#software development in india
top-apps · 10 months
Software Development: Essential Terms for Beginners to Know
Certainly, here are some essential terms related to software development that beginners, including software developers in India, should know:
Algorithm: A step-by-step set of instructions to solve a specific problem or perform a task, often used in programming and data processing.
Code: The written instructions in a programming language that computers can understand and execute.
Programming Language: A formal language used to write computer programs, like Python, Java, C++, etc.
IDE (Integrated Development Environment): A software suite that combines code editor, debugger, and compiler tools to streamline the software development process.
Version Control: The management of changes to source code over time, allowing multiple developers to collaborate on a project without conflicts.
Git: A popular distributed version control system used to track changes in source code during software development.
Repository: A storage location for version-controlled source code and related files, often hosted on platforms like GitHub or GitLab.
Debugging: The process of identifying and fixing errors or bugs in software code.
API (Application Programming Interface): A set of protocols and tools for building software applications. It specifies how different software components should interact.
Framework: A pre-built set of tools, libraries, and conventions that simplifies the development of specific types of software applications.
Database: A structured collection of data that can be accessed, managed, and updated. Examples include MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB.
Frontend: The user-facing part of a software application, typically involving the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design.
Backend: The server-side part of a software application that handles data processing, database interactions, and business logic.
API Endpoint: A specific URL where an API can be accessed, allowing applications to communicate with each other.
Deployment: The process of making a software application available for use, typically on a server or a cloud platform.
DevOps (Development and Operations): A set of practices that aim to automate and integrate the processes of software development and IT operations.
Agile: A project management and development approach that emphasizes iterative and collaborative work, adapting to changes throughout the development cycle.
Scrum: An Agile framework that divides work into time-boxed iterations called sprints and emphasizes collaboration and adaptability.
User Story: A simple description of a feature from the user's perspective, often used in Agile methodologies.
Continuous Integration (CI) / Continuous Deployment (CD): Practices that involve automatically integrating code changes and deploying new versions of software frequently and reliably.
Sprint: A fixed time period (usually 1-4 weeks) in Agile development during which a specific set of tasks or features are worked on.
Algorithm Complexity: The measurement of how much time or memory an algorithm requires to solve a problem based on its input size.
Full Stack Developer: A developer who is proficient in both frontend and backend development.
Responsive Design: Designing software interfaces that adapt and display well on various screen sizes and devices.
Open Source: Software that is made available with its source code, allowing anyone to view, modify, and distribute it.
These terms provide a foundational understanding of software development concepts for beginners, including software developers in India.
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best web designing companies in India - Microlent Systems
Microlent Systems is a software development company based in India that provides web designing services to clients worldwide. They have a team of experienced web designers who can create custom website solutions for businesses of all sizes. They specialize in creating websites that are user-friendly, visually appealing, and optimized for search engines.
Microlent Systems uses a human-centered design approach that puts the user at the center of the design process, ensuring that the end product is intuitive, easy to use, and visually appealing. They use the latest web technologies like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, and more to develop websites that are fast, secure, and scalable.
In addition to web designing services, Microlent Systems also provides services like software development, mobile app development, eCommerce development, UI UX design, and more.
Overall, if you are looking for a web designing company in India, Microlent Systems is definitely a company worth considering. Their focus on quality, scalability and user experience makes them a top choice for businesses that want to create a strong online presence.
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lokesh-phpmlm · 1 year
Binary MLM Software Development in Tamil Nadu - 6 Year Experience in Industry
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Binary MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) is a popular compensation plan in the MLM software system which is used in network marketing where distributors are organized into a binary tree structure or a left and right leg. Each distributor has the opportunity to recruit two new distributors, one on the left and one on the right leg. These two distributors then have the same opportunity to recruit two distributors each, creating a binary tree structure.
