dojizerker · 3 months
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New crowdfunding announced for "Sword Tradition Project". The goal is to make 14 swords, as well as restoring the koshirae.
Touken Ranbu will be officially collaborating to support the project. A new illustration of Sohayanotsurugi by Miwa Shirow as a part of it!
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sword-brainrot · 1 year
Saniwa can sew really well, and they make Oodenta a plush animal so he can feel less alone. How does he react to the gift?
Saniwa Makes Oodenta a Plush Animal
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♡ When you hand him the small plush, he holds it in the palm of his hand. Just Staring At It. No expression or grasp on it at all.
♡ It looks so tiny in his hand and his eyes are just taking in all the detail of it but refusing to let his fingers even touch it slightly in fear he may break it.
♡ You will probably grow a bit anxious as you watch him because on the outside, it looks like he doesn't know what to do with it and doesn't appreciate the effort you put in.
♡ Sohayanotsurugi would have to elbow his brother to get him to snap out of his trance with a smile on his face as he comments, "Your gift made me speechless, aruji!"
♡ Only when his brother gently elbows his arm does he realize that the world isn't just him and this plush animal.
♡ Oodenta is terrible at conveying his emotions well but realizing he was staring off into space, he will lock eyes with you once more and mutter a soft; "thank you".
♡ Before going back to looking at the stuff animal in his hand.
♡ That is really everything that happens that you see when you first hand over the gift. You don't see the animal again or hear Oodenta mention it again until many months later.
♡ Part of you probably thought he lost it or didn't care for it but that is the complete opposite of what actually happened.
♡ Oodenta was so enamored by the small little guy that he didn't want any harm to come to it. You took the time to sew something just for him and he didn't want to destroy it.
♡ Most days, he is too scared to touch it. He thinks just his grasp with tear it apart.
♡ He gives his new friend a spot in his room and makes sure they are always safe. They can get plenty of sun, and even gives it a bed at night.
♡ He is very doting to the friend you made him. Even if most days, he just stares at it at a far. Filled with fond emotions.
♡ On hard days of animals running away from him or he is feeling extra lonely, Oodenta does hold it gently in his cupped hands. Sometimes even falling asleep with it at night.
♡ No matter how careful he is with the plush animal, a day comes that breaks his heart.
♡ Thinking there was a speck of lint on his small friend, he tries to pull it off, only for the little guy's stitching rips.
♡ He is heartbroken. You took the time to make him something he cares so much for and he ruined it.
♡ If you think Oodenta is standoffish and doesn't make eye-contact before, it's on a whole another level after this incident.
♡ He CAN'T look you in the eye or even in your general direction. He is filled with so much guilt.
♡ It comes to the point where Sohaya has to step in again and tell you what happened.
♡ With your sewing kit in hand, you make your way to his room to fix his buddy.
♡ Oodenta blocks your path when he opens the door. He can not let you see the horror he committed.
♡ Regardless, you get passed the scary giant to see that the plush in in a small bed with what looks like a cast covering the spot where it ripped. It's too cute that you have to muffle your laughter to not hurt Oodenta's feelings.
♡ Honestly, the rip is not terrible at all. Just enough of the stitching came undone to have some of the fluff inside pop out slightly.
♡ You can tell he attempted to try to fix it himself but quickly gave up when he couldn't get the hang of it and thought he was making it worse.
♡ This is the only time that you realize Oodenta is wearing a very gloomy and concerned expression on his face. His eyebrows are knitted together as his glare is fixed on the ground. Almost looking like a dejected puppy that just got caught playing with a pillow and ripping it.
♡ You are able to fix it within a minute at most and gave the animal back to him, where he cradles it gently in his cupped hand. Staring again at it like when you first gave it to him.
♡ You tell him that whenever it needs fixing again, to come to your office so you can make sure to tie it together once again.
♡ You don't know if he will but clearly he treasures it plenty, so you feel pretty confident in the future he will ask you to fix it for him.
♡ Also making note to give his plush friend some more plush friends of its own.
♡ He may not smile or verbally express how much he cherishes the gifts you give him, but actions speak louder than words sometimes. And Oodenta's unapologetically can not mask how much he cares about his tiny plush animal friend.
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vividblaze · 10 months
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I saw the light of the outside!!
