#just a total 180
ronandhermy · 2 years
watching Mortel and my god it’s hilarious how Sofiane went from “yeah, I could kill this Victor guy” to “hey, that’s my Victor, get you’re own, I was here first” so damn quick
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heatherwitch · 3 months
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aldoodles · 2 years
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This part in book 8 never fails to make me cackle
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shepscapades · 7 months
When i very first started reading this I was really excited xisooma was in it but was a wee bit disappointed in how littel he was, BUT I TAKE IT ALL BACK YOUR SERVING ME SOME GOOD STUFF!! Like like him and doc prioritizing each other and him seemingly getting closer with him and eaaaahhhhhhh thanks :>>
EEP yeah!!! Yeah, I’ve very much fallen in love with xisuma throughout this process. It’s been a joy to have him so prominent in this part of the au, and I love him so much, so I must give him the special angst treatment >:]!! If this is any consolation, Xisuma strikes me as someone who doesn’t SEEM as strong or intimidating or scary as you might expect because of how soft he speaks and how kind he is and how DERPY he is, but throw him in a stressful situation and he does a total 180. Let me just say that, if it were anyone else being slammed to the ground like that by a blood thirsty corrupted android, they would not be doing so well. Xisuma is strong— way stronger than he lets on, imo. He’s holding Etho back from doing who knows what, and I think that’s plenty impressive. HES EVEN ASKING IF DOC IS OKAY WHILE HOLDING ETHO BACK!!! Idk man I have a lot of feelings about him
I’m also really happy people are noticing him and doc prioritizing each others’ safety. It’s really special to me 🥺 I just think they should be research partners who care a lot about each other!!! That’s all!!!
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alicent-criston · 2 months
Lmao the Watcher apology and everyone's reaction to it is literal prove why people stay in abusive relationships.
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antianakin · 7 months
I'll never understand how some fans are so incredibly willing to just be okay with "it happened in a timeskip" to excuse bad writing lol. Like "oh yeah these two characters who have been enemies for like four seasons of a TV show had their entire reconciliation OFF SCREEN in the time skip between episodes right at the end so it works" or "oh yeah this character who was left basically broken had their entire growth and development where they came to terms with the thing that broke them in the time skip so it works" kind of stuff. Like that's literally the ENTIRE emotional climax of a story that's been building for a while and you're FINE with not getting to actually SEE IT???
Can't relate.
#fandom wank#i'm so so tired of people telling me 'well it happened in the timeskip' when i get annoyed about something#like a character doing a personality 180#or a character suddenly changing their mind about something that was really important to them#or literal wholeass character development that's integral to this character's story#there are some things that can happen in a timeskip and some shit that CANNOT#like imagine if luke had NEVER confronted yoda or obi-wan about keeping the truth of his parentage from him#like we come into rotj and they're just fine and it's never addressed#like luke's just never mad and they never even have a convo about it#imagine how unsatisfying it would feel to have had that massive bombshell dropped without any real payoff to it#imagine never actually getting to see luke work through that particular revelation or how it impacts these relationships#and they were just like 'well it happened in-between movies'#it would SUCK#you NEED those convos in order to actually understand how luke fully comes to accept the truth about anakin#because even if he's calmer by rotj he's still upset by it a bit#only by TALKING to yoda and obi-wan does he actually get to the point where he has total faith in anakin's goodness#we HAVE to see that he's still frustrated about this and still working thru it#we cannot fucking skip it#i'm willing to accept that he's calmer about it due to the timeskip but not that he's already worked thru it all#there's a fucking difference
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andrevasims · 1 year
Okay here's my EA conspiracy theory lol:
You know how they've tried implementing online features in every Sims game but held back due to negative reaction, same with microtransaction DLC, and they've been increasingly focused on mobile gaming (where online connectivity is basically a given and microtransactions are more "accepted")?
I think their choices with the franchise have been attempting to shift the game's userbase to one that wants multiplayer and will pay for microtransactions. That's why they put so many resources into The Sims Mobile and made TS4 on console virtually identical to the PC version, why they introduced Kits, and showed mobile connectivity in the TS5 announcement.
Not every Sims player likes those things, but the ones who do are the ones giving them money, and at this point I think they've managed to shift the userbase towards that enough that they may actually manage to make a multiplayer, microtransaction Sims installment that will receive positive reception this time. And I think they'll accomplish that by catering to mobile gamers and build out from there, maybe even cross-platform support or whatever.
