.)
13. Which Asian ql tropes get you every time?
There are plenty of romance tropes I love (some quick ones off the top of my head: headphone sharing, lap sitting, shrimp peeling), but ones that are specifically Asian ql? I wracked my brain for a while and came up with two.
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I love anything hand holding related, but something about a pinky touch in particular feels very queer-coded.
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I am a sucker for the whipping boy trope. I like my fictional romances with an unhealthy dose of obsession, what can I say?
20. We are retelling your favorite Asian ql from the POV of a side character–who is taking over the story and what do they have to say about the mains?
My brain went immediately to Ray from About Youth, which I will forever proclaim as an underrated gem.
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Not only is Ray's sideship with Ah Jian totally worthy of being a main couple, but I think his friendship with Ye Guang was lovely and I would have loved to see it highlighted even more. Ye Guang was such a lonely, restrained character at the beginning, and it would be interesting to see his transformation into a brighter, happier person from Ray's POV. And I'd loooove to see Ray meet Xu Qizhang's mom, who was also a strong contender for this answer. Plus, think of all the double date possibilities! Ye Guang and Ray hanging out, bored, during brand practice or going to watch their boyfriends' shows and getting to be all, "yeah, that's my boyfriend :)".
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thegamingcatmom · 1 year
Carrot anon👋🏻
Hii mom, i saw your recent post, it was good. I was curious to know how Deadite Ellie would act if I noticed another Deadite eye on the Drama Queen, I can imagine a little, but your explanation will make everything clear.
I hope you are well.👋🏻
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Thank youuuu, so glad you liked it. 🥰
Ohhh the jealousy trope eh? I can see why my recent post has inspired that way of thinking, poor boy. 😅
May he rest in pieces.
EDIT on 18th June:
We´re covering quite a bit in this one (meaning: the batshittery going on here is on another level entirely) and I couldn´t be prouder to finally present to you the next installment of what-the-actual-fuck aka:
Enjoy (cause I sure as hell did). ❤️
(@gaym0m ATTENTION NOW ❤️)
AIGHT so, if a mere boy who´s really no match for her - because look at that scrawny thing - no claws or fangs or ANYTHING that could be considered useful or, more importantly, make for a worthy mate - has managed to evoke that fierce of a reaction in Momma then just imagine the utter carnage if another Undead was caught red-handed after Momma returned from a rather successful patrol and she´s been gone a mere 10 minutes for god´s sake but-
When the cat's away, the mice will play.
Maggot Momma didn´t even have to look because - head lifting to take one, two, three whiffs - she could smell it. Fear lies in the air - almost pungent - and while it´s an aroma that´d drive her absolutely wild - get her going - under normal circumstances, right in this moment it does anything but because no one but her gets to evoke this type (or ANY type) of reaction in her Drama Queen, her mate.
She´s off, skipping the elevator and collapsed stairs altogether because not fast enough and claws are digging into the wall and going up up up until she reaches the air shaft, nose first always first although she doesn´t even need it because she can sense you, is pulled towards you like a magnet, it´s instinct-
Meanwhile (somewhere else in this (cursed) building):
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Is one quiet, peaceful moment of sanity really too much to ask for?
When you woke up this morning you didn´t think much of the claws digging into your side or the cold nose pressed into your neck or even the long tongue that feels like sandpaper that´s come out to join the rest of It. You´ve become used to that being your alarm clock which you find quite the depressing development but it is what it is and at least you´re still alive and kicking (unlike boy) so yknow, the glas is always half full and yadda yadda.
Although, it has to be said, maybe things wouldn´t take such a toll on your sanity (unlikely) if it wasn´t for that stench that truly does make your eyes water and now that you think about it you can´t help but notice today´s...different. Its odor is even more unpleasant than usual because now it´s got this foul note to it whereas before you´d have described it as rather spicy, almost sharp and seeming to burn itself into your very core.
But that´s not the only thing that irritates you because even the way It´s touching you seems off today. You´ve become used to clawed hands raking and brushing and encasing you almost feverishly, like they´re trying to map out every inch of your body before you vanish (which, sadly, it doesn´t look like that´s about to happen anytime soon).
Now though? Clawed hands are rough and almost sloppy like they don´t quite know how to be hands. Gripping you way too tight and you´re sure that´s gonna leave a nasty bruise, more rubbing than brushing along your leg like It´s trying to pull the skin clean off and that gets you moving because it is not pleasant, at all and what the hell´s even going on-
As soon as It´s noticed there´s movement the grip on you tightens like a boa constrictor squeezing all life out of you and that´s exactly what it feels like actually and now´s the moment you really start to panic because you knew this day would come sooner or later when It finally gets tired of you but you´d hoped for (much) later and It´s started to snarl now which is most unpleasant because it´s so deep you can feel it reverberating through your whole body.
Its maw has opened now and you know this because you can feel Its breath puffing out against your neck, tongue running up and down again and there´s something cold dropping down on you and even that feels different - thicker, more viscous, almost like syrup and you manage to move your head just enough to be able to take a look at what´s going on and-
It doesn´t just feel different.
You see black, literally. It´s everywhere - on you, on the bedsheets, on the floor and - that´s new. And you have a sneaking suspicion which you hope against all hope will turn out to be just that but when you manage to turn your head a bit further to actually take a look at who...what has taken a hold of you-
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Have you become deaf?
You´re asking because, all of a sudden, the world around you goes silent save for the ringing in your ears and you realize it´s because you are screaming at the top of your lungs and it´s a wonder the windows in this cursed building haven´t shattered yet but that really is the least of your worries right now because-
This Undead doesn´t appreciate you trying to obliberate Its hearing, at all and so you´re pushed onto your back and into the mattress, clawed hand coming up to grip your throat and squeeze and, immediately, the room falls silent again.
(Aside from the sounds of you being strangled and literally fighting for your life.)
There are tears in your eyes now because of course it ends like this, just your luck, and death by suffocating is just as unpleasant as you´d imagined it would be (not that there´s been many occasions which would´ve encouraged this sort of thinking...until your sorry ass got itself stuck in this cursed building) and just when you thought-
Well, good thing is: it can´t get worse from here, can it?
Its maw opens again and those teeth look very sharp indeed and they´re getting closer, inch by inch, and you get the feeling It´s doing it on purpose - messing with you - because It thrives on seeing the sheer terror that must be written all over your face right now and jaws opening wider and wider and you´re certain one single bite could take off half your face-
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Your eyes close tightly because knowing your untimely demise is near is one thing, seeing it is another thing entirely and why would you need to anyway? It doesn´t matter, it´s not like that´ll change anything, change the fact you´re gonna end up as food for that thing any moment now and-
You don´t know what happened because your eyes remain firmly closed and you´re not planning on changing that anytime soon, but-
There´s a ripping sound and you can feel something splattering all over your face and there´s gurgling and then there´s nothing.
And all of that does pique your interest because, just a second ago, you were preparing for certain death so you should be a goner by now but you´re not so you finally find the courage to open your eyes to see what happened instead is-
Well, that doesn´t look normal...or pleasant.
Its jaws are still way too close for comfort, still as wide as they were seconds ago when It was preparing to swallow you whole. But what´s different now is that there´s a hand sticking out between them and there´s this urge to wave at it and this is the type of stuff nightmares are made of but this whole situation is so ridiculous that all you can seem to think of right now is to lift your hand and shake it-
You don´t get the chance however, because that hand closes abruptly, balled into a tight fist, and it´s pulling to the side with an alarming force and right through the head, tearing everything on its way out.
But damn, that thing´s tough. Didn´t even flinch through it all, just slowly turning around, head completely sunken in on one side, to face the force of nature that is It.
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("Helheim" - Rok Nardin starts playing in the background)
To say Maggot Momma is livid would be the understatement of the century. She´s shaking, vibrating with a rage that´s rare even for her. Her usually glowing eyes have turned so black one can see their own reflection in them. Teeth seem to have grown in length and become even sharper and there are black veins criss crossing all over her neck, her face and all the way to her eyes.
In other words: It looks every bit the demon you´ve always suspected (and feared) It to be.
And ever since It has crashed the (slaughter) party thank god there´s been an eery silence - heavy breathing from everyone involved is the only thing that can be heard for a while.
