#soft vader
takadasaiko · 1 year
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You lack conviction.
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theslapradius · 1 year
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lacebird · 18 days
the female urge to isolate hayden's voice in the world between worlds scenes and add some reverb because I AM GOING BATSHIT INSANE-
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r0guedr0id · 1 year
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Hi! It’s Terry and I’m new to the Star Wars fandom, I’m very enthusiastic about Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, he just deserved better and should have got help! Nevertheless, here’s an sketch about him to indulge your eyes with some of the medical headcanons I have for him, like his hearing got diminished by the fire and he needs hearing aids and that he breathes thanks to a tracheostomy. Reader would call it his cute choker when being silly around him! I just think there’s a lack of Vader appreciation and I need to fill a that void since I love him so much, ok byeee~
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mamawasatesttube · 10 months
do you remember if we ever get explicit confirmation about whether kon got TV shows (ex star trek) directly uploaded into his brain or if he got the cloners' memories of watching the shows?
well, as per adventures of superman #506 we know that at least they downloaded star wars directly into his brain!
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i would guess star trek too bc cultural popularity + he's already quoting it by the end of this issue when he probably hasn't really sat down to watch anything himself yet. also fun fact this is the issue that soft retcons kon being an actual clone of superman like he's stated to be in reign of the supermen into him being a random human clone instead!
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genyasglockk · 1 year
crazy how the original trilogy and the prequels were filmed decades apart and the skywalker family is played by actors that hold no actual blood relation to each other yet you can still find similarities between them. the twins smile like anakin and get the same look of mischief in their eyes as padme. lukes boyish and grumpy just like his dad and leia's an intelligent force of nature just like her mom and ugh they just really are the skywalkers
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bliss-unmuzzled · 1 month
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marshmallowdarling · 2 years
heyyy uhh
I dont know how many reqs you have so I'll keep it short, dw! but darth vader (actually Vader; most ppl i've seen tag it as darth vader when its not, yk?😅) "reuniting" w/ a gn friend of his, but the reunion is them being captive 😀👍. like maybe the friend was captured bcuz he was hunting for jedis, or they were helping ppl escape and that backfired on them.
you're free to choose how his friend got captured cuz im just throwin ideas. so many scenarios lmao 😆😆😆
I'm finally back!!
So sorry for being away for so long and so sorry for taking so long to get to this request, I stopped writing it half way through the first bit and realised I might have fucked up the request but kept going anyways lol so sorry if it wasn't how you imagined!!
I tried making it a little more yandere at the end but I will 100% write a few head canons or more one shots after about how life would be after this if anyones interested!! :D
Remember my request are still open!!
✧3735 words ✧ Vader x Reader ✧ Sher/Her pronouns
Hope you enjoy bubs!
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(Y/N) never wanted to be a jedi, not really. She wanted to help people of course but did she really want this life?
Her question was answered after her dear friend Anakin died; no, she didn’t want this life.
She wanted a life of her own, to not have to train every day with multiple weapons, to not have to stress about every movement she makes. 
She wanted a life where she could sleep in, where she could just breathe and live and do mundane things, where she could make connections and love. 
But the force works in mysterious ways and after (Y/N) had grown up, settling down in a small town and having a small shop that she adored as it played into her hobby, she was yanked back into the life she had left behind.
Obi wan had reached out to get her to help the resistance, she was apprehensive at first but after seeing him come back to her shop a bloody mess with her childhood friend Ahsoka, she had reluctantly agreed to help him just to help people escape the empire. 
“I thought you said there wouldn’t be any troopers here.” (Y/N) hisses, using the force to yank a metal box towards three troopers and slam them into the wall. She barely misses the blaster shot as she jerks her body behind another crate.
Crouching down to cover herself, she fumbles to get her (borrowed) blaster from her thigh holster before peeking out and taking a few bad shots. 
Ahsoka uses the distraction to take down the last two troopers before looking down at (Y/N) and extending her hand. “It wasn’t a part of the plan.” They both grunt as she hauls her friend up. 
“When does anything ever go according to plan” (Y/N) grumbles as she dusts herself off. 
Ahsoka just chuckles before looking around they alley way they were forced into. “Master Kenobi said the captured Jedi’s are around here, we already made a scene so we should just go without him. If they caught us off guard, we should probably assume he’s not doing well on his end either.” 
“Come on this way.” (Y/N) whispers to an injured Jedi as she helps them walk in the cover of the night. “We’re almost there, just hold on a little bit more.” Her eyes glance at the wound at their side, blood already seeping through the fabric she had ripped from her outfit and used as a makeshift bandage. 
Panic shoots up her spine as (Y/N) throws herself and the Jedi to the side just barely missing the swipe of a saber. 
Rolling over to push herself up by her arms she doesn’t miss the boot that slams into her stomach, a silent scream creeps up her throat as her mouth widens at the blunt pain. 
She had never seen him in the flesh, but anyone could figure out who that black booted foot belongs too. 
Darth Vader.
Gritting her teeth in pain she grabs his ankle to haul her body up slightly as her other hand comes and pushes behind his knee to make him drop. 
‘GO! GET TO THE OTHERS AND GET THE KRIFF OUT OF HERE!’ She yells to the Jedi using the force as Vader swings his arm and lands a right hook. 
(Y/N) says good bye to her life as she focuses everything on just making sure Vader is distracted enough to let the injured Jedi and the rest escape. She sees them start to crawl to the wall to haul their body up in their peripheral, but she just elbows Vader’s chin making his helmet covered face tilt up. 
 This is the first time she had seen him; she can see a hazy reflection of herself in the black metal of his armour, but she gets flown back and slammed into the ground as he reaches out his hand and uses the force to pin her down. 