So basically I think The Sims 5 will be like Fortnite lol
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princesskealie · 7 months
hi lovelies! how has your autumn been? 🍂
it's that time again for my mom's doctor appointment tomorrow, so if you can, please send any prayers/good vibes her way that it goes well so she can have a worry-free holiday season! 🙏
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Zhongli headcanons
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HI HELLO I'M BACK-- i finished my h/c list ages ago but then brainrot took over and i was caught between mini fic writing and schoolwork lmfao. anyway, zhongli's my precious lil mans and i must SCREAM abt him for a moment thank u.
current list: - FLUENT in the art of yapping. could weave a story abt a blade of grass, and y'all know bitches are listening. - i feel like most ppl are kinda intimidated by him. like regular average ppl look at him and are shaken by this sort of regal air he's got around him. - straightforward! he doesn't beat around the bush when he's got a point or needs something. this kinda thing also makes ppl more intimidated of him bc he's just very confident abt it. - WARM HANDS,,, - he gives me the vibes of a fidgeter. like he spins his rings on his thumbs, and will fiddle with the sleeves of his coat. like it's just a habit he picked up, and now he can't help but do it when his mind is wandering. - ON THE TOPIC OF FIDGETING: Guizhong's puzzle box. Zhongli's usually pretty good abt figuring things out when he's confronted w/ something confounding/confusing, but when he can't figure it out or it's a very hard thing to work through, i am CONVINCED that he fiddles with Guizhong's puzzle box. like it's sort of like him trying to solve her final question helps him solve the current Difficult Question he's faced with. absolutely probably fiddled w/ it when he was deciding what to do abt retirement. - this man LOVES antiques and art/music (he likes a lot of things tbh) and he will do anything to talk abt them. like he's probably one of the best antique appraisers, and has stories abt specific antiques he's seen before. as for opera and music and art, he just really appreciates their creativity! also sorry he would absolutely indulge in the art of calligraphy. - he hoards rocks. listen, he hoards them. he loves rocks, and when he finds a Perfect Rock, he just yoinks it (Perfect Rocks are hard to come by yk!!!). - he's usually very sweet and nice, and has a good attitude, but i'm PRETTY sure he's got a bit of pride to him yk. - listen,,, he was in a really long war and lost a lot of ppl he cared abt in the Archon War, and i'm like pretty sure he's got battle anxiety now bc of it. like he would MUCH prefer talking things out, but if push comes to shove he will still fight; he just tends to push himself to the front so that less people get hurt. he just REALLY wants to protect people, which makes him a little self-sacrificial (he's usually fine). he's also fucking PROTECTIVE as FUCK. - Zhongli has gold blood. not red blood, gold; i think this makes him more nervous around red blood bc it means to him that someone is hurt and he wasn't able to protect them. it's equated with Really Bad Things. - back to sad things, i'm 90% sure he's afraid of forgetting things due to erosion. he's always had a good memory, so the idea that he might one day have his memories eroded is one of his greatest fears. - i feel like all of his worries and concerns have turned him from a stern War God to a very gentle mans that will make u soup when ur sick. - Zhongli and Venti are the best of friends and he would deck that guy so hard if someone asked him to. Literally besties for the resties, they hate each other but someone fucks with one of em, the other's got his back. - Zhongli talks pretty, so ya know he's got That Sass that hits different. Like it's out of left field, and it probably doesn't register as a slight at first. sometimes it takes u a good hour before u realize he wasn't complimenting u and instead was calling u an idiot. - the definition of "curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back". literally exudes pure curiosity when he sees something he hasn't seen before. - he adores little gifts,,, like these small gestures would Never Be Noticed by anyone, except him, and he just thinks it's so fuckin sweet. - secretly a prankster. you Would Not Expect It from him, but that's what makes it so perfect. he's the PATIENT type of prankster, too; the one who moves the flower vase a cenimeter to the left every day over the course of a month type of patient.
HERE'S THE LIST, LOVE THIS MAN SO FUCKIN MUCH YALL plEASE,,, he's my pretty mans and i just foam at the mouth over him i s w e a r.
Up next is Neuvi, bc i love him, and then i'll be delving into the Very Specific Niche Ship i obsess over which is them as a poly.
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chopshajen · 8 months
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29. Actual Astarion
Would you believe me if I said that I’m not even done with Act 1 yet. I’m like one area away from Moonrise. I have 60 hours on the save file
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fallenclan · 8 months
for fic related reasons,, were crowflame and otterslip friends,, ikinda forgot
sorta!! Otterslip considered he and Crowflame friends, but Crowflame actually disliked him a fair amount lmao
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[Image Transcription: And so Gollum found them hours later, when he returned, crawling and creeping down the path out of the gloom ahead. Sam sat propped against the stone, his head drooping sideways and his breathing heavy. In his lap lay Frodo's head, drowned deep in sleep; upon his white forehead lay one of Sam's brown hands, and the other lay softly upon his master's breast. Peace was in both their faces.
