#solena butterfly
Raise your hand if you remember when we we all thought that the Queen we now know as “Crescenta the Eager” was called “Solena the Smitten”, and Crescenta was someone else entirely.
Keep your hand raised if you still headcanon that Solena existed, and was just one of the 24 Queen we don’t learn about in the Magic Book of Spells.
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puppy--jam · 2 months
SVTFOE Timeline headcanon
Based on this
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I can state that according to the Mewni calendar, the events of the series take place in 1753 (although S1 and S2 may have taken place in 1752, but that's not important). Just as on Earth, so on Mewni there is a marker of eras, namely the Mewnipendance Day, which is the first year.
Assuming Mewnipendance Day is year 1, over 1750 years have passed with 38 queens reigning… My headcanon, so I can interpret it as I want. To make the dates fit nicely, I chose 12th Mewni Queen for a long-lived mewman (I'll describe her later, as she's important in my AU) and extended Celena's life (since Celena is/was half-demon).
Interesting fact: Time on Mewni/Serparsis (generally the planet where these continents are located) flows about twice as fast as on Earth. That is, when the Butterflies began their rule, it was the Middle Ages on Earth.
Au History timeline (will include oc queens):
around -150 (Yes, Mewmans use '-' instead of BC [Before Christ]) -> the beginning of human migration to Mewni (carried out by Glossaryck).
1 -> Mewnipendance Day (Great Monster Massacre)
2-14 -> Moe (the Zero) the Protoplast's reign
14-70 -> first queen's reign (it's that baby with the circles on her cheek)
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70-72 -> Soupina the Strange's reign (she reigned for a short time because she went mad due to the mewberty form. [I will add that the first queen did not achieve this form]. Then it was decided, in order to better prepare for the use of magic, the wand would be passed on on the 14th birthday to the next descendant to the throne)
72-114 -> third queen's reign ; 114-137 -> 4th queen's reign ; 137-172 -> 5th queen's reign ; 172-194 -> 6th queen's reign ; 194-215 -> 7th queen's reign ; 215-231 -> 8th queen's reign ; 231-253 -> 9th queen's reign ; 253-273 -> 10th queen's reign ; 273-294 -> 11th queen's reign
294-1119 -> 12th queen's reign, Asynthia the Darkest One (I wil write post about her somewhen)
1119-1141 -> 13th queen's reign. Her title was the Reviver (I will mention that during her reign, inheritance to the throne was introduced at the age of 25)
1141-1168 -> 14th queen's reign ; 1168-1181-> Tituba the Seeker (15th)(character is based on Tituba, the alleged witch who was involved in the Salem trials)
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1181-1219 -> 16th queen's reign ; 1219-1240-> 17th queen's reign ; 1240-1258-> 18th queen's reign ; 1258-1281-> 19th queen's reign ; 1281-1299-> 20th queen's reign ; 1299-1323-> 21st queen's reign
1323-1356-> Solena the Snitten (22nd) (during her time there was a conflict with the Lucitors, which Solaria mentioned in her chapter)
1356-1380-> 23rd queen's reign ; 1380-1406-> 24th queen's reign ; 1406-1431-> 25th queen's reign ; 1431-1443-> Lyric (26th) the Untrust's reign ; 1443-1481-> (27th) Skywynne's reign ; 1481-1499-> (28th) Solaria's reign ; 1499-1510-> (29th) Eclipsa's first reign ; 1510-1514-> interregnum, MHC ruled over kingdom ; 1514-1558-> (30th) Festivia's reign ; 1558-1589-> (31st) Cresenta's reign ; 1589-1615-> (32nd) Rhina's reign ; 1615-1691-> (33rd) Celena's reign ; 1691-1721-> (34th) Esterlla's reign ; 1721-1727-> (35th) Comet's reign ; 1727-1753-> (36th) Moon's reign ; 1753-> (37th) Star's four day reign ; 1753-> (38th) Eclipsa's second reign
And on the end I will mention Stump Day. This is something of a legend. When the first people arrived on Mewni (around -150), the Butterfly family celebrates it as their holiday (probably one of the queens instituted it).
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queenofthespades · 6 years
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Remade her reference since her original fan name “Usagina the Dancer” was really bugging me and I had new details for her anyway. (Her details are on my dA if you’d like to read it!)