Her torso gets the brunt of the attack and she flicks her wrist to get a few scattered rocks and stones thrown at him. They don’t do much damage as his armour takes the brunt of it, but it throws him off enough to let her grab her blaster and take a few shots making him release his force. 
Two hit his chest head on, his armour taking the shots as he remained unharmed, whilst the others miss pathetically. 
“You’re a pathetic excuse for a Jedi.” His voice booms out, modulated from his helmet but still unbelievably deep as he snarls. His arm extends to use the force again, but she takes a few more shots at his arm making him flinch back. 
“I am no Jedi.” She spits back, the hood covering her form starts to lift as the wind picks up but it manages to stay on. “You must not be as smart as they say you are if you really can’t see my plan.” 
Finally seeing that the Jedi is out of sight, (Y/N) throws all her force at him. Vader gets thrown back a few inches but stays strong to the rest as he swipes his arm out and knocks her off her feet, his raises his arm and moves her around like a rag doll in the air before he slams her down into the ground, keeping her pinned there. 
She can barely move her fingers this time, not even a twitch as she sees his figure start to walk towards her. Pressure starts enclosing around her throat, blocking her air supply as she tries to rip her arms away, but they just lay there helplessly. She gasps, gritting her teeth to try and do anything but all she can manage is to kick her feet as the wind finally rips away her hood, instantly slapping her face with the cold chilling air. 
Her vision starts to bleed in and out as her head spins from the lack of oxygen, (Y/N) manages to see Vader now looming over her figure and she thinks she sees him recoil back once he finally gets a look at her face. 
The invisible hand around her throat and pinning her limbs down let go almost instantly. She flings her body up and immediately gulps down air and coughs, everything hurts and throbs in pain, but she can’t think about anything as her hands come up to cradle her throat as she tries to fight off unconsciousness and steady her breathing. 
(Y/N)’s mind finally comes back to her as she cranes her neck up to see Vader just standing there. 
“Wh-What?” She manages to croak out as her throat screams in protest, tears she didn’t know were now spilling to coming down her chin. 
A weird crackling sound comes out and she thinks it’s his modulated breathing as he just stares. 
She wants to fight, to do anything but sit there on the ground pathetically but it takes everything in her just to loll her head up at him, her body feeling like lead as new bruises start to flourish with old ones. It had been days of fighting and running and healing injured Jedi without any rest.
(Y/N) was never the strongest and after years of not training or using any force, she had become weak. 
He says something, she thinks it’s a name, her name?
But her eyes finally close as her body falls to the side and her brain drags her to sleep. 
(Y/N) shuffles around a bit on the plush bed to get herself comfortable before her mind starts to darken again, the silk sheets feeling soft and light yet warm. 
Wait sheets? Bed?
Throwing her body up, the black sheets pool at her waist as she frantically looks around the room. 
It’s a room of some sorts, maybe on a ship? The walls are metal and the room’s big but bare with anything personalised. 
She remembers the fight with Vader, thinking she was going to die but he just let her go and then she passed out. 
The room spins as her vision finally clears its sleepy haze and the more she tries to focus the more the throbbing pain in her head hurts. Her body is so sore, and it feels like she has to use every piece of strength in her body to try and pick up her arm. 
Nausea creeps up her throat and she groans as she curls into herself. 
Hearing the door open, she forces her body up right as she watches Vader stride in, there’s no words exchanged as he closes the door and takes a few steps towards the bed.
They both stare at each other, (Y/N) staring into the eyes of his helmet to try and search for his eyes and Vader looking in those familiar (E/C) orbs he used to search comfort in. 
Slowly, he starts to lift his helmet off and (Y/N) goes to stop him but it dies in her throat when she sees his face. 
“Anakin?” Her voice is so soft he barely misses it, he wants to correct her and say that Anakin is dead but when he opens his mouth nothing comes out. 
(Y/N) doesn’t know what to do, she wants to swear at him, she wants to jump and scream and hug him so tight but… 
“You’re…. You’re not Anakin.” She says slowly. 
She can see the hurt flash in his eyes before he looks away and puts his helmet back on. They both return to silence before (Y/N) speaks again.
“What do you want from me? Why am I here? Why didn’t you just…” She trails off, her head pounding harder as she thinks about her childhood best friend ending her life. 
“Just what? Kill you?” His voice comes out sharp, but the ugly sound of his modulator crackling tells her his voice strained. 
(Y/N) pushes herself up by her arm to sit properly as he watches her through his visor. “You fought with Master Obi-Won and fought to kill. Why didn’t you do that to me once you saw who I was?” 
“That’s different” Vader’s voice comes out uncharacteristically high, but he calms himself before continuing. “You are in my bedroom and you will be here until I say so. I’ll go get you some medicine and food.”
His black cape flows as he turns around to leave but (Y/N) leans forward to try and make him stay. 
“Wait! Anakin-” 
“It’s Vader now!” He snaps cutting her off. “And don’t think of leaving this room, your injured and I have the door locked with guards stationed outside. Just sit down and do nothing, like you have done for years.” 
The last few words digs a knife into her heart but she doesn’t even have the time to properly react before he’s out of the room with the sound of the door sliding closed. 
(Y/N) stares blankly at the door as her head falls back to softly thunk against the bed post. 
Had her Anakin really turned into this? Into the monster that is Darth Vader? 
A few tears escape her eyes that she’s too exhausted to wipe away. “Oh Anakin, what did they do to you?” 
Like he had said, Vader came back into the room a few minutes later with a bowl of some sort of bone broth, a cup of water and some bacta patches. 
He straightens out the sheets at her lap before placing the tray down before giving her a once over and disappearing into what (Y/N) thinks is a connected refresher. 
