#soft safe vore
safe-from-sharp-teeth · 6 months
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comfyhome · 2 months
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self indulgent comfort doodles that i thought might resonate w some of you guys
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supernormalblogname · 3 months
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save me computergirl pred... computergirl pred saave me
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suzyandthefox · 4 months
ok but like
Vore in a protective , parent-like sense will always get me, it will always remain my favourite.
A pred giving a prey a comfort they lost, being their home temporarily.
The pred saying things like
"You're safe now"
"I will protect you"
"You're very brave, I'm proud of you"
For the pred to call their prey "little one" "small one", etc.
For the pred to hum a gentle lullaby to their scared prey
And for the prey to say things like
"Hide me"
"Protect me"
"I have no home/no body/nowhere to go"
The descriptions of a stomach as a cradle, the soft sobs a frightened prey lets out as they huddle into the soft flesh, they speak their fears and pain into the walls and the folds of the being around them.
And the walls listen to them.
To be cared for, to be loved, to be hidden where no one should see or harm you.
Idk man.
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novorehere · 5 months
Vore is actually the pinnacle of comedy when you include a character acting as the “straight man” who’s wholly disgusted and appalled by the casualness of everyone around them. What do you mean you just got swallowed whole and alive. What do you mean it was “just a misunderstanding.” What do you mean the two of you are going out for brunch tomorrow. What the fuck.
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It's 2024.
Twenty Twenty-Four.
Twenty Twenty-Vore.
And what do you get when you add the numbers together?
It's Vore Year folks.
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epicawsomeusername · 7 months
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this is the preferred type of stomach for me.
big enough to lay down in, the gentle noises and the pred soft, reassuring voice soothing you and lulling you to sleep...
I'm just kinda dumping all my doodles on here lol
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mawsnclaws · 23 days
Nervous preds who constantly poke and prod at their tummy to ask if you're ok and if you want out.
Confident prey who's cocky persona fades as soon as they're in front of an open maw.
Scary-looking preds who are secretly gentle and sweet, just misunderstood.
Experienced prey walking inexperienced preds through the entire process, careful not to overwhelm the pred.
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tummytimee · 2 months
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safe-from-sharp-teeth · 2 months
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princesaltines · 8 months
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mouth skribbls
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supernormalblogname · 22 days
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survive my slug blast.
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novanoms · 28 days
Need more preds comforting prey but like, from the Pred’s pov
Just the gentle nature towards your tiny friend, seeing their exhausted, downtrodden expression. Barely able to keep their head up as they approach, they don’t even need to speak as you feel their forehead tiredly rests on you. Gently picking them up, opening your maw and sliding them in, feeling their small movements, content but too exhausted to do much more. Swallowing them down and feeling the way they settle in your stomach, their soft squirms beneath your flesh, the way you can feel their body relax. Your hands coming up to rub the barley visible outline of the individual you care about so much, feeling so much affection and pride despite the somber moment. The fact that their first thought was to seek you out as their place of comfort.
I don’t think I’ve seen it all that often, might expand more into an actual writing thing but who knows -u-
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stomach-rental · 1 month
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Will, Louis, and their shared affections through Will's overactive stomach <3
Will and Louis belong to @peachnewt and her series, Getting in Deep!
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thefanciestborrower · 2 months
Quick little thing about what the 'soft vore' and 'safe vore' tags actually mean
Recently I've seen some folks assuming the 'soft vore' and 'safe vore' tags are exclusively cuddly and nons3xual, so I feel like it's important to let you guys know they're not. Soft vore just means prey is swallowed whole, not that they'll live. Safe vore can include fearplay, blood, injuries, and even mild digestion so long as the prey survives in the end.
I understand the assumption that the tags are exclusively wholesome since most of the nonsexual community (including myself) use them and that's perfectly fine, but they're really just descriptors that tell you what the post contains. You can have digestion in the soft vore tag since the two aren't mutually exclusive, and sometimes a story or art piece might even contain both soft and hard, or safe and fatal vore. Explicit material can also exist within the tags, because 'safe vore' and 'soft vore' have no inherent nons3xual connotations. Now that's not to say there isn't an issue with tag spamming or mistagging in the vore community, and for that all I can say is filter tags and post content as liberally as you can and use the block button frequently. It sucks to see triggering content, it really does, especially if it's untagged. I recently had to deal with some pretty bad stuff myself, so I understand. But at the same time, the vore community contains a lot of people whose tastes may not align with yours or fit neatly into specific boxes, and that's okay! Just filter and block where you can.
There ARE new tags that some members of the community use for exclusively wholesome nons3xual vore and that's awesome, but soft vore and safe vore are not, and never really were, those tags. Tldr; Soft vore and safe vore are just tags that tell you if there's chewing or not and if the prey lives or not. They're not exclusively fluffy, they're not nons3xual, and they can be paired with more violent tags if the content contains both themes.
