#soldier verse tbt ;
solbound · 10 days
He failed a mission, yet again.
Silently, he stared down at the body he had been tasked to eliminate. Lifeless and still as crimson red blood pooled from the wound at his chest. It was a clean shot. But it wasn't Soleil's work, yet he felt that burn of remorse in his chest anyway.
"Is this really what it means to be a Turk? Or just what it means to work for Shinra?" He'd say in a low tone, more to himself than anyone else. His tone was hollow, empty. He didn't take any pride in this like the others did. But then... perhaps he was too sensitive.
He couldn't seem to make it as a SOLDIER, and now it was clear that he wasn't going to make it as a Turk either. A change from a turtleneck to a suit really didn't make a difference. He was still too soft for the work he was forced into.
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handgiven · 11 months
also funny how em nerding out over plants or tea and being a general sweetheart gets no traction but one glowy eyes eldritch voice visible wings human-looking inhuman thing uncanny valley moment open starter brings all the monster-fckers to the yard y'all so predictable ily
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
@cxnvicts​ + 55 -— ( spotify starter meme. )​
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“They're gonna chase [her] out of town,” Zarina chuckles upon thinking of the possibility. The FAC was quite unhappy with Bai Yi’s taking of the one who was in the epicenter of the Black Ring. Her soldiers died, one of the best teams in this damned office and those she personally trained to enter that damned dimension of mania and craziness. The one who worked extensively with Quinn and MBCC, the one who worked hand in hand with the 9th Division’s Langley. Certainly, the power under her hand was far beyond what others would expect, but she was a woman who loved to agitate others. The one who stood by her side after she got ‘detained’ in the Minos was one of the Boss Yi’s people, right? She remembered the reports, her smile would be one of an agitating entertainment. He did ask if she knew anything about Bai Yi’s and Zoya’s whereabouts, judging by her expression and her behavior: it seemed she knew, but how much? Well, it was up to debate as she would speak in a sing-a-long voice. “They've got a shovel in their left hand and in their right they've got a gun.”  //  boogeyman by black casino and the ghost.
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riftrive · 1 year
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   “&– - Don't look so shocked-- - this isn't even the part I had PLANNED as shocking.” /// @muutos liked for a lyrical oneliner
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mutatiio · 2 years
don't look at me.
⸢  inbox ⤑ crosshair  ⸥  good soldiers follow orders. ⸢  in character ⤑ crosshair  ⸥  good soldiers follow orders. ⸢  mirror ⤑ crosshair  ⸥  good soldiers follow orders. ⸢  musing ⤑ crosshair  ⸥  good soldiers follow orders. ⸢  headcanon ⤑ crosshair  ⸥  good soldiers follow orders. ⸢  dash commentary ⤑ crosshair  ⸥  good soldiers follow orders. ⸢  dash game ⤑ crosshair  ⸥  good soldiers follow orders. ⸢  main verse ⤑ crosshair  ⸥  something you're not. ⸢  dynamic ⤑ crosshair  ⸥  tbt.  ⸤  hunter  ⸣
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animecelesti · 2 years
@multiwrites​    𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚍    !
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❛  𝙸  𝚃𝚁𝚄𝚂𝚃  𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁  𝙹𝚄𝙳𝙶𝙴𝙼𝙴𝙽𝚃.  Always  had  &  ALWAYS  WILL.  But  you  have  to  admit----  you’re  still  a  disaster  on  the  dance  floor.  ❜
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titanslayer · 3 years
i offer you:
olympus’ youngest prince jason . . . kind of painfully desperate to not be alone so he’s always reaching out to people first, even if they are WILDLY dangerous & more likely to harm him than anything else . . . also kind of painfully desperate to live up to his older siblings’ accomplishments . . . and also, due to being the overly trusting butterball he is
tried to befriend a werewolf and got bitten, and now has to hide it from his father, who has Serious And Deadly Beef with a certain ‘king’ lycaon.
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toscrve · 4 years
*  @scarletvein ;  continued.
he fidgets in silence as the drone flies over westview; an otherwise quiet town on the surface hiding something malevolent beneath. even as the situation unfolds before his very eyes, he can’t believe it’s happening: more questions than answers swirl in his mind as he watches wanda, talking and laughing with someone he watched die. how had any of these impossibilities happened? and what had changed so drastically since they last saw one another? whenever you’re ready… you’re always welcome here, with me ‘n buck.  /  i might just take you up on that offer. and he’d been anticipating it: looking forward to it, even. but the longer he’d gone without hearing from her, the more he’d felt a sick twist in his gut, like something had gone horribly wrong. and then he’d gotten the call.
“wanda? this is steve.” there’s no need for formalities here. “can you hear me? i just wanna talk. that’s it.” no answer, but even from the crackled television screen he can see her eyes glow red.