Gollum looked at them. A strange expression passed over his lean hungry face. The gleam faded from his eyes, and they went dim and grey, old and tired. A spasm of pain seemed to twist him, and he turned away, peering back up towards the pass, shaking his head, as if engaged in some interior debate. Then he came back, and slowly putting out a trembling hand, very cautiously he touched Frodo's knee – but almost the touch was a caress. For a fleeting moment, could one of the sleepers have seen him, they would have thought that they beheld an old weary hobbit, shrunken by the years that had carried him far beyond his time, beyond friends and kin, and the fields and streams of youth, an old starved pitiable thing. /end id]
I know we all like to talk about the gay part of this excerpt from the two towers but I would like to acknowledge the paragraph directly after it which wiplashes you from tender hobbit love straight to sméagol angst.
imagine you're in the middle of a rare moment of peace with your closest companion during the greatest war of your time and this weird fucking guy you picked up along the way is shuddering with his eyes glazed over because he's having flashbacks to being a person
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asthe-crow-flies · 16 hours
got my little aro hopes up on a bridgerton of all people but that’s ok cause my little bi hopes are doing GREAT
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bsaka7 · 2 days
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#this does explain why i was so fucking winded like the last mile and a half... It's because I was running fucking 9:40s#And my heart rate was like sitting at 180!!!#This was an INSANELY flat run tho like 200ft total elevation change over 16 miles#But at the same time.... Damn I still have it????#I was feeling kinda bleh the first couple of miles and then i was feeling good and then I checked my watch for the first time @8#And then i was like. Hello???? Sub 10???? And then I guess i felt good and just kept doing that. Like?????#I thought about doing like another 4mi when I was like. Crossing the bridge I was like oh I could just go to the next one#And tbh i think my legs have it in me??#But would be a bizzare choice to go from a 12mi long run to like a TWENTY mile long run in like two weeks. I don't wanna get injured...#I really did have kind of a crappy running week (Killed my legs w/ 8 days on + hard frisbee game on horrid field Tues)#And i woke up with some ankle pain... But the run itself was amazinggggg#Exactly what I needed :)#I do need to actually register for my race and also. Make a training plan#Bc ive been fairly into my stats lately so... If i have one I might actually follow it....#ANYWAY!! /#BEAUTIFUL DAY!!! BEAUTIFUL RUN!!! HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!#MARATHON NO3 I'M COMING FOR U!!!!!!!!#Tetrapod runs#Jfjfjfj my other concern was fueling bc all I had was a cliff bar but it was tbh totally fine#I'm thinking of trying to reconsider how I've done long run fuel thus far but idk... We'll see!#Jfjfjfj this is the summer of fucking with my diet because I want to try new things I guess!!! But not TOO crazy obviously
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mad-hunts · 28 days
i find the fact that barton is SUCH a hater that he even judges copycat killers who are committing crimes because they admire him for whatever reason strangely kind of funny and also diabolical. because how are you going to judge someone for doing something that is intentionally pretty close to what you're doing, but act like you can't see all the wrong that you're doing. like it makes me think this man's blinders should be PAID for how big they are lmaooo.
but i'm being so serious with y'all when i say that barton's first thought whenever he hears that someone is conducting killings like his is usually something along the lines of ' ew. ' and it is also a thing that he is so proud that he will kill or send his daughter to kill any copycats that he attracts once he founds out who they are, like OMG. you'd think that barton might be at least a little bit intrigued as to why they admire him, but NOPE. he just wants them slain and yet ( this is where the diabolical part comes in, y'all ) he will approach them like he wants to work with them because they show ' potential ' or whatever and then whenever they get all excited and ask him what he wants them to do first because, 'yay, the totally not evil guy ( total sarcasm here ofc LOL ) that i admire wants to take me under his wing!'
barton will literally just go ' oh, yeah. psyche! uhh i was actually lying, the first and last act that you can do for me is die ' before he CACKLES at his own remark and kills them like uhh. sir... why are you like this? ☠️ JSJSJ i mean, like i said in a previous post, he is so unserious sometimes at such messed up moments like this that it makes me wonder whether he is constantly trolling; or if some of this behavior of his is actually genuine. which would actually be sort of scary to think about because that would make him even more of a menace in a way
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anniemal2004 · 2 months
so my ex finally apologised for how he treated me last year. vindication at last lmao
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