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"You poor thing..you're freezing." The predator slowly bent down, the leaves in the trees rustling as they shifted. They were the biggest giant you'd ever seen..their features shadowed by their hood. The moonlight behind them illuminated their outline and you could see a faint glow of purple from somewhere in the void that was their face. A ginormous clawed hand suddenly pressed against your back, jolting you from your terrified daze.
"Humans like you shouldn't be out here this late..you're far too fragile. If any other giant had found you, you'd be dead by now. Luckily I found you." There was an air of smugness in their tone as they wrapped their fingers around your torso, lifting you to their face. You could see them a bit better now that you were closer. They were pale, face covered in scars, and eyes glowing a gentle purple color. "Don't worry, I'll help you out of the woods." Their voice was quiet, but still confident. You could see a glimpse of sharp white teeth from behind their lips as they spoke, teeth easily big enough to cut you in half with one swift bite.
They gently tucked you against their chest, a claw rubbing against your back in an almost comforting way as they began to walk. "Humans like you aren't built to survive the snow like this..how did you get lost out here?" They looked down at you. Your mouth felt dry, you wanted to speak but no words could come out. You heard a quiet unintelligible grumble from the giant. "Can you speak? I need you to tell me where you live.." They shifted you so that you were pressed a bit lower towards their stomach. A loud growl thundered from the predator's core, making you sweat.
"Ah..sorry, small one. I didn't eat today." They said quietly, stopping their walk to look down at you. "I really do need to know how to get you back, I doubt you'd want to spend the night in my cave." They reasoned. You opened your mouth but you found yourself still unable. This was the scariest situation you'd ever been in, your brain completely blank as you tried to scramble for something to say. They didn't seem annoyed..but they didn't seem too pleased with your silence either. You'd hardly noticed that your trembling was worsening, but they sure did.
"Are you really still that cold? Poor thing..it's been so long since I've handled humans, I forgot how weak your bodies are to nature. I can't have you freezing! That wouldn't be very fun, now would it?" They shook their head and lifted you once again up to their face. "I have a way to keep you warm until you can tell me where you live, but I doubt you'd like it much." They gently brushed the hair from your face with a claw. You felt a pit form deep in your stomach..what did they mean? You figured that whatever it was couldn't be worse than being out like this.
"I'll be gentle, I promise. Just try not to struggle too much.." You felt a claw gently prod at your shoes. You looked down just in time to see them fall off and onto the forest floor below. The giant didn't seem to care, and you'd been so distracted staring at the ground you didn't realize you were now directly in front of their mouth. The moment you looked back up, you were greated with a flourish of warm air, their mouth opening up wide. It was dark..you could only see their first few teeth and a faint purple glow from down their throat. Your shaking worsened but they didn't hesitate, setting your shivering form down onto their tongue. You immediately tried to turn and jump from their mouth bit their teeth snapped shut with a near-deafening click.
You were pressed against the roof of their mouth without a moments hesitation, their tongue soaking you in saliva. Their mouth was overwhelmingly warm, a complete contrast to the world outside. They kept you pinned, gently licking you a few times, before allowing you to gather yourself, laying flat against their tongue. You felt something metallic against your leg, turning to try and see what it was. Your eyes had somewhat adjusted, and with the help of the glowing from their throat, you saw that it was a tongue piercing. You hadn't seen that before in your sheer panic.
The world around you began to shift and pull you backwards, causing you to panic. They were tilting their head back, you could only assume they were going to swallow you. You quickly twisted your body as fast as you could, tiny hands reaching to grab onto the ball of the piercing. You missed by just a hair, slipping backwards and closer to their throat. In just one gulp, you were completely swallowed, sliding down their throat on your way to what you assumed to be your final destination. Their throat squeezed around you- you could hear a powerful thud from deep inside of them. You assumed it was their heart beating, drowning out the sound of your own thumping in your ears.
You slid into their stomach, rather shocked to find the source of the glowing had been from here. It was the same color as their eyes, but a bit more dim. There was no liquid filling the space around you, and you breathed a sigh of relief knowing you weren't about to be digested. They began to walk once again, their stomach gently swaying with their pace. "Sorry about not warning you beforehand, your kind are so skittish, I knew you wouldn't have agreed if I gave you a heads up." Their voice was a bit muffled, but you could still hear them clearly enough.
You began to move, shifting so that you were leaning up against the stomach lining. Well..it was definitely a change compared to the cold outside. It was almost comforting, knowing that you were this safe, even if that safety was coming from a total stranger. "You tasted pleasant enough..the fear made you a bit bitter, but I'm not complaining." They told you, making you almost roll your eyes. They'd just scared the life out of you and they were complimenting you on your taste now? They were right though- they definitely weren't the worst giant that could've found you.
The more you sat there the more tired you found yourself. The gentle swaying combined with the warmth and the way you practically sunk into their stomach was too good to resist. You allowed yourself to close your eyes..you weren't going to sleep, no, you just needed to allow yourself to rest. That was the last thought you had before drifting off into the deepest sleep you'd had in awhile, surrounded by the warmth of the stranger.
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