“no joy,” he hears hayward say, “take the shot,” and what. “no, the drone’s not armed—“ he hears monica say, but it’s rapidly cut off, “disregard, take the shot.”
what. “what?” he hears himself say before he rips off the headset, the anger rearing its head toward the director. putting all his strength toward grabbing hayward by the lapels and shoving him against the wall of the tent so hard he hears the breath being knocked out of hayward in a woosh. instantly he hears the safeties of about a dozen pistols go off, but his rage is unrelenting  /  blood boiling. “are you out of your fucking mind? what did you do?” and perhaps it’s better that the alarm begins blaring before hayward has a chance to speak. there’s been a breach in the barrier; and it’s only then that he lets go, follows the rest of the agents as they head out toward the anomaly. it’s not long before he can feel the hair on the back of his neck rise, see [...] the crackle  /  hum of electricity in the air as she emerges, missile in tow; looking so small against the enormity of what she’s created.
guns are already trained at her heart; but if they knew any better, they’d know none of it would be of any use. the power she emanates almost suffocating—but perhaps what hurts more is in the way she turns to look at him, eyes bright with fury, a knife to his heart. he’d seen that same anger directed at so many others, but never him. and beneath it all: the raw betrayal and grief etched across her face. “no,” he says, and then again, “no. but you know that, don’t you?” she could sift through his anger for hayward, dig past those emotions simmering on the surface: and find that what was buried underneath was nothing but love. “wanda…” i thought she wanted to come home. “wanda, what’s going on here?”
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makoeycd · 4 years
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Day after day he’s been stuck in this tank (he doesn’t even know how long it’s been since he’s been captured) taken out to be EXPERIMENTED ON by the scientist that calls himself Hojo. A scary vile looking man with many other experiments. Those that come down here often don’t question it - no matter how many people who may have seen him, they don’t come to help him nor the other creatures in this disgusting lab.
Cloud has tried to escape, tried multiple times, until Hojo had enough and put a shock caller around his neck. Electricity and water don’t mix well together - electricity for a mermaid is HORRIFYING. It keeps Cloud in line, keeps him from trying to escape.
He should have NEVER become as curious as he did, he should have never gone near land - his mother told him to never go near land and now look at him, held captive in a tank with a man that terrifies him doing experiments on him, seeing how long he can go without being in the water - dissecting him and seeing how long it takes him to heal or how it differs upon the severity of a wound.
He has watched the man, studied him, picked up on a few words here and there. He knows very little language but maybe - maybe he can learn more if he listens carefully. Sometimes, he can hear outside this room his tank is kept in.
There are the sounds of footsteps approaching and a clawed webbed hand moves to press against the tank wall. The blue tail barely fits within the tank - it’s painful, the way he’s squished in here. The least the scary scientist man can do is get him a better tank but he supposes this small tank is a punishment for misbehaving.
Wide blue eyes watch, waiting for the footsteps to come closer - maybe this is his chance. Maybe someone will help him now, maybe he can draw more attention to himself by thumping his tail against the tank wall - which is exactly what he starts doing. That combined with the way claws SCRATCH against the glass should draw forth whoever is out there.
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dullweapons-a · 4 years
The handle of the axe is towards your hand -- @hyliangrace​ !!
—-˚・✳︎ . When things are BROKEN, most throw the item away. Replace it with something newer. Something that could fill the void left by the object. Forgetting what even it was replacing in the first place. One can not simply throw out a KINGDOM. Instead you pick it up, fill the cracks that stretch across the land with GOLD. Make it the mistakes a thing of beauty -- know that the fractures and chips are there. Learn from them. The knowledge they have is more magnificent than covering them in SHAME... 
Could the same thing be said of a princess who became queen of a kingdom in SHAMBLES. What was she queen of but the burnt down villages and remaining corpses of monsters that laid at her feet. Perhaps that was why he threw himself back into the forces of hyrule. Ray Cadell knew he had all the time in the world to help rebuild the kingdom. He would give his life (if possible) to the cause of helping the people -- and he knew the queen felt the same. 
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“Your majesty.” He kneeled before her only because he had too. If they were in a room alone he would simply address her as any other person, for that was what she was... a person. “My men have reported back to me. What we feared came true. A small collection of remaining monsters loyal to GANONDORF have been seen nearing Kakariko. What would you have our course of action be, my grace.” 
His eye looked up at her with an intense gaze, a golden sea of history hidden behind an eye. Ray’s missing one cover by an eyepatch bearing the hyrulean royal symbol as he tried his best to hide his true DEMONIC nature. 
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dansiere · 5 years
✩⋆ .THEIR KIND HAD A CERTAIN LOOK TO THEM / SOMETHING UNIVERSALLY ACCLAIMED; a wrinkle underneath tired eyes, the way posture spoke of some wretched urge to cower; walking two steps behind others, delicate / tip-toeing / hunched / small. She knew: it took one of the same ‘batch’ to find another; one’s capability for silent observation a gift, naturally. Despite it all, she must not pry, does not wager to even CONVERSE at first / saber cautiously ground with a perfectionist’s precision. HAWKE’s stance [his LEADER, nay?] on matters was clear. -- the Blight, the uprising, war. Battles in her bones, striving for something words could never properly describe; deeply etched into every sinew: she recalls glory, freedom & loss.  ━  what about him?