Picking up the spoon, she swirls the bone broth a bit before taking a small tentative sip. It hits her tongue, and she has to stop herself from humming. Days on the run with limited bad tasting food made this simple broth taste divine on her tongue, but as soon as she swallows, she feels her stomach churn. 
(Y/N) drops the spoon back into the bowl, it makes a small splash that barely misses her clothes but she ignores it to sling one arm over her stomach. 
Hearing Vader return, she doesn’t have it in her to look up at him as she closes her eyes. 
“You need to eat.” It’s a command, his voice having no trace of the man it used to belong to. 
“Why am I here.” Her voice is so soft that even Vader’s helmet almost misses it, but he doesn’t, and he doesn’t know how to respond.
He hesitates before taking a few tentative steps closer to the bed. “Why didn’t you become a Jedi?” 
Opening her eyes to watch him, her eyes flash to show her Anakin, the one who was always curled into himself in the middle of the nights when he was caught up in the darkness of his mind. 
“Because it wasn’t the life for me.” She manages to say softly. “I wanted to love, to feel without any consequences. I wanted to help people, but I knew I wasn’t cut out to help people how Jedi’s do.”
“Then why did you come back?” He takes off his helmet again, placing it at the foot of the bed before slowly getting on his knees.
The scene must look comical to any outsider, the feared Darth Vader on his knees for some random girl.
(Y/N) has to physically restrain herself from reaching her hand out by hugging herself and tucks her hands in her pits. 
“This time I could help people properly. People were getting hurt and I could help them, why wouldn’t I?” 
She was always doing that, wasn’t she? Always helping people even if it meant she had to do things she didn’t want to. 
Vader wants to shake her shoulders, to shout at her that everyone’s selfish and just using her. To call her selfish for making him stay as a Jedi before leaving it all behind. But most of all, he wants to collapse in her arms and tell her everything, all the pain he endured and everything he had to do that he wouldn’t even think about telling anyone else. 
He doesn’t even realise he’s deep in thought before he sees her moving to place his helmet back on, now half sitting on the edge of the bed near him. 
“Va- Anakin.” She corrects herself before whispering whilst keeping her touch as delicate as possible. “I can see that you’re struggling to breathe.”
When his helmet finally does lock in place, Vader takes a few deep breaths. He had pressurised his room obviously, but he had to keep it just under his comfortable levels to make sure it didn’t affect (Y/N). 
The words slip out of her mouth before she can stop them. “What happened?” They come out soft, but he can feel the hurt behind them and it makes his blood boil. 
“How could you possibly ask that?” His modulator now booms his voice. “You saw how they were, they were the reason for her death and you even left!” 
The mention of Padmè squeezes (Y/N)’s heart but she just furrows her brows.
“So all of that just justifies you killing millions of innocent people?” Her voice raises as well but he crosses his large arms across his chest plate. 
“You don’t understand-”
“No, you don’t understand Anakin!” She cuts him off, now standing on wobbly legs. “You’re hurting people, people like me who just want to live!” 
Standing in-front of him now, yelling at him without listening, reminds Vader of Obi-wan and he snaps. 
“I AM VADER! ANAKIN IS DEAD!” His voice rattles the room and shocks (Y/N) to drop back down on the bed. “People like you? Don’t make me laugh.” A cackle gets cut off by his modulator, but it’s filled with coldness. “Your selfish, sitting around while people get hurt. You only care when they start to bother your own little world. Where were you when Padmè died? Where were you when I was getting hurt? You just want to help people to fill that pathetic hole in your chest, so don’t you dare think you can talk to me about any of this.” He sneers before turning on his heel and slamming the door behind him, leaving (Y/N) sitting their heart broken. 
Looking down at her (S/C) palms, her body shakes with her sobs. 
Anakin really is dead. 
A few days pass, maybe a week?
(Y/N) doesn’t kriffin know but she does know is that her body has finally recovered mostly, some wounds still need a few more days but there’s no risk of tearing anything open and she finally doesn’t feel nauseous and dizzy anymore.
Happy with her new found health, now the dreaded thoughts of what will happen to her finally sink in as her mind isn’t fogged up with pain.
Vader made it out like he hated her, he despised her life and even though she hadn’t seen him since that day, a storm trooper always came in with food and things she would need for the day.
It made no sense and she’s tired. 
She left this life because she couldn’t handle it and now, she’s forcefully thrusted back in only to be caught up in more stuff? 
(Y/N) never wanted this. 
Standing from the chair, she walks over to the sliding door that was always locked and started banging. Like always, the storm troopers stationed there at every hour and rotating depending on shifts, called back asking what she needed.
“I want to talk to Vader, now.” Her snappy voice makes them hesitate, they had strict rules to keep her in the room and not to talk more than necessary and there were no rules to state that she couldn’t ask for the black armoured man himself, but they had seen how angry he had barged out of the room. 
Finally giving into the demands, they look at each other before calling out they would send someone to fetch him and in a few minutes Vader himself was walking through the halls.
All troopers and anyone in the vicinity tense up and looks away but he ignores them before slamming the hatch open and locking it behind him. 
“What do you gain from keeping me here Vader? What do you want from me? This is the last time I’m asking this and if you don’t answer me, I will do everything in my power to leave.” (Y/N) usual voice is devoid of any fun or sarcasm or tenderness as she gets straight to the point, not letting him even acknowledge her.
Taking a few steps towards from the wall, he leaves decent space between them both but still enough to keep a comfortable conversation.
“Do you really not know why you are here?” His modulated voice still startles the female but the anger in her veins smooth over that. 
