#moon buttefly
nirvusc0nc3pti0n · 10 months
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wolfclaire · 2 years
So we all know that Gem established that her character on Empires is a cosplayer/LARPer and is the same person as her Hermitcraft self. And it's the LORE.
But, but, hear me out...in a universe when they are seperated characters, and Princess Gem was born in Dawn...
What if Princess Gem has another reason to only want the day and sleep through the night?
What if Princess Gem is cursed? What if she is forced to turn into a "beast" when the Sun sets and Moon rises? (I mean it like Fiona from Shrek)
What if she was taught from young age to never let anyone see her other side and only present as the perfect girl with butterfly wings? Or worse, what if she was never told about her other side and never was able to see the real Moon and real stars?
What if the Sun-only religion was only made to keep "control" over Gem's other side? "Make sure to sleep at night and keep Phantoms at bay"
What if when the Sun sets, Gem loses her buttefly wings and turns into a Phantom hybrid?
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kissedbyaphrodite · 1 year
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The burrow belonged to the Weasley family for many centuries, built by Francis Weasley and his wife Margery Weasley in 1610; who built the house out of roots, stones, trees and the earth, with the help of the wands they crafted out of fallen trees and gemstones. The Weasleys were amongst the oldest of the wizarding families, who had managed to escape multiple witch hunts, thus had nothing among them when they settled in the rural area of Britain, near a muggle town where the houses could be counted with the fingers of their hands. They had settled down in the middle of a clearing, after months of traveling, Margery herself was nearing the birth of her child, thus, could no longer move. Francis, knowing he needed to protect his family, called for the guidance of the Goddess Hecate, who made the clouds split apart to let the moon shine down on a fallen Rowan tree, and amongst splinters and broken twigs, there was one living twig, with a white flower growing on it. Francie took the twig and yanked it off the tree, watching in amazement as the twig began bending and morphing, becoming softer and pointy, the flowers began shifting as they wrapped around the twig like vines, before the remaining wood traveled south of the wand, creating a hilt for Francis to hold comfortably. With his new wand, Francis raised the eart and created a base, he used the fallen tree to build stairs and railing, the stones that had fallen down the mountain became walls and a roof, lastly,he swished his wand around amd willed the wood to become a door. He went down to the village the morning after, and began taking the furniture that was broken and damaged, left to rot outside. He used his magic to fix the furniture and began building his house. He built a turret out of stone and stairs out of vines, his windows were made with the frozen water of the lake nearby, his home grew and grew until their son was born, a son who he named Edward. The home grew in size everytime a new member joined the family, each generation adding more and more traits to make it feel more like a home. Given that it was made if stone, it didn't take long for ivy and honeysuckle to grow on the sides; the material also allowed for the house to retain heat. The Weasley house grounds grew with the house.
In 1708, Circe Weasley planted her garden with flowers brought to her by different lovers, who desperately tried to court her, by 1712, the garden was filled with beautiful flowers that made the garden swarm with butteflies and bees.
In 1756, Florent Weasley planted multiple fruits and vegetables to harvesy and sell, the grounds where they lived was so fertile that they had multiple bushes of blueberries, strawberries, and so many more fruits.
In 1806, Aciano Weasley and his brother Sorrel Weasley created an area of the house where they would offer tarot readings and different potions to clients, normally people of novility. Aciano would read their future, telling them how long they would reign, how would they die and who would follow their reign, many wars were seen by him before they even happened. Sorrel would give them potions for different occasions, if they struggled to conceive or feared getting old and dying, they created a book of potions, and their business flourished.
In 1827, Sorrel's son, Rowan, created a large greenhouse where he experimented with different plants and created multiple salves and potions never discovered before. He began traveling all over the world, writing down every plant he saw, every potion he made and what it did. By the time the boy turned into a man, he had written four books with the plants in Britain, Portugal and Spain. By the time he was sixty years of age, he had traveled to every country known to men and wrote a book for each country. His books became famous and sold millions of copies, mostly used by schools but also used by different herbologists and potion makers who wished to expand on their arts.
In 1891, the last addition was made, a large conversatory was made by Matilda Weasley. The house had grown and become large, and yet the stone still was able to conduct the heat of the firplaces throughout the house. The conversatory was as tall as the four story house, so large that it fit multiple plants, a fountain that lead to a pond and an area where the family would sit and spend their times talking. The greenhouse made by her great-uncle instead became a specific place where the Weasleys would craft potions and practice their magic.