MLM business plans are highly sought-after in today's business market. We are the Binary MLM Development Company and provide the Binary MLM script with a great network marketing technique and maximum return on investment. It alludes to a compensation scheme with a two-legged down-line positioned as a right and left genealogical structure with a map perspective. The level bonus, pair bonus, matching bonus, and pair commission will all be credited to Sponsor and User. We will give you the ideal platform for a Binary MLM compensation plan for your business growth.
Binary network marketing software often offer several ways for distributors to earn commissions, including direct sales, team commissions, and bonuses for achieving sales targets or recruiting goals. Our MLM Binary plan software demo gives you the overall idea of the business plan and running strategies. However, it's important to note that MLM and binary MLM software companies have a controversial reputation and may be considered unethical by some people.
As with any business opportunity, it's important to research and carefully consider the potential risks and rewards before getting involved in binary MLM PHP script or any network marketing. Additionally, it's important to choose a reputable and ethical MLM company that adheres to best practices and values the well-being of its distributors and customers.
Some Interesting features
We develop an open-source code script and can customize our Binary MLM tree script based on your requirements.
We have a database with a large capacity to load numerous data at the same instant.
Our user-friendly URL makes navigation easy, and the admin can control all website customization without technical knowledge.
We have a multi-level security system that is free from hackers and malware.
The product is completely Band-free and provides three months of technical support without cost.
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kadamtechseo · 2 years
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Software Development in India
It was said that if you don't love what you are doing, You are going to fail. Isn't it makes sense?
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arus-world · 2 years
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shantitechnology · 6 months
How Manufacturers Can Manage Growth with ERP
In the dynamic landscape of manufacturing, where growth is the ultimate goal, the ability to adapt and streamline operations is paramount.  Enter ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), a powerful solution that has revolutionized the way manufacturers operate.  In this blog, we'll explore the significant role of ERP software for manufacturing industry and how it serves as a catalyst for sustainable growth.  Whether you're in traditional manufacturing or a software development company, ERP solutions are key to optimizing processes and managing growth effectively.
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Understanding the Essence of ERP Software for Manufacturing:
1.         Efficiency Unleashed:
ERP system for manufacturing industry is designed to enhance operational efficiency by integrating various business processes.  From order management and procurement to production planning and inventory control, ERP systems bring together disparate functions into a unified platform, eliminating silos and enhancing overall efficiency.
2.         Real-time Insights:
One of the key advantages of ERP solutions is the ability to provide real-time insights into business operations.  Manufacturers can make informed decisions based on up-to-date information, helping them respond swiftly to market changes, manage resources effectively, and capitalize on growth opportunities.
3.         Scalability Matters:
As a manufacturer, scalability is a constant consideration.  Whether you're a growing traditional manufacturing unit or a software development company expanding its operations, ERP systems offer scalability to accommodate changing needs.  The modular nature of ERP solutions allows businesses to add or modify functionalities as they evolve.
4.         Improved Collaboration:
Collaboration is the bedrock of successful manufacturing.  ERP fosters better communication and collaboration by providing a centralized platform where employees across different departments can access and share information seamlessly.  This not only enhances teamwork but also accelerates decision-making processes.
ERP Software for Manufacturing Industry:  Tailoring Solutions for Success
1.         Production Planning and Scheduling:
In the manufacturing realm, effective production planning and scheduling are crucial for meeting customer demands and maintaining optimal inventory levels.  ERP systems facilitate streamlined production processes, enabling manufacturers to create realistic production schedules, allocate resources efficiently, and minimize downtime.
2.         Supply Chain Management:
A well-integrated supply chain is essential for manufacturers.  ERP solution for the manufacturing industry ensures smooth coordination between suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors.  This results in better inventory management, reduced lead times, and ultimately, improved customer satisfaction.
3.         Quality Control:
Maintaining consistent product quality is non-negotiable in manufacturing.  ERP solutions provide tools for comprehensive quality control by enabling real-time monitoring of production processes, tracking defects, and ensuring adherence to quality standards.  This not only boosts customer confidence but also reduces wastage and rework costs.