Note: I am aware that her canonical name is Crescenta the Eager, but she will still be Solena the Smitten in my Venusverse au
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kuyatristan · 7 years
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Royal Armory (Solena)
2nd Queenly Battle Gear
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gravityfying · 7 years
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The Ghosts of Mewni’s Past
An attempt to expand the lore of Cressieverse.
Each Queen has a respective feast day, whether it be their birth day or or their death (whatever is more significant). On their respective feast day, the spirit of a Queen will manifest and rise from their resting place in The Constellation (also known as The Graveyard of Queens). There, one day will be given for her to be celebrated by the kingdom, with permission from the current Queen. Many queens can be born or die on the same day, thus, not all Queens are celebrated. The less popular Queens fade from obscurity, while the more well-known are celebrated and glorified yearly. And those who are forgotten would want to make sure that people will say their name once again, whatever it takes. A Queen’s cause of the death is visible on their so-called spirit, from the most peaceful to the most violent. Each shown has a different cause of death, and I wrote hints in each of the Queen’s captions. Try to guess correctly!
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honeystardraws · 7 years
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YOU GUYS HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH TIME IVE PUT INTO THIS SINCE FREAKIN SEPTEMBER (even though most of that time was consumed by school work, main reason as to why I finished it just moments ago)
All mewni queens (and princess) so far (at least those shown)(I- yes, I know about Meteora, but she was never a proper queen, not even a princess, also Ive been working on this before Meteora was revealed to be a butterfly)
Remake of this picture: https://as-trid.tumblr.com/post/160028940911/the-butterfly-queens-this-was-my-final-project-for
Edit: Also, I don't know why tumblr makes the pic look blurry or pixelated, but oh well, I also realized I forgot to put my signature on the Blue Diamond´s court fanart I did D:
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mama-mera · 7 years
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{ Butterfly Family Moodboards (part.2/3) }
Edit by: @mory-chan
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thatmadgamer-223 · 7 years
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(Top) Crescenta the eager, (Bottom) Comet the chef. Just in case any of you wanted to know.
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ncfan-1 · 7 years
I just want to say I adore all of the meta you've done on Eclipsa! And I loved your headcanon and fanfic on Skywynne being Eclipsa's first daughter too! Do you have any other headcanons about them or other past Mewni Queens?
Thankyou! I’m glad you liked the fic and the meta!
As forhead canons, well, I’m keeping some of my Eclipsa head canons under wraps untilwe find out more about her on the show, but there are some I can talk about.She had Skywynne (or whoever her older daughter turns out to be, if theyaddress this on the show and it turns out to be someone else) at a relativelyyoung age, nineteen. She married her Mewman husband when she was seventeen. Hewas only a year older than her; this wasn’t some ‘old man marrying a child’deal. They were friendly with one another (they liked to talk shit aboutmembers of the court they didn’t like together, and both trusted to the other’sdiscretion), and her feelings for him were… complex. So complex that Eclipsaherself can’t really define them.
Whydid she marry him? The Butterfly family sort of goes through cycles of having alot of branches or relatively few; in present-day, it’s pretty extensive, butin Eclipsa’s time, it was relatively small. Eclipsa didn’t have a lot of alliesat court, and her future husband was from a powerful family. When thingsdeteriorated, the fact that he was from a powerful family wound up workingagainst her. Badly.
Skywynne?Once her mother was crystallized, Skywynne did much the same as Elizabeth Iregarding Anne Boleyn and never spoke of her again. She wore some of hermother’s old jewelry from time to time, but otherwise, avoided any connectionto her. Skywynne had to work hard to rehabilitate the reputation of the crownin the eyes of the Mewman people after everything that went down with Eclipsa.She had to work equally hard to avoid falling under suspicion of sharing hermother’s “unconventional” beliefs, both regarding dark magic and the place ofmonsters in Mewni society. (Her natural position towards both was already inline with Mewman society as a whole. She was predisposed to fear and distrustdark magic, and was inculcated with the institutionalized racism of her people,which unlike her mother, she never shook off, nor even questioned. This didn’tmatter to the royal court.)