Despite the following generations fighting in a war, the Burrow was still glorious and magical, with garlands of oranges and rosemary twigs scenting the house and filling it with a calming and soothing aroma. The house had been witness to so many people being born and dying, her ears had heard every whisper ever made, every thought ever had. The house was alive, with the climbing flowers seeping through cracks and into the house, sealing every crack and blooming inside. The Burrow looked almost alive, and even to a stranger who just spent five seconds near the house, it felt like a home. The family still possessed many of the books written by their great great great great great uncle Rowan, and made money from them; not only that, but they would also often create potions and sell them to different people who knew of the secret of wizards, different witches who would drink potions to remain young looking but didn't want to spend fortunes on treatments made by medieitches. And while not rich, the family was able to survive from their harvests and their business.
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ofsmokeandsoil · 2 years
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Ostara Sabbat Box
This box contains wares to assist your Ostara and Spring Equinox workings to celebrate the sabbat as we move from darkness into light.
~ Contents of box ~
🥚 Wood Burned Egg - 2.5" solid wooden speckled egg with a hare and moon woodburning image
🥚 "The Violet Hare" 7" x 5" semi matte art print
🥚 Ostara Ritual Oil - Scented with garden lilacs and mixed with mugwort, violets, and buttefly pea flowers. Also includes Moonstone chips. Use to anoint and dress your candles, altar tools, divination items, even yourself! 15 ml bottle with dropper top
🥚 1 hand poured soy tealight candle scented with lilacs and dressed with mugwort and Moonstone
🥚 2 seed bombs inscribed with a moon and sun. Instructions will be included. Seeds may include Black Oil Sunflower, Yarrow, Milkweed, Black Eyed Susan, Purple Coneflower
🥚 Moss lined nest with a foam speckled egg and a real rabbit bone for working with the rabbit spirit for Ostara (details on the included sheet)
🥚 Smoke of the Hare loose incense - made with high grade frankincense, copal, yarrow, orange, wood chips, and spring florals. Comes in a 15 ml glass corked bottle. Must be burned on charcoal in a heatproof container
🥚 Faux lavender sprigs
🥚 2 Rabbit Candles to represent the equal parts of light and dark / birth and death. The white has been mixed with purple buds and scented with lavender. The black has been mixed with mugwort and is scented with figs and honey.
🥚 Ostara Information Sheet with rituals, spellwork, correspondences, and uses for included items.
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skznccmlee · 1 year
Yk how my ler and Moon always tease me and those things
And yk there's Butterfly also
Buttefly never says a thing
Today she talked like... 5 times
So the point is
That she never says nothing about... Yk... Me, biggest lee... You got it
Like, never tickles me or teases me (unfortunately)
We were sat on the tables
And we were talking about some things of Moon
And Idk how we ended up talking about how she makes snacks for people when they go to her house and how that's actually pretty cute
And I said like "it's a shame I will never be able to try it"
Cuz Moon's parents LITERALLY hate me
Some little problems Moon and I had with the school-
Nothing relevant
So the thing is that I OBVIOUSLY won't be able to go to Moon's house or go out with Moon (or at least not just us two)
So after that she said that I might be able when we're adults
The thing is that I'm gonna study outside the country once we graduate from school-
So that could be a bit complicated-
So Moon started to name a lot of special dates in which I have to come to be with her (like San Valentine's Day, Christmas, Halloween, her birthday, my birthday, etc etc)
But then
Started to name some other dates that have nothing of special- (like the cat's day, the hug day and some other days that I'm not really sure they exist-)
I asked her like "Does that even exist?"
And she responded me like "WELL, THERE'S A HUG YOUR CAT DAY, I wouldn't be surprised"
"The Tickles Day"
And man-
I'm sure I have to worry-
Butterfly is pretty teasy with my ler with... Literally whatever
That's it, I'm dead
Nice to meet you
It ended up being a bit longer than I thought...
I'm sorry💔
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honeystardraws · 7 years
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YOU GUYS HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH TIME IVE PUT INTO THIS SINCE FREAKIN SEPTEMBER (even though most of that time was consumed by school work, main reason as to why I finished it just moments ago)
All mewni queens (and princess) so far (at least those shown)(I- yes, I know about Meteora, but she was never a proper queen, not even a princess, also Ive been working on this before Meteora was revealed to be a butterfly)
Remake of this picture: https://as-trid.tumblr.com/post/160028940911/the-butterfly-queens-this-was-my-final-project-for
Edit: Also, I don't know why tumblr makes the pic look blurry or pixelated, but oh well, I also realized I forgot to put my signature on the Blue Diamond´s court fanart I did D:
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lilliansketch · 7 years
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Young moon is a pure cinnamon roll. I will protect her with my life (ง º _ º )ง 
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loudlyhappycupcake · 2 years
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Star vs the forces of evil intro
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clownonmarz · 3 years
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me and the moon ☆彡
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starscleaved · 5 years
Star: I’ve been informed that I’m too negative and hostile towards my mom.
