#soft Imelda
expecto-kedavra · 1 year
Hullo xD I love your soft Imelda bit, could you do another one :’) maybe coming from another slytherins perspective, after the events of the game :))) <3
Hey anon! Thank you! I love writing soft Imelda, I think she definitely knows her worth, but I think she also is slightly insecure and wants friends, but is scared. Here you gooooo
Imelda Reyes, Quidditch Captain and Heartthrob.
I was tired. The end of the year was taxing, emotionally and physically. I thought I’d have a bit of a rest after the year ended, but I was wrong. I spent the summer holiday in Feldcroft with Ominis and Sebastian. Word had gotten out about my heroics, and residents from all across the Highlands were sending me owls, asking for favors. “Oh, listen to this one.” The three of us were sitting at the table, reading through what Sebastian called my fan mail. “Hello, MC. I have recently been afflicted with a terrible curse that prevents me from degnoming my garden. It seems the only cure lies in a tropical island in the Caribbean. I can travel there myself, but I worry for my poor garden.” Sebastian looked up from the letter, amused. “Honestly, the nerve and laziness of some people.” Ominis said, yet I could tell he did find it entertaining. “You’d think that you were a wand-for-hire.” I laughed at his remark. He was right. The amount of these cries for help that only needed help with simple mundane tasks was quite ridiculous. Of course, there was the odd troll we’d have to dispatch, or a wave of inferi created by some upstart. Rarely. We continued sorting through the haul from that day, and determined that we would write one letter saying that I had fallen ill, and motivating them to find the “courage and resolve I found when facing Ranrok” to complete their task. Once the letter was complete, we used a multiplying charm on it and sent the lot on their way.
The letters didn’t stop until the day before school began. It was at least decent enough of my “admirers” to respect my academic pursuits. Walking into Hogwarts was a breath of fresh air. The start of term feast was as delicious as always, and the new crop of Slytherins seemed promising. As I was cramming my face full of pudding, I looked up and made eye contact with Imelda. She seemed to have been watching me. I offered a mouth-full smile, and a small wave. Was that a blush I saw on the badass quidditch stars’ face? Probably not. We had ended the year as friends, but I didn’t think anything else of it. I pushed it to the back of my mind for the moment, and headed back to the Slytherin common room.
As I was sitting down by the fire, my thoughts drifted to Imelda. The way we had evolved through the last year was quite the tale. Her words rang through my head, “you’re a credit to our house.” She had said with a smile, after I had set the new record down at the south coast time trial. We spent more time together after that, chatting and challenging each other. She had the most delicate laugh, for someone with her personality. We’d make fun of each other, and all manner of “arguments” would catch many eyes from around the Great Hall. It was quite entertaining, and I was glad to have her as a friend. I frequently would wish that one of my summer letters would be her, but to no avail. I was snapped from my thoughts by Violet McDowell, a girl who had taken a sudden interest in me following the events of last year. “Hi MC! How are you? I’m well. Iwaswonderingifyourebusytomorrowevening?” Wow. The words flew from her mouth like a Peruvian Vipertooth that was late to work. “Umm well I-“ I struggled to think of an excuse. Perfectly one schedule, I was rescued by none other than the girl that I had wished to ask that question, Imelda. “Sorry Vi. MC and I are training for the upcoming Quidditch trials. I’ve selected them to be my co-captain.” Well this was news to me. “Oh, I understand. Good luck MC.” Violet said with a lustful gaze. She meandered off, and Imelda sat next to me on the couch. “I could tell you were a bit uncomfortable with that. You needn’t be my co-captain if you don’t want. I had planned to extend the offer more formally.” Again, I swear I saw the slightest hint of a blush on her cheeks. “Oh no I’d be honored, someone has to help keep you in check.” I mused. She chuckled. “More like I wanted to make sure your feelings weren’t hurt if I chose someone else.” She chided. Her tone shifted to business. “Right. Meet me at the pitch tomorrow at dawn. We need to get started early.” And she swiftly left. I watched her leave, taking in every detail of what had happened. I tried to tell myself she was just a friend, and I was the best option as co-captain. She didn’t have any romantic feelings for me, so I needn’t convince myself something was there. Yet, the sparkle of her eyes and the warmth of her laugh remained in my mind, almost teasing me. I made my way to bed, the thought of her soft skin and the subtle scent of her perfume refusing to leave me.
The next morning, I popped out of bed, heart slamming in my throat. I ignored Sebastian’s snoring and mumbling as I grabbed my perfectly trimmed and polished broom from my trunk. I wasn’t nervous for classes, or that I’d be rubbish during practice. It was more so excitement of flying with Imelda. I practically sprinted towards the pitch in my uniform. Imelda was ready for me, already having retrieved the balls and cleaned her broom. She saw me coming and grinned. “Had a sleepy start?” She snickered. “It’s about time you showed up.” I laughed. Her snickers and quips had gone from frustrating and obnoxious to almost sweet. “Sorry, thought I’d pop by the Lake and say hello to the merpeople.” Returning her sarcasm had quickly become second nature. “Alright Nerida. Time to begin!” I rolled my eyes, deciding to let her have the last word for now. “First off, we’ll need to decide your position. Our strongest point is Chaser of course,” she said with a flip of her hair, “and our weakest is Keeper. We had a damn good one, but they graduated last year.” I hadn’t given much thought to position. “Of course you do have a solid build, you would make a fair beater. And you’re fast, so seeker isn’t out of the question either.” She was so focused on her passion, it was quite attractive. “Well, I don’t want to distract you with my fantastic shows of strength, and Seeker is kinda boring, so Keeper?” I said. “Good choice! Now, let’s begin. I’ll try to score on you. Don’t let me.” And away we went.
Being as competitive as we both were, the training was grueling. I fared quite well, learning from and analyzing my mistakes. I could tell when we finished Imelda was impressed. “Well done! I wasn’t holding back. Remember, since you’re co-captain, you need to help me assess the trials tonight. But honestly if you play like that, we could have mooncalves as teammates and the Cup would be ours!” She threw her hands in the air, and in doing so dropped her broom. We both reached down for it, bumping into each other, and awkwardly apologizing. As we stood, I found myself closer to her. “I probably smell terrible.” I laughed. “Oh you do. Positively revolting.” I studied her face, beads of sweat trickling from her forehead, her chest still rising and falling as she tried to catch her breath. “I probably smell like a troll. What do you think?” She said, and took a step closer. She was inches away from me, looking up into my eyes. “Well, I’ve met a few trolls, and you definitely don’t smell that bad.” I lightly caressed her cheek, and she leaned into my hand. “Your hair looks quite sexy all messy and blustery.” I whispered. I inched closer, feeling her breath on my face. Her lips parted, and I fell into them, allowing myself to melt into her. She moaned softly as I a pulled her in, sweeping her in. Our kisses slowly got faster and hotter, as she ran her fingers through my hair and nibbled on my lower lip. We eventually pulled away from each other breathing heavily. “Wow.” I said. “Uh huh!” She replied. “Could you finally be speechless? Incredible, I would have kissed you last year in Irondale if that’s what it took.” I said with a wink. “Very funny. Now, as wonderful as that was, don’t expect it to just happen all the time.” I had to admit I was definitely disappointed at her words. I stared at my feet. “Imelda I-“ but she swiftly cut me off. “You have to at least take me on two dates first. Then I’ll be your girlfriend.” I looked back up, beaming. “Well then, it shall be my sole purpose. Prepare yourself, I’m a damn good date planner.” I planted a kiss on her forehead, and winked at her. “That one doesn’t count.” She smiled and moved back into me, placing her hand on my chest. “On second thought, if you consider our competition last year, that could be considered three dates.” She said mischievously. My heart jumped to my throat and my stomach filled with butterflies. “And Everett Clopton has already started trying to court me.” She looked back up at me innocently. “I’d hate to lead him on.” I picked her up and spun her around. “And we can’t have that! Poor Everett would be broken.” She chuckled softly and gently kissed my cheek. “Now, go shower co-captain. You’ll need to keep your marks up if you want to stay on the team.” She lightly pushed me away. “You’re one to talk Mellie, you could overflow the lake with all that sweat.” I mused. She stuck her tongue out at me and we both laughed. I practically skipped to the showers, ignoring the strange looks from the hufflepuff captain walking up to the pitch.
The Slytherin Quidditch team squashed Gryffindor first match. Nobody scored on me, and I watched in awe as Imelda masterfully corkscrewed through the opposition and scored goal after goal. As our seeker snagged the Golden Snitch and Madam Kogawa blew her whistle, Imelda flew over to me and planted a kiss firmly on my cheek. “Well done, I knew you were the right choice.” Her smile lit up my heart, sending tingles down my arms. “I could say the same for you.” I replied. She looked at me, confused. “What choice did I make?” I laughed at her confusion. “The one to be my girlfriend, you dork.” She giggled and blushed. If you told me last year I’d be dating Imelda Reyes, and she would be giggling? And blushing? Well, I would have taken you to St. Mungo’s. Clearly you had a run in with a flock of Fwoopers. Absolutely out of your mind.
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Hello! So so happy to see you back here, I missed the reactions! I hope you're doing okay!
I don't remember if you've already written this, but I would like to read how HL Characters will react when MC propose to them (such a sappy, I know 😅)
A/N: I LIVE for soft sappy nonsense, life needs a little more of it
Everything was perfect. The date, the location, the company. MC had been planning this for months, waiting for things to be just right. Finally the moment came for them to get down on one knee and present their lover with the question that would bind or break them... "Will you marry me?"
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: He stares a moment, stunned. Then he stamps his foot. "Oh come on! You beat me to it!" His face scrunches into a pout and he folds his arms, turning slightly away from MC. His tantrum abruptly ends when MC stands up looking upset. He sighs and takes their hands.
"I suppose I-...I suppose I wanted to be the one to ask you. See your face light up with delight. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend. I will gladly marry you. The fact you even look my way makes me the luckiest wizard alive." He gently pulls MC to him and kisses them.
OMINIS GAUNT: He processes the question with a stoic expression. His wand examines his surroundings; showing him MC on their knee presenting a ring, even the landscape with his field of 'vision'. He commits to memory every sensation from temperature to wind to humidity.
Perhaps he paused too long, MC was starting to shift. He smiles and kneels in front of them. "Of course I will marry you, my love. I need you in my life like I need air to breathe." He offers his hand to allow MC to place the ring on his finger. He doesn't get a moment to admire it before he's blindsided by a tackle to the ground. MC kissing him through the sunset.
ANNE SALLOW: The breath is stolen from her lungs. She silently screams and moves around in place. The happiness in her heart making her dance. She finally gets her breath back and shouts at the top of her lungs. "YES!! BY ALL THE GODS, YES!"
She can barely stand still enough for MC to put the ring on her. Once it's securely on, she grabs MC's face and kisses them hard, only pulling back to breath before going in for another.
IMELDA REYES: She's internally screaming. Is it too soon? Was she really ready for this? She took the relationship seriously, of course, but now that the question has been presented. She finds herself experiencing what can only be described at STAGEFRIGHT. This was a first. She's never been afraid to perform. She's always had the last laugh. She's always had a quick comeback, she could roll with the punches like no other.
But what does she do now? Are her hands shaking? STOP THAT! Why isn't her body listening to her? How long has she been standing there like a frightened deer? MC is starting to look concerned. SAY SOMETHING! "...Nyoes..." Nailed it.
NATSAI ONAI: "Oh MC..." She's tearing up. She's been looking forward to this for a long time. She takes their face in her hands and kisses them sweetly before letting them put the ring on her.
She takes a moment to admire the ring. It's everything she could ever want; not too gaudy, not too simple. She holds MC close, enjoying the warmth of the moment. "...so who are inviting to the wedding?" She giggles when she feels MC sieze up. Now they get to wedding plan.
GARRETH WEASLEY: He's a little distracted by an herb growing out of a rock and doesn't notice MC was actually on their knee. "I'll absolutely marry you." He responds without looking up. "Would you help me extract this-" He turns to see MC giving him a deadpanned look of annoyance. "Oh...oh dear."
He bashfully puts the rock down and takes MC's hand. "I'm sorry, love. I didn't mean to be dismissive. I get so excited over projects that I sometimes miss what's right in front of me." He places a hand on MC's cheek. "And what's right in front of me is the love of my life. I will proudly wear your ring and call you mine."
LEANDER PREWETT: His hands fly up to cover his mouth and he can't stop the absolute waterfall coming out of his eyes. It's happening, it's FINALLY happening. His mom will be so proud of him.
He doesn't even look at the ring, his watery eyes are locked on MC. He kisses them, getting tears all over their cheeks. Both need to clean their face but it's one of the happiest kisses he's ever given.
AMIT THAKKAR: He laughs lightly and kneels in front of MC. He presents his own ring. "I was going to ask you as well tonight, but you were a little faster." They exchange rings and lay down together under the darkening sky as the stars slowly appear.
He couldn't be happier. This was the best day of his life by far. Holding MC under the night sky they've studied together since they were kids. Feels poetic. His mind wanders to their upcoming wedding. He wonders if he can convince MC to have a traditional Indian marriage ceremony.
EVERETT CLOPTON: His eyes are as big as saucers. He looks from MC to ring and back again over and over to ensure he wasn't seeing things before he thrusts his fist in the air in celebration. "YES!"
He grabs MC, picks them up and spins them around. He dips them and kisses them silly before finally letting them upright to breathe. MC almost dropped the ring. He puts it on before they lose it and smirks. "And people said I'd never earn your affections. Oh, how wrong they were."
POPPY SWEETING: She looks at the empty box MC presented them with. "Was something supposed to be in there or is this a cruel joke?" She asks with a raised eyebrow. She watches MC panic that they've somehow lost the ring when she notices a bush rustling out of the corner of her eye.
She goes over to find a small blue-green niffler. She grabs the small beast by the foot and holds it up to MC. "I think I found the culprit." She tickles the treasure right out of it, and sure enough, a single ring falls out amongst the coins and shiny rocks. She takes the ring and let's the niffler collect it's treasure back.
"I love it, MC." She hugs MC close and looks up into their eyes. "I love you."
The niffler huffs and blows a raspberry at the couple before disappearing into the bushes.
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zetadraconis11 · 8 months
HL Incorrect Quote #70
Garreth: I did...
Imelda: -will be forgiven because everyone deserves second chances.
Sebastian: If that were us, we would have been dead!
Ominis: Indeed. ...You didn't steal anything from her, right?
Sebastian: No! I learned from second year to not have a death wish!
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sysig · 9 months
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Small skeleton zine I put together as a double-sided print template test (Patreon)
Bonus clean panels under the cut
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Front and back cover skeletons
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Handplates babies
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And terribad dad!
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Longboi Jack Skellington - his legs were really fun haha
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And the Riveras!