So, imagine your almost heart attack when, suddenly, there´s screeching and roaring and it sounds like war is about to start which doesn´t seem too far off because-
Maggot Momma has had enough of this disrespect - looking at what is hers, touching what is hers, harming what is hers (that Deadite´s dead). And now even going so far as to rebel against her? Openly questioning her authority - challenging her - in front of her mate no less? Hoping to impress her Drama Queen and snatch her up for itself?
Ridiculous. Laughable. Pathetic.
And so you can only watch all-out war indeed breaking out and ffs, is one quiet, peaceful, sane moment really too much to ask for?
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It´s ON now.
Bodies smashing together with a dull thump! and there´s snarling and growling and hissing, clawed hands are digging in to find purchase but also to grip and tear and rip limbs straight out of their sockets-
One arm is sent flying, catapulting in your direction and almost hitting you hadn´t you managed to duck just in time and when you realize which one it belongs to you feel utter relief and you can´t believe you´re actually rooting for It - your It - but considering what the other It was about to do...who can blame you?
Bodies are warped to the point you can´t tell where one begins and the other ends and there´s horrible, horrible sounds coming out of them and this brawl is getting way too close for comfort now and one of your hands is digging into the bedsheets, getting a good grip on them so you can push yourself closer to the head of the bed and away from whatever is going on at the foot of it and your other hand comes up in an attempt to shield your face in case more limbs (or worse) come flying and you truly are pathetic, aren´t you? Like THAT would make a difference when you´re nothing more than a disoriented lamb, stupid enough to wander right into the lion´s den and get caught in the crossfire when two of them decide to battle it out over a piece of meat.
And they´re fast. Everything seems blurred to you because one moment they´re in front of you - way too close - and next thing you know there´s a horrible screeching sound and one of them is smashing against the opposite wall, the force of it leaving a rather big dent and this is the first time since war has started that you´re able to make out more than a moving mass of limbs.
And you wish you hadn´t because the It that got smashed against the wall is your It and It´s missing half Its face - true to the motto tit for tat - which means the other It is no longer being held back from-
It´s rounding on you so fast, recognizing that now or never and It´s off, racing towards you like possessed, feet leaving the ground to take one massive leap in your direction and the sight of it is horrifying because all you see is teeth heading straight for you so you close your eyes again, tightly, because what else can you do but wait for certain death to finally claim you-
So you wait.
And wait.
...And wait some more.
Until you muster up the courage to open your eyes again to see what´s taking so fucking long and you realize-
Is this a joke? Are you a joke to them?
There´s only so many amost heart attacks one can endure and you swear to god you´re done with this shitshow-
Because the other It has made it onto the bed and those claws are way too close to your feet right now but they have a hard time reaching their target because-
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It - your It - has a very tight grip on that leg indeed. So tight you can see it starting to cave in but that does nothing to deter the thing from trying to reach you - snapping Its jaws at you like a rabid dog and sending blood and other fluids flying everywhere, the arm It still got left trashing about in an attempt to reach you - any part of you - but-
Maggot Momma has had it.
She´s kneeled on the floor in front of the bed, upper body propped up against it and a clawed hand having a rather crushing grip on that scum indeed. She´s gonna obliterate it - hack and bite and claw and rip until there´s nothing left. How dare it look at what is hers and touch what is hers and harm what is HERS and never before has she felt outrage when looking at her precious Drama Queen because how could she when you´re perfection and you´re her perfect mate, meant for her only her but-
She´s failed.
And someone´s gotta pay.
A sharp tug sends the other It tumbling down onto the floor and there´s no way anyone could´ve missed the pop! that´s accompanied Its fall and a leg goes flying next, landing right next to you and you´re about to puke-
Finally, after what seemed like hours when it´s been a mere 5 minutes since carnage´s started you manage to snap out of whatever the fuck´s just happened and you can´t get off that bed fast enough. Literally tripping over yourself in your haste to get away from that - your body just sort of collapsing to the side, letting yourself fall over and down onto the floor and yknow what-
Hasting under the bed because fuck that shit.
...Which puts you in the direct line of sight of It - Its hollow eyes staring right through you it seems, not an ounce of life in them and, for the very first time since "residing" in this hellhole, this does make you wonder - what the hell happened? These must´ve been normal people with normal lifes at some point. What went down in this cursed building that´s caused all this?
You´re brought back to the present when It lets out a pitiful wail and you realize it´s because your It has started to relieve the other It of Its remaining extremities. And you get the feeling It thoroughly enjoys doing so, if the sounds are anything to go by - teeth are chittering and there´s a low humming that almost sounds like moaning and then there´s a hiss before-
The other arm is sent flying.
And, poor fucker - flopping around like a fish because having only one appendage left is bound to make things rather difficult and you can only imagine what a blow this must be to ones ego because how can you ever come back from that? And It seems to have come to the same realization because-
It´s trashing about with everything It´s got now (which is one leg), literally fighting for Its (undead) life, fight or flight mode fully kicking in now and choosing the latter because wouldn´t you?
It´s kicking and kicking and kicking - over and over - to prevent your It from taking away Its only chance to, somehow, turn this situation around and make it out (un)alive and for a horrifying moment you fear It´s actually managed because-
A foot collides with Its face - the side that´s already demolished at that - causing It to falter and stagger and lose Its grip for a moment-
But a moment is all the other It needs.
Another solid kick! - this time right into the middle of the chest - sends your It flying, crashing against the dresser - wood shattering on impact and the other It has managed to prop Itself up, using the stump that used to be Its other leg for support and gaining enough momentum to actually get up and hop around - rather awkwardly - and make Its way to the door and you gotta admit-
That was quite impressive.
It doesn´t get very far however because your It is on the move again - covered in dust and wood pieces, some of them having impaled It - leaping up and clinging onto Its back like a deranged koala, sending both of them stumbling against the door and your position under the bed doesn´t really make for the best lookout (which you don´t mind in the least) so you can only assume what must be going on right now, which-
There´s a disturbing crunch! that sounds strangely wet at the same time and there´s gurgling like someone´s suffocating on something thick and viscous - like syrup - and then there´s a ripping sound and, suddenly, your It is on Its feet again, a clawed hand holding what seems to be a sogged rag that´s dripping onto the floor and-
What is that?
It´s eerily silent save for the ragged breathing which you´re sure is coming from your It because It looks to be trembling, whatever It´s got in Its hand shaking, making it drip even more and it feels like an eternity has passed when, at last, there´s movement. The other It using Its foot to rotate and turn to face your It - slowly - and you feel like you´re the one suffocating now and you realize it´s because you´ve actually stopped breathing because-
Now what?
You´re ripped out of your near panic attack - literally - when the other It suddenly comes crashing down and Its fall is so unexpected that it takes you a moment to realize it´s actually happened.
And it takes you another moment to realize just what you´re staring at.
There´s black, so much of it, it´s everywhere and oozing out of It and pooling on the floor and - squinting your eyes - is that a tongue?
You have your answer when what you thought was a sogged rag lands right next to It - lifeless eyes staring back at you, making you retch - and it´s a wonder you haven´t puked your guts out yet because it´s not like someone´s head getting ripped in half is an every day occurence and-
It´s not done yet. Casually walking (more stumbling like It's the walking dead, feet dragging behind a bit) to the other side of the room to pick up what looks to be a leg and just as casually walking (stumbling) back - leg dragged lazily behind, leaving smears of black on the worn out carpet. It´s coming to a stop right next to...what remains of It and you see the leg starting to leave the floor, going up up up only to-
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The leg´s brought down again and again and again, the force behind it making flesh and bones burst, sending black everywhere and it sounds just as horrible as it looks - a squelching sound that´s reverberating through the whole room and your hands are coming up to cover your ears because you just want this madness to stop-
Please stop it!
It´s not until all that´s left is black goo that It relents, letting the leg - what´s left of it - drop onto the floor with a dull thud!, still breathing quite heavily indeed and then-
("Closing In" - Michel F. April starts playing in the background)
You wait.
And you wait.
...And wait some more.