Crossing her arms, she leans onto her front leg. “How could I? You seem to hate my existence, yet you ordered for me to be taken cared of, but I’m not allowed to leave. You won’t even answer my questions.” Her arms come up and wave to emphasize her point but Vader just stares. He had forgotten how her little habits actually looked, he could never forget but the years apart had fogged up his imagery of the memories. 
Finally feeling as if there is no other way to express himself, he just simply states. “I love you, that’s why you are staying here.”
(Y/N)’s mind reels so hard that she stumbles back, her ass landing right on the chair she had left untucked. 
Shaking her head, (Y/N) feels like she’s dreaming because this couldn’t be real. “You- You can’t! You said it yourself, I’m selfish and horrible and you called me pathetic! You loved Padmé! How could you love me?” Tears start pouring down her face, but she doesn’t even realise as she looks through his armour and straight into his heart, trying to search for the Anakin she knew and, admittedly, loved, but she can’t find him and all she can see is a stranger. 
Vader winces at her tears, it feels like someone is physically ripping his heart out when he sees her cry, but he just takes a deep breath before striding over and crouching. 
“I’ve loved you since we were kids, but I didn’t realise until Padmé died that the love I felt for you and her are different.” His gloved hand comes up to wipe away a tear, a little rougher than he had wanted but he had never touched someone as delicately as he was touching her now. 
Hiccups and whimpers leave her throat as sobs wrack (Y/N) body before she abruptly stands up and shakes her head. “This- This ca-can’t be happening.” Her voice cracks slightly but Vader just stands up aswell and grabs her arm gently to make sure she doesn’t fall.
“This is real, the faster you accept that the faster you can acclimate to your new home.” Again, Vader is a bit harsher than he had wanted but he had never thought about anyone’s emotions other than his own for years. 
Ripping his arm off her, (Y/N) growls. “This isn’t my home, this will never be my home. You took me away from my home.” 
She moves to run to the door but she gets yanked back by her waist and gets thrown onto the bed, the plush surface doesn’t do any damage but the fast movement disorientates (Y/N) enough to let him pin her legs down with his own and restrain her wrists with one of his own. 
“It doesn’t matter if you tell yourself this isn’t your home because now it is.” The hiss that escapes his throat crackles horribly from his modulator, but he just presses her wrists down harder to make sure her (e/c) orbs focus on him. “You’re staying here weather you like it or not, so it’s best if you start faking it or the only person who’s going to be affected by your struggling is yourself.” 
Her hiccups and tears return as she started into the damned black visor, Anakin had really died and left behind this love sick monster hu?
Closing her eyes tightly to block out everything out as her legs stop trying to twist away, the last though in her mind rings out before she finally stops struggling.
‘I’m sorry Anakin.’ 
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feehippielove · 3 months
Hey n.n I'm a Tumblr veteran and I needed a new account so here I am ✨
Age: 27 🫶🏿
Zodiac sign: Aquarius ☀️🌙
Interests: anime, art, plants, tea, poetry etc.
Feel free to say hello and ask questions c: I am kind to all who deserve kindness so, obviously no racists, no terfs, no homophobes, no pedos etc. y'all get the point. Don't be a bad person. Minors DNI - you will be blocked.
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Due to recent life changes, I have taken out my septum. It will be missed. May more joy be soon to come 🩷🌷 07/11/2024
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sillyromance · 10 months
Good day everyone!
As I said I don't know everything about Star Wars. But I did some research about my favourite character - and I just had to write about it. So, this story is absolutely imaginary - and it is quite different from the original movies.
However, I hope you enjoy!
WARNING: long writing, OOC, angst, father/son conflict, hurt/comfort; Pred!Darth Vader/Prey!Reader. Also, some of the words(youth and maid) have their old meaning: youth - young man, maid - young woman.
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Light in the dark
Luke was sitting on the specular floor of an empty hall - in front of a large ship's window; stars sparkling like specks of diamond dust were thrown all around the black fabric of cosmic sky. Pinkish and blue smoke of nebulas sent pastel-colour flashes over its dark deepness, staying frozen and cold, as if they were just somewhat alien flowers on photographs from a biology book. Watching their foggy petals peacefully blooming behind the thick glass young Jedi felt strange pain eating his insides, his heart annoyingly numbing. The boy's eyes was searchingly scanning the universe as if there was something very important lost among white dots of foreign planet systems.
Suddenly, discernment of his senses escalated. The boy mentally felt someone's presence long before his ears signaled about heavy mechanical footsteps far away in the corridors. It was easy to recognise this fast, determined pace; Luke instantly recalled the wind created by a long black cloak wavering in the air - and saw the lines of an ugly mask covering no less ugly face...
Darth Vader entered the room after five minutes or so. It was undeniable that he knew - his visit wasn't unnoticed, although his son didn't even turn to him, still keeping their pretty young eyes on the galaxies swirling before them. Luke Skywalker would never submit to him or Palpatine. Exactly as he always predicted. Anakin inside the cyborg's dying body was proud like any good father would be. The worst part was that the boy who considered himself cursed with his parent didn't even know how great Vader had to struggle to keep his own suffering in secret. Vader was seen only like a traitor and a terrorising danger for any living being...
But there was too much hidden away. And even his son couldn't know all the truth because he would try to force him to Jedis' side - the twist Vader couldn't afford to make for he had lost faith into any faction. It was better to let things be as they were. Anakin was too old to start from the beginning...
The figure approached Luke, now holding back its rush - and stood still when there was ten steps between them. The Jedi was grateful for his "dad" didn't dare to close the distance - the young man would hate this person to be near him. Not after everything that abomination did. Not after what he did to Padme...