#Doodles#Skele-zine hehe#Original#Handplates#Sans#Papyrus#Gaster#Jack Skellington#Coco#Imelda Rivera#Héctor Rivera#I always draw with such defined strong lines on printer paper lol#Normally my style is all fluttery and soft and scratchy and sketchy but I see printer paper and I'm like ''I must Bold Lines Only''#S'quite a mouthful of a caption but that's what I was doing!#You see the weird creases on the last page? Technically this is the inside but since I started with the inside technically it's the outside#Gonna fill the other side soon :) I wanted to make sure I got as clean of pictures and scans as I could single-sided first tho#I dunno what the other side's gonna have but no matter what it won't have as clean of scans or lines :P The nature of things#Why do I want it to be double-sided in the first place? I have some print tests I'd like to try :3c#As if I don't already have enough things to format for printing lol look I just follow whatever my brain is hungry for in the moment#It's all papercrafts! Whatever makes the kid (brain) happy#Plus it was a good excuse to draw Yet More Skeletons - can you tell I'm in Font Skeleton Hell atm lol#I'm pretty sure that Doot-doot Sans was a shower thought lol#The rest were all off the cuff :) Man I haven't drawn Jack in yearrrrsss#I was almost tempted to follow him up with Slenderman for the lulz but I kept to the skeleton theme! Good for me lol#Everyone was largely from memory - I gave a quick glance at CinemaWins' Coco video for references but aside from that#Drawing big bold shapes and then filling them in with slight hatching was fun ♪ More fun than erasing! Just gotta roll with it! Pen rules!#I did erase a couple things here and there but I left most of my lines down :) Even mistakes! It's good to practice around them sometimes ♪#Good test! Fun and met my goal! :)
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superconductivebean · 5 months
#977: imelda x poppy headcanons - 4
Imelda Reyes: >>>1 || >>>2 (nsfw) || >>>3 || >>>4 || >>>5 Poppy Sweeting: >>>1 || >>>2 || >>>3 Imelda x Poppy headcanons: >>>1 || >>>2 || >>>3
Would I call this one nsfw? Probably not, but it's gotten domestic and fluffly and tad spicy and out-of-the-school-timeliney, so uh, putting everything below the cut.
tags: @celestial--sapphic @thriftstorebabayaga
They've matching personalities. Imelda has a natural tendency to lead, to be a strong support. Poppy only needs a little push but self-sufficient as she is, she always has Imelda known her efforts are never in vain. Better safe than sorry; communication is very important to them and although they prefer physicality over words as their love tongue, verbal communication complements it;
That being mentioned, Imelda may be up for stunts. Perhaps, this is the reason why other people she meet think of her as of The Lead of this relationship, the one assertive, caring in a role sense. Poppy, being somewhat the opposite, somewhat less of this and that, and different from her there and here, is often seen as The Following one, you got the gist;
People would be surprised to learn stunts usually lead to Imelda being the one to be following Poppy. Yes, Poppy tops;
Imelda does, too, sometimes, on days when Poppy isn't a gremlin;
How that happens: Poppy is cute but she's the kind of cute that crush ribcages, yaps happily, but knows what they need. Imelda, susceptible to praise and fully aware Poppy isn't lying or pulling stunts or being flirty for the sheer sake of it, can't not to crash land;
They both like cuddles when there isn't Needs For Spaces, for different reasons. Imelda is used to wind enveloping her and gluing her to the broom, to holding which tightly she's also used; she also picked up lots from her family where a gesture of affection like a hug was as common as saying 'hello'. Poppy never wants to let go, a hug or a hand held firmly is her way of leaving an imprint on people's memory, besides, beasts read a gesture like that as her being friendly and caring;
You could say, Imelda tends to enjoy hugs passively and Poppy seeks to seize an opportunity whenever she can;
Which led to many nsfw-ish discoveries in their shared part of life because Poppy is an unpredictable goofball of inceasing giggle and unwearying love. Whenever Imelda thinks she has finally learnt almost everything there was to Poppy, the almost would unfold fractally. Imelda is curious about her but in her reckoning she feels rather stuck because what is it exactly Poppy adores about her?
Everything, really, but especially seeing her faltering beneath her.
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theealbatross · 25 days
never not been mine (s.s)
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Plot | Everyone wonders if you and Sebastian are together. Sebastian wonders when will everyone mind their own business.
Tags | fluff, cheesy pining, we're not together or are we, cranky!seb, slytherin!reader, curses, threats, prejudice, seeker!seb for the plot, established relationship (kinda), when you love her so much it drives you insane, seb and reader are shit seniors is my headcannon
[Disclaimer | I borrowed a scene from "no hard feelings" because it was trending on tiktok lol. Also a portion of this is heavily inspired by 'The Alchemy' by Taylor Swift'. Photos not mine.]
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“Just one drink – butterbeers on me!”
You couldn’t help but smile at the eager nameless hopeful in front of you.
The wince from his two friends at the other edge of the common room was apparent at your periphery. You had to give it to him, he’s lasted longer than the others. Usually, most would be walking away with their egos bruised when greeted with your disinterest.
“Not like you have any … pending appointments, don’t you?” He tried to maintain his bravado, even taking a step closer to the loveseat you were sitting on by the fire.
Call it an instinct, a bond only kindred spirits that have tethered in-between life and death together would have, but you could almost feel him – not needing to see him to recognize the heavy steps on the stone stairs, the deep sigh as he impatiently scours the common room in search of you, and the inevitable crinkle that forms in-between his eyebrows when he sees someone else in your vicinity.
You smile.
“I have one,” you muttered, just loud enough for him to hear.
His smirk faltered, eyebrows meeting, “A boyfriend?”
You shook your head.
“Pending appointments,” you grin.
His body comically cloaked the significantly shorter boy from behind.
“There you are.”
Sebastian barely glanced at the 6th year in front of you even when their shoulders bumped, making the student stumble. On instinct, you moved your legs to the side so Sebastian could curl up on the floor, his head finding comfort on the meat of your covered thigh, callused hands curling on your calf as he slumped into your lap.
His hair was still dripping sweat, the quidditch uniform he had on covered with muck and dirt and a spattering of blood, and yet here he was, shamelessly sharing his mess with your clothes. You can almost hear Ominis’ disapproving voice, ‘He's a spoiled dog!’.
Ah, but how could you not when he seemed to be cursed at being so good at everything and yet so miserable doing anything else but spending his time with you. Even you can’t be that heartless.
You ran your hands on his damp hair, making sure to press your fingers on his scalp, unable to stop the soft coos from coming out of your mouth. Sebastian had always needed extra attention after his drills with Imelda, the latter determined to tun him into her very own secret weapon of destruction for this upcoming Quidditch season.
This, in turn, had cut his time with you to his utter despair.
“Can we help you?” You were too busy tending to him that you hadn’t realized you still had an audience. Your pet wasn’t the friendliest, especially with strangers of the opposite sex that stares at you.
“N-No, I was just – we were having a conversa –”
Sebastian frowned, the boy took a step back, you place a halting hand on his shoulder.  
“I’ll,” you’re sure even this silly one knows of your Sebastian’s temperament. He wasn’t necessarily the type to be awarded as The Friendliest Senior of the Year.
(“You were nice to me the first time we met.” “Maybe I’m only nice to pretty witches.”)
“I’ll just talk to you later when you’re free.”
“Or not,” Sebastian deadpanned, his grip on your calf tightening, eyebrows meeting.
“Surely it couldn’t hurt–”
“Could hurt.”
It was a pitiful sight but you’ve spared the boy a fate worse than a bruised pride as he muttered a clanky goodbye before turning his back the two of you. Sebastian still glowering at his fleeing back.
“Do you have to be so mean?” you half-heartedly admonished him, patting his freckled cheeks. He really is so handsome, easily the most eligible bachelor in your batch, biased opinion aside.
“Maybe I haven’t been mean enough if they still approach you,” he muttered, clearly still annoyed. His eyes shift from one boy to another accusatorially like if he stared long enough, he’ll catch them in the act of being interested after you and deliver the right sentence as an example.
After the events with Ranrok, high society quickly set its eyes on you. He thought he had nipped it in the bud, sending scathing letters back to prideful pureblood boys for their gall to direct formal letters of engagement to you, audaciously sticking by your side at all times, and severely punishing anyone who dared to even think of courting you. (One even tried to challenge him to a duel. It was barely entertaining, almost downright cruel. Sebastian hopes that the boy is enjoying Ilvermorny.)
Truly, he has his work cut out for him.
Your giggle pulled him out of his unpleasant thoughts, “You should go shower, it’s about to be dinner time.”
He hummed, “Can I use The Room? Hate the boy’s lavatory, ‘s a mess.”
You ignore the quick turning of heads of the students nearest you, trying not to laugh at their scandalized faces, aware of how bad it sounded. Instead, you let him stand and take your hand as he bitterly shared his hypothesis that Imelda was a dark wizard planted to torment him while he led you to the familiar steps toward the Room of Requirement.
On the other side of the room, the rejected boy glared at his sniggering friends.
“You told me they weren’t courting!” he accused.
“In my defense,” his friend shrugged, giggling at the spectacular explosion in front of her very eyes. Who would’ve thought Sebastian Sallow would catch the idiot in the act. “They aren’t but everyone knows they’re ... exclusive.”
“We warned you! I warned you!” Their other friend, the more level-headed one was exasperated. “I’m so bloody terrified of Sallow I don’t even dare to look in her direction! Do you know there are rumors of him mastering forbidden spells? It’s why he had practically spent the entire half of 6th year serving a mysterious detention service for Professor Hecate.”
His other two friend looked at him in doubt. “I thought that was because he bombarda-ed the pants out of that Ravenclaw after he was challenged to a duel –”
“Regardless! He’s dangerous!”
“But are they dating or not?”
“No one knows, okay? That’s like in the Hogwarts top 3 mysteries.” The girl snipped.
“I may know someone who might know.”
Two heads swiveled to the boy who was already staring at a regal silhouette, sitting peacefully on the couch nearest the windows and furthest from any other person in the large common room – simultaneously seeming peaceful and brooding at the same time. As if feeling their gaze on him his unseeing eyes suddenly snapped in their direction, the boys physically flinched, the girl even covering her mouth to hide a gasp as they quickly vacated their spot before they truly tested their luck with the 7th-year Head Boy.
Ominis Gaunt.
The three sighed, resigned to leave that stone unturned.
“Guess we’ll never know.”
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Sebastian flustered at the pretty boxes wrapped in silk, laces, and ribbons being shoved to his face, hand rubbing the back of his neck in a mix of embarrassment and honor.
He’s mostly gotten used to the numerous attention he receives but the abrupt surge of volume between his 6th and 7th year sometimes still gives him whiplash. It’s amazing what a growth spurt can do in your social standing.
“Thank you, ladies. I really appreciate it.” He flashed them a polite smile, genuinely flattered and touched at the thoughtful presents even if they are a bit overeager.
Swoons and giggles erupted from the small crowd, so dramatic yet so entertaining.
“Excuse me, Sebastian?”
From the middle of the crowd, Blaine Marune a fellow 7th year pushed herself to the front. She was a popular girl, sought after by many of his teammates. He cocked a brow at her Slytherin shirt when she was a Gryffindor, the team Sebastian was playing against. Was she dating someone on his team?
“Can you sign my shirt?”
Gasps scattered on the ground at her bold request, especially since she stretched out her shirt so the space by her chest was extended. He had to give it to these Gryffindors, they sure do live up to their name.
“Your girlfriend wouldn’t mind, would she?”
He frowned at the implication, suddenly hating the inquisitive eyes snapping between them, clearly curious as to his status. “That’s –”
“She’s here! Look!” A voice from behind the crowd gasped.
Sebastian swiftly turned his head, barely catching your eyes just as you slipped inside the tower that held the stairs to the bleachers up above. Mindlessly, he forgot all about the little scene that was unfolding between him and the Gryffindor and turned away from his gaggle of admirers to walk to the edge of the field, jumping on his broom to fly in front of you when you seemed to take a wrong turn to the other side of the bleachers.
“Wrong direction, darling. I saved you your seat,” he grinned even as you ignored him, walking a leisure pace as he floated beside you.
“I’m not sitting next to your admirers,” She quipped, still refusing to look at him, marching with a purpose. “Darling.”
She’s jealous. Sebastian beamed, flying closer so he could reach out an arm to stop her steps.
“Don’t be like that,” his words were soft yet the grin in his face couldn’t be tamed even if he did try. “You know I like it when I can see you at all times.”
Giggles and whispers were murmured from the seated crowd behind you.
“She’s here!” “The Felix Felicis is here!” “There’s no way those Gryffindor bastards will beat us now.”
The burn in your face doubled in intensity as you tried your hardest to ignore such embarrassing remarks.
It started with a silly coincidence.
In one of Sebastian’s first games last year, you had been running late, roped in a last-minute hunt for a large Ancient Magic hotspot that had abruptly appeared on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. When you entered the Quidditch Pitch the game was in full swing. However, your entrance had caught Sebastian’s attention which coincidentally also happened to be the moment the Snitch flew straight towards you. It was one of the shortest games in Hogwart’s centuries-long history as he had gotten a hold of it inches away from your face. The team included you in their celebration by throwing the two of you in the air.
From then on, it was duly noted that Sebastian’s performance remarkably improved every time you were in attendance. It didn’t help that the one time you didn’t attend one of his inter-school practice matches they had lost by a couple of points to Durmstrang.
Imelda had damn near made you swear on an Unbreakable Vow that you would watch every single one of their games from then on.
Hence, being Sebastian Sallow’s Felix Felicis became your position and moniker throughout the entirety of Quidditch Season, and as embarrassing as it was, it would seem your usually level-headed friend had either gotten roped in the ridiculous suspicion or was enjoying your obvious mortification a bit too much as he had taken every opportunity to snatch the same damn seat that practically showcased you to the rest of the crowd and in turn ensured he would be able to see you at all times.
“Sallow! We’re about to gather!” Imelda screamed in the middle of the field.
“Give me a second!” He turned to you. “Please, pet?”
Damn him and those brown eyes.
Harshly, you grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him till he was forced to maneuver his broom sideways, face an inch from yours.
“You better not embarrass me,” you threatened, pressing a quick kiss on his cheek before turning on the opposite direction, straight to the seat that had been unofficially yours. Lucky charms get special privileges after all. “I want a photo with that trophy, Sallow.”
Sebastian hovered in the air frozen, hand on his burning skin, until a ball hit him square in the back. “Today, lover boy.”
He gave Imelda an apologetic look before calling over an underclassman.
“You there, 5th year!” The boy was quick to jump out of his seat, heart hammering in his chest at the Seeker’s sudden attention. “Call over Head Boy Gaunt and tell him to make sure no one unpleasant sits in my section.”
The boy nodded, understanding. Everyone knows Sallow’s unofficial section where all his friends from different houses sit – every single one of them as intimidating as him. If he had gotten a galleon for every time a professor mentioned one of them either in praise or in warning on what not to do, he’d rival Ominis Gaunt in wealth.