Star: So mom, if you’re out there; if my words have offended you, I apologise. I honestly didn’t think you had the time to listen to me.
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jess-the-vampire · 6 years
pink-darling-december said:Can you draw the Mewni Queens(including Soupina and Lyric), Meteora, and Etheria hanging out together?
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maggie-vtfoe · 6 years
Okay so from what I understand...
Lyric had Skywynne with an unnamed person
Skywynne married Sir Gem-Robin and had Jushtin and Solaria
Jushtin married a Duchess from the Spiderbite Kingdom
Solaria had Eclipsa with Alphonse the Worthy
Eclipsa married Shastacan Spiderbite but had Meteora with Globgor
Festivia married Prince Musty Mountains and had Dirrhennia and Crescenta
Dirrhennia may have married Chad not 100% sure
And Crescenta had Rhina with some unknown guy or magically with Emily again not 100% sure
Rhina married Lord John Roachley and had Celena
No clue who Celena had Estrella with
Estrella married Azul Saint and had Comet and Etheria
Comet married Lazlo Marmalade and had Moon (and maybe Felicity and Heartrude) then Comet divorced Lazlo
And finally Moon married River and had Star
Let me know if you find additional information or if I got anything wrong
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osbaldokun-blog · 7 years
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Moon The Undaunted 
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studio-fluffy · 6 years
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Pajama girl!!
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
11 Anti LO Asks
1. im sorry that pic collage literally looks like hades giving a peptalk to his 14 year old daughter before her first day in high school than his FUTURE WIFE. even the cutesy foot positions is what little kids/teens do?? also yeah you cant flip flop shes SO powerful and amazing but also hasnt proved herself?? like sorry, shes a goddess with a rich mom and countless awards to her name, the idea shes the most powerful bu also the underdog makes zero sense and only adds rachel cant write her well.
2. where is this idea the underworld cant grow life from and only persephone (to "prove" shes actually powerful) can make plants down there grow? the myths mention theres an thriving orchard there and countless fields of flowers and forest well before persephone or even hades showed up. i know rachel has no respect for the mythology but really, this is the best she can do? persephone doesnt need to "prove" shes powerful, rachel just needs to write an actual character, yet she doesnt even do that.
3. lets be real here, at least every character needs ONE drawback, ONE thing at the very least that others have over them (more patience, more cunning, better resources, more allies, richer, smarter, prettier, ANYTHING) ye rachel just CANT let persephone not be perfect and the best at everything and have everyone instantly fall in love with her, so shes just not a real character? her only "drawbacks" are seen as cute and "powerful" (naive, easily manipulated, can control her anger, etc) so??
4. persephone is probably good at everything because she's a fertility goddess... ergo her super womb 
5. LO Persephone took Psyche's butteflies, she took Demeter's scythe, sickle, and fertility/earth goddess powers, she took Aphrodite's unique beautiful status, she even took Athena/Zeus/Apollo's status as the most powerful deity who can change the world order if they wanted to. Like, must every other god have their symbolism, powers, and even important items taken away from them for Persephone's benefit?
6. yeah the "apollo is a sun god" stuff is easily one of the biggest giveaways rachel is taking out her ass and doesnt actually know a thing about the mythology she so readily claims to be an expert in, and tbh doesnt even get the later roman stuff either.
7. For the Sun God stuff, Artemis was also called Phoebe which could have helped her connection to the moon. There was also the weird thing with her connections with Trivia (Hecate) and Luna as Diana Trifomis. She usually took center stage in that trio which could’ve helped the Romans just attribute Magic and the moon to her and thus Artemis as her Greek equivalent
8. the thing is isnt even helios framed as bad in LO? like his version of the AOW was proven a big lie and even vindictive against persephone, so are just just supposed to buy everything and everyone outside of the underworld (or really, everyone who doesnt kiss hades and persephone's butts at every single moment) is the worst?
9. rachel literally thinks hades being a god of wealth means he owns ALL the natural resources (which in ancient times would literally only be rare metals and gems, the idea itd also include gas and petrol or whatever is such a gross modern idea and tbh evil considering the global climate disaster we're all currently in, so is he the cause of it??) but also him making his wealth off the backs of literal SLAVE LABOR so yeah, kinda clear rachel is not exactly the expert she claims to be.