Until you´re absolutely certain you´re no longer in danger of witnessing utter carnage. Only then do you slowly lower your hands, letting them rest on the floor - digging into the worn out carpet to brace yourself in case you gotta run for your life.
After what felt like hours It´s on the move again. Bare feet slowly making their way to the side of the bed that´s closest to the door because of course - your eyes following every step, head turning to never break gaze - and you´re stuck, nearly starting to panic again because you don´t know what to do, there´s nowhere to go because even if you managed to crawl out from under the bed before It got a hold of you there´s just no way you´d make it to that door. You know this because you literally just witnessed another It getting ripped apart and if a mighty lion didn´t stand a chance then what could you - a disoriented lamb - possibly achieve here?
It doesn´t matter anymore because it´s too late, your habit of getting lost in thought has sealed your fate and now there´s no more time to do fuck all because-
It´s reached the side of the bed and is starting to bend down, hands coming to join the feet on the floor - claws, then fingers, then palms - and lowering down down down and face starting to come into view now - chin, then mouth, then nose - until bright, glowing eyes are staring back at you and you can´t believe you´re actually starting to feel something that could resemble relief because finally you no longer see black.
Its demon-like appearance gone, save for the black veins still criss crossing along Its face - their visibility reduced to a slight black hue though - and teeth are back to their usual length and oh, oh my-
Only now do you remember that It´s missing half Its face - teeth on the right side fully visible, skin and flesh torn off almost all the way up to Its ear - and you can see remains of the other It stuck between those teeth - must´ve bitten that head clean off - and it is not a pleasant sight but you can´t help but think that-
Didn´t it look worse before?
You´re brought back to the present moment rather quickly because-
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It has started crawling towards you and fuckfuckfuckfuckFUCK-
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Never in your life have you crawled backwards this fast (you´ve literally never crawled backwards in your life ever because who does that?), fingers digging into the carpet, nearly scraping your knees in your haste to get away from that and you´ve actually managed to fully emerge from under the bed and you keep crawling backwards because what else can you do there´s no time and fuck! your feet are touching the wall now, hands pushing against the ground to straighten up only to stumble and plonk! onto your butt, back against the wall now and-
It´s still crawling towards you and it looks like something straight out of a horror movie and you really start to panic now, one leg shooting up to use your foot as a (pathetic) shield which probably isn´t the best idea considering what is crawling towards you right now because It could easily take off that foot with one bite and-
Must you be difficult right in this moment? Usually, Maggot Momma would be more than happy to have you squirming and struggling against her, trying to defy her - her perfect, rebellious Drama Queen - but Maggot Momma has had more than enough of that today. That scum is finally rotting in hell for what it did - looking at and touching and harming what is HERS and if that creature has wounded you-
Your ankle is grabbed and It´s going absolutely crazy - sniffing like a hound that´s picked up on a scent, starting with the foot It has a very tight grip on and going up up up your leg before descending again to do the same with your other leg, coming to a stop right where the other It has manhandled you before, letting out a low growl, tongue slipping out and running up up up almost all the way to where your leg meets your pelvis - making you squirm - and the only thing stopping It from going even further being your rather short shorts-
And continuing to climb up your body - Its other hand digging into the floor to keep Itself grounded - and nose coming to rest there now which seems to slow things down for a moment-
...and another moment-
-before It´s on the move again, sniffing up your stomach and - oh, oh my - in between your breasts, nose stopping right where you can feel your heart beating out of your chest and lingering there for quite a while before the hand that´s been gripping your ankle moves up to take a hold of your wrist, pulling your arm towards It and you let It because you quite like breathing and Its nose is continuing its journey, sniffing your hand and up up up your arm, across your collarbones - pushing your head up and out of the way - and down your other arm until It reaches your hand, pressing the side of Its face - the torn side - against it and you swear It´s started to purr-
It seems calmer now, more relaxed, and you can´t seem to take your eyes off It - almost mesmerized - and you blame the utter carnage that went down minutes ago because that´s surely fried most (if not all) of your nerves along with some of your braincells it seems but it´s like being witness to a horrible accident where one doesn´t want to look but, at the same time, just can´t bring themselves not to look and you´ve just never seen It so...tame before and you´re actually touching It in what might seem an affectionate way to anyone witnessing except your hand is literally touching sinew and bones and there´s blood and saliva and other fluids (you don´t wanna know) all over your hand now and that does make your stomach churn a bit, reminding you of the situation at hand which is-
Save save save you´re save and whole and hers and whole she´s made sure of that - that scum is with the maggots now - and only seconds later and she doesn´t know what she´d have done because you were meant for her now and forever and if anyone, anything tries to prevent what was foretold by the dark gods - that you belong to her and with her until the end of time and-
Torn face finally leaving your hand but remaining pressed against you, sinew and bones sliding up up up your arm and leaving smears of black and other fluids behind and you think It looks absolutely deranged - like It´s trying to get high on you - and It has reached your neck now and seems to deflate, eyes nearly falling shut, pressing you against the wall and that purring is back for all of two seconds before-
Eyebrows furrowing, hands coming up to rest on either side of your head, claws digging into the wall, nose going crazy once more, running up and down your neck before wandering along your throat to the other side and you almost, almost muster up the courage to ask if It´s-
Looking for something?
But then, suddenly, It freezes. Nose coming to a stop again right where It has left Its slobber before and even you can smell that foul stench now that must be all over you from It licking you, tasting you and-
Defiling you, soiling you, marking what is hers and-
Are these...?
Maggot Momma´s been so busy fretting over you - smelling you all over, desperate, to be absolutely certain no harm has come to you - that she completely neglected getting a good look at you.
But once she does-
She wishes she hadn´t.
Maggot Momma is shaking, vibrating with rage and anguish because she´s reminded yet again that she´s failed - by a hair's breadth - and just a few seconds sooner and she wouldn´t be looking at the proof of her failure which is-
A clawed hand wrenches out of the wall - taking bits and pieces with it - and moves to hover over your neck and for the first time since you´ve found your way into her territory - your home - Momma doesn´t dare touch you because It has left Its trace clear as day because she´s failed and she´s trembling with rage, afraid she´s gonna snap your neck if she so much as lays a finger on you because-
There´s blue that´s turning more and more black as time goes on and it´s all over your neck and it´s agony because Maggot Momma can make out every single one of that scum´s greedy fingers, can see exactly where they´ve been placed to squeeze and choke and just the thought of one of those claws pricking delicate skin makes her want to scalp herself, gouge her eyes out because a small nick would be enough to-
Has It died on you? Because It sure looks the part - frozen, completely rigid, breathing has ceased to exist - and there´s been total silence for quite a while now and you´re completely on edge, expecting something to happen any moment now and maybe you should start trusting your gut instinct more because-
Clawed hand shooting up from where it´s been waiting, hovering over your throat - to do god knows what - to embed itself into the wall, the force of it sending cracks running in every direction, dust and wall fragments raining down on you and this must´ve been your third almost heart attack in 20 minutes you swear to god-
There´s ragged breathing and It´s trembling and twitching, seems to mumble and mutter something - sounding completely deranged - and Its teeth are chittering again - that clicking sound combined with the crazed chanting driving you mad - before Its head finally peels itself off your neck to rise rise rise, legs pulling up from where they´ve been entwined with yours to plant Its feet firmly onto the ground on either side of you, legs bending, knees nearly touching the wall - crouching over you now and you´re reminded yet again just how utterly long and tall It is - and Its forehead is resting against yours now, eyes closed tightly and that unhinged murmuring is still going, still twitching now and then and if someone was to walk in on you right now you wouldn´t blame them if they made a swift U-turn and legged it because you can only imagine what all of this must look like to anyone witnessing-
Black and red splattered across every surface - the floor, the furniture, the walls - and there´s limbs scattered everywhere like someone´s decided that Yes - a heap of somewhat human remains would really make this room shine and then there´s It, curving and bending around you like It´s trying to merge with you, become a part of you and that crazed chanting has toned down to a low rumbling now, its vibrations so violent you can feel them down to your very core and, suddenly, your vision is filled with bright, almost glowing yellow and a dull blue that almost looks like gray and there´s red everywhere - a ring of fire in front of an inferno - because-
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Piercing eyes have opened to lock onto yours so intently it feels like they´re looking straight into your soul, like It´s trying to bewitch you, cast a spell on you because you can´t move, can´t breathe and your insides are constricting and you are powerless to do anything about it because there´s nowhere else to go, nowhere else to look because It has you cornered, demanding your full attention and-
Beautiful, mesmerizing, otherwordly you´re so perfect and so delicate and so hers but today all of that - all of you - was nearly lost because she´s let you out of her sight a mere 10 minutes. Foolish, utterly ridiculous of her to believe that bunch of misfits capable of carrying out simple orders-
~Watch, guard, don´t touch.~
But not again, never again she´s gonna be with you every second, every step, never gonna take her eyes off you ever again because now you´re whole but you were this close to being broken all because that lower creature couldn´t keep its greedy hands off you - touching and licking and befouling you - and your smell, heavens! used to be so wonderful, so mouthwatering, so her but now it´s-
...Gone, not a trace of it left because you reek of that parasite and it makes her want to puke her rotted guts out and she´s actually considering because anything, everything to wash away that stench that´s all over you, encasing you and it drives her mad, must do something, anything to-
("Lion" - Saint Mesa starts playing in the background)
Clawed hands wandering almost feverishly across your whole body, like they´re searching for something and you can´t help but be reminded of other hands almost instantly. Those hands were harsh and rough and not quite behaving like hands, feeling like they´re possessed - someone else pulling the strings - whereas these hands-
These hands are fast yet mindful - gripping with a strength that can be unpleasant at times but it feels like they´re aware of that, doing it on purpose because It seems to enjoy the sounds they evoke, which means-
These hands know how to be hands.