Most importantly, she would be there. The lucky charm and Sallow’s dearest companion – though jury is still out whether they had been courting all this time or not.
From what he’d seen he’d bet on them getting married by graduation even with the lack of formal courting. They didn’t seem to be the type to care for convention. He had even heard suggestive rumors that they basically sleep in the same room every night, though that has yet to be proven.
“Yes, of course, Sallow!”
Sebastian watched the boy scamper down the stairs, no doubt to relay his message to his dear friend who won’t be too pleased of his misuse of Ominis’ position.
Oh well, all’s well that ends well.
He blows you one last provocative kiss as he departs the stands before he flies up to where the rest of his teammates are positioned, ready for the game to start, pleased with the fact you would be fuming from the attention his grand performance would bring.
A jealous darling would be bad luck after all.
And he had a trophy to win.
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“And the Triwizard Champion is Sebastian Sallow from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, House Slytherin!”
Green confetti and fireworks exploded all over the stadium overwhelming Sebastian as he tried to catch his breath and not let his knees buckle under his weight when all the adrenaline left his body. He belatedly realized that the cold, golden trophy had been shoved in his hands not until he was lifted by fellow schoolmates up above their arms in celebration and was staring at his own gobsmacked reflection in the shiny hardware.
More familiar faces and deafening cheers accosted him as he was brought into the section where all Hogwarts students were gathered. Only when he was put back in the ground to be showered with pats, congratulations, and splashing of fizzing butterbeer did his brain finally catch up with the rest of his body.
Immediately, his head started swiveling, looking for the face he needed to see the most, his instincts screaming at him that she was near. She has to be. She promised.
From the back of the crowds – there she was. Her beaming face, humbly waving from behind as if she wasn’t the reason he had fought so hard for this victory – that it really should be in her name and it shall, for he will lay this victory on her feet, first of his many devotion for the rest of their lives.
In haste, he shoved the trophy to the nearest body, uncaring of who was able to grab it as he pushed and shoved anyone on his way to you. The rest of the world blurred. He cared not for the gasps, shrieks, or protests – not when he saw the beam in your smile as you jumped into his arms – the golden ring that was hanging off a simple chain on your neck clanged with the similar one hanging off his own when you jumped into his arms.
The wedding rings he had prepared, ready for the day the two of you turned into adults in the eyes of the law and were permitted to be married. It would be for mere formality, his heart after all had been tied to yours the moment your eyes met.
“I’m so proud of you.”
He’s never felt satisfaction as fulfilling as this moment.
Finally, he has earned it – has earned the right to say it.
“I love you.”
This love was finally his.
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The papers were printed in a few days. Bold letters with a bolder headline:
Triwizard Champion and Hero of Hogwarts Secretly Betrothed!?
Right below such an accusatory headline was the photo of the two of you framed almost too perfectly in a café’s window, Sebastian pressing a kiss in the unmistakable diamond ring he had bought with his winnings while you beamed at him.
It has not been a kept secret that many noble families have vied and proposed for the heavy hand of the Hero but all were rebuffed. All but one. Sebastian Sallow, a promising orphan from a fallen house seemed to have Championed the heart of the lady just as he had conquered the challenges of the Triwizard Trials. As remarkable as it is, his distinct lack of proper lineage, colorful history of delinquency, and the whispers of his preference for obscure magic would truly prove to be a challenge he might not be able to slay quite as easily, especially for a bride as coveted as –
“I am going to fucking kill that wench!”
You slammed the newspaper on the table, making Grace choke on her tea just as Ominis winced at your colorful choice of words, quickly conjuring up a silencing charm around your table lest you make it harder for his lawyers if you actually do deliver the threat.
“I know you’re upset –”
You glare at Grace. Upset barely covers it.
Finding that you have not insulted it enough you crumble the bundle of paper in your hand, even going as far as to grab two that a couple of fourth years were reading before throwing them to the fire in a huff, screaming an Incendio on the fireplace just for the satisfaction of seeing it all turn into soot in a blink.
Ominis quickly sends an owl.
She should still be in Hogsmeade, your mind runs. You’ve heard that the unpleasant reporter had made a home in one of the apartments in Hogsmeade once the Tournament started.
It should be easy, you try to suppress your maniacal grin as you turn, marching straight into the stairs that should lead you to the nearest floo, ignoring how quickly the other students parted for you as your head ran all types of scenarios on how you can absolutely gut that waste of space. She had unfairly targeted Sebastian from the start of the games, pointing out flaws on his runs even when he had won the stage, cruelly bringing up his 'upbringing' in Feldcroft, and even bringing up how he wouldn't be able to give it his all while still grieving his twin sister and should be replaced.
That fucking wench.
You’ve had enough practice breaking and entering through the many locks in Hogsmeade to be able to sneak into her abode. A simple hex would be child’s play, maybe you should curse her to lose one finger every time she writes a bad word against your beloved or maybe a limb or you should just do the wizarding world another favor and make her illiterate.
Once you were on the grounds you summoned your broom.
The punishment should fit the crime.
Before you could fly you found yourself already levitating up the air, from below Sebastian was way too pleased at your shrieks and foul mood.
“Let me down, Sebastian!” you kicked.
“I would but I would rather we not spend our lives running away from the ministry if you kill that journalist, my love.”
So, he has read it. The fact that he was able to see those vile words made your blood boil harder. Sensing your temper and the fact that you were about to break out of his spell he plays dirty.
You shriek at the speed but the comfort of his arms was almost enough to quell the itch in your hands to curse that bloody witch into a pulp.
He tightens his hug, playfully pulling you off the ground with a grunt and swaying the two of you gently. “Still upset?”
You push your blunt nails on his back and he chuckles. “It doesn’t bother me, you know.”
“It should!” you snap, a blast of your ancient magic smashing a statue to pieces that he quickly fixes with a ‘repairo’ without so much as a glance at the shrieking fifth years that had nearly gotten blasted with it. “It bothers me.”
That they think so lowly of him – him! A man worth ten –  if not hundreds – of those pompous pricks from noble houses who offers nothing but their ‘pure’ blood and rotting riches like it was enough, like it could buy your heart and pride.
If they knew –
If they knew it was him who cleaned your blood and licked the jagged wounds in your spirit in the quiet of your lowest nights, that it was this boy who pulled out the rubble of a girl after the war – carefully piecing it together until you felt like a person and not a hollow husk filled only by nightmares, that it was this lowly orphan they sneer at who had become your chain to your sanity – your family.
Would they still look down at him if they knew it was only his kindness, and his love, and him who stopped you from giving up on them? That if someone as beautiful as him could exist in the wizarding world then it was a world worth saving.
Sebastian frowns at your upset. Ominis had grossly underestimated how the article had affected you, he would be touched if he wasn't so angry.
“It shouldn’t,” he gently carries you like a bride – his bride – under the largest tree by the Beasts Class classroom, away from the prying eyes of a crowd, overlooking the lake. The songs of the breeze and birds were the perfect soothing balm along with his soft coos. “They can write about me all they want at the end of the day it is me who is coming home with you.”
He’s sure you’re aware that his overly sweet words are all to calm you down but you fall for it anyway, smiling on the skin of his neck. “I should have her tongue.”
He shushes you, pressing his fingers on your waist till it tickled, he smiles on your hair when you slap his shoulder. “Don’t you think you’ve terrified the freshmen enough with that mouth of yours.”
It doesn’t escape you that the other students have transferred their fear of Sebastian’s murky past to your present wicker-short temper. You are aware that it is only because of your impeccable grades, immeasurable talent and a sprinkle of Fig’s legacy that the headmaster has not suspended or expelled you for your insolence.
His palms run a soothing patten on your spine, letting you continue to bury your head on the crook of his neck to lull you into a calm.
You suddenly pull yourself away, looking straight at him. “Are you sure you don’t care? I promise I won’t get caught.”
He chuckles at that, pressing a kiss on the crown of your head before leaning back on the trunk of the tree, pulling you closer to him.
“Don’t worry,” he smiled. “As long as you still plan on marrying me nothing will ever bother me at all.”
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“I reckon she's calmed down?”
Sebastian doesn’t bother to mask his stormy expression now that you have fallen into a nap, sparing Ominis a glance as he sits on one of the empty wooden crates.
“I was sure I’d catch the two of you digging up a shallow grave by now.”
Sebastian glances down at you, shaking his head. “Haven't you heard? I’m a changed man.”
Ominis chuckles at that. “Well, their vile words shouldn’t matter anyhow,” Ominis sighs, grateful at least that this betrothal had managed to calm at least one of his dearest friends down. “She’s yours now.”
The boy’s words made Sebastian think.
Think back to the first time he met you: the curiosity, the anticipation, the instant tug on his soul the first time your voice had pulled him out of his own head and you stood in front of him while the growing foreboding feeling that meeting in that room, in front of the fire was meant to be, bloomed in his chest.
He was young enough not to recognize love for what it was but not stupid enough to not act upon it. Monopolizing you and your attention, wrapping his being around you until people could no longer separate the two of you as individuals, guarding his precious hoard ferociously from wolves and thieves until he grew into the man who could claim it.
She’s yours now.
When he really, really, thinks about it, it almost makes him laugh. He always thought he'd lead a simple life. Get a decent job, marry a modest girl, and settle down into a humble life. Grand delusions weren't for him, that was more Anne's forte and he wasn't destined for a greater purpose, that was for Ominis.
And he was satisfied with that, honestly and truly thankful for it. He thrived in the shadows, after all.
But he met you and damned himself by falling in love with the one person he shouldn't have -- the one person he could never deserve even if he lived the rest of his life as a saint.
He loved a grand adventure personified and in a lickety-split threw away all of his dreams of a quiet life -- jumping straight into a den of goblins and trolls and certain death. Hit the ground running in a race between bachelors to get to you, to earn the honor of deserving your love. And even mercilessly overwhelmed any contender to your hand until it was uncontested that it was only him who could stand beside you.
It was only he who earned it.
She’s yours now.
In quiet moments he sometimes couldn't quite believe just what happened to his life in two years.
Because he never thought he'd fall in love with a brilliant witch vied by the world or that, out of all hands stretched out to her, she would hold his, that she would love him back.
She’s yours now.
Sebastian would beg to disagree.
It was fate. (He made it so.)
It was written. (He rewrote it.)
She’s always been mine.
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elinoracia · 1 year
⁑ Someone else flirts with you // Hogwarts legacy characters reactions x reader ⁑
~ Hogwarts Legacy headcanons ~
Warnings: Jealousy, fluff, f!reader, use of Y/N, not proofread, swearing (censored) Pairings: Sebastian x reader, Ominis x reader, Garreth x reader, Amit x reader, Poppy x reader, Natty x reader, Imelda x reader, Leander x reader.
Feel free to request anything!
→ [All characters are aged up to 18 y.o. or more (7th year)] ←
Context: Following the events that took place during the 5th year, you became more popular without really wanting it. A few people have started to take a closer interest in you. But you still only have eyes for one person since you arrived. However, a boy has started flirting with you and talking to you more and more often. His name is Spencer Rooks. Spencer is the captain of the Hufflepuff quidditch team, also in 7th year. His soft blue eyes, freckles and blond messy hair could make anyone feel flustered around him. But he only has his eyes on you and the person you like took notice of that. Today, Spencer passed you a note to meet him after class. You chose to accept his offer and listen what he had to say to you. Someone seems to not be too pleased by that... (pre-relashionship)
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Oh he's pissed. You're his! Well...not yet but you are his! He tolerated Spencer's flirting for way too long. He has to intervene.
"Spencer, leave her alone. Can't you see Y/N is not interested?"
All means are good if it makes him leave you alone. But if Spencer insists too much to talk to you, Sebastian will definitely raise his wand at him. He's not scared to be in detention again.
"Let's leave Y/N. He's not worth you time at all." He takes your hand and leads you somewhere else.
"What a prick! Touching you like that and flirting with you. Trust me, he's not good enough for you."
You ask him if he's jealous and you see him frown.
"I am not jealous, I would just prefer if he didn't exist near you! I-I mean...I know you can take care of yourself but- I just don't like others around you that can't respect you."
He'll cross his arms and will stare into your eyes.
"Next time, tell him you're mine. Tell him you're my girlfriend. And if he tries anything, I won't need my wand to hurt him. Besides, I bet he only likes you because you're Hogwarts hero or something like that...NO! I'm not jealous! I just think you deserve better!"
He will make sure that everyone knows you're his, even if you're not yet in a relationship with him.
He WILL be more affectionate and touchy in public.
He's very possessive and will remind you that you both were best friends before you saved Hogwarts and the wizzarding world in general.
"I liked and still like you for you, don't fall for guys like Spencer who only notice you for what you did. He's an opportunist! And you deserve someone who can see how wonderful you are."
Now he is more discreet about his feelings for you and how he handles jealousy. But when Spencer asked you to meet him after class, Ominis couldn't let that happen. He realises he was too slow to be the first to ask you out and he had to do something...quickly.
"Y/N, is that true that you planned to meet Spencer after class? Well...I advice you to reconsider. He does not seem like a very proper gentleman."
You ask him if he's jealous. You see his cheeks redden.
"Jealous? Why should I be jealous Y/N? You obviously are too good for him. And he does not seem like the type of individual you would be into...isn't he?"
He is worried you are into another boy but he tries to keep his composure.
"I heard a few people gossiping about him. Apparently, he has a new girlfriend every month. You deserve to feel special Y/N."
This might be the first time he pays attention to meaningless gossips. But he just has to convince you not to give Spencer a chance.
"Besides, I might need your help after class to prepare myself for our next potion exam. My concoctions are still utter rubbish and you seem to be the only one who actually make me improve my skills."
Any reason is a good reason if it makes you stay away from the Hufflepuff.
He will sit next to you in every class to make everyone understand you are with him, even if you're not his girlfriend yet...
He will frown everytime he hears you talking to another guy. And if Spencer dares to speak to you, he will drag you away and find an excuse to justify it.
"I hope he was not bothering you. I can make the Headmater expel him if he tries anything inappropriate. Just tell me if anything happens."
He didn't mind boys talking to you but when Spencer got a little to close to you for his liking, he became a bit more protective of you. He doesn't want to let that happen again.
He is not usually the jealous type because he knows you're not interested by the other boys/girls who are flirting with you on a daily basis. But Spencer seemed to have your attention for some reason... And when Garreth is jealous, he is not very classy about it.
"What is going on with Spencer and you? I heard you two whispering during class. Since when the both of you are that close?"
You explain to him you planned to meet up with Spencer after class because he had something to tell you. You hear the red-haired boy scoff.
"I bet he'll confess to you...that idiot. Hum...please tell me you don't reciprocate his feelings?"
He'll try to invite you somewhere else so you don't join Spencer after class. He thinks he is being sneaky about it.