4.         Financial Management:
The financial aspect is the backbone of any business.  ERP systems for manufacturing offer robust financial management capabilities, including invoicing, expense tracking, and financial reporting.  This level of financial control is invaluable for manufacturers looking to manage growth effectively and make strategic financial decisions.
ERP for Software Development Company:  Tailoring Solutions to Tech
1.         Project Management:
For software development companies, managing projects efficiently is critical.  ERP solutions designed for the software development industry offer project management modules that help track project timelines, allocate resources effectively, and ensure that development projects stay on course.
2.         Resource Planning:
In the software development realm, talent is a primary resource.  ERP systems tailored for software companies facilitate resource planning by providing insights into employee availability, skills, and project commitments.  This ensures optimal resource allocation for project success.
3.         Version Control and Collaboration:
Version control and collaboration are key aspects of software development.  ERP solutions for software companies include features that enable version control, code collaboration, and documentation management.  This ensures that development teams work cohesively, leading to efficient project outcomes.
4.         Compliance and Security:
In the software development industry, compliance and security are paramount.  ERP systems for software companies often include modules that help manage compliance with industry standards and ensure data security.  This is especially crucial in an era where data protection is a top priority.
As manufacturers navigate the complexities of growth, ERP software emerges as an indispensable tool for success.  Whether you're in traditional manufacturing or a software development company, the benefits of ERP systems are far-reaching.  From enhancing operational efficiency and providing real-time insights to tailoring solutions for specific industry needs, ERP is the key to managing growth effectively.  Embrace the power of ERP, and propel your manufacturing operations into a future of streamlined processes, informed decision-making, and sustained success.
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techy-guy · 1 month
In our opinion, Sachin Dev Duggal of Builder.ai "is by no means a mistake"
A software development platform called Builder.ai Led by Sachin Dev Duggal, with its headquarters in London, delivered Air India a "gift" around Valentine's Day. In order to show its "adoration" for this present, it developed an app prototype and subsequently published advertisements in a national daily. However, AI publicly shot down Builder.ai's show of adoration
The airline responded to Sachin Dev Duggal's Builder.ai's "gift" by releasing a social media statement informing the public that it is unrelated to the advertisement, app, business, or promised free seats. Additionally, it states that it won't be held accountable for any improper use of the information gathered via the promoted software and QR code.
According to the statement, Air India, a part of the Tata Group, is also "contemplating suitable action against the issuer of the advertisement."
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ezeonsoft · 1 month
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Top Mobile app development company in Ayodhya Uttarpradesh 2024. Ezeonsoft is top android app development company in Ayodhya 2024. Get android app and ios app according your need. Ezeonsoft is providing free consultant for app development cost and time and other technical details so jut make a call to team Ezeonsoft for free : call. : +91- 9415964405 / 04 www.ezeonsoft.com GET YOUR BUSINESS APP TODAY SET YOUR BUSINESS LIKE BRAND
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nividawebsolutions · 9 months
Top eCommerce Development Company in Vadodara, Gujarat, India - Nivida Web Solution
Looking for the best eCommerce development company in Vadodara, Gujarat, or India? Look no further! Nivida Web Solution is your trusted partner for cutting-edge eCommerce solutions. With a track record of delivering exceptional online stores, we offer top-notch eCommerce development services tailored to your business needs. Whether you're a startup or an established brand, our expert team will craft a custom eCommerce platform that boosts your online presence, increases sales, and enhances user experience. Contact us today for the most reliable eCommerce development services in Vadodara, Gujarat, and across India.
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himanshurashtech · 2 months
RashTech Info: Your Partner in E-Commerce Success
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RashTech Info: Empowering e-commerce triumphs with tailored solutions. From seamless integrations to dynamic marketing strategies, we're your dedicated ally in online success. Unleash your potential with our expertise and drive. Elevate your e-commerce game with RashTech Info by your side. Let's navigate the digital landscape together.