Skywynne’spersonal feelings for her mother were complicated, to put it mildly. Sheregarded her mother’s fleeing Mewni as a personal betrayal, and even beforethen, their relationship wasn’t untroubled. I talked about it in thispost, but basically, Eclipsa, though she loved Skywynne and she did try, wasn’t an ideal mother. AsQueen, she already didn’t have much time for her kid, but she was also, uh,consumed with other things (Research into dark magic. Trying to make strides inintroducing reforms into how monsters are treated. Stuff like that). Also,performing the constant emotional labor that comes with being an involvedparent didn’t come naturally to her. They didlove each other; they just didn’t have a perfectly untroubled relationship.Eclipsa was a bit absent, and Skywynne more than a little needy. They bondedover a shared love of spellcasting and research.
On topof regarding her mother’s fleeing Mewni as a personal betrayal, she wasrepelled by Eclipsa’s experimenting with dark magic (though like the rest ofthe MHC, she didn’t know exactly what Eclipsa did, and never cared to find out)and repelled by the notion that monsters should be regarded as equal toMewmans. Her feelings towards Meteora were resentment that this was the childher mother had “replaced” her with mixed with quiet revulsion of theabomination she and society both regarded a Mewman-monster hybrid as being.
Butlike Eclipsa, Skywynne had a fascination with incredibly dangerous magic, though unlike her mother she had thegood fortune to be drawn to magic that wasn’t regarded as “dark.” Unfortunatelyfor her, time magic happens to be even more inherently dangerous than most ofthe dark magic her mother came up with. She died a rather gruesome death whenone of her experiments went wrong.
Otherhead canons?
-Skywynne had a twin girl and boy at the age of thirty-five, and no otherchildren.
-Celena the Shy, like Star, read Eclipsa’s chapter, and like Star, made use ofthe All-Seeing Eye, though she did so much more than Star did. A bit too much,in fact. Her insatiable curiosity led her towards “things men were not meant toknow”-type knowledge, and as tends to happen when someone stumbles on “thingsmen were not meant to know”-type knowledge, Celena did not come away from thatmentally unscathed. Many of her contemporaries thought she held her fan up toher mouth as some sort of nervous tic. It was in fact because of a curse thatwas laid upon her; I’ll leave that one to your imagination. The fact that shewears gloves over her hands may be significant.
-Celena favored plant creation magic. She wasn’t much of a fighter.
- Eclipsamet her monster lover/possible second husband shortly after she became Queen.She had a number of monster friends that she made when she snuck out of thecastle while she was still just the princess.
-Someone, I think it was @nomidot, head canons (or head canoned; I don’t know ifthey still do) Eclipsa’s mother as being blind. I like that head canon, so ifthey don’t mind, I think I’m going to use it, too. My version of Eclipsa’smother was named Persephone. She went blind as a young child due to illness.She could be rather distant with the court, fierce with her own child, but shestill loved Eclipsa very much, and Eclipsa spent much of her childhoodpractically attached to her mother’s hip. Eclipsa didn’t like to worryPersephone, though she spent plenty of time worrying about Persephone. Persephone had an ebony cane with a silver handlethat she used to walk with.
-Eclipsa’s father died when she was a little girl; she has no clear memories ofhim. Her mother died when she was fifteen.
-Eclipsa’s first foray into dark magic involved trying to bring her mother backto life. It ended badly. Really badly. The results were… Well, imagine theresults of human transmutation in FMA: Brotherhood if the result was actuallythe person the alchemist was trying to bring back to life, and you get thepicture. What was brought back didn’t survive very long.
-Already reeling from the loss of her mother, Eclipsa sank into a deep, numbdepression after her attempt to bring her mother back to life failed so spectacularly.Her first husband supported her through it (though he didn’t know about theresurrection attempt; no one in the royal court did), hence Eclipsa’s verycomplex feelings for him. No one else had been willing to do that; just him.She sort of fell in love with him during this period. It wasn’t an enduringlove; what it was was lingering.
-Solena died by committing suicide.