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     “It is quite relieving to know I am not the only who still trusts in a sword.” cue a pause; posture sagging but a tad, as if to mimic, as if to find tranquility in the mere act of plain banter; tone strained yet MELLOWED / aye, shift in position making plate armor ring. “-- amidst all that magic and whatnot, I mean. ‘tis a bit too chaotic for my tastes.“ 
sc. ✩.: @cahartik​
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kxshikoi · 5 years
nonverbal starters // @izunaisms
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Having been told this was a guard mission where he needed to be on his guard instead of plain out killing the people here, Tobirama had kept a low profile while observing everything silently, but keenly as he was trained in. His main skill was to take down targets, but knowing also how to simply observe, this came natural to the pale male as he walked around the mansion they were in as guests.The wine that had been served tasted bitter on the Tool’s tongue as he took a sip, only to leave it on a nearby table as it was something the soldier wasn’t used to. After all, having only been given what had been strictly necessary, Tobirama had yet to truly get the taste for alcohol. It was strange to him and almost made the stoic male crinkle his nose in distaste. No one could blame the Tool as everything akin to that was new to him and usually such things weren’t allowed. But since this was a different kind of mission, he needed to blend in and mix with the other people while he walked around in a suit that was well tailored as the Major’s bodyguard. Standing at a slight distance, to not disturb, red hues watched calmly, even if the Tool’s entire body was ready to spring into action in case someone thought it was a good idea to attempt anything. 
Major Izuna being so well known meant that some could decide to try something that could lead to trouble, trouble that was very much unwanted. Like the man that stood out, watching the Major from another group of people with an intense look in their eyes, watching as if they were waiting for an opportunity, a sight that quickly made Tobirama write a note casually, as if it was simply him writing something to himself. In truth, it was done so the person wouldn’t run.
Passing the Major, Tobirama slipped the note into Izuna’s pocket.
                             Twelve a’clock                                                          Dark blue suit. Blonde hair. Blue eyes.
Before simply taking a few steps away again as if he had done nothing out of the ordinary. This was new for Tobirama. He had to suppress the urge to walk over and twist the stranger’s arm behind their back as he stood there observing, ready for anything that might happen. Well, if this stranger made one move, he would be there, like the loyal Tool he was. 
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@waratlas​   /     ♡     /  accepting.
even from across the room john could tell that bellamy’s leg was aching. it was the subtle things. the way he sat slightly tilted to keep as much weight off of it as possible. the gentle rubbing of it with his fingers. it was all normal signs that he needed his pain meds. bellamy hadn’t asked yet but —  ❝     do you need your medicine, bell?    ❞  his head cocked in question, rising from his seat across the room, book that he’d been reading discarded. page left unmarked. he’d find his place later.  ❝     you look like you’re hurting.     ❞
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durindanna · 6 years
@artorily // its time to dnd this fucker
The offer was promising enough to draw Hektor out of his usual hunting (haunting) grounds. That and he’d play at socializing with people for extended periods of time, which he hasn’t done in a good few years. What he wasn’t expecting was to have an assistant on this venture, much less a flower-bright young paladin who seemed to be as much along for the ride as fueled by her own enthusiasm. 
That’s fine. She can hit with her sword whatever the hell she wants. He’s just plodding his horse along with on the way to the outpost. No need for a map when he’s around, at least, and it was mostly a straight shot over the plain from the town they were hired in. There’s a small stream parallel to their path that’s been growing slowly but steadily to a halfway respectable creek. If they’re already at the point where it’s this audible, they should be close... ah, and there’s the first sign of buildings in the distance. Right on cue. Hektor prods his horse into a quicker pace. 
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“Last leg, kiddo. Step bright and we’ll make it before dusk. I don’t fancy getting locked out.” While that’s unlikely, it is likely that this place has a gate that’s downed after nightfall and Hektor also doesn’t fancy dealing with whatever potential guard works the night shift. So he sets their pace at a decent trot until they approach the outpost.
It’s more of a fort than something that looks like it’s just for peaceful trade. The complex is walled in, only a few tilled areas outside the large wooden fence encircling it. A high fence, too, not much getting past that without some sincere effort. Even though it’s still sunup (though not for much longer), an equally sturdy gate is down over what should be the north gate.
“Hey! Who are you! State name and purpose!” A voice calls down from the top of the fence. Hektor looks up, hand over his eyes. A soldier, human from the looks of it. Male, light armour.
“Soldiers? Uh. Adventurers!” Hektor hollers back. “Sent from Highpoint to investigate your disappearances!” He waits, lets Artoria add what she wants.
There’s a pause, then the soldier raises his arm in a go-ahead gesture. The gate to the outpost slowly, with creaking, begins to raise.
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helixpulsc-blog · 6 years
ooc. oh here’s part two of the tag dump i guess (i haven’t finished all the character tags but like.... i’ll finish them when i actually gotta use them LMAO)
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animecelesti · 2 years
@arakkhna​    𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚍    !
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❛  𝙸  𝙼𝙴𝙰𝙽,  𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚁𝙴  𝙲𝙾𝚄𝙻𝙳  𝙱𝙴  𝚆𝙾𝚁𝚂𝙴  people  to  be  partnered  with,  while  on  a  mission.  You  could  be  alongside  that  SPIDER - KID  that  never  stops  talking.  ❜
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