Although... It would be bad to push Vader away too. After all, he was trying. It was impossible to stay unaware about Darth's attempts to do anything to provide his offspring with all the youth needed. Sometimes, Luke thought about it while lying in his bedroom. He felt pity for the man - if it was still a man - especially because the boy remembered why Anakin became what he became.
But... Was it Anakin?..
Silence was interrupted by muffed sound of breathing coming from the mask and creaking of leather gloves.
- Is there something bothering you, son?
Rich, husky voice filled Skywalker Jr's head. He heard calmness and care in its boomy tone which, however, made him only raise his shoulders up, protecting himself from that love he didn't seek at all.
- That's nothing to worry about.
Vader exhaled louder than usually.
- I can sense it even if you lie to me - what you have managed to improve a lot since you're here, Luke... - He paused; sound of his breathing started getting on the youth's nerves. - Please... Tell me. I need to know.
The boy grunted. He finally looked at his father, his gaze mean and defiant as Luke examined every inch of the thick cobalt armour.
"Interesting... How much does it hurt to wear this horrifying suit every day?.. I hope it's enough to never forget how his wife died... And others too..."
- There is no use. You won't be able to understand...
- It's not your problem. I just need it.
Young man stared at the colorful lamps blinking chaotically on the Darth Vader's costume. Anakin could recognise a conflict rising behind the facade of an unnaturally still, neutral expression his son put on. This made his corrupted heart itch with faint, sweet pain; at least, there was already a small victory - the boy didn't say no right away second time.
Finally, Luke spoke again, his face softening.
- Come here.
Dark commander obeyed. Now the Jedi could see only countless belts on his high boots and a piece of the cloak. The cloth smelled like... Death: blood, fire, ash, sweat and other unpleasant signs of war...
Did he even try to wash this nasty stink off for once?..
- Do you promise to keep your judgement for yourself if I do?
Although Luke didn't lift his head up, he was sure Vader gave him a look.
- ...Whatever you wish for.
- Good.
The boy turned to the window again; at that moment there was an explosion of acid-green snakes pointing their greedy maws in all directions. Their blind, blunt muzzles looked funnily pathetic.
- Just before you took me as your personal prisoner... - Luke started, making a visible accent on two last words. - The faction was joined by a very young girl. She was even younger than me. There were not so many warriors to find at least one who could properly teach her to fight - I don't say that she wasn't familiar with a saber at all. Regardless... Her technique was terrible. I took her as a student, but... She is now alone due to I'm, her master, is here. And I'm worried she can get into trouble with some of yours...
Vader felt a pang of guilt knocking into his soul when he received the shot addressed to him. His son's cruelty hit him hard no matter the time or place - and he knew he deserved it. However, every punch in the guts made him feel deeply betrayed. Anger arose inside, and Anakin clenched his fist, preparing himself for a fight...
He watched as the boy did the same. Naturally, his gaze fell on the Luke's wrist and... He slowly eased the grip. A thin line separating human flesh and a prosthesis shone with soft silver light, reminding of their previous collision in all details...
Vader didn't want to go through that once more.
- At first, you're not a prisoner here. - He hissed, stepping away; the boy could catch genuine sorrow even through the noise of the modulator. - And next... I'm sorry to hear your sympathies are still with Jedies. I don't blame you, though. The time will come.
Unsatisfactory and resentment which had been constantly growing through these past month instantly burst out of the child in a desperate cry:
- Don't you see!? IT WILL NEVER COME!!! - Luke jumped on his feet, backing out of the black man. - You... Murderer...
His mind was blurred by immeasurable fury which hindered him to feel change in his father's emotional state. Vader stood, crooked, firmly grinding his teeth and invisibly clenching his chest as if someone cut him open. But very soon, he straightened up.
- Very well, Luke... Very well...
Darth Vader turned on his heels and headed to the door, but as he had to go through the gap, something made the commander to wait.
- Do you love her? That girl?
The question hanged in tensed atmosphere of the space. Luke leisurely wiped saliva flew out of his mouth when he shouted, and sniffed, a weak smile forming on his lips. Now he looked unbelievably similar to his father in the latter's young years.
- No. We are just friends... Well... Good friends. I love her like I love Leia.
Anakin nodded. Avoiding his son's intent gaze, Vader walked out; and while passing through the deem halls of the ship, he was once again turning into alive representation of horror which gloved hands grabbed the universe by its throat...
Changing skin, he bled.
Y/N didn't expect to meet him in such a short time, especially after she lost her mentor. But there he was; Darth Vader himself stood a few metres away from her, holding his red light saber. She couldn't help but flinched at his enormous height and brawny body. Personally, she was the shortest even among her allies many of whom didn't stand out by an impressive body complexion - the little Jedi was like nothing more but a doll comparing to him...
As for her comrades: two of them weren't so far from here. But, surely, they couldn't handle this ruthless beast even if they all would work together. Dark commander was way too strong. So, she sent them a message to run. Y/N wasn't sure they would follow her instructions... But at least, they had a chance to escape during these few minutes she could buy them before Vader would kill her.
At the meantime, guided by childish curiosity, she studied the one she was told so many blood-curdling stories about. Inky cloak covering wide, thick shoulders; solid torso with a big panel set on it - bright lights twinkling in the orange fog; long gloves, boots... The part of him which intimidated her the most was his visors. She was used to look her opponents directly in the eyes, but this icy, stable gaze was so inhuman that the Jedi could hardly bear it.
- I feel your fear... - Her heart sank as she heard him for the first time, the girl being hypnotized by that low, gravelly baritone. - Why opposing me just by yourself? Or are your friends such cowards that they won't help you defeat me?..
He took one step forward; she activated her own sword and struck a defensive pose.