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ampleservtechnologies · 2 months
We offer unique software solutions to grow your business. We are group of experienced software architect, engineers, testers and project managers. We have built many applications and products using several technologies..
AmpleServ products and solutions are used worldwide. With vertical focus toward best industry solutions Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Hotel Management, Social Media Apps, HCM Payroll Solution, e-Commerce, Integration Systems, Project Management and several products to extend core functionality of SAP Business One. Apart from the streamlined services, we offer a bunch of products..
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OTT Website Development Company in India
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Over-the-top (OTT) platforms have gained immense popularity in recent years, as they offer a wide range of entertainment options to consumers, ranging from movies and TV shows to live sports and news. As the demand for OTT services continues to grow, businesses are increasingly turning to OTT website development companies to help them build and launch their own platforms.
In India, one such company that has established itself as a leading player in the field of OTT website development is Microlent Systems. With a focus on software development, web development, and ERP development, Microlent Systems has become a go-to choice for businesses looking to create engaging and effective OTT platforms.
Software Development Services:
Microlent Systems offers a wide range of software development services, including custom software development, application development, and software maintenance and support. Their team of experienced developers uses the latest tools and technologies to create software solutions that meet the specific needs of their clients.
Web Development Services:
Microlent Systems also specializes in web development, with a focus on creating high-performance, user-friendly websites that are optimized for search engines. They offer a range of web development services, including website design, website development, e-commerce website development, and website maintenance.
ERP Development Services:
Microlent Systems is also known for its expertise in ERP development, offering customized ERP solutions that help businesses streamline their operations and improve efficiency. Their ERP development services cover everything from system analysis and design to implementation and maintenance.
Microlent Systems has established a strong reputation in the industry for its quality services and customer-focused approach. Their team of experienced professionals works closely with clients to understand their specific needs and provide tailored solutions that deliver results.
If you're looking for an OTT website development company in India that can help you create a successful platform, Microlent Systems is definitely worth considering. With their expertise in software development, web development, and ERP development, they have the skills and experience to help you build an engaging and effective OTT platform that meets your unique needs. Contact them today to learn more about their services and how they can help your business succeed.
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s1000dcodeandpixels · 3 months
IETM for Beginners A Quick Guide to IETM Code and Pixels
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IETM: Interactive Electronic Technical Manual
Training Aids to Defence Client
If you are a supplier of defence then along with the system/equipment you also need to provide Training Aids
(CBT) — Computer-Based Training
Charts and Bloups
Video Film
Training Work Modules
Manuals Hard Copies
Evolution of Documentation in Defence
Before — Hardcopies and PDFs in DVDs (Upto 2015)
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What is the meaning of the IETM?
Manual: Manual means any literature organized or written in a prescribed manner to guide the user.
TechnicalManual: This means the literature is technical, like user manuals, maintenance manuals etc. Hard copy
Electronic Technical Manual: This means the manual is available in the form of an electronic version which simply means digital format or softcopy. It can be a PDF file or a database-driven software application.
Interactive Electronic Technical Manual:
Let us first understand the meaning of Interactive. The meaning of interactive is two people or things influencing each other.
Allowing a two-way flow of information between an electronic device /computer and a user; responding to a user’s input.
Involving the actions or input of a user. Especially
It means when the Electronic User manuals Interact and respond with the user, that is you, it will become an Interactive Electronic Technical manual.
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Interactive Features
Hot Spots
Text hotspot
Image hotspot
User wise bookmarks
Linear navigation
Non-liner navigation
Page Search
Global search
Best matched
Content tree
Related topics
User wise bookmarks
The documents and pages are many hence, for easy and fast accessibility complete content is converted and stored as a database.
Whenever the user wants some information, IETM software produces the information in a fraction of a second.
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Use or Purpose of the IETM?
The purpose of the Manual is to give information related to the equipment to the end user for quick reference.