- I’mwavering on whether the “a castle stormed” in Solaria’s tapestry poem refers toher castle being stormed, or her storming someone else’s castle, namely acastle belonging to the monsters. Right now, I kinda want to believe that whatwe know as the Butterfly family’s castle was originally a castle belonging tothe monsters that Solaria sacked and conquered. After she conquered the castleand established it as the home of her court, any references to it having oncebeen the monsters’ castle were thoroughly effaced. Whether or not I stick withthis head canon, I’m head canoning her as one of the earlier Queens of Mewni,rather than being one of Eclipsa’s descendants.
-Bubipsa the Barbarian Baby-Eater… oh boy. Right now, I’m head canoning the‘barbarian’ part of her epithet as coming from her having a Johansen father. Asfor the ‘Baby-Eater’ part… She got away with it because the babies in question weremonsters. Yes, really. Even the ultra-racist Mewman royal court regarded thisas being beyond the pale of acceptable behavior, because, you know, babies. Since they were monster babies, though, the MHC didn’tregard this as a crystallizing offense (Though Rhombulus was still appalled.Hence why he cites his mistaken recollection of Eclipsa as being a baby-eateras justification for crystallizing her). Bubipsa was eventually killed when herdaughters staged a coup against her; eating babies wasn’t the only unsavorything she was doing, as it turns out. Oh, and no matter how evil you thinkEclipsa might turn out to be, Bubipsa was worse. Much worse.
- Thetreaty Comet intended to sign with the Monster King… Well, monsters would havebeen better off if the treaty had been signed, but that’s more because therearen’t too many ways they could be worse offthan because it was a fair, equitable document that was going to signal thebeginning of a new age of peace and friendship between Mewmans and monsters.Comet’s particular brand of racism was the (not really) “benevolent” kind. Thekind of benevolent racism that believes in noble savages and ExceptionalMonsters and “separate, but equal.” Which is to say, still hella racist.  (I don’t have a hard head canon for why Toffeekilled her, not yet. I’m still hoping the show will address that directly.)
- Star (is not a past Queen of Mewni, but she’s on here anyways)was originally left-handed, but when she was about seven years old, she brokeher arm while playing (Let’s be real, given the stuff we know she got up topre-S1, she probably wound up with broken bones at least a couple of times).Her mother let the break heal naturally rather than heal it with magic to tryto teach Star a lesson about being reckless (And because healing magic can bekind of dicey and Moon isn’t an expert, but she told Star it was to teach her alesson about recklessness). One of the consequences was that Star had to learnto write with her right hand while she had the cast on, and couldn’t reallywrite with her left hand anymore even after the cast came off. She still usesher left hand for plenty of stuff, and is still left-side dominant, but shewrites with her right hand nowadays.
(Theissue muddling this is that pretty much anyone who’s left-handed has to learnhow to do certain things with their weak hand. I’m left-handed, and I can tellyou that the average left-hander uses their right hand for more things than theaverage right-hander uses their left hand for.)
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comet-vtfoe · 6 years
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Into the wand screenshot redraw
art and genderbent character design by @tassjis aka @comet-vtfoe SVTFOE belongs to Disney
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jadikosaur · 7 years
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Catch them all! v.3.0 Okay, after last episodes I definitely should’ve made another updated version. This time I prefer to not put my headcanon Celena’s cheekmarks so all of this information is canon.
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queenofthespades · 7 years
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Whoa here she comes~
Inspired by Marina-Yen’s and Infaminxy’s Solena mewberties, so I mix em together~
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artadorkable · 7 years
Svtfoe grandma au
So I had this idea pop up in my head we're mewni tradition change instead of the past queens disappearing they live longer and help raise the next mewni queen which is star
So instead of it just being star and Marco it's solaria the monster Carver, festiva the fun, solena the smitten, celena the shy, eclipsa queen of darkness, skywynne queen of hours and moons mother comet sense she isn't dead in this au
During their stay on both earth and mewni
The girls are sharing the wand, interacting,getting into trouble ,and going on adventures
This will also teach us more about the past queens how they rules and how they deal with things plus their views on monsters
It's a good Sunday idea and I already have a image I want to draw of it
It's star Marco and all of stars grandmothers sitting on this really small couch taking a picture to send to moon
Well sorry for the long post and I hope people like my aunt's idea
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gravityfying · 7 years
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Some Princesses of Mewni.  some of them didn’t turn out the way i want to but eh Don’t repost, please!