At that moment, they both were taken off guard by a roar of a space shuttle's engines. Y/N sighed in relief; the ship took off and quickly disappeared in the night sky, heading to the base where her friends would be safe... And leaving her behind.
"Well, even if it's not me, I'm happy. They will survive..."
- Sneaky, brave fool... - Shaking violently, she turned to her enemy once more. He didn't move, but something inside her told Y/N that he was ready for a leap. - What a shame. You made a fatal mistake, sending them away. Such inexperienced and young girl like you is no match for me, don't you understand?..
- Perhaps. - She responded, carefully watching Vader and preparing for his attack. - At least, I'll do what I can. And if I die, so be it. My teacher once said that there was no better death than a death for a right thing.
The cyborg tittled his head on a side like a dog listening to its owner. The girl would giggle if her existence wasn't on the table at that very minute.
- Who told you that?
Y/N bit her lip, not being certain if it was OK to reveal the name. After a proper consideration, she found there was nothing left to lose for her anyway...
The Jedi cleared her throat; the tongue felt dry and hot as she spoke, her angelic voice being slightly brittel.
- Luke Skywalker.
If there was a witness - an average person who had never heard of war and the force - they would notice nothing. Vader simply kept his position, his awful mask turned to the girl. However, the latter sensed much. And the main thing was that Vader... Knew her.
The Jedi recognised chills wandering over her entire body. She couldn't remember what she managed to do to provoke someone so powerful to trail her. Despite this, Y/N seemed to be guilty for somewhat crime that made the plague of the universe, Lord Darth Vader memorise a little maid who hadn't seriously harmed anyone yet in her entire life...
- I see... - He finally sighed. The girl wasn't sure, but she thought she could hear regret in his quiet, rumbling voice. - That is a great warrior of your kind...
He shrugged his shoulders, trying to lay the cape on them in a more comfortable position.
- Then, let's see if your master has given you anything more than just some inspirational quotes...
Y/N gasped; she was deadly close to missing the second he jumped forward. Luckily, she awakened just in time and instead of the girl's flat chest Vader's saber met the blue laser light.
They fought almost in ringing silence; her accidental squelches and his scarry, sick breath were the only sounds ruining it. She immediately saw that she wouldn't last long with the pace her enemy had chosen; his harsh, but accurate movements were very difficult to block. Y/N didn't even try to switch her tactics to offensive one since she didn't possess enough time to reply on his endless thrusts. The Jedi spinned like a peg-top in attempts to stay alive a bit longer; fortunately, that time her diminutiveness played along with her interests. Although, neither small size, nor dexterity could protect her from small cuts Vader gifted her with here and there from time to time.
At last, the maid was able to give herself space to swallow some fresh air. She got exhausted; her arms refused to serve her any longer as well as legs. Y/N had to strain all the will she owned to stay straight. The man, however, was literally tireless - while Y/N was ready to collapse right at the stones of the square where they spared, the half-metal abomination she stood against looked like he did just before the battle. He, unbothered by her maneuver, vigorously decreased the space between them, distinctly showing that he was about to finish the annoying little fly disturbing him from much more important businesses.
That was it. Pushed to the edge, the girl threw all her cautiousness away and ran towards him, using her last opportunity; unpredictable behaviour and pure desperation. Their blades crossed again with electrical buzzing, spreading sparks all around the place; the warriors got as close as two people who sincerely hate each other could be. Y/N courageously stared right in the shallow spheres of Vader's visors, sweating as her tiny palms sored, holding a heavy saber and a weight of an adult man pushing on it with all his might.
- It's over, Jedi. - He said silently.
Before Y/N could do anything he sharply kicked her knee; the girl being paralysed by the abrupt pain weakened the grip and lost her weapon, falling right to the Vader's feet.
He was correct. It was over.
She expected him to cut off her head immediately. Instead, the man rose his hand and Y/N detected the force washing around her limbs and neck. It soon became hard to breathe. Struggling in the stealthy net of unconditional power, she granted her adversary one last look. His fuzzy, pitch black silhouette and a round slice of the moon in a vail of ochre evaporations on the background created the last image which popped out into her suffocating mind as the dizziness led her to unconsciousness...
When Y/N came to her senses, there first things she found were humidity and darkness; the latter was so deep that it took time for the girl to understand that she wasn't asleep anymore. Then the Jedi sighted that she was in a tube. Slippery and soft material had been periodically tightening around her and dragging her being somewhere down into the endless abyss. There was warm; although the girl got constantly squeezed from head to toe, she didn't feel bad about it. Actually, it reminded her of a hearty hug which her mother gave her when Y/N was standing at the doorstep of their home, ready to go for her destiny. This memory brought a smile across the maid's pretty face.
She was alive. It was undiscussable like the fact that sand in her lands was yellow. However, even God wouldn't be able to say why Darth Vader let her live. Also it was a mystery where the girl really was and why she was travelling downwards....
The tugs pulling her further and further into obscurity were accompanied by wet, short sounds which were surprisingly similar to... swallowing. It appeared like an unknown large creature devoured her whole, although such idea seemed too crazy to be the truth. Nevertheless, there were no other options. Y/N's mind was still drowsy which prevented the Jedi from panicking. Moreover - if the hypothesis was right, then she could do nothing; the tense grip of the fleshy tube and its slick surface didn't give her any chance to struggle successfully.
However, the fall didn't last long: quite soon Y/N was pushed into a bigger room which was still dark but much cozier. Some kind of liquid splashed underneath the girl as she arrived, though it didn't bother her much due to her clothes and hair had already been soaked with viscous slime in and out. The walls churned gently against her skin, massaging her stiffed muscles; faint gurgling and rhythmic "thump-thump" sound vibrating all around proved that the girl had sent her thoughts in a right direction.