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mulberry-mansion · 1 year
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*tw: blood in the last pic
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mihotose · 2 years
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[sanjou + shinsengumi] [mihotose + genji + musuhaji] [kishou + gou] [paraiso + kokoro oboe + kousui]
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shingansoul · 1 year
Okaeri, Kyoudai (Touken Ranbu fanfic)
A moment amongst many between two brothers in a storage shed on the edge of the citadel. No matter what challenges Oodenta proved for himself and for his Kyoudai to tackle, Sohaya was always happy to be there at his brother's side.
To read on AO3, follow the link below. To read here, continue past the read more!
“Kyoudai, you gotta pay more attention to yourself out there.”
Sohaya’s words were scolding, but his tone was gentle and a bit distracted as he applied a bandage over a cut across Oodenta’s cheekbone. His patient obediently tilted his head for easier access and only sighed softly, glancing away from his brother. 
“...I couldn’t feel it, so I didn't think there was any need for anyone to have to tend to me.”
Sohaya shook his head, continuing on to coax the other out of his battle uniform’s jacket so he could check on what lay beneath. With the garment gone, it laid bare various nicks and cuts bleeding in small smears across Oodenta’s arms and a particularly deep cut that seemed to travel across the full wrap around of his side to his hip. It wasn’t too serious as the blood wasn’t pouring out of him like some gruesome fountain, and both of them were used to much worse injuries. Being manageable didn't make Sohaya worry and less though.
“Well, if that were the case I don’t think we’d be here now would we?”
He turned to his side and grabbed some peroxide and a cloth pad he had managed to snag from Yagen’s supplies in the healing room, getting to work on the smaller cuts first as they would take less time and less maneuvering the other sword around. Oodenta would never spook or directly say no to his kyoudai, but that didn't mean Sohaya was a true exception to his characteristic discomfort and unease with being touched for too long or without warning. He wanted to ease Oodenta through the process as much as he could.
“.....I’m sorry…Sohayanotsurugi..”
Sohaya was quick to glance up from his work at that, ruby red eyes meeting darker crimson ones. Oodenta met his gaze, for once holding it as if the attention would further prove his honesty.
The blonde moved forward from his kneeling position, leaning until his forehead pressed against his brother’s. Oodenta seemed to wilt a bit further under the contact, but he didn't speak or try to move away. They stayed just like that, Oodenta leaned up against the storehouse back wall with one leg outstretched and the other pulled up and leaning to the side a bit and Sohaya kneeling before him, holding himself in the slightly awkward leaning position with his hands so he didn't put all his weight against the other.
“You don’t need to feel bad about getting hurt, I just want you to care more about yourself and get help if you need it. Even if it is just seeking me or Maeda out, nobody here wants to see you hurt. What good would it do if I hadn't seen you slinking back here when I was back from chores, would you have just sat here and let yourself bleed out?”
Oodenta hummed softly, giving genuine thought to the question. Before he could give a response, Sohaya moved back once more to sit on his haunches,shaking his head.
“Nevermind, it worked out and I'm here so let’s just work on these injuries and getting you back to peak condition, yeah?”
His brother nodded, seeming to relax a bit at those words. With a fond smile, Sohaya returned to his work, cleaning each of the cuts and placing a bandage on it as needed. When it came to the deeper gash, Sohaya didn't bother with asking and just unbuttoned the dress shirt and untied the rope and leather harness Oodenta wore and got to work cleaning away dried blood that had crusted into his brother’s pale skin so he could assess the real damage. Oodenta didn't make a sound as peroxide hit open wound, though Sohaya was almost glad to notice the slight rise in attention as Oodenta’s gaze swiveled over and down.
‘So he can feel that, that’s good.’ 
Oodenta Mitsuyo had not adjusted to life in a human body well at all, seemingly worse than a lot of the other blades, holy or otherwise. Most usually  struggled in adapting to having human needs, which was a more than fair adjustment to have to contend with. However, for Oodenta it seemed he had troubles differentiating not just his new needs, but also just connecting with his own sense of self at all. 
His emotions were intense and yet it seemed Oodenta struggled on being able to identify and express them at all. He was very quick to accept orders or guidance from others, even in things he found uncomfortable he would never truly put up a fight or disobey someone and it was to a bit of a worrying degree, Sohaya had concerns for his own autonomy at times admittedly. And anyone who had spent longer periods of time with Oodenta would find it hard to miss the patches of time where he just seemed…lost, like either he wasn’t really physically there in the moment or he would suddenly “come back” to himself and seem displaced entirely. Sohaya had only asked him about it once directly, and the genuine confusion Oodenta had in response and the admittance of not having recall for the time prior was enough to make him not ask further. He didn't want to scare his brother with something they couldn’t quite handle, and it had never been an issue in battle thankfully so it was just another odd quirk of his precious brother’s.