"Please I can't find those ingredients without you, it's very urgent matters! Screw Spencer! Besides, you'd rather spend time with me than him...right?"
You're making the poor boy anxious. He is scared you might find Spencer better than him.
"I can also play quidditch you know? And I bet Spencer is not a talented potionist like I am! I'm just saying..."
You ask him if he's maybe...jealous? He left you no time to finish your last word that he quickly retorts.
"Me? Jealous? Please Y/N, you can't be serious. Why would I be jealous? We're...friends... and he is just some guy. I simply don't want you to shift your attention on him and forget about me, alright?"
You try to reassure him with some light-hearted teasing that he was your favorite flirt and that you couldn't possibly forget about him, even if you tried.
"Well...now I know. Could you maybe repeat the part where you said you could never forget me?"
He is really not the jealous type because he understands why and how popular you became. But when he is jealous, he does not dare to talk about it to not seem possessive or selfish. But the way Spencer acts around you doesn't sit right with him...
"Y/N? I hope you don't mind if I bring up a rather...private subject. It's about you and Spencer. I noticed you two during class... Are you perhaps- please stop me if you do not feel comfortable sharing- b-but are you two...together?"
You ask him if he's just curious or maybe... jealous? You see him stiffen at your question.
"J-Jealous? I'm really not! I swear! I just think he might not be the right fit for you... You deserve someone who sees you for who you really are; the shiniest star in the sky. Nothing less..."
You reassure him by certifying that you were not in a relationship with Spencer. You then explain he just asked you to meet you up after class to tell you something. You see Amit slightly frown.
"I...I don't think you should meet with him."
He then instantly apologizes. His facial expression is a mix between confusion and fear. He's torn between telling you not to go or let you do what you want...
Out of the blue, he gently grabs your hand.
"What if I said I also... wanted to see you? Who would you choose?"
You can't help but let out a small chuckle. Of course you would choose Amit over him...over anyone actually. But he is so cute when he is jealous. But you finally give in to his request.
"R-really? You'd rather be with me? Then let's go to Honeydukes after class! I could also let you try the new lense of my telescope!"
Seeing him compete for you attention definitely made you feel really hot... He is so adorable.
She is way too obvious when she is jealous. She just can't hide it. This Spencer boy is seriously getting on her nerves...Why can't he just leave you alone? She's the only one who has the right to be glued to Y/N!
"Hum...Y/N...Are you and Spencer a thing? Because he seems really interested and you don't seem to mind it. I-I'm just curious, that's all! You know you can tell me anything."
She looks nervous and you can see it. She is twisting a strand of her hair between her fingers.
You tell her that Spencer actually asked you to meet him after class. Seeing the look on Poppy's face, you might have actually thought she saw a ghost. She was petrified.
"M-Meet him after class? Does he like you? Do you think he'll confess? Oh Merlin... Do you like this guy?"
She bombards you with questions. You're trying your best to reassure her but she doesn't seem to focus on what you're saying. You then take her hands into yours to calm her down.
"I-I'm sorry. But, as your friend... of course... I am just worried this guy is just not any good for you at all. He doesn't seem like the type to treat you right or anything. And you're worth so much better!"
"And who do I deserve then Poppy?" You asked with a playful giggle. You like to see her all flustered. It was so cute.
"W-Well...maybe someone who like you before all the stuff that happened during 5th year...A-Anyway! It's not about that, we are talking about Spencer here!"
She pouts at your light teasing. She is so terribly obvious about how she feels.
You have to reassure her and tell her that you don't feel anything for the Hufflepuff boy. She lets out a big sigh of relief.
"Good...So...does that mean you're free after class? Wanna do something with me?"
Now Natty is very mature and can handle her jealousy very well...that's what she thought until Spencer grew a little too close to you. She usually doesn't mind your multiple admirers but this time it felt different. She has to do something...
"Y/N, I was wondering... Spencer seems quite persistent. Maybe you need help to tell him off?"
You explain to Natty he actually became a good friend and that he wanted to talk to you after class. She keeps a neutral face, not wanting her emotions to get the best of her.
"That is good to hear. I wonder what he has to say to you."
Natty knew exactly what Spencer wanted to talk to you about. But she felt selfish... She was biting her tongue to not say anything more.
"I hope he is not in love with you Y/N. I heard he was quite a flirtatious guys and that he treated his ex-girlfriends very poorly... Yes those are gossips but sometimes they are right! Well...maybe he is just pretending to be nice to you for now, you know how boys are."
She would let you meet Spencer after school but she would overthink about what your response to his confession would be.
"So? What did he say? Tell me everything!" She was trying to keep a smile on her face but she was really really anxious.
As you explained to her, you see her gently relaxing her shoulders. You don't share the same feelings as Spencer, to her delight.
"That's good. He was not right for you anyway." You then dare to ask her why she was so happy you didn't reciprocated his feelings. She was taken aback.
"P-please don't think I was jealous. I just know you well enough to assume he was not your type at all. You deserve someone who will treat you like a princess."
She has never been more relieved you rejected someone. She will keep a close eye on you the next time someone talks to you. She can't let that happen again.
When she is jealous, she usually just bullies you. She hates to see you with other people no matter who they are. So, you can be certain that she cannot stand Spencer being all flirty and chatty with you.
"He just can't leave you alone, can he? Always trying to get your attention. It's so pathetic. Don't give him the time of the day, he's a twat."
You tell her that Spencer asked you to meet him after class. You see her almost explode of rage in front of your very eyes.
"What the f*ck? Who does he think he is? I mean, please let him embarrass himself, I know he doesn't stand a chance...right? Don't tell me you like him? Oh good...not that I care or anything, you do you."
You ask her if she's jealous. She lets out the meanest laugh you've ever heard. Ouch...
"Me? Jealous of him? I can prove it to you that I am, in fact, better than him. I'm also a MUCH better quidditch player. Just saying... Don't look at me like that! I'm not jealous! Just stop hanging out with him, that's all!"
She might sound agressive but she really just needs to be reassured.
"And you promised me to be there at every one of my quidditch practices. And if he doesn't like it, I'm not afraid to punch him in the throat and break his precious broom."
You notice how agitated she is by the fact that Spencer might like you. You say nothing to preserve peace but...how cute it was that she wanted to fight someone for you.
"Forget about him. You deserve a much better contenders for your love. You also deserves someone that is as good as me on a broom. Spencer is way too slow. Why are you smiling at me like that? What did I say?"
She'll make sure you only look at her during practice and during other classes. She'll make sure to remind you that she is the best person to hang out with you.
Now he will go about it the hard way to keep people who are interested in you away. He usually straight up lies and tells everyone you are actually his girlfriend so nobody will flirt with you. But Spencer just directly asked you...not fair. He has to do something about it... and now.
"What? He asked you to meet him after class? Well...just don't go? Or tell him you have a boyfriend? Oh come on, it's just a little white lie."
He tries to convince you not to go. But you still want to hear what Spencer has to say.
"Okay but only if I go with you. I can't leave you alone with that creep. Do we have a deal?"
When you wait for Spencer after class, Leander was waiting with you. Leander just couldn't hold back the urge to mark his territory and show that you were his...not officially but in his mind your were his.
"So, please tell us what you wanted to say. Don't be shy."
Leander is touching VERY inappropriately while Spencer tries to speak. He runs his hands down your back, around your shoulders and…on your hips.
You want to stop it but you can't. You...like it. It makes you feel all nervous and you feel your cheeks redden.
At the end, the poor Spencer just gave up and excused himself from the conversation.
"I think he got the message. You're not interested by him and you'll never be. I was helpful, see? "
You scold him gently, telling him how innapropriate that was. He just smirks and chuckles at you. He's so childish...
"Oh don't pretend you didn't like it Y/N. Maybe I should do it more often, that seems to keep the others away."
You stroked his ego unintentionally.
But...what if...nobody stopped you from going?
He waits for you after class. He looks so nonchalent, you almost refuse to think he might confess to you.
"You came! What a relief. I just wanted to tell you that...I know that we've not been friends for long but...hum...I like you. I almost lost my last quidditch match because you were the only thing on my mind."
You were just speechless. Your face was burning up and your cheeks were red. He took notice of that.
"Sorry, I just blurted it out but I'm really serious. I like you Y/N. And if you just let me one chance to prove that I'm worthy of your affection, you won't regret it! Does it sound too corny? I just really like you sorry, I'm letting my heart speak for me right now."
The Hufflepuff's face was also red. He looks so sincere. His blue eyes staring right into yours.
"Do you need time to think about it? I can give you some space. I just... I would give you the world if you ask me to. You're just...so wonderful. But I'll give you the time you want to think about it! Or maybe we could go on a date? Just to make sure I'm your type."
He lets out tiny nervous chuckles as he speaks. He is a blushing mess and he is trying his hardest to speak clearly and not be overwhelmed by his emtions.
Will you give him a chance?
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morelikeravenbore · 8 months
Good Boy
Sebastian Sallow x F!MC | Needy Sebastian | spicy one shot 🔞
Needy/slightly unhinged/traumatised Sebastian, post-uncle murdering. All sexual acts are consensual, good ol' P in V against a wall.
Warning: SMUT. 18+ CHARACTERS. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. Contains sexual content, reader discretion is advised.
On bad days like these, Sebastian simply couldn't believe in love until it held him close and kissed him and told him he wasn't the deplorable monster he believed himself to be. Love had always evaded him, but by some stroke of luck he wasn't deserving of, he'd found it living in the body of the girl currently squashed between him and the wall.
Word count: 1.4k
[WATTPAD] [AO3] [HL fic masterlist]
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Sebastian Sallow was whimpering as he pressed his girlfriend against the wall of the empty classroom, pinning her small body between the cold stone and the urgent heat of his much-larger frame.
His day had been bad from the moment he'd woken up, exhausted after a long night of intrusive thoughts and horrific nightmares. Sweat-soaked from thrashing about for eight hours straight (and not in a fun way), he'd disentangled himself from his sheets and dragged himself, grumbling and dishevelled, into a day that had steadily gotten worse and worse.
First, he'd endured the wrath of Ominis Gaunt, who'd been in so foul a mood that even Salazar Slytherin himself would've quaked in his boots to witness it, then sat through all of his least favourite subjects in a row - including a double period of History of Magic - and finally, been forced to spend several hours flying around the Quidditch pitch in the pouring rain while Imelda Reyes shouted at him that he a useless sack of ugly, half-sprouted potatoes.
As if all that wasn't bad enough, he'd trudged into the Great Hall for dinner so late that he'd only gotten scraps to eat, stubbed his toe on the Slytherin table on the way out, and when he'd finally tracked down his girlfriend in the library, he'd been forced to wait, silent and brooding, for her study group to fuck off so he could finally be alone with her.
When finally - finally - she'd bid them goodnight, Sebastian had marched her directly out of the library, pulled her into the nearest empty room by her elbow, and whined, petulant and needy, into her open mouth, barely able to form the word 'please' as his fingers dug into her waist.
There wasn't much Sebastian couldn't handle; he was an orphan, after all, had survived a foray into the Dark Arts (though hardly unscathed), used all three Unforgivables without much moral objection, and - since there's no point beating round the bush about it - had used said Unforgivables to murder someone.
Yet despite all the tragedies he'd endured in his comparatively short life, the insurmountable odds stacked against his own happiness, and the way he seemed to possess a natural proclivity for fucking things up, the only thing that ever truly unraveled him was love. Or, more specifically, the acute sting that came when he felt himself in danger of losing it; a sting which manifested as a singular, all-consuming need to find relief in physical intimacy.
In other words, Sebastian Sallow liked to fuck his pain away.
'Bad day?' asked his girlfriend, her sweet voice muffled against his chest as he caged her against the wall.
Unable to form a coherent reply, he leaned his full weight against her, groaning into her hair as he rolled his hips against her navel, pressing, pressing, pressing into her warm body until all her breath squeezed out in a tiny huff. He backed up a bit, giving her just enough space to breathe without letting the heat between them cool, but he was too far gone the way of desperation to allow more than a few inches of separation.
Wordless, he yanked the hem of her blouse free from her skirt and slid it up to her chest, groaning at the feel of her soft skin beneath his calloused palm.
She felt like fucking flower petals. Wings of a fucking butterfly.
On bad days like these, Sebastian simply couldn't believe in love until it held him close and kissed him and told him he wasn't the deplorable monster he believed himself to be. Love had always evaded him, but by some stroke of luck he wasn't deserving of, he'd found it living in the body of the girl currently squashed between him and the wall.
'It's alright, I'm here.' Wiggling some space between them, she stretched up to kiss the underside of his chin; the only part of his face she could reach, even on her tiptoes 'What do you need?'
He whined again, all decorum lost as his lips grazed her temple, his breath hot on her skin. He cradled her face, pressed a kiss to her forehead, her eyebrows, her nose, breathed in the scent of her hair, lost his fucking mind - but he couldn't speak. Not with his words, at least.
'Sebastian, look at me.'
With great effort, he peeled his lips from her neck and looked her in the eyes. Love stared back at him, bright and pure and clear.
Love so brilliant it was staggering.
'Have you been good?' asked love.
No, answered the darkness in his head.
Good? Had he ever been good?
He dropped his head to her shoulder.
'No,' he moaned, 'I haven't.' He licked his way up the slender column of her throat - 'I'm not good' - nibbled her jawline, kissed her chin, pressed his aching cock against her stomach - 'I'm sorry.' His voice was small, unfamiliar. 'I want to be good. You know I want to be good, you know it.'
This wasn't entirely true; he did want to be good, but only when he was with her.
'Why haven't you been good?'
'Wanted to... Hex your study group...' he moaned. 'Wanted to destroy everyone... To keep you... For myself.'
He was panting now, his words broken between frantic kisses as he worked off her blouse. He tossed it carelessly over his shoulder, discarding the first barrier that stood between him and love.
'Called Ominis a twat,' he went on, thrusting against her stomach with increasing urgency. 'Purposely let a Bludger knock Imelda off-course... Enjoyed both... Immensely.'
When she made a sound of disapproval into his mouth, he only became more frantic, desperate to find the places where love dwelt in her body and coax it out with his mouth, his fingers; to suck on it, roll it around on his tongue, sink into its warm, wet depths.
Her bra was the next barrier to be eliminated. If love lived in her nipples, his lips would surely draw it out.
'What about - the dreams?' she moaned, arching into him, sweetness in his mouth.
'Yes,' he whimpered, ashamed.
Yes, the dreams. Fucking Merlin, those awful visions of forbidden curses, of Dark Magic flowing like poison through his veins, green and red lights flashing intermittently.
Visions, so like premonitions, of being bad, rotten.
'Tell me about them.' She tangled her hands through his hair and pulled. He hardly felt it.
'Dream - b-bad.' Speech was hard. 'Dream of being bad.'
He looked her leg around his hip, bunched her skirt up to her waist, rutted mindlessly against the warm, damp spot between her legs.