Y/N pawed her waist but... predictably, she found nothing. The saber was gone, lost... it ment that if the whoever had eaten her didn't let the Jedi out by themselves, she wouldn't be released at all. A new wave of fear fulfilled her soul; she clearly imagined the process of slow, racking digestion preparing endless hours of agony for her to experience. The little Jedi curled into a ball, trembling; that's not what she thought her meaning for the world would be.
- Are you awake, Jedi? Good. I missed your company.
The words resonated in every cell of her velvet cage. Her eyes widened as the girl recognised the speaker.
- Can't be... How... - She mumbled sheepishly in confusion, looking around the stomach with so puzzled face expression as if she didn't do that a minute ago.
- Shrinking shouldn't have done you any damage.
Her heart skipped a beat.
- Are you... Still scared?
Of course, he read her emotions as if she was just an open book... No one could resist Darth Vader's force for long. It was pointless to hide or play with him. So, Y/N didn't: she laid back on the bouncy floor, letting its receptors explore her body, and lowered her eyelids.
- I am.
She thought he would laugh at her honesty, but it seemed that day Vader was up to break all her expectations: the man stayed mute. His quiet pulse and breath - here it sounded a little bit different than from the outside: it seemed as if Vader had to lift a rock with every inhale he did - were calm and somehow reassuring.
- Can I ask you something, your majesty?
Vader only hummed in response, giving her a permission to go on, though he knew the question long ago.
- Why?
She couldn't see it, but Anakin smiled. His helmet was still off; his eyes sored, burning like they were immersed in acid, and lungs scarcely contracted; however, his small internal guest's naive tone extremely amused him. He wasn't surprised his son adored this little maid.
- You haven't been involved in anything that would mean danger to me personally; and you're a too feeble to influence the situation in general. There is no worthy reason I should seek for your death.
- But...
- Just relax. I'm not going to harm you. What's done... It's done for your own good.
The adrenaline began to wear off. Y/N, slightly shivering as her nerves was settling down, instinctively snuggled more into the pillowy wrinkles of the organ which caused some mild-mannered growls. Tears of relief formed in the corners of her eyes. She couldn't believe Darth Vader talked to her like that; from what she knew about the dark commander, such kindness was basically impossible in his case...
Meanwhile, she felt as one of the walls leaned to her side, the muscles rubbing gently against her skin.
- There we go... It's OK. Of course, you were scared. But it's OK. Now, there is no threat to you...
His hand was pressed against the spot where the Sith could sense her presence. He had to put the mask on its place - Anakin couldn't longer endure the choking feeling growing in his chest with every new breath he took - and, after setting up some filters, watched as grey twilights were giving birth to the beautiful, lucid dawn. He heard his tiny prisoner's crying, but the comfort he provided her with seemed to work; after some time, the Jedi calmed down. Continuing to stroke his middle with the force - unfortunately, pleasures of non-verbal contact was lost for him decades ago - and making sure the girl felt it, he said:
- To be fair, I'm impressed. You held on much longer than I supposed you would... Luke did teach you something, after all...
Y/N being lulled by the lights touch and the man's mesmerising voice was almost asleep when these commentaries reached her ears. In order to that, she thought little while responding. Yawning, she mumbled, gently kneading alive "matras" beneath:
- With all do respect... I... I won't betray Jedies...
This was the last sentence coming out of her mouth before she started snoring peacefully, being completely drawn out of energy.
Vader chuckled.
"I would never doubt it, my brave little foe".
Luke Skywalker was in his quarters when he was reported that his father had just returned from a mission. The boy patiently waited before the soldier would come out and then - fell on his bed, hiding the face in cushions. Such moments were the worst part of his staying with Siths because he knew what kind of "missions" his father participated in. Gallons of his comrades' blood smeared Vader's hands. If all the people Vader killed would turn into ghosts, the ship would get crowded with them like a market square.
However, he had to greet Anakin in the main hall - that ritual was mandatory.
So, the boy obliged himself to stand up.
He was preparing himself for the meeting when, suddenly, he heard a quiet, but firm knock. The force was too difficult to recognise.
- Come in...
Not a man - a shadow slipped in the room and freezed in the centre. Despite strange look of the visitor, Luke seemed to cheered up by their arrival.
- My dear friend... - He gave the shadow a good pat.
But they had to be cautious. The Jedi walked to the gap his pal went through - and peeped outside, making sure no one had been following the intruder. Then he locked the door.
One of the few things Luke was grateful to his father for was lack of video-cameras in the boy's part of the space ship. Although, the were regular spies watching every his step, but even the most skilled spy can be deceived... And so, Luke had this unspoken opportunity. Undeniably, all the responsibility was on him only; nevertheless, he was ready to take the risk.
In order to that, he was always aware of what his allies were up to.
The shadow man respectfully bowed to the Jedi and leaned to the latter's ear, whispering inaudibly. Luke's face went sober.
- Are you sure?
The guest confirmed.
- Crap... - Skywalker Jr. slammed his palm with a fist. His lips turned white. - ... Did anyone...?
After receiving a negative gesture, the Jedi's pale sheeks got poured with blush.
- Blessing to the Gods...
Luke's face got even happier as he caught the last phrase said by his signalman.
- Oh, my dear... You have no idea what great news you have brought today!.. The lose of the planet is undoubtedly critical - I'm mourning with all our brothers and sisters about the lives which costed to protect it for so long... But... But she, my beloved pupil is found!.. Thank you very much for your assistance - I promise, I won't ever forget how hard you have always served us...