And one of these hands has already found that familiar place against the wall, claws digging in, preparing for-
Well, you know where this is going.
Another clawed hand closing abruptly around the soft, round flesh it´s found while roaming up and down your legs, giving it a good squeeze and it catches you so off guard that you almost, almost swat at it because - Excuse you? - and that same hand lifting you UP UP UP - jesus! - and you actually have to brace yourself against the wall, against It - just anywhere - because Its movements are so sudden, almost jerky like It doesn´t know where to start, doesn´t have any control over what It´s doing right now but now It´s got you up and at eye level - forehead pressing against yours - and these are some crazy eyes alright, looking utterly manic and Its hips are already going, wasting no time at all and not at all caring that It´s missing the target, actually rutting against the wall now and-
That crazed murmuring is back as well but this time you can actually make out some of it and it sounds more like a mantra, like chanting as one word seems to be repeated over and over and over and-
~Mine mine m-mine -ine mine m- mmh- ine mah-~
Sounding out so distorted, voice seemingly unable to stick with one pitch - going up down up down from almost chittering to demonic in seconds - and sometimes swallowing words completely - all that´s coming out then a sharp hiss or low grunt - and it feels like breathing becomes more and more difficult because It´s leaning rather heavily on you now, eyes becoming unfocused, head seemingly too heavy to hold up because it just slides off to the side and forward, pressing Its face flush against the side of your neck and fuck, teeth teeth teeth! you can feel something wet pooling there until it´s slowly running down over your collarbone and into your shirt - staining it - and you can tell this is gonna be a fast one because It seems dangerously close to being there already and-
HersHersHersHersHers you´re hers gonna make sure of it gonna make you reek of her only her now and forever and you´re never gonna be without her again, it was meant to be, was foretold she´s never gonna let you out of her sight ever again, keeping you close and by her side where you belong and if anyone anything tries to steal you from her again - challenge her - she´s gonna make it abundantly clear who´s in charge, who´s entitled to lay claim to the human that stumbled into her territory all these months ago, seemingly pulled to her like a moth to a flame, waiting for her, enticing her, yearning for her to claim you as her mate and-
Whole body tensing - becoming stiff as a board - and claws sinking into the wall like it´s butter as Its other hand clings to you for dear life - that buttock´s gonna bruise - and head thrown back to-
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...That was a rather fast one and you reckon the only thing keeping the both of you from collapsing right now is the fact Its hand is still firmly lodged in the wall.
Well, that and the fact It´s nearly suffocating you because Its whole weight just collapsed forward and - Oof! - right into you, the side of Its face - the side that´s not torn thank god - coming to rest on top of your head like It´s completely overexerted Itself. So now you just kind of hang in there - face squished against Its neck - as It seems to struggle quite a bit to get Itself back under control - hips still twitching now and then, incoherent murmuring back in full force and today has been a very long day and just one moment of peace, of sanity, is that really too much to ask for?
It feels like an eternity has passed and just as you actually consider doing...something to move things along like...well, maybe wriggle about or lift a hand to very carefully swat at It or maybe you´re just gonna throw caution to the wind and bite that neck in hopes to catch It off guard, to startle It so thoroughly It´s just gonna drop you like a sack of potatoes and-
Finally, there´s movement. Head lifting from the pillow that is your head and It seems to become increasingly more aware of Its surroundings - eyes searching, zoning in on yours immediately, now as wild and piercing as ever, like a ring of fire in front of an inferno, staring into your very soul and-
...What? Do you have something on your face or-?
It´s looking at you rather expectantly - calculating yet hopeful at the same time - like It´s waiting for...something. It´s a look you haven´t seen on Its face before - almost like It´s actually, fully there and conscious and not seconds away from tearing into you and-
It´s still looking and has It even blinked at all yet? and it´s getting increasingly more uncomfortable because what does It want you´ll do anything to make It stop doing that and Its eyes can´t seem to decide which part of your face they want to rest on all of a sudden - flitting up and down, up and down, up down, up down your face and you´re brought back to the moment those eyes clapped onto you for the very first time - sizing you up, examining you, looking at you like It´s never seen a human being before, like you´re the oddity - and you really gotta stop spacing out because It seems much closer than before and keeps getting closer, eyes having found a place to rest on after all which seems to be-
Hold on, wha-
No fucking way-!
Maggot Momma can´t help herself, absolutely bewitched, mesmerized, drawn to you because - look at you, good heavens! - so perfect and whole and hers and whole she´s made sure of that and now that she´s reclaimed you, reconquered you as any worthy mate should she feels absolutely intoxicated, overcome with a need to do...something, anything to further strengthen and solidify the bond you two share and-
She knows it - she knows she does - it´s on the tip of her tongue, can almost taste what needs to be done, what is usually done in moments like this and she never thought that human facade worthy of her time - serving as bait more than anything else - so useless, so pathetic like the soul previously inhabitating this human shell and she hopes Ellie rots in hell where she belongs-
But right in this moment she can recognize the value of it, can see the use of a mind wired quite differently - plain, simple, ordinary - and it pains her to admit because she´s so much more than that, far superior to that, but what she wouldn´t give for a simple, ordinary mind right now because she´d know what to do in a heartbeat, so sure of it, even her eyes seem to know because it´s instinct-
Her body urges her to do something, anything - eyes locked onto the part of you that sings for her so sweetly, making the most wonderful sounds just for her and she´s close so close can almost taste it, taste you and it´s on the tip of her tongue, she´s this close to remembering she can feel it - something to do with saliva, of that she is certain and-
Yes, of course-!
You don´t know what you were expecting (you know exactly what you were expecting) but it surely wasn´t for that maw to open (you fear you´ll never get used to that aroma) and it surely wasn´t for a long, long tongue to come lolling out and what you sure as hell were not expecting was for that long, long tongue to glue itself to you - starting at the underside of your chin and - very slowly, almost in slow motion - going up up up over your chin, your lips and - thank god you remembered to close your mouth that´s been standing open from the sheer insanity of it all - reaching your nose and trying to wander into it only to come to the seemingly devastating realization - if the sounds are anything to go by - that not all holes are meant for tongues and, having to accept defeat (for now), the slippery muscle continues its way up and over your nose and-
...Going back a bit because Momma´s sure so sure it´s something to do with that part - prodding and poking at it like she´s trying to find the hidden lever that´ll open the treasury - only to have to accept defeat again because-
Nope, no way, hell to the no-
...Wet muscle reluctantly continuing its journey - over your nose again, between your eyebrows and all the way up to your hairline where It seems to pause for a moment, taking a deep breath and-
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Almost sneezing in disgust because you still reek of that creature, that filthy rat and this will not do Maggot Momma won´t tolerate it because you´re hers alone she´s gonna make sure of it, gonna let everyone everything in and out of this cursed building know-
More, you need more of her-
Its tongue is going crazy now - running all over your face like you´re a popsicle and It´s burning alive - and It´s back to making the most unhinged sounds - clicking and hissing and rumbling that seems to reverberate through your whole body - and no matter how hard you try there´s no escaping that ridiculously long tongue because it simply follows wherever you go and-
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Today has been a long day with way too many different bodily fluids when all you wanted was a moment of peace, of sanity and you don´t know how you´re gonna manage, don´t know how to distract It long enough to actually make it but you´re determined and even if you die trying you´re gonna risk it all because one thing´s for certain-
You need a bath.