That's where love lived.
His cock ached for admittance.
'I'm bad.' His voice was strained, hoarse. 'N-not a good boy.'
Then his cock was out, hot and throbbing in his hand.
Fuck, love was so close. Fuck, he needed it.
Her underwear pushed to the side. Slick heat coated his swollen tip.
Crying out against her skin, 'I'm bad, I'm sorry, I'm bad.'
Sinking in slowly.
Frenzied and stupid with need, Sebastian pounded her against the wall until he was too fuck-drunk to hear the cruel voices in his head, until all he knew was blissful, wonderful, perfect her.
When her first orgasm shattered through her, he watched, entranced, as love shone from her every pore and gushed over his cock and rang like music from her mouth. His knees buckled with the force of it but he couldn't stop, not now - not until he was drenched it in, drowning in her love, soaked through.
He couldn't stop through her second orgasm.
Nor her third.
Not even when she was limp and blissfully spent in his arms, eyes rolling back in her head and mouth agape.
Not even then.
Because even if he was bad, he would always be a good boy for her.
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awkwardauthorwrites · 2 years
Wildest Dreams - Part One
Word Count: 6.6k
Themes: fluff, pining
Summary: Ten years have passed since the events of Hogwarts Legacy and Y/N is invited back as part of a reunion to celebrate. 
Warnings: Potential spoilers for HL. All characters are aged up and around 25/26 years old
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Dear Miss Y/L/N,
You are cordially invited to the ten year reunion of the events that marked you as the Hero of Hogwarts. We look forward to your attendance as our guest of honour, please RSVP at your earliest convenience. 
Y/N grimaced at the letter she had read time and time again, sorely regretting that she had allowed Poppy to talk her into attending. While it would be nice to see her classmates again, she wished it was under different circumstances - it didn’t matter how much time would pass since she defeated Ranrok and saved the school, she didn’t want to celebrate something that had taken such a significant piece from her that she could never get back.
She didn’t regret protecting Hogwarts, and inadvertently the rest of the world, but sometimes she did wish things had gone differently. Hogwarts had been her first real home and sometimes, in the middle of the night when she was alone with her thoughts, she just wished she had been able to attend as a normal student. From eleven like a regular first year with no ancient magic or goblins bent on wizard destruction. She still had people come up to her to thank her for her deeds and she hated it every time. She hated the handshakes, the tears, the praises they sang to her as they put her on a pedestal as if she were a Saint, as opposed to the terrified child she had been. She knew, of course, that they all meant well but Y/N couldn’t stand the constant daytime reminders of everything that caused her sleepless nights. 
“Are you excited?” Poppy asked from beside her, her voice soft as she broke Y/N from her thoughts. 
“That’s one word for it,” she muttered, stuffing the parchment back into her pocket. Despite her sour thoughts Y/N was excited for the reunion. Reminder of the worst time of her life aside, she was looking forward to seeing her classmates again, to catch up with them all and see what had become of their lives.
“I heard Imelda managed to get the night off from training with the Holyhead Harpies,” Poppy continued. “It’ll be nice to see her properly this time.”
“Without a dragon in between us, you mean?” Y/N smiled wryly at the memory. She didn’t think Imelda would ever forgive her for ruining one of the bigger matches of her career, but apparently saving a couple of dragon eggs from a group of poachers and returning them to their mother would do the trick.
“Yes, well, she did request we leave the dragon behind this time,” Poppy laughed as they made their way down the cobbled street. They dodged a few shoppers as they walked through Hogsmeade and expertly avoided the throngs of students who seemed to be everywhere but in class, considering it was the middle of the day.
“Sorry.” A tall, dark haired wizard walked by them, accidentally bumping into Y/N. He barely spared the pair a glance as he continued on, hands stuffed into his pockets.
“Sebastian?” his name fell from Y/N’s mouth before she could process it, and they both watched as he came to a stop and turned to face them. “Sebastian!” She shot forward, narrowly avoiding a student, and launched herself at him once she was close enough, her arms wrapping around his shoulders to pull him into a tight hug.
“Was that…?” Poppy trailed off, an unsure expression crossing her face as she watched the man walk away from them.
“Oof,” Sebastian had only just recognised the figure barrelling towards him before her body hit him. He took a step back to steady them and make sure they weren’t going to fall over before he wrapped his arms around her waist firmly. “Y/N, give a man a chance, will you?” he laughed, squeezing her affectionately.
“ShutupImissedyouyouidiot.” Her words were unintelligible as she mumbled into the crook of his neck, although he could feel her smile against his skin. His grip tightened in response, lifting her off her feet as he embraced her. 
“I missed you, too, sweetheart.”
“Sweetheart?” Y/N pulled back fractionally and narrowed her eyes at him playfully. “I see you’re still the charmer you were back in school.”
“Only for those I hold in the highest esteem.” He grinned down at her and finally loosened his clutch. “Hello Poppy.”
“Hello, Sebastian,” Poppy had a sly smile on her face as she watched the pair ease their hold on each other but made no move to let go. “How’ve you been?”
“Great, although I hear you’re both doing better than me,” he glanced back down at the woman in his arms. “Did you really take down Ratcliffe, one of the biggest poachers in the country? You just can’t stay away from trouble, can you?”
“Trouble can’t stay away from me, you mean. Nothing changes,” Y/N offered him a teasing grin, finally (and reluctantly) pulling herself from his arms. 
“Some things clearly do,” he murmured, eyes roaming down her figure. Although they occasionally sent owls to each other, it had been years since the pair’s last meeting. The lanky limbs and awkward persona from the girl he knew before was long gone, only to be replaced by soft curves and a gracefulness he couldn’t quite explain. “Look at you, all grown up.” And rather gorgeous, he noted. He grinned as she nudged him playfully, but was delighted to see a faint blush on her cheeks. 
“I’m not the only one who’s done some growing.” He had always been a couple of inches taller than her, but now her head just about came up to his shoulders. Rather broad ones, Y/N thought to herself, which paired nicely with the muscles she could see despite the jacket he was wearing.
“Shall I leave you two alone and come back later?” Poppy asked, breaking the pair from their trances. It was now Sebastian’s turn to flush as he looked down at the former Hufflepuff, who had also grown into a beautiful young woman even though he still towered over her.
“Come here, Sweeting,” Sebastian rolled his eyes at her, tugging her into a hug as well. Poppy laughed and patted his back before extracting herself from his hold. “What are you both doing here? Are you here for the reunion as well?”
“We are,” Poppy nodded. “We thought it would be nice to get here early and check in on the shop. Maybe take a walk around as well.”
“You have a shop?”
“We do,” Y/N nodded. “We bought the Brood and Peck a couple of years ago. All the beasts we save - magical or not - go there. Ellie Peck still does most of the management and finds them all good homes.”
“I thought it looked bigger,” Sebastian looked impressed, “did I see a shop in Diagon Alley too?” His smile widened as both Poppy and Y/N nodded bashfully. “Who would have thought, Poppy Sweeting and Y/N Y/L/N, a beast’s best dream and a poachers worst nightmare.”
“It was mostly Y/N’s idea, she couldn’t bear to release the creatures just for poachers to grab them again.”
“Stop it, Poppy. You know I wouldn’t have been able to do any of this without you.” Y/N’s face flushed at the praise and she turned back to Sebastian as her friend started to protest. “Please tell me you’re going tonight. I’m going to need all the friendly faces I can get.”
“Well now that I know you’ll be there, how could I say no? Should we make our way together?”
“We could, but I should probably warn you that we’re getting there ridiculously early. It seems I have the absolute pleasure of opening the doors to welcome everyone inside.”
“Ah yes, how could I forget I’m standing with our honorary guest?” 
“Don’t start.” Y/N was smiling, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes and he caught a flicker of emotion passing across her face before she could hide it. He remembered how much she had disliked the attention for saving the school in their sixth and seventh year, and even though a decade had passed since then it didn’t seem like that had changed much. “Where are you staying? I have a house on the outskirts of the village with more than enough room, if you want.”
“Ah, I’m over at the Three Broomsticks,” he nodded at the pub that was a couple of hundred feet from them. “I stopped by earlier for some lunch and when I told Sirona I was thinking of heading home in between to get ready she told me I had a room there if I needed and it was best not to fight her on it.” Although Sebastian rolled his eyes, the affection for the older witch was still visible in the smile on his face.
“Well, we can all meet for a drink before we go then,” Poppy suggested, looking so excited at the idea that Y/N and Sebastian didn’t have the heart to disagree with her. “Imelda and some of the others are going to be there before the reunion as well. Will Ominis be joining us?”
“No, he’s taking care of Anne. They both told me to say hello if I saw you. Anne said it’s been too long, and if I don’t bring you back for tea after all of this she will keep me away from my soon-to-be-born niece or nephew.”
“Oh, she told me she was expecting, but I’ve not had a chance to come see her yet. Are you excited to be an uncle?” Y/N grinned, her hand reaching out to squeeze Sebastian’s arm with such elation he could feel his heart flutter in his chest.
“I can’t wait to spoil them. I think Ominis has learned every child safety spell he can get his hands on,” Sebastian let out a quiet chuckle and slipped his hands in his pockets once more. “I still have a couple of errands I need to attend to for them, but I’ll see you both later at the Three Broomsticks?” The three of them made quick plans for when they were going to meet before Sebastian left them with a grin and a wave.
“That man couldn’t keep his eyes off you,” Poppy commented, nudging Y/N playfully. Y/N rolled her eyes and nudged Poppy right back, but couldn’t help to look over her shoulder at Sebastian, who was currently doing the same thing. Y/N couldn’t read his expression from this far away, but she did catch the slow smile that formed on his face and couldn’t help but to smile back, her heart thumping in her chest.
Y/N looked up at the Three Broomsticks, the hood of her cloak protecting her from the light rain that had started. She fiddled nervously with the lace of her dress as she waited patiently for Poppy - who had stopped to pet a cat she had seen - to catch up. She felt out of place, and not just because she was standing in front of the pub in a ball gown that was fit for a castle in one of the novels Poppy loved to read. Although, Y/N mused, she supposed she was on her way to said castle. She sighed and smoothed down the fabric of her forest green skirts, wishing she was in her usual attire of a tunic and light pants (fighting poachers while wearing a corset and heavy skirts did not go well the last time).
Y/N looked back down the street, the last of the light fading as the sun set behind the hills. At this rate she could make her escape before Poppy would even notice and she weighed the pros and cons of not attending in her head for what felt like the hundredth time. Imelda would likely hunt her down if she didn’t attend, and she didn’t particularly feel like battling the witch tonight. Sebastian would forgive her - in fact, she could even owl him to see if he wanted to scrap the whole event with her. Anne had been hounding her to come round for tea and she would much prefer to see her and Ominis than to be paraded in front of her old peers like a prized calf. With a low groan Y/N dragged her feet into the pub, deciding the least she could do while she waited for Poppy was to get warm and have a chat with Sirona. 
The Three Broomsticks hadn’t changed much since Y/N had first stepped inside all those years ago, practically glowing from defeating her first troll with Sebastian by her side. The smell of butterbeer and burning logs greeted her and a familiar warmth that had nothing to do with the fires burning in their hearths ran from her head to her toes. Sirona had added a couple of new booths over the years, as well as a particularly comfortable pair of armchairs that were placed next to one of the fireplaces.
“Do my eyes deceive me?” Sirona had a large smile on her face as she dried her hands. “Is that Y/N Y/L/N in my pub? Where’s your other half?” Y/N couldn’t help but laugh as Sirona rounded the bar and pulled her into a hug.  
“Poppy saw a cat. You know how she is,” Y/N released the older witch and let Sirona look her over as she removed her cloak.
“Well, I’d ask what kind of trouble you’ve both been in since I last saw you but…” she glanced at the still-healing scar that ran from Y/N’s eyebrow across to her temple. “Is that one waiting for you?” she gestured with her head to the man that was sitting in one of the armchairs by the fireplace, and Y/N realised that it was Sebastian. He looked to be deep in thought as he stared into the flames.
“He is,” Y/N turned back to Sirona with a smile. “Could I trouble you for three glasses of firewhiskey?”
“On the house,” Sirona winked at her and made her way back behind the bar just as Poppy walked into the pub. She waved hello at Sirona and came to stand by Y/N’s side, her gaze landing on Sebastian as well. 
“Well, he’s certainly not the same boy we went to school with,” Poppy muttered. Y/N couldn’t help but murmur back in agreement. He had been considered attractive back at school (and knew it), but now…Y/N couldn’t help but appreciate how devastatingly handsome he looked in his dress robes, the warm glow from the fire lighting his face. Sirona placed the three glasses on the table next to him, breaking him out of his thoughts, and he finally looked up with a smile as he took note of both the girls.
“There you both are, I was beginning to think you had forgotten all about me.” He stood to greet them with a smile and looked between the pair, his eyes lingering on Y/N. There was an unreadable expression on his face as his eyes roamed over her dress slowly until he finally met her gaze. He was vaguely aware that his staring was bordering on indecent when the door opened again and a large, rather loud, group walked in. Poppy looked between the pair, a small smirk on her face when she caught the matching telltale flush on their faces. She filed the thought away for later when she could get Y/N alone and turned to look at the group who had just walked in, her smile widening when she caught sight of Imelda.
“Kneazle caught your tongue?” Y/N cocked her head to the side, a teasing smile on her face.
“It’s entirely your fault for looking so ravishing tonight,” Sebastian caught her hand in his and pressed a kiss to her knuckles before handing her one of the glasses of firewhiskey. Y/N couldn’t help but laugh quietly and reach up to straighten out his tie. 
“You don’t look so bad yourself, Mr Sallow.” She gave him a coy smile as her hand lingered on his chest for longer than necessary, feeling the telltale thump thump thump of his heart. A voice calling her name from behind them broke their stares and Y/N let her fingers trail down his chest slowly as she turned to walk away. 
“Have you got nothing to say to me, then?” Imelda met Y/N halfway, eyebrows raised and arms crossed. 
“It’s good to see you again, Imedla,” Y/N pulled the girl in for a hug, who laughed in response.
“Yes, it’s much better seeing you here on the ground, instead of interrupting my match by riding a dragon. Honestly, Y/L/N, if you wanted to come see me at one of my games all you had to do was ask.”
“You rode a dragon?” Sebastian finally seemed to snap out of his stupor and took a couple of steps forward to greet his former housemate. 
“I had to get your attention somehow, didn’t I, Reyes?” Y/N shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly as Sebastian stood by her side. 
“Showing up in that dress would have worked just as well,” Imelda’s eyes roamed over her appreciatively. “Green has always looked best on you.”
“I’ll bear that in mind for next time.” Even though the wink wasn’t aimed at him Sebastian felt his mouth go dry and quickly took a sip of firewhiskey to chase away the fluttering feeling in his stomach. He lingered by Y/N’s side as they caught up with Imelda and a couple of their former school mates, his arm brushing against hers every-so-often in a way that made his face burn. Sebastian decided he would blame the firewhiskey if anyone (especially Imelda) tried to call him out on blushing like a first year every time his hand brushed past hers.