All the technicality is written in detail so that when an issue arises, the user can refer to the manual, as every time OEM or technical person or subject matter expert might not be available on the spot to resolve the issue.
If the manual has 10 pages users can refer easily.
But any system used by the defence will have multiple manuals and thousands of page counts and many times a user has to cross-refer between manuals, intra-manual and inter-manual to resolve the issue.
Referring to 10- 15 hard-copy or even soft-copy books simultaneously will be difficult and time-consuming.
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How to access the IETM ?
IETM is a web-based application like our bank software or any other web application. The graphic user interface will be provided to use IETM through which users can interact and get the desired data.
Like all other standard software, Unauthorized users cannot access the IETM. IETM is a Login - login-based application. Only users having valid Login credentials can access the software.
Based on the user log credentials data will be provided to the user.
IETM has 2 types of Users and one Administrator
If the operator logs in, the user gets all the content related to operator use, similarly if the maintainer logs in only maintenance-related content is visible for that user.
Ideally, all the content is available for both users, because the purpose of the IETM is to refer to the manual to fix the issue.
Administrators can create users who can see the user’s navigation and log-in history and interact with the users using user dashboards through Annotations.
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What Inputs are Needed? (From OEM to Create IETM)
All the softcopies of user manuals to be converted to IETM.
All images Videos, and drawings to be integrated into IETM.
Subject matter expert to resolve technical clarifications
Table of contents/tree structure.
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Minimum Hardware Requirements?
NO High-end hardware or servers are required to run IETM.
However, if more concurrent users, then a good configuration server with good LAN connectivity must be ensured.
i3 with 8 GB RAM systems is the minimum configuration required for the server or for Node.
BASED DB (Manuals are covered in the Database)
User Manual and Installation Manual
Standards — compliance
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Costing of IETM: (Interactive Electronic Technical Manual)
Level of IETM, is it Level 3 or Level 4
Cost will be based on the number of pages that are to be converted
The vendor calculates the cost per page. And a fixed cost of IETM viewer software
If you want to create IETM by yourself self then you also need to buy IETM authoring software.
What are these Levels?
Level — 1 is any PDF file
Level — 2 is a PDF file with hyperlinks from the table of contents to the body etc.
Level — 3 is an HTML application. More hyperlinks, simple search, a content tree having log a screen with a hardcoded username and password and supplied in the format of EXE so that Windows can easily open
Level — 4 is Software plus Content/manuals converted as Database
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Regarding Level — 5, rest assured, till 2028 it will be Level — 4 only. As of now, there is nothing practically called Level — 5. Few are calling virtual reality and Augmented reality and Artificial intelligence Level — 5.
Pulling data from many user inputs and analyzing and giving results are done in Level — 5. IETM software cannot pull the data from various real-time points as No OEM will give the real-time information to third-party software directly. Yes, if the information is available offline, then that information can be imported into IETM and can be used as a reference.
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Netizens Technologies stands as a premier IT firm based in India, offering a comprehensive suite of services encompassing website development, app development, software development, UI/UX design, and digital marketing. With our establishment dating back to 2016, we boast a demonstrable history of accomplishments. Our seasoned team is committed to delivering top-notch services, consistently aiming to surpass client expectations. Reach out to us today to explore how we can contribute to the growth of your business.
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A collection of IT resources. #tumblr#google
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shantitechnology · 6 months
Transform Your Business Dynamics with STERP – Pioneering ERP Solutions for Manufacturing Excellence
Unlock unparalleled efficiency and innovation in your manufacturing processes with STERP (ShantiTechnology), your trusted partner in ERP solutions for manufacturing. Our cutting-edge ERP software for the Manufacturing Industry, ensuring seamless operations, enhanced productivity, and optimal resource utilization. STERP provides ERP for Software Development Company which manages projects, track resources, and enhance collaboration seamlessly. ERP System for Manufacturing Industry covers the entire spectrum – from inventory and financial management to HR processes.
STERP (shantitechnology) brings it all to your fingertips.
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