10. I've been scrolling your blog for about 40 mins... am I crazy or was there an original LO that Smythe scratched after getting some backlash? Bc I've been looking for old posts and screenshots and I came across your blog and thought that maybe you'd know with all the screenshots I have so far seen.  But you have so much content and I'm stuck with mobile tumblr lol.. The goal of my search was that I was telling a friend how RS had originally planned and had like publicly promised that LO would not contain any rape (I'm sorry if that's a trigger word, but, well. Idk how to say it without saying the word :/) bc she was going for a different kind of retelling.... and then she made LO Apollo into a bad guy. :/ and so I was telling my friend that that was my grief with RS's story but now, forever later, I can't find diddly squat and I'm wondering if I made it all up in my head that there were old posts like that and even an original run of LO on webtoons. But I'm betting both my knee caps and both big toes that she had said that bc that was the only reason why I started reading her webtoon!!! She had promised it wasn't going to have Persephone getting hurt like that so I eagerly subscribed at the time.
Also if you don't have screenshots or have made a post already or even know what I'm talking about, that's ok. I'm not submitting this ask for you to do the research, just hoping in case you maybe have screenshots of her old posts already or even know what I'm talking about. :(
I feel like I'm going crazy not being able to find old posts lol
From OP: You’re not crazy, RS just deactivated her tumblr and twitter (she reactivated her twitter but her old tweets are gone, she still deletes tweets regularly). So, I understand that finding any screenshots on it is pretty difficult.
11. honestly, if the only way rachel can "prove" persephone is this deep, powerful character is only through saying shes better than everyone else, then persephone actually isnt. yes theres a hierarchy with the kings and hera on top, but the gods all had different strengths and weaknesses, persephone included, but they were all powerful and respected. the idea persephone HAS to be better than everyone else to be deemed "powerful" is both bad writing and a terrible read on the mythology itself.
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shinestarhwaa · 3 years
Let Me Be Your Last First Kiss
Rowoon/Kim Seokwoo Fluff
You and Seokwoo are dating and you're finally gonna get your first kiss together <3
You and Seokwoo had been dating for about a month now. You've had three wonderful dates with him and now you were on your fourth.
Tonight you went to see a romantic movie in the cinema nearby and now you were taking a walk in the park.
His eyes were glistening, shining as the light of the moon landed on his perfectly sculpted face. His features looked ethereal on this beautiful night, you thought.
Seokwoo wore a long black coat, a turtleneck and a pair of neat black slacks. You remember blushing when you saw him waiting for you at the cinema. He looked handsome, a smile lingering on his lips.
His hair slightly curly.
Almost without realizing, you take his hand. It feels soft, gentle but manly, big in your own smaller hand.
He smiled and rubbed his thumb over your hand.
"It's a lovely evening isn't it?" he gently spoke. "I'm glad I can share it with you."
As he said those words, you felt blood rush to your cheeks, and hated it. You hated that it was so easy for him to make you fall for him. So easy to make you feel like there were millions of butteflies flying around like crazy in your stomach.
Happily, you smiled and nodded. "Me too, the movie was great, this park is beautiful... You are beautiful," you smiled at him.
He grinned at your attempt to make him blush as he just did to you.
Abruptly, Seokwoo stopped walking and let go of your hand. Instead he grabbed your arm and pulled you close.
You gazed into his eyes, they almost disappeared because of the big smile playing on his face.
"Sweetheart, may I... Kiss you?" he nervously asked.
You were surprised to hear him ask for a kiss, not expecting he'd kiss you before getting together, since he was being careful because of him being an idol, actor and model. It was rather risky to rush into things, let alone have your first kiss together outside in the open.
Seokwoo did not seem to care, he wanted to crash his lips on yours and he felt that ever since you two had met.
Everytime he saw you walking around the company, he was intrigued. He wanted to know who you were, what you did, what you liked, disliked. Every single piece of you, he wanted to know.
You smiled widely, nodding. Ofcourse he was allowed to kiss you. You wanted nothing more.
Gently, he pressed his lips against yours, stroking your cheek with his left hand, his right lingering around your waist.
You moved your lips against his slowly, letting yourself fall into the beautiful moonlit kiss slowly.
Loosely wrapping your arms around his neck, he deepened the kiss, making you feel something you've never felt before.
You pulled him closer, feeling his warm body against yours. You swore you could stay like this forever.
After another minute of his lovely kiss, he pulled away, a big smile on his lips.
"Wow.." you softly gasped, stroking his soft hair gently.
All you could think, hope that was your last first kiss.
Hi hehe, it's my first fluff writing and I hope you enjoyed :)
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