“To our saviour!” Leander Prewett called out, raising his glass in Y/N’s direction. A couple of the others followed suit, not noticing how uncomfortably still Y/N had gotten as she glanced around the room. Y/N felt her skin prickle as a few people turned to openly stare at her, expressions varying between awe and gratitude. She offered them a tense smile as Poppy shot Leander a glare and tugged his arm down, whispering harshly at him as he sipped from his glass. 
She could feel her chest tighten at the attention and willed herself not to scream at them all that she didn’t deserve their praises. That she wasn’t a saviour, she had just gotten lucky. It had taken Y/N far too many sleepless nights to come to terms with what had happened to her under the castle, and even longer to fully grasp that it wasn’t her fault that she couldn’t save everyone. Moments like these - with people muttering about how she was a hero - made her feel like a fraud.
“Hey.” Sebastian felt Y/N jump slightly as he placed a hand on her lower back gently. “Come with me?” He set their empty glasses down before leading her to the door, only stopping to grab their cloaks as he led her outside. Thestrals were tethered to a carriage a couple of feet away from the pub, the Hogwarts emblem carved onto the side - no doubt meant to take Y/N up to the castle for the event. “Are you still with me?”
“Just about,” Y/N’s eyes flicked up to meet his as he draped her cloak around her shoulders and fastened it for her. “How did you know?”
“You had that look on your face you used to get in our sixth year.”
“I didn’t realise you paid that much attention to me.”
“How could I not?” The corner of his mouth lifted up in a barely perceptible smile as he brushed a stray hair from her eyes. His fingers lingered on her jaw before gently tilting her face to his. 
“You’re a rake, Sebastian Sallow.” She narrowed her eyes at him playfully, a smile falling on her painted lips. Sebastian had the overwhelming urge to close the gap between them and kiss her but managed to restrain himself and settled for pulling her body closer to his.
“You say rake, I say dashing rogue, who’s to say which one of us is right.” Y/N laughed quietly and brought her hands up to rest on the lapels of his jacket. “Either way, I can’t help but to be charming in the presence of such a stunning woman.”
“Is that what you say to all the pretty ladies you meet?”
“Just the one.” Y/N’s fingers tightened around his jacket at his words, at the look in his eye. She wanted nothing more than to pull him into a searing kiss she had imagined more times than she could count but refrained, unsure of his reaction. “What are you thinking about?” Sebastian brushed her cheeks gently, his face inching closer to hers.
“Whether we should make our escape or not.”
“Do you not want to attend anymore?”
“I didn’t particularly want to attend to start with.”
“Do you want me to get you out of here?” He looked so concerned for her wellbeing that Y/N felt her heart crack in her chest. How long had it been since someone had taken care of her? Of course, Poppy was always around to patch her up with things that went south against the poachers but even she didn’t know how deep the internal wounds went. Or if she did, she never commented on it.
“No, not yet. I think Imelda would hunt me down and drag me back, anyway.”
“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, Y/N. I’ll fight Imelda myself if I have to.”
“You would fight Imelda ’The Muscles’ Reyes for me?”
“Darling, I don’t know how to make it any clearer that I will always fight anyone who tries to harm you.”
“My hero,” Y/N couldn’t help but roll her eyes, a laugh bubbling up as she took in his mock affronted expression. She leant up to press a gentle kiss to his cheek, mindful not to get any lipstick on his face. The arm around her waist tightened fractionally, holding her in place against him as he processed what had just happened. “Sebastian?”
“Hold on, I’m trying to remind myself that you’re one of my closest friends and if I kissed you like I really want to right now you would probably punch me.”
“You want to kiss me?”
“Always.” He made it sound like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Oh?” The door flew open before Sebastian could question her further and both Poppy and Imelda came to a stop when they took note of how close the pair were standing.
“Are we interrupting something?”
“Not anymore,” Sebastian sighed. He brushed a thumb down Y/N’s spine gently, a silent gesture that they would be continuing this conversation later away from prying eyes, and reluctantly released her. “Is Imelda joining us up to the castle?”
“Someone had to come along so Sweeting wasn’t a third wheel,” Imelda shot a wicked grin at Y/N and made her way over to the carriage. The footman jumped down to help the women in first, only climbing back up when Sebastian insisted on closing the door himself. The carriage started to pull away before he could get fully seated which resulted in him falling into his seat next to Y/N, his body pressed against hers in a way that frayed his nerves.
“Oof. There’s no need to throw yourself at me like that, Seb. There are other ways to get my attention,” Y/N playfully pushed him away from her.
“You mean like earlier when you tackled me and nearly sent us both to the ground?”
“You weren’t exactly protesting when you clung into me like a niffler with gold.”
“What can I say, I seem to have a penchant for pretty women.”
“You’re both disgusting,” Imelda cut in. She tried to frown at the pair, but there was an obvious smile playing on the corners of her mouth. “If you both are going to flirt the whole way there I’d rather walk.” 
“At least you didn’t have to watch them earlier when we first saw Sebastian,” Poppy adds with a laugh. “I might as well have not been there.”
“You’re both welcome to walk the rest of the way to the castle,” Y/N raised her eyebrows at the pair and tried to fight the blush that was rising to her face.
“I’m sure you and Sallow would love it if we left you alone,” Imelda remarked dryly. 
“Alright you,” Y/N laughed and rolled her eyes. “I forgot how needy you two are when you’re together. I love all three of you equally, I promise.” Protests erupted from the two girls in front of Y/N and she listened in amusement as they started to bicker about which one she preferred.
“I’d like to add my own two sickles in to say I’m offended at being placed in league with Reyes,” Sebastian leant in, his voice low so as not to attract any attention. “We all know I’m your favourite.”
“Are you?” Y/N turned her head up to give him a teasing smile, only to jolt slightly when she realised how close his face was to hers. She heard his voice echo in her head, the pure sincerity as he had said he always wanted to kiss her. It could have just been one of his lines, but it still made Y/N’s stomach flutter and a blush rise to her face. She was thankful that the carriage was dimly lit and no one could call attention to her red cheeks.
“You’re a cruel, beautiful woman.”
“You’re ridiculous.” Y/N rolled her eyes at him and turned to look out of the window so he couldn’t see the smile on her face. The carriage rolled through the north entrance to the castle, skirting round the fountain that lay in the middle of the courtyard and came to a gentle stop outside the doors. Sebastian climbed out before the footman could grab the door for them and helped the girls out, his hand lingering on Y/N’s after she was back on solid ground. A small part of him had been worried he had gone too far when he told her he wanted to kiss her, but the small blush that seemed to appear on her face whenever he stood too close made him wonder. Could she possibly want him as much as he wanted her?
The doors swung open before they could step forward, revealing the inner halls to the group and Y/N felt a rush of warmth come from within the castle gently caress the magic inside of her. It felt like greeting an old familiar friend, as if Hogwarts was saying welcome home. Y/N looked at the entrance hall in front of her as a million memories flashed through her mind. From the first time she walked through these doors with Professor Fig by her side, to returning from her battle with Rookwood while clutching an injury she had sustained to her side (which had left her with a scar). She saw flashes of laughter with everyone she had been friendly with at school, from Poppy to Imelda to Natty, Garreth, Ominis, and finally Sebastian. Hundreds of moments with Sebastian flew through her mind - laughing with him, sneaking into the restricted section, sneaking out of the castle, meeting up in the Undercroft. She had heard people say it since she had left school, but Hogwarts was, and always would be, her home. 
“Are you coming, Y/N?” Poppy’s soft question brought her back to the present, where the three of them had already made their way through the doors and were waiting patiently for her. Sebastian raised an eyebrow at her, silently asking if she wanted to get out of there. She shook her head at him with a small smile and walked towards them, holding her skirts in one hand. 
“Yeah, I am.” The group made their way through the familiar halls in semi-silence and Y/N couldn’t help but remember how nervous she had been the first time, when she had been late to her own sorting. The ever-present pang of pain flickered as she thought of Professor Fig and how kind he had always been to her. 
“Ah, there you all are,” Professor Weasley stood in front of them, a large smile on her face as she pulled each of them into a hug. “It’s so good to see you all again.”
“Likewise, Professor,” Poppy’s excitement was infectious and Y/N soon found her dark thoughts scattering as she took a look around the Great Hall. 
“Matilda, please. You’re not students anymore.”
“Might take some getting used to,” Imelda pulled a small face but laughed quietly nonetheless, quickly excusing herself as she spotted their old flying teacher. Poppy trailed after her, unable to hide her eagerness to talk to Professor Howin. Professor Weasley (Matilda, Y/N reminded herself) looked between her and Sebastian casually, taking note of how close the two stood next to each other. 
“How have you been, Prof - Matilda?” Sebastian asked, saving Y/N from making awkward conversation. “Are the current students just as chaotic as we were?”
“I don’t think anyone could cause as much trouble as you did, Mr Sallow.” There was a teasing smile on the older witch’s face as she ran her eyes over Y/N, taking note of a few new scars that littered her arms (and the still-healing one on her face). “How are you holding up, Miss Y/L/N?”
“Y/N is fine, especially if we’re to call you Matilda,” Y/N forced a smile on her face and shuffled on her feet nervously. “I’m doing fine, no rest for the wicked as they say.” 
“Hm…I hope you’re making sure she’s taken care of, Mr Sallow.”
“Oh, we all try. I’m sure you remember how stubborn she was in school though.” Sebastian shot Y/N a cheeky smile in hopes that the teasing would loosen her up. She rolled her eyes back and nudged him gently. 
“I can take care of myself.”
“No harm in letting others help,” Matilda smiled to herself as she watched her former students interact with each other. It had been painfully obvious to all the staff that the two were meant for each other when they were back in school and it looked like they still hadn’t quite worked that out for themselves yet. “Anyway, are you ready, Y/N?” 
“Ready for what?”
“To dance. Surely someone has informed you that you would be opening the festivities tonight with a dance?”
“No…no they did not.” Y/N slid her eyes shut in annoyance, her stomach churning with nerves. Maybe it wasn’t too late to say she wasn’t feeling very well and just leave? Surely if she threw up like she wanted to that would buy some points in her favour.
“Oh…well now you know.” Matilda fussed with her hair and glanced around awkwardly. “I’m sure Headmaster Black wouldn’t mind being your partner for the evening.” I would rather battle Ranrok again, Y/N thought to herself, this night cannot get any worse.
“There’ll be no need for that, Professor Weasley,” Sebastian grasped Y/N’s elbow lightly, an easy smile on his face. “I’ll lead Y/N for the dance.” 
“Oh…thank you, Mr Sallow.” Y/N could have sworn the corner of Matilda Weasley’s mouth twitched up as she looked between her and Sebastian, but the smile was gone as quickly as it appeared. “It looks like others are starting to arrive so we shall start soon.” With that she quickly turned and walked away to greet some students who had just entered the hall, leaving Y/N and Sebastian behind. 
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“I wanted to,” Sebastian shrugged and turned to face her. “It saves you from having to dance with Black and I get an excuse to hold you close. There’s no losers this way.” He bit back a smile as he watched her look away from him nervously, the same pretty blush coming to her cheeks. He didn’t know if she was flustered because she wasn’t used to the attention, or because the attention was coming from him, but Merlin did he hope it was the latter. 
“You won’t feel that way when I step on your feet. I’m a horrible dancer.”
“And here I was thinking there was nothing you couldn’t do.” He brushed his fingers along her hand subtly to get her to look back at him. “Lucky for you, I’m an excellent dancer.”
“There’s plenty I’m not good at,” Y/N disagreed and tore her eyes away from the crowd of students who had just walked in. Leander was amongst the group and if she looked at him for a moment too long all she could hear was him calling out a toast in her name and it simultaneously made her want to throw up and punch him.
“I’ll believe it when I see it.” He watched as she fiddled with her fingers anxiously, her eyes darting around the room as more of their former school mates began to trickle in and wanted nothing more than to whisk her away from it all. He didn’t understand why she was subjecting herself to this when she clearly wanted nothing more than to be away from here. 
“If I could have your attention, please,” Phineas Black stood at the top of the room where the staff table would usually be, an orchestra in its place. “I would like to welcome you all to the ten year anniversary of our very own Y/N Y/L/N saving our school.” He gestured towards her and Y/N wished the ground would swallow her whole as they all turned to face her. “If our Hero of Hogwarts would like to make her way over we can officially start this reunion with the opening dance.”
Y/N placed her hand in Sebastian’s and let him escort her to the middle of the dance floor, her heart skipping a beat as she squeezed her hand reassuringly. He turned to face her with a small bow, a cheeky smile on his face as he placed a gentle kiss on her knuckles. Y/N narrowed her eyes at him playfully but couldn’t help to smile at his antics. 
“You can do this,” Sebastian murmured, pulling her close as the music started. She placed one hand on his shoulder as his own came to rest on her waist, eyes darting to the crowd that surrounded them.
“Everyone’s staring,” Y/N mumbled.
“Just keep your eyes on me, I’ve got you, darling.” Her eyes snapped up to meet his at the term of endearment only to see his eyes were already on hers, a teasing smile on his face. He started to lead her into a waltz, standing a little closer than needed so he could continue to speak to her.
“You’re being far more charming than you usually are.”
“How could I not when you turn the prettiest shade of pink every time?”
“You’re a rake.”
“You know, that’s twice you’ve said that now and I have to disagree.” He placed both hands on her waist as the music swelled and lifted her briefly. “If I were a rake, I’d be flirting with every woman I met.”
“You've been flirting this whole time? I never would have guessed.”
“Don’t start,” he rolled his eyes at her and tugged her closer, leaving no space between them.
“You could have given me some warning, maybe I would’ve liked to flirt back.”
“Now that I would pay to see.”
“What are you implying, Sallow?”
“I’m not implying anything,” he chuckled and span her in a gentle circle before tucking her back in place against him, “I’m just saying it’s usually me who flirts and showers you with compliments.”
“I didn’t think you needed me to tell you how good looking you are.”
“Probably not,” he shot her a devious grin, “but it would be nice.”
“Do you want me to start now?” Y/N lowered her voice considerably, her arm leaving his shoulder to wind around his neck and pull him impossibly closer. “Would you like to hear about the thoughts that ran through my mind earlier when I saw you in the Three Broomsticks?” she murmured in his ear. She felt him falter slightly as he led her and laughed quietly, her thumb brushing the back of his neck gently. “I don’t think you could handle hearing the way I think about you.”
“Think about me often, do you?”
“Always.” She pulled back slightly so he could see the serious look on her face as she repeated his early words with just as much conviction. The sound of applause startled them both slightly, and Y/N belatedly remembered there were other people in the room watching them dance indecently close to each other. Sebastian brushed a thumb down her spine again, signalling that their conversation would be tabled for later. He led her off the floor and towards Imelda, Poppy and Natty, who all wore matching wicked grins as the pair neared.