In the end, Sohaya had needed to use the needle and thread to stitch up Oodenta’s side, something the other only nodded to being told and with a little awkward adjusting it was done. Afterwards, Oodenta looked absolutely drained and Sohaya didn't blame him. He had gone out on a few days long mission and came back only to go straight into treatment here with him.
“Neh, Kyoudai, do you feel up to eating anything before you pass out?”
He was answered by a slow head shake, the other quietly adjusting himself where he sat to let both legs relax in front of him. He looked a bit more than ready to topple over, Sohaya noted as he let himself slide into place on his brother's left. As if on cue, Oodenta let himself list to that side, resting his temple against the blonde’s shoulder, causing Sohaya to chuckle brightly.
He waited patiently, a smile on his lips as he did his best to cant his head at an angle that he could catch some of his brother's expression in the corner of his eye.
“...My hair…would you…”
Sohaya hummed, already knowing the question. He turned himself a bit causing his brother to slump forward a bit more into his collarbone which freed up his shoulder and thus his arm. With the new mobility, he reached around Oodenta’s head to tug at the string tying up the small ponytail that kept some of the other’s hair out of he way in combat. When it gave in to the insistent tugging, dark bluish hair fell down into  and around Oodenta’s face. Mission complete, Sohaya did his best to shift back to leaning against the wall, Oodenta letting himself be pushed and adjusted back to rest on the other’s shoulder like before.
“Sohaya..?” Oodenta’s voice was softer than before, spoken more into his brother’s shoulder than out loud. Nonetheless, as always, Sohaya hummed in attention.
“....I think…you’re like the sun…”
Sohaya blinked, a laugh bubbling past his lips. “Is that so, what makes you say so, kyoudai?”
Oodenta was slow to speak, but Sohaya gave him rapt attention and patience. His brother was never the direct or forthright type, though whether that was on purpose due to his shyness or if it was apart of his struggle to articulate himself at times could be up for anyone’s guess.
“...You are warm, and bright, and you nurture the things around you. The world doesn't feel like it would be the same without you shining down on it.”
Sohaya’s face felt a bit warm and unable to engage in anything more due to the position, he leaned his head to the side to rest atop Oodenta’s and nuzzled his cheek into newly freed locks. Oodenta made a soft noise, surprised at the contact but he relaxed into it after a moment and even shyly returned the affection into the other’s shoulder. Albeit it in a more subdued amount and pressure.
“What am I going to do with you, huh? My precious only kyoudai. If I'm the sun then it only makes sense that you’re the moon.”
“...isn’t Mikazuki Munechika..-”
“Iya ya ya, you’re the moon to my sun. Just for us, just here, alright?”
“You’re quiet and gentle, you’re darker and a bit more mysterious, but you inspire people to things they’d never be capable of on their own. You draw people in like the tide, you’re important too.”
He was met with silence, and only after moments stretched into almost a minute did he finally receive a quiet but meaningful,
“ Oh.”
“I’m glad we’re getting to do this together, Kyoudai. I wouldn't want it any other way.”
He felt Oodenta shift beside him, his legs curling in to press knees against the side of his own leg, and he felt a sudden tug to the side of his pants at his thigh where Oodenta now gripped the fabric tentatively.
“...I'm also glad…to be here…I wouldn't want to be here alone either. It wouldn't be….right without Sohaya.”
Sohaya smiled wide and bright, an eye-catching expression if it weren't hidden away in a shed at the edge of the citadel in the dark. But that was fine, because it was just for him and Oodenta just like this moment was. He sat there, content and comfortable despite the wood surfaces to his back and beneath him as he heard his brother’s breathing start to even out with sleep, the excursions and conversation finally wearing him out.
“Okaeri, kyoudai.”