(And you swear that face looked worse before.)
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chi-the-idiot · 2 years
Possibly Unpopular Opinion: Chevalier's Route is Mid at Best, Bad at Worst
Another Possibly Unpopular Opinion: Chevalier's Relationship With Emma/Mc Does not work Unless it is in Clavis' Route
*Necessary addition that this is just my opinion you don't need to share it, im just ranting about it because it bothers me but do feel free to discuss in reblogs/comments and/or send asks about it
(Spoilers for Clavis' and Chev's routes)
This is mostly because of a "First Impressions" kind of situation, but it's an issue that is dragged throughout.
In both routes, Clavis drags Emma to the gardens to witness Chev murdering some assasins. Chev's Emma is terrified of him from that moment on, but Clavis' Emma feels an obligation to stay because of her position as Belle.
This already gives us a comparison: While Clavis' Emma is scared, she isn't outright terrified of Chev as she is in his route (this will become important later).
Now, a constant in both routes (and, with Chev in general), is that he doesn't view Mc as "worthy of his time" because she hasn't proved herself to him. But here's the thing: in Clavis' route, MC is able to stand up to Chev and ask him to help her because Clavis was by her side, urging her to be brave (granted, in his own Clavis way, but still), and its that bravery, that determination that she has, that eventually makes him see her as someone worthy. Where as in Chev's route, it is Emma against him, with barely any support that we can see from Clavis.
Another thing to note is the motivation behid this "prove him my worth" thing: while Chev's mc does it so he may give her the time of day, Clavis' mc does it because she has had an evolution. In specific, she offers to bring him books from her bookstore in exchange for information of Clavis' whereabouts. She didn't think of doing this to please him, she thought "what can I give him that will make him give me the info I need". This action of "manipulating" A PRINCE in order to find her friend is what I believe impresses Chev.
Which leads me to my final point: Chev's admiration in Clavis' route, although left unsaid, is honest, and comes from Emma changing and growing because of Clavis. And to me, this has a lot more potential to become a love story than one where the Love Interest doesn't think you are "Worth His Time" and you are afraid of him or try to "Find is human heart" (aka an "I can fix him" trope written in cursive).
To be fair the "human heart" part is kind of sweet, Emma tries to help him overcome the trauma of having a broken family, but the problem is that all of that responsibility relies on her. Not only that, but Chev states that he is changing FOR HER. Not for himself, or for the gratification of having real love, but to make Emma happy. And that isn't healthy. Ofc not every route has to be a field of flowers and roses, where nothing goes wrong, etc etc. But it's questionable, to say the least, that he cannot even respect his Love Interest as a person until he Deems her Valuable to him.
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unhingedbutpretty · 3 months
About Muse
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Name: Nyssala Baenre, aka Nys, or Nissy
Gender identity: Female-aligned
Pronouns: She/They
Class: Bard (lore)
Background: Noble
Age: (whatever is the drow equivalent of a 22)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Occupation (pre-tadpole): Performer and sex worker at Sharess' Caress.
Occupation (tadpole'd): Adventurer.
Characteristics: Outgoing, irresponsible, unhinged, goofy, playful, a little bit dumb.
Appearance: Nyssala is a pretty young drow with big red-and-pink eyes and thick lips. She has dark-grey skin with a purple hue and a thin, curly white hair that she often dyes in extravagant colours. Currently she styles her hair in long pink and purple locks with golden pins, but it may vary with relative ease once she reaches the city again.
Quote: "Dancer, musician, actress, poet, prostitute... I'm a little bit of everything, not much of anything." — Nyssala, when asked about her profession.
Banished from the Underdark for (inadvertently) mingling with Elistraee's worshippers when she was only the drow equivalent of 18 years old, she landed in Baldur's Gate city thanks to a ride from the Bregan D’aerthe.
Without money, contacts or prestige, and dealing with people's suspicion and prejudice against drow, she tried to make musical performances to earn her keep. Needless to say, she didn't make enough money to sustain herself that way, so she sought a job in Sharess' Caress, a place known for welcoming drows among their staff.
A few years had passed since then. She was going out on her day off when the Nautiloid snatched her.
Nyssala is the embodiment of chaotic energy. She has a talent for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and getting in and out of trouble either by her own reckless, impulsive actions or by extreme bad luck.
Just like Pandora, she can't keep her box closed; "cursed to put my hands on everything" is more than a true statement, it's a way of life. Her curiosity is only matched by her recklessness, threading a fine line between bold and oblivious.
She knows that her combat prowess are lacking to say the least, so she always tries to talk her way out of most complicated situations, wich often leads her to other complicated situations. She's always indebted, often spending more than her income, losing money at gambles, borrowing money to pay previously borrowed money, thus, creating a vicious circle of debt she might never get rid of.
She doesn't openly disclose her former job at Sharess' Caress for strangers, in fear of being mistreated. However, she doesn't treats it with very much secrecy and won't deny it if asked or recognized by other baldurians. She is very secretive about her lineage, though, and will deny throughly if recognized by other drow. Thankfully, there aren't many drow on the surface that could uncover her identity...
Her outgoing, unhinged and overall goofy demeanor serves mostly to mask her deep insecurity and lack of self-esteem. After being banished from home, she doesn't deem herself worthy of be respected or loved, so she made up a character who was. Or almost.
Possible TV Tropes' character tropes for Nyssala includes: Unluckily Lucky, Weirdness Magnet, Lethal Klutz (or The Jinx).
20 Tav/OC questions
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"If House Baenre formed a line, Nyssala wouldn't make to the 100th first."
Rules for interaction here.
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thelazyhermits · 1 year
If Fortune!Yuu did finally assured herself that she's staying in Twisted Wonderland and not go back to her original dimension. What would her future be like? Like all grown up with all her boys in NRC. I would like to think she and Sebek somehow got platonically married. Just imagine the scenario with time travel trope, I would think everyone's reaction be very funny, especially younger Sebek, to the Fact Yuu is married to Sebek. Even if it's platonically :)
If Yuu gets to stay in TW, which is obviously what I would like to happen, her future would be heavily intertwined with all her friends since she'll keep in touch with them, especially her sons, so she'll never have to worry about loneliness again.
Job wise, I like the idea of Yuu working for Leona, like what was brought up in my Fairy Gala fic, as a liaison of sorts. All her social connections and her skills when dealing with people, which only improved thanks to all the work she had to do at NRC thanks to Crowley, would make her really good at this sort of job, I think.
Plus, I want Leona to always have someone in his corner, no matter what happens at home. While he's incredibly strong on his own, it does him good to have that support, and of course, Leona just likes having Yuu around since she keeps him entertained and he'll have an easier time looking after her that way.
Because once a certain lion Beastman takes an interest in someone and decides they're worthy of his protection, he'll make sure they're always well taken care of.
Anyway, so this will mean Yuu will likely end up living in the Afterglow Savannah. However, Leona gives her plenty of opportunities to travel for business-related reasons and so she can see more of the world, so she'll be able to visit all of her friends without too much trouble.
Relationship-wise, it's really hard for me to tell if Yuu will ever fall in love romantically with any of the guys or if she'll remain single and have incredibly strong platonic bonds instead. Whenever I write her, I lean more toward her being aro/ace, because she really is completely satisfied with hugs, cuddling, and platonic kisses.
She craves love after having gone her whole life without it, but in her eyes, platonic and romantic love are equal. One isn't superior to the other, so she doesn't think romance is necessary for a happy life.