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starvs-terraverse · 2 years
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12th Queen of Mewni Larrisa Butterfly
Larrisa Athene Butterfly, The Chivalrous/ The swords women Mother to: Hesperia Butterfly♀ and Aereus Butterfly ⚥ Facts: - Would gain the wand after her older sister Solena died due to Mewberty - was and is a very feminine girl that liked so dance and dress up, and so was very surprised when her wand took the form of a sword. - Her brother Basil would be Queen Regent while she was off fighting in the second Mewnipendence war. - hair got darker as she got older, was originally much lighter. - Inspired by lots of fantasy medieval anime knight designs. - went through a couple design ideas, original sketch from 2018 was based on Plumb from strawberry shortcake. Thanks guys  hope you like, comments and such are appreciated and motivating.
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Headcanons For (Next) Next Gen Skyverse Fankids
Vera the Activist (Sky x Angel):
Inspired by her father, Vera hopes to use her status as a royal to fight for equality and monster rights. Especially for the spider people. She's tough, but very intelligent. Although she's not as into the whole multiverse thing as much as Sky, she still likes going to the crystal cave to see her interdimentional siblings. In recent years, Vera has also found a new hobby: inventing. While not good as a certain other sibling, she has made a few little robots and gadgets, such as her pet spider-bot Ruby.
Erick and Zara (Judas x Nora):
Erick-Friendly guy that wants to be a healer like Nora. He's also gay and has his family's full support.
Zara-Although Vera is friends with her and her brother, she's closer to Zara due to both of them being quite sassy and sarcastic. She also appears to have gotten Judas’ tentacle arm, which Erick is helping her with.
Petunia, Antonio and Ren (Fae x Mason):
Petunia-Sweet girl who loves gardening with her dad.
Antonio-Mysterious, quiet boy that keeps to himself.
Ren-Rambunctious little guy. Loves animals.
(They're all babysat by Erick, Zara, and/or Vera)
Alec (Damien x Melanie):
Cheerful nerdy boy that loves jumping between the two worlds his parents are from and unlike Vera, picks apart every detail about his folks' respective universes and the multiverse in general. He's also pan and tends to act extremely awkward around his crushes.
Cressida the Ice Queen and Orion the Protector (Luna x Ashton):
Cressida-Like her mom, Cressida takes her duties incredibly seriously. She's got a great relationship with her brother Orion and is very protective of him. She'll put anyone who messes with him on ice-literally. She's also close with her wolf-goat Flurry.
Orion-As it is with many siblings, Orion is the opposite of his sister. He's not that good at combat and can be a bit of a scaredy cat. But he is working on the combat part with Ashton, with whom he has an adorable relationship with. As he ages, he starts to adopt more of an emo personality like his father.
Terra (Stefan x Hana)
Cressida's best friend who balences out the princess' fighting spirit with her calm demenor. Has a great sense of fashion to boot and bonds with Stefan over their love of travelling, though Terra prefers the ocean over the land.
Solena the Super (Sage x Celeste):
Ever since she was little, Solena has been obsessed with Earth culture, specifically superheroes. She loves hearing stories about how her moms fought monsters and protected Mewni. Solena is very much looking forward to getting the wand so she can save the day like in her stories. But what she doesn't understand yet is that you don't need magic or even be a princeses to help people. (And yes, she's an MCU fan)
Venus the Pacifist (Miguel x Sunny):
Like Vera, Venus believes in equal rights for all. But unlike Vera, who doesn't mind getting into a scuffle or two, Venus sees diplomacy and negotiation as the better way. Despite this, she does realize that fighting back is occasionally necessary to defend yourself and/or others. You can usually find her practicing swordfighting with Miguel, working on controlling her Butterfly/Demon magic, or jamming to music with Sunny.
Titania the Scientist (Galexia x Lukas):
A mix of Lukas' interest in science and Lexi's quirky enthusiasm is what gave Titania the nickname "mad scientist." She's similar to Solena in that she's fascinated by Earth, but more for its technology than its pop culture. The budding inventor also seems to have inherated her mom's artistry, being able to draw unbelievably detailed design specs. Her future plans for Mewni are to have it one day be just as technologically advanced as Earth. While Titania is ambitious, she may still have a thing or two to learn about ethics. 
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