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oneesanmarket · 2 years
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Touken Ranbu: Sohayanotsurugi - Potedan! Keychain
Size: 4cm  
Price: 5€/10USD
(Shipping price not included)
Units Available :2
(Send us a message or comment if you’re interested)
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mariaantonnietta · 11 months
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I ended the 80 runs yesterday night, goddamn I had never needed to do the expert map before. I wanted him and he doesn't appear that often as a reward anymore, so here we are, happy to get him. Still, Uff, lots of grinding and help tokens lost there. At least i leveled up tomoegata and juzumaru ( tomoegata especially, naginatas are hell to level up, and boy, level 99 tomoegata is beast)
Juzumaru leadership is high as hell, i loved him so much that i sent him to kiwame and bought his casual outfit (i mean, the clouds, the grey, the realization that half his hair has been white all along how did i miss that) Generally you want to wait to sent bigger swords to kiwame so they come back a higher level ( a 35 level kwm tachi is a lot less powerfull than a 99 ubu one, you want them to accumulate exp first) i gather he should come back at level 40, is still low for a tachi, but i wanted to sent him to kiwame so that's the important part)
I don't know about the upcoming regiment battle, not in the mood to grind that much again, will probably focus aim to get chiganemaru finally. Excited to see the new sword design tough.
Anyways, another touken ranbu post, see you all later!
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rz-jocelyn · 10 months
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Itoshi no Hakana: "Musical Touken Ranbu" Cast Members who Attended "Itoshi no Hakana"
"Itoshi no Hakana" is the inaugural first production of Isamu Kayano's new theater unit "Akudo Kaigi". The actors of the production were personally chosen by Kayano-san, including Ryuji. Kayano-san also decided to come out of retirement as an actor and return to the stage after 20 years because he wanted to act with Ryuji.
Kayano-san has worked with Ryuji since the "Musical Touken Ranbu ~Trial Performance~" in 2015 (the first production in the "Musical Touken Ranbu" franchise) where Ryuji played Kashuu Kiyomitsu.
Torigoe Yuki (Yamatonokami Yasusada)
Takahashi Kensuke (Hachisuka Kotetsu)
Itokawa Yojiro (Urashima Kotetsu)
Kuroba Mario (Mikazuki Munechika)
Ohno Ryota (Team Kashuu Tanki)
Sugiyama Ryoji (Team Kashuu Tanki)
Sakiyama Tsubasa (Ishikirimaru)
Iwasaki Daisuke (Atsukashiyama Ibun, Bakumatsu Tenrouden)
Takagi Tomoyuki (Hijikata Toshiro)
Araki Kentarou (Minamoto no Yoshitsune)
Katayama Hironori (Atsukashiyama Ibun)
Arisawa Shoutarou (Izuminokami Kanesada)
Imari Yu (Nagasone Kotetsu)
Tamura Shin (Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki)
Tachibana Yuta (Buzen Gou)
Konishi Seiya (Suishinshi Masahide)
Kato Daigo (Yamanbagiri Kunihiro)
Kitazono Ryo (Kogitsunemaru)
Ishibashi Hiroki (Hyuuga Masamune)
Fukui Tomoya (Kuwana Gou)
Saeki Daichi (Iwatooshi)
Ohira Shunya (Imanotsurugi)
spi (Tonbokiri)
Okamiya Kurumu (Tsurumaru Kuninaga)
Makishima Hikaru (Ookurikara)
Raita (Oodenta Mitsuyo)
Nakao Masaki (Sohayanotsurugi)
Sadamoto Fuuma (Okita Souji)
Washio Noboru (Tokugawa Ieyasu)
[1] Torigoe Yuki has also co-starred with Ryuji in "Ehon Gappo ga Tsuji".
[2] Kuroba Mario has also co-starred with Ryuji in "FIVE", "please please please", "Sea Opening", "Genepro☆7", the Movie Theatre "Success Sou", "SPOOKY!!" and "Musical The Prince of Tennis".
[3] Ohno Ryota, Katayama Hironori and Nakao Masaki have also co-starred with Ryuji in the "Live Spectacle NARUTO"
[4] Sakiyama Tsubasa has also co-starred with Ryuji in "Ochanomizu Rock", the "Nelke Idol Stage" series and "Kamen Rider Geats".
[5] Araki Kentarou has also co-starred with Ryuji in "Genepro☆7".
[6] Tamura Shin has also co-starred with Ryuji in "Prince Shotoku's Kitchen".
[7] Konishi Seiya has also co-starred with Ryuji in "Musical The Prince of Tennis".
[8] Kitazono Ryo has also worked with Ryuji on "Castor & Pollux", the stage play that Ryuji wrote and directed. Additionally, he has co-starred with Ryuji in the "Live Spectacle NARUTO", the Online Reading "Lily & Rose" Vol. 01 and the Movie Theatre "Success Sou".
[9] Ishibashi Hiroki has also co-starred with Ryuji in "Warau Salesman" THE STAGE.