But she's not necessarily opposed to romantic love. She's just never going to purposely seek it out since she figures if it happens it'll happen one way or another lol
If platonic marriage is a thing in TW, Yuu would absolutely be all over that and would be more than happy to marry Sebek. Honestly, I could also see him being aro/ace, so I don't think he'd have any issue with that kinda marriage.
ADeuce are also contenders since they've both got a lot of love for Yuu and are extremely close to Yuu. Deuce in particular might be the biggest Yuu simp cause this boy adores her so much 😂💕
Because I've been so focused on my biases, aka Jack & Sebek, I haven't been given ADeuce enough attention as of late, but that started changing with the Halloween fic which is when I wrote my first fluffy one-on-one scene with Ace, which was in chapter 2.
Since then, I've been working on more stuff for those two, and I'm realizing just how attached they are to Yuu, which makes sense cause those two are like that with Yuu in canon, based on their voice lines.
But still, I'm only now realizing that Sebek might have some competition when it comes to simping for Yuu lol 😂
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absolutebl · 2 years
This Week in BL
Nov 2022 Wk 3
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying the most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Between Us (Sun iQIYI) 2 of 12 - an even better kiss this ep and some background on how both of them are broken and need each other, this is popcorn worthy melodrama, keep it up. WATCH ALONG HERE.
Big Dragon (Sat Gaga) 7 of 8 - musical montage boyfriends date for most of this ep. I’m not mad about it. Like a 50 min OnlyOneOf MV. Poor P9! I think I finally realized why I like this couple so much, they remind me (when they are at their best) a little bit of We Best Love. Oh do we have a Kdrama separation coming in the final ep? Please no. 
Ai Long Nhai (Mon iQIYI) 8 of 10 - Nhai’s dad is pretty awesome, and I don’t mind that we had all this time with him and Ai chatting. Tiny concert full of crumbs, but blessed no actual singing! And the nothing continues to happen, and it continues to be shirtless. So I’m happy.
Ghost Host, Ghost House (Weds YouTube) 7 of 8 - Even in a ghost story, if it’s Thailand we’ve got to go to the beach and frolic. Use of I/you pronouns is super interesting and cute. I think what I like the most about these two is that they are so easily and casually boyfriends.
Remember Me (Sun Gaga) 6 of 12 - LeoFiat are still the only thread that interests me, coincidentally they’re getting all the old school tropes too. Bus trip, earbud sharing, shoulder sleeping and everything.
I Will Knock You (Fri Gaga) 1 of 12 - This definitely has all the markers of a bully romance, not my personal favorite. SOTUS not withstanding. This can go into BohnDuen territory a bit too much for me. So far I don’t dislike this show, but I don’t like it either and it’s definitely one of those I wish I had the 10 second fast forward button on.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
My Tooth Your Love (Taiwan Fri Viki) 7 of 12 - Enter the faen fatal and anxiety baby is jelly - doesn't look as good on him as it does on our dentist. But HOW does he still not realize how hard he is being flirted with? I take that back, this isn’t flirting, this is courting. Like ritual old-fashioned gentlemanly marriage-in-mind how many crowns do you want in exchange level courting. I can’t believe it’s gonna be over month before this show finishes. I’m tense now. 
Eternal Yesterday AKA Eien no Kino (Japan Thurs Gaga) 5 of 8 - This thing that Japan keeps doing with gay teachers killing themselves is not exciting to me. I really love how Michan is like “look after your own damn boyfriend and stop dragging mine onto ledges”... stupid teacher drama. But oh my goodness is this show achingly sad. This prevailing wistfulness between our leads about the future that they know they will never get to have. The way Michan is constantly listening and feeling for his Koichi’s heartbeat for a reassurance that is never going to come. The way he is reconciling himself with his own loneliness and returning to that solitary state, because he will never find a soulmate like Koichi again. It’s an aching extended wistful dry-eyed kind of yearning and pain. The counteraction to how good Japan is a thirst. This show is going to break my heart. In fact, it already has. 
Choco Milk Shake (Korea Strongberry Tues YT) 5-6 of 10 - It’s Strongberry so the blind date is with the boy. Yay! No bones about it (no boning either but hey-ho). Really this is a show about connection and loneliness, it’s kind of gut wrenching for something so silly. I got to say it, because no one else will, but how is uncle’s business staying in business? I’ve never seen a single customer.
Kabe Koji (Japan Mon Viki) 7 of 10 - The date was RIDICULOUS - couple’s keychains and everything. Gah. These two are too much. And then the classic penultimate ep of doom.
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It’s Airing But I’m Not Watching It
War of Y (Thai Gaga) 20 eps - it’s just all too much for me.
My Roommate (Thai YT) 32 eps of 2 minutes each + terrible production values? - I’m not bothering.
Fahlanruk (Thai Sun GaGa) 12 eps - I cut my losses at ep 5. DNF
To Sir With Love AKA Khun Chai 16 eps - could be sad v worried
2 Moons 3 (Thai Mon ??) 10 eps - Possibly a future binge watch. Rumor is it’s banal.
SELF (Thai Thurs YT) - DNF
Love Bill  (Vietnam Sat YT) - Bah Vinh is back but I’m too distracted. Also there’s a lot of fund raising and stuff going on. I’ll wait and binge.
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In Case You Missed It
I did a post on all of Strongberry’s offerings. 
Restart After Coming Back Home (formerly Restart After Come Back Home) is now available on Gaga! Go and watch it, it’s wonderful. Now they just have to get Seven Days and my life will be complete and my subscription love for them eternal. 
OnlyOneOf is really doing a BL. 
I did my GMMTV 2023 predictions. 
TutorYim (Cutie Pie crumbs) have been cast as the new leads in Middle Love (formerly Jimmy Tommy). 
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I think this is a really good choice, actually. 
GAP the series (Sat YT) 1 of 12 has started, office set GL. WATCH IT! GL and this studio needs our support! (Also, the stairs are back!)
Coming to Viki: Love in the Air, ITSAY & IPYTM, Remember Me, and 2 new KBLs: The New Employee & Happy Ending Romance. 
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Starting this week:
Nov 24: Happy Ending Romance (Korea Thurs Gaga) 8 - stars Karam (The Boss), Ha Jong Woo, and Leo (VIXX). Formerly Happy Ending Outside the Fence - thank fuck they changed the damn title.  
Nov 26: 609 Bedtime Story (Thai Sat WeTV) 11 - another OhmFluke vehicle that’s rumored to be a good story. A one night stand leads to a series of mysterious premonitions and a possible parallel universe.
Nov 2022 still to come?
Nov ??: My School President (?? GMMTV YT) tester trailer here - it’s Love Sick + Korea & Japan's influence.
This week’s earworm: Hello Hello FT Island, doing the blog post about Kdrama actors who’d never do BL made me think about Lee Hong Ki, which made me go back to their back catalogue. I forgot how fucking killer they are. 
(last week)
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puella-peanut · 1 year
Random Lakreese thoughts since I reread your cute little fic of the two of them bickering, I love how they refer to each other by their last names when they're fighting even though this is a totally different au. Lol.
John thinks of Daniel as a kitten a lot, I wonder if he ever calls him that in bed?
An as of untouched trope we're sleeping on- uniform kink.
I wonder what Lucille's reaction was to her little sunshine boy settling down with a man like that. If at first she was shocked by the age difference and didn't think John was worthy of Daniel, thinking he was just a grumpy old man.
Random Lakreese thoughts since I reread your cute little fic of the two of them bickering, I love how they refer to each other by their last names when they're fighting even though this is a totally different au. Lol.
So, they're not married in the original ficlet (only because it's the 90s, and gay marriage has not been legalized yet) but...
If they are married, it’s just their snippy little way of reminding the other that their hyphenated, shared surname can go back to being just their own respective surname if the other isn’t careful! 
“Yeah? Well I think I like the sound of LaRusso better than LaRusso-Kreese anyway! So there!” *Angry little pout*
“Fine with me. And it is, or was—Kreese-LaRusso, kid.” *Brooding intensifies.*
If not, they’re just being shits to each other. 
