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アイルランドの妖精の分類は、主にThe Sociable Fairies*The Trooping Fairies(仲間と一緒にいる妖精たち=比較的温和)とThe Solitary Fairies (ひとり暮らしの妖精たち=無情、陰気で恐ろしい、邪悪)とされ、後者を描いていたと思われる。
エルフ系統の妖精をピクルスにする無情なゴブリン(? Far Darringファー・ジャルグ*赤い服を着た男の意味→性悪の悪戯者。邪悪。悪魔を見させる力を持つ。分類中とりわけ無骨とされる。)を描いた20代は、とらえどころはまずまずだったと思う。
ちなみに、妖精は、「妖精」と呼ばれることを忌み嫌い、「お隣さん」「紳士たちジェントリー*Gently 異境の人々の意味もある)、Good People, Good Neighbor=ディナ・マッハ”小さな人々“(ウィー・フォーク)と別名で呼ばれる。
※参考文献:⚫︎「妖精とその仲間たち」井村君江著/1992/河出書房新社 ⚫︎「妖精Who‘s Who」/キャサリン・M・ブリッグズ著/1990/筑摩書房 ⚫︎「妖精辞典」キャサリン・M・ブリッグズ著/1992/富山房 ⚫︎「幻想動物辞典」草野巧編/1997/新紀元社 ⚫︎「彼らと僕ら。ー妖精紳士録ー」高畑吉男著/2022/銀河企画
My fairy illustration from 20 years ago and when I was in an elementary school.
Fairies in Ireland are mainly classified as The Sociable Fairies*The Trooping Fairies (fairies with friends = relatively gentle) and The Solitary Fairies (fairies living alone = heartless, gloomy, frightening, evil), seems to have drawn the latter.
A heartless goblin that pickles elven fairies .) I was the twenties who drew .) were also not so bad catching.
Although I had no sense of binding books, I think I was reasonably clear even though I was an elementary school student when I made friends with a tengu and a fairy of the mushroom.
By the way, fairies hate to be called "fairy", "neighbors", "gentlemen Gently" (also meaning people from foreign countries), Good People, Good Neighbor = Dina Mach "little people" (Wee) fork).
* References: ⚫︎ "Fairies and Their Friends" Kimie Imura / 1992 / Kawade Shobo Shinsha ⚫︎ "Fairy Who's Who" / Catherine M. Briggs / 1990 / Chikuma Shobo ⚫︎ "Fairy Dictionary"Catherine M. Briggs / 1992 /Fuzanbo ⚫︎ "Fantasy Animal Dictionary" Takumi Kusano/1997/Shinkigensha⚫︎”They and UsーThe Fairies Social Registerー“ Takahata Yoshio Aki-Tadhg/2022/Galaxy Plan Inc.
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