[10] Fukui Tomoya has also co-starred with Ryuji in "HiGH&LOW".
[11] Ohira Shunya has also co-starred with Ryuji as a member of Present◆5 in the "Nelke Idol Stage" series.
[12] spi is also a member of ZIPANG OPERA, the performance unit that Ryuji is in.
[13] Makishima Hikaru has also co-starred with Ryuji in "Outro Double" from the Double Drive series.
[14] Sadamoto Fuuma has also co-starred with Ryuji in "Jujutsu Kaisen" The Stage, the "Live Spectacle NARUTO", "REAL⇔FAKE" and the Movie Theatre "Success Sou".
[15] Nakao Masaki has also co-starred with Ryuji in the "Nelke Idol Stage" series and the "Live Spectacle NARUTO".
For more information on how to purchase the goods and Blu-ray/DVD for "Itoshi no Hakana", please refer to this link: HERE
Source(s): ( x , x , x , x , x , x , x , x , x , x )
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topazadine · 2 years
I firmly believe Oodenta never moved out of that outbuilding thing and instead his besties Sohayanotsurugi and Maeda made it more comfortable with, like, cute curtains and shit
They just stole Hasebe’s wallet and went down to the general store that contains everything in the known universe and bought everything cozy and comfy that they could possibly find while Oodenta was out on sortie, filling the place with decorative cushions and ugly vases and tacky little signs like a Western housewife’s wet dream
And of course Oodenta couldn’t say no or complain about it because Maeda’s puppy eyes are actually made of solid steel, so he just nodded and said thanks, and now he sleeps on a bed made entirely of throw pillows because there’s no room for a futon anymore
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firefighting-idiot · 1 year
Hit account level 200 today
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Here's a little progress report for myself to look back on when I hit another milestone
General Info:
Total Swords: 154
Total Kiwame Swords: 53
Completed Categories: Ootachi, Naginata, Tsurugi
Highest XP Sword: Shichiseiken
Highest Level Kiwame Sword: Goto Toushiro
Missing Swords (Excluding Kiwame: Oodenta Mitsuyo, Sohayanotsurugi, Taikou Samonji, Oochidori Juumonji Yari
Honmaru Info:
Current Attendant: Kasen Kanesada
Current Backdrop: Minorly Frigid - Camellia
Total Collected Backdrops: 60
Total Collected Yukatas: 14
Saved Teams:
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vividblaze · 11 months
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The way Sohaya sneezes when making troops... 🥲💖
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oshi-nakadapiroki · 2 years
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『Timeline』 真剣乱舞祭 2022
Performed by Akashi Kuniyuki (Nakada Hiroki) and Sohayanotsurugi (Nakao Masaki) at Shinkenranbusai 2022.6.25, Tokyo matinée performance.
P1 / P2
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mandilo · 2 years
House cleaning Bromides sales post
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this butai touken ranbu first stage Dvd is 30€ shipping included
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Toumyu monoyoshi, nagasone and yasusada older bromides are 0.40€ each
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Shinken ranbu Sai 2022 live bromide sets are 4€ each :
Currently available :
izuminokami Kanesada
Kashuu Kiyomitsu
Tsurumaru Kuninaga
Nansen Ichimonji
Oodenta Mitsuyo
Matsui Gou
Hyuuga Masamune
Yamatonokami Yasusada
Nagasone Kotetsu
Kotegiri Gou
Urashima Kotetsu
Shipping outside france starts from 4€ payment will be requested via paypal
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mihotose · 4 months
started new honmaru. played for hours until i pass out. wake up and immediately play for the next nine hours
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startersword · 10 months
🌸 I want to learn more swords :)
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Book description: "Sohayanotsurugi Utsusunari… These words are what represent me. Being a copy of Sakanoue's treasured sword, I'm Oodenta Mitsuyo's brother. Between being used by many masters or being forced to sleep for many years by your master's side, I wonder which way of living would be more fortunate to a sword?"
HE'S SUCH A FUN GUY :^) he's so niceys. I like to think that (and this is purely bc of the way his hair looks) he has birdlike mannerisms...I like to think he stims when he's happy or excited, doing things like stamping his feet on the ground or bobbing up and down almost like he's doing a dance! ^_^ Also, I like to think his hair is expressive. It ruffles, sticks up, goes flat, etc. I also think it would be funny if everyone else saw how similar he acts to a bird but he doesn't get it
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