John thinks of Daniel as a kitten a lot, I wonder if he ever calls him that in bed? 
I am so partial to Prima Donna being John’s petname of choice for Daniel—especially if it starts off as something condescending (like in KK1), and then evolves over time into a term of total, if teasing, endearment. Like here. 
As for kitten...
So, John’s so not a cat person, in fact, he dislikes them, cold-hearted little bastards that they are. If anything, he’s fine with dogs—big ones, powerful ones, strong and useful ones like Rottweilers and Cane Corsos, etc. (Disclaimer: Daniel loves all dogs, huge and tiny and in-between with an unholy passion. Yes, even Chihuahuas!). Moving on, John is also rather partial to reptiles. Snakes, especially...heh.
But, like you said, he does think of Daniel being kitten-like a lot. After all, the boy is small and fussy, always in-and-out of trouble; loves snuggles and cuddles and being petted. He curls up just like a kitten would on a chair, or a cushion, or against John himself—which is something John looks forward to after a long day at work. (Not that he’ll say that outloud.) Also: Daniel is agile and quick on his feet, light, skittish, and surprisingly graceful. He laps up affection and tenderness like a kitten would milk. He sits where he pleases—the countertop, the ladder outside, the hood of his their cars. Plops himself onto John’s lap whenever he feels like it, and plays with his chest hair like a kitten would a ball of yarn. And he is very cute in the morning, when his hair is all tousled, and he’s curled up in John’s arms, warm and soft and pliant, and mumbling, still more than half-asleep, just five more minutes, John...
(No, Daniel is the only “cat” John tolerates, aka—can’t live without.)
Anyway, John’s not huge on nicknames (or more than one petname, that's excessive) and besides, Daniel is a perfectly reasonable name. He most certainly doesn’t call him Danny, or sweetheart, or darling (that’s for Silverusso land), but if he’s gotta have one, then Prima Donna is his go-to, especially when Daniel is being...just that. 
He does occasionally call Danial a kitten, but only in the bedroom. John can’t help it—the little mewls of pleasure Daniel makes when John has him at his mercy, the higher-pitched sighs and cries, the tiny nips on his skin, and nail-shaped-scratches he leaves on John’s body, especially his back. The way his pupils dilate in his haze of lust, swallowing up the brown as if it never was. Then those soft little purrs of contentment in John’s arms after he’s been fucked good. And his eyes, always so large and pretty, turned all soft and glassy when he looks up at John under his lashes afterwards with a lazy smile. 
Oh, he’s a kitten all right. John’s very own, adorable little pet.
(And if John came home one day to find Daniel in a simple collar, or maybe a red satin ribbon with a little bell at his throat—well! Well, well, well.)
An as of untouched trope we're sleeping on- uniform kink.  
Mm, Top Gun AU anyone? An Officer and a Gentleman AU? 
John has...preferences, but, bless him, he either doesn't know or care about kinks. He likes what he likes, and does what he likes and that's it. He's anything but fuss and feathers, and while he's Very Good in the bedroom, it's without added effects. Daniel's gotta provide that if he wants to add a bit more fun to the (admittedly great) sexytimes.
I can totally see Daniel having a thing for John in uniform. Getting John to wear it and roleplay is the hard part, he’s such a deliberate, un-imaginative, serious man and not showy. Maybe Daniel can drop a few choice words when things start getting hot like “soldier boy”, “Captain”...maybe act like a distressed, helpless civilian in need of rescuing or something from this rugged army man. Acts of service is John’s love language after all, and calling him Captain is definitely a huge turn on for him. Just keep pushing John slowly in that direction Daniel, and you’ll probably succeed in getting him to rail you good in his military best. Or like, just up the brat factor for an attitude reset delivered by your favorite Captain via prostrate. 
(Anyway, before they officially get together, Daniel probably comes across Kreese’s military pictures, takes one look at this strapping, macho man in uniform and...)
Daniel: Drop everything and rail me now while wearing this.
John: ?
Daniel: ...Please, Captain.
John: !
I wonder what Lucille's reaction was to her little sunshine boy settling down with a man like that. If at first she was shocked by the age difference and didn't think John was worthy of Daniel, thinking he was just a grumpy old man. 
Well damn, you’re the third person who has deposited something along these lines in my inbox after I wrote the ficlet—clearly I need to write something about this too! :3
Thanks for the ask! :D
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whoisthemaster · 2 years
Why does no one ask, Master Who?: (#2 - The Moriarty to your Holmes)
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Why does no one ask, Master Who?: A Character Study Series Masterlist
Since my last topic cover was on the Academy nickname that was symbolic of what the Master would become for the future, I now only think it’s fair to continue our journey with the man who started it all, the legendary Roger Delgado aka Delgado!Master. I will cover Delgado himself later on in another post, but here we will explore how the Master exactly came to be as a character. 
The creative team (Terrance Dicks, Barry Letts, and Robert Holmes) came up with the idea of a recurring villain for the Doctor in the 70s. Someone who would be a Moriarty to the Doctor’s Sherlock Holmes. They chose the title of ‘the Master’ because it was a title conferred by an academic degree, much like the Doctor’s.
And from here, the Master was created for the first time, appearing in ‘Terror of the Autons’ and for the next 50+ years.
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A would be conqueror of the universe, and former best friend of the Doctor, his only ambitions were to 1. Rule the Universe as ‘the Master of all matter,’ and 2. Make the Doctor suffer. First played by the talented actor, Roger Delgado, who had a long standing history of playing villains, he portrayed his Master as true to the trope of Faux Affably Evil. Even though he wanted to bring the Doctor down, you could tell he didn’t really want to kill his friend, and would sometimes join forces with the Doctor if the situation REALLY called for it. They both enjoyed their ‘battle of wits’ together. He’s suave, charming, and polite, a person who knows exactly what he wants and what he is doing, but he will also kill you without a single thought. And despite hating humans, the Master had some degree of villain respect for Jo and the Brigadier, even considering the Doctor to be his most worthy opponent. For all of the classic run’s Season 8 & 9, you see this play out. 
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Important Character Traits for Delgado!Master (besides World Domination):
The Master can hypnotize his victims to do anything he wants, saying his usual catchphrase: “I am the Master and you will obey me.”
The second episode of Season 8, ‘The Mind of Evil.’ It’s the one where the Master creates an evil emotion machine that uses your greatest fears against you. While the Doctor’s fears are about the monsters he’s faced along his travels and the world being destroyed, the Master’s (although he tries to act like it doesn’t affect him) is what intrigues me the most: It’s of the Doctor laughing at him.
Another important thing is two episodes later in, ‘Colony in Space’ is that the Master offers the Doctor to join him in ruling the world when he plans to use a Doomsday weapon to destroy a civilization. The Master says that the Doctor could join him, that they could reign benevolently and end war, suffering and disease. The Doctor turns him down and says that absolute power is evil. The Master tempts him again and says that he is offering a half share in the universe, but of course the Doctor isn’t for it. He wants to see the universe, not rule it.
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There is one last thing I would like to mention for Delgado’s Era of the Master and it is the unmade story, ‘The Final Game.’ It was meant to be the Third Doctor’s and the Master’s final story together. The story was to end with the reveal that the Master and the Doctor were brothers or two different opposing aspects of the same being (the Ego and the Id), and the Master dying in a manner which suggested that he sacrificed himself to save the Doctor's life. However, sadly, Roger Delgado died in a car crash before it was made, so the story ended up being scrapped.
If that story ended up coming to be, just think of how much of a game changer it would have been! 
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casualmovies · 11 months
Drag Me To Hell (2009)
Have you ever wanted to see what a story created by 10 year olds at recess would look like if it was produced with a $30Mil budget? Now imagine they were doing this immediately after getting caught with an "occult" book (aka something from Barnes and Noble's occult section) that they only managed to glimpse a few pages. And they're hyped up on too much sugar and no one can remember the character they've chosen to play.
If that sounds fun for you, boy do I have the movie to suggest to you!
Usually in horror characters who are supposed to be punished show a real reason for doing so. Even if they're just sort of an asshole and ignore blatant warnings. Or they pick up a book made of human skin and start reading aloud. Alternatively, they're just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Neither of those happen to our protagonist, Chrstine Brown.