“Well I don’t know about you two but I feel positively scandalised at that display,” Imelda teased as they walked within earshot. 
“Jealous, Imelda?” Y/N offered her friend her own sly smile. “I’m sure I can make time for you later if you feel left out.”
“Depends, does Sallow share?”
“Absolutely not,” Sebastian tightened his grip on Y/N’s waist, which he had yet to release. “You’ll need to find your own dance partner, Reyes.”
“I’m sure Prewett would love to join you,” Y/N added. Sebastian shook in silent laughter from next to her as Imelda glared at the pair of them. 
“On that note, since I know how much you hate being the centre of attention - are you ready to accept your award?” 
“My what?”
“Imelda! It was supposed to be a surprise!” Natty chastised her.
“Well, I’m glad I told her because she looks like she’s going to be sick.” The Scottish witch wasn’t wrong, Y/N could feel her stomach start to churn and the lingering buzz from dancing with Sebastian disappeared. She didn’t deserve an award for what had happened. Poppy gave her a concerned look as Imelda and Natty started to bicker about ruining the surprise, although Y/N was too far gone in her thoughts to realise. Echoes of what she had been through flashed through her mind, but there were no good thoughts sprinkled within this time. All she could see was Ranrok in his strange dragon form as she fought him, followed by Professor Fig lying on the floor and dying by her side.
“Hey,” Sebastian took hold of Y/N’s elbow gently and leant in to whisper in her ear. “Let’s go. No arguments this time.”
“Anywhere. Everywhere. Just say the word and I’ll make it happen.” She looked up at him, panic still lingering in her gaze along with such pure agony that Sebastian could feel his heart shatter. 
“Let’s go.”
Part Two
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sebastianswallows · 2 years
Don't think about how Ominis will never be able to see the Mirror of Erised.
Don't think about Ominis figuring out he mastered the levitation charm by feeling around in the air in front of him until his fingers meet the soft edges of the feather. Or how brightly he smiles when he does it.
Don't think about Ominis teasing the first-years looking for mermaids as a way to cope with how he felt in his first year with everyone else looking for them and him just waiting on the sidelines, ears piqued, hoping to at least hear one.
Don't think about Ominis having to hold on to Sebastian every time the stairs start moving with them on.
Don't think about Ominis being excluded from flying class because nobody would trust he wouldn't hurt himself on a broom and him not even arguing about it, telling himself he'd rather leave that sort of thing to Imelda. Sebastian still sneaked him out to fly at night on borrowed brooms.
In fact, if you don't want to be hurt, best not think about Ominis at all.
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writemywaytoyourheart · 10 months
Bedeviled | Epilogue
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Pairing: jungkook x female reader
Genre: romance, drama, angst
WC: 2.7k
warnings for this post: some anxiety, regret, grief, strong religious themes, emotional stufffffs prepare your hearts.
Previous ML
a/n: thank you for being on this journey with me and for being the best in the world, ily
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Jungkook stumbles forward, still gripping the hand of whoever pulled him out. He doesn't let go even as he falls to the ground and coughs violently.
There are weird sounds around him; warped and muffled as if he's stuck underwater.
Is he stuck underwater?
He can't breathe.
He can't see anything.
The sounds get louder, then suddenly there are soft hands cupping his cheeks and he flinches back.
“Sorry, I'm sorry,” You whisper breathlessly, voice getting caught in your throat.
Tears stream down your dirty cheeks as you look him over carefully, fighting the urge to gather him in your arms and hold on for dear life.
Blood and grime covers his usually perfect skin and remnants of sticky tears are on his cheeks. He's squinting and seems very confused as he pulls away from your touch and lets go of Nehemiah’s hand before sitting on the ground and curling into himself. Black wings on his back that have been torn to shreds rest against the ground limply.
“You're okay, Jungkook.”
You say the words softly, but get no reaction whatsoever.
“He can't hear you,” Nehemiah whispers in anxious realization, wide teary eyes watching his human try and self-soothe.
Your heart doesn't know whether to break or be overjoyed at this moment. He's out. But it doesn't seem like he's here next to you when he curls further into himself, as if to hide from whatever is causing him discomfort.
Jungkook breathes out shakily, trying to make sense of the warbled noises he hears as he hugs himself.
Why can't he see anything?
Where is he?
He rubs at his eyes quickly before hugging himself again, chin resting on his knees.
He closes his eyes.
He can't see anyway, this way it feels more normal.
But he doesn't know what normal is.
He doesn't know what he is.
Or why he's in so much pain.
It feels like his ribcage is being crushed and puncturing his lungs like balloons that struggle to get air in.
He coughs and winces at the sharp pain it causes. His skin feels raw and there's an awful burning sensation running along his arms and legs.
You sit by him, curling your legs in. You'll stay right here until he's okay, you won't move a single muscle. You have to physically force yourself not to reach out and touch him, anxiously biting your lip to keep yourself in check.
Imelda stands behind you, a gentle reassuring hand on your shoulder.
Nehemiah kneels in front of the shaking boy that's begun to rock himself back and forth.
The blonde angel reaches two hands out and places them on Jungkook’s ears, covering them gently and not moving when he tries to flinch away.
“You're okay,” Nehemiah whispers, “You're okay.”
Even with his eyes closed, the expression on Jungkook's face evidently changes.
He doesn't know who it is, but he heard a voice just then- a soothing one that didn't frighten him.
He tries to say something, to ask what's going on, but the words won't come out.
Nehemiah places his fingers on Jungkook's lips briefly, then both hands over his eyes, ever so gently running his thumbs across his eyelids.
When he pulls away, the black-haired boy blinks his eyes open and all three of you watch them focus on the angel in front of him.
His dark brows scrunch.
Then his cracked voice whispers weakly.
The guardian angel’s pretty blue eyes fill with tears that quickly pour down his flawless cheeks.
He reaches forward and hugs his human as tightly as he can while still being mindful not to hurt him.
Jungkook slowly reaches a shaky hand up to place it on Nehemiah's back while he embraces him.
You watch a few tears slide down Jungkook's confused face as he hugs the angel.
Then his eyes drift to the side and land on you, the confusion on his face melting away into pure shock.
Nehemiah pulls away and sits back with an excited smile as Jungkook's eyes stay locked on your face.
“...____?” His voice shakes uncontrollably, his hands following suit shortly after.
You nod, choking on your tears.
“You're alive?” He whispers brokenly, tears filling his eyes and pouring down his cheeks, “You're okay?”
In answer, you crawl to him and reach out to wipe the tears from his cheeks so he can feel that you're here. He takes your wrists with both hands before you can move away again.
You let him pull you closer, the fear strikingly clear in his eyes that you're going to disappear right in front of him.
His rough and damaged hands cup your cheeks with the most gentle touch, afraid to hurt you, “Are you actually alive?” He whispers, voice breaking.
You nod, tears falling at the same time as his. Your best friend looks you over with wide eyes, his hands on your face trembling like crazy.
“But you died-” he whimpers, “-you died alone, because of me. I held you in m-my arms. You can't be alive- I'm dreaming aren't I?” He begins to cry, shoulders shaking as his hands fall from your cheeks and into his lap.
You watch with a broken heart as he covers his face and sobs loudly into his hands.
Then he finally comes back out and pulls you into a desperate hug, holding you tight so that you'll never leave again.
“Please don't let me wake up,” he sobs into your shoulder, “Please, Apple, I'm sorry- p-please don't leave me-”
“I'm not going anywhere, Jungkook.” You assure him while you wrap your arms around him, “I promise you're not dreaming. I'm here, I'm right here.”
His cries get louder and he pulls you impossibly closer.
“I love you,” he cries, “I love you, I'm so sorry I left you alone, I'm so sorry-”
“It's okay, I understand now,” you whisper tearfully, tucking your face into the juncture between his neck and shoulder like you used to do so often, “I love you.”
“Please tell me this is real,” he begs breathlessly when you pull away to look at him.
“It's real, you're okay and I'm okay,” You smile at him, “I'm so proud of you.”
“Why?” His voice quivers, but he seems out of it, only focused on looking at every little detail of your face, running his fingers along the soft lines and tracing your eyes and nose and lips.
You feel real.
But he had so many dreams of you before and they felt real too.
But the look in your eyes is different.
You looked dead inside before, in all those horrid dreams he had. Now you look more alive than you ever were.
Jungkook cups your face and pulls you into a kiss, making you fall into him where he's still sitting on the ground.
“Sorry,” he mumbles against your lips, but he doesn't stop kissing you.
You laugh against his mouth when he moves away briefly to get a breath before pressing his lips to yours again.
“I love you,” he whispers against your wet mouth when he finally pulls away for good.
“I love you, too.”
Jungkook gulps, keeping his eyes on your sweet face, never wanting to look away. He doesn't know what's going on, but he doesn't care.
You're okay; breathing and warm and alive.
You push yourself up so that you're not against him, freezing when he winces.
“Are you alright?” You whisper breathlessly.
He grits his teeth and nods instinctively, not wanting to worry you.
It feels like every bone in his body is broken. And his heart aches with a deep grief that he's never felt. It makes no sense.
You're here, why would he be grieving?
Jungkook raises his eyes to see Nehemiah standing over him and smiling as he reaches down and takes him gently under one arm. You take the other and you both help him stand, going slow and careful. He still gasps in pain when he's barely standing on two feet.
“You'll be okay soon, Kookie.” Nehemiah assures him sweetly.
“Where are we going?” Jungkook mumbles, barely able to stay conscious with the pain consuming him. He doesn't fight when you and the blue angel each put one of his arms around your shoulders and hold his waist. He has no strength left to argue.
Nehemiah turns his head and looks behind the three of you, at the gate.
He locks eyes with the demon standing on the other side and glaring with enraged hatred.
“Somewhere the roses will always bloom.”
“Mm…where is that?”
The angel smiles and turns back to his boy.
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Jungkook doesn't remember how they got here or where you and the other angel went, but he's with Nehemiah in a stunning field positively filled with flowers bursting with colors and trees covered in delicious fruit. Blue birds fly to and fro and squirrels and chipmunks hop through the grass before skittering up the trees.
It only takes a few moments before he recognizes where they are.
“I've been here before,” Jungkook mumbles, walking slowly with the angel beside him that's still holding him up.
“Yeah?” Nehemiah asks softly.
Jungkook nods and whispers, “Briefly.”
Nehemiah doesn't push him for answers.
“Where did Apple go?” Jungkook looks around, confused as to why he doesn't feel anxious like he ought to.
“You'll see her again soon.”
They walk a little more before Jungkook slows to a stop, turning his head at the sound of someone singing.
He doesn't see anyone.
When he turns back, Nehemiah is gone.
The name gets caught in Jungkook's throat when he sees someone ahead in the field, a being made entirely of golden light and shaped like a human. They're walking towards him.
He swallows.
There's a strange feeling of loss in his chest, paired with that horrible grief he couldn't figure out.
That's when he suddenly realizes.
It was the feeling he had the entirety of his time in Hell, it was paired with the grief of losing you but it wasn't the same.
It was a loss of something incomparable.
When the person of light reaches him, the ratty dark-haired boy just stands there silently, tears choking him for some reason unknown to him.
Then he's met with a pair of brown eyes flecked with gold and flowing white robes.
He falls to his knees, dropping his gaze to the vibrant green grass decorated with tiny fragile dew drops. The person standing there wears brown sandals with complicated looking straps.
The flowers and trees and creatures around him continue their praises, his breath gets caught in his chest and he gulps.
The miserable human drops his head further, turning away from this ethereal being. He can't face Him, he wants to hide the dirt and grime tainting him on the outside and the inside.
Jungkook closes his eyes, feeling His gaze on him, penetrating every inch and seeing right into his wretched soul.
“Lift your head, child.”
He shakes his head; choking on his tears while he fights the urge to curl up and hide himself in any way he can.
“I can't,” Jungkook sobs out the scarce words.
After a few seconds, he wipes the tears from his cheeks, smearing the dirt around.
“Please don't look at me. I don't deserve to be anywhere near You,” he whispers, shame thick in his voice, “I shouldn't even be here.”
He feels the grass move, his heart leaping to his throat when he realizes He has bent down in the grass in front of him.
“Raise your head, and look at Me.”
After several grueling seconds, Jungkook finally lifts his head, forcing himself to meet His eyes.
Suddenly he sees everything he's done; all of the souls he helped drag to Hell and all the poor innocents on Earth he made suffer for his own twisted sport.
A sob rips from his throat and he drops his gaze to shove his hands over his face.
“Why are you crying?”
Jungkook's cries get louder at just the sound of His voice; deep and soothing and beautiful.
“I'm sorry,” Jungkook sobs into his hands, shoulders shaking uncontrollably, his heart breaking into a thousand little pieces, “I'm so sorry.”
“Look at Me.”
“I can't-”
“Look at Me.”
Jungkook slowly lifts his head, tears dripping from his chin as he places his quivering hands into his lap.
The look in His eyes is enough to make him break again, but he holds on.
“I forgive you.”
Jungkook drops his head and sobs harder than he ever has.
The mutilated wings on his back turn to dust, it feels like that heavy weight has lifted from his body and he gasps.
It doesn't hurt anymore.
His body doesn't hurt anymore.
Jungkook can hardly breathe from how hard he's crying.
The lush field is filled with the mixed sounds of nature's praises and his loud weeping.
“Fear not, My child…I have redeemed you.”
When he's finally able to speak, the young man chokes out, “How? How c-could You ever forgive me after what I did?”
Jungkook misses the sad smile directed towards him.
Then the feeling of soft and warm hands cupping his cheeks makes him look up. His watery gaze meets those stunning eyes filled with a love and understanding he has never known.
Not until now.
“Because you...”
The deep voice that speaks shakes the flowers and trees surrounding them.
“-are Mine.”
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Jungkook walks with Him along the stone pavement that curls around puffy white, pink, and golden clouds.
“Where are we going?” he asks quietly.
“A lot of people have waited many years to see you again. But first, there's someone that's waited an even longer time to meet you,” He says, His voice gentle with a lilt of amusement.
Jungkook stops short when they round the corner and he's met with the sight of you crouched on the ground and gently petting a fully bloomed rose, delicate fingers tracing the bud sweetly. Beautiful white wings that have no trace of injury on them rest on your back, the tips just barely brushing the ground where you crouch.
Your name is on his lips, almost spilling out.
Then he sees the child crouching next to you and the name dies in his throat.
Long black hair falls down her back in waves and tiny pale yellow wings sit on her little back. She's dressed in a pretty white dress, no shoes on her tiny feet.
Giggles spill from the little girl's mouth and she turns to look in the direction you're looking after you've noticed them standing there.
She stands up, big dark eyes wide with wonder and an excited smile spreading on her face, bunny teeth protruding from her mouth when she whispers.