The shadow bowed again, that time a little lower. Then a long, thin, bare-boned arm appeared from under the folds of the cloak and pointed on the boy's wrist where the watches could be seen. Luke swatted his forehead in frustration.
- Damn... I'm almost late! Sorry, my friend - I definitely have do go before my every day nightmare suspected anything... You can't stay as well - let me uncover the way... Come on, come on...
The youth rushed to one of the walls and opened a tiny shield concealing some secret buttons only he and his father knew about. The sensors was set up to react solely to Luke's touch - one more reason for the boy to continue normal relationships with his dad - that way, no one could activate the mechanism unless a person had a piece of Skywalker's hand. The Jedi harshly dialed the password and one of the walls parted on two, revealing a narrow corridor illuminated with red lamps on the seiling.
- Get in! Fast!..
The shadow didn't make Luke ask twice - the visitor sank in with no extra hesitation, getting lost in a trice, consumed by the surroundings. Luke didn't have time to guide him; overall, his friend knew where that way led and what to do once they were out. Being sure the guest would leave the ship without a single trouble, the boy finished his outfit and went out, heading for the main dec.
Darth Vader had been already waiting for him there.
- Good day, father. Well? How did it go? Can I congratulate you with a new victory? - He shouted with a smile which was half sincere... But only for a half.
- You can. - The Lord's tone sounded kinda apathetic as if he was speaking about nothing important. - Many thanks, Luke. Did anything happen while I was away?
- Not really... - The boy said, scratching his head. - Well, two soldiers tried to destroy each other for some reason. I haven't digged in this much. Both are in jail now...
Luke could swear Anakin rolled his eyes behind the mask.
- I see. Tell the tribunal officer I'll deal with them later... There is still work to do...
- Sure thing.
The task was complete; the youth granted his father a sweet grin (a little too sweet to be honest). The dark commander was about to go, but something made him to change his mind.
- But first of all... Go after me.
A storm was coming. Skywalker Jr. subconsciously got into the battle mode. The duo crossed the hall and took a direction to the Luke's apartments. While on the way, the boy was preying to all the saints he knew.
"How could father be possibly aware? Counting on my watches, the envoy should have been already departed. I really hope he hasn't been captured... Though, my private passage doesn't connect to any of the official ones... The landing pod also belongs just to me...
What do I miss?.."
By the time he ended up his inner monologue, he and Anakin had reached their destination. Once at the place, Vader continued.
- I think I have something to hand over...
Feeling coolness expanding in his chest, the youth watched louringly as his father put a hand in a pocket and then pulled it out, having something squeezed inside.
- They wanted me to give it right in your hands...
Luke's world fell apart like a glass ball when he took a small golden medallion representing an artistically forged figure of a dolphin. He slowly blinked in shock; his feet were weak as if they were made of cotton wool. All the good mood he had was literally smashed my the view of his little student's only jewellery - the one they decided to use for communication. If Vader had it, then...
But the ambassador said...
Or did his friend mistaken...
Only now, Luke heard footsteps tailing off; Vader being nowhere around.
- WAIT! - Luke yelled, flying out of the room. He noticed the flash of a coal-colour cloak floating just before him and started a chase. - Wait, hey you!!!..
Anakin turned back. He confidently, softly looked at his pissed off child who was ready to chop his wires into spaghetti.
The weight in his belly shifted - the girl must be turning around. Bad dreams...
- Be proud, son. She is a true Jedi.
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theclosetcreature · 6 months
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I'm so happy with how this turned out :D
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unnerving-presence · 11 months
could we get some soft wesker posting? i saw another weird ass insisting that wesker is some creep and its genuinely making me so upset, im so sick of people putting my comfort character through the wringer
of course! we portray wesker normally on this blog 🫡
i think wesker would be sweet but in a very subtle way and i talk about this a bit. i don’t think he’d be so outlandish with it but you can tell he obviously favors you. yes he speaks to everybody in a very neutral manner and they probably think he sees them as a speck of dirt but the second you come in his tone changes immediately. it’s a little funny how he seems more content with you there. even he doesn’t exactly notice his tone nor his slight smile when he talks to you.
it might not be too obvious to others because in general wesker can be hard to read to most.. but once you know how he is it’s so painfully obvious that he likes you more than anybody else.
even if at times he treat and talks to you like everybody else it can be a ringer to his liking toward you. just before work he was talking to you about getting more resources to further his experiments while simultaneously making out with you like you KNOW he likes you but it’s kind of hot he’s acting like he isn’t with you like AUGHGGHH
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lacebird · 18 days
With added reverb. Make sure to use headphones 💜
You look old. You lost a fight. Trust me. You lost. So, you do remember. That's good. It means you still have a chance. To live. I'm here to finish your training. One is never too old to learn. Live... or die. I've heard that before. I haven't taught you everything yet.
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r0guedr0id · 1 year
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Just learnt Vader had some of his cervical vertebrae replaced so I had to draw it! Looked at reference but backs are just so difficult to draw. Also reading a lot of fanfic where reader can’t kiss him bc of his respirator, so I’ll continue to promote shamelessly the tracheotomy headcanon!
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darthasterisk · 1 year
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If you're going to NYCC this week, Medieval Vader, along with Boba Fett and Hawthorn the Adventurer, will be available at the Stormy Vault booth (#1857) along with a bunch of other cool toys and art 🎨
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my fancast for visser 3 is idris elba. i think he'd bring a ton of complexity to the role beyond genocidal megalomaniac (not to mention his version of alloran would flat out knock bitches dead. its me im bitches). alloran has so many facets to his personality the esteemed general turned pariah turned abomination turned broken slave, with the right guy and writing this could turn into Shakespearian levels of drama.
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