When we meet Christine, she is trying to get a promotion at her job as a loan officer in a bank. Her manager tells her it comes down to her and Stu, the new guy. The mysogyny vibes are pretty strong from the outset, and she's a bit of a doormat, but trying her best. The manager tells her to take an early lunch so she can get him a sandwhich on her way back. Remember, she's a loan manager, not a secretary. Stu then walks in like he's got some power around there and says she should get him one, too. And she just does it. To which Stu demeans her after the fact, saying he asked for no mayo and acts like it's her fault (he'd never said no mayo). So it seems that the manager might and Stu might be in cahoots and they're just humoring the pretty girl who thinks she can hang with The Boys.
That's when we meet Sylvia Ganush. I can't recall if they the directly specify she's Romani, but they lean hard on the vague eastern european old woman tropes, making her out to be super gross. Doing stuff like putting her slimy dentures on Christine's desk. The reason Sylvia is there is to ask for an extension on her mortgage for the third time, using her poor health to tug on Christine's heart strings. Christine goes to her manager, trying to get the woman an extension despite her having used up two already. The manager tells her it's "her choice" and she has to be willing to make the difficult decisions.
You'd think this would be where Christine turns into a total bitch and gets mean with the woman. Something worthy of what happens to her. But instead she's as gentle as she can be while denying the woman the extension. She even tries to help the woman find alternative options. And the old woman completely loses it, making a scene and crawling on the floor, forcing Christine to call for security to have the woman removed from the bank.
And that's what does it. The old woman is on her knees, flanked by security, looking up and Christine she hisses "You shame me?!" So it wasn't the denial, it was the public embarassment of not being allowed to throw a fit in public.
The actual curse comes later when Christine is leaving work and Sylvia is waiting in her car. The fight is pretty ridiculous, but the real topper is Sylvia tearing a button off Christine's coat and issuing a curse involving "Lamia." Then she gives the button back.
With a name like Lamia, you'd expect some sort of snake creature, right? Cause that's what the Lamia is. A bad ass half snake half woman monster. A female demon sent by one woman after another? That'd be cool as hell. Plus an excuse for one of horror movies' favorite tropes: an excuse to show tits. Maybe we'd get some cool visuals of a giant snake creature slithering through the walls of Christine's house? Snakes pouring out of the faucet?
Wrong! Goats. According to movie lore "Lamia" is also known as "The Black Goat". Somehow inspired by Baphoment? At least that's what I saw when I was double checking my memory on what the Lamia was supposed to be and making sure there were no ties to goats I didn't understand.
The rest of the movie is borderline incomprehsible and meaningless. But one detail to know is that the curse is supposed to last for only 3 days before Lamia Goat Man physically drags the person to hell.
The manager at the bank keeps flip-flopping his personality. One moment he's in Christine's corner and the next he's treating her like crap. Not in a toxic abusive manager sort of way, unless they forgot to include any indication of how he behaved was meant to be misleading. At one point Christine gets a nosebleed so bad it turns into a fountain and ends up spraying the manager with blood. Then he acts like it was some party trick she could do and he was not a fan.
There's a short sub plot involving some big account that Christine landed for the bank, though it only exists as a vague file and people talking about it. Stu decides to take the file off Christine's desk and sneaks off to another bank and somehow gets them to take the account instead. Literally over night. I'm no banking expert, but when working with large clients for money management, I highly doubt you can just take a bunch of someone else's documents to a bank you don't work at and get them to take over an account that was still in the works. Without the sign off anyone actually involved.
Eventually, Christine finds out that if she gets someone else to take ownership of the button that gave her the curse, she can pass the curse on to them. She calls Stu to say "I know it was you" about taking the file to another bank. Stu shows up in a wild panic, practically sobbing and begging her not to tell. For some reason she decides to not give him the button and tells him to leave. Once again, there's no sign that he's doing it to manipulate her and it's the last we see of him. The following day, the manager calls Christine to say that Stu showed up at his house trying to pin the whole fiasco with the account on Christine. And the manager, who's treated Stu like his best pal and Christine like crap says "And ya know what, his story just didn't make sense. So I kept asking him questions so I knew it was him and not you."
Now, how did Christine know about giving the button to someone else? A psychic, of course. Complete with vague middle eastern mystic vibes. He's her guide and the one who tells her what's going on and who's after her.
She tries to give the button back to the old woman who cursed her. The woman's granddaughter (who's about Christine's age) is all cryptic saying she knows just who Christine is and that she's getting everything she deserves. Because being trapped in a capitalistic society and dealing with misogynistic bullshit is a crime worth being tortured and dragged to hell. Well, the old woman actually died. So Christine walks in on a wake for the woman and the house is full of boisterous people. They were supposed to be Romani, but I don't know the culture well enough to say whether they were accurately depicted.
Bummer the woman's dead, so she can't be given the button. Or can she? Because there's some tradition of gifting to the dead! And Christine decides to do it her own why by digging up the old woman's grave. Remember, this all takes place over the span of 3 days. In that time, the woman died, an elaborate wake was arranged and attended, a funeral was (presumably) arranged and held, and the woman was fully put in the ground. And Christine was able to find an unearth her grave in a matter of hours. The movie takes place in LA.
Way back at the beginning of the movie (during the lunch break with the sandwich buying) Christine stopped by to visit her boyfriend and give him some special coin she found because in theory he collects those. He puts it into a plain white envelope and it's basically forgotten about after that. But you see, this was Chekov's coin envelope! You know what is flat and round but otherwise nothing like a coin? A button. Which is also put into a white envelope for reasons I don't think anyone considered other than Plot Convenience.
There's a convenient mixup where a bunch of papers get dropped all over the floor of the car and chaos ensues. Then a wild scene of Christine fighting with the dead body of the old woman in a rapidly flooding grave. Never once is there any hesitation or checking to make sure it's the right envelope, or that there's even anything in the envelope. Just failing around in the rain with it and trying to give it to the old woman's dead body.
Surprise it was the coin all along. Revealed by the boyfriend in the final scene. It scares Christine so bad that she walks backwards of the platform edge onto the train tracks where the boyfriend gets to see the ground open up and swallow her into hell. The End.
I know Sam Raimi is supposed to worshiped or whatever, but stories like this is are why editors are necessary. It felt like they started with the initial concept of a young, well meaning woman being cursed by an evil old woman for reasons convenient to the old woman. It's a decent concept that could have served as commentary on boomers versus millennials. But they just kept tacking things on and had to come up with reasons it wouldn't work after the fact. And they couldn't decide of the old woman was supposed to be sympathetic or evil.
The story was generally presented as a serious horror movie, but the scenes with the old woman had the absurdity of the Evil Dead series. It felt like it started as a movie meant to be as serious and intense as something like The Collector, but asked a 12 year old for feedback and included every suggestion without question.
As for the initial motives that spark the curse, Sam Raimi apparently said "We just wanted to tell the story of a person who wants to be a good person but who makes a sinful choice out of greed, for their own benefit, and pays the price for it." But the choice Christine has to make is never portrayed as properly "sinful" or "greedy." Had she been mean to Sylvia our denied her outright without even trying, sure. To better portray Christine as sinful or greedy, only a few tweaks would need to be made. First, make Sylvia less gross. At least don't put her freaking dentures on Christine's desk. Have it be her very first request for an extension. A desperate last minute plea. The bank had refused to even speak to her until then and the deadline was end of business that day. Have Christine remember, on her own, that she was told to make tough choices to get the promotion. Then be at least harsh if not outright cruel in denying Sylvia the extension. Insult the woman somehow, then have her dragged out by security for a minor transgression rather than making a whole scene and terrifying Christine. Watch the video at the top of this post and tell me that Christine is the evil one.
Basically, Christine needed to be more of a bitch for the intended theme to work. Like, sure, she willingly killed her cat in an attempt to get rid of the curse, but she was getting desperate by that point.
Ultimately, the movie was tonally confused. There could have been some "you'll only get it if you're watching closely" moments, but the movie could have been littered with them on every frame and it wouldn't be enough to redeem the plot of this bizarre movie.
Seriously, who names something Lamia and makes it a goat demon? You could have had a bad ass snake lady!
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