She runs as fast as she can towards the newcomers, her little bare feet padding across the pavement as she goes, small arms pumping at her sides.
Jungkook drops to his knees, at a loss for words but arms opening just in time for the tiny cannonball to come barreling into them.
A deep chuckle sounds from next to them where He watches with a smile.
“Aera,” Jungkook breathes over and over as he hugs her close, tears spilling down his cheeks.
He can't do anything but say her beautiful name again and again.
“I love you,” he chokes out, finally able to say the words he only ever got to whisper to her while she grew in your stomach.
“I love you,” she whispers back, “I love you so big and I want to show you the pretty roses, mommy says you love them.”
He sobs out a little laugh and looks up at his best friend that has come up, hands clasped behind your back and bare feet moving you up and down on your toes, excitement about to explode.
The look in his eyes conveys everything he wants to say but doesn't know how, everything that you did for him.
You smile softly.
You would've done the same for me.
Aera eventually pulls away just enough to cup Jungkook's cheeks with teeny hands, “Welcome home, daddy.”
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crimsonedquill · 1 year
Soft lazy morning sex headcanons (Hogwarts Legacy)
Was in the vibe for some fluffy smut HCs, so figured I might as well make this one my first for HL. Also, I changed up my usual sequence for this post to reflect the order in which I wrote them (sue me)
NSFW (18+), obviously.
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Poppy Sweeting 🦡
You don’t know how she does it, getting out of bed and already having finished half of her chores by the time you wake up
That said, she doesn’t protest when you pull her back in, telling her that mornings are for sleep
Her giggles turn to soft moans when you start placing sloppy kisses on her neck and your hand sneaks down into her skirt, your fingers working her clit with an expertise that has her unravelling at your touch alone
Within moments her clothes are off and you two are back between the sheets, the sweetness of your lovemaking ridding you of any sleep still on your mind
She’s always the first to cum, her little whines stifled by your lips
You’ll lie basking in your afterglow together, and she asks how she’s ever going to get anything done when you treat her like that.
Ominis Gaunt 🐍
Sleep might be the only thing in the world he loves more than you, so you know you have some competition
Pressing soft kisses to his nape or caressing his lobe with your lips doesn’t seem to work, even though the little trembles running through his body don’t escape your notice
You know he’s awake, so you have no intention of letting him off the hook that easily
You kiss your way down, making sure to pay attention to every small birthmark and imperfection on his creamy white skin
He finally catches on when you’re past his navel, his fingers lazily tangling themselves into your hair as you close your lips around him
You don’t stop until you hear him groaning, his release betraying his awakening
He’s fully intent on returning the favour, which means it’s well afternoon by the time you’re both done. Totally worth it. 
Natsai Onai 🦁
There’s nothing better than waking up holding the stark naked form of your Gryffindor goddess in your arms
You take the time to kiss each other awake before she gets up to prepare a bath for you both
Sliding into the soapy water, you could easily fall asleep all over again as you relax into her arms, her breasts cushioning your back as she starts taking care of you
She gives the best massages, tenderly washing your arms and shoulders as you feel yourself getting lighter
It never comes to that though, as her hands get to work practising that special kind of magic that has you moaning out her name within minutes
She gently works you to your climax, after which she’ll draw out the aftershocks by placing gentle kisses on your shoulders
There’s definitely no better way to start the day than Natty’s baths.
Sebastian Sallow 🐍
You know last night was good when you pick up right where you left off
He has you pinned down easily, breathing into the crook of your neck with a wanting that leaves you melting like honey into his embrace
Running his hands all over your body is something he’ll never be able to resist. He knows all the little places that make you squirm, leaving no inch of skin untouched
Whether it’s taking you in a gentle spooning position or devouring you as you ride his face, he always treats you like royalty, not allowing himself any pleasure until you’re a sweaty hot mess
By the time you both have your needs fulfilled, the sun is already up and you’re probably even more tired than before
That doesn’t stop you from cuddling until you fall asleep again. The world can wait, especially with the arms of that dreamy Slytherin boy wrapped around you.
Imelda Reyes 🐍
It’s literally physically impossible for her to sleep in. She’s always up when you awaken to a new day, either doing push-ups or stretching her ethereally fit body
You often just lie there and admire her as she works out, relishing the way her muscles move under her delightfully exposed skin
She knows that you’re ogling her and she loves it. If she’s in the mood, she’ll taunt you with some teasing remarks to reel you in
It doesn’t take long for you to bite, and within minutes you’re entangled in all kinds of special yoga exercises that have you both sweating and crying out each other’s names
You tend to end up in a heap of limbs on the floor, which doesn’t bother you in the slightest. In fact, when you feel Imelda’s lips on your naked skin again, you figure the two of you could perfectly go for a few more rounds…
Amit Thakkar 🦅
Mornings with Amit are quite peaceful. He tends to stay up late to study, so he’s often still asleep by the time you wake up
He loves it when you use your body to wake him up, softly kissing his neck while you interlock your legs with his
There is no escape from some welcome friction as your sensitive parts start rubbing together, your hearts beating as one as you hold each other close
Things quickly escalate and soon you kick off the sheets, the breeze of cool air bringing relief to your hot bodies
You love it when he comes first, trying to bring him just a little closer with your legs before you come crashing over the edge, burying yourself in his neck to stifle your moans
You’ll need some help untangling yourselves when you’ve both ridden out your highs. That’s alright; all the more an excuse to keep him in bed a little longer.
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Hey can I ask you a request?
Basically, I love Anne Sallow x Ominis a lot and I wanted to ask you about the reactions of the various characters who discover the feelings that each other has and maybe get together 💚💗💚💗💚💗
Ps. English is not my language
A/N: I think I understand what you're asking for, but for simplicity's sake, I'm going to give them feelings for MC
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: The realization hits him like a train. After everything he had dealt with during fifth year, who was still standing with him? Who put up with his shit? Who risked everything for his sister despite barely knowing her? MC. They had become his closest friend, even closer than Ominis, but only now is he seeing them in a different light. The next time their eyes meet, they know.
OMINIS GAUNT: MC had been his peace in the chaos. The rock he could cling to in the storm. He had found comfort in them, but on realizing how deep his feelings were going, he was scared. Surely these feelings would scare them away. He had to be careful going forward.
ANNE SALLOW: She never thought she was the type of girl to fall for a knight in shining armor, but MC literally saved her life. The way they treated her, the way they bent over backwards for her, there had to be more to their feelings than they said. She didn't fall first, but she fell harder.
IMELDA REYES: Panic. No. Nonononono! They are not part of her plan! She is going to graduate school and play professional quidditch with the Holyhead Harpies. She doesn't have time or patience to deal with a relationship. She bottles up her feelings as quickly as she catches them.
NATSAI ONAI: MC has made her feel soft and warm inside since the first day in charms class. Their smile alone could make her feel like kicking her feet like an excited school girl. She doesn't jump to any conclusions, but she does try to ease the idea of a relationship beyond friendship between her and MC as they get to know each other. An innocent butterbeer date wouldn't hurt, would it?
GARRETH WEASLEY: He's kind of oblivious. He knows he likes being around them and he likes getting them involved with his schemes, but he doesn't seem to realize how close he likes to stand next to them in potions class. Or how he takes a little too much joy into making them laugh. MC will probably have to make the first move to make him realize it, then he's just dumbfounded.
LEANDER PREWETT: If MC found him charmingly awkward before, it increases when he realizes he has a crush. He tries a bit too hard to get their attention by opening doors for them and constantly asks where they're going after class. A lot of the times he ends up tripping over something or dropping whatever he's holding. He doesn't mind so much that they're laughing, but he's afraid they'll never take him seriously.
AMIT THAKKAR: He fusses more about how well they're doing in class and if there's anything he can do to help. He figures that maybe he could spend more time with them if they agree to let him tutor them. Especially in astrology. Having MC all to himself in the evening under the stars and a telescope? He can't think of anything better. He has to be careful with his daydreaming, he'll mess up his notes.
EVERETT CLOPTON: He's...not okay. He hates himself for catching feelings. There's no way in any realm of reality that MC would want him. He doesn't even have to go out of his way to avoid MC, they just aren't around him much after flying class. He doesn't think they've ever even gone out of their way to talk to him (Unless they're Ravenclaw). He'll admire from a distance and wait it out.
POPPY SWEETING: She really wishes her face wouldn't be so red around MC. We're going to start asking if she's not feeling well. She tries to play coy, but she's so obvious that it hurts. MC would have to be as thick as a rock to miss the signs. She constantly wants to be around them, always grabs their hand when she wants to show them something, practically stares while they're interacting with beasts, etc. Just don't point it out, she'll get embarrassed.
ANDREW LARSON: He feels lighter than air when MC enters a room. He knows he's done for. He knows he doesn't stand a chance. He knows they don't even know they exist, but he indulges in their presence while he can. He's not even concerned with wiping the silly grin off his face, it's not like they'll look his way.
LENORA EVERLEIGH: Shy. So very shy. After MC helped her with the mirror puzzle, she got firsthand experience of how nice they could be. From that point onward, when they were around, she'd be too flustered to talk to them again first. She can barely handle being next to them in herbology. She really wishes Professor Garlick would stop asking if she has a fever.
NELLIE OGGSPIRE: She pursues MC like they're a mountain she's dying to climb. She makes her feelings known up front and plain. She'll shrug it off if she's rejected. She already doesn't have them, so what's the difference? If they accept, excellent! They can go on adventures together!
CRESSIDA BLUME: MC was so willing to help her before, perhaps they'll do it again? She intentionally botches up some of her charm work to give her an excuse to have MC's attention. She's put her diary on lockdown, however, the things she writes in there nowadays she doesn't want MC to ever read.
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zetadraconis11 · 8 months
HL Incorrect Quote #49
Imelda: Garreth and I do not have pet names for each other!
MC: Oh, really? What do bees make?
Imelda: ...Honey?
Garreth, coming into the room: Yes, sweetheart?
MC to Imelda: Never lie to me again.
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im still deciding on the side's creation however i gotta say that i... blacked out... and now... have a 704 words draft of soft core smut
where should i post it though, when it's done
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theealbatross · 4 months
Dark, Slightly Realistic Headcannons (S.S)
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Plot | Headcannons on the effects of their traumatic fifth year in Hogwarts had on their dynamics and eventual relationship.
Tags | dark, PTSD, codependency, self-harm (scratching), anxiety, overprotectiveness, trauma, traumatized teenagers are not the best people, IT'S NOT AS BAD AS I MAKE IT SOUND, fluff if u squint, ominis getting stressed out, this storyline is heavily inspired by the background story I gave my character in the game
They are both very popular but also very secretive – in a way that everyone knew them but no one really knew a thing about them. They were almost like a suburban legend in their campus, The Couple who was always together, always huddled in each other despite constantly being the center of the attention.
“Sallow had a twin?”
“I heard she’s one of the few 7th years that was given approval to go into the restricted section for her research.”
“They’ve been engaged since last year?!”
“Look, they’re leaving the campus again.”
If you want to find one, then go look for the other because more often than not they are together. If you can’t find them both, ask Ominis.
Unless you are part of their circle, which is usually just their year-mates, then good luck approaching them. They aren’t hostile but as they grew older, they didn’t get friendlier. And it was for good reason, MC’s anxiety of someone finding out Sebastian’s dark secret and taking him away from her and Sebastian’s fear of the people who are after his girlfriend makes them generally amicable but not exactly approachable.
Suspicious of everyone which is also why they're very protective of each other and their chosen friends.
They were seriously considered to be the Head Boy and Head Girl but both rejected the offer. Imelda was the next best choice but she wanted to focus on becoming a professional quidditch player. So, the mantle was passed to Grace Pitch-Smedley and Ominis Gaunt to the latter’s dismay.
Unhealthy Codependency, but it works for them.
Both will genuinely be tweaking out if you separate them for more than 24 hours. MC feels vulnerable without Sebastian which causes her to lash out at anyone, her ancient magic leaking out in anxiety and Sebastian’s skin itches if he doesn’t know where she is (he literally would scratch his arm till it bled – a painful nervous tic.)
Because of this ‘special circumstance’ and the Gaunts last name, they were allowed to have, more or less, the same schedule throughout their 7th year.
They both have the self-sacrificing disease so they were always keeping an eye on each other.
After The Events of their 5th year, plus MC’s tendency to run alone and headfirst into assured death, and the constant threat to her life from what remains of Rookwood’s organization Sebastian gets a reputation of being insanely protective. The ‘promise ring’ they both wear has a charm that will always leads one to the location of the other, plus it automatically apparates the other when one is in danger.
If you plan to get to talk to his betrothed then you have to get through Sebastian first.
Nothing ever gets through Sebastian.
“No, she can’t find your blasted puffskein in the dark forest.”
“She’s not available because I said so.”
“No, professor, I can’t send her that message. It’s exam season and she has enough on her plate.”
“Dear Officer Singer, the next time you try to send an owl to my fiancé without informing me you will not get it back.”
MC has a soft spot for the younger students but don’t expect her to remember your names. At least Sebastian actually turns you down, she will just stare at you until you awkwardly leave. She was done being everyone’s errand girl.
Every time you think Sebastian’s alone she’s probably just behind him. Or beside him. Or above him. If you think Sebastian's crazy about her then she will show you insane.
Constantly snogging, their professors have given up giving them detention. They’ll just snog there too.
Professors have to beg Ominis to tell them to at least try to hide because there are children in this campus. After an hour long of sermon of how ‘absolutely mortifying it is that I have to tell the two of you to be decent’ they relented. In turn, they just disappeared more often.
In rare good days with good weather, you will find them flying and racing around the highlands.
During exam seasons Sebastian reserves an hour a day to just nap and relax in MC’s lap. Do not, under any circumstances, approach him at this crucial hour unless you wish to risk your life.
They are the Ravenclaws Public Enemy #1 because they clearly don’t pay attention to class yet they’re always at the top of the subjects they actually find interesting. (Potions and Care for Magical Creatures for MC, DADA and Flying for Sebastian). The rivalry even got worse when NEWTs started and Sebastian aimed to be at the top of each class he took to become an Auror.
They get engaged the summer after their 6th year but they don’t get married until Sebastian finishes his training and officially became an Auror because Sebastian wants to ‘earn’ that right and prove to himself and his loved ones that he has turned his back on the Dark Arts for good.
MC becomes a researcher for ancient magic so it becomes a ritual that Sebastian will use up all of his vacation and paid leave at the end of the year to accompany his wife with her travels to different continents
Sebastian fights a dragon in Germany to get the perfect green diamond to place on the engagement ring.
They both take the Unbreakable Vow at their quiet wedding.
They have children but none were seen in public until it was their turn to go to Hogwarts.
Headmistress Weasley does not retire until each and every Sallow has graduated under her careful watch.
She is the longest reigning Headmistress in the history of Hogwarts.
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